Exhibit 99.03

                          UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT
                          Civil Action No.: 1:03CV00540

Eric Hunter and Jocelyn                     )
Hunter, Husband and Wife,                   )
                  Plaintiffs,               )
         v.                                 )          Complaint
                                            )          ---------
Cree, Inc. and F. Neal Hunter,              )      Jury Trial Requested
as Individual and Chairman                  )
of Cree, Inc.,                              )
                  Defendants.               )

     Plaintiffs, complaining of Defendants, allege and say:


1.   Plaintiffs Eric Hunter and Jocelyn Hunter, husband and wife, are former
     shareholders and option holders of Cree, Inc. and reside in Hilton Head,
     South Carolina. Plaintiff Eric Hunter is employed by Cree, Inc. as its
     Senior Technology Advisor.

2.   Defendant Cree, Inc. ("Cree") is a North Carolina Corporation with its
     office and principal place of business at 4600 Silicon Drive, Durham,
     Durham County, North Carolina. Cree is a publicly traded corporation listed
     on the NASDAQ/NMS exchange with approximately 73,300,000 shares

3.   Defendant F. Neal Hunter is the Chairman of Cree, Inc., and a resident of
     Durham County, North Carolina.

                             JURISDICTION AND VENUE

4.   This Court has jurisdiction over the Defendants pursuant to 28 U.S.C.
     Section 1331 in that Plaintiffs' rights and claims arise primarily under
     the laws of the United States.

5.   This Court also has jurisdiction pursuant to 28 U.S.C. Section 1332, in
     that the amount in controversy exceeds the sum or value of $75,000,
     exclusive of interest and costs, and that the action is between citizens of
     different states.

6.   Venue is proper in the Middle District of North Carolina pursuant to 28
     U.S.C. Section 1391.

7.   Plaintiffs have standing to seek legal remedies from these Defendants
     pursuant to 15 U.S.C. Section 771 and other federal law.

                               Statement of Facts

8.   Cree is the world leader in the development and manufacture of silicon
     carbide (SiC), which is a base material used in the fabrication of the
     Company's blue light emitting diodes (LEDs), wafers, and gemstone
     materials. The company was formed in 1987 by a group of researchers from
     North Carolina State University, including Plaintiff Eric Hunter, who were
     pioneers in the development of single crystal silicon carbide.

9.   Beginning as early as August, 1995, and continuing until at least May,
     2003, Cree and its Chairman, Defendant F. Neal Hunter, have engaged in a
     series of undisclosed corporate activities and other acts, in violation of
     the federal securities and employment laws, including but not limited to
     the following:

     a)   Filing or causing to be filed false statements in public documents
          relating to secondary stock offerings.

     b)   Filing or causing to be filed public documents regarding Cree's
          anticipated earnings and revenue that omitted significant material
          facts in connection with secondary stock offerings.

     c)   Altering corporate books and records to mislead auditors and investors
          as to material facts in order to provide significantly higher income
          to certain officers and directors of Cree.

     d)   Entering into an undisclosed and long-term requirements contract with
          Jeff Hunter, Chairman of C3 Corporation, later Charles & Colvard
          ("C3"), which required C3 to accept shipments of silicon carbide
          crystals for the manufacture of moissanite gems far in excess of
          market demand, in order to artificially increase the operating income
          of Cree by approximately forty percent or more, and artificially
          increased the per share value of Cree stock.

     e)   Misleading investors and the Securities and Exchange Commission
          ("SEC") by purchasing in excess of $4.0 million worth of equipment
          from C3 in which Cree already held a beneficial interest, with the
          understanding that C3's Chairman would restrict use and allocation of
          the proceeds to payments under the long-term requirements contract,
          thereby disguising C3's severe cashflow deficit and forced inventory
          surplus of silicon carbide crystals.

     f)   Granting undisclosed stock options to Broker Bert Davis, who assisted
          Defendants in artificially increasing the value of Cree stock by
          approximately 600 percent.

10.  In addition to the foregoing, Defendant F. Neal Hunter and others
     associated with Cree have published numerous false and misleading
     statements regarding Plaintiff Eric Hunter to members of his family, Cree
     employees, and other third parties associated with Plaintiffs, in order to
     intimidate, threaten and harass him.

11.  Beginning in 2001 and as recently as May, 2003, Defendant Hunter and others
     associated with Cree have also harassed, intimidated, and threatened
     Plaintiffs in order to discourage and prevent them from reporting the facts
     set forth in Paragraph 9 to the SEC, or initiating litigation to seek legal

12.  The threats, intimidation, and harassment directed toward Plaintiff Eric
     Hunter have directly and adversely affected the conditions of his
     employment at Cree, Inc.

                                     COUNT I
                               (Securities Fraud)

13.  Plaintiffs incorporate herein by reference Paragraphs 1 through 12 of this

14.  Defendants' acts and omissions described in Paragraphs 1 through 12 of this
     Complaint constitute fraud and other actionable conduct in violation of the
     Securities Act of 1933 and other federal laws and regulations.

15.  Plaintiff Eric Hunter has been severely damaged by Defendants' fraudulent
     acts and omissions, upon which he reasonably relied in entering into
     agreements with Cree pursuant to which he assigned to Cree valuable
     intellectual property, including but not limited to ten patents, and has
     foregone other business opportunities, in exchange for stock options,
     employment, and other consideration.

16.  Accordingly, pursuant to 15 U.S.C. Section 77, Plaintiffs are entitled to
     recover all of their direct, incidental and consequential damages, along
     with attorneys' fees and costs.

                                    COUNT II
                          (Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002)

17.  Plaintiffs incorporate herein by reference Paragraphs 1 through 16 of this

18.  Section 806 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, 18 U.S.C. Section 1514A,
     provides that employees who are adversely affected in their employment
     conditions due to reporting securities fraud and other criminal acts by
     their employer, have standing to seek civil remedies, including money

19.  Accordingly, Plaintiff Eric Hunter is entitled to recover from Defendants
     all of his direct, incidental and consequential damages resulting from the
     Defendants' threats, intimidation, and harassment.

20.  Plaintiff Eric Hunter is also entitled to a Preliminary and Permanent
     Injunction, preventing Defendants from threatening, intimidating or
     harassing him, members of his family, and other third parties associated
     with Plaintiffs, including other employees of Cree.

                                    COUNT III
                               (Defamation Per Se)

21.  Plaintiffs incorporate herein by reference Paragraphs 1 through 20 of this

22.  In addition to the conduct described above, Defendants have communicated,
     orally and in writing, false statements about Plaintiff Eric Hunter that
     have impugned his professional abilities and have accused him of criminal

23.  Those statements by Defendants constitute defamation per se.

24.  Defendants' defamation per se entitles Plaintiff Eric Hunter to actual and
     punitive damages as sought in the Prayer for Relief in this Complaint.

                              Demand For Jury Trial

Plaintiffs demand a jury trial on all issues so triable.

WHEREFORE, Plaintiffs respectfully pray the Court that:

     1.   Plaintiffs have and recover from Defendants the sum of $3 billion,
          with interest allowed by law, for securities fraud and other conduct
          set forth in Count I;

     2.   Plaintiff Eric Hunter have and recover from Defendants the sum of $1
          million, with interest allowed by law, for violation of his rights
          under the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, as set forth in Count II;

     3.   Plaintiff Eric Hunter have and recover actual and punitive damages in
          the sum of $200 million with interest allowed by law, for defamation
          per se set forth in Count III;

     4.   The costs of this action, including reasonable attorneys' fees, be
          taxed against Defendants;

     5.   The Court enter a Preliminary and Permanent Injunction preventing
          Defendants from harassing, intimidating or threatening Plaintiff Eric
          Hunter, members of his family, or others associated with him at Cree;

     6.   The Court grant such other and further relief as shall be just and

This the 11/th/ day of June, 2003.

                                     UNTI & LUMSDEN LLP

                            By:      /s/ Michael L. Unti
                                     Michael L. Unti
                                        N.C. State Bar #16075
                                     Margaret C. Lumsden
                                        N.C. State Bar #15953
                                     Sharon L. Smith
                                        N.C. State Bar #21367
                                     4020 Westchase Blvd., Suite 465
                                     Raleigh, NC 27607
                                     (919) 828-3966 (telephone)
                                     (919) 828-3927 (facsimile)
                                     Attorneys for Plaintiffs