Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934
                           [Amendment No. __________]

Filed by the Registrant                                [X]
Filed by a Party other than the Registrant             [ ]

Check the appropriate box:
[ ]      Preliminary Proxy Statement
[ ]      Confidential, for Use of the Commission Only (as permitted by 
         Rule 14a-6(e)(2))
[X]      Definitive Proxy Statement
[ ]      Definitive Additional Materials
[ ]      Soliciting Material Pursuant to ss. 240.14a-11(c) or ss. 240.14a-12

                            AmeriVest Properties Inc.
             (Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)

                            James F. Etter, President
     (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement if other than the Registrant)

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):
[X]    No fee required.
[ ]    Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(4) and 0-11.

       1)       Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:

                Not applicable
       2)       Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:

                Not applicable
       3)       Per  unit  price  or other  underlying  value  of  transaction
                computed  pursuant  to  Exchange  Act Rule 0-11 (Set forth the
                amount on which the filing fee is calculated  and state how it
                was determined):

                Not applicable
       4)       Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:

                Not applicable
       5)       Total fee paid:

                Not applicable
[ ] Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.
[ ] Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange  Act Rule
0-11(a)(2)  and  identify  the  filing  for  which the  offsetting  fee was paid
previously.  Identify the previous filing by registration  statement  number, or
the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.

       1.       Amount Previously Paid: Not applicable
       2.       Form Schedule or Registration Statement No.: Not applicable
       3.       Filing party: Not applicable
       4.       Date Filed: Not applicable

                            AMERIVEST PROPERTIES INC.
                         7100 Grandview Avenue, Suite 1
                             Arvada, Colorado 80002
                                 (303) 421-1224

                             to be held May 8, 1997

     The Annual Meeting of the  stockholders  of AmeriVest  Properties Inc. (the
"Company")  will be held on May 8,  1997 at 3:00  p.m.  (local  time) at  Denver
Marriott West, 1717 Denver West Boulevard,  Golden,  Colorado, for the following

     1.   To elect two Class 1 directors of the Company's Board Of Directors;

     2.   To ratify  the  selection  of  Wheeler  Wasoff,  P.C.  to serve as the
          Company's  independent  certified  accountants  for  the  year  ending
          December 31, 1997; and

     3.   To  transact  any other  business  that  properly  may come before the

     Only the  stockholders  of  record  as shown on the  transfer  books of the
Company at the close of business  on March 31,  1997 are  entitled to notice of,
and to vote at, the Stockholder Meeting.

     All  stockholders,  regardless of whether they expect to attend the meeting
in person,  are  requested  to  complete,  date,  sign and return  promptly  the
enclosed form of proxy in the  accompanying  envelope (which requires no postage
if mailed in the United States). The person executing the proxy may revoke it by
filing with the  Secretary of the Company an  instrument of revocation or a duly
executed  proxy  bearing a later  date,  or by electing to vote in person at the
Stockholder Meeting.


                                        By the Board Of Directors

                                        JAMES F. ETTER
Arvada, Colorado
April 4, 1997

                                 PROXY STATEMENT
                            AMERIVEST PROPERTIES INC.
                         7100 Grandview Avenue, Suite 1
                             Arvada, Colorado 80002
                                 (303) 421-1224

                         ANNUAL MEETING OF STOCKHOLDERS
                                   to be held
                                   May 8, 1997

     This Proxy  Statement is provided in connection  with the  solicitation  of
proxies by the Board Of  Directors  of  AmeriVest  Properties  Inc.,  a Delaware
corporation (the "Company" or "AmeriVest"), to be voted at the Annual Meeting Of
Stockholders  of the Company to be held at 3:00 p.m. (local time) on May 8, 1997
at the Denver Marriott West, 1717 Denver West Boulevard,  Golden, Colorado or at
any  adjournment or postponement of the meeting.  The Company  anticipates  that
this Proxy Statement and the accompanying  form of proxy will be first mailed or
given to stockholders of the Company on or about April 4, 1997.

     The shares  represented  by all  proxies  that are  properly  executed  and
submitted  will be voted at the  meeting  in  accordance  with the  instructions
indicated on the proxies.  Unless otherwise directed,  the shares represented by
proxies will be voted for each of the two  nominees for Class 1 directors  whose
names  are set  forth on the  proxy  card and in  favor of  ratification  of the
selection of Wheeler  Wasoff,  P.C. as the Company's  independent  auditors,  as
described in this Proxy Statement.

     A  stockholder  giving  a proxy  may  revoke  it at any time  before  it is
exercised  by  delivering  written  notice  of  revocation  to the  Company,  by
substituting a new proxy  executed at a later date, or by requesting,  in person
at the Annual Meeting, that the proxy be returned.

     The  solicitation  of proxies is to be made  principally by mail;  however,
following  the  original  solicitation,  further  solicitations  may be  made by
telephone or oral  communication  with  stockholders  of the Company.  Officers,
directors  and  employees  of the  Company  may  solicit  proxies,  but  without
compensation  for such  solicitation  other than their regular  compensation  as
employees of the Company.  Arrangements  also will be made with brokerage houses
and other custodians, nominees and fiduciaries to forward solicitation materials
to beneficial owners of the shares held of record by those persons.  The Company
may reimburse those persons for reasonable  out-of-pocket  expenses  incurred by
them in so doing.  All expenses  involved in preparing,  assembling  and mailing
this Proxy  Statement and the enclosed  material will be paid by the Company.  A
majority of the issued and outstanding shares of the Company's common stock (the
"Common  Stock")  entitled  to vote,  represented  either in person or by proxy,
constitutes a quorum at any meeting of the stockholders.

        Unless the context indicates otherwise, the term the "Company" or
"AmeriVest" shall be used in the Proxy Statement to include AmeriVest Properties
Inc. and all its subsidiaries that existed during the period of reference.


                              ELECTION OF DIRECTORS

     AmeriVest's Amended And Restated Certificate Of Incorporation provides that
the Board Of Directors of the Company be divided into three classes,  designated
Class 1, Class 2 and Class 3.  Directors  from each class are elected once every
three years for a three-year  term.  John Labate and James F. Etter serve as the
Class 1 directors, Charles R. Hoffman serves as the Class 2 director, and Robert
J.  McFann  serves as the Class 3  director.  The terms of the  current  Class 1
directors expire at the Annual Meeting. At the Annual Meeting,  the stockholders
will elect two Class 1  directors  to hold  office  until the annual  meeting of
stockholders to be held in the year 2000 and thereafter  until their  successors
are elected and have qualified. The affirmative vote of a majority of the shares
represented at the meeting is required to elect each director. Cumulative voting
is not permitted in the election of directors. Consequently, each stockholder is
entitled to one vote for each share of Common Stock held in his or her name.  In
the  absence  of  instructions  to  the  contrary,  the  persons  named  in  the
accompanying proxy shall vote the shares represented by that proxy for Mr. Etter
and Mr.  Labate as nominees of the Board Of  Directors  for Class 1 directors of
AmeriVest. There is no nominating committee of the Board Of Directors.

     Each of Mr.  Etter and Mr.  Labate has  consented to be named herein and to
serve on the Board if elected.  It is not  anticipated  that either Mr. Etter or
Mr.  Labate will become  unable or unwilling to accept  nomination  or election,
but, if that should occur, the persons named in the proxy intend to vote for the
election of such other person as the Board Of Directors may recommend.

     AmeriVest  completed a public  offering of its common stock and  redeemable
common stock purchase  warrants in November 1996. The underwriter of that public
offering,  I.A.  Rabinowitz  & Co.  (the  "Underwriter"),  has the  right  until
November  1999 to  designate  one  person to serve as a member of the  Company's
Board  Of  Directors   pursuant  to  the  Underwriting   Agreement  between  the
Underwriter  and the Company.  The  Underwriter's  designee as director  must be
reasonably  acceptable  to  AmeriVest.  There is no  restriction  on whether the
person designated is a director, officer, partner, employee, or affiliate of the
Underwriter.  As of the date of this Proxy  Statement,  the  Underwriter has not
indicated a designee  for  director  and has not informed the Company of whether
the Underwriter intends to designate a director.

     The  following  table  sets  forth,  with  respect  to each  director,  the
director's age, his positions and offices with AmeriVest,  the expiration of his
term as a  director,  and the  year in  which he  first  became  a  director  of
AmeriVest.  Individual background  information  concerning each of the directors
follows  the  table.  For  additional   information  concerning  the  directors,
including stock ownership and compensation, see "EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION", "STOCK

                                                                                        Expiration Of
                                                          Position With The                Term As             Initial Date
         Name                               Age                Company                    Director             As Director
         ----                               ---           -----------------             -------------          ------------

James F. Etter                               53           President; Chief               1997 Annual             1995
                                                          Financial Officer; and         Meeting


                                                                                        Expiration Of
                                                          Position With The                Term As             Initial Date
         Name                               Age                Company                    Director             As Director
         ----                               ---           -----------------             -------------          ------------

John Labate(1)(2)                            48           Director                       1997 Annual             1995

Charles R. Hoffman(1)                        60           Chairman Of The                1998 Annual             1994
                                                          Board                          Meeting

Robert J. McFann(2)                          79           Director; and Secretary        1999 Annual             1994

(1)      Member of the Audit Committee of the Board Of Directors.

(2)      Member of the Acquisition Committee of the Board Of Directors.

     James F. Etter has served as President of  AmeriVest  since May 1995,  as a
director since December  1995, and as Chief  Financial  Officer since July 1996.
From 1994 until he joined the  Company,  Mr.  Etter acted as a  consultant  with
respect to  acquisitions.  Mr.  Etter served as  President  and Chief  Executive
Officer of Recycling  Management  Company from 1990 until 1994.  From 1988 until
1990,  Mr.  Etter acted as a real estate  consultant,  completing  an  extensive
review and evaluation of financial and data  processing  needs for Litchfield By
The Sea, a real estate  development/resort  project, and establishing a new real
estate and property  management  company near the Wild Dunes  Resort.  From 1985
until 1988,  Mr. Etter served as Vice  President,  Chief  Financial  Officer for
Resort Operations,  and President of Wild Dunes Real Estate, Inc. Mr. Etter also
assisted in establishing a chain of restaurants  when he served as President and
Chief Executive Officer of BEST Food Systems,  Inc., a franchisee of GD Ritzy's.
He also  served as Vice  President  of Finance  for  Braswell  Shipyards,  Inc.,
assisting with  negotiations for a $28 million  financing  package with multiple
lenders.  In  addition,  Mr. Etter has been the chief  financial  officer of Sam
Solomon & Company,  a public company which  subsequently was acquired by Service
Merchandise & Company,  and a principal at Arthur Young & Company,  now known as
Ernst & Young, an international  accounting firm. Mr. Etter received his Masters
of Business  Administration and his Bachelors of Business Administration degrees
from the University of Cincinnati.

     Charles R. Hoffman has served as a director of AmeriVest  since August 1994
and as Chairman of the Board since May 1995.  Mr. Hoffman has served as a member
of the Audit  Committee of the Board of Directors since July 1995. In July 1994,
Mr. Hoffman retired as President of Texaco Pipeline Inc. In that capacity he had
executive  responsibility  for more than 1,200 employees and over 2,900 miles of
pipeline.  He also has  experience in the crude oil terminal and  transportation
business  with  companies  such as  Getty  Pipeline,  Inc.,  Getty  Trading  And
Transportation  Company,  and Skelly Pipe Line, Inc. He has served on the boards
of  directors  of a number of pipeline  systems and as president of two pipeline
systems.   Mr.  Hoffman   received  his  Bachelor  of  Science  and  Masters  of
Science/Civil  Engineering  degrees  from  the  Missouri  School  Of  Mines  And

     John A. Labate has served as a director of  AmeriVest  since May 1995.  Mr.
Labate  has  served  as a  member  of each  of the  Audit  Committee  and of the
Acquisition  Committee of the Board of Directors since July 1995. Mr. Labate has


served as Chief Financial  Officer since June 1995 and since January 1992 as the
Vice  President  -  Finance,   Secretary,   and  Treasurer  of  Crown  Resources
Corporation, a publicly traded, Denver, Colorado based international gold mining
and exploration company.  From 1987 through 1991, Mr. Labate served as Corporate
Controller of Bond  International  Gold,  Inc., a New York Stock Exchange listed
international mining and processing company based in Denver,  Colorado. Prior to
1987, Mr. Labate served as controller and manager of other mining  companies and
equipment manufacturing  companies.  Mr. Labate received his Bachelor of Science
degree in accounting from San Diego State University.

     Robert J. McFann has served as a director of  AmeriVest  since  August 1994
and as  Secretary  since  May 1995.  Mr.  McFann  has  served as a member of the
Acquisition  Committee of the Board of Directors since July 1995. Mr. McFann has
been retired since 1996. He previously was the principal  owner and President of
Hy Grade Meat Company,  a private  company  which grew to a mid-sized  hotel and
restaurant supply house under his direction. Prior to this, he worked for Cudahy
Meat Company in its sales department as well as other  positions.  He has served
on the Board of Directors of the Bank Of Aurora and for several  years managed a
diverse  family owned  investment  portfolio of commercial  real estate,  family
owned businesses and other investments.

Committees And Meetings.

     The Board Of Directors  maintains  an Audit  Committee  and an  Acquisition
Committee.  The Audit  Committee was formed to perform the following  functions:
recommend to the Board Of  Directors  the  independent  auditors to be employed;
discuss the scope of the independent auditors' examination; review the financial
statements and the independent  auditors' report;  solicit  recommendations from
the  independent  auditors  regarding the internal  controls and other  matters;
review all related party transactions for potential conflicts of interest;  make
recommendations  to the Board Of  Directors;  and perform other related tasks as
requested  by the Board.  During the year ended  December  31,  1996,  the Audit
Committee,  currently consisting of Messrs.  Hoffman and Labate, did not meet as
its functions were conducted by the Board Of Directors meeting in full.

     The Acquisitions  Committee was formed to perform the following  functions:
recommend to the Board Of Directors an acquisitions policy and strategy;  review
and update the acquisitions  policy and strategy  periodically;  review proposed
acquisitions   and  make   recommendations   to  the  Board   concerning   those
acquisitions;  review past acquisitions and make  recommendations  to the Board;
and perform other related tasks as requested by the Board. During the year ended
December 31, 1996, the Acquisitions  Committee  currently  consisting of Messrs.
Labate and McFann,  did not meet as its functions were conducted by the Board Of
Directors meeting in full.

     The  Board Of  Directors  met seven  times  during  1996 and each  director
participated in all meetings of the Board Of Directors.

Section 16(a) Beneficial Ownership Reporting Compliance

     Section  16(a) of the  Securities  Exchange  Act of 1934,  as amended  (the
"Exchange  Act"),  requires  the  Company's  directors,  executive  officers and
holders  of more  than  10% of the  Company's  common  stock  to file  with  the
Securities and Exchange  Commission  initial reports of ownership and reports of
changes in ownership of common stock and other equity securities of the Company.
The Company believes that during the year ended December 31, 1996, its officers,
directors  and holders of more than 10% of the Company's  common stock  complied
with all Section  16(a) filing  requirements.  In making these  statements,  the
Company  has  relied  upon the  written  representations  of its  directors  and
officers and the  Company's  review of the monthly  statements  of changes filed
with the Company by its officers and directors.


                             EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION

Summary Compensation Table.

     The following  table sets forth in summary form the  compensation  received
during each of the Company's last three completed  fiscal years by the Company's
current and former  President.  No employee of the Company received total salary
and bonus exceeding $100,000 during any of the last three fiscal years.

                               Annual Compensation

                                                                            Compen-           Other Annual
Name and                 Fiscal Year             Salary         Bonus       sation --          Compen-
Principal Position       Ended                   ($)(1)         ($)         Options           sation ($)
- ------------------       -----------             -------        -----       -------           ----------
James F. Etter,          1996                    $90,000        5,000       10,000            $6,000(2)
                         1995                    $42,000          -0-       20,000            $17,400(3)

                         1994                    $    -0-         -0-           -0-                -0-

C.J. Hedlund, Former     1996                    $    -0-         -0-           -0-                -0-
                         1995                    $    -0-         -0-           -0-                -0-

                         1994                    $ 6,000          -0-           -0-                -0-
- ---------------

(1)  The dollar value of base salary (cash and non-cash) received.
(2)  $6,000 to reimburse for medical insurance coverage.
(3)  $15,000 to  reimburse  for moving  expenses  and  $2,400 to  reimburse  for
     medical insurance coverage.

Option Grants Table

     The following table sets forth information  concerning individual grants of
stock  options  made  during the  fiscal  year ended  December  31,  1996 to the
Company's  President.  See "-Employment  Contracts And Termination Of Employment
And  Change-In-Control  Arrangements-1995  Stock  Option  Plan",  and  "--Option
Grants", below.

              Option Grants For Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 1996

                                                       % of Total
                                                       Options Granted
                                 Options               to Employees in        Exercise or Base        Expiration
Name                             Granted (#)           Fiscal Year            Price ($/Sh)            Date
- ----                             ----------            ---------------        ----------------        ----------
James F. Etter                   10,000                100%                   $5.00/share             12-31-01


Aggregated Option Exercises And Fiscal Year-End Option Value Table.

     The  following  table sets forth  information  concerning  each exercise of
stock  options  during the fiscal year ended  December 31, 1996 by the Company's
President,  and the fiscal  year-end  value of  unexercised  options held by the

                           Aggregated Option Exercises
                     For Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 1996
                           And Year-End Option Values

                                                                                                      Value of
                                                                              Number of               In-The-Money
                                                                              Unexercised Options     Options at
                                                                              at Fiscal               Fiscal Year-End
                                                                              Year-End (#)(3)         ($) (4)
                                 Acquired on           Value                  Exercisable/            Exercisable/
Name                             Exercise (#) (1)      Realized ($) (2)       Unexercisable           Unexercisable
- ----------------------------     ----------------      -------------------    ----------------        -------------
James F. Etter                   -0-                   -0-                    10,000/20,000           Not applicable(5)

- ---------------------

(1)  The number of shares  received upon  exercise of options  during the fiscal
     year ended December 31, 1996.

(2)  With respect to options  exercised  during the Company's  fiscal year ended
     December 31, 1996,  the dollar value of the  difference  between the option
     exercise  price and the market value of the option shares  purchased on the
     date of the exercise of the options.

(3)  The total  number of  unexercised  options  held as of  December  31,  1996
     separated  between  those options that were  exercisable  and those options
     that were not exercisable.

(4)  For all  unexercised  options held as of December 31, 1996,  the  aggregate
     dollar  value of the  excess is the  market  value of the stock  underlying
     those options over the exercise  price of those  unexercised  options.  For
     purposes of this table,  the market  value used for the Common Stock is its
     closing  sales price on December  31, 1996 of $3.4375 per share as reported
     on the Nasdaq SmallCap Stock Market.

(5)  The option  exercise  price of $5.00 per share is greater  than the closing
     sales  price of  $3.4375  for the  Common  Stock on  December  31,  1996 as
     reported on the Nasdaq  SmallCap  Stock  Market.  The  unexercised  options
     therefore  were not  "in-the-money"  and did not have any value on December
     31, 1996.

Employment  Contracts  And  Termination  Of  Employment  And   Change-In-Control

     Employment  Agreement  With James F.  Etter.  The Company  entered  into an
Employment  Agreement with James F. Etter effective as of January 1, 1996, which
was  amended  effective  as of  January  1,  1997.  Pursuant  to the  Employment
Agreement,  Mr. Etter will serve as the President and Chief Executive Officer of
the Company and will devote  substantially all his business time to the Company.


For the 1996 fiscal year, the Employment  Agreement  provided for the payment of
salary at the rate of  $7,500  per month and a bonus of $5,000 to be paid at the
time that the Company's  securities  became  publicly  traded.  This occurred in
November  1996.  The Agreement also provides that the Company will reimburse Mr.
Etter for up to $500 per month of medical insurance premiums paid by Mr. Etter.

     Pursuant to the  amendment  to the  Employment  Agreement  effective  as of
January 1, 1997,  Mr.  Etter's  salary was increased to $8,333 per month and the
Company  agreed to consider  paying Mr. Etter a bonus at the end of each year of
the Employment Agreement, which bonus will be at the discretion of the Board and
will be based on criteria  determined by the Board.  At the time of amending the
Employment  Agreement,  the Board also granted to Mr. Etter  options to purchase
10,000 shares of Common Stock. See below, "--Option Grants".

     If the Company is acquired by another company, and if the acquiring company
does not offer Mr.  Etter a position in the Denver area at a salary  level equal
to or greater than his then current salary,  then all unexercised  stock options
held by Mr. Etter would immediately  become  exercisable,  and the Company would
pay Mr. Etter a bonus equal to one year's salary.

     As  the  Company's  operations  are  instituted,  it  is  anticipated  that
additional personnel and outside consultants may be hired.

     1995 Stock Option Plan.  Pursuant to the  Company's  1995 Stock Option Plan
(the "Option  Plan"),  the Company may grant options to purchase an aggregate of
130,000 shares of the Company's  common stock to key employees,  directors,  and
other persons who have or are  contributing  to the success of the Company.  The
options granted pursuant to the Option Plan may be incentive options  qualifying
for  beneficial  tax treatment  for the  recipient or they may be  non-qualified
options.  With respect to options granted to persons other than directors of the
Company  who  are  not  also  employees  of the  Company,  the  Option  Plan  is
administered  by an option  committee  that  determines the terms of the options
subject to the requirements of the Option Plan. Directors of the Company who are
not also employees of the Company ("Outside  Directors")  automatically  receive
options to  purchase  12,000  shares  pursuant to the Option Plan at the time of
their election as an Outside  Director.  These options held by Outside Directors
are not  exercisable at the time of grant,  but options to purchase 4,000 shares
become exercisable for each Outside Director on December 30 of each of the first
three  years  immediately  following  the date of grant of the  options  to that
Outside Director. The exercise price for options granted to Outside Directors is
the fair market value of the Common Stock on the date of grant,  and all options
granted to Outside  Directors  expire five years from the date of grant.  On the
date that all of an Outside Director's options have become exercisable,  options
to purchase an additional  12,000 shares,  which are not exercisable at the time
of grant,  shall be granted to that Outside  Director.  In May 1995, the Outside
Directors  were granted an aggregate of 48,000 options with an exercise price of
$5.00  per share  pursuant  to the  Option  Plan,  12,000 of which  subsequently
expired without being exercised.

     Compensation  Of Outside  Directors.  Outside  Directors  are paid $250 per
month plus $300 for each  meeting of the Board Of  Directors  that they  attend.
Directors  also will be reimbursed for expenses  incurred in attending  meetings
and for other  expenses  incurred on behalf of the Company.  In  addition,  each
director  who is not an  employee  automatically  receives  options to  purchase
shares of Common  Stock  pursuant to the Option  Plan.  See above,  "-1995 Stock
Option Plan".

     Option  Grants.  In addition to the automatic  grants of options to Outside
Directors  described  above under  "-1995 Stock Option  Plan",  incentive  stock
options have been  granted  pursuant to the  Company's  Stock Option Plan on two


occasions.  In May 1995, the Company  granted to Mr. Etter options to acquire up
to 20,000  shares of the Company's  Common Stock at an exercise  price of $5 per
share.  4,000 of these options  became  exercisable on each of December 30, 1995
and 1996, an additional  4,000 of these options will become  exercisable on each
of December 30, 1997,  1998 and 1999, and all of these options expire on May 20,
2000. On December 9, 1996, the Company  granted to Mr. Etter options to purchase
up to an additional 10,000 shares of Common Stock at an exercise price of $5 per
share.  On that date, the last sale price for the Company's  Common Stock on the
Nasdaq  SmallCap  Stock  Market  was  $4.50.   2,000  of  these  options  became
exercisable  on December 30, 1996,  an  additional  2,000 of these  options will
become exercisable on each of December 30, 1997, 1998, 1999 and 2000, and all of
these options expire on December 9, 2001.


     The following table summarizes certain  information as of December 31, 1996
with respect to the  beneficial  ownership of the Company's  common stock (i) by
the Company's directors,  (ii) by stockholders known by the Company to own 5% or
more of the Company's common stock, and (iii) by all officers and directors as a

                                                                     As Of March 10, 1997

                                                                                  Percentage Of Class
         Name And Address Of Beneficial Owner           Number Of Shares          Beneficially Owned
         ------------------------------------           ----------------          -------------------
Charles R. Hoffman                                         40,300(1)                       2.3%
208 Somerset
Bentonville, Arizona 72712

John A. Labate                                              8,000(1)                       0.6%
5260 South Beeler Court
Englewood, Colorado  80111

Robert J. McFann                                           87,000(1)                       6.2%
3260 Zephyr Court
Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033

James F. Etter                                             32,600(2)                       2.3%
7100 Grandview Avenue
Suite 1
Arvada, Colorado 80002

C.J. Hedlund                                              118,130(3)                       8.4%
2296 Augusta Drive
Evergreen, Colorado 80439

S. Kris Bandal                                             98,000(4)                       7.1%
6043 Hudson Road, #140
Woodbury, Minnesota 55126

Weston Associates Inc.                                    146,200(5)                      10.3%
855 S. Newcombe Way
Denver, Colorado 80226

All Officers And Directors As A Group (Four Persons)      167,900(1)(2)                   11.8%

- ---------------


(1)  Includes or consists of options to purchase  8,000  shares of Common  Stock
that  currently  are  exercisable,  that were granted to each  Outside  Director
pursuant to the Option Plan. See "EXECUTIVE  COMPENSATION--Employment  Contracts
And  Termination Of Employment And  Change-In-Control  Arrangements--1995  Stock
Option Plan." Also includes 4,000  currently  exercisable  common stock purchase
warrants ("Warrants") for Robert J. McFann.

(2)  Consists  of an  aggregate  of 17,100  shares of Common  Stock owned by Mr.
Etter, his wife, and minor daughter, 10,000 shares of Common Stock issuable upon
one exercise of currently  exercisable options, and 4,000 shares of Common Stock
issuable upon the exercise of Warrants. See "EXECUTIVE  COMPENSATION--Employment
Contracts    And    Termination    Of    Employment    And     Change-In-Control
Arrangements--Option Grants".

(3)  Includes  8,090 shares over which Mr.  Hedlund has sole voting power and an
additional  91,540  over  which he has shared  voting  power as  disclosed  in a
Schedule 13D dated March 5, 1997  provided to the Company by Mr.  Hedlund.  Also
includes  18,500  shares  issuable  upon the exercise of Warrants over which Mr.
Hedlund has shared voting power.

(4)  Consists of  98,000  shares  over  which  Mr. Bandal  has sole voting power
as  disclosed in  a Schedule 13D dated March  5, 1997 provided to the Company by
Mr. Bandal.

(5)  Includes 108,000 shares over which Weston  Associates  Inc.  ("Weston") has
sole voting power as disclosed in a Schedule 13D dated November 5, 1996 provided
to the Company by Weston. Also includes 38,200 shares issuable upon the exercise
of Warrants over which Weston has sole voting power.


     The  Company  has been  involved  in the  following  transactions  with its
current and past  directors  and officers and by persons known by the Company to
be the beneficial owners of 5% or more of the Company's Common Stock.

     Transactions With Founder. C.J. Hedlund was a founder, former President and
a former  director of the Company and currently is the beneficial  owner of 8.4%
of the Company's  Common  Stock.  See above,  "STOCK  OWNERSHIP OF DIRECTORS AND
PRINCIPAL  STOCKHOLDERS".  He resigned  from his positions as President and from
his position of a director in March 1994.  Mr.  Hedlund has interests in certain
of the transactions with the Company that are described below.

     Stock  Transactions  With  Promoters,   Initial  Officers,   Directors  And
Affiliates. In August 1993, the Company issued an aggregate of 100,000 shares of
Common  Stock at a  purchase  price of $.005  per share in  connection  with the
formation  of the  Company.  62,000 of these shares were issued to C. J. Hedlund
and certain  persons with whom he is affiliated,  and 4,000 of these shares were
issued  to each of Mr.  Hedlund's  two adult  sons.  Subsequently,  Mr.  Hedlund
returned 32,000 shares to the Company,  Mr. Hedlund's wife returned 6,000 shares
to the Company,  and an unrelated party returned an additional  12,000 shares to
the  Company.  The  shares  were  returned  to the  Company in order to make the
Company's  capital  structure  more  desirable  for a public  offering,  and the
Company did not  compensate  the  transferors.  In December  1995, the Maxine G.
Hedlund Trust, a living trust of which Maxine Hedlund, the wife of C.J. Hedlund,
is the  beneficiary,  sold 33,000 shares of the Company's Common Stock to Robert
J. McFann and Wandeline McFann for $4.50 per share. Mr. McFann is a director and
the Secretary of the Company.

     Ownership  Of  Consolidated  Broadway  Properties,  Ltd.  In  August  1995,
pursuant  to a Purchase  And Sale  Agreement  (the  "Broadway  Agreement")  with
Consolidated  Broadway  Properties,  Ltd.  ("CBP"),  the  Company  acquired  the
industrial  office/showroom  building  located at 5961  Broadway,  Adams County,
Colorado (the "Broadway Property").  As consideration for the Broadway Property,
the  Company  issued  84,000  shares of its  Common  Stock to CBP and  assumed a
mortgage in the original  face amount of  $1,232,000,  which had an  outstanding
principal  balance of $1,205,000 at July 1, 1995.  CBP  previously had purchased


the  Broadway  Property  on  October  1,  1993 for  aggregate  consideration  of
$1,332,000,  consisting  of a cash  payment of  $83,418  and the  assumption  of
$1,232,000  in  debt.  The  price  paid by CBP in 1993  was  determined  through
negotiations between CBP and the prior owner. Mr. Hedlund is the general partner
of CBP.  Continental  Western  Services,  Inc., an entity of which Mr. Hedlund's
wife is the President,  a director and a 34 percent shareholder,  owned 56.8% of
CBP at the time of the Company's  acquisition of the Broadway Property.  Also at
that time,  Charles Hoffman and Robert McFann, who are directors of the Company,
owned approximately 2.2% and 2.5%,  respectively,  of CBP. In December 1995, the
84,000 shares of the Company's  Common Stock received by CBP in exchange for the
Broadway Property were transferred pro rata to the partners of CBP. Mr. Hoffman,
together with his wife received 6,300 shares of the Company's  Common Stock, and
Mr.  McFann  received  7,000  shares,  from the pro rata transfer made by CBP in
December 1995. In December  1995,  Continental  Western  Services,  Inc.,  which
received  55,160  shares of the  Company's  Common  Stock  from the CBP pro rata
assignment, sold 53,620 of those shares for $4.50 per share to three purchasers,
one of whom was a former  director of the Company and one of whom  already was a
stockholder of the Company at that time.

     Property Management;  Administrative Services. The Company has entered into
property management  contracts pursuant to which AmeriCo manages the Properties.
These  agreements are effective as of the date on which the Company acquired the
respective  Property.  Although the property management contracts do not provide
for changes to their terms, the Company can terminate any of them after one year
from their  respective  effective  dates.  AmeriCo  will receive 5% of the gross
rental income, reimbursement of the cost of any on-site personnel, and an amount
equal to 5% of the total costs related to on-site  personnel.  In addition,  the
Company has entered into an agreement  with  AmeriCo  pursuant to which  AmeriCo
provides the Company with  accounting  and clerical  services as well as general
office support,  including telephone,  fax, and other services, for an aggregate
cost of $500 per month.  C.J. Hedlund  beneficially  owns 51% of the outstanding
common stock of AmeriCo.

     Property  Acquisition;  Brokerage Services.  C.J. Hedlund, the Company, and
Colorado  Bighorn  entered  into an  agreement  effective as of October 30, 1996
pursuant to which Mr.  Hedlund and Colorado  Bighorn have granted to the Company
the right of first  refusal to  participate  in any real estate  transaction  in
which Mr. Hedlund,  Colorado  Bighorn,  or any of their  affiliated  entities is
involved or for which Mr. Hedlund,  Colorado Bighorn, or any of their affiliated
entities otherwise receives compensation, except that the right of first refusal
will not apply to any proposed  transaction that relates solely to their serving
in a brokerage  function,  such as a listing or selling broker.  Also as part of
this  transaction,  the Company  entered  into broker  listing  agreements  with
Colorado  Bighorn pursuant to which Colorado Bighorn will serve as the Company's
broker  for  all  purchase  and  sale  transactions  during  the  period  of the
agreement.  Pursuant to these listing agreements,  the Company will pay Colorado
Bighorn a standard real estate  commission for each purchase or sale transaction
entered  into by the  Company,  including  those  pursuant to the right of first
refusal  granted to the  Company  by Mr.  Hedlund  and  Colorado  Bighorn.  This
agreement and the listing agreements are for one year terms beginning on October
30, 1996. The agreement may be terminated by the Company earlier than the end of
the one year  period in the event that either Mr.  Hedlund or  Colorado  Bighorn
Corporation  does not perform its duties  satisfactorily,  as  determined by the
Board of Directors  of the Company in its sole  discretion.  In  addition,  this
agreement  and the  listing  agreements  may be renewed by the  Company,  at its
election,  for five  additional  one year terms.  Mr.  Hedlund is the beneficial
owner of Colorado Bighorn.


     Purchase  Of The  Stock  Of CSP And  GBI.  In  October  1996,  the  Company
purchased the stock of CSP,  which owned the  Self-Storage  Facilities,  and the
stock of GBI, which owned the Giltedge Office Building.  The respective purchase
prices were  $2,604,000  for the stock of CSP and $721,000 for the stock of GBI.
C. J. Hedlund is the former general partner, the current  representative,  and a
0.83% beneficial owner of the entity that was the Seller of the stock of CSP and
GBI, and two directors of the Company, Messrs. Hoffman and McFann,  beneficially
owned 2.4% and 1.0%, respectively, of the Seller of the stock of CSP and GBI.

     Loans To The Company. During 1993 and 1994, Electro-Media of Colorado, Inc.
("Electro-Media")  advanced the Company a total of $219,290 for  organizational,
operational,  and other  expenses.  This  amount was  repaid,  with  interest of
$10,157,  in July 1994. During 1995,  Electro-Media  loaned the Company $125,000
for the  Company's  operating  expenses  prior to  completion  of the  Company's
initial  Public  Offering.  The  loan  accrued  interest  at 11% per  annum.  An
additional  $75,000 was loaned to the Company in 1996 at the same  interest rate
of 11% per annum.  These two loans from  Electro-Media  totalling  $200,000 were
repaid,  with interest of $16,125,  as of October 30, 1996. At the time of these
transactions,  C.J.  Hedlund  was the  Chairman  of the  Board of  Directors  of
Electro-Media, and his wife was Electro-Media's majority shareholder.

     Conflicts Of Interest  Policies.  The Company's  Board of Directors and its
officers are subject to certain provisions of Delaware law which are designed to
eliminate or minimize the effects of certain potential conflicts of interest. In
addition,  the Bylaws  provide that any  transaction  between the Company and an
interested  party must be fully disclosed to the Board Of Directors,  and that a
majority of the directors not otherwise interested in the transaction (including
a  majority  of  independent  directors)  must  make a  determination  that such
transaction is fair,  competitive and  commercially  reasonable and on terms and
conditions  not  less  favorable  to  the  Company  than  those  available  from
unaffiliated third parties.

     All future  transactions  between the Company and the  Company's  officers,
directors and 5 percent  stockholders  will be on terms no less  favorable  than
could be  obtained  from  independent  third  parties  and will be approved by a
majority of the independent, disinterested directors of the Company. The Company
believes  that by  following  these  procedures  it will be able to mitigate the
possible effects of these conflicts of interest.


     The Board Of Directors recommends that the stockholders of the Company vote
in favor of ratifying the selection of the certified  public  accounting firm of
Wheeler  Wasoff,  P.C. of Denver,  Colorado as the auditors who will continue to
audit financial statements, review tax returns, and perform other accounting and
consulting services for the Company for the fiscal year ending December 31, 1997
or until the Board Of  Directors,  in its  discretion,  replaces  them.  Wheeler
Wasoff,  P.C. has audited the Company's  financial  statements  since the fiscal
year ended April 10, 1995.

     An affirmative vote of the majority of shares represented at the meeting is
necessary to ratify the selection of auditors. There is no legal requirement for
submitting this proposal to the  stockholders;  however,  the Board Of Directors
believes that it is of sufficient  importance to seek ratification.  Whether the
proposal is approved or  defeated,  the Board may  reconsider  its  selection of
Wheeler Wasoff, P.C. It is expected that one or more  representatives of Wheeler
Wasoff,  P.C.  will be  present  at the  Annual  Meeting  and  will be  given an


opportunity  to make a  statement  if they  desire  to do so and to  respond  to
appropriate questions from stockholders.

     On April  10,  1995,  the  Company  engaged  Wheeler  Wasoff,  P.C.  as the
Company's  independent  accountant to replace HEIN + ASSOCIATES  LLP,  which was
dismissed by the Company on that date. The change of accountants was approved by
the Board Of Directors of the  Company.  HEIN + ASSOCIATES  LLP had not issued a
report on the Company's financial  statements.  There have been no disagreements
with HEIN + ASSOCIATES LLP on any matter of accounting  principles or practices,
financial statement disclosure or auditing scope or procedure.

                                 OTHER BUSINESS

     The Board Of  Directors  of the  Company is not aware of any other  matters
that are to be presented at the Annual Meeting, and it has not been advised that
any other  person  will  present  any other  matters  for  consideration  at the
meeting.  Nevertheless,  if other matters should properly come before the Annual
Meeting, the stockholders present, or the persons, if any, authorized by a valid
proxy to vote on their  behalf,  shall vote on such matters in  accordance  with
their judgment.

                                VOTING PROCEDURES

     Votes at the Annual  Meeting Of  Stockholders  are counted by Inspectors of
Election  appointed by the Chairman of the meeting.  If a quorum is present,  an
affirmative vote of a majority of the votes entitled to be cast by those present
in  person  or by proxy is  required  for the  approval  of items  submitted  to
stockholders  for their  consideration,  including the election of directors and
the  ratification  of  the  selection  of the  independent  auditors,  unless  a
different number of votes is required by statute or the Company's Certificate Of
Incorporation.  Abstentions  by  those  present  at the  meeting  are  tabulated
separately from affirmative and negative votes and do not constitute affirmative
votes. If a stockholder  returns his proxy card and withholds  authority to vote
for any or all of the nominees,  the votes represented by the proxy card will be
deemed to be present at the meeting for purposes of determining  the presence of
a quorum  but will not be counted as  affirmative  votes.  Shares in the name of
brokers that are not voted are treated as not present.


     In order to be considered  for inclusion in the Company's  Proxy  Statement
and form of proxy relating to the Company's next Annual Meeting Of  Stockholders
following  the end of the  Company's  1997 fiscal year,  proposals by individual
stockholders must be received by the Company no later than December 5, 1997.




     This  Notice  and  Proxy  Statement  are  sent by  order  of the  Board  Of

Dated:  April 4, 1997                            James F. Etter

                                    * * * * *


PROXY                                                                      PROXY
                    For the Annual Meeting Of Stockholders of
                            AMERIVEST PROPERTIES INC.
               Proxy Solicited on Behalf of the Board of Directors

     The  undersigned  hereby  appoints James F. Etter and Robert J. McFann,  or
either of them, as proxies or  ------------------  (stockholders  may strike the
person(s)  designated  by  Management  and  insert  the name and  address of the
person(s)  to vote the proxy and mail the  proxy to the named  proxy  holder(s))
with power of substitution to vote all the shares of the undersigned with all of
the powers which the  undersigned  would  possess if  personally  present at the
Annual Meeting Of Stockholders of AmeriVest Properties Inc. (the "Corporation"),
to be held at 3:00 P.M. on May 8, 1997,  at Denver  Marriott  West,  1717 Denver
West Boulevard,  Golden, Colorado, or any adjournments thereof, on the following


     FOR all Nominees listed below [ ]            WITHHOLD AUTHORITY [ ] 
     (except as marked to the  contrary below)    To Vote for all Nominees below

                                 John A. Labate
                                 James F. Etter

2.   Proposal  to ratify  the  selection  by the Board of  Directors  of Wheeler
     Wasoff, P.C. as the independent  certified  accountants for the Corporation
     for the year ending December 31, 1997.

             For                 Against            Abstain
         ---                 ---                ---

3.   In their  discretion,  the proxies are  authorized  to vote upon such other
     business as may properly come before the meeting.

     Unless  contrary  instructions  are given,  the shares  represented by this
proxy will be voted in favor of Items 1 and 2. This proxy is solicited on behalf
of the Board of Directors of AmeriVest Properties Inc.




                                (Please  sign  exactly  as shown  on your  stock
                                certificate  and on the  envelope  in which this
                                proxy  was  mailed.  When  signing  as  partner,
                                corporate    officer,    attorney,     executor,
                                administrator,  trustee,  guardian,  etc.,  give
                                full  title as such  and  sign  your own name as
                                well. If stock is held jointly, each joint owner
                                should sign.)