Exhibit 11

                              October 30, 1998

WM Trust II (formerly, The GW Investment Funds)
601 West Main Avenue
Spokane, Washington  99201

Ladies and Gentlemen:

     You have informed us that you propose to register under the Securities Act
of 1933, as amended (the "Act"), on Form N-14 and offer and sell shares of
beneficial interest, without par value, of your Short-Term High Quality Bond
Fund, California Municipal Fund and Growth Fund (the "Shares"), at not less than
net asset value.

     We have examined an executed copy of your Master Trust Agreement dated
February 22, 1989, as amended (the "Master Trust Agreement"), and certified
copies of resolutions adopted by your trustees to authorize the issue and
exchange of Shares for the assets of certain series of The Griffin Funds, Inc.
We have further examined a copy of your By-Laws and such other documents and
records as we have deemed necessary for the purpose of this opinion.

     Based upon the foregoing, we are of the opinion that upon receipt of the
authorized consideration therefor in an amount not less than the applicable net
asset value, the Shares so issued will be validly issued, fully paid and
nonassessable by the Trust.

     WM Trust II (the "Trust") is an entity of the type commonly known as a
"Massachusetts business trust."  Under Massachusetts law, shareholders could,
under certain circumstances, be held personally liable for the obligations of
the Trust.  However, the Declaration of Trust disclaims shareholder liability
for acts or obligations of the Trust and requires that notice of such disclaimer
be given in each agreement, obligation or instrument entered into or executed by
the Trust or its trustees.  The Declaration of Trust provides for
indemnification out of the property of each series of the Trust (the "Series")
for all loss and expense of any shareholder of the Series held personally liable
solely by reason of his or her being or having been such a shareholder.  Thus,
the risk of a shareholder incurring financial loss on account of shareholder
liability is limited to circumstances in which the Series itself would be unable
to meet its obligations.

WM Trust II                           -2-                       October 30, 1998

     We understand that this opinion is to be used in connection with the
registration of an indefinite number of shares for offering and sale pursuant to
the Act.  We consent to the filing of this opinion with and as part of your
Registration Statement on Form N-14 relating to such offering and sale.

                         Very truly yours,

                         /s/ Ropes & Gray
                         Ropes & Gray