
                      ONE ALLEN CENTER




              GENESIS CRUDE OIL, L.P. (TENANT)

                   DATED:  JULY 15, 1997

                     TABLE OF CONTENTS


ARTICLE ONE                                          1

BASIC LEASE PROVISIONS                               1
1.01    BASIC LEASE PROVISIONS                       1
1.02    ENUMERATION OF EXHIBITS                      2
1.03    DEFINITIONS                                  2

ARTICLE TWO                                          11

2.01    LEASE OF PREMISES                            11
2.02    TERM                                         11
2.03    FAILURE TO GIVE POSSESSION                   11
2.04    CONDITION OF PREMISES                        12
2.05    RENEWAL OPTION                               12
2.06    CANCELLATION OPTION                          12
2.07    MANDATORY EXPANSION                          13
2.08    PREFERENTIAL LEASE RIGHT                     13

ARTICLE THREE                                        13

RENT                                                 13

ARTICLE FOUR                                         14

RENT ADJUSTMENT                                      14
4.01    RENT ADJUSTMENT                              14
4.02    PROCEDURE                                    14
4.03    BOOKS AND RECORDS                            15
4.04    PARTIAL OCCUPANCY                            16

ARTICLE FIVE                                         16

SECURITY DEPOSIT                                     16

[INTENTIONALLY DELETED]                              16

ARTICLE SIX                                          16

SERVICES                                             16
6.01    LANDLORD'S GENERAL SERVICES                  16
6.02    ELECTRICAL SERVICES                          18
6.04    TELEPHONE SERVICES                           20
6.05    DELAYS IN FURNISHING SERVICES                20

ARTICLE SEVEN                                        22

7.01    POSSESSION AND USE OF PREMISES               22
7.02    LANDLORD ACCESS TO PREMISES                  24
7.03    QUIET ENJOYMENT                              25
7.04    ENTRY CARDS                                  25
7.05    TENANT SECURITY MEASURES                     26

ARTICLE EIGHT                                        26

MAINTENANCE                                          26
8.01    LANDLORD'S MAINTENANCE                       26
8.02    TENANT'S MAINTENANCE                         26

ARTICLE NINE                                         27

ALTERATIONS AND IMPROVEMENTS                         27
9.01    TENANT ALTERATIONS                           27
9.02    LIENS                                        28

ARTICLE TEN                                          29

ASSIGNMENT AND SUBLETTING                            29
10.01   ASSIGNMENT AND SUBLETTING                    29
10.02   RECAPTURE                                    31
10.03   EXCESS RENT                                  31
10.04   TENANT LIABILITY                             31
10.05   ASSUMPTION AND ATTORNMENT                    31

ARTICLE ELEVEN                                       32

DEFAULT AND REMEDIES                                 32
11.01   EVENTS OF DEFAULT                            32
11.02   LANDLORD'S REMEDIES                          33
11.03   ATTORNEY'S FEES                              35
11.04   BANKRUPTCY                                   35

ARTICLE TWELVE                                       36

SURRENDER OF PREMISES                                36
12.01   IN GENERAL                                   36
12.02   LANDLORD'S RIGHTS                            36

ARTICLE THIRTEEN                                     37

HOLDING OVER                                         37

ARTICLE FOURTEEN                                     37

DAMAGE BY FIRE OR OTHER CASUALTY                     37
14.01   SUBSTANTIAL UNTENANTABILITY                  37
14.03   RENT ABATEMENT                               38

ARTICLE FIFTEEN                                      39

EMINENT DOMAIN                                       39
15.02   TAKING OF PART                               39
15.03   COMPENSATION                                 39

ARTICLE SIXTEEN                                      40

INSURANCE                                            40
16.01   TENANT'S INSURANCE                           40
16.02   FORM OF POLICIES                             40
16.03   LANDLORD'S INSURANCE                         40
16.04   WAIVER OF SUBROGATION                        41
16.05   NOTICE OF CASUALTY                           42

ARTICLE SEVENTEEN                                    42

WAIVER OF CLAIMS AND INDEMNITY                       42
17.01   INDEMNITY BY TENANT                          42
17.02   INDEMNITY BY LANDLORD                        43

ARTICLE EIGHTEEN                                     43

RULES AND REGULATIONS                                43
18.01   RULES                                        43
18.02   ENFORCEMENT                                  43

ARTICLE NINETEEN                                     44

LANDLORD'S RESERVED RIGHTS                           44
19.01   RESERVED RIGHTS                              44

ARTICLE TWENTY                                       44

ESTOPPEL CERTIFICATE                                 44
20.01   IN GENERAL                                   44
20.02   ENFORCEMENT                                  45

ARTICLE TWENTY-ONE                                   45

RELOCATION OF TENANT                                 45

ARTICLE TWENTY-TWO                                   46

REAL ESTATE BROKERS                                  46

ARTICLE TWENTY-THREE                                 46

MORTGAGEE PROTECTION                                 46
23.01   SUBORDINATION AND ATTORNMENT                 46
23.02   NON-DISTURBANCE AGREEMENT                    47
23.03   MORTGAGEE PROTECTION                         47

ARTICLE TWENTY-FOUR                                  48


ARTICLE TWENTY-FIVE                                  49

MISCELLANEOUS                                        49
25.01   LATE CHARGES                                 49
25.02   WAIVER OF JURY TRIAL                         49
25.04   OPTION                                       49
25.05   TENANT AUTHORITY                             50
25.06   ENTIRE AGREEMENT                             50
25.08   EXCULPATION                                  50
25.09   ACCORD AND SATISFACTION                      50
25.11   BINDING EFFECT                               51
25.12   CAPTIONS                                     51
25.13   APPLICABLE LAW                               51
25.14   ABANDONMENT                                  51
25.17   CLUB MEMBERSHIPS                             52
25.18   ENTIRE AGREEMENT                             52
25.19   NOTICE OF INDEMNIFICATION                    53

                        OFFICE LEASE

                        ARTICLE ONE
                   BASIC LEASE PROVISIONS

1.01  BASIC LEASE PROVISIONS - In the event of any conflict between these  Basic
Lease Provisions and any other Lease provision, such other Lease provision shall

(1)  BUILDING AND ADDRESS: One Allen Center, 500 Dallas, Houston, Texas  77002.

(2)   LANDLORD:   Trizec Allen Center Limited Partnership,  a  Delaware  limited
partnership d/b/a TrizecHahn Allen Center Limited Partnership.

(3)  TENANT:   Genesis Crude Oil, L.P., a Delaware limited partnership

(4)  DATE OF LEASE:  July 15, 1997.

(5)  LENGTH OF LEASE TERM:  Approximately eight (8) years.

(6)  PROJECTED COMMENCEMENT DATE:  November 1, 1997.

(7)  PROJECTED EXPIRATION DATE:  October 31, 2005.


      Period from/to    Monthly      Annually    Rate/SF of Rentable Area
      --------------    -------      --------    ------------------------

     Lease Years 1-6  $28,625.42     $343,505             $14.50

     Lease Years 7-8  $33,560.83     $402,730             $17.00

(9)  PREMISES:  Suite No. 2500. (subject to expansion as provided in EXHIBIT H)

     23,690   SQUARE FEET OF RENTABLE AREA (approximate)
     21,610   SQUARE FEET OF USABLE AREA (approximate)


(11)  TENANT'S  USE  OF  PREMISES:  General office use  and  such  other  lawful
purposes  as  are consistent with uses of office space being made from  time  to
time  by  tenants  in  the  Building  in accordance  with  their  written  lease
agreements  and  no other purpose whatsoever, in compliance with all  applicable
laws,  and without unreasonably disturbing or interfering with any other  tenant
or  occupant  of  the  Building.  Without limiting  the  foregoing,  Tenant  may
maintain  (for  use  by  Tenant and its employees and invitees)  (i)  conference
and/or meeting facilities, (ii) libraries, (iii) coffee bars, (iv) support staff
facilities (including, without limitation, word processing and copy facilities),
(v)  lunchrooms  and kitchen facilities (including, without limitation,  vending
machines  and  microwave  ovens,  subject,  however,  to  Landlord's  reasonable
approval  of  the  location  (and ventilation, as applicable)  of  said  vending
machines  and  microwave ovens), and (vi) storage space  incidental  to  general
office purposes.


The  exhibits  and  riders  set  forth below and  attached  to  this  Lease  are
incorporated in this Lease by this reference:

EXHIBIT A      Legal Description of Land
EXHIBIT B      Plan of Premises
EXHIBIT C      Workletter Agreement
EXHIBIT D      Rules and Regulations
EXHIBIT E      Parking
EXHIBIT F      Renewal Option
EXHIBIT G      Cancellation Options
EXHIBIT H      Mandatory Expansion
EXHIBIT I      Preferential Lease Right
EXHIBIT J      License for Rooftop Communications Equipment
EXHIBIT K      Janitorial Specifications
EXHIBIT L     Subordination, Non-Disturbance and Attornment Agreement


For purposes hereof, the following terms shall have the following meanings:

AFFILIATE:  Any corporation or other business entity which is currently owned or
controlled  by, owns or controls, or is under common ownership or  control  with

ALLOWANCE:   "Allowance" shall mean an amount equal to  the  product  of  $24.00
times the number of square feet of Rentable Area of the Premises.

BUILDING:   The  "Building" shall mean the office building known  as  One  Allen
Center located upon the Land.

COMMENCEMENT  DATE:   The  date specified in Section 1.01(6)  as  the  Projected
Commencement Date, unless changed by operation of Article Two.

COMMON  AREAS:   All areas of the Real Property made available by Landlord  from
time  to  time  for  the general common use or benefit of  the  tenants  of  the
Building,  and  their  employees and invitees, or  the  public,  as  such  areas
currently  exist and as they may be changed from time to time. "Exterior  Common
Areas"  shall  mean  that  portion of the Property (and  other  tracts  of  real
property  comprising  the multi-building project in the event  the  Building  is
located  in such a project) which are not located within the Building (or  other
building in a multi-building project) and which are provided and maintained  for
the  common  use  and benefit of Landlord and all tenants of  the  Building  (or
multi-building project) generally and the employees, invitees and  licensees  of
Landlord  and  such  tenants; including without limitation,  all  parking  areas
(enclosed  or otherwise, including, without limitation, the Building Garage  and
the   Allen  Center  Parking  Garage)  and  all  streets,  sidewalks,  walkways,
pedestrian tunnels and landscaped areas contained within the Project.

DECORATION:  Tenant Alterations which do not require a building permit and which
do  not  involve any of the structural elements of the Building, or any  of  the
Building's  systems, including, without limitation, its electrical,  mechanical,
plumbing and security and life/safety systems.

DEFAULT  RATE:   The  lesser of (i) a floating rate equal to four  percent  (4%)
above the prime rate of interest (or the equivalent) then being charged by Texas
Commerce  Bank National Association, or its successor and (ii) the maximum  non-
usurious interest rate permitted by law.

ENVIRONMENTAL LAWS:  Any Law governing the use, storage, disposal or  generation
of  any  Hazardous  Material,  including without limitation,  the  Comprehensive
Environmental  Response Compensation and Liability Act of 1980, as  amended  and
the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976, as amended.

EXPENSE STOP:  The sum of the Operating Expenses (as grossed up in Section 4.04)
and  Taxes  (as defined in this Lease) per square foot of Rentable Area  in  the
Building for the calendar year 1997.

EXPIRATION  DATE:   The  date  specified in Section 1.01(7)  unless  changed  by
operation of Article Two.

FORCE  MAJEURE:   Any  accident, casualty, act of God, war or  civil  commotion,
strike  or labor troubles, or any cause whatsoever beyond the reasonable control
of  Landlord,  including, but not limited to, energy shortages  or  governmental
preemption  in connection with a national emergency, or by reason of  government
laws  or  any rule, order or regulation of any department or subdivision thereof
or  any governmental agency, or by reason of the conditions of supply and demand
which have been or are affected by war or other emergency.

HAZARDOUS  MATERIAL:  Such substances, material and wastes which are  or  become
regulated  under any Environmental Law; or which are classified as hazardous  or
toxic  under  any  Environmental Law; and explosives and  firearms,  radioactive
material, asbestos, and polychlorinated byphenyls.
INDEMNITEES:   Collectively, Landlord, any Mortgagee or  ground  lessor  of  the
Property,  the  property manager and the leasing manager for  the  Property  and
their respective directors, officers, agents and employees.

INITIAL  IMPROVEMENTS:   "Initial Improvements", when used  herein,  shall  mean
those  improvements or remodeling to the Premises, if any, which Landlord and/or
Tenant  shall  agree to provide according to the Workletter attached  hereto  as

LAND:   The  parcels of real estate on which the Building is  located,  as  more
particularly described in EXHIBIT A attached hereto.

LANDLORD  DELAY:   Any  event  or occurrence caused  by  Landlord  which  delays
Tenant's  completion of the Initial Improvements, as more particularly described
in the Workletter.

LAWS:   All laws, ordinances, rules, regulations and other requirements  adopted
by  any governmental body, or agency or department having jurisdiction over  the
Property, the Premises or Tenant's activities at the Premises and any covenants,
conditions or restrictions of record which affect the Property.

LEASE:   This instrument and all exhibits and riders attached hereto, as may  be
amended from time to time.

LEASE  YEAR:   The twelve (12) month period beginning on the first  day  of  the
first month following the Commencement Date (unless the Commencement Date is the
first day of a calendar month in which case beginning on the Commencement Date),
and  each subsequent twelve (12) month, or shorter, period  until the Expiration

MONTHLY BASE RENT:  The monthly rent specified in Section 1.01(8).

MORTGAGEE:  Any holder of a mortgage, deed of trust or other security instrument
encumbering the Property.

NATIONAL  HOLIDAYS:  New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor  Day,
Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day and any other holiday recognized  by  tenants
occupying  at  least fifty percent (50%) of the Rentable Area  of  the  Building
other  than  Amerada  Hess Corp., but in no event more than one  (1)  additional
holiday per year.

OPERATING EXPENSES:  Operating Expenses shall mean all direct and indirect costs
and  expenses  in  each  calendar  year  of operating,  maintaining,  repairing,
managing  and owning the Property plus a portion of all such operating  expenses
reasonably allocable to the Project, plus Taxes.  Operating Expenses shall, also
include the amortization of capital improvements made:  (i) primarily to  reduce
Operating   Expenses,  or  to  comply  with  any  laws  or  other   governmental
requirements,  provided,  however,  (x)  Landlord  will  furnish   Tenant   with
documentation  justifying Landlord's reasonable anticipation that  such  capital
expenditures will reduce or avoid increases in Operating Expenses  and  (y)  the
maximum  amount  which may be amortized in any year shall be  the  amount  which
Landlord reasonably estimates has been saved during that year as a result of the
reduction  of  Operating  Expenses caused by the installation  of  such  capital
items, or (ii) for replacements (as opposed to additions or new improvements) of
non-structural  items  located in the Common Areas of the Property  required  to
keep  such  areas  in  good  condition; provided,  all  such  permitted  capital
expenditures  (together  with reasonable financing charges,  if  any)  shall  be
amortized  for purposes of this Lease at a rate of ten percent (10%)  per  annum
over the shorter of: (x) their useful lives, or (y) the period during which  the
reasonably estimated savings in Operating Expenses equals the expenditures.

The following shall be excluded from Operating Expenses:

(i)   All  costs and operating expenses incurred in connection with any  parking
facilities and the repair, maintenance and operation thereof.

(ii) Depreciation, and except as set forth above, amortization.

(iii)      Financing  and  refinancing costs, interest on debt  or  amortization
payments on any mortgage or mortgages, and rental under any ground or underlying
leases or lease together with all cost incidental to the items mentioned in this

(iv)  Costs  of  correcting  defects in the original design  or  any  subsequent
construction  of  the Building or the material used in the construction  of  the
Property   (including  latent  defects  in  the  original  or   any   subsequent
construction of the Property or defects in the design of the Property) or in the
Property  equipment or appurtenances thereto, except that for  the  purposes  of
this  subparagraph conditions (not occasioned by design or construction defects)
resulting from ordinary wear and tear and use shall not be deemed defects.

(v)   The  cost of any repair to remedy damage caused by or resulting  from  the
negligence  of  any  other  tenants  in the Property,  including  their  agents,
servants,  employees or invitees, together with the costs and expenses  incurred
by  Landlord  in  attempting to recover such costs, to the  extent  specifically
reimbursed  by  such  tenant, insurance, or otherwise (other  than  as  part  of
Operating Expenses).

(vi)  Legal and other fees, leasing commissions, advertising expenses and  other
similar costs incurred in connection with the leasing of the Building.

(vi)  Costs  incurred  in  renovating or otherwise improving  or  decorating  or
redecorating space for new tenants or other existing tenants or occupants in the
Building  or  vacant  space in the Building or costs related thereto  (including
architectural  and  engineering fees); and costs incurred by Landlord  that  are
specifically  reimbursed to Landlord by other tenants (other  than  as  part  of
Operating  Expenses) in connection with maintenance or repair of above  Building
standard condition improvements.
(viii)      Any  items  not  otherwise  excluded  to  the  extent  Landlord   is
specifically  reimbursed by insurance or otherwise compensated  (other  than  as
part  of Operating Expenses), including direct reimbursement by any tenant other
than  pursuant  Operating Expense reimbursements or similar reimbursements  less
the out-of-pocket cost of collection.

(ix) A bad debt loss, rent loss or reserves for bad debts or rent loss.

(x)  The cost (or any amortization thereof) of any alteration, addition, change,
replacement,  improvement, repair or other item which are  properly  capitalized
except as provided above.

(xi)  Any  item  of  cost which is includable in Operating Expenses,  but  which
represents  an  amount paid to an Affiliate of Landlord or an Affiliate  of  any
partner or shareholder of Landlord, or to the Property management company or  an
Affiliate  of  the Property management company, to the extent  the  same  is  in
excess  of  the  reasonable  cost of said item or  service  in  an  arms  length

(xii)      All interest or penalties incurred as a result of Landlord's  failure
to  pay  any  costs of Taxes as the same shall become due because of  Landlord's

(xiii)     Costs or expenses incurred by Landlord which represent amounts  spent
by  Landlord  or its agents in bad faith and an amount equal to any costs  which
represent  any  payments received by Landlord or the Property  manager,  or  the
employees  or officers or either, from suppliers or goods or services  as  kick-
backs, finders fees, expediting fees or other similar dishonest fees.

(xiv)     Any and all costs associated with the operation of the business of the
entity  which  constitutes Landlord; excluded items shall specifically  include,
but  shall  not  be limited to formation of the entity, internal accounting  and
legal  matters,  including but not limited to preparation  of  tax  returns  and
financial statements and gathering of data thereof (except to the extent related
to  Landlord's  performance  under this Lease and  other  leases,  for  example,
without  limitation, matters relating to Operating Expenses), costs of defending
any  lawsuits with any mortgagee (except as the actions of a tenant  may  be  in
issue),  costs  of selling, syndication, financing, mortgaging or  hypothecating
any  of  Landlord's  interest in the Property, costs  of  any  disputes  between
Landlord  and  its  employees  (if any) not engaged  in  the  operation  of  the
Property, and disputes between Landlord and managers of the Property.

(xv)  Except  for  costs  and  expenses associated with  management  up  to  and
including  the  level of area manager (which area manager may be pro-rated  with
other  buildings), and except for costs and expenses properly allocable  to  the
Building, Landlord's home office costs and general overhead.

(xvi)      Any  cost or expense for services or amenities that are  specifically
for  the  benefit of a particular tenant and that are of a nature not  generally
provided  to all tenants in the Building or for services or amenities  generally
provided to all tenants in the Building but which are provided to any particular
tenant  without  additional charge or at a reduced charge (on  a  net  effective
basis) than the charge imposed upon other tenants.

(xvii)    Landlord's cost of electricity, incremental air conditioning and other
services  sold  to  tenants for which Landlord is entitled to be  reimbursed  by
tenants (whether or not actually collected by Landlord) as a separate additional
charge or rental.

(xviii)   Any expense incurred as a direct result of the negligence of Landlord,
its  agents,  servants,  or  employees or arising out  of  Landlord's  negligent
failure  to manage the Property consistently with the standard required by  this
Lease  to  the  extent  that such expense would not have been  incurred  in  the
absence of such negligence.

(xix)      Any  cost  or  expense  incurred as  a  direct  result  of  painting,
decorating,  carpet  shampooing, drapery cleaning, and wall washing  within  the
Rentable  Areas  of  the Building to the extent such are not  Building  standard

(xx)   Costs  incurred  for  the  production  and  distribution  of  the  tenant
newsletter,  tenant  perception surveys and the creation and  implementation  of
tenant  retention programs to the extent the annual aggregate cost of  all  such
items exceeds $10,000 for the Building for calendar year 1997.  Such amount  may
increase  in  subsequent years based on increases in Landlord's costs  for  such
items but in no event shall any such increase for any calendar year exceed  five
percent (5%) of the aggregate cost of such items for the previous year.

(xxi)     Charitable donations attributable to the Building in excess of $10,000
per year.

(xxii)     Costs  which would duplicate costs theretofore included in  Operating

(xxiii)     Any  other  cost  or  expenditure  which  under  generally  accepted
accounting  principles, consistently applied are considered capital expenditures
(except as provided above).

(xxiv)     Any  expense incurred by Landlord in connection with the  management,
repair, maintenance or operation of any portion of the Building used solely  for
retail  purposes.  To the extent that any amount, expense, or cost  incurred  by
Landlord is common to the office portion of the Building and the retail  portion
of  the Building, Landlord shall reasonably and equitably allocate such item  so
that  only  the portion thereof allocated to the office portion of the  Building
will be included in Operating Expenses.  Absent manifest error or bad faith, the
allocation  of such common expenses determined by Landlord will be binding  upon

PREMISES:   The space located in the Building, described in Section 1.01(9)  and
depicted on  EXHIBIT B attached hereto.

PROJECT:   The  Allen Center project located on the tracts of land described  on
EXHIBIT  A,  together with that certain elevated pedestrian walkway between  the
building  known  as  Three  Allen Center and the  Allen  Center  Parking  Garage
("Skywalk") and the pedestrian tunnel between the Building and the Hyatt Regency
Hotel  ("One Allen Tunnel"), less (i) the Building, (ii) the building  known  as
Two Allen Center, (iii) the building known as Three Allen Center, (iv) the Allen
Center  Parking Garage, and (v) the Metropolitan Parking Garage,  but  including
such other improvements and amenities as may from time to time exist within  the
land  described  on EXHIBIT A.  Any such improvements and/or  amenities  may  be
modified, altered or eliminated by Landlord and the other owners of property  in
the  Project in their sole discretion without incurring any liability to  Tenant
or any other person or entity.

PROPERTY:   The Building, the Land, all existing underground pedestrian  tunnels
and above ground "sky bridge" pedestrian tunnels owned or controlled by Landlord
and  servicing the Building and any such tunnels constructed in the future  (the
"Building  Tunnels")  all Common Areas, any other public  areas  or  facilities,
easements,  corridors, lobbies, sidewalks, loading areas, driveways,  landscaped
areas,  skywalks, parking garages (limited to parking garages within or  beneath
the  Building or on the Land) connected to the Building or located on the  Land,
and  all parcels or tracts of land owned or leased by Landlord on which  all  or
any  portion of the Building or any of the other foregoing is located,  and  any
fixtures, machinery, equipment, apparatus, systems and equipment, furniture  and
other  personal  property  located thereon or therein  and  used  in  connection
therewith.  If the Building shall be part of a complex, development or group  of
buildings  or  structures collectively owned or managed by  Landlord.   Landlord
hereby  grants  to  Tenant,  its  employees,  invitees  and  other  visitors,  a
nonexclusive license for the Term of this Lease and all extensions and  renewals
thereof  to use, in common with other tenants and visitors to the Building,  and
in  accordance with the Landlord's rules and regulations governing the  Property
(i)  the sidewalks and other Exterior Common Areas located on the Land; (ii) the
Building Tunnels; (iii) the lobbies, public corridors and elevator foyers of the
Building, and (vi) the Building service entrance and loading dock.

REAL PROPERTY:  The Property excluding any personal property.

RENT:   Collectively, Monthly Base Rent, Rent Adjustments and all other charges,
payments,  late fees or other amounts required to be paid by Tenant  under  this

RENTABLE  AREA OF THE BUILDING (existing as of the date of this Lease):  993,238
square feet.

RENTABLE  AREA  OF  THE  PREMISES:  The amount of square footage  set  forth  in
Section  1.01(9), which represents the sum of (i) the "Usable Area"  within  the
Premises  (i.e.,  the gross area enclosed by the surface of the  exterior  glass
walls, the mid-point of any walls separating portions of the Premises from those
of  adjacent  tenants,  the slab penetration line of all  walls  separating  the
Premises  from  Service  Areas and the corridor side  of  walls  separating  the
Premises from Common Areas) plus (ii) a pro rata part of the Common Areas within
the  Building,  such  proration to be based upon the ratio of  the  Usable  Area
within the Premises to the total Usable Area within the Building existing as  of
the  date of this Lease, including the area encompassed by any columns or  other
structural  elements which provide support to the Premises and/or the  Building.
Rentable Area shall not include any Service Areas.

RENT  ADJUSTMENT:  Any amounts owed by Tenant for payment of Operating Expenses.
The Rent Adjustments shall be determined and paid as provided in Article Four.

SECURITY DEPOSIT:  The funds specified in Section 1.01(10), if any, deposited by
Tenant  with  Landlord as security for Tenant's performance of  its  obligations
under this Lease.

SERVICE AREAS:  "Service Areas" shall mean those areas within the outside  walls
used for building stairs, elevator shafts, flues, vents, stacks, pipe shafts and
other  vertical  penetrations (but shall not include  any  such  areas  for  the
exclusive use of a particular tenant).

SHELL  IMPROVEMENTS:  "Shell Improvements" (to be provided  by  Landlord)  shall
mean  (i)  lay-in  acoustical ceiling grid; (ii) central  air  conditioning  and
heating  ducts  and diffusers in a placement deemed typical by  Landlord,  (iii)
lay-in  fluorescent  light fixtures, in a placement deemed typical  by  Landlord
(Tenant shall be entitled to utilize all of the light fixtures now being  stored
within  the  Premises (approximately 160 light fixtures) at no cost  to  Tenant;
provided any additional light fixtures required by Tenant shall be purchased  at
Tenant's  sole cost and expense), (iv) window sills; (v) window mini-blinds  (at
Landlord's cost), (vi) Base-building HVAC system (to the extent such HVAC system
is  not  in  good working condition or is below Building standard, as reasonably
determined  by  Landlord's and Tenant's engineers, Landlord shall  upgrade  such
system  to  Building  standard at Landlord's sole cost  and  expense  (including
replacement  of motors, and disconnects, as necessary) at some time  during  the
pendency  of Tenant's construction of the Initial Improvements but in any  event
on  or  prior to the Commencement Date and (vii) Floor 25 restrooms and drinking
fountains  in  current locations and quantities (Landlord hereby represents  and
warrants  that to the best of Landlord's actual current knowledge the  Floor  25
restrooms and drinking fountains comply in all material respects with the  "ADA"
(as  defined  herein)  and  the  TABA  (as defined  herein)  as  such  laws  are
promulgated,  interpreted  and  enforced as of  the  date  hereof).   All  Shell
Improvements will be provided "AS-IS," in their current condition and placement.

SUBSTANTIALLY COMPLETE:  The completion of the Initial Improvements, except  for
minor   insubstantial   details  of  construction,  decoration   or   mechanical
adjustments which remain to be done.

TAXES:  All federal, state and local governmental taxes, assessments and charges
of  every  kind  or nature, whether general, special, ordinary or extraordinary,
which  Landlord shall pay or become obligated to pay because of or in connection
with the ownership, leasing, management, control or operation of the Property or
any  of  its  components, or any personal property used in connection therewith,
which  shall also include any rental or similar taxes levied in lieu  of  or  in
addition  to  general real and/or personal property taxes. For purposes  hereof,
Taxes  for  any year shall be Taxes which are assessed or become a  lien  during
such  year,  whether or not such taxes are billed and payable  in  a  subsequent
calendar year.  There shall be included in Taxes for any year the amount of  all
fees, costs and expenses (including reasonable attorneys' fees) paid by Landlord
during  such  year  in  seeking or obtaining any refund or reduction  of  Taxes.
Taxes for any year shall be reduced by the net amount of any tax refund received
by  Landlord  attributable  to such year.  If a special  assessment  payable  in
installments  is  levied against any part of the Property, Taxes  for  any  year
shall  include only the installment of such assessment and any interest  payable
or  paid during such year.  Taxes shall not include any federal, state or  local
inheritance  taxes,  general income taxes, gift or estate taxes,  excess  profit
taxes,  franchise  taxes, and/or capital gains taxes except  that  if  a  change
occurs  in  the  method  of  taxation resulting in  whole  or  in  part  in  the
substitution of any such taxes, or any other assessment, for any Taxes as  above
defined, such substituted taxes or assessments shall be included in the Taxes.

TENANT ALTERATIONS:  Any alterations, improvements, additions, installations  or
construction in or to the Premises or any Building systems serving the  Premises
pursuant to Section 9.01, excluding Initial Improvements.

TENANT  DELAY:   Any event or occurrence caused by Tenant which delays  Tenant's
completion  of the Initial Improvements, as more particularly described  in  the

TERM:   The term of this Lease commencing on the Commencement Date and  expiring
on the Expiration Date.

TERMINATION  DATE:   The  Expiration Date or such earlier  date  as  this  Lease
terminates or Tenant's right to possession of the Premises terminates.

WORK:  The construction or installation of improvements to the Premises, as more
specifically described in the Workletter attached hereto as EXHIBIT C.

WORKLETTER:   The Agreement regarding the manner of completion  of  the  Initial
Improvements, attached hereto as EXHIBIT C.

                              ARTICLE TWO
                              PREMISES, TERM AND OTHER LEASE RIGHTS


Landlord  hereby  leases to Tenant and Tenant hereby leases  from  Landlord  the
Premises  for the Term and upon the conditions provided in this Lease.  Landlord
shall deliver possession of the Premises to Tenant for Tenant's construction  of
the  Initial  Improvements within five (5) business days following execution  of
this  Lease by both Landlord and Tenant.  Tenant's possession of same  shall  be
subject  to  all of the terms, covenants, and conditions of this  Lease  (except
with respect to the payment of Rent).  In any event, Tenant's obligation to  pay
Rent  shall  not  commence until the Projected Commencement  Date  (November  1,
1997).  If Landlord fails to deliver possession of the Premises to Tenant within
thirty  (30)  days (subject to events of force majeure) following  execution  of
this  Lease  by both Landlord and Tenant, Tenant may terminate this  Lease  upon
written  notice to Landlord, in which event neither party shall have any further
liability or obligations hereunder.

2.02 TERM

(a)  The Commencement Date shall be the date determined as follows:

(i)   If  the Initial Improvements are Substantially Complete on or before   the
Projected Commencement Date then on the date which is the earlier to occur of:

(x)  the Projected Commencement Date (November 1, 1997); or

(y)   the date Tenant first occupies all or part of the Premises for the conduct
of business; or

(ii) If the Initial Improvements are not Substantially Complete by the Projected
Commencement Date, then on the Projected Commencement Date.

(b)   Within thirty (30) days following the occurrence of the Commencement Date,
Landlord, through its property manager, and Tenant shall enter into an agreement
confirming  the Commencement Date and the Expiration Date.  If Tenant  fails  to
enter  into  such agreement, then the Commencement Date and the Expiration  Date
shall be the dates designated by Landlord in such agreement.


If  the  Landlord  shall be unable to give possession of  the  Premises  on  the
Projected Commencement Date by reason of the following: (a) the Building has not
been  sufficiently completed to make the Premises ready for occupancy,  (b)  the
Initial  Improvements  are not Substantially Complete,  or  (c)  for  any  other
reason,  then Landlord shall not be subject to any liability for the failure  to
give  possession on said date.  Under such circumstances the rent  reserved  and
covenanted  to  be  paid herein shall not commence until the Premises  are  made
available to Tenant by Landlord, and no such failure to give possession  on  the
Projected  Commencement Date shall affect the validity  of  this  Lease  or  the
obligations of the Tenant hereunder.  At the option of Landlord, to be exercised
within  thirty  (30) days of the delayed delivery of possession to  Tenant,  the
Lease shall be amended so that the term shall be extended by the period of  time
possession  is  delayed.   The said Premises shall be deemed  to  be  ready  for
Tenant's  occupancy  in  the  event the Initial Improvements  are  Substantially
Complete,  or  if  the delay in the availability of the Premises  for  occupancy
shall be due to any Tenant Delay and/or default on the part of Tenant and/or its
subtenant or subtenants.  In the event of any dispute as to whether the  Initial
Improvements are Substantially Complete, the mutual agreement of Landlord's  and
Tenant's architect shall be final and binding on the parties.


Tenant shall notify Landlord in writing within thirty (30) days after the  later
of  (a)  Substantial Completion of the Initial Improvements, or (b) when  Tenant
takes  possession  of  the Premises, of any defects in the Premises  claimed  by
Tenant  or  in the materials or workmanship furnished by Landlord in  completing
the  Initial  Improvements.  Except for defects stated in  such  notice,  Tenant
shall be conclusively deemed to have accepted the Premises "AS IS" and "WITH ALL
FAULTS" in the condition existing on the date Tenant first takes possession, and
to  have  waived all claims relating to the condition of the Premises.  Landlord
shall  proceed  diligently to correct the defects stated in such  notice  unless
Landlord  disputes  the existence of any such defects.   In  the  event  of  any
dispute  as  to  the  existence of any such defects,  the  mutual  agreement  of
Landlord's  and Tenant's  architect shall be final and binding on  the  parties.
No  agreement  of  Landlord to alter, remodel, decorate, clean  or  improve  the
Premises  or the Building and no representation regarding the condition  of  the
Premises  or the Building has been made by or on behalf of Landlord  to  Tenant,
except as may be specifically stated in this Lease or in the Workletter.


Tenant shall have the option to renew the Term of this Lease in accordance  with
the terms and conditions of EXHIBIT F attached hereto and made a part hereof for
all purposes.


Landlord and Tenant each shall have the option to cancel the Term of this  Lease
prior  to  the  Expiration Date in accordance with the terms and  conditions  of
EXHIBIT G attached hereto and made a part hereof for all purposes.


Tenant  must  lease additional space on Floor 25 of the Building  in  accordance
with  the  terms  and conditions of EXHIBIT H attached hereto and  made  a  part
hereof for all purposes.


Tenant shall have a preferential right to lease additional space on Floor 26  of
the  Building in accordance with the terms and conditions of EXHIBIT I  attached
hereto and made a part hereof for all purposes.


Tenant shall also have a non-exclusive license during the Term of this Lease  to
occupy certain space on the roof of the Building for the installation, operation
and  maintenance of one antennae (not to exceed six feet (6') in height and  one
one  meter satellite dish and related equipment in accordance with the terms and
conditions of EXHIBIT J attached hereto and made a part hereof for all purposes.
Landlord  and Tenant will execute such agreement prior to installation  of  such
equipment.  Tenant may elect to utilize such license at any time during the Term
hereof,  subject  to  availability of space on the roof at such  time  for  such
purposes (in Landlord's sole discretion) and Landlord's approval of the  design,
location and installation of equipment, in accordance with EXHIBIT J.

                              ARTICLE THREE

Tenant agrees to pay to Landlord at the property management office specified  in
Article  24,  or  to such other persons, or at such other places  designated  by
Landlord,  without any prior demand therefor in immediately available funds  and
without  any deduction whatsoever, Rent, including, without limitation,  Monthly
Base Rent and Rent Adjustments in accordance with Article Four, during the Term.
Monthly  Base  Rent shall be paid monthly in advance on the first  day  of  each
month  of the Term, except that the first installment of Monthly Base Rent shall
be  paid  by  Tenant  to Landlord concurrently with Tenant's execution  of  this
Lease.  Monthly Base Rent shall be prorated for partial months within the  Term.
Unpaid Rent shall bear interest at the Default Rate from the date due until paid
(but  if  Tenant  pays  Rent prior to the end of the fifth  (5th)  business  day
following  the  date  due,  Tenant shall not be liable  for  any  such  interest
payment).   Tenant's covenant to pay Rent shall be independent  of  every  other
covenant in this Lease.
                        ARTICLE FOUR
                      RENT ADJUSTMENT


The  Base Rent payable hereunder shall be adjusted ("Rent Adjustment") from time
to time in accordance with this Article Four:

Tenant's  Base  Rent is based, in part, upon the estimate that annual  Operating
Expenses  will be equal to the Expense Stop.  During the Term, Tenant shall  pay
as  a Rent Adjustment hereunder an amount (per each square foot of Rentable Area
within  the  Premises)  equal to the excess ("Excess")  from  time  to  time  of
Operating  Expenses per square foot of Rentable Area in the  Building  over  the
Expense  Stop.   Landlord  may  collect such additional  Base  Rent  in  monthly
installments  based  on Landlord's estimated Excess for  the  calendar  year  in
question.   Landlord shall also have the option to make one good  faith  revised
estimate  of  the  Excess during each calendar year (or  remainder  thereof,  if
applicable)  and, upon thirty (30) days' written notice to Tenant,  may  require
the  monthly payment of Base Rent to be adjusted in accordance with such revised
estimate.   Any  amounts paid based on any such estimate  shall  be  subject  to
adjustment pursuant to Section 4.02 below when Operating Expenses are  available
for such calendar year.


The  following additional provisions shall apply to Rent Adjustments per Section

(a)   By  April 1 of each calendar year during Tenant's occupancy,  or  as  soon
thereafter   as  practical,  Landlord  shall  furnish  to  Tenant  a   statement
("Landlord's  Statement")  of Landlord's Operating  Expenses  for  the  previous
calendar year.  If for any calendar year additional Base Rent was collected  for
the  prior  year, as a result of Landlord's estimate of Operating  Expenses,  in
excess  of  the  additional Base Rent due during such prior year, then  Landlord
shall  refund  to Tenant any over payment (or at Landlord's option,  apply  such
amount against rentals due hereunder) within thirty (30) days following Tenant's
receipt of Landlord's statement.  Likewise, Tenant shall pay to Landlord, within
thirty  (30)  days  following  Tenant's receipt  of  Landlord's  Statement,  any
underpayment  with  respect  to the prior year.  In  no  event  shall  Operating
Expenses  per square foot of Rentable Area within the Building be deemed  to  be
less  than  the  Expense Stop, it being the intent of Landlord and  Tenant  that
Tenant shall at all times be responsible for the payment of, and shall pay,  not
less  than the amount of Base Rent for the applicable period (before adjustment)
specified in this Lease.

(b)   In  the  event that the Term commences on a day other than  January  1  or
terminates  on  a day other than December 31, the Excess for that  part  of  the
first  (1st)  calendar  year or last calendar year  during  the  Term  shall  be
determined as follows:
(i)   The Expense Stop shall be prorated based upon the number of months in such
partial  calendar  year.  With respect to any partial calendar  month  occurring
during such partial calendar year, the Expense Stop shall also be prorated based
upon the number of days in that partial calendar month.

(ii) The Excess, if any, for the applicable partial calendar year shall then  be
the  amount  by which (x) actual Operating Expenses per square foot of  Rentable
Area  in the Building for such calendar year, prorated based upon the number  of
months  and days in the applicable partial calendar year, exceed (y) the Expense
Stop, as prorated pursuant to the provisions of this Subsection 4.02(b).

(iii)      With respect to the proration for the first (1st) calendar  year,  in
the  event that Landlord discovers Landlord's estimate of the Operating Expenses
to  be  incurred during such partial calendar year exceeds the Expense Stop,  as
prorated  pursuant  to the provisions of this subsection 4.02(b),  Landlord  may
revise  its estimate and, upon thirty (30) days' prior written notice to Tenant,
may require the Monthly Base Rent occurring during such partial calendar year to
be  adjusted in accordance with Landlord's revised estimate.   Landlord may  not
revise its estimate more than once in any calendar year


Landlord  shall  maintain  books  and  records  showing  Operating  Expenses  in
accordance with sound accounting and management practices, consistently applied.
Tenant's   employees  or  its  third-party  representative  (which   third-party
representative shall be a certified public accountant licensed to do business in
the  State  of  Texas) shall have the right, for a period of  ninety  (90)  days
following  the date upon which Landlord's Statement is delivered to  Tenant,  to
examine  the  Landlord's books and records with respect  to  the  items  in  the
foregoing  statement  of Operating Expenses during normal business  hours,  upon
written  notice,  delivered  at  least ten (10) business  days  in  advance.  No
contingency-fee  based  audits  shall  be  permitted  unless  (a)  such  auditor
affirmatively covenants in writing to Landlord that it will not solicit, contact
or accept engagement from other tenants of the Building until January 1st of the
year following the year in which Landlord, Tenant and such consultant enter into
a  written  agreement either (i) confirming such audit results or (ii) resolving
any  dispute with respect to such audit (but in no event shall Tenant be  liable
to  Landlord for a breach by an auditor of such covenant with Landlord); (b) all
copies of Landlord's records shall be made at Tenant's or such auditor's expense
and  Landlord  shall only be obligated to provide the reasonable,  non-exclusive
use  of  its copier(s) to such auditor; (c) Tenant may not assign any  claim  it
might  have  against  Landlord to such auditor or any third  party;  (c)  Tenant
retains active control of the audit process and any claim decisions; and (e) the
financial  accounting  components  of any such  audit  shall  be  conducted  and
determined by certified public accountants licensed in the State of  Texas.   If
Tenant  does  not object in writing to Landlord's Statement within  thirty  (30)
days following the date of Tenant's audit, specifying the nature of the item  in
dispute  and the reasons therefor, then Landlord's Statement shall be considered
final  and  accepted  by Tenant.  Any amount due to the  Landlord  as  shown  on
Landlord's Statement, whether or not disputed by Tenant as provided herein shall
be  paid  by  Tenant when due as provided above, without prejudice to  any  such
written exception, pending resolution thereof.  Any examination by Tenant or any
third-party  audit by Tenant's representative shall be at Tenant's expense.   If
the  third-party audit reflects that Operating Expenses have been overstated  by
more than three percent (3%), Landlord shall reimburse Tenant for the reasonable
cost of such audit


Notwithstanding any language in the Lease or in this Article Four  seemingly  to
the  contrary, Landlord shall determine and estimate Operating Expenses for  any
calendar year within the Term by increasing the variable components of Operating
Expenses to the amount which Landlord projects (a) would have been incurred  had
the  Building  been occupied to the extent of ninety-five percent (95%)  of  the
Rentable  Area  therein  (if actual occupancy is less than  ninety-five  percent
(95%)) or (b) has been incurred based on the percentage of the Rentable Area  of
the  Building  actually occupied (if actual occupancy is more  than  ninety-five
percent  (95%)) during all of the applicable calendar year.  In such event,  the
term  "Operating Expenses", as used in this Article Four and in the Lease, shall
include  (i) the actual Operating Expenses incurred during any portion  of  such
calendar  year  in which the Building is occupied to the extent  of  ninety-five
percent  (95%)  or  more of the Rentable Area therein, plus (ii)  the  Operating
Expenses  which would have been incurred had the Building been occupied  to  the
extent  of  ninety-five percent (95%) of the Rentable Area  therein  during  any
portion  of such calendar year in which the actual occupancy of the Building  is
below  ninety-five percent (95%); and Landlord shall have the option  of  making
such estimate in advance for any upcoming calendar year.

                        ARTICLE FIVE
                      SECURITY DEPOSIT

                  [INTENTIONALLY DELETED]

                        ARTICLE SIX


So  long  as the Lease is in full force and effect and Tenant has paid all  Rent
then due, Landlord shall furnish the following services:

(a)  Central heat, ventilation, and air conditioning in season within tolerances
normal  for  buildings similar to the Building located in the  Central  Business
District  of Houston, Texas, Monday through Friday from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00  p.m.;
and  Saturday,  from 7:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., excluding National  Holidays.   The
foregoing notwithstanding, the design specifications for the Building's  central
heat, ventilation, and air conditioning levels (the "HVAC Specifications"), upon
which  such levels of services for the Building are based on the following:  (i)
density  factors  of  not more than one (1) person per one hundred  fifty  (150)
square  feet of Usable Area nor more than 3.5 watts of electrical heat load  per
Usable Area of each area served, inside space conditions of 75deg F. dry bulb 
and 63%  relative humidity when outside conditions are 95deg F. dry bulb and 
80deg  wet bulb;  (ii) the total scheduled air conditioning capacity for each 
floor of the Premises is no greater than 74.8 tons; (iii) that said 74.8 tons  
of  air conditioning will air condition each such floor to 75deg F.D.B. ambient
air at the following  interior  load conditions:  (x) 150 square feet of  Usable
Area  per person;  (y) 2 watts/per square foot of Usable Area lighting loan; and
(z)  1.5 watts/per  square  foot  of Usable Area power load; and  (iv)  with  
respect to ventilation, is further based upon the following criteria: outdoor 
air  will  be added  to the Premises at an approximate rate of 0.12 cubic feet 
per minute  per square  foot of floor area.  All additional central heat, 
ventilation,  and  air conditioning  required  (if  any)  to heat,  
ventilate,  or  air  condition  the
Premises,  or  that is otherwise requested by the Tenant for the Premises  which
requires  additional  equipment  and/or  which  results  in  Landlord  providing
additional  hot or chilled water (as the case may be) to service such additional
requirements, shall be metered at Tenant's sole cost and expense, billed to  the
Tenant  on  a monthly basis and paid for by Tenant promptly upon receipt  of  an
invoice   therefor.    Such  additional  hot  and  chilled   water   consumption
necessitated  pursuant to the foregoing will be determined as  measured  by  BTU
meters  and  submeters  installed (at Tenant's cost as  aforesaid)  and  further
maintained in good order and repair all at Tenant's expense;

(b)   tempered and cold water for use in lavatories in common with other tenants
from the regular supply of the Building;

(c)   customary cleaning and janitorial services in the Premises five  (5)  days
per week, excluding National Holidays in accordance with the standards set forth
in EXHIBIT K attached hereto and made a part hereof for all purposes;

(d)   washing  of  the  outside windows in the Premises  weather  permitting  at
intervals determined by Landlord but at least twice per year;

(e)   automatic passenger elevator service twenty-four (24) hours per day, seven
(7)  days  per  week  in  common with other tenants of the  Building  and  their
contractors, agents and visitors (subject to after-hours reductions in  service,
provided  at least two (2) passenger elevators in the elevator bank serving  the
Premises  shall  be  made available for use by tenants of  the  Building  after-
hours),  and  freight  elevator  service subject  to  reasonable  scheduling  by

(f)   all  Building  standard fluorescent bulb and ballast  replacement  in  the
Premises  necessary to maintain the lighting provided as a  part  of  the  Shell
Improvements  and fluorescent and incandescent bulb and ballast  replacement  in
the Common Areas and Service Areas;

(g)   routine maintenance and electric lighting service for all Common Areas and
Service Areas of the Building in the manner and to the extent deemed by Landlord
to  be standard and otherwise consistent with the standards of other first-class
office buildings in the Central Business District of Houston, Texas; and

(h)   on-site security personnel and equipment for the Property twenty-four (24)
hours  per  day, seven (7) days per week; provided, however, that Tenant  agrees
that Landlord shall not be responsible for the adequacy or effectiveness of such
security  provided  that  (i)  Landlord has exercised  reasonable  care  in  the
selection  of  the  security contractor and equipment, and (ii)  the  scope  and
extent  of the security services contracted for by Landlord are in keeping  with
the  standards  of  other first-class office buildings in the  Central  Business
District of Houston, Texas.


Tenant's  use of electrical services furnished by Landlord shall be  subject  to
the following:

(a)   Landlord will provide the necessary facilities to supply twenty-four  (24)
hours  per  day,  seven (7) days per week (i) two (2) watts per square  foot  of
Usable Area within the Premises, at 277 volts, for Tenant's fluorescent lighting
and  (ii) four (4) watts per square foot of Usable Area within the Premises,  at
120 volts, for Tenant's receptacle/equipment loads (excluding Tenant's dedicated
circuits).  Collectively, Tenant's lighting and receptacle/equipment  shall  not
have  an  electrical design load greater than an average of six  (6)  watts  per
square  foot  of Usable Area within the Premises ("Standard Building Capacity").
The  electrical costs component of Operating Expenses is calculated on the basis
of the Standard Building Capacity.  Any electrical usage in the Premises and the
Expansion  Premises (as defined in EXHIBIT H hereto) in excess of  .34  kilowatt
hours  per  square  foot  of  Usable Area in the Premises  per  month  shall  be
considered to be in excess of Standard Building Capacity and shall be separately
metered  and  billed to Tenant on a monthly basis.  Notwithstanding  the  above,
high  voltage  power  used for Building standard lighting will  not  be  metered
unless  the  Building standard allowance for lighting (defined as  one  (1)  2x4
parabolic  lighting  fixture for each eighty (80) square  feet  of  Usable  Area
within the Premises) is exceeded.

(b)   The  electrical facilities in the Building available for Tenant's use  are
(i)  277/480 volts, 3 phase, for large equipment loads and fluorescent lighting;
and  (ii)  120/208  volts, 3 phase, for small equipment loads  and  incandescent
lighting.   Tenant  shall notify Landlord, in writing, of any  equipment  (other
than personal (as opposed to mainframe) computers and copier machines) that  has
a  rated  electrical load greater than 500 watts and/or that requires a  service
voltage  other  than  120  volts, and Landlord's written  approval  (not  to  be
unreasonably withheld) shall be required with respect to the installation of any
such high electrical consumption equipment in the Premises.

(c)   Tenant  shall  pay  for  all costs of meters, submeters,  wiring,  risers,
transformers,  electrical panels, air conditioning and other items  required  by
Landlord,  in  Landlord's reasonable discretion, to accommodate Tenant's  design
loads  and capacities that exceed Standard Building Capacity, including, without
limitation,  the  installation  and maintenance  thereof.   Notwithstanding  the
foregoing,  Landlord  may refuse to install and withhold  consent  for  Tenant's
installation  of  any wiring, risers, transformers, electrical  panels,  or  air
conditioning  if, in Landlord's reasonable judgment, the same are not  necessary
or  would  cause damage or injury to the Building or the Premises  or  cause  or
create  a  dangerous or hazardous condition or entail excessive or  unreasonable
alterations or repairs to the Building or the Premises, or would interfere  with
or  create  or  constitute a disturbance to other tenants or  occupants  of  the
Building.  In no event shall Landlord incur any liability for Landlord's refusal
to  install,  or withholding of consent for Tenant's installation of,  any  such
electrical facility or equipment.

(d)   Tenant shall pay to Landlord, upon demand, the cost of the consumption  of
electrical  service  in  excess  of  the Standard  Building  Capacity  at  rates
determined by Landlord based on Landlord's actual cost therefor and otherwise in
accordance with any applicable laws.

(e)   Landlord  may, at its option, upon not less than thirty (30)  days'  prior
written  notice  to  Tenant, discontinue the availability of such  extraordinary
electrical  service.   If Landlord gives any such notice, Tenant  will  contract
directly with the applicable public utility for the supplying of such electrical
service to the Premises.


At  Tenant's request, Landlord shall furnish additional quantities of any of the
services  or utilities specified in Section 6.01, if Landlord can reasonably  do
so,  on  the terms set forth herein.  Tenant may order after-hours HVAC  service
instantaneously by a coded entry over a touch-tone phone.  The charge for after-
hours  HVAC service is currently $25.00 per handler per hour (subject to  change
from  time  to time based on Landlord's costs therefor) and shall be  billed  to
Tenant  monthly.   For  other  services or utilities  requested  by  Tenant  and
furnished  by  Landlord,  Tenant  shall pay to Landlord  as  a  charge  therefor
Landlord's  prevailing rates for such services and utilities.  If  Tenant  shall
fail  to  make  any  such payment, Landlord may, upon notice to  Tenant  and  in
addition to Landlord's other remedies under this Lease, discontinue any  or  all
of such additional services.

All telegraph, telephone, and electric connections which Tenant may desire shall
be  first  approved by Landlord in writing (such approval not to be unreasonably
withheld,  conditioned  or  delayed), before the same  are  installed,  and  the
location of all wires and the work in connection therewith shall be performed by
contractors  approved  by  Landlord and shall be subject  to  the  direction  of
Landlord.   Landlord reserves the right to designate and control the  entity  or
entities  providing telephone or other communication cable installation,  repair
and  maintenance in the Building and to restrict and control access to telephone
cabinets.   In the event Landlord designates a particular vendor or  vendors  to
provide such cable installation, repair and maintenance for the Building, Tenant
agrees to abide by and participate in such program.  Tenant shall be responsible
for  and  shall  pay all costs incurred in connection with the  installation  of
telephone  cables  and  related  wiring  in  the  Premises,  including,  without
limitation, any hook-up, access and maintenance fees related to the installation
of  such  wires  and  cables  in the Premises and the  commencement  of  service
therein, and the maintenance thereafter of such wire and cables; and there shall
be  included in Operating Expenses for the Building all installation, hook-up or
maintenance costs incurred by Landlord in connection with telephone  cables  and
related  wiring in the Building which are not allocable to any individual  users
of such service but are allocable to the Building generally.  If Tenant fails to
maintain  all  telephone  cables and related wiring in  the  Premises  and  such
failure  affects or interferes with the operation or maintenance  of  any  other
telephone cables or related wiring in the Building, Landlord or any vendor hired
by  Landlord  may  enter into and upon the Premises forthwith and  perform  such
repairs,  restorations or alterations as Landlord deems necessary  in  order  to
eliminate  any  such interference (and Landlord may recover from Tenant  all  of
Landlord's  costs in connection therewith).  Upon the Termination  Date,  Tenant
agrees to remove all telephone cables and related wiring installed by Tenant for
and  during  Tenant's occupancy, which Landlord shall request  in  writing  that
Tenant  remove.  Tenant agrees that neither Landlord nor any of  its  agents  or
employees  shall  be  liable  to Tenant, or any of Tenant's  employees,  agents,
customers  or invitees or anyone claiming through, by or under Tenant,  for  any
damages, injuries, losses, expenses, claims or causes of action because  of  any
interruption, diminution, delay or discontinuance at any time for any reason  in
the furnishing of any telephone service to the Premises and the Building.


Tenant  agrees  that  Landlord shall not be liable  to  Tenant  for  damages  or
otherwise,  for  any failure to furnish, or a delay in furnishing,  any  service
when  such  failure  or delay is occasioned, in whole or in  part,  by  repairs,
improvements or mechanical breakdowns by the act or default of Tenant  or  other
parties or by an event of Force Majeure.  No interruption or malfunction of  any
utility service shall constitute an eviction or disturbance of Tenant's  use  or
possession  of  the  Premises  or  a breach by Landlord  of  any  of  Landlord's
obligations hereunder or render Landlord liable or responsible to Tenant for any
loss  or  damage  which Tenant may sustain or incur if either  the  quantity  or
character of any utility service is changed or is no longer available to  or  is
no  longer  suitable for Tenant's requirements or entitle Tenant to be  relieved
from  any of Tenant's obligations hereunder, including, without limitation,  the
obligation  to  pay  Rent, or grant Tenant any right to set-off,  abatement,  or
recoupment.   Landlord reserves the right, upon not less than ninety  (90)  days
prior  written  notice to Tenant, to discontinue the availability of  electrical
service to all tenants of the Building.  If Landlord elects such option,  Tenant
shall contract directly with the utility service provider for the continuance of
service  to  the  Premises.   However, Landlord shall  not  have  the  right  to
discontinue such service if the utility service provider furnishing such service
will not contract with Tenant for the supplying of such service.  Landlord shall
at  the  written  request  of Tenant make all necessary  arrangements  with  the
utility  service provider in connection with obtaining such utility  service  to
the Premises.  If Landlord discontinues providing electricity to all tenants  of
the  Building for any reason other than Landlord's reasonable anticipation  that
tenants  will  realize  costs savings as a result of contracting  directly  with
utility  service provider(s) for electricity, Landlord will pay  all  conversion
charges  relating thereto.  Otherwise, such conversion costs shall be considered
an  item  of  Operating Expense, for which Tenant shall be responsible  for  its
proportionate  share  thereof.  In addition, during the period  Tenant  actually
receives electrical service directly from the utility service provider, Tenant's
pro rata share of Operating Expenses shall be reduced proportionately to account
for  the cessation of Building standard electrical service to the Premises.  The
foregoing  shall  not,  however,  prohibit Landlord  from  escalating  Operating
Expenses with respect to the increased cost of electrical services furnished  to
the Common Areas and Service Areas.  Failure to any extent to make available, or
any  slowdown, stoppage, or interruption of, the specified utility  services  (a
"Service  Failure")  resulting  from any cause, including,  without  limitation,
Landlord's  compliance  with any voluntary or similar governmental  or  business
guidelines  now  or  hereafter published or any requirements  now  or  hereafter
established  by  any  governmental agency, board, or bureau having  jurisdiction
over the operation of the Building or other causes beyond the reasonable control
of  Landlord,  shall not render Landlord liable in any respect  for  damages  to
either persons, property, or business, nor be construed as an eviction of Tenant
or  work  an  abatement of Rent, nor relieve Tenant of Tenant's obligations  for
fulfillment  of  any  covenant or agreement hereof.   Should  any  equipment  or
machinery  furnished by Landlord break down or for any cause cease  to  function
properly,  Landlord shall use reasonable diligence to repair same promptly,  but
except  as provided below, Tenant shall have no claim for abatement of  Rent  or
damages  for any Service Failure.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, if any Service
Failure  with respect to an Essential Service (hereinafter defined) renders  any
of the Premises unsuitable for the normal conduct of Tenant's business therefrom
(as  determined by both Landlord and Tenant in good faith) which was not  caused
by a fire or other casualty, then:

(a)   if  the Premises or any portion thereof remains in an unsuitable condition
for  three  (3)  consecutive  business days after Tenant  gives  written  notice
thereof  to  Landlord, then Rent shall thereafter abate for the portion  of  the
Premises so rendered unsuitable until such unsuitability is removed;

(b)   if  such  Service  Failure resulted from any cause within  the  reasonable
control of Landlord, and fifty percent (50%) or more of the Rentable Area of the
Premises  remains  in  an  unsuitable condition for  one  hundred  twenty  (120)
consecutive  days after Tenant gives written notice thereof to Landlord,  Tenant
may  terminate  this Lease by giving written notice thereof to Landlord  at  any
time  thereafter  but  prior  to the date that the affected  portion(s)  of  the
Premises are returned to a condition reasonably suitable for the normal  conduct
of Tenant's business; and

(c)  fifty percent (50%) or more of the Rentable Area of the Premises remains in
an  unsuitable  condition  due  to  any such Service  Failure  (whether  or  not
resulting  from  a cause within Landlord's reasonable control) for  one  hundred
eighty  (180)  consecutive  days after Tenant gives written  notice  thereof  to
Landlord,  Tenant may terminate this Lease by giving written notice  thereof  to
Landlord  at  any  time  thereafter but prior to  the  date  that  the  affected
portion(s) of the Premises are returned to a condition reasonably  suitable  for
the  normal conduct of Tenant's business.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, in  no
event shall Tenant have any Lease termination rights with respect to any Service
Failure  which  was caused primarily by the negligence or willful misconduct  of
Tenant, or by an employee, agent, or contractor of Tenant.

The  foregoing  Rent  abatement and termination rights shall  be  Tenant's  sole
recourse  in the event of a Service Failure for an Essential Service.   Landlord
in  no  event shall be liable for damages by reason of loss of profits, business
interruption  or other consequential damages.  The term "Essential  Service"  as
used herein means any one or more of the following services:  HVAC, electricity,
water  and/or elevator service or the severing or damage by Landlord to Tenant's
telephone  lines  and/or computer cabling or the cessation  or  interruption  of
Tenant's  use  of the Building chase by Tenant for telephone lines and  computer
cabling (subject to reasonable limitations on Tenant's use of the Building chase
in common with other tenants of the Building).

                       ARTICLE SEVEN


(a)  Tenant shall be entitled to possession of the Premises for the purposes  of
conducting business therefrom on the Commencement Date.  Tenant shall occupy and
use  the Premises only for the uses specified in Section 1.01(11).  Tenant shall
not  occupy or use the Premises (or permit the use or occupancy of the Premises)
for  any purpose or in any manner which: (i) is unlawful or in violation of  any
Law  or Environmental Law; (ii) may be dangerous to persons or property or which
may  increase the cost of, or invalidate, any policy of insurance carried on the
Building or covering its operations; (iii) is contrary to or prohibited  by  the
terms  and  conditions of this Lease or the rules of the Building set  forth  in
Article Eighteen; or (iv) would tend to create or constitute a nuisance.

(b)   Tenant  and  Landlord  shall  each  comply  with  all  Environmental  Laws
concerning  the proper storage, handling and disposal of any Hazardous  Material
with  respect  to  the Property.  Tenant shall not generate,  store,  handle  or
dispose  of  any  Hazardous Material in, on, or about the Property  without  the
prior written consent of Landlord.  In the event that Tenant is notified of  any
investigation  or  violation  of any Environmental  Law  arising  from  Tenant's
activities at the Premises, Tenant shall immediately deliver to Landlord a  copy
of such notice.  In such event or in the event Landlord reasonably believes that
a  violation  of Environmental Law exists, Landlord may conduct such  tests  and
studies  relating to compliance by Tenant with Environmental Laws or the alleged
presence  of Hazardous Materials upon the Premises as Landlord deems  desirable,
all  of  which  shall  be  completed at Tenant's expense  if  the  violation  is
confirmed by such tests to have been caused by, or attributable to Tenant or its
employees, agents, contractors, or invitees.  Landlord's inspection and  testing
rights  are for Landlord's own protection only, and Landlord has not, and  shall
not  be  deemed to have assumed any responsibility to Tenant or any other  party
for  compliance  with  Environmental Laws, as  a  result  of  the  exercise,  or
non-exercise of such rights.  Tenant shall indemnify, defend, protect  and  hold
harmless  the  Indemnitees from any and all loss, claim, expense, liability  and
cost  (including attorneys' fees) arising out of or in any way  related  to  the
presence of any Hazardous Material introduced to the Premises during the Term by
Tenant  or  its  employees, agents, contractors or invitees.  If  any  Hazardous
Material  is  released, discharged or disposed of on or about the  Property  and
such  release, discharge or disposal is not caused by Tenant or other  occupants
of  the  Premises,  or  their  employees, agents or contractors,  such  release,
discharge or disposal shall be deemed casualty damage under Article Fourteen  to
the  extent  that the Premises are affected thereby; in such case, Landlord  and
Tenant  shall  have the obligations and rights respecting such  casualty  damage
provided under such Article.

(c)  Landlord and Tenant acknowledge that the Americans With Disabilities Act of
1990  (42  U.S.C.   12101  et seq.) and regulations and  guidelines  promulgated
thereunder, as all of the same may be amended and supplemented from time to time
(collectively  referred  to  herein  as the "ADA")  establish  requirements  for
business   operations,  accessibility  and  barrier  removal,  and   that   such
requirements may or may not apply to the Premises and the Building depending on,
among   other  things:  (i)  whether  Tenant's  business  is  deemed  a  "public
accommodation"  or  "commercial facility",  (ii) whether such  requirements  are
"readily  achievable", and (iii) whether a given alteration affects  a  "primary
function area" or triggers "path of travel" requirements.

The   parties  hereby  agree  that:  (i)  Landlord  shall  be  responsible   for
implementing ADA Title III compliance in the Common Areas (and with  respect  to
the  existing restrooms and drinking fountains located on Floor 25) as  part  of
Operating  Expenses, except as provided below, (ii) Tenant shall be  responsible
for   ADA  Title  III  compliance  in  the  Premises,  including  any  leasehold
improvements  or  other  work  to be performed  in  the  Premises  under  or  in
connection  with this Lease, (iii) Landlord may perform, or require that  Tenant
perform, and Tenant shall be responsible for the cost of, ADA Title III "path of
travel" requirements triggered by alterations in the Premises, and (iv) Landlord
may  perform, or require Tenant to perform, and Tenant shall be responsible  for
the  cost of, ADA Title III compliance in the Common Areas necessitated  by  the
Building  being deemed to be a "public accommodation" instead of  a  "commercial
facility"  as a result of Tenant's use of the Premises.  Tenant shall be  solely
responsible  for  requirements under Title I of the  ADA  relating  to  Tenant's
employees within the Premises.

(d)   Landlord and Tenant acknowledge that the Texas Architectural Barriers Act,
Art.  9102,  Tex.  Civ.  Stat.  Ann.  (1994),  and  regulations  and  guidelines
promulgated thereunder, as all of the same may be amended and supplemented  from
time to time  (collectively referred to herein as "TABA") establish requirements
for  accessibility  and barrier removal.  The parties hereby  agree  that:   (i)
Tenant  shall  be  responsible  for compliance  with  TABA,  including,  without
limitation,  submission (through the Property manager)  of  required  plans  and
documents  to the State of Texas for approval of accessibility design  features,
in connection with the work set forth in the Workletter attached hereto, if any,
and  any  other  construction or alterations to the Premises  during  the  Term,
except  that Landlord agrees to be responsible for such compliance in connection
with  any  work  done  by  Landlord pursuant to Section 8.01  hereof;  and  (ii)
Landlord  shall  be  responsible for compliance with  TABA,  including,  without
limitation, submission of required plans and documents to the State of Texas for
approval  of  accessibility design features, in connection with construction  or
alterations to the Common Areas, except that Tenant agrees to be responsible for
such  compliance  in  connection with any such work which  may  be  necessitated
solely as a result of Tenant's use of the Premises.


(a)   Tenant  shall  permit Landlord to erect, use and  maintain  pipes,  ducts,
wiring and conduits in and through the Premises, so long as Tenant's use, layout
or  design  of the Premises is not materially affected or altered.  Landlord  or
Landlord's agents shall have the right to enter upon the Premises in  the  event
of  an  emergency, or to inspect the Premises, to perform janitorial  and  other
services,  to conduct safety and other testing in the Premises and to make  such
repairs,  alterations, improvements or additions to the Premises or the Building
as  Landlord may deem necessary or desirable.  Janitorial and cleaning  services
shall  be  performed after normal business hours.  Any entry or work by Landlord
may be during normal business hours and Landlord shall use reasonable efforts to
ensure  that  any entry or work shall not unreasonably or  materially  interfere
with  Tenant's  occupancy of the Premises, however, any such interference  shall
not be a default by Landlord.

(b)   If  Tenant is not personally present to permit an entry into the  Premises
when for any reason an entry therein shall be necessary or permissible, Landlord
(or  Landlord's  agents),  after attempting to notify  Tenant  (unless  Landlord
believes  an  emergency  situation  exists),  may  enter  the  Premises  without
rendering Landlord or its agents liable therefor (if during such entry  Landlord
or  Landlord's  agent  shall afford reasonable care to Tenant's  property),  and
without relieving Tenant of any obligations under this Lease.

(c)   Landlord  may  enter  the  Premises for the  purpose  of  conducting  such
inspections,  tests and studies as Landlord may deem desirable or  necessary  to
confirm  Tenant's compliance with all Laws and Environmental Laws or  for  other
purposes  necessary  in  Landlord's reasonable  judgment  to  ensure  the  sound
condition  of  the  Building and the systems serving the  Building.   Landlord's
rights  under this Section 7.02(c) are for Landlord's own protection  only,  and
Landlord has not, and shall not be deemed to have assumed any responsibility  to
Tenant or any other party for compliance with Laws or Environmental Laws,  as  a
result of the exercise or non-exercise of such rights.

(d)  Landlord may do any of the foregoing, or undertake any of the inspection or
work  described in the preceding paragraphs without such action constituting  an
actual  or constructive eviction of Tenant, in whole or in part, or giving  rise
to  an  abatement of Rent by reason of loss or interruption of business  of  the
Tenant, or otherwise.


Landlord  covenants that so long as Tenant is in compliance with  the  covenants
and  conditions  set forth in this Lease, Tenant shall have the right  to  quiet
enjoyment  of  the Premises during the Term plus any renewals  thereof   without
hindrance or interference from Landlord or those claiming through Landlord,  and
subject to the rights of any Mortgagee.


Landlord  shall provide limited access to the Building before and  after  normal
business hours in the form of special limited access entry cards ("Entry Cards")
for  Tenant  and  its employees.  An Entry Card shall not automatically  qualify
Tenant  or  any of its employees for an access card to the "Parking  Garage"  as
defined  in and pursuant to the terms of EXHIBIT E.  Landlord agrees to  provide
Tenant with up to, but not in excess of, eighty-five (85) Entry Cards at no cost
to  Tenant.  Tenant shall pay Landlord for any additional or replacement  cards,
in  such  amount as Landlord shall, from time to time, determine.   The  current
cost  required for a replacement card and an additional card is $10.00 per card.
Landlord  shall  be entitled to cancel (by computer entry) any  lost  or  stolen
cards  of which it becomes aware.  Tenant shall promptly notify Landlord of  any
lost  or  stolen  cards.   Landlord  shall have  no  liability  to  Tenant,  its
employees,  agents, invitees, or licensees for losses due to theft or  burglary,
or  for  damages committed by unauthorized persons on the Premises; and  neither
shall  Landlord  be  required to insure against any such losses.   Tenant  shall
cooperate  fully in Landlord's efforts to maintain security in the Building  and
shall  follow  all  regulations promulgated by Landlord  with  respect  thereto.
Tenant  further agrees to surrender all Entry Cards in its possession  upon  the
expiration or earlier termination of this Lease.

Tenant,  at  its  sole  cost and expense, shall have the right  to  install  and
maintain  a  security system and equipment preferred or required  by  Tenant  to
limit  and/or  monitor  access to the Premises.  All of  such  systems  must  be
approved  in advance by Landlord and be compatible with the Building's security,
elevator,   and  stairwell  systems  and  must  comply  with  all   governmental
requirements,  including without limitation Building,  fire,  life,  and  safety
codes.   In the event that there are subsequent changes to the Building systems,
then  Tenant  will  be  responsible for altering its systems  to  be  compatible
therewith.   Tenant shall also have the right at its sole cost  and  expense  to
adapt  Tenant's  existing access control system and equipment for  compatibility
with  existing Building system(s) and equipment to enable Landlord's third-party
contractor to monitor Tenant's system for a periodic monitoring fee to be agreed
upon  by  Tenant  and  such contractor prior to conversion of  Tenant's  system.
Landlord shall have no liability for the performance of Tenant's security system
or monitoring personnel.

                       ARTICLE EIGHT


Subject to the provisions of Article Fourteen, Landlord shall maintain and  make
necessary  repairs to the foundations, roofs, exterior walls, and the structural
elements  of  the  Building, the electrical, plumbing, heating, ventilation  and
air-conditioning systems of the Building and the public corridors, washrooms and
lobby  of the Building, except that:  (a) Landlord shall not be responsible  for
the  maintenance or repair of any floor or wall coverings in the Premises or any
of  such  systems which are located within the Premises and are supplemental  or
special  to the Building's standard systems; and (b) the cost of performing  any
of said maintenance or repairs whether to the Premises or to the Building caused
by  the  negligence  of  Tenant,  its employees,  agents,  servants,  licensees,
subtenants,  contractors or invitees, shall be paid by Tenant.   Landlord  shall
not  be liable to Tenant for any expense, injury, loss or damage resulting  from
work  done in the Building or upon the Property, or the use of, any adjacent  or
nearby  building,  land, street, or alley unless caused by, or attributable  to,
Landlord's gross negligence or willful misconduct.


Subject  to  the  provisions of Article Fourteen, Tenant, at its expense,  shall
keep  and  maintain  the  Premises and all Tenant  Alterations  in  good  order,
condition  and  repair and in accordance with all Laws and  Environmental  Laws.
Tenant  shall  not  permit waste and shall promptly and  adequately  repair  all
damages to the Premises and replace or repair all damaged or broken glass in the
interior of the Premises, fixtures or appurtenances.  Any repairs or maintenance
shall  be completed with materials of similar quality to the original materials,
all  such  work  to  be completed under the supervision of Landlord.   Any  such
repairs  or  maintenance  shall be performed only by  contractors  or  mechanics
approved  by  Landlord,  which  approval shall  not  be  unreasonably  withheld,
conditioned  or  delayed  and whose work will not cause  or  threaten  to  cause
disharmony  or interference with Landlord or other tenants in the  Building  and
their  respective  agents  and  contractors performing  work  in  or  about  the
Building.  If Tenant fails to perform promptly any of its obligations set  forth
in  this  Section  8.02,  Landlord may, in its reasonable  discretion  and  upon
reasonable  advance written  notice to Tenant reasonable under the circumstances
(except without notice in the case of emergencies), perform the same, and Tenant
shall  pay  to  Landlord's actual costs or expenses incurred  by  Landlord  upon

                        ARTICLE NINE


The   following  provisions  shall  apply  to  the  completion  of  any   Tenant

(a)   Tenant  shall  not, except as provided herein, without the  prior  written
consent   of  Landlord,  which  consent  shall  not  be  unreasonably  withheld,
conditioned or delayed, make or cause to be made any Tenant Alterations in or to
the  Premises or any Building systems serving the Premises.  Prior to making any
Tenant  Alterations,  Tenant shall give Landlord five (5)  days'  prior  written
notice (or such earlier notice as would be necessary pursuant to applicable law)
to   permit   Landlord   sufficient  time  to  post   appropriate   notices   of
non-responsibility.   Subject to all other requirements of  this  Article  Nine,
Tenant  may undertake Decoration work without Landlord's prior written  consent.
Tenant  shall  furnish Landlord with the names and addresses of all  contractors
and subcontractors and copies of all contracts.  All Tenant Alterations shall be
completed  at  such time and in such manner as Landlord may from  time  to  time
designate,  and  only by contractors or mechanics approved  by  Landlord,  which
approval  shall not be unreasonably withheld, conditioned or delayed, and  whose
work  will  not  cause  or  threaten to cause disharmony  or  interference  with
Landlord  or  other  tenants  in the Building and their  respective  agents  and
contractors  performing  work in or about the Building.   Landlord  may  further
condition  its consent upon Tenant furnishing to Landlord and Landlord approving
prior  to  the commencement of any work or delivery of materials to the Premises
related  to  the  Tenant  Alterations such of  the  following  as  specified  by
Landlord:  architectural  plans  and  specifications,  opinions  from  engineers
reasonably acceptable to Landlord stating that the Tenant Alterations  will  not
in   any  way  adversely  affect  the  Building's  systems,  including,  without
limitation,   the   mechanical,   heating,  plumbing,   security,   ventilating,
air-conditioning,  electrical,  and the fire and  life  safety  systems  in  the
Building,  necessary permits and licenses, certificates of insurance,  and  such
other documents in such form reasonably requested by Landlord.  Landlord may, in
the  exercise of reasonable judgment, request that Tenant provide Landlord  with
appropriate evidence of Tenant's ability to complete and pay for the  completion
of  the Tenant Alterations such as a performance bond or letter of credit.  Upon
completion  of  the  Tenant Alterations, Tenant shall  deliver  to  Landlord  an
as-built mylar and digitized (if available) set of plans and specifications  for
the Tenant Alterations.

(b)   Tenant  shall  pay  the cost of all Tenant Alterations  and  the  cost  of
decorating  the  Premises and any work to the Building occasioned  thereby.   In
connection with completion of any Tenant Alterations, Tenant shall pay  Landlord
a construction management fee in an amount reasonably acceptable to both parties
under  the  circumstances  based on the scope of the Tenant  Alterations  to  be
performed, but in any event not to exceed five percent (5%) of the cost of  such
Tenant Alterations.  Upon completion of Tenant Alterations, Tenant shall furnish
Landlord  with contractors' affidavits and full and final waivers  of  lien  and
receipted bills covering all labor and materials expended and used in connection
therewith  and  such  other documentation reasonably requested  by  Landlord  or

(c)  Tenant agrees to complete all Tenant Alterations (i) in accordance with all
Laws, Environmental Laws, all requirements of applicable insurance companies and
in  accordance with Landlord's standard construction rules and regulations,  and
(ii)  in a good and workmanlike manner with the use of good grades of materials.
Tenant  shall  notify  Landlord immediately if Tenant  receives  any  notice  of
violation of any Law in connection with completion of any Tenant Alterations and
shall immediately take such steps as are necessary to remedy such violation.  In
no  event shall such supervision or right to supervise by Landlord nor shall any
approvals given by Landlord under this Lease constitute any warranty by Landlord
to  Tenant of the adequacy of the design, workmanship or quality of such work or
materials  for  Tenant's intended use or of compliance with the requirements  of
Section  9.01(c)(i)  and  (ii) above or impose any liability  upon  Landlord  in
connection with the performance of such work.

(d)   All  Tenant  Alterations whether installed by Landlord  or  Tenant,  shall
without  compensation or credit to Tenant, become part of the Premises  and  the
property of Landlord at the time of their installation and shall remain  in  the
Premises,  unless  pursuant to Article Twelve, Tenant  may  remove  them  or  is
required to remove them at Landlord's request.

9.02 LIENS

Tenant  shall not permit any lien or claim for lien of any mechanic, laborer  or
supplier  or  any  other lien to be filed against the Building,  the  Land,  the
Premises, or any part thereof arising out of work performed, or alleged to  have
been  performed by, or at the direction of, or on behalf of Tenant.  If any such
lien  or  claim  for  lien is filed, Tenant shall within  thirty  (30)  days  of
receiving  notice  of such lien or claim (a) have such lien or  claim  for  lien
released  of record or (b) deliver to Landlord a bond in form, content,  amount,
and  issued  by  surety,  satisfactory  to Landlord,  indemnifying,  protecting,
defending and holding harmless the Indemnitees against all costs and liabilities
resulting  from  such  lien or claim for lien and the foreclosure  or  attempted
foreclosure  thereof.   If  Tenant  fails to take  any  of  the  above  actions,
Landlord, without investigating the validity of such lien or claim for lien, may
pay  or  discharge  the  same and Tenant shall, as payment  of  additional  Rent
hereunder,  reimburse Landlord upon demand for the amount so paid  by  Landlord,
including Landlord's expenses and attorneys' fees.

                        ARTICLE TEN


(a)   Without  the prior written consent of Landlord, Tenant may  not  sublease,
assign,  mortgage,  pledge,  hypothecate or otherwise  transfer  or  permit  the
transfer of this Lease or the encumbering of Tenant's interest therein in  whole
or  in part, by operation of law or otherwise or permit the use or occupancy  of
the  Premises,  or  any part thereof, by anyone other than  Tenant.   If  Tenant
desires to enter into any sublease of the Premises or assignment of this  Lease,
Tenant  shall  deliver  written notice thereof to Landlord ("Tenant's  Notice"),
together  with  the  identity  of the proposed subtenant  or  assignee  and  the
proposed  principal terms thereof and financial and other information sufficient
for  Landlord  to  make  an  informed judgment with  respect  to  such  proposed
subtenant  or  assignee at least thirty (30) days but no more than  one  hundred
twenty  (120)  days prior to the commencement date of the term of  the  proposed
sublease  or assignment.  If Tenant proposes to sublease less than  all  of  the
Rentable  Area  of the Premises, the space proposed to be sublet and  the  space
retained  by  Tenant must each be a marketable unit as reasonably determined  by
Landlord  and  otherwise  in compliance with all Laws.   Landlord  shall  notify
Tenant  in  writing of its approval or disapproval of the proposed  sublease  or
assignment or its decision to exercise its rights under Section 10.02 within ten
(10)   business  days  after  receipt  of  Tenant's  Notice  (and  all  required
information).   In no event may Tenant sublease any portion of the  Premises  or
assign  the Lease to any other tenant of the Building, unless Landlord  was  (or
is)  unable  to  accommodate  such  tenant's space  requirements  prior  to  the
effective date of the proposed assignment or subletting.

(b)   In making its determination of whether to consent to any proposed sublease
or assignment to a non-Affiliate of Tenant, Landlord may take into consideration
the business reputation and credit-worthiness of the proposed subtenant (only if
Landlord  has  reasonable concerns regarding the creditworthiness of  Tenant  at
such  time)  or the proposed assignee; the intended use of the Premises  by  the
proposed  subtenant or assignee; the nature of the business  conducted  by  such
subtenant  or  assignee and whether such business would be  deleterious  to  the
reputation  of the Building or Landlord or would violate the provisions  of  any
other  leases of tenants of the Building; the estimated pedestrian and vehicular
traffic  in  the  Premises and to the Building which would be generated  by  the
proposed subtenant or assignee; whether the proposed assignee or subtenant is  a
department,  representative  or  agency of any  governmental  body,  foreign  or
domestic;   and  any other factors which Landlord shall deem  relevant.   In  no
event  shall  Landlord be obligated to consider a consent to  any  proposed  (i)
sublease  of  the Premises or assignment of the Lease if a Default  then  exists
under  the  Lease, or a fact or condition exists, which but for  the  giving  of
notice or the passage of time would constitute a Default, or (ii) assignment  of
the  Lease  which would assign less than the entire Premises for  the  remaining
Lease Term.

(c)  If Landlord chooses not to recapture the space proposed to be subleased  or
assigned as provided in Section 10.02, Landlord shall not unreasonably withhold,
condition or delay, its consent to a subletting or assignment under this Section
10.01.   Any approved sublease or assignment shall be expressly subject  to  the
terms  and  conditions  of  this Lease.  Any such subtenant  or  assignee  shall
execute  such  documents  as Landlord may reasonably require  to  evidence  such
subtenant or assignee's assumption of such obligations and liabilities.   Tenant
shall  deliver to Landlord a copy of all agreements executed by Tenant  and  the
proposed  subtenant  and  assignee with respect  to  the  Premises.   Landlord's
approval  of a sublease or assignment shall not constitute a waiver of  Tenant's
obligation to obtain Landlord's consent to further assignments or subleases.

(d)   For purposes of this Article Ten, an assignment shall be deemed to include
a change in the majority control of Tenant, resulting from any transfer, sale or
assignment of more than an aggregate of fifty percent (50%) partnership interest
in  Tenant's managing general partner and/or Tenant's operating general partner,
occurring  by operation of law or otherwise to a party other than Affiliate,  or
the  sale or other transfer of more than an aggregate of fifty percent (50%)  of
Tenant's net assets to a party other than Affiliate.

(e)   Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in  this  Article  Ten,
Tenant  shall have the right, without the prior written consent of Landlord,  to
sublease the Premises, or to assign this Lease to an Affiliate who shall use the
Premises  consistent with Tenant's Use of Premises provided in Section  1.01(11)
hereof.   Landlord  acknowledges and agrees that  Tenant's  Affiliates,  Genesis
Energy  LLC and Genesis, L.P. shall occupy portions of the Premises pursuant  to
an office sharing arrangement with Tenant.

10.02     RECAPTURE

Except  as provided in Section 10.01(e) Landlord shall have the option by giving
written notice to Tenant within ten (10) business days after receipt of Tenant's
notice  requesting  an assignment or subletting, to exclude  from  the  Premises
covered  by this Lease ("recapture"), the space proposed to be sublet or subject
to   the  assignment  (the  "Subject  Space"),  effective  as  of  the  proposed
commencement  date  of  such  sublease or assignment.   If  Landlord  elects  to
recapture,  Tenant  shall  surrender possession of  the  Subject  Space  on  the
effective  date of recapture of such Subject Space from the Premises  such  date
being  the  Termination  Date  for such space.  Effective  as  of  the  date  of
recapture  of any portion of the Premises pursuant to this Section, the  Monthly
Base  Rent, Rentable Area of the Premises and Tenant's Rent Adjustment shall  be
adjusted accordingly.

10.03     EXCESS RENT

Tenant shall pay Landlord on the first day of each month during the term of  the
sublease  or assignment, fifty percent (50%) of the amount by which the  sum  of
all rent and other consideration (direct or indirect) due from the subtenant  or
assignee  for such month exceeds: (a) that portion of the Monthly Base Rent  and
Rent  Adjustments due under this Lease for said month which is allocable to  the
space  sublet  or  assigned; and (b) the following costs and  expenses  for  the
subletting or assignment of such space: (i) brokerage commissions and attorneys'
fees  and  expenses,  (ii) advertising for subtenants or  assignees;  (iii)  the
actual  costs  paid in making any improvements or substitutions in the  Premises
required  by any sublease or assignment; and (iv) "free rent" periods, costs  of
any inducements or concessions given to subtenant or assignee, moving costs, and
other  amounts  in  respect of such subtenant's or assignee's  other  leases  or
occupancy arrangements.  All such costs will be amortized over the term  of  the
sublease or assignment pursuant to sound accounting principles at a rate of  ten
percent (10%) per year.


In  the  event  of  any sublease or assignment, whether or not  with  Landlord's
consent, Tenant shall not be released or discharged from any liability,  whether
past, present or future, under this Lease, including any liability arising  from
the  exercise  of  any  renewal or expansion option,  to  the  extent  expressly
permitted  by  Landlord.   If  Landlord  grants  consent  to  such  sublease  or
assignment,  Tenant  shall  pay  all reasonable  attorneys'  fees  and  expenses
incurred  by Landlord with respect to such assignment or sublease.  In addition,
if Tenant has any options to extend the term of this Lease or to add other space
to  the  Premises,  such  options shall not be available  to  any  subtenant  or
assignee, directly or indirectly without Landlord's express written consent.


If Tenant shall assign this Lease to any party as permitted herein, the assignee
shall  expressly assume all of the obligations of Tenant hereunder in a  written
instrument  satisfactory to Landlord and furnished to Landlord  not  later  than
fifteen (15) days prior to the effective date of the assignment.

                       ARTICLE ELEVEN
                    DEFAULT AND REMEDIES


The occurrence or existence of any one or more of the following shall constitute
a "Default" by Tenant under this Lease:

(a)   Tenant  fails  to pay any installment or other payment of  Rent  including
without  limitation Rent Adjustment Deposits or Rent Adjustments  when  due  and
Tenant's  continued failure to pay same within five (5) business days  following
Landlord's written notice to Tenant as to such default (provided, however,  that
after  Landlord has given Tenant written notice of failure to pay Rent when  due
on  two  (2) separate occasions in any twelve (12) month period, Landlord  shall
not  be  required to give Tenant notice for any subsequent failure  during  such
twelve (12) month period);

(b)   Tenant  fails to observe or perform any of the other covenants, conditions
or  provisions  of this Lease or the Workletter and fails to cure  such  default
within  thirty  (30)  days after written notice thereof to  Tenant  (unless  the
default involves a hazardous condition, which shall be cured forthwith);

(c)   The  interest  of Tenant in this Lease is levied upon under  execution  or
other legal process;

(d)   A  petition  is filed by or against Tenant to declare Tenant  bankrupt  or
seeking  a  plan  of  reorganization or arrangement under  any  Chapter  of  the
Bankruptcy  Act, or any amendment, replacement or substitution therefor,  or  to
delay  payment  of, reduce or modify Tenant's debts, which in  the  case  of  an
involuntary action is not discharged within thirty (30) days;

(e)   Tenant is declared insolvent by law or any assignment of Tenant's property
is made for the benefit of creditors;

(f)   A receiver is appointed for Tenant or Tenant's property, which appointment
is not discharged within thirty (30) days;

(g)   Any  action  taken by or against Tenant to reorganize or  modify  Tenant's
capital  structure  in  a  materially adverse  way  which  in  the  case  of  an
involuntary action is not discharged within thirty (30) days;
(h)  Upon the dissolution of Tenant; or

(i)   Upon the third occurrence within any Lease Year that Tenant fails  to  pay
Rent  when  due or has breached a particular covenant of this Lease (whether  or
not  such failure or breach is thereafter cured within any stated cure or  grace
period or statutory period).


(a)   If  a  Default  occurs,  Landlord  shall  have  the  rights  and  remedies
hereinafter set forth, which shall be distinct and cumulative:  (i) Landlord may
terminate this Lease by giving Tenant notice of Landlord's election to do so, in
which  event,  the term of this Lease shall end and all of Tenant's  rights  and
interests  shall  expire on the date stated in such notice;  (ii)  Landlord  may
terminate Tenant's right of possession of the Premises without terminating  this
Lease by giving notice to Tenant that Tenant's right of possession shall end  on
the  date specified in such notice; or (iii) Landlord may enforce the provisions
of  this  Lease and may enforce and protect the rights of the Landlord hereunder
by  a  suit  or  suits in equity or at law for the specific performance  of  any
covenant  or  agreement contained herein, or for the enforcement  of  any  other
appropriate legal or equitable remedy, including recovery of all monies  due  or
to  become  due  from  Tenant under any of the provisions of  this  Lease.   All
Landlord remedies shall be cumulative and not exclusive.

(b)  In the event that Landlord terminates the Lease, Landlord shall be entitled
to  recover (i) the sum of all Rents and other indebtedness accrued to the  date
of  such  termination, plus (ii) the cost of recovering the Premises, (iii)  the
cost  of  reletting  the  Premises,  or  portions  thereof  (including,  without
limitation,  brokerage  commissions) and (iv) the cost of repairs,  alterations,
improvements,  additions and decorations to the Premises to the extent  Landlord
deems  reasonably necessary or desirable.  Items (ii) through  (iv)  are  herein
defined  as  the  "Recovery Costs."  In addition, in  the  event  that  Tenant's
Default  constitutes a material breach, Landlord shall be entitled to recover  a
sum equal to the difference between (x) the total Base Rent due under this Lease
for  the remainder of the Term and (y) the then fair market rental value of  the
Premises  during  such  period, both discounted  to  present  value  at  a  rate
determined by Landlord, in its sole discretion ("Discounted Future Rent").

(c)   In  the  event Landlord proceeds pursuant to subparagraph  (a)(ii)  above,
Landlord  shall  be  entitled to recover (i) the sum  of  all  Rents  and  other
indebtedness  accrued  to the date of such termination of  Tenant's  possession,
plus (ii) the Recovery Costs (as defined above).  Landlord shall use objectively
reasonable efforts (in accordance with applicable law) to relet the Premises, or
any part thereof for the account of Tenant, for such rent and term and upon such
terms and conditions as are reasonably acceptable to Landlord.  For purposes  of
such  reletting, Landlord is authorized to decorate, repair, alter  and  improve
the  Premises to the extent reasonably necessary or desirable.  If the  Premises
are  relet  and  the  consideration realized  therefrom  after  payment  of  all
Landlord's Reletting Expenses, is insufficient to satisfy the payment  when  due
of  Rent reserved under this Lease for any monthly period, then Tenant shall pay
Landlord upon demand any such deficiency monthly ("Rental Deficiency").  If such
consideration is greater than the amount necessary to pay the full amount of the
Rent, the full amount of such excess shall be retained by Landlord and shall  in
no  event  be payable to Tenant.  Tenant agrees that Landlord may file  suit  to
recover any sums due to Landlord hereunder from time to time and that such  suit
or recovery of any amount due Landlord hereunder shall not be any defense to any
subsequent action brought for any amount not theretofore reduced to judgment  in
favor  of  Landlord.   Notwithstanding any such reletting  without  termination,
Landlord  may  at  any time thereafter elect to terminate this  Lease  for  such
previous  Default.   In  the alternative (but only in the  event  that  Tenant's
Default constitutes a material breach), Landlord may elect to terminate Tenant's
right  to occupy the Premises and to immediately recover as damages, in lieu  of
the  Rental  Deficiency, a sum equal to the Discounted Future Rent  (as  defined

(d)   In  the event a Default occurs, Landlord may, at Landlord's option,  enter
into  the  Premises, remove Tenant's property, fixtures, furnishings, signs  and
other  evidences of tenancy (excluding Tenant's files, records,  books  and  the
personal belongings of individual employees), and take and hold such property in
accordance  with  applicable  law;  provided,  however,  that  such  entry   and
possession  shall not terminate this Lease or release Tenant,  in  whole  or  in
part,  from Tenant's obligation to pay the Rent reserved hereunder for the  full
Term  or  from  any other obligation of Tenant under this Lease.   Any  and  all
property  which  may be removed from the Premises by Landlord  pursuant  to  the
authority  of  the Lease or law, to which Tenant is or may be entitled,  may  be
handled, removed or stored by Landlord at the risk, cost and expense of  Tenant,
and  Landlord  shall in no event be responsible for the value,  preservation  or
safekeeping  thereof.   Tenant shall pay Landlord,  upon  demand,  any  and  all
expenses  incurred in such removal and all storage charges against such property
so  long  as  the  same  shall  be in the Landlord's  possession  or  under  the
Landlord's  control.  Any such property of Tenant not retaken  from  storage  by
Tenant within thirty (30) days after the Termination Date, shall be conclusively
presumed to have been conveyed by Tenant to Landlord under this Lease as a  bill
of sale without further payment or credit by Landlord to Tenant.

(e)   If Landlord terminates this Lease or Tenant's right to possession (without
terminating  the  Lease), Landlord shall use objectively reasonable  efforts  to
mitigate  Landlord's  damages  by  re-letting the  Premises  following  Tenant's
vacancy  thereof  (but  in doing so, Tenant agrees that Landlord  shall  not  be
required  to  give preference to re-letting the Premises prior to leasing  other
space  that  Landlord  has  available,  i.e.,  any  prospective  tenant's  space
requirements will dictate Landlord's leasing activities).  Tenant shall bear the
burden of proof to demonstrate that Landlord has mitigated or failed to mitigate
Landlord's damages.


Tenant  shall  pay  upon  demand, all costs and expenses,  including  reasonable
attorneys'  fees, incurred by Landlord in enforcing the Tenant's performance  of
its  obligations  under  this Lease,  or resulting  from  Tenant's  Default,  or
incurred  by  Landlord  in any litigation, negotiation or transaction  in  which
Tenant  causes  Landlord,  without  Landlord's  fault,  to  become  involved  or


The  following  provisions  shall  apply in  the  event  of  the  bankruptcy  or
insolvency of Tenant:

(a)   In  connection with any proceeding under Chapter 7 of the Bankruptcy  Code
where  the  trustee of Tenant elects to assume this Lease for  the  purposes  of
assigning it, such election or assignment, may only be made upon compliance with
the  provisions  of  (b)  and (c) below, which conditions  Landlord  and  Tenant
acknowledge to be commercially reasonable.  In the event the trustee  elects  to
reject  this Lease then Landlord shall immediately be entitled to possession  of
the Premises without further obligation to Tenant or the trustee.

(b)   Any election to assume this Lease under Chapter 11 or 13 of the Bankruptcy
Code  by  Tenant  as debtor-in-possession or by Tenant's trustee (the  "Electing
Party") must provide for:

The  Electing  Party to cure or provide to Landlord adequate assurance  that  it
will  cure all monetary defaults under this Lease within fifteen (15) days  from
the  date  of  assumption and it will cure all nonmonetary defaults  under  this
Lease  within thirty (30) days from the date of assumption.  Landlord and Tenant
acknowledge such condition to be commercially reasonable.

(c)   If  the Electing Party has assumed this Lease or elects to assign Tenant's
interest  under  this Lease to any other person, such interest may  be  assigned
only  if  the  intended  assignee  has provided  adequate  assurance  of  future
performance  (as  herein defined), of all of the obligations imposed  on  Tenant
under  this  Lease.   For  the purposes hereof, "adequate  assurance  of  future
performance"  means  that Landlord has ascertained that each  of  the  following
conditions has been satisfied:

(i)   The assignee has submitted a current financial statement, certified by its
chief  financial officer, which shows a net worth and working capital in amounts
sufficient  to  assure  the  future performance  by  the  assignee  of  Tenant's
obligations under this Lease; and
(ii) Landlord has obtained consents or waivers from any third parties which  may
be  required under a lease, mortgage, financing arrangement, or other  agreement
by which Landlord is bound, to enable Landlord to permit such assignment.

(d)   Landlord's  acceptance  of rent or any other  payment  from  any  trustee,
receiver,  assignee, person, or other entity will not be deemed to have  waived,
or  waive,  the requirement of Landlord's consent, Landlord's right to terminate
this  Lease for any transfer of Tenant's interest under this Lease without  such
consent, or Landlord's claim for any amount of Rent due from Tenant.

                       ARTICLE TWELVE
                   SURRENDER OF PREMISES


Upon  the  Termination  Date, Tenant shall surrender  and  vacate  the  Premises
immediately  and  deliver possession thereof to Landlord in a  clean,  good  and
tenantable  condition,  ordinary wear and tear, and damage  caused  by  Landlord
excepted.   Tenant  shall deliver to Landlord all keys to the Premises.   Tenant
shall  be entitled to remove from the Premises all movable personal property  of
Tenant  and  Tenant's trade fixtures.  In addition, Tenant shall be required  to
remove  those  Tenant Alterations which at the time of their  installation  were
designated  in writing by Landlord as being subject to removal by Tenant.   None
of  the  Initial  Improvements will be required to be  removed  by  Tenant  upon
expiration  or  termination of the Term.  Tenant immediately  shall  repair  all
damage  resulting from removal of any of Tenant's property, furnishings, Initial
Improvements  or  Tenant Alterations, shall close all floor,  ceiling  and  roof
openings  and shall restore the Premises to a tenantable condition as reasonably
determined  by  Landlord.   In  the event possession  of  the  Premises  is  not
delivered to Landlord when required hereunder, or if Tenant shall fail to remove
those  items described above, Landlord may, at Tenant's expense, remove  any  of
such  property  therefrom without any liability to Landlord  and  undertake,  at
Tenant's expense such restoration work as Landlord deems necessary or advisable.


All  property  which  may  be removed from the Premises  by  Landlord  shall  be
conclusively  presumed to have been abandoned by Tenant and  Landlord  may  deal
with such property as provided in Section 11.02(d).  Tenant shall also reimburse
Landlord  for  all costs and expenses incurred by Landlord in  removing  any  of
Tenant  Alterations and in restoring the Premises to the condition  required  by
this Lease at the Termination Date.

                      ARTICLE THIRTEEN
                        HOLDING OVER

Tenant shall pay Landlord the greater of (a) one hundred fifty percent (150%) of
the  monthly  Rent payable for the month immediately preceding the holding  over
(including   increases  for  Rent  Adjustments  which  Landlord  may  reasonably
estimate) or, (b) one hundred ten percent (110%) of the fair market rental value
of  the  Premises as reasonably determined by Landlord for each month or portion
thereof  that Tenant retains possession of the Premises, or any portion thereof,
after  the Termination Date (without reduction for any partial month that Tenant
retains possession).  In addition, in the event Tenant retains possession of the
Premises  in  excess  of thirty (30) days, Tenant shall  also  pay  all  damages
sustained  and  losses  incurred by Landlord by  reason  of  such  retention  of
possession.   The provisions of this Article shall not constitute  a  waiver  by
Landlord of any re-entry rights of Landlord and Tenant's continued occupancy  of
the Premises shall be as a tenancy in sufferance.

                      ARTICLE FOURTEEN


(a)  If any fire or other casualty (whether insured or uninsured) renders all or
a  substantial  portion  of the Premises or the Building untenantable,  Landlord
shall, within sixty (60) days after the occurrence of such damage, estimate  the
length  of  time that will be required to Substantially Complete the repair  and
restoration  and  shall  by notice advise Tenant of such  estimate  ("Landlord's
Notice").    If  Landlord  estimates  that  the  amount  of  time  required   to
Substantially  Complete  such repair and restoration  will  exceed  one  hundred
eighty  (180) days from the date such damage occurred, then Landlord, or  Tenant
if  all or a substantial portion of the Premises is rendered untenantable, shall
have the right to terminate this Lease as of the date of such damage upon giving
written notice to the other at any time within sixty (60) days after delivery of
Landlord's  Notice, provided that if Landlord so chooses, Landlord's Notice  may
also constitute such notice of termination.   Tenant shall have ninety (90) days
following  Landlord's  termination notice or  Tenant's  termination  notice,  as
applicable  to  vacate  the Premises unless an earlier vacancy  is  required  by
applicable law.

(b)   Unless this Lease is terminated as provided in the preceding subparagraph,
Landlord  shall  proceed with reasonable promptness to repair  and  restore  the
Premises  to  its  condition  as  existed prior to  such  casualty,  subject  to
reasonable delays for insurance adjustments and Force Majeure delays,  and  also
subject  to zoning laws and building codes then in effect.  Landlord shall  have
no liability to Tenant, and Tenant shall not be entitled to terminate this Lease
if such repairs and restoration are not in fact completed within the time period
estimated  by  Landlord  so  long  as Landlord  shall  proceed  with  reasonable
diligence to complete such repairs and restoration.

(c)  Tenant acknowledges that Landlord shall be entitled to the full proceeds of
any  insurance coverage, whether carried by Landlord or Tenant, for  damages  to
the  Premises,  except  for  those proceeds of Tenant's  insurance  of  its  own
personal  property  and  equipment which would be removable  by  Tenant  at  the
Termination  Date.   All such insurance proceeds shall be  payable  to  Landlord
whether or not the Premises are to be repaired and restored.

(d)   Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein set forth:   (i)  Landlord
shall have no duty pursuant to this Section to repair or restore any portion  of
any Tenant Alterations exceeding Building-standard improvements or to expend for
any  repair  or  restoration of the Premises or Building amounts  in  excess  of
insurance proceeds paid to Landlord and available for repair or restoration; and
(ii)  Tenant shall not have the right to terminate this Lease pursuant  to  this
Section  if  any damage or destruction was caused by the sole act or neglect  of
Tenant, its agent or employees.

(e)   Any repair or restoration of the Premises performed by Tenant shall be  in
accordance with the provisions of Article Nine hereof.


If the Premises or the Building is damaged by a casualty but neither is rendered
substantially  untenantable, then Landlord shall proceed to repair  and  restore
the  Building  or  the Premises other than Tenant Alterations,  with  reasonable
promptness,  unless such damage is to the Premises and occurs  during  the  last
twelve  (12) months of the Term, in which event either Tenant or Landlord  shall
have  the  right  to  terminate  this Lease as of  the  date  of  such  casualty
(including Tenant's obligation to pay Rent) by giving written notice thereof  to
the other within twenty (20) days after the date of such casualty.


Except  for  the  sole  negligence or willful  act  of  Tenant  or  its  agents,
employees,  contractors  or invitees, if all or any part  of  the  Premises  are
rendered  untenantable  by  fire  or  other  casualty  and  this  Lease  is  not
terminated, Monthly Base Rent and Rent Adjustments shall abate for that part  of
the  Premises  which is untenantable on a per diem basis from the  date  of  the
casualty  until Landlord has Substantially Completed the repair and  restoration
work in the Premises which it is required to perform, provided, that as a result
of  such  casualty, Tenant does not occupy the portion of the Premises which  is
untenantable  during such period.  For purposes of this Article 14 the  Premises
shall  be  considered "untenantable" if they are not reasonably usable  for  the
conduct of Tenant's business.

                      ARTICLE FIFTEEN
                       EMINENT DOMAIN


In  the  event  the  whole or any substantial part of the  Building  or  of  the
Premises is taken or condemned by any competent authority for any public use  or
purpose (including a deed given in lieu of condemnation) and is thereby rendered
untenantable,  this  Lease shall terminate as of the date title  vests  in  such
authority, and Monthly Base Rent and Rent Adjustments shall be apportioned as of
the  Termination  Date.   Notwithstanding anything to the  contrary  herein  set
forth, in the event the taking is temporary (for less than the remaining term of
the  Lease),  Landlord may elect to permit Tenant to receive  the  entire  award
attributable to the Premises during the temporary taking, in which  case  Tenant
shall continue to pay Rent and this Lease shall not terminate.


In the event a part of the Building or the Premises is taken or condemned by any
competent  authority (or a deed is delivered in lieu of condemnation)  and  this
Lease  is  not terminated, the Lease shall be amended to reduce or increase,  as
the  case may be, the Monthly Base Rent and Tenant's Rent Adjustment to  reflect
the  Rentable  Area of the Premises or Building, as the case may  be,  remaining
after any such taking or condemnation.  Landlord, upon receipt and to the extent
of  the award in condemnation (or proceeds of sale) shall make necessary repairs
and  restorations to the Premises (exclusive of Tenant Alterations) and  to  the
Building  to the extent necessary to constitute the portion of the Building  not
so  taken  or  condemned as a complete architectural and economically  efficient
unit.   Notwithstanding  the  foregoing, if as a result  of  any  taking,  or  a
governmental  order  that  the grade of any street  or  alley  adjacent  to  the
Building  is to be changed and such taking or change of grade makes it necessary
or  desirable  to substantially remodel or restore the Building or prevents  the
economical operation of the Building, Landlord shall have the right to terminate
this Lease upon ninety (90) days' prior written notice to Tenant.


Landlord  shall be entitled to receive the entire award (or sale proceeds)  from
any  such taking, condemnation or sale without any payment to Tenant, and Tenant
hereby  assigns to Landlord Tenant's interest, if any, in such award;  provided,
however, Tenant shall have the right separately to pursue against the condemning
authority a separate award in respect of the loss, if any, to Tenant Alterations
paid  for  by Tenant without any credit or allowance from Landlord  so  long  as
there is no diminution of Landlord's award as a result.

                      ARTICLE SIXTEEN


Tenant,  at  Tenant's expense, agrees to maintain in force, with  a  company  or
companies  acceptable  to  Landlord, during the Term:   (a)  Commercial  General
Liability  Insurance  on a primary basis and without any right  of  contribution
from  any  insurance carried by Landlord covering Tenant against all claims  for
personal  injury, bodily injury, death and property damage with respect  to  the
Premises,   including   contractual  liability  covering   the   indemnification
provisions  in  this Lease.  Such insurance shall be for such  limits  that  are
reasonably  required by Landlord from time to time but not less than a  combined
single  limit  of Five Million and No/100 Dollars ($5,000,000.00) (of  which  at
least the first $1,000,000.00 shall be on an occurrence basis, and the remainder
on  a  claims  made  basis); (b) Workers' Compensation and Employers'  Liability
Insurance  for  an  amount  of  not less than One  Million  and  No/100  Dollars
($1,000,000.00),  both in accordance with the laws of The State  of  Texas;  (c)
"All  Risks"  property  insurance  in  an amount  adequate  to  cover  the  full
replacement cost of all improvements to the Premises exceeding Building standard
improvements  and,  to  the  extent  deemed  reasonable  by  Tenant,  the   full
replacement  cost of all equipment, trade fixtures and contents of the  Premises
in the event of loss and any such policy shall contain a provision requiring the
insurance  carriers to waive their rights of subrogation against  Landlord;  and
(d)  in the event a motor vehicle is to be used by Tenant in connection with its
business   operation  from  the  Premises,  Comprehensive  Automobile  Liability
Insurance  coverage with limits of not less than Two Million and No/100  Dollars
($2,000,000.00)  combined single limit coverage against bodily injury  liability
and  property damage liability arising out of the use by or on behalf of Tenant,
its  agents and employees in connection with this Lease, of any owned, non-owned
or hired motor vehicles.


Each policy referred to in 16.01 shall satisfy the following requirements.  Each
policy  shall  (a)  name  Landlord and the Indemnitees  as  additional  insureds
(excepting  Worker's Compensation and Employee's Liability insurance  policies),
(b)  be  issued by one or more responsible insurance companies qualified  to  do
business  in  Texas reasonably satisfactory to Landlord, (c) shall provide  that
such  insurance may not be canceled or amended without thirty (30)  days'  prior
written notice to the Landlord, and (d) shall provide that the policy shall  not
be  invalidated should the insured waive in writing prior to a loss, any or  all
rights  of recovery against any other party for losses covered by such policies.
Tenant  shall  deliver  to  Landlord certificates of insurance  evidencing  such
policies to be maintained by Tenant hereunder, not less than five (5) days prior
to the Commencement Date and not less than five (5) days prior to the expiration
date of each policy.


Landlord  agrees to purchase and keep in full force and effect during  the  Term
hereof,  including any extensions or renewals thereof, insurance under  policies
issued  by  insurers of recognized responsibility, qualified to do  business  in
Texas  on  the  Building in amounts not less than the greater  of  ninety  (90%)
percent of the then full replacement cost (without depreciation) of the Building
(above foundations) or an amount sufficient to prevent Landlord from becoming  a
co-insurer  under the terms of the applicable policies, against  fire  and  such
other  risks as may be included in standard forms of all risk coverage insurance
reasonably  available from time to time.  Landlord agrees to maintain  in  force
during the Term, Commercial General Liability Insurance covering the Building on
an occurrence basis against all claims for personal injury, bodily injury, death
and  property  damage.  Such insurance shall be for a combined single  limit  of
Five  Million and No/100 Dollars ($5,000,000.00).  Neither Landlord's obligation
to carry such insurance nor the carrying of such insurance shall be deemed to be
an  indemnity  by Landlord with respect to any claim, liability, loss,  cost  or
expense  due,  in whole or in part, to Tenant's negligent acts or  omissions  or
willful misconduct.


(a)  Landlord agrees that, if obtainable at no, or minimal, additional cost, and
so long as the same is permitted under the laws of Texas, it will include in its
"All  Risks"  policies  appropriate clauses  pursuant  to  which  the  insurance
companies  (i)  waive all right of subrogation against Tenant  with  respect  to
losses  payable  under such policies and/or (ii) agree that such policies  shall
not  be  invalidated should the insured waive in writing prior to a loss any  or
all right of recovery against any party for losses covered by such policies.

(b)  Tenant agrees to include, if obtainable at no, or minimal, additional cost,
and so long as the same is permitted under the laws of Texas, in its "All Risks"
insurance  policy or policies on its furniture, furnishings, fixtures and  other
property removable by Tenant under the provisions of its lease of space  in  the
Building,  appropriate  clauses  pursuant to  which  the  insurance  company  or
companies (i) waive the right of subrogation against Landlord and/or any  tenant
of  space  in the Building with respect to losses payable under such  policy  or
policies and/or (ii) agree that such policy or policies shall not be invalidated
should the insured waive in writing prior to a loss any or all right of recovery
against  any party for losses covered by such policy or policies.  If Tenant  is
unable  to obtain in such policy or policies either of the clauses described  in
the   preceding  sentence,  Tenant  shall,  if  legally  possible  and   without
necessitating a change in insurance carriers, have Landlord named in such policy
or  policies  as  an  additional insured.  If Landlord  shall  be  named  as  an
additional insured in accordance with the foregoing, Landlord agrees to  endorse
promptly  to the order of Tenant, without recourse, any check, draft,  or  order
for  the  payment  of  money representing the proceeds of  any  such  policy  or
representing  any other payment growing out of or connected with said  policies,
and  Landlord does hereby irrevocably waive any and all rights in  and  to  such
proceeds and payments.

(c)   Provided  that  Landlord's  right of full recovery  under  its  policy  or
policies  aforesaid  is not adversely affected or prejudiced  thereby,  Landlord
hereby  waives  any  and  all right of recovery which it  might  otherwise  have
against Tenant, its servants, agents and employees, for loss or damage occurring
to  the  Building and the fixtures, appurtenances and equipment therein, to  the
extent  the same is covered by Landlord's insurance, notwithstanding  that  such
loss  or damage may result from the negligence or fault of Tenant, its servants,
agents  or  employees.  Provided that Tenant's right of full recovery under  its
aforesaid  policy  or policies is not adversely affected or prejudiced  thereby,
Tenant hereby waives any and all right of recovery which it might otherwise have
against Landlord, its servants, and employees and against every other tenant  in
the  Building  who  shall have executed a similar waiver as set  forth  in  this
Section 16.04(c) for loss or damage to Tenant's furniture, furnishings, fixtures
and other property removable by Tenant under the provisions hereof to the extent
that  same  is  covered or coverable by Tenant's insurance required  under  this
Lease,  notwithstanding that such loss or damage may result from the  negligence
or  fault  of Landlord, its servants, agents or employees, or such other  tenant
and the servants, agents or employees thereof.

(d)   Landlord  and  Tenant hereby agree to advise the  other  promptly  if  the
clauses  to  be  included  in their respective insurance  policies  pursuant  to
subparagraphs  (a)  and (b) above cannot be obtained on the  terms  hereinbefore
provided and thereafter to furnish the other with a certificate of insurance  or
copy  of such policies showing the naming of the other as an additional insured,
as  aforesaid.   Landlord  and Tenant hereby also  agree  to  notify  the  other
promptly  of  any cancellation or change of the terms of any such  policy  which
would affect such clauses or naming.  All such policies which name both Landlord
and  Tenant  as  additional  insureds shall, to the extent  obtainable,  contain
agreements  by  the  insurers to the effect that  no  act  or  omission  of  any
additional  insured  will  invalidate the policy  as  to  the  other  additional


Tenant  shall give Landlord notice in case of a fire or accident in the Premises
promptly after Tenant is aware of such event.

                     ARTICLE SEVENTEEN


Tenant  releases Landlord from all liability for any injury or damage to  person
or  property occurring in the Premises except to the extent that such injury  or
damage is attributable to the negligence or willful misconduct of Landlord,  its
agents,  servants,  employees  or contractors, and  Tenant  agrees  to  protect,
defend,  indemnify and hold Landlord harmless from and against all  liabilities,
claims, suits, actions and costs (including reasonable attorneys' fees and costs
of  suit) arising out of or in connection with any injury or damage occurring in
the Premises except to the extent that such injury or damage is attributable  to
the  negligence  or  willful  misconduct  of  Landlord,  its  agents,  servants,
employees or contractors.


Landlord  releases Tenant from all liability for any injury or damage to  person
or property occurring in any area of the Building other than the Premises except
to  the  extent that such injury or damage is attributable to the negligence  or
willful  misconduct  of  Tenant, its agents, servants,  employees,  contractors,
customers  or  invitees, and Landlord agrees to protect, defend,  indemnify  and
hold  Tenant  harmless from and against all liabilities, claims, suits,  actions
and  costs (including reasonable attorney's fees and costs of suit) arising  out
of  or  in  connection with any injury or damage occurring in any  area  of  the
Building  other  than  the Premises, except to the extent that  such  injury  or
damage  is  attributable to the negligence or willful misconduct of Tenant,  its
agents, servants, employees, contractors, customers or invitees.

                      ARTICLE EIGHTEEN
                   RULES AND REGULATIONS

18.01  RULES

Tenant agrees for itself and for its subtenants, employees, agents, and invitees
to comply with the rules and regulations listed on EXHIBIT D attached hereto and
with  all reasonable modifications and additions thereto which Landlord may make
from time to time.


Nothing in this Lease shall be construed to impose upon the Landlord any duty or
obligation to enforce the rules and regulations as set forth on  EXHIBIT D or as
hereafter adopted, or the terms, covenants or conditions of any other  lease  as
against any other tenant, and the Landlord shall not be liable to the Tenant for
violation  of  the  same by any other tenant, its servants,  employees,  agents,
visitors  or  licensees.  Landlord shall use reasonable efforts to  enforce  the
rules  and  regulations  of  the  Building in a uniform  and  non-discriminatory
manner.  Tenant shall pay to Landlord all damages caused by Tenant's failure  to
comply  with  the  provisions of this Article Eighteen and  shall  also  pay  to
Landlord  as  additional  Rent  an amount equal to  any  increase  in  insurance
premiums caused by such failure to comply.

                      ARTICLE NINETEEN


Landlord shall have the following rights exercisable without notice to Tenant
and without liability to Tenant for damage or injury to persons, property or
business and without being deemed an eviction or disturbance of Tenant's use or
possession of the Premises or giving rise to any claim for setoff or abatement
of Rent:  (a)  To change the Building's name or street address upon thirty (30)
days' prior written notice to Tenant; (b) To install, affix and maintain all
signs on the exterior and/or interior of the Building; (c) To designate and/or
approve prior to installation, all types of signs, window shades, blinds,
drapes, awnings or other similar items, and all internal lighting that may be
visible from the exterior of the Premises; (d) upon reasonable notice to Tenant,
to display the Premises to prospective tenants at reasonable hours during the
last nine (9) months of the Term; (e) To grant to any party the exclusive right
to conduct any business or render any service in or to the Building, provided
such exclusive right shall not operate to prohibit Tenant from using the
Premises for the purpose permitted hereunder; (f) To change the arrangement
and/or location of entrances or passageways, doors and doorways, corridors,
elevators, stairs, washrooms or public portions of the Building, and to close
entrances, doors, corridors, elevators or other facilities, provided that such
action shall not materially and adversely interfere with Tenant's access to the
Premises or the Building; (g) to have access for Landlord and other tenants of
the Building to any mail chutes and boxes located in or on the Premises as
required by any applicable rules of the United States Post Office; and (h) To
close the Building after normal business hours, except that Tenant and its
employees and invitees shall be entitled to admission at all times, under such
regulations as Landlord prescribes for security purposes.

                      ARTICLE TWENTY
                   ESTOPPEL CERTIFICATE


Within thirty (30) days after request therefor by Landlord, Mortgagee or any
prospective mortgagee or owner, Tenant agrees as directed in such request to
execute an Estoppel Certificate in recordable form, binding upon Tenant,
certifying to the extent accurate (a) at this Lease is unmodified and in full
force and effect (or if there have been modifications, a description of such
modifications and that this Lease as modified is in full force and effect); (b)
the dates to which Rent has been paid; (c) that Tenant is in the possession of
the Premises if that is the case; (d) that Landlord is not in default under this
Lease, or, if Tenant believes Landlord is in default, the nature thereof in
detail; (e) that Tenant has no off-sets or defenses to the performance of its
obligations under this Lease (or if Tenant believes there are any off-sets or
defenses, a full and complete explanation thereof); (f) that the Premises have
been completed in accordance with the terms and provisions hereof or the
Workletter, that Tenant has accepted the Premises and the condition thereof and
of all improvements thereto and has no claims against Landlord or any other
party with respect thereto; (g) that if an assignment of rents or leases has
been served upon the Tenant by a Mortgagee, Tenant will  acknowledge receipt
thereof and agree to be bound by the provisions thereof; (h) that Tenant will
give to the Mortgagee copies of all notices required or permitted to be given by
Tenant to Landlord; and (i) to any other information reasonably requested.


In the event that Tenant fails to deliver an Estoppel Certificate or otherwise
respond in good faith in writing to such request within such twenty (20) day
period, such failure shall be a Default for which there shall be no cure or
grace period.  In addition, such failure shall be deemed to be an admission by
Tenant of the truth and accuracy of the matters set forth in such Estoppel

                    ARTICLE TWENTY-ONE
                    RELOCATION OF TENANT

At any time after the expiration of the second Lease Year, Landlord shall have
the right to relocate the Premises to comparable space (as hereinafter defined)
located on a floor no lower than Floor 10 in the Building or in  Two Allen
Center by providing Tenant with at least ninety (90) days' prior written notice
of such intention to relocate Tenant.  Effective on the date of such relocation,
this Lease shall be amended by a written lease amendment, to be executed by both
Landlord and Tenant, by deleting the description of the original Premises and
substituting therefor the description of the new space (the "Substituted
Premises"), it being understood and agreed that all other terms and conditions
of this Lease shall remain the same, except that (a) Landlord's right to
relocate Tenant pursuant to this Article 21 shall be deleted, and (b) the
Substituted Premises will be leased on the same terms and conditions as the
Lease, including any renewal option(s) and preferential lease right(s)
(subordinate to the rights of existing tenants with respect to the new
preferential space) granted in favor of Tenant at the time of relocation, but in
no event will the term for the Substituted Premises commence prior to the date
when the leasehold improvements in the Substituted Premises are substantially
completed by Landlord and/or its contractors.  For purposes of this Article 21,
"comparable space" will mean space of at least the same size and general layout
as the Premises, containing improvements comparable to those in the Premises at
the time of relocation, and the Base Rent will not exceed that being paid by
Tenant as of the date of such relocation.  Anything in the foregoing provisions
of this Article 21 to the contrary notwithstanding, Landlord shall not have the
right to relocate the Premises if less than twelve (12) months remain on the
Term (except if Tenant shall have exercised the Renewal Option granted pursuant
to EXHIBIT F hereto) or the Renewal Term, as the case may be.

Landlord will pay for or otherwise reimburse Tenant for all reasonable out-of-
pocket expenses incurred by Tenant in relocating to the Substituted Premises,
including, but not limited to, the following:  all reasonable costs and
expenses, including filing fees and building permits, incurred to reconstruct
all leasehold improvements in the Substituted Premises to substantially the same
condition and level of improvements as existed in the Premises prior to such
relocation; reasonable moving costs incurred to relocate furniture, fixtures,
and equipment, filing cabinets and the contents thereof, supplies, telephones
and telephone equipment (including disconnect and connect charges), computer
equipment, fiber network, and other communications - and computer-related
cabling and connections (including setup changes) and all other property
(including personal property) of Tenant and its employees located in the
Premises as of the date of such relocation; and reasonable costs incurred for
space planning/interior architecture, engineering, and attorneys' fees,
reprinting of stationery of the same quality and quantity as on hand immediately
prior to such relocation, and postage and delivery costs directly related to
change-of-address notification to Tenant's clients and vendors.  In addition,
Landlord shall abate all Rent with respect to the Substituted Premises for a
period of six (6) full months following Tenant's occupancy thereof.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, Landlord shall not be entitled to exercise the
relocation option set forth in this Article 21 unless the relocation is
necessary in order to (a) accommodate the space needs of Amerada Hess Corp. in
the event it exercises the Hess Expansion Option (as defined in EXHIBIT F
hereto) or (b) locate a tenant that will occupy at least two (2) full floors in
the Building.  In addition, Landlord may only relocate Tenant once during the
Term or once during the Renewal Term (if Tenant exercises the Renewal Option),
as applicable.

                     ARTICLE TWENTY-TWO
                    REAL ESTATE BROKERS

Tenant represents that, except for Cushman Realty Corporation, Tenant has not
dealt with any real estate broker, sales person, or finder in connection with
this Lease, and no such person initiated or participated in the negotiation of
this Lease, or showed the Premises to Tenant.  Tenant hereby agrees to
indemnify, protect, defend and hold Landlord and the Indemnitees, harmless from
and against any and all liabilities and claims for commissions and fees arising
out of a breach of the foregoing representation.  Landlord shall be responsible
for the payment of all commissions to all brokers specified in this Article 22.

                    ARTICLE TWENTY-THREE
                    MORTGAGEE PROTECTION


This Lease is and shall be expressly subject and subordinate at all times to (a)
any ground or underlying lease of the Real Property, now or hereafter existing,
and all amendments, renewals and modifications to any such lease, and (b) the
lien of any first mortgage or trust deed now or hereafter encumbering fee title
to the Real Property and/or the leasehold estate under any such lease, unless
such ground lease or ground lessor, or mortgage or Mortgagee, expressly provides
or elects that the Lease shall be superior to such lease or mortgage.  If any
such mortgage or trust deed is foreclosed, or if any such lease is terminated,
upon request of the Mortgagee or ground lessor, as the case may be, Tenant will
attorn to the purchaser at the foreclosure sale or to the ground lessor under
such lease, as the case may be, provided, however, that such purchaser or ground
lessor shall not be (i) bound by any payment of Rent for more than one month in
advance except payments in the nature of security for the performance by Tenant
of its obligations under this Lease; (ii) subject to any offset, defense or
damages arising out of a default of any obligations of any preceding Landlord;
or (iii) bound by any amendment or modification of this Lease made without the
written consent of the Mortgagee or ground lessor; or (iv) liable for any
security deposits not actually received in cash by such purchaser or ground
lessor.  This subordination shall be self-operative and no further certificate
or instrument of subordination need be required by any such Mortgagee or ground
lessor.  In confirmation of such subordination, however, Tenant shall execute
promptly any reasonable certificate or instrument that Landlord, Mortgagee or
ground lessor may request.  Tenant hereby constitutes Landlord as Tenant's
attorney-in-fact to execute such certificate or instrument for and on behalf of
Tenant upon Tenant's failure to do so within fifteen (15) days of a request to
do so.  Upon request by such successor in interest, Tenant shall execute and
deliver reasonable instruments confirming the attornment provided for herein.


Notwithstanding the foregoing, Landlord shall cause Landlord's existing
mortgagee to enter into a subordination, non-disturbance and attornment
agreement with Tenant in the form attached hereto as EXHIBIT L within thirty
(30) days following the date specified in Section 1.01(4) hereof.


Tenant agrees to give any Mortgagee or ground lessor, by registered or certified
mail, a copy of any notice of default served upon the Landlord by Tenant,
provided that prior to such notice Tenant has received notice (by way of service
on Tenant of a copy of an assignment of rents and leases, or otherwise) of the
address of such Mortgagee or ground lessor.  Tenant further agrees that if
Landlord shall have failed to cure such default within the time provided for in
this Lease, then the Mortgagee or ground lessor shall have an additional thirty
(30) days after receipt of notice thereof within which to cure such default or
if such default cannot be cured within that time, then such additional notice
time as may be necessary, if, within such thirty (30) days, any Mortgagee or
ground lessor has commenced and is diligently pursuing the remedies necessary to
cure such default (including but not limited to commencement of foreclosure
proceedings or other proceedings to acquire possession of the Real Property, if
necessary to effect such cure).  Such period of time shall be extended by any
period within which such Mortgagee or ground lessor is prevented from commencing
or pursuing such foreclosure proceedings or other proceedings to acquire
possession of the Real Property by reason of Landlord's bankruptcy.  Until the
time allowed as aforesaid for Mortgagee or ground lessor to cure such defaults
has expired without cure, Tenant shall have no right to, and shall not,
terminate this Lease on account of default.  This Lease may not be modified or
amended so as to reduce the rent or shorten the term, or so as to adversely
affect in any other respect to any material extent the rights of the Landlord,
nor shall this Lease be canceled or surrendered, without the prior written
consent, in each instance, of the ground lessor or the Mortgagee.

                    ARTICLE TWENTY-FOUR

(a)  All notices, demands or requests provided for or permitted to be given
pursuant to this Lease must be in writing and shall be personally delivered,
sent by Federal Express or other overnight courier service, or mailed by first
class, registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, postage prepaid.

(b)  All notices, demands or requests to be sent pursuant to this Lease shall be
deemed to have been properly given or served by delivering or sending the same
in accordance with this Section, addressed to the parties hereto at their
respective addresses listed below:

Notices to Landlord shall be addressed:

Trizec Allen Center Limited Partnership
Attn:  Regional Vice President
1200 Smith Street, Suite 2600
Houston, Texas  77002

Notices to Tenant shall be addressed:

Genesis Crude Oil, L.P.
Attn: Chief Financial Officer
500 Dallas, Suite 2500
Houston, Texas 77002

with a copy to Tenant's General Counsel at the same address.

(c)  If notices, demands or requests are sent by registered or certified mail,
said notices, demands or requests shall be effective upon being deposited in the
United States mail.  However, the time period in which a response to any such
notice, demand or request must be given shall commence to run from the date of
receipt on the return receipt of the notice, demand or request by the addressee
thereof.  Rejection or other refusal to accept or the inability to deliver
because of changed address of which no notice was given shall be deemed to be
receipt of notice, demand or request sent.  Notices may also be served by
personal service upon any officer, director or partner of Landlord or Tenant or
in the case of delivery by Federal Express or other overnight courier service,
notices shall be effective upon acceptance of delivery by an employee, officer,
director or partner of Landlord or Tenant.

(d)  By giving to the other party at least thirty (30) days' written notice
thereof, either party shall have the right from time to time during the term of
this Lease to change their respective addresses for notices, statements, demands
and requests, provided such new address shall be within the United States of

                    ARTICLE TWENTY-FIVE


All payments required hereunder (other than the Monthly Base Rent and Rent
Adjustments, which shall be due as hereinbefore provided) to Landlord shall be
paid within ten (10) days after Landlord's demand therefor.  All such amounts
(including, without limitation Monthly Base Rent and Rent Adjustments not paid
when due shall bear interest from the date due until the date paid at the
Default Rate in effect on the date such payment was due, provided, however, if
Tenant pays such sum prior to the end of the fifth (5th) business day following
the date due, Tenant shall not be liable for any such interest payment.


As a material inducement to Landlord to enter into this Lease, Tenant hereby
waives (to the extent permitted by law) as to any Mortgagee succeeding to the
interest of Landlord hereunder (but not as to Landlord) its right to a trial by
jury of any issues relating to or arising out of its obligations under this
Lease or its occupancy of the Premises attributable to matters occurring prior
to the date such Mortgagee succeeds to the interest of Landlord hereunder.
Tenant acknowledges that it has read and understood the foregoing provision.


25.04     OPTION

This Lease shall not become effective as a lease or otherwise until executed and
delivered by both Landlord and Tenant. The submission of the Lease to Tenant
does not constitute a reservation of or option for the Premises, except that it
shall constitute an irrevocable offer on the part of Tenant in effect for ten
(10) days to lease the Premises on the terms and conditions herein contained.


Tenant represents and warrants to Landlord that it has full authority and power
to enter into and perform its obligations under this Lease, that the person
executing this Lease is fully empowered to do so, and that no consent or
authorization is necessary from any third party.  Landlord may request that
Tenant provide Landlord evidence of Tenant's authority.


This Lease and the Exhibits attached hereto contain the entire agreement between
Landlord and Tenant concerning the Premises and there are no other agreements,
either oral or written.  This Lease shall not be modified except by a writing
executed by Landlord and Tenant.


If Mortgagee of Landlord requires a modification of this Lease which shall not
result in any increased cost or expense to Tenant or in any other material or
adverse change in the rights and obligations of Tenant hereunder, then Tenant
agrees that the Lease may be so modified.


Tenant agrees, on its behalf and on behalf of its successors and assigns, that
any liability or obligation under this Lease shall only be enforced against (a)
Landlord's equity interest in the Property and (b) subject to the rights of any
Mortgagee or lienholder in and to such funds, proceeds awarded or payable to
Landlord as a result of condemnation or a casualty with respect to the Property,
provided that in such event Tenant's claim against Landlord must be attributable
to a claim against Landlord which occurred or arose prior to the date of, or as
a result of, such condemnation of, or casualty to the Property, but in no event
against any other assets of the Landlord, or Landlord's officers or directors.


No payment by Tenant or receipt by Landlord of a lesser amount than any
installment or payment of Rent due shall be deemed to be other than on account
of the amount due, and no endorsement or statement on any check or any letter
accompanying any check or payment of Rent shall be deemed an accord and
satisfaction, and Landlord may accept such check or payment without prejudice to
Landlord's right to recover the balance of such installment or payment of Rent
or pursue any other remedies available to Landlord.  No receipt of money by
Landlord from Tenant after the termination of this Lease or Tenant's right of
possession of the Premises shall reinstate, continue or extend the Term.


In the event of any sale or other transfer of the Building, Landlord shall be
entirely freed and relieved of all agreements and obligations of Landlord
hereunder accruing or to be performed after the date of such sale or transfer,
provided that all of Landlord's obligations hereunder are specifically assumed
by the buyer or transferee.  The term "Landlord" as used in this Lease, insofar
as the performance of any covenants or obligations on the part of Landlord under
the Lease are concerned, shall mean only the owner of the Building, or the
entity with right of possession of the Building at the time in question.


This Lease shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of Landlord and Tenant
and their respective heirs, legal representatives, successors and permitted


The Article and Section captions in this Lease are inserted only as a matter of
convenience and in no way define, limit, construe, or describe the scope or
intent of such Articles and Sections.


This Lease shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Texas.
If any term, covenant or condition of this Lease or the application thereof to
any person or circumstance shall, to any extent, be invalid or unenforceable,
the remainder of this Lease, or the application of such term, covenant or
condition to persons or circumstances other than those as to which it is held
invalid or unenforceable, shall not be affected thereby and each item, covenant
or condition of this Lease shall be valid and be enforced to the fullest extent
permitted by law.


In the event Tenant abandons the Premises but is otherwise in compliance with
all the terms, covenants and conditions of this Lease, Landlord shall (a) have
the right to enter into the Premises in order to show the space to prospective
tenants during the last nine (9) months of the Term and (b) have the right to
reduce the services provided to Tenant pursuant to the terms of this Lease to
such levels as Landlord reasonably determines to be adequate services for an
unoccupied premises.


If Tenant fails timely to perform any of its duties under this Lease or the
Workletter with any applicable cure periods, Landlord shall have the right (but
not the obligation), to perform such duty on behalf and at the expense of Tenant
without further notice to Tenant, and all sums expended or expenses incurred by
Landlord in performing such duty shall be deemed to be additional Rent under
this Lease and shall be due and payable upon demand by Landlord.


It is the intent of Landlord and Tenant that the provisions of the Texas
Deceptive Trade Practices-Consumer Protection Act, Subchapter E of Chapter 17 of
the Texas Business and Commerce Code (the "DTPA") be inapplicable to this Lease
and the transaction evidenced hereby.  Accordingly, Tenant hereby represents and
warrants to Landlord as follows:

(a)  The total consideration paid or to be paid by Tenant over the term of this
Lease exceeds $100,000.00.

(b)  Tenant is represented by legal counsel of its own choice and designation in
connection with the transaction contemplated by this Lease;

(c)  Tenant's counsel was not directly or indirectly identified, suggested or
selected by Landlord or an agent of Landlord; and

(d)  Tenant is leasing the Premises for business or commercial purposes, not for
use as Tenant's residence.


Upon Tenant's request at any time during the first six (6) months after Tenant
takes occupancy of the Premises, Landlord will provide "Resident Associate" type
memberships (the "Club Memberships") for up to eight (8) of Tenant's employees,
at no initiation charge to Tenant or the designated employees, in the Houston
Metropolitan Racquet Club located in the Project.  All membership agreements or
arrangements with the Club Memberships will be handled directly between Tenant's
employees and the Houston Metropolitan Racquet Club, and Tenant's employees
shall be solely responsible for the monthly dues and all additional fees or
charges associated with the use of the Club Memberships.  All Club Memberships
may not be transferred and shall revert back to Landlord upon the Termination
Date or earlier termination of the Lease.


No oral statements or prior written material not specifically incorporated
herein shall be of any force or effect.  Tenant agrees that in entering into and
taking this Lease, it relies solely upon the representation and agreements
contained in this Lease and no others.  This Lease, together with all Exhibits
and Addenda, if any, attached to this Lease, constitutes the whole agreement of
the parties and shall in no way be conditioned, modified or supplemented except
by a written agreement executed by both parties.



IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Lease has been executed as of the date set forth in
Section 1.01(4) hereof.

"Landlord"                          "Tenant"

PARTNERSHIP, a Delaware limited     limited partnership
partnership, d/b/a TrizecHahn
Allen Center Limited Partnership    By:Genesis Energy L.L.C.,
                                        its general partner
By: Trizec Allen Center, Inc.,
    its general partner

      By:/s/ Paul H. Layne                   By:/s/ Allyn R. Skelton, II
         -----------------                      ------------------------
      Name:  Paul H. Layne                   Name:  Allyn R. Skelton, II
      Title: Vice President and              Title: Chief Financial Officer
             Asst. Secretary

      By:/s/ David W. Clapp
      Name:  David W. Clapp
      Title: Vice President

                         EXHIBIT A

                    OFFICE LEASE BETWEEN
                        AS LANDLORD,
                  GENESIS CRUDE OIL, L.P.,
                         AS TENANT



Being a tract or parcel containing 82,212 square feet of land in the Obedience
Smith Survey, Abstract 696 and the John Austin Survey, Abstract 1, Harris
County, Texas and being a part of those certain tracts designated as "Tract 1, 2
and Tract 3" per the deed recorded in Volume 7769, Page 561 of the Harris County
Deed Records, and a part of certain street rights-of-way as closed by City
Council Motion No. 70-1288, passed April 15, 1970 and filed in Volume 8104, Page
1 of said Deed Records and being more particularly described by metes and bounds
as follows with all bearings and coordinates referenced to the Texas Coordinate
System, South Central Zone:

COMMENCING at City Rod 541 (X=3,151,055.22, Y=717,483.00) located in West Dallas
Avenue (80 feet wide) at its intersection with Bagby Street (92 feet wide);

THENCE, North 32deg51'57" East, 355.14 feet along the City Reference Line to a
Copperweld Rod (X=3,151,247.92, Y=717,781.26) stamped "AC-1" marking the
reference line intersect with the centerline of Dallas Avenue (80 feet wide);

THENCE, South 57deg08'03" East, 619.84 feet along the centerline of said Dallas
Avenue to a point North 57deg08'03" West, 40.00 feet from the centerline 
intersect of Smith Street (80 feet wide);

THENCE, South 32deg51'57" West, 40.00 feet, at a right angle to said 
centerline of Dallas Avenue to the POINT OF BEGINNING (X=3,151,746.76,
Y=717,411.34), said point also being the intersect of the southwesterly 
right-of-way line of said Dallas Avenue and the northwesterly right-of-way of 
said Smith Street;

THENCE, South 32deg51'57" West, 221.00 feet along the northwesterly right-of-way
line of Smith Street to a point for most southerly corner;

THENCE, North 57deg08'03" West, 372.00 feet to a point for most westerly corner;
THENCE, North 32deg51'57" East, 221.00 feet to a point on the southwesterly 
right-of-way line of Dallas Avenue for most northerly corner;

THENCE, South 57deg08'03" East 372.00 feet along said right-of-way line of 
Dallas Avenue to the POINT OF BEGINNING, containing a computed area of 82,212
square feet of land.


Being a tract or parcel of land containing 98,863 square feet in the Obedience
Smith Survey, Abstract 696, Harris County, Texas, and being all of that certain
tract of land conveyed to ALLEN CENTER CO. #2 by the deeds recorded in the
Harris County Official Public Records of Real Property (H.C.O.P.R.R.P.), under
File Number F 124311, Film Code 164-04-0839, File Number F 124312, Film Code
164-04-0845 and File Number F 124313, Film Code 164-04-0852.  Said tract being
more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows, with all bearings 
and coordinates referenced to the Texas Coordinate System, South Central Zone:

BEGINNING at the intersection (X=3,151,520.75, Y=717,061.57) of the northerly
right-of-way line of Polk Avenue (varying width) with the northwesterly 
right-of-way line of Smith Street (80 feet wide);

THENCE, South 87deg36'57" West, 203.28 feet along the northerly right-of-way 
line of said Polk Avenue to a 5/8 inch iron rod set for the beginning of a 
tangent curve to the right;

THENCE, 106.78 feet northwesterly along said tangent curve and said northerly
right-of-way line of Polk Avenue (Delta Angle = 13deg21'05", Radius = 458.22 
feet, Chord = North 85deg42'30" West, 106.54 feet) to a point of non-tangency;

THENCE, continuing along said northerly right-of-way line, North 63deg33'06" 
West, 45.53 feet to a point for corner common to the herein described tract 
and a 119,251 square foot tract described in exhibit "J" of the document 
recorded in H.C.O.P.R.R.P., File Number F 792860, Film Code 108-84-0547;

THENCE, along the boundary common to said tracts the following seven courses;

Departing said north right-of-way line, North 16deg35'07" East, 15.00 feet to a
5/8-inch iron rod set for the beginning of a non-tangent curve to the left;

143.43 feet easterly along said non-tangent curve to the left (Delta Angle =
18deg58'09", Radius = 433.22 feet, Chord = South 82deg53'58" East, 142.77 
feet) to a 5/8-inch iron rod set for point of tangency;

Tangent to said curve, North 87deg36'57" East, 10.28 feet to a 5/8-inch iron rod
set for corner;
North 57deg08'03" West, 219.67 feet;

North 32deg51'57" East, 196.42 feet;

South 57deg08'03" East, 129.15 feet;

North 32deg51'57" East, 90.00 feet to a point for corner in the southwesterly 
line of ONE ALLEN CENTER 1.887 acre tract;

THENCE, South 57deg08'03" East, 262.56 feet along the line common to said 1.887
acre tract and the tract herein described to the northwesterly right-of-way line
of said Smith Street;

THENCE, South 32deg51'57" West, 195.45 feet along the northwesterly right-of-way
line of said Smith Street to the POINT OF BEGINNING, containing a computed area
of 98,863 square feet of land.


BEING a tract or parcel of land containing 119,202 square feet out of the John
Austin Survey, Abstract No. 1, and the Obedience Smith Survey, Abstract No. 696,
Harris County, Texas, and being part of those certain tracts designated as
"Tract 1, 2, 3 and Tract 4" per the deed recorded in Volume 7769, Page 592, of
Harris County Deed Records, and a part of certain street rights-of-way as closed
by City Council Motion No. 70-1288, passed April 15, 1970 and filed in Volume
8104, Page 1 of said Deed Records and being more particularly described by metes
and bounds as follows with all bearings and coordinates referenced to the Texas
Coordinate System, South Central Zone:

BEGINNING at the most northerly cut-back corner (X=3,150,861.30, Y=717,454.95)
at the intersection of the south right-of-way line of West Dallas Avenue (80
feet wide) with the easterly right-of-way line of Clay Avenue (100 feet wide);

THENCE, North 87deg 37' 33" East, a distance of 156.34 feet along the south 
right- of-way line of said West Dallas Avenue to the beginning of a tangent 
curve to the left;

THENCE, 135.53 feet northeasterly along the arc of said curve (Delta Angle = 
54deg 45' 36", Radius = 141.81 feet, Chord = North 60deg 14' 45" East, 130.43 
feet) to a point at the end of said curve in the southeasterly right-of-way line
of Bagby Street (varying width), said point also being a point on a non-tangent 
curve to the left;

THENCE, 126.55 feet easterly along the southeasterly right-of-way line of said
Bagby Street and the arc of said curve (Delta Angle = 10deg 54' 11", Radius =
665.00 feet, Chord = North 38deg 18' 56" East, 126.36 feet);

THENCE, South 32deg 51' 57" West, 172.98 feet;

THENCE, South 57deg 08' 03" East, 20.62 feet;

THENCE, North 77deg 51' 57" East, 45.24 feet;

THENCE, South 57deg 08' 03" East, 121.23 feet;

THENCE, North 32deg 51' 57" East, 27.13 feet;

THENCE, North 77deg 51' 57" East, 7.07 feet;

THENCE, South 57deg 08' 03" East, 126.44 feet;

THENCE, South 32deg 51' 57" West, 90.00 feet;

THENCE, North 57deg 08' 03" West, 129.15 feet;

THENCE, South 32deg 51' 57" West, 196.42 feet;

THENCE, South 57deg 08' 03" East, 219.67 feet;

THENCE, South 87deg 36' 57" West, 10.28 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve
to the right;

THENCE, 143.43 feet westerly along the arc of said curve (Delta Angle = 18deg 
58'09", Radius = 433.22 feet, Chord = North 82deg 53' 58" West, 142.77 feet);

THENCE, South 16deg 35' 07" West, 15.00 feet to an intersection with the
northeasterly right-of-way line of said Clay Avenue and a point on a non-tangent
curve to the right;

THENCE, 415.17 feet northwesterly along the northeasterly right-of-way line of
Clay Avenue and the arc of said curve (Delta Angle = 53deg 04' 18", Radius =
448.22 feet, Chord = North 42deg 52' 45" West, 400.49 feet) to a point of a
compound curve to the right;

THENCE, 93.22 feet northwesterly along said northeasterly right-of-way line of
Clay Avenue and the arc of said curve (Delta Angle = 09deg 09' 01", Radius =
583.72 feet, Chord = North 15deg 46' 05" West, 93.12 feet) to a point on a cut-
back to the right;

THENCE, North 38deg 27' 43" East, 13.08 feet along said cut-back to the POINT OF
BEGINNING, containing a computed area of 119,202 square feet of land.


All that certain tract of land out of the O. Smith Survey, A-696, Houston,
Harris County, Texas and being more particularly described by metes and bounds
as follows:

Commencing at the City of Houston Engineering Department Reference Rod No. 541
located in West Dallas at its intersection with Bagby Street, thence 
S 89deg45'00" W passing the City of Houston Engineering Reference Rod No. 94 at 
520.09' and continuing for a total distance of 732.26' to a point, thence 
S 0deg15'00" E - 20.05' to a 5/8" iron rod located in the south right-of-way 
line of West Dallas (based on a 90' width) at its intersection with the east 
right-of-way line of Fuller Street, and being the POINT OF BEGINNING of the
herein described tract:

THENCE N 89deg45'29" E - 247.30' along the south right-of-way line of said West
Dallas to a point for corner;

THENCE S 00deg15' E - 557.76' to a 3/8" iron rod for corner;

THENCE S 89deg45'07" W - 250.02' to a 3/8" iron rod for corner located in the 
east right-of-way line of Fuller Street;

THENCE along the said east right-of-way line of Fuller Street the five following
courses and distances:

N 00deg21'53" W - 100.04' to a point,
N 06deg24'16" E - 30.20' to a point,
N 00deg15' W - 200' to a point,
N 01deg26'42" W - 27.76' to a point,
N 00deg15' W - 200'

to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 138,131.8 square feet of land more or


Being a tract or parcel of land containing 179,624 square feet of land out of
the Obedience Smith Survey, Abstract 696, Harris County, Texas, and being a part
of those certain tracts designated as "Tract 4, 5 and Tract 8" per the deed
recorded in Volume 7769, Page 568 of the Harris County Deed Records, and a part
of certain street rights-of-way as closed by City Council Motion No. 70-1288,
passed April 15, 1970 and filed in Volume 8104, Page 1 of said Deed Records, and
being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows with all
bearings and coordinates referenced to the Texas Coordinate System, South
Central Zone:

BEGINNING at a point (X=3,150,750.60,  Y=717,450.35) at the intersection of the
south right-of-way line of West Dallas Avenue (80 feet wide) with the westerly
right-of-way line of Clay Avenue (100 feet wide), said point also being on a 
non-tangent curve to the left;

THENCE, 134.65 feet southeasterly along the westerly right-of-way line of said
Clay Avenue and the arc of said curve (Delta Angle = 11deg17'02", Radius = 
683.72 feet, Chord = South 14deg42'05" East, 134.44 feet) to a point for the
end of said curve and point of a compound curve to the left;

THENCE, 283.23 feet southeasterly, continuing along said westerly right-of-way
line of Clay Avenue and the arc of said curve (Delta Angle = 29deg36'05", 
Radius = 548.22 feet, Chord = South 35deg08'38" East, 280.09 feet) to the end 
of said curve and the most northerly corner of a cut-back to the right at the 
intersection of said westerly right-of-way line of Clay Avenue and the westerly 
right-of-way line of Shaw Street (60 feet wide):

THENCE, South 02deg22'27" East, 9.77 feet along said cut-back and westerly 
right- of-way line of Shaw Street to the beginning of a non-tangent curve to 
the left;

THENCE, 219.99 feet southwesterly along the arc of said curve and said westerly
right-of-way line (Delta Angle = 30deg44'32", Radius = 410.00 feet, Chord = 
South 13deg14'49" West, 217.36 feet) to a point of tangency;

THENCE, South 02deg07'27" East, 60.47 feet along said westerly right-of-way line
to the most northerly corner of a cut-back to the right;

THENCE, South 42deg45'03" West, 14.17 feet along said cut-back and westerly 
right-of-way line to a point at the intersection of said westerly right-of-
way line of Shaw Street and the north right-of-way line of Andrews Street (60 
feet wide);

THENCE, South 87deg37'33" West, 255.65 feet along the north right-of-way line of
said Andrews Street to an angle point in said north right-of-way;

THENCE, South 85deg38'14" West, 34.46 feet, continuing along the north right-of-
way line of said Andrews Street to a nail set in concrete for southwest corner;

THENCE, North 02deg22'27" West, 99.98 feet to an "X" cut in concrete for an 
angle point;

THENCE, North 02deg18'03" West, 557.64 feet to a point for northwest corner, 
said point being on the south right-of-way line of said West Dallas Avenue;

THENCE, North 87deg37'33" East, 177.90 feet along the south right-of-way line of
said West Dallas Avenue to the POINT OF BEGINNING, containing a computed area of
179,624 square feet of land.


A tract or parcel containing 27,402 square feet of land out of the Obedience
Smith Survey, Abstract 696, Harris County, Texas.  Said tract also being a
portion of Lots 9 and 10 in Block 3, and Lots 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 in Block 2 of the
Senechal Addition, a subdivision of record per the map recorded in Volume M,
Page 475 of the Harris County Deed Records, and contains that portion of
Frederick Street that is bounded on the north by Clay Avenue (width varies) and
is bounded on the south by Andrews Street (50 feet wide).  The herein described
tract is more particularly described as follows, with all bearings and
coordinates referenced to the Texas Coordinate System, South Central Zone:

COMMENCING at a Copperweld Rod stamped "AC-5" (X=3,150,906.78, Y=716,037.50)
found at the intersection of the centerlines of Smith Street (80 feet wide) and
Pease Avenue (80 feet wide) from which City Survey Marker 5357-1606-C (City Rod
No. 52) bears South 57deg08'01" East;

THENCE, North 32deg51'57" East, 950.00 feet along the centerline of said Smith

THENCE, departing said centerline at a right angle, North 57deg08'03" West, 
89.73 feet to a 5/8-inch iron rod (X=3,151,346.89, Y=716,884.03) found for the
intersection of the southwesterly right-of-way line of Clay Avenue (varying
width) with the northwesterly right-of-way line of said Smith Street (width
varies at this point), said iron rod being a point on the line common to Lots 8
and 9 in said Block 2 and the POINT OF BEGINNING;

THENCE, South 02deg07'27" East, 61.20 feet along the northwesterly right-of-way
line of said Smith Street and the line common to said Lots 8 and 9 to a 5/8-inch
iron rod found for the new northerly right-of-way line of Andrews Street (50
feet wide);

THENCE South 87deg37'33" West, 265.27 feet along the new northerly right-of-way
line of said Andrews Street to a 5/8-inch iron rod found on the line common to
Lots 9 and 8 in said Block 3;

THENCE, North 02deg07'27" West, 95.63 feet along said common line to a 5/8-inch
iron rod found at the corner common to Lots 2, 3, 8 and 9 in said Block 3;

THENCE, North 87deg27'29" East, 99.99 feet along the line common to Lots 9, 
10, 2 and 1 in said Block 3 to a 5/8-inch iron rod found for the corner 
common to said Lots 1 and 10 in the westerly right-of-way line of abandoned 
Frederick street;

THENCE, North 87deg52'33" East, 17.50 feet to the centerline of said Frederick

THENCE, North 02deg07'27" West, 54.49 feet along said centerline to the south
right-of-way line of said Clay Avenue;

THENCE, South 65deg48'22" Each, 40.34 feet along said southwesterly right-of-way
line of Clay Avenue to a 5/8-inch iron rod found for the beginning of a tangent
curve to the right;

THENCE, 81.46 feet southeasterly along the arc of said curve and southwesterly
right-of-way line (Radius = 538.22 feet, Delta = 8deg40'19", Chord = South
61deg28'12" East, 81.38 feet) to a 5/8-inch iron rod found for point of 

THENCE, continuing along the southwesterly right-of-way line of said Clay
Avenue, South 57deg08'03" East, 50.78 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING, 
containing a computed area of 27,402 square feet of land.

                         EXHIBIT B

                    OFFICE LEASE BETWEEN
                        AS LANDLORD,
                  GENESIS CRUDE OIL, L.P.,
                         AS TENANT

                      PLAN OF PREMISES

                         EXHIBIT C

                    OFFICE LEASE BETWEEN
                        AS LANDLORD,
                  GENESIS CRUDE OIL, L.P.,
                         AS TENANT

                (Tenant Does Work-Allowance)

This Work Letter ("Work Letter") describes and specifies the rights and
obligations of Landlord and Tenant with respect to certain allowances granted to
Tenant hereunder and rights and responsibilities of Landlord and Tenant with
respect to the design, construction and payment for the completion of the
Initial Improvements within the Premises.

1.   Definitions.  Terms which are defined in the Lease shall have the same
meaning in this Work Letter.  Additionally, as used in this Work Letter, the
following terms (when delineated with initial capital letters) shall have the
respective meaning indicated for each as follows:

(a)  Allowance shall mean a sum not to exceed $24.00 per square foot of Rentable
Area within the initial 23,690 square feet comprising the Premises (a maximum of
$586,560).  A portion of the Allowance not to exceed $3.00 per square foot of
Rentable Area (a maximum of $71,070.00) may be used by Tenant for architectural
and engineering fees and moving fees.   The rest of the Allowance shall be used
for the construction of the Initial Improvements.

(b)  Basic Construction of the Building shall mean the structure of the Building
as built on the date of this Work Letter, the Shell Improvements, and all other
improvements, fixtures and facilities constituting a part of the Project, as
these exist on the date of this Work Letter if the Building is complete, or as
provided for in Landlord's plans and specifications for the Building if prior to

(c)  Landlord's Architect shall mean the architect designated by Landlord as its
architect, from time to time, to perform the functions of Landlord's Architect

     (d)  Plans and Specifications  shall mean collectively, the plans,
specifications and other information prepared or to be prepared by Tenant's
Architect, engineers and other design professionals and, where necessary, by
Landlord's electrical, mechanical and structural engineers, all at Tenant's
expense, which shall detail the Work required by Tenant in the Premises and
which shall be approved in writing by both Tenant and Landlord prior to the
commencement of such Work.

(e)  Tenant's Architect shall mean Kirksey and Partners, who is an architect
licensed to practice in the State of Texas.

(f)  Work shall mean all materials and labor to be added to the Basic
Construction of the Building and the Shell Improvements in order to complete the
installation of the Initial Improvements within the Premises for Tenant in
accordance with the Plans and Specifications, including, without limitation any
modification to Basic Construction of the Building or to the Shell Improvements,
any structural modifications to the Building, any electrical or plumbing work
required to meet Tenant's electrical and plumbing requirements, and any special
air conditioning work required to be performed in the Premises.

(g)  Cost of the Work shall mean the cost of all materials and labor to be added
to the Basic Construction of the Building and the Shell Improvements in order to
complete the installation of the Initial Improvements within the Premises in
accordance with the Plans and Specifications.

(h)  Landlord's Costs shall mean that portion of the Cost of the Work up to, but
not in excess of, the aggregate amount of the Allowance.

(i)  Tenant's Costs shall mean that portion of the Cost of the Work in excess of
Landlord's Costs.

(j)  Change Costs shall mean all costs or expenses attributable to any change in
the Plans and Specifications which, when added to other costs and expenses
incurred in completing the Work, exceed Landlord's Costs, including, without
limitation, (i) any cost caused by direction of Tenant to omit any item of Work
contained in the Plans and Specifications, (ii) any additional architectural or
engineering services, (iii) any changes to materials in the process of
fabrication, (iv) the cancellation or modification of supply or fabricating
contracts, (v) the removal or alteration of any Work or any plans completed or
in process, or (vi) delays affecting the schedule of the Work.

(k)  Working Days shall mean all days of the week other than Saturday, Sunday,
and legal holidays.

(l)  Tenant's Contractor shall mean the general contractor selected by Tenant
and approved by Landlord to perform the Work.

(m)  Initial Improvements shall mean those improvements or remodeling to the
Premises, if any, which Tenant shall provide according to the terms of this

(n)  Landlord Delay shall mean each day beyond designated time periods set forth
in this Workletter that Landlord fails to respond to a request by Tenant for
approval of Tenant's design drawings, Plans and Specifications, or Change

2.   Procedure and Schedules for the Completion of Plans and Specifications.
The Plans and Specifications shall be completed in accordance with the following
procedure and time schedules:

(a)  Design Drawings.  Within ten (10) Working Days from execution of the Lease,
Tenant shall submit to Landlord four (4) sets of prints of design drawings,
specifying the intended design, character and finishing of the Initial
Improvements within the Premises.  Such package shall include separate drawings
for signs in accordance with Landlord's sign criteria.  The design drawings
shall set forth the requirements of Tenant with respect to the installation of
the Initial Improvements within the Premises, and such drawings shall include,
without limiting their scope, a Tenant approved space plan, architectural design
of the space, including office front, plans, elevations, sections, and
renderings indicating materials, color selections and finishes.

(i)  Within five (5) Working Days following its receipt of the initial design
drawings, or three (3) Working Days following its receipt of the revised design
drawings pursuant to (ii) below, as applicable, Landlord shall return to Tenant
one set of prints of design drawings with Landlord's suggested modifications
and/or approval.

(ii) If the design drawings are returned to Tenant with comments, but not
bearing approval of Landlord, the design drawings shall be immediately revised
by Tenant and resubmitted to Landlord for approval within five (5) Working Days
of their receipt by Tenant.  Unless such action is taken, Tenant will be deemed
to have accepted and approved all of Landlord's comments on the design drawings.

(b)  Completion of Plans and Specifications.  All Plans and Specifications shall
be prepared in strict compliance with applicable Building standards and
requirements as set forth in the Lease, this Work Letter and otherwise, and
shall also adhere to the design drawings approved by Landlord.  In order to
assure the compatibility of Tenant's electrical and mechanical systems and the
compatibility of Tenant's structural requirements with the existing Building and
in order to expedite the preparation of Tenant's electrical, mechanical and
structural drawings Tenant or Tenant's Architect shall deliver to Landlord's
Architect, not later than ten (10) Working Days from the date of Landlord's
approval of design drawings, a detailed plan setting forth any and all
electrical, mechanical and structural requirements, and Tenant's Architect shall
retain, at Tenant's expense, Tenant's electrical, mechanical and structural
engineers to prepare all necessary electrical, mechanical and structural
construction drawings which shall be included as a part of the Plans and
Specifications.  All construction documents and calculations prepared by
Tenant's Architect shall be submitted by Tenant, in the form of four (4) sets of
blueline prints, to Landlord for approval within ten (10) Working Days after the
date of receipt by Tenant of Landlord's approval of design drawings.  If the
Plans and Specifications are returned to Tenant with comments, but not bearing
approval of Landlord, the Plans and Specifications shall be immediately revised
by Tenant and resubmitted to Landlord for approval within ten (10)Working Days
of their receipt by Tenant.  If Tenant fails to resubmit the revised Plans and
Specifications to Landlord within ten (10) Working Days, Tenant will be deemed
to have accepted and approved all of Landlord's comments to the Plans and

(i)  The fees for Tenant's Architect and any consultants or engineers retained
by or on behalf of Tenant or Tenant's Architect (including, but not limited to,
the electrical, mechanical and structural engineers required to be retained
under this paragraph) shall be paid by Tenant.

(ii) Tenant shall have the sole responsibility for compliance of the Plans and
Specifications with all applicable statutes, codes, ordinances and other
regulations, including the Americans with Disabilities Act, and the approval of
the Plans and Specifications or calculations included therein by Landlord shall
not constitute an indication, representation or certification by Landlord that
such Plans and Specifications or calculations are in compliance with said
statutes, codes, ordinances and other regulations.  In instances where several
sets of requirements must be met, the requirements of Landlord's insurance
underwriter or the strictest applicable requirements shall apply where not
prohibited by applicable codes.

(iii)     Upon completion of the Initial Improvements, if so required by
Landlord, Tenant shall deliver to Landlord, at Tenant's expense,  an "as-built"
set of Plans and Specifications for the Premises in AutoCad or comparable
format, together with such other information required by Landlord to place the
information from the "as-built" Plans and Specifications on to Landlord's data

3.   Payments.  Landlord's obligation for payment with respect to the Work shall
not exceed the aggregate amount of Landlord's Costs; and after Landlord has
reimbursed Tenant in an amount equal to Landlord's Costs, Tenant shall
thereafter pay all Cost of the Work, including, without limitation, any Change
Costs.  Tenant may submit to Landlord a request for payment no more than once
every thirty (30) days.  In each such request, Tenant shall submit to Landlord
copies of all invoices and Tenant shall certify that such request represents a
just estimate of costs reimbursable to Tenant and that there are no known
mechanic's or materialmen's liens outstanding at the date of requests and that
there is no known basis for the filing of any mechanic's or materialmen's liens
relating to the Work and that waivers from all subcontractors, mechanics and
materialmen have been obtained in such form as to constitute an effective waiver
of lien under the laws of the State of Texas.  Landlord shall pay the amount due
under each request for payment within thirty (30) days of receipt of such items.
Landlord shall apply that portion of the Allowance not utilized by Tenant (up to
$5.00 per square foot of Rentable Area within the Premises, a maximum of
$118,450) against Rent next due from Tenant.

4.   Performance of the Work.  Tenant shall, at its expense and in a manner and
on terms and conditions and at times satisfactory to and approved in writing by
Landlord, construct, install and complete the Initial Improvements in the
Premises subject to the following requirements.

(a)  Tenant shall commence, and shall thereafter prosecute diligently to
completion, the Work.

(b)  Tenant shall use only contractors, subcontractors and workers approved by
Landlord (such approval not to be unreasonably withheld, conditioned, or
delayed) in writing prior to Tenant's contracting with such contractor or such
contractors contracting with such subcontractors.  Landlord shall have the right
to stop all work in the Premises, at no cost to Landlord, if any contractor,
subcontractor or worker working in the Premises is not so approved by Landlord.
Tenant shall cause the Tenant's Contractor to perform the Work in conformity
with Landlord's requirements as set forth in "Manager's Conditions for Tenant
Managed Construction" and in substantial accordance with the Plans and

(c)  The Work shall not adversely affect any structural component of the
Building or the Building's HVAC system, plumbing system, electrical system, or
other mechanical systems or elevators.  The Work shall be generally consistent
in quality with the quality of construction of the Building.  Neither the Work
nor the installation of Tenant's furniture, fixtures and equipment shall exceed
the presently existing live load capacity of the floor on which the Premises are
located without Landlord's prior written approval.  Tenant shall remove all
debris and waste material relating to any construction area and leave the
immediately surrounding areas in broom-clean condition.

(d)  As soon as reasonably practical, but in any event prior to the commencement
of the Work, Tenant shall furnish to Landlord certificates of insurance
evidencing builder's risk and liability insurance coverage naming Landlord and
Tenant as additional named insureds, as their interests may appear, in amounts
and coverages satisfactory to Landlord and issued by an insurance company or
companies which carries a policy holders rating of not less than "A+" and a
financial rating of not less than "VIII" as designated in the most current
Best's Insurance Guide and which shall be licensed to do business in the State
of Texas.

(e)  Landlord shall review and monitor the construction of the Work.  Tenant and
its contractors shall cooperate with the Landlord as appropriate.

(f)  All materials used in the construction, installation and completion of the
Work shall be at least Building standard.  The Work shall be completed in a good
and workmanlike manner.

(g)  Tenant shall cause all work relating to the Work to be performed in a good
and workmanlike manner at Tenant's expense in compliance with all applicable
legal requirements by contractors approved in advance in writing by Landlord in
accordance with the Plans and Specifications.

(h)  Tenant's contractors, laborers, materialmen and others furnishing labor or
materials for the Work shall work in harmony and not interfere with any labor
utilized by Landlord, Landlord's contractors or mechanics or by any other tenant
or such other tenant's contractors or mechanics; and if at any time such entry
by one or more persons furnishing labor or materials for the Work shall cause
disharmony or interference, Landlord may require Tenant to cause the Work to
cease immediately at no cost to Landlord, and cause the disharmony or
interference to cease.

(i)  Tenant's Contractor, its subcontractors and suppliers and their employees
shall use only the service elevators and shall observe all the rules and
regulations of the Project and Building while in the Building.  Tenant shall be
responsible for all cleaning, repair and maintenance of any area of the Building
damaged or disturbed in connection with the Work.

(j)  Tenant acknowledges that the mechanical rooms on Floor 25 of the Building
may contain asbestos.  Landlord will not be required to remove any asbestos from
the mechanical rooms on Floor 25 of the Building.  However, if Landlord elects
not to remove any asbestos from such mechanical rooms, Landlord shall be
responsible for any excess out-of-pocket costs incurred by Tenant in the
performance of the Work with respect to such mechanical rooms and the mechanical
systems of the Building directly resulting from the presence of asbestos.
Tenant will not commence or perform any Work in the mechanical rooms without
Landlord's prior written approval and supervision.  Any asbestos containing
material which is not removed shall be covered by an operation and maintenance
program established and maintained by Landlord in accordance with any laws,
ordinances, orders, rules, regulations and other requirements of governmental
authority, whether now in force or hereafter enacted, for the purpose of
protecting same from disturbance.  Tenant agrees to comply with Landlord's
operation and maintenance program with respect to the containment of asbestos.
Furthermore, Landlord, at Landlord's expense, shall comply with all laws,
ordinances, orders, rules, regulations and other requirements of governmental
authority, whether now in force or hereafter enacted, which impose any duty with
respect to or otherwise relate to the abatement, removal or containment of
asbestos containing materials on Floor 25 of the Building.

(k)  Tenant shall indemnify and hold Landlord, the manger and all of their
employees and agents, harmless against any and all claims, demands, loss or
damages (including attorney's fees and expenses) arising out of or in connection
with any of the Work.

5.   Change Orders.  All changes and modifications in the Work from that
contemplated in the Plans and Specifications, whether or not such change or
modification gives rise to a Change Cost, must be evidenced by a written Change
Order executed by both Landlord and Tenant.  In that regard, Tenant shall submit
to Landlord such information as Landlord shall require with respect to any
Change Order requested by Tenant.  After receipt of requested Change Order,
together with such information as Landlord shall require with respect thereto,
Landlord shall return to Tenant within two (2) Working Days either the executed
Change Order, which will evidence Landlord's approval thereof, or the Plans and
Specifications with respect thereto with Landlord's suggested modification.

6.   Tenant License To Enter Premises.  Landlord shall permit Tenant and its
agents to enter the Premises prior to the Commencement Date in order that Tenant
may perform the Work.  The foregoing license to enter prior to the Commencement
Date, however, is conditioned upon worker's compensation and public liability
insurance and property damage insurance, all in amounts and with companies and
on forms satisfactory to Landlord being provided and at all times maintained by
Tenant's contractors engaged in the performance of the Work, and certificates of
such insurance being furnished to Landlord prior to commencing the Work.  If at
any time such entry shall cause disharmony and interference to other
contractors, or labor, including strikes or other work stoppages, this license
may be immediately withdrawn by Landlord upon notice to Tenant.  During such
entry, Tenant shall be deemed to be obligated by all of the terms, covenants,
provisions, and conditions of the Lease except as to the covenant to pay rent.
During such entry, Tenant acknowledges that Landlord shall have no obligation
under the Lease with respect to the Premises and specifically shall have no
obligation to provide those services called for under the Lease with respect to
the Premises other than Building Standard Capacity electricity, freight elevator
service and water.  During the pendency of the Work, Tenant's general contractor
and subcontractor(s) shall have the right to park in designated spaces in
Landlord's surface parking lot located adjacent to the Building at no cost to
Tenant or such contractor and subcontractor(s). Tenant further acknowledges that
Landlord shall not be liable in any way for any injury, loss or damage which may
occur to any of the workers performing the Work, the same being solely at
Tenant's risk.

7.   Liens.  All work in connection with the Work shall be done and completed,
in such manner to insure that no mechanic's, materialman's or similar liens
attach to the Building and Tenant shall obtain from Tenant's Contractor, and
subcontractors and materialmen lien waivers and releases, copies of which shall
be furnished to Landlord when received.  If a claim for any such lien shall be
filed against the Building or any part thereof, Tenant shall have such claim of
lien immediately removed and present evidence of such removal to Landlord by
bonding or other method acceptable to Landlord.

8.   Whole Agreement; No Oral Modification.  This Work Letter embodies all
representations, warranties and agreements of Landlord and Tenant with respect
to the matter described herein, and this Work Letter may not be altered or
modified except by an agreement in writing signed by the parties.

9.   Paragraph Headings.  The paragraph headings contained in this Work Letter
are for convenient reference only and shall not in any way affect the meaning or
interpretation of such paragraphs.

10.  Notices.  All notices required or contemplated hereunder shall be given to
the parties in the manner specified for giving notices under the Lease.

11.  Binding Effect.  This Work Letter shall be construed under the laws of the
State of Texas and shall be binding upon and shall inure to the benefit of the
parties hereto and their respective permitted successors and assigns.

12.  Conflict.  In the event of conflict between this Work Letter and any other
exhibits or addenda to this Lease, this Work Letter shall prevail.
                         EXHIBIT D

                    OFFICE LEASE BETWEEN
                        AS LANDLORD,
                  GENESIS CRUDE OIL, L.P.,
                         AS TENANT

                   RULES AND REGULATIONS

1.   Sidewalks, doorways, vestibules, halls, stairways, and similar areas shall
not be obstructed nor shall refuse, furniture, boxes or other items be placed
therein by Tenant or its officers, agents, servants, and employees, or used for
any purpose other than ingress and egress to and from the leased premises, or
for going from one part of the Building to another part of the Building.
Canvassing, soliciting and peddling in the Building are prohibited.

2.   Plumbing fixtures and appliances shall be used only for the purposes for
which constructed, and no unsuitable material shall be placed therein.  Damages
resulting from misuse of fixtures or appliances by Tenant, or its employees,
agents or contractors, shall be paid by Tenant.

3.   No signs, directories, posters, advertisements, or notices shall be painted
or affixed on or to any of the windows or doors, or in corridors or other parts
of the Building, except in such color, size, and style, and in such places, as
shall be first approved in writing by Landlord, not to be unreasonably withheld,
conditioned or delayed.  Building standard suite identification signs will be
prepared by Landlord at Tenant's expense.  Landlord shall have the right to
remove all unapproved signs without notice to Tenant, at the expense of Tenant.

4.   Tenants shall not do, or permit anything to be done in or about the
Building, or bring or keep anything therein, that will in any way increase the
rate of fire or other insurance on the Building, or on property kept therein or
otherwise increase the possibility of fire or other casualty.  Electric current
shall not be used for cooking (other than microwave ovens) or heating without
prior written permission from Landlord.

5.   Landlord shall have the power to prescribe the weight and position of heavy
equipment or objects which may over stress any portion of the floor.  All damage
done to the Building by the improper placing of such heavy items by Tenant, its
employees, agents or contractors will be repaired at the sole expense of Tenant.

6.   Tenant shall notify the Building manager when safes or other heavy
equipment are to be taken on or out of the Building, and the moving shall be
done after written permission is obtained from Landlord on such conditions as
Landlord shall require.

7.   For tenants on multi-tenant floors, corridor doors, when not in use, shall
be kept closed.

8.   All deliveries must be made via the service entrance and service elevator,
when provided, during normal working hours.  Landlord's written approval must be
obtained for any delivery after normal working hours.

9.   Each tenant shall cooperate with Landlord's employees in keeping its leased
premises neat and clean.  Nothing shall be swept or thrown into corridors,
halls, elevator shafts, stairways, or other public areas, nor shall tenants
place any trash receptacles in these areas.

10.  Tenants shall not cause or permit any improper noises in the Building, or
allow any unpleasant odors to emanate from the leased premises, or otherwise
interfere, injure or annoy in any way other tenants, or persons having business
with them.

11.  No animals shall be brought into or kept in or about the Building, except
guide dogs or similar support animals accompanying persons who are physically

12.  When conditions are such that Tenant must dispose of crates, boxes, etc.,
it will be the responsibility of Tenant to dispose of same prior to, or after
the hours of 7:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m., respectively.

13.  No machinery of any kind, other than ordinary office machines such as
typewriters and calculators, shall be operated on the leased premises without
the prior written consent of Landlord, nor shall a tenant use or keep in the
Building any inflammable or explosive fluid or substance (including Christmas
trees and ornaments), or any illuminating materials, except candles.  No space
heaters shall be operated in the Building.

14.  No bicycles, motorcycles or similar vehicles will be allowed in the

15.  No nails, hooks, or screws (other than for hanging pictures, diplomas, and
other personal belongings of Tenant's employees) shall be driven into or
inserted in any part of the Building except as approved by Landlord.

16.  Landlord has the right to evacuate the Building in the event of an
emergency or catastrophe.

17.  No food and/or beverages shall be distributed on a retail basis from
Tenant's office without the prior written approval of the Building manager.  At
any party where alcoholic beverages are to be consumed on Building premises,
Tenant is required to have two (2) off-duty police officers attend such party.

18.  No additional locks shall be placed upon any doors without the prior
written consent of Landlord.  Four (4) keys per entry door shall be furnished by
Landlord, and the same shall be surrendered upon termination of this Lease.
Tenant shall then give Landlord or his agent an explanation of the combination
of all locks on doors or vaults.  No duplicates of such keys shall be made by
Tenant.  Additional keys shall be obtained only from Landlord at Landlord's
costs thereof plus a ten percent (10%) overhead charge.

19.  Tenants will not locate furnishings or cabinets adjacent to mechanical or
electrical access panels or over air conditioning outlets so as to prevent
operating personnel from servicing such units as routine or emergency access may
require.  Cost of moving such furnishings for Landlord's access will be for
Tenant's account.  The lighting and air conditioning equipment of the Building
will remain the exclusive charge of the Building designated personnel.

20.  Tenant shall comply with parking rules and regulations as may be posted or
distributed from time to time.

21.  No portion of the Building shall be used for the purpose of lodging rooms.

22.  Vending machines or dispensing machines of any kind will not be placed in
the leased premises by a tenant without prior written approval by Landlord not
to be unreasonably withheld, conditioned or delayed.

23.  Prior written approval, which shall be at Landlord's sole discretion, must
be obtained for installation of window shades, blinds, drapes or any other
window treatment for external windows of any kind whatsoever.  Landlord will
control all internal lighting that may be visible from the exterior of the
Building and shall have the right to change any lighting which has not been so
approved by Landlord, without notice to Tenant, at Tenant's expense.

24.  No tenant shall make any changes or alterations to any portion of the
Building without Landlord's prior written approval, which may be given on such
conditions as Landlord may elect.  All such work shall be done by Landlord or by
contractors and/or workmen approved by Landlord, working under Landlord's

25.  Tenant and its contractors shall provide Landlord with Material Safety Data
Sheets (MSDS) for all materials or substances being used or stored in or about
the Building.  The MSDS will be provided prior to bringing the materials or
substances into the Building.

26.  The directory board of the Building will be provided for the display of the
name and location of tenants only.  Tenant will be provided one (1) line or
strip on the Building directory board for every two thousand (2,000) square feet
of space (up to fourteen (14) lines for the initial Premises).  Any additional
lines which Tenant shall desire to place upon said directory board over and
above this allowance must first be approved by Landlord, and if so approved, a
charge will be made therefor.

27.  Tenants shall ensure that the doors of their leased premises are closed and
securely locked and must observe strict care and caution that all water faucets,
water apparatus and utilities are shut off before a tenant and such tenant's
employees leave the leased premises, so as to prevent waste or damage.  On
multiple-tenancy floors, all tenants shall keep the door or doors to the
Building corridors closed at all times except for ingress and egress.

28.  Tenants shall exercise reasonable precautions in the protection of their
personal property from loss or damage by keeping doors to unattended area
locked.  Tenants shall also report any thefts or losses to the Building manager
as soon as reasonably possible after discovery and shall also notify the
Building manager of the presence of any persons whose conduct is suspicious or
causes a disturbance.

29.  Firearms of any caliber or make are strictly prohibited from being carried
or stored in the Building.  Requests for an exception to this policy must be
submitted in writing to Landlord prior to any introduction of a firearm in the
Building and must detail the reasons for the requested exception.  Any exception
permitting a person to carry or store a firearm in the Building must be in
writing signed by Landlord and shall contain such conditions and provisions as
Landlord may specify in its sole discretion.  Notwithstanding the grant of any
exception, Landlord shall retain the right to revoke such permission at any time
and for any reason, including without limitation, the unsafe, rude, offensive,
alarming or reckless display or carrying of the firearms.

30.  Landlord shall not be responsible to the tenants, their agents, employees
or invitees for any loss of money, jewelry or other personal property from the
leased premises or public areas or for any damages to any property therein from
any cause whatsoever whether such loss or damage occurs when an area is locked
against entry or not.

31.  Movement in or out of the Building of furniture or office equipment, or
dispatch or receipt by tenants of any heavy equipment, bulky material or
merchandise which requires use of elevators or stairways, or movement through
the Building entrances or lobbies shall be restricted to such hours as Landlord
shall reasonably designate.  All such movement shall be in a manner to be agreed
between the tenants and Landlord in advance.  Such pre-arrangement shall be
initiated by the tenant.  The time, method, and routing of movement and
limitations for safety or other concern which may prohibit any article,
equipment or other item from being brought into the Building shall be subject to
Landlord's reasonable discretion and control.  Although Landlord or its
personnel may participate in or assist in the supervision of such movement, the
tenant assumes final responsibility for all risks as to damage to articles moved
and injury to persons or public engaged or not engaged in such movement,
including equipment, property and personnel of Landlord if damages or injured as
a result of acts in connection with carrying out this service for a tenant from
time of entering the property to completion of work.  Landlord shall not be
liable for acts of any person engaged in, or any damage or loss to any of said
property or persons resulting from any act in connection with such service
performed for a tenant.

32.  Tenants shall not employ any person for the purpose of cleaning other than
the authorized cleaning and maintenance personnel for the Building unless
otherwise approved in writing by Landlord.  To ensure orderly operation of the
Building, Landlord reserves the right to approve all concessionaires, vending
machine operators or other distributors of cold drinks, coffee, food or other
concessions, water, towels, or newspapers.

33.  Tenants, their employees, guests and invitees may be called upon to show
suitable identification and/or sign a building register when entering or leaving
the Building at times other than normal Building operating hours.  All tenants
shall cooperate fully with Building security personnel in complying with such

34.  Tenants shall not solicit from or circulate advertising material among
other tenants of the Building except the regular use of the U.S. mail service.
Tenants shall notify the Building manager or the Building security personnel
promptly if it comes to their attention that any unauthorized persons are
soliciting from or causing annoyance to tenants, their employees, guests or

35.  Landlord reserves the right to deny entrance to the Building or remove any
person or persons from the Building in any case where the conduct of such person
or persons involves a hazard or nuisance to any tenant of the Building or to the
public or in the event of fire or other emergency, riot, civil commotion or
similar disturbance involving risk to the Building, tenants or the general

36.  Landlord reserves the right to rescind any of these rules and make such
other and further rules and regulations as in its judgment shall from time to
time be necessary or advisable for the operation of the Building, which rules
shall be binding upon each tenant upon delivery to such tenant of notice thereof
in writing.
                         EXHIBIT E

                    OFFICE LEASE BETWEEN
                        AS LANDLORD,
                  GENESIS CRUDE OIL, L.P.,
                         AS TENANT


This EXHIBIT E  ("Parking Exhibit") describes and specifies Tenant's non-
exclusive right to use twenty-eight  (28) parking spaces (collectively,
"Spaces") located on such levels inside one or more of the Building's parking
garages as set forth on Schedule 1 attached to this Parking Exhibit and
incorporated herein by reference, all upon the terms and conditions set forth
below.  Landlord shall also provide to Tenant on a month-to-month basis up to
thirty-three (33) permits to park in unreserved spaces (the "Additional Spaces")
in the Metropolitan Parking Garage (as defined below).  The parking garage
beneath the Building shall be referred to as the "Building Garage."  The parking
garage located at 300 Clay Street shall be referred to as the "Allen Center
Parking Garage."  The parking garage located at 340 West Dallas Street shall be
referred to as the "Metropolitan Parking Garage."  The Building Garage, Allen
Center Parking Garage and Metropolitan Parking Garage may be hereinafter
referred to individually and collectively as the "Parking Garage."

1.    Definitions.  The terms which are defined in the Lease shall have the same
meanings in this Parking Exhibit.

2.   Grant and Rental Fee.  Provided no event of default has occurred and is
continuing under the Lease, Tenant shall rent (a) on a "must-take" basis, the
Spaces during the entire Term and (b) on a month-to-month basis, the Additional
Spaces, at such monthly rates (together with any applicable tax thereon) and
subject to such terms, conditions, and regulations as are, from time to time,
promulgated by Landlord or the manager of the Parking Garage, as applicable, and
charged or applicable to patrons of the Parking Garage for spaces similarly
situated therein.  In the event the Premises are increased or decreased during
the Term other than pursuant to EXHIBIT H to the Lease, the number of Spaces
available to Tenant shall likewise be increased or decreased so that the
aggregate number of Spaces to which Tenant is entitled shall equal one (1)
unreserved Space for each one thousand (1,000) square feet of Rentable Area
within the Premises.

3.   Unavailability of Spaces.  If the Spaces are not available or become
unavailable to Tenant (due to causes beyond the reasonable control of Landlord)
during any portion of the Term of this Lease, Landlord shall make available to
Tenant alternate parking spaces located reasonably near the Building until the
Spaces are made available to Tenant.  Landlord shall not be obligated to provide
replacement parking for the Additional Spaces should any of same become

4.   Risk.  All motor vehicles (including all contents thereof) shall be parked
in the Spaces and the Additional Spaces at the sole risk of Tenant, its
employees, agents, invitees and licensees, it being expressly agreed and
understood that Landlord has no duty to insure any of said motor vehicles
(including the contents thereof), and that Landlord is not responsible for the
protection and security of such vehicles.  Landlord shall have no liability
whatsoever for any property damage and/or personal injury which might occur as a
result of or in connection with the parking of said motor vehicles in any of the
Spaces and the Additional Spaces, and Tenant hereby agrees to indemnify and hold
Landlord harmless from and against any and all costs, claims, expenses, and/or
causes of action which Landlord may incur in connection with or arising out of
Tenant's use of the Spaces and the Additional Spaces pursuant to this Parking

5.   No Bailment.  It is further agreed that this Parking Exhibit shall not be
deemed to create a bailment between the parties hereto, it being expressly
agreed and understood that the only relationship created between Landlord and
Tenant hereby is that of licensor and licensee, respectively.

6.   Rules and Regulations.  In its use of the Spaces and the Additional Spaces,
Tenant shall follow all of the Rules and Regulations of the Building (attached
to the Lease as EXHIBIT D) applicable thereto, any rules and regulations
promulgated by Landlord or the manager of the Parking Garage, as applicable, as
the same may be amended from time to time.  Upon the occurrence of any breach of
such rules, failure to make parking rental payments due hereunder or default by
Tenant under the Lease, Landlord shall be entitled to terminate this Parking
Exhibit, in which event Tenant's right to utilize the Spaces and the Additional
Spaces shall thereupon automatically cease.

7.   Access.  Landlord shall be entitled to utilize whatever access device
Landlord deems necessary (including but not limited to the issuance of parking
stickers or access cards), to assure that only those persons who have contracted
to use spaces in the Parking Garage are using the parking spaces therein.
Landlord currently limits access to the Parking Garage through the use of a
parking entry card system, the cards for which shall be provided by Landlord.
These cards are different from and do not entitle the holder thereof to an 
after-hours entry card to the Building (pursuant to the terms of Section 7.04
of the Lease).  Landlord agrees to provide to Tenant twenty-eight (28) 
parking entry cards.  Tenant further agrees to surrender all parking entry 
cards in its possession upon the expiration or earlier termination of this 
Lease.  Landlord shall be entitled to cancel any lost or stolen cards of which 
it becomes aware. Tenant shall promptly notify Landlord of any lost or stolen 
cards.  Tenant shall pay Landlord for each additional card(s) or for each 
replacement card(s) for any card(s) lost by or stolen from Tenant, in such 
amount as Landlord shall, from time to time determine, the present charge for
such lost or stolen cards being $10.00 per card.  Tenant acknowledges that 
the parking entry card may also be
the same as the master entry card used for access to the Building during other
than normal business hours, and to the extent the cards are the same, agrees
that the provisions of Section 7.04 of the Lease shall also be applicable and in
the event of a conflict with the provisions of this Parking Exhibit, the
provisions of Section 7.04 shall control.  In the event Tenant, its agent or
employees wrongfully park in any of the Parking Garage's spaces, Landlord shall
be entitled and is hereby authorized to have any such vehicle towed away, at
Tenant's sole risk and expense, and Landlord is further authorized to impose
upon Tenant a penalty of $25.00 for each such occurrence.  Tenant hereby agrees
to pay all amounts falling due hereunder upon demand therefor, and the failure
to pay any such amount shall additionally be deemed an event of default
hereunder entitling Landlord to cancel Tenant's right to use such spaces in
addition to all of its rights and remedies under this Parking Exhibit.

                         SCHEDULE 1

                         EXHIBIT E
                    OFFICE LEASE BETWEEN
                        AS LANDLORD,
                  GENESIS CRUDE OIL, L.P.,
                         AS TENANT

                      BUILDING GARAGE


                      RESERVED SPACES

                               CURRENT MONTHLY
         NO. OF SPACES         PRICE PER SPACE
         -------------         ---------------

               0               Allen Center Garage
                               $146.14 (including tax)

               0               Metropolitan Parking Garage
                               $ 97.43 (including tax)

               8               Building Garage*
                               $173.20 (including tax)


                    UNRESERVED SPACES

                               CURRENT MONTHLY
         NO. OF SPACES         PRICE PER SPACE
         -------------         ---------------

               0               Building Garage
                               $173.20 (including tax)

               0               Allen Center Garage
                               $ 97.43 (including tax)

               20              Metropolitan Parking Garage
                              $ 81.19 (including tax)


The parking rates referenced above shall remain in effect through December 31,

* Tenant's employees utilizing the reserved Spaces in the Building Garage must
park in designated spaces 5 through 12.  Tenant acknowledges that such Spaces
are ordinarily unreserved spaces, but as an accommodation to Tenant, such Spaces
will be reserved for Tenant's use; provided, however, Landlord shall have no
obligation to actually designate such Spaces as "Reserved" by signage or
otherwise.  In the event other parkers utilize or attempt to utilize such
Spaces, Tenant shall promptly notify Landlord in writing.  Thereafter Landlord
will use good faith efforts to prevent other parkers from parking in Spaces 5
through 12, by signage or other means.  In addition, Landlord agrees to restripe
spaces 5 through 12 to the standard width of the other spaces in the Building
Garage prior to the Commencement Date.  In addition, Tenant shall be entitled to
utilize spaces 5 through 12 in the Building Garage (in connection with its
existing lease in the Building) at no charge through October 31, 1997.

                         EXHIBIT F

                    OFFICE LEASE BETWEEN
                        AS LANDLORD,
                  GENESIS CRUDE OIL, L.P.,
                         AS TENANT

                       RENEWAL OPTION

1.   Tenant shall have an option (the "Renewal Option") to renew and extend the
term of this Lease for one additional period of five (5) years, commencing on
the day following the Expiration Date and expiring five (5) years thereafter
(the "Renewal Term").  The Renewal Option may only be exercised by Tenant giving
written notice thereof no more than fifteen (15) months nor less than twelve
(12) months prior to the Expiration Date.  If Tenant fails to give notice of
exercise of the Renewal Option within such specified time period, the Renewal
Option shall be deemed waived and of no further force and effect.

2.   Tenant's right to extend this Lease as provided for herein can be exercised
only if, at the time of such exercise and upon the commencement of the Renewal
Term (a) no Event of Default then exists under this Lease, and (b) Tenant has
not subleased twenty-five percent (25%) or more of the total Rentable Area of
the Premises (other than to an Affiliate) (unless Landlord, in its sole
discretion, elects to waive either such condition).  If either of such
conditions are not satisfied or waived by Landlord, the Renewal Option shall be
terminated and of no further force and effect, any purported exercise thereof
shall be null and void, and this Lease shall terminate on the Expiration Date.
No assignee of this Lease other than an Affiliate of Tenant shall have the right
to exercise the Renewal Option.  No subtenant shall have any rights hereunder

3.   If Tenant shall exercise the Renewal Option (in accordance with and subject
to the provisions of this EXHIBIT F), all of the terms, covenants and conditions
provided in this Lease shall continue to apply during the Renewal Term, except
that (i) the Base Rental during the Renewal Term shall be the then Prevailing
Market Rate (as defined below) for the Premises, and (ii) any terms, covenants
and conditions that are expressly or by their nature inapplicable to such
renewal term (including, without limitation, this EXHIBIT F) shall be deemed
void and of no further force and effect.

4.   As used herein, the term "Prevailing Market Rate" means the annual amount
per square foot of Rentable Area within the Premises that a willing tenant would
pay and a willing landlord would accept in arm's length, bona fide negotiations
for a renewal of the Premises to be executed at the time of determination and to
commence at the beginning of the Renewal Term, as determined by Landlord in good
faith based upon comparable renewal transactions made in the Building and in
other Class "A" office buildings (including Two Allen Center and Three Allen
Center) located in the Central Business District of Houston, Texas within the
previous twelve (12) months (taking into consideration the location, quality,
and age of the building, floor level, extent of leasehold improvements (existing
or to be provided), rental abatements, lease takeovers/assumptions, moving
expenses and other concessions, term of lease, extent of services to be
provided, distinction between "gross" and "net" lease, base year or other
amounts allowed for escalation purposes (expense stop), other inducements such
as parking spaces or club memberships), the time the particular rental rate
under consideration became or is to become effective, or any other relevant term
or condition.  Within ten (10) business days after receipt of Tenant's notice of
exercise of the Renewal Option, Landlord will notify Tenant in writing of its
determination of the Prevailing Market Rate for the Premises for the Renewal
Term.  If Tenant disagrees with Landlord's determination, Tenant shall have a
period of ten (10) business days after receipt of Landlord's notice to notify
Landlord in writing of (i) its acceptance of Landlord's determination of the
Prevailing Market Rate (in which event such rate shall apply during the Renewal
Term), or (ii) its disapproval of Landlord's determination of the Prevailing
Market Rate, in which event Landlord and Tenant shall negotiate in good faith
for an additional period of thirty (30) days in an effort to agree on the
Prevailing Market Rate for the Renewal Term.  Failure by Tenant to so notify
Landlord within such ten (10) business day period shall be deemed acceptance by
Tenant of Landlord's determination of the Prevailing Market Rate for the Renewal
Term.  If the parties are unable to agree on the Prevailing Market Rate within
such additional thirty (30) day period, or if Tenant elects to exercise a
Preferential Right and have the Prevailing Market Rate determined by Qualified
Brokers pursuant to EXHIBIT I, Landlord and Tenant will each within five (5)
days after the expiration of such (30) day period or Landlord's receipt of
Tenant's notice of exercise of the Preferential Right, as the case may be,
nominate and appoint a Qualified Broker to determine the Prevailing Market Rate
for the Premises being renewed or the Preferential Premises, as applicable.
Upon the appointment of the two Qualified Brokers, they will be instructed to
fairly and impartially determine the Prevailing Market Rate for the Premises for
the Renewal Term or for the Preferential Premises for the term thereof, as
applicable.  The two (2) Qualified Brokers will afford to Landlord and Tenant
the right to submit evidence with respect to such rate and will, with all
possible speed, make their respective determinations and deliver a written
report thereof to Landlord and Tenant within thirty (30) days after their
appointment.  If the higher of the two Prevailing Market Rate determinations is
not more than one-hundred five percent (105%) of the lower determination, the
average of the rates so determined will be binding upon Landlord and Tenant and
will be the Prevailing Market Rate for purposes of the Renewal Option or
Preferential Right.  If the higher determination is more than one-hundred five
percent (105%) of the lower determination, the two Qualified Brokers will within
five (5) days after both of such Qualified Brokers have submitted their written
reports to Landlord and Tenant, select by mutual agreement, a third (3rd)
Qualified Broker and give written notice of such appointment to Landlord and
Tenant.  If the two Qualified Brokers fail to agree upon the third Qualified
Broker within said five (5) day period, a third Qualified Broker will be
selected by mutual agreement of Landlord and Tenant within a further period of
five (5) days.  If Landlord and Tenant cannot so agree on the third Qualified
Broker, then either Landlord or Tenant may elect to have the third Qualified
Broker appointed by any Federal District Judge for the Southern District of
Texas.  The third Qualified Broker will be instructed to fairly and impartially
determine which of the two original Qualified Brokers' determinations of the
Prevailing Market Rate most closely approximates his or her determination
thereof, and the determination so selected will be binding upon Landlord and
Tenant and will be the Prevailing Market Rate for purposes of the Renewal Option
or Preferential Right.  Landlord and Tenant will pay the fees and expenses of
the Qualified Broker it appoints, and the fees and expenses of the third
Qualified Broker will be divided equally between Landlord and Tenant.  If any
Qualified Broker appointed as aforesaid will thereafter become unable or
unwilling to act, such Qualified Broker's successor will be appointed in the
same manner as provided in this paragraph for the appointment of that Qualified

As used herein, the term "Qualified Broker" means a real estate broker who (a)
is licensed in the State of Texas, (b) is a member of the Houston Office Leasing
Brokers Association, (c) has  been actively and continuously involved in leasing
office space in multi-story office buildings in the Houston Central Business
District for not less than the previous ten (10) year period, (d) during the
preceding three (3) year period has individually represented a party to an
office space lease in the Houston Central Business District of at least 75,000
square feet; and (3) has not represented Landlord or Tenant during the preceding
five (5) year period.  Failure by Tenant to withdraw its exercise of the Renewal
Option within such ten (10) day period shall be deemed acceptance by Tenant of
Landlord's determination of the Prevailing Market Rate for the Renewal Term.

5.   Tenant acknowledges and agrees that the Renewal Option is subject and
subordinate to the expansion option of Amerada Hess Corp. with respect to a
portion of the Building including the Premises (the "Hess Expansion Option").
If Amerada Hess Corp. exercises such option pursuant to the terms of its lease
with Landlord, Landlord shall provide written notice thereof to Tenant within
ten (10) days following the date of exercise, and the Renewal Option shall
terminate in all respects.

                         EXHIBIT G

                    OFFICE LEASE BETWEEN
                        AS LANDLORD,
                  GENESIS CRUDE OIL, L.P.,
                         AS TENANT

                    CANCELLATION OPTIONS

Tenant's Cancellation Option

1.   Subject to and upon the terms, provisions and conditions set forth in this
EXHIBIT G, Tenant shall have a one-time option (the "Termination Option") to
terminate this Lease effective as of December 31, 2003 (the "Termination Date").
Tenant must give Landlord written notice of its exercise of the Termination
Option not later than December 31, 2002, and pay the Termination Fee (as
hereinafter defined) to Landlord on or prior to the Termination Date.  If Tenant
fails to give notice of exercise of the Termination Option on or prior to
December 31, 2002, the Termination Option shall be deemed waived and of no
further force and effect.  If Tenant gives timely notice of exercise of the
Termination Option but fails to pay the Termination Fee to Landlord on or before
the Termination Date, Landlord may at its option either (a) deem the Termination
Option waived and of no further force and effect or (b) enforce the termination
of this Lease, effective as of the Termination Date, and Tenant's obligation to
pay the Termination Fee.  The provisions of this paragraph shall survive the
expiration or termination of this Lease.

2.   Landlord will have the option to revoke and nullify any purported exercise
of the Termination Option by Tenant if at the time of exercise or thereafter
Tenant is in default under the Lease.

3.   The "Termination Fee" shall be an amount equal to (a) the unamortized
portion of the Lease Costs (as hereinafter defined) as of the Termination Date
and (b) a sum equal to three (3)  monthly installments of gross Rent at the
rate(s) then in effect with respect to the entire Premises then leased by Tenant
as of the Termination Date.  For purposes of calculating the Termination Fee,
each component or item of Lease Costs will be deemed to be amortized in equal
monthly installments over the term of this Lease at the rate of ten percent
(10%) per annum beginning on the date that such component or item of Lease Costs
was actually paid by Landlord.   "Lease Costs" means all unamortized lease costs
including but not limited to (a) leasehold improvements allowances and
architectural and engineering fees or allowances, if any with respect to the
construction or refurbishment of the initial Premises; (b) the leasing
commissions incurred by Landlord in connection with the execution of this Lease;
(c) club membership initiation fees and (d) all of the foregoing costs and fees
(if applicable) and all other costs incurred by Landlord in connection with
Tenant's lease of any additional space in the Building after the execution date
of this Lease.

Landlord's Cancellation Option

1.   In the event of exercise of the Hess Expansion Option, and if Landlord
elects not to relocate, or is unable to relocate Tenant to alternative space in
the Building in accordance with the terms of Article 21 of the Lease, Landlord
shall have a one-time option to terminate this Lease effective as of December
31, 2003.  Landlord must give written notice to Tenant of its exercise of such
termination option on or prior to January 31, 2003.  If Landlord fails to give
notice of exercise of such termination option, such option shall be deemed
waived and of no further force and effect.

2.   Failure of Landlord to exercise such termination option on or prior to
January 31, 2003 shall in no way affect Landlord's rights under Article 21 of
the Lease following such date.

                         EXHIBIT H

                    OFFICE LEASE BETWEEN
                        AS LANDLORD,
                  GENESIS CRUDE OIL, L.P.,
                         AS TENANT

                    MANDATORY EXPANSION

1.   As material consideration to Landlord to enter into this Lease, Tenant has
agreed to expand the initial Premises by leasing all of the remaining Rentable
Area on Floor 25 of the Building (the "Expansion Premises") not later than
eighteen (18) months after the Commencement Date (the "Required Expansion
Date").  Landlord and Tenant stipulate and agree that the Rentable Area of the
Expansion Premises is 4,000 square feet, notwithstanding any different
measurement thereof that may be made hereafter by or on behalf of either party.

2.   Tenant shall have the right to occupy the Expansion Premises prior to the
Required Expansion Date subject to all terms and conditions of the Lease other
than the payment of Rent.

3.   The Base Rental for the Expansion Premises shall be at the same rate as for
the initial Premises, i.e., $14.50 per square foot of Rentable Area through the
end of the sixth (6th) Lease Year of the Lease term, and $17.00 per square foot
of Rentable Area for the remainder of the Lease term. Tenant's obligation to pay
Rent with respect to the Expansion Premises shall commence,  and Tenant's
proportionate share of Operating Expenses and Taxes shall be increased based on
the Rentable Area of the Expansion Premises on the Required Expansion Date.

4.   Tenant shall be entitled to an Allowance from Landlord of up to $22.25 per
square foot of Rentable Area within the Expansion Premises (a maximum of
$89,000) for the construction of leasehold improvements within the Expansion
Premises in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Workletter.  Such
Allowance shall be funded by Landlord within thirty (30) days following the
later to occur of (i) Landlord's receipt of the final invoices and lien waivers
required by Paragraph 3 of the Workletter documenting the Work with respect to
the Expansion Premises or (ii) the Required Expansion Date.  Landlord shall
apply that portion of the Allowance not utilized by Tenant (up to $5.00 per
square foot of Rentable Area within the Premises (a maximum of $20,000), against
Rent next due from Tenant.

5.   Tenant will execute and return to Landlord an amendment to the Lease adding
the Expansion Premises or such other documentation as Landlord shall reasonably
require in order to confirm the leasing of such Expansion Premises within thirty
(30) days after Tenant's receipt of such documentation.

6.   Upon request of Landlord at any time after the Required Expansion Date,
Tenant shall execute and deliver to Landlord a declaration (in a form provided
by Landlord) specifying (i) the Base Rental schedule for the Expansion Premises,
(ii) the Rentable Area of the Expansion Premises, and (iii) Tenant's revised
proportionate share of Taxes and Operating Expenses with respect to the
Expansion Premises.

7.   Tenant may occupy and use the Expansion Premises for the purpose of
conducting business as of the Commencement Date subject to all of the terms and
conditions of this Lease other than the payment of Rent.  Rent shall not
commence with respect to the Expansion Premises until the Required Expansion

                         EXHIBIT I

                    OFFICE LEASE BETWEEN
                        AS LANDLORD,
                  GENESIS CRUDE OIL, L.P.,
                         AS TENANT


1.   Subject to and upon the terms, provisions and conditions set forth in this
EXHIBIT I, Tenant shall have, and is hereby granted, a preferential right to
lease (the "Preferential Right") during the initial Term of this Lease through
December 31, 2003 certain space (hereinafter sometimes called the "Preferential
Premises") located on Floor 26 of the Building and consisting of approximately
10,847 square feet of Rentable Area.  A floor plan of the Preferential Premises
is attached hereto as EXHIBIT I-1.

2.   Landlord will have the option to revoke and nullify any purported exercise
of a Preferential Right by Tenant if at the time of exercise or thereafter (a)
Tenant is in default under the Lease, or (b) Tenant has subleased more than
twenty-five percent (25%) or more of the total Rentable Area of the Premises
(other than to an Affiliate), or (c) Tenant has subleased space from any other
tenant of the Building provided at the time of such sublease, Landlord had space
available to accommodate Tenant's space requirements.

3.   Should the Preferential Premises become available for Lease or if Landlord
receives an offer from a third-party tenant to lease the Preferential Premises,
Landlord shall promptly deliver to Tenant written notice of such availability or
offer as applicable and the proposed terms for lease of the Preferential
Premises including the rental rate set forth in such third-party offer, or if no
third-party offer, Landlord's determination of the Prevailing Market Rate for
the Preferential Premises determined in accordance with EXHIBIT F (a "Lease
Proposal") .  If the Preferential Premises is the subject of lease negotiations
which include other portions of the Building, the foregoing Preferential Right
shall, at Landlord's option, apply to the entire space which is subject to such
negotiations, and, at Landlord's option, Tenant shall be obligated to either
accept or refuse the opportunity to lease such entire space on the terms
provided in the Lease Proposal.  Tenant shall have a period of twenty (20) days
if no third-party offer (or ten (10) days if there is a third-party offer) after
receipt of a Lease Proposal to irrevocably and unconditionally exercise its
Preferential Right to lease the entire Preferential Premises (and such
additional space, if applicable); provided, however, if there is no third-party
offer with respect to the Preferential Premises, and Tenant disagrees with
Landlord's determination of the Prevailing Market Rate, Tenant shall indicate
its disapproval of such rate in its exercise notice, and the parties shall
negotiate in good faith for an additional period of thirty (30) days in an
effort to agree on the Prevailing Market Rate for the Preferential Premises.  If
the parties are unable to agree on the Prevailing Market Rate within such thirty
(30) day period, the Prevailing Market Rate will be determined by arbitration in
accordance with EXHIBIT F.  Except as provided above, any purported conditional
or qualified exercise of a Preferential Right shall be null and void.

4.   Upon Tenant's exercise of a Preferential Right Tenant will execute and
return to Landlord any amendment to the Lease adding the Preferential Premises
or such other documentation as Landlord shall reasonably require in order to
confirm the leasing of such Preferential Premises within thirty (30) days after
Tenant's receipt of such documentation.

5.   No assignee of this Lease other than an Affiliate of Tenant shall have the
right to exercise the Preferential Right.  No subtenant shall have any rights
hereunder whatsoever.

6.   If Landlord does not receive written notice from Tenant of its exercise of
the Preferential Right within such twenty (20) day (or ten (10) day period), as
applicable,  referenced in paragraph 3, Landlord shall have a period of one
hundred eighty (180) days thereafter to lease the Preferential Premises for an
effective rental rate not less than the effective rental rate reflected by the
Lease Proposal, and without material change to the other terms and conditions
set forth therein.  If Landlord does not lease the Preferential Premises within
said one hundred eighty (180) day period, Tenant shall have a Preferential Right
on any subsequent leasing thereof the terms set forth above.  However, if Tenant
fails or elects not to exercise a Preferential Right on three (3) separate
occasions, Tenant's rights hereunder shall automatically terminate.  The
Preferential Right shall expire in any event if not exercised by Tenant on or
prior to December 31, 2003.

7.   Tenant acknowledges and agrees that the Preferential Right is subject and
subordinate to any and all preferential rights, renewal options, expansion
options, and refusal rights of (i) the following existing tenants in the
Building and their permitted assigns:  (x) Amerada Hess Corp.; (y) Niewald,
Waldeck & Brown; and (z) Ferrell Gas, L.P., and (ii) future tenant(s) of the
Preferential Premises for which Tenant did not exercise a Preferential Right.

8.   Landlord shall deliver, and Tenant will accept the Preferential Premises
broom-clean and vacuumed but otherwise in an "AS IS" and "WITH ALL FAULTS"
condition.   Landlord may elect to offer to Tenant a market improvements
allowance, to be applied against the costs of design and construction of the
leasehold improvements desired by Tenant with respect to the Preferential
Premises.  However, Tenant acknowledges that any such  improvement allowance
granted to Tenant by Landlord shall affect the Prevailing Market Rate payable by
Tenant with respect to the Preferential Premises.  The term of the Lease with
respect to the Preferential Premises shall commence upon such space being
delivered to Tenant and shall expire simultaneously with the expiration of the
Lease.  Rent will accrue and be due and payable with respect to the Preferential
Premises on the earliest to occur of (a) ninety (90) days following the date
Landlord tenders possession of the Preferential Premises to Tenant; and (b) the
date Tenant occupies the Preferential Premises for the conduct of Tenant's

                         EXHIBIT J

                    OFFICE LEASE BETWEEN
                        AS LANDLORD,
                  GENESIS CRUDE OIL, L.P.,
                         AS TENANT

                    LICENSE FOR ROOFTOP

1.   Landlord hereby grants Tenant the non-exclusive license to use a portion of
the roof of the Building mutually agreed upon by Landlord and Tenant only for
the purpose of installing, operating and maintaining the following (the
"Items"):  [DESCRIBE EQUIPMENT]  and for no other purpose together with the
necessary conduit sleeving or wiring extending from such equipment through the
interior of the Building to connection points within the Premises.

2.   Tenant shall not be obligated to pay any roof rent, but Tenant shall bear
all associated costs without limitation, Tenant shall reimburse Landlord for all
electricity consumed by the Items, as reasonably estimated by Landlord's
engineer, within thirty (30) days after Landlord bills the same from time to

3.   Landlord shall permit Tenant reasonable access to the roof for the purposes
permitted hereunder, during normal business hours at the Building upon
reasonable advance notice and scheduling through Landlord's management and
security personnel.  Access after normal business hours may be granted by
Landlord in its reasonable discretion, and for such reasonable charges as
Landlord shall impose.  Landlord reserves the right to enter the roof, without
notice, at any time for the purpose of inspecting the same, or making repairs,
additions or alterations to the Building, or to exhibit the roof to prospective
tenants, purchasers or others, or for any other reason not inconsistent with
Tenant's rights hereunder.  In connection with exercising such rights, Landlord
may temporarily disconnect and/or move the Items, if necessary.  The exercise by
Landlord of any of its rights under this Paragraph shall not be deemed an
eviction or disturbance of Tenant's use of the roof.

4.   Tenant shall not install the Items, or thereafter make any alterations,
additions or improvements to the roof or the Items without Landlord's prior
written consent, which shall not be unreasonably withheld.  Landlord shall
approve or reject the proposed installation of the Items within a reasonable
time after Tenant submits (a) plans and specifications for the installation of
the Items, (b) copies of all required governmental and quasi-governmental
permits, licenses, and authorizations which Tenant will obtain at its own
expense, and (c) a certificate of insurance evidencing the coverage required
herein.  Landlord may withhold approval if the installation or operation of the
Items may damage the structural integrity of the Building, interfere with the
operation of any other rooftop communications equipment owned or leased by
Landlord or any other occupant of the Building, reduce the amount of leasable
space in the Building, detract from the appearance of the Building, or for any
other reasonable ground.  Tenant may utilize contractor(s) of its choice for the
installation of, and repairs to the Items (subject to Landlord's reasonable
approval).  Landlord may require that any installation or other work be done
under the supervision of Landlord's employees or agents, and in a manner so as
to avoid damage to the Building.  All installation work shall be performed in a
good and workmanlike manner, in accordance with all governmental requirements.

5.   Upon termination of the Lease or this EXHIBIT J, by expiration or
otherwise, Tenant shall disconnect and remove the Items and fully repair and
restore the roof and the affected portions of the Premises and the Building to
the same or better condition than prior to installation of the Items, ordinary
wear and tear, and damage from fire or other casualty not the fault of Tenant
excepted.  Tenant shall promptly and properly repair (or at Landlord's option,
pay Landlord's reasonable charges for repairing) during the Term and upon
termination of the Lease or this EXHIBIT J, any roof leaks or other damage or
injury to the roof, or the Building (or contents thereof) caused by Tenant's use
of the roof or its installation, use, maintenance or removal of the Items.  If
Tenant does not immediately repair any such leaks, damage or injury, or does not
remove the Items when so required, Tenant hereby authorizes Landlord to make
such repairs or remove and dispose of the Items and Tenant shall promptly pay
Landlord's reasonable charges for doing so.  Landlord shall not be liable for
any property so disposed or removed by Landlord.

6.   Landlord does not represent or warrant that use of the roof hereunder will
comply with any applicable federal, state, county or local laws or ordinances or
the regulations of any of their agencies, or that the roof will be suitable for
Tenant's purposes.  Tenant agrees that Tenant has inspected the roof and agrees
to accept the same hereunder "AS IS" and "WITH ALL FAULTS".  Tenant shall at all
times comply with any applicable federal, state, county or local laws or
ordinances, pertaining to Tenant's use of the roof or the Items.

7.   Tenant shall indemnify and hold Landlord harmless from and against any and
all loss, cost, claim, damage, liability or expense which Landlord may incur as
a direct or indirect result of Tenant's use of the roof or Items, including but
not limited to attorneys' fees, whether or not any legal action is instituted.
This indemnity obligation shall include Landlord's partners, officers,
directors, trustees, beneficiaries, affiliates and agents  ("Indemnitees").
Tenant shall maintain commercial general liability insurance covering risks of
bodily injury, death or property damage arising out of Tenant's use of the roof
or Items, in the amount of at least $2,000,000 combined single limit per
occurrence with a responsible insurance company reasonably satisfactory to
Landlord, which policy shall include a contractual liability endorsement and
shall include Landlord and the other Indemnitees (as defined above) as
additional insureds.  Tenant shall provide a certificate of such insurance to
Landlord prior to using the roof, and such insurance policy shall not be
cancelable without at least thirty (30) days' written notice to Landlord.
Landlord shall not be responsible for the Items in the event of loss or damage
thereto from any cause whatsoever.  Tenant, on behalf of its insurers, hereby
waives any rights of subrogation against Landlord (or the "Indemnitees" defined

8.   Tenant shall not use the roof or the Items so as to interfere in any way
with the ability of Landlord or its tenants and occupants of the Building and
neighboring properties to receive radio, television, telephone, microwave, 
short-wave, long-wave or other signals of any sort that are transmitted 
through the air or atmosphere, nor so as to interfere with the use of electric, 
electronic or other facilities, appliances, personal property and fixtures, 
nor so as to interfere in any way with the use of any antennas, satellite dishes
or other electronic or electric equipment or facilities currently or hereafter 
located on the roof or any floor or area of the Building.

9.   If the roof, Building or Items are materially damaged by fire or other
casualty, this Agreement shall terminate as of the date of such damage, subject
to any provisions hereof which by their terms or reasonable implication shall
survive such termination.  Landlord shall have no obligation to provide
substitute space on the roof or to repair or restore the roof or Building.  In
the event of such damage, Tenant shall look solely to its insurers for any
claims that Tenant may have in connection with such damage or destruction.

10.  This EXHIBIT J creates a license coupled with an interest. Landlord agrees
not to revoke this license until the Lease Term (including any options to renew
thereunder validly exercised) expires or is sooner terminated, or shall default
under this EXHIBIT J and fail to cure within ten (10) days after written notice,
or shall default under the terms of the Lease and fail to cure within the time
periods for curing defaults set forth therein.  In any such events, Landlord may
also discontinue providing electricity to the Items.  Tenant's rights under this
EXHIBIT J shall not be assignable, nor may Tenant sub-license its rights under
this EXHIBIT J.  Tenant may not let any other party tie into or use the Items or
the roof, and Tenant may not transmit or distribute signals through the Items to
any parties not affiliated with Tenant.  The rights granted herein are personal
to Tenant.  Any default by Tenant under this EXHIBIT J shall also be a default
under the Lease.

                         EXHIBIT K

                    OFFICE LEASE BETWEEN
                        AS LANDLORD,
                  GENESIS CRUDE OIL, L.P.,
                         AS TENANT


I.   Terms and Conditions

Landlord agrees to perform the herein specified cleaning maintenance services
for the Premises, which services shall be performed under the following terms
and general conditions:

A.   Intent of Specifications

It is the intent of these specifications that the Premises be kept reasonably
clean on a regular basis.  These specifications should therefore, be referred to
as a guide for the services required to effectively maintain the Premises.

B.   Staffing and Back-Up Staff Requirements

1.   Normal Working Staff

a.   Staffing shall be as required to perform the necessary work to maintain the
level of cleanliness as heretofore specified in Article A, entitled "Intent of

b.   Staffing shall include at least one (1) day maid for the common areas of
the Building to accomplish any periodic maintenance herein specified without
decreasing the level of the nightly janitorial services at Landlord' sole cost
and expense.

c.   Landlord will periodically inspect areas to be designated by Tenant and
record results of said inspections on a written form, to be supplied by
Landlord, upon Tenant's request.

2.   Back-up Staff

a.   Landlord shall maintain and show evidence of an adequate back-up labor
force and supervisory staff to be able to assist immediately in case of flood,
fire, natural or man-made disasters, or any other emergency.

b.   Landlord must submit a list of at least three emergency telephone numbers
of management-level supervisory personnel and/or an answering service authorized
to dispatch emergency back-up working crews in the event of a request by Tenant
for such services.  Landlord will update these emergency telephone numbers as
required throughout the term of this Lease.

D.   Supervision

1.   Landlord will provide an adequate supervisory staff as required to maintain
the level of cleanliness as previously defined herein.

2.   In addition to the supervision of all cleaning services, the supervisory
staff will be responsible for the following:

a.   Instructing personnel in the securing of all lighting as soon as possible
each night.

b.   Securing all suite entrances in conjunction with the Building's security

c.   Prompt transmittal in writing of all accident and/or damage reports to

d.   A member of the supervisory staff shall be available on request by Tenant
during the normal business hours of the Building to visit with Tenant and answer
complaints of any nature relating to the janitorial function.

E.   Bonding

Landlord will cause cleaning personnel to be bonded in amounts to be mutually
agreed upon.

F.   Equipment

Landlord will provide all equipment reasonably necessary for the cleaning of the
Premises in accordance with the intent of the specifications.  All cleaning
equipment shall be of a type consistent with good cleaning practices.  All
equipment shall be kept in good working order at all times and shall be repaired
or replaced when obsolete or defective.  Any modifications to equipment required
to prevent damage to any of the architectural finishes of the Premises will be
reasonably attempted by Landlord.

G.   Supplies

All supplies reasonably required for the effective cleaning of the Premises in
accordance with the specifications will be supplied by Landlord.  A list of all
such supplies will also be supplied by Landlord.  All supplies used must be in
compliance with applicable safety rules and regulations, and must be of a nature
that will not mar or cause deterioration of finish surfaces.

H.   General Procedures

The following general procedures will be followed by Landlord's janitorial

1.   Use reasonable efforts to report all damage, breakage, and/or apparent
plumbing or electrical problems to Tenant immediately.

2.   Have access to Tenant's emergency telephone list.

3.   Report any evidence of security breaches to Tenant immediately.

4.   Maintain all janitor's closets, slop sinks and storerooms in a reasonably
clean condition on a regular basis.

5.   Lock all entrance doors during the entire cleaning operation.  Only the
cleaner assigned to clean each tenant suite and the supervisory staff are to be
admitted to the respective tenant areas.

6.   Close all perimeter office doors after cleaning to prevent excessive heat
gain or heat loss in the interior spaces.

7.   Make time clock report available to Tenant, upon request.

8.   Exercise reasonable diligence in an attempt to prevent damage to corners
and wall finishes by electrical extension cords.

9.   Empty buckets only in designated janitorial sinks.

10.  Hold doors open by doorstops only, not by foreign materials in the door

II.  Cleaning Specifications

A.   Office Areas

1.   Empty, clean and damp dust all waste receptacles and remove waste paper and
rubbish from  the Premises nightly, wash receptacles as necessary. Provide trash
can liners for all waste receptacles.

2.   Vacuum all rugs and carpeted areas in offices, lobbies and corridors

3.   Hand dust and wipe clean with damp or treated cloth all office furniture,
files, fixtures, paneling, window sills and all other horizontal surfaces
nightly; wash window sills when necessary. Desks and other furniture must be
reasonably cleared of all items by Tenant to be eligible hereunder. (It is the
intent of the parties that cleaning personnel shall not be required to move
items on Tenant's furniture or floors in order to perform any janitorial
services hereunder.)

4.   Damp wipe and polish all glass furniture tops nightly.  Furniture must be
reasonably cleared of all items by Tenant to be eligible hereunder.

5.   Remove all finger marks and smudges from all vertical surfaces, including
doors, door frames, around light switches, private entrance glass and partitions

6.   Wash clean all water coolers nightly.

7.   Sweep all private stairways nightly; vacuum if carpeted.

8.   Monitor all stairwells throughout the entire Building daily and keep in
clean condition.

9.   Damp mop spillage in office and public areas as necessary.

10.  Damp dust all telephones as necessary.

B.   Restrooms

1.   Mop, rinse and dry floors nightly.

2.   Scrub floors as necessary.

3.   Clean all mirrors, bright work aud enameled surfaces nightly.

4.   Wash and disinfect all basins, urinals and bowls nightly, using scouring
powder to remove stains, and clean undersides of rim of urinals, and bowls.

5.   Wash both sides of all toilet seats with soap and water and disinfectant

6.   Damp wipe nightly, and wash with disinfectant when necessary, all
partitions, tile walls and outside surface of dispensers and receptacles.

7.   Empty and sanitize, all receptacles and sanitary disposals nightly;
thoroughly clean and wash at least once per week.

8.   Fill toilet tissue, soap, towel, and sanitary napkin dispensers nightly.

9.   Clean flushometers, piping, toilet seat hinges and other metal work

10.  Wash and polish all walls, partitions, tile walls and enamel surfaces from
trim to floor monthly.

11.  Vacuum all louvers, ventilating grilles and dust light fixtures monthly.

12.  Generally clean common areas, building standard restrooms and refill toilet
tissue, soap, towel, and sanitary napkin dispensers in same at no additional
expense to Tenant whether or not Tenant leases the entirety of the floor in

NOTE:     Wash rooms shall be thoroughly cleaned and a disinfectant or deodorant
shall not be used to kill odors. If a disinfectant is necessary, an odorless
product shall be used.

C.   Floors

1.   Sweep ceramic tile, marble and terrazzo floors nightly; wash, buff or scrub
as necessary.

2.   Sweep nightly, using dust-down preparation, ceramic tile, vinyl, rubber or
other composition floors and bases; wax and buff such floors in public areas on
multi-tenant floors monthly.

3.   Wax and buff resilient tile flooring in office areas monthly.

4.   Vacuum clean all carpeted areas and rugs nightly.

5.   Perform carpet shampooing at Tenant's request and bill to Tenant.

D.   Glass

1.   Clean glass entrance doors and adjacent glass panels nightly.

2.   Clean inside surface of exterior windows at least once per year.

3.   Clean outside surface of exterior windows at least three times per year;
provided, however, in the event Landlord cleans more frequently than three times
per year the exterior windows of floors located above the Premises in such a
manner so as to dirty the windows of the Premises, then Landlord shall clean the
windows of the Premises as frequently as those located above same.

E.   High Dusting (quarterly)

1.   Dust and wipe clean all closet shelving when empty.  Carpet sweep or dry
mop all floors in closets if same are empty.

2.   Dust all picture frames, charts, graphs and similar wall hangings.

3.   Dust clean all vertical surfaces, such as walls, partitions, doors, door
bucks and other surfaces above shoulder height.

4.   Damp dust all ceiling air conditioning diffusers, wall grilles, registers
and other ventilating louvers.

5.   Dust the exterior surface of lighting fixtures, including glass and plastic

F.   Day Service

1.   At least once during the day, check the men's washrooms for soap, towel and
toilet tissue replacement.

2.   At least once during the day, check ladies' washrooms for soap, towel,
toilet tissue and sanitary napkin replacement.

3.   Vacuum elevator cabs as necessary.

4.        Maintain regular surveillance of public areas to ensure cleanliness.

G.   General

1.   Wipe all interior metal window frames, mullions and other unpainted
interior metal surfaces of the perimeter walls of the Building each time the
interior side of the windows is washed.

2.   Keep slopsink rooms in a clean, neat and orderly condition on a regular

3.   Wipe clean and polish all metal hardware, fixtures and other bright work

4.   Dust and/or wash all directory boards as required; remove fingerprints and
smudges nightly.

5.   Maintain the Building lobby, corridors, VIP Parking, Parking Garage and
other public areas of the Building and the Project in a clean condition.

Primary Item                        Achievement              Frequency
- ------------                        -----------              ---------
A.  Entrance

Steps and foyer                     Inspect and sweep        5 x week

Door glass and frames               Clean                    5 x week

B.  Public Areas

Floors - carpet                     Vacuum and spot clean    5 x week

Floors - compositions               Dust sweep and spot mop  5 x week

Furnishings                         Dust                     5 x week

Drinking fountains                  Clean and disinfect      5 x week

Walls, doors and frames             Spot clean               5 x week

Telephones                          Damp wipe                5 x week

Stairs                              Inspect                  5 x week

Janitor closets                     Keep clean               5 x week

Stairs                              Sweep                    1 x week

Metal plates and knobs              Polish                   1 x week

Ledges, sills and rails             Dust                     1 x week

Stairs (all)                        Dust mop and spot clean  1 x month

Light fixtures                      Dust or vacuum           1 x month

Walls                               Dust                     1 x quarter

Window coverings                    Dust or vacuum           1 x quarter

C.  Work Areas (general and private offices, conference, and sales rooms)

Floors - carpet                     Vacuum                   5 x week

Floors - composition                Dust sweep and spot mop  5 x week

Trash receptacles                   Empty and clean          5 x week

Trash                               Collect                  5 x week

Telephones                          Damp wipe                5 x week

Furnishings - horizontal            Dust                     5 x week

Glass desk tops                     Wash and dry polish      5 x week

Glass partitions                    Spot clean               1 x week

Doors and frames                    Dust and spot wash       1 x week

Walls and switchplates              Spot clean               1 x week

Furnishings - vertical              Dust                     1 x week

Low ledges and sills                Dust                     1 x month

High ledges and grills              Dust                     1 x 2 months

Glass partitions                    Wash                     1 x 2 months

Light fixtures - exterior surfaces  Dust or vacuum           1 x quarter

D.  Restrooms

Floors                              Mop and disinfect        5 x a week

Receptacles                         Empty and disinfect      5 x a week

Fixtures                            Scour and disinfect      5 x a week

Dispensers                          Refill and clean         5 x a week

Mirrors                             Wash and dry polish      5 x a week

Bright metal                        Clean and polish         5 x a week

Walls, dividers and doors           Spot clean or wash       5 x a week

Furnishings                         Dust or vacuum           5 x a week

Vents and lights                    Dust or vacuum           1 x a week

Floors                              Machine scrub            As needed

E.  Floor Maintenance Profile (programmed floor care)

Main lobby (wood floors excluded)   Polish                   5 x week

Other lobbies and halls             Polish                   As needed

Lunchrooms and lounges              Polish                   1 x month

Offices (wood floors excluded)      Polish                   1 x month

Top-quality, anti-slip floor materials and finishes shall be used at all times.

                         EXHIBIT L

                    OFFICE LEASE BETWEEN
                        AS LANDLORD,
                  GENESIS CRUDE OIL, L.P.,
                         AS TENANT



_______________________, Esq.
- -----------------------
- -----------------------
- -----------------------


                       DEFINED TERMS

Execution Date:

- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Beneficiary and Address: Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, a New York

                         Attention:  Assistant Vice President
with a copy to:
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Tenant and Address:
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Landlord and Address:
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Loan:  A first mortgage loan in the original principal amount of
$________________ from Beneficiary
- --
to Landlord.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Note:   A Promissory Note executed by Landlord in favor of Beneficiary in the
amount of the Loan dated as of __________________________.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Deed of Trust:  A Deed of Trust, Security Agreement and Fixture Filing dated as
of ____________

- ------------
executed by Landlord, to _____________________, as Trustee, for the benefit of
Beneficiary securing
repayment of the Note recorded under Clerk's File No.                      in
the Official Public
Records of Real Property of Harris County, Texas.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Lease and Lease Date:  The lease entered into by Landlord and Tenant dated as of
_____________ covering the Premises.
[Add amendments]
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
The Property is more particularly described on Exhibit A.

is made by and among Tenant, Landlord, and Beneficiary and affects the Property
described in Exhibit A.  Certain terms used in this Agreement are defined in the
Defined Terms.  This Agreement is entered into as of the Execution Date with
reference to the following facts:

A.   Landlord and Tenant have entered into the Lease covering certain space in
the improvements located in and upon the Property (the "Premises").

B.   Beneficiary has made or is making the Loan to Landlord evidenced by the
Note.  The Note is secured, among other documents, by the Deed of Trust.

C.   Landlord, Tenant and Beneficiary all wish to subordinate the Lease to the
lien of the Deed of Trust.

D.   Tenant has requested that Beneficiary agree not to disturb Tenant's rights
in the Premises pursuant to the Lease in the event Beneficiary forecloses the
Deed of Trust, or acquires the Property pursuant to the trustee's power of sale
contained in the Deed of Trust or receives a transfer of the Property by a
conveyance in lieu of foreclosure of the Property (collectively, a "Foreclosure
Sale") but only if Tenant is not then in default under the Lease and Tenant
attorns to Beneficiary or a third party purchaser at the Foreclosure Sale (a
"Foreclosure Purchaser").

NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and the mutual covenants
contained herein, the parties agree as follows:

1.   Subordination.  The Lease and the leasehold estate created by the Lease and
all of Tenant's rights under the Lease are and shall remain subordinate to the
Deed of Trust and the lien of the Deed of Trust, to all rights of Beneficiary
under the Deed of Trust and to all renewals, amendments, modifications and
extensions of the Deed of Trust.

2.   Acknowledgments by Tenant.  Tenant agrees that (a) Tenant has notice that
the Lease and the rent and all other sums due under the Lease have been or are
to be assigned to Beneficiary as security for the Loan.  In the event that
Beneficiary notifies Tenant of a default under the Deed of Trust and requests
Tenant to pay its rent and all other sums due under the Lease to Beneficiary,
Tenant shall pay such sums directly to Beneficiary or as Beneficiary may
otherwise request.  (b) Tenant shall send a copy of any notice or statement
under the Lease to Beneficiary at the same time Tenant sends such notice or
statement to Landlord.  (c) This Agreement satisfies any condition or
requirement in the Lease relating to the granting of a non-disturbance

3.   Foreclosure and Sale.  In the event of a Foreclosure Sale,

(a)  So long as Tenant complies with this Agreement and is not in default under
any of the provisions of the Lease, the Lease shall continue in full force and
effect as a direct lease between Beneficiary and Tenant, and Beneficiary will
not disturb the possession of Tenant, subject to this Agreement.  Tenant agrees
to attorn to and accept Beneficiary as Landlord under the Lease and to be bound
by and perform all of the obligations imposed by the Lease.  Upon Beneficiary's
acquisition of title to the Property, Beneficiary will perform all of the
obligations imposed on the Landlord by the Lease except as set forth in this
Agreement; provided, however, that Beneficiary shall not be:  (i) liable for any
act or omission of a prior landlord (including Landlord); or (ii) subject to any
offsets for defenses that Tenant might have against any prior landlord
(including Landlord;) or (iii) bound by any rent or additional rent which Tenant
might have paid in advance to any prior landlord (including Landlord) for a
period in excess of one month or by any security deposit, cleaning deposit or
other sum that Tenant may have paid in advance to any prior landlord (including
Landlord); or (iv) bound by any amendment, modification, assignment or
termination of the Lease made without the written consent of Beneficiary; (v)
obligated or liable with respect to any representations, warranties or
indemnities contained in the Lease; or (vi) liable to Tenant or any other party
for any conflict between the provisions of the Lease and the provisions of any
other lease affecting the Property which is not entered into by Beneficiary.

(b)  Upon the written request of Beneficiary after a Foreclosure Sale, the
parties shall execute a lease of the Premises upon the same provisions as
contained in the Lease between Landlord and Tenant, except as set forth in this
Agreement, for the unexpired term of the Lease.

(c)  If Beneficiary acquires title to the Property as a result of a Foreclosure
Sale, the Lease shall be automatically amended as set forth in Exhibit B.

4.   Subordination and Release of Purchase Options.  Tenant represents that it
has no right or option of any nature to purchase the Property or any portion of
the Property or any interest in the Landlord.  To the extent Tenant has or
acquires any such right or option, these rights or options are acknowledged to
be subject and subordinate to the Deed of Trust and are waived and released as
to Beneficiary and any Foreclosure Purchaser.

5.   Acknowledgment by Landlord.  In the event of a default under the Deed of
Trust, at the election of Beneficiary, Tenant shall and is directed to pay all
rent and all other sums due under the Lease to Beneficiary.

6.   Construction of Improvements.  Beneficiary shall not have any obligation or
incur any liability with respect to the completion of the improvements in which
the Premises are located at the commencement of the term of the Lease.

7.   Notice.  All notices under this Agreement shall be deemed to have been
properly given if delivered by overnight courier service or mailed by United
States certified mail, with return receipt requested, postage prepaid to the
party receiving the notice at its address set forth in the Defined Terms (or at
such other address as shall be given in writing by such party to the other
parties) and shall be deemed complete upon receipt or refusal of delivery.

8.   Miscellaneous.  Beneficiary shall not be subject to any provision of the
Lease that is inconsistent with this Agreement.  Nothing contained in this
Agreement shall be construed to derogate from or in any way impair or affect the
lien or the provisions of the Deed of Trust.  This Agreement shall be governed
by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Texas.

9.   Liability and Successors and Assigns.  In the event that Beneficiary
acquires title to the Premises or the Property, Beneficiary shall have no
obligation nor incur any liability [beyond Beneficiary's then equity interest in
the Premises and Tenant shall look solely to Beneficiary's then equity interest
for the payment and performance of any obligations imposed upon Beneficiary
under this Agreement or under the Lease][in an amount in excess of $3,000,000
and Tenant's recourse against Beneficiary shall in no extent exceeds the amount
of $3,000,000.]  This Agreement shall run with the land and shall inure to the
benefit of the parties and, their respective successors and permitted assigns
including a Foreclosure Purchaser.  If a Foreclosure Purchaser acquires the
Property or if Beneficiary assigns or transfers its interest in the Note and
Deed of Trust or the Property, all obligations and liabilities of Beneficiary
under this Agreement shall terminate and be the responsibility of the
Foreclosure Purchaser or other party to whom Beneficiary's interest is assigned
or transferred.  The interest of Tenant under this Agreement may not be assigned
or transferred except in connection with an assignment of its interest in the
Lease which has been consented to by Beneficiary.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Subordination, Non-
disturbance and Attornment Agreement as of the Execution Date.








                         EXHIBIT A

                    PROPERTY DESCRIPTION

                         [TO COME]

                         EXHIBIT B


In the event of foreclosure of the Deed of Trust, or upon a sale of the Property
pursuant to the trustee's power of sale contained therein, or upon a transfer of
the Property by conveyance in lieu of the foreclosure, the Lease shall be
amended as follows: