BETWEEN:          MINERA MONTORO S.A. de C.V. (Hereinafter "Montoro")

AND:              COMPANIA MINERA CONSTELACION, S.A. de C.V. (Hereinafter


A.       Constelacion holds the Los Verdes Concession comprising 11 exploitation
         mining concessions located in the municipality of Yecora, Sonora State,
         which are more particularly  described in Schedule "A" attached to this
         Agreement and are hereinafter  defined as the Concession  together with
         the "Ampliacion Los Verdes"  exploration  mining  concession  currently
         pending registration at the Mining Ministry in Hermisillo,  Sonora with
         File  No.  18,087  once  this  concession  is  registered  in  favor of
         Constelacion before the Public Registry of Mining.

B.       Constelacion  has agreed to grant  Montoro  the  option to acquire  the
         Property on the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth.

NOW THEREFORE  THIS  AGREEMENT  WITNESSES  THAT in  consideration  of the mutual
covenants and agreements hereinafter contained the parties agree as follows:

         1.01     In this Agreement the following words, phrases and expressions
                  shall have the following meanings:

                  (a)      "Minerals"  means  any and all  ores,  and  minerals,
                           precious and base,  metallic or non-metallic,  in, on
                           or  under  the   Property   which   under  the  laws,
                           regulations,  orders,  decrees  or other  instruments
                           having  the  force  of  law  may  be  explored   for,
                           developed, mined, extracted, worked, treated, carried
                           away, sold and disposed of, and further  includes all
                           concentrates and metals.

                  (b)      "Exploration"  means every kind of work done on or in
                           respect of the  Concession  by or under the direction
                           of Montoro  including,  without limiting  generality,
                           investigating, prospecting, exploring and preparing a
                           feasibility report.

                  (c)      "Mining  Operations" means every kind of exploitation
                           work done on or in  respect of the  Concession  by or
                           under the  direction  of Montoro,  including  without
                           limiting    generality,    development,    designing,
                           equipping,  improving,  surveying,  construction  and
                           mining,  and  the  milling  concentrating,  smelting,
                           treating, refining, transporting, handling, marketing
                           and selling of Minerals.

                  (d)      "Interest Rate" means the interest rate stated by the
                           Citibank main office in New York, as being charged by
                           it on US  Dollar  demand  loans to most  creditworthy
                           domestic Commercial customers.

                  (e)      "Production Date" means the date upon which the first
                           regular  commercial  shipment of  Minerals  extracted
                           from  the  Property  is  made  from  a  mine  on  the

                  (f)      "Concession"  means the  exploitation and exploration
                           concessions listed in Schedule A.

                  (g)      "Lot"  means  surface  covered by mining  concessions
                           referred by the Concession.

                  (h)      "Option" means the purchase option of the Concessions
                           that  Constelacion  grants unto  Montoro in the terms
                           mentioned in subsection 3.01, 3.02 and 3.03 below.

                  (i)      "Purchase   Price"   means   the   total   amount  of
                           US$50,000.00 that Montoro will pay to Constelacion in
                           the terms mentioned in subsection 4.01 below.

                  (j)      "Anticipated  Royalties"  means all advances  against
                           royalties over the Concession production that Montoro
                           will pay to  Constelacion in the terms and conditions
                           mentioned in subsection 4.02 below.

                  (k)      "Royalties"    means   royalties   over   Concessions
                           production  that Montoro will pay to  Constelacion in
                           the terms and conditions mentioned in subsection 4.03

                  (l)      "Concession  Assignment Date" means the date in which
                           Montoro and Constelacion celebrates this agreement in
                           which   Constelacion   assigns   the  titled  of  the
                           Concessions to Montoro.

                  (m) "$" means United States dollars.


         2.01 Constelacion warrants and represents to Montoro that:

                  (a)      It is the sole  legal and  beneficial  holder  of the
                  (b)      it has the right and  capacity to enter and carry out
                           this Agreement and to dispose of the Concession;
                  (c)      the   Concession   is   not    encumbered,    neither
                           Constelacion  nor any of its predecessors in interest
                           or title has done anything whereby the Concession may
                           become encumbered; and

                  (d)      there is no lawsuits or arbitraments  that involve or
                           may involve the Concession,  and neither other use or
                           date of this agreement  which in the future may bring
                           any lawsuit or arbitrament.
                  (e)      it has fulfilled all its  obligations as title of the
                           Concessions   in  accordance   with  all   applicable
                           legislation including without limiting generality the
                           obligations mentioned in Article 27 of the Mining Law
                           and additional  obligations mentioned by the same Law
                           and its  Bylaw  and  the  General  Law of  Ecological
                           Equilibrium and Environment Protection.


         3.01     In  consideration of US$25,000 paid on signing this Agreement,
                  Constelacion hereby gives and grants unto Montoro the sole and
                  exclusive Option

         3.02     Montoro  shall  have  four  months as of the  signing  of this
                  Agreement to perform due  diligence on title  matters and site
                  evaluations of the Property as well as approaching prospective
                  lenders regarding  financing  requirements of the project.  If
                  the financial  institutions request additional or confirmation
                  drilling  on the  Property,  then  Montoro  shall  request and
                  Constelacion shall grant an extension of an additional 60 days
                  for this option period.

                  Constelacion  is compelled  to give all kind of  documentation
                  and  information  required by Montoro and allow  Montoro  free
                  access to the  Concession to review  Constelacion  obligations
                  mentioned in the above paragraph.

         3.03     If  Montoro  wishes to  exercise  the Option  contemplated  in
                  section 3.01, it will give notice to  Constelacion  in writing
                  on or before  the end  period of the  Option or the  extension
                  granted in subsection  3.02, and  Constelacion is compelled to
                  execute  an  agreement  assigning  the  Concession  to Montoro
                  within the following 30 days upon Constelacion  receiving such
                  notice. If Montoro does not give notice by that date or elects
                  not to proceed,  this Agreement will be of no further force or

                  In case that in the execution of the above mentioned agreement
                  the "Ampliacion  Los Verdes"  exploration  mining  concession,
                  mentioned   in  Schedule  A,  is  not   assigned  to  Montoro,
                  Constelacion  should assign this  concession to Montoro within
                  the following 30 days upon  Registration of this concession in
                  favor of Constelacion by Public Registry of Mining.


         4.01     Purchase Price:

                  If Montoro  elects to exercise the Option as  contemplated  in
                  subsection  3.03,  Montoro shall pay to Constelacion the total
                  amount of  US$50,000.00  as Purchase  Price of  the Concession
                  once   this  agreement   is  executed  assigning  Montoro  the


         4.02     Advanced Royalties:

                  Montoro shall pay yearly to Constelacion as Advanced Royalties
                  over  Concession  production  the amount of  US$100,000.00  no
                  later than each  anniversary  of the  Assignation  date of the
                  Concession  until  and  including  the year of the  production

         4.03     Royalties:

                  Montoro will pay as royalties  over  Concession  production as

                  a)       US$1,000,000  yearly as royalties on each anniversary
                           of the Production  Date over the  understanding  that
                           the first and subsequent  anniversary payment must be
                           reduced,   until  the  paid   amounts   mentioned  in
                           subsection  4.02 have  been  deducted,  however,  the
                           amount  to be paid in each  anniversary  would not be
                           lower  than  US$75,000.00   understanding  that  such
                           royalties  should  be paid  although  the  Concession
                           production in interrupted.

                  b)       The  total   amount  of  the   Royalties   should  be
                           US$4,950,000  without including the advanced payments
                           as "Advanced Royalties" mentioned in subsection 4.02.

                  If following the Production Date,  Montoro wishes to delay the
                  payment of any amount due under  paragraph  4.03, by reason of
                  low metal prices  affecting the operations or other reasonable
                  cause,  Montoro  may  request  and  Constelacion  will grant a
                  90-day extension with interest charged during the extension at
                  Prime Rate.

         4.04     If  Montoro   fails  to  make  any  payment  due  pursuant  to
                  subsection  4.01, 4.02 or 4.03,  Constelacion may give Montoro
                  notice in writing of the default. Montoro shall be entitled to
                  pay  to   Constelacion   within   14   days  of   receipt   of
                  Constelacion's notice 105 percent of the cash payment which is
                  overdue.  Any  increased  payment  so made  within  the 14-day
                  period shall be deemed to have been duly and properly made and
                  this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect.

         4.05     All payments  payable  under this  Agreement  shall be paid by
                  Montoro  in  Mexican  National  currency  using  the  official
                  exchange rate on the day before the payment is made, published
                  in the  Official  Gazette  of the  Federation  for  credit  to
                  Constelacion at the bank as follows:
                          Bank:             Banamex, S.A.
                          Branch:           274
                          Account No.:      5472187


         5.01     Montoro  shall pay the costs  associated  with the public deed
                  transferring  of the  Concession  from  Constelacion  and  its
                  registration at the Public Registry of Mining.

                  After signature of this  agreement,  Montoro shall present all
                  notices and/or  notifications  required by the Public Registry
                  of Mining in  reference  with this  Option,  and  Constelacion
                  requested  by  Montoro  shall sign on time,  any  application,
                  permit or  acceptance  and deliver to Montoro any  information
                  required by authorities  related to the  presentation  of such
                  advertisements and/or notifications.


         6.01     During the term of this  Agreement  that area of land which is
                  within 2,500 meters in radius form the existing  portal of the
                  "Los Verdes  Adit"  shall be deemed to  comprise  the "Area of
                  Interest."  Any   exploration  or   exploitation   concessions
                  acquired by either party within the Area of Interest  shall be
                  deemed to be part of the  Concession and to be subject to this


         7.01     Constelacion grants Montoro the exclusive right to exploit and
                  explore  the  Lotes  including  all  rights  derived  from its
                  Exploration  Works  and  Mining  Operations  in the  terms and
                  conditions of this agreement.

         7.02     Until the purchase price, advance royalties and royalties have
                  been paid in full, Montoro shall:

                  (a)      perform  its  Mining   Operations   in  a  sound  and
                           workmanlike  manner,  in accordance with sound mining
                           and engineering  practices and in compliance with all
                           material applicable federal, provincial and municipal
                           laws, by-laws,  ordinances, rules and regulations and
                           this Agreement;

                  (b)      not commence or continue a work program unless it has
                           sufficient  funds  secured  or on  hand  to  pay  for
                           budgeted  costs  plus  a  reasonable   allowance  for
                           contingencies; and

                  (c)      permit   Constelacion  to  inspect  the  Property  at
                           reasonable intervals and times,  previously agreed by
                           both parties  provided  that the  Inspections  are at
                           Constelacion's sole risk and expense and Constelacion
                           does not disrupt Mining Operations,  Montoro will not
                           unreasonably    refuse   the   dates    proposed   by
                           Constelacion for these inspections.

                  (d)      keep the title of the Property in good standing.

                  (e)      Only sell or  encumber  the  Property  in any  manner
                           until all considerations mentioned in section 4 above
                           are   paid,   or   with   previous   agreement   with

         7.03     Until the purchase price, advance royalties and royalties have
                  been paid in full, Montoro shall provide to Constelacion:

                  (a)      quarterly regular reports of Mining Operations of the
                           results obtained therefrom;

                  (b)      copies of any news releases it proposes to make prior
                           to making the same.


         8.01     During  the term of this  Agreement,  Montoro  shall  pay such
                  taxes  and other  payments  and file,  to the  maximum  extent
                  possible,  assessment credit,  such work as may be required to
                  keep  the  Property  in  good  standing.  Notwithstanding  the
                  foregoing,  Montoro  may  abandon  from  any  or  all  of  the
                  concessions  comprised in the Concession and such action shall
                  not after  the terms of this  Agreement  with  respect  to the
                  remainder of the Concession.  However: (a) concessions will be
                  abandoned only  after  Montoro has given notice of abandonment
                  to Constelacion; and

                  (b)      all concessions  proposed for abandonment shall be in
                           good  standing  for a least 90 days  from the date of
                           Montoro's   notice  of   abandonment   and  shall  be
                           transferred  to  Constelacion  forthwith upon request
                           made by  Constelacion  within  30  days of  Montoro's
                           notice of abandonment.

                           If this  Agreement  were in force and  effect 90 days
                           prior to the expiration date of a concession, Montoro
                           must  submit  the  respective  mineral   exploitation
                           concession  application for the mineral lots at least
                           30 days before the expiration date. Constelacion will
                           provide  such  reasonable  assistance  as Montoro may
                           request  to  this  end  and  sign  all  the  required

         8.02     If this Agreement  terminates  without Montoro having paid the
                  purchase price and royalties in full, Montoro will:

                  (a)      Upon  request  made  within  30 days or  termination,
                           deliver  to  Constelacion  copies  of  all  pertinent
                           plans,  assay maps and diamond drill records relating
                           to the Mining  Operations  which have  previously not
                           been delivered; and
                  (b)      cause sufficient work to be recorded or money paid in
                           lieu thereof to maintain the  concessions  which then
                           comprise the  Property in good  standing for at least
                           one year from the date of termination contemplated in
                           paragraph 9.01(a); and

                  (c)      offer  to  transfer the  Property to  Constelacion as
                           contemplated   in  subsection   9.02  forthwith  upon
                           request  made  by  Constelacion  within  30  days  of
                           Montoro's notice of abandonment.


         9.01 This Agreement shall terminate:

                  (a)      If any cash payment listed in subsection  4.01, 4.02,
                           4.03 is not paid or  delivered by the due date listed
                           or the later date permitted in subsection 4.04; or
                  (b)      on   Montoro   giving   notice  of   termination   to
                           Constelacion  which it shall be at  liberty  to do at
                           any time after the execution of this Agreement.

         9.02     If this Agreement  terminates  without Montoro having paid the
                  purchase  price,  Advance  Royalties  and  Royalties  in full,
                  Montoro shall offer to transfer the Concession to Constelacion
                  and any mining concessions held by Montoro or any mining claim
                  request  by  Montoro,  once it is  titled,  within the Area of
                  Interest.  If Constelacion  accepts  Montoro's offer within 30
                  days or if  Montoro  failed to make an offer and  Constelacion
                  registered that the Concession be transferred to Constelacion,
                  Montoro shall  transfer the  Concessions to  Constelacion  for
                  US$1.00  within  14  days  of  Constelacion's   acceptance  or
                  request,  and for that  purpose  Montoro is obliged to fulfill
                  all necessary  requirements and execute whatever documents may
                  be required to transfer the  Concession to  Constelacion  upon
                  receipt of notice from  Constelacion  that it is entitled to a
                  transfer of the Concession under this section.

         9.03     Upon termination of this Agreement,  Montoro shall cease to be
                  liable to  Constelacion  save for the  performance of those of
                  its covenants which theretofore should have been performed and
                  its obligations under subsections 7.02, 7.03, 8.02 and 9.02.

         9.04     Montoro  shall  vacate  the  Property  within  180 days  after
                  termination,  but  shall  have  the  right  of  access  to the
                  Property  for a  reasonable  time  thereafter  to  remove  its
                  buildings, machinery, equipment and supplies.

         9.05     Constelacion  shall under no  circumstances  be  obligated  to
                  return any amounts which it may have received from Montoro.


         10.01    Montoro shall  indemnify and save  Constelacion  harmless from
                  and  against  any  loss,  liability,  claim,  demand,  damage,
                  expense,  injury or death  (including,  unless Montoro assumes
                  and pays the defense of legal fees and the reasonable  cost of
                  investigating and defending  against any judicial  proceedings
                  once they are reasonable and documented)  arising out of or in

                  connection with  exploration  activities  conducted during the
                  subsistence  of the Option or arising out of or in  connection
                  with  the  sale  or  attempted  sale  of any  interest  in the
                  Concession to a third party.

         10.02    During  the term of this  Agreement,  Montoro  shall  provide,
                  maintain and pay for the  following  insurance  which shall be
                  placed with such  insurance  company or companies  and in such
                  form as may be acceptable to Constelacion:

                  (a)      Comprehensive  General Liability Insurance protecting
                           Montoro  and  its  employees,   agents,  contractors,
                           invitees and licensees  against  damages arising from
                           personal injury (including death) and from claims for
                           property   damage   which  may  arise   directly   or
                           indirectly  out  of the  operations  of  Montoro  and
                           Constelacion under this Agreement  including coverage
                           for liability and contractual liability; and
                  (b)      automobile insurance on Montoro's owned vehicles,  if
                           any,  protecting  Montoro and its employees,  agents,
                           contractors,  invitees, and licensees against damages
                           arising from bodily injury (including death) and from
                           claims  for  property   damage  arising  out  of  the
                           operations of Montoro under this Agreement.

         10.03    Each  policy  of  insurance contemplated  in  subsection 10.02

                  (a)      Be in an amount acceptable to Montoro and
                  (b)      indicate that the insurer will give  Constelacion  30
                           days'  prior  written  notice  of   cancellation   or
                           termination of the coverage.

                           Montoro shall provide Constelacion with such evidence
                           of insurance as Constelacion may request.

         10.04    Montoro will, at its expense, obtain insurance in such greater
                  amounts and for such greater  coverage as it deems  prudent to
                  protect itself and Constelacion hereunder.

         10.05    Constelacion  shall  indemnify and save Montoro  harmless from
                  and  against  any  loss,  liability,  claim,  demand,  damage,
                  expense,  injury  or  death  (including,  unless  Constelacion
                  assumes and pays the defense of legal fees and the  reasonable
                  cost of  investigating  and  defending  against  any  judicial
                  proceedings)  arising out of or in connection with exploration
                  activities  conducted  before the subsistence of the Option or
                  arising  out  of  or in  connection  with  representations  by

11.      NOTICES

         11.01    All notices,  demands or requests  required or permitted to be
                  given  hereunder  shall  be in  writing  and may be  delivered
                  personally,   sent  by  telecopier  or  forwarded  by  prepaid
                  registered  mail.  Any notice sent by telecopier or personally
                  delivered  shall be deemed to have been given and  received on

                  the  business  day  next  following  the  date of  sending  or
                  delivery.  Any notice  mailed  shall deemed to have been given
                  and received on the seventh day following the date of posting,
                  addressed as follows:

                   If to Constelacion:
                            Compania Minera Constelacion , S.A. de C.V.
                            Pable Neruda #2886
                            Col. Providencia
                            44639 Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico
                            Attention:  Manager
                            Tel:  01 (3) 642-5014
                            Fax: 01 (3) 640-2472

                   Copy to:
                            Cominco Ltd.
                            500-200 Burrard Street
                            Vancouver, BC
                            V6C 3L7
                            Attention: General Manager, International

                   If to Montoro:
                            MINERA MONTORO, S.A. DE C.V.
                            Palmas #735-205
                            Lomas de Chapultepec
                            11000 Mexico, D.F.
                            Attention: President
                            Tel:  01 (5) 520-2926
                            Fax:  01 (5) 520-2893

                   Copy to:
                            FISCHER-WATT GOLD COMPANY, INC.
                            1621 N. 3rd Street, Suite 1000
                            Coeur d'Alene, ID 83814-3304
                            Attention: President and Chief Executive Officer
                            Tel: 001 (208) 664-6757
                            Fax: 001 (208) 667-6516

                  or to such  other  address  as wither  party may  subsequently
                  specify  by notice to the other.  However,  if there is a mail
                  strike,  slowdown or other labor  dispute  which might  affect
                  delivery  of the  notice  by mail,  then the  notice  shall be
                  effective only if actually delivered.


         12.01 During the term of this Agreement:

                  (a)      Montoro, previous agreement with Constelacion,  could
                           only sell, transfer, assign or otherwise dispose this
                           Agreement or its right or interest in the Concession.

                  (b)      Montoro,     previous    writing    agreement    with
                           Constelacion,   could  pledge,  mortgage,  charge  or
                           otherwise  encumber their beneficial  interest in the
                           Concessions or their rights under this Agreement.


         13.01    Each of the parties shall do all such further acts and execute
                  and  deliver  such  further  deeds and  documents  as shall be
                  reasonably  required  in order  fully to perform  the terms of
                  this Agreement.

14.      CAPTIONS

         14.01    The  captions  in  this   Agreement  have  been  inserted  for
                  convenient  reference  and shall be  disregarded  interpreting
                  this Agreement.


         15.01    This is the entire  agreement  between the parties relating to
                  the Concession and  supersedes all previous  negotiations  and
                  communications  including,  without limiting  generality,  the
                  Letter of Intent signed on June 3, 1997.


         16.01    Montoro  will cover all the  expenditures  and taxes under the
                  public  deed,  and in this case,  those under the purchase and
                  sale of concession rights' deed.

         16.02    Constelacion  will cover any income or profit taxes associated
                  with its sale of the Property.

         16.03    The Value  Added Tax  shall be added to all amounts  agreed in
                  this agreement.


         17.01    For any  controversy  that would arise  between the parties in
                  respect to the  interpretation  and  execution  of the present
                  contract,  the parties will abide by the laws of the courts of
                  Mexico, Federal District, and expressly renounce any other.

IN WITNESS  WHEREOF the parties have executed  this  Agreement as of the day and
year first above written.


By: Ing. Jorge E. Ordonez Cortes


By: Lic. Yvonne Avalos Cazares

Attachment  "A"  of the  Minero  Montoro,  S.A.  de  C.V.  and  Compania  Minera
Constelacion, S.A. de C.V. Agreement made as of 1st September 1997.

The Concession is composed of:

          I.   The exploitation mining Concessions of the following lots located
               in Muncipality of Yecora, Sonora State.

           Name                                 Title               Hectares
           ----                                 -----               --------

1.         "Bacanora"                           168,625             238.9685
2.         "Bacanora Tres"                      194,437              12.0000
3.         "Los Verdes"                         168,566              14.0000
4.         "Buena Vista"                        168,569              21.0000
5.         "Piedras Azules"                     178,925             132.7287
6.         "Continuacion Buena Vista"           168,574               30.000
7.         "La Nueva Cruz de San Nicolas        168,573              81.0000
8.         "La Frontera"                        168,575              15.0000
9.         "Dos Picachos"                       168,621              31.0000
10.        "La Bufita"                          193,491              10.0000
11.        "La Verde"                           168,576               9.0000

The above  mentioned  concessions  are  grouped  to comply  with the  mining tax
obligations being head of the group the "Los Verdes" concession, Title 168,566.

          II.  The  application  for the  "Ampliacion  Los  Verdes"  exploration
               mining  claim its being  handled  under  file  18,087  before the
               Mining Agency in Hermosillo.

          III. The mining  concession  requested  by Montoro  within the area of
               interest  entitled to Montoro or  Constelacion or from which they
               obtained  contractual right to explore or exploit or an option to
               acquire their ownership.