<Expedite Stamp appears here>

                      ARTICLES OF MERGER FOR

     Pursuant to the provisions of Section 16-10a-1105 of the Utah Revised
Business Corporation Act, Altmount Holdings, Inc., a Nevada corporation
("AHI"), hereby adopts and files the following Articles of Merger as the
surviving corporation to the merger of WordCruncher Publishing Technologies,
Inc., a Utah corporation ("WordCruncher"), with and into AHI:

     FIRST:  Agreement and Plan of Merger.  A copy of the Agreement and Plan
of Merger (the "Plan") governing, as adopted by the Boards of Directors of AHI
and WordCruncher and as approved by the shareholders of AHI and WordCruncher
on July 13, 1998, is attached hereto as Exhibit "A".

     SECOND:  Shareholder Approval.  The approval of the shareholders of AHI
and WordCruncher was required to effectuate the merger.  The number of shares
of stock outstanding in each of the corporations (and the number of votes
entitled to be cast) as of the date of the adoption of the Plan was as

Entity                    Type of Shares     Number of Shares Outstanding
- ------                    --------------     ----------------------------
WordCruncher Publishing
Technologies, Inc.        Common             372,687

Altmount Holdings, Inc.   Common             1,500,000

<August 18, 1998 Date Stamp
from the Secretary of State for
the State of Utah appears here>

     The number of shares of stock of each corporation which voted for and
against the Plan was as follows:

Entity                    Type of Shares     For          Against
- ------                    --------------     ---          -------
WordCruncher Publishing
Technologies, Inc.        Common             294,000      0

Altmount Holdings, Inc.   Common             1,125,000    0

     THIRD:  Sufficiency of Vote.  The number of votes cast for the Plan by
each voting group entitled to vote was sufficient for approval of the merger
by each such voting group.

     FOURTH:  Principal Place of Business of the Corporation.  The principal
place of business in the State of Utah for WordCruncher is 50 West Canyon
Crest Road, Alpine, Utah 84004.

 .     FIFTH:  Registered Agent.  Pursuant to the provisions of Utah Code
Annotated Section 16-10a-1107(2), the Corporation's registered agent in the
State of Utah is the Secretary of the State of Utah, whose address is 160 East
300 South, P.O. Box 45801, Salt Lake City, Utah 84801.  The corporation hereby
consents to the service of process on it in accordance with the provisions of
Utah Code Annotated Section 16-10a-1107(2)(a)(ii), as amended.

     DATED this 14th day of July, 1998.

     /s/ Anita Patterson
     Anita Patterson