                         FISCHER-WATT GOLD COMPANY, INC.

     The  undersigned,  a natural  person being more than eighteen years of age,
acting as  incorporator  of a  corporation  pursuant  to the  provisions  of the
General Corporation Laws of the State of Nevada, does hereby adopt the following
Articles of Incorporation for such corporation:

                                    Article I


The name of the corporation is Fischer-Watt Gold Company, Inc.


                                   Article II

The duration of the corporation is perpetual.

                                   Article III

The purposes for which this corporation is organized are:

     Section 1. To engage in the business of mining and mineral exploration, and
to that end to own, acquire,  improve,  develop, sell, lease and convey lands or
mineral claims or any right, title, or interest therein; and to search, explore,
prospect or drill for, and exploit ores and minerals therein or thereupon.

     Section  2.  To  purchase  or  otherwise  acquire,  own,  mortgage,   sell,
manufacture, assign and transfer or otherwise dispose of, invest, trade, deal in
and with real and personal property, of every kind, class and description.

     Section  3.  To  issue  promissory  notes,  bonds,  debentures,  and  other
evidences of  indebtedness  in the  furtherance of any of the stated purposes of
the corporation.

     Section 4. To enter into or execute  contracts  of any kind and  character,
sealed  or  unsealed,  with  individuals,   firms,  associations,   corporations
(private,  public or municipal),  political subdivisions of the United States or
with the Government of the United States.


     Section 5. To acquire and develop any interest in patents,  trademarks  and
copyrights connected with the business of the corporation.

     To borrow money, without limitation, and give a lien on any of its property
as security for any borrowing.

     Section 7. To acquire by purchase,  exchange or otherwise, all, or any part
of, or any interest in, the  properties,  assets,  business and good will of any
one or more persons, firms,  associations,  or corporations either within or out
of the State of Nevada heretofore or hereafter engaged in any business for which
a corporation  may now or hereafter be organized  under the laws of the State of
Nevada;  pay for the same in cash,  property,  or the corporation's own or other
securities; hold, operate, reorganize,  liquidate, sell or in any manner dispose
of the  whole  or any part  thereof;  and in  connection  therewith,  assume  or
guaranty  performance  of any  liabilities,  obligations  or  contracts  of such
persons,  firms  associations or  corporations,  and to conduct the whole or any
part of any business thus acquired.

     Section 8. To purchase,  receive,  take, acquire, or otherwise acquire, own
and hold,  sell,  lend,  exchange,  reissue,  transfer or otherwise  dispose of,
pledge, use, cancel, and otherwise deal in and with the corporation's shares and
its other  securities  from time to time to the  extent,  in the manner and upon
terms determined by the Board of Directors;  provided that the corporation shall
not use its funds or  property  for the  purchase  of its own  shares of capital
stock  when its  capital  is  impaired  or when the  purchase  would  cause  any
impairment of the corporation's capital, except to the extent permitted by law.

     Section 9. To  reorganize,  as an  incorporator,  or cause to be  organized
under  the  laws  of any  State  of the  United  States  of  America,  or of any
commonwealth,  territory,  agency or  instrumentality  of the  United  States of
America,  or of any foreign  country,  a  corporation  or  corporations  for the
purpose  of  conducting   and  promoting  any  business  or  purpose  for  which
corporations may be organized,  and to dissolve,  wind up,  liquidate,  merge or
consolidate  any such  corporation  or  corporations  or to cause the same to be
dissolved, wound up, liquidated, merged or consolidated.

     Section  10. To do each and every thing  necessary,  suitable or proper for
the  accomplishment  of any  of the  purposes  or the  attainment  of any of the
objects herein  enumerated,  or which shall at any time appear  conductive to or
expedient for the protection or benefit of the corporation.

     Section  11. To engage in any  lawful  business  or  activity  which may be
conduct  under the laws of the  State of  Nevada  or any  other  state or nation
wherein this corporation shall be authorized to transact business.


                                   Article IV


     Section 1. The total number of shares of all classes which the  Corporation
has authority to issue is 200,000,000,  all of which shall be Common Stock,  par
value $.001 per share.

     Section 2. Cumulative  voting shall not be allowed in election of Directors
or for any other purpose.

     Section 3. No holder of any shares of Common Stock of the Corporation shall
have any preemptive right to purchase,  subscribe for, or otherwise  acquire any
shares of stock of the Corporation of any class now or hereafter authorized,  or
any securities exchangeable for or convertible into such shares, or any warrants
or other  instruments  evidencing  such  rights or  options  to  subscribe  for,
purchase or otherwise acquire such shares.

     Section 4. All shares, Common and Preferred,  after the amount fixed by the
Board of Directors has been paid, shall be subject to no further  assessments to
pay the debts of the Corporation and no stock issued as fully paid-up shall ever
be  assessable  or assessed and these  Articles of  Incorporation  shall not and
cannot be amended,  regardless of the vote therefor,  so as to amend,  modify or
rescind this Section 4 of Article IV.

                                    Article V

                                Principal Office

     The address of the principal  office of the corporation is 7253 Mira Vista,
Las Vegas, Nevada 89120. The corporation may maintain such other offices, either
within or out of the State of Nevada, as the Board of Directors may from time to
time determine or the business of the corporation may require. Article VI


     The  corporation  shall be governed by a Board of Directors  and shall have
not less than three (3) nor more than seven (7)  directors as  determined,  from
time  to  time,  by the  Board  of  Directors;  provided,  however,  that if the
corporation shall at any time have fewer than three (3) shareholders,  the Board
of  Directors  may  consist of fewer than three (3)  directors,  but in no event
fewer  than  the  total  number  of such  shareholders.  The  original  Board of
Directors  shall be  comprised  of one (1)  person.  The name and address of the
person  who  is  to  serve  as  director  until  the  first  annual  meeting  of
shareholders and until his successor is elected and shall qualify is as follows:


                                   Article VII


     Section  1. No  officer  or  Director  of this  corporation  shall have any
personal liability to the Corporation or to the stockholders of this Corporation
for any damages,  loss or claim for breach of a fiduciary  duty as an officer or
director, except any liability, damage, loss or claim for: (1) Acts or omissions
which involve  intentional  misconduct,  fraud or a knowing violation of law; or
(2) The payment of dividends in violation of NRS 78.300.

     Section 2. Every person who was or is a party or is threatened to be made a
party to or is involved  in any  action,  suit or  proceedings,  whether  civil,
criminal,  administrative or  investigative,  by reason of the fact that he or a
person of whom he is the legal representative is or was a director or officer of
the  Corporation  or is or was  serving at the request of the  Corporation  as a
director  or officer  of  another  corporation,  or as its  representative  in a
partnership,  joint venture,  trust or as its  representative  in a partnership,
joint venture, trust or other enterprise, shall be indemnified and held harmless
to the fullest extent legally  permissible  under the law of the State of Nevada
from time to time against all expenses,  liability and loss including attorney's
fees, judgements,  fines and amounts paid or to be paid in settlement reasonably
incurred   or  suffered  by  him  in   connection   therewith.   Such  right  of
indemnification  shall be a contract  right  which may be enforced in any manner
desired by such person. Such right of indemnification  shall not be exclusive of
any other right which such Directors,  officers or  representatives  may have or
hereafter  acquire and, without limiting the generality of such statement,  they
shall be entitled to their respective rights of indemnification under any By-Law
agreement, vote of stockholders, provision of law or otherwise, as well as their
rights under this Article.

     Without  limiting the application of the foregoing,  the Board of Directors
may adopt By-Laws from time to time with respect to  indemnification  to provide
at all times the fullest indemnification permitted by law of the State of Nevada
and may cause the  corporation  to purchase and maintain  insurance on behalf of
any person who is or was a director or officer of the Corporation,  or is or was
serving at the  request of the  Corporation  as a director or officer of another
corporation, or as its representative in a partnership,  joint venture, trust or
other enterprise against any liability asserted against such person and incurred
in any  such  capacity  or  arising  out of  such  status,  whether  or not  the
Corporation would have the power to indemnify such person.


     Whether or not  provided by the  By-Laws,  the  indemnification  provisions
above provided shall include,  but not be limited to, reimbursement of all fees,
including amounts paid in settlement and attorneys' fees actually and reasonably
incurred, in connection with the defense or settlement of any action or suit.

     Section  3. The Board of  Directors  may from time to time  provide  in the
By-Laws  or by  resolution  such other  provisions  for  indemnification  of the
officers,  directors,  agents and other persons of the  Corporation  to the full
extent permitted by the laws of the State of Nevada.
