
                                  UNITED STATES
                             Washington, D. C. 20549
                                    FORM 10-Q

                         SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934
                  For the quarterly period ended March 31, 2002
                       THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

 Exact Name of Registrant as             Commission          I.R.S. Employer
   Specified in Its Charter              File Number         Identification No.
- -----------------------------            -----------         ------------------
HAWAIIAN ELECTRIC INDUSTRIES, INC.           1-8503               99-0208097

                            and Principal Subsidiary

HAWAIIAN ELECTRIC COMPANY, INC.              1-4955               99-0040500

                                 State of Hawaii
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
         (State or other jurisdiction of incorporation or organization)

                   900 Richards Street, Honolulu, Hawaii 96813
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              (Address of principal executive offices and zip code)

             Hawaiian Electric Industries, Inc. ----- (808) 543-5662
             Hawaiian Electric Company, Inc. ------- (808) 543-7771
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              (Registrant's telephone number, including area code)

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   (Former name, former address and former fiscal year, if changed since last


Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all reports required
to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 during
the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter period that the registrant was
required to file such reports), and (2) has been subject to such filing
requirements for the past 90 days. Yes  x  No __


Indicate the number of shares outstanding of each of the issuer's classes of
common stock, as of the latest practicable date.

Class of Common Stock                                                         Outstanding May 1, 2002
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Hawaiian Electric Industries, Inc. (Without Par Value).....                      36,150,730 Shares
Hawaiian Electric Company, Inc. ($6 2/3 Par Value).........           12,805,843 Shares (not publicly traded)


               Hawaiian Electric Industries, Inc. and subsidiaries
                Hawaiian Electric Company, Inc. and subsidiaries
                     Form 10-Q--Quarter ended March 31, 2002

                                                                                        Page No.
Glossary of terms ......................................................................      ii
Forward-looking statements .............................................................       v

                          PART I. FINANCIAL INFORMATION

Item  1.    Financial statements
            Hawaiian Electric Industries, Inc. and subsidiaries
            Consolidated balance sheets (unaudited) -
               March 31, 2002 and December 31, 2001 ....................................       1
            Consolidated statements of income (unaudited) -
               three months ended March 31, 2002 and 2001 ..............................       2
            Consolidated statements of changes in stockholders' equity (unaudited) -
               three months ended March 31, 2002 and 2001 ..............................       3
            Consolidated statements of cash flows (unaudited) -
               three months ended March 31, 2002 and 2001 ..............................       4
            Notes to consolidated financial statements (unaudited) .....................       5

            Hawaiian Electric Company, Inc. and subsidiaries
            Consolidated balance sheets (unaudited) -
               March 31, 2002 and December 31, 2001 ....................................      13
            Consolidated statements of income (unaudited) -
               three months ended March 31, 2002 and 2001 ..............................      14
            Consolidated statements of retained earnings (unaudited) -
               three months ended March 31, 2002 and 2001 ..............................      14
            Consolidated statements of cash flows (unaudited) -
               three months ended March 31, 2002 and 2001 ..............................      15
            Notes to consolidated financial statements (unaudited) .....................      16

Item 2.     Management's discussion and analysis of financial condition
               and results of operations ...............................................      29

Item 3.     Quantitative and qualitative disclosures about market risk .................      39

                           PART II. OTHER INFORMATION

Item 1.     Legal proceedings ..........................................................      39
Item 4.     Submission of matters to a vote of security holders ........................      40
Item 5.     Other information ..........................................................      41
Item 6.     Exhibits and reports on Form 8-K ...........................................      43
Signatures .............................................................................      44


               Hawaiian Electric Industries, Inc. and subsidiaries
                Hawaiian Electric Company, Inc. and subsidiaries
                     Form 10-Q--Quarter ended March 31, 2002

                                GLOSSARY OF TERMS

Terms       Definitions
- -----       -----------

AFUDC    Allowance for funds used during construction

ASB      American Savings Bank, F.S.B., a wholly owned subsidiary of HEI
            Diversified, Inc. and parent company of American Savings Investment
            Services Corp. (and its subsidiary since March 15, 2001, Bishop
            Insurance Agency of Hawaii, Inc.), ASB Service Corporation,
            AdCommunications, Inc., American Savings Mortgage Co., Inc. and ASB
            Realty Corporation

BLNR     Board of Land and Natural Resources of the State of Hawaii

CDUP     Conservation District Use Permit

CEPALCO  Cagayan Electric Power & Light Co., Inc.

Company  Hawaiian Electric Industries, Inc. and its direct and indirect
            subsidiaries, including, without limitation, Hawaiian Electric
            Company, Inc., Maui Electric Company, Limited, Hawaii Electric Light
            Company, Inc., HECO Capital Trust I, HECO Capital Trust II, HEI
            Diversified, Inc., American Savings Bank, F.S.B. and its
            subsidiaries, Pacific Energy Conservation Services, Inc., HEI
            District Cooling, Inc., ProVision Technologies, Inc., HEI
            Properties, Inc., HEI Leasing, Inc., Hycap Management, Inc.,
            Hawaiian Electric Industries Capital Trust I, Hawaiian Electric
            Industries Capital Trust II, Hawaiian Electric Industries Capital
            Trust III, HEI Preferred Funding, LP, The Old Oahu Tug Service, Inc.
            (formerly Hawaiian Tug & Barge Corp.), HEI Power Corp. and its
            subsidiaries and Malama Pacific Corp. and its subsidiaries

Consumer Division of Consumer Advocacy, Department of Commerce and Consumer
Advocate    Affairs of the State of Hawaii

D&O      Decision and order

DLNR     Department of Land and Natural Resources of the State of Hawaii

DOH      Department of Health of the State of Hawaii

DRIP     HEI Dividend Reinvestment and Stock Purchase Plan

EAB      Environmental Appeals Board

EAPRC    East Asia Power Resources Corporation

Enserch  Enserch Development Corporation

EPA      Environmental Protection Agency - federal


                          GLOSSARY OF TERMS, continued

Terms       Definitions
- -----       -----------

EPHE     EPHE Philippines Energy Company, Inc.

FASB     Financial Accounting Standards Board

Federal  U.S. Government

FHLB     Federal Home Loan Bank

GAAP     Accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of

Hamakua  Hamakua Energy Partners, L.P., formerly known as Encogen Hawaii, L.P.

HCPC     Hilo Coast Power Company

HECO     Hawaiian Electric Company, Inc., an electric utility subsidiary of
            Hawaiian Electric Industries, Inc. and parent company of Maui
            Electric Company, Limited, Hawaii Electric Light Company, Inc., HECO
            Capital Trust I and HECO Capital Trust II

HEI      Hawaiian Electric Industries, Inc., direct parent company of Hawaiian
            Electric Company, Inc., HEI Diversified, Inc., Pacific Energy
            Conservation Services, Inc., HEI District Cooling, Inc., ProVision
            Technologies, Inc., HEI Properties, Inc., HEI Leasing, Inc., Hycap
            Management, Inc., Hawaiian Electric Industries Capital Trust I,
            Hawaiian Electric Industries Capital Trust II, Hawaiian Electric
            Industries Capital Trust III, The Old Oahu Tug Service, Inc.
            (formerly Hawaiian Tug & Barge Corp.), HEI Power Corp. and Malama
            Pacific Corp.

HEIDI    HEI Diversified, Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of Hawaiian Electric
            Industries, Inc. and the parent company of American Savings Bank,

HEIII    HEI Investments, Inc. (formerly HEI Investment Corp.), a subsidiary of
            HEI Power Corp.

HEIPC    HEI Power Corp., a wholly owned subsidiary of Hawaiian Electric
            Industries, Inc., and the parent company of several subsidiaries.
            On October 23, 2001, the HEI Board of Directors adopted a formal
            plan to exit the international power business (engaged in by HEIPC
            and its subsidiaries) over the next year.

HEIPC    HEI Power Corp. and its subsidiaries

HELCO    Hawaii Electric Light Company, Inc., a wholly owned electric utility
            subsidiary of Hawaiian Electric Company, Inc.

HPG      HEI Power Corp. Guam, a wholly owned subsidiary of HEI Power Corp.


                          GLOSSARY OF TERMS, continued

Terms         Definitions
- -----         -----------

HTB         Hawaiian Tug & Barge Corp. On November 10, 1999, HTB sold
              substantially all of its operating assets and the stock of Young
              Brothers, Limited, and changed its name to The Old Oahu Tug
              Service, Inc.

IMPC        Inner Mongolia Power Company

IPP         Independent power producer

KCP         Kawaihae Cogeneration Partners

KWH         Kilowatthour

MECO        Maui Electric Company, Limited, a wholly owned electric utility
              subsidiary of Hawaiian Electric Company, Inc.

MW          Megawatt

OTS         Office of Thrift Supervision, Department of Treasury

PBR         Performance-based rate-making

PRPs        Potentially responsible parties

PSD permit  Prevention of Significant Deterioration/Covered Source permit

PUC         Public Utilities Commission of the State of Hawaii

ROACE       Return on average common equity

SEC         Securities and Exchange Commission

SFAS        Statement of Financial Accounting Standards

TOOTS       The Old Oahu Tug Service, Inc. (formerly Hawaiian Tug & Barge Corp.
              (HTB)), a wholly owned subsidiary of Hawaiian Electric Industries,
              Inc. On November 10, 1999, HTB sold Young Brothers, Limited and
              substantially all of HTB's operating assets and changed its name

YB          Young Brothers, Limited, which was sold on November 10, 1999, was
              formerly a wholly owned subsidiary of Hawaiian Tug & Barge Corp.


                           FORWARD-LOOKING STATEMENTS

This report and other presentations made by Hawaiian Electric Industries, Inc.
(HEI) and its subsidiaries contain "forward-looking statements," which include
statements that are predictive in nature, depend upon or refer to future events
or conditions, and usually include words such as "expects," "anticipates,"
"intends," "plans," "believes," "predicts," "estimates" or similar expressions.
In addition, any statements concerning future financial performance (including
future revenues, expenses, earnings or losses or growth rates), ongoing business
strategies or prospects and possible future actions, which may be provided by
management, are also forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are
based on current expectations and projections about future events and are
subject to risks, uncertainties and assumptions about HEI and its subsidiaries,
the performance of the industries in which they do business and economic and
market factors, among other things. These forward-looking statements are not
guarantees of future performance.

     Risks, uncertainties and other important factors that could cause actual
results to differ materially from those in forward-looking statements include,
but are not limited to, the following:
    .  the effects of international, national and local economic conditions,
       including the condition of the Hawaii tourist and construction industries
       and the Hawaii housing market;
    .  the effects of weather and natural disasters;
    .  the effects of terrorist acts and the war on terrorism;
    .  the timing and extent of changes in interest rates;
    .  the risks inherent in changes in the value of and market for securities
       available for sale;
    .  product demand and market acceptance risks;
    .  increasing competition in the electric utility and banking industries;
    .  capacity and supply constraints or difficulties;
    .  fuel oil price changes and the continued availability to the electric
       utilities of their energy cost adjustment clauses;
    .  new technological developments;
    .  federal, state and international governmental and regulatory actions,
       including changes in laws, rules and regulations applicable to HEI and
       its subsidiaries; decisions by the Hawaii Public Utilities Commission in
       rate cases and other proceedings and by other agencies and courts on land
       use, environmental and other permitting issues; required corrective
       actions (such as with respect to environmental conditions, capital
       adequacy and business practices); and changes in taxation;
    .  the effects of changes by securities rating agencies in the ratings of
       the securities of HEI and Hawaiian Electric Company, Inc. (HECO);
    .  the results of financing efforts;
    .  the ultimate net proceeds from the disposition of assets and settlement
       of liabilities of discontinued or sold operations;
    .  the ultimate outcome of tax positions taken, including with respect to
       discontinued operations;
    .  the risks inherent in holding for sale financial instruments whose market
       values may change; and
    .  other risks or uncertainties described elsewhere in this report and in
       other periodic reports previously and
       subsequently filed by HEI and/or HECO with the Securities and Exchange
     Forward-looking statements speak only as of the date of the report,
     presentation or filing in which they are made.


                         PART I - FINANCIAL INFORMATION

Item 1.  Financial statements
- -----------------------------
Hawaiian Electric Industries, Inc. and subsidiaries
Consolidated balance sheets  (unaudited)

                                                                                   March 31,   December 31,
(in thousands)                                                                       2002         2001
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------
Cash and equivalents .........................................................    $   211,034  $    450,827
Accounts receivable and unbilled revenues, net ...............................        154,271       164,124
Available-for-sale investment and mortgage/asset-backed securities ...........      1,848,613     1,613,710
Available-for-sale mortgage/asset-backed securities pledged for
    repurchase agreements ....................................................        883,534       756,749
Held-to-maturity investment securities .......................................         85,457        84,211
Loans receivable, net ........................................................      2,798,970     2,857,622
Property, plant and equipment, net of accumulated
    depreciation of $1,360,007 and $1,332,979 ................................      2,058,350     2,067,503
Regulatory assets ............................................................        109,642       111,376
Other ........................................................................        317,112       309,874
Goodwill and other intangibles. ..............................................        101,803       101,947
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                                  $ 8,568,786  $  8,517,943
Liabilities and stockholders' equity
- ------------------------------------
Accounts payable .............................................................    $   125,275  $    119,850
Deposit liabilities ..........................................................      3,664,745     3,679,586
Securities sold under agreements to repurchase ...............................        706,212       683,180
Advances from Federal Home Loan Bank .........................................      1,094,752     1,032,752
Long-term debt ...............................................................      1,136,597     1,145,769
Deferred income taxes ........................................................        183,437       185,436
Contributions in aid of construction .........................................        212,605       213,557
Other ........................................................................        261,706       293,742
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                                    7,385,329     7,353,872
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
HEI- and HECO-obligated preferred securities of trust subsidiaries directly or
    indirectly holding solely HEI and HEI-guaranteed
    and HECO and HECO-guaranteed subordinated debentures .....................        200,000       200,000
Preferred stock of subsidiaries - not subject to mandatory redemption ........         34,406        34,406
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                                      234,406       234,406
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Stockholders' equity
Preferred stock, no par value, authorized 10,000 shares; issued:  none .......              -             -
Common stock, no par value, authorized 100,000 shares; issued
    and outstanding: 36,063 shares and 35,600 shares .........................        805,604       787,374
Retained earnings ............................................................        152,535       147,837
Accumulated other comprehensive loss .........................................         (9,088)       (5,546)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                                      949,051       929,665
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                                  $ 8,568,786  $  8,517,943

See accompanying "Notes to consolidated financial statements."


Hawaiian Electric Industries, Inc. and subsidiaries
Consolidated statements of income (unaudited)

Three months ended March 31                                             2002            2001
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(in thousands, except per share amounts and
   ratio of earnings to fixed charges)
Electric utility. ..................................................  $ 278,331       $ 318,423
Bank ...............................................................     98,842         115,754
Other ..............................................................        263            (840)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                        377,436         433,337
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Electric utility ...................................................    232,727         270,413
Bank ...............................................................     76,671          95,605
Other ..............................................................      4,169           2,385
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                        313,567         368,403
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Operating income (loss)
Electric utility ...................................................     45,604          48,010
Bank ...............................................................     22,171          20,149
Other ..............................................................     (3,906)         (3,225)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                         63,869          64,934
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Interest expense--other than bank ..................................    (18,527)        (19,585)
Allowance for borrowed funds used during construction ..............        355             676
Preferred stock dividends of subsidiaries ..........................       (501)           (502)
Preferred securities distributions of trust subsidiaries ...........     (4,009)         (4,009)
Allowance for equity funds used during construction ................        773           1,265
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Income from continuing operations before income taxes ..............     41,960          42,779
Income taxes .......................................................     15,041          15,015
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Income from continuing operations ..................................     26,919          27,764
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Discontinued operations, net of income taxes
     Loss from operations ..........................................          -             (19)
     Net loss on disposals .........................................          -               -
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Loss from discontinued operations ..................................          -             (19)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net income .........................................................     26,919          27,745
Basic earnings per common share
     Continuing operations .........................................  $    0.75       $    0.84
     Discontinued operations .......................................          -               -
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                      $    0.75       $    0.84
Diluted earnings per common share
     Continuing operations .........................................  $    0.75       $    0.83
     Discontinued operations .......................................          -               -
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                      $    0.75       $    0.83
Dividends per common share. ........................................  $    0.62       $    0.62
Weighted-average number of common shares outstanding ...............     35,818          33,159
     Dilutive effect of stock options and dividend equivalents .....        196             153
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Adjusted weighted-average shares ...................................     36,014          33,312

Ratio of earnings to fixed charges (SEC method)
     Excluding interest on ASB deposits ............................       1.98            1.78
     Including interest on ASB deposits ............................       1.67            1.49

See accompanying "Notes to consolidated financial statements."


Hawaiian Electric Industries, Inc. and subsidiaries
Consolidated statements of changes in stockholders' equity  (unaudited)

                                                            Common stock          Retained     comprehensive
(in thousands)                                         Shares         Amount      earnings     income (loss)     Total
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Balance, December 31, 2001 .......................     35,600      $ 787,374      $ 147,837    $  (5,546)      $ 929,665
Comprehensive income:
   Net income ....................................          -              -         26,919            -          26,919
   Net unrealized losses on securities:
      Net unrealized losses arising during
         the period, net of tax benefits
         of $648 .................................          -              -              -       (3,902)         (3,902)
      Add: reclassification adjustment for net
         losses included in net income, net of
         tax benefits of $248 ....................          -              -              -          360             360
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Comprehensive income (loss) ......................          -              -         26,919       (3,542)         23,377
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Issuance of common stock .........................        463         18,230              -            -          18,230
Common stock dividends ($0.62 per share) .........          -              -        (22,221)           -         (22,221)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Balance, March 31, 2002 ..........................     36,063      $ 805,604      $ 152,535    $  (9,088)      $ 949,051
Balance, December 31, 2000 .......................     32,991      $ 691,925      $ 147,324    $    (190)      $ 839,059
Comprehensive income:
   Net income ....................................          -              -         27,745            -          27,745
   Net unrealized losses on securities:
      Cumulative effect of the adoption of
         SFAS No. 133, net of tax benefits
         of $460 .................................          -              -              -         (559)           (559)
      Net unrealized losses arising during
         the period, net of tax benefits
         of $7,473 ...............................          -              -              -      (13,659)        (13,659)
   Minimum pension liability adjustment,
      net of tax benefits of $30 .................          -              -              -          (48)            (48)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Comprehensive income (loss) ......................          -              -         27,745      (14,266)         13,479
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Issuance of common stock .........................        379         13,196              -            -          13,196
Common stock dividends ($0.62 per share) .........          -              -        (20,539)           -         (20,539)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Balance, March 31, 2001 ..........................     33,370      $ 705,121      $ 154,530    $ (14,456)      $ 845,195

See accompanying "Notes to consolidated financial statements."


Hawaiian Electric Industries, Inc. and subsidiaries
Consolidated statements of cash flows (unaudited)

Three months ended March 31                                                                            2002          2001
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(in thousands)
Cash flows from operating activities
Income from continuing operations ....................................................              $  26,919      $  27,764
Adjustments to reconcile income from continuing operations to net cash provided by
   operating activities
      Depreciation of property, plant and equipment ..................................                 28,790         27,015
      Other amortization .............................................................                  5,729          3,862
      Provision for loan losses ......................................................                  3,500          3,000
      Deferred income taxes ..........................................................                 (1,598)           212
      Allowance for equity funds used during construction ............................                   (773)        (1,265)
      Changes in assets and liabilities
            Decrease in accounts receivable and unbilled revenues, net ...............                  9,853         26,214
            Increase in accounts payable .............................................                  5,425            309
            Changes in other assets and liabilities ..................................                (30,736)       (30,477)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net cash provided by operating activities ............................................                 47,109         56,634
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Cash flows from investing activities
Proceeds from sale of investment securities ..........................................                      -         12,157
Available-for-sale mortgage/asset-backed securities purchased ........................               (740,813)      (189,706)
Principal repayments on available-for-sale mortgage/asset-backed securities ..........                349,988         82,132
Proceeds from sale of mortgage/asset-backed securities ...............................                 17,286         23,713
Loans receivable originated and purchased ............................................               (259,780)      (177,139)
Principal repayments on loans receivable .............................................                214,875        135,017
Proceeds from sale of loans ..........................................................                 98,124         35,124
Capital expenditures .................................................................                (21,064)       (26,161)
Other ................................................................................                  3,648          4,785
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net cash used in investing activities ................................................               (337,736)      (100,078)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Cash flows from financing activities
Net increase (decrease) in deposit liabilities .......................................                (14,841)        52,488
Net increase in short-term borrowings with original maturities of three
months or less .......................................................................                      -         57,066
Repayment of other short-term borrowings .............................................                      -         (3,000)
Net increase in retail repurchase agreements .........................................                  4,405             35
Proceeds from securities sold under agreements to repurchase .........................                518,000        296,132
Repayments of securities sold under agreements to repurchase .........................               (496,650)      (283,232)
Proceeds from advances from Federal Home Loan Bank ...................................                100,000          7,000
Principal payments on advances from Federal Home Loan Bank ...........................                (38,000)       (52,000)
Proceeds from issuance of long-term debt .............................................                  3,277          9,595
Repayment of long-term debt ..........................................................                (12,500)       (35,000)
Preferred securities distributions of trust subsidiaries .............................                 (4,009)        (4,009)
Net proceeds from issuance of common stock ...........................................                 14,148          8,936
Common stock dividends ...............................................................                (18,139)       (16,517)
Other ................................................................................                 (6,189)       (10,732)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net cash provided by financing activities ............................................                 49,502         26,762
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net cash provided by (used in) discontinued operations ...............................                  1,332           (378)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net decrease in cash and equivalents .................................................               (239,793)       (17,060)
Cash and equivalents, beginning of period ............................................                450,827        212,783
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Cash and equivalents, end of period ..................................................              $ 211,034      $ 195,723

See accompanying "Notes to consolidated financial statements."


Hawaiian Electric Industries, Inc. and subsidiaries
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(1) Basis of presentation
- -------------------------

The accompanying unaudited consolidated financial statements have been prepared
in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States
of America (GAAP) for interim financial information and with the instructions to
SEC Form 10-Q and Article 10 of Regulation S-X. Accordingly, they do not include
all of the information and footnotes required by GAAP for complete financial
statements. In preparing the financial statements, management is required to
make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and
liabilities and disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of
the balance sheet and the reported amounts of revenues and expenses for the
period. Actual results could differ significantly from those estimates. The
accompanying unaudited consolidated financial statements should be read in
conjunction with the consolidated financial statements and the notes thereto
incorporated by reference in HEI's Annual Report on SEC Form 10-K for the year
ended December 31, 2001.

In the opinion of HEI's management, the accompanying unaudited consolidated
financial statements contain all material adjustments required by GAAP to
present fairly the Company's financial position as of March 31, 2002 and
December 31, 2001, and the results of its operations and its cash flows for the
three months ended March 31, 2002 and 2001. All such adjustments are of a normal
recurring nature, unless otherwise disclosed in this Form 10-Q or other
referenced material. Results of operations for interim periods are not
necessarily indicative of results for the full year.

When required, certain reclassifications are made to the prior period's
consolidated financial statements to conform to the 2002 presentation.


(2)  Segment financial information
- ----------------------------------

Segment financial information was as follows:

(in thousands)                                                 Utility       Bank          Other        Total
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Three months ended March 31, 2002
Revenues from external customers ........................  $   278,330    $   98,842    $      264  $   377,436
Intersegment revenues (eliminations) ....................            1             -            (1)           -
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     Revenues ...........................................      278,331        98,842           263      377,436
Profit (loss)* ..........................................       33,228        20,773       (12,041)      41,960
Income taxes (benefit) ..................................       12,869         7,422        (5,250)      15,041
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     Income (loss) from continuing operations ...........       20,359        13,351        (6,791)      26,919
Assets (at March 31, 2002, including net assets of
     discontinued operations) ...........................    2,373,495     6,072,538       122,753    8,568,786

Three months ended March 31, 2001
Revenues from external customers ........................  $   318,421    $  115,754    $     (838) $   433,337
Intersegment revenues (eliminations) ....................            2             -            (2)           -
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     Revenues ...........................................      318,423       115,754          (840)     433,337
Profit (loss)* ..........................................       35,001        18,737       (10,959)      42,779
Income taxes (benefit) ..................................       13,576         6,862        (5,423)      15,015
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     Income (loss) from continuing operations ...........       21,425        11,875        (5,536)      27,764
Assets (at March 31, 2001, including net assets of
     discontinued operations) ...........................    2,366,829     6,010,289       154,904    8,532,022

* Income (loss) from continuing operations before income taxes.

Revenues attributed to foreign countries and long-lived assets located in
foreign countries as of the dates and for the periods identified above were not


(3)  Electric utility subsidiary
- --------------------------------

For HECO's consolidated financial information, including its commitments and
contingencies, see pages 13 through 28.

(4)  Bank subsidiary
- --------------------

Selected financial information

American Savings Bank, F.S.B. and subsidiaries
Consolidated balance sheet data

                                                               March 31,       December 31,
(in thousands)                                                   2002             2001
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Cash and equivalents ......................................   $  177,639       $   425,595
Available-for-sale mortgage/asset-backed securities .......    1,835,533         1,598,100
Available-for-sale mortgage/asset-backed securities
     pledged for repurchase agreements ....................      883,534           756,749
Held-to-maturity investment securities ....................       85,457            84,211
Loans receivable, net .....................................    2,798,970         2,857,622
Other .....................................................      189,602           187,224
Goodwill and other intangibles ............................      101,803           101,947
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                              $6,072,538       $ 6,011,448
Liabilities and equity
Deposit liabilities .......................................   $3,664,745       $ 3,679,586
Securities sold under agreements to repurchase ............      706,212           683,180
Advances from Federal Home Loan Bank ......................    1,094,752         1,032,752
Other .....................................................      120,746           130,494
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                               5,586,455         5,526,012
Minority interests and preferred stock of subsidiary ......        3,454             3,409
Preferred stock ...........................................       75,000            75,000

Common stock ..............................................      243,029           242,786
Retained earnings .........................................      171,226           165,564
Accumulated other comprehensive loss ......................       (6,626)           (1,323)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                 407,629           407,027
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                              $6,072,538       $ 6,011,448


American Savings Bank, F.S.B. and subsidiaries
Consolidated income statement data

Three months ended March 31                               2002           2001
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(in thousands)

Interest income ....................................    $ 85,654       $107,601
Interest expense ...................................      38,116         60,500
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net interest income ................................      47,538         47,101
Provision for loan losses ..........................      (3,500)        (3,000)
Other income .......................................      13,188          8,153
Operating, administrative and general expenses .....     (35,055)       (32,105)
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Operating income ...................................      22,171         20,149
Minority interests .................................          45             59
Income taxes .......................................       7,422          6,862
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Income before preferred stock dividends ............      14,704         13,228
Preferred stock dividends ..........................       1,353          1,353
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net income .........................................    $ 13,351       $ 11,875

Disposition of certain debt securities

In June 2000, the Office of Thrift Supervision (OTS) advised American Savings
Bank, F.S.B. (ASB) that four series of trust certificates, in the original
aggregate principal amount of $114 million, were impermissible investments under
regulations applicable to federal savings banks and subsequently directed that
ASB dispose of the securities. The original trust certificates were purchased
through two brokers and represented (i) the right to receive the principal
amount of the trust certificates at maturity from an Aaa-rated swap counterparty
(principal swap) and (ii) the right to receive the cash flow received on
subordinated notes (income class notes). ASB recognized interest income on these
securities on a cash basis. In 2000, ASB reclassified these trust certificates
from held-to-maturity status to available-for-sale status in its financial
statements and recognized a $3.8 million net loss on the writedown of these
securities to their then-current estimated fair value. In the first six months
of 2001, ASB recognized an additional $4.0 million net loss on the writedown of
three series of these trust certificates to their then-current estimated fair
value. In April 2001, ASB sold one issue of trust certificates, which had an
original principal balance of approximately $30 million, for an amount
approximating the original purchase price.

After demanding that the broker through whom the other three issues of trust
certificates were purchased buy them back from ASB or rescind the transaction,
ASB filed a lawsuit against the broker seeking rescission or other remedies,
including recovery of any losses ASB may incur as a result of its purchase and
ownership of these trust certificates.

To bring ASB into compliance with the OTS direction, ASB directed the trustees
to terminate the principal swaps on the three issues. The related income class
notes were sold by the swap counterparty to HEI. In May 2001, HEI purchased two
series of the income class notes for approximately $21 million and, in July
2001, HEI purchased the third series of income class notes for approximately $7
million. Due to the uncertainty of future cash flows, HEI is accounting for the
income class notes under the cost recovery method of accounting. In the second
half of 2001 and the first quarter of 2002, HEI recognized a $5.6 million and a
$0.6 million, respectively, net loss on the writedown of the three income class
notes to their then-current estimated fair value based upon an independent third
party valuation that is updated quarterly. As of March 31, 2002, the fair value
and carrying value of the three income class notes were $13.1 million. HEI could
incur additional losses from the ultimate disposition of these income class
notes from further "other-than-temporary" declines in their fair value. ASB has
agreed to indemnify HEI against such losses, but the indemnity obligation is
payable solely out of any recoveries achieved in the


litigation against the broker who sold the related trust certificates to ASB. In
2002, the broker filed a counterclaim alleging misrepresentation and fraud among
other allegations. The ultimate outcome of the litigation against the broker
cannot be determined at this time.

ASB Realty Corporation

In March 1998, ASB formed a subsidiary, ASB Realty Corporation, which elects to
be taxed as a real estate investment trust. This reorganization has reduced
HEIDI's and ASB's state income taxes by $1.0 million for the three months ended
March 31, 2002 and $12.3 million for prior years. Although a State of Hawaii
Department of Taxation tax auditor has challenged ASB's position that it is
entitled to a dividends received deduction on dividends paid to it by ASB Realty
Corporation, ASB believes that its tax position is proper.

(5)  Discontinued operations
- ----------------------------

HEI Power Corp. (HEIPC)

On October 23, 2001, the HEI Board of Directors adopted a formal plan to exit
the international power business (engaged in by HEIPC and its subsidiaries, the
HEIPC Group) over the next year. HEIPC management has commenced a program to
dispose of all of the HEIPC Group's remaining projects and investments.
Accordingly, the HEIPC Group has been reported as a discontinued operation in
the Company's consolidated statements of income.

Guam project
- ------------

In September 1996, HEI Power Corp. Guam (HPG), entered into an energy conversion
agreement for approximately 20 years with the Guam Power Authority, pursuant to
which HPG repaired and operated two oil-fired 25 megawatt (MW) (net) units in
Tanguisson, Guam. In November 2001, HEI sold HPG for a nominal gain.

China project
- -------------

In 1998 and 1999, the HEIPC Group acquired what is now a 75% interest in a joint
venture, Baotou Tianjiao Power Co., Ltd. (Tianjiao), formed to construct, own
and operate a 200 MW (net) coal-fired power plant to be located in Inner
Mongolia. The power plant was intended to be built "inside the fence" for Baotou
Iron & Steel (Group) Co., Ltd. The project received approval from both the
national and Inner Mongolia governments. However, the Inner Mongolia Power
Company (IMPC), which owns and operates the electricity grid in Inner Mongolia,
caused a delay of the project by failing to enter into a satisfactory
interconnection arrangement with the joint venture. The IMPC was seeking to
limit the joint venture's load, which is inconsistent with the terms of the
project approvals and the power purchase contract. Upon appeal to the Inner
Mongolia government, the Inner Mongolia Economic and Trade Committee (the
regulator of the electric utility industry) refused to enforce the HEIPC Group's
rights associated with the approved project. The HEIPC Group has determined that
a satisfactory interconnection arrangement cannot be obtained and intends to
withdraw from the project. (An indirect subsidiary of HEIPC has a conditional,
nonrecourse commitment to invest an additional investment in Tianjiao, but it is
HEIPC's position that the conditions to this commitment have not been satisfied
and no further investment will be made.) In the third quarter of 2001, the HEIPC
Group wrote off its remaining investment of approximately $24 million in the
project. The HEIPC Group is pursuing and evaluating remedies to recover the
costs incurred in connection with the joint venture interest; however, there can
be no assurance that any amounts will be recovered.

Philippines investments
- -----------------------

In March 2000, the HEIPC Group acquired a 50% interest in EPHE Philippines
Energy Company, Inc. (EPHE), an indirect subsidiary of El Paso Corporation, for
$87.5 million. EPHE then owned approximately 91.7% of the common shares of East
Asia Power Resources Corporation (EAPRC), a Philippines holding company
primarily engaged in the electric generation business in Manila and Cebu through
its subsidiaries. Due to the equity losses of $24.1 million incurred in 2000
from the investment in EPHE and the changes in the political and economic
conditions related to the investment (primarily devaluation of the Philippine
peso and increase in fuel oil prices), management determined that the investment
in EAPRC was impaired and, on December 31, 2000, wrote off the remaining $65.7
million investment in EAPRC. On December 31, 2000, the Company also accrued a
potential payment obligation under an HEI guaranty of $10 million of EAPRC
loans. In the first quarter of 2001, HEI was partially released from the
guaranty obligation and the Company reversed $1.5 million ($0.9 million, net of


taxes) of the $10 million accrued on December 31, 2000. The remaining guaranty
obligation amounts to $8.5 million.

In December 1998, the HEIPC Group invested $7.6 million to acquire convertible
preferred shares in Cagayan Electric Power & Light Co., Inc. (CEPALCO), an
electric distribution company in the Philippines. In September 1999, the HEIPC
Group also acquired 5% of the outstanding CEPALCO common stock for $2.1 million.
In July 2001, the preferred shares were converted to common stock. The HEIPC
Group currently owns approximately 22% of the outstanding common stock of
CEPALCO. This investment is classified as available for sale. The HEIPC Group
recognized an impairment loss of approximately $2.7 million in the third quarter
of 2001 to adjust this investment to its estimated net realizable value.

For the three months ended March 31, 2001, the HEIPC Group had revenues from
operations of $1.5 million, operating income of $0.8 million, interest expense
of $0.4 million and income taxes of $0.4 million. As of March 31, 2002, the
remaining net assets of the discontinued international power operations, after
the writeoffs and writedowns described above, amounted to $7 million (included
in "Other" assets) and consisted primarily of the investment in CEPALCO and
deferred taxes receivable, reduced by a reserve for losses from operations
during the phase-out period and a $10 million guaranty obligation (subsequently
reduced to $8.5 million). The amounts that HEIPC will ultimately realize from
the disposition or sale of the international power assets could differ
materially from the recorded amounts. No assurance can be given that additional
reserves for losses from operations during the phase-out period will not be

(6)  Cash flows
- ---------------

Supplemental disclosures of cash flow information

For the three months ended March 31, 2002 and 2001, the Company paid interest
amounting to $43.2 million and $64.8 million, respectively.

For the three months ended March 31, 2002 and 2001, the Company paid income
taxes amounting to $2.4 million and $13.2 million, respectively.

Supplemental disclosures of noncash activities

Under the HEI DRIP, common stock dividends reinvested by shareholders in HEI
common stock in noncash transactions amounted to $4.1 million and $4.0 million
for the three months ended March 31, 2002 and 2001, respectively.

(7)  Recent accounting pronouncement
- ------------------------------------

Asset retirement obligations

In June 2001, the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) issued Statement
of Financial Accounting Standards (SFAS) No. 143, "Accounting for Asset
Retirement Obligations," which requires that the fair value of a liability for
an asset retirement obligation be recognized in the period in which it is
incurred if a reasonable estimate of fair value can be made. The associated
asset retirement costs would be capitalized as part of the carrying amount of
the long-lived asset and depreciated over the life of the asset. The discounted
liability would be accreted at the end of each period through charges to
operating expense. If the obligation were settled for other than the carrying
amount of the liability, the Company would recognize a gain or loss on
settlement. The provisions of SFAS No. 143 are effective for fiscal years
beginning after June 15, 2002. The Company will adopt SFAS No. 143 on January 1,
2003, but management has not yet determined the impact, if any, of adoption.

(8)  Commitments and contingencies
- ----------------------------------

See note (4), "Bank subsidiary," and note (5), "Discontinued operations," above
and note (3), "Commitments and contingencies," in HECO's "Notes to consolidated
financial statements."


(9)  Goodwill and other intangibles
- -----------------------------------

The Company adopted the provisions of SFAS No. 142, "Goodwill and Other
Intangible Assets" on January 1, 2002. SFAS No. 142 requires that goodwill and
intangible assets with indefinite useful lives no longer be amortized, but
instead be tested for impairment at least annually. SFAS No. 142 also requires
that intangible assets with definite useful lives be amortized over their
respective estimated useful lives to their estimated residual values, and
reviewed for impairment in accordance with SFAS No. 121.


The Company's $83.2 million of goodwill is in the bank segment and was tested
for impairment as of January 1, 2002 and will be tested for impairment annually
in the third quarter. As of January 1, 2002, there was no impairment of
goodwill. The fair value of the bank was estimated using a valuation method
based on a market approach, which takes into consideration market values of
comparable publicly traded companies and recent transactions of companies in the

Application of the provisions of SFAS No. 142 has affected the comparability of
current period results of operations with prior periods because the goodwill in
the bank segment is no longer being amortized over a 25 year period. Thus, the
following "transitional" disclosures present net income and earnings per common
share "adjusted" in 2001 as shown below:

Three months ended March 31                                2002        2001
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(in thousands, except per share amounts)

Reported net income ................................     $ 26,919    $ 27,745
Add back: goodwill amortization ....................            -         954
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Adjusted net income ................................     $ 26,919    $ 28,699
Basic earnings per common share
     Reported net income ...........................     $   0.75    $   0.84
     Goodwill amortization .........................            -        0.03
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     Adjusted net income ...........................     $   0.75    $   0.87
Diluted earnings per common share
     Reported net income ...........................     $   0.75    $   0.83
     Goodwill amortization .........................            -        0.03
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     Adjusted net income ...........................     $   0.75    $   0.86

Reported net income ................................     $ 13,351    $ 11,875
Add back: goodwill amortization ....................            -         954
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Adjusted net income ................................     $ 13,351    $ 12,829


Amortized intangible assets

                                            March 31, 2002                 December 31, 2001
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                  Gross carrying     Accumulated    Gross carrying     Accumulated
(in thousands)                        amount        amortization        amount        amortization
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Core deposits ...................  $  26,520          $ 16,687          $  26,520       $ 16,254
Mortgage servicing rights .......     11,677             2,907             11,025          2,544
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                   $  38,197          $ 19,594          $  37,545       $ 18,798

Three months ended March 31                                                2002            2001
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(in thousands)
Aggregate amortization expense ......................                   $     796       $    577

The estimated aggregate amortization expense for 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 and 2006
is $2.9 million, $3.1 million, $2.9 million, $2.7 million and $2.6 million,

During the three month period ended March 31, 2002, mortgage servicing rights
acquired were not significant.


Hawaiian Electric Company, Inc. and subsidiaries
Consolidated balance sheets  (unaudited)

                                                                                          March 31,     December 31,
(in thousands, except par value)                                                            2002            2001
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Utility plant, at cost
   Land ..............................................................................  $     29,715    $    31,689
   Plant and equipment ...............................................................     3,101,570      3,068,254
   Less accumulated depreciation .....................................................    (1,291,023)    (1,266,332)
   Plant acquisition adjustment, net .................................................           341            354
   Construction in progress ..........................................................       157,052        170,558
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
         Net utility plant ...........................................................     1,997,655      2,004,523
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Current assets
   Cash and equivalents ..............................................................           300          1,858
   Customer accounts receivable, net .................................................        73,125         81,872
   Accrued unbilled revenues, net ....................................................        50,977         52,623
   Other accounts receivable, net ....................................................         2,424          2,652
   Fuel oil stock, at average cost ...................................................        25,564         24,440
   Materials and supplies, at average cost ...........................................        20,803         19,702
   Prepayments and other .............................................................        57,966         53,744
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
         Total current assets ........................................................       231,159        236,891
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Other assets
   Regulatory assets .................................................................       109,642        111,376
   Other .............................................................................        35,039         36,948
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
         Total other assets ..........................................................       144,681        148,324
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                                        $  2,373,495    $ 2,389,738
Capitalization and liabilities
   Common stock, $6 2/3 par value, authorized
      50,000 shares; outstanding 12,806 shares .......................................  $     85,387    $    85,387
   Premium on capital stock ..........................................................       295,839        295,806
   Retained earnings .................................................................       507,087        495,961
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
         Common stock equity .........................................................       888,313        877,154
   Cumulative preferred stock - not subject to mandatory redemption ..................        34,293         34,293
   HECO-obligated mandatorily redeemable trust preferred securities of subsidiary
      trusts holding solely HECO and HECO-guaranteed debentures ......................       100,000        100,000
   Long-term debt ....................................................................       674,002        670,674
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
         Total capitalization ........................................................     1,696,608      1,682,121
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Current liabilities
   Long-term debt due within one year ................................................         9,595         14,595
   Short-term borrowings-affiliate ...................................................        47,826         48,297
   Accounts payable ..................................................................        52,653         53,966
   Interest and preferred dividends payable ..........................................        16,995         11,765
   Taxes accrued .....................................................................        64,654         86,058
   Other .............................................................................        24,284         29,799
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
         Total current liabilities ...................................................       216,007        244,480
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Deferred credits and other liabilities
   Deferred income taxes .............................................................       145,930        145,608
   Unamortized tax credits ...........................................................        48,816         48,512
   Other .............................................................................        53,529         55,460
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
         Total deferred credits and other liabilities ................................       248,275        249,580
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Contributions in aid of construction .................................................       212,605        213,557
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                                        $  2,373,495    $ 2,389,738

See accompanying "Notes to consolidated financial statements."


Hawaiian Electric Company, Inc. and subsidiaries
Consolidated statements of income  (unaudited)

Three months ended March 31                                                                     2002                2001
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(in thousands, except for ratio of earnings to fixed charges)
Operating revenues .....................................................................     $ 277,333           $ 317,293
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Operating expenses
Fuel oil ...............................................................................        59,235              88,245
Purchased power ........................................................................        77,101              81,916
Other operation ........................................................................        29,223              29,774
Maintenance ............................................................................        14,012              15,197
Depreciation ...........................................................................        26,360              24,609
Taxes, other than income taxes .........................................................        26,690              30,491
Income taxes ...........................................................................        12,791              13,604
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                                               245,412             283,836
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Operating income .......................................................................        31,921              33,457
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Other income
Allowance for equity funds used during construction ....................................           773               1,265
Other, net .............................................................................           815                 977
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                                                 1,588               2,242
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Income before interest and other charges ...............................................        33,509              35,699
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Interest and other charges
Interest on long-term debt .............................................................        10,136               9,929
Amortization of net bond premium and expense ...........................................           500                 530
Other interest charges .................................................................           451               2,073
Allowance for borrowed funds used during construction ..................................          (355)               (676)
Preferred stock dividends of subsidiaries ..............................................           229                 229
Preferred securities distributions of trust subsidiaries ...............................         1,919               1,919
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                                                12,880              14,004
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Income before preferred stock dividends of HECO ........................................        20,629              21,695
Preferred stock dividends of HECO ......................................................           270                 270
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net income for common stock ............................................................     $  20,359           $  21,425
Ratio of earnings to fixed charges (SEC method) ........................................          3.45                3.29

Hawaiian Electric Company, Inc. and subsidiaries
Consolidated statements of retained earnings  (unaudited)

Three months ended March 31                                                                     2002                2001
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(in thousands)
Retained earnings, beginning of period .................................................     $ 495,961           $ 443,970
Net income for common stock ............................................................        20,359              21,425
Common stock dividends .................................................................        (9,233)                  -
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Retained earnings, end of period .......................................................     $ 507,087           $ 465,395

HEI owns all the common stock of HECO. Therefore, per share data with respect to
shares of common stock of HECO are not meaningful.

See accompanying "Notes to consolidated financial statements."


Hawaiian Electric Company, Inc. and subsidiaries
Consolidated statements of cash flows (unaudited)

Three months ended March 31                                                                  2002                2001
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(in thousands)
Cash flows from operating activities

Income before preferred stock dividends of HECO .............................                $  20,629           $  21,695
Adjustments to reconcile income before preferred stock dividends of HECO to
 net cash provided by operating activities
      Depreciation of property, plant and equipment .........................                   26,360              24,609
      Other amortization ....................................................                    3,063               3,206
      Deferred income taxes .................................................                      322               1,341
      Tax credits, net ......................................................                      695                 267
      Allowance for equity funds used during construction ...................                     (773)             (1,265)
      Changes in assets and liabilities
           Decrease in accounts receivable  .................................                    8,975              16,751
           Decrease in accrued unbilled revenues ............................                    1,646               9,129
           Decrease (increase) in fuel oil stock ............................                   (1,124)              1,312
           Increase in materials and supplies ...............................                   (1,101)             (1,946)
           Increase in regulatory assets ....................................                     (446)               (695)
           Decrease in accounts payable .....................................                   (1,313)            (21,889)
           Changes in other assets and liabilities ..........................                  (20,071)            (16,571)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net cash provided by operating activities ...................................                   36,862              35,944
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Cash flows from investing activities
Capital expenditures ........................................................                  (20,893)            (24,485)
Contributions in aid of construction ........................................                    1,800               1,803
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net cash used in investing activities .......................................                  (19,093)            (22,682)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Cash flows from financing activities
Common stock dividends ......................................................                   (9,233)                  -
Preferred stock dividends ...................................................                     (270)               (270)
Preferred securities distributions of trust subsidiaries ....................                   (1,919)             (1,919)
Proceeds from issuance of long-term debt ....................................                    3,277               9,595
Repayment of long-term debt .................................................                   (5,000)                  -
Net decrease in short-term borrowings from nonaffiliates and affiliate
   with original maturities of three months or less .........................                     (471)            (11,333)
Repayment of other short-term borrowings ....................................                        -              (3,000)
Other .......................................................................                   (5,711)             (7,450)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net cash used in financing activities .......................................                  (19,327)            (14,377)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net decrease in cash and equivalents ........................................                   (1,558)             (1,115)
Cash and equivalents, beginning of period ...................................                    1,858               1,534
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Cash and equivalents, end of period .........................................                $     300           $     419

See accompanying "Notes to consolidated financial statements."


Hawaiian Electric Company, Inc. and subsidiaries
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(1)  Basis of presentation
- --------------------------

The accompanying unaudited consolidated financial statements have been prepared
in conformity with GAAP for interim financial information and with the
instructions to SEC Form 10-Q and Article 10 of Regulation S-X. Accordingly,
they do not include all of the information and footnotes required by GAAP for
complete financial statements. In preparing the financial statements, management
is required to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts
of assets and liabilities and disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at
the date of the balance sheet and the reported amounts of revenues and expenses
for the period. Actual results could differ significantly from those estimates.
The accompanying unaudited consolidated financial statements should be read in
conjunction with the consolidated financial statements and the notes thereto
incorporated by reference in HECO's Annual Report on SEC Form 10-K for the year
ended December 31, 2001.

In the opinion of HECO's management, the accompanying unaudited consolidated
financial statements contain all material adjustments required by GAAP to
present fairly the financial position of HECO and its subsidiaries as of March
31, 2002 and December 31, 2001, and the results of their operations and cash
flows for the three months ended March 31, 2002 and 2001. All such adjustments
are of a normal recurring nature, unless otherwise disclosed in this Form 10-Q
or other referenced material. Results of operations for interim periods are not
necessarily indicative of results for the full year.

When required, certain reclassifications are made to the prior period's
consolidated financial statements to conform to the 2002 presentation.

(2)  Cash flows
- ---------------

Supplemental disclosures of cash flow information

For the three months ended March 31, 2002 and 2001, HECO and its subsidiaries
paid interest amounting to $5.4 million and $5.5 million, respectively.

For the three months ended March 31, 2002 and 2001, HECO and its subsidiaries
paid income taxes amounting to $6.8 million and $3.4 million, respectively.

Supplemental disclosure of noncash activities

The allowance for equity funds used during construction, which was charged to
construction in progress as part of the cost of electric utility plant, amounted
to $0.8 million and $1.3 million for the three months ended March 31, 2002 and
2001, respectively.

(3)  Commitments and contingencies
- ----------------------------------

HELCO power situation

In 1991, HELCO began planning to meet increased electric generation demand
forecasted for 1994. HELCO's plans were to install at its Keahole power plant
two 20 MW combustion turbines (CT-4 and CT-5), followed by an 18 MW heat steam
recovery generator (ST-7), at which time these units would be converted to a 56
MW (net) dual-train combined-cycle unit. In January 1994, the PUC approved
expenditures for CT-4, which HELCO had planned to install in late 1994. The
timing of the installation of HELCO's phased units has been revised on several
occasions due to delays in obtaining an amendment of a land use permit from the
Hawaii Board of Land and Natural Resources (BLNR) and an air permit from the
Department of Health of the State of Hawaii (DOH) and the U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA) for the Keahole power plant site. The delays are also
attributable to lawsuits, claims and petitions filed by independent power
producers (IPPs) and other parties challenging these permits and objecting to
the expansion, alleging among other things that (1) operation of the expanded
Keahole site


would not comply with land use regulations (including noise standards) and
HELCO's land patent; (2) HELCO cannot operate the plant within current air
quality standards; (3) HELCO could alternatively purchase power from IPPs to
meet increased electric generation demand; and (4) HELCO's land use entitlement
expired in April 1999 and HELCO's request for an extension must be heard in a
contested case hearing.

As of April 29, 2002, following the favorable decisions described below, HELCO
is proceeding with construction.

Land use permit amendment. The Circuit Court ruled in 1997 that because the BLNR
- -------------------------
had failed to render a valid decision on HELCO's application to amend its land
use permit before the statutory deadline in April 1996, HELCO was entitled to
use its Keahole site for the expansion project (HELCO's "default entitlement").
Final judgments of the Circuit Court related to this ruling are on appeal to the
Hawaii Supreme Court, which in 1998 denied motions to stay the Circuit Court's
final judgment pending resolution of the appeals.

The Circuit Court's final judgment provided that HELCO must comply with the
conditions in its application and with the standard land use conditions insofar
as those conditions were not inconsistent with HELCO's default entitlement.
There have been numerous proceedings before the Circuit Court and the BLNR in
which certain parties (a) have sought determinations of what conditions apply to
HELCO's default entitlement, (b) have claimed that HELCO has not complied with
applicable land use conditions and that its default entitlement should thus be
forfeited, (c) have claimed that HELCO will not be able to operate the proposed
plant without violating applicable land use conditions and provisions of
Hawaii's Air Pollution Control Act and Noise Pollution Act and (d) have sought
orders enjoining any further construction at the Keahole site. There has not
been a final resolution of these claims.

Some of the more significant developments to date include the three rulings and
subsequent developments described here. First, based on a change by the DOH in
its interpretation of the noise rules it promulgated under the Hawaii Noise
Pollution Act, the Circuit Court ruled that a stricter noise standard than the
previously applied standard applies to HELCO's plant, but left enforcement of
the ruling to the DOH. The DOH has not taken any formal enforcement action. If
and when the DOH actually enforces the stricter standards, HELCO may, among
other things, assert that the noise regulations, as applied to it at Keahole,
are unconstitutional. Meanwhile, while not waiving possible claims or defenses
that it might have against the DOH, HELCO has installed noise mitigation
measures on the existing units at Keahole and is exploring possible noise
mitigation measures, which can be implemented, if necessary, for CT-4 and CT-5.

Second, in September 2000, the Circuit Court orally ruled that, absent a legal
or equitable extension properly authorized by the BLNR, the three-year
construction period in the standard land use conditions of the Department of
Land and Natural Resources of the State of Hawaii (DLNR) expired in April 1999.
In October 2000, HELCO filed with the BLNR a request for extension of the
construction deadline and, in January 2001, the BLNR sent the request to a
contested case hearing, which was held in September 2001. The BLNR, by Order
dated March 25, 2002, granted HELCO an extension through December 31, 2003. The
extension is subject to a number of conditions, including, but not limited to,
HELCO: complying with all applicable laws and with all conditions applicable to
the default entitlement, including the 15 standard land use conditions (except
where deviations are approved by the BLNR), and to each Conservation District
Use Permit and amendment previously awarded to HELCO for this site; agreeing to
indemnify and hold the State harmless from claims arising out of any act or
omission of HELCO relating to the "permit"; proceeding with construction in
accordance with construction plans to be submitted to and signed by the
chairperson of the BLNR; obtaining approval of the DOH and the Board of Water
Supply for any potable water supply or sanitation facilities; complying with
HELCO's representations relative to mitigation, as set forth in the accepted
environmental impact statement; minimizing or eliminating any interference,
nuisance or harm which may be caused by this land use; filing, within 90 days of
the Order, an application for boundary amendment with the State Land Use
Commission to remove the site from the conservation district; and complying with
other terms and conditions as prescribed by the chairperson of the BLNR. The
Order states that failure to comply with any of these conditions shall render
the "permit" void. The Order also states that "no further extensions will be
provided." HELCO's assessment is that it will be able to comply with each of the
conditions in the Order. Two appeals of the Order have been filed. At a hearing
to be held on May 8, 2002, the Circuit Court is scheduled to


address a motion for a stay while one of the appeals is pending; a motion for
injunction to enjoin construction (based on the allegation that HELCO's default
entitlement is no longer valid) and a motion for preliminary injunction to
enjoin construction until the Hawaii Supreme Court decides HELCO's appeal of the
Department of Health noise regulations and until HELCO demonstrates that the
expanded plant can satisfy the noise standards established in 1999 by the
Circuit Court. HELCO believes that it will prevail on the appeals and various
motions scheduled to be heard on May 8, 2002 and does not expect that any stay
request or injunction will be granted.

Third, in December 2000, the Circuit Court granted a motion to stay further
construction until extension of the construction deadline is obtained from the
BLNR, at which time the Circuit Court would consider lifting the stay. In light
of the BLNR's March 25, 2002 Order, HELCO filed a motion with the Circuit Court
on April 4, 2002 to lift the stay, and the motion was granted on April 22, 2002.

Air permit. In 1997, the DOH issued a final air permit for the Keahole expansion
- ----------
project. Nine appeals of the issuance of the permit were filed with the EPA's
Environmental Appeals Board (EAB). In November 1998, the EAB denied the appeals
on most of the grounds stated, but directed the DOH to reopen the permit for
limited purposes. The EPA and DOH required additional data collection, which was
satisfactorily completed in April 2000. A final air permit was reissued by the
DOH in July 2001. Six appeals were filed with the EAB, but those appeals were
denied. On November 27, 2001, the final air permit became effective. In December
2001, opponents filed a Motion for Reconsideration with the EAB, which the EAB
denied in January 2002.

IPP Complaints. Three IPPs--Kawaihae Cogeneration Partners (KCP), Enserch
- --------------
Development Corporation (Enserch) and Hilo Coast Power Company (HCPC)--filed
separate complaints with the PUC in 1993, 1994 and 1999, respectively, alleging
that they are each entitled to a power purchase agreement (PPA) to provide HELCO
with additional capacity. KCP and Enserch each claimed they would be a
substitute for HELCO's planned expansion of Keahole.

In 1994 and 1995, the PUC allowed HELCO to pursue construction of and commit
expenditures for CT-5 and ST-7, but noted that such costs are not to be included
in rate base until the project is installed and "is used and useful for utility
purposes." The PUC also ordered HELCO to continue negotiating with the IPPs and
held that the facility to be built should be the one that can be most
expeditiously put into service at "allowable cost."

The Enserch and HCPC complaints have been resolved by HELCO's entry into two
PPAs, which were necessary to ensure reliable service to customers on the island
of Hawaii, but, in the opinion of management, do not supplant the need for CT-4
and CT-5. HELCO can terminate the PPA with HCPC early.

In October 1999, the Circuit Court ruled that the lease for KCP's proposed plant
site was invalid. Based on this ruling and for other reasons, management
believes that KCP's pending proposal for a PPA is not viable and, therefore,
will not impact the need for CT-4 and CT-5.

Management's evaluation; costs incurred. Management believes that the issues
- ---------------------------------------
surrounding the amendment to the land use permit and applicable land use
conditions and related matters will be satisfactorily resolved and will not
prevent HELCO from continuing to construct CT-4 and CT-5 now that construction
has commenced. Management currently expects that CT-4 will be in service in
December 2002 and CT-5 will be in service in February 2003. However, because of
the ongoing challenges to the project, there can be no assurances that CT-4 and
CT-5 will be installed or that this time frame will be met.

The recovery of costs relating to CT-4 and CT-5 are subject to the rate-making
process governed by the PUC. Management believes no adjustment to costs incurred
to put CT-4 and CT-5 into service is required as of March 31, 2002. However, if
it becomes probable that CT-4 and/or CT-5 will not be installed or probable
that, even if CT-4 and CT-5 are installed, the PUC will disallow certain costs
for rate-making purposes, HELCO may be required to write off a material portion
of the costs incurred in its efforts to put these units into service. As of
March 31, 2002, HELCO's costs incurred in its efforts to put CT-4 and CT-5 into
service and to support existing units (less costs the PUC permitted to be
transferred to plant-in-service for pre-air permit facilities) amounted to
approximately $75 million, including $29 million for equipment and material
purchases, $26 million for planning,


engineering, permitting, site development and other costs and $20 million for an
allowance for funds used during construction (AFUDC) prior to HELCO's decision
to discontinue the further accrual of AFUDC on CT-4 and CT-5, effective December
1, 1998, due in part to the delays and the potential for further delays. In view
of the limitation on the construction period, HELCO is reviewing its options
with respect to ST-7.

Oahu transmission system

Oahu's power sources are located primarily in West Oahu. The bulk of HECO's
system load is in the Honolulu/East Oahu area. HECO transmits bulk power to the
Honolulu/East Oahu area over two major transmission corridors (Northern and
Southern). HECO plans to extend the Southern corridor to the Kamoku substation
by late 2002. The Northern corridor ends at the Pukele substation, which serves
18% of Oahu's electrical load, including Waikiki. If one of the two existing 138
kv transmission lines to the Pukele substation fails while the other is out for
maintenance, a major system outage would result. HECO plans to construct a part
underground/part overhead 138 kv transmission line from the Kamoku substation to
the Pukele substation in order to close the gap between the Southern and
Northern corridors and provide a third 138 kv transmission line to the Pukele

The proposed Kamoku to Pukele transmission line project requires the BLNR to
approve a Conservation District Use Permit (CDUP) for the overhead portion of
the line that is in conservation district lands. Several community and
environmental groups have opposed the project, particularly the overhead portion
of the line.

In November 2000, the DLNR accepted a Revised Final Environmental Impact
Statement (RFEIS) prepared in support of HECO's application for a CDUP. In
January 2001, three organizations and an individual filed a complaint
challenging the DLNR's acceptance of the RFEIS and seeking, among other things,
a judicial declaration that the RFEIS is inadequate and null and void. The BLNR
has not halted administrative proceedings on the CDUP process while the lawsuit
is pending. HECO is vigorously contesting the lawsuit.

The BLNR held a public hearing on the CDUP in March 2001, at which several
groups requested a contested case hearing. The BLNR appointed a hearings officer
and the contested case hearing was held in November 2001. The hearings officer
submitted his report, findings of fact and conclusions of law and recommended
that HECO's request for the CDUP be denied. He concluded that HECO had failed to
establish that there is a need that outweighs the transmission line's adverse
impacts on conservation district lands and that there are practical alternatives
that could be pursued, including an all-underground route outside the
conservation district lands. The BLNR will consider exceptions from the
respective parties to the proposed findings, conclusions and recommendations
before rendering a decision on the CDUP. The BLNR heard closing oral arguments
by the parties on April 11, 2002. A BLNR decision on the CDUP is anticipated by
July 14, 2002, the expiration date for processing the CDUP application. If
HECO's request for a CDUP is ultimately denied, HECO plans to pursue an
alternative all-underground route on land not designated as conservation land.

The Kamoku to Pukele transmission line is scheduled to be in service by the
second half of 2005 if construction is started by the first quarter of 2004. The
actual construction start date will depend on permitting and approval processes,
including approval from the PUC. Management believes that the required permits
and approvals necessary to complete the Kamoku to Pukele transmission line,
along the proposed route or an alternate route, will be obtained.

As of March 31, 2002, the accumulated costs related to the Kamoku to Pukele
transmission line amounted to $15 million, including $11 million for planning,
engineering and permitting costs and $4 million for an allowance for funds used
during construction. These costs are recorded in construction in progress. The
recovery of costs relating to the Kamoku to Pukele transmission line project is
subject to the rate-making process governed by the PUC. Management believes no
adjustment to costs incurred to put the Kamoku to Pukele transmission line into
service is required as of March 31, 2002. However, if it becomes probable that
the Kamoku to Pukele transmission line will not be installed, or probable that
the PUC will disallow some or all of the incurred costs for rate-making
purposes, HECO may be required to write off a material portion or all of the
costs incurred in its efforts to put the Kamoku to Pukele transmission line into


Environmental regulation

In early 1995, the DOH initially advised HECO, Hawaiian Tug & Barge Corp. (HTB),
Young Brothers, Limited (YB) and others that it was conducting an investigation
to determine the nature and extent of actual or potential releases of hazardous
substances, oil, pollutants or contaminants at or near Honolulu Harbor. The DOH
issued letters in December 1995 indicating that it had identified a number of
parties, including HECO, HTB and YB, who appear to be potentially responsible
for the contamination and/or operate their facilities upon contaminated land.
The DOH met with these identified parties in January 1996 and certain of the
identified parties (including HECO, Chevron Products Company, the State of
Hawaii Department of Transportation Harbors Division and others) formed a
Honolulu Harbor Work Group (Work Group). Effective January 30, 1998, the Work
Group and the DOH entered into a voluntary agreement and scope of work to
determine the nature and extent of any contamination, the responsible parties
and appropriate remedial actions.

In 1999, the Work Group submitted reports to the DOH presenting environmental
conditions and recommendations for additional data gathering to allow for an
assessment of the need for risk-based corrective action. The Work Group also
engaged a consultant who identified 27 additional potentially responsible
parties (PRPs) who were not members of the Work Group, including YB. Under the
terms of the agreement for the sale of YB, HEI and The Old Oahu Tug Service,
Inc. (TOOTS, formerly HTB) have certain indemnity obligations, including
obligations with respect to the Honolulu Harbor investigation. In response to
the DOH's request for technical assistance, the EPA became involved with the
harbor investigation in June 2000.

In 2000, the DOH issued notices to over 20 other PRPs, including YB, regarding
the ongoing investigation in the Honolulu Harbor area. A new voluntary agreement
and a joint defense agreement were signed by the parties in the Work Group and
some of the new PRPs, including Phillips Petroleum, but not YB. The group is now
called Honolulu Harbor Participating Parties. The Participating Parties agreed
to fund remediation work using an interim cost allocation method. In September
2001, TOOTS joined the Participating Parties.

In July 2001, the EPA issued a notice of interest (Initial NOI) under the Oil
Pollution Act of 1990 to HECO, YB and others regarding the Iwilei Unit of the
Honolulu Harbor site. In the Initial NOI, the EPA stated that immediate
subsurface investigation and assessment (also known as the Rapid Assessment
Work) must be conducted to delineate the extent of contamination at the site.
The Participating Parties completed the Rapid Assessment Work and submitted a
report to the EPA and DOH in January 2002. Based on the Rapid Assessment Work
and input from the DOH and EPA, the Participating Parties are developing
proposals for additional investigation and recommendations for remedial
activities, which will be submitted to the EPA and DOH for approval.

In September 2001, the EPA and DOH concurrently issued notices of interest
(collectively, the Second NOI) to the members of the Participating Parties,
including HECO and TOOTS. The Second NOI identified several investigative and
preliminary oil removal tasks to be taken at certain valve control facilities
associated with historic pipelines in the Iwilei Unit of the Honolulu Harbor
site. The Participating Parties have substantially performed the tasks
identified in the Second NOI. Once evaluation of the work performed under the
Second NOI has been completed, the Participating Parties will develop proposals
for additional investigation, if needed, and recommend remedial activities in
the areas identified in the Second NOI.

Management has developed a preliminary estimate of costs for continuing
investigative work, remedial activities and monitoring at the Iwilei Unit of the
site. Management estimates that HECO will incur approximately $1.1 million and
TOOTS will incur approximately $0.1 million in connection with work to be
performed at the site primarily from January 2002 through December 2003. These
amounts were expensed in 2001. However, because (1) the full scope and extent of
additional investigative work, remedial activities and monitoring are unknown at
this time, (2) the final cost allocation method has not yet been determined and
(3) management cannot estimate the costs to be incurred (if any) for the sites
other than the Iwilei Unit (including its Honolulu power plant site), the HECO
and TOOTS cost estimates may be subject to significant change.


(4)  HECO-obligated mandatorily redeemable preferred securities of trust
     subsidiaries holding solely HECO and HECO-guaranteed subordinated

In March 1997, HECO Capital Trust I (Trust I), a grantor trust and a wholly
owned subsidiary of HECO, sold (i) in a public offering, 2 million of its
HECO-Obligated 8.05% Cumulative Quarterly Income Preferred Securities, Series
1997 (1997 trust preferred securities) with an aggregate liquidation preference
of $50 million and (ii) to HECO, common securities with a liquidation preference
of approximately $1.55 million. Proceeds from the sale of the 1997 trust
preferred securities and the common securities were used by Trust I to purchase
8.05% Junior Subordinated Deferrable Interest Debentures, Series 1997 (1997
junior deferrable debentures) issued by HECO in the principal amount of $31.55
million and issued by each of MECO and HELCO in the respective principal amounts
of $10 million. The 1997 junior deferrable debentures, which bear interest at
8.05% and mature on March 27, 2027, together with the subsidiary guarantees
(pursuant to which the obligations of MECO and HELCO under their respective
debentures are fully and unconditionally guaranteed by HECO), are the sole
assets of Trust I. The 1997 trust preferred securities must be redeemed at the
maturity of the underlying debt on March 27, 2027, which maturity may be
shortened to a date no earlier than March 27, 2002 or extended to a date no
later than March 27, 2046, and are not redeemable at the option of the holders,
but may be redeemed by Trust I, in whole or in part, from time to time, on or
after March 27, 2002 or upon the occurrence of certain events. All of the
proceeds from the sale were invested by Trust I in the underlying debt
securities of HECO, HELCO and MECO.

In December 1998, HECO Capital Trust II (Trust II), a grantor trust and a wholly
owned subsidiary of HECO, sold (i) in a public offering, 2 million of its
HECO-Obligated 7.30% Cumulative Quarterly Income Preferred Securities, Series
1998 (1998 trust preferred securities) with an aggregate liquidation preference
of $50 million and (ii) to HECO, common securities with a liquidation preference
of approximately $1.55 million. Proceeds from the sale of the 1998 trust
preferred securities and the common securities were used by Trust II to purchase
7.30% Junior Subordinated Deferrable Interest Debentures, Series 1998 (1998
junior deferrable debentures) issued by HECO in the principal amount of $31.55
million and issued by each of MECO and HELCO in the respective principal amounts
of $10 million. The 1998 junior deferrable debentures, which bear interest at
7.30% and mature on December 15, 2028, together with the subsidiary guarantees
(pursuant to which the obligations of MECO and HELCO under their respective
debentures are fully and unconditionally guaranteed by HECO), are the sole
assets of Trust II. The 1998 trust preferred securities must be redeemed at the
maturity of the underlying debt on December 15, 2028, which maturity may be
shortened to a date no earlier than December 15, 2003 or extended to a date no
later than December 15, 2047, and are not redeemable at the option of the
holders, but may be redeemed by Trust II, in whole or in part, from time to
time, on or after December 15, 2003 or upon the occurrence of certain events.
All of the proceeds from the sale were invested by Trust II in the underlying
debt securities of HECO, HELCO and MECO, who used such proceeds from the sale of
the 1998 junior deferrable debentures primarily to effect the redemption of
certain series of their preferred stock having a total par value of $47 million.

The 1997 and 1998 junior deferrable debentures and the common securities of the
Trusts have been eliminated in HECO's consolidated balance sheets as of March
31, 2002 and December 31, 2001. The 1997 and 1998 junior deferrable debentures
are redeemable only (i) at the option of HECO, MECO and HELCO, respectively, in
whole or in part, on or after March 27, 2002 (1997 junior deferrable debentures)
and December 15, 2003 (1998 junior deferrable debentures) or (ii) at the option
of HECO, in whole, upon the occurrence of a "Special Event" (relating to certain
changes in laws or regulations).


(5) Recent accounting pronouncement
- -----------------------------------

Asset retirement obligations

In June 2001, the FASB issued SFAS No. 143, "Accounting for Asset Retirement
Obligations," which requires that the fair value of a liability for an asset
retirement obligation be recognized in the period in which it is incurred if a
reasonable estimate of fair value can be made. The associated asset retirement
costs would be capitalized as part of the carrying amount of the long-lived
asset and depreciated over the life of the asset. The discounted liability would
be accreted at the end of each period through charges to operating expense. If
the obligation were settled for other than the carrying amount of the liability,
the Company would recognize a gain or loss on settlement. The provisions of SFAS
No. 143 are effective for fiscal years beginning after June 15, 2002. HECO and
its subsidiaries will adopt SFAS No. 143 on January 1, 2003, but management has
not yet determined the impact, if any, of adoption.

(6)  Reconciliation of electric utility operating income per HEI and HECO
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
     consolidated statements of income

Three months ended March 31                                                                2002                   2001
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(in thousands)
Operating income from regulated and nonregulated activities before income taxes
   (per HEI consolidated statements of income) .................................         $ 45,604               $ 48,010
   Income taxes on regulated activities ........................................          (12,791)               (13,604)
   Revenues from nonregulated activities .......................................             (998)                (1,130)
   Expenses from nonregulated activities .......................................              106                    181
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Operating income from regulated activities after income taxes (per HECO
   consolidated statements of income) ..........................................         $ 31,921               $ 33,457

(7)  Consolidating financial information
- ----------------------------------------

HECO has not provided separate financial statements and other disclosures
concerning HELCO and MECO because management has concluded that such financial
statements and other information are not material to holders of the 1997 and
1998 junior deferrable debentures issued by HELCO and MECO, which have been
fully and unconditionally guaranteed by HECO.

Consolidating financial information for HECO and its subsidiaries was as


Hawaiian Electric Company, Inc. and subsidiaries
Consolidating balance sheet (unaudited)

                                                                                     March 31, 2002
                                                                                        HECO     HECO         elimina-
                                                                                      Capital   Capital        tions        HECO
(in thousands)                                      HECO        HELCO        MECO     Trust I   Trust II                consolidated
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Utility plant, at cost
  Land ........................................ $    25,278  $    2,768   $    1,669  $      -  $      -   $        -   $    29,715
  Plant and equipment .........................   1,963,285     551,644      586,641         -         -            -     3,101,570
  Less accumulated depreciation ...............    (826,131)   (241,779)    (223,113)        -         -            -    (1,291,023)
  Plant acquisition adjustment, net ...........           -           -          341         -         -            -           341
  Construction in progress ....................      64,164      86,011        6,877         -         -            -       157,052
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
       Net utility plant ......................   1,226,596     398,644      372,415         -         -            -     1,997,655
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Investment in wholly owned subsidiaries,
  at equity ...................................     345,728           -            -         -         -     (345,728)            -
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Current assets
  Cash and equivalents ........................           9           4          287         -         -            -           300
  Advances to affiliates ......................      13,600           -       12,000    51,546    51,546     (128,692)            -
  Customer accounts receivable, net ...........      49,309      13,136       10,680         -         -            -        73,125
  Accrued unbilled revenues, net ..............      34,374       8,719        7,884         -         -            -        50,977
  Other accounts receivable, net ..............       2,487         861          204         -         -       (1,128)        2,424
  Fuel oil stock, at average cost .............      18,272       2,159        5,133         -         -            -        25,564
  Materials and supplies, at average cost .....       9,456       2,345        9,002         -         -            -        20,803
  Prepayments and other .......................      46,896       7,447        3,623         -         -            -        57,966
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
       Total current assets ...................     174,403      34,671       48,813    51,546    51,546     (129,820)      231,159
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Other assets
  Regulatory assets ...........................      75,954      17,699       15,989         -         -            -       109,642
  Other .......................................      23,211       5,785        6,043         -         -            -        35,039
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
       Total other assets .....................      99,165      23,484       22,032         -         -            -       144,681
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                $ 1,845,892  $  456,799   $  443,260  $ 51,546  $ 51,546   $ (475,548)  $ 2,373,495
Capitalization and liabilities
  Common stock equity ......................... $   888,313  $  168,007   $  174,629  $  1,546  $  1,546   $ (345,728)  $   888,313
  Cumulative preferred stock-not
    subject to mandatory redemption ...........      22,293       7,000        5,000         -         -            -        34,293
  HECO-obligated mandatorily redeemable
    trust preferred securities of
    subsidiary trusts holding solely HECO
    and HECO-guaranteed debentures ............           -           -            -    50,000    50,000            -       100,000
  Long-term debt ..............................     464,481     140,970      171,643         -         -     (103,092)      674,002
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
       Total capitalization ...................   1,375,087     315,977      351,272    51,546    51,546     (448,820)    1,696,608
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Current liabilities
  Long-term debt due within one year ..........       9,595           -            -         -         -            -         9,595
  Short-term borrowings-affiliate .............      59,826      13,600            -         -         -      (25,600)       47,826
  Accounts payable ............................      37,961       8,111        6,581         -         -            -        52,653
  Interest and preferred dividends payable ....      10,162       2,952        3,918         -         -          (37)       16,995
  Taxes accrued ...............................      35,037      13,247       16,370         -         -            -        64,654
  Other .......................................      17,907       3,620        3,848         -         -       (1,091)       24,284
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
       Total current liabilities ..............     170,488      41,530       30,717         -         -      (26,728)      216,007
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Deferred credits and other liabilities
  Deferred income taxes .......................     123,627      11,953       10,350         -         -            -       145,930
  Unamortized tax credits .....................      28,514       8,961       11,341         -         -            -        48,816
  Other .......................................      13,866      25,285       14,378         -         -            -        53,529
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
       Total deferred credits and other
         liabilities ..........................     166,007      46,199       36,069         -         -            -       248,275
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Contributions in aid of construction ..........     134,310      53,093       25,202         -         -            -       212,605
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                $ 1,845,892  $  456,799   $  443,260  $ 51,546  $ 51,546   $ (475,548)  $ 2,373,495


Hawaiian Electric Company, Inc. and subsidiaries
Consolidating balance sheet (unaudited)

                                                                                       December 31, 2001
                                                                                         HECO      HECO      elimina-
                                                                                       Capital    Capital     tions         HECO
(in thousands)                                        HECO        HELCO       MECO     Trust I    Trust II              consolidated
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Utility plant, at cost
   Land ........................................ $    25,369  $    2,752   $    3,568  $      -  $      -  $        -   $    31,689
   Plant and equipment .........................   1,943,378     550,671      574,205         -         -           -     3,068,254
   Less accumulated depreciation ...............    (810,187)   (238,962)    (217,183)        -         -           -    (1,266,332)
   Plant acquisition adjustment, net ...........           -           -          354         -         -           -           354
   Construction in progress ....................      70,501      85,913       14,144         -         -           -       170,558
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
       Net utility plant .......................   1,229,061     400,374      375,088         -         -           -     2,004,523
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Investment in wholly owned subsidiaries,
   at equity ...................................     341,186           -            -         -         -    (341,186)            -
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Current assets
   Cash and equivalents ........................           9       1,282          567         -         -           -         1,858
   Advances to affiliates ......................      12,600           -        7,000    51,546    51,546    (122,692)            -
   Customer accounts receivable, net ...........      56,227      13,644       12,001         -         -           -        81,872
   Accrued unbilled revenues, net ..............      35,072       8,855        8,696         -         -           -        52,623
   Other accounts receivable, net ..............       2,537         497          352         -         -        (734)        2,652
   Fuel oil stock, at average cost .............      15,840       3,007        5,593         -         -           -        24,440
   Materials and supplies, at average cost......       9,168       1,982        8,552         -         -           -        19,702
   Prepayments and other .......................      43,326       7,028        3,390         -         -           -        53,744
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
       Total current assets ....................     174,779      36,295       46,151    51,546    51,546    (123,426)      236,891
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Other assets
   Regulatory assets ...........................      76,153      18,376       16,847         -         -           -       111,376
   Other .......................................      24,875       5,920        6,153         -         -           -        36,948
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
       Total other assets ......................     101,028      24,296       23,000         -         -           -       148,324
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                 $ 1,846,054  $  460,965   $  444,239  $ 51,546  $ 51,546  $ (464,612)  $ 2,389,738
Capitalization and liabilities
   Common stock equity ......................... $   877,154  $  165,655   $  172,439  $  1,546  $  1,546  $ (341,186)  $   877,154
   Cumulative preferred stock-not
      subject to mandatory redemption ..........      22,293       7,000        5,000         -         -           -        34,293
   HECO-obligated mandatorily redeemable
      trust preferred securities of subsidary
      trusts holding solely HECO
      and HECO-guaranteed debentures ...........           -           -            -    50,000    50,000           -       100,000
   Long-term debt ..............................     461,173     140,962      171,631         -         -    (103,092)      670,674
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
       Total capitalization ....................   1,360,620     313,617      349,070    51,546    51,546    (444,278)    1,682,121
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Current liabilities
   Long-term debt due within one year ..........       9,595       5,000            -         -         -           -        14,595
   Short-term borrowings-affiliate .............      55,297      12,600            -         -         -     (19,600)       48,297
   Accounts payable ............................      34,860      10,108        8,998         -         -           -        53,966
   Interest and preferred dividends payable ....       7,664       1,698        2,433         -         -         (30)       11,765
   Taxes accrued ...............................      52,216      15,841       18,001         -         -           -        86,058
   Other .......................................      23,712       2,852        3,939         -         -        (704)       29,799
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
       Total current liabilities ...............     183,344      48,099       33,371         -         -     (20,334)      244,480
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Deferred credits and other liabilities
   Deferred income taxes .......................     123,097      11,984       10,527         -         -           -       145,608
   Unamortized tax credits .....................      28,538       8,644       11,330         -         -           -        48,512
   Other .......................................      15,557      25,309       14,594         -         -           -        55,460
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
       Total deferred credits and other
           liabilities .........................     167,192      45,937       36,451         -         -           -       249,580
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Contributions in aid of construction ...........     134,898      53,312       25,347         -         -           -       213,557
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                 $ 1,846,054  $  460,965   $  444,239  $ 51,546  $ 51,546  $ (464,612)  $ 2,389,738


Hawaiian Electric Company, Inc. and subsidiaries
Consolidating statement of income (unaudited)

                                                                    Three months ended March 31, 2002
                                                                               HECO      HECO           and
                                                                              Capital   Capital      elimina-        HECO
(in thousands)                              HECO        HELCO       MECO      Trust I   Trust II       tions     consolidated
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Operating revenues .......................  $189,166    $44,426      $43,741   $     -     $    -    $       -       $277,333
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Operating expenses
Fuel oil .................................    39,414      6,503       13,318         -          -            -         59,235
Purchased power ..........................    61,405     14,186        1,510         -          -            -         77,101
Other operation ..........................    18,153      4,661        6,409         -          -            -         29,223
Maintenance ..............................     8,856      2,244        2,912         -          -            -         14,012
Depreciation .............................    15,901      4,894        5,565         -          -            -         26,360
Taxes, other than income taxes ...........    18,200      4,216        4,274         -          -            -         26,690
Income taxes .............................     7,955      2,106        2,730         -          -            -         12,791
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                             169,884     38,810       36,718         -          -            -        245,412
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Operating income .........................    19,282      5,616        7,023         -          -            -         31,921
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Other income
Allowance for equity funds used
   during construction ...................       711         55            7         -          -            -            773
Equity in earnings of subsidiaries .......     7,620          -            -         -          -       (7,620)             -
Other, net ...............................       821        102           (9)    1,037        941       (2,077)           815
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                               9,152        157           (2)    1,037        941       (9,697)         1,588
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Income before interest and
   other charges .........................    28,434      5,773        7,021     1,037        941       (9,697)        33,509
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Interest and other charges
Interest on long-term debt ...............     6,089      1,842        2,205         -          -            -         10,136
Amortization of net bond premium
   and expense ...........................       320         78          102         -          -            -            500
Other interest charges ...................     1,718        477          333         -          -       (2,077)           451
Allowance for borrowed funds used
   during construction ...................      (322)       (30)          (3)        -          -            -           (355)
Preferred stock dividends of
subsidiaries .............................         -          -            -         -          -          229            229
Preferred securities distributions
   of trust subsidiaries .................         -          -            -         -          -        1,919          1,919
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                               7,805      2,367        2,637         -          -           71         12,880
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Income before preferred stock
   dividends of HECO .....................    20,629      3,406        4,384     1,037        941       (9,768)        20,629
Preferred stock dividends of HECO ........       270        134           95     1,006        913       (2,148)           270
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net income for common stock ..............  $ 20,359    $ 3,272      $ 4,289   $    31     $   28    $  (7,620)      $ 20,359

Hawaiian Electric Company, Inc. and subsidiaries
Consolidating statement of retained earnings (unaudited)

                                                                    Three months ended March 31, 2002
                                                                               HECO      HECO           and
                                                                              Capital   Capital      elimina-        HECO
(in thousands)                              HECO        HELCO       MECO      Trust I   Trust II       tions     consolidated
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Retained earnings, beginning of period ...  $495,961    $65,690      $78,182   $     -     $    -    $(143,872)      $495,961
Net income for common stock ..............    20,359      3,272        4,289        31         28       (7,620)        20,359
Common stock dividends ...................    (9,233)      (926)      (2,106)      (31)       (28)       3,091         (9,233)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Retained earnings, end of period .........  $507,087    $68,036      $80,365   $     -     $    -    $(148,401)      $507,087


Hawaiian Electric Company, Inc. and subsidiaries
Consolidating statement of income (unaudited)

                                                                   Three months ended March 31, 2001
                                                                                HECO       HECO       and
                                                                               Capital   Capital   elimina-         HECO
(in thousands)                                HECO       HELCO        MECO     Trust I   Trust II    tions      consolidated
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Operating revenues .......................  $215,219    $50,251      $51,823   $     -    $     -   $       -       $317,293
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Operating expenses
Fuel oil .................................    57,627      7,885       22,733         -          -           -         88,245
Purchased power ..........................    63,461     18,074          381         -          -           -         81,916
Other operation ..........................    19,590      4,338        5,846         -          -           -         29,774
Maintenance ..............................    10,512      1,769        2,916         -          -           -         15,197
Depreciation .............................    15,196      4,065        5,348         -          -           -         24,609
Taxes, other than income taxes ...........    20,766      4,772        4,953         -          -           -         30,491
Income taxes .............................     8,229      2,603        2,772         -          -           -         13,604
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                             195,381     43,506       44,949         -          -           -        283,836
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Operating income .........................    19,838      6,745        6,874         -          -           -         33,457
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Other income
Allowance for equity funds used
   during construction ...................     1,076         57          132         -          -           -          1,265
Equity in earnings of subsidiaries .......     8,484          -            -         -          -      (8,484)             -
Other, net ...............................     1,176        116           56     1,037        941      (2,349)           977
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                              10,736        173          188     1,037        941     (10,833)         2,242
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Income before interest and
   other charges .........................    30,574      6,918        7,062     1,037        941     (10,833)        35,699
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Interest and other charges
Interest on long-term debt ...............     5,819      1,909        2,201         -          -           -          9,929
Amortization of net bond premium
   and expense ...........................       327        102          101         -          -           -            530
Other interest charges ...................     3,315        749          358         -          -      (2,349)         2,073
Allowance for borrowed funds used
   during construction ...................      (582)       (35)         (59)        -          -           -           (676)
Preferred stock dividends of
   subsidiaries ..........................         -          -            -         -          -         229            229
Preferred securities distributions
   of trust subsidiaries .................         -          -            -         -          -       1,919          1,919
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                               8,879      2,725        2,601         -          -        (201)        14,004
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Income before preferred stock
   dividends of HECO .....................    21,695      4,193        4,461     1,037        941     (10,632)        21,695
Preferred stock dividends of HECO ........       270        134           95     1,006        913      (2,148)           270
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net income for common stock ..............  $ 21,425    $ 4,059      $ 4,366   $    31    $    28   $  (8,484)      $ 21,425

Hawaiian Electric Company, Inc. and subsidiaries
Consolidating statement of retained earnings (unaudited)

                                                                   Three months ended March 31, 2001
                                                                                HECO       HECO       and
                                                                               Capital   Capital   elimina-         HECO
(in thousands)                                HECO       HELCO        MECO     Trust I   Trust II    tions      consolidated
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Retained earnings, beginning of period ...  $443,970    $62,962      $73,586   $     -    $     -   $(136,548)      $443,970
Net income for common stock ..............    21,425      4,059        4,366        31         28      (8,484)        21,425
Common stock dividends ...................         -     (1,904)      (3,032)      (31)       (28)      4,995              -
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Retained earnings, end of period .........  $465,395    $65,117      $74,920   $     -    $     -   $(140,037)      $465,395


Hawaiian Electric Company, Inc. and subsidiaries
Consolidating statement of cash flows (unaudited)

                                                                         Three months ended March 31, 2002
                                                                                      HECO        HECO        and
                                                                                     Capital    Capital    elimina-        HECO
(in thousands)                                      HECO       HELCO         MECO    Trust I    Trust II     tions     consolidated
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Cash flows from operating activities
Income before preferred stock
   dividends of HECO ...........................  $ 20,629    $ 3,406      $ 4,384   $ 1,037     $  941    $  (9,768)     $ 20,629
Adjustments to reconcile income before
   preferred stock dividends of HECO to net
   cash provided by operating activities
      Equity in earnings .......................    (7,620)         -            -         -          -        7,620             -
      Common stock dividends received
           from subsidiaries ...................     3,091          -            -         -          -       (3,091)            -
      Depreciation of property,
           plant and equipment .................    15,901      4,894        5,565         -          -            -        26,360
      Other amortization .......................     1,071        602        1,390         -          -            -         3,063
      Deferred income taxes ....................       530        (31)        (177)        -          -            -           322
      Tax credits, net .........................       242        375           78         -          -            -           695
      Allowance for equity funds used
           during construction .................      (711)       (55)          (7)        -          -            -          (773)
      Changes in assets and liabilities
          Decrease in accounts receivable ......     6,968        144        1,469         -          -          394         8,975
          Decrease in accrued unbilled
               revenues ........................       698        136          812         -          -            -         1,646
          Decrease (increase) in fuel oil
               stock ...........................    (2,432)       848          460         -          -            -        (1,124)
          Increase in materials and supplies ...      (288)      (363)        (450)        -          -            -        (1,101)
          Decrease (increase) in regulatory
               assets ..........................      (121)        74         (399)        -          -            -          (446)
          Increase (decrease) in
               accounts payable ................     3,101     (1,997)      (2,417)        -          -            -        (1,313)
          Changes in other assets and
               liabilities .....................   (19,587)    (1,346)        (663)        -          -        1,525       (20,071)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net cash provided by operating activities ......    21,472      6,687       10,045     1,037        941       (3,320)       36,862
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Cash flows from investing activities
Capital expenditures ...........................   (13,957)    (3,627)      (3,309)        -          -            -       (20,893)
Contributions in aid of construction ...........     1,155        460          185         -          -            -         1,800
Repayments from affiliates .....................    (1,000)         -       (5,000)        -          -        6,000             -
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net cash used in investing activities ..........   (13,802)    (3,167)      (8,124)        -          -        6,000       (19,093)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Cash flows from financing activities
Common stock dividends .........................    (9,233)      (926)      (2,106)      (31)       (28)       3,091        (9,233)
Preferred stock dividends ......................      (270)      (134)         (95)        -          -          229          (270)
Preferred securities distributions
     of trust subsidiaries .....................         -          -            -    (1,006)      (913)           -        (1,919)
Proceeds from issuance of long-term debt .......     3,277          -            -         -          -            -         3,277
Repayment of long-term debt ....................         -     (5,000)           -         -          -            -        (5,000)
Net increase (decrease) in short-term
     borrowings from nonaffiliates and
     affiliate with original maturities
     of three months or less ...................     4,529      1,000            -         -          -       (6,000)         (471)
Other ..........................................    (5,973)       262            -         -          -            -        (5,711)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net cash used in financing activities ..........    (7,670)    (4,798)      (2,201)   (1,037)      (941)      (2,680)      (19,327)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net decrease in cash and equivalents ...........         -     (1,278)        (280)        -          -            -        (1,558)
Cash and equivalents, beginning of period ......         9      1,282          567         -          -            -         1,858
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Cash and equivalents, end of period ............  $      9    $     4      $   287   $     -     $    -    $       -      $    300


Hawaiian Electric Company, Inc. and subsidiaries
Consolidating statement of cash flows (unaudited)

                                                                           Three months ended March 31, 2001
                                                                                      HECO        HECO         and
                                                                                     Capital    Capital     elimina-        HECO
(in thousands)                                        HECO      HELCO      MECO      Trust I    Trust II      tions     consolidated
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Cash flows from operating activities
Income before preferred stock
   dividends of HECO .............................  $ 21,695    $ 4,193     $ 4,461   $ 1,037      $ 941     $(10,632)     $ 21,695
Adjustments to reconcile income before
   preferred stock dividends of HECO to net
   cash provided by operating activities
      Equity in earnings .........................    (8,484)         -           -         -          -        8,484             -
      Common stock dividends received
           from subsidiaries .....................     4,995          -           -         -          -       (4,995)            -
      Depreciation of property,
           plant and equipment ...................    15,196      4,065       5,348         -          -            -        24,609
      Other amortization .........................     1,451        551       1,204         -          -            -         3,206
      Deferred income taxes ......................     1,797        (49)       (407)        -          -            -         1,341
      Tax credits, net ...........................       128         48          91         -          -            -           267
      Allowance for equity funds used
           during construction ...................    (1,076)       (57)       (132)        -          -            -        (1,265)
      Changes in assets and liabilities
          Decrease in accounts receivable ........    14,171      1,359         344         -          -          877        16,751
          Decrease in accrued unbilled
               revenues ..........................     6,432        945       1,752         -          -            -         9,129
          Decrease (increase) in fuel oil
               stock .............................       (28)        67       1,273         -          -            -         1,312
          Increase in materials and supplies .....    (1,276)       (21)       (649)        -          -            -        (1,946)
          Increase in regulatory assets ..........      (239)       (34)       (422)        -          -            -          (695)
          Decrease in accounts payable ...........   (18,001)    (1,103)     (2,785)        -          -            -       (21,889)
          Changes in other assets and
               liabilities .......................   (16,394)    (2,619)      1,400         -          -        1,042       (16,571)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net cash provided by operating activities ........    20,367      7,345      11,478     1,037        941       (5,224)       35,944
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Cash flows from investing activities
Capital expenditures .............................   (15,999)    (3,523)     (4,963)        -          -            -       (24,485)
Contributions in aid of construction .............       622        795         386         -          -            -         1,803
Advances to (repayments from) affiliates .........     3,700          -      (2,000)        -          -       (1,700)            -
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net cash used in investing activities ............   (11,677)    (2,728)     (6,577)        -          -       (1,700)      (22,682)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Cash flows from financing activities
Common stock dividends ...........................         -     (1,904)     (3,032)      (31)       (28)       4,995             -
Preferred stock dividends ........................      (270)      (134)        (95)        -          -          229          (270)
Preferred securities distributions
     of trust subsidiaries .......................         -          -           -    (1,006)      (913)           -        (1,919)
Proceeds from issuance of long-term debt .........     9,595          -           -         -          -            -         9,595
Net decrease in short-term borrowings
     from nonaffiliates and affiliate with
     original maturities of three months
     or less .....................................    (9,333)    (2,200)     (1,500)        -          -        1,700       (11,333)
Repayment of other short-term borrowings .........    (3,000)         -           -         -          -            -        (3,000)
Other ............................................    (7,071)      (379)          -         -          -            -        (7,450)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net cash used in financing activities ............   (10,079)    (4,617)     (4,627)   (1,037)      (941)       6,924       (14,377)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net increase (decrease) in
     cash and equivalents ........................    (1,389)         -         274         -          -            -        (1,115)
Cash and equivalents, beginning of period ........     1,398          4         132         -          -            -         1,534
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Cash and equivalents, end of period ..............  $      9    $     4     $   406   $     -      $   -     $      -      $    419


Item 2.  Management's discussion and analysis of financial condition and
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
         results of operations

The following discussion should be read in conjunction with the consolidated
financial statements of HEI and HECO and accompanying notes.

                              RESULTS OF OPERATIONS

HEI Consolidated
- ----------------

                                         Three months ended
(in thousands, except per                     March 31,               %                   Primary reason(s) for
share amounts)                             2002         2001        change                 significant change*
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Revenues ..............................   $ 377,436    $ 433,337      (13)   Decreases for the electric utility and  bank
                                                                             segments, slightly offset by an increase for
                                                                             the "other" segment

Operating income ......................      63,869       64,934       (2)   Decreases for the electric utility and "other"
                                                                             segments, partly offset by an increase for the
                                                                             bank segment
Income (loss) from:
     Continuing operations ............      26,919       27,764       (3)   Lower operating income and lower AFUDC, partly
                                                                             offset by lower interest expense due to lower
                                                                             short-term borrowing balances and interest

     Discontinued operations ..........           -          (19)      NM    Loss from discontinued international power
                                                                             operations in 2001
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net income ............................   $  26,919    $  27,745       (3)

Basic earnings per common share-
     Continuing and discontinued                                             See explanation for income (loss) above  and
        operations ....................      $ 0.75        $0.84       (11)  weighted-average number of common
                                                                             shares outstanding below

Weighted-average number of common
   shares outstanding .................      35,818       33,159        8    Issuances of shares under the DRIP, other
                                                                             plans and a registered public offering of
                                                                             1.5 million shares of common stock in
                                                                             November 2001

NM  Not meaningful.

* Also see segment discussions which follow.

Real economic growth in Hawaii was 1.4% in 2001 and is projected by the State of
Hawaii Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism to be 1.7% in
2002. Local economists believe there will be some contraction in the first half
of 2002 and growth in the second half of 2002. After the September 11, 2001
terrorist attacks, visitor arrivals were down over 24% for the fourth quarter of
2001, but down only 11% for the first quarter 2002 compared to same quarters in
the prior year. A recovery in tourism is expected by mid-year 2002. Other
positive signs in the Hawaii economy include a stable defense sector and
strength in the construction and real estate industries.

HEI and its predecessor company, HECO, have paid dividends continuously since
1901. On April 23, 2002, HEI's Board maintained the quarterly dividend of $0.62
per common share. The payout ratio for continuing operations for


2001 and the first quarter of 2002 was 78% and 83%, respectively. HEI management
believes it should achieve a 65% payout ratio before it considers increasing the
common stock dividend above its current level.

Following is a general discussion of the results of operations by business

Electric utility
- ----------------

                                      Three months ended
(dollars in thousands,                     March 31,                  %
except per barrel amounts)            2002             2001         change        Primary reason(s) for significant change
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Revenues .........................  $ 278,331        $ 318,423        (13)     Lower fuel oil and purchased energy fuel
                                                                               prices, the effects of which are passed on to
                                                                               customers ($37 million) and 0.8% lower KWH
                                                                               sales ($2 million)
   Fuel oil ......................     59,235           88,245        (33)     Lower fuel oil prices and fewer KWHs generated

   Purchased power ...............     77,101           81,916         (6)     Lower fuel prices, partly offset by more KWHs

   Other .........................     96,391          100,252         (4)     Lower other operation and maintenance expenses
                                                                               and taxes, other than income taxes, partly
                                                                               offset by higher depreciation

Operating income .................     45,604           48,010         (5)     Lower KWH sales and higher depreciation,
                                                                               partly offset by lower other operation and
                                                                               maintenance expenses

Net income .......................     20,359           21,425         (5)     Lower operating income and AFUDC, partly
                                                                               offset by lower interest expense

Kilowatthour sales (millions) ....      2,223            2,241         (1)

Cooling degree days
   (Oahu) ........................        819              910        (10)

Fuel oil price per barrel ........  $   24.45        $   34.88        (30)

Kilowatthour (KWH) sales in the first quarter of 2002 decreased 0.8% from the
same quarter in 2001, primarily due to cooler weather. Cooling degree days were
10% lower in the first quarter of 2002 compared with the first quarter of 2001.
Electric utility operating income decreased 5% from the first quarter 2001,
primarily due to the lower KWH sales and higher depreciation, partly offset by
lower other operation and maintenance (O&M) expenses. Higher depreciation
expense and lower AFUDC were attributable to more plant in service as more
construction in progress was completed. The lower O&M expenses reflect reduced
production maintenance and transmission and distribution maintenance expenses.

HECO and its subsidiaries project that KWH sales growth in 2002 will be 1.1%.
However, if KWH sales decline in 2002, HECO and its subsidiaries estimate that
each one percentage point drop in annual KWH sales would result in a decline in
net income of approximately $4 million. If KWH sales decline and/or other
negative financial effects are experienced, HECO and its subsidiaries will
implement additional cost-controlling steps as appropriate.



The electric utility industry is becoming increasingly competitive. IPPs are
well established in Hawaii and continue to actively pursue new projects.
Competition in the generation sector in Hawaii is moderated, however, by the
scarcity of generation sites, various permitting processes and lack of
interconnections to other electric utilities. Customer self-generation, with or
without cogeneration, has made modest inroads in Hawaii and is a continuing
competitive factor. HECO and its subsidiaries have been able to compete
successfully by offering customers economic alternatives that, among other
things, employ energy efficient electrotechnologies such as the heat pump water

In 1996, the PUC instituted a proceeding to identify and examine the issues
surrounding electric competition and to determine the impact of competition on
the electric utility infrastructure in Hawaii. Several of the parties submitted
final statements of position to the PUC in 1998. HECO's position in the
proceeding was that retail competition is not feasible in Hawaii, but that some
of the benefits of competition can be achieved through competitive bidding for
new generation, performance-based rate-making (PBR) and innovative pricing
provisions. The other parties to the proceeding advanced numerous other

In May 1999, the PUC approved HECO's standard form contract for customer
retention that allows HECO to provide a rate option for customers who would
otherwise reduce their energy use from HECO's system by using energy from a
nonutility generator. Based on HECO's current rates, the standard form contract
provides a 2.77% and an 11.27% discount on base energy rates for "Large Power"
and "General Service Demand" customers, respectively. In March 2000, the PUC
approved a similar standard form contract for HELCO which, based on HELCO's
current rates, provides a 10.00% discount on base energy rates for "Large Power"
and "General Service Demand" customers.

In December 1999, HECO, HELCO and MECO filed an application with the PUC seeking
permission to implement PBR in future rate cases. In early 2001, the PUC
dismissed the PBR proposal without prejudice, indicating it declined at that
time to change its current cost of service/rate of return methodology for
determining electric utility rates.

In January 2000, the PUC submitted to the legislature a status report on its
investigation of competition. The report stated that competitive bidding for new
power supplies (i.e., wholesale generation competition) is a logical first step
to encourage competition in the state's electric industry and that the PUC plans
to proceed with an examination of the feasibility of competitive bidding and to
review specific policies to encourage renewable energy resources in the power
generation mix. The report states that "further steps" by the PUC "will involve
the development of specific policies to encourage wholesale competition and the
continuing examination of other areas suitable for the development of
competition." HECO is unable to predict the ultimate outcome of the proceeding,
which (if any) of the proposals advanced in the proceeding will be implemented
or whether the parties will seek and obtain state legislative action on their
proposals (other than the legislation described below under "Legislation").

Regulation of electric utility rates

The PUC has broad discretion in its regulation of the rates charged by HEI's
electric utility subsidiaries and in other matters. Any adverse D&O by the PUC
concerning the level or method of determining electric utility rates, the
authorized returns on equity or other matters, or any prolonged delay in
rendering a D&O in a rate or other proceeding, could have a material adverse
effect on the Company's financial condition and results of operations. Upon a
showing of probable entitlement, the PUC is required to issue an interim D&O in
a rate case within 10 months from the date of filing a completed application if
the evidentiary hearing is completed (subject to extension for 30 days if the
evidentiary hearing is not completed). There is no time limit for rendering a
final D&O. Interim rate increases are subject to refund with interest, pending
the final outcome of the case. At March 31, 2002, HECO and its subsidiaries had
recognized $13 million of revenues with respect to interim orders regarding
certain integrated resource planning costs, which revenues are subject to
refund, with interest, to the extent they exceed the amounts


allowed in final orders. Management cannot predict with certainty when D&Os in
pending or future rate cases will be rendered or the amount of any interim or
final rate increase that may be granted.

Recent rate requests

HEI's electric utility subsidiaries initiate PUC proceedings from time to time
to request electric rate increases to cover rising operating costs (e.g., the
cost of purchased power) and the cost of plant and equipment, including the cost
of new capital projects to maintain and improve service reliability. As of May
1, 2002, the return on average common equity (ROACE) found by the PUC to be
reasonable in the most recent final rate decision for each utility was 11.40%
for HECO (D&O issued on December 11, 1995 and based on a 1995 test year), 11.50%
for HELCO (D&O issued on February 8, 2001 and based on a 2000 test year) and
10.94% for MECO (amended D&O issued on April 6, 1999 and based on a 1999 test

Hawaiian Electric Company, Inc.
- -------------------------------

HECO has not initiated a rate case for several years, but in 2001 it committed
to initiate a rate case within three years, using a 2003 or 2004 test year, as
part of the agreement described below under "Other regulatory matters."

Hawaii Electric Light Company, Inc.
- -----------------------------------

In October 1999, HELCO filed a request to increase rates by 9.6%, or $15.5
million in annual revenues, based on a 2000 test year.

In early 2001, HELCO received a final D&O from the PUC authorizing an $8.4
million, or 4.9% increase in annual revenues, effective February 15, 2001 and
based on an 11.50% ROACE. The order granted HELCO an increase of approximately
$2.3 million in annual revenues, in addition to affirming interim increases that
took effect in September 2000 ($3.5 million) and January 2001 ($2.6 million).
The D&O included in rate base $7.6 million for pre-air permit facilities needed
for the delayed Keahole power plant expansion project that the PUC had also
found to be used or useful to support the existing generating units at Keahole.

On June 1, 2001, the PUC issued an order approving a new standby service rate
schedule rider for HELCO. The standby service rider issue had been bifurcated
from the rest of the rate case. The rider provides the rates, terms and
conditions for obtaining backup and supplemental electric power from the utility
when a customer obtains all or part of its electric power from sources other
than HELCO.

The timing of a future HELCO rate increase request to recover costs relating to
the delayed Keahole power plant expansion project, i.e., adding two combustion
turbines (CT-4 and CT-5) at Keahole, including the remaining cost of pre-air
permit facilities, will depend on future circumstances. See "HELCO power
situation" in note (3) of HECO's "Notes to consolidated financial statements."

Other regulatory matters

In October 2001, HECO and the Consumer Advocate finalized agreements, subject to
PUC approval, under which HECO's three commercial and industrial demand-side
management (DSM) programs and two residential DSM programs would be continued
until HECO's next rate case (which, under the agreements, HECO committed to file
within three years). The agreements for the temporary continuation of HECO's
existing DSM programs are in lieu of HECO continuing to seek approval of new
5-year DSM programs. Any DSM programs to be in place after HECO's next rate case
will be determined as part of the case. Under the agreements, HECO will cap the
recovery of lost margins and shareholder incentives if such recovery would cause
HECO to exceed its current authorized return on rate base. HECO also agrees it
will not pursue the continuation of lost margins recovery through a surcharge
mechanism or shareholder incentives in future rate cases. Consistent with the
HECO agreements, in October 2001, HELCO and MECO reached agreements with the
Consumer Advocate and filed requests to continue their four existing DSM
programs. In November 2001, the PUC issued orders (one of which was amended)
that, subject to certain reporting requirements and other conditions, approved
(1) the agreements regarding the temporary continuation of HECO's five existing
DSM programs until HECO's next rate case and (2) the agreements regarding the
temporary continuation of HELCO's and MECO's DSM programs until one year after
the PUC makes a revenue


requirements determination in HECO's next rate case. Under the orders, however,
HELCO and MECO are allowed to recover only lost margins and shareholder
incentives accrued through the date that interim rates are established in HECO's
next rate case, but may request to extend the time of such accrual and recovery
for up to one additional year.

Accounting for the effects of certain types of regulation

In accordance with SFAS No. 71, "Accounting for the Effects of Certain Types of
Regulation," the Company's financial statements reflect assets and costs of HECO
and its subsidiaries based on current cost-based rate-making regulations.
Management believes HECO and its subsidiaries' operations currently satisfy the
SFAS No. 71 criteria. However, if events or circumstances should change so that
those criteria are no longer satisfied, management believes that a material
adverse effect on the Company's results of operations, financial position or
liquidity may result. As of March 31, 2002, HECO's consolidated regulatory
assets amounted to $110 million.


Congress and the Hawaii legislature periodically consider legislation that could
have positive or negative effects on the utilities and their customers. For
example, Congress is considering an energy plan that could increase the domestic
supply of oil, as well as increase support for energy conservation programs.

The Hawaii legislature did not consider deregulation in its 2002 session, but
did consider legislation to prohibit standby charges by utilities, mandate the
undergrounding of utility lines, establish green-marketing programs and
institute a carbon tax on utilities, among other proposals. None of these
proposals was adopted by the legislature.

- ----

                              Three months ended March 31,         %
(in thousands)                   2002              2001          change         Primary reason(s) for significant change
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Revenues ...................      $ 98,842       $ 115,754         (15)      Lower interest income as a result of lower
                                                                             weighted-average yields and a lower average loan
                                                                             balance, partly offset by higher other income
                                                                             (including higher fee income)

Operating income ...........        22,171          20,149          10       Higher net interest and other income, partly
                                                                             offset by higher general and administrative
                                                                             expenses and provision for loan losses

Net income .................        13,351          11,875          12       Higher operating income

Interest rate spread .......          3.27%           3.01%          9       136 basis points decrease in the
                                                                             weighted-average yield on interest-earning
                                                                             assets, more than offset by a 162 basis points
                                                                             decrease in the weighted-average rate on
                                                                             interest-bearing liabilities

Earnings of ASB depend primarily on net interest income. ASB's loan volumes and
yields are affected by market interest rates, competition, demand for real
estate financing, availability of funds and management's responses to these
factors. Advances from the Federal Home Loan Bank (FHLB) of Seattle and
securities sold under agreements to repurchase continue to be significant
sources of funds that have higher costs than deposits. Other factors affecting
ASB's operating results include sales of securities available for sale, fee
income, provision for loan losses and expenses from operations.

ASB's interest rate spread--the difference between the weighted-average yield on
interest-earning assets and the weighted-average rate on interest-bearing
liabilities--increased 9%. Comparing first quarter 2002 to the same


period in 2001, the decrease in the weighted-average rate on interest-bearing
liabilities was greater than the decrease in the weighted-average yield on
interest-earning assets.

Net interest income was higher in the first quarter of 2002 compared to the
first quarter of 2001 primarily due to the higher interest rate spread. Also
contributing to higher net income was higher fee income and no goodwill
amortization ($1 million after tax) in 2002 due to the adoption of SFAS No. 142,
partly offset by higher consulting and compensation expenses.

With the downturn in the Hawaii economy immediately after September 11, 2001 ASB
anticipated higher delinquencies in its loan portfolio. However, delinquency
trends have remained stable. As preventative measures, ASB is in contact with
its larger loan customers and monitors the delinquencies in residential and
consumer loan portfolios to determine the effects of the weakened economy and to
identify any delinquency trends that may arise. The slowdown in the U.S. economy
after September 11, 2001 may also affect the performance of ASB's holdings of
mortgage/asset-backed securities and, accordingly, ASB continues to monitor the
performance of its investment portfolio closely.

During the first quarter of 2002, ASB added $3.5 million to its allowance for
loan losses. As of March 31, 2002, ASB's allowance for loan losses was 1.57% of
average loans outstanding. The following table presents the changes in the
allowance for loan losses for the periods indicated.

Three months ended March 31                        2002                2001
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(in thousands)

Allowance for loan losses, January 1 ......         $42,224             $37,449
Provision for loan losses .................           3,500               3,000
Net charge-offs ...........................          (1,494)             (2,018)
                                               ------------        ------------
Allowance for loan losses, March 31 .......         $44,230             $38,431
                                               ============        ============

In March 1998, ASB formed a subsidiary, ASB Realty Corporation, which elects to
be taxed as a real estate investment trust. This reorganization has reduced
ASB's state income taxes by $1.0 million for the three months ended March 31,
2002 and by $12.3 million for prior years. Although a State of Hawaii Department
of Taxation tax auditor has challenged ASB's position that it is entitled to a
dividends received deduction on dividends paid to it by ASB Realty Corporation,
ASB believes that its tax position is proper.


Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation regulations restrict the ability of
financial institutions that are not "well-capitalized" to compete on the same
terms as well-capitalized institutions, such as by offering interest rates on
deposits that are significantly higher than the rates offered by competing
institutions. As of March 31, 2002, ASB was well-capitalized (ratio requirements
noted in parentheses) with a leverage ratio of 6.6% (5.0%), a Tier-1 risk-based
ratio of 12.9% (6.0%) and a total risk-based ratio of 14.2% (10.0%).

For a discussion of securities deemed impermissible investments by the OTS, see
"Disposition of certain debt securities" in note (4) of HEI's "Notes to
consolidated financial statements."


- -----

                      Three months ended
                           March 31,           %
(in thousands)         2002       2001       change        Primary reason(s) for significant change
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Revenues ..........    $   263   $  (840)      NM        First quarter 2001 includes the equity in net
                                                         loss of Utech Venture Capital Corporation
                                                         ($1.5 million) and first quarter 2002 includes
                                                         the equity in net income of Utech Venture
                                                         Capital Corporation ($0.3 million) and a
                                                         writedown ($0.9 million) of income notes
                                                         purchased in connection with the termination
                                                         of ASB's investments in trust certificates in
                                                         May and July of 2001

Operating loss ....     (3,906)   (3,225)     (21)       See explanation for revenues and higher corporate
                                                         compensation expenses and expenses related to
                                                         the income notes

NM  Not meaningful.

The "other" business segment includes results of operations of TOOTS, formerly
named HTB, a maritime freight transportation company that ceased operations in
the fourth quarter of 1999; HEI Investments, Inc. (HEIII), a company primarily
holding investments in leveraged leases (excluding foreign investments reported
in discontinued operations); Pacific Energy Conservation Services, Inc., a
contract services company primarily providing windfarm operational and
maintenance services to an affiliated electric utility; ProVision Technologies,
Inc., a company formed to sell, install, operate and maintain on-site power
generation equipment and auxiliary appliances in Hawaii and the Pacific Rim; HEI
Properties, Inc., a company currently holding passive investments and expected
to hold real estate and related assets; Hawaiian Electric Industries Capital
Trust I, HEI Preferred Funding, LP and Hycap Management, Inc., companies formed
as special purpose financing entities to effect the issuance of 8.36% Trust
Originated Preferred Securities; other inactive subsidiaries; HEI and HEIDI,
holding companies; and eliminations of intercompany transactions.

Discontinued operations
- -----------------------

See note (5) in HEI's "Notes to consolidated financial statements."

- -------------

See note (8) in HEI's "Notes to consolidated financial statements."

Recent accounting pronouncements
- --------------------------------

See note (7) and note (5) in HEI's and HECO's respective "Notes to consolidated
financial statements."

                               FINANCIAL CONDITION

Liquidity and capital resources
- -------------------------------

The Company and consolidated HECO each believes that its ability to generate
cash, both internally from operations and externally from debt and equity
issues, is adequate to maintain sufficient liquidity to fund their respective
construction programs and investments and to cover debt and other cash
requirements in the foreseeable future.


The consolidated capital structure of HEI (excluding ASB's deposit liabilities,
securities sold under agreements to repurchase and advances from the FHLB of
Seattle) was as follows:

 (in millions)                                     March 31, 2002                 December 31, 2001
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Long-term debt ..............................     $1,137         49%              $1,146         50%
HEI- and HECO-obligated preferred
   securities of trust subsidiaries .........        200          9                  200          9
Preferred stock of subsidiaries .............         34          1                   34          1
Common stock equity .........................        949         41                  930         40
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                  $2,320        100%              $2,310        100%

For the first three months of 2002, net cash provided by operating activities of
consolidated HEI was $47 million. Net cash used in investing activities was $338
million, due to ASB's purchase of mortgage/asset-backed securities, net of
repayments and sales, and HECO's consolidated capital expenditures, partly
offset by repayments and sale of loans, net of originations and purchases. Net
cash provided by financing activities was $50 million as a result of several
factors, including net increases in advances from the FHLB, securities sold
under agreements to repurchase and the issuance of common stock, partly offset
by payment of common stock dividends and trust preferred securities
distributions and net decreases in deposit liabilities and long-term debt.

Total HEI consolidated financing requirements for 2002 through 2006, including
net capital expenditures (which exclude AFUDC and capital expenditures funded by
third-party contributions in aid of construction), long-term debt retirements
(excluding repayments of advances from the FHLB of Seattle and securities sold
under agreements to repurchase) and preferred stock retirements, are estimated
to total $1.2 billion. Of this amount, approximately $0.7 billion is for net
capital expenditures (mostly relating to the electric utilities' net capital
expenditures described below) and $0.3 billion is for the retirement or maturity
of long-term debt. HEI's consolidated internal sources, after the payment of HEI
dividends, are expected to provide approximately 73% of the consolidated
financing requirements, with debt and equity financing providing the remaining
requirements. Additional debt and equity financing may be required to fund
activities not included in the 2002 through 2006 forecast, such as increases in
the amount of or an acceleration of capital expenditures of the electric

In November 2001, HEI sold 1.5 million shares of its common stock in a
registered public offering. Proceeds of approximately $54 million from the sale
were used to make short-term investments or to make short-term loans to HECO,
pending the ultimate application of the proceeds to repay long-term debt at
maturity and for other general corporate purposes.

The Company utilizes short-term debt to support normal operations and other
temporary requirements. At March 31, 2002, HEI maintained bank lines of credit
which totaled $50 million (maturing in the second quarter of 2002) and HECO
maintained bank lines of credit which totaled $100 million (maturing in the
second quarter of 2002 and first quarter of 2003). HEI and HECO maintained these
lines of credit, and anticipates arranging similar lines of credit as the
existing lines of credit mature and as HEI and HECO deem necessary, to support
the issuance of commercial paper and for other general corporate purposes. At
March 31, 2002, the lines of credit were unused. Management believes that, if
HEI's and HECO's commercial paper ratings were to be downgraded, the Company
might not be able to sell commercial paper under current market conditions.

Following is a discussion of the liquidity and capital resources of HEI's
largest segments.


Electric utility

HECO's consolidated capital structure was as follows:

(in millions)                                              March 31, 2002           December 31, 2001
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Short-term borrowings ................................     $   48           3%       $   49            3%
Long-term debt .......................................        684          39           685           39
HECO-obligated preferred securities of trust
   subsidiaries ......................................        100           6           100            6
Preferred stock ......................................         34           2            34            2
Common stock equity ..................................        888          50           877           50
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                           $1,754         100%       $1,745          100%

Operating activities provided $37 million in net cash during the first quarter
of 2002. Investing activities used net cash of $19 million, primarily for
capital expenditures. Financing activities used net cash of $19 million,
including $11 million for the payment of common and preferred dividends and
preferred securities distributions and a $2 million net decrease in long-term

The electric utilities' consolidated financing requirements for 2002 through
2006, including net capital expenditures and long-term debt repayments, are
estimated to total $619 million. HECO's consolidated internal sources, after the
payment of common stock and preferred stock dividends, are expected to provide
cash in excess of the consolidated financing requirements and may be used to
reduce the level of short-term borrowings.

 As of March 31, 2002, HECO could still draw on the remaining $8 million of
proceeds from previous sales of special purpose revenue bonds by the Department
of Budget and Finance of the State of Hawaii for the benefit of HECO. Also as of
March 31, 2002, an additional $65 million of special purpose revenue bonds were
authorized by the Hawaii Legislature for issuance for the benefit of HECO and
HELCO prior to the end of 2003. HECO does not anticipate the need to issue
common equity over the five-year period 2002 through 2006. The PUC must approve
issuances, if any, of equity and long-term debt securities by HECO and its

Capital expenditures include the costs of projects that are required to meet
expected load growth, to improve reliability and to replace and upgrade existing
equipment. Net capital expenditures for the five-year period 2002 through 2006
are currently estimated to total $0.6 billion. Approximately 60% of forecast
gross capital expenditures, which includes the AFUDC and capital expenditures
funded by third-party contributions in aid of construction, is for transmission
and distribution projects, with the remaining 40% primarily for generation

For 2002, electric utility net capital expenditures are estimated to be $114
million. Gross capital expenditures are estimated to be $132 million, including
approximately $88 million for transmission and distribution projects,
approximately $30 million for generation projects and approximately $14 million
for general plant and other projects. Drawdowns of proceeds from previous and
future sales of tax-exempt special purpose revenue bonds and the generation of
funds from internal sources are expected to provide the cash needed for the net
capital expenditures in 2002.

Management periodically reviews capital expenditure estimates and the timing of
construction projects. These estimates may change significantly as a result of
many considerations, including changes in economic conditions, changes in
forecasts of KWH sales and peak load, the availability of purchased power and
changes in expectations concerning the construction and ownership of future
generating units, the availability of generating sites and transmission and
distribution corridors, the ability to obtain adequate and timely rate
increases, escalation in construction costs, demand-side management programs,
the effects of opposition to proposed construction projects and requirements of
environmental and other regulatory and permitting authorities.



                                                                                  March 31,     December 31,      %
(in millions)                                                                          2002             2001    change
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total assets .............................................................           $6,073           $6,011       1
Available-for-sale investment and mortgage/asset-backed securities .......            2,719            2,355      15
Held-to-maturity investment securities ...................................               85               84       1
Loans receivable, net ....................................................            2,799            2,858      (2)
Deposit liabilities ......................................................            3,665            3,680       -
Securities sold under agreements to repurchase ...........................              706              683       3
Advances from Federal Home Loan Bank .....................................            1,095            1,033       6

As of March 31, 2002, ASB was the third largest financial institution in Hawaii
based on total assets of $6.1 billion and deposits of $3.7 billion.

Deposits traditionally have been the principal source of ASB's funds for use in
lending, meeting liquidity requirements and making investments. Deposits
decreased by $15 million in the first quarter of 2002, as outflows of term
certificates offset inflows of core deposits. ASB strategically priced term
certificates during the first quarter of 2002 to attract longer maturity term
certificates and its liquidity was sufficient to make it unnecessary to replace
all maturing term certificates. ASB also derives funds from borrowings, payments
of interest and principal on outstanding loans receivable and investment and
mortgage/asset-backed securities and other sources.

For the first quarter of 2002, net cash provided by ASB's operating activities
was $7 million. Net cash used in ASB's investing activities was $318 million,
due to the purchase of mortgage/asset-backed securities, net of repayments and
sales, partly offset by repayments and sales of loans, net of originations and
purchases. Net cash provided by financing activities was $64 million largely due
to net increases of $62 million in advances from the FHLB, $26 million in
securities sold under agreements to repurchase, partly offset by $9 million in
common and preferred stock dividends and a net decrease of $15 million in
deposit liabilities. In the first quarter of 2002, cash and proceeds from the
sale of loans and from net increases in advances from the FHLB and securities
sold under agreements to repurchase were used largely to purchase
mortgage/asset-backed securities.

Effective July 18, 2001, the OTS removed the regulation that required a savings
association to maintain an average daily balance of liquid assets of at least 4%
of its liquidity base, and retained a provision requiring a savings association
to maintain sufficient liquidity to ensure its safe and sound operation. As of
March 31, 2002, ASB had maintained, in the opinion of management, liquid assets
at a level which was sufficient to ensure its safe and sound operation.

ASB believes that a satisfactory regulatory capital position provides a basis
for public confidence, affords protection to depositors, helps to ensure
continued access to capital markets on favorable terms and provides a foundation
for growth. As of March 31, 2002, ASB was in compliance with the OTS minimum
capital requirements (ratio requirements noted in parentheses) with a tangible
capital ratio of 6.6% (1.5%), a core capital ratio of 6.6% (4.0%) and a
risk-based capital ratio of 14.2% (8.0%).


The Company's results of operations and financial condition can be affected by
numerous factors, many of which are beyond its control and could cause future
results of operations to differ materially from historical results. Such factors
include economic conditions, competition, U.S. capital markets, interest rate
environment, technological developments, discontinued operations, asset
dispositions, insurance coverages, environmental matters, regulation of electric
utility rates, deliveries of fuel oil and purchased power, other electric
utility regulatory and permitting contingencies and regulation of ASB. For
additional information about these factors, see pages 15 to 23 of HEI's 2001
Annual Report to Stockholders.



In preparing the consolidated financial statements, management is required to
make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and
liabilities, the disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities and the
reported amounts of revenues and expenses. Actual results could differ
significantly from those estimates.

Material estimates that are particularly susceptible to significant change in
the case of the Company include the amounts reported for investment securities,
allowance for loan losses, regulatory assets, pension and other postretirement
benefit obligations, reserves for discontinued operations, current and deferred
taxes, contingencies and litigation.

In accordance with SEC Release No. 33-8040, "Cautionary Advice Regarding
Disclosure About Critical Accounting Policies," management has identified the
accounting policies it believes to be the most critical to the Company's
financial statements--that is, management believes that these policies are both
the most important to the portrayal of the Company's financial condition and
results of operations, and currently require management's most difficult,
subjective or complex judgments. For information about these policies, see pages
23 to 25 of HEI's 2001 Annual Report to Stockholders.

Item 3. Quantitative and qualitative disclosures about market risk
- ------------------------------------------------------------------

The Company considers interest rate risk to be a very significant market risk as
it could potentially have a significant effect on the Company's financial
condition and results of operations. For additional quantitative and qualitative
information about the Company's market risks, see pages 25 to 29 of HEI's 2001
Annual Report to Stockholders.

U.S. Treasury yields at March 31, 2002 and December 31, 2001 were as follows:

               Term               March 31, 2002            December 31, 2001
               ----               --------------            -----------------
              3 month                 1.78%                       1.72%
              1 year                  2.67                        2.03
              5 year                  4.82                        4.30
             10 year                  5.41                        5.05
             30 year                  5.81                        5.47

Interest rates (as measured by U.S. Treasury yields for various maturities) have
increased between 6 and 64 basis points from December 31, 2001 to March 31,
2002. Management believes that this higher interest rate environment resulted in
an immaterial change in the Company's estimated fair values of its
interest-sensitive assets, liabilities and off-balance sheet items.

                           PART II - OTHER INFORMATION

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Item 1.  Legal proceedings
- --------------------------

There are no significant developments in pending legal proceedings except as set
forth in HEI's and HECO's "Notes to consolidated financial statements,"
management's discussion and analysis of financial condition and results of
operations and Item 5, "Other information."


Item 4.  Submission of matters to a vote of security holders
- ------------------------------------------------------------


The Annual Meeting of Stockholders of HEI was held on April 23, 2002. Proxies
for the meeting were solicited pursuant to Regulation 14A under the Securities
Exchange Act of 1934. As of February 13, 2002 the record date for the Annual
Meeting, there were 35,839,537 shares of common stock issued and outstanding and
entitled to vote. There was no solicitation in opposition to the management
nominees to the Board of Directors as listed in the proxy statement for the
meeting and such nominees were elected to the Board of Directors.

The results of the voting for the Class III director-nominees (with terms ending
at the 2005 Annual Meeting) and the independent auditor are as follows:

                                                                       Shares of Common Stock
                                               For             Withheld         Against         Abstain          nonvotes
                                        ------------------  ---------------  --------------  ---------------  ---------------
Election of Class III Directors
  Don E. Carroll .....................       31,455,209            476,003                                             -
  Constance H. Lau ...................       31,474,056            457,156                                             -
  Bill D. Mills ......................       31,273,053            658,159                                             -
  Oswald K. Stender ..................       31,327,202            604,010                                             -

Election of KPMG LLP
   as independent auditor ............       30,923,155            729,020       279,037                               -

Class I Directors--Robert F. Clarke, A. Maurice Myers and James K.
Scott--continue in office with terms ending at the 2003 Annual Meeting. Class II
Directors--Victor Hao Li, T. Michael May, Diane J. Plotts, Kelvin H. Taketa and
Jeffrey N. Watanabe--continue in office with terms ending at the 2004 Annual


The Annual Meeting of the Sole Stockholder of HECO was conducted by written
consent effective April 23, 2002. The incumbent members of the Board of
Directors of HECO were re-elected. The incumbent members continuing in office
are Robert F. Clarke, T. Michael May, Diane J. Plotts, James K. Scott, Anne M.
Takabuki, Barry K. Taniguchi and Jeffrey N. Watanabe. KPMG LLP was elected
independent auditor of HECO for the fiscal year 2002.


Item 5.  Other information
- --------------------------

A. State of Hawaii, ex rel., Bruce R. Knapp, Qui Tam Plaintiff, and Beverly
Perry, on behalf of herself and all others similarly situated, Class Plaintiff,
vs. The AES Corporation, AES Hawaii, Inc., Hawaiian Electric Company, Inc., and
Hawaiian Electric Industries, Inc.

On April 22 and 23, 2002, HECO and HEI, respectively, were served with a
complaint which alleges that the State of Hawaii and HECO's other customers have
been overcharged for electricity as a result of alleged excessive prices in the
amended power purchase agreement (Amended PPA) between defendants HECO and AES
Hawaii, Inc. (AES-HI). AES-HI is a subsidiary of The AES Corporation (AES),
which guarantees certain obligations of AES-HI under the Amended PPA.

HECO entered into a PPA with AES Barbers Point, Inc. (now known as AES-HI) in
March 1988, and the PPA was amended in August 1989. The AES-HI 180 MW coal-fired
cogeneration plant, which became operational in September 1992 and utilizes a
"clean-coal" technology, is designed to sell sufficient steam to be a
"Qualifying Facility" under the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978
(PURPA). The Amended PPA, which has a 30-year term, was approved by the PUC in
December 1989, following contested case hearings in October 1988, an initial
Decision and Order in July 1989, amendment of the PPA in August 1989, and
further contested case hearings in November 1989. Intervenors included the state
Consumer Advocate and the U.S. Department of Defense. The PUC proceedings
addressed a number of issues, including whether the prices for capacity and
energy in the Amended PPA were less than HECO's long-term estimated avoided
costs, whether HECO needed the capacity to be provided by AES-HI, and whether
the terms and conditions of the Amended PPA were reasonable.

The Complaint alleges that HECO's payments to AES-HI for power, based on the
prices, terms and conditions in the PUC-approved Amended PPA, have been
"excessive" by over $1 billion since September 1992, and that approval of the
Amended PPA was wrongfully obtained from the PUC as a result of alleged
misrepresentations and/or material omissions by the defendants, individually
and/or in conspiracy, with respect to the estimated future costs of the Amended
PPA versus the costs of possible HECO-owned generating units. The Complaint
seeks treble damages, attorneys fees', rescission of the Amended PPA, and
punitive damages against HECO, HEI, AES-HI and AES under State laws permitting
qui tam actions (asserting that the State declined to take over the action) and
prohibiting unfair or deceptive acts or practices, and also asserts claims of
fraud and unjust enrichment. The claimed damages are payments by the State and
the class of all HECO customers for electricity at rates established by the PUC
based on HECO's costs, including payments under the Amended PPA to AES-HI.

Management believes that the claims are without merit and intends to vigorously
defend the lawsuit.


B.   Ratio of earnings to fixed charges

HEI and subsidiaries

     Ratio of earnings to fixed charges excluding interest on ASB deposits

         Three months ended                                 Years ended December 31,
           March 31, 2002                 2001          2000          1999         1998           1997
                1.98                      1.82          1.76          1.83         1.88           1.91

     Ratio of earnings to fixed charges including interest on ASB deposits

         Three months ended                                 Years ended December 31,
           March 31, 2002                 2001          2000          1999         1998           1997

                1.67                      1.52          1.49          1.50         1.48           1.59

For purposes of calculating the ratio of earnings to fixed charges, "earnings"
represent the sum of (i) pretax income from continuing operations (excluding
undistributed net income or net loss from less than 50%-owned persons) and (ii)
fixed charges (as hereinafter defined, but excluding capitalized interest).
"Fixed charges" are calculated both excluding and including interest on ASB's
deposits during the applicable periods and represent the sum of (i) interest,
whether capitalized or expensed, but excluding interest on nonrecourse debt from
leveraged leases which is not included in interest expense in HEI's consolidated
statements of income, (ii) amortization of debt expense and discount or premium
related to any indebtedness, whether capitalized or expensed, (iii) the interest
factor in rental expense, (iv) the preferred stock dividend requirements of
HEI's subsidiaries, increased to an amount representing the pretax earnings
required to cover such dividend requirements and (v) the preferred securities
distribution requirements of trust subsidiaries.

HECO and subsidiaries

     Ratio of earnings to fixed charges

         Three months ended                                 Years ended December 31,
           March 31, 2002                 2001          2000          1999         1998           1997
                3.45                      3.51          3.39          3.09         3.33           3.26

For purposes of calculating the ratio of earnings to fixed charges, "earnings"
represent the sum of (i) pretax income before preferred stock dividends of HECO
and (ii) fixed charges (as hereinafter defined, but excluding the allowance for
borrowed funds used during construction). "Fixed charges" represent the sum of
(i) interest, whether capitalized or expensed, incurred by HECO and its
subsidiaries, (ii) amortization of debt expense and discount or premium related
to any indebtedness, whether capitalized or expensed, (iii) the interest factor
in rental expense, (iv) the preferred stock dividend requirements of HELCO and
MECO, increased to an amount representing the pretax earnings required to cover
such dividend requirements and (v) the preferred securities distribution
requirements of the trust subsidiaries.


Item 6.  Exhibits and reports on Form 8-K
- -----------------------------------------

(a)      Exhibits

HEI                   Hawaiian Electric Industries, Inc. and subsidiaries
Exhibit 12.1          Computation of ratio of earnings to fixed charges, three
                      months ended March 31, 2002 and 2001

HECO                  Hawaiian Electric Company, Inc. and subsidiaries
Exhibit 12.2          Computation of ratio of earnings to fixed charges, three
                      months ended March 31, 2002 and 2001

(b)      Reports on Form 8-K

Subsequent to December 31, 2001, HEI and/or HECO filed Current Reports, Forms
8-K, with the SEC as follows:

Dated                     Registrant/s           Items reported
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
January 17, 2002          HEI/HECO               Item 5. Announcement of HEI's webcast and teleconference call to review
                                                 yearend earnings on January 24, 2002

January 23, 2002          HEI/HECO               Item 5. HEI's January 23, 2002 news release reporting 2001 earnings

January 25, 2002          HEI/HECO               Item 5. Updates to HEI's webcast and teleconference call to review yearend
                                                 earnings on January 24, 2002

February 8, 2002          HEI/HECO               Item 5. Provides information about Hawaiian Electric Company, Inc.'s
                                                 proposed 138 kv Kamoku-Pukele transmission line

March 5, 2002             HEI/HECO               Item 7. HEI's 2001 Annual Report to Stockholders in its entirety and
                                                 portions of HECO's 2001 Annual Report to Stockholder

March 25, 2002            HEI/HECO               Item 5. HELCO power situation update

April 22, 2002            HEI/HECO               Item 5. HEI's April 22, 2002 news release reporting first quarter 2002

May 1, 2002               HEI/HECO               Item 5. Announcement of HEI's webcast and teleconference call of the
                                                 financial analyst presentation on May 7, 2002



Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the
registrants have duly caused this report to be signed on their behalf by the
undersigned, thereunto duly authorized. The signature of the undersigned
companies shall be deemed to relate only to matters having reference to such
companies and any subsidiaries thereof.

                                (Registrant)                                        (Registrant)

By  /s/ Robert F. Mougeot                                By  /s/ Richard A. von Gnechten
   --------------------------------------------             --------------------------------------------
     Robert F. Mougeot                                        Richard A. von Gnechten
     Financial Vice President, Treasurer                      Financial Vice President
        and Chief Financial Officer                           (Principal Financial Officer of HECO)
     (Principal Financial Officer of HEI)

Date: May 3, 2002                                        Date: May 3, 2002
