TimeTrax Contract

          Agreement,  made this day of 1995  between  Sandsport  Data  Services,
     Inc., a domestic  corporation  having its  principal  place of office at 26
     Harbor Park Drive, Port Washington,  New York,  hereinafter  referred to as
     "Processor"    and    __________________________________.,    a    domestic
     not-for-profit    corporation    having    its    principal    office    at
     __________________________, herein referred to as "Vendor".

          Whereas,  Vendor is in the  business of rendering  home care  services
     within the jurisdiction of the Human Resources  Administration  of the City
     of New York,  hereinafter  referred to as "HRA",  and under contract by the
     City of New York to render  services to City's  clients and Vendor  desires
     certain computer and  telephone-related  services as provided  herein;  and
     whereas,  processor  desires,  and is able,  to furnish  such  services  as
     provided herein.

          Now,  therefore,  in consideration of the mutual  agreements set forth
     herein the parties hereto agree as follows:

               1. Vendor represents to Processor that it has contracted with the
          City of New York,  to deliver home  attendant  services to  designated

               2. Vendor will make  available  to  Processor  client  schedules,
          client's  phone  numbers,  and  client's  name.  Vendor will also make
          available to Processor attendant's name and social security number.

               3.  Processor  will assign to Vendor an 800  telephone  number to
          allow  attendant to log in and log out from  client's  residence  when
          arriving and departing.

               4.  Client  authorized   twenty-four  hour  assignment  (sleep-in
          cases),  will  require  attendant  to log in once a day at an assigned

               5. Cluster client cases,  will require attendant to log in at the
          beginning  of each  assignment  and log out at the end of the day from
          last assignment.

               6. The Vendor  will be  responsible  for  maintaining  the client
          database of  information  including  client  schedule and client phone
          number,   and  the  attendant   database  of   information   including
          attendant's  name and social security  number.  The On-Line Time Sheet
          System  (OTS)  provides  Vendor with the facility to update the client
          (including the schedule) and the attendant data base.

               7. Processor will record all calls received. TimeTrax will verify
          the following:

               - Call was received from correct client location. 
               - The attendant social security number is from an active 
                 employee of the Vendor.  
               - Calls received were for scheduled assigned times.

               8. TimeTrax will generate reports on demand as follows:

         -        No show report - listing all clients scheduled to receive care
                  and no call was received from home care worker.
         -        Unscheduled report - listing of clients who are not scheduled 
                  to receive care yet a log in call was received.
         -        Unidentified  phone numbers - listing of phone calls  received
                  that are not identified as belonging to any clients.
         -        Unidentified attendants - listing of unidentifiable employee 
                  social security number that were received.
         -        Daily call summary - listing of all activity from the 
                  preceding day.
         -        Weekly call summary - listing of all activity from preceding 

               9.  TimeTrax  will  consider an attendant  on-time if they arrive
          within __ minutes of their  assigned  time. The attendant will also be
          given  full  credit if they leave  within __ minutes of the  scheduled
          depart  time.  However,  at the  end  of the  week,  the  system  will
          accumulate  all the late  minutes  and reduce  total  hours  worked in
          increments  of __  minutes.  The most the  attendant  will be credited
          within one week for time not worked is __  minutes.  The  rounding  of
          hours will be performed within each client assigned that week.

               10. The Vendor will require attendants to log in when they arrive
          at the assigned  client's home by picking up the phone and  depressing
          the tones on the phone to  correspond to  employee's  social  security
          number, or the employee can enter his or her social security number by
          speaking  the  digits  into  phone.  The  attendant  will log out when
          leaving the assigned  client's  home,  following the same procedure as
          the log in. The maximum calls per visit should not exceed two calls.

               11. As an option,  TimeTrax can verify the person  calling is the
          individual  assigned.  The feature is voice  verification and requires
          caller to use voice  recognition.  To use the feature,  all  employees
          must go through an enrollment process.

               12. The log in and log out times  cannot be altered;  they remain
          as  permanent  records.  The Vendor may adjust total hours worked when
          situation warrants. Special passwords are available to limit access to
          this feature.

               13. The Processor will tally hours worked daily.  The Vendor will
          review the Daily Call Summary and make  adjustments  and  corrections.
          The hours  recorded will be inputted  into the payroll  module and the
          MMIS billing module.

               14.  Processor  agrees  that all  information  pertaining  to the
          recipient or the  provider of services  contained in its files and all
          information  pertaining to such recipients and/or providers or learned
          from  official  HRA files or records or from other  sources,  shall be
          held  confidential by processor  pursuant to the provisions of the New
          York State Social  Services Law, the Federal  Social  Security Act and
          any other applicable laws and any regulation promulgated

               thereunder, and shall not be disclosed to unauthorized persons.

               15.  Processor  agrees not to use, for any  unauthorized  purpose
          whatsoever, any information pertaining to the recipient or provider of
          services or learned from Vendor or official  HRA files or records,  or
          from  other  sources.  For the  purpose of this  clause,  unauthorized
          purpose  means  any use  whatsoever  not  specifically  authorized  by

               16. In the event  that the  contract  between  the Vendor and the
          City of New York is terminated for any reason whatsoever,  or the City
          of New York dissolves the program involved herein, this contract shall
          terminate immediately.

               17. The terms of this Agreement shall run through  ______________
          and shall continue  thereafter  until terminated by either party on at
          least __ days prior written notice to the other. Sandsport agrees that
          it  will  not  increase  any  of  the  fees  through  _______________.
          Thereafter  such fees may be increased  by Sandsport  upon at least __
          days prior written  notice to Vendor.  Any such price  increase  shall
          become  effective unless Vendor gives Sandsport at least __ days prior
          written  notice of its  intention to terminate  this  Agreement on the
          effective date of such increase,  in which case this Agreement  shall,
          not withstanding anything to the contrary, terminate on such date.

               18. This contract embodies all the terms of the agreement between
          parties.  Any  modifications  hereto shall be in writing and signed by
          both parties.

               19.  Any  disputes  arising  between  the  parties  as to billing
          charges must be settled within ______ of receipt of billing by Vendor.

               20. Processor agrees to allow audit firms hired by Human Resource
          Administration  of the City of New York, to audit its computer systems
          and  operating  procedures in order to form an opinion of the security
          and integrity of the system.

               21. Vendor hereby  acknowledges  that it shall have access to and
          come in contact with certain  information and  documentation  which is
          the property of Processor which is copyrighted  and/or which Processor
          considers a  proprietary  trade secret  ("Confidential  Information").
          Vendor hereby agrees that:

         -        All such  confidential  information  shall be  retained at the
                  premises of Vendor unless Vendor obtains the expressed written
                  consent of the Processor  that such  confidential  information
                  may be removed.
         -        Vendor will use  reasonable  means (not less than that used to
                  protect  its  own   proprietary   information)   to  safeguard
                  Processor's confidential information.
         -        Vendor shall not show or otherwise disclose any portion of the
                  materials   or  their   contents  to  anyone  other  than  its
         -        It will make no copies of the confidential information.
         -        It will return all confidential information promptly upon 
                  request of the company.

               22. Processor  agrees to comply with equal  employment  provision
          relating to  subcontractors,  where applicable,  that are set forth in
          Part II, Section 6, of the Home Attendant  Service  Agreement  between
          Vendor  and  HRA  and  all  amendments  and   modifications   to  such

               23.  Processor  will not violate or in any way infringe  upon the
          rights of third  parties,  including,  but not limited  to,  property,
          contractual,  employment,  trade secrets,  proprietary information and
          nondisclosure rights, or any trademark, copyright or patent rights.

               24.  Processor  is the  lawful  user  of  all  programs  used  in
          providing  the services  hereunder;  rights to use such  programs have
          been  lawfully  acquired by Processor  and  Processor has the absolute
          right to permit Vendor access to or use such programs.

               25.  Processor will comply with and be  responsible  for ensuring
          that  its  employees,   agents  and  subcontractors  comply  with  all
          applicable  federal,  state,  and local laws,  rules,  and regulations
          relating to the  performance  of the  services,  and that it will have
          obtained such permits  licenses,  and other forms of documentation and
          authorization   required   to  comply   with  such  laws,   rules  and

               26. Processor  hereby  indemnifies and shall hold harmless Vendor
          against all liability to third parties (other than liability  which is
          the  fault of the  Vendor),  including,  without  limitation,  any  
          liability  incurred as a result of an improper
          determination  of benefit  eligibility,  arising from or in connection
          with Processor's improper performance of the services or any breach of
          the Processor's  warranties  provided for herein and accordingly shall
          on  demand  reimburse  any  indemnified  party  for any and all  loss.
          Liability, fine, penalty, cost, or expense which may for any reason be
          imposed  upon any  indemnified  party by reason  of any  suit,  claim,
          action,  proceeding  or demand by and third party which  results  from
          Processor's performance of the services.

               27. This Agreement  shall be governed by the laws of the State of
          New  York,  without  regard  to  principles  of  conflict  of laws but
          including any applicable provisions of the New York Uniform Commercial
          Code,  except to the extent that the  provisions of this Agreement are
          clearly  inconsistent  therewith,  in which case the provisions hereof
          shall be controlling.

               28. Any notices or other  communications  required  or  permitted
          hereunder  shall be in writing and will be deemed  sufficiently  given
          only if delivered in person or sent by telex, telecopier,  first-class
          mail or recognized courier service, postage and other charges pre-paid
          addressed as follows:

         If to Processor:

         Sandata TimeTrax
         Sandsport Data Services

         26 Harbor Park Drive
         Port Washington, NY 11050

         Attention:  President

         If to Vendor:

         Address of Vendor

               Attention:  Director (or to such other  address as the  addressee
          may have  specified  in a notice  duly given to the sender as provided

               29. Vendor agrees to pay Processor as follows:

                  Start up fee      $

                  Weekly per client charge
                  Optional:  Voice verification:
                  Enrollment fee per attendant
                  Weekly per client charge

               30. This Agreement,  together with any schedules,  appendices and
          other  attachments  hereto,  all of which are hereby  incorporated  by
          reference  herein and made a part of this  Agreement,  constitutes the
          entire  Agreement  between  Processor  and Vendor and  supersedes  all
          proposals,  oral and written and all other communications  between the
          parties in relation to the subject matter of this Agreement. Except as
          otherwise  provided  herein,  no  amendment,   modification  or  other
          variation  of this  Agreement  shall be  effective  until  reduced  to
          writing and executed by the parties hereto.

               In witness whereof,  the parties have caused this Agreement to be
          executed by their respective duly authorized officers.


- ----------------------------------                   --------------------------
Hugh Freund                                          Name
President                                            Title

- -------------------------------                      --------------------------
Date                                                 Date