(Rule 14a-101)
                           SCHEDULE 14A INFORMATION
               Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the
                        Securities Exchange Act of 1934
                               (Amendment No. )

Filed by the Registrant [X]

Filed by a Party other than the Registrant [_]

Check the appropriate box:

[X]  Preliminary Proxy Statement

     RULE 14A-6(E)(2))

[_]  Definitive Proxy Statement

[_]  Definitive Additional Materials

[_]  Soliciting Material Under Rule 14a-12

              UAM Funds, Inc. - SEC File Nos. 33-25355, 811-5683
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
               (Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if other than the Registrant)

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):

[X]  No fee required.

[_]  Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(1) and 0-11.

     (1) Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:


     (2) Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:


     (3) Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed
         pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (set forth the amount on which
         the filing fee is calculated and state how it was determined):


     (4) Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:


     (5) Total fee paid:


[_]  Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.

[_]  Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange
     Act Rule 0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for which the offsetting fee
     was paid previously. Identify the previous filing by registration statement
     number, or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.

     (1) Amount Previously Paid:


     (2) Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:


     (3) Filing Party:


     (4) Date Filed:


                                UAM FUNDS, INC.
                           One Freedom Valley Drive
                           Oaks, Pennsylvania 19456

September ___, 2001

Dear Shareholder:

I am writing to all shareholders of the C&B Equity Portfolio, C&B Equity
Portfolio for Taxable Investors and C&B Mid Cap Equity Portfolio (the
"Reorganizing Portfolios") and the C&B Balanced Portfolio (the "Liquidating
Portfolio") (all portfolios are collectively referred to as the "C&B
Portfolios") to inform you of a special meeting of shareholders to be held
October 19, 2001. Before that special meeting, I would like your vote on the
important issues affecting your portfolio as described in the attached proxy
statement. This is a very important meeting that has been called to consider
four proposals requiring your vote as a shareholder.

The proxy statement includes proposals relating to the approval of a new
investment advisory agreement for each C&B Portfolio, the approval of a
reorganization ("Reorganization") with respect to each Reorganizing Portfolio
and the liquidation of the Liquidating Portfolio.  More specific information
about all the proposals is contained in the proxy statement, which you should
consider carefully.

The Board of Directors of your C&B Portfolios has unanimously approved the
proposals and recommends that you vote for all of the proposals described within
this document.

I realize that this proxy statement will take time to review, but your vote is
very important. Please familiarize yourself with the proposals presented and
vote by signing and returning your proxy card(s) in the enclosed postage-paid
envelope.  You will receive proxy cards for each portfolio in which you own
shares.  Please sign and return each card you receive.

If we do not receive your completed proxy card promptly, you may be contacted by
a representative of UAM Funds, Inc. (the "UAM Funds") who will remind you to
vote your shares.

Your vote is important.  We thank you for taking this matter seriously and
participating in this important process.


James F. Orr, III
UAM Funds, Inc.


While we encourage you to read the full text of the enclosed Proxy Statement,
here is a brief overview of some matters affecting the C&B Equity Portfolio, C&B
Equity Portfolio for Taxable Investors and C&B Mid Cap Equity Portfolio (the
"Reorganizing Portfolios") and the C&B Balanced Portfolio (the "Liquidating
Portfolio") (all portfolios are collectively referred to as the "C&B
Portfolios") that require a shareholder vote.

                         Q & A:  QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS

Q.   What Is Happening To The Reorganizing Portfolios?

A.   Until recently, all investment decisions regarding each of the C&B
     Portfolios were made by Cooke & Bieler, Inc., a wholly-owned subsidiary of
     Old Mutual (US) Holdings Inc. ("Old Mutual US").    Eight key employees of
     Cooke & Bieler, Inc. organized a new company Cooke & Bieler, L.P.  Cooke &
     Bieler, L.P. purchased the investment advisory business of Cooke & Bieler,
     Inc. on June 1, 2001.  In connection with the purchase of the investment
     advisory business of Cooke & Bieler, Inc., Old Mutual US and Cooke &
     Bieler, L.P. agreed, subject to your approval, to a Reorganization pursuant
     to which the assets of the Reorganizing Portfolios will be transferred to
     new portfolios, to be called the C&B (AIC) Portfolios, which will be three
     series of The Advisors' Inner Circle Fund ("AIC Trust") and shareholders of
     the Reorganizing Portfolios will receive shares of equivalent value and
     number in C&B (AIC) Portfolios.  Cooke & Bieler, L.P. will make all
     investment decisions for the C&B (AIC) Portfolios, SEI Investments Mutual
     Funds Services will serve as administrator and SEI Investments Distribution
     Co. will serve as the distributor to the C&B (AIC) Portfolios.

     The following pages give you additional information about the sale to Cooke
     & Bieler, L.P. and the reorganization of the Reorganizing Portfolios and
     the proposals on which you are being asked to vote.  The Board of Directors
     of UAM Funds, Inc. including those who are not affiliated with Old Mutual
     US, Cooke & Bieler, L.P., UAM Funds, Inc. or their respective affiliates,
     unanimously recommends that you vote for these proposals.

Q.   What Is Happening to the Liquidating Portfolio?

A.   The Board has proposed to liquidate the Liquidating Portfolio because of
     its relatively small size and its limited prospects for growth in assets.

Q.   Why Did You Send Me This Booklet?

A.   You are receiving these proxy materials - a booklet that includes a Notice
     of Special Meeting of Shareholders, the Proxy Statement and a proxy card(s)
     - because you have the right to vote on the important proposals concerning
     your investment in your C&B Portfolio(s).

Q.   Why Are Multiple Cards Enclosed?

A.   If you own shares of more than one C&B Portfolio you will receive a proxy
     card for each portfolio in which you own shares.

Q.   Why Am I Being Asked to Vote on the New Advisory Agreement in Proposal No.

A.   The purchase of the investment advisory business of Cooke & Bieler, Inc.
     from Old Mutual US by Cooke & Bieler, L.P. constituted an "assignment," as
     that term is defined in the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (the
     "1940 Act"), of the C&B Portfolios' investment advisory agreements.  As
     required by the 1940 Act, the C&B Portfolios' investment advisory
     agreements automatically terminated as a result of the assignment.  The
     Board has proposed continuation of the advisory services under new
     investment advisory agreements between the C&B Portfolios and Cooke &
     Bieler, L.P. for approval by shareholders of each of the C&B Portfolios.
     The new advisory agreement is substantially similar in all material
     respects to the previous advisory agreements between Cooke & Bieler, Inc.
     and UAM Funds, Inc.  Each C&B Portfolio's investment objective and advisory
     fee rate will remain unchanged.

Q.   What Happens If A New Advisory Agreement Is Not Approved?

A.   If the shareholders of a C&B Portfolio do not approve a new investment
     advisory agreement, the Board of UAM Funds, Inc. will take such further
     action as it deems to be in the best interests of the shareholders of such
     C&B Portfolio.

Q.   Why Am I Being Asked To Vote On The Proposed Reorganization In Proposal No.

A.   A shareholder vote is required to approve a transfer of the assets and
     liabilities of one series or portfolio of a mutual fund to a new series or
     portfolio of another mutual fund. The proposed Reorganization requires
     shareholder approval because the assets and liabilities of the Reorganizing
     Portfolios will be transferred to the new C&B (AIC) Portfolios under the
     AIC Trust.

Q.   What Happens If The Proposed Reorganization Is Not Approved?

A.   If the shareholders of a Reorganizing Portfolio do not approve the
     Reorganization, the Reorganization will not close and the Board of UAM
     Funds, Inc. will take such further action as it deems to be in the best
     interests of the shareholders of such Reorganizing Portfolio.


Q.   How Will The Proposed Reorganization Affect Me?

A.   The C&B (AIC) Portfolios' investment objectives, investment restrictions
     and fees and expenses will be identical to those of the Reorganizing
     Portfolios.  The C&B (AIC) Portfolios will not be, however, part of UAM
     Funds, Inc.  The C&B (AIC) Portfolios will be separate series of the AIC
     Trust and you will become a shareholder of those portfolios after the
     Reorganization, if the shareholders approve it.  SEI Investments Mutual
     Funds Services will provide administrative services and SEI Investments
     Distribution Co. will serve as distributor to the C&B (AIC) Portfolios.
     The Reorganization will not be taxable for federal income tax purposes for
     the shareholders of the Reorganizing Portfolios.

Q.   Why Am I Being Asked to Vote for the Liquidation of the Liquidating
     Portfolio in Proposal No. 3?

A.   The Board of Directors of UAM Funds, Inc. is proposing to liquidate the
     Liquidating Portfolio because of its relatively small size and its limited
     prospects for growth in assets.  If the shareholders of the Liquidating
     Portfolio approve the recommendation to liquidate it, the Portfolio will
     return to each of its shareholders the proceeds of the liquidation.  Once
     you receive your proceeds, you may pursue any investment option you wish.

Q.   How Does the Board Recommend That I Vote?

A.   After careful consideration, the Board, including those Directors who are
     not affiliated with the UAM Funds, Inc., Old Mutual US or its affiliated
     companies and Cooke & Bieler, L.P. and its affiliated companies, recommend
     that you vote FOR all of the proposals on the enclosed proxy card(s).

Q.   Whom Do I Call For More Information Or To Place My Vote?

A.   You may provide the UAM Funds with your vote via mail, facsimile or in
     person.  If you need more information on how to vote, or if you have any
     questions, please call your portfolio's information agent at 1-877-826-

Your Vote Is Important And Will Help Avoid The Additional Expense Of Another

                  Thank You For Promptly Recording Your Vote.


                                UAM Funds, Inc.

                           One Freedom Valley Drive
                           Oaks, Pennsylvania 19456

                        TO BE HELD ON OCTOBER 19, 2001

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a special meeting (the "Meeting") of shareholders of
the C&B Equity Portfolio, C&B Equity Portfolio for Taxable Investors and C&B Mid
Cap Equity Portfolio (the "Reorganizing Portfolios") and the C&B Balanced
Portfolio (the "Liquidating Portfolio") (all portfolios are collectively
referred to as the "C&B Portfolios"), each a series of UAM Funds, Inc. ("UAM
Funds"), will be held at the offices of UAM Funds' administrator, SEI
Investments, One Freedom Valley Drive, Oaks, PA  19456 at 10:00 a.m. Eastern
time on October 19, 2001 for the following purposes:

1.   To approve a new investment advisory agreement between Cooke & Bieler, L.P.
     and UAM Funds on behalf of each of the C&B Portfolios, a form of which is
     attached to the Proxy Statement as Exhibit A.

2.   To approve a reorganization as set forth in an Agreement and Plan of
     Reorganization and Liquidation between UAM Funds, on behalf of each C&B
     Portfolios, and The Advisors' Inner Circle Fund, on behalf of the "new" C&B
     Portfolios and attached as Exhibit B to the Proxy Statement.

3.   To approve the liquidation and termination of the Liquidating Portfolio, as
     set forth in a Plan of Liquidation adopted by the Board of Directors of UAM
     Funds and attached to the Proxy Statement as Exhibit C.

4.   To transact any other business that may properly come before the Meeting or
     any adjournments thereof.

Shareholders of record at the close of business on August 13, 2001, are entitled
to notice of, and to vote at the Meeting or any adjournments thereof. You are
invited to attend the Meeting, but if you cannot do so, please complete and sign
the enclosed proxy and return it in the accompanying envelope as promptly as
possible. Your vote is important no matter how many shares you own. You can vote
easily and quickly by mail, by facsimile or in person.

By Order of the Board of Directors of the UAM Funds

Linda T. Gibson
Vice President and Secretary

Boston, Massachusetts
______________, 2001

Shareholders are requested to mark, date, sign and return promptly in the
enclosed envelope the accompanying proxy card, which is being solicited by the
Board of Directors of UAM Funds.  This is important to ensure a quorum at the
Meeting.  Shareholders may also have their votes recorded via facsimile.  Please
call 1-877-826-5465 for more information.  Proxies may be revoked at any time
before they are exercised by submitting to UAM Funds a written notice of
revocation or a subsequently executed proxy or by attending the Meeting and
voting in person.  However, attendance at the Meeting will not by itself serve
to revoke a proxy.

                                UAM Funds, Inc.

                           One Freedom Valley Drive
                           Oaks, Pennsylvania 19456
                           1-877-UAM-LINK (826-5465)

                                PROXY STATEMENT

                             C&B Equity Portfolio
                  C&B Equity Portfolio For Taxable Investors
                         C&B Mid Cap Equity Portfolio
                            C&B Balanced Portfolio

                        TO BE HELD ON OCTOBER 19, 2001

This proxy statement is furnished in connection with the solicitation by the
Board of Directors of the UAM Funds, Inc. (the "UAM Funds") for the special
meeting of shareholders of the C&B Equity Portfolio, C&B Equity Portfolio for
Taxable Investors and C&B Mid Cap Equity Portfolio (the "Reorganizing
Portfolios") and the C&B Balanced Portfolio (the "Liquidating Portfolio") (all
portfolios are collectively referred to as the "C&B Portfolios") to be held at
the offices of UAM Fund's administrator, SEI Investments, One Freedom Valley
Drive, Oaks, PA 19456 on October 19, 2001 at 10:00 a.m. (the "Meeting"), and
all adjournments thereof.  Shareholders of record at the close of business on
August 13, 2001 (the "Record Date"), are entitled to notice of, and to vote at,
the Meeting.  This proxy statement and the accompanying notice of special
meeting and proxy card are first being mailed to shareholders on or about
September ___, 2001.

As used in this proxy statement, the UAM Funds' Board of Directors is referred
to as a "Board," and the term "Director" includes each director of the UAM
Funds.  A Director who is an interested person of the UAM Funds as defined in
the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (the "1940 Act") is referred to
in this proxy statement as an "Interested Director."  A Director may be an
interested person of the UAM Funds because he or she is affiliated with one of
the UAM Funds' investment advisers, Old Mutual (US) Holdings Inc. ("Old Mutual
US") or the UAM Funds' principal underwriter.  Directors who are not interested
persons of the UAM Funds are referred to in this proxy statement as "Independent

- -----------------------------------------------

     The Board intends to bring before the Meeting the matters set forth in the
     foregoing notice.  If you wish to participate in the Meeting you may submit
     the proxy card(s) included with this proxy statement or attend in person.
     Your vote is important no matter how many shares you own.  You can vote
     easily and quickly by mail, by facsimile or in person.  At any time before
     the Meeting, you may change your vote even though a proxy has already been
     returned by written notice to the UAM Funds, by mail, by facsimile,
     submitting a subsequent proxy, or by voting in person at the meeting.
     Should you require additional information regarding the proxy or
     replacement proxy cards, you may contact the UAM Funds at 1-877-826-5465.

     The C&B Portfolios expect that the solicitation of proxies from
     shareholders will be made by mail or facsimile, but solicitation also may
     be made by telephone communications from officers or employees of Old
     Mutual US or its affiliates, who will not receive any compensation
     therefore from the C&B Portfolios.  The costs of the solicitation of
     proxies and the costs of holding the Meeting will be borne by both the C&B
     Portfolios and Cooke & Bieler, L.P.

     All proxy cards solicited that are properly executed and received in time
     to be voted at the Meeting will be voted at the Meeting and any adjournment
     thereof according to the instructions on the proxy card.  If no
     specification is made on a proxy card, it will be voted for the matters
     specified on the proxy card.  For purposes of determining the presence of a
     quorum, abstentions, broker non-votes or withheld votes will be counted as
     present; however, they will have the effect of a vote against Proposals 1,
     2 and 3.

     If a quorum is not present at the Meeting, or if a quorum is present at the
     Meeting but sufficient votes to approve one or more of the proposed items
     are not received, or if other matters arise requiring shareholder
     attention, the persons named as proxy agents may propose one or more
     adjournments of the Meeting to permit further solicitation of proxies.
     Any such adjournment will require the affirmative vote of a majority of
     those shares present at the Meeting or represented by proxy.  A shareholder
     vote may be taken on one or more of the proposals in this Proxy Statement
     prior to such adjournment if sufficient votes have been received and it is
     otherwise appropriate.  The persons named as proxies will vote those
     proxies that they are entitled to vote FOR any such proposal in favor of
     such an adjournment, and will vote those proxies required to be voted
     AGAINST any such proposal, against any such adjournment.

Required Vote

     The approval of Proposal 1 with respect to a particular C&B Portfolio
     requires the affirmative vote of a "majority of the outstanding voting
     securities," as defined in the 1940 Act, of the particular C&B Portfolio.
     Each C&B Portfolio will vote separately with respect to each proposal.
     Under the 1940 Act, the vote of a "majority of the outstanding voting
     securities" means the affirmative vote of the lesser of (a) 67% or more of
     the voting securities present at the meeting or represented by proxy if the
     holders of more than 50% of the outstanding voting securities are present
     or represented by proxy or (b) more than 50% of the outstanding voting
     securities.  The approval of Proposal 2 with respect to a particular C&B
     Portfolio requires the affirmative vote of an absolute majority of the
     shares of such C&B Portfolio entitled to vote.  The approval of Proposal 3
     with respect to the Liquidating Portfolio requires the affirmative vote of
     an absolute majority of the shares of the Liquidating Portfolio entitled to


Summary of Proposals

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Proposal                                                 Affected Portfolios (Shareholders of each Portfolio will
                                                         vote separately)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Proposal 1 - To approve a new investment advisory       C&B Equity Portfolio
 agreement between Cooke & Bieler, L.P. and UAM Funds    C&B Equity Portfolio for Taxable Investors
 on behalf of each of the C&B Portfolios, a form of      C&B Mid Cap Equity Portfolio
 which is attached to this Proxy Statement as Exhibit A  C&B Balanced Portfolio
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Proposal 2 - To approve a reorganizing transaction as   C&B Equity Portfolio
 set forth in an Agreement and Plan of Reorganization    C&B Equity Portfolio for Taxable Investors
 and Liquidation between UAM Funds, on behalf of each    C&B Mid Cap Equity Portfolio
 C&B Portfolio, and The Advisors' Inner Circle Fund,
 on behalf of the "new" C&B Portfolios and attached as
 Exhibit B to this Proxy Statement
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Proposal 3 - To approve the liquidation and             C&B Balanced Portfolio
 termination of the Liquidating Portfolio, as set
 forth in a Plan of Liquidation adopted by the Board
 of Directors of the UAM Funds and attached as Exhibit
 C to this Proxy Statement
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- -----------------------------------------------------------


     Until recently, all investment decisions regarding the C&B Portfolios were
     made by Cooke & Bieler, Inc. (the "Old Adviser"), a wholly-owned subsidiary
     of Old Mutual US.  Eight key employees of the Old Adviser organized Cooke &
     Bieler, L.P. (the "New Adviser"), and on June 1, 2001 the New Adviser
     purchased the investment advisory business of the Old Adviser.  In
     connection with the purchase of the Old Adviser's business, UAM Funds and
     The Advisors' Inner Circle Fund ("AIC Trust") agreed, subject to
     shareholder approval, to a reorganization (the "Reorganization") pursuant
     to which the assets of the Reorganizing Portfolios would be transferred to
     new portfolios, called the C&B (AIC) Portfolios, which will be three series
     of the AIC Trust.   The New Adviser will make all investment decisions, SEI
     Investments Mutual Funds Services ("SEI") will serve as administrator and
     shareholder servicing agent and SEI Investments Distribution Co. will serve
     as distributor for the C&B (AIC) Portfolios.  DST Systems, Inc. will serve
     as transfer agent and First Union National Bank will serve as custodian to
     the AIC Trust.  The New Adviser is located at 1700 Market Street,
     Philadelphia, PA 19103.

     The purchase of the business of the Old Adviser by the New Adviser
     constituted an "assignment," as that term is defined in the 1940 Act, of
     the C&B Portfolios' investment advisory agreements.  As required by the
     1940 Act, the C&B Portfolios' investment advisory agreements automatically
     terminated as a result of the assignment.  The Board has proposed
     continuation of the advisory services under new investment advisory


     agreements between the C&B Portfolios and the New Adviser pending approval
     by shareholders of each of the C&B Portfolios.  A form of the new
     investment advisory agreement is attached to this Proxy Statement as
     Exhibit A.  Except for the time periods covered by the agreements and the
     provision relating to the duration of the agreements, the new investment
     advisory agreements are identical in all material respects to the C&B
     Portfolios' previous investment advisory agreement.  In addition, each C&B
     Portfolio's advisory fee rate is unchanged.

     With respect to duration of the new investment advisory agreements, each
     new investment advisory agreement provides that unless terminated as
     provided therein, the agreement shall continue for two years.  Thereafter,
     each agreement shall continue in effect for successive annual periods
     provided such continuance is specifically approved at least annually by (a)
     by the vote of a majority of those members of the Board of Directors who
     are not parties to the Agreement or interested persons of any such party,
     cast in person at a meeting called for the purpose of voting on such
     approval, and (b) by the Board of Directors of UAM Funds or (c) by vote of
     a majority of the outstanding voting securities of each Fund.  Under each
     C&B Portfolios' previous investment advisory agreement, the investment
     advisory agreement continued until the earlier of June 30, 2001 or the date
     of the first annual or special meeting of the shareholders of the Fund.
     The provisions for their continuance thereafter are identical to the new
     investment advisory agreements.  The new investment advisory agreements
     with the AIC Trust do not require your approval, but they will be
     substantially similar in all material respects to the form of Investment
     Advisory Agreement attached to this Proxy Statement as Exhibit A.

Information on Investment Advisory Fees and Annual Expense Limitation

     Each C&B Portfolio paid the Old Adviser annual advisory fees at the rates
     of 0.63% of the average daily net assets of the C&B Equity Portfolio, C&B
     Equity Portfolio for Taxable Investors, C&B Mid Cap Equity Portfolio and
     C&B Balanced Portfolio.  In addition, the Old Adviser voluntarily agreed to
     limit the total expenses of each C&B Portfolio to 1.00% of its average
     daily net assets.  To maintain this expense limit, the Old Adviser was
     permitted to waive a portion of its management fee and/or reimburse certain
     expenses of each C&B Portfolio.  As a result of the termination of the
     investment advisory agreements with the C&B Portfolios, the New Adviser is
     currently being paid only for its costs in managing the C&B Portfolios.
     The New Adviser intends to maintain the same fees and limitations from the
     previous agreements for the C&B Portfolios if the investment advisory
     agreements are approved by shareholders.  For the fiscal year ended October
     31,  2000, the C&B Equity Portfolio, C&B Equity Portfolio for Taxable
     Investors, C&B Mid Cap Equity Portfolio and C&B Balanced Portfolio, paid
     the Old Adviser $303,795, $16,158, $8,072 and $39,201, respectively,
     excluding fee waivers.  After giving effect to the Old Adviser's fee
     waivers, the C&B Equity Portfolio, C&B Equity Portfolio for Taxable
     Investors, C&B Mid Cap Equity Portfolio and C&B Balanced Portfolio paid
     $268,130, $0, $0 and $0 in advisory fees during the fiscal year ended
     October 31, 2000.


Information on the New Adviser

     The New Adviser is a registered investment adviser formed by eight key
     employees of the Old Adviser to purchase the investment advisory business
     of the Old Adviser from Old Mutual US, which was completed on June 1, 2001.

     The Old Adviser was formed in 1951 and became a subsidiary of United Asset
     Management Corporation ("UAM") in 1986.  On September 26, 2000, UAM,
     formerly the parent company of the Old Adviser, was acquired by Old Mutual
     plc. ("Old Mutual") and OM Acquisition Corp. ("OMAC"), a wholly-owned
     subsidiary of Old Mutual, merged with UAM.  UAM subsequently changed its
     name to Old Mutual (US) Holdings Inc.  In connection with these
     transactions, new investment advisory agreements were approved by
     shareholders of the C&B Equity Portfolio for Taxable Investors and C&B
     Balanced Portfolio on October 27, 2000, the C&B Mid Cap Equity Portfolio on
     November 3, 2000, and the C&B Equity Portfolio on December 15, 2000.  The
     former advisory contracts were last approved by the Board on August 4,
     2000.  The Old Adviser served as investment adviser of the C&B Portfolios
     from their inception (May 15, 1990 with respect to the C&B Equity
     Portfolio, February 12, 1997 with respect to the C&B Equity Portfolio for
     Taxable Investors, February 18, 1998 for the C&B Mid Cap Equity Portfolio
     and December 31, 1989 for the C&B Balanced Portfolio) until the sale to the
     New Adviser.  The C&B Portfolios are currently being managed at cost by the
     New Adviser.

     The New Adviser  provides investment management services to a diversified
     group of clients including corporations, foundations, endowments, pension
     and profit sharing plans, trusts, estates and other institutions and
     individuals.  Currently, the New Adviser has approximately $1.7 billion
     under management.  The New Adviser currently has 21 employees, including 11
     investment professionals.  These investment professionals are between 29
     and 59 years old, and the New Adviser anticipates that this team will
     provide leadership for the New Adviser for the future.

     The name, address and principal occupation of each general partner of the
     New Adviser is as follows:

     General Partners                      Title                   Occupation
     ----------------                      -----                   ----------
     Samuel H. Ballam, III                 Partner                 Marketing/Client Service
     Kermit S. Eck                         Partner                 Portfolio Manager
     John J. Medveckis                     Partner                 Portfolio Manager
     Michael M. Meyer                      Partner                 Portfolio Manager
     James R. Norris                       Partner                 Portfolio Manager
     R. James O'Neil                       Partner                 Portfolio Manager
     Bruce A. Smith                        Partner                 Trading/Operations
     Mehul Trivedi, CFA                    Partner                 Portfolio Manager

     The address for each of the persons listed above is c/o Cooke & Bieler,
     L.P., 1700 Market Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103.  Mr. Eck and Mr. Norris
     have primary management


     responsibilities with respect to the C&B Portfolios. John McNiff, who owns
     20% of the New Adviser, is not a general partner and has no management
     responsibilities for the New Adviser.

Information on Other Investment Companies Advised by the New Adviser

     The New Adviser also manages a fund named The Finance Company of
     Pennsylvania.  The fund's objective is to invest and reinvest its capital
     in a widely diversified portfolio of securities with a view to holding
     those which appear to offer sound possibilities of current income and
     future growth of principal. The portion of the fund's assets managed by the
     New Adviser are approximately $19,850,013 million. The adviser contractual
     fee is 0.50% and 0.50% after fee waivers.

Section 15(f) of the 1940 Act

     Section 15(f) of the 1940 Act provides that a manager or investment adviser
     (such as the Old Adviser) to a registered investment company, and the
     affiliates of such adviser (such as Old Mutual US), may receive any amount
     or benefit in connection with a sale of any interest in such manager or
     investment adviser which results in an assignment of an investment advisory
     contract if the following two conditions are satisfied: (1) for a period of
     three years after such assignment, at least 75% of the board of directors
     or trustees of the investment company cannot be "interested persons"
     (within the meaning of Section 2(a)(19) of the 1940 Act) of the new
     investment adviser or its predecessor, and (2) no "unfair burden"  (as
     defined in the 1940 Act) may be imposed on the investment company as a
     result of the assignment or any express or implied terms, conditions or
     understandings applicable thereto.

     Consistent with the first condition of Section 15(f), the New Adviser and
     Old Mutual US have agreed that for a period of three (3) years, they will
     not take or recommend any action that would cause more than 25% of the UAM
     Funds' directors or AIC Trust's trustees to be interested persons of the
     entity acting as the C&B Portfolios' or C&B (AIC) Portfolios' investment

     With respect to the second condition of Section 15(f), an unfair burden on
     an investment company is defined in the 1940 Act to include any arrangement
     during the two-year period after any such transaction occurs whereby the
     manager or investment adviser or its predecessor or successor, or any
     interested person of such adviser, predecessor or successor, receives or is
     entitled to receive any compensation of two types, either directly or
     indirectly.  The first type is compensation from any person in connection
     with the purchase or sale of securities or other property to, from or on
     behalf of the investment company, other than bona fide ordinary
     compensation as principal underwriter for such company.  The second type is
     compensation from the investment company or its security holders for other
     than bona fide investment advisory or other services.

     The New Adviser and Old Mutual US have agreed not to take or recommend any
     action that would constitute an unfair burden on the C&B Portfolios or the
     C&B (AIC) Portfolios within the meaning of Section 15(f).


     Description of the New Investment Advisory Agreements

     Pursuant to each C&B Portfolio's proposed investment advisory agreement,
     the New Adviser will act as its investment adviser.

     Each C&B Portfolio's previous investment advisory agreement and proposed
     investment advisory agreement require the New Adviser to:

     .    Manage the investment and reinvestment of the C&B Portfolio's assets;

     .    Continuously review, supervise and administer the investment program
          of the C&B Portfolio; and

     .    Determine what portion of the C&B Portfolio's assets will be invested
          in securities and what portion will consist of cash.

     The New Adviser is also required to render regular reports to the UAM
     Funds' officers and Board concerning the New Adviser's discharge of its

     The previous and proposed investment advisory agreements also authorize the
     New Adviser to select the brokers or dealers that will execute the
     purchases and sales of securities of the C&B Portfolios and direct the New
     Adviser to use its best efforts to obtain the best available price and most
     favorable execution.  Subject to policies established by the Board, the New
     Adviser may also effect individual securities transactions at commission
     rates in excess of the minimum commission rates available, if the New
     Adviser determines in good faith that such amount of commission is
     reasonable in relation to the value of the brokerage or research services
     provided by such broker or dealer, viewed in terms of either that
     particular transaction or the New Adviser's overall responsibilities with
     respect to the applicable C&B Portfolio.

     The previous and proposed investment advisory agreements of the C&B
     Portfolio obligate the New Adviser to discharge its responsibilities
     subject to the control of the officers and the Board, and in compliance
     with the objectives, policies and limitations set forth in the C&B
     Portfolios' registration statement and applicable laws and regulations.
     Under the terms of the previous and the proposed investment advisory
     agreements, the New Adviser has agreed to render its services and to
     provide, at its own expense, the office space, furnishings, equipment and
     personnel required by it to perform the services on the terms and for the
     compensation provided herein.

     Each C&B Portfolio's previous and proposed investment advisory agreements
     provide that the New Adviser shall have no liabilities in connection with
     rendering services thereunder, other than liabilities resulting from the
     New Adviser's willful misfeasance, bad faith, gross negligence, reckless
     disregard of its duties or breach of fiduciary duty with respect to
     compensation of services.


Recommendation of Directors

     On June 29, 2001, representatives of Old Mutual US and the New Adviser
     advised the Independent Directors that Old Mutual US and the New Adviser
     had entered into an acquisition agreement and the transaction had been
     consummated on June 1, 2001. In addition, the general terms of the
     acquisition and the perceived benefits for each C&B Portfolio's
     shareholders were discussed with the Board.  The Board considered the
     following factors to be of greatest importance with respect to the new
     investment advisory agreements: (i) the fact that the compensation payable
     under the new advisory agreements will be at the same rate as the
     compensation payable under the previous investment advisory agreements;
     (ii) the performance record of the New Adviser; (iii) the nature and
     quality of services expected to be rendered by the New Adviser; (iv) the
     history, reputation, qualifications and background of personnel of the New
     Adviser; and (v) the New Adviser's style of investing.  The Independent
     Directors discussed the management buyout with representatives of Old
     Mutual US and the New Adviser.  The independent directors were assisted in
     their review of this information by their independent legal counsel.

     On June 29, 2001, the Board, including a majority of the independent
     directors, voted to approve the new investment advisory agreements with the
     New Adviser for the C&B Portfolios and to recommend approval of the
     agreements to shareholders.

The Directors Unanimously Recommend That Shareholders of the C&B Portfolios Vote
                             to Approve Proposal 1.

- -------------------------------------------

Summary of the Reorganization

     In addition to the approval discussed above, shareholders of the
     Reorganizing Portfolios are being asked to vote on the Reorganization,
     pursuant to which each of the Reorganizing Portfolios will transfer all of
     its assets and liabilities to one of three newly-organized portfolios, to
     be called the "new" C&B Equity Portfolio, "new" C&B Equity Portfolio for
     Taxable Investors and "new" C&B Mid Cap Equity Portfolio (each a "C&B (AIC)
     Portfolio" and collectively the "C&B (AIC) Portfolios"), which will be
     three series of The Advisors' Inner Circle Fund ("AIC Trust") to be
     administered by SEI.  As a result of the proposed Reorganization, each
     Reorganizing Portfolio shareholder will become a shareholder of the
     corresponding C&B (AIC) Portfolio and immediately after the Reorganization
     will hold shares of such C&B (AIC) Portfolio with a total dollar value and
     number equal to the total dollar value and number such shareholder held in
     the Reorganizing C&B Portfolio immediately prior to the Reorganization.
     The New Adviser will make all investment decisions for the C&B (AIC)
     Portfolios and SEI and its affiliates will serve as administrator,
     distributor and shareholder servicing agent.  DST Systems, Inc. will serve
     as transfer agent and First Union National Bank will serve as custodian to
     the AIC Trust.  The Agreement further provides for the amendment of the UAM
     Funds Charter to cancel all of the issued and outstanding shares of the
     Reorganizing Portfolios.  It is currently anticipated that the
     Reorganization will occur in the fourth quarter of 2001.


Description of the Agreement and Plan of Reorganization and Liquidation

     The Agreement by and between UAM Funds, on behalf of each of the
     Reorganizing Portfolios, and the AIC Trust, on behalf of each of the C&B
     (AIC) Portfolios, provides for: (i) the transfer of all of the assets of
     the C&B Equity Portfolio solely in exchange for shares of beneficial
     interest of the "new" C&B Equity Portfolio and the assumption by the "new"
     C&B Equity Portfolio of all liabilities of the C&B Equity Portfolio,
     followed by the distribution on the closing date of the "new" C&B Equity
     Portfolio's shares to the holders of the C&B Equity Portfolio shares (ii)
     the transfer of all of the assets of the C&B Equity Portfolio for Taxable
     Investors solely in exchange for shares of beneficial interest of the "new"
     C&B Equity Portfolio for Taxable Investors and the assumption by the "new"
     C&B Equity Portfolio for Taxable Investors of all of the liabilities of the
     C&B Equity Portfolio for Taxable Investors, followed by the distribution on
     the closing date of the "new" C&B Equity Portfolio for Taxable Investors
     shares to the holders of the C&B Equity Portfolio for Taxable Investors
     shares, (iii) the transfer of all of the assets of the C&B Mid Cap Equity
     Portfolio solely in exchange for shares of beneficial interest of the "new"
     C&B Mid Cap Equity Portfolio and the assumption by the "new" C&B Mid Cap
     Equity Portfolio of all of the liabilities of the C&B Mid Cap Equity
     Portfolio, followed by the distribution on the closing date of the "new"
     C&B Mid Cap Equity Portfolio's shares to the holders of the C&B Mid Cap
     Equity Portfolio shares, and (iv) the amendment of the UAM Funds, Inc.
     charter to cancel all of the issued and outstanding shares of each of the
     Reorganizing Portfolios.  On the closing date for the Reorganization,
     anticipated to be November 2, 2001, if one or any Reorganizing Portfolios
     obtain shareholder approval of the appropriate proposal for the
     reorganization, each Reorganizing Portfolio obtaining such approval, shall
     assign, deliver, and otherwise transfer all of its assets and assign all of
     the liabilities to the corresponding C&B (AIC) Portfolio free and clear of
     all liens and encumbrances, and such C&B (AIC) Portfolio will acquire all
     the assets and will assume all of the liabilities of the corresponding
     Reorganizing Portfolio, in exchange for shares of such C&B (AIC) Portfolio.
     In addition, the Agreement provides that the net asset value per share of
     each Reorganizing Portfolio and of each corresponding C&B (AIC) Portfolio
     will be equal and the number of shares of each C&B (AIC) Portfolio issued
     in exchange for shares of the corresponding Reorganizing C&B Portfolio will
     equal the number of shares of such Reorganizing Portfolio issued and
     outstanding at the time of the Reorganization.  Following the liquidation
     of each of the Reorganizing Portfolios, the outstanding shares of the
     Reorganizing Portfolios will be cancelled on the books of the UAM Funds and
     become unissued shares.  Articles of Amendment further effecting
     cancellation will be filed thereafter with the Maryland State Department of
     Assessments and Taxation.  The Agreement also provides that in the event
     the Agreement is approved by only one or two Reorganizing Portfolios, the
     failure of the other(s) Reorganizing Portfolio to consummate the
     transactions contemplated by the Agreement shall not affect the
     consummation or validity of the Reorganization with respect to the other
     Reorganizing Portfolios.

     The Agreement also provides that the AIC Trust will receive, prior to the
     closing, an opinion of counsel to the effect that: (i) UAM Funds is duly
     organized and validly existing under the laws of the State of Maryland and
     the Reorganizing Portfolios are validly existing series of the UAM Funds;
     (ii) UAM Funds is an open-end management investment company registered
     under the 1940 Act; (iii) the Agreement, the


     Reorganization provided for therein and the execution of the Agreement have
     been duly authorized and approved by all requisite action on behalf of the
     UAM Funds and has been duly executed and delivered by the UAM Funds on
     behalf of the Reorganizing Portfolios and is a valid and binding obligation
     of the UAM Funds on behalf of the Reorganizing Portfolios, subject to
     applicable bankruptcy, insolvency, fraudulent conveyance, and similar laws
     or court decisions regarding enforcement of creditors' rights generally and
     such counsel shall express no opinion with respect to the application of
     equitable principles on any proceeding, whether at law or in equity, as to
     the enforceability of any provision of the Agreement relating to remedies
     after default, as to availability of any specific or equitable relief of
     any kind or with respect to the provision of the Agreement intended to
     limit liability for a particular matter for a particular Acquired Fund and
     its assets, including but not limited to Section 21 of the Agreement; and
     (iv) to the best of counsel's knowledge, no consent, approval, order or
     other authorization of any federal or state court or administrative or
     regulatory agency is required for the UAM Funds to enter into the Agreement
     or carry out its terms on behalf of the Reorganizing Portfolios that has
     not been obtained other than where the failure to obtain such consent,
     approval, order, or authorization would not have a material adverse affect
     on the operations of the UAM Funds.

     In addition, UAM Funds shall have received, prior to the closing, an
     opinion of counsel to the effect that: (i) the AIC Trust and the C&B (AIC)
     Portfolios are duly organized and validly existing under the laws of the
     Commonwealth of Massachusetts; (ii) the AIC Trust is an open-end management
     investment company registered under the 1940 Act; (iii) the Agreement, the
     Reorganization provided for therein, and the execution of the Agreement
     have been duly authorized and approved by all requisite corporate action on
     behalf of each C&B (AIC) Portfolio and the Agreement has been duly executed
     and delivered by the AIC Trust and is a valid and binding obligation of
     each C&B (AIC) Portfolio, subject to applicable bankruptcy, insolvency,
     fraudulent conveyance and similar laws or court decisions regarding
     enforcement of creditors' rights generally; (iv) to the best of counsel's
     knowledge, no consent, approval, order or other authorization of any
     federal or state court or administration or regulatory agency is required
     for the AIC Trust to enter into the Agreement or carry out its terms on
     behalf of each of the C&B (AIC) Portfolios that has not already been
     obtained, other than where the failure to obtain any such consent,
     approval, order or authorization would not have a material adverse effect
     on the operations of the C&B (AIC) Portfolios; and (v) the shares of each
     C&B (AIC) Portfolio to be issued in the Reorganization have been duly
     authorized and upon issuance thereof in accordance with the Agreement, will
     be validly issued, fully paid and non-assessable.

Tax Consequences of the Reorganization

     At the time of the closing, the UAM Funds and the AIC Trust each shall have
     received an opinion of counsel, based upon customary officers' certificates
     provided by each, substantially to the effect that for federal income tax
     purposes: (1) no gain or loss will be recognized by a Reorganizing
     Portfolio upon the transfer of its assets in exchange, solely for the
     corresponding shares and the assumption by such C&B (AIC) Portfolio of that
     Reorganizing Portfolio's stated liabilities; (2) no gain or loss will be
     recognized by such C&B (AIC) Portfolio on its receipt of such Reorganizing
     Portfolio's assets in exchange


     for that C&B (AIC) Portfolio's shares and the assumption by that C&B (AIC)
     Portfolio of such Reorganizing Portfolio's liabilities; (3) the basis of
     such Reorganizing Portfolio's assets in such C&B (AIC) Portfolio's hands
     will be the same as the basis of those assets in that Reorganizing
     Portfolio's hands immediately before the conversion; (4) such C&B (AIC)
     Portfolio's holding period for the assets transferred to the C&B (AIC)
     Portfolios by such Reorganizing Portfolio will include the holding period
     of those assets in the Reorganizing Portfolio's hands immediately before
     the conversion; (5) no gain or loss will be recognized by such Reorganizing
     Portfolio on the distribution of such C&B (AIC) Portfolio's shares to that
     Reorganizing Portfolio's shareholders in exchange for their shares of the
     Reorganizing Portfolio; (6) no gain or loss will be recognized to a
     shareholder of such Reorganizing Portfolio as a result of the Reorganizing
     Portfolio's distribution of such C&B (AIC) Portfolio's shares to that
     Reorganizing Portfolio's shareholder in exchange for the Reorganizing
     Portfolio's shareholder's shares of the Reorganizing Portfolio; (7) the
     basis of such C&B (AIC) Portfolio's shares received by such Reorganizing
     Portfolio's shareholders will be the same as the adjusted basis of that
     Reorganizing Portfolio's shareholders' shares of the Reorganizing Portfolio
     surrendered in exchange therefor; and (8) the holding period of such C&B
     (AIC) Portfolio's shares received by such Reorganizing Portfolio's
     shareholders will include the Reorganizing Portfolio's shareholders'
     holding period for the Reorganizing Portfolio's shareholders' shares of the
     Portfolio surrendered in exchange therefor, provided that such Reorganizing
     Portfolio's shares were held as capital assets on the date of the

     The Reorganization is expected to qualify as a "reorganization" within the
     meaning of Section 368(a)(1)(F) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as
     amended (the "Code"), with each of the C&B (AIC) Portfolios and the
     Reorganizing Portfolios being "a party to a reorganization" within the
     meaning of Section 368(b) of the Code.  As a consequence, the
     Reorganization will be tax-free for federal income tax purposes for each of
     the C&B (AIC) Portfolios, the Reorganizing Portfolios and their respective

     UAM Funds and AIC Trust have not sought, and will not seek, a private
     ruling from the Internal Revenue Service ("IRS") with respect to the
     federal income tax consequences of the Reorganization.  The opinion of
     counsel with respect to the federal income tax consequences of the
     Reorganization is not binding on the IRS and does not preclude the IRS from
     adopting a contrary position.  Shareholders should consult their own
     advisers concerning the potential tax consequences of the Reorganization to
     them, including any applicable foreign, state or local income tax

Description of UAM Funds and the Reorganizing Portfolios

     UAM Funds was organized under the name "ICM Fund, Inc." as a Maryland
     corporation on October 11, 1988.  On January 18, 1989, the name was changed
     to "The Regis Fund, Inc." On October 31, 1995, the name was changed again
     to "UAM Funds, Inc." The principal executive office of UAM Funds is located
     at One Freedom Valley Drive, Oaks, PA  19456.  UAM Funds is an open-end
     management investment company registered under the 1940 Act.  The Articles
     of Incorporation, as amended, permit its governing board to issue three
     billion shares of common stock, with a $0.001 par value.  The governing
     board has the power to create and designate one or more series or classes
     of shares of common stock and to classify or reclassify any unissued shares
     at any time and


     without shareholder approval. When issued and paid for, the shares of each
     series and class are fully paid and non-assessable, and have no pre-emptive
     rights or preferences as to conversion, exchange, dividends, retirement or
     other features.

     The shares of each series and class have non-cumulative voting rights,
     which means that the holders of more than 50% of the shares voting for the
     election of members of the governing board can elect all of the members if
     they choose to do so.  On each matter submitted to a vote of the
     shareholders, a shareholder is entitled to one vote for each full share
     held (and a fractional vote for each fractional share held), then standing
     in his or her name on the books.  Shares of all classes will vote together
     as a single class except when otherwise required by law or as determined by
     the members of the UAM Funds' Board.

     The Board of the UAM Funds has authorized two classes of shares in each
     portfolio: Institutional and Institutional Service.  Currently, only
     Institutional Class Shares have been issued in each C&B Portfolio.  The two
     classes represent interests in the same assets of a portfolio.

     The C&B Equity Portfolio has authorized 25,000,000 Institutional Class
     Shares and 10,000,000 Institutional Service Class Shares.  The C&B Equity
     Portfolio for Taxable Investors has authorized 25,000,000 Institutional
     Class Shares and 10,000,000 Institutional Service Class Shares.  The C&B
     Mid Cap Equity Portfolio has authorized 25,000,000 Institutional Class
     Shares and 10,000,000 Institutional Service Class Shares.  Each of the
     Reorganizing Portfolios is a valid, existing series of UAM Funds.

     The C&B Equity Portfolio seeks maximum long-term total return with minimal
     risk to principal by investing in common stocks that have a consistency and
     predictability in their earnings growth.  Normally, the C&B Equity
     Portfolio seeks to achieve its goal by investing in common stocks of any
     size.  The portfolio invests primarily in companies that the investment
     adviser believes are undervalued.

     The C&B Equity Portfolio for Taxable Investors seeks maximum long-term,
     after-tax total return, consistent with minimizing risk to principal.
     Normally, the C&B Equity Portfolio for Taxable Investors seeks to achieve
     its goal by investing primary in common stocks of any size.  The investment
     adviser will try to minimize tax consequences for the portfolio's
     shareholders by managing the amount of realized gains, which it attempts to
     control by minimizing portfolio turnover.  The portfolio invests primarily
     in companies that the investment adviser believes are undervalued.

     The C&B Mid Cap Equity Portfolio seeks maximum long-term total return,
     consistent with minimizing risk to principal.  The C&B Mid Cap Equity
     Portfolio normally seeks its objective by investing under normal
     circumstances, at least 65% of its assets in the common stock of companies
     with middle market capitalizations (companies with market capitalizations
     in the range of $500 million to $5 billion) or in common stocks of
     companies whose market capitalizations are within the range of companies
     contained in the Russell Mid Cap Value Index.  The portfolio invests
     primarily in companies that the adviser believes are undervalued.


     The New Adviser will make investment decisions for the assets of each
     Reorganizing Portfolio and will continuously review, supervise and
     administer each Reorganizing Portfolio's investment program, subject to the
     supervision of, and policies established by, the Board of Directors.  For
     its services, the New Adviser will be entitled to a fee, which is
     calculated by applying an annual percentage rate of 0.63% to the average
     daily net assets of each of the C&B Equity Portfolio, C&B Equity Portfolio
     for Taxable Investors and C&B Mid Cap Equity Portfolio.  Fees are
     calculated daily and paid on a monthly basis.  The New Adviser has
     voluntarily agreed to limit the total expenses (excluding interest, taxes,
     brokerage commissions and ordinary expenses) of each of the portfolios to
     1.00%.  Due to the expense cap, management fees collected by the adviser
     will fluctuate depending on the amount of expenses incurred by each fund.
     Currently, the New Adviser is being reimbursed for the costs of managing
     the C&B Equity Portfolio, C&B Equity Portfolio for Taxable Investors and
     C&B Mid Cap Equity Portfolio.

Description of the AIC Trust and C&B (AIC) Portfolios

     The AIC Trust is organized under Massachusetts law as a business trust
     pursuant to an Agreement and Declaration of Trust dated July 18, 1991, as
     amended on February 18, 1997.  The AIC Trust is an open-end management
     investment company registered under the 1940 Act which has authorized
     capital consisting of an unlimited number of shares of beneficial interest,
     without par value, of separate series of the AIC Trust.  The "new" C&B
     Equity Portfolio, the "new" C&B Equity Portfolio for Taxable Investors and
     the "new" C&B Mid Cap Equity Portfolio will be duly organized and validly
     existing series of the AIC Trust at the time of the Reorganization.

     Shareholders of AIC Trust shares are entitled to one vote for each full
     share held and fractional votes for fractional shares.  On any matter
     submitted to a vote of shareholders, all shares of the Trust entitled to
     vote shall be voted on by individual series or class, except that (i) when
     so required by the 1940 Act, then shares shall be voted in the aggregate
     and not by individual series or class, and (ii) when the trustees of the
     Trust (the "Trustees") have determined that the matter only affects the
     interest of one or more series or class, then only shareholders of such
     series or class(es) shall be entitled to vote.  The AIC Trust's Declaration
     of Trust provides that any action may be taken or authorized upon the
     concurrence of a majority of the aggregate number of votes entitled to be
     cast thereon, subject to any applicable requirements of the 1940 Act.

     The AIC Trust's Declaration of Trust permits any one or more series, either
     as the successor, survivor or non-survivor to (i) consolidate or merge with
     one or more other trusts, partnerships, associations or corporations,
     including any series or class thereof, organized under the laws of the
     Commonwealth of Massachusetts or any other state of the United States; or
     (ii) transfer a substantial portion of its assets to one or more other
     trusts, partnerships, associations or corporations, including any series or
     class thereof, organized under the laws of the Commonwealth of
     Massachusetts or any other state of the United States, any such
     consolidation, merger or transfer to be upon such terms and conditions as
     are specified in an agreement and plan or reorganization authorized and
     approved by the Trustees and entered into by the relevant series in
     connection therewith.  Any such consolidation, merger or transfer may be
     authorized by vote of a majority of the Trustees then in office without the
     approval of shareholders of any series.


     The AIC Trust will not hold annual meetings of shareholders, but special
     meetings of shareholders may be held under certain circumstances.  A
     special meeting of the shareholders may be called at any time by the
     Trustees, by the president or, if the Trustees and the president shall fail
     to call any meeting of shareholders for a period of 30 days after written
     application of one or more shareholders who hold at least 10% of all shares
     issued and outstanding and entitled to vote at the meeting, then such
     shareholders may call the meeting.

     The AIC Trust's affairs are supervised by the Trustees under the laws
     governing business trusts in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.  Trustees
     of the Trust are elected by shareholders holding a majority of shares
     entitled to vote.  Trustees hold office until their successors are duly
     elected and qualified or until their death, removal or resignation.
     Shareholders may remove a Trustee by vote of a majority of the votes
     entitled to vote, with or without cause.  A Trustee elected thereby serves
     for the balance of the term of the removed Trustee.

     Pursuant to the AIC Trust's Declaration of Trust, the shareholders of the
     AIC Trust generally are not personally liable for the acts, omissions or
     obligations of the Trustees or the Trust.  In addition, the Trustees shall
     not be personally liable for any obligation of the Trust.  The Trust will
     indemnify its Trustees and officers against all liabilities and expenses
     except for liabilities arising from such person's willful misfeasance, bad
     faith, gross negligence or reckless disregard of that person's duties.

     Although the rights of an interest holder of a Massachusetts business trust
     vary in certain respects from the rights on a shareholder of a Maryland
     corporation, the attributes of a share of beneficial interest of the AIC
     Trust are substantially similar to those of a share of common stock of the
     UAM Funds.  Each share of the AIC Trust and UAM Funds represents an equal
     proportionate interest in the related investment portfolio with other
     shares of the same class (if applicable) and is entitled to dividends and
     distributions on the assets belonging to such investment portfolio as are
     declared in the discretion of the Board of Directors of UAM Funds or the
     Board of Trustees of AIC Trust, as the case may be.  Shares of both the UAM
     Funds and AIC Trust are entitled to one vote for each full share held and
     fractional votes for fractional shares held.

     The investment objectives, policies and limitations of each C&B (AIC)
     Portfolio will be substantially similar to its corresponding C&B Portfolio.
     The "new" C&B Equity Portfolio will seek maximum long-term total return
     with minimal risk to principal by investing in common stocks that have a
     consistency and predictability in their earnings growth.  Normally, the
     "new" C&B Equity Portfolio will seek to achieve its goal by investing in
     common stocks of any size.  The portfolio will invest primarily in
     companies that the New Adviser believes are undervalued.

     The "new" C&B Equity Portfolio for Taxable Investors will seek maximum
     long-term, after-tax total return, consistent with minimizing risk to
     principal.  Normally, the "new" C&B Equity Portfolio for Taxable Investors
     will seek to achieve its goal by investing primarily in common stocks of
     any size.  The New Adviser will try to minimize tax


     consequences for the portfolio's shareholders by managing the amount of
     realized gains, which it attempts to control by minimizing portfolio
     turnover. The portfolio will invest primarily in companies that the New
     Adviser believes are undervalued.

     The "new" C&B Mid Cap Equity Portfolio will seek maximum long-term total
     return, consistent with minimizing risk to principal.  The "new" C&B Mid
     Cap Equity Portfolio normally will seek its objective by investing under
     normal circumstances, at least 65% of its assets in the common stock of
     companies with middle market capitalizations (companies with market
     capitalizations in the range of $500 million to $5 billion) or in common
     stocks of companies whose market capitalizations are within the range of
     companies contained in the Russell Mid Cap Value Index.  The portfolio will
     invest primarily in companies that the New Adviser believes are

     The C&B (AIC) Portfolios will have substantially similar procedures for
     purchasing, redeeming and exchanging shares as the Reorganizing Portfolios.
     Shareholders of the Reorganizing Portfolios currently are permitted to
     exchange their shares for shares of any other portfolio of the UAM Funds at
     no charge.  Shareholders of the C&B (AIC) Portfolios, however, will only be
     permitted to exchange their shares at no charge for shares of the other C&B
     (AIC) Portfolio, not for shares of the other portfolios in the AIC Trust.

     Following the conclusion of the Reorganization, the New Adviser will serve
     as investment adviser to the "new" C&B Equity Portfolio, the "new" C&B
     Equity Portfolio for Taxable Investors and the "new" C&B Mid Cap Equity
     Portfolio.  The investment advisory agreement between the New Adviser and
     the AIC Trust is substantially similar to the advisory agreement that
     exists between the Old Adviser and UAM Funds on behalf of the Reorganizing
     Portfolios.  Significantly, both investment advisory agreements provide for
     the same fees, duties, and standards of care.  For its services, the New
     Adviser is entitled to a fee, which is calculated at a rate of 0.63% of the
     average daily net assets of each of the "new" C&B (AIC) Portfolios.  Fees
     are calculated daily and paid on a monthly basis.

     The tables below set forth comparative fee and expense information for both
     the Reorganizing Portfolios and the C&B (AIC) Portfolios:

                                     C&B Equity       "new" C&B Equity
                                     Portfolio (l)    Portfolio (2)

Annual Fund Operating Expense (expenses that are deducted from fund assets)
Management Fees
                                           0.63%            0.63%


Other Expenses                     0.44%      0.44%

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Total Operating Expenses           1.07%      1.07%
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                 C&B Equity             "new" C&B Equity
                                 Portfolio for          Portfolio for
                                 Taxable Investors (1)  Taxable Investors (2)

Shareholder Transaction Fees (fees paid directly from your investment)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Redemption Fee (as a percentage of amount redeemed)    1.00%      1.00%
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Annual Fund Operating Expense (expenses that are deducted from fund assets)

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Management Fees                                        0.63%          0.63%
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Other Expenses                                         4.82%          4.82%
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total Operating Expenses                               5.45%          5.45%
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                    C&B Mid Cap           "new" C&B Mid Cap
                                    Equity Portfolio (1)  Equity Portfolio (2)

Annual Fund Operating Expense (expenses that are deducted from fund assets)

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Management Fees                                        0.63%          0.63%
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Other Expenses                                         8.97%          8.97%
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total Operating Expenses                               9.60%          9.60%
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(1)  "Other Expenses" presented in the tables above may be higher than the
     expenses you would actually pay as a shareholder in the funds because the
     adviser has voluntarily agreed to limit the expenses of the funds to the
     extent necessary to keep their total expenses (excluding interest, taxes,
     brokerage commission and extraordinary expenses) from exceeding 1.00%, for
     each of the C&B Equity Portfolio's, C&B Equity Portfolio for Taxable
     Investor's and C&B Mid Cap Equity Portfolio's average daily net assets. The
     Old Adviser may change or cancel these expense limitations at any time. In
     addition, "Other Expenses" include amounts related to any expense offset
     arrangement the funds may have that would reduce their custodian fee based
     on the amount of cash the funds maintain with their custodian.


(2)  "Other Expenses" presented in the tables above may be higher than the
     expenses you would actually pay as a shareholder in the funds because the
     adviser has voluntarily agreed to limit the expenses of the funds to the
     extent necessary to keep their total expenses (excluding interest, taxes,
     brokerage commissions and extraordinary expenses) from exceeding 1.00%, for
     each of the "new" C&B Equity Portfolio's, "new" C&B Equity Portfolio for
     Taxable Investor's and "new" C&B Mid Cap Equity Portfolio's average daily
     net assets. The New Adviser may change or cancel these expense limitations
     at any time. In addition, "Other Expenses" include amounts related to any
     expense offset arrangement the funds may have that would reduce their
     custodian fee based on the amount of cash the funds maintain with their

Information on SEI Investments Mutual Funds Services ("Administrator")

     The Administrator, a Delaware business trust, has its principal business
     offices at One Freedom Valley Drive, Oaks, Pennsylvania 19456. SEI
     Investments Management Corporation ("SIMC"), a wholly owned subsidiary of
     SEI Investments Company ("SEI Investments"), is the owner of all beneficial
     interest in the Administrator. SEI Investments and its subsidiaries and
     affiliates, including the Administrator, are leading providers of funds
     evaluation services, trust accounting systems, and brokerage and
     information services to financial institutions, institutional investors,
     and money managers.

     The Administrator provides the AIC Trust with administrative services,
     including regulatory reporting and all necessary office space, equipment,
     personnel and facilities.

     For these administrative services, the Administrator will be entitled to a
     fee from each C&B (AIC) Portfolio, which is calculated daily and paid
     monthly based on the respective C&B (AIC) Portfolio's asset level, at an
     annual rate of: .15% on the first $250 million of average daily net assets;
     .125% on the next $250 million of average daily net assets; and .10% on
     average daily net assets over $500 million.  Together, the C&B (AIC)
     Portfolios will pay a minimum annual administration fee of $271,000, which
     will be increased by $15,000 per additional class.  In addition, the cost
     of adding additional portfolios to the Agreement is $85,000 per portfolio.

     The Administration Agreement provides that the Administrator shall not be
     liable for any error of judgment or mistake of law or for any loss suffered
     by the Funds in connection with the matters to which the Administration
     Agreement relates, except a loss resulting from willful misfeasance, bad
     faith or gross negligence on the part of the Administrator in the
     performance of its duties or from reckless disregard of its duties and
     obligations thereunder.

Information on SEI Investments Distribution Co. ("Distributor")

     The Distributor, a wholly-owned subsidiary of SEI Investments, and the AIC
     Trust are parties to a distribution agreement (the "Distribution
     Agreement").  The Distributor will not receive compensation for
     distribution of shares of the C&B (AIC) Portfolios.


Information on Other Service Providers

     DST Systems, Inc., 330 W. 9th Street, Kansas City, MO 64105 serves as the
     AIC Trust's transfer agent. First Union National Bank, 125 Broad Street,
     Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19109 acts as custodian (the "Custodian") of the
     AIC Trust. The Custodian holds cash, securities and other assets of the AIC
     Trust as required by the 1940 Act.

Recommendation of Directors

     On June 29, 2001, representatives of Old Mutual US and the New Adviser
     advised the Independent Directors that (i) Old Mutual US and the New
     Adviser had entered into an acquisition agreement and the transaction had
     been consummated on June 1, 2001; and (ii) UAM Funds and AIC Trust agreed
     to the Reorganization, pursuant to which the assets of the Reorganizing
     Portfolios would be transferred to new portfolios, the C&B (AIC)
     Portfolios, which are three series of the AIC Trust. At that time,
     representatives of Old Mutual US and the New Adviser described the general
     terms of the proposed acquisition and Reorganization and the perceived
     benefits for the Reorganizing Portfolios, the New Adviser and its
     investment advisory clients. The Independent Directors discussed the
     transactions with representatives Old Mutual US and the New Adviser. Old
     Mutual US and the New Adviser advised the Independent Directors that they
     do not expect the acquisition and proposed Reorganization to have an
     adverse effect on the operations of the Reorganizing Portfolios or their

     On June 29, 2001, the Board, including a majority of the Independent
     Directors, voted to approve the Reorganization and to recommend its
     approval to shareholders.  In reaching its decision, the Board considered
     the following factors to be of greatest importance: (1) the C&B (AIC)
     Portfolios will have the same investment objectives, policies and
     limitations as those of the Reorganizing Portfolios; and (2) the same
     personnel who managed the Reorganizing Portfolios at the Old Adviser will
     continue to manage the C&B (AIC) Portfolios after the Reorganization at the
     New Adviser.

           The Directors Unanimously Recommend That Shareholders Of
            The Reorganizing Portfolios Vote To Approve Proposal 2

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------


     The Liquidating Portfolio began operations on December 31, 1989 as a series
     of UAM Funds. The Liquidating Portfolio has invested primarily in a
     combination of equity securities that have a consistency and predictability
     in their earnings growth and investment grade debt securities.

     Notwithstanding the marketing of the Liquidating Portfolio's shares, growth
     in the Liquidating Portfolio's assets has been slow.  During the period
     from commencement of operations through March 31, 1993, the Liquidating
     Portfolio's assets reached a level of $44.5 million; however, assets have
     decreased to less than $1.3 million as of July 31, 2001.  Several marketing
     efforts were not adequate to significantly increase the size of


     the Liquidating Portfolio, including until recently the assumption of
     portfolio expenses by the Old Adviser. The Old Adviser and the Board have
     regularly reviewed developments and considered alternatives, including the
     total asset level of the Liquidating Portfolio and the impact on the
     Liquidating Portfolio's investment results of the relatively small size of
     the Liquidating Portfolio.

     Sales of the Liquidating Portfolio shares have not been sufficient to allow
     the Liquidating Portfolio to reach a size adequate, in the judgment of the
     Board, to spread expenses over a sufficient asset base to provide a
     satisfactory return to shareholders.  From November 1, 1999 until May 31,
     2001, the Old Adviser waived its fees and assumed a significant portion of
     the expenses of the Liquidating Portfolio.  In the absence of such waiver
     and assumption, the Liquidating Portfolio may not have been profitable for
     shareholders.  As a result, the Board instructed the officers of UAM Funds
     to investigate what, if any, additional steps or alternative courses would
     best serve the interest of shareholders.

     The officers of UAM Funds sought to determine whether a merger or transfer
     of assets would be possible, and if it would produce desirable results for
     shareholders.  After reviewing current market conditions, the relatively
     small size of the Liquidating Portfolio and the time required to effect a
     transaction, management of the Fund believed that the expense of a merger
     or transfer of assets to another mutual fund are greater than the benefits
     shareholders of the Liquidating Portfolio could expect to realize from such
     a transaction. The officers investigated the steps required for liquidation
     of the Liquidating Portfolio, subject to presentation of a final report to
     the Board.

     At a June 29, 2001 meeting, the Board reviewed the expenses which had been
     assumed by the Old Adviser during the life of the Liquidating Portfolio,
     the efforts and expenses of the Distributor to distribute shares of the
     Liquidating Portfolio, and the effect of the operating expenses on the
     historic and anticipated returns of shareholders.  The Board considered
     that the Old Adviser had not been able to collect or retain any significant
     advisory fee from the Liquidating Portfolio, that there would be no
     prospect that this would change in the near future, and that in the absence
     of compensation over long periods, the ability of the adviser to service
     the needs of the Liquidating Portfolio would be impaired.  For the most
     recent fiscal year, the Liquidating Portfolio's total expenses were:

                           Without Waiver or     With Waiver or Reimbursement of
                       Reimbursement of Expenses              Expenses
     Institutional Class         2.79%                             1.00%

     The Board concluded that an increase in fund expenses attributable to the
     likely discontinuance of the fee waiver and assumption of the expenses in
     the future, especially when added to the expenses of the Liquidating
     Portfolio presently paid directly by the Liquidating Portfolio, would
     significantly reduce the Liquidating Portfolio's returns.  Moreover, the
     presence of larger funds with similar objectives better able to operate on
     an efficient basis and provide higher returns to shareholders, made it
     unlikely that the Liquidating Portfolio could achieve a significant
     increase in asset size and achieve economies of scale.  The Board therefore
     concluded that it would be in the interest of the


     shareholders of the Liquidating Portfolio to liquidate the Liquidating
     Portfolio promptly, in accordance with a Plan of Liquidation. (See "General
     Tax Consequences" below.)

     Plan of Liquidation

     The Board of Directors has approved the Plan of Liquidation (the "Plan")
     summarized in this section and set forth as Exhibit C to this proxy

     1.  Effective Date of the Plan and Cessation of the Liquidating Portfolio's
     Business as an Investment Company.  The Plan will become effective on the
     date of its adoption and approval by an absolute majority of the shares of
     the Liquidating Portfolio entitled to vote.  Following this approval, the
     Liquidating Portfolio (i) will cease to invest its assets in accordance
     with its investment objective and will sell the portfolio securities it
     owns in order to convert the Liquidating Portfolio's assets to cash; (ii)
     will not engage in any business activities except for the purposes of
     winding up its business and affairs, preserving the value of its assets and
     distributing its assets to shareholders after the payment to (or
     reservation of assets for payment to) all creditors of the Liquidating
     Portfolio; and (iii) will terminate in accordance with the laws of the
     State of Maryland and the Articles of Incorporation of the UAM Funds.

     2.  Closing of Books and Restriction of Transfer and Redemption of Shares.
     The proportionate interests of shareholders in the assets of the
     Liquidating Portfolio shall be fixed on the basis of their respective
     holdings on the effective date of the Plan.  On such date the books of the
     Liquidating Portfolio will be closed and the shareholders' respective
     assets will not be transferable by the negotiation of share certificates.
     (Plan, Section 4)

     3.  Liquidating Distribution.  As soon as possible after approval of the
     Plan, and in any event within fourteen days thereafter, UAM Funds on behalf
     of the Liquidating Portfolio will mail the following to each shareholder of
     record on the effective date of the Plan:  (i) to each shareholder not
     holding share certificates of the Liquidating Portfolio, the liquidating
     cash distribution equal to the shareholder's proportionate interest in the
     net assets of the Liquidating Portfolio, (ii) to each shareholder holding
     share certificates of the Liquidating Portfolio, a confirmation showing
     such shareholder's proportionate interest in the net assets of the
     Liquidating Portfolio with advice that such shareholder will be paid in
     cash upon return of the share certificates; and (iii) information
     concerning the sources of the liquidating distribution.  (Plan, Section 7)

     4.  Expenses.  The Liquidating Portfolio will bear all expenses incurred by
     it in carrying out the Plan.  It is expected that other liabilities of the
     Liquidating Portfolio incurred or expected to be incurred prior to the date
     of the liquidating distribution will be paid by the Liquidating Portfolio,
     or set aside for payment, prior to the mailing of the liquidating
     distribution.  The Liquidating Portfolio's liabilities relating to the Plan
     are estimated at no more than $2,000, which includes legal and auditing
     expenses and printing, mailing, soliciting and miscellaneous expenses
     arising from the liquidation, which the Liquidating Portfolio normally
     would not incur if it were to continue in business.  If the Liquidating
     Portfolio incurs more than $2,000 in additional liabilities to liquidate
     the Liquidating Portfolio, such expenses will be paid by the New Adviser.
     The total liabilities of the Liquidating Portfolio prior to the liquidating
     distribution are estimated to be


     $__________ (including proxy costs). This amount includes the termination
     expenses referred to above and amounts accrued, or anticipated to be
     accrued, for custodial and transfer agency services, legal audit and
     directors fees and printing costs. Any expenses and liabilities attributed
     to the Liquidating Portfolio subsequent to the mailing of the liquidating
     distribution will be borne by the New Adviser. (Plan, Section 6 and 9)

     5.  Continued Operation of the Liquidating Portfolio.  After the date of
     mailing of the liquidating distribution, the outstanding shares of the
     Liquidating Portfolio will be cancelled by Charter amendment and the
     termination of the Liquidating Portfolio will be effected.  The Plan
     provides that the Directors shall have the authority to authorize such
     variations from or amendments of the provisions of the Plan as may be
     necessary or appropriate to marshal the assets of the Liquidating Portfolio
     and to effect the complete liquidation and termination of the existence of
     the Liquidating Portfolio and the purposes to be accomplished by the Plan.
     (Plan, Sections 8 and 11)

General Tax Consequences.

     Each stockholder who receives a liquidating distribution will recognize
     gain or loss for federal income tax purposes equal to the excess of the
     amount of the distribution over the shareholder's tax basis in the
     Liquidating Portfolio shares.  Assuming that the shareholder holds such
     shares as capital assets, such gain or loss will be capital gain or loss
     and will be long-term or short-term capital gain depending on the
     shareholder's holding period for the shares.

     The tax consequences discussed herein may affect shareholders differently
     depending upon their particular tax situations unrelated to the liquidating
     distribution, and accordingly, this summary is not a substitute for careful
     tax planning on an individual basis.  Shareholders may wish to consult
     their personal tax advisers concerning their particular tax situations and
     the impact thereon of receiving the liquidating distribution as discussed
     herein, including any state and local tax consequences.

     UAM Funds anticipates that it will retain its qualification as a regulated
     investment company under the Internal Revenue Code, as amended, during the
     liquidation period and, therefore, will not be taxed on any of its net
     income from the sale of its assets.

     Representatives of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, independent accountants for
     UAM Funds, are not expected to be present at the Special Meeting.

     If the shareholders do not approve the Plan, the Liquidating Portfolio will
     continue to exist as a registered investment company in accordance with its
     stated objective and policies.  The Board would meet to consider what, if
     any, steps to take in the interest of stockholders.

     Shareholders are free to redeem their shares prior to the effective date of
     the Plan, which is the adoption and approval of the Plan at the Meeting.

           The Directors of the Fund Recommend Approval of Proposal 3


- --------------------------------

Administrative Expenses

     SEI Investments Mutual Funds Services ("SEI") serves as the C&B Portfolios'
     administrator, UAM Shareholder Services Center, Inc. serves as the C&B
     Portfolios' shareholder servicing agent and Funds Distributor, Inc. ("FDI")
     serves as the C&B Portfolios' principal underwriter.  UAM Shareholder
     Services Center, Inc. is affiliated with Old Mutual US.  SEI is located at
     One Freedom Valley Drive, Oaks, PA  19456, FDI is located at 60 State
     Street, Suite 1300, Boston MA  02109 and UAM Shareholder Services, Inc. is
     located at 825 Duportail Road, Wayne, Pennsylvania 19087.

     As of the fiscal year ended October 31, 2000, SEI and UAM Funds Services,
     Inc. (the C&B Portfolios' former administrator) were paid $118,159,
     $77,340, $77,235 and $83,589 for services rendered as administrator by the
     C&B Equity Portfolio, C&B Equity Portfolio for Taxable Investors, C&B Mid
     Cap Equity Portfolio and C&B Balanced Portfolio, respectively;

     As of the fiscal year ended October 31, 2000 UAM Shareholder Services
     Center, Inc. was paid $11,610, $8,794, $8,552 and $8,794 by the C&B Equity
     Portfolio, C&B Equity Portfolio for Taxable Investors, C&B Mid Cap Equity
     Portfolio and C&B Balanced Portfolio, for services rendered as sub-
     shareholder servicing, respectively;

     As of the fiscal year ended October 31, 2000 the net assets of the C&B
     Equity Portfolio, C&B Equity Portfolio for Taxable Investors, C&B Mid Cap
     Equity Portfolio and C&B Balanced Portfolio were $35,250,830, $2,253,005,
     $1,520,083, and $3,494,339, respectively.

     The C&B Portfolios do not pay FDI for its services as principal underwriter
     to the C&B Portfolios.

Brokerage Commissions

     The New Adviser may select brokers based on research, statistical and
     pricing services they provide to the New Adviser.  Information and research
     provided by a broker will be in addition to, and not instead of, the
     services the New Adviser is required to perform under the Investment
     Advisory Agreements.  In so doing, the C&B Portfolios may pay higher
     commission rates than the lowest rate available when the New Adviser
     believes it is reasonable to do so in light of the value of the research,
     statistical, and pricing services provided by the broker effecting the

     It is not the practice of the C&B Portfolios to allocate brokerage or
     effect principal transactions with dealers based on sales of shares that a
     broker-dealer firm makes.  However, the C&B Portfolios may place trades
     with qualified broker-dealers who recommend the C&B Portfolios or who acts
     as agents in the purchase of C&B Portfolios shares for their clients.


     Generally, equity securities are bought and sold through brokerage
     transactions for which commissions are payable. Purchases from underwriters
     will include the underwriting commission or concession, and purchases from
     dealers serving as market makers will include a dealer's mark-up or reflect
     a dealer's mark-down.

     Debt securities are usually bought and sold directly from the issuer or an
     underwriter or market maker for the securities.  Generally, a C&B Portfolio
     will not pay brokerage commissions for such purchases. When a debt security
     is bought from an underwriter, the purchase price will usually include an
     underwriting commission or concession. The purchase price for securities
     bought from dealers serving as market makers will similarly include the
     dealer's mark-up or reflect a dealer's mark-down. When a C&B Portfolio
     executes transactions in the over-the-counter market, it will deal with
     primary market makers unless prices that are more favorable are otherwise

     .  As of the fiscal year ended October 31, 2000, the C&B Equity Portfolio
        paid $117,429 in brokerage commissions.

     .  As of the fiscal year ended October 31, 2000, the C&B Equity Portfolio
        for Taxable Investors paid $2,474 in brokerage commissions.

     .  As of the fiscal year ended October 31, 2000, the C&B Mid Cap Equity
        Portfolio paid $5,916 in brokerage commission.

     .  As of the fiscal year ended October 31, 2000, the C&B Balanced Portfolio
        paid $12,708 in brokerage commissions.

Payment of Expenses

     The New Adviser, and not the UAM Funds, will pay the expenses of the
     preparation, printing and mailing of this proxy statement and its

Beneficial Ownership of Shares

     The following table contains information about the beneficial ownership by
     shareholders of five percent or more of each C&B Portfolio's outstanding
     Shares as of August 13, 2001.  On that date, the Directors and officers of
     each of the UAM Funds, together as a group, "beneficially owned" less than
     one percent of each C&B Portfolio's outstanding Shares.


NAME AND ADDRESS OF                     PERCENT OF         NUMBER OF
 SHAREHOLDER                           SHARES OWNED       SHARES OWNED            PORTFOLIO
 -----------                           ------------       ------------            ---------
First Union National Bank                  43.36%        2,359,405.8560      C&B Equity Portfolio
FBO Cadmus Comm Corp
Acct 5041143187 CMG NC 1151
1525 W. Wt Harris Blvd
Charlotte, NC 28262-8522

Central New York Community                 17.82%          969,548.3220      C&B Equity Portfolio
Foundation Inc.
500 S. Salina St. Ste 428
Syracuse, NY 13202-3314

Ironworkers Local 397 Pension Fund         16.06%          873,919.9740      C&B Equity Portfolio
c/o Administrative Services Inc.
Attn Fund Accounting
P.O. Box 83900
Miami, FL 33283-9000

A. Cirillo D. Faicco R. Samuels & Joseph    6.83%          371,670.8380      C&B Equity Portfolio
Gurrera & David Smith TR Fulton Fish
Mkt PFA & DEC TR Part Fulton Fish Mkt
Pen 1/1/82
140 Beekman St.
New York, NY 10038-2010

S. Sanford Schlitt TOD                     35.36%           67,262.5720      C&B Equity Portfolio for Taxable Investors
Subject to DST TOD Rules
Patricia Schlitt PB
491 Meadow Lark Dr.
Sarasota, FL 34236-1901

Ann Hauptman & Cynthia Jacobs TR           13.25%           25,200.6490      C&B Equity Portfolio for Taxable Investors
FBO Gunther A. Hauptman TR
U/A 4/27/87
4 Briga Ln.
Whit Plains, NY 10605-4647

Charles Schwab & Co. Inc.                  13.05%           24,829.7100      C&B Equity Portfolio for Taxable Investors
Reinvest Account
Attn Mutual Funds
101 Montgomery St.
San Francisco, CA 94104-4122

Primevest Financial Services FBO            7.00%           13,316.8560      C&B Equity Portfolio for Taxable Investors
Glenn L. Amos 13021419
400 First Street So Suite 300
P.O. Box 283
St. Cloud, MN 56302-0283

Anne Y. Stratton                            5.56%          10,586.7060       C&B Equity Portfolio for Taxable Investors
9608 N. Juniper Cir.
Mequon, WI 53092-6216

Katherine C. Arthur                         5.08%           9,670.7950       C&B Equity Portfolio for Taxable Investors
5115 Cary Street Rd.
Richmond, VA 23226-1644

Vanguard Fiduciary Trust Co.               35.49%         107,586.6560       C&B Mid Cap Equity Portfolio
Plan 91718 FBO UAM Corp. Profit Shar.
401K Plan Vanguard Fiduciary TR
Group SP Services
P.O. Box 2600 VM421
Valley Forge, PA 19482-2600

Charles Schwab & Co. Inc.                  33.61%         101,892.8070       C&B Mid Cap Equity Portfolio
Reinvest Account
Attn Mutual Funds
101 Montgomery St.
San Francisco, CA 94104-4122

Carole A. Bonner                           31.30%          57,536.8070       C&B Balanced Portfolio
1550 North 123/rd/ St.
Wauwatosa, WI 53226-3132

Charles Schwab & Co. Inc.                  16.93%          31,131.7610       C&B Balanced Portfolio
Reinvest Account
Attn Mutual Funds
101 Montgomery St.
San Francisco, CA 94104-4122

Joanna H. Schoff                           14.21%          26,121.2410       C&B Balanced Portfolio
226 North St.
Rye, NY 10580-1520

UAM Trust Co. Cust                         10.53%          19,357.1070       C&B Balanced Portfolio
IRA A/C Linda Carpino
496 Hollyknoll Dr.
Churchville, PA 18966-1453

Helen A. Mohn                               8.45%          15,530.4100       C&B Balanced Portfolio
100 Vermilion Dr.
Levittown, PA 19054-1324

     As of August 13 2001, the C&B Equity Portfolio, C&B Equity Portfolio for
     Taxable Investors, C&B Mid Cap Equity Portfolio and C&B Balanced Portfolio
     had 5,441,547.5920, 190,248.4900, 303,182.4860, and 183,834.4320 shares
     outstanding, respectively.

     The term "beneficial ownership" is as defined under Section 13(d) of the
     Securities and Exchange Act of 1934. The information as to beneficial
     ownership is based on statements furnished to the UAM Funds by its existing
     Directors and/or on the records of UAM Funds' transfer agent.

Annual and Semi-Annual Reports to Shareholders

     For a free copy of your C&B Portfolio's most recent annual report (and most
     recent semi-annual report succeeding the annual report, if any)
     shareholders of the C&B Portfolios may call 1-877-826-5465 or write to the
     UAM Funds at P.O Box 219081, Kansas City, MO 64121.

Other Business

     The Board does not intend to present any other business at the Meeting.  If
     any other matter may properly come before the meeting, or any adjournment
     thereof, the persons named in the accompanying proxy card(s) intend to
     vote, act, or consent thereunder in accordance with their best judgment at
     that time with respect to such matters.  No annual or other special meeting
     is currently scheduled for a portfolio.  Mere submission of a shareholder
     proposal does not guarantee the inclusion of the proposal in the proxy
     statement or presentation of the proposal at the meeting since inclusion
     and presentation are subject to compliance with certain federal regulations
     and Maryland law.

    The Directors, Including The Independent Directors, Recommend Approval Of
  Each Proposal. Any Unmarked Proxies Without Instructions To The Contrary Will
                Be Voted In Favor Of Approval Of The Proposals


                                UAM FUNDS, INC.
                           One Freedom Valley Drive
                             Oaks, PA  19456-1100

                             C&B EQUITY PORTFOLIO


     The undersigned, revoking previous proxies with respect to the Shares
     (defined below), hereby appoints Sherry Kajdan Vetterlein and Stephanie
     Cavanagh as proxies and each of them, each with full power of substitution,
     to vote at the Special Meeting of Shareholders (the "Meeting") of the C&B
     Equity Portfolio of UAM Funds, Inc. ("UAM Funds") to be held in the offices
     of UAM Funds' administrator, SEI Investments, One Freedom Valley Drive,
     Oaks, PA 19456, at 10:00 a.m. Eastern time on October 19, 2001, and any
     adjournments or postponements thereof all shares of stock of said UAM Funds
     that the undersigned would be entitled to vote if personally present at the
     Meeting on the proposals set forth below respecting (i) the proposed
     Investment Advisory Agreement between Cooke & Bieler, L.P. and UAM Funds on
     behalf of the C&B Equity Portfolio; and (ii) the proposed Agreement and
     Plan of Reorganization and Liquidation (the "Agreement") between UAM Funds,
     on behalf of the C&B Equity Portfolio, and The Advisors' Inner Circle Fund
     (the "AIC Trust"), on behalf of the "new" C&B Equity Portfolio and, in
     accordance with their own discretion, any other matters properly brought
     before the Meeting.


PROPOSAL 1.  Approve a new investment advisory agreement between Cooke & Bieler,
             L.P. and UAM Funds, on behalf of the C&B Equity Portfolio, a form
             of which is attached to the Proxy Statement as Exhibit A.

             ____For    ____Against    ____Abstain

PROPOSAL 2.  Approve a reorganization as set forth in an Agreement and Plan of
             Reorganization and Liquidation between UAM Funds, on behalf of the
             C&B Equity Portfolio, and the AIC Trust, on behalf of the "new" C&B
             Equity Portfolio and attached as Exhibit B to the Proxy Statement.

             ____For    ____Against    ____Abstain

     This proxy will, when properly executed, be voted as directed herein by the
     signing Shareholder.  If no contrary direction is given when the duly
     executed Proxy is returned, this Proxy will be voted FOR the foregoing
     proposals and will be voted in the appointed proxies' discretion upon such
     other business as may properly come before the Meeting.

     The undersigned acknowledges receipt with this Proxy of a copy of the
     Notice of Special Meeting and the Proxy Statement of the Board of
     Directors.  Your signature(s) on this Proxy should be exactly as your
     name(s) appear on this Proxy.  If the shares are held jointly, each holder
     should sign this Proxy.  Attorneys-in-fact, executors, administrators,
     trustees or guardians should indicate the full title and capacity in which
     they are signing.

     Dated: _________________, 2001    ___________________________
                                         Signature of Shareholder

                                         Signature (Joint owners)

     Please date, sign and return promptly using the enclosed, postage-paid
     envelope whether or not you expect to attend the Meeting; you may,
     nevertheless, vote in person if you do attend.

                                UAM FUNDS, INC.
                           One Freedom Valley Drive
                              Oaks, PA 19456-1100



The undersigned, revoking previous proxies with respect to the Shares (defined
below), hereby appoints Sherry Kajdan Vetterlein and Stephanie Cavanagh as
proxies and each of them, each with full power of substitution, to vote at the
Special Meeting of Shareholders (the "Meeting") of the C&B Equity Portfolio for
Taxable Investors of UAM Funds, Inc. ("UAM Funds") to be held in the offices of
UAM Funds' administrator,  SEI Investments, One Freedom Valley Drive, Oaks, PA
19456 at 10:00 a.m. Eastern time on October 19, 2001, and any adjournments or
postponements thereof all shares of stock of said UAM Funds that the undersigned
would be entitled to vote if personally present at the Meeting on the proposals
set forth below respecting (i) the proposed Investment Advisory Agreement
between Cooke & Bieler, L.P. and UAM Funds on behalf of the C&B Equity Portfolio
for Taxable Investors; and (ii) the proposed Agreement and Plan of
Reorganization and Liquidation (the "Agreement") between the UAM Funds, on
behalf of the C&B Equity Portfolio for Taxable Investors, and The Advisors'
Inner Circle Fund (the "AIC Trust"), on behalf of the "new" C&B Equity Portfolio
for Taxable Investors and, in accordance with their own discretion, any other
matters properly brought before the Meeting.


PROPOSAL 1:  Approve a new investment advisory agreement between Cooke & Bieler,
             L.P. and UAM Funds, on behalf of the C&B Equity Portfolio for
             Taxable Investors, a form of which is attached to the Proxy
             Statement as Exhibit A.

             ____For    ____Against    ____Abstain

PROPOSAL 2:  Approve a reorganization as set forth in an Agreement and Plan of
             Reorganization and Liquidation between UAM Funds, on behalf of the
             C&B Equity Portfolio for Taxable Investors, and the AIC Trust, on
             behalf of the "new" C&B Equity Portfolio for Taxable Investors and
             attached as Exhibit B to the Proxy Statement.

             ____For    ____Against    ____Abstain

This proxy will, when properly executed, be voted as directed herein by the
signing Shareholder.  If no contrary direction is given when the duly executed
Proxy is returned, this Proxy will be

voted FOR the foregoing proposals and will be voted in the appointed proxies'
discretion upon such other business as may properly come before the Meeting.

The undersigned acknowledges receipt with this Proxy of a copy of the Notice of
Special Meeting and the Proxy Statement of the Board of Directors.  Your
signature(s) on this Proxy should be exactly as your name(s) appear on this
Proxy.  If the shares are held jointly, each holder should sign this Proxy.
Attorneys-in-fact, executors, administrators, trustees or guardians should
indicate the full title and capacity in which they are signing.

Dated: ____________, 2001             ________________________________
                                      Signature of Shareholder

                                      Signature (Joint owners)

Please date, sign and return promptly using the enclosed, postage-paid envelope
whether or not you expect to attend the Meeting; you may, nevertheless, vote in
person if you do attend.


                                UAM FUNDS, INC.
                           One Freedom Valley Drive
                              Oaks, PA 19456-1100

                         C&B MID CAP EQUITY PORTFOLIO


     The undersigned, revoking previous proxies with respect to the Shares
     (defined below), hereby appoints Sherry Kajdan Vetterlein and Stephanie
     Cavanagh as proxies and each of them, each with full power of substitution,
     to vote at the Special Meeting of Shareholders (the "Meeting") of the C&B
     Mid Cap Equity Portfolio of UAM Funds, Inc.  ("UAM Funds") to be held in
     the offices of UAM Funds' administrator, SEI Investments, One Freedom
     Valley Drive, Oaks, PA 19456 at 10:00 a.m.  Eastern time on October 19,
     2001, and any adjournments or postponements thereof all shares of stock of
     said UAM Funds that the undersigned would be entitled to vote if personally
     present at the Meeting on the proposals set forth below respecting (i) the
     proposed Investment Advisory Agreement between Cooke & Bieler, L.P. and UAM
     Funds on behalf of the C&B Mid Cap Equity Portfolio; and (ii) the proposed
     Agreement and Plan of Reorganization and Liquidation (the "Agreement")
     between the UAM Funds, on behalf of the C&B Mid Cap Equity Portfolio, and
     The Advisors' Inner Circle Fund (the "AIC Trust"), on behalf of the "new"
     C&B Mid Cap Equity Portfolio and, in accordance with their own discretion,
     any other matters properly brought before the Meeting.


PROPOSAL 1.  Approve a new investment advisory agreement between Cooke & Bieler,
             L.P. and UAM Funds, on behalf of the C&B Mid Cap Equity Portfolio,
             a form of which is attached to the Proxy Statement as Exhibit A.

             ____For    ____Against    ____Abstain

PROPOSAL 2.  Approve a reorganization as set forth in an Agreement and Plan of
             Reorganization and Liquidation between UAM Funds, on behalf of the
             C&B Mid Cap Equity Portfolio, and the AIC Trust, on behalf of the
             "new" C&B Mid Cap Equity Portfolio and attached as Exhibit B to the
             Proxy Statement.

             ____For    ____Against     ____Abstain

     This proxy will, when properly executed, be voted as directed herein by the
     signing Shareholder.  If no contrary direction is given when the duly
     executed Proxy is returned, this Proxy will be voted FOR the foregoing
     proposals and will be voted in the appointed proxies' discretion upon such
     other business as may properly come before the Meeting.

     The undersigned acknowledges receipt with this Proxy of a copy of the
     Notice of Special Meeting and the Proxy Statement of the Board of
     Directors.  Your signature(s) on this Proxy should be exactly as your
     name(s) appear on this Proxy.  If the shares are held jointly, each holder
     should sign this Proxy.  Attorneys-in-fact, executors, administrators,
     trustees or guardians should indicate the full title and capacity in which
     they are signing.

     Dated: _____________, 2001             ____________________________
                                            Signature of Shareholder

                                            Signature (Joint owners)

     Please date, sign and return promptly using the enclosed, postage-paid
     envelope whether or not you expect to attend the Meeting; you may,
     nevertheless, vote in person if you do attend.


                                UAM FUNDS, INC.
                           One Freedom Valley Drive
                              Oaks, PA 19456-1100

                            C&B BALANCED PORTFOLIO


     The undersigned, revoking previous proxies with respect to the Shares
     (defined below), hereby appoints Sherry Kajdan Vetterlein and Stephanie
     Cavanagh as proxies and each of them, each with full power of substitution,
     to vote at the Special Meeting of Shareholders (the "Meeting") of the C&B
     Balanced Portfolio of UAM Funds, Inc.  ("UAM Funds") to be held in the
     offices of UAM Funds' administrator, SEI Investments, One Freedom Valley
     Drive, Oaks, PA 19456 at 10:00 a.m.  Eastern time on October 19, 2001, and
     any adjournments or postponements thereof all shares of stock of said UAM
     Funds that the undersigned would be entitled to vote if personally present
     at the Meeting on the proposals set forth below respecting (i) the proposed
     Investment Advisory Agreement between Cooke & Bieler, L.P. and UAM Funds on
     behalf of the C&B Balanced Portfolio; and (ii) the proposed liquidation and
     termination of the C&B Balanced Portfolio, as set forth in a Plan of
     Liquidation adopted by the Board of Directors of UAM Funds, and, in
     accordance with their own discretion, any other matters properly brought
     before the Meeting.


PROPOSAL 1.  Approve a new investment advisory agreement between Cooke & Bieler,
             L.P. and UAM Funds, on behalf of the C&B Balanced Portfolio, a form
             of which is attached to the Proxy Statement as Exhibit A.

             ____For    ____Against    ____Abstain

PROPOSAL 2.  Approve the liquidation and termination of the C&B Balanced
             Portfolio, as set forth in a Plan of Liquidation adopted by the
             Board of Directors of UAM Funds and attached to the Proxy Statement
             as Exhibit C.

             ____For    ____Against     ____Abstain

     This proxy will, when properly executed, be voted as directed herein by the
     signing Shareholder.  If no contrary direction is given when the duly
     executed Proxy is returned, this Proxy will be voted FOR the foregoing
     proposals and will be voted in the appointed proxies' discretion upon such
     other business as may properly come before the Meeting.

     The undersigned acknowledges receipt with this Proxy of a copy of the
     Notice of Special Meeting and the Proxy Statement of the Board of
     Directors.  Your signature(s) on this Proxy should be exactly as your
     name(s) appear on this Proxy.  If the shares are held jointly, each holder
     should sign this Proxy.  Attorneys-in-fact, executors, administrators,
     trustees or guardians should indicate the full title and capacity in which
     they are signing.

     Dated: _____________, 2001            ____________________________
                                           Signature of Shareholder

                                           Signature (Joint owners)

     Please date, sign and return promptly using the enclosed, postage-paid
     envelope whether or not you expect to attend the Meeting; you may,
     nevertheless, vote in person if you do attend.