Quaker City Bancorp, Inc.
Computation of Earnings Per Share

                                                   Three Months
                                                   September 30,
A    Average common shares outstanding..........       4,995,339
B    Net earnings for period....................     $ 4,742,000
     Basic earnings per share [ B / A ].........     $      0.95

     Common share equivalents:
C    Average stock options outstanding..........         726,879
D    Average option exercise price..............     $     13.00
E    Exercise proceeds [ C x D ]................     $ 9,449,427
F    Tax benefit on non-qualified options.......     $ 3,114,509
G    Total exercise proceeds [ E + F ]..........     $12,563,936
H    Average market price in period.............     $     30.41
I    Shares repurchased at market price
      [ G / H ].................................         413,151
J    Increase in common shares [ C - I ]........         313,728
K    Shares outstanding and equivalents
      [ A + J ].................................       5,309,067
L    Net earnings for period....................     $ 4,742,000
     Diluted earnings per share [ L / K ].......     $      0.89