THIS  GUARANTY,  dated as of May [A],  1998, is executed by each of the
undersigned  (each such  entity and each entity  which  hereafter  executes  and
delivers a Subsidiary  Joinder in substantially  the form of Attachment 1 hereto
to be  referred  to herein as a  "Guarantor"),  in favor of ABN AMRO BANK  N.V.,
acting as agent (in such capacity,  and each successor thereto in such capacity,
"Agent") for the financial  institutions  which are from time to time parties to
the Credit Agreement referred to in Recital A below (collectively, "Lenders").


         A. Pursuant to a Credit  Agreement  dated as of May 8, 1998 (as amended
from time to time,  the "Credit  Agreement"),  among Nu Skin  Enterprises,  Inc.
("NSE"), Nu Skin Japan Co., Ltd. ("NSJ"), Lenders and Agent, Lenders have agreed
to extend certain credit facilities to NSE and NSJ  (collectively,  "Borrowers")
upon the terms and subject to the conditions  set forth therein.  Each Guarantor
is a direct or  indirect  Subsidiary  of NSE and  expects to derive  substantial
direct and indirect  benefit from the  transactions  contemplated  by the Credit

         B. Lenders'  obligations  to extend the credit  facilities to Borrowers
under the Credit Agreement are subject,  among other  conditions,  to receipt by
Agent of (1) this  Guaranty,  duly executed by each existing  Material  Domestic
Subsidiary  of NSE, and (2)  Subsidiary  Joinders,  duly executed by each future
Material Domestic Subsidiary of NSE.


         NOW,  THEREFORE,  in  consideration of the above recitals and for other
good and  valuable  consideration,  the receipt and adequacy of which are hereby
acknowledged,  each Guarantor  hereby agrees with Agent, for the ratable benefit
of Lenders and Agent, as follows:

1.       Definitions and Interpretation.

                  (a)  Definitions.  When used in this  Guaranty,  the following
         terms shall have the following respective meanings:

                           "Agent"  shall have the meaning given to that term in
                  the introductory paragraph hereof.

                           "Aggregate   Guaranty   Payments"  shall  mean,  with
                  respect to any Guarantor at any time, the aggregate net amount
                  of all payments  made by such  Guarantor  under this  Guaranty
                  (including,  without limitation,  under Paragraph 5 hereof) at
                  or prior to such time.

                           "Borrowers" shall have the meaning given to that term
                  in the Recital A hereof.

                           "Credit  Agreement"  shall have the meaning  given to
                  that term in the Recital A hereof.

                           "Debtor  Relief  Proceeding"  shall  mean  any  suit,
                  action, case or other proceeding  commenced by, against or for
                  NSJ  or  NSE  or  its   property   seeking  the   dissolution,
                  liquidation, reorganization,  rearrangement or other relief of
                  NSJ or  NSE or its  debts  under  any  applicable  bankruptcy,
                  insolvency or debtor relief law or other similar  Governmental
                  Rule now or hereafter in effect or seeking the  appointment of
                  a receiver,  trustee,  liquidator,  custodian or other similar
                  official  for  NSJ  or  NSE or  any  substantial  part  of its
                  property  or any  general  assignment  by NSJ or NSE  for  the
                  benefit  of its  creditors,  whether  or not  any  such  suit,
                  action, case or other proceeding is voluntary or involuntary.

                           "Disallowed  Post-Commencement Interest and Expenses"
                  shall  mean  interest  computed  at the rate  provided  in the
                  Credit Agreement and claims for reimbursement, costs, expenses
                  or indemnities  under the terms of any of the Credit Documents
                  accruing or claimed at any time after the  commencement of any
                  Debtor  Relief  Proceeding,  if the claim  for such  interest,
                  reimbursement,   costs,   expenses  or   indemnities   is  not
                  allowable,  allowed or enforceable  against NSE in such Debtor
                  Relief Proceeding.

                           "Fair  Share"   shall  mean,   with  respect  to  any
                  Guarantor at any time, an amount equal to (i) a fraction,  the
                  numerator  which  is  the  Maximum  Guaranty  Amount  of  such
                  Guarantor  and  the  denominator  of  which  is the  aggregate
                  Maximum Guaranty Amounts of all Guarantors, multiplied by (ii)
                  the aggregate amount paid by all Funding Guarantors under this
                  Guaranty at or prior to such time.

                           "Fair Share  Shortfall"  shall mean,  with respect to
                  any  Guarantor at any time,  the amount,  if any, by which the
                  Fair  Share  of  such  Guarantor  at  such  time  exceeds  the
                  Aggregate Guaranty Payments of such Guarantor at such time.

                           "Funding  Guarantor"  shall have the meaning given to
                  that term in Paragraph 5 hereof.

                           "Guaranteed  Obligations"  shall mean and include all
                  loans,   advances,   debts,   liabilities,   and  obligations,
                  howsoever arising, owed by NSE to Agent or any Lender of every
                  kind and description  (whether or not evidenced by any note or
                  instrument  and  whether  or not for  the  payment  of  money)
                  individual or joint and several, direct or indirect,  absolute
                  or contingent, due or to become due, now existing or hereafter
                  arising  pursuant  to  the  terms  of  the  Credit  Documents,
                  including all interest,  fees, charges,  expenses,  attorneys'
                  fees and accountants' fees chargeable to NSE or payable by NSE

                           "Guarantor" shall have the meaning given to that term
                  in the introductory paragraph hereof.

                           "Lenders"  shall have the meaning  given to that term
                  in the introductory paragraph hereof.

                           "Maximum Guaranty Amount" shall mean, with respect to
                  any  Guarantor  at  any  time,  (i)  the  full  amount  of the
                  Guaranteed  Obligations  at such  time or (ii) if any court of
                  competent  jurisdiction  determines  in any  action to enforce
                  this Guaranty that enforcement  against such Guarantor for the
                  full amount of the Guaranteed  Obligations is not lawful under
                  or would be  subject to  avoidance  under  Section  548 of the
                  United States  Bankruptcy Code or any applicable  provision of
                  any  comparable law of any state or other  jurisdiction,  then
                  the maximum amount lawful and not subject to such avoidance.

                           "NSE"  shall have the  meaning  given to that term in
                  the Recital A hereof.

                           "NSJ"  shall have the  meaning  given to that term in
                  the Recital A hereof.

                           "Subordinated  Obligations"  shall  have the  meaning
                  given to that term in Paragraph 4 hereof.

                           "Subsidiary   Joinder"   shall  mean  an   instrument
                  substantially in the form of Attachment 1 hereto.

                           "Taxes"  shall have the meaning given to such term in
                  Subparagraph 6(h).

         Unless  otherwise  defined  herein,  all other  capitalized  terms used
         herein and defined in the Credit  Agreement  shall have the  respective
         meanings given to those terms in the Credit Agreement.

                  (b) Other Interpretive  Provisions.  The rules of construction
         set forth in Section I of the Credit Agreement shall, to the extent not
         inconsistent  with the terms of this  Guaranty,  apply to this Guaranty
         and are hereby incorporated by reference.  Each Guarantor  acknowledges
         receipt  of  copies  of the  Credit  Agreement  and  the  other  Credit

2.       Guaranty.

                  (a)   Payment   Guaranty.   Each   Guarantor   unconditionally
         guarantees and promises to pay and perform as and when due,  whether at
         stated  maturity,  upon  acceleration or otherwise,  any and all of the
         Guaranteed Obligations. If any Debtor Relief Proceeding relating to NSE
         is commenced,  each Guarantor  further  unconditionally  guarantees and
         promises to pay and perform,  upon the demand of Agent,  any and all of
         the   Guaranteed   Obligations   (including   any  and  all  Disallowed
         Post-Commencement  Interest and Expenses) in accordance  with the terms
         of the Credit  Documents,  whether or not such obligations are then due
         and payable by NSE and whether or not such  obligations  are  modified,
         reduced or discharged in such Debtor Relief  Proceeding.  This Guaranty
         is a guaranty of payment and not of collection.

                  (b)  Continuing  Guaranty.  This  Guaranty  is an  irrevocable
         continuing guaranty of the Guaranteed  Obligations which shall continue
         in effect until all obligations of Lenders to extend credit to NSE have
         terminated and all of the Guaranteed  Obligations have been fully paid.
         If any payment on any  Guaranteed  Obligation is set aside,  avoided or
         rescinded  or  otherwise  recovered  from  Agent  or any  Lender,  such
         recovered  payment shall constitute a Guaranteed  Obligation  hereunder
         and,  if this  Guaranty  was  previously  released  or  terminated,  it
         automatically  shall be fully reinstated,  as if such payment was never

                  (c) Joint, Several and Independent Obligations.  The liability
         of each Guarantor  hereunder is joint and several and is independent of
         the Guaranteed Obligations. A separate action or actions may be brought
         and  prosecuted  against  each  Guarantor  for the full  amount  of the
         Guaranteed  Obligations  irrespective  of  whether  action  is  brought
         against  NSE,  any  other  Guarantor  or  any  other  guarantor  of the
         Guaranteed Obligations or whether NSE, any other Guarantor or any other
         guarantor of the Guaranteed Obligations is joined in any such action or

                  (d)  Fraudulent  Transfer  Limitation.  If,  in any  action to
         enforce this Guaranty, any court of competent  jurisdiction  determines
         that  enforcement  against  any  Guarantor  for the full  amount of the
         Guaranteed  Obligations  is not  lawful  under or would be  subject  to
         avoidance under Section 548 of the United States Bankruptcy Code or any
         applicable  provision  of any  comparable  law of any  state  or  other
         jurisdiction, the liability of such Guarantor under this Guaranty shall
         be  limited  to the  maximum  amount  lawful  and not  subject  to such

                  (e)  Termination.  Notwithstanding  any  termination  of  this
         Guaranty in accordance  with  Paragraph 3 hereof,  this Guaranty  shall
         continue  to  be in  full  force  and  effect  and  applicable  to  any
         Guaranteed  Obligations  arising  thereafter  which arise because prior
         payments of Guaranteed  Obligations are rescinded or otherwise required
         to  be  surrendered   by  Agent  or  any  Lender  after   receipt.  

3.       Authorizations, Waivers, Etc.

                  (a)  Authorizations.   Each  Guarantor  authorizes  Agent  and
         Lenders,  in  their  discretion,  without  notice  to  such  Guarantor,
         irrespective of any change in the financial condition of NSE, NSJ, such
         Guarantor, any other Guarantor or any other guarantor of the Guaranteed
         Obligations  since the date hereof,  and without affecting or impairing
         in any way the liability of such Guarantor hereunder, from time to time

                           (i)  Create  new  Guaranteed  Obligations  and renew,
                  compromise,  extend,  accelerate or otherwise  change the time
                  for payment or  performance  of, or otherwise  amend or modify
                  the Credit  Documents  or change  the terms of the  Guaranteed
                  Obligations  or  any  part  thereof,   including  increase  or
                  decrease of the rate of interest thereon;

                           (ii)  Take  and  hold  security  for the  payment  or
                  performance  of  the  Guaranteed   Obligations  and  exchange,
                  enforce,  waive or  release  any  such  security;  apply  such
                  security and direct the order or manner of sale  thereof;  and
                  purchase  such  security  at public  or  private  sale; 

                           (iii) Otherwise exercise any right or remedy they may
                  have against NSE, NSJ, such  Guarantor,  any other  Guarantor,
                  any  other  guarantor  of the  Guaranteed  Obligations  or any
                  security,   including,   without  limitation,   the  right  to
                  foreclose  upon any such  security by judicial or  nonjudicial

                           (iv) Settle,  compromise with,  release or substitute
                  any  one  or  more  makers,  endorsers  or  guarantors  of the
                  Guaranteed   Obligations;   and  (v)  Assign  the   Guaranteed
                  Obligations,  this  Guaranty or the other Credit  Documents in
                  whole  or in  part  to  the  extent  provided  in  the  Credit
                  Agreement and the other Credit  Documents. 

                  (b) Waivers. Each Guarantor hereby waives:

                           (i) Any right to  require  Agent or any Lender to (A)
                  proceed  against NSE,  NSJ,  any other  Guarantor or any other
                  guarantor of the Guaranteed  Obligations,  (B) proceed against
                  or  exhaust  any  security   received   from  NSE,  NSJ,  such
                  Guarantor,  any other  Guarantor or any other guarantor of the
                  Guaranteed  Obligations  or  otherwise  marshall the assets of
                  NSE, NSJ,  such  Guarantor,  any other  Guarantor or any other
                  guarantor  of the  Guaranteed  Obligations  or (C)  pursue any
                  other remedy in Agent's or any Lender's power whatsoever;

                           (ii) Any defense arising by reason of the application
                  by NSE or NSJ of the  proceeds  of any  borrowing;  

                           (iii)  Any  defense   resulting   from  the  absence,
                  impairment or loss of any right of reimbursement, subrogation,
                  contribution  or other  right or remedy of  Guarantor  against
                  NSE,  NSJ,  any other  Guarantor,  any other  guarantor of the
                  Guaranteed Obligations or any security, whether resulting from
                  an election by Agent or any Lender to foreclose  upon security
                  by nonjudicial sale, or otherwise;

                           (iv) Any setoff or counterclaim of NSE or any defense
                  which  results from any  disability or other defense of NSE or
                  the cessation or stay of enforcement from any cause whatsoever
                  of the liability of NSE (including,  without  limitation,  the
                  lack  of  validity  or  enforceability  of any  of the  Credit

                           (v)  Any  defense   based  upon  any  law,   rule  or
                  regulation which provides that the obligation of a surety must
                  not be greater or more  burdensome  than the obligation of the

                           (vi) Until all  obligations of Agent or any Lender to
                  extend credit to NSE have terminated and all of the Guaranteed
                  Obligations  have been fully paid,  any right of  subrogation,
                  reimbursement,   indemnification  or  contribution  and  other
                  similar  right to enforce any remedy which  Agent,  Lenders or
                  any other Person now has or may hereafter  have against NSE on
                  account of the Guaranteed Obligations, and any benefit of, and
                  any right to  participate  in, any  security  now or hereafter
                  received by Agent,  any Lender or any other  Person on account
                  of the Guaranteed Obligations;

                           (vii)  All  presentments,  demands  for  performance,
                  notices of non-performance, notices delivered under the Credit
                  Documents,  protests,  notice  of  dishonor,  and  notices  of
                  acceptance of this Guaranty and of the existence,  creation or
                  incurring  of new or  additional  Guaranteed  Obligations  and
                  notices of any public or private foreclosure sale;

                           (viii) The benefit of any statute of  limitations  to
                  the extent permitted by law;

                           (ix) Any appraisement,  valuation,  stay,  extension,
                  moratorium  redemption  or similar  law or similar  rights for

                           (x) Any right to be  informed  by Agent or any Lender
                  of the financial condition of NSE, NSJ, any other Guarantor or
                  any  other  guarantor  of the  Guaranteed  Obligations  or any
                  change  therein or any other  circumstances  bearing  upon the
                  risk  of  nonpayment  or   nonperformance  of  the  Guaranteed

                           (xi) Until all  obligations of Agent or any Lender to
                  extend credit to NSE have terminated and all of the Guaranteed
                  Obligations  have been fully  paid,  any right to revoke  this

                           (xii) Any defense  arising  from an election  for the
                  application  of  Section   1111(b)(2)  of  the  United  States
                  Bankruptcy Code which applies to the Guaranteed Obligations;

                           (xiii) Any defense  based upon any borrowing or grant
                  of a security  interest under Section 364 of the United States
                  Bankruptcy Code; and

                           (xiv) Any right it may have to a fair  value  hearing
                  to determine the size of a deficiency  judgment  following any
                  foreclosure on any security for the Guaranteed Obligations.

         Without  limiting the scope of any of the foregoing  provisions of this
         Paragraph 3, each  Guarantor  hereby  further waives (A) all rights and
         defenses arising out of an election of remedies by Agent or any Lender,
         even  though  that   election  of  remedies,   such  as  a  nonjudicial
         foreclosure with respect to security for a Guaranteed  Obligation,  has
         destroyed  such  Guarantor's  rights of subrogation  and  reimbursement
         against  NSE by the  operation  of  Section  580d of the  Code of Civil
         Procedure or otherwise,  (B) all rights and defenses such Guarantor may
         have by  reason  of  protection  afforded  to NSE with  respect  to the
         Guaranteed  Obligations pursuant to the antideficiency or other laws of
         California   limiting  or  discharging   the  Guaranteed   Obligations,
         including, without limitation,  Section 580a, 580b, 580d, or 726 of the
         California  Code of  Civil  Procedure,  and (C) all  other  rights  and
         defenses  available  to such  Guarantor  by reason of Sections  2787 to
         2855,  inclusive,  Section 2899 or Section 3433 of the California Civil
         Code or Section 3605 of the California Commercial Code.

                  (c) Financial  Condition of NSE, Etc. Each  Guarantor is fully
         aware of the financial condition and affairs of NSE. Each Guarantor has
         executed  this  Guaranty  without  reliance  upon  any  representation,
         warranty,  statement or  information  concerning  NSE furnished to such
         Guarantor  by Agent or any Lender and has,  independently  and  without
         reliance  on Agent or any  Lender,  and  based  on such  documents  and
         information as it has deemed appropriate, made its own appraisal of the
         financial  condition  and  affairs  of NSE and of  other  circumstances
         affecting the risk of nonpayment or  nonperformance  of the  Guaranteed
         Obligations.  Each  Guarantor  is in a position to obtain,  and assumes
         full responsibility for obtaining, any additional information about the
         financial  condition  and  affairs  of NSE and of  other  circumstances
         affecting the risk of nonpayment or  nonperformance  of the  Guaranteed
         Obligations and will,  independently and without reliance upon Agent or
         any Lender,  and based on such  documents and  information  as it shall
         deem  appropriate at the time,  continue to make its own appraisals and
         decisions  in  taking or not  taking  action  in  connection  with this

4.       Subordination.  Each Guarantor  hereby  subordinates any and all debts,
         liabilities  and  obligations  owed  to  such  Guarantor  by  NSE  (the
         "Subordinated  Obligations") to the Guaranteed  Obligations as provided
         in this Paragraph 4.

                  (a) Prohibited Payments, Etc. Except during the continuance of
         a Default  (including the  commencement  and continuation of any Debtor
         Relief  Proceeding   relating  to  NSE),  each  Guarantor  may  receive
         regularly  scheduled  payments  from  NSE on  account  of  Subordinated
         Obligations.  After the  occurrence  and during the  continuance of any
         Default  (including the  commencement  and  continuation  of any Debtor
         Relief  Proceeding  relating to NSE),  however,  unless Agent otherwise
         agrees, no Guarantor shall demand, accept or take any action to collect
         any payment on account of the Subordinated Obligations.

                  (b) Prior  Payment of  Guaranteed  Obligations.  In any Debtor
         Relief Proceeding relating to NSE, each Guarantor agrees that Agent and
         Lenders  shall  be  entitled  to  receive  payment  of  all  Guaranteed
         Obligations   (including  any  and  all  Disallowed   Post-Commencement
         Interest and Expenses)  before such Guarantor  receives  payment of any
         Subordinated  Obligations.  

                  (c) Turn-Over. After the occurrence and during the continuance
         of any Default  (including the  commencement  and  continuation  of any
         Debtor Relief  Proceeding  relating to NSE),  each Guarantor  shall, if
         Agent so requests,  collect, enforce and receive payments on account of
         the  Subordinated  Obligations  as trustee  for Agent and  Lenders  and
         deliver such payments to Agent on account of the Guaranteed Obligations
         (including  any  and  all  Disallowed  Post-Commencement  Interest  and
         Expenses),   together   with  any  necessary   endorsements   or  other
         instruments  of  transfer,  but without  reducing or  affecting  in any
         manner the liability of such  Guarantor  under the other  provisions of
         this Guaranty. 

                  (d) Agent  Authorization.  After the occurrence and during the
         continuance of any Default (including the commencement and continuation
         of any Debtor Relief  Proceeding  relating to NSE), Agent is authorized
         and empowered (but without any obligation to so do), in its discretion,
         (i) in the name of each  Guarantor,  to  collect  and  enforce,  and to
         submit claims in respect of, Subordinated  Obligations and to apply any
         amounts received thereon to the Guaranteed  Obligations  (including any
         and all Disallowed  Post-Commencement  Interest and Expenses), and (ii)
         to require each  Guarantor  (A) to collect and  enforce,  and to submit
         claims  in  respect  of,  Subordinated  Obligations  and (B) to pay any
         amounts  received on such  obligations to Agent for  application to the
         Guaranteed    Obligations    (including    any   and   all   Disallowed
         Post-Commencement   Interest  and  Expenses).   

5.       Contribution  among  Guarantors.  Guarantors  desire to allocate  among
         themselves,   in  a  fair  and  equitable   manner,   their  rights  of
         contribution  from each other when any payment is made by any Guarantor
         under  this  Guaranty.  Accordingly,  if any  payment  is  made  by any
         Guarantor under this Guaranty (a "Funding  Guarantor") that exceeds its
         Fair Share,  the Funding  Guarantor shall be entitled to a contribution
         from each other Guarantor in the amount of such other  Guarantor's Fair
         Share  Shortfall,  so that  all such  contributions  shall  cause  each
         Guarantor's  Aggregate  Guaranty  Payments to equal its Fair Share. The
         amounts payable as  contributions  hereunder shall be determined by the
         Funding  Guarantor  as of the  date on which  the  related  payment  or
         distribution is made by the Funding  Guarantor,  and such determination
         shall be binding on the other  Guarantors  absent manifest  error.  The
         allocation and right of contribution among Guarantors set forth in this
         Paragraph 5 shall not be construed to limit in any way the liability of
         any  Guarantor  under this  Guaranty  or the  amount of the  Guaranteed

6.       Miscellaneous.

                  (a) Notices. Except as otherwise provided herein, all notices,
         requests, demands, consents, instructions or other communications to or
         upon any  Guarantor  or Agent under this  Guaranty or the other  Credit
         Documents  shall be in writing and faxed,  mailed or  delivered,  if to
         Agent,  at its facsimile  number or address set forth below,  or, if to
         any Guarantor,  at its facsimile  number or address set forth below its
         signature  below  or in the  respective  Subsidiary  Joinder  for  such
         Guarantor (or to such other  facsimile  number or address for any party
         as indicated  in any notice given by that party to the other  parties).
         All such notices and communications shall be effective (i) when sent by
         any overnight  courier  service of recognized  standing,  on the second
         Business Day following the deposit with such service; (ii) when mailed,
         first class  postage  prepaid and  addressed  through the United States
         Postal  Service or  registered  mail through the Japanese  Post Office,
         upon receipt;  (iii) when delivered by hand,  upon  delivery;  and (iv)
         when faxed, upon confirmation of receipt.

                  Agent:            ABN AMRO Bank N.V.
                                    Syndications Group
                                    1325 Avenue of the Americas, 9th Floor
                                    New York, NY  10019
                                    Attn:  Linda Boardman
                                    Tel. No: (212) 314-1724
                                    Fax. No: (212) 314-1712

                                    With copies to:

                                    ABN AMRO Bank N.V.
                                    Tokyo Branch
                                    13F, Shiroyama JT Mori Building
                                    4-3-1, Toranomon, Minato-ku
                                    Tokyo 105
                                    Attn: Kiyoharu Michiwaki
                                    Tel. No: 81-3-5405-6575
                                    Fax No: 81-3-5405-6902 or 6903

                                    ABN AMRO Bank N.V.
                                    101 California Street, Suite 4550
                                    San Francisco, CA  94111-5812
                                    Attn:  Tamira Treffers-Herrera
                                    Tel: (415) 984-3709
                                    Fax: (415) 362-3524

                  (b) Payments.

                           (i) Each  Guarantor  shall make all  payments  of the
                  Guaranteed  Obligations to Agent , or its order, at the office
                  of Agent and at the times  specified  in the Credit  Documents
                  for the payment of such Guaranteed Obligations. Each Guarantor
                  shall  make all other  payments  hereunder  at such  office as
                  Agent may designate. Each payment shall be made in same day or
                  immediately  available  funds not later than 11:00  a.m.(local
                  time of the  office of Agent at which  such  payment  is to be
                  made) on the date due.

                           (ii) Each  Guarantor  shall make all  payments of the
                  Guaranteed Obligations hereunder in the currency in which such
                  Guaranteed Obligations are required to be paid by NSE pursuant
                  to the  Credit  Documents  and shall  make all other  payments
                  hereunder in Dollars; provided,  however, that, if Agent shall
                  request a Guarantor  to pay any amount  hereunder  which would
                  otherwise  be  payable  in  another  currency  in  the  lawful
                  currency of the United  States,  such  Guarantor  shall pay to
                  Agent the Dollar Equivalent of such amount.

                           (iii) If any sum due from any  Guarantor  under  this
                  Guaranty or any other Credit  Document to which such Guarantor
                  is a party or any order,  judgment  or award given or rendered
                  in  relation  hereto or thereto has to be  converted  from the
                  currency  (the "first  currency") in which the same is payable
                  hereunder or  thereunder  into another  currency  (the "second
                  currency")  for the purpose of (A) making or filing a claim or
                  proof against such Guarantor with any Governmental  Authority,
                  (B)  obtaining  an order  or  judgment  in any  court or other
                  tribunal or (C) enforcing any order or judgment  given or made
                  in  relation  hereto,  such  Guarantor  shall,  to the fullest
                  extent  permitted by law,  indemnify and hold harmless each of
                  the  Persons to whom such sum is due from and against any loss
                  suffered as a result of any  discrepancy  between (1) the rate
                  of  exchange  used for such  purpose to convert the amounts in
                  question from the first currency into the second  currency and
                  (2) the rate or rates of  exchange  at which such  Person may,
                  using  reasonable  efforts in the ordinary course of business,
                  purchase  the first  currency  with the second  currency  upon
                  receipt  of a sum paid to it in  satisfaction,  in whole or in
                  part,  of any  such  order,  judgment,  claim  or  proof.  The
                  foregoing  indemnity shall constitute a separate obligation of
                  each Guarantor  distinct from its other obligations  hereunder
                  and shall  survive  the  giving or making of any  judgment  or
                  order in relation to all or any of such obligations.

                           (iv)  If  any  amounts  required  to be  paid  by any
                  Guarantor under this Guaranty or any order,  judgment or award
                  given or rendered in relation  hereto remain unpaid after such
                  amounts  are due,  such  Guarantor  shall pay  interest on the
                  aggregate,  outstanding  balance of such amounts from the date
                  due until  those  amounts are paid in full at a per annum rate
                  equal to:

                                    (A)  In  the  case  of  amounts  payable  in
                           Dollars, the Base Rate plus two percent (2.00%), such
                           rate to  change  from  time to time as the Base  Rate
                           shall change.

                                    (B) In the case of  amounts  payable in Yen,
                           the Overnight Rate plus two percent (2.0%), such rate
                           to  change  from time to time as the  Overnight  Rate
                           shall change.

                  (c)  Expenses.  Each  Guarantor  shall pay on  demand  (i) all
         reasonable  and  documented  fees and  expenses,  including  reasonable
         attorneys' fees and expenses,  incurred by Agent in connection with the
         preparation,  execution and delivery of, and the exercise of its duties
         under,  this  Guaranty and the  preparation,  execution and delivery of
         amendments and waivers hereunder and (ii) all reasonable and documented
         fees and expenses,  including reasonable  attorneys' fees and expenses,
         incurred by Agent and Lenders in  connection  with the  enforcement  or
         attempted  enforcement  of  this  Guaranty  or any  of  the  Guaranteed
         Obligations  or in  preserving  any of Agent's or  Lenders'  rights and
         remedies  (including,  without  limitation,  all such fees and expenses
         incurred in connection  with any "workout" or  restructuring  affecting
         the Credit Documents or the Guaranteed Obligations or any bankruptcy or
         similar proceeding involving Guarantor,  any other Guarantor,  NSE, NSJ
         or any of their affiliates).

                  (d) Waivers;  Amendments.  This Guaranty may not be amended or
         modified,  nor  may any of its  terms  be  waived,  except  by  written
         instruments  signed by each Guarantor and Agent. Each waiver or consent
         under any  provision  hereof  shall be  effective  only in the specific
         instances  for the  purpose  for which  given.  No  failure or delay on
         Agent's or any Lender's part in exercising  any right  hereunder  shall
         operate as a waiver  thereof or of any other right nor shall any single
         or  partial  exercise  of any such  right  preclude  any other  further
         exercise  thereof or of any other right.  

                  (e)  Successors  and Assigns.  This Guaranty  shall be binding
         upon and inure to the benefit of Agent,  Lenders,  Guarantors and their
         respective successors and assigns; provided, however, that no Guarantor
         may assign or  transfer  any of its rights and  obligations  under this
         Guaranty  without the prior written consent of Agent and Lenders,  and,
         provided,  further,  that  Agent or any  Lender  may sell,  assign  and
         delegate  their  respective  rights and  obligations  hereunder only as
         permitted by the Credit  Agreement.  All references in this Guaranty to
         any Person  shall be deemed to include  all  permitted  successors  and
         assigns of such Person.

                  (f) Cumulative Rights, etc. The rights, powers and remedies of
         Agent and  Lenders  under this  Guaranty  shall be in  addition  to all
         rights, powers and remedies given to Agent and Lenders by virtue of any
         applicable law, rule or regulation of any Governmental  Authority,  the
         Credit Agreement, any other Credit Document or any other agreement, all
         of which rights,  powers,  and remedies  shall be cumulative and may be
         exercised successively or concurrently without impairing Agent's or any
         Lender's rights  hereunder.  Each Guarantor waives any right to require
         Agent or any Lender to  proceed  against  any Person or to exhaust  any
         Collateral or to pursue any remedy in Agent's or such  Lender's  power.

                  (g) Setoff;  Security Interest.  

                           (i) In addition to any rights and remedies of Lenders
                  provided by law,  each Lender  shall have the right,  with the
                  prior  consent of Agent but without prior notice to or consent
                  of any Guarantor,  any such notice and consent being expressly
                  waived by each Guarantor to the extent permitted by applicable
                  law,  upon the  occurrence  and during the  continuance  of an
                  Event of Default, to set-off and apply against the obligations
                  of each  Guarantor  any amount  owing from such Lender to such
                  Guarantor.  The aforesaid right of set-off may be exercised by
                  such  Lender  against a  Guarantor  or against  any trustee in
                  bankruptcy, debtor in possession,  assignee for the benefit of
                  creditors,  receiver  or  execution,  judgment  or  attachment
                  creditor of such  Guarantor  or against  anyone else  claiming
                  through  or  against   such   Guarantor  or  such  trustee  in
                  bankruptcy, debtor in possession,  assignee for the benefit of
                  creditors,  receiver,  or  execution,  judgment or  attachment
                  creditor,  notwithstanding the fact that such right of set-off
                  may not have been  exercised by such Lender at any prior time.
                  Each Lender agrees promptly to notify the applicable Guarantor
                  after any such  set-off and  application  made by such Lender,
                  provided that the failure to give such notice shall not affect
                  the validity of such set-off and application.

                           (ii)  As  security  for  the   obligations   of  each
                  Guarantor hereunder, each Guarantor hereby grants to Agent and
                  each  Lender,  for the benefit of all  Lenders,  a  continuing
                  security interest in any and all deposit accounts or moneys of
                  such Guarantor now or hereafter  maintained  with such Lender.
                  Each  Lender  shall have all of the rights of a secured  party
                  with respect to such security interest.

                  (h)  Payments  Free  of  Taxes.  All  payments  made  by  each
         Guarantor  under  this  Guaranty  shall be made free and clear of,  and
         without  deduction or withholding for or on account of, all present and
         future income,  stamp,  documentary and other taxes and duties, and all
         other levies, imposts, charges, fees, deductions and withholdings,  now
         or hereafter imposed,  levied,  collected,  withheld or assessed by any
         Governmental  Authority (except net income taxes and franchise taxes in
         lieu  of net  income  taxes  imposed  on  Agent  or any  Lender  by its
         jurisdiction  of   incorporation  or  the  jurisdiction  in  which  its
         Applicable  Lending  Office is located) (all such  non-excluded  taxes,
         duties,  levies,   imposts,   duties,  charges,  fees,  deductions  and
         withholdings  being  hereinafter  called  "Taxes").  If any  Taxes  are
         required to be withheld from any amounts  payable to Agent or any -----
         Lender hereunder,  the amounts so payable to Agent or such Lender shall
         be increased  to the extent  necessary to yield to Agent or such Lender
         (after payment of all Taxes) interest or any such other amounts payable
         hereunder at the rates or in the amounts  specified in this Guaranty or
         the other  Credit  Documents,  as  applicable.  Whenever  any Taxes are
         payable by any  Guarantor,  as promptly as  possible  thereafter,  such
         Guarantor shall send to Agent for its own account or for the account of
         such  Lender,  as the  case  may be, a  certified  copy of an  original
         official receipt received by such Guarantor showing payment thereof. If
         Guarantors  fail to pay any Taxes  when due to the  appropriate  taxing
         authority  or fail to remit to Agent  the  required  receipts  or other
         required  documentary  evidence,  Guarantors  shall indemnify Agent and
         Lenders for any taxes (including interest or penalties) that may become
         payable  by Agent or any  Lender as a result of any such  failure.  The
         obligations of Guarantors  under this  Subparagraph  6(h) shall survive
         the payment  and  performance  of the  Guaranteed  Obligations  and the
         termination of this Guaranty.  Nothing  contained in this  Subparagraph
         6(h) shall require Agent or any Lender to make available any of its tax
         returns (or any other information  relating to its taxes which it deems
         to be confidential).

                  (i) Partial  Invalidity.  If at any time any provision of this
         Guaranty is or becomes illegal, invalid or unenforceable in any respect
         under the law or any  jurisdiction,  neither the legality,  validity or
         enforceability  of the  remaining  provisions  of this Guaranty nor the
         legality, validity or enforceability of such provision under the law of
         any  other  jurisdiction  shall  in any  way be  affected  or  impaired

                  (j) Jury Trial. EACH OF GUARANTORS,  LENDERS AND AGENT, TO THE

                  (k) Counterparts.  This Guaranty may be executed in any number
         of  identical  counterparts,  any  set  of  which  signed  by  all  the
         Guarantors shall be deemed to constitute a complete,  executed original
         for all purposes. 

                  (l)  Governing  Law,  Consent to  Jurisdiction,  Etc. 

                           (i) This Guaranty  shall be governed by and construed
                  in accordance with the laws of the State of California without
                  reference to conflicts of law rules.

                           (ii)  Each  Guarantor   irrevocably  submits  to  the
                  non-exclusive  jurisdiction  of the  courts  of the  State  of
                  California  and the  courts of the  United  States of  America
                  located in the Northern District of California and agrees that
                  any  legal  action,  suit  or  proceeding  arising  out  of or
                  relating to this Guaranty or any of the other Credit Documents
                  may be brought  against such party in any such  courts.  Final
                  judgment  against  a  Guarantor  in any such  action,  suit or
                  proceeding  shall be  conclusive  and may be  enforced  in any
                  other  jurisdiction  by suit on the  judgment,  a certified or
                  exemplified copy of which shall be conclusive  evidence of the
                  judgment,  or in any other manner provided by law.  Nothing in
                  this  Subparagraph 6(k) shall affect the right of Agent or any
                  Lender to commence  legal  proceedings  or  otherwise  sue any
                  Guarantor   in  any   other   appropriate   jurisdiction,   or
                  concurrently  in  more  than  one  jurisdiction,  or to  serve
                  process,  pleadings and other papers upon any Guarantor in any
                  manner authorized by the laws of any such  jurisdiction.  Each
                  Guarantor  agrees that process served either  personally or by
                  registered  mail  shall,  to  the  extent  permitted  by  law,
                  constitutes  adequate  service  of  process  in any such suit.
                  Without   limiting  the  foregoing,   each  Guarantor   hereby
                  appoints, in the case of any such action or proceeding brought
                  in  the  courts  of  or  in  the  State  of   California,   CT
                  Corporation,  with  offices  on the  date  hereof  at 818 West
                  Seventh Street, Los Angeles,  California 90017, to receive for
                  it and on its  behalf,  service  of  process  in the  State of
                  California with respect  thereto,  provided each Guarantor may
                  appoint any other person, reasonably acceptable to Agent, with
                  offices in the State of  California  to replace such agent for
                  service  of process  upon  delivery  to Agent of a  reasonably
                  acceptable  agreement  of such new agent  agreeing  so to act.
                  Each  Guarantor  irrevocably  waives  to  the  fullest  extent
                  permitted by  applicable  law (A) any  objection  which it may
                  have now or in the  future  to the  laying of the venue of any
                  such action,  suit or proceeding  in any court  referred to in
                  the first sentence above;  (B) any claim that any such action,
                  suit or proceeding has been brought in an inconvenient  forum;
                  (C) its right of removal of any matter  commenced by any other
                  party in the courts of the State of California to any court of
                  the United States of America; (D) any immunity which it or its
                  assets  may have in  respect  of its  obligations  under  this
                  Agreement  or  any  other  Credit   Document  from  any  suit,
                  execution, attachment (whether provisional or final, in aid of
                  execution,  before  judgment  or  otherwise)  or  other  legal
                  process;  and (E) any right it may have to require  the moving
                  party in any suit, action or proceeding  brought in any of the
                  courts  referred to above arising out of or in connection with
                  this  Agreement or any other Credit  Document to post security
                  for the  costs of any  Guarantor  or to post a bond or to take
                  similar action.

                       [The first signature page follows.]

         IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  each  Guarantor  has caused  this  Guaranty to be
executed as of the day and year first above written.


                                              By: /s/ Steven J. Lund
                                                 Name:Steven J. Lund
                                                 Title:Vice President

                                              One Nu Skin Plaza,
                                              75 West Center,
                                              Provo, UT 84601
                                              Attn: Chief Financial Officer
                                              Telephone: (801) 345-3000
                                              Facsimile: (801) 345-3099


                                              By: /s/ Blake M. Roney
                                                 Name: Blake M. Roney
                                                 Title:Representative Director

                                              Kangnam-ku, Seoul
                                              Attn: Chief Fianacial Officer
                                              Telephone: (822) 538-1441
                                              Facsimile: (822) 552-9728

                                  ATTACHMENT 1

                               SUBSIDIARY JOINDER

         THIS SUBSIDIARY JOINDER (this  "Agreement"),  dated as of ____________,
____, is executed by [NEW SUBSIDIARY],  a _________ [corporation]  [partnership]
[etc.] ("New  Subsidiary")  in favor of ABN AMRO BANK N.V.,  acting as agent (in
such  capacity,  and each successor  thereto in such capacity,  "Agent") for the
financial  institutions  which  are  from  time to time  parties  to the  Credit
Agreement referred to in Recital A below (collectively, the "Lenders").


         A. Pursuant to a Credit  Agreement  dated as of May 8, 1998 (as amended
from time to time,  the "Credit  Agreement"),  among Nu Skin  Enterprises,  Inc.
("NSE"), Nu Skin Japan Co., Ltd. ("NSJ"), Lenders and Agent, Lenders have agreed
to   extend   certain   credit   facilities   to  NSE  and  NSJ   (collectively,
"Borrower")upon the terms and subject to the conditions set forth therein.

         B. Lenders'  obligations  to extend the credit  facilities to Borrowers
under the Credit Agreement are subject,  among other  conditions,  to receipt by
Agent of (1) a  Guaranty,  dated  as of May [A],  1998,  duly  executed  by each
existing Domestic Subsidiary of NSE, and (2) Subsidiary Joinders,  duly executed
by each future Domestic Subsidiary of NSE.

         C. New  Subsidiary  is a new Domestic  Subsidiary of NSE and expects to
derive   substantial   direct  and  indirect   benefit  from  the   transactions
contemplated by the Credit Agreement.


         NOW,  THEREFORE,  in  consideration of the above recitals and for other
good and  valuable  consideration,  the receipt and adequacy of which are hereby
acknowledged,  New Subsidiary  hereby agrees with Agent, for the ratable benefit
of Lenders and Agent, as follows:

1.  Definitions  and  Interpretation.   Unless  otherwise  defined  herein,  all
capitalized  terms  used  herein  and  defined  in the  Guaranty  shall have the
respective  meanings  given  to  those  terms in the  Guaranty.  New  Subsidiary
acknowledges  receipt of copies of the  Guaranty,  the Credit  Agreement and the
other Credit Documents.

2. Representations and Warranties.  On and as of the date of this Agreement (the
"Effective  Date") and for the  ratable  benefit of the Agent and  Lenders,  New
Subsidiary hereby makes each of the  representations and warranties made by each
Guarantor in the Guaranty.

3. Agreement to be Bound. New Subsidiary agrees that, on and as of the Effective
Date,  it shall become a Guarantor  under the Guaranty and shall be bound by all
the  provisions  of the  Guaranty  to the same extent as if New  Subsidiary  had
executed  the Guaranty on the Closing  Date.  4.  Waiver.  Without  limiting the
generality of the waivers in the Guaranty, New Subsidiary specifically agrees to
be bound by the  Guaranty  and waives any right to notice of  acceptance  of its
execution of this Agreement and of its agreement to be bound by the Guaranty. 5.
Governing Law. This Agreement  shall be governed by, and construed in accordance
with, the laws of the State of California.

         IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  New  Subsidiary  has caused this  Agreement to be
executed by its duly authorized officer.

                                [NEW SUBSIDIARY]


                                              Attn: [___________________]
                                              Telephone: [(___) ___-____]
                                              Facsimile: [(___) ___-____]