SCHEDULE 14A INFORMATION
                Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the
                        Securities Exchange Act of 1934

Filed by the Registrant                      [x]
Filed by a Party other than the Registrant   [ ] 

Check the appropriate box: 
[ ] Preliminary Proxy Statement    [ ] Confidential, for Use  of the  Commission
                                       Only (as permitted by Rule 14a-6(e)(2))
[x] Definitive Proxy Statement 
[x] Definitive  Additional  Materials 
[ ] Soliciting Material Pursuant to Rule 14a-11(c) or Rule 14a-12

                                LASER STORM, INC.
                (Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):
[x]  No fee required.
[ ]  Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)() and 0-11.

       (1) Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
       (2) Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
       (3) Per  unit price or other  underlying  value of  transaction  computed
           pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (set forth the amount on which the
           filing fee is calculated and state how it was determined):
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
       (4) Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
       (5) Total fee paid:
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ ]  Fee paid previously with preliminary materials:
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ ]  Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange Act Rule
     0-11(a)(2)  and identify the filing for which the  offsetting  fee was paid
     previously.  Identify the previous filing by registration statement number,
     or the Form or Schedule  and the date of its filing.  

       (1)  Amount Previously Paid:
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
       (2)  Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
       (3)  Filing Party:
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
       (4)  Date Filed:
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                LASER STORM, INC.
                     7808 Cherry Creek South Drive, Unit 301
                             Denver, Colorado 80231

                          To be held on August 15, 1997

     NOTICE IS  HEREBY  GIVEN  that the  Annual  Meeting  of  Stockholders  (the
"Meeting") of Laser Storm, Inc., a Colorado corporation (the "Company"), will be
held at Laser Storm of Arapahoe  Village,  5150 East Arapahoe  Road,  Littleton,
Colorado 80122, on August 15, 1997, at 9:00 a.m.  Mountain Time, for the purpose
of considering and voting upon proposals to:

     (1)  Elect  three  directors  to serve  until the next  Annual  Meeting  of

     (2)  Approve the 1996 Incentive and Nonstatutory Stock Option Plan;

     (3)  Adopt an amendment to Article II of the Company's Restated Articles of
          Incorporation  With  Amendments to add paragraph 7 which  specifically
          provides that the Company's shareholders do not have preemptive rights
          to acquire unissued shares of the Company; and

     (4)  Transact such other business as may lawfully come before the Meeting.

Only  stockholders  of record at the close of  business  on June 13,  1997,  are
entitled  to  notice  of and to  vote  at the  Meeting,  and at any  adjournment

The  enclosed  Proxy is  solicited by and on behalf of the Board of Directors of
the Company.  All  stockholders  are cordially  invited to attend the Meeting in
person.  Whether  you plan to attend or not,  please  date,  sign and return the
accompanying proxy in the enclosed return envelope,  to which no postage need be
affixed  if mailed in the United  States.  The giving of a proxy will not affect
your right to vote in person if you attend the Meeting.

                                           BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS

                                           ROBERT J. COONEY,
                                           CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD
Denver, Colorado
July 21, 1997

                                LASER STORM, INC.
                     7808 Cherry Creek South Drive, Unit 301
                             Denver, Colorado 80231

                                 PROXY STATEMENT
                         ANNUAL MEETING OF STOCKHOLDERS
                          TO BE HELD ON AUGUST 15, 1997

     This proxy statement  ("Proxy  Statement") is being furnished in connection
with the solicitation of proxies by the Board of Directors of Laser Storm,  Inc.
(the "Company") to be used at the Annual Meeting of Stockholders (the "Meeting")
to be held at  Laser  Storm  of  Arapahoe  Village,  5150  East  Arapahoe  Road,
Littleton,  Colorado 80122, on August 15, 1997, at 9:00 a.m.  Mountain Time, and
at any adjournment thereof.
     It is planned that this Proxy Statement and the accompanying  Proxy will be
mailed to the Company's stockholders on or about July 21, 1997.
     Any person signing and mailing the enclosed Proxy may revoke it at any time
before  it is  voted by (i)  giving  written  notice  of the  revocation  to the
Company's  corporate  secretary;  (ii) voting in person at the Meeting; or (iii)
voting again by  submitting a new proxy card.  Only the latest dated proxy card,
including one which a person may vote in person at the Meeting, will count.

                         ACTIONS TO BE TAKEN AT MEETING

     The  Meeting  is called  by the  Board of  Directors  of the  Company  (the
"Directors") to consider and act upon the following matters:

     (1)  The election of three directors of the Company;

     (2)  The adoption of the 1996 Incentive and Nonstatutory Stock Option Plan;

     (3)  The adoption of an amendment to Article II of the  Company's  Restated
          Articles of  Incorporation  With  Amendments  to add paragraph 7 which
          specifically  provides  that the  Company's  shareholders  do not have
          preemptive rights to acquire unissued shares of the Company; and

     (4)  Such other  business  as may  properly  come before the Meeting or any
          adjournment thereof.

     The holders of one-third of the  outstanding  shares of Common Stock of the
Company,  present  at the  Meeting  in person  or  represented  by proxy,  shall
constitute  a  quorum.  If a quorum  is  present,  directors  are  elected  by a
plurality of the vote,  i.e.,  the  candidates  receiving the highest  number of
votes cast in favor of their election will be elected to the Board of Directors.
The 1996 Incentive and  Nonstatutory  Stock Option Plan and the amendment to the

Restated Articles of Incorporation With Amendments will be approved and adopted,
respectively,  if a  quorum  exists  and if the  votes  cast  for  approval  and
adoption,  respectively,  exceed the votes cast against  approval and  adoption,
respectively. Where brokers have not received any instruction from their clients
on how to  vote on a  particular  proposal,  brokers  are  permitted  to vote on
routine  proposals  but not on  nonroutine  matters.  The  absence  of  votes on
nonroutine matters are "broker  nonvotes."  Abstentions and broker nonvotes will
be counted as present for purposes of  establishing  a quorum,  but will have no
effect  on the  election  of  directors.  Abstentions  and  broker  nonvotes  on
proposals  other than the  election  of  directors,  if any,  will be counted as
present for  purposes of the proposal and will have the effect of a vote against
the proposal.

                                VOTING SECURITIES

     Voting  rights at the Meeting  are vested in the  holders of the  Company's
$0.001 par value common stock (the "Common  Stock") with each share  entitled to
one vote. Cumulative voting in the election of directors is not permitted.  Only
holders of record of the Common Stock at the close of business on June 13, 1997,
are  entitled  to  notice  of and to vote  at the  Meeting  or any  adjournments
thereof.  On June 13,  1997,  the Company had  3,824,836  shares of Common Stock

                               PROPOSAL NUMBER ONE

                              ELECTION OF DIRECTORS

     Effective at the Meeting, the number of directors on the Company's Board of
Directors has been  established by resolution of the Board of Directors as three
directors. The terms of all of the current directors expire at this Meeting.
     The  persons  named in the  enclosed  form of Proxy  will  vote the  shares
represented  by Proxies  received by them for the election of the three nominees
for director named below. If, at the time of the Meeting,  any of these nominees
shall become  unavailable for any reason,  which event is not expected to occur,
the persons  entitled to vote the Proxies will vote for such substitute  nominee
or nominees,  if any, as they  determine in their sole  discretion.  If elected,
Robert J.  Cooney,  John E. McNutt and William R. Bauerle will hold office until
the next  annual  meeting of  stockholders  or until their  successors  are duly
elected or appointed.  The nominees for director,  each of whom has consented to
serve if elected, are as follows:


Name and                       Director
Nominee                        Since             Age           Principal Occupation for Last Five Years
- --------                       --------          ---           ----------------------------------------
Robert J. Cooney               1990              33            Chairman  of the Board  and  Chief  Executive
                                                               Officer  of the  Company  since  March  1990,
                                                               President  and Secretary of the Company since
                                                               June 1997 and the  Treasurer  of the  Company
                                                               from October 1994 to February 1997. President
                                                               of the Company  from  February  1992 to April

John E. McNutt                 1997              40            Chief  Financial  Officer,  Treasurer  and  a
                                                               director of the Company  since  February 1997
                                                               and was  Vice  President  of  Finance  of the
                                                               Company  from  July  1996 to  February  1997.
                                                               Associated   with   CAIRE,   Inc.,   formerly
                                                               Mountain   Medical    Equipment,    Inc.,   a
                                                               manufacturer  and seller of home  health care
                                                               respiratory  equipment,  from  1981  to  July
                                                               1996,  where Mr.  McNutt  served  in  various
                                                               capacities including corporate controller and
                                                               Vice  President  of  a  subsidiary,  Mountain
                                                               Medical Leasing Co.

William R. Bauerle             1994              46            From  1985 to the  present,  President  and a
                                                               director of Asset Development Corporation,  a
                                                               business consulting firm. President and Chief
                                                               Operating  Officer of the Company  from April
                                                               1994 to July 1997,  Secretary  of the Company
                                                               from July 1994 to July  1997,  and a director
                                                               of the Company since July 1994.



     The following table sets forth certain information regarding the beneficial
ownership of the Company's Common Stock, outstanding as of June 13, 1997, by (i)
each  person  who  owned  of  record,  or who is  known  to the  Company  to own
beneficially,  more than 5% of the outstanding  Common Stock with the address of
each such person,  (ii) each of the Company's  directors and executive  officers
and (iii) all of the Company's executive officers and directors as a group.



Name and Address of Beneficial Owner                Amount and Nature of      Percent of
or Name of Director or Executive Officer           Beneficial Ownership(1)    Class(2)
- ----------------------------------------           ----------------------     ----------
Robert J. Cooney ......................................     841,800             22.0%
7808 Cherry Creek South Drive, Unit 301
Denver, Colorado 80231

John E. McNutt ........................................      75,000(3)           1.9%

Frank J. Ball .........................................      76,250              2.0%

William R. Bauerle ....................................      76,250(4)           2.0%

Harold Skripsky .......................................      50,000(5)           1.3%

All Executive Officers and Directors ..................   1,119,300(6)          28.0%
as a Group (5 Persons)

Edward J. Bonis .......................................     411,750             10.8%
7808 Cherry Creek South Drive, Unit 301
Denver, Colorado 80231
- -----------------

     (1) The beneficial owners listed have sole voting and investment power with
respect to the shares of Common Stock.

     (2)  Assumes  the stock  option of each  person  who has a stock  option is
exercised whether or not the stock option is vested.
     (3) Consists of 75,000  shares of Common Stock  underlying  stock  options,
none of which are exercisable until August 1997.
     (4) Does not include 75,000 shares of Common Stock underlying stock options
that expired on June 30, 1997,  when Mr. Bauerle  terminated his employment with
the  Company.  On  June  13,  1997,  options  relating  to  50,000  shares  were
     (5) Consists of 50,000  shares of Common Stock  underlying a stock  option,
37,500  of  which  are  currently  exercisable  and  12,500  of  which  are  not
exercisable until October 1997.
     (6) Includes  175,000  shares of Common Stock  underlying  the  outstanding
stock options described above.
                               EXECUTIVE OFFICERS
     The  executive  officers  of the  Company  are Robert J. Cooney and John E.
McNutt,  information  pertaining  to whom is set forth above under  "Election of
Directors."  Each  executive  officer holds office until his or her successor is
duly elected and qualified or until his resignation or until he shall be removed
in the manner provided in the Company's bylaws.

                               DIRECTORS MEETINGS

     The Company's Board of Directors held 21 meetings during the Company's last
fiscal year ended  December 31,  1996.  Fourteen of such  meetings  consisted of
consent  directors  minutes  signed by all  directors and seven of such meetings
were actual  meetings at which all of the directors were present in person or by
telephone. The Board of Directors currently has no standing audit, nominating or
compensation  committees or committees performing similar functions.  No current
director  attended  less  than 75% of the  aggregate  of all  board of  director
meetings and all  committee  meetings on which he served  during the fiscal year
ended December 31, 1996.

     There was no arrangement or understanding between any director or executive
officer  and any other  person  pursuant  to which any person was  selected as a


     Section 16(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended,  requires
the Company's  directors and officers and persons who beneficially own more than
10% of a registered  class of the  Company's  equity  securities to file various
reports with the Securities and Exchange  Commission  concerning  their holdings
of, and transactions in, securities of the Company. Copies of these filings must
be furnished to the Company.

     Based on a review of the copies of such forms  furnished to the Company and
written  representations from the Company's officers and directors,  the Company
believes  that all of the persons who were  officers or directors of the Company
during the year ended December 31, 1996, made all filings required under Section
16(a) on a timely  basis during the year ended  December  31,  1996,  except for
James E. Johnson,  a former  officer of the Company,  who was late in filing his
Form 3.


     The  following  table  sets  forth  certain   information   concerning  the
compensation  paid by the Company for services rendered in all capacities to the
Company for the fiscal years ended  December 31, 1996,  1995 and 1994,  to those
persons who were,  at December 31, 1996 (i) the chief  executive  officer of the
Company and (ii) the other most  highly  compensated  executive  officers of the
Company whose annual salary and bonus from the Company exceeded $100,000 for the
fiscal year ended December 31, 1996.



                      Summary Compensation Table
                                                                                           Long Term
                                                              Annual Compensation         Compensation
                                                        -------------------------------   ------------
Name and Principal                                                         Other Annual    Underlying     All Other
Positions at 12/31/96                          Year     Salary    Bonus    Compensation      Options    Compensation
- ----------------------------------------    ----------  -------  --------  ------------     --------    ------------

Robert J. Cooney ...........................   1996...  $ 150,000  - 0 -     $28,942(1)         -0-         None
Chairman of the Board and                      1995...  $ 150,000  - 0 -     $24,335(1)         -0-         None
Chief Executive Officer                        1994...  $  97,500  - 0 -     $ 3,883(1)         -0-         None

William R. Bauerle .........................   1996...  $ 150,000   -0-      $26,681(2)         -0-          -0-
President and Secretary                        1995...  $ 150,000   -0-      $21,099(2)         -0-          -0-
until July 1997                                1994...  $  71,250   -0-      $ 2,934(2)      75,000(3)   $21,727(4)
and Director

Eric B. Schwartzman ........................   1996...  $ 100,000   -0-      $11,294(5)         -0-          -0-
Vice President of Marketing                    1995...  $   -0-     -0-          -0-         75,000(6)       -0-
and Product Development until January 1997     1994...  $   -0-     -0-          -0-            -0-          -0-

Frank J. Ball ..............................   1996...  $ 120,000   -0-      $12,016(7)         -0-      $15,238(8)
Vice President of Manufacturing,               1995...  $  95,411   -0-      $ 5,685(7)         -0-      $14,020(8)
Executive Vice President,                      1994...  $   -0-     -0-          -0-            -0-      $14,000(8)
Operations and General
Counsel until December
1996, October 1996 and
October 1996, respectively,
and Director

Michael D. Kessler .........................   1996...  $ 110,000   -0-      $43,571(9)         -0-          -0-
Vice President of Retail                       1995...  $  13,749   -0-          -0-         75,000(6)       -0-
Operations until December                      1994...  $   -0-     -0-          -0-            -0-          -0-

- ------------------

     (1) Includes amounts paid by the Company for automobile  expenses  ($12,159
in 1996,  $8,988 in 1995 and $3,218 in 1994),  health club dues ($1,490 in 1996,
$1,559 in 1995 and $665 in 1994), life insurance  premiums advanced on behalf of
Mr.  Cooney  ($12,110  in 1996 and  $12,111  in 1995) and  disability  insurance
premiums  ($3,183 in 1996 and $1,677 in 1995).  Does not  include any value that
may have been realized by Mr. Cooney when he used whatever equity there was in a
Company  automobile  as a down  payment on a personal  automobile.  The  Company
estimates the amount of the equity to be less than $5,000.

     (2) Includes amounts paid by the Company for automobile  expenses  ($11,637
in 1996 and $7,204 in 1995),  health  club dues ($250 in 1995 and $660 in 1994),
life  insurance  premiums  advanced on behalf of Mr.  Bauerle  ($11,635 in 1996,
$11,635 in 1995 and $1,939 in 1994) and disability insurance premiums ($3,407 in
1996, $2,010 in 1995 and $335 in 1994).
     (3) This stock option expired on June 30, 1997, when Mr. Bauerle terminated
his employment with the Company.

     (4) Represents  consulting fees paid to a corporation  owned by Mr. Bauerle
prior to Mr. Bauerle becoming an employee of the Company.

     (5) Includes amounts paid by the Company for automobile  expenses  ($11,294
in 1996).
     (6) These stock  options  expired on the date upon which Mr.  Schwartzman's
and Mr.  Kessler's  employment  with the  Company  terminated,  which dates were
February 15, 1997 and January 5, 1996, respectively.
     (7) Includes amounts paid by the Company for automobile  expenses  ($10,526
in 1996 and $4,605 in 1995) and health  club dues  ($1,490 in 1996 and $1,080 in

     (8) Represents  amounts paid in legal fees for services rendered by the law
firm owned by Mr. Ball.

     (9) Includes amounts paid by the Company for automobile expenses ($8,742 in
1996), health club dues ($1,320 in 1996) and a commission ($33,509 in 1996).

                          FISCAL YEAR END OPTION VALUES

     The following table sets forth  information with respect to the unexercised
options held by the following persons as of December 31, 1996.

                                                          Aggregate Fiscal Year End Option Values
                                     Number of Securities Underlying Un-        Value of Unexercised In-the-
                                    exercised Options at Fiscal Year End        Money Options at Fiscal Year
                                          Exercisable/Unexercisable             End Exercisable/Unexercisable
                                    -------------------------------------       -----------------------------
Robert J. Cooney...............                      -0-                                     -0-
William R. Bauerle.............                 50,000/25,000                        $40,000/$20,000(1)
Eric B. Schwartzman............                 25,000/50,000                                -0-
Frank J. Ball..................                      -0-                                     -0-
Michael D. Kessler.............                 25,000/50,000                                -0-

- ----------------------

     (1) The value is based on the closing sale price of $1.00 of the  Company's
Common Stock on December 31, 1996 minus the exercise price of the options.

     No options to purchase the Company's Common Stock were exercised by Messrs.
Cooney, Bauerle,  Schwartzman,  Ball or Kessler during the Company's fiscal year
ended December 31, 1996.

     Until  December  31, 1997,  the Company has agreed with  Laidlaw  Equities,
Inc., the  representative  of the  underwriters of the Company's  initial public
offering which was completed in April 1996,  that the Company will not increase,


without shareholder approval,  the compensation of Messrs. Cooney and Bauerle by
more than an aggregate  of 15% per annum above  current  levels.  Subject to the
foregoing limitations,  the Company may reserve up to 10% of net pre-tax profits
over $1,000,000 for bonuses to Company executives and employees.

     Compensation  of  Directors.  During  1996,  the  Company  paid  to each of
Harrison A. Price,  a former  director of the Company,  and Harold  Skripsky,  a
current director of the Company, $20,000 per year. From January 1, 1997, through
the date of the  Meeting,  the  Company  will pay $5,000  per  quarter to Harold
Skripsky.  In 1995,  the Company  also  granted to each of Harrison A. Price and
Harold Skripsky an option to purchase 50,000 shares of Common Stock at $4.00 per
share.  One-half of each option  vested in October  1995 and one quarter of each
option vested in October 1996.  One quarter of Harrison A. Price's option (i.e.,
12,500 shares) terminated when he resigned as a director of the Company in March
1997.  One  quarter of Harold  Skripsky's  option  (i.e.,  12,500  shares)  will
terminate  on the date of the Meeting.  The options  must be exercised  within 5
years from the date of  vesting.  The options  were not  granted  under the 1996
Plan, defined and described below.
     Employment  Contracts and  Termination of Employment and  Change-In-Control
Arrangements.  Mr.  Cooney has an  employment  agreement  with the Company.  The
employment  agreement  provides  that  Mr.  Cooney  will  not  disclose  Company
confidential  information  and will not  compete  with the Company for 24 months
after termination of the agreement. Mr. Cooney's agreement was effective October
1, 1994,  extends through  September 10, 1998, and provides for an annual salary
of $150,000.  Effective  February 1, 1997,  Mr. Cooney  temporarily  reduced his
annual  salary to  $100,000.  The amount not being paid is being  accrued by the
Company for later  payment.  The Company may  terminate  the  agreement  with or
without cause. If the Company  terminates Mr. Cooney's  agreement without cause,
the Company must continue to pay Mr. Cooney his salary until September 10, 1998.
     Mr.  McNutt does not have an  employment  agreement  with the Company.  Mr.
McNutt receives a salary of $78,000 annually and was granted options to purchase
75,000  shares of the Company's  Common Stock at an exercise  price of $2.25 per
share.  The options vest 25,000 on August 15,  1997,  25,000 on August 15, 1998,
and 25,000 on August 15, 1999,  and expire on August 15, 2002,  August 15, 2003,
and August 15, 2004, respectively.

     Each executive officer also receives a $725 per month vehicle allowance and
is reimbursed for all other business related expenses.

     Termination Arrangements with Former Officers

     Frank J. Ball, the former  Executive Vice President and General  Counsel of
the Company and a Director of the Company had an employment  agreement  with the
Company that was  terminated on December 6, 1996. As a result,  the Company must
pay Mr. Ball his salary and benefits through June 1997.


     William R.  Bauerle,  the former  President,  Chief  Operating  Officer and
Secretary  of the  Company  and  currently  a  Director  of the  Company  had an
employment  agreement  with the Company that  terminated  on June 30, 1997. As a
result,  the Company must pay Mr.  Bauerle his salary  (including all previously
accrued  salary) and benefits  through  December 1997. Mr. Bauerle has agreed to
provide  consulting  services  to the  Company at his  published  rates on an as
needed basis in the future. Mr. Bauerle remains as a Director of the Company and
has been nominated for election at the Meeting.

     Michael D. Kessler,  the former Vice President of Retail  Operations of the
Company,  had an employment  agreement  with the Company that was  terminated by
notice by the Company dated December 6, 1996. As a result,  the Company paid Mr.
Kessler his salary and benefits through July 4, 1997.

     Eric B.  Schwartzman,  the former Vice  President of Marketing  and Product
Development, had an employment agreement with the Company that was terminated by
notice by the Company dated January 16, 1997. As a result,  the Company must pay
Mr. Schwartzman his salary and benefits through August 15, 1997.


     In May 1995,  Robert J.  Cooney,  the  Company's  Chairman of the Board and
Chief Executive Officer,  individually guaranteed,  until December 31, 2000, the
obligations  of the Company  under the lease for the Company's  facilities.  The
lease  expires on January 31,  2006 and  requires  base rental rate  payments of
$20,645 per month for the first 36 months with increased rentals thereafter tied
to the Consumer Price Index.

     In February 1997, Robert J. Cooney also personally  guaranteed an equipment
lease for Laser Storm of Arapahoe  Village,  Inc., a wholly owned  subsidiary of
the Company that owns and operates a Laser  Storm(R)  game system.  The lease is
for a term of 36 months and requires  monthly rental  payments of  approximately
                               PROPOSAL NUMBER TWO


     Summary.  The Company's  Board of Directors has adopted the 1996  Incentive
and  Nonstatutory  Stock Option Plan (the "1996 Plan"),  subject to  stockholder
approval  at the  Meeting.  A copy of the 1996 Plan is  attached  to this  Proxy


Statement as Exhibit A. The following is a brief summary of the 1996 Plan, which
is qualified in its entirety by reference to Exhibit A.

     Options granted under the 1996 Plan may be either  Nonstatutory  Options or
Incentive  Options.  The purpose of the 1996 Plan is to advance the interests of
the Company,  its  stockholders and its subsidiaries by encouraging and enabling
selected officers,  directors,  employees,  and consultants of the Company, upon
whose judgment,  initiative and effort the Company is largely  dependent for the
successful conduct of its business, to acquire and retain a proprietary interest
in the Company by ownership of its stock through the exercise of stock options.

     Amount of Common  Stock  Subject to Options  Under the 1996 Plan.  The 1996
Plan provides for the grant of stock options  covering an aggregate of 1,000,000
shares of Common Stock.  The number of shares of Common Stock subject to options
is subject to  equitable  adjustments  for any stock  dividends,  stock  splits,
reverse stock splits, combinations, recapitalizations,  reclassifications or any
other similar  changes which may be required in order to prevent  dilution.  Any
option which is not exercised prior to expiration or which otherwise  terminates
will thereafter be available for further grant under the 1996 Plan.

     Administration  of the 1996 Plan. The 1996 Plan may be  administered by the
Board of  Directors  or by a  committee  appointed  by the  Board  of  Directors
consisting of not fewer than two non-employee  members of the Board of Directors
(the  "Committee").  Subject to the  conditions  set forth in the 1996 Plan, the
Board of Directors or the  Committee  has full and final  authority to determine
the number of shares to be represented by each option,  the  individuals to whom
and the time or times at which such options shall be granted and be exercisable,
their exercise prices and the terms and provisions of the respective  agreements
to be  entered  into at the time of  grant,  which  may  vary.  The 1996 Plan is
intended to be flexible, and a significant amount of discretion is vested in the
Board of Directors or the  Committee  with respect to all aspects of the options
to be granted under the 1996 Plan.

     Participants.  Nonstatutory  Options may be granted  under the 1996 Plan to
any person  who is or who agrees to become an  officer,  director,  employee  or
consultant of the Company or any of its  subsidiaries.  Incentive Options may be
granted  only  to  persons  who  are  employees  of  the  Company  or any of its
subsidiaries.  As of  June  16,  1997,  the  Company  and its  subsidiaries  had
approximately  98 employees.  The  participants  will not be required to pay any
sums for the  granting  of  options,  but may be required to pay the Company for
extending the options.

     On November 1, 1996, the Board of Directors  granted  Incentive  Options to
John E. McNutt and James E. Johnson to purchase a total of 100,000 shares of the
Company's Common Stock. All 100,000  Incentive  Options granted have an exercise
price of $2.25 per  share  and  expire at times  between  October  31,  2002 and
October  31,  2004.  Mr.  McNutt is an employee of the  Company.  Mr.  Johnson's


employment with the Company terminated on February 15, 1997, thereby terminating
the option and making it available  for further  grant under the 1996 Plan.  The
Incentive  Options  are not  exercisable  until the earlier of the date that the
1996 Plan is approved by the  shareholders or October 31, 1997. If the 1996 Plan
is not approved by the  shareholders,  the Incentive  Options  granted under the
1996 Plan will automatically become Nonstatutory Options.

     The following  table  provides  certain  information as to the options that
have been granted under the 1996 Plan:

                                                                  Number of Shares
              Optionee                                     Underlying the Options Granted
              --------                                     ------------------------------
         John E. McNutt ..........................................      25,000

         All current executive officers (as a group) .............      25,000

         All current directors who are not
         executive officers (as a group) .........................        -0-

         All employees (other than
         executive officers) .....................................     365,000(1)

     (1)  Included is a grant of an option  relating  to 75,000  shares that was
granted to James E.  Johnson  and  represented  5% or more of the total  options
granted  under the 1996  Plan.  However,  Mr.  Johnson's  option  terminated  on
February 15, 1997,  when his  employment  with the Company  terminated,  and the
shares  underlying such option are available for further option grants under the
1996 Plan.  Further,  options  relating  to an  additional  60,000  shares  have
terminated  when the employment of the persons to whom such options were granted
     Exercise  Price.  The exercise  price of each  Nonstatutory  Option granted
under the 1996 Plan is  determined  by the Board of Directors or the  Committee.
The  exercise  price of each  Incentive  Option  granted  under the 1996 Plan is
determined  by the Board of Directors or the  Committee and shall in no event be
less than 100% (110% in the case of a person  who owns  directly  or  indirectly
more than 10% of the Common Stock) of the fair market value of the shares on the
date of grant.  The  payment of the  exercise  price of an option may be made in
cash or shares of Common  Stock.  Fair market value is to be  determined  by the
Board of Directors or the  Committee in  accordance  with the 1996 Plan and such
determination shall be binding upon the Company and upon the holder. The closing
sale  price of the  Common  Stock on June 16,  1997 as  reported  on the  Nasdaq
Small-Cap Market was $0.50 per share.


     Terms of Options. Options may be granted for a term of up to 10 years (five
years in the case of Incentive  Options granted to a person who owns directly or
indirectly more than 10% of the Company's  outstanding Common Stock),  which may
extend beyond the term of the 1996 Plan.

     Exercise of Options.  The terms  governing the exercise of options  granted
under  the 1996  Plan are to be  determined  by the  Board of  Directors  or the
Committee,  which may limit the number of  options  exercisable  in any  period.
Payment  of the  exercise  price upon  exercise  of an option may be made in any
combination  of cash  and  shares  of  Common  Stock,  including  the  automatic
application  of shares of Common Stock  received  upon  exercise of an option to
satisfy the exercise price of additional  options (unless the Board of Directors
or the  Committee  provides  otherwise).  Where payment is made in Common Stock,
such Common  Stock shall be valued for such  purpose at the fair market value of
such shares on the date of exercise.

     Nontransferability.  Incentive  Options granted under the 1996 Plan are not
transferable  or  assignable,  other  than by will or the  laws of  descent  and
distribution,  and,  during the lifetime of the holder,  options are exercisable
only  by the  holder.  Nonstatutory  Options  do  not  contain  restrictions  on

     Termination  of  Relationship.  Except  as the  Board of  Directors  or the
Committee  may  expressly  determine  otherwise,  if the holder of an  Incentive
Option  ceases to be employed by the  Company or any of its  subsidiaries  other
than by reason of the holder's  death or  permanent  disability,  all  Incentive
Options granted to such holder under the 1996 Plan terminate immediately. In the
event of the death or permanent disability of the holder of an Incentive Option,
the option may be exercised  to the extent that the holder might have  exercised
the option on the date of death or permanent disability for a period of up to 12
months following the date of death or permanent disability,  unless by its terms
the option expires before the end of such 12 month period.

     Amendment and  Termination  of the 1996 Plan. The Board of Directors may at
any time and from time to time amend or  terminate  the 1996 Plan,  but may not,
without the approval of the stockholders of the Company  representing a majority
of the voting  power  present at a  stockholders'  meeting  or  represented  and
entitled to vote thereon,  or by unanimous  written consent of the stockholders,
(i)  increase the maximum  number of shares of Common  Stock  subject to options
which may be granted  under the 1996  Plan,  other  than in  connection  with an
equitable adjustment,  (ii) change the class of employees eligible for Incentive
Options,  or (iii) make any material  amendment under the 1996 Plan that must be
approved by the Company's  stockholders for the Board of Directors to be able to
grant Incentive  Options under the 1996 Plan. No amendment or termination of the
1996 Plan by the Board of Directors  may alter or impair any of the rights under
any option granted under the 1996 Plan without the holder's written consent.


     Effective Date and Term of the 1996 Plan.  Options may be granted under the
1996 Plan during its 10 year term which commenced on November 1, 1996.

Certain Federal Income Tax Consequences.

     Incentive  Options.  The Company  believes  that with  respect to Incentive
Options  granted under the 1996 Plan, no income  generally will be recognized by
an  optionee  for  federal  income  tax  purposes  at the time such an option is
granted or at the time it is exercised.  If the optionee makes no disposition of
the shares so received  within two years from the date the Incentive  Option was
granted and one year from the receipt of the shares  pursuant to the exercise of
the Incentive  Option,  the optionee will generally  recognize long term capital
gain or loss upon disposition of the shares.

     If the  optionee  disposes of shares  acquired by exercise of an  Incentive
Option  before the  expiration  of the  applicable  holding  period,  any amount
realized  from such a  disqualifying  disposition  will be taxable  as  ordinary
income in the year of disposition generally to the extent that the lesser of the
fair market value of the shares on the date the option was exercised or the fair
market value at the time of such  disposition  exceeds the exercise  price.  Any
amount  realized upon such a  disposition  in excess of the fair market value of
the  shares on the date of  exercise  generally  will be treated as long term or
short term  capital  gain,  depending  on the holding  period of the  shares.  A
disqualifying  disposition will include the use of shares acquired upon exercise
of an Incentive  Option in  satisfaction of the exercise price of another option
prior to the satisfaction of the applicable holding period.

     The Company will not be allowed a deduction for federal income tax purposes
at the time of the grant or exercise of an  Incentive  Option.  At the time of a
disqualifying  disposition  by an  optionee,  the Company  will be entitled to a
deduction  for federal  income tax purposes  equal to the amount  taxable to the
optionee as ordinary  income in connection with such  disqualifying  disposition
(assuming that such amount constitutes reasonable compensation).

     Nonstatutory Options. The Company believes that the grant of a Nonstatutory
Option  under the 1996 Plan will not be  subject  to federal  income  tax.  Upon
exercise,  the optionee generally will recognize ordinary income and the Company
will be entitled to a  corresponding  deduction for federal  income tax purposes
(assuming that such compensation is reasonable) in an amount equal to the excess
of the fair market value of the shares on the date of exercise over the exercise
price.  Gain or loss on the subsequent  sale of shares received on exercise of a
Nonstatutory  Option  generally  will be long term or short term capital gain or
loss, depending on the holding period of the shares.

1996 PLAN.


                              PROPOSAL NUMBER THREE

                               TO ADD PARAGRAPH 7

     Background   and  Discussion  of  Proposed   Amendment.   The  Company  was
incorporated  under the laws of the State of Colorado on March 12,  1990.  Under
the Colorado  Corporation Code in effect at that time ("Prior  Corporate Code"),
shareholders  of a corporation  were  entitled to preemptive  rights to purchase
unissued  shares  of  the  corporation  unless  the  corporation's  articles  of
incorporation  expressly  denied  such  rights to its  shareholders.  Article V,
Section 4 of the Company's  Original Articles expressly denied preemptive rights
to its shareholders.

     When the Colorado  Business  Corporation Act ("CBCA")  became  effective on
July 1, 1994, Section  7-106-301(1) of the CBCA revised the Prior Corporate Code
by providing that shareholders of a corporation do not have preemptive rights to
acquire  unissued  shares  of the  corporation  unless  otherwise  provided  its
articles of  incorporation.  In addition,  the  transition  provisions  (Section
7-117-101(3) of the CBCA) governing changes between the Prior Corporate Code and
the CBCA provide that  shareholders of an existing  corporation (one that was in
existence on June 30,  1994) shall have  preemptive  rights  unless the original
articles of incorporation denied such preemptive rights.  Thus,  shareholders of
the  Company  continued  to have  no  preemptive  rights  under  the  transition
provisions as well.

     On November  1, 1994,  the  directors  and  shareholders  of the Company by
unanimous consent adopted and filed its Restated Articles of Incorporation  With
Amendments ("Restated Articles") so that the Company's Articles of Incorporation
would  comply with the CBCA.  The Company  filed  Articles of  Amendment  to its
Restated Articles on September 27, 1995,  October 3, 1995 and February 13, 1996,
and filed  Articles of  Correction on January 29, 1996.  The Company's  Restated
Articles,  as amended and  corrected,  are silent on the issue of  shareholders'
preemptive rights.  Based upon Section  7-110-101(1) of the CBCA, which provides
that  "whether  a  provision  is  required  or  permitted  in  the  articles  of
incorporation  is  determined as of the effective  date of the  amendment,"  the
Company  intended  the silence in the  Restated  Articles  regarding  preemptive
rights to indicate that Section  7-106-301(1)  of the CBCA  governed  preemptive
rights,  rather than the transition  provisions.  In either case,  however,  the
position  of the  Board  of  Directors  of the  Company  is that  the  Company's
shareholders have no preemptive rights.

     To resolve any confusion  that may arise due to the silence in the Restated
Articles,  as amended  and  corrected,  on the issue of  shareholder  preemptive
rights,  the Board of  Directors  of the Company  recommends  that the  Restated
Articles, as amended and corrected,  be amended by adding paragraph 7 to Article
II of the  Restated  Articles,  as amended  and  corrected,  which  provides  as


          "7. The shareholders of the corporation do not have a preemptive right
     to acquire unissued shares of the corporation."

     Effect of Amendment on Stockholders. When the Restated Articles, as amended
and corrected,  were adopted  subsequent to the CBCA's  enactment,  the Board of
Directors  intended that Section  7-106-301(1)  of the CBCA governed  preemptive
rights.  Therefore,  it is the position of the Company's Board of Directors that
the proposed  amendment will not change the  preemptive  rights of the Company's
shareholders but will only serve to clarify the Company's  position with respect
to the silence in the Restated  Articles,  as amended and  corrected,  regarding
preemptive rights.



     The Company's principal  independent public accountants for the fiscal year
ended  December 31, 1996 were HEIN + ASSOCIATES  LLP. The Board of Directors has
not met to select the principal  independent  public  accountants for the fiscal
year ended  December 31,  1997.  Representatives  of HEIN +  ASSOCIATES  LLP are
expected  to be  present  at the  Meeting,  to  have  an  opportunity  to make a
statement if they desire to do so and to be available to respond to  appropriate

                          ANNUAL REPORT TO STOCKHOLDERS
     This proxy  statement  is  accompanied  by a copy of the  Company's  Annual
Report to Stockholders  for the fiscal year ended December 31, 1996. The Company
will  provide  without  charge  to each  person  to  whom a copy  of this  Proxy
Statement has been delivered,  on the written  request of such person,  by first
class mail or equally  prompt means,  a copy of the  Company's  Annual Report on
Form 10-K for the  fiscal  year  ended  December  31,  1996,  as filed  with the
Securities and Exchange Commission.  Requests for such copies should be directed
to Shareholder  Relations,  at the Company at its principal offices, 7808 Cherry
Creek South Drive, Unit 301, Denver, Colorado 80231

                              STOCKHOLDER PROPOSALS

     Proposals  of  stockholders  intended  to be  presented  at the next annual
meeting of the Company's  stockholders  must be received by the Company within a
reasonable time prior to the mailing of the proxy statement for such Meeting but
no later than March 23, 1998.


                             SOLICITATION OF PROXIES

     The cost of soliciting proxies, including the cost of preparing, assembling
and mailing this proxy material to  stockholders,  will be borne by the Company.
Solicitations  will be made only by use of the mails,  except that, if necessary
to obtain a quorum,  officers  and  regular  employees  of the  Company may make
solicitations  of proxies by  telephone or  electronic  facsimile or by personal
calls. Brokerage houses, custodians,  nominees and fiduciaries will be requested
to  forward  the  proxy  soliciting  material  to the  beneficial  owners of the
Company's  shares held of record by such persons and the Company will  reimburse
them for their charges and expenses in this connection.

                                 OTHER BUSINESS

     The  Company's  Board  of  Directors  does not  know of any  matters  to be
presented at the Meeting other than the matters set forth  herein.  If any other
business should come before the Meeting,  the persons named in the enclosed form
of Proxy will vote such Proxy according to their judgment on such matters.

                                             BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS

                                             ROBERT J. COONEY,
                                             CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD

Denver, Colorado
July 21, 1997


                                LASER STORM, INC.
                           TO BE HELD AUGUST 15, 1997

     The undersigned hereby  constitutes and appoints Robert J. Cooney,  William
R.  Bauerle and John E. McNutt and each of them,  the true and lawful  attorneys
and proxies of the undersigned  with full power of substitution and appointment,
for and in the name, place and stead of the undersigned,  to act for and to vote
all of the  undersigned's  shares of  $0.001  par value  common  stock  ("Common
Stock")  of  Laser  Storm,  Inc.  (the  "Company")  at  the  Annual  Meeting  of
Stockholders (the "Meeting") to be held at Laser Storm of Arapahoe Village, 5150
East Arapahoe Road, Littleton,  Colorado 80122, on August 15, 1997, at 9:00 a.m.
Mountain Time, and at all adjournments thereof for the following purposes:

     1.   Election of Directors;

          [  ] FOR THE DIRECTOR              [  ]  WITHHOLD AUTHORITY TO
               (EXCEPT AS MARKED TO                LISTED BELOW
               THE CONTRARY BELOW)

                           Robert J. Cooney
                           John E. McNutt
                           William R. Bauerle
     2.   Approve the 1996 Incentive and Nonstatutory Stock Option Plan;

          [  ] FOR          [  ] AGAINST              [  ] ABSTAIN FROM

     3.   Adopt an amendment to Article II of the Company's Restated Articles of
          Incorporation  With  Amendments to add paragraph 7 which  specifically
          provides that the Company's shareholders do not have preemptive rights
          to acquire unissued shares of the Company; and

          [  ]  FOR         [  ] AGAINST              [  ] ABSTAIN FROM

     4.   In their  discretion,  the  Proxies are  authorized  to vote upon such
          other business as lawfully may come before the Meeting.

     The  undersigned  hereby  revokes any proxies as to said shares  heretofore
given by the  undersigned  and ratifies and confirms all that said attorneys and
proxies lawfully may do by virtue hereof.


     It is understood that this proxy confers discretionary authority in respect
to matters not known or  determined  at the time of the mailing of the Notice of
Annual Meeting of  Stockholders  to the  undersigned.  The proxies and attorneys
intend to vote the shares represented by this proxy on such matters,  if any, as
determined by the Board of Directors.

     The undersigned hereby acknowledges receipt of the Notice of Annual Meeting
of  Stockholders  and the Proxy  Statement  and  Annual  Report to  Shareholders
furnished therewith.

                                     Dated and Signed:
                                                                          , 1997



                                     Signature(s)  should agree with the name(s)
                                     stenciled        hereon.         Executors,
                                     administrators,   trustee,   guardians  and
                                     attorneys  should so indicate when signing.
                                     Attorneys should submit powers of attorney.