2533 North Carson Street, Suite 5107
                            Carson City, Nevada 89706

                              INFORMATION STATEMENT

                            AND RULE 14f-1 THEREUNDER

                   Approximate Date of Mailing: June 24, 2002

Dear Shareholder:

         This notification is furnished by the Board of Directors (the "Board")
of Caring Products International, Inc., a Delaware corporation (the "Company")
pursuant to Rule 14f-1 of the Securities and Exchange Act of 1934 (the "Exchange
Act") to inform the shareholders of the Company of a change in control of the
Company and a change in the majority of the board of directors pursuant to an
Agreement and Plan of Share Exchange, dated as of May 15, 2002 (the "Exchange
Agreement"), by and among the Company, USDR Global Aerospace, Ltd., a Delaware
corporation ("USDRGA"), and the stockholders of USDRGA (collectively the

         This notification was prepared by the Company, except that information
about the new directors was furnished to the Company by the new directors. The
new directors assume no responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of the
information prepared by the Company.

         Please read this notification carefully. It describes the essential
terms of the Exchange Agreement and contains certain biographical and other
information concerning the proposed new directors of the Company. Additional
information about the Exchange Agreement and the business of the Company is
contained in the Company's Current Reports on Form 10QSB dated February 19, 2002
and Form 8K dated May 30, 2002 (the "Reports"), which were filed with the United
States Securities and Exchange Commission (the "Commission"). The Reports and
their accompanying exhibits may be inspected without charge at the Public
Reference Section of the Commission at Judiciary Plaza, 450 Fifth Street, N.W.,
Washington, DC 20549. Copies of such materials may also be obtained from the SEC
at prescribed rates. The SEC also maintains a Web site that contains reports,
proxy and information statements and other information regarding public
companies that file reports with the SEC. Copies of the Reports may be obtained
from the SEC's EDGAR archives at

                                CHANGE IN CONTROL

         On May 17, 2002 (the "Closing Date") pursuant to the Exchange
Agreement, the Company issued to the Stockholders four shares of the Company's
common stock, par value $.01 per share (the "Company Common Stock"), in exchange
for each share of USDRGA's common stock, par value $.001 per share (the "USDRGA
Common Stock"), issued and outstanding on the Closing Date.

         Prior to the Closing Date, approximately 75% of all issued and
outstanding shares of the Company were held directly by Raymond Bills. On the
Closing Date, the stockholders of USDRGA were issued an aggregate of 20,000,000
shares of Company Common Stock, which shares, after giving effect to certain
other transactions effected at or prior to the Closing Date, represented
approximately 80% of the total then issued and outstanding shares of Company
Common Stock.

         The shares of Company Common Stock were exchanged for shares held by
USDRGA stockholders John Robinson and Gerald Wiener, who exchanged their
respective 3,000,000 and 2,000,000 shares of USDRGA Common Stock for 12,000,000
and 8,000,000 shares of Company Common Stock, respectively. As a result, Mr.
Robinson owns approximately 48% of the issued and outstanding shares of the
Company Common Stock, and Mr. Wiener owns approximately 32% of such stock.

         This information will be mailed to shareholders on or about June 24,
2002 to holders of record of Common Stock of the Company as of the close of
business on June 10, 2002. On the Closing Date, the Company had outstanding
20,120,719 shares of Common Stock.


                      ARE REQUESTED NOT TO SEND US A PROXY

                              INFORMATION STATEMENT


         In connection with the Exchange Agreement, on the Closing Date, Ian
Rice and Raymond Bills resigned as officers of the Company and, in their
capacity as Directors of the Company, appointed: John Robinson, the Chairman and
Chief Executive Officer of USDRGA, as the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
of the Company; Gerald Wiener, the President and Chief Operating Officer of
USDRGA, as the President of the Company; Gaddy Wells, the Secretary of USDRGA,
as the Secretary of the Company; and Julie Seaman, the Treasurer and Chief
Financial Officer of USDRGA, as the Treasurer of the Company. In addition,
subject to and effective upon compliance with Rule 14f-1 under the Exchange Act,
Mr. Rice and Mr. Bills appointed Mr. Robinson, Mr. Wiener, Mr. Wells, and Ms.
Seaman as the new board of directors of the Company and tendered their
resignation as directors of the Company. Rule 14f-1 provides that Mr. Robinson,
Mr. Wiener, Mr. Wells, and Ms. Seaman will become directors ten (10) days after
the filing of this Statement with the Securities and Exchange Commission (the
"Commission") and its delivery to the Company's shareholders, and each will
serve until their successors are elected and qualified. A shareholder vote is
not required and will not be taken with respect to the election of the new
directors in connection with the Exchange Agreement.

                               EXECUTIVE OFFICERS

         The new executive officers of the Company are identified in the table
below. Each executive officer of the Company serves at the pleasure of its board
of directors.

                        Date Became an
Name               Age  Executive Officer   Positions
- ----               ---  -----------------   ---------

John Robinson      48   May 17, 2002        Chairman and Chief Executive Officer

Gerald H. Wiener   60   May 17, 2002        President

Gaddy Wells        54   May 17, 2002        Secretary

Julie Seaman       42   May 17, 2002        Treasurer



         The following table sets forth information available to the Company, as
of June 10, 2002 with respect to the beneficial ownership of the outstanding
shares of Company Common Stock by (i) any holder of more than five percent (5%)
of the outstanding shares; (ii) the Company's officers and directors; and (iii)
the Company's officers and directors as a group:

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                  Amount and nature of
Title of Class           Name and address of beneficial owner     beneficial ownership (2)  Percentage (%) of class
- --------------           ------------------------------------     ---------------------     -----------------------

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Common stock             John Robinson                            12,000,000                48%

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Common stock             Gerald H. Wiener                         8,000,000                 32%

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Common stock             M. Gaddy Wells                           0                         0

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Common stock             Julie Seaman                             0                         0

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Common stock             Total number of shares owned by          20,000,000                80%
                         Directors and officers as a group (4

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(1)  Unless otherwise noted, the address of each beneficial holder is 2533 North
     Carson Street, Suite 5107,Carson City, Nevada 89706.

(2)  Beneficial ownership as reported in the table above has been determined in
     accordance with Instruction (1) to tem 403(b) of Regulation S-B of the
     Exchange Act.


         (a) There are no material proceedings known to the Company to which any
director, officer or affiliate of the Company, or any owner of record or
beneficially of more than 5% of any class of voting securities of the Company,
or any affiliate of such persons is a party adverse to the Company or has a
material interest adverse to the Company.

         (b) The following brief biographies contain information about the
Company's new Directors. The information includes each person's principal
occupations and business experience for at least the past five years. This
information has been furnished to the Company by the individuals named. There
are no legal proceedings known to the Company that are material to the
evaluation of the ability or integrity of any of the Directors or executive

         John Robinson, 48, Chairman of the Board of Directors and Chief
Executive Officer, has served from March 1997 until the present as President and
Chief Executive Officer to USDR, Inc. Mr. Robinson has served in the same
capacities to each of USDR Inc.'s affiliates, including USDR Aerospace, Ltd.,
since October 2001. From 1993 to 1996, Mr. Robinson was President and Chief
Executive Officer of United States Defense Research, Inc., a U.S. government
contractor that manufactured precision parts for military equipment.

         Gerald Wiener, 60, President and Director, has served from 1986 until
the present as Chief Executive Officer of Finance California, a California
corporation and commercial and consumer lender licensee. Since 2000, Mr. Wiener
has served as President of Cabot Capital Corporation, a company specializing in
procuring and placing


high yield secured real estate loans for investors. Mr. Wiener received a B.A.
degree and J.D. degree from the University of California, Los Angeles.

         Gaddy Wells, 54, Secretary and Director, has served as General Counsel
to USDR, Inc. since July 1997. Mr. Wells has served as General Counsel to USDR,
Inc.'s affiliates, including USDR Aerospace, Ltd., since 2001. From 1994 to
1997, Mr. Wells was a partner with Myrick & Wells, LLP. He has eleven years
experience in commercial banking, including two years as the Tokyo
representative of Republic National Bank of Dallas, a Texas regional bank. Mr.
Wells received his B.A. and M.S. degrees in Economics from Texas A&M University,
and his J.D. degree from Baylor University.

         Julie Seaman, 42, Treasurer and Director, has served as Treasurer and
Director of Administration to USDR, Inc. since March 1997, and has held the same
positions for each of USDR, Inc.'s affiliates, including USDR Aerospace, Ltd.,
since October 2001. From 1993 to 1996, Ms. Seaman was Treasurer and Director of
Administration to United States Defense Research, Inc., a U.S. government
contractor that manufactures precision parts for military equipment.

         No employee of the Company receives any additional compensation for his
or her services as a Director. Non-management directors receive no salary for
their services as such, but may participate in the Company's stock option plans.


         Section 16(a) of the Exchange Act and regulations thereunder require
the Company's executive officers, Directors, and persons who own more than ten
percent of the common stock of the Company to file reports of ownership and
changes in ownership with the Commission, and to furnish the Company with copies
of all such Section 16(a) reports filed. Based solely on the Company's review of
copies of the Section 16(a) reports filed for the fiscal year ended March 31,
2002, the following individuals have failed to file required forms 3,4 and 5:

(1) Raymond Bills, Director, officer and beneficial holder of more than 10% of
the outstanding shares of Company Common Stock;

(2) Ian Rice, Director and officer.


         No transactions have occurred since the beginning of the Company's last
fiscal year or are proposed with respect to which a director, executive officer,
security holder owning of record or beneficially more than 5% of any class of
the Company's securities or any member of the immediate families of the
foregoing persons had or will have a direct or indirect material interest in
which the amount involved exceeds $60,000.



                           INDEBTEDNESS OF MANAGEMENT

         There has been no indebtedness owed to the Company since the beginning
of the Company's last fiscal year by any Director, executive officer, security
holder owning of record or beneficially more than 5% of any class of the
Company's securities or any member of the immediate families of the foregoing
persons, any corporation or organization of which any of the foregoing persons
serves as an executive officer, partner, beneficial owner of 10%


or more of any class of equity securities, or any trust in which any of the
foregoing persons has a substantial beneficial interest or serves as trustee or
in a similar capacity.


         There are no standing committees of the Company's Board of Directors.

         Since the Closing Date, the Board of Directors Designees have held no
meetings and have taken no action by unanimous written consent.


                           Summary Compensation Table

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                              Annual Compensation                     Long-Term Compensation

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                         Awards                  Payouts
Name and                                                       Restricted      Securities
Principal         Fiscal                      Other Annual     Stock Awards    Underlying        All Other
Position          Year          Salary ($)    Compensation     ($)             Options/SARs (#)  Compensation
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
John Robinson,    Ending            0              0                 0              0                0
CEO               March
                  31, 2003
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

          Aggregated Option/SAR Exercises in Last Fiscal Year and FY-End Option/SAR Values
     ---------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------
                                                               Number of
                                                              underlying        Value of unexercised
                                                              unexercised           in-the-money
                                                            options/SARs at       options/SARs at
     Name       Shares acquired on   Value realized ($)        FY-end (#)             FY-end ($)
                   exercise (#)                              Exercisable/           Exercisable/
                                                             Unexercisable         Unexercisable

      (a)               (b)                 (c)                   (d)                   (e)
     ---------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------
     ---------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------
     Robinson           N/A                 N/A                   N/A                   N/A


         The Company's 2001 Employee Stock Compensation Plan (the "2001 Stock
Option Plan") was adopted by the Board of Directors and approved by the
Company's stockholders on May 29, 2001. The 2001 Stock Option Plan was adopted
to provide a means by which selected officers, employees, directors and
consultants to the Company could receive common stock as compensation from the
Company or purchase common stock in the Company. As of June 10, 2002, 5,000,000
shares have been issued under this plan.


         Under the 2001 Stock Option Plan, the aggregate number of shares of
common stock that may be issued or transferred is 5,000,000, provided that no
award may be issued that would bring the total number of all outstanding plan
shares to more than 20% of the total number of the shares of Common Stock at the
time outstanding.

         The 2001 Stock Option Plan provides for the grant of Company Common
Stock as approved by the Board of Directors or a committee thereof (the
"Committee"). Awards of the 2001 Stock Option Plan common stock may be granted
as compensation for services rendered, directly or in lieu of compensation
payable, as a bonus in recognition of past service or performance or may be sold
to an employee at not less than the fair value thereof on the date of the grant.

         Eligible participants under the 2001 Stock Option Plan include the
following persons: (i) executive officers, officers and directors (including
advisory and other special directors) of the Company or an Affiliated
Corporation (as such term is defined in the 2001 Stock Option Plan); (ii)
full-time and part-time employees of the company or an Affiliated Corporation;
(iii) natural persons engaged by the Company or an Affiliated Corporation as a
consultant, advisor or agent; and (iv) a lawyer, law firm, accountant or
accounting firm, or other professional or professional firm engaged by the
Company or an Affiliated Corporation.

         Except as otherwise expressly provided therein, the 2001 Stock Option
Plan provides that the compensation committee, or in the event there is no
compensation committee, the board of directors shall have complete discretion to
determine when and to which eligible participants plan shares are to be granted
and the number of such shares to be awarded to each such participant. A grant
may be made for cash, property, services rendered or other form of payment
constituting lawful consideration under applicable law. Plan shares awarded
other than for services rendered shall be sold at not less than the fair value
thereof on the date of grant. No grant will be made if, in the judgment of the
committee or the board of directors, as the case may be, such a grant would
constitute a public distribution within the meaning the U.S. Securities Act of
1933, as amended, or the rules or regulation promulgated thereunder.

         The 2001 Stock Option Plan terminates on the tenth anniversary of its
effective date unless terminated earlier or extended by the Board of Directors.

                                   CARING PRODUCTS INTERNATIONAL, INC.

                                   /s/ John Robinson
                                   John Robinson, Chief Executive Officer
