                          (AMENDMENT NO. [TWO])     
Filed by the Registrant [X]
Filed by a Party other than the Registrant [ ]
Check the appropriate box:
[X]Preliminary Proxy Statemen
[_]Confidential, for Use of the Commission Only (as permitted by Rule 14a-
[_]Definitive Proxy Statemen
[_]Definitive Additional Materials
[_]Soliciting Material Pursuant to (S) 240.14a-11(c) or (S) 240.14a-12
                          Walshire Assurance Company
               (Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)
                                Not Applicable
   (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if other than the Registrant)
Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box)
[_]No fee required.
[X]Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i) and 0-11.
  1)Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:
    Common Stock
    6 1/2% Convertible Preferred Stock
  2)Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:
    4,742,330 (4,614,230--common shares; 128,100--preferred shares)
  3) Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed
     pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (Set forth the amount on which the
     filing fee is calculated and state how it was determined.):
    $8.25 per share of common stock; $50.00 per share of preferred stock
    calculated on the basis of Rule 0-11 (C)(1), fee equals one-fiftieth of
    one percent of the aggregate cash payment to shareholders
  4) Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:
  5) Total fee paid:
[X]Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.     
[_]Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange Act Rule
   0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for which the offsetting fee was paid
   previously. Identify the previous filing by registration statement number,
   or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.
  1) Amount Previously Paid: ..................................................
  2) Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.: ............................
  3) Filing Party: ............................................................
  4) Date Filed: ..............................................................

                         [WALSHIRE ASSURANCE COMPANY]
                          WALSHIRE ASSURANCE COMPANY
                              3350 WHITEFORD ROAD
                                 P.O. BOX 3849
                         YORK, PENNSYLVANIA 17402-0138
                                                         November 12, 1998     
Dear Shareholder:
  You are cordially invited to attend a Special Meeting of Shareholders of
Walshire Assurance Company (the "Company") which will be held on December 11,
1998 at 10:00 A.M., at The Out Door Country Club, 1157 Detwiler Drive, York,
Pennsylvania 17404 (the "Special Meeting"). The official notice of the meeting
together with a proxy statement and form of proxy are enclosed. Please give
this information your careful attention.     
  At the Special Meeting you will be asked to consider and vote upon a
proposal (the "Merger Proposal") to approve and adopt an Agreement and Plan of
Merger, dated as of August 11, 1998, among the Company, Kingsway America Inc.
("Kingsway America"), Kingsway Financial Services Inc., and W Acquisition
Corporation, a newly-formed subsidiary of Kingsway America (the "Merger
Agreement"), which provides for the merger of W Acquisition Corporation into
the Company (the "Merger"). In the Merger, (a) each outstanding share of
Common Stock of the Company will be converted into the right to receive $8.25
in cash, without interest, (b) each outstanding share of the Company's 6 1/2%
Convertible Preferred Stock will be converted into the right to receive $50.00
in cash, plus accrued and unpaid dividends, without interest (an amount equal
to the redemption price of such Preferred Stock), and (c) the Company will
become a wholly-owned subsidiary of Kingsway America. THE BOARD HAS CAREFULLY
  You should read carefully the accompanying Notice of Special Meeting of
Shareholders and the Proxy Statement for details of the Merger Proposal and
additional related information. Whether or not you expect to attend the
meeting in person, it is important that your shares be voted at the meeting. I
urge you to specify your choices by marking the enclosed proxy and returning
it promptly in the envelope provided.
  Please do not send your share certificates with your proxy card. After
approval of the Merger Proposal by the Company's shareholders and satisfaction
of all other conditions to the Merger, you will receive a transmittal form and
instructions for the surrender and exchange of your shares.
                                          KENNETH R. TAYLOR
                                          Chairman, President and
                                          Chief Executive Officer

                          WALSHIRE ASSURANCE COMPANY
                              3350 WHITEFORD ROAD
                                 P.O. BOX 3849
                         YORK, PENNSYLVANIA 17402-0138
                       TO BE HELD DECEMBER 11, 1998     
To Our Shareholders:
  A Special Meeting of Shareholders of Walshire Assurance Company (the
"Company") will be held at The Out Door Country Club, 1157 Detwiler Drive,
York, Pennsylvania 17404, on December 11, 1998 at 10:00 A.M., for the
following purposes, as more fully described in the attached Proxy Statement:
  1. To consider and vote upon (i) a proposal (the "Merger Proposal") to
     approve and adopt an Agreement and Plan of Merger, dated as of August
     11, 1998 (the "Merger Agreement"), among the Company, Kingsway America
     Inc., a Delaware corporation ("Kingsway America"), Kingsway Financial
     Services Inc. an Ontario corporation, and W Acquisition Corporation, a
     newly-formed Pennsylvania corporation and a wholly-owned subsidiary of
     Kingsway America ("W Acquisition"), and (ii) the merger of W Acquisition
     into the Company upon the terms and subject to the conditions thereof
     (the "Merger"). Pursuant to the Merger Agreement, (a) each share of
     common stock of the Company, $.01 par value per share ("Common Stock")
     issued and outstanding immediately prior to the Merger will be converted
     into the right to receive $8.25 in cash, without interest, (b) each
     share of 6 1/2% Convertible Preferred Stock of the Company ("Preferred
     Stock") issued and outstanding immediately prior to the Merger will be
     converted into the right to receive $50.00 in cash, plus accrued and
     unpaid dividends, without interest (an amount equal to the redemption
     price of such Preferred Stock), and (c) the Company will become a
     wholly-owned subsidiary of Kingsway America. The Merger is more
     completely described in the accompanying Proxy Statement, and a copy of
     the Merger Agreement is attached as Annex A thereto.
  2. To transact such other matters as may properly come before the Special
     Meeting or any adjournments or postponements thereof.
  The Board of Directors has fixed October 30, 1998 as the record date for the
determination of shareholders entitled to vote at the meeting. Only
shareholders of record at the close of business on that date will be entitled
to notice of, and to vote at, the Special Meeting and any adjournments or
postponements thereof.     
  The Board of Directors of the Company:
  (a) has determined that the Merger Proposal is fair to and in the best
      interests of the Company and its shareholders;
  (b) has unanimously approved and declared advisable the Merger Proposal;
  (c) recommends a vote for approval of the Merger Proposal.
  The Merger Proposal must be approved by the affirmative vote of a majority
of the votes cast by holders of Common Stock at the Special Meeting (assuming
a quorum is present by proxy or in person). Holders of the Company's Common
Stock who refrain from voting for the Merger Proposal, and comply with all of
the provisions of the Pennsylvania Business Corporation Law of 1988, as
amended ("BCL") will be entitled to dissent from the Merger and obtain the
"fair value" of their shares as provided by the BCL. See "THE MERGER--
Dissenter Rights" in the accompanying Proxy Statement.

  Whether or not you plan to attend the Special Meeting, please complete, sign
and date the enclosed proxy card and return it promptly in the enclosed
postage prepaid envelope. Your proxy may be revoked at any time before it is
voted by signing and returning a proxy with a later date with respect to the
same shares, by filing with the Secretary of the Company a written revocation
bearing a later date, or by attending and voting at the Special Meeting in
forms for share certificates will be provided after the Merger is approved.
                                          By Order of the Board of Directors
                                          GARY J. ORNDORFF
                                          Assistant Secretary
November 12, 1998     

                          WALSHIRE ASSURANCE COMPANY
                              3350 WHITEFORD ROAD
                                 P.O. BOX 3849
                         YORK, PENNSYLVANIA 17402-0138
                                PROXY STATEMENT
  Walshire Assurance Company, a Pennsylvania corporation (the "Company"), is
furnishing this Proxy Statement to its shareholders in connection with the
solicitation of proxies by the Board of Directors of the Company (the "Board")
for use at the Company's Special Meeting of Shareholders and at any
adjournments or postponements thereof (the "Special Meeting"). The Special
Meeting is being held on December 11, 1998 at 10:00 a.m., local time, at The
Out Door Country Club, 1157 Detwiler Drive, York, Pennsylvania 17404.     
  The purpose of the Special Meeting is to consider and vote upon a proposal
(the "Merger Proposal") to approve and adopt an Agreement and Plan of Merger,
dated as of August 11, 1998 (the "Merger Agreement"), among the Company,
Kingsway America Inc., a Delaware corporation ("Kingsway America"), Kingsway
Financial Services Inc. ("Kingsway"), an Ontario corporation and W Acquisition
Corporation, a newly-formed Pennsylvania corporation and a wholly-owned
subsidiary of Kingsway America ("W Acquisition"), which provides for the
merger of W Acquisition into the Company (the "Merger"). Pursuant to the
Merger Agreement, (a) each outstanding share of Common Stock of the Company,
par value $.01 per share ("Common Stock") will be converted into the right to
receive $8.25 in cash, without interest, (b) each outstanding share of the
Company's 6 1/2% Convertible Preferred Stock ("Preferred Stock") will be
converted into the right to receive $50.00 in cash, plus accrued and unpaid
dividends, without interest (an amount equal to the redemption price of the
Preferred Stock), and (c) the Company will become a wholly-owned subsidiary of
Kingsway America.
  This Proxy Statement, the letter to shareholders, the Notice of Special
Meeting and the form of proxy for use at the Special Meeting are first being
mailed to shareholders on or about November 12, 1998. This Proxy Statement is
accompanied by the Company's most recent Annual Report on Form 10-K (without
exhibits) and its most recent Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q.     
          The date of this Proxy Statement is November 12, 1998.     

                              THE SPECIAL MEETING
  Any shareholder giving a proxy has the power to revoke it at any time before
its exercise by signing and returning a proxy with a later date, by filing
with the Secretary of the Company a written revocation bearing a later date,
or by attending and voting at the Special Meeting in person. Proxies in the
form provided are being solicited by the Board of Directors of the Company for
use at the Special Meeting.
  The cost of soliciting proxies will be paid by the Company. The Company has
made arrangements with brokerage firms, banks, custodians and other
fiduciaries to forward proxy materials to their principals, and the Company
will reimburse them for their reasonable mailing and other expenses. In
addition to solicitation by mail, certain directors, officers and employees of
the Company, who will receive no additional compensation for their services,
may solicit proxies by telephone, telecopy and by personal contacts. It is not
expected that the costs of solicitation will be material to the Company.
  Only holders of record of Common Stock at the close of business on October
30, 1998, the record date for the Special Meeting (the "Record Date"), will be
entitled to vote at the Special Meeting. Holders of Preferred Stock will not
be entitled to vote at the Special Meeting. As of that date, there were
4,443,188 shares of Common Stock issued and outstanding and 128,100 shares of
Preferred Stock issued and outstanding. Holders of Common Stock are each
entitled to one vote for each share of Common Stock held by them on any matter
to be voted on at the Special Meeting.     
  The Company is incorporated in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and is
governed by the Pennsylvania Business Corporation Law of 1988, as amended (the
"BCL"). Under the BCL, a majority of all outstanding shares of Common Stock
constitutes a quorum for purposes of action by holders of Common Stock. Once a
share is represented for any purpose at a meeting it is deemed present for
quorum purposes for the remainder of the meeting or any adjournment or
postponement thereof. The affirmative vote of the majority of the votes cast
by holders of Common Stock on the Merger Proposal is necessary for approval of
the Merger Proposal. Abstentions and broker non-votes with respect to Common
Stock will not be considered votes "cast," and will therefore not effect the
approval of the Merger Proposal as long as a quorum is present at the Special
  Pursuant to a Voting Agreement, dated as of August 11, 1998, among the
Company, Kingsway America, W Acquisition, Kingsway Financial Services Inc. and
certain directors and principal shareholders of the Company identified therein
(the "Voting Agreement"), each of such directors and shareholders of the
Company have agreed to vote all shares of Common Stock owned by them for the
Merger Proposal. A copy of the Voting Agreement is attached as Annex B to this
Proxy Statement and incorporated herein by reference. The 1,162,895 shares of
Common Stock covered by the Voting Agreement represent approximately 26% of
the votes entitled to be cast at the Special Meeting.

                             PARTIES TO THE MERGER
  The Company is an insurance holding company headquartered in York,
Pennsylvania. Through its wholly-owned subsidiaries, Lincoln General Insurance
Company ("Lincoln"), Comp America Insurance Company and Yorktowne Insurance
Company, the Company primarily provides a specialized line of property and
casualty insurance principally in Pennsylvania, and to a lesser extent, in
Georgia, Missouri, Ohio, Tennessee, Kentucky, and in certain other states
located in the Mid-Atlantic, South, Southeastern and Midwest regions of the
United States.     
  The Company principally offers commercial automobile physical damage and
liability coverages for trucks, tractors, trailers, buses and other commercial
vehicles, as well as workers' compensation coverages for trucking employees.
To a lesser extent, the Company offers certain commercial coverages for cargo
in transit and other property, commonly called inland marine coverage, as well
as homeowners, fire, farmowners, personal automobile physical damage, surety
and fidelity coverages. The Company also provides adjusting services for
claims covered by the Company and certain third parties, and financing for
insurance premiums payable by customers of the Company and others.
  The mailing address of the Company's principal executive office is P.O. Box
3849, 3350 Whiteford Road, York, PA 17402-0138, and its telephone number is
(717) 757-0000.
  The following data is derived from and should be read in conjunction with,
among other things, the consolidated financial statements of the Company,
including the notes thereto, incorporated by reference into this Proxy
Statement. See "Incorporation of Certain Documents by Reference."     

                          SIX MONTHS ENDED
                              JUNE 30,                 YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31,
                          ------------------  ----------------------------------------------
                            1998      1997      1997      1996      1995     1994     1993
                          --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  -------  -------
                                (IN THOUSANDS, EXCEPT PER SHARE DATA AND RATIOS)
Total Revenues..........  $ 25,025    27,101  $ 49,433  $ 52,679  $ 39,927  $32,607  $25,920
Net Income (Loss).......    (2,895)    1,124     1,900     1,922     5,483    3,788    2,619
Basic Net Income (Loss)
 Per Share (1)..........      (.67)      .19       .32       .33      1.13      .78      .64
Diluted Net Income Per
 share (1)..............      (.67)      .19       .32       .33      1.04      .61      .76
Dividends Paid on Common
 Stock..................       593       607     1,215     1,083       955      846      779
Dividends Per Common
 Share (1)..............       .13       .13       .26      .236      .215     .193     .189
Gross Premiums Written..    24,141    31,163    56,914    61,199    52,138   40,199   31,583
Loss Ratio (2)..........       101%       77%       81%       75%       59%      59%      55%
Combined Ratio (2)......       133%      111%      114%      104%       87%      89%      90%
Total Investments.......  $ 75,746  $ 73,802  $ 73,802  $ 71,018  $ 58,210  $50,540  $40,324
Total Assets............   131,172   134,442   134,442   130,936   101,627   83,068   66,345
Long-Term Debt..........       299       558       558     1,076     1,481    1,921       16
Shareholders' Equity....    41,913    47,491    47,491    46,834    46,014   40,014   32,041
Book Value Per Common
 Share (1)..............      7.99      8.79      8.83      8.75      8.82     7.55     7.36
Common Shares
 Outstanding (1)........     4,442     4,678     4,710     4,651     4,470    4,402    4,359
- --------
(1) These amounts reflect the following events: (i) in January and May, 1993,
    the Company converted $4,709 of its 10% Convertible Subordinated
    Debentures into 572 shares of common stock, (ii) in November, 1994, the
    Company declared a 5% stock dividend, (iii) in October, 1995 the Company
    converted 4 shares of its 6 1/2% Convertible Preferred Stock into 39
    shares of common stock, (iv) in December, 1996 the Company declared a 10%
    stock dividend, (v) in December, 1997 the Company converted 5 shares of
    its 6 1/2% Convertible Preferred Stock into 23 shares of common stock,
    (vi) in January, 1998 the Company reissued 5 shares of its 6 1/2%
    Convertible Preferred Stock in exchange for 23 shares of Common Stock, and
    (vii) in April and May, 1998, the Company repurchased 250 shares of Common
    Stock. Included in 1993 earnings per share was additional income of $61,
    or $.01 per share, resulting from the change in accounting for income
    taxes. Included in 1994 book value per common share was an additional $.06
    per share, resulting from the change in accounting for debt and equity
(2) Loss ratios and combined ratios have been calculated in accordance with
    accounting principles prescribed or permitted by state regulatory

  Kingsway Financial Services Inc. ("Kingsway") is a publicly-traded Canadian
property and casualty insurance holding company which operates in both Canada
and the U.S. through its insurance subsidiaries. It went public in Canada in
late 1995 and has grown from writing, through its subsidiaries, $60,000,000
(CDN) in premiums in 1995 to $211,000,000 (CDN) in the year ending December,
1997. Kingsway's primary business is non-standard automobile insurance.
Kingsway also operates in standard automobile, commercial automobile,
property, motorcycle and other speciality insurance markets. Until the end of
1997, Kingsway's activities were focused in Canada and operated through three
wholly-owned subsidiaries: Jevco Insurance Company; Kingsway General Insurance
Company; and York Fire & Casualty Insurance Company.     
  Non-standard automobile insurance represents the largest portion of
Kingsway's business representing approximately 34% of gross premiums written
in 1997. Motorcycle insurance, mostly written through Kingsway's Jevco
Insurance Company subsidiary, represented 18% of premiums during 1997.
 In 1998, Kingsway entered into the U.S. market through the establishment of
Kingsway America Inc. ("Kingsway America") which has acquired three non-
standard automobile insurance companies: American Service Insurance Company;
Southern United Fire Insurance Company; and Universal Casualty Company.
  These acquisitions effectively doubled the consolidated size of Kingsway and
have established a strong base for Kingway's U.S. growth.
  The mailing address for Kingsway and Kingsway America is 5310 Explorer
Drive, Mississauga Ontario Canada L4W5H8, and its telephone number is (905)
  Kingsway has advised the Company that it intends to fund the cash
consideration to be paid in the Merger through existing credit facilities with
its Canadian banks. Kingsway's source of funds include: (i) a credit facility
for approximately $75 (CDN) million, and (ii) a US$50 million revolving term
facility. Kingsway obtained these credit facilities for general corporate
purposes, including strategic acquisitions. Each credit facility is subject to
conditions that are customary in bank financings.     
  The Merger will be accounted for using the purchase method of accounting.
 W Acquisition is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Kingsway America and was formed
by Kingsway America on August 6, 1998 solely for the purpose of effectuating
the Merger. The mailing address of W Acquisition's principal executive offices
5310 Explorer Drive, Mississauga Ontario Canada L4W5H8, and its telephone
number is (905) 629-7888.

                                  THE MERGER
 The description of certain matters set forth below, to the extent such
matters are addressed by the Merger Agreement, does not purport to be complete
and is qualified in its entirety by reference to the Merger Agreement, a copy
of which is attached as Annex A to this Proxy Statement and incorporated
herein by reference. Shareholders are advised to read the Merger Agreement in
its entirety prior to voting on the Merger Proposal.
  The Board of Directors of the Company:
    (a) has determined that the Merger Proposal is fair to and in the best
  interests of the Company and its shareholders;
    (b) has unanimously approved and declared advisable the Merger Proposal;
    (c) recommends a vote FOR approval of the Merger Proposal.
  During 1996, the Board of Directors of the Company reached the conclusion
that, given current market conditions within the insurance industry and the
fact that the Company was competing in a market where many of its competitors
were national in scope and had substantially greater financial resources,
internal growth would be extremely difficult and the Company should explore
other alternatives to grow the Company. As a result, at a regularly scheduled
meeting of the Company's Board of Directors held on November 20, 1996, the
Board approved the hiring of Alex. Brown & Sons Incorporated ("Alex. Brown ")
as its investment banker to assist the Company in reviewing possible
acquisitions. On December 4, 1996, the Company entered into an agreement with
Alex. Brown to act as the Company's financial advisor.     
  From December, 1996 to August, 1997, Alex. Brown presented to Kenneth
Taylor, Chairman, President and CEO of the Company, and Gary Orndorff, Chief
Financial Officer of the Company a number of possible acquisition candidates.
After thorough review of each of the companies, the Company determined that it
would not be in the best interests of the Company or its shareholders to
pursue the acquisition of any of the possible acquisition candidates.     
  At the regularly scheduled meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company
held on August 14, 1997, a representative of Alex. Brown summarized their
results since the beginning of their engagement in December of 1996. Noting
that internal growth remained difficult due to competitive pressures within
the insurance industry, and that there appeared to be no suitable company
available for the Company to acquire, after a lengthy discussion, the Board
determined that the scope of Alex. Brown's engagement should be expanded and
that all strategic options should be explored, including the possible sale of
the Company. The Board believed that the expansion of Alex. Brown's role would
allow the Company to review all alternatives and strategic options available
to enhance shareholder value.     
  Subsequent to the August 14, 1997 Board meeting, the Company, with the
assistance of Alex. Brown, prepared an offering memorandum which was provided
to potential acquirors. Prior to receiving a copy of the offering memorandum,
such parties were required to execute confidentiality agreements. Ninety eight
parties were contacted regarding their interest in a transaction with the
Company, and forty-two potential acquirors executed confidentiality agreements
and were provided with a copy of the offering memorandum.     
  Based on the information contained in the offering memorandum, eleven
parties submitted written preliminary non-binding indications of interest
relating to the acquisition of the Company at the October 29, 1997 deadline.
  On November 19, 1997, the Board met with representatives of Alex. Brown and
the Company's legal counsel, Blank Rome Comisky & McCauley LLP. At the
meeting, Alex. Brown reviewed the process for the

solicitation of indications of interest and the proposals received. The Board
then discussed with representatives of Alex. Brown and the Company's legal
counsel the next phase of the process and authorized the Company to respond to
the due diligence requests of the interested parties.
  From November to mid-January, six companies which submitted preliminary
indications of interest, including Kingsway, performed on-site due diligence
on the Company. On January 16, 1998, two of the six companies which performed
due diligence on the Company, including Kingsway, submitted non-binding
conditional proposals to the Company. Kingsway's initial proposal contemplated
an offer of cash or stock in exchange for the Common Stock, subject to
additional actuarial, legal and accounting due diligence. Kingsway's proposal
preliminarily indicated consideration of approximately $12 per share of Common
Stock. The other proposal preliminarily contemplated an offer to acquire only
the stock of Lincoln and included three alternatives, the maximum of which
proposed $35 million in consideration, was conditioned on a reserve guarantee
and additional due diligence and raised a number of difficult issues including
the comparability of an offer for Lincoln only to an offer for the Company as
a whole. Discussions relating to these proposals terminated in January, 1998,
and discussions relating to the acquisitions of the Company did not resume
until several months later.     
  On January 21, 1998, the Board met with representatives of Alex. Brown and
the Company's legal counsel. Alex. Brown reviewed with the Board the process
for solicitation of indications of interest, the results of the solicitation
process and the two proposals received, including Alex. Brown's financial
analysis of those proposals. At that time, the Company agreed to enter into a
period of exclusive due diligence with Kingsway, and to discontinue talks with
the other company.
  In February of 1998, Kingsway completed its due diligence, but did not make
a final proposal. As a result, there were no proposals to acquire the Company
at a value that the Board would consider.
  Subsequent to the termination of discussions with Kingsway, Kenneth Taylor
received unsolicited, direct telephone inquiries regarding the acquisition of
the Company from five additional companies. These telephone calls resulted in
various meetings with Mr. Taylor as well as the completion of varying levels
of due diligence. No formal proposals were submitted to the Company.     
  At a meeting on April 21, 1998, the Board discussed the various inquiries
that the Company had received, the prospects that any of these inquiries would
result in an acceptable proposal and the alternatives available to the Company
if no acceptable proposal was received.
  Walshire subsequently formally terminated its engagement with Alex. Brown as
of May 14, 1998 because the formal auction process had ended.
  During the period from the termination of the discussions in early 1998
through the announcement of the Company's first quarter 1998 earnings on May
14, 1998, the Company's financial condition and results of operation continued
to decline. After its first quarter 1998 earnings release, four companies
contacted Kenneth Taylor and expressed interest in the Company, including
Kingsway (acting through its financial advisor) and two other parties
previously contacted by Alex. Brown. Effective June 18, 1998, Walshire re-
engaged BT Alex. Brown Incorporated ("BT Alex. Brown"), the successor to Alex.
  Subsequent to their re-engagement, BT Alex. Brown contacted the four
companies then expressing interest in the Company, as well as other parties
who had previously expressed a serious interest in the Company. Over a three
week time period commencing June 18, 1998, BT Alex. Brown, Kenneth Taylor and
Gary Orndorff met with several of these parties during their due diligence
investigation. Among these meetings was a June 25, 1998 meeting involving
William Star, Chairman of Kingsway, Shaun Jackson, the Executive Vice
President and Chief Financial Officer of Kingsway and Kingsway's financial
advisors, during which the Company's market, business, competition, loss
reserves, underwriting and claims experience and future prospects were
discussed informally in furtherance of Kingsway's possible development of a
proposal to acquire the Company.     
  On July 29, 1998, the Board met with representatives of the Company's legal
counsel to review the status of the current discussions that the Company was
having with several interested parties.     

  On July 30, 1998, the Board met with representatives of BT Alex. Brown and
the Company's legal counsel. At the meeting, BT Alex. Brown reviewed the
proposals that had been submitted since their re-engagement, including
Kingsway's proposal, and answered the questions of the Board. The Board asked
Alex. Brown to clarify and to respond to selected terms of each of the
proposals and to report back to the Board on July 31, 1998.     
  On July 31, 1998, the Board held a telephonic meeting with representatives
of BT Alex. Brown and the Company's legal counsel. BT Alex. Brown reported on
the final four proposals that they had received. Kingsway and another company
("Bidder Two") had made proposals contemplating cash offers, with the offer by
Bidder Two being subject to additional due diligence. Bidder Two's proposal
(which was ultimately turned down) was for $7.25 in cash per share of Common
Stock. The proposal from the third bidder ("Bidder Three") was for the
acquisition of Lincoln only, and was subject to the commencement and
completion of due diligence. Bidder Three's proposal involved a potential
purchase price for Lincoln only in the range of $35 to $37 million. The
proposal from the fourth bidder ("Bidder Four") was also subject to additional
due diligence. This offer contemplated a purchase price equal to the Company's
June 30, 1998 book value, less $3 million, or $7.61 per share of Common Stock.
Bidder Four's proposal contemplated either 100% stock consideration or a
mixture of stock and cash consideration, with the cash component limited to
30% of the total consideration to be delivered.     
  As discussed below, of the final four proposals received, Kingsway's
proposal was the highest per share cash proposal and contained no
contingencies regarding financing or additional due diligence. Kingsway's
initial offer was to pay $8.00 in cash for each share of Common Stock, plus an
additional $1.00 in cash per share contingent upon development of the
Company's loss reserve through December 31, 1999. Subsequently, by letter
dated July 31, 1998, Kingsway amended its offer, following discussions with
Kenneth Taylor, Gary Orndorff and the Company's financial advisors, to give
the Company the choice between the initial offer and the $8.25 offer. In
addition, Kingsway indicated its intent to proceed with the Merger on
substantially the terms and conditions of the merger agreement proposed by the
Company. The Board authorized Kenneth Taylor, Gary Orndorff and its legal and
financial advisors to negotiate the terms of a definitive acquisition
agreement with Kingsway.     
  The Company and Kingsway negotiated the specific terms of the Merger
Agreement and related agreements from August 3 to August 11, 1998.     
  A meeting was held on August 3, 1998, at which Kenneth Taylor, Shaun
Jackson, Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of Kingsway, and
representatives of Kingsway's and the Company's financial and legal advisors
were present. The principal points of negotiation at this meeting involved:
(i) Kingsway's request for a condition to closing limiting the maximum number
of dissenting shares, (ii) a termination fee that would be payable by the
Company under certain circumstances, and (iii) a condition to closing relating
to material adverse changes in the Company's business. The parties also
reviewed and discussed the comments of Kingsway and its advisors on the Merger
Agreement at this meeting.     
  From August 3, 1998 to August 10, 1998, a number of telephone discussions
were held among Kenneth Taylor, Gary Orndorff, Chief Financial Officer of the
Company, Shaun Jackson, and the respective legal counsel and financial
advisors for the Company and Kingsway, relative to the principal points of
negotiation discussed above and various other issues in the Merger Agreement.
  A second meeting was held on August 11, 1998, at which the officers
mentioned above (including Gary Orndorff) were again joined by representatives
of their respective legal and financial advisors. At this meeting,
negotiations on the merger were completed, including: (a) resolution of the
issue regarding the condition to closing relating to dissenting shares, (b) an
agreement on the amount of the termination fee and the circumstances under
which it would be paid (while Kingsway had initially requested a termination
fee of $2.5 million, the parties ultimately agreed to a termination fee of
$1.75 million--See "Terms of the Merger Agreement--Costs and Expenses" below),
(c) an agreement as to the condition to closing regarding adverse changes
relating to the Company, and (d) resolution of other technical points within
the agreement. After the Merger Agreement was refined into final form, the
negotiations were adjourned to allow the Company's Board of Directors to meet.
Immediately following this meeting, the parties reconvened and executed the
Merger Agreement.     

  On August 11, 1998, the Board held a special meeting and unanimously
approved the sale of the Company to Kingsway, authorized the execution of the
Merger Agreement and further authorized the Company's executive officers to
take whatever steps may be necessary to consummate the Merger. The Board
considered a number of factors in deciding whether to approve the sale of the
Company to Kingsway. These factors included: (i) the market conditions in the
property and casualty insurance industry, particularly in a commercial
automobile physical damages and liability lines of business; (ii) the
Company's current operating performance and competitive position; (iii) the
solicitation process described above; (iv) whether financing, additional due
diligence or any other contingencies existed with respect to a particular
proposal; (v) whether substantial modifications to the Merger Agreement would
be required, particularly modifications which would impose a substantial
burden on the Company or its shareholders; (vi) the overall value of
Kingsway's proposal, and a presentation by BT Alex. Brown and its oral opinion
that the consideration of $8.25 per share of Common Stock in cash to be
received by the holders of Common Stock is fair, from a financial point of
view, to such holders; and (vii) the best interests of the Company, including
the effects of the sale of the Company to Kingsway on the Company's employees,
independent agents and policyholders and on the community in which the Company
is headquartered.
  In evaluating Kingsway's proposal in light of the foregoing factors, the
Board noted the following, which lead the Board to believe that the Merger
Proposal was in the best interests of the Company and its shareholders: (i)
the proposal made by Kingsway was the highest cash proposal received for the
Company and resulted from an extensive auction process for the Company; (ii)
Kingsway's proposal was an all-cash offer with no financing, additional due
diligence or other significant contingencies; (iii) Kingsway indicated its
intent to proceed with the Merger on substantially the terms and conditions of
the Merger Agreement proposed by the Company; and (iv) Kingsway stated its
intention to maintain a presence in York, Pennsylvania, and continue to employ
most of the Company's management and employees.     
  The Board believed that in addition to Kingsway's offer being the highest
cash offer, Kingsway's offer did not present any significant negative factors
relative to the three other proposals received. The Board also concluded that
Kingsway's offer, which indicated an intention to preserve a business presence
in York, Pennsylvania, was preferable to offers that provided no assurance
that the Company's sale would not materially and adversely effect the
community in which the Company has maintained its principal offices. Also, to
provide certainty and expedience in reaching a closing and receiving the
consideration in a proposed transaction, the Board believed that an offer that
contained no due diligence contingency, no earn-out or contingent payments and
no financing contingency was preferable to a proposal that contained such
terms, all other factors being equal.     
  The Board also believed that the Merger was in the best interests of the
Company and its shareholders in light of market conditions in the property and
casualty insurance industry, particularly, the trucking segment, which
included intense price competition, competition from competitors that were
larger and more diversified than the Company, and excess capacity among
competitors in the Company's market niche. Based, in part, on these factors,
the Board believed that it was questionable whether the Company could improve
its results of operations as a stand-alone entity. The Company's operating
results were continuing to suffer from market conditions, and the Company
incurred underwriting losses of approximately $3.0 million for the year ended
December 31, 1996, $5.2 million for the year ended December 31, 1997, and $7.2
million for the six-month period ended June 30, 1998.     
  In view of the wide range and variety of factors considered in its analysis,
the Board did not find it practicable to quantify or otherwise assign relative
weight to the specific factors considered by it. However, after taking into
account all factors as a whole, the Board unanimously agreed that the Merger
Proposal was fair to, and in the best interests of, the Company and its

  BT Alex. Brown acted as financial advisor to the Company in connection with
the Merger. At the August 11, 1998 meeting of the Company's Board of
Directors, BT Alex. Brown delivered its oral opinion to the Board,
subsequently confirmed in writing as of the same date, to the effect that, as
of the date of such opinion, based upon and subject to the assumptions made,
matters considered and limits of the review undertaken by BT Alex. Brown, the
consideration to be received by holders of Common Stock in the Merger was
fair, from a financial point of view, to the holders of such Common Stock.
  In connection with BT Alex. Brown's role as financial advisor to the
Company, and in arriving at its opinion, BT Alex. Brown has, among other
things, reviewed certain publicly available financial information and other
information concerning the Company and certain internal analysis and other
information furnished to it by the Company. BT Alex. Brown also held
discussions with members of the senior management of the Company regarding its
business and prospects. In addition, BT Alex. Brown (i) reviewed the reported
prices and trading activity for the common stock of the Company, (ii) compared
certain financial and stock market information for the Company with similar
information for selected companies whose securities are publicly traded, (iii)
reviewed the financial terms of selected recent business combinations which it
deemed comparable in whole or in part, (iv) reviewed the terms of a draft of
the Merger Agreement and certain related documents, and (v) performed such
other studies and analysis and considered such other factors as it deemed
  In preparing its opinion, BT Alex. Brown did not assume responsibility for
the independent verification of, and did not independently verify, any
information, whether publicly available or furnished to it, concerning the
Company, including, without limitation, any financial information, forecasts
or projections, considered in connection with the rendering of its opinion.
Accordingly, for purposes of its opinion, BT Alex. Brown assumed and relied
upon the accuracy and completeness of all such information. BT Alex. Brown did
not conduct a physical inspection of any of the properties or assets, and did
not prepare or obtain any independent evaluation or appraisal of any of the
assets or liabilities of the Company. With respect to the financial forecasts
and projections made available to BT Alex. Brown and used it its analysis, BT
Alex. Brown assumed that they have been reasonably prepared on bases
reflecting the best currently available estimates and judgements of the
management of the Company as to the matters covered thereby. In rendering its
opinion, BT Alex. Brown expressed no view as to the reasonableness of such
forecasts and projections, or the assumptions on which they are based. The BT
Alex. Brown Opinion was necessarily based upon economic, market and other
conditions as in effect on, and the information made available to BT Alex.
Brown as of, the date of such opinion.
  For purposes of rendering its opinion, BT Alex. Brown assumed that, in all
respects material to its analysis, the Merger would be consummated on the
terms and subject to the conditions described in the Merger Agreement and that
all conditions to the consummation of the Merger will be satisfied without any
waiver thereof.
  Set forth below is a brief summary of all of the material financial analyses
performed by BT Alex. Brown in connection with its opinion and reviewed with
the Company's Board of Directors at its meeting on August 11, 1998.     
  HISTORICAL STOCK PERFORMANCE. BT Alex. Brown reviewed and analyzed recent
and historical market prices and trading volume for the Common Stock and
compared such market prices to certain stock market and industry indices.
certain financial information and commonly used valuation measurements for the
Company to corresponding information and

measurements for a group of eleven publicly traded commercial lines property
and casualty insurance companies with latest twelve months ("LTM") returns on
equity ("ROE") of less than 10% consisting of Allcity Insurance Company,
American Indemnity Financial Corporation, Baldwin & Lyons Inc., W.R. Berkeley
Corp., EMC Insurance Group Inc., Gainsco Inc., Gryphon Holdings Inc.,
Highlands Insurance Group Inc., Intercargo Corp., Old Guard Group Inc., and
Reliance Group Holdings Inc. (collectively, the "Selected Companies"). Such
financial information and valuation measurements included, among other things,
(i) common equity market valuation ("Equity Value"); (ii) LTM ROE; (iii) 1997
ROE; (iv) the multiple of Equity Value to LTM net operating income; (v) the
multiple of Equity Value to 1998 estimated net earnings; (vi) the multiple of
Equity Value to 1999 estimated net earnings; and (vii) the multiple of Equity
Value to common shareholders' equity ("Book Value"). To calculate the trading
multiples for the Selected Companies, BT Alex. Brown used publicly available
information concerning historical and projected financial performance,
including published historical financial information and earnings estimates
reported by the Institutional Brokers Estimate System ("IBES") and First Call
("First Call"). IBES and First Call are data services that monitor and publish
compilations of earnings estimates by selected research analysts regarding
companies of interest to institutional investors. To calculate the trading
multiples for the Company, BT Alex. Brown used publicly available information
concerning historical financial performance and used internal estimates
concerning projected financial performance. BT Alex. Brown calculated that,
based on the closing stock prices on August 7, 1998, the multiple of Equity
Value to LTM net operating income was not meaningful ("NM") for the Company,
compared to a range of 7.8x to 13.0x, with a median of 12.3x, for the Selected
Companies; the multiple of Equity Value to 1998 estimated net earnings was NM
for the Company, compared to a range of 12.8x to 18.7x, with a median of
13.6x, for the Selected Companies; the multiple of Equity Value to 1999
estimated net earnings was 9.7x for the Company, compared to a range of 9.1x
to 16.8x, with a median of 11.2x for the Selected Companies; and the multiple
of Equity Value to Book Value was 0.6x for the Company, compared to a range of
0.6x to 1.3x, with a median of 0.9x, for the Selected Companies. Net operating
losses for the LTM and 1998 forecast periods caused the related multiples to
be NM.
  BT Alex. Brown noted that based on the consideration to be paid in the
Merger, the multiples of Equity Value to LTM net operating income; 1998
estimated net earnings; 1999 estimated net earnings and Book Value were NM,
NM, 14.1x and 1.04x, respectively. BT Alex. Brown also noted that the
Company's LTM ROE was negative 6.5%.
  In addition, BT Alex. Brown compared certain financial information and
commonly used valuation measurements for the Company to corresponding
information and measurements for a group of three publicly traded Commercial
Lines Property and Casualty companies with LTM ROE of greater than 10%
consisting of Donegal Group Inc., Old Republic International Corporation and
Selective Insurance Group (collectively, the "Selected Companies with ROE
greater than 10%"). Such financial information and valuation measurements
included, among other things, (i) Equity Value; (ii) LTM ROE; (iii) 1997 ROE;
(iv) the multiple of Equity Value to LTM net operating income; (v) the
multiple of Equity Value to 1998 estimated net earnings; (vi) the multiple of
Equity Value to 1999 estimated net earnings; and (vii) the multiple of Equity
Value to Book Value. To calculate the trading multiples for the Selected
Companies with ROE greater than 10%, BT Alex. Brown used publicly available
information concerning historical and projected financial performance,
including published historical financial information and earnings estimates
reported by IBES and First Call. To calculate the trading multiples for the
Company, BT Alex. Brown used publicly available information concerning
historical financial performance and used internal estimates concerning
projected financial performance. BT Alex. Brown calculated that, based on the
closing stock prices on August 7, 1998, the multiple of Equity Value to LTM
net operating income was NM for the Company, compared to a range of 8.9x to
12.0x, with a median of 9.4x, for the Selected Companies with ROE greater than
10%; the multiple of Equity Value to 1998 estimated net earnings was NM for
the Company, compared to a range of 9.5x to 12.2x, with a median of 12.2x, for
the Selected Companies with ROE greater than 10%; the multiple of Equity Value
to 1999 estimated net earnings was 9.7x for the Company, compared to a range
of 8.7x to 11.2x, with a median of 11.2x for the Selected Companies with ROE
greater than 10%; and the multiple of Equity Value to Book Value was 0.6x for
the Company, compared to a range of 1.0x to 1.6x, with a median of 1.4x, for
the Selected Companies with ROE greater than 10%.

  BT Alex. Brown noted that based on the consideration to be paid in the
Merger, the multiples of Equity Value to LTM net operating income, 1998
estimated net earnings, 1999 estimated net earnings and Book Value were NM,
NM, 14.1x and 1.04x, respectively. BT Alex. Brown also noted that the
Company's LTM ROE was negative 6.5%.
  None of the companies used as a comparison are identical to the Company.
Accordingly, BT Alex. Brown believes the analysis of publicly traded
comparable companies is not simply mathematical. Rather, it involves complex
considerations and qualitative judgments, reflected in BT Alex. Brown's
opinion, concerning differences in financial and operating characteristics of
the comparable companies and other factors that could affect the public
trading value of the comparable companies.
financial terms, to the extent publicly available, of 22 selected proposed,
pending or completed mergers and acquisition transactions since April 1995
involving companies in the Property and Casualty Industry (the "Selected
Transactions"). BT Alex. Brown calculated various financial multiples based on
certain publicly available information for each of the Selected Transactions
and compared them to corresponding financial multiples for the Merger based on
the Purchase Price. The transactions reviewed were (i) Business Insurance
Company and other units of Business Insurance Group, Inc., acquired by
Superior National Insurance Group Inc., announced May, 1998; (ii) Nobel
Insurance Limited acquired by RenaissanceRe Holdings Limited, announced
December, 1997, (iii) independent agency business of TIG Holdings acquired by
Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company, announced October, 1997, (iv) Western
Indemnity Insurance Company acquired by Frontier Insurance Company, announced
October, 1997; (v) The Resolution Group, Inc. acquired by TRG Holdings
Corporation, announced September, 1997; (vi) Westchester Specialty Group, Inc.
acquired by ACE Limited, announced September, 1997; (vii) Unionamerica
Holdings plc acquired by MMI Companies Inc., announced June, 1997; (viii)
Houston General Insurance Company acquired by Commercial Union plc, announced
May, 1997; (ix) Industrial Indemnity Inc. acquired by Fremont General
Corporation, announced May, 1997; (x) American Country Insurance Company
acquired by The Western Systems Corporation, announced May, 1997; (xi) Anthem
Casualty Insurance Company and Shelby Insurance Company acquired by Vesta
Insurance Group Inc., announced April, 1997; (xii) Lyndon Insurance Group
acquired by Frontier Insurance Group Inc., announced March, 1997; (xiii) Crop
Growers Corporation acquired by Fireman's Fund Insurance Company, announced
March, 1997; (xiv) Midland Financial Group Inc. acquired by Progressive
Corporation, announced November, 1996; (xv) International Indemnity Group Inc.
acquired by Queensway Financial Holdings Limited, announced September, 1996;
(xvi) Citizens Security Group Inc. acquired by Meridian Insurance Group Inc.,
announced February, 1996; (xvii) American Southern Insurance Company acquired
by Atlantic American Corporation, announced October, 1995; (xviii) Safety
National Casualty Corporation acquired by Delphi Financial Group Inc.,
announced October, 1995; (ix) Hoosier Insurance Company acquired by General
Casualty Company of Wisconsin, announced June, 1995; (xx) Milwaukee Insurance
Group acquired by Unitrin Inc., announced June, 1995; (xxi) Viking Insurance
Holdings acquired by Guaranty National Corporation, announced April, 1995 and
(xxii) Lincoln Insurance Company acquired by Markel Corporation, announced
April, 1995. BT Alex. Brown calculated that the multiple of Equity Value
implied by the Purchase Price to LTM net operating income was NM for the
Merger compared to a range of 7.2x to 27.2x, with a median of 16.1x for the
Selected Transactions. BT Alex. Brown calculated that the multiple of Equity
Value implied by the Purchase Price to Book Value was 1.04x for Walshire
Assurance Company, compared to a range of 0.9x to 2.0x, with a median of 1.2x,
for the Selected Transactions. All multiples for the Selected Transactions
were based on public information available at the time of announcement of such
transaction, without taking into account differing market and other conditions
for the period in which the Selected Transactions occurred.     
  In addition, BT Alex. Brown reviewed the financial terms, to the extent
publicly available, of 10 selected distressed proposed, pending or completed
mergers and acquisition transactions since February 1993 involving companies
in the property and casualty industry (the "Selected Distressed
Transactions"). BT Alex. Brown calculated various financial multiples based on
certain publicly available information for each of the Selected Distressed
Transactions and compared them to corresponding financial multiples for the
Merger based on the

Purchase Price. The transactions reviewed were: (i) Business Insurance Company
and other units of Business Insurance Group Inc. acquired by Superior National
Insurance Group Inc., announced May, 1998; (ii) Golden Eagle Insurance Company
acquired by Liberty Mutual Group announced April, 1997; (iii) Midland
Financial Group acquired by Progressive Corporation, announced November, 1996;
(iv) International Indemnity Group Inc. acquired by Queensway Financial
Holdings Limited, announced September, 1996; (v) Pac Rim Holding Corporation
acquired by Superior National Insurance Group Inc. announced September, 1996;
(vi) Vik Brothers Insurance Inc. acquired by Highlands Insurance Group, Inc.
announced June, 1996; (vii) Skandia America Reinsurance Corporation acquired
by Fairfax Financial Holdings Limited announced March, 1996; (viii)
Continental Corporation acquired by CNA Financial Corporation announced
December, 1994; (ix) ARMCO Inc. acquired by Vik Brothers Insurance Inc.
announced August, 1994 and (x) American Reliance Group Inc. acquired by Vik
Brothers Insurance Inc. announced February, 1993. BT Alex. Brown calculated
that the multiple of Equity Value to LTM net operating income was NM for the
Merger and NM for the Selected Distressed Transactions. BT Alex. Brown
calculated that the multiple of Equity Value implied by the Purchase Price to
Book Value was 1.04x for Walshire Assurance Company, compared to a range of
0.9x to 2.0x, with a median of 1.0x, for the Selected Distressed Transactions.
All multiples for the Selected Distressed Transactions were based on public
information available at the time of announcement of such transaction, without
taking into account differing market and other conditions for the period in
which the Selected Distressed Transactions occurred.     
  Because the reasons for, and circumstances surrounding, each of the
precedent transactions analyzed were so diverse, and due to the inherent
differences between the operations and financial conditions of the Company and
the 32 companies involved in the Selected Non-Distressed Transactions and
Selected Distressed Transactions, BT Alex. Brown believes that a comparable
transaction analysis is not simply mathematical. Rather, it involves complex
considerations and qualitative judgments, reflected in BT Alex. Brown's
opinion, concerning differences between the characteristics of these
transactions and the Merger that could affect the value of the subject
companies and businesses and the Company.
  DIVIDEND DISCOUNT ANALYSIS. BT Alex. Brown performed a dividend discount
analysis of the Company. BT Alex. Brown calculated the dividend discount
values for the Company as the sum of the net present values of (i) the
estimated future dividends that the Company will generate for the years 1999
through 2003, plus (ii) the net present value of the terminal value of the
Company at the end of such period. The estimated future dividends were based
on the financial projections for the Company for the years 1999 through 2003
prepared by the Company's management. The terminal value at the end of 2003
was calculated using a range of values based on a range of multiples of book
value of 0.9x to 1.3x and a range of multiples of LTM net operating income of
12.0x to 14.0x. The multiples used to calculate terminal value were based on
the trading characteristics of the Selected Companies with ROE less than 10%
and the Selected Companies with ROE greater than 10%. BT Alex. Brown used
discount rates ranging from 12.5% to 17.5%. BT Alex. Brown used such discount
rates based on its judgment of the estimated weighted average cost of capital
of the Selected Companies with ROE less than 10% and Selected Companies with
ROE greater than 10%. This analysis indicated a range of values of $5.31 to
$9.40 per share.
  The foregoing summary describes all analysis and factors that BT Alex. Brown
deemed material in its presentation to the Company's Board of Directors, but
is not a comprehensive description of all analysis performed and factors
considered by BT Alex. Brown in connection with preparing its opinion. The
preparation of a fairness opinion is a complex process involving the
application of subjective business judgment in determining the most
appropriate and relevant methods of financial analysis and the application of
those methods to the particular circumstances and, therefore, is not readily
susceptible to summary description. BT Alex. Brown believes that its analysis
must be considered as a whole and that considering any portion of such
analysis and of the factors considered without considering all analysis and
factors could create a misleading view of the process underlying the opinion.
In arriving at its fairness determination, BT Alex. Brown did not assign
specific weights to any particular analysis.
  In conducting its analysis and arriving at its opinions, BT Alex. Brown
utilized a variety of generally accepted valuation methods. The analysis was
prepared solely for the purpose of enabling BT Alex. Brown to

provide its opinion to the Company's Board of Directors as to the fairness,
from a financial point of view, of the consideration to be received by the
holders of Walshire Common Stock in the Merger and does not purport to be
appraisals or necessarily reflect the prices at which businesses or securities
actually may be sold, which are inherently subject to uncertainty. In
connection with its analysis, BT Alex. Brown made, and was provided by the
Company's management with, numerous assumptions with respect to industry
performance, general business and economic conditions and other matters, many
of which are beyond the Company's control. Analysis based on estimates or
forecasts of future results is not necessarily indicative of actual past or
future values or results, which may be significantly more or less favorable
than suggested by such analysis. Because such analysis is inherently subject
to uncertainty, being based upon numerous factors or events beyond the control
of the Company or their respective advisors, neither the Company nor BT Alex.
Brown nor any other person assumes responsibility if future results or actual
values are materially different from these forecasts or assumptions.
  The terms of the Merger were determined through negotiations between the
Company and Kingsway and were approved by the Company's Board of Directors.
Although BT Alex. Brown provided advice to the Company during the course of
these negotiations, the decision to enter into the Merger was solely that of
the Company's Board of Directors. As described above, the opinion and
presentation of BT Alex. Brown to the Company's Board of Directors were only
one of a number of factors taken into consideration by the Company's Board of
Directors in making its determination to approve the Transaction. The BT Alex.
Brown Opinion was provided to the Company's Board of Directors to assist it in
connection with its consideration of the Merger and does not constitute a
recommendation to any holder of Common Stock as to how to vote with respect to
the Merger.
  The Company selected BT Alex. Brown as financial advisor in connection with
the Merger based on BT Alex. Brown's qualifications, expertise, reputation and
experience in mergers and acquisitions. The Company has retained BT Alex.
Brown pursuant to a letter agreement dated June 18, 1998 (the "Engagement
Letter"). As compensation for BT Alex. Brown's services in connection with the
Merger, the Company has agreed to pay BT Alex. Brown a cash fee of $37,500 and
an opinion fee of $250,000 and has agreed to pay an additional cash fee of
approximately $415,000 if the Merger is consummated. Regardless of whether the
Merger is consummated, the Company has agreed to reimburse BT Alex. Brown for
reasonable fees and disbursements of BT Alex. Brown's counsel and all of BT
Alex. Brown's reasonable travel and other out-of-pocket expenses incurred in
connection with the Merger or otherwise arising out of the retention of BT
Alex. Brown under the Engagement Letter. The Company has also agreed to
indemnify BT Alex. Brown and certain related persons to the full extent lawful
against certain liabilities, including certain liabilities under the federal
securities laws arising out of its engagement or the Merger.
  BT Alex. Brown is an internationally recognized investment banking firm
experienced in providing advice in connection with mergers and acquisitions
and related transactions. One or more members of BT Alex. Brown has, from time
to time, provided investment banking services to the Company for which it has
received compensation. In the ordinary course of its business, members of BT
Alex. Brown and its affiliates may actively trade securities of the Company
for their own accounts or the accounts of their customers and, accordingly,
may from time to time hold a long or short position in such securities.
  The preparation of a fairness opinion is a complex process and is not
necessarily susceptible to partial analysis or summary description. Selecting
portions of the overall analysis or of the summary set forth above, without
considering the overall analysis as a whole, could create an incomplete view
of the processes underlying BT Alex. Brown's opinion. In arriving at its
fairness determination, BT Alex. Brown considered the results of all such
analysis. No company or transaction used in the BT Alex. Brown's analysis as a
comparison is directly comparable to the Company or the contemplated
transaction. The BT Alex. Brown Opinion was prepared solely for purposes of
advising the Board as to the fairness of the $8.25 per share in cash to be
received by the holders of the Common Stock pursuant to the Merger Agreement
and does not purport to be an appraisal or necessarily reflect the prices at
which businesses or securities actually may be sold. Analysis based upon
forecasts of future results are not necessarily indicative of actual future
results, which may be significantly more or less favorable

than suggested by such analysis. Because such analysis are inherently subject
to uncertainty, being based upon numerous factors or events beyond the control
of the parties or their respective advisors, none of the Company, Kingsway,
Kingsway America, W Acquisition, the Financial Advisor or any other person
assumes responsibility if future results are materially different from those
forecast. As described above, the BT Alex. Brown Opinion to the Board was one
of many factors taken into consideration by the Board in making its
determination to approve the Merger Agreement. The foregoing summary does not
purport to be a complete description of the overall analysis performed by BT
Alex. Brown and is qualified by reference to the BT Alex. Brown Opinion.
  The Merger will become effective at the time of filing of articles of merger
with the Secretary of State of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania (the "Articles
of Merger"), in accordance with the BCL, or at such other time as specified in
the Articles of Merger (the "Effective Time"). Prior to such filing, a closing
(the "Closing") will be held on a date set by Kingsway America (the "Closing
Date"), which date will be within ten business days following the later of (i)
the date of the approval of the Merger Proposal by the Company's shareholders
and (ii) the date upon which all conditions set forth in the Merger Agreement
have been satisfied or waived. See "Terms of the Merger Agreement--Conditions
to the Merger" below.
  GENERAL. Pursuant to the Merger Agreement, W Acquisition will be merged with
and into the Company at the Effective Time. The separate corporate existence
of W Acquisition will thereupon cease, and the Company will continue as the
surviving corporation and succeed to and assume all the rights and obligations
of W Acquisition in accordance with the BCL and the Merger Agreement. Also at
the Effective Time, Kingsway America will become the sole shareholder of the
surviving corporation, the directors of W Acquisition will become the
directors of the surviving corporation, and the officers of the Company will
become the officers of the surviving corporation. From and after the Effective
Time, all of the shares of Common Stock and Preferred Stock will no longer be
outstanding and will be cancelled and retired and cease to exist, and holders
of certificates theretofore evidencing such shares will cease to have any
rights as shareholders, except as otherwise provided in the Merger Agreement
or by law. No transfer of shares of Common Stock or Preferred Stock will
otherwise be made on the stock transfer books of the Company after the
Effective Time. Options to acquire Common Stock will be deemed to have been
exercised on the business day immediately preceding the closing of the Merger
and holders will therefore receive the consideration payable to holders of
Common Stock generally. See "--Options" below.     
(other than (i) shares owned by the Company, Kingsway, Kingsway America, W
Acquisition or any other direct or indirect wholly-owned subsidiary of
Kingsway America or the Company, and (ii) holders of shares who properly
exercise their rights as dissenters under the BCL (See THE MERGER--Dissenters'
Rights)), each issued and outstanding share of Common Stock will automatically
be converted into the right to receive $8.25 in cash and each issued and
outstanding share of Preferred Stock will automatically be converted into the
right to receive $50.00 in cash, plus accrued and unpaid dividends, in each
case without interest (the "Merger Consideration"), and Kingsway America will
deposit with or for the account of a bank or trust company selected by
Kingsway America and reasonably satisfactory to the Company (the "Exchange
Agent"), for the benefit of those persons who were shareholders of the Company
immediately prior to the Effective Time, cash in immediately available same-
day funds payable as Merger Consideration (the "Exchange Fund"). Each share of
Common Stock or Preferred Stock owned by the Company, Kingsway, Kingsway
America, W Acquisition or any other direct or indirect wholly-owned subsidiary
of Kingsway America or the Company shall be canceled and retired without
consideration upon the Effective Time. Promptly after the Effective Time, the
Exchange Agent will mail to each former shareholder of the Company (i) a form
of letter of transmittal and (ii) instructions for use in surrendering such
shareholder's Common Stock and/or Preferred Stock certificates in exchange for
payment. Upon surrender of a Common Stock and/or a Preferred Stock certificate
to the Exchange Agent, together with a signed letter of transmittal and any
other required documents, the holder of the Common Stock and/or Preferred
Stock certificate

will be entitled to receive the Merger Consideration, without interest
thereon, for each of the shares of Common Stock and/or Preferred Stock
represented by the certificate, and the certificate so surrendered will be
canceled. Until surrendered, certificates formerly evidencing shares of Common
Stock and/or Preferred Stock will be deemed for all purposes to evidence only
the right to receive the Merger Consideration, or, if such shares are owned by
a shareholder who has properly exercised such shareholder's rights as a
dissenter pursuant to the BCL, the "fair value" therefor (as defined in the
BCL). See THE MERGER--Dissenters' Rights. No interest will accrue or be paid
on any cash payable upon the surrender of certificates which immediately prior
to the Effective Time represented outstanding shares of Common Stock or
Preferred Stock.
  Payment of the Merger Consideration will be made by check mailed within
three business days after the surrender of the stock certificate and the
submission of the properly completed letter of transmittal; provided, that any
shareholder holding in excess of 10% of the Company's shares as of the Record
Date will be entitled to receive payment by wire transfer of immediately
available funds not later than one business day after such surrender and
submission. Any portion of the Exchange Fund which remains undistributed to
former shareholders of the Company 365 days after the Effective Time will be
delivered to Kingsway America, upon demand of Kingsway America, and any former
shareholders of the Company may thereafter look only to Kingsway America for
payment of their claim for the Merger Consideration.
  OPTIONS. Prior to the Closing Date, the Company will cause each outstanding
option to acquire capital stock of the Company ("Company Option") to be
amended in the following respects: (i) each Company Option, whether or not
such Company Option is then exercisable, shall become fully vested and
exercisable as of the close of business on the business day immediately
preceding the Closing Date, (ii) each Company Option shall terminate as of the
Effective Time unless exercised prior to the Effective Time, and (iii) each
holder of a Company Option shall be deemed as of the business day immediately
prior to the Closing Date to have irrevocably exercised in full such Company
Option as of such business day by means of a "cashless" exercise pursuant to
which the Company, when issuing shares of Common Stock on exercise, will
withhold from such issuance shares with an aggregate value (when valued at
$8.25 per share) equal to the sum of (i) the aggregate exercise price payable
upon such exercise, in lieu of the payment by the holder of such exercise
price in cash, and (ii) any applicable tax withholding. Other than payment of
the Merger Consideration with respect to shares received upon the deemed
exercise of the Company Options, no payment, assumption or conversion shall
occur in the Merger with respect to the Company Options. All shares issued
upon exercise of Company Options pursuant to this Section shall be deemed
issued and outstanding at the Effective Time for purposes of the Merger.
Consequently such shares will be exchanged on the same basis as all other
shares. See--"Merger Consideration and Exchange of Certificates" above.
  REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES. The Merger Agreement contains certain
representations and warranties made by each of the Company, Kingsway, Kingsway
America and W Acquisition that are customary for a transaction such as the
Merger. The Company represents and warrants as to the following matters, among
others: (i) organization and corporate power; (ii) authority to enter into the
Merger Agreement; (iii) necessary governmental approvals; (iv) no violation of
certain instruments or of any law resulting from the execution and performance
of the Merger Agreement; (v) capitalization; (vi) assets necessary to carry on
the operations of the business; (vii) the subsidiaries of the Company; (viii)
financial statements and reports filed with the Securities and Exchange
Commission and state insurance departments; (ix) the conduct of the business
of the Company from June 30, 1998 to the date of the Merger Agreement; (x)
material liabilities and investments; (xi) material contracts; (xii) non-
claims litigation; (xiii) compliance with law; (xiv) good title to properties;
(xv) licenses, permits and regulatory matters; (xvi) certain tax matters and
employee benefit plans; (xvii) environmental matters; (xviii) intellectual
property and software; (xix) labor matters; (xx) loans and advances; (xxi) the
information contained in this Proxy Statement; (xxii) brokers; (xxiii)
Pennsylvania takeover laws; (xxiv) related party transactions; and (xxv) the
BT Alex. Brown Opinion.
  Kingsway and Kingsway America jointly and severally represent and warrant in
the Merger Agreement as to the following matters, among others: (i)
organization and corporate power; (ii) authority to enter into the

Merger Agreement; (iii) necessary governmental approvals; (iv) no violation of
certain instruments or of any law resulting from the execution and performance
of the Merger Agreement; (v) financing; (vi) certain litigation; (vii)
brokers; (viii) lack of prior activity by, and absence of liability of, W
Acquisition; (ix) financial statements and reports filed with Canadian
securities regulatory authorities; and (x) the information contained in this
Proxy Statement.
  All of the representations and warranties set forth in the Merger Agreement
will terminate at the Closing.
agreed that, from the date of the Merger Agreement to the Closing Date, it
will, and will cause its subsidiaries to, (a) conduct their respective
operations according to their ordinary course of business consistent with past
practice (including, among other things, underwriting, pricing, actuarial and
investment policies generally), (b) use commercially reasonable efforts to
preserve intact their respective business organizations, keep available
services of officers and employees and maintain existing relationships with
agents, reinsurers and customers and, except as contemplated by the Merger
Agreement, will not take certain actions without the prior written consent of
Kingsway America, which actions include, among others: (i) amendment of its
articles of incorporation or bylaws; (ii) the issuance or sale of any shares
of its capital stock, except for shares issued in connection with any employer
contribution made pursuant to the Company's 401(k) Plan, Company Options, or
the conversion of Preferred Stock; (iii) stock splits, combinations or
reclassifications, dividends (other than the Company's regular quarterly
dividends upon the Preferred Stock in an amount equal to $.8125 per share) or
stock redemptions or repurchases; (iv) incur any indebtedness for borrowed
money (except for short-term indebtedness incurred in the ordinary course of
business consistent with past practice pursuant to existing lines of credit or
extensions or renewals thereof); (v) enter into, adopt, terminate or amend any
bonus, compensation or other employee benefit plan or other arrangement for
the benefit or welfare of any director, officer or employee of Company (except
for changes in base compensation and bonuses, and changes in benefits in
accordance with plans or arrangements in effect as of the date hereof, in the
ordinary course of business consistent with past practice); (vi) acquire,
sell, lease or dispose of any assets outside the ordinary course of business
or any assets which in the aggregate are material to the Company and its
subsidiaries, taken as a whole; (vii) change any of the accounting practices
used by it, except as may be required as a result of a change in law,
generally accepted accounting principles ("GAAP"), SEC guidelines or the
accounting procedures and practices prescribed or permitted from time to time
by the National Association of Insurance Commissioners and adopted, permitted
or promulgated by the respective states of incorporation or domicile of the
Company and its insurance subsidiaries employed in a consistent matter
throughout the periods involved; (viii) change the method of determining the
GAAP reserves for any guaranty fund assessment, second injury fund assessment,
special insurance assessment or similar assessment or tax; (ix) acquire any
business organization or division thereof or authorize any new capital
expenditures which, in the aggregate, are in excess of $500,000; (x) pay any
material liabilities, other than in the ordinary course of business consistent
with past practice or in accordance with their terms; (xi) terminate or
materially amend certain agreements specified in the Merger Agreement; (xii)
make any loans or investments in other entities or persons or create any
mortgage, pledge or lien on the Company's assets outside of the ordinary
course of business; (xiii) enter into any facultative reinsurance contract,
other than in the ordinary course of business consistent with past practice,
or commute any facultative reinsurance contract or (xiv) make any changes to
current investment policies.
  ACCESS TO INFORMATION. The Company has agreed that, from the date of the
Merger Agreement until the Closing Date, it will give Kingsway America full
access to the offices, properties, books and records of the Company and its
subsidiaries, subject to applicable confidentiality agreements and other
contractual restrictions and to applicable legal privileges.
  NO SOLICITATION. Subject to proper exercise of the Board's fiduciary duties,
the Company has agreed to cease immediately any existing discussions or
negotiations with any third parties conducted prior to the date of the Merger
Agreement with respect to the sale of the Company and, subject to proper
exercise of the Board's fiduciary duties, has agreed not to: (i) solicit or
encourage any offers or proposals from third parties regarding the sale of the
Company; (ii) engage in negotiations or discussions regarding any such third-
party proposal; or (iii) agree to, approve or recommend any such third-party

  OTHER COMPANY COVENANTS. In addition to the covenants summarized above, the
Company has agreed to, among other things: (i) promptly notify Kingsway
America of any non-claims litigation in which the actual damages alleged
exceeds $100,000 or any governmental proceeding seeking to prevent
consummation of the Merger; (ii) take no action to terminate or amend any
confidentiality agreement pursuant to which information was provided to any
person other than Kingsway America; and (iii) cause a meeting of the
shareholders to be duly called and held to consider and vote upon approval of
the Merger and, subject to proper exercise of the Board's fiduciary duties,
cause the Board to recommend, declare advisable and use all reasonable efforts
to obtain such approval.
  KINGSWAY COVENANTS. Kingsway and Kingsway America have agreed to, among
other things: (i) maintain as confidential all information provided by the
Company prior to the Effective Time; (ii) continue to provide indemnification
and insurance to the current or former officers and directors of the Company;
(iii) maintain certain employee benefit plans or benefit levels for certain
specified periods; and (iv) continue the employment of the Company's and its
subsidiaries' employees after the Merger on an at-will basis (subject to any
applicable employment agreements).
  MUTUAL COVENANTS. In addition to the covenants summarized above, the
Company, Kingsway and Kingsway America have agreed to, among other things: (i)
subject to the terms and conditions of the Merger Agreement, use commercially
reasonable efforts to take all actions reasonably necessary or desirable under
applicable laws and regulations to consummate the transactions contemplated by
the Merger Agreement; (ii) provide each other and their counsel the
opportunity to review in advance and comment upon applications, notices and
filings to obtain required regulatory approvals relating to the Merger; (iii)
cooperate to make certain filings and obtain certain consents necessary to
consummate the Merger; and (iv) consult with each other before issuing any
press release.
  CONDITIONS TO THE MERGER. The obligation of Kingsway and Kingsway America to
consummate the Closing is subject to the following conditions, among others:
(i) the truth, as of the Closing Date, of the representations and warranties
of the Company contained in the Merger Agreement (except where the failure of
such representations and warranties to be true (without giving effect to any
materiality qualifications or materiality exceptions contained in the Merger
Agreement) (A) would not have a material adverse effect on the Company, or (B)
do not result in the Company's GAAP consolidated stockholders' equity being
less than $28,508,000 as of the Closing Date); and (ii) the Company's
performance in all material respects of its obligations under the Merger
Agreement. The obligation of the Company to consummate the Closing is subject
to the following conditions, among others: (i) the truth, as of the Closing
Date, of the representations and warranties of Kingsway America contained in
the Merger Agreement (except where the failure of such representations and
warranties to be true (without giving effect to any materiality qualifications
or materiality exceptions contained in the Merger Agreement) would not
adversely affect the consummation of the Merger); and (ii) the performance by
Kingsway and Kingsway America in all material respects of their obligations
under the Merger Agreement. In addition, the obligations of Kingsway, Kingsway
America and the Company to consummate the Closing are subject to the following
conditions, among others: (i) any applicable waiting period under the Hart-
Scott-Rodino Antitrust Improvements Act of 1976, as amended (the "HSR Act"),
relating to the transactions contemplated in the Merger Agreement shall have
expired or been terminated (see "--Regulatory Approvals" below); (ii) all
other regulatory consents, approvals or clearances necessary for the
consummation of the Closing shall have been obtained (see "Regulatory
Approvals" below); and no other provision of law or regulation shall prohibit
the Merger; and (iii) no temporary restraining order, preliminary injunction
or permanent injunction or other order issued by any court of competent
jurisdiction shall be in effect preventing the consummation of the
transactions contemplated under the Merger Agreement.
  TERMINATION OF THE MERGER AGREEMENT. The Merger Agreement may be terminated
and the Merger may be abandoned at any time prior to the Closing: (i) by
mutual written agreement of the Company and Kingsway America; (ii) by either
the Company or Kingsway America upon written notice to the other party if the
Merger shall not have been consummated on or before December 31, 1998
(provided, that the right to terminate the Merger Agreement shall not be
available to any party whose failure to fulfill any obligation under the

Agreement has been the cause of or has resulted in the failure of the Merger
to occur on or before such date); (iii) by either the Company or Kingsway
America if any court or other governmental body shall have issued an order or
taken any other action permanently restraining, enjoining or otherwise
prohibiting the Merger and such order or other action shall have become final
and nonappealable, (iv) by either the Company or Kingsway America at any time
prior to the Company shareholders' approval, if the Board of Directors of the
Company agrees to, accepts or recommends an acquisition proposal from a third
party to the shareholders of the Company; (v) by Kingsway America, if the
Board of Directors of the Company shall have withdrawn, modified in any manner
adverse to Kingsway America or refrained from recommending and/or declaring
advisable the Merger Proposal; or (vi) by either Kingsway America or the
Company if the Company shareholders' approval is not obtained.
  AMENDMENTS AND WAIVERS. Any provision of the Merger Agreement may be amended
or waived if, but only if, such amendment or waiver is explicit and in writing
and is signed, in the case of an amendment, by each party to the Merger
Agreement, or in the case of a waiver, by the party against whom the waiver is
to be effective.
  COSTS AND EXPENSES. The fee for filing the application pursuant to the HSR
Act shall be paid by Kingsway America or Kingsway. All other fees and expenses
incurred in connection with the Merger Agreement, including all brokers',
finders', investment advisory or similar fees, will generally be paid by the
party incurring or responsible for incurring such cost or expense. However, in
the event that the Company or Kingsway America terminates the Merger Agreement
due to the Company accepting an acquisition proposal from a third party, the
Company shall, within five (5) business days of such termination, pay Kingsway
America a break up fee of $1,750,000 and shall reimburse it for its reasonable
out-of-pocket costs and expenses incurred between June 18, 1998 and the date
of termination in connection with the Merger. In addition, if the Company or
Kingsway America terminates the Merger Agreement due to failure of the Company
to obtain shareholder approval, then the Company must reimburse Kingsway
America for its reasonable out-of-pocket costs and expenses incurred between
June 18, 1998 and the date of termination in connection with the Merger. These
break-up fee and expense reimbursement provisions do not apply if Kingsway or
Kingsway America shall have been in material breach of this Merger Agreement
at the time it is terminated.
  The receipt of cash by a shareholder of the Company in exchange for such
shareholder's shares of Common Stock and/or Preferred Stock pursuant to the
Merger will constitute a taxable transaction for federal income tax purposes
and may also be a taxable transaction under state, local, foreign and other
tax laws. The federal income tax consequences to holders of shares of Common
Stock and/or Preferred Stock who are citizens or residents of the United
States will be as follows:
    1. Each holder of shares of Common Stock and/or Preferred Stock will
  recognize a gain or loss equal to the difference, if any, between (i) the
  amount of cash received and (ii) the holder's cost or other adjusted tax
  basis in the shares exchanged therefor.
    2. Such gain or loss will be a capital gain or loss (assuming the shares
  of Common Stock and/or Preferred Stock are capital assets in the hands of
  the shareholder). Any such capital gain or loss will be long-term or short-
  term depending on the applicable holding period that has been satisfied as
  of the Effective Time. The Code limits the deductibility of capital losses.
    3. Each shareholder of the Company will, in general, be required to
  provide to the Exchange Agent his or her Social Security number or other
  taxpayer identification number ("TIN"), or in some instances certain other
  information, in order to avoid "backup withholding" at a rate of 31% which
  might otherwise apply under the Code. A shareholder who does not furnish
  the correct TIN may be subject to a penalty imposed by the Internal Revenue

  State insurance holding company laws and regulations applicable to the
Company generally provide that no person may acquire control of the Company
unless such person has provided certain required information to, and such
acquisition has been approved (or not disapproved) by, the appropriate
insurance regulatory authorities. In accordance with the insurance holding
company laws of Pennsylvania, Kingsway America, on behalf of itself and
certain of its subsidiaries, has filed an application on Form A for the
approval of the Merger with the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Department of
Insurance. As of the date of this Proxy Statement, the Pennsylvania Department
of Insurance has not completed its review of the application. The Company will
also submit various notices and other materials to the state insurance
regulatory departments in each state where the Company or any of its
subsidiaries operates. The Merger has also been reviewed under the HSR Act by
the Federal Trade Commission and the Department of Justice, and no objections
were raised by these agencies.     
  Pursuant to the BCL, shareholders of the Company have the right to dissent
from the Merger, and to obtain payment of the "fair value" (as defined in the
BCL) of their shares, if the Merger is consummated. The term "fair value"
means the fair value of the shares immediately before completion of the
Merger, taking into account all relevant factors, but excluding any
appreciation or depreciation in anticipation of the Merger.
  The following summary of the steps to be taken if the right to dissent is to
be exercised is qualified in its entirety by the full text of Section 1930 and
Subchapter D of Chapter 15 of the BCL, which are attached as Annex D of this
Proxy Statement. Each step must be taken in the indicated order and in strict
compliance with the applicable provisions of the statute in order to perfect
dissenters' rights. The failure of any shareholder to comply with these steps
will result in the shareholder receiving the consideration contemplated by the
Merger Agreement. Any shareholder of the Company who contemplates exercising
the right to dissent is urged to read carefully the provisions of Section 1930
and Subchapter D of Chapter 15 of the BCL.
  Any written notice or demand which is required in connection with the
exercise of dissenters' rights, whether before or after the Effective Time,
may be sent to the Company at P.O. Box 3849, 3350 Whiteford Road, York, PA
  A shareholder who wishes to dissent must file with the Company prior to the
vote of shareholders on the Merger at the Special Meeting, a written notice of
intention to demand that he be paid the fair value for his shares, if the
Merger is effected, must effect no change in the beneficial ownership of his
shares from the date of such filing through the Closing Date, and must refrain
from voting his shares to approve the Merger. Although a vote by a shareholder
in favor of the Merger Proposal will disqualify such shareholder from pursuing
appraisal rights, the shareholder need not cast a vote against the Merger
Proposal to preserve such rights. Neither a proxy nor a vote against approval
of the Merger will constitute the necessary written notice of intention to
dissent. A beneficial owner of shares which are held of record in "street
name" by a brokerage firm or other nominee must obtain the written consent of
such record holder to such beneficial owner's exercise of dissenters' rights
and must submit such consent to the Company, no later than the time of the
filing of his notice of intention to dissent.     
  If the Merger is approved by the required vote of the Company's shareholders
at the Special Meeting, the Company will mail a notice to all dissenters who
gave due notice of intention to demand payment and who refrained from voting
in favor of the Merger. The notice will state where and when a demand for
payment must be sent and certificates for the shares must be deposited in
order to obtain payment, and will include a form for demanding payment and a
copy of Subchapter D of Chapter 15 of the BCL. The time set for receipt of the
demand for payment and deposit of stock certificates will not be less than 30
days from the date of mailing of the notice.
  A shareholder who fails to timely demand payment or fails to timely deposit
stock certificates, as required by the Company's notice, will not have any
right to receive payment of the fair value of his shares.

  Promptly after completion of the Merger, or upon timely receipt of demand
for payment if the Merger already has been completed, the Company will either
remit to dissenters who have made demand and have deposited their stock
certificates the amount that the Company estimates to be the fair value of
such dissenters' shares or give written notice that no such remittance is
being made. The remittance or notice will be accompanied by (i) a closing
balance sheet and an income statement of the Company for a fiscal year ending
not more than 16 months before the date of remittance, together with the
latest available interim financial statements, (ii) a statement of the
Company's estimate of the fair value of the shares, and (iii) notice of the
right of the dissenter to demand payment or supplemental payment under the
BCL, as the case may be, accompanied by a copy of Subchapter D of Chapter 15
of the BCL. If the Company does not remit the estimated fair value for shares
with respect to which demand for payment has been made and stock certificates
have been deposited, then the Company will return any certificates that have
been deposited. Returned certificates, and any certificates subsequently
issued in exchange therefor, will be marked to record the fact that demand for
payment has been made. Transferees of shares so marked shall not acquire any
rights in the Company other than those rights held by the original dissenter
after such dissenter demanded payment of fair value.
  If a dissenter believes that the amount stated or remitted by the Company is
less than the fair value of the dissenters' shares, he may send the Company
his own estimate of the fair value of such shares, which shall be deemed to be
a demand for payment of the amount of the deficiency. If the Company remits
payment of its estimated value of a dissenter's shares, and the dissenter does
not file his own estimate within 30 days after the mailing by the Company of
its remittance, the dissenter will be entitled to no more than the amount
remitted to him by the Company.
  Within 60 days after the latest to occur of completion of the Merger, timely
receipt by the Company of any demands for payment, or timely receipt by the
Company, as the case may be, of any estimates by dissenters of fair value, if
any demands for payment remain unsettled, the Company may file in the Court of
Common Pleas of York County (the "Court"), an application requesting that the
fair value of the dissenters' shares be determined by the Court. In such case,
all dissenters, wherever residing, whose demands have not been settled shall
be made parties to the proceeding as in an action against their shares, and a
copy of the application shall be served on each such dissenter.     
  If the Company were to fail to file such an application, then any dissenter,
on behalf of all dissenters who have made a demand and who have not settled
their claim against the Company may file an application in the name of the
Company at any time within the 30-day period after the expiration of the 60-
day period and request that the fair value be determined by the Court. The
fair value determined by the Court may, but need not, equal the dissenters'
estimates of fair value. If no dissenter files such an application, then each
dissenter entitled to do so shall be paid the Company's estimate of the fair
value of the dissenters' shares and no more, and may bring an action to
recover any amount not previously remitted, plus interest at a rate the Court
finds fair and equitable.
  The Company intends to negotiate in good faith with any dissenting
shareholder. If after negotiation, a claim cannot be settled, then the Company
intends to file an application requesting that the fair value of the
dissenters' shares be determined by the Court.
                         MARKET PRICE OF COMMON STOCK
  On August 11, 1998, the business day prior to announcement of the Merger
Agreement with Kingsway America, the high ask and low bid prices quoted for
shares of Common Stock on the Nasdaq National Market System were $7.50 and
$5.62, respectively. On November 5, 1998, the high ask and low bid sales
prices quoted for shares of Common Stock on the Nasdaq National Market System
were $7.75 and $7.75, respectively, and the closing sale price per share of
Common Stock reported on the Nasdaq National Market was also $7.75.     
  There is no trading market for the Preferred Stock.

  Except for ownership of the Company's securities, no director or executive
officer of the Company or associate of any such director or executive officer
has any substantial interest in the Merger, other than any interest arising
from the ownership of such securities (in which case each such owner receives
no extra or special benefit not shared on a pro rata basis by all other
holders of the same class of securities). For a description of the holdings of
the Company's securities by officers and directors of the Company, see
"Principal Shareholders" below.
  The following documents filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission
are incorporated into this Proxy Statement by reference:
    1. The Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December
  31, 1997; and
    2. The Company's Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q for the quarters ended
  March 31, 1998 and June 30, 1998.
  This Proxy Statement is accompanied by the Company's most recent Annual
Report on Form 10-K and its most recent Quarterly Report of Form 10-Q.
  As used herein, the terms "Proxy Statement" and "herein" mean this Proxy
Statement, including the documents incorporated or deemed to be incorporated
herein by reference, as the same may be amended, supplemented or otherwise
modified from time to time. The Company will provide without charge to any
person to whom this Proxy Statement is delivered, on the written or oral
request of such person, a copy of any or all of its documents incorporated by
reference herein (other than exhibits not specifically incorporated by
reference into the texts of such documents). Requests for such documents
should be directed to: Corporate Secretary, Walshire Assurance Company, P.O.
Box 3849, 3350 Whiteford Road, York, Pennsylvania 17402-0138. Telephone
requests may be directed to (717) 757-0000.

                            PRINCIPAL SHAREHOLDERS
  The following table sets forth certain information regarding the beneficial
ownership of the Company's Common Stock as of October 30, 1998 by: (i) each
person who is known by the Company to own beneficially more than five percent
of the Company's Common Stock; (ii) each of the Company's directors; (iii)
each of the Company's executive officers with salary and bonus over $100,000
for the last fiscal year; and (iv) all directors and executive officers of the
Company as a group.     

                                                      SHARES OF    PERCENT OF
                                                     COMMON STOCK COMMON STOCK
                                                     BENEFICIALLY BENEFICIALLY
NAME AND ADDRESS(1)                                    OWNED(2)      OWNED
- -------------------                                  ------------ ------------
Peter D. Bennett(3).................................     12,310        *
John J. Buchan, Jr.(4)..............................     87,764        2.0
Charles W. Hash, Jr(5)..............................    107,022        2.4
Gary J. Orndorff(6).................................     48,092        1.1
L. Edward Sausman(7)................................    239,220        5.4
Kenneth R. Taylor(8)................................    672,552       14.5
William R. Tierney, Jr (9)..........................    165,707        3.6
Dimensional Fund Advisors Inc.(10)..................    270,311        6.1
 1299 Ocean Avenue, 11th Floor
 Santa Monica, CA 90401
Charles W. Hash, Sr.(5)(11)--.......................    462,807       10.4
 1915 Stonegate Road
 York, PA 17404
Markel Corporation(12)..............................    417,407        8.9
 4551 Cox Road
 Glen Allen, VA 23060
All directors and officers as a group (10 per-
 sons)13)...........................................  1,358,119       28.1

- --------
 *Less than one percent
 (1) Except as otherwise indicated, the address of all beneficial owners
     listed is c/o the Company, 3350 Whiteford Road, P.O. Box 3849, York, PA
 (2) The securities "beneficially owned" by an individual are determined in
     accordance with the definition of "beneficial ownership" set forth in the
     rules and regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission and,
     accordingly, may include securities owned by or for, among others, the
     spouse and/or minor children of the individual and any other relative who
     has the same residence as such individual, as well as other securities as
     to which the individual has or shares voting or investment power or has
     the right to acquire under outstanding stock options within 60 days after
     October 30, 1998 (the "Record Date"). Beneficial ownership may be
     disclaimed as to certain of the securities. Except as otherwise noted,
     each person named in the table has sole voting and investment power with
     respect to all shares of Common Stock shown as beneficially owned by him.
 (3) The shares shown as beneficially owned by Mr. Bennett include 12,200
     shares subject to outstanding options exercisable within 60 days of the
     Record Date.
 (4) The shares shown as beneficially owned by Mr. Buchan include 53,345
     shares held by Interstate Insurance Management, Inc. and 32,883 shares
     subject to outstanding options exercisable within 60 days of the Record
     Date. Mr. Buchan is President and majority shareholder of Interstate
     Insurance Management, Inc.
 (5) Charles W. Hash, Jr. is the son of Charles W. Hash, Sr. The shares shown
     as beneficially owned by Charles W. Hash, Jr., include 19,514 shares
     owned by Memorial Surgical Associates Retirement Fund, 16,954 shares that
     are owned jointly with his wife, 231 shares held by Mr. Hash's child and
     32,883 shares subject to outstanding options exercisable within 60 days
     of the Record Date. Charles W. Hash, Sr. disclaims beneficial ownership
     of the shares owned by Charles W. Hash, Jr. and Charles W. Hash, Jr.
     disclaims beneficial ownership of the shares owned by Charles W. Hash,
 (6) The shares shown as beneficially owned by Mr. Orndorff include 147 shares
     that are jointly owned with his wife and 40,113 shares subject to
     outstanding options exercisable within 60 days of the Record Date.

 (7) The shares shown as beneficially owned by L. Edward Sausman include 309
     shares that are owned jointly with his wife, 10,660 shares held by Mr.
     Sausman's wife and 10,798 shares subject to outstanding options
     exercisable within 60 days of the Record Date.
 (8) The shares shown as beneficially owned by Mr. Taylor include 18,319
     shares of the Company's Common Stock held by Taylor & Ochroch, Inc. and
     210,059 shares subject to outstanding options exercisable within 60 days
     of the Record Date. Mr. Taylor is President and owner of Taylor &
     Ochroch, Inc.
 (9) The shares shown as beneficially owned by William R. Tierney, Jr. include
     24,805 shares subject to outstanding options exercisable within 60 days
     of the Record Date, 105,351 shares held by the Deed of Trust, dated
     January 27, 1988, for the benefit of William R. Tierney, Sr. and Emily
     Tierney, the parents of Mr. Tierney (the "Tierney Trust"), 7,510 shares
     held by the children of Mr. Tierney, 175 shares that are owned jointly
     with his wife and 20,349 shares held by Mr. Tierney's wife. Mr. Tierney
     disclaims beneficial ownership of the shares beneficially owned by the
     Tierney Trust.
(10) The shares shown as beneficially owned by Dimensional Fund Advisors Inc.
     include 52,897 shares held by The DFA Investment Trust Company and 36,963
     shares held by the DFA Investment Dimensions Group Inc.
(11) The shares shown as beneficially owned by Mr. Hash, Sr. include 70,620
     shares that are owned individually by his wife.
(12) The shares shown as beneficially owned by Markel Corporation include
     272,220 shares of the Company's Common Stock that may be acquired upon
     conversion of the Company's 6 1/2% Cumulative Convertible Preferred Stock
     and 30,077 shares as to which Markel Corporation has been given
     discretionary trading authority.
(13) The shares shown as beneficially owned by all directors and officers as a
     group include an aggregate of 385,742 shares subject to options that are
     exercisable within 60 days of the Record Date.     
  The accounting firm of KPMG Peat Marwick LLP acted as the Company's
independent public accountants for the fiscal year ended December 31, 1997 and
has been selected by the Board of Directors to serve as the Company's
independent public accountant for the fiscal year ending December 31, 1998.
The selection of independent public accountants is not being submitted to
shareholders for approval. A representative of KPMG Peat Marwick LLP is
expected to be present at the shareholders' meeting and to have the
opportunity to make a statement, if he desires to do so, and is expected to be
available to respond to appropriate questions.     
                                 OTHER MATTERS
  As of the date of this Proxy Statement, the Company knows of no other
business that will be presented for consideration at the Special Meeting.
However, the enclosed proxy confers discretionary authority to vote with
respect to any and all of the following matters that may come before the
meeting: (i) matters that the Company's Board of Directors does not know, a
reasonable time before proxy solicitation, are to be presented for approval at
the Special Meeting; (ii) approval of the minutes of a prior meeting of
shareholders, if such approval does not constitute ratification of the action
at the meeting; (iii) the election of any person to any office for which a
bona fide nominee is unable to serve or for good cause will not serve; (iv)
any proposal omitted from this Proxy Statement and the form of proxy pursuant
to Rule 14a-8 under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended; and (v)
matters incidental to the conduct of the meeting. If any such matters come
before the meeting, the proxy agents named in the accompanying proxy card will
vote in accordance with their judgment.

  If the Merger is not completed, the Company will hold its regular annual
meeting in 1999 for the election of directors. Shareholder proposals intended
to be presented at the 1999 annual meeting must be submitted by December 16,
1998 to receive consideration for inclusion in the Company's 1999 proxy
materials. The deadline for proposals to be submitted outside of the SEC Rule
14a-8 process (proposals not requested to be included in the Company's proxy
materials) for consideration at the Company's annual meeting will be March 15,
1999. In the case of any such matters as to which the Company does not have
notice on or before March 15, 1999, discretionary authority shall be granted
to the designated proxy holders specified in the Company's proxy statement for
the annual meeting.
                                          BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS
                                          Gary J. Orndorff
                                          Assistant Secretary

                                    ANNEX A
                          AGREEMENT AND PLAN OF MERGER
                          DATED AS OF AUGUST 11, 1998
                                  BY AND AMONG
                       KINGSWAY FINANCIAL SERVICES INC.,
                             KINGSWAY AMERICA INC.,
                           W ACQUISITION CORPORATION
                           WALSHIRE ASSURANCE COMPANY

                               TABLE OF CONTENTS

 ARTICLE 1: DEFINITIONS                                                      1
    1.1  Definitions.....................................................    1
 ARTICLE 2: THE MERGER                                                       5
    2.1  The Merger......................................................    5
    2.2  Effective Time of the Merger....................................    5
    2.3  Terms of the Merger.............................................    5
    2.4  Effect of the Merger............................................    6
    2.5  Conversion or Cancellation of Shares in the Merger..............    6
    2.6  Payment for Shares in the Merger................................    6
    2.7  Status of Options...............................................    7
    2.8  Dissenting Shares...............................................    7
    2.9  Closing of the Company's Transfer Books.........................    8
    2.10 No Further Ownership Rights in the Company Common Stock.........    8
    2.11 No Liability....................................................    8
    2.12 Investment of Exchange Fund.....................................    8
    3.1  Corporate Existence and Power...................................    8
    3.2  Corporate Authorization.........................................    9
    3.3  Governmental Authorization......................................    9
    3.4  Non-Contravention...............................................    9
    3.5  Capitalization..................................................    9
    3.6  All Assets Necessary............................................    9
    3.7  Subsidiaries....................................................   10
    3.8  Financial Statements; SEC Reports...............................   10
    3.9  Absence of Certain Changes......................................   11
    3.10 Material Liabilities; Investments...............................   12
    3.11 Material Contracts..............................................   12
    3.12 Non-Claims Litigation...........................................   13
    3.13 Compliance with Laws............................................   13
    3.14 Properties......................................................   13
    3.15 Licenses and Permits; Policies; Regulatory Matters..............   14
    3.16 Tax Matters.....................................................   14
    3.17 Employee Group Benefit Plans....................................   15
    3.18 Environmental Compliance........................................   15
    3.19 Intellectual Property; Software.................................   16
    3.20 Labor Matters...................................................   16
    3.21 Loans and Advances..............................................   17
    3.22 Proxy Statement.................................................   17
    3.23 No Other Broker.................................................   17
    3.24 Pennsylvania Takeover Laws......................................   17
    3.25 Related Party Transactions......................................   17
    3.26 Fairness Opinion................................................   17
    4.1  Corporate Existence and Power...................................   17
    4.2  Corporate Authorization.........................................   18
    4.3  Governmental Authorization......................................   18
    4.4  Non-Contravention...............................................   18


    4.5  Financing.......................................................   18
    4.6  No Actions; Suits or Proceedings................................   18
    4.7  No Other Broker.................................................   18
    4.8  Merger Subsidiary...............................................   18
    4.9  Reports and Financial Statements................................   18
    4.10 Proxy Statement.................................................   19
 ARTICLE 5: COVENANTS OF THE COMPANY                                        19
    5.1  Conduct.........................................................   19
    5.2  Access to Information...........................................   20
    5.3  Notices of Certain Events.......................................   21
    5.4  No Solicitation.................................................   21
    5.5  Meeting of the Company Shareholders.............................   21
    5.6  Supplements or Amendments.......................................   21
 ARTICLE 6: COVENANTS OF BUYER                                              22
    6.1  Confidentiality.................................................   22
    6.2  Indemnification and Insurance...................................   22
    6.3  Supplements or Amendments.......................................   23
 ARTICLE 7: COVENANTS OF BUYER AND THE COMPANY............................  23
    7.1  Commercially Reasonable Efforts.................................   23
    7.2  Public Announcements............................................   23
    7.3  Consents........................................................   23
    7.4  Proxy Statement.................................................   24
    7.5  Updating Schedules..............................................   24
 ARTICLE 8: EMPLOYEES AND EMPLOYEE BENEFITS                                 24
    8.1  Employees.......................................................   24
    8.2  401(k) Plans....................................................   24
    8.3  Group Health Plans..............................................   24
    8.4  Severance Arrangements..........................................   25
    8.5  Other Benefit Plans.............................................   25
 ARTICLE 9: CONDITIONS TO CLOSING                                           25
    9.1  Conditions to Obligations of Buyer and the Company..............   25
    9.2  Conditions to Obligation of Buyer...............................   25
    9.3  Conditions to Obligation of the Company.........................   26
 ARTICLE 10: SURVIVAL.....................................................  26
    10.1 Survival........................................................   26
 ARTICLE 11: TERMINATION                                                    27
    11.1 Grounds for Termination.........................................   27
    11.2 Effect of Termination...........................................   27
 ARTICLE 12: MISCELLANEOUS                                                  27
    12.1 Notices.........................................................   27
    12.2 Amendments and Waivers..........................................   28
    12.3 Expenses........................................................   28
    12.4 Successors and Assigns..........................................   28
    12.5 Governing Law...................................................   28


    12.6  Jurisdiction...................................................   29
    12.7  Counterparts...................................................   29
    12.8  No Third Party Beneficiaries...................................   29
    12.9  Entire Agreement...............................................   29
    12.10 Construction...................................................   29
    12.11 Currency.......................................................   29

 Schedule 1.1(a)    The Company's Options
 Schedule 1.1(b)    Contingent and Severance Compensation Agreements
 Schedule 1.1(c)    Knowledge of the Company
 Schedule 1.1(d)    Knowledge of Buyer
 Schedule 3.3       Governmental Authorization
 Schedule 3.4       Non-Contravention
 Schedule 3.6       All Assets Necessary
 Schedule 3.7       Subsidiaries
 Schedule 3.9       Absence of Certain Changes
 Schedule 3.9(viii) Company's Investment Policies
 Schedule 3.10(a)   Material Liabilities
 Schedule 3.10(b)   Investment Assets of the Company
 Schedule 3.11      Material Contracts
 Schedule 3.12      Non-Claims Litigation, Investigations and Proceedings
 Schedule 3.13      Compliance with Laws
 Schedule 3.15      License and Permits; Policies; Regulatory Matters
 Schedule 3.16      Tax Matters
 Schedule 3.17      Employee Group Benefit Plans
 Schedule 3.19(a)   Intellectual Property
 Schedule 3.19(b)   Software
 Schedule 3.21      Loans and Advances
 Schedule 4.3       Governmental Authorization
 Schedule 4.4       Non-Contravention
 Schedule 5.1       Conduct of the Company


                         AGREEMENT AND PLAN OF MERGER
  THIS AGREEMENT AND PLAN OF MERGER is made and entered into as of August 11,
1998, by and among Walshire Assurance Company, a Pennsylvania corporation (the
"Company"), Kingsway America Inc., a Delaware corporation ("Buyer"), Kingsway
Financial Services Inc., an Ontario corporation ("Buyer Parent") and W
Acquisition Corporation, a Pennsylvania corporation ("Buyer Sub").
  WHEREAS, the respective boards of directors of the Company, Buyer, Buyer
Parent and Buyer Sub have approved the taxable cash merger of Buyer Sub with
and into the Company (the "Merger") upon the terms and subject to the
conditions set forth herein;
  NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual agreements contained herein
and subject to the satisfaction of the terms and conditions set forth herein,
the parties hereto, intending to be legally bound, agree as follows:
  1.1 DEFINITIONS. The following terms, as used herein, have the following
  "Acquisition Proposal" shall have the meaning specified in Section 5.4.
  "Affiliate" means, with respect to any Person, any other Person directly or
indirectly controlling, controlled by, or under common control with such
Person; provided that none of the Subsidiaries of the Company shall be
considered an Affiliate of the Company.
  "Agreement" means this Agreement and Plan of Merger, including the schedules
  "Annual Statements" shall have the meaning specified in Section 3.8.
  "Articles of Incorporation" means the Amended and Restated Articles of
Incorporation of the Company, as filed with the Secretary of the Commonwealth
of Pennsylvania.
  "Articles of Merger" shall have the meaning specified in Section 2.2.
  "Balance Sheet Date" means June 30, 1998.
  "Benefit Arrangement" means any employment, severance or similar contract,
arrangement or policy, or any plan or arrangement (whether or not written) to
provide benefits as compensation for services rendered, including but not
limited to severance benefits, insurance coverage (including any self-insured
arrangements), workers' compensation, disability benefits, death benefits,
supplemental unemployment benefits, vacation benefits, retirement benefits,
deferred compensation, profit-sharing, bonuses, executive compensation
arrangements (including but not limited to stock options, stock appreciation
rights, restricted stock rights and performance unit awards and other forms of
incentive compensation) or post-retirement insurance, compensation or benefits
that (i) is not an Employee Plan, (ii) is entered into or maintained, as the
case may be, by the Company or any of its ERISA Affiliates and (iii) covers
any present or former employee, director, agent or independent contractor of
Company or any of its Subsidiaries.
  "Benefit Plan" means any Employee Plan or Benefit Arrangement.
  "Business Day" means any day other than a Saturday, Sunday or any other day
on which commercial banks in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania are required or
permitted to be closed.
  "Buyer Financial Statements" shall have the meaning specified in Section

  "Buyer Parent Securities Reports" means all reports, forms, schedules,
registration statements and other documents together with all amendments and
supplements thereto which Buyer Parent has been required to file with the
appropriate Canadian securities regulatory authorities since January 1, 1998.
  "Canadian GAAP" means, at any time, accounting principles generally accepted
in Canada including those set out in the Handbook of the Canadian Institute of
Chartered Accountants, at the relevant time applied on a consistent basis.
  "Certificates" means one or more certificates that immediately prior to the
Effective Time represented outstanding Shares.
  "Claims Provision" shall have the meaning specified in Section 3.19.
  "Closing" shall have the meaning specified in Section 2.2.
  "Closing Date" shall have the meaning specified in Section 2.2.
  "Code" means the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.
  "Common Shares" means shares of Company Common Stock issued and outstanding
immediately prior to the Effective Time, after giving effect to the exercise
or cancellation of each Company Option pursuant to Section 2.7.
  "Common Stock Consideration" shall have the meaning specified in Section
  "Company Common Stock" means the Common Stock, par value $0.01, of the
  "Company Investment Assets" means any investment assets (whether or not
required by U.S. GAAP or SAP to be reflected on a balance sheet) beneficially
owned (within the meaning of Rule 13d-3 under the Exchange Act) by the Company
or any Subsidiary of the Company including but not limited to bonds, notes,
debentures, mortgage loans, collateral loans and all other instruments of
indebtedness, stocks, partnership or joint venture interests and all other
equity interests, certificates issued by or interests in trusts, derivatives
and all other assets acquired for investment purposes.
  "Company Options" means the options identified on Schedule 1.1(a).
  "Company Preferred Stock" means the 6 1/2% cumulative convertible Preferred
Stock, par value $0.01, of the Company.
  "Company Shareholders' Approval" shall have the meaning specified in Section
  "Company Shareholders' Meeting" shall have the meaning specified in Section
  "Company Securities" shall have the meaning specified in Section 3.5.
  "Confidentiality Agreement" means that certain Confidentiality Agreement
dated October 2, 1997, between the Company and Buyer Parent.
  "Constituent Corporations" means each of the Company and Buyer Sub.
  "Contingent Severance Compensation Agreement" means the Contingent Severance
Compensation Agreement, dated as of August 14, 1997, between the Company and
the employees identified on Schedule 1.1(b).
  "Dissenting Shares" shall have the meaning specified in Section 2.8.
  "D&O Insurance" shall have the meaning specified in Section 6.2.

  "Effective Time" shall have the meaning specified in Section 2.2.
  "Employee Plan" means any "employee benefit plan," as defined in Section
3(3) of ERISA, that (i) is subject to any provision of ERISA, (ii) is
maintained, administered or contributed to by the Company or any of its ERISA
Affiliates and (iii) covers any employee or former employee of the Company or
any of its Subsidiaries.
  "Environmental Laws" means any and all federal, state or local statutes,
laws, regulations, ordinances, rules or codes now in effect relating to the
environment, to the effect of the environment on human health or safety or to
the use, generation, manufacturing, treatment, disposal, storage, discharge or
release of any toxic, radioactive, caustic or otherwise hazardous substance,
including petroleum and its derivatives and by-products, or any substance
having any constituent elements displaying any of the foregoing
characteristics, into the environment, including but not limited to ambient
air, surface water, groundwater or land, or the remediation thereof.
  "ERISA" means the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, as
amended from time to time, and any regulation or rule issued thereunder.
  "ERISA Affiliate" of any entity means any other entity which, together with
such entity, would be treated as a single employer under Section 414 of the
Code or Section 4001 of ERISA.
  "Exchange Act" means the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, and
the rules and regulations promulgated thereunder.
  "Exchange Agent" means a bank or trust company selected by Buyer, and
reasonably satisfactory to the Company, to effectuate the payment for Shares
in the Merger.
  "Exchange Fund" shall have the meaning specified in Section 2.6.
  "Governmental Body" means any federal, state, municipal, political
subdivision or other governmental legislature, court, tribunal, arbitrator,
authority, official, department, commission, board, bureau, agency or
instrumentality, whether domestic or foreign.
  "HSR Act" means the Hart-Scott-Rodino Antitrust Improvements Act of 1976, as
  "Intellectual Property" shall mean: trademarks, service marks, brand names,
certification marks, trade dress, assumed names, trade names and other
indications of origin, the goodwill associated with the foregoing and
registrations in any jurisdiction of, and applications in any jurisdiction to
register, the foregoing, including any extension, modification or renewal of
any such registration or application; inventions, discoveries and ideas,
whether patentable or not in any jurisdiction; patents, applications for
patents (including but not limited to divisions, continuations, continuations
in part and renewal applications), and any renewals, extensions or reissues
thereof, in any jurisdiction; nonpublic information, trade secrets and
confidential information and rights in any jurisdiction to limit the use or
disclosure thereof by any Person; writings and other works, whether
copyrightable or not in any jurisdiction; registrations or applications for
registration of copyrights in any jurisdiction, and any renewals or extensions
thereof; and any similar intellectual property or proprietary rights;
provided, that "Intellectual Property" shall not include Software.
  "Knowledge of the Company" means the actual knowledge of the individuals
named on Schedule 1.1(c).
  "Knowledge of Buyer" means the actual knowledge of the individuals named on
Schedule 1.1(d).
  "Law" means any statute, law, rule, regulation or ordinance of any
Governmental Body.
  "Lien" means, with respect to any property or asset, any mortgage, lien,
pledge, charge, security interest, encumbrance or other adverse claim of any
kind in respect of such property or asset. For the purposes of this Agreement,
a Person shall be deemed to own subject to a Lien any property or asset which
it has acquired or

holds subject to the interest of a vendor or lessor under any conditional sale
agreement, capital lease or other title retention agreement relating to such
property or asset.
  "Material Adverse Effect" means, with respect to any Person or Persons, a
material adverse effect on the financial condition, results of operations,
business, assets or liabilities of such Person or Persons and its or their
Subsidiaries, taken as whole.
  "Merger" shall have the meaning specified in the Recitals.
  "Merger Consideration" means the Common Stock Consideration in the case of
Common Shares and the Preferred Stock Consideration in the case of Shares of
the Company's Preferred Stock.
  "Option" means any subscriptions, options, warrants, rights (including
"phantom" stock rights), preemptive rights or other contracts, commitments,
understandings or arrangements, including any right of conversion or exchange
under any outstanding security, instrument or agreement to issue or sell any
shares of capital stock of a corporation, or any securities exchangeable for
or exercisable into any such shares.
  "Order" means any judgment, decree, order, writ, permit or license of any
Governmental Body.
  "PBCL" means the Pennsylvania Business Corporation Law of 1988, as amended.
  "Permits" shall have the meaning specified in Section 3.15.
  "Permitted Investments" means short-term U.S. government obligations or
interest-bearing money market accounts that invest solely in such obligations.
  "Person" means an individual, corporation, partnership, association, trust,
limited liability company or other entity or organization, including a
government or political subdivision or an agency or instrumentality thereof.
  "Preferred Shares" means shares of the Company's Preferred Stock issued and
outstanding immediately prior to the Effective Time.
  "Preferred Stock Consideration" shall have the meaning specified in Section
  "Pre-June 30 Tax Period" means any Tax period ending on or before June 30,
1998 and the portion of the calendar year 1998 ending on and including June
30, 1998.
  "Proxy Statement" shall have the meaning specified in Section 7.4.
  "Regulators" shall have the meaning specified in Section 3.8.
  "Returns" means all Tax returns, statements, reports, forms or other
documentation required to be filed with any Taxing Authority.
  "SAP" means the accounting procedures and practices prescribed or permitted
from time to time by the National Association of Insurance Commissioners and
adopted, permitted or promulgated by the respective states of incorporation of
the Company and its Subsidiaries and employed in a consistent manner
throughout the periods involved.
  "SEC" means the United States Securities and Exchange Commission.
  "SEC Reports" means all forms, reports and documents filed by the Company
with the SEC since January 1, 1998 and prior to the date hereof.
  "Shares" means Common Shares and Preferred Shares.
  "Significant Agreements" shall have the meaning specified in Section 3.11.

  "Software" shall mean all computer and telecommunication software including
source and object code and documentation and any other media (including but
not limited to manuals, journals and reference books).
  "Subsidiary" means, with respect to any Person, any entity of which
securities or other ownership interests having ordinary voting power to elect
50% or more of the board of directors or other persons performing similar
functions are at the time directly or indirectly owned by such Person.
  "Subsidiary Securities" shall have the meaning specified in Section 3.7.
  "Surviving Corporation Common Stock" shall have the meaning specified in
Section 2.5.
  "Tax" means all taxes, charges, fees, levies or other assessments, including
but not limited to any net income tax or franchise tax based on net income,
any alternative or add-on minimum taxes, any gross income, gross receipts,
premium, sales, use, ad valorem, value added, transfer, profits, license,
social security, Medicare, payroll, employment, excise, severance, stamp,
occupation, property, environmental or windfall profit tax, custom, duty or
other tax, governmental fee or other like assessment, together with any
interest, penalty, addition to tax or additional amount imposed by any Taxing
  "Taxing Authority" means any governmental authority (domestic or foreign)
responsible for the imposition of any Tax.
  "Transferred Employees" shall have the meaning specified in Section 9.1.
  "Unaudited June 30 Balance Sheet" shall have the meaning specified in
Section 3.8.
  "U.S. GAAP" means generally accepted accounting principles under United
States accounting rules and regulations.
  2.1 THE MERGER. Subject to the terms and conditions hereof, at the Effective
Time and in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement and the
applicable provisions of the PBCL, Buyer Sub shall be merged with and into the
Company, and the Company shall continue as the surviving corporation (the
"Surviving Corporation"). Thereupon the separate corporate existence of Buyer
Sub shall cease, and the Surviving Corporation shall continue in existence
under the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
  2.2 EFFECTIVE TIME OF THE MERGER. On or prior to the Closing Date, the
Merger shall be consummated by filing with the Secretary of State of the
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, as provided in Section 1927 of the PBCL, the
articles of merger, in such form as is required by and executed in accordance
with Section 1926 of the PBCL and satisfactory to the parties hereto (the
"Articles of Merger"), on behalf of the Constituent Corporations. The Merger
shall become effective at the time of filing or at such later time as shall be
specified in the Articles of Merger (the "Effective Time"). Prior to such
filing, a closing (the "Closing") shall be held at the offices of Blank Rome
Comisky & McCauley LLP, One Logan Square, Philadelphia, PA 19103, or such
other place as the parties may agree, on a date set by Buyer (the "Closing
Date"), which date shall be within ten Business Days following the later of
(i) the date of the Company Shareholders' Approval and (ii) the date upon
which all conditions set forth in Article 10 hereof have been satisfied or
    (a) The articles of incorporation of the Company in effect at the
  Effective Time shall be the articles of incorporation of the Surviving
  Corporation until duly amended in accordance with the terms thereof and of
  the PBCL.
    (b) The bylaws of Buyer Sub in effect at the Effective Time shall be the
  bylaws of the Surviving Corporation until duly amended in accordance with
  the terms thereof, of the articles of incorporation of the Surviving
  Corporation and of the PBCL.

    (c) The directors of Buyer Sub at the Effective Time shall, from and
  after the Effective Time, be the directors of the Surviving Corporation
  until their successors have been duly elected or appointed and qualified or
  until their earlier death, resignation or removal in accordance with the
  Surviving Corporation's articles of incorporation and bylaws.
    (d) The officers of the Company at the Effective Time shall, from and
  after the Effective Time, be the officers of the Surviving Corporation
  until their successors have been duly elected or appointed and qualified or
  until their earlier death, resignation or removal in accordance with the
  Surviving Corporation's articles of incorporation and bylaws.
  2.4 EFFECT OF THE MERGER. Subject to the foregoing, the effects of the
Merger shall be as provided in the applicable provisions of the PBCL.
provisions of this Agreement, at the Effective Time, by virtue of the Merger
and without any action on the part of the holders thereof, the shares of the
Constituent Corporations shall be converted or canceled, as the case may be,
in the following manner:
    (a) Each share of common stock, par value $.01 per share, of Buyer Sub
  issued and outstanding immediately prior to the Effective Time shall remain
  outstanding and be converted into one share of common stock, par value $.01
  per share, of the Surviving Corporation ("Surviving Corporation Common
    (b) Each Common Share, other than (i) Common Shares owned by Buyer, Buyer
  Parent, Buyer Sub or any other direct or indirect wholly-owned subsidiary
  of Buyer or by the Company or any direct or indirect wholly-owned
  subsidiary of the Company, and (ii) Dissenting Shares, shall be converted
  into the right to receive, without interest thereon, from Buyer eight
  dollars and twenty-five cents ($8.25) in cash (the "Common Stock
    (c) Each Preferred Share, other than (i) Preferred Shares owned by Buyer,
  Buyer Parent, Buyer Sub or any other direct or indirect wholly-owned
  subsidiary of Buyer or by the Company or any direct or indirect wholly-
  owned subsidiary of the Company, and (ii) Dissenting Shares, shall be
  converted into the right to receive without interest thereon, from the
  Buyer fifty dollars and no cents ($50.00) in cash plus an amount equal to
  all accrued and unpaid dividends on such Preferred Shares through the
  Effective Time (the "Preferred Stock Consideration").
    (d) Each Common Share and Preferred Share owned by Buyer, Buyer Parent,
  Buyer Sub or any other direct or indirect wholly-owned subsidiary of Buyer
  or by the Company or any direct or indirect wholly-owned subsidiary of the
  Company, shall cease to exist and shall be cancelled and retired without
  payment of any consideration therefor.
  2.6 PAYMENT FOR SHARES IN THE MERGER. The manner of making payment for and
conversion of Shares in the Merger shall be as follows:
    (a) At the Effective Time, Buyer shall deposit, or shall cause to be
  deposited (the "Exchange Fund"), with or for the account of the Exchange
  Agent, for the benefit of those Persons who immediately prior to the
  Effective Time were the holders of Shares, cash in immediately available
  same-day funds payable as Merger Consideration. The Exchange Agent shall,
  pursuant to irrevocable instructions, effect the payments of cash provided
  for in Section 2.5 out of the Exchange Fund.
    (b) Promptly after the Effective Time, the Exchange Agent shall mail to
  each holder of record of a Certificate (i) a form of letter of transmittal
  (which shall specify that delivery shall be effected, and risk of loss and
  title to such Certificate shall pass, only upon proper delivery of such
  Certificate to the Exchange Agent) and (ii) instructions for use in
  surrendering such Certificate for payment therefor. Upon surrender of a
  Certificate for cancellation to the Exchange Agent, together with a letter
  of transmittal duly executed and any other required documents, the holder
  of such Certificate shall be entitled to receive for each of the

  Shares represented by such Certificate the Merger Consideration pursuant to
  this Article 2, and the Certificate so surrendered shall forthwith be
  canceled. The payment of the Merger Consideration shall be made by
  corporate check mailed within three Business Days after the surrender of
  such Certificate and the submission of such letter of transmittal;
  provided, that any shareholder holding in excess of 10% of the Shares
  (determined on the basis that all Preferred Shares had been converted into
  Common Shares) shall be entitled to receive such payment by wire transfer
  of immediately available funds not later than one Business Day after such
  surrender and submission. Until so surrendered, each Certificate shall
  represent solely the right to receive the cash with respect to each of the
  Shares represented thereby. If any cash is to be paid to any Person other
  than the Person to which the Certificate surrendered is registered, it
  shall be a condition of such payment that such Certificate so surrendered
  shall be properly endorsed and otherwise in proper form for transfer and
  that the Person requesting such payment shall pay to the Exchange Agent any
  transfer or other taxes required by reason of the payment to a Person other
  than the registered holder of the Certificate surrendered, or shall
  establish to the satisfaction of the Exchange Agent that such tax has been
  paid or is not applicable.
    (c) Any portion of the Exchange Fund which remains undistributed to
  former shareholders of the Company for 365 days after the Effective Time
  shall be delivered to Buyer, upon demand of Buyer, and any former
  shareholders of the Company shall thereafter look only to Buyer for payment
  of their claim for the Merger Consideration.
  2.7 STATUS OF OPTIONS. Prior to the Closing Date, the Company shall cause
the Company Options to be amended in the following respects: (i) each Company
Option, whether or not such Company Option is then exercisable, shall become
fully vested and exercisable as of the close of business on the Business Day
immediately preceding the Closing Date, (ii) each Company Option shall
terminate as of the Effective Time unless exercised prior to the Effective
Time, and (iii) each holder of a Company Option shall be deemed as of the
Business Day immediately prior to the Closing Date to have irrevocably
exercised in full such Company Option as of such Business Day by means of a
"cashless" exercise pursuant to which the Company, when issuing shares of
Company Common Stock on exercise, will withhold from such issuance shares of
Common Stock with an aggregate value (when valued at $8.25 per share) equal to
the sum of (i) the aggregate exercise price payable upon such exercise, in
lieu of the payment by the holder of such exercise price in cash, and (ii) any
applicable tax withholding. The amendment of the Company Options provided for
in this Section 2.7 shall be conditional upon the consummation of the Merger
such that, in the event the Merger is not consummated and this Agreement is
terminated, the Company Options shall in all respects revert to the terms in
effect prior to the Business Day immediately prior to the Closing Date and all
deemed exercises pursuant to this Section 2.7 shall be null and void. Other
than payment of the Merger Consideration with respect to Shares issued upon
the deemed exercise of the Company Options, no payment, assumption or
conversion shall occur in the Merger with respect to the Company Options. All
Shares issued upon exercise of Company Options pursuant to this Section 2.7
shall be deemed issued and outstanding at the Effective Time for purposes of
the Merger.
    (a) Notwithstanding any provision of this Agreement to the contrary,
  except as provided in the following sentence, Shares which are held by
  shareholders who shall have timely and properly filed a written notice of
  intention to demand payment of the fair value of such Shares and who shall
  otherwise comply with the provisions of Subchapter D of Chapter 15 of the
  PBCL with respect to such Shares (collectively, the "Dissenting Shares")
  shall not be converted into or represent the right to receive the Merger
  Consideration. Such shareholders shall be entitled to receive payment of
  the fair value of such Shares held by them in accordance with the
  provisions of Subchapter D of Chapter 15 of the PBCL, except that all
  Dissenting Shares held by shareholders who shall have failed to perfect or
  who effectively shall have withdrawn or lost their rights to demand payment
  of fair value of such Shares under such Subchapter D of Chapter 15 of the
  PBCL shall thereupon be deemed to have been converted into and to have
  become exchangeable for, as of the Effective Time, the right to receive the
  Merger Consideration, without any interest thereon, upon surrender, in the
  manner provided in Section 2.6 hereof, of the Certificates that formerly
  evidenced such Shares.

    (b) The Company shall give Buyer (i) prompt notice of any demands for
  payment of fair value received by the Company, withdrawals of such demands,
  and any other instruments served pursuant to PBCL and received by the
  Company, and (ii) the opportunity to direct all negotiations and
  proceedings with respect to demands for the payment of fair value under the
  PBCL. The Company shall not, except with the prior written consent of
  Buyer, make any payment with respect to any demands for payment of fair
  value or offer to settle any such demands.
  2.9 CLOSING OF THE COMPANY'S TRANSFER BOOKS. The stock transfer books of the
Company shall be closed at the close of business on the Business Day
immediately preceding the date of the Effective Time. In the event of a
transfer of ownership of the Company's Common Stock or the Company's Preferred
Stock which is not registered in the transfer records of the Company, the
Merger Consideration to be distributed pursuant to this Agreement may be
delivered to a transferee, if a Certificate is presented to the Exchange
Agent, accompanied by all documents required to evidence and effect such
transfer and by payment of any applicable stock transfer taxes. Buyer and the
Exchange Agent shall be entitled to rely upon the stock transfer books of the
Company to establish the identity of those persons entitled to receive the
Merger Consideration specified in this Agreement for their Shares, which books
shall be conclusive with respect to the ownership of such Shares. In the event
of a dispute with respect to the ownership of any Shares, the Surviving
Corporation and the Exchange Agent shall be entitled to deposit any Merger
Consideration represented thereby in escrow with an independent party and
thereafter be relieved with respect to any claims to such Merger
Consideration issued upon surrender of a Certificate in accordance with the
terms hereof shall be deemed to have been issued in full satisfaction of all
rights pertaining to such shares of the Company Common Stock represented
thereby, and there shall be no further registration of transfers on the stock
transfer books of the Company of shares of the Company's Common Stock or the
Company's Preferred Stock outstanding immediately prior to the Effective Time.
If, after the Effective Time, Certificates are presented to the Surviving
Corporation for any reason, they shall be canceled and exchanged as provided
in this Article 2.
  2.11 NO LIABILITY. None of Buyer, Buyer Parent, the Surviving Corporation or
the Exchange Agent shall be liable to any Person in respect of any cash from
the Exchange Fund delivered to a public official pursuant to any applicable
abandoned property, escheat or similar law. If any Certificates shall not have
been surrendered prior to seven years after the Effective Time, any such cash,
dividends or distributions in respect of such Certificate shall, to the extent
permitted by applicable Law or Order, become the property of Buyer, free and
clear of all claims or interest of any person previously entitled thereto.
  2.12 INVESTMENT OF EXCHANGE FUND. The Exchange Agent shall invest any cash
included in the Exchange Fund, as directed by Buyer, on a daily basis in
Permitted Investments. Any interest and other income resulting from such
investments shall be paid to Buyer upon termination of the Exchange Fund
pursuant to Section 2.6(c).
  The Company represents and warrants to Buyer as of the date hereof that:
  3.1 CORPORATE EXISTENCE AND POWER. The Company (i) has been duly
incorporated and is validly existing as a corporation under the laws of the
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, (ii) has all corporate powers required to carry
on its business as now conducted, and (iii) is duly qualified to do business
as a foreign corporation and is in good standing in each jurisdiction where
such qualification is necessary, except for those jurisdictions where failure
to be so qualified would not, individually or in the aggregate, have a
Material Adverse Effect on the Company. The Company has delivered or made
available to Buyer true and complete copies of the respective articles of
incorporation and bylaws of the Company and its Subsidiaries as in effect on
the date hereof. Neither the Company nor any of its Subsidiaries is in
violation of any of the provisions of its articles of incorporation or bylaws.

  3.2 CORPORATE AUTHORIZATION. Subject to the receipt of the approvals
referred to in Section 3.3 and the Company Shareholders' Approval, the
execution, delivery and performance by the Company of this Agreement are
within the Company's corporate powers and have been duly authorized by all
necessary corporate action on the part of the Company. This Agreement
constitutes a valid and legally binding agreement of the Company, enforceable
against the Company in accordance with its terms, subject to (i) bankruptcy,
insolvency, reorganization, fraudulent transfer, moratorium and other similar
laws now or hereafter in effect relating to or affecting creditors' rights
generally and (ii) general principles of equity (regardless of whether
considered in a proceeding at law or in equity). The Company Shareholders'
Approval shall be satisfied by the affirmative vote of a majority of the votes
cast by the holders of the Company's Common Stock at the Company Shareholders'
Meeting. No other vote of the Company's shareholders shall be required to
satisfy the Company Shareholders' Approval.
  3.3 GOVERNMENTAL AUTHORIZATION. The execution, delivery and performance by
the Company of this Agreement require no consent, approval or action of,
filing with or notice to any Governmental Body other than (i) compliance with
any applicable requirements of the HSR Act, (ii) approvals or filings under
the insurance laws of the jurisdictions set forth on Schedule 3.3, (iii)
filings and notices not required to be made or given until after the Closing
Date, (iv) the filing of the Proxy Statement with the SEC under the Exchange
Act and such Proxy Statement becoming definitive, (v) filings, at any time, of
Returns, and (vi) any such action or filing as to which the failure to take or
make such action or filing would not, individually or in the aggregate,
materially impair the ability of the Company and its Subsidiaries, taken as a
whole, to conduct their businesses.
  3.4 NON-CONTRAVENTION. Except as set forth in Schedule 3.4, the execution,
delivery and performance by the Company of this Agreement do not and will not
(i) violate the articles of incorporation or bylaws of the Company or any of
its Subsidiaries, (ii) assuming compliance with the matters referred to in
Section 3.3, violate any applicable Law or Order, (iii) to the Knowledge of
the Company, require any consent or other action by any Person under,
constitute a default under, or give rise to any right of termination,
cancellation or acceleration of any right or obligation of the Company or any
of its Subsidiaries or to a loss of any benefit to which the Company or any of
its Subsidiaries is entitled under, any material agreement or other material
instrument binding upon the Company or any of its Subsidiaries or any material
Permit held by the Company or any of its Subsidiaries or (iv) to the Knowledge
of the Company, result in the creation or imposition of any material Lien on
any asset of the Company or any of its Subsidiaries.
    (a) The authorized capital stock of the Company consists of 12,000,000
  shares, consisting of 10,000,000 shares of Company Common Stock and
  2,000,000 shares of Company Preferred Stock. As of the date hereof, (i)
  there are outstanding 4,443,188 shares of Company Common Stock, (ii)
  128,100 shares of the Company Preferred Stock outstanding, and (iii)
  248,985 shares of Company Common Stock held in treasury.
    (b) All outstanding shares of capital stock of the Company have been duly
  authorized and validly issued and are fully paid and non-assessable. Except
  as set forth in Section 3.5(a) and except for the Company Options, there
  are no outstanding (i) shares of capital stock or voting securities of the
  Company, (ii) securities of the Company convertible into or exchangeable
  for shares of capital stock or voting securities of the Company or (iii)
  options or other rights to acquire from the Company, or other obligations
  of the Company to issue, any capital stock, voting securities or securities
  convertible into or exchangeable for capital stock or voting securities of
  the Company (the items in clauses (i), (ii) and (iii) being referred to
  collectively as the "Company Securities"). There are no outstanding
  obligations of the Company or any of its Subsidiaries to repurchase, redeem
  or otherwise acquire any Company Securities.
  3.6 ALL ASSETS NECESSARY. Except as set forth in Schedule 3.6, the Company
and its Subsidiaries own, lease or license all material property and assets
necessary to carry on their businesses and operations as presently conducted,
and all such assets and properties (other than as Buyer and the Company may
mutually agree) will be conveyed to Buyer at the Closing and will as of the
Closing permit Buyer to conduct such businesses and operations in the same
manner as such businesses and operations have been conducted prior to the

    (a) Except as set forth in Schedule 3.7, each Subsidiary of the Company
  has been duly incorporated or organized and is validly existing as a
  corporation, partnership or association in good standing under the laws of
  its jurisdiction of incorporation or organization and has all corporate
  powers required to carry on its business as now conducted. Each Subsidiary
  of the Company is duly qualified to do business as a foreign corporation or
  organization and is in good standing in each jurisdiction where such
  qualification is necessary, or is duly licensed to do business as an
  insurer and is in good standing in each jurisdiction where such licensing
  is necessary, as the case may be, except for those jurisdictions where
  failure to be so qualified or licensed, as the case may be, would not,
  individually or in the aggregate, have a Material Adverse Effect on the
  Company. All Subsidiaries of the Company and their respective jurisdictions
  of incorporation or organization are identified on Schedule 3.7.
    (b) All outstanding shares of capital stock of each Subsidiary of the
  Company have been duly authorized and validly issued and are fully paid and
  non-assessable. As of the Closing Date, except as set forth in Schedule
  3.7, all of the outstanding capital stock of, and other voting securities
  or ownership interests in, each Subsidiary of the Company will be owned by
  the Company, directly or indirectly, free and clear of any Lien. Except as
  set forth in Schedule 3.7, there are no outstanding (i) securities of the
  Company or any of its Subsidiaries convertible into or exchangeable for
  shares of capital stock or other voting securities or ownership interests
  in any Subsidiary of the Company or (ii) options or other rights to acquire
  from the Company or any of its Subsidiaries, or other obligations of the
  Company or any of its Subsidiaries to issue, any capital stock or other
  voting securities or ownership interests in, or any securities convertible
  into or exchangeable for any capital stock or other voting securities or
  ownership interests in, any Subsidiary of the Company (the items in clauses
  (i) and (ii) being referred to collectively as the "Subsidiary
  Securities"). There are no outstanding obligations of the Company or any of
  its Subsidiaries to repurchase, redeem or otherwise acquire any outstanding
  Subsidiary Securities.
    (a) The audited consolidated balance sheet of the Company and its
  Subsidiaries as of December 31, 1997 and December 31, 1996 and the related
  consolidated statements of income and cash flows for each of the years
  ended December 31, 1997 and December 31, 1996 and the unaudited
  consolidated balance sheet of the Company and its Subsidiaries as of June
  30, 1998 (the "Unaudited June 30 Balance Sheet") and the related
  consolidated statement of income for the six months ended June 30, 1998,
  respectively, previously delivered to Buyer, present fairly, in all
  material respects, the consolidated financial position of the Company and
  its Subsidiaries as of the dates thereof and the consolidated results of
  operations of the Company and its Subsidiaries for the periods then ended
  in conformity with U.S. GAAP consistently applied (subject to normal year-
  end adjustments and the absence of footnote disclosure in the case of the
  unaudited interim financial statements) (it being understood that there is
  no assurance that the liabilities for unpaid claims and claim expenses,
  whether reported or incurred but not reported, of the Company and its
  Subsidiaries will not develop subsequent to June 30, 1998 in a manner
  different from that reflected in such financial statements).
    (b) The audited balance sheets of the Company and its Subsidiaries as of
  December 31, 1997 and the related statements of operations and statements
  of cash flows for the year then ended included in their respective annual
  statements for the fiscal year ended December 31, 1997 (the "Annual
  Statements") filed with the insurance regulatory authorities in their
  respective jurisdictions of domicile (collectively, the "Regulators") and
  the unaudited balance sheets of the Company and its Subsidiaries as of June
  30, 1998 and the related statements of operations and statements of cash
  flows for the six months ended June 30, 1998 included in their respective
  quarterly statements filed with Regulators, copies of which have been
  delivered to Buyer, fairly present in all material respects their
  respective statutory financial conditions as of such date and the results
  of their respective operations for the year then ended in conformity with
  SAP (it being understood that there is no assurance that the liabilities
  for unpaid claims and claim expenses, whether reported or incurred but not
  reported, of the Company and its Subsidiaries will not develop subsequent
  to June 30, 1998 in a manner different from that reflected in such
  financial statements).

    (c) As of the date of the latest filing of an SEC Report, the SEC Reports
  taken as a whole did not contain any untrue statement of a material fact or
  omit to state a material fact required to be stated therein or necessary in
  order to make the statements therein, in light of the circumstances under
  which they were made, not misleading (it being understood that for purposes
  of this subparagraph (c) "material" is to be assessed in the context of the
  Company and all of its Subsidiaries taken as a whole).
  3.9 ABSENCE OF CERTAIN CHANGES. Except as disclosed in Schedule 3.9, during
the period from the Balance Sheet Date to the date hereof, the business of the
Company and its Subsidiaries has been conducted in the ordinary course
consistent with past practices (including, but not limited to, with regard to
underwriting, pricing, actuarial and investment policies generally) and there
has not been:
    (i) any event, occurrence, development or state of circumstances or facts
  which has had or would reasonably be expected to have a Material Adverse
  Effect on the Company, other than those (A) affecting the property and
  casualty insurance industry as a whole in the United States or any state in
  which the Company or any of its Subsidiaries conducts business, (B)
  resulting from changes in general economic conditions in the United States
  or any state in which the Company or any of its Subsidiaries conducts
  business (including but not limited to changes in interest rates), (C)
  those caused by the announcement or pendency of the Merger or (D) those
  caused by the breach by Buyer of any obligation or covenant in this
    (ii) other than the declaration or payment of the Company's regular
  quarterly dividends on the Company Preferred Stock in an amount equal to
  $.8125 per share, any declaration, setting aside or payment of any dividend
  or other distribution with respect to any shares of capital stock of the
  Company, or any repurchase, redemption or other acquisition by the Company
  or any Subsidiary of the Company of any outstanding shares of capital stock
  or other securities of, or other ownership interests in, the Company or any
  Subsidiary of the Company;
    (iii) any incurrence, assumption or guarantee by the Company or any
  Subsidiary of the Company of any material indebtedness for borrowed money
  other than in the ordinary course of business and in amounts and on terms
  consistent with past practices not to exceed $250,000 in the aggregate;
    (iv) any material transaction or commitment made, or any material
  contract or agreement entered into, by the Company or any Subsidiary of the
  Company (including the acquisition or disposition of any assets) or any
  relinquishment by the Company or any Subsidiary of the Company of any
  material contract or other material right, other than transactions and
  commitments in the ordinary course of business consistent with past
  practices not to exceed $100,000 in the aggregate;
    (v) any change in any method of accounting or accounting practice or
  policy (including but not limited to any reserving method, practice or
  policy) by the Company or any Subsidiary of the Company, except for any
  such change (A) as a result of a concurrent change in U.S. GAAP or SAP or
  (B) that is not material to the Company and its Subsidiaries, taken as a
    (vi) to the extent payable directly or indirectly by the Company or any
  Subsidiary of the Company other than the Contingent Severance Compensation
  Agreements, any (A) employment, deferred compensation, severance,
  retirement or other similar agreement entered into with any director,
  officer or employee of the Company (or any amendment to any such existing
  agreement), (B) grant of any severance or termination pay to any director
  or officer of the Company, (C) grant of any severance or termination pay to
  any employee of the Company other than in the ordinary course of business,
  (D) change in compensation or other benefits payable to any director or
  officer of the Company, (E) change in compensation or other benefits
  payable to any employee of the Company, other than changes not in excess of
  $150,000 in the aggregate, in base compensation, bonuses and benefits in
  accordance with plans or arrangements in effect as of the Balance Sheet
  Date, in the ordinary course of business consistent with past practice, (F)
  loans or advances to any directors, officers or employees, except for
  ordinary travel and business expenses in the ordinary course of business
  consistent with past practice, or (G) stock option grants to any director,
  officer or employee of the Company; or

    (vii) (A) any entering into of any facultative reinsurance contract,
  other than in the ordinary course of business consistent with past
  practice, (B) any commutation of any facultative reinsurance contract, or
  (C) any entering into or any commutation of any reinsurance treaty,
  purchased by any Subsidiary of the Company;
    (viii) any investment made in the Company Investment Assets other than in
  accordance with the investment policies of the Company or any Subsidiary of
  the Company set forth in Schedule 3.9(viii); or
    (ix) any agreement or commitment (contingent or otherwise) by the Company
  or any Subsidiary of the Company to do any of the foregoing.
    (a) To the Knowledge of the Company, there are no liabilities of the
  Company or any Subsidiary of the Company of any kind whatsoever, whether
  accrued, contingent, absolute, determined, determinable or otherwise, other
      (i) liabilities provided for in the Unaudited June 30 Balance Sheet;
      (ii) liabilities disclosed on Schedule 3.10(a);
      (iii) liabilities incurred since the Balance Sheet Date in the
    ordinary course of business consistent with past practice; and
      (iv) other undisclosed liabilities that are not individually or in
    the aggregate material to the Company and its Subsidiaries, taken as a
    whole not to exceed $100,000.
    (b) Schedule 3.10(b) describes in reasonable detail all the Company
  Investment Assets as of the Balance Sheet Date.
    (a) Except as disclosed in Schedule 3.11, as of the date hereof, neither
  the Company nor any of its Subsidiaries is a party to or bound by:
      (i) any lease of real property where any of the Company or its
    Subsidiaries are tenants;
      (ii) any agreement for the purchase of materials, supplies, goods,
    services, equipment or other assets, including any license for
    Software, that provides for either (A) annual payments by the Company
    or any Subsidiary of the Company of $100,000 or more or (B) aggregate
    required payments by the Company or any Subsidiary of the Company of
    $250,000 or more;
      (iii) any limited partnership, joint venture or other unincorporated
    business organization or similar arrangement or agreement in which the
    Company or any Subsidiary of the Company serves as a general partner or
    otherwise has unlimited liability;
      (iv) any agreement relating to the acquisition or disposition of any
    business (whether by merger, sale of stock, sale of assets or
      (v) any agreement relating to indebtedness for borrowed money or any
    guarantee or similar agreement or arrangement relating thereto, other
    than (A) any guarantees issued in the ordinary course of the surety
    business of the Company and its Subsidiaries consistent with past
    practice and (B) any such agreement with, or relating to, an aggregate
    outstanding principal amount or guaranteed obligation not exceeding
      (vi) any license, franchise or similar agreement material to the
    Company and its Subsidiaries, taken as a whole;
      (vii) any agency, dealer, sales representative, marketing or other
    similar agreement material to the Company and its Subsidiaries, taken
    as a whole;
      (viii) any agreement that restricts or prohibits the Company or any
    Subsidiary of the Company from competing with any Person in any line of
    business or from competing in, engaging in or entering

    into any line of business in any area and which would so restrict or
    prohibit the Company or any Subsidiary of the Company after the Closing
      (ix) any reinsurance treaty or any facultative reinsurance contract
    (in each case applicable to insurance in force);
      (x) any material agreement containing "change in control" or similar
    provisions relating to change in control of the Company or any of its
      (xi) any "stop loss" agreements;
      (xii) any agreements (other than insurance policies or other similar
    agreements issued by any Subsidiary of the Company in the ordinary
    course of its business) material to the Company and its Subsidiaries
    taken as a whole pursuant to which the Company or any Subsidiary of the
    Company is obligated to indemnify any other Person; or
      (xiii) any agreement with the Company or any of its Affiliates.
    (b) The Company has heretofore furnished or made available to Buyer
  complete and correct copies of the contracts, agreements and instruments
  listed on Schedule 3.11, each as amended or modified to the date hereof,
  including any waivers with respect thereto (the "Significant Agreements").
  Except as specifically disclosed on Schedule 3.11, and except to the extent
  not material to the Company and its Subsidiaries taken as a whole: (i) each
  of the Significant Agreements is in full force and effect and enforceable
  in accordance with its terms, subject to (A) bankruptcy, insolvency,
  reorganization, fraudulent transfer, moratorium and other similar laws now
  or hereafter in effect relating to or affecting creditors' rights generally
  and the rights of creditors of insurance companies generally and (B)
  general principles of equity (regardless of whether considered in a
  proceeding at law or in equity); (ii) neither the Company nor any of its
  Subsidiaries has received any notice (written or oral) of cancellation or
  termination of any of the Significant Agreements; (iii) no Significant
  Agreement is the subject of or, to the Knowledge of the Company, has been
  threatened to be made the subject of, any arbitration, suit or other legal
  proceeding; and (iv) there exists no material event of default or
  occurrence, condition or act on the part of the Company or any Subsidiary
  of the Company which constitutes or would constitute (with notice or lapse
  of time or both) a material breach of or material default under any of the
  Significant Agreements.
  3.12 NON-CLAIMS LITIGATION. Except as set forth on Schedule 3.12 and except
for any action, suit, investigation or proceeding that involves a claim under
any insurance, reinsurance or indemnity policy, fidelity bond, surety bond or
similar contract or undertaking issued or entered into by the Company or any
Subsidiary of the Company, there is no action, suit, investigation or
proceeding pending against or, to the Knowledge of the Company, threatened
against, the Company or any Subsidiary of the Company or any of their
respective properties before any Governmental Body in which the actual damages
alleged or sought exceeds $100,000. As of the date hereof and as of no other
date, there is no action, suit, investigation or proceeding pending against
or, to the Knowledge of the Company, threatened against the Company or any
Subsidiary of the Company or any of their respective properties before any
Governmental Body which challenges or seeks to prevent the transactions
contemplated hereby. Except as disclosed in Schedule 3.12, neither the Company
nor any Subsidiary of the Company nor any of their respective properties is
subject to any material Order which would prevent or delay the consummation of
the transactions contemplated hereby.
  3.13 COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS. Except as set forth in Schedule 3.13, the Company
and its Subsidiaries are and have at all times since January 1, 1998 been in
compliance in all material respects with all applicable material Laws.
  3.14 PROPERTIES. The Company and its Subsidiaries have good title to, or in
the case of leased property have valid leasehold interests in, all of their
respective properties and assets (whether real or personal, tangible or
intangible) except for imperfections in title or invalidities in leasehold
interests that do not, individually or in the aggregate, materially detract
from the value reflected on the Unaudited June 30 Balance Sheet. None of such
properties or assets is subject to any Liens, except:
    (i) Liens reflected on the Unaudited June 30 Balance Sheet;

    (ii) Liens arising in the ordinary course of business consistent with
  past practice since the date of the Unaudited June 30 Balance Sheet not to
  exceed $100,000 in the aggregate;
    (iii) purchase money security interests, conditional sale contracts,
  capitalized leases and other title retention or deferred purchase devices
  not to exceed $200,000 in the aggregate;
    (iv) deposits or pledges made in connection with workers' compensation or
  unemployment insurance;
    (v) Liens to secure claims for labor, material or supplies to the extent
  payment therefor shall not at the time be required to be made;
    (vi) Liens for taxes not yet due or being contested in good faith (and
  for which adequate accruals or reserves have been established on the
  Unaudited June 30 Balance Sheet); and
    (vii) Liens which do not, individually or in the aggregate, have a
  Material Adverse Effect on the Company or the value reflected on the
  Unaudited June 30 Balance Sheet or materially interfere with any present or
  intended use of any material properties or assets.
on Schedule 3.15, the Company and its Subsidiaries hold all material licenses,
franchises, permits or other similar authorizations (the "Permits") necessary
for the ownership and conduct of the respective businesses of the Company and
its Subsidiaries in each of the jurisdictions in which the Company and its
Subsidiaries conduct their respective businesses in the manner now conducted,
and such Permits are in full force and effect and are not subject to any
restrictions or limitations, other than those generally applicable to holders
of such Permits, except where any failure to hold any Permit or any failure of
any Permit to be in full force and effect or any such restrictions or
limitations would not, individually or in the aggregate, materially impair the
ability of the Company and its Subsidiaries, taken as a whole, to conduct
their businesses. No material violations exist in respect of any material
Permit of the Company and its Subsidiaries, and no proceeding or investigation
is pending or, to the Knowledge of the Company, threatened that would be
reasonably likely to result in the suspension, revocation or material
limitation or restriction of any material Permit. All insurance policies
issued by any Subsidiary of the Company, as now in force, are, to the extent
required under applicable law, in a form acceptable to applicable regulatory
authorities to the Knowledge of the Company or have been filed with and not
objected to by such authorities within the period provided for such objection.
The Company and each Subsidiary of the Company has filed all material reports,
statements, documents, registrations, filings or submissions required to be
filed by the Company or any Subsidiary of the Company, respectively, with any
applicable federal, state or local regulatory authorities, including but not
limited to state insurance regulatory authorities. All such reports,
statements, documents, registrations, filings and submissions complied in all
material respects with applicable law in effect when filed and, except as set
forth on Schedule 3.15, no material deficiencies have been asserted by any
such regulatory authority with respect to such reports, statements, documents,
registrations, filings or submissions that have not been satisfied. Except as
set forth on Schedule 3.15, all premium rates, rating plans and policy forms
established or used by any Subsidiary of the Company that are required to be
filed with or approved by insurance regulatory authorities have been so filed
or approved, the premiums charged conform in all material respects to the
premiums so filed or approved and comply in all material respects with the
insurance laws applicable thereto.
    (a) Except as set forth on Schedule 3.16, all material Returns required
  to be filed by or with respect to the Company or any of its Subsidiaries on
  or before the Closing Date have been filed or will be timely filed on or
  before the Closing Date in accordance with all applicable laws;
    (b) The Company and its Subsidiaries have timely paid all Taxes shown to
  be due on such Returns, and the Company and its Subsidiaries have withheld
  from payments to their respective employees all amounts required by law to
  be withheld and have paid all such amounts required by law to be paid;
    (c) The Company and its Subsidiaries have made adequate provision on the
  Unaudited June 30 Balance Sheet for all Taxes payable by the Company and
  its Subsidiaries for any Pre-June 30 Tax Period for which no Return has yet
  been filed or for which Returns have been filed but payment of the Tax

  to be due thereon was not yet paid and the Company and its Subsidiaries
  have made adequate provision on the Company's audited consolidated balance
  sheet as of December 31, 1997 for all Taxes payable by the Company and its
  Subsidiaries for the Tax Period ending on or before December 31, 1997 for
  which no Return had been filed as of December 31, 1997 or for which Returns
  have been filed but payment of the Tax shown to be due thereon was not yet
    (d) Except as set forth on Schedule 3.16, there is no action, suit,
  proceeding, investigation, assessment, adjustment, audit or claim now
  pending or, to the Knowledge of the Company, proposed against the Company
  or its Subsidiaries in respect of any Tax;
    (e) Except as set forth on Schedule 3.16, there are no outstanding
  waivers or other agreements extending any statutory periods of limitation
  for the assessment of Taxes of the Company and its Subsidiaries; and
    (f) Except as set forth on Schedule 3.16, neither the Company nor its
  Subsidiaries is a party to or bound by any tax sharing or similar
  3.17 EMPLOYEE GROUP BENEFIT PLANS. Except as described on Schedule 3.27,
neither the Company nor any of its subsidiaries maintains or operates any
Employee Plan nor has any such Plan been maintained or operated during the
past three years. Neither Company nor any of its subsidiaries maintains or
contributes to any Guaranteed Pension Plan or Multiemployer Plan. With respect
to each Employee Plan listed on Schedule 3.27, to the extent applicable;
    (a) Each such Employee Plan has been maintained and operated in all
  material respects in compliance with its terms and with all applicable
  provisions of ERISA, the Code and all applicable regulations, rulings and
  other authority issued thereunder;
    (b) All contributions required by law to have been made under each such
  Employee Plan (without regard to any waivers granted under Section 412 of
  the Code) to any fund or trust established thereunder or in connection
  therewith have been made by the due date thereof;
    (c) Each such Employee Plan intended to qualify under Section 401(a) of
  the Code is the subject of a favorable unrevoked determination letter
  issued by the Internal Revenue Service as to its qualified status under the
  Code, which determination letter may still be relied upon as to such tax
  qualified status, and no circumstances have occurred that would adversely
  affect qualified status of any such Employee Plan;
    (d) No Benefit Plan is subject to Title IV of ERISA;
    (e) None of such Employee Plans that are "employee welfare benefit plans"
  as defined in Section 3(1) of ERISA provides for continuing benefits or
  coverage for any participant or beneficiary of a participant after such
  participant's termination of employment, except as required by applicable
  law, including section 4980B of the Code or Section 601 of ERISA; and
    (f) Neither the Company nor any trade or business (whether or not
  incorporated) under common control with the Company within the meaning of
  Section 4001 of ERISA has, or at any time has had, any obligation to
  contribute to any "multiemployer plan" as defined in Section 3(37) of
    (a) Except as would not, individually or in the aggregate, have a
  Material Adverse Effect on the Company, (i) neither the Company nor any of
  its Subsidiaries has generated, used, transported, treated, stored,
  released or disposed of any "Hazardous Substance" (as hereinafter defined)
  in violation of any "Environmental Laws" (as hereinafter defined); (ii)
  neither the Company nor any of its Subsidiaries has received written notice
  that there has been any generation, use, transportation, treatment,
  storage, release or disposal of any Hazardous Substance resulting from the
  conduct of the Company or any of its Subsidiaries or the use of any
  property or facility by the Company or any of its Subsidiaries which has
  created any liability on the part of the Company or any of its Subsidiaries
  under the Environmental Laws or which would require reporting or
  notification by the Company or any of its Subsidiaries to any governmental

  entity; (iii) no asbestos which is or has become friable or polychlorinated
  biphenyl or underground storage tank is contained in or located at any
  facility owned, leased or used by the Company or any of its Subsidiaries;
  and (iv) any Hazardous Substance handled or dealt with in any way by the
  Company or any of its Subsidiaries in connection with the business of the
  Company or any of its Subsidiaries, whether before or during ownership of
  the Company or any of its Subsidiaries, has been and is being handled or
  dealt with in all material respects in material compliance with the
  Environmental Laws in effect at the time such activities were being
    (b) For purposes of this Agreement, the term "Hazardous Substance" shall
  mean (but shall not be limited to) substances that are defined or listed
  in, or otherwise classified pursuant to, any applicable Environmental Laws
  as "hazardous substances", "hazardous materials", "hazardous wastes" or
  "toxic substances", or any other formulation intended to define, list or
  classify substances by reason of deleterious properties such as
  ignitability, corrosivity, reactivity, radioactivity, carcinogenicity,
  reproductive toxicity or "EP toxicity," and petroleum and drilling fluids,
  produced waters and other wastes associated with the exploration,
  development, or production or crude oil, natural gas or geothermal energy,
  asbestos, polychlorinated biphenyls and urea formaldehyde.
    (c) For purposes of this Agreement, the term "Environmental Laws" shall
  mean the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability
  Act 1980, as amended, the Resources Conversation and Recovery Act of 1976,
  as amended, and any applicable statutes, regulations, rules, orders in
  council, ordinances, codes, licenses, permits, orders, approvals, plans,
  authorizations, concessions, and similar items of all governmental
  authorities and all applicable judicial, administrative and regulatory
  decrees, judgments and orders, any of which relate to the protection of
  human health or the environment from the effects of Hazardous Substances,
  including, but not limited to, those pertaining to reporting, licensing,
  permitting, investigating and remediating emissions, discharges, releases
  or threatened release of Hazardous Substances into the air, surface water,
  groundwater or land, or relating to the manufacture, processing,
  distribution, use, treatment, storage, disposal, transport or handling of
  Hazardous Substances.
    (a) Except as set forth in Schedule 3.19(a), (i) the Company and its
  Subsidiaries own or otherwise have rights to use (in each case, free and
  clear of any material Liens) all Intellectual Property used in their
  respective businesses as currently conducted, (ii) the use of any
  Intellectual Property by the Company and its Subsidiaries does not infringe
  on or otherwise violate the rights of any Person, and (iii) to the
  Knowledge of the Company, no person is challenging, infringing on or
  otherwise violating any right of the Company or any Subsidiary of the
  Company with respect to any Intellectual Property owned by and/or licensed
  to the Company and its Subsidiaries.
    (b) Except as set forth in Schedule 3.19(b), (i) the Company and its
  Subsidiaries own or have valid and enforceable licenses or other rights to
  use (in each case, free and clear of any material Liens) all Software used
  in the conduct of their respective businesses as currently conducted, (ii)
  the use of the Software by the Company and its Subsidiaries does not
  infringe on or otherwise violate the rights of any Person, and (iii) to the
  Knowledge of the Company, no Person is challenging, infringing on or
  otherwise violating any right of the Company or any Subsidiary of the
  Company with respect to any Software owned and/or used by the Company and
  its Subsidiaries.
    (c) The Company has completed plans to ensure "Year 2000" compliance and
  has started conversions of its applications which are expected to be
  completed by December 31, 1998.
  3.20 LABOR MATTERS. Neither the Company nor any Subsidiary of the Company is
a party to any collective bargaining or other labor union contract, and no
collective bargaining agreement is being negotiated by the Company or any
Subsidiary of the Company. To the Knowledge of the Company, there are no
material activities or proceedings of any labor union to organize any
employees of the Company or any Subsidiary of the Company. There is no
material labor dispute, strike or work stoppage against the Company or any
Subsidiary of the Company pending or, to the Knowledge of the Company,
threatened which may interfere with the respective business activities of the
Company or any of its Subsidiaries.

  3.21 LOANS AND ADVANCES. Except as set forth in Schedule 3.21, other than in
the ordinary course of its portfolio investment activities, neither the
Company nor any of its Subsidiaries has any contractual commitment to make any
loan, advance or capital contribution to, or investment in, any other Person
in excess of $25,000.
    (a) Neither the Proxy Statement as amended or supplemented from time to
  time nor any other document to be filed by the Company with the SEC or any
  self-regulatory organization in connection with the Merger will, on the
  date of its filing, at the time it is mailed to shareholders, at the time
  of the Company Shareholders' Meeting or at the Effective Time, contain any
  untrue statement of a material fact or omit to state any material fact
  required to be stated therein or necessary in order to make the statements
  therein, in light of the circumstances under which they are made, not
  misleading insofar as the information therein relates to the Company and
  its Subsidiaries.
    (b) Neither the information supplied or to be supplied by or on behalf of
  the Company for inclusion, nor the information incorporated by reference
  from documents filed by the Company with the SEC, in any document to be
  filed by Buyer in connection with the Merger will, on the date of its
  filing or effectiveness, contain any untrue statement of a material fact or
  omit to state any material fact required to be stated therein or necessary
  in order to make the statements therein, in light of the circumstances
  under which they are made, not misleading.
  3.23 NO OTHER BROKER. Other than BT Alex. Brown Incorporated, no broker,
finder or similar intermediary has acted for or on behalf of the Company in
connection with this Agreement or the transactions contemplated hereby, and no
other broker, finder, agent or similar intermediary is entitled to any
brokers', finders' or similar fee or other commission in connection therewith
based on any agreement, arrangement or understanding with the Company or any
action taken by the Company.
  3.24 PENNSYLVANIA TAKEOVER LAWS. The Company has taken all actions necessary
to (i) exempt the Company from the application of the provisions of
Subchapters E, G, H, I and J of Chapter 25 of the PBCL, and (ii) to exempt (A)
the execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement, (B) the Merger and
(C) the transactions contemplated hereby from the restrictions contained in
the provisions of Subchapter F of Chapter 25 of the PBCL.
  3.25 RELATED PARTY TRANSACTIONS. Other than as disclosed in the Company's
SEC Reports, there are no agreements or transactions between the Company and
any of the directors or officers of the Company which are required to be
disclosed pursuant to Item 404 of Regulation S-K of the SEC.
  3.26 FAIRNESS OPINION. The Company's Board of Directors has received an
opinion from BT Alex. Brown Incorporated dated as of the date hereof to the
effect that as of the date hereof the Common Stock Consideration is fair to
the holders of the Company Common Stock from a financial point of view.
  Buyer, Buyer Parent and Buyer Sub jointly and severally represent and
warrant to the Company as of the date hereof that:
  4.1 CORPORATE EXISTENCE AND POWER. Buyer and Buyer Parent have been duly
incorporated and are validly existing as corporations in good standing under
the laws of Illinois and Ontario, respectively, and each has all corporate
powers and all material governmental licenses, authorizations, Permits,
consents and approvals required to carry on its business as now conducted.
Buyer Sub has been duly incorporated and is validly existing as a corporation
under the laws of Pennsylvania. Buyer and Buyer Sub have delivered or made
available to the Company true and complete copies of their respective articles
of incorporation and bylaws as in effect on the date hereof.

  4.2 CORPORATE AUTHORIZATION. Subject to the receipt of the approvals
referred to in Section 4.3, the execution, delivery and performance by each of
Buyer, Buyer Parent and Buyer Sub of this Agreement are within the corporate
powers of Buyer, Buyer Parent and Buyer Sub and have been duly authorized by
all necessary corporate action on the part of Buyer, Buyer Parent and Buyer
Sub. This Agreement constitutes a valid and legally binding agreement of
Buyer, Buyer Parent and Buyer Sub, enforceable against Buyer, Buyer Parent or
Buyer Sub in accordance with its terms, subject to (i) bankruptcy, insolvency,
reorganization, fraudulent conveyance, moratorium and other similar laws now
or hereafter in effect relating to or affecting creditors' rights generally
and (ii) general principles of equity (regardless of whether considered in a
proceeding at law or in equity).
  4.3 GOVERNMENTAL AUTHORIZATION. The execution, delivery and performance by
Buyer, Buyer Parent and Buyer Sub of this Agreement require no consent,
approval or action of, filing with or notice to any Governmental Body other
than (i) compliance with any applicable requirements of the HSR Act, (ii)
approvals or filings under the insurance laws of the jurisdictions set forth
in Schedule 4.3, (iii) filings and notices not required to be made or given
until after the Closing Date and (iv) filings, at any time, of Returns.
  4.4 NON-CONTRAVENTION. Except as set forth in Schedule 4.4, the execution,
delivery and performance by Buyer, Buyer Parent and Buyer Sub of this
Agreement do not and will not (i) violate the articles of incorporation or
bylaws of Buyer, Buyer Parent or Buyer Sub, (ii) assuming compliance with the
matters referred to in Section 4.3, violate any applicable Law or Order, (iii)
to the Knowledge of Buyer, require any consent or other action by any Person
under, constitute a default under, or give rise to any right of termination,
cancellation or acceleration of any right or obligation of Buyer, Buyer Parent
or Buyer Sub or to a loss of any benefit to which Buyer, Buyer Parent or Buyer
Sub is entitled under, any material agreement or other instrument binding upon
Buyer, Buyer Parent or Buyer Sub or any material license, franchise, permit or
other similar authorization held by Buyer, Buyer Parent or Buyer Sub, and that
would affect the validity or legality of this Agreement or the transactions
contemplated hereby, or (iv) to the Knowledge of Buyer, result in the creation
or imposition of any material Lien on any asset of Buyer, Buyer Parent or
Buyer Sub.
  4.5 FINANCING. Buyer and Buyer Parent have, or will have prior to the
Closing, sufficient cash, available lines of credit or other sources of
immediately available funds to enable it to make payment of the Merger
Consideration and any other amounts to be paid by it hereunder.
  4.6 NO ACTIONS; SUITS OR PROCEEDINGS. There is no action, suit or proceeding
pending against or, to the Knowledge of Buyer, threatened against Buyer, Buyer
Parent or Buyer Sub before any Governmental Body which questions the validity
or legality of this Agreement or of the transactions contemplated hereby, or
which challenges or seeks to prevent the consummation of the transactions
contemplated hereby.
  4.7 NO OTHER BROKER. Other than Berenson Minella & Company, no broker,
finder or similar intermediary has acted for or on behalf of Buyer, Buyer
Parent or Buyer Sub in connection with this Agreement or the transactions
contemplated hereby, and no other broker, finder, agent or similar
intermediary is entitled to any brokers', finders' or similar fee or other
commission in connection therewith based on any agreement, arrangement or
understanding with Buyer, Buyer Parent or Buyer Sub or any action taken by
Buyer, Buyer Parent or Buyer Sub.
  4.8 MERGER SUBSIDIARY. Buyer Sub has engaged and until the Effective Time
will engage in no business and has, and at the Effective Time will have, no
liabilities, in each case, other than by reason of this Agreement.
  4.9 REPORTS AND FINANCIAL STATEMENTS. Buyer Parent has filed with the
appropriate Canadian securities regulatory authorities all Buyer Parent
Securities Reports and has made available to the Company true and complete
copies of all Buyer Parent Securities Reports. As of the latest filing of a
Buyer Parent Securities Report, the Buyer Parent Securities Reports taken as a
whole did not contain any untrue statement of a material fact or omit to state
a material fact required to be stated therein or necessary to make the
statements therein, in light of the circumstances under which they were made,
not misleading. The December 31, 1997 audited consolidated

financial statements and the June 30, 1998 unaudited interim consolidated
financial statements (including, in each case, the notes, if any, thereto)
included in the Buyer Parent Securities Reports (the "Buyer Financial
Statements") fairly present the consolidated financial position of Buyer
Parent and its consolidated subsidiaries as of the respective dates thereof
and the consolidated results of their operations and cash flows for the
respective periods then ended, in each case, in accordance with Canadian GAAP
consistently applied (subject, in the case of the unaudited interim financial
statements, to normal, year-end adjustments and the absence of footnote
  4.10 PROXY STATEMENT. None of the information supplied or to be supplied by
or on behalf of Buyer or Buyer Parent for inclusion in the Proxy Statement or
any other document to be filed by the Company with the SEC or any self-
regulatory organization in connection with the Merger will, on the date of its
filing or effectiveness, at the time it is mailed to shareholders, at the time
of the Company Shareholders' Meeting or at the Effective Time, contain any
untrue statement of a material fact or omit to state any material fact
required to be stated therein or necessary in order to make the statements
therein, in light of the circumstances under which they are made, not
  The Company agrees that:
  5.1 CONDUCT. Except as otherwise expressly provided in this Agreement or as
set forth in Schedule 5.1, during the period from the date hereof to the
Closing, the Company will, and will cause its Subsidiaries to: (i) conduct
their respective operations according to their ordinary course of business
consistent with past practice (including, but not limited to, with regard to
underwriting, pricing, actuarial and investment policies generally); (ii) use
commercially reasonable efforts to preserve intact their respective business
organizations; (iii) use commercially reasonable efforts to generally keep
available the services of their respective officers and employees; and (iv)
use commercially reasonable efforts to generally maintain existing
relationships with agents, reinsurers, suppliers, contractors, customers and
others having business relationships with them. Without limiting the
generality of the foregoing, and except as otherwise expressly provided in
this Agreement or as set forth in Schedule 5.1, the Company will not, and will
cause each Subsidiary of the Company not to, without the prior written consent
of Buyer (which such consent shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed):
    (i) amend its articles of incorporation or bylaws;
    (ii) except as contemplated by this Agreement or pursuant to the options
  or awards granted under the Company's 1987 Stock Option Plan, 1990 Non-
  Employee Director Stock Option Plan, 1997 Equity Incentive Plan or Employee
  Stock Purchase Plan, 401(k) Plan, or upon conversion of the Company
  Preferred Stock, authorize for issuance, issue, sell, deliver or agree or
  commit to issue, sell or deliver (whether through the issuance or granting
  of options, warrants, commitments, subscriptions, rights to purchase or
  otherwise) any stock of any class or any other securities or equity
  equivalents (including but not limited to stock appreciation rights), or
  amend any of the terms of any such securities or agreements outstanding as
  of the date hereof;
    (iii) (A) split, combine or reclassify any shares of its capital stock,
  (B) other than the declaration or payment of the Company's regular
  quarterly dividends on the Company Preferred Stock in an amount equal to
  $.8125 per share, declare, set aside or pay any dividend or other
  distribution (whether in cash, stock or property or any combination
  thereof) in respect of its capital stock, or (C) other than pursuant to the
  Company's Employee Stock Purchase Plan, redeem, repurchase or otherwise
  acquire any of its securities;
    (iv) (A) incur any indebtedness for borrowed money (except for short-term
  indebtedness incurred in the ordinary course of business consistent with
  past practice) or issue any debt securities or, except in the ordinary
  course of business consistent with past practice, assume, guarantee or
  endorse the obligations of any other Person; (B) make any loans, advances
  or capital contributions to, or investments in, any other Person, in excess
  of $50,000 in the aggregate (other than (a) to wholly owned Subsidiaries of
  the Company, (b) investments in the ordinary course of business consistent
  with past practice; (C) pledge or otherwise

  encumber shares of its capital stock; (D) enter into or invest in any
  derivative financial instruments except in the ordinary course of business
  consistent with current investment and risk management policies; or (E)
  except in the ordinary course of business consistent with past practice,
  mortgage or pledge any of its assets, tangible or intangible, or create or
  suffer to exist any Lien thereupon;
    (v) to the extent payable directly or indirectly by the Company or any
  Subsidiary of the Company, (A) enter into, adopt or (except as may be
  required by Law or the terms of any such arrangement) terminate any bonus,
  profit sharing, compensation, severance, termination, stock option, stock
  appreciation right, restricted stock, performance unit, stock equivalent,
  stock purchase agreement, pension, retirement, deferred compensation,
  employment, severance or other employee benefit agreement, trust, plan,
  fund or other arrangement for the benefit or welfare of any director,
  officer or employee of the Company, (B) amend any such arrangement as it
  relates to such directors, officers or employees or (C) (except for changes
  in base compensation and bonuses, and changes in benefits in accordance
  with plans or arrangements in effect as of the date hereof, in the ordinary
  course of business consistent with past practice) change in any manner the
  compensation or other benefits payable to any director, officer or employee
  of the Company;
    (vi) acquire, sell, lease or dispose of any assets outside the ordinary
  course of business or any assets which in the aggregate are material to the
  Company and its Subsidiaries, taken as a whole, or enter into any contract,
  agreement, commitment or transaction with respect thereto outside the
  ordinary course of business consistent with past practice;
    (vii) change any of the accounting principles, practices, methods or
  policies (including but not limited to any reserving methods, practices or
  policies) used by it, except as may be required as a result of a change in
  law, SEC guidelines, U.S. GAAP or SAP;
    (viii) change the method of determining the U.S. GAAP reserves for any
  guaranty fund assessment, second injury fund assessment, special insurance
  assessment or similar assessment or tax;
    (ix) (A) acquire (by merger, consolidation or acquisition of stock or
  assets, but excluding foreclosure) any corporation, partnership or other
  business organization or division thereof; (B) authorize any new capital
  expenditures which, in the aggregate, are in excess of $500,000; or (C)
  enter into or amend any contract, agreement, commitment or arrangement with
  respect to any of the foregoing;
    (x) (A) enter into any facultative reinsurance contract, other than in
  the ordinary course of business consistent with past practice; (B) commute
  any facultative reinsurance contract; or (C) without giving Buyer at least
  ten Business Days' prior written notice thereof, enter into or commute any
  reinsurance treaty, purchased by any Subsidiary of the Company;
    (xi) make any investment in the Company Investment Assets other than in
  accordance with the Company's current investment policies;
    (xii) materially amend its current investment policies; or
    (xiii) take, or agree in writing or otherwise to take, any of the actions
  described above in this Section 5.1.
  5.2 ACCESS TO INFORMATION. From the date hereof until the Closing Date,
subject to the terms of the Confidentiality Agreement, any applicable
contractual restrictions and applicable legal privileges, and to the extent
applicable law would not thereby be violated, the Company will (i) give, and
will cause its Subsidiaries to give, to Buyer and its counsel, financial
advisors, auditors and other authorized representatives reasonable access,
upon reasonable prior notice and during normal business hours, to the offices,
properties, books and records of the Company and each of its Subsidiaries,
(ii) furnish, and will cause its Subsidiaries to furnish, to Buyer and its
counsel, financial advisors, auditors and other authorized representatives
such financial and operating data and other information relating to the
Company or any of its Subsidiaries as such Persons may reasonably request and
(iii) instruct the employees, counsel and financial advisors of the Company or
any of its Subsidiaries to cooperate with Buyer in its investigation of the
Company or any of its Subsidiaries; provided that this Section 5.2 shall not
obligate the Company to provide or make available to Buyer any employee
medical records; provided, further, that to the extent contractual
restrictions limit the Company's ability to take any of the actions set forth
in this

Section 5.2, the Company shall use commercially reasonable efforts to obtain
any necessary contractual consent or accommodate any reasonable request by
Buyer with respect to such action by alternative means; and provided, further,
that to the extent applicable legal privileges or applicable laws limit the
Company's ability to take any of the actions set forth in this Section 5.2,
the Company shall use commercially reasonable efforts to accommodate any
reasonable request by Buyer with respect to such action by alternative means.
  5.3 NOTICES OF CERTAIN EVENTS. The Company shall promptly notify Buyer of
any actions, suits, claims, investigations or proceedings commenced or, to the
Knowledge of the Company, threatened against, relating to or involving or
otherwise affecting the Company or any Subsidiary of the Company that, if
pending on the date of this Agreement, would have been required to have been
disclosed pursuant to Section 3.12 or that relate to the consummation of the
transactions contemplated by this Agreement.
  5.4 NO SOLICITATION. The Company will immediately cease any existing
discussions or negotiations with any third parties conducted prior to the date
hereof with respect to any Acquisition Proposal (as defined below). The
Company shall not, directly or indirectly, through any officer, director,
employee, representative or agent or any of its Subsidiaries, (i) solicit or
knowingly encourage any proposal or offer for a merger, consolidation,
business combination, sale of substantial assets, sale of a substantial
percentage of shares of capital stock or similar transactions involving the
Company or any of its Subsidiaries, other than the transactions contemplated
by this Agreement (any of the foregoing proposals or offers being referred to
in this Agreement as an "Acquisition Proposal"), (ii) engage in negotiations
or discussions concerning, or provide any nonpublic information to any Person
relating to, any Acquisition Proposal or (iii) agree to, approve or recommend
any Acquisition Proposal. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this
Section 5.4 or elsewhere in this Agreement, prior to the Effective Time, the
Company may, to the extent the board of directors of the Company determines
that the proper exercise of its fiduciary duties require it to do so, (i)
engage in negotiations or discussions concerning, and provide nonpublic
information to a Person who makes or who indicates a desire to make, an
Acquisition Proposal, and (ii) agree to, approve and recommend an Acquisition
  5.5 MEETING OF THE COMPANY SHAREHOLDERS. The Company agrees that (i) the
Company will take all action necessary in accordance with applicable law and
its Articles of Incorporation and bylaws to convene a meeting of its
shareholders (the "Company Shareholders' Meeting") as promptly as practicable
to consider and vote upon the approval of the Merger and the other
transactions contemplated hereby (the "Company Shareholders' Approval"), (ii)
the board of directors of Company shall recommend and declare advisable such
approval, and (iii) the Company shall take all lawful action to solicit, and
use all reasonable efforts to obtain, such approval. Notwithstanding anything
to the contrary in this Section 5.5 or elsewhere in this Agreement, the board
of directors of the Company may withdraw, modify in a manner adverse to Buyer
or refrain from making the recommendation and/or declaration specified in
clause (ii) of the immediately preceding sentence to the extent the board
determines that the proper exercise of its fiduciary duties require it to do
so; if the board does so withdraw, modify or refrain from making such
recommendation and/or declaration, the Company may refrain from convening the
Company Shareholders' Meeting and soliciting or obtaining the Company
Shareholders' Approval.
  5.6 SUPPLEMENTS OR AMENDMENTS. If, at any time prior to the Company
Shareholders' Meeting, any event with respect to the Company or any of its
Subsidiaries or any of their respective officers and directors should occur
which is required to be described in an amendment of, or a supplement to, the
Proxy Statement, the Company shall notify Buyer thereof prior to filing if
possible by reference to this Section 5.6 and such event shall be so
described, and such amendment or supplement shall be promptly filed with the
SEC and, as required by law, disseminated to shareholders of the Company. Such
amendment or supplement shall comply with all provisions of applicable Law.
If, at any time prior to the Effective Time, the Company or any of its
Subsidiaries or any of their respective officers or directors becomes aware of
any fact or condition that would cause any material statement in the Proxy
Statement to have been untrue or would cause the Proxy Statement to omit to
state a material fact required to have been stated therein or necessary in
order to make the statements therein, in light of the circumstances under
which they were made, not misleading, the Company shall promptly notify Buyer
in writing of such fact or condition.

  Buyer and Buyer Parent each agree that:
  6.1 CONFIDENTIALITY. All information provided to Buyer, Buyer Parent or any
of the Persons referred to in Section 5.2 will be treated as if provided under
the Confidentiality Agreement.
   (a) All rights to indemnification, advancement of expenses and exculpation
 from liability for acts or omissions occurring at or prior to the Effective
 Time now existing in favor of the current or former directors, officers or
 employees of the Company or its Subsidiaries, as provided in their respective
 articles of incorporation or bylaws or in indemnification agreements to which
 any of them is a party and which have been made available to Buyer prior to
 the date hereof, shall survive the Effective Time, and shall continue in full
 force and effect in accordance with their respective terms for a period of
 not less than six (6) years after the Effective Time. The articles of
 incorporation and bylaws of the Surviving Corporation shall contain
 provisions with respect to indemnification, advancement of expenses and
 exculpation that are at least as favorable to the persons entitled to
 indemnification, advancement of expenses and exculpation thereunder as those
 contained in the articles of incorporation and bylaws of the Company as in
 effect on the date hereof. The provisions of the articles of incorporation
 and bylaws of the Surviving Corporation, and of the articles of incorporation
 and bylaws of the Company's Subsidiaries on the date hereof, relating to
 indemnification, advancement of expenses and exculpation shall not be
 amended, repealed or otherwise modified for a period of six (6) years after
 the Effective Time in any manner that would adversely affect the rights
 thereunder of persons who at any time at or prior to the Effective Time were
 entitled to indemnification, advancement of expenses or exculpation under any
 such articles of incorporation or bylaws in respect of acts or omissions
 occurring at or prior to the Effective Time (including, without limitation,
 the Merger and the other transactions contemplated by this Agreement), unless
 such modification is required by law. From and after the Effective Time,
 Buyer and Buyer Parent each shall, without any further action, be liable for
 all obligations of the Company and its Subsidiaries and the Surviving
 Corporation and its Subsidiaries with respect to such indemnification,
 advancement of expenses and exculpation from liability as are provided for in
 this Section 6.2.
   (b) Buyer and Buyer Parent each shall cause to be maintained, for a period
 of not less than six (6) years after the Effective Time, all of the Company's
 and its Subsidiaries' current directors' and officers' insurance and
 indemnification policies to the extent that such policies provide coverage
 for events occurring prior to the Effective Time (collectively, the "D&O
 Insurance") for all current or former directors, officers or employees of the
 Company or its Subsidiaries; provided, however, that Buyer and Buyer Parent
 may, in lieu of maintaining such existing D&O Insurance as provided above,
 and shall, if the existing D&O Insurance expires or is terminated or canceled
 during such six (6) year period, cause comparable coverage to be provided
 under any policy maintained for the benefit of the directors, officers and
 employees of Buyer, Buyer Parent or any of their Subsidiaries; and provided,
 further, that (i) the issuer thereof shall have a claims-paying rating at
 least equal to the issuer of the existing D&O Insurance; and (ii) the terms
 thereof shall be no less advantageous to the directors, officers and
 employees of the Company and its Subsidiaries than the existing D&O
 Insurance; and provided, further, that Buyer Parent shall not be required to
 pay a per annum premium for such D&O Insurance in excess of 200% of the per
 annum premium that the Company currently pays for its existing D&O Insurance
 (it being understood that, if the premium required to be paid by Buyer Parent
 for such D&O Insurance would exceed such 200% amount, then the coverage of
 such D&O Insurance shall be reduced to the maximum coverage that can be
 obtained for a per annum premium in such 200% amount).
   (c) This Section 6.2 is intended for the benefit of, and shall be
 enforceable by, any Person entitled to indemnification, advancement of
 expenses or exculpation from the Company, the Surviving Corporation, Buyer
 and/or Buyer Parent hereunder, and their heirs and personal representatives,
 and shall be binding on the Surviving Corporation, Buyer and Buyer Parent,
 and their respective successors and assigns.

  6.3 SUPPLEMENTS OR AMENDMENTS. If, at any time prior to the Company
Shareholders' Meeting, any event with respect to Buyer, Buyer Parent or any of
their Subsidiaries or any of their respective officers and directors should
occur which is required to be described in an amendment of, or a supplement
to, the Proxy Statement, Buyer and Buyer Parent shall notify the Company
thereof by reference to this Section 6.3 and such event shall be so described,
and such amendment or supplement shall be promptly filed with the SEC and, as
required by law, disseminated to shareholders of the Company. Such amendment
or supplement shall comply with all provisions of applicable law. If, at any
time prior to the Effective Time, Buyer, Buyer Parent or any of their
Subsidiaries or any of their respective officers or directors becomes aware of
any fact or condition that would cause any material statement in the Proxy
Statement to have been untrue or would cause the Proxy Statement to omit to
state a material fact required to have been stated therein or necessary in
order to make the statements therein, in light of the circumstances under
which they were made, not misleading, Buyer and Buyer Parent shall promptly
notify the Company in writing of such fact or condition.
  Buyer and the Company agree that:
  7.1 COMMERCIALLY REASONABLE EFFORTS. Subject to the terms and conditions of
this Agreement, Buyer, Buyer Parent and the Company will use their
commercially reasonable efforts to take, or cause to be taken, all actions and
to do, or cause to be done, all things reasonably necessary or desirable under
applicable laws and regulations to consummate the transactions contemplated by
this Agreement. Buyer, Buyer Parent and the Company will promptly, and in any
event within 30 days of the date hereof, prepare and file all applications,
notices, consents and other documents necessary or advisable to obtain the
regulatory approvals specified in Schedule 4.3 and Schedule 3.3, respectively,
promptly file all supplements or amendments thereto and use reasonable efforts
to obtain the regulatory approvals specified in Schedule 4.3 and Schedule 3.3
as promptly as practicable. Buyer, Buyer Parent and the Company will provide
each other and their counsel the opportunity to review in advance and comment
on all such filings. Buyer, Buyer Parent and the Company will keep each other
informed of the status of matters relating to obtaining the regulatory
approvals specified in Schedule 4.3 and Schedule 3.3. The Company, Buyer and
Buyer Parent agree to execute and deliver such other documents, certificates,
agreements and other writings and to take such other actions as may be
necessary or desirable in order to consummate or implement expeditiously the
transactions contemplated by this Agreement. In addition to and not in
limitation of the foregoing, each of the parties will (i) promptly take all
actions necessary to make the filings required of Buyer, Buyer Parent and the
Company or their respective Affiliates or Subsidiaries under the HSR Act, (ii)
comply at the earliest practicable date with any request for additional
information received by such party or its Affiliates or Subsidiaries from the
Federal Trade Commission (the "FTC") or the Antitrust Division of the
Department of Justice (the "Antitrust Division") pursuant to the HSR Act,
(iii) cooperate with the other party in connection with such party's filings
under the HSR Act and in connection with resolving any investigation or other
inquiry concerning the Merger or the other matters contemplated by this
Agreement commenced by either the FTC or the Antitrust Division or state
attorneys general and (iv) request early termination of the waiting period
under the HSR Act.
  7.2 PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENTS. The parties agree to consult with each other
before issuing any press release or making any public statement with respect
to this Agreement or the transactions contemplated hereby and, except as may
be required by applicable law or any listing agreement with any national
securities exchange, will not issue any such press release or make any such
public statement prior to such consultation.
  7.3 CONSENTS. Between the date hereof and the Closing Date, (i) the Company,
Buyer and Buyer Parent shall use their respective commercially reasonable
efforts to obtain at the earliest practicable date, and prior to the Closing
Date, all consents and agreements of third parties necessary for the
performance by the Company, Buyer and Buyer Parent of their respective
obligations under this Agreement or any agreement referred to herein or
contemplated hereby or to the consummation of the transactions contemplated
hereby or thereby, and (ii) the Company shall deliver to Buyer on or prior to
Closing, to the extent reasonably available or obtainable, certified copies of
Permits for the Company's insurance company subsidiaries from all
jurisdictions in which such

insurance company subsidiaries are licensed, and certified copies of the
articles of incorporation for the Company and its subsidiaries from their
respective jurisdictions of organization. No consideration, whether such
consideration shall consist of the payment of money or shall take any other
form, for any such consent or agreement necessary to the consummation of the
transactions contemplated hereby shall be given or promised by either the
Company, Buyer, Buyer Parent or any of their respective Subsidiaries without
the prior written approval of the other party.
  7.4 PROXY STATEMENT. The Company, Buyer and Buyer Parent will, as promptly
as practicable, cooperate to prepare and file with the SEC a proxy statement
in connection with the Merger and the vote of the Company's shareholders with
respect to the transactions contemplated by this Agreement (such proxy
statement, together with any amendments thereof or supplements thereto, in
each case in the form or forms mailed to the Company's shareholders, is herein
called the "Proxy Statement"). The Company, Buyer and Buyer Parent will use
all commercially reasonable efforts to have or cause the Proxy Statement to
become definitive as promptly as practicable following the clearance of the
Proxy Statement by the SEC. The Company, Buyer and Buyer Parent also will take
any other related action required to be taken under federal or state
securities laws, and the Company will use all reasonable efforts to cause the
Proxy Statement to be mailed to shareholders of the Company at the earliest
practicable date.
  7.5 UPDATING SCHEDULES. In connection with the Closing, the Company, Buyer
and Buyer Parent will promptly supplement or amend the various Schedules to
this Agreement to reflect any matter which, if existing, occurring or known on
the date of this Agreement, would have been required to be set forth or
described in such Schedules or which is necessary to correct any information
in such Schedules which was or has been rendered inaccurate thereby. No such
supplement or amendment to the Schedules shall have any effect for the purpose
of determining satisfaction of the conditions set forth in Article 9 hereof,
or the compliance by any party hereto with its covenants and agreements set
forth herein.
  8.1 EMPLOYEES. With respect to each employee who, as of the Closing Date, is
employed by the Company or any Subsidiary of the Company (including any such
employee absent as of such date from active service for any reason, including
but not limited to disability or leave of absence but excluding any terminated
employee receiving severance) ("Transferred Employees"), subject to any
employment contract between the Company and any such employee, Buyer shall
cause each Transferred Employee's employer to continue to employ such
Transferred Employee in a position that is substantially similar to that held
with the Company or such Subsidiary as of the Closing Date, at a salary (and
with commissions, where applicable) substantially equivalent to that provided
as of such date; provided, however, that nothing herein is intended to, or
shall, require such employer to employ any such employee (other than any such
employee who is a party to an employment contract) on any other basis than as
an employee-at-will.
  8.2 401(K) PLANS. Effective as of the Closing Date, Buyer and Buyer Parent
each shall either (i) cause the Company to continue to maintain the Company's
401(k) Plan, (ii) create and maintain new Benefits Plans that are at least as
favorable in the aggregate to Transferred Employees as the Company's 401(k)
Plan, or (iii) allow Transferred Employees to participate in comparable
existing Benefit Plans of Buyer and/or Buyer Parent that are at least as
favorable in the aggregate to Transferred Employees as the Company's 401(k)
Plan, in each case until at least December 31, 1999.
  8.3 GROUP HEALTH PLANS. Effective as of the Closing Date, Buyer and Buyer
Parent each shall maintain, cause an ERISA Affiliate of Buyer and/or Buyer
Parent to maintain, or cause the Company to continue to maintain, for the
benefit of all Transferred Employees and their dependents, any group health
plan maintained by the Company and any of the Company's Subsidiaries or a
group health plan that either (i) provides coverage under the same terms and
conditions (within the meaning of proposed Treasury regulation section 1.162-
26, Q&A 18) as were applicable to the Transferred Employees immediately before
the Closing Date or (ii) satisfies the requirements of Code section
4980B(f)(2)(B)(iv), until at least December 31, 1999.

  8.4 SEVERANCE ARRANGEMENTS. Until December 31, 1999, Buyer and Buyer Parent
each shall take all steps necessary to ensure that all employees of the
Company who are terminated after the Closing Date receive severance
compensation at least as favorable as the severance compensation currently
payable to such employees under the Company's current policies. Without
limiting the foregoing, Buyer and Buyer Parent shall cause the Company to be
responsible and continue to have all liability for all salary and benefit
continuation, severance payments and/or obligations relating to any
Transferred Employee that may be payable as a result of any termination of
employment of any such Transferred Employee or the transactions contemplated
by this Agreement, and for all notices, payments, fines or assessments due to
any government authority pursuant to any applicable foreign, federal, state or
local law, common law, statute, rule or regulation with respect to the
employment, discharge or layoff of employees, including but not limited to the
Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act and any rules or regulations
that have been issued in connection with any of the foregoing. Buyer and
Buyer's Parent shall cause the Company to comply with the terms of the
Contingent Severance Compensation Agreement.
  8.5 OTHER BENEFIT PLANS. Except as otherwise provided in this Article 8,
Buyer and Buyer Parent each shall, effective as of the Closing Date, cause the
Company to continue to maintain any and all Benefit Plans maintained by the
Company or any of its Subsidiaries covering Transferred Employees until at
least December 31, 1999 and to continue to be responsible for any liability to
provide benefits under such Benefit Plans that exist on the Closing Date.
Buyer and Buyer Parent each will cause the Company to permit any elections
made under the Company's 401(k) Plan to continue in effect to the remainder of
the plan year that includes the Closing Date. Until at least December 31,
1999, neither Buyer nor Buyer Parent shall cause the Company to make any
change to the Company's accounting or reserving practices or take any other
action that would adversely affect the computation of amounts payable to
Transferred Employees under any incentive compensation or bonus plan of the
Company without making such equitable adjustments to the performance measures
under the affected plans as may be appropriate to ensure that the Transferred
Employees receive substantially the same bonuses or other benefit payments
under the affected plans as they would have received in the absence of such
change or other action for any performance cycle for which the targets or
goals have been established as of the date hereof.
obligations of Buyer, Buyer Parent and the Company to consummate the Closing
are subject to the satisfaction of the following conditions:
    (a) Any applicable waiting period under the HSR Act relating to the
  transactions contemplated hereby shall have expired or been terminated.
    (b) All other regulatory consents, approvals or clearances necessary for
  the consummation of the Closing shall have been obtained, and no provision
  of any applicable law or regulation shall prohibit the consummation of the
    (c) There shall not be in effect any temporary restraining order,
  preliminary injunction or permanent injunction or other Order issued by any
  court of competent jurisdiction preventing the consummation of the
  transactions contemplated hereby; provided that the party invoking this
  condition shall have used its reasonable best efforts to have such order or
  injunction vacated.
    (d) The Company shall have obtained the Company Shareholders' Approval
  from the requisite holders of Shares in accordance with applicable law and
  the Articles of Incorporation and bylaws of the Company.
  9.2 CONDITIONS TO OBLIGATION OF BUYER. The obligation of Buyer and Buyer
Parent to consummate the Closing is subject to the satisfaction of the
following further conditions any of which may be waived by Buyer or Buyer
    (a) (i) The Company shall have performed in all material respects all of
  its obligations hereunder required to be performed by it on or prior to the
  Closing Date; (ii) the representations and warranties of the Company
  contained in this Agreement shall be true at and as of the Closing Date, as
  if made at and as of

  such date (without giving effect to any materiality qualifications or
  exceptions contained therein), except for those representations and
  warranties made as of a specified date, which shall be true and correct as
  of the date specified (without giving effect to any materiality
  qualifications or materiality exceptions contained therein); provided, that
  this condition (ii) shall be deemed satisfied if any inaccuracies in any of
  such representations and warranties at and as of the applicable date
  (without giving effect to any materiality qualifications or materiality
  exceptions contained therein), (A) would not, individually or in the
  aggregate, have or reasonably be expected to have a Material Adverse Effect
  on the Company, or (B) do not result in the consolidated common
  shareholders' equity of the Company and its Subsidiaries (determined in
  accordance with U.S. GAAP) being less than $28,508,000 as of the Closing
  Date, in each case without giving any effect to any inaccuracies in any
  such representations or warranties that are the result of any event,
  occurrence, development or state of circumstances or facts affecting the
  property and casualty insurance industry as a whole in the United States or
  any state in which the Company or any of its Subsidiaries conducts
  business, or affecting the stock or bond markets or securities industry as
  a whole in the United States or any change in general economic conditions
  in the United States or any state in which the Company or any of its
  Subsidiaries conducts business (including but not limited to a change in
  interest rates); and (iii) Buyer or Buyer Parent shall have received a
  certificate signed by the chief executive officer and the chief financial
  officer of the Company to the effect that the foregoing conditions have
  been satisfied.
    (b) Buyer or Buyer Parent shall have received (i) a certificate, dated as
  of the Effective Time, from the secretary or assistant secretary of the
  Company certifying as to the accuracy and completeness of the attached
  Articles of Incorporation and bylaws of the Company, and resolutions,
  consents and authorizations of the Company with respect to the execution
  and delivery of this Agreement and the transactions contemplated hereby,
  and (ii) a legal opinion of Company counsel covering the opinions set forth
  in Exhibit 9.2(b).
  9.3 CONDITIONS TO OBLIGATION OF THE COMPANY. The obligation of the Company
to consummate the Closing is subject to the satisfaction of the following
further conditions any of which may be waived by the Company:
    (a) (i) Buyer and Buyer Parent each shall have performed in all material
  respects all of its obligations hereunder required to be performed by it at
  or prior to the Closing Date, (ii) the representations and warranties of
  Buyer contained in this Agreement shall be true at and as of the Closing
  Date, as if made at and as of such date (without giving effect to any
  materiality qualifications and materiality exceptions contained therein),
  except for those representations and warranties made as of a specified
  date, which shall be true and correct as of the date specified (without
  giving effect to any materiality qualifications or materiality exceptions
  contained therein); provided, that this condition (ii) shall be deemed
  satisfied if any inaccuracies in any such representations and warranties at
  and as of the applicable date (without giving effect to any materiality
  qualifications or materiality exceptions contained therein) would not,
  individually or in the aggregate, have or reasonably be expected to
  materially adversely affect the ability of the Merger to be completed; and
  (iii) the Company shall have received a certificate signed by the chief
  executive officer and the chief financial officer of Buyer and Buyer Parent
  to the effect that the foregoing conditions have been satisfied.
    (b) The Company shall have received a certificate, dated as of the
  Effective Time, from the secretary or assistant secretary of Buyer, Buyer
  Parent and Buyer Sub, respectively, certifying as to the accuracy and
  completeness of the attached articles of incorporation and bylaws of Buyer,
  Buyer Parent and Buyer Sub, and resolutions, consents and authorizations of
  Buyer, Buyer Parent and Buyer Sub with respect to the execution and
  delivery of this Agreement and the transactions contemplated hereby.
  10.1 SURVIVAL. The covenants, agreements, representations and warranties of
the parties hereto contained in this Agreement shall not survive the Closing;
provided that the covenants and agreements that, by their terms, are to have
effect or be performed after the Closing Date shall survive in accordance with
their terms.

  11.1 GROUNDS FOR TERMINATION. This Agreement may be terminated and the
Merger may be abandoned at any time prior to the Closing:
    (i) by mutual written agreement of the Company and Buyer;
    (ii) by either the Company or Buyer upon written notice to the other
  party if the Merger shall not have been consummated on or before December
  31, 1998; provided that the right to terminate this Agreement under this
  clause (ii) shall not be available to any party whose failure to fulfill
  any obligation under this Agreement has been the cause of or has resulted
  in the failure of the Merger to occur on or before such date;
    (iii) by either the Company or Buyer if a court of competent jurisdiction
  in the United States or any other Governmental Body in the United States
  shall have issued an Order or taken any other action permanently
  restraining, enjoining or otherwise prohibiting the Merger and such Order
  or other action shall have become final and nonappealable;
    (iv) by either the Company or Buyer at any time prior to the Company
  Shareholders' Approval, if the board of directors of the Company agrees to,
  accepts or recommends an Acquisition Proposal to the Shareholders of the
    (v) by Buyer, if the board of directors of the Company shall have
  withdrawn, modified in any manner adverse to Buyer or refrained from
  recommending and/or declaring advisable the Company Shareholders' Approval;
    (vi) by either the Company or Buyer if the Company Shareholders' Approval
  is not obtained.
  11.2 EFFECT OF TERMINATION. If this Agreement is terminated as permitted by
Section 11.1, termination shall be without liability of any party (or any
shareholder, director, officer, employee, agent, consultant or representative
of such party) to any other party to this Agreement, except for payment of
costs and expenses in accordance with Section 12.3 and except that no such
termination shall relieve Buyer and Buyer Parent of its obligations under
Section 6.1; and provided that if such termination shall result from the
willful failure of any party to fulfill a condition to the performance of the
obligations of any other party or to perform a covenant of this Agreement or
from a willful breach by any party to this Agreement, such party shall be
fully liable for any and all damage, loss, liability and expense (including
but not limited to reasonable expenses of investigation and reasonable
attorneys' fees and expenses in connection with any action, suit or
proceeding) incurred or suffered by the other party as a result of such
failure or breach. The provisions of this Section 11.2, Section 12.3 and
Section 12.5 shall survive any termination hereof pursuant to Section 11.1.
  12.1 NOTICES. All notices, requests, demands and other communications
hereunder shall be in writing and shall be deemed to have been duly given when
delivered by hand, or when sent by facsimile transmission (with receipt
confirmed by an electronically generated written confirmation), addressed as
follows (or to such other address as a party may designate by notice to the
  if to Buyer, Buyer Parent or Buyer Sub, to:
  Kingsway Financial Services Inc.
  5310 Explorer Drive
  Suite 200
  Mississauga, Ontario L4W 5H8
  Attention: Shaun Jackson

  with a copy to:
  Cassels Brock & Blackwell
  Scotia Plaza, Suite 2100
  40 King Street West
  Toronto, Canada M5H 3C2
  Attention: J. Brian Reeve, Esquire
  if to the Company, to:
  Walshire Assurance Company
  3350 Whiteford Road
  York, PA 17402
  Attention: Kenneth R. Taylor
  with copies to:
  Blank Rome Comisky & McCauley LLP
  One Logan Square
  Philadelphia, PA 19103-6998
  Attention: Arthur H. Miller, Esquire
    (a) Any provision of this Agreement may be amended or waived if, but only
  if, such amendment or waiver is explicit and in writing and is signed, in
  the case of an amendment, by each party to this Agreement, or in the case
  of a waiver, by the party against whom the waiver is to be effective.
    (b) No failure or delay by any party in exercising any right, power or
  privilege hereunder shall operate as a waiver thereof nor shall any single
  or partial exercise thereof preclude any other or further exercise thereof
  or the exercise of any other right, power or privilege. Other than as
  provided herein, the rights and remedies herein provided shall be
  cumulative and not exclusive of any rights or remedies provided by law.
  12.3 EXPENSES. Except as otherwise expressly provided herein, the fee for
filing an application pursuant to the HSR Act shall be paid by Buyer or Buyer
Parent, and all other costs and expenses incurred in connection with this
Agreement, including all brokers', finders', investment advisory or similar
fees, shall be paid by the party incurring or responsible for incurring such
cost or expense. Notwithstanding the immediately preceding sentence, (i) in
the event that the Company or Buyer terminates this Agreement pursuant to
Section 11.1(iv) above, the Company shall within five (5) business days of
such termination pay to Buyer the sum of one million seven hundred fifty
thousand dollars ($1,750,000) in immediately available funds as directed by
Buyer and shall reimburse Buyer for its reasonable out-of-pocket costs and
expenses incurred between June 18, 1998 and the date of termination in
connection with this Agreement and the transactions contemplated hereby and
(ii) in the event that the Company or Buyer terminates this Agreement pursuant
to Section 11.1(vi) above, the Company shall reimburse Buyer for its
reasonable out-of-pocket costs and expenses incurred between June 18, 1998 and
the date of termination in connection with this Agreement and the transactions
contemplated hereby; provided, however, that no amounts shall be payable by
the Company to Buyer pursuant to this sentence if Buyer or Buyer Parent shall
have been in material breach of this Agreement at the time this Agreement is
  12.4 SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS. The provisions of this Agreement shall be
binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto and their
respective successors and assigns; provided, that no party may assign,
delegate or otherwise transfer any of its rights or obligations under this
Agreement without the prior written consent of each other party hereto.
  12.5 GOVERNING LAW. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in
accordance with the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania without regard to
any laws that might otherwise govern under applicable principles of conflicts
of laws.

  12.6 JURISDICTION. Except as otherwise expressly provided in this Agreement,
any suit, action or proceeding seeking to enforce any provision of, or based
on any matter arising out of or in connection with, this Agreement or the
transactions contemplated hereby shall be brought only in the United States
District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania or any Pennsylvania
state court sitting in Philadelphia, and each of the parties hereby consents
to the exclusive jurisdiction of such courts (and of the appropriate appellate
courts therefrom) in any such suit, action or proceeding and irrevocably
waives, to the fullest extent permitted by law, any objection which it may now
or hereafter have to the laying of the venue of any such suit, action or
proceeding in any such court or that any such suit, action or proceeding which
is brought in any such court has been brought in an inconvenient forum.
Process in any such suit, action or proceeding may be served on any party
anywhere in the world, whether within or without the jurisdiction of any such
court. Without limiting the foregoing, each party agrees that service of
process on such party as provided in this Section 12.6 shall be deemed
effective service of process on such party.
  12.7 COUNTERPARTS. This Agreement may be signed in any number of
counterparts, each of which shall be an original, but all of which together
shall constitute one instrument. Each counterpart may consist of a number of
copies each signed by less than all, but together signed by all, the parties
  12.8 NO THIRD PARTY BENEFICIARIES. No provision of this Agreement is
intended to confer upon any Person other than the parties hereto any rights or
remedies hereunder, except for the indemnification and insurance provisions
contained in Section 6.2, which provisions may be enforced by the parties to
be indemnified or insured thereunder.
  12.9 ENTIRE AGREEMENT. Except for the Confidentiality Agreement, this
Agreement constitutes the entire agreement among the parties with respect to
the subject matter of this Agreement and supersedes all prior agreements and
understandings, both oral and written, among the parties with respect to such
subject matter. No representation, inducement, promise, understanding,
condition or warranty not set forth herein has been made or relied upon by any
party hereto.
  12.10 CONSTRUCTION. Whenever the context may require, any pronoun used in
this Agreement shall include the corresponding masculine, feminine or neuter
forms, and the singular form of nouns, pronouns and verbs shall include the
plural and vice versa. The name assigned this Agreement and the section
captions used herein are for convenience of reference only and shall not
affect the interpretation and construction hereof. Unless otherwise specified,
(i) the terms "hereof," "herein" and similar terms refer to this Agreement as
a whole and (ii) references herein to Articles or Sections refer to articles
or sections of this Agreement. This Agreement is the result of arms-length
negotiations between the parties hereto and has been prepared jointly by the
parties. In applying and interpreting the provisions of this Agreement, there
shall be no presumption that the Agreement was prepared by any one party or
that the Agreement shall be construed in favor of or against any one party.
  12.11 CURRENCY. All dollar amounts stated in this Agreement are stated in
United States currency, and all payments required under this Agreement shall
be paid in United States currency.

  IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be duly
executed by their respective authorized officers as of the date first above
                                          WALSHIRE ASSURANCE COMPANY
                                                   /s/ Kenneth R. Taylor
                                          By: _________________________________
                                            Name: Kenneth R. Taylor
                                            Title: President
                                          KINGSWAY AMERICA INC.
                                                   /s/ William J. Starr
                                          By: _________________________________
                                            Name: William J. Starr
                                            Title: Chairman
                                          KINGSWAY FINANCIAL SERVICES INC.
                                                   /s/ W. Shaun Jackson
                                          By: _________________________________
                                            Name: W. Shaun Jackson
                                            Title: Executive Vice President &
                                          W ACQUISITION CORPORATION
                                                   /s/ William G. Starr
                                          By: _________________________________
                                            Name: William G. Starr
                                            Title: President

                                    ANNEX B
                               VOTING AGREEMENT
  This Voting Agreement (this "Agreement") is entered into as of August 11,
1998 among some or all of the individuals and other parties listed on Schedule
A hereto (each, a "Stockholder" and, collectively the "Stockholders"),
INC. (the "Buyer") and W ACQUISITION CORPORATION (the "Buyer Sub"), as
acknowledged by WALSHIRE ASSURANCE COMPANY, a Pennsylvania corporation (the
  Simultaneously with the execution and delivery of this Agreement, the
Company, Kingsway Financial, the Buyer and the Buyer Sub have executed and
delivered an Agreement and Plan of Merger dated as of the date of this
Agreement (as in effect from time to time, the "Merger Agreement"). The
Stockholders are entering into this Agreement as a material inducement and
condition to Kingsway Financial, Buyer and Buyer Sub entering into the Merger
Agreement. Each term is used and not otherwise defined in this Agreement has
the meaning which the Merger Agreement assigns to that term.
  The parties to this Agreement hereby agree as follows:
"Agreement Period") beginning on the date of this Agreement and ending on the
earlier of (i) the Effective Time, and (ii) the termination of the Merger
Agreement in accordance with Article XI thereof, each Stockholder hereby
agrees that he or it will not, and will not enter into any contract, option or
other undertaking to, sell, transfer, assign or otherwise dispose of any
shares of capital stock or other securities of the Company or any options or
other securities which are directly or indirectly convertible into or
exercisable or exchangeable for capital stock or other securities of the
Company (collectively, "Company Stock or Equivalents"), or any interest
therein, or grant any right or proxy to vote or grant consent in lieu of a
vote with respect to any Company Stock or Equivalent, now owned or hereafter
acquired by the Stockholder, other than pursuant to the terms of the Merger or
of Section 6 hereof, unless the Person to which such Company Stock or
Equivalents, or interest therein, is or may be sold, transferred, assigned,
otherwise disposed of, or to which such right or proxy is or may be granted,
executes a counterpart of this Agreement and agrees to be bound by the terms
and conditions hereof as a Stockholder.
  2. AGREEMENT TO VOTE.  During the Agreement Period, unless otherwise
directed in writing by the Buyer:
    (a) Each Stockholder hereby agrees to vote (or cause to be voted) all
  Company Stock or Equivalents which the Stockholder is entitled to vote to
  approve and adopt the Merger, the Merger Agreement and all other matters
  contemplated by the Merger Agreement or this Agreement, in connection with
  any meeting or meetings of, or solicitations of consents from, the
  securityholders of the Company, and at any adjournment thereof, at which or
  in connection with which the Merger, the Merger Agreement or any such
  related matter is submitted for the consideration and vote of
  securityholders of the Company.
    (b) Each Stockholder hereby agrees to vote (or cause to be voted) all
  Company Stock or Equivalents which the Stockholder is entitled to vote
  against (i) any Acquisition Proposal or (ii) any amendment of the Company's
  certificate of incorporation or by-laws or other proposal or transaction
  involving the Company, which amendment or other proposal or transaction
  would be reasonably likely to impede, frustrate, prevent or nullify the
  Merger, the Merger Agreement or any of the other transactions contemplated
  by the Merger Agreement or change in any manner the voting rights of Common
  Stock. Each Stockholder further agrees not to enter into any agreement
  inconsistent with the foregoing.
    (a) Each Stockholder shall not (and shall cause each affiliate, employee,
  officer, director, shareholder or agent of such Stockholder or trustee or
  other person acting on (or purporting to act on) his, her or its behalf,
  not to) solicit, discuss or negotiate with any other person (other than
  Buyer and its officers, directors, affiliates and representatives) any
  Acquisition Proposal, or provide any information to any other person
  concerning the Company or any Company Subsidiary (other as may be required
  by applicable legal requirements). No Stockholder nor any affiliate,
  employee, officer, director, shareholder or agent , trustee or

  other person acting on his, her or its behalf has entered into any
  agreement, arrangement or understanding with respect to any Acquisition
  Proposal, and each Stockholder shall (and shall cause each affiliate,
  employee, officer, director, shareholder or agent of such Stockholder or
  trustee or other person acting on (or purporting to act on) his, her or its
  behalf, to) (a) cease and cause to be terminated any and all discussions
  regarding any Acquisition Proposal and (b) notify Buyer if any Acquisition
  Proposal, or any inquiry or contact with any person with respect thereto,
  is made and disclose to Buyer the substance thereof.
    (b) Until after the Merger is consummated or the Merger Agreement is
  terminated, each Stockholder shall use his or its best efforts to take, or
  cause to be taken, all actions, and to do, or cause to be done, and to
  assist and cooperate with the other parties in doing, all things necessary,
  proper or advisable to consummate and make effective, in the most
  expeditious manner practicable, the Merger and the other transactions
  contemplated by the Merger Agreement.
    (c) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Section 3 or
  elsewhere in this Agreement, during the Agreement Period, each Stockholder
  may, to the extent such Stockholder shall determine that the proper
  exercise of his fiduciary duties, if any, to the Company as a director or
  officer of the Company require him to do so, (i) engage in negotiations or
  discussions concerning, and provide nonpublic information to a Person who
  makes or who indicates a desire to make, an Acquisition Proposal, and (ii)
  agree to, approve or recommend, and enter into an agreement, arrangement or
  understanding with respect to, an Acquisition Proposal.
    (a) Each Stockholder represents and warrants to Buyer and Buyer Sub that
  it is the record and beneficial owner of, or is trustee of a trust that is
  the record holder of, and whose beneficiaries are the beneficial owners of,
  and has good and marketable title to, the number of shares of Company Stock
  or Equivalents set forth opposite his or its name on Schedule A attached
  hereto, free and clear of any claims, liens, encumbrances and security
  interests whatsoever. No Stockholder owns, on record or beneficially, any
  shares of capital stock of the Company other than the Company Stock or
  Equivalents set forth opposite his or its name on Schedule A attached
  5. OTHER REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES. Each Stockholder, severally and not
jointly, represents and warrants in respect of itself to the Buyer and the
Buyer Sub that:
    (a) Each Stockholder has the necessary power and authority to enter into
  this Agreement and to perform their respective obligations under this
  Agreement. The execution and delivery of this Agreement by each Stockholder
  who is not an individual and the performance of their respective
  obligations under this Agreement have been duly and validly authorized by
  all necessary action and no other proceedings on the part of any such
  Stockholder are necessary to authorize such execution, delivery or
    (b) The execution and delivery of this Agreement by each Stockholder does
  not, and the performance by the Stockholders of their respective
  obligations under this Agreement will not, (i) conflict with or violate the
  certificate or articles of incorporation, bylaws, partnership agreement,
  trust instrument or other organizational document (if any) of any such
  person, (ii) conflict with or violate any legal requirement applicable to
  any such person or by which any of its properties or assets (including any
  Company Stock or Equivalents held by it) is bound or affected, or (iii)
  result in any breach of or constitute a default (or an event which with
  notice or lapse of time or both would become a default) under, or give to
  others any rights of termination, amendment, acceleration or cancellation
  of, or result in the creation of any Encumbrance on any Company Stock or
  Equivalents held by it pursuant to, any note, bond, mortgage, indenture,
  contract, agreement, lease, license, permit, franchise or other instrument
  or obligation to which the such person is a party or by which such person
  or any of its properties or assets (including any Company Stock or
  Equivalents held by it) is bound or affected.
    (c) The execution and delivery of this Agreement by the Stockholders does
  not, and the performance of this Agreement by the Stockholders will not,
  require any consent, approval, authorization or permit of, or filing with
  or notification to, any Governmental Body, except for any filing which may
  be required by the rules promulgated pursuant to the Exchange Act.

    (a) Each Stockholder hereby irrevocably grants to, and appoints, Buyer
  and William G. Star and Shaun Jackson, in their respective capacities as
  officers of Buyer, and any individual who shall hereafter succeed to any
  such office of Buyer, and each of them individually, his or its proxy and
  attorney-in-fact (with full power of substitution), for and in the name,
  place and stead of the Stockholder, to vote his or its Company Stock or
  Equivalents or grant a consent of approval in respect of such Company Stock
  or Equivalents (i) to approve and adopt the Merger, the Merger Agreement
  and all other matters contemplated by the Merger Agreement or this
  Agreement, (ii) against any Acquisition Proposal and (iii) against any
  amendment of the Company's Articles of Incorporation or By-Laws, or other
  proposal or transaction (including any consent solicitation to remove or
  elect any directors of the Company) involving the Company which amendment
  or other proposal or transaction would be reasonably likely to impede,
  frustrate, prevent or nullify, or result in a breach of any covenant,
  representation or warranty or any other obligation or agreement of the
  Company under or with respect to the Merger, the Merger Agreement or any of
  the other transactions contemplated by the Merger Agreement.
    (b) Each Stockholder represents that any proxies heretofore given in
  respect of Company Stock or Equivalents are not irrevocable, and that any
  such proxies are hereby revoked.
    (c) Each Stockholder hereby affirms that the irrevocable proxy set forth
  in this Section 6 is given in connection with and as a condition to the
  execution of the Merger Agreement by the Buyer and the Buyer Sub, and that
  such irrevocable proxy is given to secure the performance of the duties of
  the Stockholder under this Agreement. Each Stockholder hereby further
  affirms that the irrevocable proxy is coupled with an interest and may
  under no circumstances be revoked. Such irrevocable proxy is executed and
  intended to be irrevocable in accordance with the provisions of Section
  1759 of the Pennsylvania Statutes.
    (d) The proxy granted hereby shall terminate upon the earlier of the
  Effective Time or the termination of the Merger Agreement in accordance
  with Article XI thereof.
  7. ACCEPTANCE BY THE STOCKHOLDERS. Each Stockholder, by its execution of
this Agreement, accepts delivery of this Agreement, and agrees to make note of
same in its corporate books and records, if any, and to take such steps as are
necessary and in compliance with applicable law to give effect to the intent
and purpose of this Agreement.
  8. FURTHER ASSURANCES. Each Stockholder will, at the Buyer's expense, from
time to time, execute and deliver, or cause to be executed and delivered, such
additional or further consents, documents and other instruments as the Buyer
may reasonably request for the purpose of effectively carrying out the
transactions contemplated by this Agreement.
  9. CERTAIN EVENTS. Each Stockholder agrees that this Agreement and the
obligations hereunder shall attach to such person's Company Stock or
Equivalents and shall be binding upon any person to which legal or beneficial
ownership of such person's Company Stock or Equivalents shall pass, whether by
operation of law or otherwise, including without limitation such person's
heirs, guardians, administrators or successors. In the event of any stock
split, stock dividend, merger, reorganization, recapitalization or other
change in the capital structure of the Company or the acquisition of
additional Company Stock or Equivalents by any Stockholder the number of
Company Stock or Equivalents listed in Schedule A beside the name of such
Stockholder shall be adjusted appropriately and this Agreement and the
obligations hereunder shall attach to such additional Company Stock or
  10. NOTICES. All notices, requests, claims, demands and other communications
hereunder shall be in writing and shall be given (and, except as otherwise
provided in this Agreement, shall be deemed to have been duly given if so
given) if delivered in person, or sent by overnight courier service or by
registered or certified mail (postage prepaid, return receipt requested) to
the respective parties as follows:
  If to the Company or any Stockholder at the address set forth next to such
Stockholder's name on Schedule A attached hereto.

with a copy (which shall not constitute notice) to:
  Blank Rome Comisky & McCauley LLP
  One Logan Square
  Philadelphia, PA 19103-6998
  Attention: Arthur H. Miller, Esquire
  If to Buyer or Buyer Sub:
  Kingsway Financial Services Inc.
  5310 Explorer Drive, Suite 200
  Mississauga, Ontario L4W 5HB
  Attention: William G. Star
with a copy to:
  Cassels, Brock & Blackwell
  40 King Street, Suite 2100
  Toronto, Canada MH5 3C2
  Attention: J. Brian Reeve, Esq.
or to such other address as any party may have furnished to the other in
writing in accordance herewith, except that notices of change of address shall
only be effective upon receipt.
  11. COUNTERPARTS. This Agreement may be executed in two or more
counterparts, each of which shall be deemed to be an original, but each of
which together shall constitute one and the same document.
  12. GOVERNING LAW. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in
accordance with the internal laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, without
giving effect to the principles of conflicts of laws thereof.
  13. SPECIFIC PERFORMANCE. The parties hereto agree that if any of the
provisions of this Agreement were not performed in accordance with their
specific terms or were otherwise breached, irreparable damage would occur, no
adequate remedy at law would exist and damages would be difficult to
determine, and that the parties shall (without the posting of bond or other
security), be entitled to obtain from any court of competent jurisdiction
specific performance of the terms hereof, in addition to any other remedy at
law or equity.
  14. BINDING EFFECT. This Agreement shall be binding upon, inure to the
benefit of, and be enforceable by the successors and assigns of the parties
hereto. Nothing expressed or referred to in this Agreement is intended or
shall be construed to give any person other than the parties to this
Agreement, or their respective successors or assigns, any legal or equitable
right, remedy or claim under or in respect of this Agreement or any provision
contained herein.
  15. ENTIRE AGREEMENT. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement
between the parties hereto with respect to the subject matter hereof.
  16. SEVERABILITY. If any term, provision, covenant or restriction of this
Agreement is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, void or
unenforceable, the remainder of the terms, provisions, covenants and
restrictions of this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect and shall
in no way be affected, impaired or invalidated.
  17. ASSIGNMENT. Neither this agreement nor any of the rights, interests or
obligations hereunder shall be assigned by any of the parties hereto (whether
by operation of law or otherwise) without the prior written consent of the
other party; provided, however, that without obtaining such consent the Buyer
or the Buyer Sub may assign all of its rights hereunder to any person to whom
the Buyer Sub would be permitted to assign its rights under the Merger
Agreement. No such assignment shall relieve any party hereto of its
obligations hereunder if such transferee does not perform such obligations.

  18. MISCELLANEOUS. The headings contained in this Agreement are for reference
purposes only and shall not affect in any way the meaning or interpretation of
this Agreement. References to Sections, subsections and clauses referred to
Sections, subsections and clauses of this Agreement unless otherwise stated.
  IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Voting Agreement as
of the date first set forth above.
                                          KINGSWAY FINANCIAL SERVICES INC.
                                                   /s/ William G. Starr
                                          By: _________________________________
                                            Name: William G. Starr
                                            Title: President & CEO
                                          KINGSWAY AMERICA, INC.
                                                   /s/ William G. Starr
                                          By: _________________________________
                                            Name: William G. Starr
                                            Title: President & CEO
                                                   /s/ Peter D. Bennett
                                            (Peter D. Bennett)
                                                  /s/ John J. Buchan, Jr.
                                            (John J. Buchan, Jr.)
                                          INTERSTATE INSURANCE MANAGEMENT,
                                                  /s/ John J. Buchan, Jr.
                                          By: _________________________________
                                            Name: John J. Buchan, Jr.
                                            Title: President
                                                 /s/ Charles W. Hash, Jr.
                                            (Charles W. Hash, Jr.)

                                          MEMORIAL SURGICAL ASSOCIATES
                                                 /s/ Charles W. Hash, Jr.
                                          By: _________________________________
                                            Name: Charles W. Hash, Jr.
                                            Title: President
                                                   /s/ Gary J. Orndorff
                                            (Gary J. Orndorff)
                                                    /s/ Beverly Sausman
                                            (Beverly Sausman)
                                                /s/ L. Edward Sausman, Jr.
                                            (L. Edward Sausman, Jr.)
                                                  /s/ Lee E. Sausman, Sr.
                                            (Lee E. Sausman, Sr.)
                                                   /s/ Kenneth R. Taylor
                                            (Kenneth R. Taylor)
                                          TAYLOR & OCHROCH, INC.
                                                   /s/ Kenneth R. Taylor
                                          By: _________________________________
                                            Name: Kenneth R. Taylor
                                            Title: President
                                                /s/ William R. Tierney, Jr.
                                            (William R. Tierney, Jr.)
                                                    /s/ Cheryl Tierney
                                          By: _________________________________
                                            (Cheryl Tierney)

                                          TRUSTEE UNDER IRREVOCABLE AGREEMENT
                                          WITH EMILY TIERNEY, WILLIAM R.
                                          TIERNEY, JR., PETER TIERNEY, JOSEPH
                                          TIERNEY OF WILLIAM R. TIERNEY--
                                          FAMILY TRUST
                                               /s/ William R. Tierney, Jr.
                                          By: _________________________________
                                            Name: William R. Tierney, Jr.,
                                            Title: Trustee
                                          TRUSTEE UNDER IRREVOCABLE AGREEMENT
                                          WITH EMILY TIERNEY, WILLIAM R.
                                          TIERNEY, JR., PETER TIERNEY, JOSEPH
                                          TIERNEY OF WILLIAM R. TIERNEY
                                                /s/ William R. Tierney, Jr.
                                          By: _________________________________
                                            Name: William R. Tierney, Jr.,
                                            Title: Trustee
Acknowledged as of the date first above written
         /s/ Kenneth R. Taylor
  Name: Kenneth R. Taylor
  Title: President

                                   SCHEDULE A

                                 NO. OF       NO. OF COMMON
- ----------------------------  ------------- -----------------
Peter D. Bennett                     110         12,200
533 Ridge Avenue
State College, PA 16803
John J. Buchan, Jr.                1,536         32,883
2005 Bates Drive
Johnstown, PA 15901
Interstate Insurance
 Management, Inc.                 53,345            --
2307 Menoher Boulevard
Johnstown, PA 15901
Charles W. Hash, Jr.              54,394         32,883
1400 E. Market Street
York, PA 17403
Memorial Surgical Asso-
 ciates Retirement Fund           19,514            --
c/o Charles W. Hash, Jr.
1400 E. Market Street
York, PA 17403
Charles W. Hash, Sr.             406,443            --
101 Lookout Court
South View Villas
York, PA 17402
Mary Hash                         70,620            --
101 Lookout Court
South View Villas
York, PA 17402
Gary J. Orndorff                   7,979         40,113
2980 Chesapeake Road
York, PA 17402
L. Edward Sausman, Jr.           217,762         10,798
Sausman Insurance Agen-
cy, Inc.
Old Route 22 West
Thompsontown, PA 17094
Beverly Sausman                   10,660            --
c/o L. Edward Sausman,
Sausman Insurance Agen-
cy, Inc.
Old Route 22 West
Thompsontown, PA 17094
Lee E. Sausman, Sr.              186,000            --
12 Evergreen Street
P.O. Box 297
Thompsontown, PA 17094



Kenneth R. Taylor                                    442,246 210,059
1157 Youngsford Road
Gladwyne, PA 19035
Taylor & Ochroch, Inc.                                18,319     --
123 Ivy Lane
King of Prussia, PA 19406
William R. Tierney, Jr.                                8,424  24,805
Insurance Markets, Inc.
261 East Grove
Clarks Summit, PA 18411
Cheryl Tierney                                        20,349     --
c/o William R. Tierney, Jr.
Insurance Markets, Inc.
261 East Grove
Clarks Summit, PA 18411
Trustee Under Irrevocable Agreement With              51,637     --
Emily Tierney, William R. Tierney, Jr.,
Peter Tierney, Joseph Tierney of William R. Tierney
- --Family Trust
c/o Wiliam R. Tierney, Jr.
Insurance Markets, Inc.
261 East Grove
Clarks Summit, PA 18411
Trustee Under Irrevocable Agreement With              47,478     --
Emily Tierney, William R. Tierney, Jr.,
Peter Tierney, Joseph Tierney of William R. Tierney
c/o William R. Tierney, Jr.
Insurance Markets, Inc.
261 East Grove
Clarks Summit, PA 18411


                                    ANNEX C
                              FAIRNESS OPINION OF
                          BT ALEX. BROWN INCORPORATED
August 11, 1998
Board of Directors
Walshire Assurance Company
3350 Whiteford Road
York, PA 17402
  BT Alex. Brown Incorporated ("BT Alex. Brown") has acted as financial
advisor to Walshire Assurance Company ("Walshire") in connection with the
proposed merger involving Walshire and Kingsway Financial Services Inc.
("Kingsway") pursuant to an Agreement and Plan of Merger, dated as of August
11, 1998, among Walshire; Kingsway; Kingsway America Inc. ("Kingsway
America"), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Kingsway; and W Acquisition
Corporation, a wholly-owned acquisition subsidiary of Kingsway America ("W
Acquisition") (the "Merger Agreement"). The Merger Agreement provides, among
other things, for the merger of W Acquisition with and into Walshire (the
"Transaction"), as a result of which Walshire will become a wholly owned
subsidiary of Kingsway America. As set forth more fully in the Merger
Agreement, each share of the Common Stock, par value $.01 per share, of
Walshire ("Walshire Common Stock") will be converted into the right to receive
$8.25 in cash (the "Purchase Price"). The terms and conditions of the
Transaction are more fully set forth in the Merger Agreement.
  You have requested BT Alex. Brown's opinion regarding the fairness, from a
financial point of view, of the Purchase Price to the holders of Walshire
Common Stock.
  In connection with BT Alex. Brown's role as financial advisor to Walshire,
and in arriving at its opinion, BT Alex. Brown has reviewed certain publicly
available financial and other information concerning Walshire and certain
internal analysis and other information provided by Walshire. BT Alex. Brown
has also held discussions with members of the senior management of Walshire
regarding the businesses and prospects of Walshire. In addition, BT Alex.
Brown has (i) reviewed the reported prices and trading activity for Walshire
Common Stock, (ii) compared certain financial and stock market information for
Walshire with similar information for certain companies whose securities are
publicly traded, (iii) reviewed the financial terms of certain recent business
combinations which it deemed comparable in whole or in part, (iv) reviewed the
terms of a draft of the Merger Agreement, and (v) performed such other studies
and analyses and considered such other factors as it deemed appropriate. BT
Alex. Brown has not assumed responsibility for independent verification of,
and has not independently verified, any information, whether publicly
available or furnished to it, concerning Walshire, including, without
limitation, any financial information, forecasts or projections considered in
connection with the rendering of its opinion. Accordingly, for purposes of its
opinion, BT Alex. Brown has assumed and relied upon the accuracy and
completeness of all such information and BT Alex. Brown has not conducted a
physical inspection of any of the properties or assets, and has not prepared
or obtained any independent evaluation or appraisal of any of the assets or
liabilities of Walshire. With respect to the financial forecasts and
projections made available to BT Alex. Brown and used in its analyses, BT
Alex. Brown has assumed that they have been reasonably prepared on bases
reflecting the best currently available estimates and judgments of the
management of Walshire. In rendering its opinion, BT Alex. Brown expresses no
view as to the reasonableness of such forecasts and projections, or the
assumptions on which they are based. BT Alex. Brown's opinion is necessarily
based upon economic, market and other conditions in effect on, and the
information made available to it as of, the date hereof.
  For purposes of rendering its opinion, BT Alex. Brown has assumed that, in
all respects material to its analysis, the Transaction will be consummated on
the terms and subject to the conditions described in the Merger Agreement and
that all conditions to the consummation of the Transaction will be satisfied
without any waiver thereof.

  This opinion is addressed to, and for the use and benefit of, the Board of
Directors of Walshire and is not a recommendation to the shareholders of
Walshire to approve the Transaction. This opinion is limited to the fairness,
from a financial point of view, of the Purchase Price to the holders of
Walshire's Common Stock, and BT Alex. Brown expresses no opinion as to the
merits of the underlying decision by Walshire to engage in the Transaction.
  BT Alex. Brown (together with its affiliates, the "BT Group") is a
registered broker-dealer and member of the New York Stock Exchange. BT Alex.
Brown will be paid a fee for its services as financial advisor to Walshire in
connection with the Transaction, a substantial portion of which is contingent
upon consummation of the Transaction. One or more members of BT Alex. Brown
have, from time to time, provided investment banking services to Walshire for
which it has received compensation. In the ordinary course of business,
members of BT Alex. Brown may actively trade in the securities and other
instruments and obligations of Walshire for their own accounts and for the
accounts of their customers. Accordingly, BT Alex. Brown may at any time hold
a long or short position in such securities, instruments and obligations.
  Based upon and subject to the foregoing, it is BT Alex. Brown's opinion that
the Purchase Price is fair, from a financial point of view, to the holders of
Walshire Common Stock.
                                          Very truly yours,
                                          /s/ BT Alex. Brown Incorporated

                                    ANNEX D
                          EXCERPTS FROM PENNSYLVANIA
                           BUSINESS CORPORATION LAW
  (a) General rule.--If any shareholder of a domestic business corporation
that is to be a party to a merger or consolidation pursuant to a plan of
merger or consolidation objects to the plan of merger or consolidation and
complies with the provisions of Subchapter D of Chapter 15 (relating to
dissenters rights), the shareholder shall be entitled to the rights and
remedies of dissenting shareholders therein provided, if any. See also section
1906(c) (relating to dissenters rights upon special treatment).
  (b) Plans adopted by directors only.--Except as otherwise provided pursuant
to section 1571(c) (relating to grant of optional dissenters rights),
Subchapter D of Chapter 15 shall not apply to any of the shares of a
corporation that is a party to a merger or consolidation pursuant to section
1924(b)(1)(i) (relating to adoption by board of directors).
  (c) Cross references.--See sections 1571(b) (relating to exceptions) and
1904 (relating to de facto transaction doctrine abolished).
  15 Pa. C.S.A. Section 1571 et seq.
Subchapter D.-Dissenters Rights
  (a) General rule.--Except as otherwise provided in subsection (b), any
shareholder of a business corporation shall have the right to dissent from,
and to obtain payment of the fair value of his shares in the event of, any
corporate action, or to otherwise obtain fair value for his shares, where this
part expressly provides that a shareholder shall have the rights and remedies
provided in this subchapter. See: Section 1906(c) (relating to dissenters
rights upon special treatment).
  Section 1930 (relating to dissenters rights).
  Section 1931(d) (relating to dissenters rights in share exchanges).
  Section 1932(c) (relating to dissenters rights in asset transfers).
  Section 1952(d) (relating to dissenters rights in division).
  Section 1962(c) (relating to dissenters rights in conversion).
  Section 2104(b) (relating to procedure).
  Section 2324 (relating to corporation option where a restriction on transfer
of a security is held invalid).
  Section 2325(b) (relating to minimum vote requirement).

  Section 2704(c) (relating to dissenters rights upon election).
  Section 2705(d) (relating to dissenters rights upon renewal of election).
  Section 2907(a) (relating to proceedings to terminate breach of qualifying
  Section 7104(b)(3) (relating to procedure).
  (b) Exceptions.--
    (1) Except as otherwise provided in paragraph (2) the holders of the
  shares of any class or series of shares that, at the record date fixed to
  determine the shareholders entitled to notice of and to vote at the meeting
  at which a plan specified in any of section 1930, 1931(d), 1932(c) or
  1952(d) is to be voted on, are either: (i) listed on a national securities
  exchange; or (ii) held of record by more than 2,000 shareholders; shall not
  have the right to obtain payment of the fair value of any such shares under
  this subchapter.
    (2) Paragraph (1) shall not apply to and dissenters rights shall be
  available without regard to the exception provided in that paragraph in the
  case of:
    (i) Shares converted by a plan if the shares are not converted solely
  into shares of the acquiring, surviving, new or other corporation or solely
  into such shares and money in lieu of fractional shares.
    (ii) Shares of any preferred or special class unless the articles, the
  plan or the terms of the transaction entitle all shareholders of the class
  to vote thereon and require for the adoption of the plan or the
  effectuation of the transaction the affirmative vote of a majority of the
  votes cast by all shareholders of the class.
    (iii) Shares entitled to dissenters rights under section 1906(c)
  (relating to dissenters rights upon special treatment).
    (3) The shareholders of a corporation that acquires by purchase, lease,
  exchange or other disposition all or substantially all of the shares,
  property or assets of another corporation by the issuance of shares,
  obligations or otherwise, with or without assuming the liabilities of the
  other corporation and with or without the intervention of another
  corporation or other person, shall not be entitled to the rights and
  remedies of dissenting shareholders provided in this subchapter regardless
  of the fact, if it be the case, that the acquisition was accomplished by
  the issuance of voting shares of the corporation to be outstanding
  immediately after the acquisition sufficient to elect a majority or more of
  the directors of the corporation.
  (c) Grant of optional dissenters rights.--The bylaws or a resolution of the
board of directors may direct that all or a part of the shareholders shall
have dissenters rights in connection with any corporate action or other
transaction that would otherwise not entitle such shareholders to dissenters
  (d) Notice of dissenters rights.--Unless otherwise provided by statute, if a
proposed corporate action that would give rise to dissenters rights under this
subpart is submitted to a vote at a meeting of shareholders, there shall be
included in or enclosed with the notice of meeting:
    (1) a statement of the proposed action and a statement that the
  shareholders have a right to dissent and obtain payment of the fair value
  of their shares by complying with the terms of this subchapter; and
    (2) a copy of this subchapter.
  (e) Other statutes.--The procedures of this subchapter shall also be
applicable to any transaction described in any statute other than this part
that makes reference to this subchapter for the purpose of granting dissenters
  (f) Certain provisions of articles ineffective.--This subchapter may not be
relaxed by any provision of the articles.
  (g) Cross references.--See sections 1105 (relating to restriction on
equitable relief), 1904 (relating to de facto transaction doctrine abolished)
and 2512 (relating to dissenters rights procedure).

  The following words and phrases when used in this subchapter shall have the
meanings given to them in this section unless the context clearly indicates
  "Corporation." The issuer of the shares held or owned by the dissenter
before the corporate action or the successor by merger, consolidation,
division, conversion or otherwise of that issuer. A plan of division may
designate which of the resulting corporations is the successor corporation for
the purposes of this subchapter. The successor corporation in a division shall
have sole responsibility for payments to dissenters and other liabilities
under this subchapter except as otherwise provided in the plan of division.
  "Dissenter." A shareholder or beneficial owner who is entitled to and does
assert dissenters rights under this subchapter and who has performed every act
required up to the time involved for the assertion of those rights.
  "Fair value." The fair value of shares immediately before the effectuation
of the corporate action to which the dissenter objects taking into account all
relevant factors, but excluding any appreciation or depreciation in
anticipation of the corporate action.
  "Interest." Interest from the effective date of the corporate action until
the date of payment at such rate as is fair and equitable under all of the
circumstances, taking into account all relevant factors including the average
rate currently paid by the corporation on its principal bank loans.
  (a) Record holders of shares.--A record holder of shares of a business
corporation may assert dissenters rights as to fewer than all of the shares
registered in his name only if he dissents with respect to all the shares
beneficially owned by any one person and discloses the name and address of the
person or persons on whose behalf he dissents. In that event, his rights shall
be determined as if the shares as to which he has dissented and his other
shares were registered in the names of different shareholders.
  (b) Beneficial owners of shares.--A beneficial owner of shares of a business
corporation who is not the record holder may assert dissenters rights with
respect to shares held on his behalf and shall be treated as a dissenting
shareholder under the terms of this subchapter if he submits to the
corporation not later than the time of the assertion of dissenters rights a
written consent of the record holder. A beneficial owner may not dissent with
respect to some but less than all shares of the same class or series owned by
the owner, whether or not the shares so owned by him are registered in his
  If the proposed corporate action is submitted to a vote at a meeting of
shareholders of a business corporation, any person who wishes to dissent and
obtain payment of the fair value of his shares must file with the corporation,
prior to the vote, a written notice of intention to demand that he be paid the
fair value of his shares if the proposed action is effectuated, must effect no
change in the beneficial ownership of his shares from the date of such filing
continuously through the effective date of the proposed action and must
refrain from voting his shares in approval of such action. A dissenter who
fails in any respect shall not acquire any right to payment of the fair value
of his shares under this subchapter. Neither a proxy nor a vote against the
proposed corporate action shall constitute the written notice required by this
  (a) General rule.--If the proposed corporate action is approved by the
required vote at a meeting of shareholders of a business corporation, the
corporation shall mail a further notice to all dissenters who gave due

notice of intention to demand payment of the fair value of their shares and
who refrained from voting in favor of the proposed action. If the proposed
corporate action is to be taken without a vote of shareholders, the
corporation shall send to all shareholders who are entitled to dissent and
demand payment of the fair value of their shares a notice of the adoption of
the plan or other corporate action. In either case, the notice shall:
    (1) State where and when a demand for payment must be sent and
  certificates for certificated shares must be deposited in order to obtain
    (2) Inform holders of uncertificated shares to what extent transfer of
  shares will be restricted from the time that demand for payment is
    (3) Supply a form for demanding payment that includes a request for
  certification of the date on which the shareholder, or the person on whose
  beneficial shareholder dissents, acquired beneficial ownership of the
    (4) Be accompanied by a copy of this subchapter. (b) Time for receipt of
  demand for payment.--The time set for receipt of the demand and deposit of
  certificated shares shall be not less than 30 days from the mailing of the
  (a) Effect of failure of shareholder to act.--A shareholder who fails to
timely demand payment, or fails (in the case of certificated shares) to timely
deposit certificates, as required by a notice pursuant to section 1575
(relating to notice to demand payment) shall not have any right under this
subchapter to receive payment of the fair value of his shares.
  (b) Restriction on uncertificated shares.--If the shares are not represented
by certificates, the business corporation may restrict their transfer from the
time of receipt of demand for payment until effectuation of the proposed
corporate action or the release of restrictions under the terms of section
1577(a) (relating to failure to effectuate corporate action).
  (c) Rights retained by shareholder.--The dissenter shall retain all other
rights of a shareholder until those rights are modified by effectuation of the
proposed corporate action.
  (a) Failure to effectuate corporate action.--Within 60 days after the date
set for demanding payment and depositing certificates, if the business
corporation has not effectuated the proposed corporate action, it shall return
any certificates that have been deposited and release uncertificated shares
from any transfer restrictions imposed by reason of the demand for payment.
  (b) Renewal of notice to demand payment.--When uncertified shares have been
released from transfer restrictions and deposited certificates have been
returned, the corporation may at any later time send a new notice conforming
to the requirements of section 1575 (relating to notice to demand payment),
with like effect.
  (c) Payment of fair value of shares.--Promptly after effectuation of the
proposed corporate action, or upon timely receipt of demand for payment if the
corporate action has already been effectuated, the corporation shall either
remit to dissenters who have made demand and (if their shares are
certificated) have deposited their certificates the amount that the
corporation estimates to be the fair value of the shares, or give written
notice that no remittance under this section will be made. The remittance or
notice shall be accompanied by:
    (1) The closing balance sheet and statement of income of the issuer of
  the shares held or owned by the dissenter for a fiscal year ending not more
  than 16 months before the date of remittance or notice together with the
  latest available interim financial statements.
    (2) A statement of the corporation's estimate of the fair value of the
    (3) A notice of the right of the dissenter to demand payment or
  supplemental payment, as the case may be, accompanied by a copy of this

  (d) Failure to make payment.--If the corporation does not remit the amount
of its estimate of the fair value of the shares as provided by subsection (c),
it shall return any certificates that have been deposited and release
uncertificated shares from any transfer restrictions imposed by reason of the
demand for payment. The corporation may make a notation on any such
certificate or on the records of the corporation relating to any such
uncertificated shares that such demand has been made. If shares with respect
to which notation has been so made shall be transferred, each new certificate
issued therefor or the records relating to any transferred uncertificated
shares shall bear a similar notation, together with the name of the original
dissenting holder or owner of such shares. A transferee of such shares shall
not acquire by such transfer any rights in the corporation other than those
which the original dissenter had after making demand for payment of their fair
  (a) General rule--If the business corporation gives notice of its estimate
of the fair value of the shares, without remitting such amount, or remits
payment of its estimate of the fair value of a dissenter's shares as permitted
by section 1577(c) (relating to payment of fair value of shares) and the
dissenter believes that the amount stated or remitted is less than the fair
value of his shares, he may send to the corporation his own estimate of the
fair value of the shares, which shall be deemed a demand for payment of the
amount or the deficiency.
  (b) Effect of failure to file estimate.--Where the dissenter does not file
his own estimate under subsection (a) within 30 days after the mailing by the
corporation of its remittance or notice, the dissenter shall be entitled to no
more than the amount stated in the notice or remitted to him by the
  (a) General rule--Within 60 days after the latest of:
    (1) effectuation of the proposed corporate action;
    (2) timely receipt of any demands for payment under section 1575
  (relating to notice to demand payment); or
    (3) timely receipt of any estimates pursuant to section 1578 (relating to
  estimate by dissenter of fair value of shares); if any demands for payment
  remain unsettled, the business corporation may file in court an application
  for relief requesting that the fair value of the shares be determined by
  the court.
  (b) Mandatory joinder of dissenters.--All dissenters, wherever residing,
whose demands have not been settled shall be made parties to the proceeding as
in an action against their shares. A copy of the application shall be served
on each such dissenter. If a dissenter is a nonresident, the copy may be
served on him in the manner provided or prescribed by or pursuant to 42
Pa.C.S. Ch. 53 (relating to bases of jurisdiction and interstate and
international procedure).
  (c) Jurisdiction of the court.--The jurisdiction of the court shall be
plenary and exclusive. The court may appoint an appraiser to receive evidence
and recommend a decision on the issue of fair value. The appraiser shall have
such power and authority as may be specified in the order of appointment or in
any amendment thereof.
  (d) Measure of recovery.--Each dissenter who is made a party shall be
entitled to recover the amount by which the fair value of his shares is found
to exceed the amount, if any, previously remitted, plus interest.
  (e) Effect of corporation's failure to file application.--If the corporation
fails to file an application as provided in subsection (a), any dissenter who
made a demand and who has not already settled his claim against the
corporation may do so in the name of the corporation at any time within 30
days after the expiration of the 60-day period. If a dissenter does not file
an application within the 30-day period, each dissenter entitled to file an
application shall be paid the corporation's estimate of the fair value of the
shares and no more, and may bring an action to recover any amount not
previously remitted.

  (a) General rule.--The costs and expenses of any proceeding under section
1579 (relating to valuation proceedings generally) including the reasonable
compensation and expenses of the appraiser appointed by the court, shall be
determined by the court and assessed against the business corporation except
that any part of the costs and expenses may be apportioned and assessed as the
court deems appropriate against all or some of the dissenters who are parties
and whose action in demanding supplemental payment under section 1578
(relating to estimate by dissenter of fair value of shares) the court finds to
be dilatory, obdurate, arbitrary, vexatious or in bad faith.
  (b) Assessment of counsel fees and expert fees where lack of good faith
appears.--Fees and expenses of counsel and of experts for the respective
parties may be assessed as the court deems appropriate against the corporation
and in favor of any or all dissenters if the corporation failed to comply
substantially with the requirements of this subchapter and may be assessed
against either the corporation or a dissenter, in favor of any other party, if
the court finds that the party against whom the fees and expenses arc assessed
acted in bad faith or in a dilatory, obdurate, arbitrary or vexatious manner
in respect to the rights provided by this subchapter.
  (c) Award of fees for benefits to other dissenters.--If the court finds that
the services of counsel for any dissenter were of substantial benefit to other
dissenters similarly situated and should not be assessed against the
corporation, it may award to those counsel reasonable fees to be paid out of
the amounts awarded to the dissenters who were benefitted.

                               FORM OF PROXY
                        WALSHIRE ASSURANCE COMPANY
                    3350 WHITEFORD ROAD, P.O. BOX 3849
                       YORK, PENNSYLVANIA 17402-0138
                            ENCLOSED ENVELOPE.

  Proxies in the form enclosed, if properly executed and received in time for
voting and not revoked, will be voted as directed in accordance with the
instructions thereon. Any proxy not so directing to the contrary will be voted
"FOR" the Merger Proposal. Sending in a signed proxy will not affect a
shareholder's right to attend the meeting and vote in person, since the proxy
is revocable. Any shareholder giving a proxy may revoke it at any time before
it is voted at the meeting by giving written notice to the Secretary of the
  The cost of this solicitation will be borne by the Company. In addition to
solicitation by mail, proxies may be solicited in person or by telephone,
telegraph or facsimile by directors, officers or employees of the Company and
its subsidiaries without additional compensation. The Company will, on request,
reimburse shareholders of record who are brokers, dealers, banks or voting
trustees, or their nominees, for their reasonable expenses in sending proxy
materials and annual reports to the beneficial owners of the shares they hold
of record.
1. Approval of the proposal to approve and adopt the Agreement and Plan of
   Merger, dated as of August 11, 1998, among the Company, Kingsway America
   Inc., Kingsway Financial Services Inc., and W Acquisition Corporation, a
   newly-formed subsidiary of Kingsway America Inc.:
          [ ] FOR                 [ ] AGAINST     [ ] ABSTAIN
2. In his discretion, the Appointed Proxy is authorized to vote upon such other
   matters relating to the conduct of the Special Meeting or any adjournments
   or postponement thereof as may properly come before the Special Meeting.
Signature of Stockholder __________________________________ DATE          , 1998
NOTE: This proxy must be signed exactly as name appears hereon. If shares are
held jointly, each shareholder named should sign. Executors, administrators,
trustees, guardians, attorneys-in-fact, etc., should give full title as such.
If the signer is a corporation, please sign full corporate name by duly
authorized officers, and officers should sign with personal signature and give
title. If the signer is a partnership, please sign partnership name by
authorized person.