
                                  UNITED STATES
                             Washington, D.C. 20549


                                    FORM 11-K

                         SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

                    FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED MARCH 31, 2003

                                    -- OR --

                         SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934



                         Commission File Number 1-12833

                                    TXU Corp.

            ENERGY PLAZA, 1601 BRYAN STREET, DALLAS, TEXAS 75201-3411
                                 (214) 812-4600

        (Name of issuer of the securities held pursuant to the Plan
            and the address of its principal executive office)


                                                   TABLE OF CONTENTS


      The following financial statements are furnished for the Plan:

         Statements of Financial Condition at March 31, 2003 and June 30, 2002.......................        1

         Statements of Operations and Changes in Plan Equity for the
             periods ended March 31, 2003, June 30, 2002 and 2001....................................        2

         Notes to Financial Statements...............................................................        3

         Schedules I, II and III have been omitted because the required
             information is shown in the financial statements or notes, or the
             information is not applicable to this Plan.

INDEPENDENT AUDITORS' REPORT.........................................................................        7

PLAN ADMINISTRATOR'S SIGNATURE.......................................................................        8


      The following exhibits are filed herewith:

         Exhibit 23      Independent Auditors' Consent
         Exhibit 99(a)   Section 906 Certificate of Secretary & Assistant
                         Treasurer, Plan Administrator, Organization and
                         Compensation Committee
         Exhibit 99(b)   Section 906 Certificate of Assistant Secretary

* Pursuant to Item 601 (b) (32) (ii) of Regulation S-K, this certificate is not
  being "filed" for purposes of Section 18 of the Securities Exchange Act of




                                                                                                  March 31,        June 30,
                                                                                                    2003             2002
                                                                                                 ----------        --------
Investment in securities of participating employer--
   Common stock of TXU Corp., at fair value as determined by quoted market prices
    (historical cost: 2003-- $32,465,632; 2002-- $39,193,332) (Note 3)..................         $ 14,620,637   $ 51,013,693

Dividends receivable....................................................................              103,959        593,758

Interest receivable.....................................................................                   84            103

Cash and cash equivalents...............................................................               77,383         74,102
                                                                                                 ------------   ------------

               Total assets and Plan equity.............................................         $ 14,802,063   $ 51,681,656
                                                                                                 ============   ============

See Notes to Financial Statements.




                                                                                     For the Period
                                                                                          From             For the Plan Years
                                                                                    July 1, 2002 to         Ended June 30,
                                                                                    March 31, 2003        2002             2001
                                                                                    --------------     ----------       --------
Additions (deductions):
   Net investment income:
     Dividends on common stock of TXU Corp..................................          $    698,650   $  2,161,341    $  1,922,050
     Interest ..............................................................                 3,080         21,748          20,287
                                                                                      ------------   ------------    ------------
           Net investment income............................................               701,730      2,183,089       1,942,337

   Gain (loss) realized on sale of investments..............................             1,254,869        257,890          (9,257)
   Change in unrealized appreciation (depreciation) of investments (Note 3).           (29,665,356)     2,296,652      14,677,656

   Contributions and deposits (Note 4):
     Participating employees' salary deferrals..............................               156,267      4,633,730       1,936,800
     Employer matching and incentive awards.................................               234,401     10,693,045       6,025,200
                                                                                      ------------   ------------    ------------
           Total contributions and deposits.................................               390,668     15,326,775       7,962,000
                                                                                      ------------   ------------    ------------

              Total additions (deductions)..................................           (27,318,089)    20,064,406      24,572,736
                                                                                      ------------   ------------    ------------

Distributions and reversions:
   Distributions to participants (Note 5)...................................             9,277,468      7,338,013       4,980,514
   Fees to Plan sponsor.....................................................                    10          3,288           7,674
   Reversions ..............................................................               284,026        840,211         383,913
                                                                                      ------------   ------------    ------------
           Total distributions and reversions...............................             9,561,504      8,181,512       5,372,101
                                                                                      ------------   ------------    ------------

Net additions (deductions)..................................................           (36,879,593)    11,882,894      19,200,635

Plan equity, beginning of period............................................            51,681,656     39,798,762      20,598,127
                                                                                      ------------   ------------    ------------

Plan equity, end of period .................................................          $ 14,802,063   $ 51,681,656    $ 39,798,762
                                                                                      ============   ============    ============

See Notes to Financial Statements.



                          NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

     1. Plan Description-- The TXU Deferred and Incentive Compensation Plan
        (Plan) allows elected officers of TXU Corp. (TXU or the Company) or a
        participating subsidiary of the Company (Employer-Companies) with the
        title of Vice President or above to defer a percentage of their base
        salary not to exceed a maximum percentage determined by the
        Organization and Compensation Committee of the Board of Directors of
        the Company (the Committee) for each Plan year and, in any event, not
        to exceed 15% of the participant's base salary. The Employer-Companies
        make matching awards equal to 150% of the deferred compensation. In
        addition, for Plan years beginning on or before July 1, 2001,
        50% of any awards made to participants under the TXU Annual Incentive
        Plan were automatically deferred under the Plan as incentive awards.
        Effective April 1, 2002, the Plan year was changed to the twelve-month
        period beginning April 1 and ending March 31 of the following year.
        Previously, the Plan year was the twelve-month period beginning July 1
        and ending June 30 of the following year. A special transition rule
        applied to the Plan year beginning July 1, 2001, which is reported
        herein, whereby it continued for the full twelve-month period ended
        June 30, 2002 (2002 Plan year), running concurrently with the Plan year
        beginning April 1, 2002 and ending March 31, 2003 (2003 Plan year) for
        the overlapping period. Therefore, the period ended March 31, 2003,
        included in this report, contains activity for the nine-month period
        from July 1, 2002 to March 31, 2003. Participants were given the
        opportunity on April 1, 2002 to participate in the 2003 Plan year
        beginning April 1, 2002 and ending March 31, 2003, running concurrently
        for the three-month overlapping period with the 2002 Plan year, or
        defer participation in the 2003 Plan year until July 1, 2002.

        A participant's benefits under the Plan are provided through an
        irrevocable grantor trust, the assets of which are subject to the claims
        of the Company's general creditors. A participant's Employer-Company
        provides the trust with funds equal to the amount credited to the
        participant's account, and the trustee invests such funds in shares of
        common stock of the Company (Common Stock). The trustee uses any cash
        dividends received on Common Stock held in the trust to buy additional
        shares of Common Stock.

        A participant's deferred compensation, matching award and incentive
        award amounts are credited to the participant's account under the Plan
        and are converted into performance units on the basis of the number of
        shares of Common Stock that can be purchased with such amounts as of the
        applicable date. Additional performance units are credited to a
        participant's account, determined by multiplying the number of
        performance units in the participant's account by the amount of any
        regular or special cash dividend declared on each share of Common Stock
        and dividing the product by the amount paid by the trust for a share of
        such Common Stock with the dividend amounts received by the trust.

        On the expiration of the applicable maturity period (three years for
        incentive awards and five years for deferrals and matching awards,
        beginning on the first day of the Plan year in which the contributions
        are made) the value of the participant's account is paid to the
        participant in cash. In no event will a participant's account be deemed
        to have a cash value less than the sum of the participant's maturing
        salary deferrals and 6% per annum interest on such amounts. To the
        extent that the amounts maturing under the Plan combined with the
        participant's other remuneration for such year exceed $1,000,000, the
        maturity period shall be extended. In the event a participant's
        employment is terminated because of death or permanent and total
        disability, all amounts in the participant's account shall mature
        immediately, provided that, if such termination occurs prior to the end
        of a Plan year, the deferred amount and Company match for the year of
        such termination will be recomputed as of the termination date. In the
        event a participant's employment is terminated by retirement, the
        participant will receive a distribution of his account at the end of the
        applicable maturity period. If the participant terminates employment by
        retirement prior to the end of a Plan year, the deferred amount and
        company match for the year of retirement will be recomputed unless the
        participant has previously elected to accelerate the balance of salary
        deferrals. In the event a participant's employment is terminated because
        of reasons other than death, permanent and total disability or
        retirement, all rights to amounts for maturity periods not yet completed


        shall be forfeited and revert to the Company (as Plan sponsor), except
        for participant deferrals and 6% per annum interest on those amounts.

        In the event of such a change in control of the Company: (i) forfeiture
        provisions and the provisions relating to recomputation upon termination
        during the Plan year are eliminated; (ii) amounts maturing within twelve
        months are to be paid within thirty days of the change in control; and
        (iii) amounts maturing more than twelve months from the change in
        control may, at the election of the participant, be paid on the first
        anniversary of the change in control or when such amounts would
        otherwise mature.

        The number of participants (current and former employees) at March 31,
        2003 and June 30, 2002 was 76 and 81, respectively.

2.      Summary of Significant Accounting Policies:

        Basis of Accounting -- The financial statements of the Plan are prepared
        under the accrual method of accounting.

        Use of Estimates -- The preparation of financial statements in
        conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United
        States of America requires management to make estimates and assumptions
        that affect the reported amounts of net assets available for benefits
        and changes therein. Actual results could differ from those estimates.

        Distributions to Participants -- Distributions to participants are
        recorded when paid.

        Expenses -- All costs and expenses of the Plan and its administration,
        except expenses incurred in the acquisition or liquidation of
        investments, are paid by the Employer-Companies.

3.      Plan Investments -- The historical cost, fair value and unrealized
        appreciation (depreciation) of investments as of March 31, 2003, and
        June 30, 2002 and 2001 were as follows:

                                                Per Share  Number of   Historical    Fair    Appreciation
                                                  Value     Shares       Cost        Value   (Depreciation)
                                                 --------   ------     ----------    -----   --------------
        Common stock of TXU Corp.

            March 31, 2003.......................  $ 17.85  819,083(a) $32,465,632 $14,620,637 $(17,844,995)

            June 30, 2002........................    51.55  989,596(b)  39,193,332  51,013,693   11,820,361

            June 30, 2001........................    48.19  814,652(c)  29,734,367  39,258,076    9,523,709

         (a)Represented 0.2543% of the outstanding shares of common stock of
            TXU Corp.(322,155,194 at March 31, 2003).

         (b)Represented 0.3557% of the outstanding shares of common stock of
            TXU Corp.(278,238,854 at June 30, 2002).

         (c)Represented 0.3165% of the outstanding shares of common stock of
            TXU Corp.(257,384,322 at June 30, 2001).

        The investment in Common Stock is stated at fair value based upon the
        last reported sale price on recognized exchanges on the last business
        day of the Plan year. The cost basis of Plan investments was changed
        from average cost to first-in first-out during the 2003 Plan year. The
        effect of the change was not material.

        The Plan's investment in Common Stock is subject to various risks, such
        as interest rate, credit and overall market volatility. Therefore, it is
        reasonably possible that changes in the value of the Common Stock will
        occur in the near term and that such changes could materially affect the
        amounts reported in the statement of financial condition.


4.      Plan Contributions -- Contributions by participating employees' salary
        deferrals and employer matching and incentive awards for the periods
        ended March 31, 2003, June 30, 2002 and 2001 were as follows:

                                                            Participating     Contributions
                                                             Employees'       by Employer-         Total
                    Employer-Companies                    Salary Deferrals      Companies      Contributions
                    ------------------                    ----------------    -------------    -------------
             TXU US Holdings Company......................  $    53,209      $    79,813       $   133,022
             TXU Business Services and others.............      103,058          154,588           257,646
                                                            -----------      -----------       -----------
               Total......................................  $   156,267      $   234,401       $   390,668
                                                            ===========      ===========       ===========

             TXU Corp.....................................  $   491,250      $ 1,374,375       $ 1,865,625
             TXU US Holdings Company......................    1,739,968        3,512,452         5,252,420
             TXU Business Services and others.............    2,402,512        5,806,218         8,208,730
                                                            -----------      -----------       -----------
               Total......................................  $ 4,633,730      $10,693,045       $15,326,775
                                                            ===========      ===========       ===========

             TXU Corp.....................................  $   240,000      $   902,500       $ 1,142,500
             TXU US Holdings Company......................      567,000        1,665,000         2,232,000
             TXU Business Services and others.............    1,129,800        3,457,700         4,587,500
                                                            -----------      -----------       -----------
               Total......................................  $ 1,936,800      $ 6,025,200       $ 7,962,000
                                                            ===========      ===========       ===========

         Incentive awards included in contributions by Employer-Companies were
         $3,742,450 and $3,120,000 for the Plan years ended June 30, 2002 and
         2001, respectively. No incentive awards were included in contributions
         by Employer-Companies for the period ended March 31, 2003.

         Total contributions of $15,326,775 for the Plan year ended June 30,
         2002 included $5,985,013 ($2,394,005 in participating employees' salary
         deferrals and $3,591,008 in contributions by Employer-Companies) for
         the Plan year beginning April 1, 2002. (See Note 1 for discussion of
         change in the Plan years and special transition rule for the Plan year
         ended June 30, 2002.)

5.       Plan Distributions -- Amounts contributed to the Plan (including
         earnings thereon) during the July 1 through June 30 Plan years mature
         on June 30 of the applicable maturity period. Amounts contributed to
         the Plan (including earnings thereon) during the April 1 through March
         31 Plan years mature on March 31 of the applicable maturity period.

         During the period ended March 31, 2003, six participants terminated
         from the Plan. Distributions were made to terminated participants in
         the aggregate amount of $302,127. Terminations from the Plan during the
         period ended March 31, 2003 resulted in net reversions of $284,026.

         During the year ended June 30, 2002, two participants terminated from
         the Plan. Distributions were made to the terminated participants in the
         aggregate amount of $250,627. Maturing in June 2002 were employee
         salary deferrals and matching awards for the Plan year ended June 30,
         1998 and the incentive awards made for the Plan year ended June 30,
         2000. In July 2002, the trustee distributed $8,975,341 of matured
         deferrals and awards, representing the net proceeds obtained upon sale
         of the associated assets (Common Stock). Terminations from the Plan
         during the year ended June 30, 2002 resulted in net reversions of

         Maturing in June 2001 were employee salary deferrals and matching
         awards for the Plan year ended June 30, 1997 and the incentive awards
         made for the Plan year ended June 30, 1999. In July 2001, the trustee
         distributed $7,087,386 of matured deferrals and awards, representing
         the net proceeds obtained upon sale of the associated assets (Common
         Stock). Terminations from the Plan during the year ended June 30, 2001
         resulted in net reversions of $383,913.


6.        Federal Income Taxes -- The Company intends and has been advised that
          the Plan does not meet the requirements of a tax-qualified plan under
          Section 401(a) of the Internal Revenue Code (Code); the trust
          established thereunder is not exempt from federal income taxes under
          Section 501(a) of the Code; and the Company will be provided a
          corresponding federal income tax deduction for the amount of income
          recognized by the participant by reason of distributions under the

          Based on the Code and regulations promulgated thereunder as currently
          in effect:

          (a)  A participant's elective deferrals under the Plan, matching
               awards, incentive awards, and any dividends, interest or other
               income thereon will not be subject to federal income tax until
               the year such amounts are paid or otherwise made available to the

          (b)  Elective deferrals under the Plan are not deductible by the
               participant on his or her federal income tax return, since
               elective deferrals are not included in the participant's income
               until paid or otherwise made available to the participant.

          (c)  Amounts distributed under the Plan will be taxable as ordinary
               income to the participant in the year of such distribution.

7.        Plan Termination -- The Company's Board of Directors may amend,
          terminate, or suspend the Plan at any time. An amendment or
          modification of the Plan may affect active participants as well as
          future participants, but no amendment or modification of the Plan for
          any reason may diminish any participant's account as of the effective
          date thereof. Upon Plan termination, all amounts credited to a
          participant's account shall be deemed to have matured, as described in
          the Plan document.



Organization and Compensation Committee,
TXU Deferred and Incentive Compensation Plan:

We have audited the statements of financial condition of the TXU Deferred and
Incentive Compensation Plan (the "Plan") as of March 31, 2003 and June 30, 2002,
and the related statements of operations and changes in plan equity for the
nine-month period ended March 31, 2003, and the years ended June 30, 2002 and
2001. These financial statements are the responsibility of the Plan's
management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial
statements based on our audits.

We conducted our audits in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted
in the United States of America. Those standards require that we plan and
perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial
statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a
test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial
statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and
significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall
financial statement presentation. We believe that our audits provide a
reasonable basis for our opinion.

In our opinion, such financial statements present fairly, in all material
respects, the financial condition of the Plan at March 31, 2003 and June 30,
2002, and the results of its operations and changes in plan equity for the
nine-month period ended March 31, 2003, and the years ended June 30, 2002 and
2001, in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United
States of America.


Dallas, Texas
June 30, 2003



       Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the
Organization and Compensation Committee of the Board of Directors of TXU Corp.
has duly caused this annual report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned
thereunto duly authorized.


                    By                        /s/ Peter B. Tinkham

                                               Plan Administrator
                                     Organization and Compensation Committee

June 30, 2003
