                                  UNITED STATES
                             Washington, D.C. 20549
                                    Form 10-K



                         Commission file number: 0-20971

                                 StaffMark, Inc.
             (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

                   Delaware                                     71-0788538
        (State or other jurisdiction of                      (I.R.S. Employer
        incorporation or organization)                      Identification No.)

             302 East Millsap Road
               Fayetteville, AR                                    72703
       (Address of principal executive offices)                 (Zip Code)

       Registrant's telephone number, including area code: (501) 973-6000

Securities registered pursuant to Section 12(b) of the Act:  None

Securities registered pursuant to Section 12(g) of the Act:

                          Common Stock, $0.01 par value
                                (Title of class)

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all reports required
to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 during
the  preceding  12 months (or for such  shorter  period that the  registrant  as
required  to file  such  reports),  and  (2) has  been  subject  to such  filing
requirements for the past 90 days.
Yes [X]  No [  ]

Indicate by check mark if disclosure of delinquent  filers  pursuant to Item 405
of Regulation S-K (ss.229.405 of this chapter) is not contained herein, and will
not be contained,  to the best of registrant's knowledge, in definitive proxy or
information  statements  incorporated by reference in Part III of this Form 10-K
or any amendment to this Form 10-K. [ ]

The  aggregate  market value of the voting stock held by  non-affiliates  of the
registrant was approximately $132,745,800 as of March 13, 1997.

As of March 13,  1997,  the  number of shares  outstanding  of the  registrant's
Common Stock was 13,417,012.

Portions of the proxy statement for the annual meeting of stockholders to be
held on May 2, 1997 are incorporated by reference into Part III of this Report
on Form 10-K.


                                     PART I


The Mergers

       StaffMark,  Inc. (the "Company" or "StaffMark"),  a Delaware corporation,
was formed in March 1996 to create a leading  provider of  diversified  staffing
services  to  businesses,   healthcare   providers,   professional  and  service
organizations  and  governmental  agencies,  primarily in growth  markets in the
southeastern and southwestern United States.  Simultaneously with the closing of
the  initial  public  stock  offering  of its  Common  Stock  (the  "Offering"),
StaffMark  acquired,  in separate merger  transactions  (the "Mergers"),  Brewer
Personnel Services,  Inc. ("Brewer"),  Prostaff Personnel,  Inc. and its related
entities  ("Prostaff"),   Maxwell  Staffing,   Inc.  and  its  related  entities
("Maxwell"), HRA, Inc. ("HRA"), First Choice Staffing, Inc. ("First Choice") and
Blethen  Temporaries,  Inc. and its related entities  ("Blethen")  (collectively
referred to as the "Founding Companies").  The Founding Companies had on average
operated for over 13 years in eight states through over 90 branch offices.


     StaffMark  is a  leading  provider  of  diversified  staffing  services  to
business,   medical  niches,   professional   and  service   organizations   and
governmental  agencies,  primarily  in growth  markets in the  southeastern  and
southwestern  United  States.  The  Company  operates  94  branches  located  in
Arkansas, Colorado, Georgia, Missouri, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina,
Tennessee,  Virginia and Vancouver,  British Columbia,  Canada.  Currently,  the
Company provides more than 11,000 field employees to over 2,600 clients during a
typical  week.  The  Company's  business  is  organized  into  three  divisions:
Commercial, Specialty Medical and Professional/IT ("Information Technology").

       The Commercial  division provides clerical and light industrial  staffing
services, and generated  approximately 89.9% and 88.1% of the Company's combined
revenues  for  the  years  ended  December  31,  1995  and  December  31,  1996,
respectively.  For the fourth  quarter  ended  December  31, 1995 and 1996,  the
Commercial  Division  generated  90.0%  and  84.0%  of  the  Company's  combined
revenues,  respectively.  The Company's  commercial  services  personnel include
secretarial,  clerical and word processing  personnel,  receptionist/switchboard
operators,   typists,   data   entry   operators,   cashiers,   client   service
representatives,   medical/legal   transcriptionists,   file  clerks  and  other
miscellaneous  office  personnel.  Light industrial  services  personnel include
warehouse  workers,  maintenance  workers,  assemblers,  quality control clerks,
order pullers,  food service  workers,  production  workers,  shipping/receiving
clerks,  janitors,  packagers,   inventory  clerks,  textile  manufacturers  and

       The Specialty Medical division  provides  healthcare and medical staffing
services, such as physical and occupational therapists,  speech pathologists and
clinical trial support services,  and generated  approximately  8.3% and 7.4% of
the  Company's  combined  revenues  for the years  ended  December  31, 1995 and
December 31, 1996, respectively.  For the fourth quarter ended December 31, 1995
and  1996,  the  Specialty  Medical  division  generated  8.1%  and  8.4% of the
Company's combined revenues,  respectively. The Company offers specialty medical
staffing  services  to meet the growing  demand for  physical  and  occupational
therapists in the United States healthcare  market.  The Company recruits,  both
domestically  and  internationally,  trained physical  therapists,  occupational
therapists and speech  pathologists to work in a variety of healthcare  settings
in more than 15 states.  The Company also  provides  complete  physical  therapy
management  and staffing  services to  out-patient  clinics as well as rural and
suburban acute care hospitals.  The Company targets  hospitals in the 80-250 bed
range with at least one orthopedic surgeon on staff,  minimal competition in the
area, and moderate to heavy surrounding industry.  The Company's clinical trials
personnel  support the staffing  demands of the  pharmaceutical,  biotechnology,
medical device and medical and clinical  research data  industries.  The Company
provides  contract  personnel  with a wide  variety of expertise in the clinical
research  field  including  clinical   monitoring,   project  management,   data
management,  programming,  statistical  analysis,  regulatory  affairs,  medical
review,  writing  and  training.  The Company  maintains a national  database of
qualified contract  professionals and is able to source potential candidates for
its clients on a nationwide basis.

     The   Professional/IT   division  provides   technical,   professional  and
information  technology  staffing services and generated  approximately 1.8% and
4.5% of the Company's  combined  revenues for the years ended  December 31, 1995
and December 31, 1996,  respectively.  For the fourth quarter ended December 31,
1995 and  1996,  the  Professional/IT  Division  generated  1.9% and 7.6% of the
Company's  combined  revenues,  respectively.  Information  technology  services
include systems planning and design,  project management,  software applications
development,  systems  and  network  implementation,   systems  integration  and
higher-level  contract  programming  services,   facilities  management,  system
maintenance,  "help-desk"  assistance  and education  and training.  The Company
provides technical services personnel such as drafters,  designers and engineers
in the mechanical and electrical  engineering and computer  science fields.  The
Company  also  provides  accounting   personnel,   paralegals  and  other  legal
assistants, and sales and marketing professionals.

Recent Developments

       A key  element  of  the  Company's  strategy  is to  acquire  independent
staffing  companies that will provide  geographic  expansion,  increased  market
penetration,  compliment  existing  services and increase the revenue mix in the
Professional/IT and Specialty Medical divisions. The Company has completed five
acquisitions since the Offering.

    Acquired        Date of                           Revenue          Services
    Company       Acquisition      Location         (in Millions)      Provided

- ------------------------------- ------------- ------------------------ ---------

The Technology
Source L.L.C.   November 1996      St. Louis, Missouri $6.8      Professional/IT

Staffing        December 1996      Spartanburg, South   3.6      Commercial and
                                   Carolina                      Professional/IT

Tom Bain, Inc.  December 1996      Brentwood,           3.6      Commercial and
                                   Tennessee                     Professional/IT

Service,Inc.    January 1997       Memphis, Tennessee   6.3      Commercial

International   February 1997      Vancouver, British   2.5      Specialty
LTD                                Columbia                      Medical

The Staffing Services Industry

       The  staffing  services  industry  has grown  rapidly in recent  years as
competitive  pressures  have  caused  businesses  to  focus on  reducing  costs,
including  converting  fixed labor costs to variable costs. The use of temporary
employees also enables  companies to improve  flexibility in employee hiring and
scheduling and allows them to focus on their core business functions.  According
to the National  Association of Temporary and Staffing Services  ("NATSS"),  the
United  States market for  temporary  staffing  services has grown at a compound
annual rate of approximately  17.7%, from approximately $20.4 billion in revenue
in 1991 to an  estimated  $45.1  billion  in  1996.  According  to the  Staffing
Industry Report,  technical,  professional and healthcare staffing are among the
fastest growing sectors of the staffing services industry.  The Company believes
that  these  specialized  services  offer a greater  opportunity  for growth and
profitability than commercial  staffing services alone. The Company believes the
temporary  staffing  industry is highly  fragmented  with an estimated  4,000 to
6,000  companies  and  is  experiencing   increasing   consolidation  (over  200
acquisitions  by public  companies  since 1995) largely in response to increased
competition, the need to offer a full range of services to regional and national
accounts  and as a way for these  owners to solidify  their  equity or define an
exit strategy.

Business Development and Growth Strategy

       The  Company's  goal is to expand  throughout  the  regions it  currently
serves, and expand nationally to meet the broad geographic needs of regional and
national  companies  seeking to  centralize  purchasing  decisions for temporary
staffing  needs.  Additionally,  the Company  seeks to increase the  information
technology  and  specialty  medical  revenues of the Company to a  significantly
higher  percentage of the Company's total revenues.  The information  technology
and specialty medical sectors provide higher gross margins and are growing at an
accelerated pace. For example,  the information  technology sector is reportedly
growing at an annual rate in excess of 25%. The Company  plans to achieve  these
goals  through  an  active  acquisition  program,   internal  growth  and  cross
development of clients and services.

Key Elements of the Business Strategy

       Decentralized   Entrepreneurial  Environment.  The  Company  believes  an
entrepreneurial  business  environment that rewards performance tends to attract
and  retain  self-motivated,   achievement-oriented  individuals.  Each  of  the
Company's  branches  operate as a separate  profit center with local  management
having primary profit and loss responsibility. Each branch office has been given
latitude in many fundamental  operational functions,  including hiring, pricing,
training,  sales and marketing.  This permits each branch manager to be flexible
and  responsive to the specific needs of local  clientele.  The Company has also
established a  profit-based  compensation  plan at the regional and local levels
and,  at  the  time  of the  Offering,  distributed  Company  stock  options  to
approximately  80%  of its  employees  to  further  motivate  employees  through
ownership in the Company.

       Capitalize on Strong  Reputation and Local Name  Recognition.  Management
intends on building the Company into the top firm in their  markets by using the
Founding  Companies'  strong  reputations  and  client  familiarity  with  their
service. The Company believes that its local presence, accessible management and
sophisticated  support services position it as a provider of choice for staffing
services in the markets it serves.

       Capitalize on New Corporate  Structure.  The Company  intends to take
advantage of its new corporate structure by utilizing the following:

       Adopting the Best  Practices.  Management  of the Company has evaluated
         the operating policies and procedures of each of the Founding
         Companies, as well as newly acquired companies, and is implementing
         Company-wide the various practices that best serve the needs of the
       Centralizing  Control  Functions.   The  Company  is  in  the  process
         of supporting  its branch office  network by providing  risk
         management, payroll,billing and collection,  purchasing, cash
         management,human resources and other administrative  support  services.
         This centralization will provide senior management  with a significant
         source of control and the ability to monitor the key  operating  areas
         of the Company at the branch  level  while  freeing up the branches to
         market, sell and recruit our core business.
       Increasing Operating  Efficiencies.  The Company is achieving economies
         of scale by  combining  a number of general  and  administrative
         functions at the corporate  level  and  by  reducing  or  eliminating
         redundant functions and facilities  of the  Founding  Companies.  The
         Company is also  benefiting from further economies of scale through
         common regional  management and the spreading of recruiting,  training,
         advertising,  administrative  and branch office costs over a large
         number of temporary employees and clients.

     Offer a Diversified Range of Services.  The Company provides  virtually all
commercial staffing services, including secretarial,  clerical, word processing,
light  industrial and electronic  assembly.  In addition to commercial  staffing
services,  the  Company  provides   professional,   information  technology  and
specialty  medical  staffing  services by providing  personnel  such as computer
operators,  programmers, network designers, engineers, physical and occupational
therapists  and  clinical  trial  support  employees.  The  Professional/IT  and
Specialty Medical divisions,  which management believes offer substantial growth
opportunities,  tend to  generate  higher  gross  margins  than  the  Commercial
division.  The Company also offers direct  placement  services in several of its
branches and believes that the relatively  higher margins and  cross-development
opportunities  associated with direct placement make it a profitable  complement
to its other staffing services.

       Offer Customized Client Services.  The Company seeks to satisfy the needs
of its clients by  providing  customized  services  such as on-site  management,
direct  placement  services and recruiting  specialists.  The flexibility of the
Company's  decentralized  organization will allow it to tailor its operations to
meet local  client  requirements.  For  example,  clients may be  provided  with
customized  billings,  utilization  reports,  and safety  awareness and training
programs.  The Company  believes that the quality of its services has enabled it
to establish and maintain long-term  relationships with clients by understanding
the clients'  businesses,  responding promptly to clients requests,  proactively
assessing  clients'  staffing needs, and continually  monitoring job performance
and client satisfaction.

       Attract  and Retain  Qualified  Management  and  Personnel.  The  Company
believes that  experienced  management  and branch office  personnel with strong
ties to and  knowledge  of the local  community  are  integral  to  establishing
long-term  relationships  at the local  level.  The  Company  believes  that its
decentralized structure,  which grants regional and local management significant
autonomy,   will  result  in  the  attraction  and  retention  of   experienced,
entrepreneurial managers.

Key Elements of Growth Strategy

       Internal  Growth.  A key element of the Company's  growth  strategy is to
increase the productivity and profitability of existing  operations by expanding
and enhancing  services and by  increasing  penetration  in existing  geographic

       Spin-off Branches. Spinning-off new branch offices from existing branches
is a primary method of expansion in the Company's  existing  markets.  Spin-offs
usually  occur  in  metropolitan  areas  where  a  branch  has  grown  to a size
sufficient to split into two offices. This allows the new branch to open with an
existing client base and provides the Company with geographical expansion at low
marginal cost.  These office  clusters  provide  economies of scale by spreading
common costs such as recruiting,  advertising,  management,  etc., over a larger
revenue  base.  During the past two years,  the  Company  has opened 21 spin-off
branches  in addition  to having  opened  several  branch  offices by  following
existing clients into new geographical areas.

       Vendor-on-Premises  Relationships  ("VOP").  The Company currently has 27
VOP  partnering  relationships,  as  compared to 10 at December  31,  1995.  VOP
relationships  represented 9.4% and 18.7% of the Company's combined revenues for
the years ended  December 31, 1995 and December  31, 1996,  respectively.  Under
these  programs,   the  Company  assumes   administrative   responsibility   for
coordinating all temporary  personnel services throughout a client's location or
organization,  including  skills  testing and training.  While these  partnering
relationships  tend to have  lower  gross  margins  than  traditional  temporary
staffing services, the higher volumes and comparatively lower operating expenses
associated with these relationships  result in attractive  operating profits for
the  Company.  The  Company  seeks to expand its VOP  program  to  comprehensive
outsourcing  arrangements,  in which the  Company  staffs and  manages an entire
department or function on a turn-key basis. The VOP program provides the Company
with an opportunity to establish long-term relationships, which result in a more
stable  source of revenue,  while  providing  clients  with a dedicated  on-site
account manager who can more  effectively  meet the client's  changing  staffing
needs with high quality and consistent service.

     Expanding  Professional/IT  Services. The Professional/IT Services division
generally  enjoys higher profit margins than the Commercial  division due to the
specialized  expertise  of  the  temporary  personnel  provided  throughout  the
Professional/IT division. The Company's strategy is to continue to increase the
percentage  of its  revenue  and  gross  profits  from  the  Professional/IT  by
emphasizing  the  expansion  of  information   technology  through  acquisition,
cross-developing  into new and existing  geographic  markets,  and by adding new
professional  lines  of  business,  leveraging  wherever  possible  on  existing
customer relationships.

       Expanding  Specialty Medical Services.  The Company believes that revenue
and  profitability  can be enhanced by providing  specialty  medical services in
additional markets. The Company's specialty medical services personnel currently
include physical and occupational  therapists,  speech pathologists and clinical
trial  support  services  such  as  clinical  monitoring,   project  management,
programming,  statistical  analysis,  regulatory  affairs,  medical  writing and
training.  The Company's  Medical  Staffing Group provides front and back office
support to doctors,  hospitals and clinics and is supported by the Company's own
training school.  The Specialty  Medical division  generally enjoys higher gross
margins than the Commercial division because it offers specialized expertise.

     Cross-Developing   Professional/IT  and  Specialty  Medical  Services.  The
Company currently provides  Commercial  staffing services in the majority of its
offices  and  plans to  introduce  its  Professional/IT  and  Specialty  Medical
services to certain  branches  that  currently do not offer such  services.  The
Company  believes  there  are  substantial  growth  opportunities   through  the
introduction  of its broad range of existing  services to its strong client base
throughout its network of branch offices.

Growth Through Strategic Acquisitions

       The Company is actively pursuing acquisitions of profitable, well-managed
staffing  companies  that will expand the  geographic  scope of its  operations,
offer services that may be cross-sold to the Company's  existing  client base or
increase  its market  penetration.  The  Company  evaluates  acquisitions  using
numerous  criteria,  including  profitability of operations,  historical  growth
rates,  management strength,  market location,  market share,  staffing services
offered and quality of service.  Certain of the Company's executive officers and
directors  hold  leadership  positions in national and regional  staffing  trade
associations and, as a result,  have developed  personal  relationships with the
owners of numerous independent staffing companies.  The Company believes that it
will have a strategic  advantage in completing  acquisitions based on: (i) these
personal   relationships;   (ii)  the

successful  assimilation of previous acquisitions;  (iii) its decentralized
entrepreneurial  environment; and (iv) its greater visibility and resources as a
public company. The Company uses various combinations of cash, equity or debt to
meet the individual needs of its acquisition  targets. The Company currently has
available a $30 million credit facility for acquisitions and has also registered
an  additional  4  million  shares  of  its  Common  Stock  for  use  in  future

       Since the  Offering  and the  simultaneous  Mergers  on  October 2, 1996,
StaffMark has acquired five temporary  staffing  companies,  three in the fourth
quarter of 1996 and two in the first quarter of 1997. The acquired companies are
as follows:

                               Fourth Quarter 1996

          The Technology Source, L.L.C. ("Technology") was acquired in November
     1996. Technology, located in St. Louis, Missouri, provides information 
     technology services to several Fortune 100 companies in the St. Louis and
     operates as part of the Professional/IT division.

          Chandler  Enterprises,  Inc. d.b.a.  Advantage Staffing ("Advantage") 
     was acquired in December 1996.  Advantage,  located in Spartanburg,  South
     Carolina, provides clerical and light industrial services.  Advantage had 
     1996 revenues of approximately $3.6 million and operates as part of the 
     Commercial and Professional/IT divisions.

          Tom Bain  Personnel,  Inc.  ("Tom Bain") was acquired in December 
     1996. Tom Bain,  located  in  Brentwood,   Tennessee,   provides  
     primarily clerical  and information  technology  services.  Tom Bain had 
     1996 revenues of  approximately $3.6 million and operates in the Commercial
     and Professional/IT divisions.

                               First Quarter 1997

          Advance Personnel Service,  Inc. ("Advance ") was acquired in January 
     1997. Advance,located  in Memphis,  Tennessee,  provides  clerical,
     light industrial, assembly and packing  services for several  Fortune 500
     companies.  Advance had 1996  revenues of  approximately  $6.3  million
     and operates in the  Commercial division.

          MRIC Medical Recruiters International LTD ("MRIC") was acquired in
      February 1997. MRIC, located in Vancouver,  British Columbia,  provides
      physical therapists  on a direct  placement  and  locum  basis in Canada
      and the  United States. MRIC had 1996 revenues of approximately $2.5
      million and operates in the Specialty Medical division.

     A major  driver of the  Company's  growth  strategy is to acquire  existing
staffing  operations.  The  Company  seeks  acquisitions  that will  expand  the
geographic  scope of its operations,  increase as a percentage of total revenues
its  professional  and  information  technology  services and specialty  medical
business, locate new specialty services and increase market penetration in areas
it currently  operates.  StaffMark has established a team of Corporate  officers
responsible for identifying prospective acquisitions,  performing due diligence,
contract negotiations and the subsequent  integration of the acquired company. A
key element of the acquisition  strategy is to acquire only accretive operations
with strong local and reginal presence.  Each potential  acquisition is rated to
ensure that it will be a good fit with the StaffMark team, philosophies, culture
and goals.  It is  generally  the  Company's  policy to include  some  amount of
StaffMark  Common  Stock as a part of the  consideration  so that  the  acquired
company and StaffMark,  who will be partners,  will have the same motivation and


Branch Offices

       The Company  offers its services  through 94 branch  offices in Arkansas,
Colorado,   Georgia,   Missouri,  North  Carolina,   Oklahoma,  South  Carolina,
Tennessee,  Virginia and British Columbia, Canada. Branch managers operate their
offices with a  significant  degree of autonomy and  accountability  and receive
bonuses based on the  profitability  and growth of the branch.  The compensation
system is designed to motivate the managers and staff to maximize the growth and
profitability  of their offices.  Branch  managers  report  directly to regional
managers who report to regional  vice  presidents,  all of whom receive  bonuses
based upon the  profitability  of their region.  Operating within the guidelines
set by the  Company,  the branch  managers  are  responsible  for  pursuing  new
business opportunities and focusing on sales and marketing, account development,
and employee recruitment and retention and development.

Sales and Marketing

       StaffMark's  services are marketed  through its network of offices  whose
branch  managers,  supported  by the  Company's  marketing  staff,  make regular
personal sales visits to clients and prospective clients. The Company emphasizes
long-term  personal  relationships  with  clients  which are  developed  through
regular assessment of client  requirements and constant  monitoring of temporary
staff  performance.  New clients are obtained through sales calls,  consultation
meetings with target companies, client referrals,  telemarketing and advertising
in a variety of local and regional media,  including  television,  radio, direct
mail,  Yellow Pages,  newspaper,  magazines and trade  publications.  Also,  the
Company's  national  marketing director has developed a strategy utilizing sales
calls and  consultation  meetings  with  targeted  companies.  In addition,  the
Company sponsors job fairs and other community events and the Company's officers
and senior management  participate in national and regional trade  associations,
local chambers of commerce and other civic associations.


       One of the Company's most successful recruiting tools is referrals by its
field employees.  The Company finds that referrals from its existing labor force
provide the higher  quality and largest number of new temporary  employees.  The
Company employs full-time  regional  recruiters who regularly monitor the skills
and  availability  of their  region's  temporary  employees  to ensure a base of
qualified employees to meet client demands. These recruiters also visit schools,
clubs and professional  associations and present career development  programs to
various  organizations.   In  addition,  the  Company  obtains  applicants  from
advertising on radio, on television, in the Yellow Pages and through other print

Full Time Employees / Field Employees

       Currently,  StaffMark  provides over 11,000 field  employees to more than
2,600  clients  during a typical  week.  As of December  31,  1996,  the Company
employed  approximately  550 internal  staff.  None of the Company's  employees,
including  its field  employees,  are  represented  by a  collective  bargaining
agreement.  The Company  believes  its employee  relations to be strong.  Hourly
wages for the  Company's  field  employees  are  determined  according to market
conditions.  The  Company  pays  mandated  costs of  employment,  including  the
employer's   share  of  social  security  taxes  ("FICA"),   federal  and  state
unemployment  taxes,  unemployment   compensation  insurance,   general  payroll
expenses and workers' compensation insurance.  The Company also offers access to
various insurance programs and other benefits,  such as vacations,  holidays and
401(k) programs to certain of its field employees.

Assessment, Training and Quality Control

       The Company uses a comprehensive  system to assess,  select and train its
field  employees  in  order  to  provide  quality  assurance  for its  temporary
personnel operations.  Applicants are given a range of tests,  applicable to the
position(s)  they  seek.   Clerical  and   office-support   applicants   receive
state-of-the-art tests in computer skills, word processing,  typing, data entry,
accounting and other business applications.  These sophisticated tests cover the
latest software and thoroughly and objectively evaluate each individuals' skills
and  experience.  The Company feels it is  imperative  to customize  testing and
training to match the specific office  environment in which the individuals will
be placed. In the technical arena,  specific programming tests are also given to
assess the expertise of the candidate seeking  placement.  Such testing measures
proficiency  in  programming  languages,   electromechanical   skills,  autocad,
schematics and other  technical  applications.  Industrial  electronic  assembly
applicants are tested to determine basic competency, industry aptitude, hand and
finger dexterity, soldering,  mathematics, ability to read a blue print, ability
to assemble electronic components and measurement calculations.

       Management  recognizes  that certain  clients have  specialized  staffing
requirements  that can only be fulfilled with customized  training.  The Company
provides  training  programs for specific  requirements,  such as  electronic or
mechanical   assembly  or  the  use  of   specialized   software   applications.
Computerized  tutorials are generally  available for temporary employees seeking
to upgrade  their  typing,  data entry,  office  automation  or word  processing
skills, and classes on topics such as spreadsheets and software applications are
conducted periodically in branch offices.

       The  Company  stresses   specialization,   training  and  empowerment  of
employees to ensure that  clients  receive the highest  quality  service for the
most  cost-effective  price.  The Company  currently  operates a career training
center where  temporary  employees  as well as the general  public can enroll in
career advancement classes.  This center helps to increase the number of trained
and qualified applicants for placement with the Company's clients.

Management Information Systems

       The primary  operating  system  software  utilized by the Company for the
front  office  is the  Caldwell-Spartin  system  which  management  believes  is
currently  one of the  leading  application  software  systems  in the  staffing
industry.  This system  permits  access to a shared  database of resumes and job
orders at the branch level,  allowing the branch  office to fill client  orders,
communicate with clients  regarding  invoices and screen candidates for the most
suitable job opportunity.  The Company believes that the Caldwell-Spartin system
can readily be expanded to meet increased demands without significant additional
capital expenditures.

       StaffMark has  contracted  with  PeopleSoft  for  development of the back
office  accounting  and  administrative   systems.  The  Company  believes  that
PeopleSoft  applications will provide excellent management tools, the ability to
eliminate  duplicate  functions and provide a high degree of internal control as
well as lower cost  through  centralization  of systems,  providing  economy and
control in such areas as accounts payable, cash control,  budgeting,  management
reporting and human resource functions. The PeopleSoft  implementation plan will
begin in March  1997  with the  general  ledger  and  accounts  payable  modules
scheduled to be implemented  first,  followed by payroll  interface,  budgeting,
treasury  and human  resource  modules.  The Company  has chosen  Digital as the
hardware  provider  for its  client  server.  Digital  is  currently  the "host"
provider  of the  Caldwell-Spartin  system.  The Company  anticipates  investing
approximately  $2  million  in 1997  on the  PeopleSoft  implementation  and the
network expansion.


Workers' Compensation Program

       The Company maintains workers'  compensation  insurance for all claims in
excess of a retention  level of $250,000  per  occurrence.  The  Company's  risk
management team takes a proactive approach to safety and risk control.  The team
works diligently to train the Company's  full-time staff to better screen,  test
and  orient  the  Company's  temporary  employees  to  a  more  safety-conscious
environment.  The team  also  performs  periodic  safety  inspections  at client
locations  in making the  workplace  safer  through  customized  safety  program
development,  implementation and evaluation.  Company policies prohibit staffing
of high risk activities such as working on unprotected elevated platforms or the
handling of hazardous materials.  The risk management team evaluates new clients
and has the authority to decline service if the work environment is perceived to
be unsafe or potentially  hazardous.  An independent  actuary provides advice on
overall  workers'  compensation  costs and  periodically  performs an  actuarial
valuation   regarding  the  adequacy  of  the  Company's  reserve  for  workers'
compensation  claims.  Newly  acquired  operations  will be integrated  into the
Company's program at such time as, in management's  judgment, the integration is
most cost effective.


       The timing of certain holidays,  weather conditions and seasonal vacation
patterns may cause the Company's  results of  operations to fluctuate  slightly.
The Company expects to realize higher revenues,  operating income and net income
during the second and third quarters and lower  revenues,  operating  income and
net income during the first and fourth quarters.


       The staffing services industry is fragmented and highly competitive, with
limited  barriers to entry. A large percentage of temporary  staffing  companies
are local  operators with fewer than five offices.  Within local markets,  these
operators  actively  compete with the Company for business and, in most of these
markets,  no single company has a dominant share of the market. The Company also
competes with larger,  full-service  and  specialized  competitors  in national,
regional  and  local  markets.   The  principal  national   competitors  include
AccuStaff,  Inc., Manpower,  Inc., Kelly Services, Inc., The Olsten Corporation,
Interim Services, Inc., Express Personnel, and Norrell Corporation, all of which
have greater  marketing,  financial and other  resources  than the Company.  The
Company believes that the primary competitive factors in obtaining and retaining
clients are the number and  location of offices,  an  understanding  of clients'
specific  job  requirements,  the ability to provide  temporary  personnel  in a
timely  manner,  the monitoring of quality of job  performance  and the price of
services.  The primary competitive factors in obtaining qualified candidates for
temporary employment assignments are wages, responsiveness to work schedules and
number of hours of work available.  Management believes that StaffMark is highly
competitive  in  these  areas.   The  Company   believes  its  long-term  client
relationships  and strong emphasis on providing service and value to its clients
and temporary staffing employees are important competitive advantages.

       The  Company  also  competes  for  acquisition  candidates.  The  Company
believes  that further  industry  consolidation  will  continue  during the next
several  years.  However,  there is likely to be significant  competition  which
could lead to higher prices being paid for such businesses. The Company believes
that it will have a strategic  advantage in completing  acquisitions as a result
of: (i) management's  personal  relationships with existing staffing  companies;
(ii)  the  successful   assimilation   of  previous   acquisitions;   (iii)  its
decentralized  entrepreneurial  environment; and (iv) its greater visibility and
resources  as a public  company.  However,  no  assurance  can be given that the
Company's acquisition program will continue to be successful.


Directors and Executive Officers

Name                Age        Position

Jerry T. Brewer (1)  55     Chairman of the Board
Clete T. Brewer (1)  31     Chief Executive Officer and President; Director
Terry C. Bellora     50     Chief Financial Officer
Ted Feldman          43     Chief Operating Officer
Robert H. Janes III 30 Executive Vice President - Mergers and  Acquisitions
W. David Bartholomew 40 Executive Vice President - Southeastern Operations;
Director  Donald A.  
Marr,  Jr.           32     Executive  Vice  President  -  Southwestern
Steven E.  Schulte   33     Executive  Vice  President -  Administration;
John H.  Maxwell,  
Jr.  (2)             53     Executive  Vice  President  -  Medical
Services;  Director 
Janice Blethen       52     Executive Vice President - Clinical Trials
Support Services; Director
William T. Gregory 54 Vice President and General Manager - Carolina Region;
Mary Sue Maxwell (2) 53     Vice President and General Manager-Oklahoma Region
William J. Lynch     54     Director
R. Clayton McWhorter 63     Director
Charles A. Sanders, 
M.D.                 65     Director

(1) Jerry T. Brewer is the father of Clete T. Brewer
(2) John H. Maxwell, Jr. is the husband of Mary Sue Maxwell

     Jerry T. Brewer  co-founded  StaffMark  in March 1996 and has served  since
then as its Chairman of the Board.  Mr.  Brewer also  co-founded  Brewer in July
1988, and served as its Chairman of the Board. From July 1988 to April 1995, Mr.
Brewer  served as  President  and Chief  Executive  Officer of Brewer.  Clete T.
Brewer  co-founded  StaffMark  in March  1996 and has  served  since then as its
President and Chief Executive Officer and a Director. Mr. Brewer also co-founded
Brewer in July 1988, and served since April 1995, as President,  Chief Executive
Officer and Director of Brewer.  From July 1988 to April 1995, Mr. Brewer served
as Vice President and a Director of Brewer.

     Terry C. Bellora became the Chief Financial  Officer of StaffMark in August
1996. Prior to joining StaffMark,  Mr. Bellora served as Chief Financial Officer
of Pace  Industries,  Inc.  from 1986 to August 1996.  Mr.  Bellora  served as a
director of Pace from 1988 to 1993 and as an advisory director of Pace from 1993
to 1996.  Mr.  Bellora is a Certified  Public  Accountant and was previously the
audit partner for Gaddy & Co. Certified Public  Accountants.

     Ted  Feldman  became  the  Chief   Operating   Officer  of  StaffMark  upon
consummation  of the  Offering.  Mr.  Feldman  founded HRA in 1991 and since its
inception served as its President and Chief Executive  Officer.  From 1979 until
1992,  Mr.  Feldman  served as President of Nashville  Trunk & Bag Co. 

     Robert H. Janes III co-founded StaffMark in March 1996 and has served since
then as its  Executive  Vice  President - Mergers and  Acquisitions.  Mr.  Janes
served as Vice  President  of Finance of Brewer  since April 1995.  From 1988 to
1990 and 1992 to 1995,  he was employed in the corporate  finance  department of
Stephens,  Inc., an investment  banking firm and one of the  underwriters of the
Offering. In 1992, Mr. Janes obtained an MBA from the Wharton School.

     W. David  Bartholomew  is a Director and is the Executive Vice
President -  Southeastern  Operations  of the Company and oversees the Company's
Commercial and Professional/IT  divisions in that region. Mr. Bartholomew served
as Secretary/Treasurer  and Principal of HRA since 1993. From 1991 through 1993,
Mr. Bartholomew was President of Cobble Personnel of Nashville.

     Donald  A.  Marr,  Jr.  is the  Executive  Vice  President  -  Southwestern
Operations   of  the  Company  and  oversees  the   Company's   Commercial   and
Professional/IT  divisions in that region.  He has been employed by Brewer since
1990 and served as Brewer's Vice President of Operations since 1994.

     Steven S.  Schulte is a Director  and is the  Executive  Vice  President  -
Administration  of the Company.  He has been  employed by Prostaff  since August
1987 and served as President and Chief Executive Officer since June 1992.

     John H. Maxwell,  Jr. is a Director and Executive  Vice President - Medical
Services of the Company.  Mr. Maxwell served as the Chief  Executive  Officer of
Maxwell  since 1973.  He is a  Certified  Personnel  Consultant  and a Certified
International  Personnel Consultant.

     Janice  Blethen is a Director and Executive Vice President - Clinical Trial
Support  Services of the  Company.  Ms.  Blethen  served as the Chief  Executive
Officer of Blethen  since its  inception  in 1975.  Ms.  Blethen is a  Certified
Personnel Consultant.

     William  T.   Gregory  is  a   Director,   Vice   President   and   General
Manager-Carolina Region of the Company. Mr. Gregory served as President of First
Choice since 1985. Mr. Gregory is a Certified Personnel Consultant.

     Mary Sue Maxwell is a Vice President and General  Manager - Oklahoma Region
of the Company.  Ms. Maxwell served as President of Maxwell since 1983.  William
J. Lynch is a Director of the Company.

     Mr.  Lynch is a Managing  Director  of  Capstone  Partners,  LLC, a special
situations venture capital Firm.From October 1989 to March 1996, Mr. Lynch was a
partner of the law firm of Morgan,  Lewis & Bockius LLP. Mr.Lynch also serves as
a director of Coach USA, Inc.,a publicly traded motorcoach services company.

     R. Clayton  McWhorter is a Director of the Company.  Mr. McWhorter  founded
Clayton  Associates,  LLC,  in 1996  to  provide  venture  capital  to  start-up
companies.  Mr.  McWhorter is a member of the Board of Directors of Columbia/HCA
Healthcare Corporation  ("Columbia/HCA") and served as its Chairman of the Board
from April 1996 to May 1996.  Mr.  McWhorter  served as Chairman,  President and
Chief Executive  Officer of Healthtrust,  Inc. from 1987 to April 1995 until its
merger with  Columbia/HCA.  From 1985 to 1987, Mr. McWhorter served as President
and Chief Operating Officer of Hospital  Corporation of America  (Columbia/HCA's
predecessor). Mr. McWhorter is a director of publicly traded companies, Suntrust
Bank -- Nashville, Columbia/HCA, and Corrections Corporation of America. 
He is also a director of Ingram Industries Inc.

     Charles A.  Sanders,  M.D. is a Director  of the  Company.  Dr.  Sanders is
retired from Glaxo,  Inc. where he served as Chief  Executive  Officer from 1989
through 1994 and Chairman from 1992 through 1995. Dr. Sanders  currently  serves
as Chairman of The Commonwealth Fund and Project HOPE and serves on the Board of
Trustees of the  University of North  Carolina at Chapel Hill.  Dr. Sanders is a
former  director of Merrill  Lynch &  Co.,Inc.,Morton  International,  Inc.  and
Reynolds Metal Company.

Full-time Employees

     At December 31, 1996, the Company employed approximately 700 personnel on a
full  time  equivalent  basis  of  which  approximately  530  employees  work in
operations,  approximately  50 employees  work in corporate  administration  and
approximately   120  employees   represent  full  time  information   technology
consultants  who are billed out by the Company.  Full time employees may receive
or participate in benefits such as life insurance, health insurance,  disability
insurance and other benefits.


     The  Company  has  applied  for  Federal   Service  Mark   registration  of
"StaffMark"  and the  associated  Company logo with the United States Patent and
Trademark  Office.  No assurance can be given that any such registration will be
granted or that,  if granted  such  registration  will be  effective  to prevent
others from using the mark  concurrently or challenging the Company's use of the
service mark in certain  locations.  The Company owns and licenses several other
state and federal  trademarks  used by the Founding  Companies and the companies
which  have  been  acquired.  The  Company  believes  that it has all  rights to
trademarks and trade names necessary for the conduct of its business. 

ITEM 2.  PROPERTIES  The  Company  owns no real  property.  It  leases  its
corporate  headquarters  as well as space for all of its branch  offices.  These
facilities  are  principally  used for  operations,  general and  administrative
functions and training.  In addition,  several  facilities  are  maintained  for
storage purposes.  The Company believes that its facilities are adequate for its
needs and does not anticipate inordinate difficulty in replacing such facilities
or opening  additional  facilities,  if needed. The aggregate rental expense for
the Company was  approximately  $1.7 million  during 1996.  See the notes to the
financial  statements of StaffMark and the Founding Companies included elsewhere
herein  for  further  information   relating  to  these  leases.  The  Company's
headquarters are located at 302 East Millsap Road, Fayetteville, Arkansas 72703.
The Company's telephone number is (501) 973-6000.  ITEM 3. LEGAL PROCEEDINGS The
Company is not a party to any  material  pending  legal  proceedings  other than
routine litigation  incidental to its business.  In the opinion of the Company's
management,  such proceedings should not, individually or in the aggregate, have
a materially  adverse effect on the Company's results of operations or financial
condition.  The  Company  maintains  insurance  in such  amounts  and with  such
coverage  and  deductibles  as  management  believes  are  reasonable.  ITEM  4.
a vote of the Company's  security  holders from the closing date of the Offering
to the end of the fiscal year covered by this report.

                                           PART II


     The Company's  Common Stock has traded on the Nasdaq  National Market under
the  symbol  STAF  since  September  27,  1996.  At March 13,  1997,  there were
approximately 165 holders  of  record of the  Company's  Common  Stock.  The
following  table  sets  forth the range of high and low  closing  prices for the
Company's  Common  Stock as  reported  by the  Nasdaq  National  Market for each
quarter since September 27, 1996.

                                                   HIGH        LOW
                        FISCAL 1996

                         Third Quarter            14.750    13.375
                         Fourth Quarter           16.750     9.750

                        FISCAL 1997

                         First Quarter            15.000    12.250
                         (through March 13, 1997)

       The Company does not anticipate  paying any dividends on its Common Stock
in the  foreseeable  future  and  intends  to  retain  future  earnings  for the
operations and expansion of its business. Any future payment of dividends on the
Common Stock is within the  discretion of the Board of Directors and will depend
upon varying factors, including the capital requirements,  operating results and
financial condition of the Company from time to time.


       StaffMark acquired,  simultaneously with the closing of the Offering, the
Founding Companies.  Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities and Exchange
Commission's  Staff  Accounting  Bulletin  ("SAB") No. 97,  which was issued and
became effective July 31, 1996, Brewer was designated,  for financial  reporting
purposes,  as the acquirer of Prostaff,  Maxwell,  HRA, First Choice and Blethen
(collectively referred to as the "Other Founding Companies").  Accordingly,  the
primary financial information presented below relates to Brewer through the date
of the Offering.  The Selected Financial Data should be read in conjunction with
the audited financial  statements of StaffMark and related notes thereto as well
as "Management's  Discussion and Analysis of Financial  Condition and Results of
Operations" which presents the results of operations on a consolidated basis.

                                         Years Ended December 31,
                                 1992     1993      1994     1995      1996
                               --------- -------- --------- -------- ----------
                                           (In thousands, except per share data)
Statement of Income Data:
Revenues ...................   $11,159  $12,313   $27,894  $43,874 $ 104,476

Cost of Services ...........     9,609   10,063    22,906   35,115    81,607

                              -------   -------   -------   -------   -------
Gross profit ...............     1,550    2,250     4,988    8,759    22,869
Operating expenses:
   Selling, general and .....
   administrative .............. 1,043    1,623     3,483    5,804    14,623
   Depreciation and amortization   113      121       256      591     1,374
                                ------   -------   -------   -------   -----
Operating income ...............   394       506    1,249    2,364     6,872
Interest expense ...............    26        54       92      801     1,188
Net income .....................   381       478    1,177    1,587     4,023

Pro Forma:
    Revenues (1)....         $200,020
    Operating income (2)       11,893
    Net income (2)(3)....       6,368
    Net income per share ....    0.67
    Weighted average shares outstanding (4).. 9,545

                                           As of December 31,
Balance Sheet Data:              1992     1993      1994     1995      1996
                              --------- -------- --------- -------- ----------
Working capital ...........     ($324)    $336     $1,157   $1,508   $24,050
Total assets ................   2,321    2,917      4,054   21,752    71,498

Long-term debt, incl. current
   maturities ...............   1,232      224     15,986      --        --
Stockholders' equity ........     846    1,110      2,110    2,786    58,110
- --------------
(1) Adjusted to reflect the  acquisition of the Other  Founding  Companies as
    well as Brewer's acquisition of On Call Employment Services, Inc. ("On

(2) Adjusted to reflect the  acquisition of the Other Founding  Companies and On
    Call and reductions in salaries to certain owners of the Founding  Companies
    which were agreed to in conjunction with the Mergers.

(3) Gives effect to certain tax  adjustments  related to the taxation of certain
    Founding  Companies  as S  Corporations  prior  to the  consummation  of the
    Mergers and the tax impact of the Compensation Differential in each period.

(4) Pro forma  weighted  average  shares  outstanding  is computed based on: (i)
    8,300,000  weighted average shares  outstanding from January 1, 1996 through
    the  Offering on October 2, 1996  representing  1,355,000  shares  issued by
    StaffMark prior to the Offering,  approximately  5,618,000  shares issued to
    the  stockholders  of the Founding  Companies in connection with the Mergers
    and approximately 1,327,000 shares issued in connection with the Offering to
    pay the cash portion of the  consideration for the Founding  Companies;  and
    (ii) 13,242,000 weighted average actual shares outstanding from the Offering
    date through December 31, 1996.


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

       The following discussion should be read in conjunction with the "Selected
Financial  Data" and related notes thereto,  and StaffMark's  audited  financial
statements and related notes thereto appearing elsewhere in this Form 10-K.


       On October 2, 1996,  StaffMark acquired,  simultaneously with the closing
of the Offering, the Founding Companies.  Based on the provisions of SAB No. 97,
Brewer was  designated  as the  acquirer  of the Other  Founding  Companies  for
financial  reporting  purposes.  As Brewer was  designated  as the  acquirer for
financial reporting purposes, the financial information presented below reflects
the results of its  operations  for the years ended January 1, 1995 and December
31, 1995.  The Company's  results of operations for 1996 represent a combination
of  Brewer's  results  for the nine  months  ended  September  30,  1996 and the
Company's consolidated results of operations for the three months ended December
31, 1996. As the  acquisition  and the Offering were  accounted for based on the
provisions  of  SAB  No.  97,  the  acquisition  of  assets  and  assumption  of
liabilities of the Founding  Companies are reflected at their  historical  cost.
Throughout  management's  discussion  and  analysis of financial  condition  and
results of  operations,  references  to "the  Company"  relate to Brewer for the
periods prior to the acquisition of the Other Founding Companies, which occurred
on October 2, 1996 and relate to  StaffMark  and its  consolidated  subsidiaries
subsequent to that date.

       The  information  below is intended to discuss the results of  operations
for the  Company  for fiscal  year 1996 as  compared to fiscal year 1995 and the
results of  operations of the Company for fiscal year 1995 as compared to fiscal
year 1994. Also presented are the combined results of operations for fiscal year
1996 as  compared to fiscal year 1995 and fiscal year 1995 as compared to fiscal
year 1994.


       The Company provides temporary staffing, outsourcing and direct placement
services to businesses,  professional  organizations,  medical  niches,  service
organizations  and  governmental  agencies.  The  Company  generally  recognizes
revenues  upon  performance  of  services.  The  Company  compensates  its field
employees (temporary employees) only for hours actually worked,  therefore wages
of the  field  employees  are a  variable  cost that  increase  or  decrease  in
proportion  to revenues.  Cost of services  primarily  consists of wages paid to
field employees, payroll taxes, workers' compensation and other related employee
benefits.  Selling,  general and administrative expenses are comprised primarily
of administrative salaries, benefits, marketing, rent and recruitment expenses.

       StaffMark  completed its initial  public stock offering and merger of the
six founding  companies on October 2, 1996. The Company,  on a combined  revenue
basis,  grew at 35% during  fiscal 1996 and at 38% during the fourth  quarter of
1996, our first quarter as a public company.  Gross profit and operating profits
for the year and for the  fourth  quarter  were  substantially  above  1995 with
increasing net margins.

       StaffMark was able to achieve these results with a very focused  internal
growth plan,  emphasis on integration  of services among the founding  companies
and an aggressive acquisition plan.

       StaffMark  completed three acquisitions in the fourth quarter of 1996 and
two  acquisitions  in the  first  quarter  of 1997  and  will  continue  to make
acquisitions within the parameters  established by the Board of Directors of the
Company.  The  Company,  after  completing  these five  acquisitions,  still had
approximately  $10 million in cash, no debt, and a $50 million  credit  facility
available with Mercantile Bank of St. Louis National Association.

       The  financial  information  provided  below has been rounded in order to
simplify  its  presentation.   However, the  percentages  provided  below  are
calculated using the detailed financial  information  contained in the financial
statements, the notes thereto and the other financial data included elsewhere in
this Form 10-K. Additionally, the combined results discussed below occurred when
the combined  companies  were not under common control or management and may not
be comparable to, or indicative of future performance.


Year Ended December 31, 1996 Compared to Year Ended December 31, 1995

       Revenues.  Revenues increased $60.6 million, or 138.1%, to $104.5 million
for 1996  compared  to  $43.9  million  for  1995.  This  increase  was  largely
attributable  to the fourth  quarter  1996  acquisitions  of the Other  Founding
Companies, Technology, Advantage and Tom Bain, which accounted for $37.3 million
of the increase. The acquisition of On Call in February 1996 and the acquisition
of  Caldwell  in July 1995  accounted  for  $13.0  million  and  $11.7  million,
respectively,  of the  increase in  revenues,  which was  partially  offset by a
decrease in Brewer's revenues, exclusive of acquisitions,  of approximately $1.3

       Cost of Services. Cost of services increased $46.5 million, or 132.4%, to
$81.6  million for 1996  compared to $35.1  million for 1995.  This increase was
mainly  attributable  to the  acquisitions  of  the  Other  Founding  Companies,
Technology,  Advantage and Tom Bain,  which  accounted for $28.6 million of this
increase.  Also attributing to the increase were the acquisitions of On Call and
Caldwell, which accounted for $10.7 million and $9.3 million,  respectively,  of
the change. This increase was partially offset by a decrease in Brewer's cost of
services, exclusive of acquisitions, of approximately $2.0 million.

       Gross Profit.  Gross profit increased $14.1 million,  or 161.1%, to $22.9
million  for 1996 as  compared  to $8.8  million  for  1995.  Gross  profit as a
percentage  of revenues  increased to 21.9% for 1996 compared to 20.0% for 1995.
These  increases are primarily  attributable  to the  acquisitions  of the Other
Founding Companies,  Technology,  Advantage,  Tom Bain, On Call and Caldwell, as
well as a reduction in workers' compensation expense.

       Operating  Expense.  SG&A  increased  $8.8 million,  or 152.0%,  to $14.6
million for 1996 compared to $5.8 million for 1995.  This increase was primarily
attributable to the  acquisitions of the Other Founding  Companies,  Technology,
Advantage and Tom Bain,  which accounted for $5.5 million of the increase.  Also
contributing  to the increase  were the  acquisitions  of On Call and  Caldwell,
which accounted for $1.6 million and $1.4 million of the increase, respectively.
SG&A as a percentage  of revenues  increased to 14.0% for 1996 compared to 13.2%
for 1995.  Depreciation and amortization expense increased $784,000,  or 132.9%,
to $1.4  million for 1996  compared  to $590,000  for 1995.  This  increase  was
primarily  attributable to increased  amortization of intangibles resulting from
the February 1996  acquisition  of On Call.  Also,  1996 included a full year of
amortization of intangibles  relating to the July 1995  acquisition of Caldwell.
Both of these  acquisitions  were  accounted  for using the purchase  accounting

       Operating Income.  Operating income increased $4.5 million, or 190.1%, to
$6.9 million for 1996 as compared to $2.4 million for 1995.  Operating income as
a  percentage  of  revenues  increased  to 6.6% for 1996 as compared to 5.4% for

       Net Income. Net income increased $2.4 million, or 153.6%, to $4.0 million
for 1996  compared  to $1.6  million  for 1995.  Net income as a  percentage  of
revenues increased to 3.9% for 1996 compared to 3.6% for 1995.

Year Ended December 31, 1995 Compared to Year Ended December 31, 1994

       Revenues.  Revenues  increased $16.0 million,  or 57.3%, to $43.9 million
for 1995  compared  to $27.9  million  for 1994.  This  increase  was  primarily
attributable  to the  acquisition of Caldwell in July 1995,  which accounted for
$11.7 million of the increase in revenues.

       Cost of Services.  Cost of services increased $12.2 million, or 53.3%, to
$35.1  million for 1995  compared to $22.9  million for 1994.  This increase was
primarily related to the Caldwell acquisition,  which accounted for $9.4 million
of the increase.

       Gross Profit.  Gross profit  increased  $3.8 million,  or 75.6%,  to $8.8
million for 1995 compared to $5.0 million for 1994. Gross margin as a percentage
of  revenues  increased  to 20.0% for 1995  compared  to 17.9%  for 1994.  These
increases  for the branches  were  primarily  attributable  to the impact of the
acquisition  of Caldwell and the  improvement  in gross margins for the branches
acquired from Aaron Temporary Services, Inc. in November 1993.

       Operating  Expenses.  SG&A  increased  $2.3  million,  or 66.6%,  to $5.8
million for 1995 compared to $3.5 million for 1994.  This increase was primarily
attributable  to the  acquisition of Caldwell.  SG&A as a percentage of revenues
increased  to 13.2%  for 1995  compared  to 12.5%  for  1994.  Depreciation  and
amortization  expense  increased  $334,000,  or  130.5%,  to  $590,000  for 1995
compared to $256,000 for 1994.  This  increase  was  primarily  attributable  to
increased   amortization  of  intangibles  resulting  from  the  acquisition  of

       Operating Income.  Operating income increased $1.1 million,  or 89.3%, to
$2.4 million for 1995 compared to $1.2 million for 1994.  Operating  income as a
percentage of revenues increased to 5.4% for 1995 compared to 4.5% for 1994.

       Interest  Expense.  Interest expense  increased  $709,000 to $801,000 for
1995 compared to $92,000 for 1994.  This increase was primarily  attributable to
higher interest costs on debt incurred to finance the acquisition of Caldwell.

       Net Income. Net income increased $410,000,  or 34.8%, to $1.6 million for
1995  compared to $1.2 million for 1994.  Net income as a percentage of revenues
decreased to 3.6% for 1995 compared to 4.2% for 1994.

Results of Operations - Combined

       The combined  results  from January 1, 1994 through the Offering  date of
October 2, 1996 discussed  below  occurred when the Founding  Companies were not
under common  control or management  and may not be comparable to, or indicative
of, future  performance.  The following table sets forth the combined results of
operations for fiscal years 1994, 1995 and 1996.

                                                Years Ended December 31,
                             1994      %       1995      %       1996        %
                            ------  ------    ------  ------    ------    ------
REVENUES ...............   $121,156  100.0%  $146,687  100.0%  $198,444   100.0%

                             97,112   80.2    117,103   79.8    155,472    78.3
                            -------  -----   --------  -----   --------   ------
    Gross profit             24,044   19.8     29,584   20.2     42,972    21.7
    Selling, general and
       administrative        19,067   15.7     24,069   16.4     29,840    15.0
    Depreciation and
    amortization .......        742    0.6      1,157    0.8      1,911     1.0
                            -------  -----   --------  -----   --------   ------
       Operating profit     $ 4,235    3.5%   $ 4,358    3.0%  $ 11,221     5.7%
                            =======   =====   =======   =====  ========     ====

Combined  Results for the Year Ended  December  31, 1996  Compared to the Year
Ended  December 31, 1995

Combined Revenues.  Combined revenues increased $51.8 million,  or 35.3%,
to $198.4  million for 1996 compared to $146.7  million for 1995.  This increase
was  largely  attributable  to  Brewer's  increase  in revenue of $23.3  million
primarily  resulting  from  the  acquisitions  of On Call in  February  1996 and
Caldwell in July 1995. Also  contributing  to the increase in combined  revenues
was an increase in Prostaff's,  Maxwell's,  HRA's,  First Choice's and Blethen's
revenues of $4.6  million,  $5.4 million,  $9.0  million,  $3.9 million and $3.4
million,  respectively,  and the  acquisitions of Technology,  Advantage and Tom
Bain during the fourth quarter of 1996.

     Combined  Cost of  Services.  Combined  cost of  services  increased  $38.4
million,  or 32.8%,  to $155.5  million for 1996 compared to $117.1  million for
1995.  This increase was largely  attributable  to Brewer's  increase in cost of
services of $17.9 million resulting from the acquisitions of On Call in February
1996 and Caldwell in July 1995.  Also  contributing  to the increase in combined
cost of services was an increase in Prostaff's, Maxwell's, HRA's, First Choice's
and Blethen's cost of services of $3.3 million, $3.6 million, $6.1 million, $2.9
million and $2.8 million,  respectively,  and the  acquisitions  of  Technology,
Advantage and Tom Bain during the fourth quarter of 1996.

Combined Gross Profit.  Combined gross profit increased $13.4 million, or
45.3%, to $43.0 million for 1996 as compared to $29.6 million for 1995. Combined
gross profit as a percentage of revenues increased to 21.7% at December 31, 1996
from 20.2% at December 31, 1995.  These increases are primarily  attributable to
increased revenues and an expansion of the information  technology and specialty
medical divisions, which provide higher gross margins, as well as a reduction in
workers' compensation expense.


Combined  Operating  Expense.  Combined SG&A increased  $5.8 million,  or
24.0%,  to $29.8  million  for 1996  compared to $24.1  million  for 1995.  This
increase was  primarily  attributable  to Brewer's SG&A increase of $3.3 million
resulting from their acquisitions of On Call and Caldwell.  Also contributing to
the increase in combined  SG&A was an increase in  Maxwell's,  HRA's,  and First
Choice's SG&A of $750,000, $895,000 and $216,000, respectively. Combined SG&A as
a percentage of revenues  decreased to 15.0% for 1996 compared to 16.4% for 1995
as a result of  spreading  fixed  costs  over  increased  revenues  and  gaining
operating  efficiencies as the result of the Mergers.  Combined depreciation and
amortization  expense increased $.8 million,  or 65.2%, to $1.9 million for 1996
compared to $1.2 million for 1995.  This increase was primarily  attributable to
increased  amortization of intangibles resulting from the acquisition of On Call
in February 1996. Also, 1996 included a full year of amortization of intangibles
relating to the acquisition of Caldwell in July 1995.

Combined  Operating  Profit.  Combined  operating  profit  increased $6.9
million,  or 157.5%,  to $11.2  million for 1996 as compared to $4.4 million for
1995.  Combined  operating profit as a percentage of revenues  increased to 5.7%
for 1996 as compared to 3.0% for 1995.

     Combined  Results for the Year Ended December 31, 1995 Compared to the Year
Ended December 31, 1994 Combined  Revenues.  Combined  revenues  increased $25.5
million,  or 21.1%,  to $146.7  million for 1995 compared to $121.2  million for
1994. This increase was largely due to: (i) an increase in Brewer's  revenues of
$16.0 million,  primarily  attributable  to the  acquisition of Caldwell in July
1995; (ii) an increase in Prostaff's revenues of $3.7 million,  primarily due to
the addition of new significant clients and the opening of several new branches;
and  (iii)  an  increase  in  Maxwell's  revenues  of  $1.9  million,  primarily
attributable to a significant client contract. Also contributing to the increase
in combined  revenues  was an increase in HRA's,  Blethen's  and First  Choice's
revenues of $1.8 million, $1.4 million and $696,000, respectively.

Combined  Cost of Services.  Combined  cost of services  increased  $20.0
million,  or 20.6%,  to $117.1 million for 1995 compared to $97.1 for 1994. This
increase  was  primarily  attributable  to: (i) an increase in Brewer's  cost of
services of $12.2  million,  largely due to the  Caldwell  acquisition;  (ii) an
increase in Prostaff's  cost of services of $2.8  million,  primarily due to the
addition of  significant  clients and the opening of several new  branches;  and
(iii) an increase in Maxwell's  cost of services of $1.7 million,  primarily due
to a significant client contract.  Also contributing to the increase in combined
cost of services was an increase in HRA's,  Blethen's and First Choice's cost of
services of $1.6 million, $1.1 million and $576,000, respectively.

Combined Gross Profit.  Combined gross profit increased $5.5 million,  or
23.0%, to $29.6 million for 1995 as compared to $24.0 million for 1994. Combined
gross margin as a percentage  of combined  revenues  increased to 20.2% for 1995
compared to 19.8% for 1994. These increases in combined gross margin was largely
the result of the acquisition of Caldwell by Brewer.

Combined  Operating  Expense.  Combined SG&A increased  $5.0 million,  or
26.2%,  to $24.1  million  for 1995  compared to $19.0  million  for 1994.  This
increase was primarily attributable to: (i) an increase in Brewer's SG&A of $2.3
million,  largely  related to the  acquisition of Caldwell;  (ii) an increase in
Prostaff's  SG&A  of  $1.2  million,  primarily  due to  increased  compensation
associated  with the opening of several new  branches;  and (iii) an increase in
HRA's SG&A of $1.0 million,  primarily attributable to costs associated with the
opening of several  new  branches.  Combined  SG&A as a  percentage  of combined
revenues  increased  to 16.4% for 1995  compared  to 15.7%  for  1994.  Combined
depreciation  and amortization  expense  increased  $415,000,  or 56.0%, to $1.2
million for 1995  compared to $742,000 for 1994.  This  increase  was  primarily
attributable to increased amortization of intangibles by Brewer,  resulting from
the acquisition of Caldwell in 1995.

Combined Operating Profit.  Combined operating profit increased $123,000,
or 2.9%, to $4.4 million for 1995 as compared to $4.2 million for 1994. Combined
operating profit as a percentage of combined revenues decreased to 3.0% for 1995
as compared to 3.5% for 1994.


Liquidity and Capital Resources

On October 2, 1996, the Company completed the Offering which involved the
public sale of 6.325 million shares of Common Stock (including the underwriters'
over-allotment)  at  a  price  of  $12.00  per  share.  The  proceeds  from  the
transaction,  net of underwriting  discounts and commissions and after deducting
expenses of the Offering were approximately $66.6 million. Of this amount, $15.9
million was used to pay the cash portion of the purchase  price for the Founding
Companies.  In addition,  approximately  $31.0  million of the net proceeds were
used to repay indebtedness of the Founding Companies. The remaining net proceeds
are for working capital and general  corporate  purposes,  which are expected to
include future acquisitions.

Between the date of the  Offering  and  December  31,  1996,  the Company
completed three acquisitions accounted for using the purchase accounting method.
The  aggregate  consideration  paid for  Technology,  Advantage and Tom Bain was
approximately  $9.6 million in cash and 118,763  shares of the Company's  Common
Stock. The cash portion of the consideration  paid was funded with proceeds from
the Offering.

In October  1996,  the Company  established  a $50 million line of credit
with  Mercantile  Bank of St. Louis National  Association to be used for working
capital and other general corporate purposes, including future acquisitions. The
commitment  includes a $20 million  revolving  credit facility and a $30 million
acquisition  facility.  The facility  matures on October 4, 2001 and interest on
any borrowings  will be computed at the Company's  option at either LIBOR or the
bank's prime rate and  incrementally  adjusted based on the Company's  operating
leverage ratios. The Company is obligated to pay a commitment fee equal to 0.25%
per annum  multiplied by the total line of credit  commitment  through March 31,
1997.  Subsequent to March 31, 1997, the commitment fee is equal to 0.25% of the
unused portion of the total revolving credit commitment.  The credit facility is
secured  by all assets of the  Company  and a pledge of 100% of the stock of all
the subsidiaries. As of December 31, 1996, no funds have been borrowed on either
credit facility.

In October 1996, the Company registered an additional 4 million shares of
its  Common  Stock  for  use by the  Company as consideration to be paid in
conjunction with future acquisitions. As of December 31, 1996, none of these
shares had been issued.

Net cash  provided  by  operating  activities  was $1.9  million and $1.6
million  in 1996 and 1995,  respectively.  The net cash  provided  by  operating
activities for the periods  presented was primarily  attributable  to net income
and changes in operating assets and liabilities.

Cash used in investing  activities was $28.0 million and $12.0 million in 1996
and 1995, respectively. Cash used in investing activities in 1996 was primarily
related  to the  acquisitions of the Founding  Companies, On Call, Technology,
Advantage and Tom Bain. Cash used in investing activities in 1995 was primarily
related to the  acquisition of Caldwell for approximately $11.5 million.

Cash provided by financing activities was $39.7 million and $10.6 million in
1996 and 1995, respectively. Cash provided by financing activities in 1996 was
primarily attributable to the issuance of common stock in conjunction with the
Offering and proceeds from debt issued in conjunction with the acquisition of
On Call partially offset by the repayment of all Founding Company debt
obligations with proceeds from the Offering and dividends to stockholders.Cash
provided by financing activities in 1995 was primarily attributable to the
proceeds from debt issued in conjunction with the acquisition of Caldwell
partially offset by debt payments and dividends paid to stockholders.

As a result of the foregoing, cash and cash equivalents increased $13.5 million
and $211,000 in 1996 and 1995, respectively. As of December 31, 1996, the
Company had no long-term debt outstanding.

The Company expects to continue its aggressive acquisition program. The Company
intends to use a combination of cash, debt and Common Stock to finance the
majority of the consideration payable in acquisitions. While there can be no
assurance, management of the Company believes that the funds currently available
on hand, funds to be provided by operations,  and funds  available  through the
existing credit  facilities, coupled  with  management's  assessment  of  the
Company's  additional  borrowing  capacity,  will  be  sufficient  to  meet  the
Company's anticipated needs for working capital, capital expenditures and future
acquisitions.  Management  plans to  periodically  reassess  the adequacy of the
Company's credit facilities, taking into consideration  current and anticipated
operating cash flow,  anticipated capital  expenditures and acquisition plans in
order to ensure the Company's  negotiated credit facilities are adequate to meet
the Company's liquidity needs on a short-term and long-term basis.

From time to time, the Company may publish forward-looking statements relating
to such matters as anticipated financial performance, business prospects,
new services and similar matters. The Private Securities Litigation Reform Act
of 1995 provides a safe harbor for forward-looking statements made by or on
behalf of the Company. In order to comply with the terms of the safe harbor, the
Company notes that a variety of factors could cause the Company's actual results
and experience to

differ materially from the anticipated results or other
expectations expressed in any forward-looking statements, whether oral or
written, made by or on behalf of the Company.

The risks and uncertainties that may affect the operations, performance,
development and results of the Company's business include the following:
competitive pressures, inflation, consumer debt levels, interest rate
fluctuations, loss of existing customers, loss of key management, unexpected
costs or operational problems, those certain risk factors set forth under "Risk
Factors" and elsewhere in the Company's Prospectus dated September 26, 1996,
made under the Securities and Exchange Act of 1933 and other factors  previously
identified in filings or statements made with the Commission by or on behalf of
the Company.  Forward-looking statements made by or on behalf of the Company are
based on a knowledge of its business and the  environment  in which it operates,
but because of the factors listed above, actual results may differ from those in
the  forward-looking  statements. Consequently,  all  of  the  forward-looking
statements made are qualified by these cautionary statements and there can be no
assurance  that the actual  results or  developments  anticipated by the Company
will be realized  or, even if  substantially  realized,  that they will have the
expected  consequences  to  or  effects  on  the  Company  or  its  business  or

Subsequent Acquisitions

     Between  January  1, 1997 and March 13,  1997,  the  Company  acquired  two
businesses (see  "Acquisitions").  The  consideration  paid for these businesses
consisted of $2.5 million in cash.



                                INDEX TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

     Report of Independent Public Accountants                               21
     Consolidated Balance Sheets                                            22
     Consolidated Statements of Income                                      23
     Consolidated Statements of Stockholders' Equity                        24
     Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows                                  25
     Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements                             27

     Report of Independent Public Accountants                               38
     Combined Balance Sheets                                                39
     Combined Statements of Income                                          40
     Combined Statements of Stockholders' Equity                            41
     Combined Statements of Cash Flows                                      42
     Notes to Combined Financial Statements                                 44

     Report of Independent Public Accountants                               51
     Combined Balance Sheets                                                52
     Combined Statements of Income                                          53
     Combined Statements of Stockholders' Equity                            54
     Combined Statements of Cash Flows                                      55
     Notes to Combined Financial Statements                                 57

     Report of Independent Public Accountants                               64
     Balance Sheets                                                         65
     Statements of Income                                                   66
     Statements of Stockholders' Equity                                     67
     Statements of Cash Flows                                               68
     Notes to Financial Statements                                          70

     Report of Independent Public Accountants                               79
     Balance Sheets                                                         80
     Statements of Income                                                   81
     Statements of Stockholders' Equity                                     82
     Statements of Cash Flows                                               83
     Notes to Financial Statements                                          84

     Report of Independent Public Accountants                               90
     Combined Balance Sheets                                                91
     Combined Statements of Income                                          92
     Combined Statements of Stockholders' Equity                            93
     Combined Statements of Cash Flows                                      94
     Notes to Combined Financial Statements                                 96



To the Board of Directors of StaffMark, Inc.:

       We  have  audited  the  accompanying   consolidated   balance  sheets  of
StaffMark,  Inc. (the "Company",  a Delaware Corporation) and Subsidiaries as of
December 31, 1995 and 1996, and the related  consolidated  statements of income,
stockholders'  equity and cash  flows for each of the three  years in the period
ended December 31, 1996. These financial  statements are the  responsibility  of
the Company's  management.  Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these
financial statements based on our audits.

       We conducted our audits in accordance  with generally  accepted  auditing
standards. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain
reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material
misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting
the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements.  An audit also includes
assessing the  accounting  principles  used and  significant  estimates  made by
management,  as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation.
We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.

       In our  opinion,  the  financial  statements  referred  to above  present
fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of StaffMark,  Inc. and
Subsidiaries  as of  December  31,  1995  and  1996,  and the  results  of their
operations  and their cash flows for each of the three years in the period ended
December 31, 1996, in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles.

                                                          ARTHUR ANDERSEN LLP

Little Rock, Arkansas,
February 5, 1997.

                                            STAFFMARK, INC.

                                      CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS

                                                 December 31,
                                                   1995         1996
   Cash and cash equivalents ..............      $319,159   $13,856,422
   Accounts receivable, net of allowance
      for doubtful accounts of $214,187 and
      $441,397                                  4,798,476    21,064,875
   Prepaid expenses and other .............       253,143     1,577,508
              Total current assets ........     5,370,778    36,498,805
PROPERTY AND EQUIPMENT, net ...............       796,930     4,003,638
INTANGIBLE ASSETS, net ....................    15,555,459    30,512,571
OTHER ASSETS ..............................        29,192       483,217
                                              $21,752,359   $71,498,231

                             LIABILITIES AND STOCKHOLDERS' EQUITY

   Accounts payable and other accrued
      liabilities .........................      $648,106    $1,907,331
   Outstanding checks .........................   226,307       176,156
   Payroll and related liabilities .............1,020,973     3,515,743
   Reserve for workers' compensation claims ....  775,801     3,771,398
   Line of credit ..............................  309,068          --
   Current maturities of long-term debt ........  882,487          --
   Income taxes payable .......................      --       2,415,203
   Deferred income taxes .......................     --         662,505
              Total current liabilities ........3,862,742    12,448,336
LONG-TERM DEBT, less current maturities ...    15,103,831          --
OTHER LONG-TERM LIABILITIES .......... ....          --         518,669
DEFERRED INCOME TAXES .....................          --         421,147
(Notes 12 through 14) STOCKHOLDERS' EQUITY:
Preferred stock, $.01 par value; authorized shares of 1,000,000;
no shares issued or outstanding ..........           --            --
Common stock, $.01 par value in 1995 and 1996; authorized
shares of 10,000 in 1995 and 26,000,000 in 1996; shares
issued and outstanding of 117.5 in 1995
and 13,417,012 in 1996                                  1       134,170
Paid-in capital ...........................        98,059    55,379,391
Retained earnings .........................     2,687,726     2,596,518
              Total stockholders' equity ..     2,785,786    58,110,079
                                              $21,752,359   $71,498,231

                 The   accompanying   notes   to   consolidated   financial
                 statements  are an  integral  part of these  consolidated
                 balance sheets.

                                            STAFFMARK, INC.

                                   CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF INCOME

                                             Fiscal Years
                                      1994            1995              1996

SERVICE REVENUES ......  .       $ 27,894,455     $43,874,246      $104,476,109
COST OF SERVICES .............     22,906,230      35,115,355        81,606,986
              Gross profit ..       4,988,225       8,758,891        22,869,123
   Selling, general and
      administrative .........      3,483,070       5,804,348        14,623,615
   Depreciation and
      amortization ..............     255,895         590,066         1,373,954
              Operating income ...  1,249,260       2,364,477         6,871,554
   Interest expense ..........        (92,132)       (800,704)
   Other, net ................         19,653          22,765           300,954
   Income before provision
   for income taxes                 1,176,781       1,586,538         5,796,629
PROVISION FOR INCOME TAXES ......       --              --               --
   Net income .....              $  1,176,781      $1,586,538        $4,022,796

Unaudited Pro Forma Data (Note 15):
   Pro forma net income ..............................   $  6,368,000
   Pro forma earnings per share ......................   $       0.67
   Weighted average common shares outstanding ........      9,545,558

Theaccompanying notes to consolidated financial
statements are an integral part of these consolidated


                                            STAFFMARK, INC.


                         Common Stock   Paid-in             Retained
                               Shares   Amount   Capital    Earnings    Total
BALANCE, January 2, 1994        117.5  $40,424      -     $ 1,069,269 $1,109,693
   Net income                     -       -         -       1,176,781  1,176,781
   Dividends                      -       -         -       (176,271)  (176,271)

BALANCE, January 1, 1995        117.5   40,424      -       2,069,779  2,110,203
   Change in the par value
      stock from no par
      to $.01 per share           -    (40,423)  40,423         -           -
   Net income                     -       -         -       1,586,538  1,586,538
   Contribution                   -       -       57,636        -         57,636
   Dividends                      -       -         -       (968,591)  (968,591)
BALANCE, December 31, 1995      117.5     1       98,059    2,687,726  2,785,786
   Dividends declared:
      Cash                        -       -         -     (1,015,092)(1,015,092)
      Property                    -       -         -       (73,700)    (73,700)
   Shares issued in
      conjunction with
      purchase of On Call       10.0      -      319,149        -        319,149
   Exercise of stock options     7.5      -      160,000        -        160,000
   Issuance of common stock
   upon formation of
   StaffMark, Inc.            1,000.0    10         -           -             10
   Split of StaffMark,
   Inc. common stock      1,354,000. 13,540      (13,540)       -           -
   Issuance of common stock,
   net of offering costs  6,325,000. 63,250    66,518,234       -     66,581,484
   Conversion of Brewer
   common stock into common
   stock of StaffMark,
   Inc.                 1,934,865.0  19,349    (2,969,349)      -    (2,950,000)
   Acquisition of Other
   Founding Companies   3,683,249.0  36,832   (10,940,326)      -   (10,903,494)
   Reclassification of 
     retained earnings in
   conjunction with the conversion from
   S Corporation to C Corporation status
   for tax reporting
   purposes                 -          -         3,025,212 (3,025,212)    -
   Establishment of deferred income tax
   liabilities in conjunction with the
   conversion from S Corporation to
   C Corporation status for tax
   reporting purposes       -          -        (1,839,706)     -    (1,839,706)
   Shares issued in conjunction
   with purchase of
   Technology Source      118,763.0   1,188       1,021,658     -      1,022,846
   Net income                -         -             -      4,022,796  4,022,796
December 31, 1996      13,417,012. $134,170   $55,379,391 $2,596,518 $58,110,079

                         The  accompanying   notes  to  consolidated   financial
                           statements are an integral part of these consolidated

                                            STAFFMARK, INC.

                                 CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS

                                           Fiscal Years
                                        1994            1995             1996

      Net income .............       $1,176,781 $    1,586,538$        4,022,796
      Adjustments to reconcile net
         income to net cash provided
         by operating activities:
      Depreciation and amortization    255,895        590,066          1,373,954
      Provision for bad debts ..        24,058        169,879            206,123
      Net (gain) loss on sale
      of property and equipment .       (5,066)         4,095           (24,985)
      Change in operating accounts, net of effects of acquisitions:
           Accounts receivable .      (963,971)      (334,940)       (1,547,830)
           Prepaid expenses and other  (49,960)       (44,025)         (207,421)
           Other assets ........       (16,152)        (6,101)         (421,792)
           Accounts payable and
           other accrued liabilities     88,096        58,395          (439,051)
           Outstanding checks .....      66,468      (508,117)         (305,921)
           Payroll and related
           liabilities ..........       241,001      (270,377)       (2,228,932)
           Reserve for workers'
           compensation claims ..        76,391        359,810            94,496
           Income taxes payable .          --            --            1,340,056
              Net cash provided by
              operating activities      893,541      1,605,223         1,861,493

      Acquisition of Founding
      Companies, net of cash acquired     --             --         (14,989,436)
      Purchases of businesses, net of
      cash acquired ............          --       (11,500,000)     (12,322,832)
      Capital expenditures ....        (253,373)      (414,569)        (664,996)
      Acquisition of training licenses
      and rights ...........              --           (65,262)           --
      Receipts on notes receivable      110,000          --               --
      Advances of notes receivable ..  (220,445)       (40,000)           --
      Proceeds from sale of property
      and equipment ..........           19,067         16,652            --
              Net cash used in investing
              activities .... ...      (344,751)   (12,003,179)     (27,977,264)

                      Theaccompanying    notes   to    consolidated    financial
                         statements  are an integral part of these  consolidated


                                            STAFFMARK, INC.

                           CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS--(Continued)

                                                     Fiscal Years
                                         1994           1995             1996

 Issuance of common stock,
 net of offering costs                    --             --         $ 66,581,484
 Proceeds from borrowings ......      1,584,500      13,366,512        5,875,106
 Payments on debt and borrowings .   (1,920,296)     (1,919,865)
 Distributions to stockholders .....   (176,271)       (623,484)     (1,015,092)
 Contribution from stockholder ...        --             57,636           --
 Proceeds from exercise of stock options  --              --             160,000
 Deferred financing costs .....           --           (271,750)       (398,708)
 Other, net ............................. --              --             465,542
Net cash (used in) provided by
financing activities ...  .....       (512,067)      10,609,049       39,653,034
EQUIVALENTS ........  .........         36,723          211,093       13,537,263
   beginning of period ........         71,343          108,066          319,159
   end of period ..........            108,066         $319,159      $13,856,422
      Interest paid .........          107,222          427,456       $1,629,958
      Income taxes paid ..........       --               --             344,000

      Non-cash transactions:
         Notes payable issued to
           purchase businesses ..        --        $  3,100,000          --

         Distribution of notes
           receivable to stockholders    --            345,107           --

         Distribution of property to
           stockholders ..               --             --                73,700
Theaccompanying notes to consolidated financial
statements are an integral part of these consolidated


                                            STAFFMARK, INC.


       In March 1996, StaffMark, Inc. (the "Company" or "StaffMark") was founded
to create a national company to provide temporary staffing  services.  Effective
October 2, 1996, the Company acquired six local and regional  temporary staffing
companies (the "Founding Companies") and completed an initial public offering of
its common stock (the "Offering"). Based on the provisions of the Securities and
Exchange Commission's Staff Accounting Bulletin ("SAB") No. 97, Brewer Personnel
Services,  Inc.  ("Brewer")  was  designated  as  the  acquirer,  for  financial
reporting  purposes,  of The Prostaff  Companies,  The Maxwell Companies,  Human
Resources,   Inc.  ,  First  Choice   Staffing,   Inc.  and  The  Blethen  Group
(collectively  referred  to as the "Other  Founding  Companies").  As Brewer was
designated as the acquirer for financial  reporting  purposes,  the accompanying
financial  statements  reflect the results of its operations for the years ended
January 1, 1995 and  December  31,  1995.  The  results of  operations  for 1996
represent a combination of Brewer's  results for the nine months ended September
30, 1996 and the  Company's  consolidated  results of  operations  for the three
months ended December 31, 1996.  Based on the  applicable  provisions of SAB No.
97,  the  acquisition  of assets  and  assumption  of  liabilities  of the Other
Founding  Companies  are reflected at their  historical  cost.  All  significant
intercompany  transactions have been eliminated in the accompanying consolidated
financial  statements.  References  to "the  Company"  relate to Brewer  for the
periods prior to the acquisitions discussed above and relate to StaffMark,  Inc.
and its consolidated subsidiaries subsequent to that date.

     As of December 31, 1996,  StaffMark operated offices in 9 states located in
the  Southeastern  and  Southwestern  regions of the United  States and provides
temporary  staffing in the commercial,  professional/information  technology and
specialty  medical  staffing  service lines.  StaffMark  extends trade credit to
customers  representing  a  variety  of  industries.  There  are  no  individual
customers that account for more than 10% of service revenues of StaffMark in any
of the periods presented.


  Fiscal Periods--

       Prior to the  Offering,  the fiscal  years of Brewer  ended on the Sunday
closest to December 31. The fiscal  years 1994 and 1995 each  included 52 weeks.
Upon completion of the Offering, StaffMark established a calendar year reporting

  Classification of Prior Year Balances--

       Certain  reclassifications have been made to prior year balances in order
to conform with the current year presentation.

  Use of Estimates--

       The  preparation  of financial  statements in conformity  with  generally
accepted  accounting  principles  requires  management  to  make  estimates  and
assumptions  that affect the reported amounts of assets,  liabilities,  revenues
and expenses and disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities.  The estimates
and  assumptions  used in  preparing  the  accompanying  consolidated  financial
statements  are based upon  management's  evaluation  of the relevant  facts and
circumstances  as of the  date  of the  financial  statements.  However,  actual
results may differ from the estimates and  assumptions  used in preparing  these
financial statements.

  Cash and Cash Equivalents--

       For statement of cash flow purposes,  StaffMark considers cash on deposit
with  financial  institutions  and all highly liquid  investments  with original
maturities of three months or less to be cash equivalents.



  Property and Equipment--

        Property  and  equipment  are  recorded at cost and are  depreciated  or
amortized on a straight-line basis over the estimated useful lives of the assets
which are as follows:

        Furniture, fixtures and equipment                            5-7 years
        Computer equipment and software                              3-5 years
        Leasehold improvements                                      3-15 years

       Additions  that  extend  the lives of the assets  are  capitalized  while
repairs and  maintenance  costs are  expensed as  incurred.  When  property  and
equipment  are  retired,  the  related  cost  and  accumulated  depreciation  or
amortization  are removed from the balance sheet and any resultant  gain or loss
is recorded.

  Intangible Assets--

       Intangible assets primarily consist of goodwill, which is amortized using
the  straight-line  method over periods  ranging  from 15 to 30 years.  Deferred
financing  costs are amortized over the life of the respective  debt  obligation
using a method which  approximates the interest method.  Intangibles  associated
with non-compete  agreements are amortized using the  straight-line  method over
the life of the respective agreements.

  Income Taxes--

       Prior to the acquisition of the Other Founding Companies, Brewer was an S
Corporation  for income tax reporting  purposes.  Accordingly,  no provision for
federal  or state  income  taxes  related  to the  income  for those  periods is
reflected in the accompanying  consolidated  financial  statements as such taxes
are  liabilities of the  individual  stockholders.  The S Corporation  status of
Brewer  terminated  upon the  effective  date of the  acquisition  of the  Other
Founding Companies.

       Subsequent to the  acquisition  of the Other Founding  Companies,  income
taxes have been  provided  based upon the  provisions  of Statement of Financial
Accounting  Standards  ("SFAS") No. 109,  "Accounting  for Income  Taxes," which
requires  recognition  of  deferred  income  taxes using the  liability  method.
Deferred  income  taxes  result  from  the  effect  of  transactions  which  are
recognized  in  different  periods for  financial  and tax  reporting  purposes.
Deferred income taxes are recognized for the tax  consequences of such temporary
differences by applying enacted  statutory tax rates to differences  between the
financial reporting and the tax bases of existing assets and liabilities.

Revenue Recognition--

       Service  revenues are recognized as income at the time staffing  services
are provided.

Workers' Compensation--

       StaffMark  self-insures  certain risks  related to workers'  compensation
claims.  The  estimated  costs of  existing  and future  claims  are  accrued as
incidents  occur  based  upon  historical  loss  development  trends  and may be
subsequently  revised based on developments  relating to such claims.  StaffMark
has engaged the services of a third party actuary to assist with the development
of these cost estimates.

  Fair Value of Financial Instruments--

       StaffMark's  financial  instruments include cash and cash equivalents and
its debt obligations.  Management believes that these financial instruments bear
interest at rates which approximate prevailing market rates for instruments with
similar  characteristics  and,  accordingly,  that the carrying values for these
instruments are reasonable estimates of fair value.



  Accounting for Stock Options--

       During 1995,  the Financial  Accounting  Standards  Board issued SFAS No.
123,  "Accounting for Stock-Based  Compensation," which encourages all companies
to recognize  compensation  expense  based on the fair value,  at grant date, of
instruments  issued  pursuant to stock-based  compensation  plans.  SFAS No. 123
requires the fair value of the instruments  granted,  which is measured pursuant
to the provisions of the  statement,  to be recognized as  compensation  expense
over the vesting period of the  instrument.  However,  the statement also allows
companies to continue to measure  compensation costs for these instruments using
the method of accounting  prescribed by Accounting  Principles Board Opinion No.
25 ("APB 25"), "Accounting for Stock Issued to Employees." Companies electing to
account for stock-based  compensation plans pursuant to the provisions of APB 25
must make pro  forma  disclosures  of net  income  as if the fair  value  method
defined in SFAS No. 123 had been  applied.  StaffMark has elected to account for
stock  options under the  provisions of APB 25 and has included the  disclosures
required by SFAS No. 123 in Note 11.

  Impairment of Long-Lived Assets--

       StaffMark  regularly  evaluates  whether  events and  circumstances  have
occurred  which may indicate  that the carrying  amount of  intangible  or other
long-lived  assets  warrant  revision or may not be  recoverable.  When  factors
indicate that an asset or assets should be evaluated for possible impairment, an
evaluation  would be  performed  pursuant  to the  provisions  of SFAS No.  121,
"Accounting for the Impairment of Long-Lived Assets and for Long-Lived Assets to
be Disposed of." If an evaluation is required, the estimated future undiscounted
cash flows  associated with the asset would be compared to the asset's  carrying
amount to  determine if a write-down  to market  value or  discounted  cash flow
value is  required.  As of  December  31, 1995 and 1996,  management  considered
StaffMark's intangible and other long-lived assets to be fully recoverable.


  Brewer Acquisitions--

       On  July  10,  1995,  Brewer  acquired  the  stock  of  E.P.  Enterprises
Corporation, d/b/a Caldwell Services, Inc. ("Caldwell").  Caldwell is engaged in
providing  temporary personnel services through five staffing offices located in
Georgia.  The acquisition has been accounted for as a purchase,  and the results
of operations of Caldwell  have been included in the  accompanying  consolidated
financial statements since the date of acquisition.  The cost of the acquisition
has been allocated on the basis of the estimated fair market value of the assets
and liabilities acquired.

       Total  consideration  paid for Caldwell was approximately  $17.3 million.
The purchase price included cash of $11.5 million,  a note to the seller of $3.1
million  and the  assumption  of certain  liabilities  of  Caldwell.  The assets
acquired have been recorded at historical,  depreciated cost, which approximated
fair value as of the acquisition  date, with the remaining  acquisition costs of
approximately $15.3 million being recorded as goodwill.
       On  February 2, 1996,  Brewer  acquired  the stock of On Call  Employment
Services,  Inc. ("On Call"). On Call is engaged in providing temporary personnel
services  through four staffing  offices in Colorado.  The  acquisition has been
accounted for as a purchase,  and the results of operations of On Call have been
included in the accompanying consolidated financial statements since the date of
acquisition.  The cost of the acquisition has been allocated on the basis of the
estimated fair market value of the assets and liabilities acquired.

       Total consideration paid for On Call was approximately $3.8 million which
was comprised of cash totaling $3 million,  including $360,000 associated with a
non-compete   agreement,   10  shares  of  Brewer's   common   stock  valued  at
approximately  $320,000 and the assumption of liabilities totaling approximately
$480,000.  The assets  acquired  have been recorded at  historical,  depreciated
cost,  which  approximated  fair  value  as of the  acquisition  date,  with the
remaining  acquisition  costs of  approximately  $3.1 million being  recorded as



  Acquisition of the Other Founding Companies--

       Simultaneously  with the closing of the Offering,  StaffMark  acquired by
merger all of the issued and outstanding  stock of the Founding  Companies.  The
aggregate  consideration  paid in  conjunction  with the mergers  with the Other
Founding  Companies  consisted  of  approximately  $13.0  million  in  cash  and
3,683,249 shares of common stock. The consideration paid in conjunction with the
merger with Brewer consisted of approximately $2.9 million in cash and 1,935,000
shares of common stock.

       Based upon the  applicable  provisions of SAB No. 97, these  acquisitions
have been accounted for as combinations  at historical  cost.  Accordingly,  the
consideration  paid to the Founding  Companies as reflected in the  accompanying
consolidated  financial  statements  represents  the carryover  basis in the net
assets of the Founding Companies, reduced by the cash consideration paid.

  StaffMark Acquisitions--

       Between  the  date of the  Offering  and  December  31,  1996,  StaffMark
completed  three  acquisitions   accounted  for  as  purchases.   The  aggregate
consideration paid for The Technology Source,  L.L.C.  ("Technology"),  Chandler
Enterprises, Inc. d/b/a Advantage Staffing ("Advantage") and Tom Bain Personnel,
Inc.  ("Tom  Bain")  included  $9.6  million  in  cash  and  118,763  shares  of
StaffMark's  common stock.  The operating  results of these  companies have been
included  since the  effective  date of their  acquisitions.  The costs of these
acquisitions  have been allocated on the basis of estimated fair market value of
the  assets  acquired.  The  tangible  assets  acquired  have been  recorded  at
historical,   depreciated  cost,  which   approximated  fair  value  as  of  the
acquisition  date,  with the  remaining  acquisition  costs  being  recorded  as

       The  operating  results of  Technology,  Advantage  and Tom Bain prior to
their acquisitions are not material to StaffMark's 1996 consolidated  statements
of income and,  accordingly,  have not been  reflected in the pro forma  results
shown below.

  Pro Forma Operating Results--

       The unaudited  consolidated results of operations on a pro forma basis as
though the Other Founding  Companies,  Caldwell and On Call had been acquired as
of the  beginning of 1995 are shown below.  Note that the pro forma  information
presented below does not reflect income tax expense as if the Company had been a
C Corporation for income tax reporting purposes for the entire periods presented
or the reductions in salaries of certain owners of the Founding  Companies which
have been agreed to in conjunction  with the  acquisitions  discussed in Note 1.
See  the  accompanying  consolidated  statements  of  income  and  Note 15 for a
presentation of pro forma information which reflects these adjustments:

                                                Fiscal Years
                                                1995              1996

Revenues .                                  $171,463,305      $200,020,807
Net income                                   $ 3,742,274      $  8,020,520


       Included in accounts receivable in the accompanying  consolidated balance
sheets are unbilled amounts of approximately $541,906 and $1,195,370 at December
31, 1995 and 1996,  respectively.  StaffMark maintains  allowances for potential
losses which management believes are adequate to absorb losses to be incurred in
realizing  the  amounts  recorded  in the  accompanying  consolidated  financial

4.     ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE (Continued):

       The following are the changes in the allowance for doubtful accounts:

                                                 Fiscal Years
                                         1994       1995       1996

Balance at beginning of year .....   $ 10,250   $ 34,308   $214,187
Increases relating to acquisitions       --       10,000    252,216
Provision for bad debts ..........     24,058    169,879    206,123
Charge offs, net of recoveries ...       --         --      231,129
Balance at end of year ...........   $ 34,308   $214,187   $441,397


       Intangible assets consisted of the following:

                                  December 31,
                                  1995             1996

Goodwill ....................   $15,356,334   $30,506,256
Deferred financing costs ....       271,750       342,457
Non-compete agreements ......       299,010       889,647
Other .......................       140,262       160,262
                                 16,067,356    31,898,622
Less accumulated amortization       511,897     1,386,051
                                $15,555,459   $30,512,571

       Amortization  expense  related to  intangible  assets for the years ended
December  31,  1995 and  1996,  totaled  approximately  $391,207  and  $879,288,


       Components of property and equipment are as follows:
                                                    December 31,
                                                    1995         1996

Furniture, fixtures and equipment ............   $  553,328   $2,923,451
Computer equipment and software ..............      749,750    4,033,251
Leasehold improvements .......................       31,483      501,525
                                                  1,334,561    7,458,227
Less accumulated depreciation and amortization      537,631    3,454,589
                                                 $  796,930   $4,003,638

       Depreciation and  amortization  expense related to property and equipment
for the years ended December 31, 1995 and 1996, totaled  approximately  $198,859
and $494,666, respectively.

7.     DEBT:

       Proceeds  from the Offering  were used to repay all debt  obligations  of
StaffMark, Brewer and the Other Founding Companies.

       StaffMark has  established  a $50 million line of credit with  Mercantile
Bank of St. Louis, National Association to be used for working capital and other
general  corporate  purposes,  including  future  acquisitions.  The  commitment
includes a $20 million  revolving credit facility and a $30 million  acquisition
facility. The facility matures on October 4, 2001 and interest on any borrowings
will be computed at StaffMark's  option at either LIBOR or the bank's prime rate
and incrementally adjusted based on StaffMark's operating leverage ratios.

7.     DEBT (Continued):
       Through  March 31, 1997,  StaffMark is obligated to pay a commitment  fee
equal to 0.25% per annum  multiplied  by the  total  line of credit  commitment.
Subsequent  to March 31, 1997,  the quarterly  commitment  fee is equal to 0.25%
multiplied by the average  daily unused  portion of the total  revolving  credit
commitment.  The credit  facility  is secured by all assets of  StaffMark  and a
pledge of 100% of the stock of all the subsidiaries. As of December 31, 1996, no
funds have been borrowed on this credit facility.

       As of December 31, 1995, debt consisted of the following:

       Term loan note with Boatmen's.  Interest payable monthly
       at a variable rate which averaged 9.56% during the
       year ended December 31, 1995.  Principal was due
       in quarterly installments beginning October 1, 1995
       through maturity on June 30, 2001.  Note was
       secured by the assets and common stock of Brewer
       and partially guaranteed by certain stockholders of Brewer.   $12,750,000

       Note  payable  to the  previous  owner of  Caldwell,  interest  at 8.00%,
       payable quarterly.  Principal was to be paid in equal annual installments
       beginning June 30, 1998 through June 30, 2001 or in full upon a change in
       control of Brewer. Note was secured by a lien on the assets of
Brewer and guaranteed by certain stockholders of Brewer      3,100,000

Other ..................................................       445,386
Less short term borrowings, including current maturities     1,191,555


       The income tax provision  (benefit) for the year ended  December 31, 1996
consisted of the following:

  Federal   $ 2,022,827
  State .       392,376
  Federal      (532,521)
  State .      (108,849)
            $ 1,773,833


8.     INCOME TAXES (Continued):

       The  components  of  deferred  income tax assets  and  liabilities  as of
December 31, 1996 were as follows:

 Deferred income tax assets:
   Workers' compensation reserves ........................   $  797,321
   Non-compete and deferred compensation agreements ......      156,912
   Other expense accruals ................................      424,292
       Total deferred income tax assets ..................    1,378,525
Deferred income tax liabilities:
   Change in income tax accounting method from cash
       to accrual basis in conjunction with termination of
       S Corporation status ..............................    1,884,118
   Depreciation and amortization .........................      280,609
   Other .................................................      297,450
       Total deferred income tax liabilities .............    2,462,177

       Components  of  the  net  deferred  tax   liabilities   reported  in  the
accompanying consolidated balance sheet were as follows as of December 31, 1996:

                                                        Current       Long-term

Assets                                                  $1,221,613   $  156,912
Liabilities                                              1,884,118      578,059
                                                        $  662,505   $  421,147

       A valuation  allowance  for the deferred tax assets has not been recorded
in the accompanying  consolidated balance sheet because management believes that
all deferred tax assets are more likely than not to be  recovered.  In assessing
the  realizability  of deferred  income tax assets,  management  has  considered
scheduled  reversals of the deferred income tax liabilities and projected future
taxable income.

       The  differences  in income taxes  determined  by applying the  statutory
federal tax rate of 34% to income before  income taxes and the amounts  recorded
in the  accompanying  consolidated  statement of income for 1996 result from the

                                       Amount         Rate

Tax at statutory rate ..........   $ 1,970,854       34.0%
Add (deduct):
  Effect of S Corporation income      (484,934)      (8.4)
  State income taxes, net of
     federal tax benefit .......       185,542        3.2
  Non-deductible amortization ..        52,204         .9
  Other, net ...................        50,167         .9
                                   $ 1,773,833       30.6%


       StaffMark is self-insured for certain workers' compensation claims and is
regulated  by  various   state-administered   workers'  compensation   insurance
commissions.  StaffMark has purchased  insurance for medical claims which exceed
certain  thresholds  and is  required in certain  states to maintain  letters of
credit to cover any potential unpaid claims. At December 31, 1996, these letters
of credit totaled $2,300,000.


       Certain of the Founding  Companies  maintain employee benefit plans, some
of which allow  eligible  employees to defer a portion of their  income  through
contributions  to the  plans.  Under  provisions  of  certain  of  these  plans,
StaffMark matches a percentage of the employee contributions, up to a maximum as
specified in the individual plan, and may contribute  additional  amounts at the
discretion of management.  Contributions  by StaffMark to the various plans were
approximately $23,000 for the year ended December 31, 1996.


  Common Stock--

       In  conjunction  with  the   organization  and  initial   capitalization,
StaffMark  issued 1,000 shares of common stock at a par value of $.01 per share.
In June 1996,  StaffMark's  Board of Directors  declared a  1,355-for-one  stock
split.  The effect of this stock  split has been  reflected  as a  reduction  of
paid-in-capital and an increase in common stock in the accompanying consolidated
financial statements.

       StaffMark  issued 5,618,249 shares of common stock to the stockholders of
the Founding Companies and issued 6,325,000 shares of common stock to the public
in conjunction with the Offering. StaffMark also issued 118,763 shares of common
stock in conjunction with business acquisitions.

  Stock Options--

       Prior to the  Offering,  Brewer  granted  stock  options to  certain  key
employees. These options were granted at fair value as determined by management,
were  exercisable in installments and expired from June 30, 1999 to February 26,
2001. A summary of Brewer's stock option activity is as follows:

                                   Shares Under Price Per
                                     Option       Option

Outstanding, January 1, 1995 .....      5.0     $16,000
  Granted ........................      7.5      30,666
Outstanding, December 31, 1995 ...     12.5      24,800
  Granted ........................      1.0      35,000
  Exercised ......................     (7.5)     21,333
  Forfeited ......................     (5.0)     30,000
Outstanding prior to conversion to
  StaffMark options ..............      1.0     $35,000

In  June  1996,   StaffMark's  Board  of  Directors  and  stockholders  approved
StaffMark's 1996 Stock Option Plan (the "Plan"). The maximum number of shares of
StaffMark's  common  stock  that may be issued  under the Plan is  approximately
1,600,000.  As of  December  31,  1996  approximately  740,000  shares have been
reserved for future options. Options granted under the Plan generally become 40%
vested after two years and then vest 20% in each of the next three years.  Under
the  Plan,  the  exercise  price  of the  option  equals  the  market  value  of
StaffMark's common stock on the date of the grant, and the maximum term for each
option is 10 years.


       A summary of StaffMark's stock option activity is as follows:

                                                    Shares Under     Price Per
                                                      Option          Option

Outstanding Brewer options prior to conversion to
  StaffMark options .............................          1    $   35,000.00
  Conversion of Brewer options ..................     16,397             2.13
  Granted .......................................    867,928            12.01
  Forfeited .....................................    (14,550)           12.00
Outstanding, December 31, 1996 ..................    869,776    $       11.82

The following is a summary of stock options outstanding as of December 31, 1996:

                    Options Outstanding                    Options Exercisable
- ------------------------------------------               -----------------------
                                             Weighted    Weighted
                          Weighted Average   Average     Average
 Options       Range of   Remaining          Exercise    Options       Exercise
 Outstanding   Exercise   Contractual Life   Per Share   Exercisable   Per Share
 16,398        $2.13      1.17 years         $2.13       --            $--
853,378        $11.38 -   4.37 years          12.01      35,000         12.00
869,776                   4.31 years         $11.82      35,000        $12.00

       As  discussed in Note 2,  StaffMark  has elected to account for its stock
options under the provisions of APB 25. Accordingly, no compensation expense has
been recognized in the accompanying  consolidated statements of income. However,
pursuant to the  requirements  of SFAS No. 123, the  following  disclosures  are
presented  to  reflect  StaffMark's  pro forma net  income  for the years  ended
December 31, 1995 and 1996, as if the fair value method of accounting prescribed
by SFAS No. 123 had been used. In preparing the pro forma disclosures, StaffMark
determined  the value of all options  granted  from  January 1, 1995 through the
Offering date using the minimum value method,  as discussed in SFAS No. 123. For
stock  options  granted  from the Offering  date to December 31, 1996,  the fair
value was  estimated  on the grant date using the  Black-Scholes  option-pricing
model. These fair value calculations were based on the following assumptions:

                                                           Fiscal Years
                                                             1995          1996

Weighted average risk-free interest rate                      6.5%         6.3%
Dividend yield .........................                        0%           0%
Weighted average expected life .........                2.5 years     4.6 years
Expected volatility ....................                        0%          65%

       Using  these  assumptions,  the fair value of the stock  options  granted
during the years ended December 31, 1995 and 1996 was approximately  $36,000 and
$5,958,000,  respectively.  The weighted  average fair value of options  granted
during  1995 and 1996 was  $4,800  and  $7.04,  respectively.  Had  compensation
expense been determined  consistent with SFAS No. 123, utilizing the assumptions
above and the  straight-line  amortization  method over the vesting period,  net
income would have been reduced to the following pro forma amounts:

                                                           Fiscal Years
                                                        1995         1996

Net income, as reported                           $1,586,538   $4,022,796

Pro forma net income ..                           $1,578,367   $3,711,738


       Concurrent with the acquisition,  StaffMark  entered into agreements with
certain  officers of the company to lease certain  parcels of land and buildings
used in the  operations  of StaffMark  for  negotiated  amounts and terms.  Rent
expense related to these facilities totaled  approximately  $60,000 and $304,000
for the years ended  December  31, 1995 and 1996,  respectively.  Annual  future
minimum  payments  required under these leases are included in the table in Note
14 and are summarized as follows:

                                                             Years Ending
                                                             December 31,

       1997                                                   $   548,416
       1998                                                       535,143
       1999                                                       407,921
       2000                                                       351,167
       2001                                                       345,951

       Included in Other Assets in the accompanying  consolidated balance sheets
are advances to certain  officers and  employees  totaling  $160,000  which bear
interest at 6%.

       Included  in  Accounts  Payable  and  Other  Accrued  Liabilities  is  an
unsecured demand note payable to an officer in the amount of $61,436 which bears
interest at 8%.

       In  December  1995,  a  note  receivable  from  Brewer   Investments,   a
partnership owned by certain stockholders, in amount of $345,107 was distributed
to the individual stockholders of Brewer.


       StaffMark is subject to certain claims and lawsuits arising in the normal
course of  business,  primarily  relating  to  workers'  compensation  and other
employee related matters.  StaffMark  maintains various  insurance  coverages in
order to minimize the financial  risk  associated  with certain of these claims.
StaffMark  has  provided  for  certain  of  these  actions  in the  accompanying
consolidated  financial  statements  and,  in the  opinion  of  management,  any
uninsured  losses  resulting from the ultimate  resolution of these matters will
not be material to StaffMark's financial position or results of operations.

       StaffMark has employment  agreements with certain executive  officers and
management   personnel   that  provide  for  annual   salaries,   cost-of-living
adjustments  and  additional  compensation  in the  form  of  performance  based
bonuses.   Certain  agreements   include  covenants  against   competition  with
StaffMark,  which  extends  for  a  period  of  time  after  termination.  These
agreements generally continue until terminated by the employee or StaffMark.


       StaffMark leases office space under  noncancelable  operating  leases. As
discussed  in Note 12,  certain  of these  facilities  are leased  from  related
parties.  Annual future minimum  payments  required under operating  leases that
have an initial or remaining  noncancelable lease term in excess of one year are
as follows:

                                                             Years Ended
                                                             December 31,

       1997                                                   $1,819,176
       1998                                                    1,601,881
       1999                                                    1,312,904
       2000                                                      887,981
       2001                                                      615,658



       Rent expense, including amounts paid to related parties, was $275,460 and
$951,369 for the years ended December 31, 1995 and 1996, respectively.


       The  supplemental  pro forma  information  included  in the  accompanying
consolidated  statements of income  reflects:  (i) the  acquisition of the Other
Founding  Companies  at  historical  cost  in  accordance  with  the  applicable
provisions of SAB No. 97;

     (ii) the effects of the acquisition of On Call;  (iii) the estimated impact
of recognizing  income tax expense as if StaffMark had been a C Corporation  for
tax reporting  purposes during the entire year ended December 31, 1996; and (iv)
the adjustment to compensation  expense to reflect the reductions in salaries to
certain  owners of the Founding  Companies  which were agreed to in  conjunction
with the acquisitions  discussed in Note 1. Following is a reconciliation of the
reported  1996 net income to the pro forma net income shown in the  accompanying
consolidated statement of income:

Net income, as reported ..............................   $ 4,022,796
Pro forma adjustments:
  Inclusion of the operating results of the Other
      Founding Companies and On Call as if these
      acquisitions were effected as of January 1, 1996     3,995,095
  Reductions in salaries to certain owners of the
      Founding Companies .............................       581,332
  Recognition of income tax expense as if StaffMark
      had been a C Corporation during the entire
      year ended December 31, 1996 ...................    (2,231,223)

Pro forma net income, as reported ....................   $ 6,368,000

       The  computation  of pro forma  earnings  per  share  for the year  ended
December 31, 1996, is based on the pro forma shares  outstanding  for the period
prior to the  Offering of  approximately  8.3  million  and the actual  weighted
average shares outstanding for the period from the Offering through December 31,
1996, of approximately 13.2 million.



To The Prostaff Companies:

       We have audited the accompanying combined balance sheets of the companies
identified in Note 1 to the financial statements ("The Prostaff Companies"),  as
of December 31, 1994 and 1995 and the nine months ended  September 29, 1996, and
the related combined statements of income,  stockholders'  equity and cash flows
for each of the three years in the period  ended  December 31, 1995 and the nine
months  ended   September  29,  1996.   These   financial   statements  are  the
responsibility of the Company's management.  Our responsibility is to express an
opinion on these financial statements based on our audits.

       We conducted our audits in accordance  with generally  accepted  auditing
standards.  Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain
reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material
misstatement.  An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting
the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements.  An audit also includes
assessing the  accounting  principles  used and  significant  estimates  made by
management,  as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation.
We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.

       In our  opinion,  the  financial  statements  referred  to above  present
fairly,  in all  material  respects,  the  financial  position  of The  Prostaff
Companies as of December  31, 1994 and 1995 and the nine months ended  September
29, 1996,  and the results of their  operations and their cash flows for each of
the three years in the period ended  December 31, 1995 and the nine months ended
September 29, 1996 in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles.

                                                   ARTHUR ANDERSEN LLP

Little Rock, Arkansas,
October 22, 1996.

                             THE PROSTAFF COMPANIES

                                         COMBINED BALANCE SHEETS

                                                 December 31,      September 29,
                                                  1994         1995         1996
   Cash and cash equivalents ...............$  228,372   $  188,145   $   69,587
   Certificates of deposit .................   152,028      155,154         --
   Accounts receivable, net of allowance for
      doubtful accounts of $10,000, $48,500
      and $45,096, respectively ............ 2,634,108    3,020,622    3,952,688
   Deferred tax asset ......................   154,601         --           --
   Prepaid expenses and other ..............    86,337      135,673      120,604
              Total current assets ......... 3,255,446    3,499,594    4,142,879
PROPERTY AND EQUIPMENT, net ................   640,552      756,983      735,737
   Cash surrender value of officer's life
      insurance ............................    34,670                   41,280-
   Advance to StaffMark, Inc. ..............      --           --         40,703
   Other ...................................     3,675        4,730        7,440
              Total other assets ...........    38,345       46,010       48,143
                                            $3,934,343   $4,302,587   $4,926,759

                             LIABILITIES AND STOCKHOLDERS' EQUITY

   Line of credit ..........................$  417,000   $   20,000   $1,554,005
   Current maturities of long-term debt ........61,742       64,872       67,598
   Note payable to stockholder ...................--         30,000       30,000
   Accounts payable and accrued liabilities ....83,413      117,339       84,911
   Outstanding checks .........................109,084         --         71,212
   Payroll and related liabilities ............703,263    1,129,777    1,116,619
   Reserve for workers' compensation claims ...439,444      635,290      671,640
   Income taxes payable ....................... 54,883         --           --
              Total current liabilities .....1,868,829    1,997,278    3,595,985
LONG-TERM DEBT, less current maturities .......170,064      111,459       65,874
DEFERRED INCOME TAXES ......................... 57,885         --           --
   (Notes 6 through 10) STOCKHOLDERS' EQUITY:
   Common stock,  (par values of $.20 to $1.00)  authorized shares of 200,000 in
      1994 and 201,000 in 1995 and at  September  29,  1996,  shares  issued and
      outstanding of 55,000 in 1994, 55,100 in 1995
      and at September 29, 1996 ............... 11,000       11,100       11,100
   Retained earnings ........................1,826,565    2,182,750    1,253,800
              Total stockholders' equity ....1,837,565    2,193,850    1,264,900
                                            $3,934,343   $4,302,587   $4,926,759

The accompanying notes to combined financial
statements are an integral part of these balance
                             THE PROSTAFF COMPANIES

                                      COMBINED STATEMENTS OF INCOME

                    Years Ended                            Nine Months Ended
            December 31,  December 31, December 31, September 30,September 29,
                    1993         1994          1995         1995          1996

REVENUES........$ 27,244,744 $ 30,607,744 $ 34,330,413 $ 25,840,311 $ 29,509,631
SERVICES ....     22,858,206   25,455,432   28,234,379   21,339,195   24,034,483
Gross profit ..... 4,386,538    5,152,312    6,096,034    4,501,116    5,475,148
   Selling, general
   administrative .3,640,825    4,184,021    5,338,844    3,796,754    4,043,409
   amortization      114,796      174,998      220,433      160,700      186,171
   Operating income..630,917      793,293      536,757      543,662    1,245,568
   Interest expense .(87,181)     (28,689)     (20,393)     (16,088)    (49,443)
   Interest income
   and other .........60,745       10,987       26,537       20,949       28,515
   FOR INCOME TAXES .604,481      775,591      542,901      548,523    1,224,640
INCOME TAXES ........205,742      253,847       96,716       96,716         --
Net income ..    $   398,739 $    521,744  $   446,185  $   451,807   $1,224,640

PRO FORMA DATA (Unaudited) (Note 11):
   Historical income
   before income taxes .....                        $    542,901    $  1,224,640
   Less:  Pro forma
provision for income taxes                               211,731         477,610
PRO FORMA NET INCOME .........................      $    331,170    $    747,030

The accompanying notes to combined financial
statements are an integral part of these

                             THE PROSTAFF COMPANIES


                               Common       Stock           Retained
                               Shares       Amount     Earnings     Total

 December 31, 1992 ....        55,000   $    11,000   $   976,186   $   987,186
   Net income ...........          --            --       398,739       398,739
   Dividends ..................... --            --       (25,625)      (25,625)
BALANCE, December 31, 1993 ....55,000        11,000     1,349,300     1,360,300
   Net income ...........          --            --       521,744       521,744
   Dividends ..................... --            --       (44,479)      (44,479)
BALANCE, December 31, 1994 ....55,000        11,000     1,826,565     1,837,565
   Net income .................... --            --       446,185       446,185
   Initial capitalization of
      Resources, Inc.             100           100          --             100
   Dividends ..................... --            --       (90,000)      (90,000)
BALANCE, December 31, 1995 ....55,100        11,100     2,182,750     2,193,850
   Net income .................... --            --     1,224,640     1,224,640
        Cash ..................... --            --    (2,043,210)   (2,043,210)
        Property ................. --            --      (110,380)     (110,380)
BALANCE, September 29, 1996 ...55,100   $    11,100   $ 1,253,800    $ 1,264,900

The accompanying notes to combined financial statements
are an integral part of these statements.

                             THE PROSTAFF COMPANIES

                                    COMBINED STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS

                                   Years Ended             Nine Months Ended
                            Dec 31,  Dec 31,    Dec 31,   Sept 30,     Sept 29,
                             1993     1994       1995       1995         1996
                           -------- --------   --------   --------     --------

   Net income            $ 398,739   $521,744   $446,185  $451,807   $1,224,640
Adjustments to
   reconcile net
   income to net
   cash provided
   by operating
   Depreciation and
   amortization            114,796   174,998     220,433   160,700      186,171
Provision for
   taxes                   (35,138)  (20,021)        --     96,716          --
Write-off of net
deferred tax assets-           --     96,716         --       --            --
   Provision for
   bad debts                27,561    10,000      38,500    20,300       45,659
Loss (gain) on
   sale of property and
   equipment                   --     20,854         --       --        (14,854)
   Change in
   operating assets
   and liabilities,
   net of
   effects of
   of deposit600,000 -     152,028       --          --
   receivable             (637,401)  (143,183)  (403,041)(1,243,341)   (977,725)
   and other               (38,493)    (2,052)   (49,336)    18,555      15,069
Other                        2,357     (8,979)    (7,665)    (6,647)     (1,405)
Accounts payable
liabilities                 21,229    (10,535)    33,926    (22,994)    (32,428)
   checks                      --     109,084   (109,084)  (109,084)     71,212
   Payroll and related
   liabilities             193,651      5,365    426,514  1,188,217     (13,158)
Reserve for
   claims                  148,385    101,480    195,846    144,306      36,350
   payable                 (15,039)   (19,130)   (54,883)   (54,883)        --
   activities              780,647    739,625    986,139    643,652     539,531

Advance to
   StaffMark, Inc.          --          --          --          --      (40,703)
   of personnel
   service business         --          --       (30,000)       --         --
   expenditures           (405,265)  (293,936)  (328,837)   (279,848)  (220,476)
   of certificates
   of deposit               --          --      (155,154)       --          --
   from the
   sale of
   and equipment            --         1,400        --          --          --
   from the
   sale of
   of deposit               --          --          --          --      155,154
Net cash used in investing
     activities           (405,265)  (292,536)  (513,991)   (279,848)  (106,025)

                         The    accompanying   notes   to   combined   financial
                                statements   are  an  integral   part  of  these

                             THE PROSTAFF COMPANIES

                  COMBINED STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS (Continued)

                                   Years Ended           Nine Months Ended
                 Dec 31,       Dec 31,      Dec 31,    Sept 30,       Sept 29,
                  1993          1994         1995        1995          1996

Net (payments) borrowings
   under line
of credit ..   $(125,000)   $(158,000)   $(397,000)   $(369,995)   $ 1,534,005
Proceeds from
note payable to
stockholder ........        --           --         30,000         --         --
Payments on
note payable
   to stockholder ........   (530,000)      --         --         --          --
Proceeds from issuance of
   long-term debt ........    290,237       --         --         --          --
Payments on long-term debt       --     (58,431)   (55,475)  (39,828)   (42,859)
Proceeds from issuance of
   common stock ..........       --         --         100       --        --
Dividends ................    (25,625)  (44,479)   (90,000)     --   (2,043,210)
Net cash used in  financing
   activities ...........    (390,388)  (260,910) (512,375) (409,823)  (552,064)
CASH EQUIVALENTS ........     (15,006)   186,179   (40,227)  (46,019)  (118,558)
  beginning of period  ..      57,199     42,193   228,372   228,372    188,145
   end of period ...........$  42,193  $ 228,372 $ 188,145 $ 182,353  $  69,587
      Interest paid ........$  84,708  $  30,549 $  21,006 $  16,088  $  49,443
      Income taxes paid ....$ 242,989  $ 284,847 $  54,883 $  54,883  $   --

The accompanying notes to combined financial
statements are an integral part of these

                             THE PROSTAFF COMPANIES




     The combined financial statements of The Prostaff Companies (the "Company")
include the activities of Prostaff Personnel, Inc. ("Prostaff"), d.b.a. Prostaff
Staffing  Services,  Office  Staffing  and  Medical  Staffing,  Excel  Temporary
Staffing,  Inc.  ("Excel") and Professional  Resources,  Inc.  ("Professional"),
d.b.a.  Performance  Staffing,  which have common  ownership.  All  intercompany
transactions have been eliminated in the combined financial statements.

       Prostaff was originally  incorporated in the state of Arkansas in 1973 as
Dunhill Personnel Agency of Little Rock, Inc.  ("Dunhill").  Dunhill changed its
name to  Prostaff in 1988.  Prostaff's  primary  business  purpose is to provide
temporary personnel services.  At September 29, 1996, Prostaff operated staffing
offices in 23  locations  in Arkansas.  Excel was  incorporated  in the state of
Arkansas  on October 25, 1990 and is engaged in  providing  temporary  personnel
services to one large  cosmetics  manufacturer  in Little Rock,  Arkansas  which
represents 100% of the revenue and accounts  receivable of Excel.  Revenues from
this one customer  represent 14%, 13%, 14% and 15% of combined  service revenues
for 1993, 1994, 1995 and the nine months ended September 29, 1996, respectively.
Professional  was  incorporated  in the state of  Arkansas  on October  24, 1995
("inception date"). On October 31, 1995, Professional purchased the assets of an
existing  temporary  personnel  service  business in Little  Rock,  Arkansas for
$30,000. This acquisition was accounted for as a purchase. There was no goodwill
recorded in connection with this acquisition.  The combined financial statements
of the Company  include  the  results of  operations  of  Professional  from the
inception date.

  Interim Financial Statements--

       The accompanying interim financial statements and related disclosures for
the nine months ended  September  30, 1995 have not been audited by  independent
accountants.  However, they have been prepared in conformity with the accounting
principles stated in the audited financial statements for the three years in the
period ended December 31, 1995 and for the nine months ended September 29, 1996,
and include all adjustments  (which were of a normal recurring nature) which, in
the  opinion  of  management,  are  necessary  to present  fairly the  financial
position of the Company and the results of operations and cash flows for each of
the periods  presented.  The operating results for the interim periods presented
are not necessarily indicative of results for the full year.

  Use of Estimates--

       The preparation of the financial  statements in conformity with generally
accepted  accounting  principles  requires  management  to  make  estimates  and
assumptions  that affect the reported amounts of assets,  liabilities,  revenues
and expenses and disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities.  The estimates
and assumptions  used in the  accompanying  financial  statements are based upon
management's  evaluation of the relevant facts and  circumstances as of the date
of the financial  statements.  Actual  results may differ from the estimates and
assumptions used in preparing the accompanying financial statements.

  Revenue Recognition--

       Service  revenues are recognized as income at the time staffing  services
are provided.

  Cash and Cash Equivalents--

       For  statement  of cash flow  purposes,  the  Company  considers  cash on
deposit with  financial  institutions  and all highly  liquid  investments  with
original maturities of three months or less to be cash equivalents.

  Accounts Receivable--

       The Company  maintains  allowances for potential  losses which management
believes are adequate to absorb  losses to be incurred in realizing  the amounts
recorded  in  the  accompanying  financial  statements.   Included  in  accounts
receivable in the accompanying  balance sheets are unbilled amounts of $343,681,
$441,642  and  $838,847 at December  31,  1994,  1995 and  September  29,  1996,

  Property and Equipment--

       Property  and  equipment  are  recorded  at cost and are  depreciated  or
amortized  on a  straight-line  basis  over the  estimated  useful  lives of the
assets.  Leasehold  improvements are amortized on a straight-line basis over the
shorter of the estimated economic lives or the terms of the lease. The estimated
useful lives of the Company's assets, by asset classification, are as follows:

Office equipment         5 years
Computer equipment       5 years
Vehicles                 5 years
Computer software        5 years
Leasehold improvements   10 years

       Additions  that  extend  the lives of the assets  are  capitalized  while
repairs and  maintenance  costs are  expensed as  incurred.  When  property  and
equipment  are retired,  the cost of the property and  equipment and the related
accumulated  depreciation or amortization are removed from the balance sheet and
any resultant gain or loss is recorded.

  Workers' Compensation and Employee Health Benefits--

       The Company self-insures  certain risks related to workers'  compensation
and employee health benefit  claims.  The estimated costs of existing and future
claims are accrued as incidents  occur based upon  historical  loss  development
trends and may be subsequently  revised based on  developments  relating to such
claims. The Company engages the services of a third-party actuary to assist with
the development of the workers' compensation cost estimates.

  Fair Value of Financial Instruments--

       The Company's  financial  instruments  include cash and cash equivalents,
certificates  of  deposit,  note  payable  to  stockholder  and its  other  debt
obligations.  Management  believes that these instruments bear interest at rates
which   approximate   prevailing  market  rates  for  instruments  with  similar
characteristics and, accordingly, that the carrying values for those instruments
are reasonable estimates of fair value.

  Income Taxes--

       Prior to 1995,  the Company  operated as a C Corporation  for federal and
state tax reporting purposes. Effective January 1, 1993, the Company adopted the
provisions of Statement of Financial  Accounting  Standards No. 109, "Accounting
for Income Taxes" ("SFAS 109"). Under this new statement,  deferred income taxes
are provided based on the estimated  future tax effects of  differences  between
the financial  statement  carrying  amounts and the tax basis of existing assets
and liabilities.  The adoption of SFAS 109 did not have a material effect on the
Company's financial position or results of operations.

Effective  January 1, 1995, the Company  elected to be taxed as an S Corporation
for federal and state income tax reporting purposes.  Accordingly,  no provision
for income taxes has been recorded in the accompanying  financial statements for
the period  subsequent to January 1, 1995 as such taxes are  liabilities  of the
individual stockholders.



     Upon election of S Corporation  status,  the Company wrote off net deferred
tax assets totaling  $96,716 related to years prior to 1995,  which is reflected
as provision for income taxes in the accompanying combined statements of income.
(See Note 11)

       The Company's tax returns are subject to examination by federal and state
taxing  authorities.  If such  examinations  result in a change to the Company's
reported  income or loss,  the taxable income or loss reported by the individual
stockholders could also change.


       Property and equipment consisted of the following:

                                                  December 31,     September 29,
                                                1994          1995         1996
Office equipment ...........................$  311,414   $  412,661   $  481,410
Computer equipment .........................   382,903      477,744      523,890
Vehicles ...................................   107,900      136,859         --
Computer software ..........................   113,884      165,635      220,046
Leasehold improvements .....................    83,593      136,949      172,464
                                               999,694    1,329,848    1,397,810
Less accumulated
 depreciation and amortization                 359,142      572,865      662,073
                                            $  640,552   $  756,983   $  735,737

3.     DEBT:

        Long-term debt consisted of the following:

                                                      December 31, September 29,
                                                    1994       1995        1996

Term note payable to Boatmen's  National Bank in the original amount of $290,237
  due in monthly  installments  of $6,079,  including  interest at 5.5%  through
  August 31, 1998. Secured by certain equipment of Prostaff and
  guaranteed by stockholders .....................$231,806   $176,331   $133,472

Less current maturities ............................61,742     64,872     67,598
                                                  $170,064   $111,459   $ 65,874

        Total maturities of long-term debt are as follows:

                                                  Years Ending
                                           December 31, September 29,

1996                                         $ 64,872    $      -
1997                                           68,531      67,598
1998                                           42,928      65,874
                                             $176,331    $133,472

3.     DEBT (Continued):

       Line of credit balances consisted of the following:

                                         December 31,              September 29,
                                             1994           1995           1996

Line of credit with Boatmen's Bank.
  Maximum borrowings of $1.5 million.
  Accrues interest at a variable rate,
  which ranged from 8.25% to 9.0% and
  averaged 8.5% during the nine months
  ended  September 29, 1996. Due upon
  demand.  Secured by the accounts
  receivable of Prostaff and guaranteed
  by stockholders ......................   $417,000         $--       $1,500,000

Line of credit with First Commercial Bank.
  Maximum borrowings of $50,000.
  Interest payable monthly at
  9.5%. Due upon demand.  Secured by the
  assets of Professional and guaranteed
  by stockholder ....                            --       20,000          44,000

Line of credit with Mercantile Bank.
  Maximum  borrowings of $250,000.  Interest
  payable  monthly at a fixed rate of 9.25%,
  which changed to 10.0% in May 1996
  and averaged 9.67% during the nine months
  ended September 29, 1996. Secured by
  accounts receivable
  of Excel and guaranteed
  by stockholders .................              --           --          10,005
                                         $  417,000   $   20,000      $1,554,005


       In order to effect the acquisition made by Professional,  as discussed in
Note 1,  Professional  borrowed  $30,000 from the sole  stockholder and signed a
promissory note dated October 30, 1995.  Interest is paid monthly at the rate of
9.25%. The note is due on demand,  or if no demand is made, on October 30, 1996.
Total  interest  paid to the  stockholder  in 1995 and for the nine months ended
September 29, 1996 was $246 and $1,850, respectively.

       During 1993, the Company  repaid a $530,000 note payable to  stockholder.
Total interest paid to the stockholder in 1993 was $44,200.


       Provision   (benefit)  for  income  taxes   consisted  of  the  following
components for the years ended December 31:

                                                             1993          1994
    Federal                                             $ 213,892     $ 243,184
    State ..                                               26,988        30,684
                                                          240,880       273,868
    Federal                                               (31,201)      (17,778)
    State ..                                               (3,937)       (2,243)
                                                          (35,138)      (20,021)
       Total                                            $ 205,742     $ 253,847


5.     INCOME TAXES (Continued):

       Provision for income taxes differs from amounts  computed by applying the
statutory  tax rate to  pretax  income  as a  result  of  certain  nondeductible
expenses and the utilization of general business credits as follows:

                                                             1993          1994

Income taxes on pretax income at the
statutory rate of 34%                                     $ 205,523   $ 263,701
Increase (reduction) in tax resulting from:
    Nondeductible expenses ...............................   16,779      30,242
    State income taxes, net of federal income tax benefit    28,049      37,089
    Federal general business tax credits .................  (44,609)    (77,185)
                                                          $ 205,742    $ 253,847

       Deferred  income  taxes  reflect  the impact of  "temporary  differences"
between the  financial  and tax basis of assets and  liabilities  as measured by
enacted tax laws.  The  temporary  differences  which gave rise to deferred  tax
assets and liabilities as of December 31, 1993 and 1994 were as follows:

                                                                 1993       1994

Deferred tax assets:
    Allowance for doubtful accounts ........                 $ 16,465   $  3,829
    Reserve for workers' compensation claims                  112,099    150,772
Total deferred tax assets ..................                 $128,564   $154,601
Deferred tax liabilities:
    Accelerated depreciation ...............                 $ 51,869   $ 57,885


       Prostaff is self-insured for certain workers'  compensation claims and is
regulated  by the  Arkansas  Workers'  Compensation  Insurance  Commission  (the
"Commission").  As a condition to authorization of the self-insurance program in
1991,  the  Commission  required  Prostaff to  maintain a $750,000  deposit in a
depository  considered  acceptable by the  Commission.  In 1993,  the Commission
altered  the  depository   requirement  and  allowed  Prostaff  to  provide  the
Commission a $750,000  letter of credit.  The letter of credit is  guaranteed by
stockholders  of the Company.  As a condition to providing the letter of credit,
the bank required  Prostaff to maintain as security a $150,000  deposit with the
bank.  These  restricted  funds were in  certificates  of deposit  with one year
maturities and are reflected with accrued interest as certificates of deposit in
the accompanying  combined balance sheet at December 31, 1994. In 1995, the bank
no longer required the security for the letter of credit. Accordingly,  Prostaff
reinvested  these  funds in 1995,  and they are  reflected  as  certificates  of
deposit at December 31, 1995.  Prostaff has purchased  insurance for  individual
claims  which  exceed  $200,000,  up to a  maximum  of  $2.0  million.  Workers'
compensation expense totaled $820,569, $728,281, $765,893 and $401,146 for 1993,
1994, 1995 and the nine months ended September 29, 1996, respectively. Unaudited
workers'  compensation  expense for the nine months ended September 30, 1995 was
$567,242. Excel and Professional are fully insured for workers' compensation.


       The Company adopted a defined  contribution benefit plan for its eligible
permanent  employees,  as defined,  effective June 1, 1995.  This profit sharing
plan,  which  operates  pursuant  to an Internal  Revenue  Code  section  401(k)
arrangement,  allows eligible employees to contribute on a tax deferred basis up
to 15% of  their  annual  wages,  as  defined.  The  Company  makes  a  matching
contribution equal to 50% of the employees'  contributions up to a maximum of 6%
of the respective employees' annual wages. Total matching  contributions made by
the Company to the plan for 1995 and the nine months  ended  September  29, 1996
were $12,448 and $16,547, respectively.

7.     EMPLOYEE BENEFIT PLANS (Continued):

       On September 1, 1995,  the Company  established a cafeteria plan to offer
health,  dental,  term life,  accidental  death and disability  insurance to its
permanent  full-time  employees.  Employees may also obtain  coverage for family
members by making  tax  deferred  contributions  to the plan  trust.  The health
insurance coverage portion of the plan is self-insured by the Company.  Pursuant
to this self-insurance  program,  the Company pays for the approved claims costs
of eligible  participants  subject to certain  individual and family deductibles
and co-payments,  as defined.  The Company maintains insurance for annual claims
per employee in excess of $10,000 and aggregate  monthly  claims in excess of an
amount equal to $75.80  multiplied  by the number of  personnel  enrolled in the
plan. Total claims expense for 1995 and the nine months ended September 29, 1996
was $35,550 and $83,562, respectively.


       The  Company  has a  consulting  agreement  with  the  former  owner of a
temporary  personnel  service  business the Company acquired in March 1995 which
provides  for monthly  minimum  payments of $5,250 for 36 months  through  March
1998.  These  payments are expensed on a monthly basis as paid.  The  consulting
agreement  also  includes  a  covenant  not to compete  with the  Company  for a
five-year period.

       The Company  also has a consulting  agreement  with an  individual  which
provides  for monthly  minimum  payments of $750,  in return for  assisting  the
Company in  developing  an  affirmative  action  plan,  monitoring  unemployment
control and consulting on other human resource issues.

       The Company has an  employment  agreement  with one member of  management
that provides for a monthly  salary of $6,833 through March 1998. The employment
agreement  also  includes a  covenant  not to compete  with the  Company,  which
extends through March 2000, or for two years after termination.


       The Company  leases office space under  noncancelable  operating  leases.
Annual future  minimum  payments  required under  operating  leases that have an
initial  or  remaining  noncancelable  lease  term in  excess of one year are as

                                                        Years Ending
                                               December 31,        September 29,
                                                  1995                 1996

       1996                                       $323,397             $      -
       1997                                        264,480              304,634
       1998                                        216,665              239,562
       1999                                        106,499              156,280
       2000                                         63,424               79,677
                                                  $974,465             $780,153

       Rent expense totaled $147,835, $197,243, $258,992 and $251,165 for fiscal
years  1993,   1994,  1995  and  the  nine  months  ended  September  29,  1996,
respectively.  Unaudited  rent expense for the nine months ended  September  30,
1995 was $189,315.  The Company leases the office facilities of its headquarters
from a limited  liability  corporation  ("LLC")  owned by a  stockholder  of the
Company.  For the  fiscal  years  1993,  1994,  1995 and the nine  months  ended
September 29, 1996, rent paid to the LLC totaled $61,100,  $73,761, $114,180 and
$94,275,  respectively.  Unaudited rent paid to the LLC was $85,152 for the nine
months ended September 30, 1995.


       In June 1996, the  stockholders  of the Company entered into a definitive
agreement  to merge with  StaffMark,  Inc.  ("StaffMark")  in  conjunction  with
StaffMark's  anticipated  initial public  offering.  Effective  October 2, 1996,
StaffMark  completed  the initial  public  offering.  In  conjunction  with this
merger,  certain of the  stockholders  entered into employment  agreements which
provide for a set base salary,  participation  in future  incentive bonus plans,
certain other  benefits and a covenant not to compete  following  termination of
such person's employment.  Prior to this merger, the Company declared a dividend
of  certain  assets to the  stockholders  consisting  of  vehicles  and the cash
surrender  value of an officer's life insurance  policy,  which had an aggregate
carrying  value of $91,749.  In addition,  the Company  made cash  distributions
equal to the Company's S Corporation  Accumulated  Adjustment  Account as of the
merger date.

       As of September 29, 1996,  the Company had advanced  $40,703 to StaffMark
to fund  organizational  and other costs  related to the merger and  StaffMark's
initial public offering. On October 2, 1996, all of the Company's borrowings and
debt obligations totaling $1,717,477 were repaid using a portion of the proceeds
from the completed initial public offering.


       In  conjunction  with the merger with  StaffMark as discussed in Note 10,
the Company changed from an S Corporation to C Corporation for federal and state
income tax reporting  purposes,  which required the Company to recognize the tax
consequences  of operations in its statements of income.  The  supplemental  pro
forma information included in the accompanying  statements of income reflect the
estimated impact of recognizing  income tax expense as if the Company had been a
C  Corporation  for tax  reporting  purposes  during the twelve  months and nine
months ended December 31, 1995 and September 29, 1996, respectively.


To The Maxwell Companies:

       We have audited the accompanying combined balance sheets of the companies
identified in Note 1 to the financial statements ("The Maxwell  Companies"),  as
of December 31, 1994 and 1995 and September 30, 1996,  and the related  combined
statements of income,  stockholders' equity and cash flows for each of the three
years in the  period  ended  December  31,  1995 and for the nine  months  ended
September 30, 1996.  These financial  statements are the  responsibility  of The
Maxwell  Company's  management.  Our  responsibility is to express an opinion on
these financial statements based on our audits.

       We conducted our audits in accordance  with generally  accepted  auditing
standards.  Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain
reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material
misstatement.  An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting
the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements.  An audit also includes
assessing the  accounting  principles  used and  significant  estimates  made by
management,  as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation.
We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.

       In our  opinion,  the  financial  statements  referred  to above  present
fairly,  in all  material  respects,  the  financial  position  of  The  Maxwell
Companies  as of December  31, 1994 and 1995 and  September  30,  1996,  and the
results of their  operations and their cash flows for each of the three years in
the period ended  December 31, 1995 and for the nine months ended  September 30,
1996 in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles.

                                                   ARTHUR ANDERSEN LLP

Little Rock, Arkansas,
October 22, 1996.

                              THE MAXWELL COMPANIES

                                         COMBINED BALANCE SHEETS

                                                    December 31,   September 30,
                                                  1994         1995         1996
Cash and cash equivalents ...............   $  556,544   $1,041,373   $  162,562
Restricted cash .........................      138,453      253,171       50,279
Investments .............................      209,505      273,354         --
Accounts receivable, net of allowance for
 doubtful accounts of $75,711, $63,988
 and $122,120, respectively ...........      2,810,176    2,536,603    2,898,083
Prepaid expenses and other ..............       96,669       24,628      153,609
        Total current assets ............    3,811,347    4,129,129    3,264,533
PROPERTY AND EQUIPMENT, net .............      480,594      499,792      337,774
INTANGIBLE ASSETS, net ....................       --           --        294,632
ADVANCE TO STAFFMARK, INC .................       --           --         31,250
                                            $4,291,941   $4,628,921   $3,928,189

                             LIABILITIES AND STOCKHOLDERS' EQUITY

   Accounts payable .....................$   167,991   $   169,250   $   333,471
   Payroll and related liabilities ......    653,772       570,444       851,469
   Reserve for workers' compensation
   claims .....                              476,000     1,153,000       912,000
   Current maturities of long-term debt         --            --       1,821,618
   Accrued dividends ..................      197,500       151,000          --
   Other accrued liabilities ..........       20,728        25,462        18,993
           Total current liabilities ..    1,515,991     2,069,156     3,937,551
LONG-TERM DEBT, less current maturities         --            --          77,562
   (Notes 8 through 12) STOCKHOLDERS' EQUITY:
   Common stock,  $1.00 par value in 1994,
   1995 and 1996;  authorized  shares of
      110,000  in  1994  and  1995  and
      160,000  in  1996;  shares  issued  and
      of 4,000 in 1994 and 1995 and
      5,000 in 1996                           4,000         4,000         5,000
   Unrealized gain on investments ............ --          43,296          --
   Retained earnings .....................2,771,950     2,512,469       (91,924)
           Total stockholders' equity ....2,775,950     2,559,765       (86,924)
                                        $ 4,291,941   $ 4,628,921   $ 3,928,189

The accompanying notes to combined financial
statements are an integral part of these balance

                              THE MAXWELL COMPANIES

                                     COMBINED STATEMENTS OF INCOME

                                                          Nine Months Ended
                        Years Ended December 31,            September 30,
                     1993        1994         1995        1995         1996

SERVICE REVENUES.$16,324,216  $21,225,866  $23,092,606  $17,154,803 $20,428,988
COST OF SERVICES .11,253,565   16,003,387   17,748,020   13,009,183  15,385,451
Gross profit ..... 5,070,651    5,222,479    5,344,586     4,145,620  5,043,537
    general and
    administrative.3,582,427    3,820,565    4,296,703    3,233,692   3,815,406
   Depreciation and
   amortization ..... 75,368      107,601      136,135      107,187      98,997
Operating income.. 1,412,856    1,294,313      911,748      804,741   1,129,134
   Interest income ...14,767       21,645       43,213       35,969      49,493
   Interest expense .(27,678)     (33,849)        --           --       (62,540)
   Other, net ......(104,397)     (18,836)     (35,396)     (35,009)     18,616
Net income ......$ 1,295,548  $ 1,263,273   $  919,565   $  805,701  $1,134,703

PRO FORMA DATA (Unaudited) (Note 15):
   Historical income before income 
     taxes .....                            $    919,565             $1,134,703
   Less:  Pro forma provision for 
     income taxes                                358,630                442,534
PRO FORMA NET INCOME ....................   $    560,935             $  692,169

The accompanying notes to combined financial
statements are an integral part of these
                              THE MAXWELL COMPANIES


                              Common  Stock  Gain on     Retained
                              Shares  Amount Investments Earnings     Total

BALANCE, December 31, 1992    3,500  $3,500  $ --     $ 1,890,892    $1,894,392
   Net income .............    --      --      --       1,295,548     1,295,548
   Dividends declared .....    --      --      --        (979,383)     (979,383)
BALANCE, December 31, 1993    3,500   3,500    --       2,207,057     2,210,557
   Net income .............    --      --      --       1,263,273     1,263,273
   Issuance of stock ......     500     500    --         --                500
   Dividends declared .....    --      --      --        (698,380)     (698,380)
BALANCE, December 31, 1994    4,000   4,000    --       2,771,950     2,775,950
   Net income .............    --      --      --         919,565       919,565
   Dividends declared .....    --      --      --      (1,179,046)   (1,179,046)
   Net unrealized holding
   gain on
      investments available
      for sale ............    --      --       43,296        --         43,296
BALANCE, December 31, 1995    4,000   4,000     43,296  2,512,469     2,559,765
   Net income .............    --      --         --    1,134,703     1,134,703
   Issuance of stock ......   1,000   1,000       --        --            1,000
   Dividends declared:
      Cash ................    --      --         --   (3,288,223    (3,288,223)
      Investments .........    --      --      (43,296)  (230,058)     (273,354)
      Property ............    --      --         --     (220,815)     (220,815)
BALANCE, September 30, 1996   5,000   $5,000  $   --    $ (91,924)   $  (86,924)

The accompanying notes to combined financial
statements are an integral part of these

                              THE MAXWELL COMPANIES

                                   COMBINED STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS

                                                            Nine Months Ended
                                   Years Ended December 31,    September 30,
                                1993    1994      1995        1995      1996

Net income ............  $1,295,548 $1,263,273  $919,565    $805,701 $1,134,703
Adjustments to reconcile net
income to net cash provided
by operating activities:
amortization ............... 75,368    107,601    136,135     107,187    98,997
Provision for bad debts .... 77,690    100,615    223,216     223,216    50,056
Loss (gain) on investments  102,536     12,500     (2,146)     --        --
Change in operating assets
and liabilities, net of
effects of acquisition:
Restricted cash ............(65,954)   (72,499)  (114,718)    (34,096)  202,892
Accounts receivable .......(777,846)(1,073,300)    50,357     (77,936) (411,536)
Prepaid expenses
and other ......             26,124    (10,457)    72,041      60,524  (128,981)
payable .....                40,808    (74,812)     1,259     (23,898)  158,478
Payroll and related
liabilities ............    525,769     33,483    (83,328)     49,385   281,025
Reserve for workers'
compensation claims .....    --        476,000    677,000     520,250  (241,000)
Other accrued liabilities ...64,574    (43,846)     4,734      27,090      (726)
Net cash provided by
activities .......        1,364,617    718,558  1,884,115   1,657,423 1,143,908
 Acquisition of Sumner-Ray
 Technical Resources, Inc.     --        --        --            --    (168,000)
Capital expenditures ..... (155,150)  (211,595)  (155,333)   (150,435) (135,246)
Purchases of investments . (109,144)   (13,750)  (116,526)   (116,526)     --
Sales of investments .....   --         --         98,119      --          --
 Advance to StaffMark, Inc.  --         --         --          --       (31,250)
  Net cash used in
 investing activities      (264,294)  (225,345)  (173,740)   (266,961) (334,496)

The accompanying notes to combined financial
statements are an integral part of these
                              THE MAXWELL COMPANIES

                             COMBINED STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS (Continued)

                                                              Nine Months Ended
                              Years Ended December 31,          September 30,
                             1993     1994     1995          1995          1996

   Cash dividends .    $(813,409) $(666,854)$(1,225,546)$(1,176,956)$(3,439,223)
   Proceeds from (payments on)
      long-term debt .   (46,297)  (336,801)     --          --       1,750,000
   Issuance of stock .      --          500      --          --           1,000
Net cash used in financing
activities              (859,706)(1,003,155) (1,225,546)(1,176,956)  (1,688,223)
   EQUIVALENTS           240,617   (509,942)    484,829    213,506     (878,811)
   beginning of period   825,869  1,066,486     556,544    556,544    1,041,373
   end of period      $1,066,486  $ 556,544 $ 1,041,373  $ 770,050    $ 162,562
      Interest paid ....$ 27,678  $  23,950 $    --      $  --        $  48,085
      Non-cash transactions:
      Notes payable issued in
        conjunction with 
        the purchase of 
        Sumner-Ray Technical 
        Resources, Inc. $  --     $   --    $   --       $  --        $  149,180
      Distribution of investments
        to stockholders $  --     $   --    $   --       $  --        $  273,354
      Distribution of property
        to stockholders $  --     $   --    $    --      $  --        $  220,815

The accompanying notes to combined financial
statements are an integral part of these
                              THE MAXWELL COMPANIES

                                 NOTES TO COMBINED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS



     The combined financial  statements of The Maxwell Companies (the "Company")
include the activities of Maxwell Staffing, Inc. ("Staffing"),  Maxwell Staffing
of Bristow, Inc. ("Bristow"),  Maxwell/Healthcare,  Inc. ("Healthcare"),  Square
One Rehab, Inc. ("Square One") and Technical Staffing, Inc.  ("Technical"),  all
of which are incorporated in Oklahoma and have  substantially  common ownership.
All  significant   intercompany   transactions   have  been  eliminated  in  the
accompanying combined financial statements.

       Staffing,  which  was  incorporated  in  1979,  and  Bristow,  which  was
incorporated  in  1993,  both  provide  temporary   personnel  services  in  the
northeastern  Oklahoma  area to the  clerical,  industrial  and medical  fields.
Healthcare,  which was incorporated in 1989 to provide foreign-trained temporary
and permanent physical and occupational  therapist  services,  is licensed to do
business in 22 states.  Square One,  which was  incorporated  in 1991,  provides
contract  management  and  physical  and  occupational   therapist  services  to
companies located in the midwestern and southwestern  United States.  Technical,
which was  incorporated  in 1996,  provides  permanent and  temporary  technical
personnel services to companies located primarily in Oklahoma.

Interim Financial Statements--

       The  accompanying  interim  combined  financial  statements  and  related
disclosures  for the nine months ended  September 30, 1995 have not been audited
by independent accountants.  However, they have been prepared in conformity with
the accounting  principles stated in the audited combined  financial  statements
for the three  years in the  period  ended  December  31,  1995 and for the nine
months ended  September 30, 1996, and include all  adjustments  (which were of a
normal, recurring nature) which, in the opinion of management,  are necessary to
present  fairly the  financial  position  of the  Company and the results of its
operations  and cash  flows for each of the  periods  presented.  The  operating
results for the interim  periods  presented  are not  necessarily  indicative of
results for the full year.

Use of Estimates--

       The  preparation  of financial  statements in conformity  with  generally
accepted  accounting  principles  requires  management  to  make  estimates  and
assumptions  that affect the reported amounts of assets,  liabilities,  revenues
and expenses and disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities.  The estimates
and assumptions used in preparing the accompanying combined financial statements
are based upon  management's  evaluation of the relevant facts and circumstances
as of the date of the financial statements.  However,  actual results may differ
from the estimates and assumptions used in preparing the  accompanying  combined
financial statements.

Revenue Recognition--

       Service  revenues  are  recognized  as  income at the time  services  are

Cash and Cash Equivalents--

       For  statement  of cash flow  purposes,  the  Company  considers  cash on
deposit with  financial  institutions  and all highly  liquid  investments  with
original maturities of three months or less to be cash equivalents.

Restricted Cash--

       Restricted  cash represents  funds deposited in an account  maintained on
behalf of the Company's  self-insured  health  benefits  plan.  The use of these
assets is  restricted  to the payment of health  benefits  of the  participating


Accounts Receivable--

       The Company  maintains  allowances for potential  losses which management
believes are adequate to absorb  losses to be incurred in realizing  the amounts
recorded  in  the  accompanying  financial  statements.   Included  in  accounts
receivable in the  accompanying  combined balance sheets are unbilled amounts of
$392,068,  $379,163 and  $166,429 at December  31,  1994,  December 31, 1995 and
September 30, 1996, respectively.

Investment Securities--

       Effective  January 1, 1994,  the Company  adopted  Statement of Financial
Accounting  Standards ("SFAS") No. 115,  "Accounting for Certain  Investments in
Debt and Equity Securities." In accordance with this  pronouncement,  investment
securities are to be classified as either  trading,  available-for-sale  or held
for investment.  Trading  securities are recorded at market value, and any gains
or losses are recognized in the income statement.  Securities available-for-sale
are also recorded at market value;  however,  any unrealized gains or losses are
recorded  as  an  adjustment  to  stockholders'  equity.   Securities  held  for
investment  are recorded at amortized  cost,  adjusted for  necessary  valuation

       Upon adoption of SFAS No. 115 on January 1, 1994, the Company  classified
its investment  securities as  available-for-sale.  The  implementation  of this
pronouncement  did not have a  material  impact  on the  accompanying  financial

Property and Equipment--

       Property  and  equipment  are  recorded  at cost and are  depreciated  or
amortized using a method which  approximates the  straight-line  method over the
estimated useful lives of the assets.  Leasehold improvements are amortized on a
straight-line  basis over the  shorter of the  estimated  economic  lives or the
terms of the lease. The estimated useful lives of the Company's assets, by asset
classification, are as follows:

       Office equipment                                          5-7 years
       Computer equipment                                        5-7 years
       Vehicles                                                  5 years
       Building and improvements                                 7-32 years

       Additions  that  extend  the lives of the assets  are  capitalized  while
repairs and  maintenance  costs are  expensed as  incurred.  When  property  and
equipment  are retired,  the cost of the property and  equipment and the related
accumulated  depreciation or amortization are removed from the balance sheet and
any resultant gain or loss is recorded.

Intangible Assets--

       Intangible  assets consist  primarily of goodwill recorded in conjunction
with the acquisition of Sumner-Ray Technical Resources, Inc. ("Sumner-Ray"),  as
discussed in Note 2, which is being  amortized  using the  straight-line  method
over 30 years. In the event facts and  circumstances  indicate that the carrying
amount of this goodwill may be impaired,  an evaluation of recoverability  would
be performed.  If an evaluation is required,  the estimated future  undiscounted
net cash  flows of the  related  assets  over  their  remaining  lives  would be
compared to the assets'  carrying  amounts in  measuring  whether the assets are
recoverable.  As of September  30, 1996,  the Company's  intangible  assets were
considered to be fully recoverable.


Workers' Compensation and Health Benefits--

       The Company self-insures  certain risks related to workers'  compensation
and employee health benefits claims.  The estimated costs of existing and future
claims are accrued as incidents  occur based upon  historical  loss  development
trends and may be subsequently  revised based on  developments  relating to such

Fair Value of Financial Instruments--

       The Company's  financial  instruments  include cash and cash equivalents,
restricted cash,  investments and long-term debt. Excluding  investments,  which
are carried at fair market  value as discussed  in Note 4,  management  believes
that  the  Company's   financial   instruments  bear  interest  at  rates  which
approximate prevailing market rates for instruments with similar characteristics
and, accordingly,  that the carrying values for these instruments are reasonable
estimates of fair value.


       On February 23, 1996, the Company  acquired certain assets of Sumner-Ray,
which is engaged in providing temporary and direct placement of professional and
technical personnel in the engineering,  drafting and manufacturing  fields. The
acquisition  has been  accounted for as a purchase and the results of Sumner-Ray
have been included in the  accompanying  financial  statements since the date of
acquisition.  The cost of the acquisition has been allocated on the basis of the
estimated fair value of the assets and liabilities acquired.

       Total consideration paid for Sumner-Ray was $336,000.  The purchase price
included cash of $168,000 and a note to the seller for $168,000,  which included
an  interest  component  at a  stated  rate of 8% per  year.  The  note has been
discounted  using the  prescribed  rate, and the resulting  principal  amount of
$149,180 is included in the  accompanying  combined  balance sheets.  The assets
acquired have been recorded at their  estimated fair value as of the acquisition
date,  with the remaining  acquisition  costs of  approximately  $300,000  being
recorded as goodwill.

       The  acquisition of Sumner-Ray  did not have a significant  impact on the
Company's operating results.


       Property and equipment consisted of the following:

                                         December 31,      September 30,
                                     1994         1995        1996

Building and improvements ...   $  483,136            $     502,130$       --
Office equipment ............      346,530      386,411      439,829
Computer equipment ..........      204,268      300,265      361,710
Vehicles ....................       25,105       27,561       27,561
Leasehold improvements ......         --           --         31,089
Land ........................       13,000       13,000         --
                                              1,072,039    1,229,367    860,189
Less accumulated
depreciation and amortization      591,445      729,575      522,415
                                             $  480,594   $  499,792   $337,774

        Depreciation and amortization  expense related to property and equipment
for the years ended December 31, 1993, 1994 and 1995 totaled  $75,368,  $107,601
and $136,135,  respectively.  Depreciation and amortization expense for the nine
months  ended  September  30, 1995 and 1996  totaled  $107,187  (unaudited)  and
$91,449, respectively.


       The  Company  has  classified  all  investments  as   available-for-sale.
Accordingly, these investments have been recorded at market value.

       The  carrying  value and market  value of  available-for-sale  investment
securities were as follows:

                                      Gross      Gross       Gross
                                    Amortized  Unrealized   Unrealized    Market
                                      Cost       Gains       Losses        Value

December 31, 1994:
Equity securities ......................$180,826 $    --     $   --     $180,826
United States government
obligations ............................  28,679      --         --       28,679
                                        $209,505 $    --     $   --     $209,505
December 31, 1995:
Equity securities....................   $201,379   $38,551   $   --     $239,930
United States government
obligations .........................     28,679     4,745       --       33,424
                                        $230,058   $43,296   $   --     $273,354

     The United States  government  obligations held as of December 31, 1994 and
1995 represent only one issue which matures in 2003.

       Losses totaling $102,536 and $12,500 in 1993 and 1994, respectively, were
recognized  related to one security  whose  impairment of value was deemed to be
other than temporary.  There were no sales of securities  during 1994.  Proceeds
from the sale of  available-for-sale  securities  totaled  $98,119  for the year
ended December 1995,  including  realization of a gross gain of $2,146. The gain
and losses are reflected in other income (expense) in the accompanying  combined
statements  of income and were  determined  using each  security's  specifically
identified cost.

       All investments  were  distributed to the stockholders in March 1996. The
related unrealized holding gain was removed in connection with this dividend.


        Intangible assets, net of amortization,  at September 30, 1996 consisted
primarily of the goodwill related to the acquisition of Sumner-Ray, as discussed
in Note 2.

        Amortization expense related to intangible assets totaled $7,548 for the
nine months ended September 30, 1996.


       Long-term  debt as of September 30, 1996  consisted of a promissory  note
payable to the previous owner of Sumner-Ray which is due in annual  installments
of $84,000, including interest at approximately 8%, payable on February 23, 1997
and 1998. The  obligation is secured by a lien and security  interest in certain
assets of the Company.  Scheduled  principal  maturities of this  obligation are
$71,618 in 1997 and $77,562 in 1998.

       On May 17, 1996,  the Company  entered into a debt  agreement  with State
Bank & Trust,  N.A.  which  provided for a $1.75 million term loan.  The loan is
secured by the Company's  accounts  receivable  and  guaranteed by the Company's
stockholders. Accrued interest is due and payable monthly beginning June 1, 1996
at a rate of 8.25%.  The  outstanding  principal  balance  plus  unpaid  accrued
interest  is due  November  1, 1996.  The  proceeds  from this loan were used to
partially fund the cash dividend discussed in Note 14.

       The Company operates as an S Corporation for federal and state income tax
reporting purposes. Accordingly, no provision for income taxes has been recorded
in the  accompanying  financial  statements as such taxes are liabilities of the
individual stockholders. See Note 15.

       The Company's tax returns are subject to examination by federal and state
taxing  authorities.  If such  examinations  result in a change to the Company's
reported  income or loss,  the taxable income or loss reported by the individual
stockholders could also change.


       Effective July 1, 1994, the Company began self-insuring  certain workers'
compensation  claims in the state of Oklahoma  and is  regulated by the Oklahoma
Workers' Compensation Insurance Commission.  The Company has purchased insurance
for workers' compensation claims which exceed $250,000.  The Company maintains a
letter of credit with a bank to cover any potential unpaid claims.  At September
30,  1996,  this  letter  of credit  was in the  amount  of  $575,000.  Workers'
compensation  expense  totaled  $485,151,  $918,961 and $1,089,901 for the years
ended December 31, 1993, 1994 and 1995, respectively.  For the nine months ended
September  30,  1995  and  1996,  workers'  compensation  expense  was  $713,749
(unaudited)  and $29,722,  respectively.  The decrease in workers'  compensation
expense for the nine months  ended  September  30, 1996 is due to a reduction in
the actuarially  determined  reserves required which was primarily the result of
using the Company's own claim development experience versus industry development
factors which had been used in previous actuarial valuations.


       Prior to 1995,  employees  participated in a profit sharing plan to which
the Company made discretionary contributions. In 1993 and 1994, the Company made
contributions totaling $250,000 and $190,000,  respectively. The Company elected
not to make a contribution in 1995. Effective January 1, 1996, the Company added
a defined  contribution  benefit plan to the existing  profit sharing plan. This
new plan,  which  operates  pursuant to an Internal  Revenue Code Section 401(k)
arrangement, allows employees to contribute on a tax deferred basis up to 10% of
their annual wages.  The Company makes a matching  contribution  equal to 50% of
the employees'  contributions up to a maximum of 3% of the respective employees'
annual  wages.  The Company may also  contribute  additional  amounts for profit
sharing  at its  discretion.  Total  matching  contributions  to be  made by the
Company to the plan for the nine months ended September 30, 1996 were $30,578.

       On January 1, 1993, the Company  established a self-insured plan to offer
health and dental insurance benefits to certain of its employees.  Employees may
also purchase  coverage for family  members.  Pursuant to this plan, the Company
pays for the approved claims costs of eligible  participants  subject to certain
individual and family deductibles and co-payments,  as defined. Both the Company
and the  participants  make  contributions to the plan based upon premiums which
are  established  by a third  party  administrator  and the  Company's  benefits
committee.  The Company  maintained  insurance for annual claims for individuals
which exceeded $10,000,  $15,000, $25,000 and $25,000 at December 31, 1993, 1994
and 1995 and September 30, 1996, respectively. Expenses related to this plan for
the years ended  December 31, 1993,  1994 and 1995 were  $190,537,  $184,605 and
$188,066, respectively.  Expenses related to this plan for the nine months ended
September   30,  1995  and  1996  were   $191,298   (unaudited)   and  $180,205,


       The  Company  rents a  duplex  from  certain  stockholders  which  houses
foreign-trained  physical and occupational  therapists.  Rent expense related to
the duplex  amounted to $16,800 for each of the years ended  December  31, 1993,
1994 and 1995. Rent expense totaled $12,600 (unaudited) and $13,000 for the nine
months ended September 30, 1995 and 1996, respectively.  These rent payments are
not subject to a formal  agreement and,  therefore,  have not been considered in
the disclosure  included in Note 12. Effective May 31, 1996, the Company entered
into an agreement with certain  stockholders  to lease the building in which the
Company is  headquartered  for $100,000 a year. Rent expense totaled $33,332 for
the nine months ended September 30, 1996.


       The Company has employment agreements with certain executive officers and
management   personnel   that  provide  for  annual   salaries,   cost-of-living
adjustments  and  additional  compensation  in the  form  of  performance  based
bonuses.  Certain  agreements  include a covenant  against  competition with the
Company, which extends for a period of time after termination.  These agreements
generally continue until terminated by the employee or the Company.

        One employment  agreement  provides for the purchase of up to 398 shares
of Square One stock from the existing  stockholders  subject to the satisfaction
of certain performance  measures of Square One. As of September 30, 1996, Square
One's  performance  had  exceeded  the  threshold  required  for the employee to
purchase 100 shares; however, this option had not been exercised.

        The Company pays dividends to its stockholders in amounts  sufficient to
cover their estimated tax payments  attributable to the respective  share of the
Company's net income which will be included in their individual tax returns. The
Company  plans to continue  this  practice in the future as long as it maintains
its S Corporation status. See Note 15.

        The  Company  is a  party  to  certain  lawsuits  and  claims  primarily
involving  workers'  compensation  claims and other  employee  related  matters.
Management believes,  based in part on consultation from legal counsel, that the
ultimate  outcome of these matters will not have a materially  adverse effect on
the Company's financial position, liquidity or results of operations.


       The  Company  leases  equipment,  vehicles  and  office  space as well as
apartments for certain foreign-trained  therapists under noncancelable operating
leases.  Annual  future  minimum  payments  during  each of the next five  years
required under such leases are as follows:

                                                        Years Ending
                                             December 31,          September 30,

                              1996               $224,093               $181,766
                              1997                 67,545                154,257
                              1998                 52,132                110,311
                              1999                 43,643                 43,643
                              2000                 43,643                 18,971
                                                 $431,056               $508,948

Rent expense totaled $75,472, $123,099 and $134,231 for the years ended December
31, 1993,  1994 and 1995,  respectively.  Rent expense for the nine months ended
September 30, 1995 and 1996 was $69,303 (unaudited) and $111,847, respectively.


        The Company's sales to customers which  individually  account for 10% or
more of service revenues were as follows:

                                    Nine Months Ended
                                 Years Ended December 31,         September 30,
                                1993       1994       1995       1995       1996

Customer 1 ..............        21%        14%        10%        --         --
Customer 2 ..............        --         14%        12%        13%        11%



       In June  1996,  the  owners  of the  Company  entered  into a  definitive
agreement  to merge with  StaffMark,  Inc.  ("StaffMark")  in  conjunction  with
StaffMark's  initial  public  offering.  Effective  October 2,  1996,  StaffMark
completed the initial  public  offering.  In  conjunction  with the merger,  the
Company  transferred  certain  assets  to  the  stockholders  consisting  of the
building in which the Company is headquartered,  which had an aggregate carrying
value of $220,815 as of April 1996.  StaffMark  plans to lease the real property
distributed,  as  discussed  above,  from the  owners  at  $100,000  per year by
assuming the lease agreement discussed in Note 10. In addition, the Company made
cash distributions equal to the Company's S Corporation  Accumulated  Adjustment
Account as of the merger date.  During  1996,  the Company  distributed  cash of
approximately  $3.3  million,   which  represented  the  Company's  estimated  S
Corporation Accumulated Adjustment Account at September 30, 1996.

       In  conjunction  with this merger,  the owners  entered  into  employment
agreements  which  provide  for a  set  base  salary,  participation  in  future
incentive  bonus  plans,  certain  other  benefits and a covenant not to compete
following termination of such person's employment.

       As of September 30, 1996,  the Company had advanced  $31,250 to StaffMark
to fund  organizational  and other costs  related to the merger and  StaffMark's
initial public offering.

       On October 2, 1996, all of the Company's  borrowings and debt obligations
totaling  $1,899,180  were  repaid  using a  portion  of the  proceeds  from the
completed initial public offering.


       In  conjunction  with the planned  merger with  StaffMark as discussed in
Note 14, the Company  will change from an S  Corporation  to C  Corporation  for
federal and state income tax reporting purposes,  which will require the Company
to recognize the tax consequences of operations in its statements of income. The
supplemental pro forma  information  included in the accompanying  statements of
income reflect the estimated impact of recognizing  income tax expense as if the
Company had been a C Corporation  for tax reporting  purposes  during the twelve
months  and nine  months  ended  December  31,  1995  and  September  30,  1996,



To HRA, Inc.:

       We have  audited  the  accompanying  balance  sheets  of HRA,  Inc.  (the
"Company"), a Tennessee corporation,  as of September 30, 1995 and 1996, and the
related  statements of income  (loss),  stockholders'  equity and cash flows for
each of the three years ended September 30, 1996. These financial statements are
the responsibility of the Company's management. Our responsibility is to express
an opinion on these financial statements based on our audits.

       We conducted our audits in accordance  with generally  accepted  auditing
standards.  Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain
reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material
misstatement.  An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting
the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements.  An audit also includes
assessing the  accounting  principles  used and  significant  estimates  made by
management,  as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation.
We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.

       In our  opinion,  the  financial  statements  referred  to above  present
fairly,  in all material  respects,  the  financial  position of HRA, Inc. as of
September  30,  1995 and 1996,  and the results of its  operations  and its cash
flows for each of the three years ended  September 30, 1996, in conformity  with
generally accepted accounting principles.

                                                   ARTHUR ANDERSEN LLP

Memphis, Tennessee,
October 22, 1996.

                                    HRA, INC.

                                             BALANCE SHEETS

                                                                 September 30,
                                                               1995         1996


    Cash and cash equivalents .......................   $  367,978   $  354,417
    Restricted cash .................................       50,251         --
    Accounts receivable, net of allowance
       for doubtful accounts of $26,000 and $40,000 .    1,998,724    2,944,791
    Advances to StaffMark, Inc. .....................         --         31,250
    Prepaid expenses and other ......................      467,002      756,836
    Income taxes receivable .........................       25,125         --
    Deferred income taxes ...........................      160,000      281,300
            Total current assets ....................    3,069,080    4,368,594

PROPERTY AND EQUIPMENT, net .........................      144,179      258,087
INTANGIBLE ASSETS, net ..............................       37,156    1,001,308
    Deferred income taxes ...........................       65,000       55,300
    Other ...........................................       21,071        1,423
            Total other assets ......................       86,071       56,723
                                                        $3,336,486   $5,684,712


    Borrowings under accounts receivable
       financing agreement ......................... $     502,512   $     --
    Line of credit ..................................         --      1,340,000
    Current portion of note payable to Liberty Mutual         --        255,238
    Current portion of deferred compensation
       arrangements .................................       43,699      108,939
    Outstanding checks ..............................      166,761      184,558
    Accounts payable ................................      193,096      164,199
    Payroll and related liabilities .................      621,317      766,417
    Reserve for workers' compensation claims ........    1,390,351    1,224,378
    Income taxes payable ............................         --        443,896
    Accrued expenses ................................      138,416      169,594
            Total current liabilities ...............    3,056,152    4,657,219

    less current portion ............................      127,332      247,383
NOTE PAYABLE TO A STOCKHOLDER .......................      122,000      116,000
    less current portion ............................         --        386,156
    (Notes 11, 12 and 15) STOCKHOLDERS' EQUITY:
    Common stock, no par value, 1,000 shares
       authorized, 790 shares issued and
       outstanding ..................................       12,600       12,600
    Retained earnings ...............................       18,402      265,354
            Total stockholders' equity ..............       31,002      277,954
                                                        $3,336,486   $5,684,712

                                 The accompanying  notes are an integral part of
                                     these balance sheets.


                                               HRA, INC.

                                      STATEMENTS OF INCOME (LOSS)

                                                Fiscal Years
                                    1994            1995            1996

SERVICE REVENUES ............   $ 16,453,375    $ 18,306,542    $ 24,629,470
COST OF SERVICES ............     13,367,561      14,939,279      19,525,952
    Gross profit ............      3,085,814       3,367,263       5,103,518

    Selling, general and
       administrative .......      2,381,168       3,438,436       4,224,370
    Depreciation and
       amortization .........         45,783          65,691         107,697
    Operating income (loss) .        658,863        (136,864)        771,451

    Interest expense ........       (100,828)       (107,364)       (120,126)
    Interest and other, net .         16,466          13,443         245,922
    INCOME TAXES ............        574,501        (230,785)        897,247
    INCOME TAXES ............        221,100         (84,160)        353,006
            Net income (loss)   $    353,401    $   (146,625)   $    544,241

                                 The accompanying  notes are an integral part of
                                  these financial statements.

                                               HRA, INC.

                                   STATEMENTS OF STOCKHOLDERS' EQUITY

                                        Common Stock          Earnings
                                    Shares      Amount    (Deficit)     Total

BALANCE, September 30, 1993          500   $   1,000   $(188,374)   $(187,374)

    Issuance of Common Stock         290      11,600        --         11,600
    Net income .............        --          --       353,401      353,401

BALANCE, September 30, 1994          790      12,600     165,027      177,627

    Net loss ...............        --          --      (146,625)    (146,625)

BALANCE, September 30, 1995          790      12,600      18,402       31,002

    Dividends ..............        --          --      (297,289)    (297,289)
    Net income .............        --          --       544,241      544,241

BALANCE, September 30, 1996           90   $  12,600   $ 265,354    $ 277,954

                                 The accompanying  notes are an integral part of
                                  these financial statements.


                                               HRA, INC.

                                        STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS

                                                      Fiscal Years
                                                1994         1995        1996

Net income (loss) ............................$ 353,401    $(146,625) $ 544,241
Adjustments to reconcile
net income to net cash
   provided by operating activities:
   Depreciation and amortization .............   45,783      65,691     107,697
   Provision (recovery) for
   bad debts, net ............................    4,498       2,041      (5,578)
   Change in deferred income taxes ...........  (10,200)   (112,200)   (111,600)
   Change in operating assets
   and liabilities:
      Accounts receivable .................... (421,143)   (316,713)   (940,489)
      Prepaid expenses and other .............    2,531    (454,386)   (289,834)
      Income taxes receivable ................     --       (25,125)     25,125
      Other assets ...........................       17     (20,671)     19,648
      Outstanding checks .....................     --       166,761      17,797
      Accounts payable .......................   51,940      49,190     (34,153)
      Payroll and related liabilities ........  (30,697)    128,284     145,100
      Reserve for workers' compensation claims  (68,655)    914,639     500,421
      Income taxes payable ...................  192,487    (228,217)    443,896
      Accrued expenses .......................  (21,755)     66,332       6,178
           Net cash provided by
                operating activities .........   98,207      89,001     428,449

Capital expenditures ...............            (40,096)   (135,765)   (177,713)
Advances to StaffMark, Inc. ........               --          --       (31,250)
Other ..............................               --       (16,000)       --
Payment for purchase acquisition ...               --          --      (863,151)
           Net cash used in
                investing activities            (40,096)   (151,765) (1,072,114)

                                 The accompanying  notes are an integral part of
                                  these financial statements.


                                               HRA, INC.

                                  STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS (Continued)

                                                       Fiscal Years
                                               1994         1995        1996

   Net (increase) decrease in
   restricted cash ..................   $ (60,083)   $   9,832      $  50,251
   Increase in deferred
   compensation arrangements ........      21,559         --          135,596
   Payments on deferred
   compensation arrangements .........       --        (24,691)       (89,942)
   Net borrowings (payments)
   under an accounts
       receivable financing agreement     100,830      (98,318)      (502,512)
   Net borrowings under a
   revolving line of credit ..........       --           --        1,340,000
   Principal payments on note
   payable to a stockholder ..........       --        (33,295)        (6,000)
   Dividends ........................        --           --         (297,289)
   Proceeds from issuance of
   common stock ......................     11,600         --             --
   Other ............................      (5,749)        --             --
           Net cash provided by
               (used in) financing
               activities ...........      68,157     (146,472)       630,104
   CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS ........     126,268     (209,236)       (13,561)
   beginning of period ..............     450,946      577,214        367,978
   end of period ....................   $ 577,214    $ 367,978    $   354,417
   Interest paid ....................   $  77,737    $ 106,467    $   116,161
   Taxes paid .......................   $  41,813    $ 267,622    $    18,000


During fiscal year 1995, the Company  incurred a liability  totaling $41,000 for
the purchase of a consulting and noncompete agreement.

During  fiscal  year  1996,  the  Company   recorded  a  deferred   compensation
arrangement  liability for the purchase of a noncompete  agreement with a former
stockholder totaling $139,637.

During fiscal year 1996, the Company  settled a dispute with its former workers'
compensation  insurance carrier for $641,394.  The anticipated settlement amount
had been recorded in previous  periods in the Reserve for Workers'  Compensation
and was reclassified in fiscal year 1996 to Note Payable to Liberty Mutual (Note

                                 The accompanying  notes are an integral part of
                                  these financial statements.

                                    HRA, INC.

                          NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS



       HRA, Inc. (the  "Company") was  incorporated on November 20, 1991, in the
state of Tennessee and provides temporary  personnel services throughout central
Tennessee and direct placement  services  primarily in the Nashville,  Tennessee
area. Headquartered in Nashville, Tennessee, the Company does business under the
name of Human Resources and operates staffing offices in the following Tennessee
locations:  Clarksville,   Columbia,  Franklin,  Gallatin,  Lebanon,  Lewisburg,
Murfreesboro, Nashville, Pulaski, Portland, Smyrna, Springfield and Tullahoma.

       The majority of the Company's  sales are derived from customers  within a
100-mile radius of Nashville, Tennessee. The Company extends trade credit to its
customers which are represented by various  industries.  There are no individual
customers  that  account  for more than 10% of  service  revenues  in any of the
fiscal years presented.

Fiscal Periods--

     The Company's fiscal year ends on September 30. The fiscal years 1994, 1995
and 1996 each included 52 weeks.

Use of Estimates--

       The preparation of the financial  statements in conformity with generally
accepted  accounting  principles  requires  management  to  make  estimates  and
assumptions  that affect the reported amounts of assets,  liabilities,  revenues
and expenses and disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities.  The estimates
and assumptions  used in the  accompanying  financial  statements are based upon
management's  evaluation of the relevant facts and  circumstances as of the date
of the financial  statements.  Actual  results may differ from the estimates and
assumptions used in preparing the accompanying financial statements.

Revenue Recognition--

       Service  revenues are recognized as income at the time staffing  services
are provided.

Cash and Cash Equivalents--

       For  statement  of cash flow  purposes,  the  Company  considers  cash on
deposit with  financial  institutions  and all highly  liquid  investments  with
original maturities of three months or less to be cash equivalents.

       At September  30, 1994 and 1995,  the Company had set aside cash reserves
of $60,083  and  $50,251 as  collateral  on accounts  receivable  financed  with
recourse (Note 5).

Accounts Receivable--

       The Company  maintains  allowances for potential  losses which management
believes are adequate to absorb losses related to the realization of the amounts
recorded in the accompanying balance sheets.


Property and Equipment--

       Property  and  equipment  are  recorded  at cost and are  depreciated  on
accelerated  methods over the  estimated  useful lives of the assets.  Leasehold
improvements  are  amortized  on a  straight-line  basis over the shorter of the
economic  lives or the terms of the lease.  Estimates  of useful  lives by asset
classification are as follows:

Office equipment ........................................              5-7 years
Computer equipment ......................................              5 years
Computer software .......................................              5 years
Leasehold improvements ..................................              5 years

       Expenditures for renewals and betterments are capitalized,  while repairs
and maintenance costs are expensed as incurred.

Intangible Assets--

       The  Company  amortizes  its  intangible  assets  over  the  lives of the
respective arrangements (Note 4). The Company regularly evaluates whether events
and  circumstances  have  occurred  which may indicate  the  carrying  amount of
intangible  assets may warrant revision or may not be recoverable.  When factors
indicate  that  certain  intangible  assets  should be  evaluated  for  possible
impairment,  the Company  uses an estimate of the future  undiscounted  net cash
flows of the related assets over their remaining lives in measuring  whether the
assets are  recoverable.  As of September  30, 1996,  the  Company's  intangible
assets were considered fully recoverable.

Self-Insurance Reserves--

       During fiscal year 1995,  the Company began  self-insuring  certain risks
related to workers' compensation claims. Additionally, during each of the fiscal
years  ended  September  30, the  Company  was  substantially  self-insured  for
employee  health care costs.  The estimated  costs of existing and future claims
related to workers'  compensation claims and employee health care are accrued as
incidents  occur.  These  accruals are based upon  historical  loss  development
trends and may be subsequently  revised based on  developments  relating to such
claims. The Company engages,  from  time-to-time,  the services of a third party
actuary  to  assist  with  the   development  of  cost  estimates  for  workers'
compensation claims.

Income Taxes--

       Deferred   income   taxes  are  provided  for  the  effect  of  temporary
differences  between the tax bases of assets and  liabilities and their reported
amounts in the financial  statements.  The Company uses the liability  method to
account for income taxes,  which  requires  deferred taxes to be recorded at the
statutory rate expected to be in effect when the taxes are paid.

Fair Value of Financial Instruments--

       The Company's financial  instruments  principally represent cash and cash
equivalents,  a note payable to a stockholder  and bank  borrowing  arrangements
secured by accounts receivable.  The carrying value of cash and cash equivalents
approximates fair value due to its short-term  nature. The carrying value of the
note payable to a stockholder and the Company's borrowing  arrangements  secured
by accounts receivable, including the Company's line of credit, approximate fair
value based upon management's  assessment of interest rates currently  available
to the Company.


       On July 11, 1996,  the Company  completed  the purchase of the assets and
intellectual  property of Dorothy  Johnson's Career  Consultants,  Inc. ("Career
Consultants") for a cash payment of $850,000. Career Consultants provides direct
placement  services  on a fee basis to  companies  primarily  in the  Nashville,
Tennessee area. In addition,  the Company  entered into a non-compete  agreement
with the principal stockholder of Career Consultants.  The purchase was financed
with borrowings  under the Company's line of credit (Note 6), which was extended
in contemplation of this transaction.

       Since  the  acquisition  of Career  Consultants  was  accounted  for as a
purchase,  the Company  recorded Career  Consultant's  assets and liabilities at
their  estimated fair market values at the date of the  acquisition.  Results of
operations  of Career  Consultants  are included in the  accompanying  financial
statements  subsequent  to July 11, 1996.  Of the total  consideration  paid for
Career Consultants,  $70,000 was associated with a noncompete agreement with the
remaining purchase price in excess of the estimated fair market value of the net
assets  acquired  of  approximately  $769,000  being  recorded as  goodwill.  In
connection with the purchase of Career Consultants, the Company incurred certain
legal and other costs of approximately $13,000.

       The following  unaudited pro forma combined results for fiscal years 1995
and 1996 give  effect to the  acquisition  of  Career  Consultants  as if it had
occurred at the beginning of those periods.  This pro forma information does not
necessarily  represent  what the  results  would  have been had the  acquisition
actually occurred at the beginning of each period presented.

                                                         1995            1996

Revenue ......................................      $19,243,686      $25,906,321
Income (loss) before taxes ...................         (249,334)         894,097
Net income (loss) ............................         (158,410)         542,876


       Components of property and equipment are as follows:

                                                     1995       1996

Office equipment .............................   $ 65,237   $134,387
Computer equipment ...........................    141,200    173,192
Computer software ............................     76,715    139,179
Leasehold improvements .......................     17,569     42,474
                                                  300,721    489,232
Less accumulated depreciation and amortization    156,542    231,145
                                                 $144,179   $258,087

       Depreciation and  amortization  expense related to property and equipment
totaled  $45,783,  $61,847  and $74,603  for fiscal  years 1994,  1995 and 1996,



       During  fiscal  year 1995,  the Company  entered  into a  Consulting  and
Noncompetition  Agreement  with an  individual  operating a temporary  personnel
agency in Lebanon,  Tennessee.  The agreement, as amended, called for an initial
payment of $41,000 and  contingent  consideration  of up to $67,000,  based upon
certain  performance  events.  Contingent  consideration  payments during fiscal
years 1995 and 1996 totaled approximately $1,700 and $6,600,  respectively.  The
Company is amortizing this arrangement over the 48 month term of the agreement.

                              Amortization Methods
                              1995             1996                 and Periods

Consulting and
noncompetition agreements ....$41,000     $1      Straight line over 4 & 5 years
Noncompete agreement with a
former stockholder
(see Note 11) .....................--   139,637   Straight line
over 10 years
Goodwill (Note 2) .................--   769,202   Straight line over 30 years
Other (Note 2) ....................--    18,407   Straight line over 5 years
                               41,000 1,038,286
Less accumulated
amortization ...................3,844    36,938
                              $37,156 $1,001,308

       Amortization  expense totaled $3,844 and $33,094 in fiscal years 1995 and
1996, respectively.


       During  fiscal  year  1994,  the  Company  entered  into a  "Purchase  of
Accounts" agreement with SouthTrust Bank (the "Bank") whereby the Bank agreed to
purchase  up to  $750,000  of  the  Company's  trade  accounts  receivable  on a
revolving  basis.  The agreement gave the Company the option to repurchase these
receivables  from the Bank at any time and gave the Bank  full  recourse  to the
Company for any accounts receivable which were not collected.  Accordingly, this
arrangement  has been reflected as a financing  transaction in the  accompanying
financial statements.

       As of  September  30, 1995,  the  receivables  financed  pursuant to this
agreement totaled $502,512.  The agreement required the Company to pay a service
charge equal to 1.50% of the face amount of each  account  financed by the Bank.
Service  charges  were  $7,538 for fiscal year 1995 and have been  reflected  in
interest expense in the accompanying  statements of income (loss).  In addition,
the Company was  required to maintain a cash  reserve  account at the Bank in an
amount equal to at least 10% of the receivables  financed and meet certain other
restrictive covenants.


       In November  1995,  the Company  replaced its "Purchase of Accounts" bank
agreement (Note 5) with a revolving line of credit with the same bank. Under the
revolving  line of credit,  the Company may borrow an amount equal to 80% of its
outstanding Eligible Accounts Receivable, as defined, not to exceed an aggregate
borrowing of $1,500,000.

       Borrowings are  collateralized by the Company's  accounts  receivable and
are  guaranteed by the Company's  stockholders.  Interest is payable  monthly on
outstanding borrowings at the Bank's base rate plus 1.25% (weighted average rate
of 8.55%  during  fiscal  year  1996).  Under  the  terms of the line of  credit
agreement,  the Company has certain dividend restrictions and is required, among
other things, to maintain certain financial ratios. The Company is in compliance
with or has received  waivers through maturity for all covenants of this line of
credit as of September 30, 1996.

6.     LINE OF CREDIT (Continued):

       As of September 30, 1996, the Company had borrowed  $1,340,000 under this
line of credit and  principally  used the  proceeds to fund the  acquisition  of
Career Consultants (Note 2).

       As discussed in Note 2, the line of credit was extended on July 11, 1996.
The extension  agreement  allows the Company to borrow an amount equal to 85% of
its  outstanding  Eligible  Accounts  Receivable,  as defined,  not to exceed an
aggregate  borrowing of  $2,000,000,  and also  extends the  maturity  date from
November 20, 1996 to January 20, 1997.  An  additional  provision  requires that
$160,000 of the amount available under the line be held in reserve until certain
indebtedness  of the Company is paid in full or is  subordinated to the security
interest of the Bank.


       On  September  27,  1996,  the Company  settled a lawsuit with its former
workers'  compensation  insurance carrier, in which the Company had disputed the
amount of insurance  premiums  owed for fiscal years 1993 and 1994 and a portion
of fiscal year 1995. The settlement  totaled  $641,394 and calls for the Company
to make an  initial  payment of  $100,000,  with the  balance  due in 36 monthly
installments  of $16,470,  including  interest at 6%. The note may be prepaid in
whole or in part at any time  without  penalty.  In the event  that the  Company
elects to prepay the note, the Company will be entitled to a 10% discount of the
present value of the balance  outstanding  at prepayment  date.  The Company had
provided  for these  disputed  amounts in the fiscal  years in which they arose.
Annual maturities pursuant to this note are as follows:

                                                 1997                   $255,238
                                                 1998                    179,353
                                                 1999                    190,415
                                                 2000                     16,388


       As of  September  30, 1995 and 1996,  the Company had a note payable to a
former stockholder for $122,000 and $116,000,  respectively. The note was due on
demand  and bore  interest  at  8.75%.  The note was  secured  by the  Company's
accounts  receivable not previously  pledged.  For the years ended September 30,
1994, 1995 and 1996, interest expense on this note totaled $18,636,  $12,100 and
$11,310, respectively.

       In connection with the purchase of this stockholder's common stock in the
Company by two of the  remaining  stockholders  (Note 11), this note was amended
whereby, beginning in December 1995, interest payments will be made monthly at a
rate of 9.75%. The note is unsecured and requires  principal  payments beginning
in December 1997.

       As of September  30, 1996,  the Company  owed  $116,000  pursuant to this
amended note agreement. Annual maturities pursuant to this note are as follows:

                                                   1997                 $   --
                                                   1998                   35,753
                                                   1999                   57,917
                                                   2000                   20,301
Thereafter                                                                 2,029



       Components of the provision for income taxes were as follows:

                                     1994              1995              1996
   Federal ...............        $ 194,600         $  10,180         $ 391,206
   State .................           36,700             4,100            73,400
Deferred .................          (10,200)          (98,440)         (111,600)
                                  $ 221,100         $ (84,160)        $ 353,006

       A reconciliation of taxes at the statutory federal income tax rate to the
Company's effective income tax rate for the years ended September 30 follows:

                                  1994         1995         1996

Taxes at statutory U.S. .....
   income tax rate ..........   $ 201,075    $ (80,775)   $ 305,064
Increase (decrease) resulting
Tax penalties ...............         846         --           --
State income taxes, net of
   federal benefit ..........      23,855        2,666       45,837
Effect of graduated federal
   income tax rate ..........      (7,672)      (9,933)      (5,150)
Meals and entertainment
   and other ................       2,996        3,882        7,255
                                $ 221,100    $ (84,160)   $ 353,006

       Deferred   income  taxes  result  from   differences  in  the  timing  of
recognition  of revenues  and expenses for  financial  reporting  and income tax
purposes.  The components of the Company's net deferred income tax assets are as

                                                            1995          1996

Compensation arrangements ..........................      $ 65,000      $ 87,800
Vacation and workers' compensation reserves ........       160,000       238,700
Other ..............................................          --          10,100
                                                          $225,000      $336,600

       The  deferred  income tax assets  recorded  in the  accompanying  balance
sheets represent  potential future income tax benefits.  These future income tax
benefits  are  expected to be realized  through the  reduction  of income  taxes
otherwise  payable when  reversals of temporary  differences  occur  between the
financial   reporting  and  income  tax  basis  of  the  Company's   assets  and


       During fiscal year 1995,  the Company began  self-insuring  certain risks
related  to  workers'  compensation  claims  and is  regulated  by the  Workers'
Compensation  Insurance  Commission in the state of  Tennessee.  The Company has
purchased  insurance for claims which exceed  $250,000 per employee.  To satisfy
unpaid claims, the Company deposits amounts with a third party administrator. At
the  Company's  option,  it may withdraw its deposits upon  notification  to its
third party  administrator.  Included in prepaids and other in the  accompanying
balance  sheets are  deposits  to fund  workers'  compensation  claims  totaling
$451,617 and $722,000 as of September 30, 1995 and 1996, respectively.  Workers'
compensation  expense totaled  $664,468 and $1,270,271 and $1,306,212 for fiscal
years 1994, 1995 and 1996, respectively.


Stockholder Transaction--

       During  November 1995, two of the Company's  stockholders  purchased from
another   stockholder   his  entire   common  stock   interest  in  the  Company
(approximately 32%). In conjunction with this transaction,  the Company acted as
guarantor on the notes  payable  issued by the  acquiring  stockholders  for the
stock  in the  amount  of  $150,000.  Separately,  the  Company  entered  into a
severance  arrangement and noncompete  agreement through November 2003 with this
former stockholder (Note 12).

Dividend Distributions to Stockholders--

       In conjunction with the stockholder transaction described above and other
matters, the Company advanced via dividend distributions, $250,000 to two of its
stockholders during November 1995.

       The  Company  has paid  $47,289  for  consulting  and other  professional
services  related  to the  Company's  participation  in the  merger  transaction
discussed  in Note 16.  These costs are to be borne by the  stockholders  of the
Company,   and  have  been  reflected  as  dividends  to   stockholders  in  the
accompanying statement of stockholders' equity as of September 30, 1996.


       In November 1995, the Company settled a controversy  concerning an option
held by  certain  parties to acquire  30% of the  common  stock of the  Company.
Pursuant to the  Settlement  Agreement and Release,  the rights under the option
were  transferred  to two of the Company's  existing  stockholders  for $90,000,
which was paid by the Company. This payment was expensed in fiscal year 1996.

       Included  in general  and  administrative  expenses  are  advisor  and/or
director  fees paid or  payable  to the  stockholders  of the  Company  totaling
$69,000 and $94,000 for the years  ended  September  30, 1994 and 1995.  No such
fees were accruable for the year ended September 30, 1996.


       The  Company  has  deferred   compensation   arrangements   with  various
consultants  and/or  employees  of the  Company,  some of  which  are no  longer
providing services to the Company.

       In  November  1991,  the  Company  entered  into  an  arrangement  with a
consultant  for  services  rendered  in  connection  with the  formation  of the
Company. The arrangement called for weekly payments of $1,000 for 312 weeks. The
Company  expensed the discounted value of the obligation in fiscal year 1992 and
reflected a deferred  compensation  liability at that time. In fiscal year 1994,
the Company discontinued payments under this arrangement.  In December 1994, the
consultant and the Company entered into an arbitration agreement and the Company
has resumed its payments under this agreement.

       On November 28, 1995,  the Company  entered into severance and noncompete
agreements  with a former  stockholder  in connection  with the purchase of such
stockholder's  common stock in the Company by two of the remaining  stockholders
(Note 11).  Pursuant  to these  agreements,  the  Company  was to pay the former
stockholder, beginning on December 15, 1995, as follows:

*    $30,000  as  bonus  for  fiscal  year  1995 to be paid  in  $2,500  monthly
*    $150,000 as a severance  arrangement to be paid in monthly  installments of
     $5,690  through  November 15, 1996,  $5,647  through  November 15, 1997 and
     $1,163 through November 15, 1998.
*    $236,518  as a  noncompete  agreement  to be  paid  in  graduating  monthly
     payments through November 15, 2003.

       With  respect  to these  arrangements,  the  Company  expensed  the bonus
payment in fiscal year 1995.  The  discounted  value of the severance  agreement
(8.75% discount rate) was expensed in fiscal year 1996, with a related liability
established in the  accompanying  balance  sheets.  The discounted  value of the
noncompete  agreement  (8.75% discount rate) was recorded as an intangible asset
(Note 4) and a related  liability was  established in the  accompanying  balance

       The following  summarizes the Company's  obligations under these deferred
compensation arrangements:

                                                  1995        1996

Consulting arrangement .......................   $171,031   $127,332
Severance agreement with a former stockholder        --       87,015
Noncompete agreement with a former stockholder       --      141,975
                                                  171,031    356,322
Less current portion .........................     43,699    108,939
                                                 $127,332   $247,383

       Annual maturities  pursuant to these deferred  compensation  arrangements
are as follows:

                                                   1997                  111,955
                                                   1998                   61,079
                                                   1999                   35,402
                                                   2000                    5,911
                                                   2001                     --
Thereafter                                                               141,975


       The  Company  leases  office   locations  and  certain   equipment  under
noncancelable  operating lease agreements expiring at various times through June
30, 1998.  Future minimum payments  required under operating leases that have an
initial or remaining noncancelable lease term in excess of one year at September
30, 1996, are as follows:

                                                 1997                   $184,904
                                                 1998                    105,265
                                                 1999                     94,276
                                                 2000                     96,825
                                                 2001                    113,594

     Rent expense totaled $143,430, $194,096 and $228,686 for fiscal years 1994,
1995 and 1996, respectively.


       During  fiscal year 1995,  the Company made  available  to all  permanent
employees with one year of service a savings and  retirement  plan. The plan, at
the Company's option,  may be terminated at any time and allows  participants to
defer a portion  of their  after tax  salary  and  receive a  matching  employer
contribution  of up to 2% of the  participants'  annual salary based on years of
service. Matching contributions are made in January of the following fiscal year
for participants who remain employed by the Company.  Matching  contributions of
approximately  $8,000 and $7,600  were made during  fiscal  years 1995 and 1996,
respectively.  The plan also allows the Company to contribute additional amounts
at  the  discretion  of  management.  Any  such  amounts  contributed  are to be
allocated  equally  among  all  eligible  participants.   Management  authorized
discretionary  contributions  of $24,000  and  $7,800 for fiscal  years 1995 and
1996,  respectively.  Contributions  deposited  into  the  plan  are  held by an
unrelated third party and are registered in the name of the participants.


       In April 1996,  the Company  settled a dispute with a  professional  firm
that had  previously  represented  them in certain  actions  related to workers'
compensation  insurance and received cash of  approximately  $245,000,  which is
included in other income for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1996.

       The Company is subject to other legal  proceedings and claims which arise
in the  ordinary  course of its  business.  In the  opinion of  management,  the
aggregate  liability,  if any,  with  respect  to  these  proceedings  will  not
materially  adversely affect the financial  position or results of operations of
the Company.


       In June  1996,  the  owners  of the  Company  entered  into a  definitive
agreement  to merge with  StaffMark,  Inc.  ("StaffMark")  in  conjunction  with
StaffMark's  anticipated  initial public  offering.  Effective  October 2, 1996,
StaffMark  completed  the initial  public  offering.  In  conjunction  with this
merger, the owners will enter into employment agreements which provide for a set
base  salary,  participation  in future  incentive  bonus plans,  certain  other
benefits and a covenant not to compete  following  termination  of such person's
employment.  Prior to or  coincident  with this proposed  merger,  the Company's
leased automobiles will be transferred to the respective stockholders.

       The  Company  advanced  $31,250  to  StaffMark  as  an  advance  to  fund
organizational  and other costs  related to the merger and  StaffMark's  initial
public offering.

       Subsequent to fiscal year 1996,  using a portion of the proceeds from the
completed initial public offering described above, the Company repaid $1,340,000
borrowed under its line of credit (Note 6) and retired certain other obligations
outstanding to a former  stockholder of approximately  $489,000 (Notes 8, 11 and


       In  November  1996,  two of the  principal  stockholders  of the  Company
remitted $109,000 to the Company representing  dividends previously  distributed
as described in Note 11.



To First Choice Staffing, Inc.:

       We have audited the accompanying balance sheets of First Choice Staffing,
Inc.  (a South  Carolina  corporation)  as of December  31,  1994 and 1995,  and
September 29, 1996, and the related statements of income,  stockholders'  equity
and cash flows for each of the three fiscal  years in the period ended  December
31, 1995, and the nine-month  period ended  September 29, 1996.  These financial
statements   are  the   responsibility   of  the   Company's   management.   Our
responsibility  is to express an opinion on these financial  statements based on
our audits.

       We conducted our audits in accordance  with generally  accepted  auditing
standards.  Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain
reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material
misstatement.  An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting
the amounts and disclosures to the financial statements.  An audit also includes
assessing the  accounting  principles  used and  significant  estimates  made by
management,  as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation.
We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.

       In our  opinion,  the  financial  statements  referred  to above  present
fairly,  in all  material  respects,  the  financial  position  of First  Choice
Staffing, Inc. as of December 31, 1994 and 1995, and September 29, 1996, and the
results of its  operations and its cash flows for each of the three fiscal years
in the period ended December 31, 1995, and the nine-month period ended September
29, 1996, in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles.

                                                   ARTHUR ANDERSEN LLP

Raleigh, North Carolina,
October 22, 1996.


                                                  FIRST CHOICE STAFFING, INC.

                                                         BALANCE SHEETS

                                                Fiscal Years September 29,
                                                 1994       1995        1996
                                             ---------------------- ------------

    Cash and cash equivalents ........         194,111      268,440      174,946
    Accounts receivable, net ............    1,078,340    1,145,532    1,835,493
    Prepaid expenses and other .....  ...       71,100       72,171       31,467
                                              --------   ----------    ---------
            Total current assets ........    1,343,551    1,486,143    2,041,906

PROPERTY AND EQUIPMENT, net .... ........      196,110      327,240      348,628

    Investment in captive
insurance pool ..............................  36,000       36,000       36,000
    Advance to StaffMark, Inc. ..........        --         31,801         --

    Other ...............................        --           --         727,194

                                             ----------   ----------   ---------
Total other assets ......................      36,000       36,000       794,995
                                             ----------   ----------   ---------
                                           $1,575,661   $1,849,383    $3,185,529


    Line of credit ...........                    --         200,000     225,000

    Accounts payable .....................     21,326       65,608        99,853
    Accrued workers' compensation ........     92,347       46,359        27,083
    Payroll and related benefits ..........   630,555      534,047       510,688
    Other accrued expenses ................     7,000        5,735

    Current maturities of long-term debt ....     --          --       1,488,754

    Note payable to stockholder ........      250,000      180,000
                                             ---------    ----------   ---------
    Total current liabilities ............  1,001,228     1,031,749    2,351,378

LONG-TERM DEBT, less current maturities        --            --          500,000


    Common stock, $1 par value,
    100,000 shares .......                     10,000        10,000       10,000
    authorized, 10,000 shares issued and
    outstanding Retained earnings ........... 564,433       807,634      324,151
                                              -------       -------      -------
    Total stockholders' equity ........       574,433       817,634      334,151

                                           $1,575,661    $1,849,383   $3,185,529

                               The  accompanying  notes to financial  statements
                               are an integral part of these balance sheets.


                                        FIRST CHOICE STAFFING, INC.

                                            STATEMENTS OF INCOME

                                                        Nine Months Ended
                           Fiscal Years           September 24,   September 29,
                    1993      1994       1995         1995            1996
SERVICE REVENUES$10,807,801 13,007,484 $ 13,703,404    9,956,709    $ 12,695,551

COST OF SERVICES  8,825,086 10,573,111   11,149,085     8,105,090     10,186,083
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Gross profit      1,982,715  2,434,373    2,554,319     1,851,619      2,509,468

Selling, general
and administrative
                 1,361,834   2,485,029    2,258,780     1,605,478      1,780,660
Depreciation and 
                    34,570      34,357       32,923        24,693         79,068
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Operating income (loss)
                   586,311     (85,013)     262,616       221,448        649,740
Interest expense
                       (71)    (26,109)     (19,415)      (15,717)      (33,416)
Other, net
                    (2,427)      2,256         --           --           (1,053)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                    583,813   (108,866)     243,201       205,731        615,271

                    232,787   (168,251)        --           --             --
                 ----------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------

INCOME           $  351,026  $  59,385   $  243,201    $  205,731    $   615,271

              ============ ============  ============  ============ ============

PRO FORMA DATA (Unaudited) (Note 10):
Historical Income before income
taxes ....................               $  243,201                  $   615,271
Less pro forma provision for income
taxes .........................              94,848                      239,956

PRO FORMA NET INCOME .......             $  148,353                  $   375,315

                               The  accompanying  notes to financial  statements
                                 are an integral part of these statements.


                                        FIRST CHOICE STAFFING, INC.

                                     STATEMENTS OF STOCKHOLDERS' EQUITY

                                        Common Stock     
                                     ------------------   Retained
                                  Shares       Amount     Earnings      Total
                                  --------  ----------    ---------   ---------

BALANCE, December 31, 1992 ...   10,000   $    10,000    $154,022   $   164,022

    Net income
                                   --            --       351,026       351,026
                                          -----------    --------   -----------

BALANCE, December  31, 1993
                                 10,000        10,000     505,048       515,048

    Net income
                                   --            --        59,385        59,385
                                          -----------    --------   -----------

BALANCE, December  31, 1994
                                 10,000        10,000     564,433       574,433

    Net income
                                   --            --       243,201       243,201
                                          -----------    --------   -----------

BALANCE, December 31, 1995
                                 10,000        10,000     807,634       817,634

    Net income
                                   --            --       615,271       615,271
                                                 --          --      (1,098,754)
                                          -----------    --------   -----------

BALANCE, September 29, 1996 ..   10,000   $    10,000    $324,151   $   334,151
                              ===========  ===========    ========   ===========

                               The  accompanying  notes to financial  statements
                                 are an integral part of these statements.


                                        FIRST CHOICE STAFFING, INC.

                                          STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS

                                                           Nine Months Ended
                                 Fiscal Years           September     September
                                                           24,           29,
                          1993       1994        1995      1995          1996
Net ......           $ 351,026    $  59,385    $ 243,201  $ 205,731   $ 615,271
Adjustments to
reconcile net
income to net
cash provided by
   (used in) operating
   Depreciation and
   amortization .....   34,570       34,357       32,923     24,693      79,068
   Loss on sale
 of equipment
                         --           --            --         --         1,053
   Deferred income taxes
                        (3,908)      11,256         --         --           --
   Change in
   assets and
receivable, net
                      (311,121)    (149,482)     (67,192)   (67,512)   (689,961)
      Prepaid expenses
and other
                       (32,022)     (15,485)      (1,071)    42,486      40,704
       Other assets
                      (158,104)        --          --         --       (735,406)
       payable          12,587       (2,923)      44,282     46,555      34,245
       Accrued workers'  
       compensation     68,247       10,867      (45,988)  (132,269)    (19,276)
       Payroll and
 related liabilities   189,670      259,929      (96,508)    (3,820)    (23,359)
      income taxes      54,275     (153,072)       --          --         --
      accrued expenses   3,158       (9,256)      (1,265)    (7,000)     (5,735)

Net cash
by (used in)
activities .........   208,378       45,576      108,382    108,864    (703,396)
                      ---------    ---------    ---------  ---------   ---------

expenditures           (53,582)    (120,441)   (164,053)   (150,833)    (93,297)
Advance to
StaffMark, Inc. .....     --           --          --        --         (31,801)
                       --------    ---------   --------   ----------  ----------
Net cash used
in investing
activities             (53,582)    (120,441)   (164,053)   (150,833)   (125,098)
                       --------    ---------   --------   ----------  ----------

                          --           --          --          --    (1,098,754)
Proceeds from
(payments on)
line of credit
                      (191,038)        --        200,000       --        25,000
Proceeds from
issuance of
long-term debt
                         --            --          --          --      1,988,754
Proceeds from note
payable to stockholder
                         9,349      250,000        --          --          --
Payments on note
payable to stockholder
                         --          (9,349)    (70,000)     (70,000)  (180,000)
                       --------    ---------    --------   ---------- ----------
by (used in)
activities ........... (181,689)     240,651      130,000    (70,000)    735,000
                      ---------    ---------    ---------    -------    --------

EQUIVALENTS             (26,893)     165,786       74,329   (111,969)   (93,494)

of period                55,218      28,325       194,111    194,111    268,440

end of period          $ 28,325    $194,111     $ 268,440   $ 82,142  $ 174,946

Interest paid           $    71    $  26,109     $ 19,415   $  6,285  $  19,502

(refunded) .............$189,769   $ (26,393)    $  --       $  --      $  --

                               The  accompanying  notes to financial  statements
                                 are an integral part of these statements.


                                        FIRST CHOICE STAFFING, INC.

                                       NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS



       First  Choice   Staffing,   Inc.  (the   "Company"),   a  South  Carolina
corporation,  provides temporary personnel services primarily for industrial and
clerical needs in the greater Charlotte,  North Carolina,  metropolitan  region.
The  business  was  initially  founded  and  incorporated  in 1986 as a  Dunhill
Temporary  Systems  franchise.  In 1989,  the  founders  bought out the  Dunhill
franchise contract and formed First Choice Temporary Staffing, Inc. In 1993, the
Company changed its name to First Choice Staffing, Inc.


       Prior to  reorganization on April 1, 1994, the Company was a wholly owned
subsidiary of Gregory Personnel,  Inc. ("Gregory Personnel").  Gregory Personnel
was formed as a holding  company in connection  with the  acquisition by one 50%
stockholder  of the other 50%  stockholder's  interest  in the  Company in 1990.
Gregory  Personnel had no operations  and had assets  consisting  primarily of a
noncompete   agreement   arising  from  the   acquisition   of  the  former  50%
stockholder's  interest in the Company.  The noncompete  agreement was amortized
over three years. On April 1, 1994, Gregory Personnel was merged downstream with
the Company, leaving the Company as the surviving entity.

Basis of Presentation--

       The  accompanying  financial  statements  include the accounts of Gregory
Personnel for the period prior to the merger effective April 1, 1994. Due to the
change in control of the Company  occurring  upon the  acquisition of the former
50%  stockholder's  interest in 1990,  this  acquisition  was accounted for as a
purchase  resulting in the recording of certain intangible assets. See above for
further discussion.

Fiscal Periods--

       For presentation  purposes,  the accompanying  financial  statements have
been  prepared by the Company on a calendar year basis.  However,  the Company's
fiscal year actually ends on the last Sunday in December.  The interim financial
information  as of September  29, 1996,  and for the  nine-month  periods  ended
September  24, 1995  (unaudited),  and  September  29, 1996,  correspond  to the
Company's fiscal quarters which ended on the last Sunday in September.

Interim Financial Statements--

       The accompanying interim financial statements and related disclosures for
the  nine-month  period  ended  September  24,  1995  have not been  audited  by
independent  accountants.  However,  the interim financial  statements have been
prepared in  conformity  with the  accounting  principles  stated in the audited
financial  statements of the three years in the period ended  December 31, 1995,
and include all adjustments of a normal  recurring  nature which, in the opinion
of  management,  are necessary to present  fairly the financial  position of the
Company and the results of  operations  and cash flows for the interim  periods.
The operating  results for all interim  periods  presented  are not  necessarily
indicative of results for the full year.

Revenue Recognition--

       Service  revenues are recognized as income at the time staffing  services
are provided to the customer.

Use of Estimates--

       The  preparation  of financial  statements in conformity  with  generally
accepted  accounting  principles  requires  management  to  make  estimates  and
assumptions  that affect the reported amounts of assets,  liabilities,  revenues
and expenses and disclosures of contingent assets and liabilities. The estimates
and assumptions  used in the  accompanying  financial  statements are based upon
management's  evaluation of the relevant facts and  circumstances as of the date
of the financial  statements.  Actual  results may differ from the estimates and
assumptions used in preparing the accompanying financial statements.


Cash and Cash Equivalents--

       For  statement  of cash flow  purposes,  the  Company  considers  cash on
deposit with  financial  institutions  and all highly  liquid  investments  with
original maturities of three months or less to be cash equivalents.

Accounts Receivable--

     The Company  maintains  allowances  for potential  losses which  management
believes are adequate to absorb  losses to be incurred in realizing  the amounts
recorded in the accompanying  financial statements.  The Company has recorded an
allowance  for doubtful  accounts of $25,000 at December 31, 1994,  December 31,
1995 and September 29, 1996. Included in accounts receivable in the accompanying
balance  sheets are  unbilled  amounts of  $188,778,  $172,834  and  $380,414 at
December 31, 1994, December 31, 1995 and September 29, 1996, respectively.

Property and Equipment--

       Property  and  equipment  are recorded at cost and are  depreciated  on a
straight-line  basis over the estimated  useful lives of the assets which are as

Office equipment .........................................               7 years
Computer equipment .......................................               5 years
Vehicles .................................................               5 years
Computer software ........................................               3 years
Leasehold improvements ...................................               7 years

       Additions  that  extend  the lives of the assets  are  capitalized  while
repairs and  maintenance  costs are  expensed as  incurred.  When  property  and
equipment  are retired,  the cost of the property and  equipment and the related
accumulated  depreciation  are removed from the balance  sheet and any resultant
gain or loss is recorded.

Other Assets--

       Other assets  contain an  investment in a captive  workers'  compensation
insurance pool of which the Company is a member,  an advance to StaffMark,  Inc.
(as  described in Note 8) and goodwill and a noncompete  agreement,  recorded in
conjunction  with the  acquisition  of  Strategic  Sourcing,  Inc.  ("SSI")  (as
described in Note 9). The goodwill is amortized using the  straight-line  method
over its estimated  economic life of 30 years.  The  investment in the insurance
pool is accounted for by the Company under the cost method.

Fair Value of Financial Instruments--

       The Company's  financial  instruments  include cash and cash equivalents,
note payable to stockholder and its other debt obligations.  Management believes
that these  instruments  bear  interest  at rates which  approximate  prevailing
market rates for instruments with similar characteristics and, accordingly, that
the  carrying  values for those  instruments  are  reasonable  estimates of fair

Concentration of Credit Risk--

       Credit risk with respect to accounts  receivable  is dispensed due to the
nature of the  business,  the large  number of  customers  and the  diversity of
industries  serviced.  The  Company  performs  credit  evaluations  of  all  its

Income Taxes--

       Prior to April 1, 1994, the Company was a C Corporation and, accordingly,
was subject to federal and state income taxes. The Company  accounted for income
taxes in accordance  with Statement of Financial  Accounting  Standards No. 109,
"Accounting  for  Income  Taxes,"  which  recognizes  deferred  tax  assets  and
liabilities for future tax  consequences  attributed to differences  between the
financial statement and income tax basis of assets and liabilities and operating
loss carryforwards.



       In connection with the  reorganization in April 1994, the Company elected
subchapter  S  Corporation  status for  federal and state  income tax  reporting
purposes.  Accordingly,  no  provision  for income  taxes has been  recorded for
periods subsequent to this change in tax status as such tax liabilities  arising
from the date of election as a subchapter S Corporation  are  liabilities of the
stockholders   of  the  Company.   Also  in  connection   with  the  April  1994
reorganization,  the Company  changed its tax year-end from March 31 to December

       The Company's tax returns are subject to examination by federal and state
taxing  authorities.  If such  examinations  result in a change in the Company's
reported  income or loss,  the taxable income or loss reported by the individual
stockholders could also change.


Property and equipment consisted of the following:
                             Fiscal Year             September 29,
                                  1994        1995      1996
Office equipment ............   $117,938   $171,842   $200,981
Computer equipment ..........    123,966    153,405    199,337
Vehicles ....................     16,301     26,501     26,501
Computer software ...........     33,531     45,775     55,805
Leasehold improvements ......     56,009     83,248     88,103
                                 347,745    480,771    570,727
Less accumulated depreciation    151,635    153,531    222,099
                                $196,110   $327,240   $348,628

3.     DEBT:

       The  Company  has a  revolving  line  of  credit  with  a  bank.  Maximum
borrowings  under the line are equal to the  lesser  of  $500,000  or 80% of the
Company's  eligible  accounts  receivable,  as defined within the line of credit
agreement. The line is secured by the Company's accounts receivable and interest
is payable  monthly at prime (8.25% at September 29, 1996),  with  principal due
June 17, 1997. The weighted  average interest rate was  approximately  8.25% for
the nine months ended  September 29, 1996.  Amounts  outstanding  under the line
were $0,  $200,000 and  $225,000 as of December 31, 1994,  December 31, 1995 and
September  29, 1996,  respectively.  The line of credit is secured by a personal
guaranty of the majority  stockholder.  The Company had  approximately  $275,000
available under its line of credit at September 29, 1996.

       During July 1996, the Company entered into a $375,000 note payable to the
seller of SSI (see Note 9). This note is payable in three equal  installments of
$125,000  beginning on July 1, 1997, and bears interest at an annual rate of 7%.
This  note  is  secured  by the  personal  guaranty  of the  Company's  majority

       During July 1996,  the Company  entered into a $375,000 note payable to a
bank. This note is payable beginning October 5, 1996, in 36 monthly installments
of $10,417  plus  interest at prime.  Proceeds  from this note were used for the
acquisition  of SSI (see Note 9). This note is secured by the personal  guaranty
of the Company's majority stockholder.

       During September 1996, the Company entered into a $1,238,754 note payable
to a bank. This note is payable in full on November 25, 1996, and bears interest
at prime less 0.50%. Proceeds from this note were used to repay the note payable
to stockholder  (see Note 4) and to fund the cash  distribution of the Company's
estimated  September  29,  1996 S  Corporation  Accumulated  Adjustment  Account
balance  (see Note 8).  This note is secured  by the  personal  guaranty  of the
Company's majority stockholder.



       Certain of the debt instruments  described above are subject to covenants
requiring that the Company achieve certain

financial ratios and restrictions on
incurring  additional  debt. The Company was in compliance  with or had obtained
waivers for these covenants as of September 29, 1996.


       The Company had an unsecured  note  payable to the  majority  stockholder
with interest payable  semiannually in June and December at 8% and principal due
on demand. This note was repaid during September 1996.


       Components  of the tax  provision  (benefit) for the periods prior to the
subchapter S Corporation election, effective April 1, 1994, are shown below:
                                  Fiscal Years
                                    1993 1994
Provision for (benefit from) income taxes- Federal:
    Current ..............................   $ 188,194    $(127,554)
    Deferred .............................      (3,607)      (8,197)
       Total federal .....................     184,587     (135,751)
    Current ..............................      48,500      (32,800)
    Deferred .............................        (300)         300
       Total state .......................      48,200      (32,500)
                                             $ 232,787    $(168,251)

       The  income  tax  provision  (benefit)  for  the  periods  prior  to  the
subchapter S Corporation  election,  effective  April 1, 1994,  differs from the
amount  computed by applying the federal  statutory rate of 34% to income before
taxes due to the following:
                                                                 Fiscal Years
                                                           1993             1994
Income tax provision computed at
the federal statutory rate .....................        199,321         (37,781)
State taxes, net of federal tax benefit ........         30,953            (586)
Effect of permanent differences ................          3,621           4,143
Elimination of net deferred tax
liabilities upon subchapter S
Corporation election ...........................           --             3,827
Taxable income earned after subchapter
S Corporation election, not subject to`
taxation .......................................           --          (137,854)
Other ..........................................         (1,108)           --
Provision (benefit) for income taxes ...........      $ 232,787       $(168,251)


Noncancelable Operating Leases-

       The Company  leases office space under  noncancelable  operating  leases.
Approximate future minimum payments required under operating leases that have an
initial or remaining  noncancelable lease term in excess of one year at December
31, 1995 and September 29, 1996, are as follows:
                                                             Years Ending
                                                  December 31,     September 29,
                                                    1995                   1996
                              1996               $111,000               $ 32,000
                              1997                101,000                114,000
                              1998                 86,000                 91,000
                              1999                 68,000                 68,000
                              2000                 43,000                 43,000
Thereafter                                         78,000                 78,000
                                                 $487,000               $426,000

       Rental  expense  totaled  $61,000,  $82,000 and $103,000 for fiscal years
1993, 1994 and 1995,  respectively,  and $56,279 (unaudited) and $84,886 for the
nine-month   periods   ended   September   24,  1995  and  September  29,  1996,

401(k) Plan--

       In 1995,  the Company  adopted a 401(k) Savings Plan for its employees in
which the Company  matches 50% of the employee's  contributions  up to 3% of the
employee's salary. The Company's  contribution  expense was $18,000 for 1995 and
$11,086  (unaudited) and $15,844 for the nine-month  periods ended September 24,
1995 and September 29, 1996, respectively.


       The Company had one customer which represented 12%, 13%, 12%, 13% and 11%
of service  revenues for the years ended  December 31, 1993,  1994 and 1995, and
the nine-month  periods ended  September 24, 1995  (unaudited) and September 29,
1996, respectively. Another customer represented 11% of service revenues for the
year ended December 31, 1993. No other  customer  accounted for more than 10% of
service revenues for those periods.


       In June 1996, the  stockholders  of the Company entered into a definitive
agreement to merge the Company with StaffMark, Inc. ("StaffMark") in conjunction
with StaffMark's anticipated initial public offering. Effective October 2, 1996,
StaffMark completed the initial public offering. In conjunction with the merger,
the majority stockholder entered into an employment agreement which provides for
a set base salary,  participation in future incentive bonus plans, certain other
benefits and a covenant not to compete  following  termination  of such person's
employment.  During  September  1996, in  anticipation of the completion of this
merger,  the  Company  made cash  distributions  of  $1,098,754  which equal the
Company's estimated S Corporation Accumulated Adjustment Account as of September
29, 1996.

       In April 1996, the Company advanced $31,250 to StaffMark to fund offering
costs related to StaffMark's initial public offering.

       On October 2, 1996,  using a portion of the proceeds  from the  completed
initial public offering,  StaffMark repaid all of the Company's borrowings, debt
and interest obligations.



       On July 1, 1996, the Company  acquired certain of the operating assets of
SSI, a provider of permanent  and temporary  placement  services to companies in
the market for information technology professionals. SSI was incorporated in May
1993 and is located in Charlotte,  North  Carolina.  The total purchase price of
$700,000  and  noncompete  agreement  with the seller of $50,000  were  financed
through borrowings from a bank and execution of a promissory note payable to the
seller.  All financing  related to this  acquisition  is secured by the personal
guaranty of the majority  stockholder.  The  acquisition  has been accounted for
using the purchase method of accounting.  Fixed assets acquired were recorded at
historical,   depreciated  cost,  which   approximated  fair  value  as  of  the
acquisition date, and the remaining purchase price of approximately $685,000 has
been  recorded as goodwill and will be amortized on a  straight-line  basis over
its estimated economic life of 30 years. The $50,000  noncompete  agreement with
the seller will be amortized on a straight-line basis over its five year term.


       In conjunction with the merger with StaffMark as discussed in Note 8, the
Company  changed from an S Corporation to a C Corporation  for federal and state
income tax reporting  purposes,  which required the Company to recognize the tax
consequences  of operations in its statements of income.  The  supplemental  pro
forma information included in the accompanying  statements of income reflect the
estimated impact of recognizing  income tax expense as if the Company had been a
C  Corporation  for tax  reporting  purposes  during the twelve  months and nine
months ended December 31, 1995 and September 29, 1996, respectively.


To The Blethen Group:

       We have audited the accompanying combined balance sheets of the companies
identified in Note 1 to the financial  statements ("The Blethen  Group"),  as of
January 1, 1995,  December 31, 1995,  and  September  29, 1996,  and the related
combined  statements of income (loss),  stockholders'  equity and cash flows for
each of the three fiscal years in the period  ended  December 31, 1995,  and for
the nine months ended  September 29, 1996.  These  financial  statements are the
responsibility  of The Blethen  Group's  management.  Our  responsibility  is to
express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audits.

       We conducted our audits in accordance  with generally  accepted  auditing
standards.  Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain
reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material
misstatement.  An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting
the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements.  An audit also includes
assessing the  accounting  principles  used and  significant  estimates  made by
management,  as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation.
We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.

       In our  opinion,  the  financial  statements  referred  to above  present
fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of The Blethen Group as
of January 1, 1995,  December 31, 1995,  and September 29, 1996, and the results
of their  operations  and their cash flows for each of the three fiscal years in
the period ended December 31, 1995, and for the nine months ended  September 29,
1996, in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles.

                                                   ARTHUR ANDERSEN LLP

Raleigh, North Carolina,
October 22, 1996.

                                             THE BLETHEN GROUP

                                          COMBINED BALANCE SHEETS

                                 January 1,    December 31, September 29,
                                    1995           1995        1996

  Cash and cash equivalents .   $   31,921   $   44,644   $  115,773
  Accounts receivable .......    1,136,081    1,377,799    1,782,289
  Deferred tax asset ........        5,500       11,000       16,000
  Prepaid expenses and other        16,809       14,510        2,776
        Total current assets     1,190,311    1,447,953    1,916,838
PROPERTY AND EQUIPMENT, net .      393,330      307,286      255,298
  Due from stockholders .....      185,236      194,163        2,998
  Deferred tax asset ........       24,100       20,760         --
  Advances to StaffMark, Inc.         --           --         31,250
  Other .....................       11,750       12,232       14,492
        Total other assets ..      221,086      227,155       48,740
                                $1,804,727   $1,982,394   $2,220,876

                             LIABILITIES AND STOCKHOLDERS' EQUITY

  Lines of credit .......................   $  764,645   $  971,436   $1,175,203
  Accounts payable ......................      220,801      105,648       62,446
  Outstanding checks ....................         --         25,329         --
  Payroll and related
  liabilities ...........................      295,472      301,258      511,412
  Current maturities of
  long-term debt ........................       25,341       10,151       10,678
  Current maturities of
  capital lease obligations .............       82,708       47,148         --
  Current maturities of notes
  payable to related parties ............       83,308       62,813      105,582
  Income taxes payable ..................       15,783       82,583       49,638
  Accrued interest and other ............       16,001       55,043       25,967
        Total current liabilities .......    1,504,059    1,661,409    1,940,926
current maturities ......................       35,604       24,922       17,057
less current maturities .................       67,452       22,475         --
  less current maturities ...............       49,037       45,271         --
DEFERRED TAX LIABILITY ..................         --           --         26,300
Notes 5, 6, 7 and 8)
  Common stock ..........................        8,399        8,399        8,399
  Additional paid-in capital ............        8,940        8,940        8,940
  Retained earnings .....................      131,236      210,978      219,254
        Total stockholders' equity ......      148,575      228,317      236,593
                                            $1,804,727   $1,982,394   $2,220,876

                                The  accompanying  notes to  combined  financial
                          statements  are an  integral  part  of  these  balance


                                             THE BLETHEN GROUP

                                    COMBINED STATEMENTS OF INCOME (LOSS)

                                                   Fiscal Years
                                             1993            1994           1995
REVENUES ...$ 11,197,726  $ 11,966,633  $ 13,380,157  $ 9,743,890  $ 12,047,667
SERVICES ...   8,131,773     8,729,634     9,743,747    7,211,548     9,084,803
profit .....   3,065,953     3,236,999     3,636,410    2,532,342     2,962,864
general and
administrative.3,042,816     2,789,866     3,105,682    2,115,861     2,274,816
amortization.....134,968       122,963       111,437       83,578        83,475
income (loss) ..(111,831)      324,170       419,291      332,903       604,573
expense ........(134,815)     (137,448)     (140,800)    (100,702)     (112,958)
net ..............19,467         2,917        10,884        4,760        (8,392)
TAXES ..........(227,179)      189,639       289,375      236,961       483,223
TAXES ..........(136,263)       49,000        81,000       71,000        76,755

income (loss) ..$(90,916) $    140,639  $    208,375  $   165,961  $    406,468

(Unaudited) (Note 9):
income before
income taxes ........   $    289,375    $    483,223
  Less pro
forma provision
for income
taxes ...............        112,856         188,457
NET INCOME ..........   $    176,519    $    294,766

                          The    accompanying   notes  to   combined   financial
                                 statements   are  an  integral  part  of  these




                                             THE BLETHEN GROUP


                                   Common     Paid-in     Retained
                                   Stock      Capital     Earnings       Total

BALANCE, January 4, 1993 ......   $ 8,543    $ 32,265    $ 239,861    $ 280,669
  Net loss ....................      --          --        (90,916)     (90,916)
  Dividends ...................      --          --        (57,343)     (57,343)
BALANCE, January 2, 1994 ......     8,543      32,265       91,602      132,410
  Net income ..................      --          --        140,639      140,639
  Dividends ...................      --          --        (99,474)     (99,474)
  Repurchase and retirement of
    common stock ..............      (144)    (23,325)      (1,531)     (25,000)
BALANCE, January 1, 1995 ......     8,399       8,940      131,236      148,575
  Net income ..................      --          --        208,375      208,375
  Dividends ...................      --          --       (128,633)    (128,633)
BALANCE, December 31, 1995 ....     8,399       8,940      210,978      228,317
  Net income ..................      --          --        406,468      406,468
  Dividends ...................      --          --       (398,192)    (398,192)
BALANCE, September 29, 1996 ...   $ 8,399    $  8,940    $ 219,254    $ 236,593

                          The    accompanying   notes  to   combined   financial
                                 statements   are  an  integral  part  of  these





                                             THE BLETHEN GROUP

                                     COMBINED STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS

                                                     Nine Months Ended
                            Fiscal Years         October 1,   September 29,
                     1993         1994         1995         1995        1996
  Net income
(loss) .........  $ (90,916)   $ 140,639    $ 208,375    $ 165,961    $ 406,468
to reconcile
    net income
(loss) to net
cash provided by
and amortization      134,968      122,963      111,437       83,578     83,475
(benefit from)
income taxes ....  (136,263)      29,898       (2,160)      (1,400)      42,060
  Change in
operating assets
    and liabilities:
  receivable (17,767) ....       (54,870)    (241,718)    (211,584)    (404,490)
  Prepaid expenses
  and other ........(14,096)      30,971        2,299      (26,299)      11,734
  Other assets ......21,491        5,769         (482)      11,750       (2,260)
  Accounts payable .180,570      (97,532)    (115,153)      10,471      (43,202)
  Outstanding checks ..--           --         25,329         --        (25,329)
  Payroll and related
    liabilities ......(75,190)      65,663        5,786        1,099    210,154
  Income taxes payable
    (receivable) ...(13,711)      29,494       66,800       56,040      (32,945)
and other ...........77,477      (55,306)      39,042       98,575      (29,076)
  Net cash provided
by operating
    activities ......66,563      217,689       99,555      188,191      216,589

expenditures ..... (130,178)     (72,119)     (25,393)      (6,396)     (31,487)
  Advances to
StaffMark .............--           --           --           --        (31,250)
  Net cash
used in
activities(130,178) .............(72,119)     (25,393)      (6,396)     (62,737)

  Net proceeds from
    lines of credits 53,773 ......10,681      206,791       48,151      203,767
  Proceeds from issuance of
    long-term debt ....12,851       54,172         --           --           --
  Payments on
  long-term debt (28,243) .......(10,282)     (25,872)      (5,170)      (7,338)
  Payments on capital
  lease obligations(16,213) ....(113,042)     (80,537)     (61,240)     (69,623)
  Change in
notes payable to
parties .............34,314       73,031      (24,261)      (8,049)      (2,502)
  Cash distributions
  to stockholders       (57,343) (99,474)    (128,633)     (94,181)    (398,192)
  Change in
  due from stockholders 837 .... (44,099)      (8,927)     (40,126)     191,165
  Net cash used in
  financing activities (24) ... (129,013)     (61,439)    (160,615)     (82,723)
CASH EQUIVALENTS ...(63,639)      16,557       12,723       21,180       71,129
  beginning of period 79,003 .....15,364       31,921       31,921       44,644
  end of period $ ...15,364    $  31,921    $  44,644    $  53,101    $ 115,773

                                             THE BLETHEN GROUP

                               COMBINED STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS (Continued)

                                                               Nine Months Ended
                                     Fiscal Years             Oct 1,    Sept 29,
                              1993       1994      1995        1995       1996

Interest paid .........   $   97,062   $169,227   $141,324   $122,591   $131,963
Taxes paid ............   $     --     $     66   $ 41,476   $ 41,476   $ 66,939
Noncash transactions:
Repurchase of
common stock
through issuance
of a note payable$ ....   $              25,000   $     --   $          $   --
Purchase of
property and
equipment through
capital leases            $ 45,975$    $ --       $   --     $   --

The accompanying notes to combined financial
statements are an integral part of these


                                             THE BLETHEN GROUP

                                   NOTES TO COMBINED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS



       The  Blethen  Group's  (the  "Company")  primary  business  purpose is to
provide temporary personnel services. The Company's administrative  headquarters
are in  Burlington,  North  Carolina,  and as of September 29, 1996, the Company
operated staffing offices in Burlington,  Henderson,  Durham, West End, Research
Triangle Park and Winston-Salem, North Carolina.

       The accompanying  combined  financial  statements include the accounts of
the following separate entities which comprise the Company:

                                             Form of
                         Date of          Corporation
                      Incorporation       for Income
 Entity              in North Carolina    Tax Purposes        Service Type

Temporaries, Inc. October 6, 1981 S Corporation Clerical and light industrial

Enterprises of
Burlington, Inc. February 7, 1992 C Corporation Clerical and light industrial

DP Pros of
Burlington, Inc. June 6, 1985 C Corporation Information technology and

Personnel Placement, Inc. October 6, 1981 C Corporation Direct placement

TRASEC Corp. February 7, 1992 C Corporation Clerical and light industrial

Jaeger Personnel
Services, Ltd. December 20, 1985 S Corporation Clerical and light industrial

  Basis of Presentation--

     The accompanying  financial statements are presented on a combined basis as
the entities  comprising  the Company are under common  ownership  and/or common
management. Furthermore, Blethen Temporaries, Inc. has an option to purchase all
outstanding shares of common stock of Dixon Enterprises of Burlington,  Inc. and
TRASEC Corp. for an amount not to exceed $5,000.  All  significant  intercompany
transactions have been eliminated.
  Fiscal Periods--

       The  Company's  fiscal year ends on the Sunday  closest to  December  31.
Fiscal  year 1993  refers to the year ended  January 2, 1994,  fiscal  year 1994
refers to the year ended  January 1, 1995,  and fiscal  year 1995  refers to the
year ended December 31, 1995. The fiscal years 1993, 1994 and 1995 each included
52 weeks.  The unaudited 1995 and audited 1996 interim periods end on the Sunday
closest to the end of the interim period.  Each of the interim periods  included
      in the accompanying combined financial statements included 39 weeks.


  Interim Financial Statements--

       The  accompanying  interim  combined  financial  statements  and  related
disclosures  for the nine months ended October 1, 1995, have not been audited by
independent  accountants.  However,  the combined  financial  statements for all
interim periods have been prepared in conformity with the accounting  principles
stated in the audited combined  financial  statements for the three years in the
period  ended  December  31,  1995,  and  include  all  adjustments  of a normal
recurring  nature which, in the opinion of management,  are necessary to present
fairly  the  financial  position  of the  Company  and the  combined  results of
operations  and cash  flows for each of the  periods  presented.  The  operating
results for the interim  periods  presented  are not  necessarily  indicative of
results for the full year.

  Revenue Recognition--

       Service  revenues and direct  placement  fee revenues are  recognized  as
income at the time staffing  services are provided or the permanent  employee is
placed with the customer.

       In addition to the  services  described  above,  the  Company,  through a
Licensing  Agreement  (see Note 6),  employs  and pays  individuals  to  perform
services  for  the   licensees'   customers,   invoices   customers,   maintains
professional   liability   insurance   and   supports   the   training,   office
administration,  systems  and  marketing  needs of the  licensee.  All  revenues
generated by the licensee,  therefore, belong to the Company and are included in
the  Company's  revenues  and  expenses.  The  Company is  primarily  liable for
operating expenses.

  Use of Estimates--

       The preparation of the financial  statements in conformity with generally
accepted  accounting  principles  requires  management  to  make  estimates  and
assumptions  that affect the reported amounts of assets,  liabilities,  revenues
and expenses and disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities.  The estimates
and assumptions used in the accompanying combined financial statements are based
upon  management's  evaluation of the relevant facts and circumstances as of the
date of the combined  financial  statements.  Actual results may differ from the
estimates and assumptions used in preparing the accompanying  combined financial

  Cash and Cash Equivalents--

       For  statement  of cash flow  purposes,  the  Company  considers  cash on
deposit with  financial  institutions  and all highly  liquid  investments  with
original maturities of three months or less to be cash equivalents.

  Accounts Receivable--

       The Company provides, if necessary, allowances for potential losses which
management  believes are  adequate to absorb  losses to be incurred in realizing
the  amounts  recorded  in  the  accompanying   combined  financial  statements.
Management  believes all  accounts  are  collectible  and  accordingly,  has not
recorded an allowance as of January 1, 1995,  December 31, 1995,  and  September
29, 1996. Included in accounts  receivable in the accompanying  combined balance
sheets are  unbilled  amounts of  $143,515,  $149,665 and $449,040 at January 1,
1995,  December 31, 1995,  and  September 29, 1996,  respectively.  All unbilled
amounts are normally billable in the following month.

       Credit risk with respect to accounts  receivable  is dispersed due to the
nature of the  business,  the large  number of  customers  and the  diversity of
industries serviced.



  Property and Equipment--

       Property  and  equipment  are  recorded  at cost and are  depreciated  or
amortized on a straight-line basis over the estimated useful lives of the assets
which are as follows:

Office equipment .......................................           5 to 7 years
Computer equipment and software ........................           5 years
Vehicles ...............................................           5 years
Leasehold improvements .................................           5 to 15 years

       Additions  that  extend  the lives of the assets  are  capitalized  while
repairs and  maintenance  costs are  expensed as  incurred.  When  property  and
equipment  are retired,  the cost of the property and  equipment and the related
accumulated  depreciation or amortization are removed from the balance sheet and
any resultant gain or loss is recorded.

  Fair Value of Financial Instruments--

       The Company's  financial  instruments  include cash,  related party notes
payable,  due from stockholders and their debt obligations.  Management believes
that these  instruments  bear  interest  at rates which  approximate  prevailing
market rates for instruments with similar characteristics, and accordingly, that
the  carrying  values for these  instruments  are  reasonable  estimates of fair

  Income Taxes--

       Effective  January  1,  1993,  the  Company  adopted  the  provisions  of
Statement of Financial  Accounting  Standards  No. 109,  "Accounting  for Income
Taxes"  ("SFAS  109").  Under  this new  statement,  deferred  income  taxes are
provided based on the estimated  future tax effects of  differences  between the
financial  statement  carrying  amounts and the tax bases of existing assets and
liabilities.  The  adoption  of SFAS 109 did not have a  material  effect on the
Company's financial position or results of operations.

       Blethen  Temporaries,  Inc.  and Jaeger  Personnel  Services,  Ltd.  have
elected to be taxed as S Corporations for federal and state income tax reporting
purposes.  Accordingly, no income tax expense (benefit) has been recorded in the
accompanying  combined  financial  statements  related to these entities as such
taxes are  liabilities  of the  respective  stockholders.  These  entities'  tax
returns are subject to examination by federal and state taxing  authorities.  If
such  examinations  result in a change  to their  reported  income or loss,  the
taxable  income or loss  reported  by the  respective  stockholders  could  also

     Certain  amounts  in the 1994  and  1995  financial  statements  have  been
reclassified to conform with 1996 presentations.


       Property and equipment consisted of the following:

                                                  Jan 1,     Dec 31,    Sept 29,
                                                   1995       1995       1996

Office equipment .............................   $421,890   $428,610   $444,556
Computer equipment and software ..............    336,166    352,528    368,069
Vehicles .....................................     65,118     65,118     65,118
Leasehold improvements .......................    109,926    109,926    109,926
                                                  933,100    956,182    987,669
Less accumulated depreciation and amortization    539,770    648,896    732,371
                                                 $393,330   $307,286   $255,298

3.     DEBT:

       Long-term debt consisted of the following:

                                                Jan 1,       Dec 31,    Sept 29,
                                                 1995         1995        1996
Note payable to Chase Auto Financial ..
  Principal and interest payable
  monthly.  Interest payable at a
  fixed rate of 7.75%
  Secured by a vehicle .....................     $35,172     $28,514     $24,291
Unsecured note payable to
  NationsBank of North Carolina,
  N.A.  Interest payable
  monthly at a  variable
  rate which  ranged
  from 9.25% to 10.00%
  and averaged
  9.83% during 1995
  Principal was repaid in 1995 .............      15,900        --          --
Unsecured note payable to
  NationsBank  of North  Carolina,
  N.A.  Principal and
  interest  are  payable
  in  monthly  installments
  of $320.  Interest  rate is
  variable and ranged from
  9.25% to 9.5% and averaged 9.29%
  during the first nine months of 1996 .....       9,873       6,559       3,444
                                                  60,945      35,073      27,735
Less current maturities ....................      25,341      10,151      10,678
                                                 $35,604     $24,922     $17,057


       The Company has two revolving lines of credit with  Lighthouse  Financial
Corp.  that allow for maximum  borrowings  equal to the lesser of  $800,000  and
$750,000 or 85% of the applicable  Company's  eligible accounts  receivable,  as
defined. Interest is payable monthly at a variable rate which ranged from 10.75%
to 11.00% and averaged  10.78% during the nine months ended  September 29, 1996.
The lines of credit are renewed  annually and are  currently  due April 6, 1997.
They are  secured by the assets of the Company and  guaranteed  by the  majority
stockholder.  Principal  and  interest  on the  lines of  credit  are  repaid by
collection of accounts receivable under a lockbox arrangement. Accordingly, such
lines  are   classified   as  current   liabilities.   At  September  29,  1996,
approximately   $9,800  of  cash  held  by  the  Company  was  subject  to  this
arrangement. Under the terms of both lines of credit, the Company is required to
maintain  certain  financial  ratios,  including  working  capital  in excess of
$125,000 and monthly positive cash flow among other things.  As of September 29,
1996,  the  Company  did not comply  with  certain of these  ratios,  as well as
certain other negative covenants. However, Lighthouse Financial Corp. has waived
all events of noncompliance and default through June 30, 1997.

       Balances  outstanding  under  these  lines were  $764,645,  $971,436  and
$1,175,203  as of January 1, 1995,  December 31, 1995,  and  September 29, 1996,

       Annual maturities of debt were as follows:
                                                      Year Ending
                                              December 31,         September 29,
                              1996             $  981,587             $     --
                              1997                 10,262              1,185,881
                              1998                  7,773                  7,963
                              1999                  6,887                  8,027
                              2000                   --                    1,067
                                               $1,006,509             $1,202,938


Provision (benefit) for income taxes consisted of the following

                         Nine Months Ended
                          Fiscal Years                   October 1,
                          September 29,
                   1993          1994        1995         1995       1996
  Federal ...   $    --      $  19,102    $  69,160    $  58,500
                                                                    $  27,695
  State .....        --           --         14,000       14,000        7,000
                     --         19,102       83,160       72,500       34,695
  Federal ...    (109,263)      23,898       (1,660)      (1,200)
  State .....     (27,000)       6,000         (500)        (300)       8,000
                 (136,263)      29,898       (2,160)      (1,500)      42,060
        Total   $(136,263)   $  49,000    $  81,000    $  71,000    $  76,755



       Provision  (benefit) for income taxes differs from the amount computed by
applying the federal statutory tax rate to pretax income due to the following:

                                                       Nine Months Ended
                          Fiscal Years             October 1, September 29,
                       1993         1994        1995        1995         1996
(benefit) for
income taxes computed
at the federal
rate ................$ (77,000)   $ 64,000    $ 98,000    $ 81,000    $ 164,000
State taxes,
net of
tax benefit .........  (12,000)     10,000      15,000      12,000       25,000
of permanent
differences .........    1,000       2,000       3,000       3,000        3,000
of S
not subject
to taxation .........  (43,000)    (19,000)    (32,000)    (16,000)    (113,000)
Other ...............   (5,263)     (8,000)     (3,000)     (9,000)      (2,245)
(benefit) for
income taxes ........ $(136,263)   $ 49,000    $ 81,000    $ 71,000    $  76,755

       Deferred  income  taxes  reflect  the impact of  "temporary  differences"
between the  financial  and tax basis of assets and  liabilities.  The temporary
differences  which gave rise to  deferred  tax assets and  (liabilities)  are as

                                                 Jan 1,      Dec 31,    Sept 29,
                                                  1995        1995        1996

   Employee advances treated as compensation   $ (1,000)$      -- $        --
   Workers' compensation accrual ...........      4,000       4,000      11,000
   Vacation accrual ........................      2,000       3,000       5,000
   Other ...................................        500       4,000
                                                  5,500      11,000      16,000
Long term-
   NOLs ....................................     78,000      42,000       1,000
   Accelerated depreciation for tax purposes    (30,000)    (26,000)    (28,800)
   Alternative minimum tax and other credits     13,000       4,000       1,500
   Change in income tax accounting method ..    (37,000)       --          --
   Other ...................................        100         760
                                                 24,100      20,760     (26,300)
Net deferred tax asset (liability) .........   $ 29,600    $ 31,760    $(10,300)

       The NOL carryforward at September 29, 1996, was,  approximately  $16,000.
Utilization  of this  carryforward  may be limited as a result of the  potential
change in  ownership  that  would  result in the  event of the  intended  merger
subsequent  to year-end  (see Note 8).  However,  management  believes  that the
deferred tax asset  related to the NOL  carryforward  is fully  realizable,  and
therefore no valuation allowance has been recorded.



  Notes Payable to Related Parties--

       The  Company  had an  informal  note  payable to a member of its Board of
Directors and relative of the majority stockholder which was paid in full in the
nine-month  period ended  September  29,  1996.  The note was payable in monthly
installments  of $711.  The note bore  interest at an annually  adjustable  rate
equal to the six month average rate of two year treasury notes (approximately 6%
at September  29, 1996).  The  outstanding  balances as of January 1, 1995,  and
December 31, 1995, were $68,694 and $49,038.  Interest  expense related to these
notes amounted to  approximately  $6,000,  $5,000 and $3,000 during fiscal years
1993, 1994 and 1995,  respectively,  and $2,200 during the unaudited  nine-month
period ended  October 1, 1995,  and $3,000  during the  nine-month  period ended
September 29, 1996.

       The Company had a note payable to a former  stockholder  which originated
through the Company's purchase of the former stockholder's equity interest in DP
Pros of  Burlington,  Inc.  The note did not bear  interest and was due in equal
quarterly  installments  of  $4,000.  The note was  fully  repaid  in 1995.  The
outstanding balance as of January 1, 1995, was $8,000.

       The Company has two unsecured notes payable to  stockholders,  which bear
interest at variable rates ranging  between 9.25% and 9.50%.  Both notes are due
on demand and aggregate outstanding balances as of January 1, 1995, December 31,
1995, and September 29, 1996, were $52,337, $59,046 and $105,582,  respectively.
Interest  expense  related to these notes  amounted to $5,000 and $6,000  during
fiscal  years 1994 and 1995,  respectively,  and  $4,500  and $6,000  during the
unaudited  nine-month  period ended October 1, 1995, and the  nine-month  period
ended September 29, 1996, respectively.

Stockholder Transactions--

       The  Company  leases  office  space  and  a  vehicle  from  the  majority
stockholder  at a monthly  cost of $1,200 per  month.  Market  rental  rates may
differ from these rental  payments.  Rental  expense under the above  agreements
totaled $14,400 for each of the fiscal years 1993, 1994 and 1995 and $10,800 and
$15,000 for the unaudited  nine-month  period ended October 1, 1995, and for the
nine-month period ended September 29, 1996, respectively.

       Due from  stockholders  primarily  represents  advances  to the  majority

       The Company rents its Henderson, North Carolina, office facilities from a
stockholder  under a month-to-month  agreement.  Rental expense related to these
facilities was $17,500,  $19,000 and $24,000 during the fiscal years 1993,  1994
and 1995, respectively, and $18,000 during the unaudited nine-month period ended
October 1, 1995, and $20,700 during the  nine-month  period ended  September 29,

       During 1991 the Company  entered into a three year  noncompete  agreement
with a related party. Pursuant thereto, the individual agreed not to compete, as
defined,  with the  Company for the term of the  agreement,  expiring in January
1994, in exchange for $150,000 payable in weekly installments of $962.


  Distributions to Stockholders--

     Blethen Temporaries, Inc. and Jaeger Personnel Services, Ltd. pay dividends
to their stockholders in amounts sufficient to cover, among other things,  their
estimated  tax payments  attributable  to each entity's net income which will be
included in their individual tax returns.


  Licensing Agreement--

       During 1995, the Company  entered into an agreement  whereby it granted a
license  to a third  party to open and  maintain  a branch  in West  End,  North
Carolina,  for the purpose of  providing  temporary  personnel  services in that
market for an indefinite term. The Company also thereby granted the nonexclusive
right to utilize the Company's trade secrets,  methods and know-how. The Company
receives 40% of gross margin,  as defined,  as payment for management  services.
The balance of such gross margin is paid to the licensee. Amounts expensed under
the agreement amounted to $36,516 during fiscal year 1995 and $80,290 during the
nine-month period ended September 29, 1996. Such expense is included in selling,
general and administrative  expenses in the accompanying  combined statements of
income (loss).

  Capital Lease Obligations--

       The Company previously leased certain assets (primarily office equipment)
under capital leases. All capital lease obligations were paid in full during the
nine-month period ended September 29, 1996.


       The  Company  leases  office  space  and a  vehicle  under  noncancelable
operating lease agreements. As discussed in Note 5, some of these agreements are
with related parties.  Future minimum  payments  required under operating leases
that have an initial or remaining noncancelable lease term in excess of one year
are as follows:

                                                       Year Ending
                                             December 31,          September 29,
                              1996               $ 93,395               $   --
                              1997                 86,317                102,324
                              1998                 88,140                104,136
                              1999                 33,932                 64,950
                              2000                   --                    3,393
                                                 $301,784               $274,803

       Rental expense  totaled  $95,208,  $155,230 and $157,121 for fiscal years
1993, 1994 and 1995,  respectively,  and $113,086 and $111,379 for the unaudited
nine-month  period  ended  October  1, 1995,  and the  nine-month  period  ended
September 29, 1996, respectively.

       In June 1996, certain of the stockholders of the Company,  entered into a
definitive agreement to merge the Company with StaffMark,  Inc. ("StaffMark") in
conjunction with StaffMark's anticipated initial public offering.  Additionally,
effective  October  2,  1996,  StaffMark,  Inc.  completed  the  initial  public
offering.  In conjunction with this merger, the majority  stockholder will enter
into an employment agreement which provides for a base salary,  participation in
future  incentive  bonus plans and certain other  benefits.  The agreement  also
includes a noncompete  provision  if and when the  stockholder's  employment  is
terminated. The Company advanced $31,250 to StaffMark to fund organizational and
other  costs  related to the  planned  merger  and  StaffMark's  initial  public

       Prior  to and  coincident  with  this  merger,  the  Company  made a cash
distribution to the majority stockholder representing the Company's subchapter S
Corporation  Accumulated  Adjustment  Account.  The  balance  of  the  Company's
subchapter S Corporation  Accumulated  Adjustment Account at September 29, 1996,
was $0.

       Coincident  with the above mentioned  business  combination on October 2,
1996, all  outstanding  debt related to the Lighthouse  Financial  Corp. line of
credit  totaling  $1,406,964  (principal and accrued  interest at October 2) was


       In conjunction with the merger with StaffMark as discussed in Note 8, the
Company  changed from an S Corporation to a C Corporation  for federal and state
income tax reporting  purposes,  which required the Company to recognize the tax
consequences  of operations in its statements of income.  The  supplemental  pro
forma information included in the accompanying  statements of income reflect the
estimated impact of recognizing  income tax expense as if the Company had been a
C  Corporation  for tax  reporting  purposes  during the twelve  months and nine
months ended December 31, 1995 and September 29, 1996, respectively.


       Not applicable

                                                  PART III


       (a) The information called for by Item 10 with respect to identification
of executive officers of the Company is included in Part I of this Form 10-K.

     (b) The information called for by Item 10 with respect to identification of
directors of the Company is  incorporated  herein by  reference to the material
under the captions  "Election of Directors" and "Section 16 Requirements" in the
Company's  Proxy Statement for its Annual Meeting of Stockholders to be held May
2, 1997 and such proxy will be filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission
within 120 days following December 31, 1996 (the "Proxy Statement").


       The  information  called  for by  Item  11  with  respect  to  management
remuneration  and  transactions  is  incorporated  herein  by  reference  to the
material under the caption "Executive Compensation" in the Proxy Statement.


       The information  called for by Item 12 with respect to security ownership
of certain beneficial owners and management is incorporated  herein by reference
to the material under the caption "Security  Ownership of Certain  Beneficial
Owners and Management" in the Proxy Statement.


       The information  called for by Item 13 is incorporated  herein by
reference to the material under the caption "Certain Transactions;
Compensation Committee Interlocks and Insider Participation" in the
Proxy Statement.


(a)  1.  Financial  Statements  required by Item 14 are  included and indexed in
     Part II, Item 8.

(b)  2. Financial Statement Schedule
     Included in Part IV of this report

     Schedule II is omitted because the information is included in the Notes
     to Consolidated Financial Statements.

     All other schedules for which provisions is made in the applicable 
     accounting regulation of the Securities and Exchange Commission are not
     required under the related instructions or are inapplicable and, therefore,
     have been omitted.
(a)     3.  EXHIBITS

Number                             Description

2.1  Agreement  and Plan of  Reorganization,  dated as of June 17, 1996,  by and
     among StaffMark,  Inc., Brewer Personnel Services Acquisition Corp., Brewer
     Personnel Services,  Inc. and the Stockholders named therein  (Incorporated
     by reference  from Exhibit 2.1 to the Company's  Registration  Statement on
     Form S-1 (File No. 333-07513)./1/

2.2  Agreement  and Plan of  Reorganization,  dated as of June 17, 1996,  by and
     among  StaffMark,   Inc.,  Prostaff  Personnel   Acquisition  Corp.,  Excel
     Temporary Staffing Acquisition Corp.,  Professional  Resources  Acquisition
     Corp.,   Prostaff  Personnel,   Inc.,  Excel  Temporary   Staffing,   Inc.,
     Professional   Resources,   Inc.,  and  the   Stockholders   named  therein
     (Incorporated  by reference from Exhibit 2.2 to the Company's  Registration
     Statement on Form S-1 (File No. 333-07513))./1/

2.3  Agreement  and Plan of  Reorganization,  dated as of June 17, 1996,  by and
     among StaffMark,  Inc.,  Maxwell/Healthcare  Acquisition Corp.,  Square One
     Rehab Acquisition  Corp.,  Maxwell Staffing of Bristow  Acquisition  Corp.,
     Maxwell Staffing  Acquisition Corp.,  Technical Staffing Acquisition Corp.,
     Maxwell/Healthcare,  Inc.,  Square One Rehab,  Inc.,  Maxwell  Staffing  of
     Bristow,  Inc., Maxwell Staffing,  Inc.,  Technical Staffing,  Inc. and the
     Stockholders  named therein  (Incorporated by reference from Exhibit 2.3 to
     the Company's Registration Statement on Form S-1 (File No. 333-07513))./1/

2.4  Agreement  and Plan of  Reorganization,  dated as of June 17, 1996,  by and
     among  StaffMark,   Inc.,  HRA  Acquisition   Corp.,  HRA,  Inc.,  and  the
     Stockholders  named therein  (Incorporated by reference from Exhibit 2.4 to
     the Company's Registration Statement on Form S-1 (File No. 333-07513))./1/

2.5  Agreement  and Plan of  Reorganization,  dated as of June 17, 1996,  by and
     among  StaffMark,  Inc.,  First Choice Staffing  Acquisition  Corp.,  First
     Choice Staffing,  Inc., and the Stockholders named therein (Incorporated by
     reference from Exhibit 2.5 to the Company's  Registration Statement on Form
     S-1 (File No. 333-07513))./1/

2.6  Agreement  and Plan of  Reorganization,  dated as of June 17, 1996,  by and
     among StaffMark,  Inc., DP Pros of Burlington  Acquisition  Corp.,  Blethen
     Temporaries  Acquisition  Corp.,  Personnel  Placement  Acquisition  Corp.,
     Jaeger  Personnel   Services   Acquisition   Corp.,  Dixon  Enterprises  of
     Burlington   Acquisition  Corp.,  Trasec  Acquisition  Corp.,  DP  Pros  of
     Burlington,  Inc., Blethen Temporaries,  Inc.,  Personnel Placement,  Inc.,
     Jaeger Personnel  Services,  Ltd., Dixon  Enterprises of Burlington,  Inc.,
     Trasec Corp., and the Stockholders named therein (Incorporated by reference
     from Exhibit 2.6 to the Company's  Registration Statement on Form S-1 (File
     No. 333-07513))./1/

2.7  Asset Purchase Agreement, dated as of November 29, 1996, among StaffMark,
     The Technology Source Acquisition Corporation, and the Technology Source,
     L.L.C. (Incorporated by reference from Exhibit 2.1 to the Company's Current
     Report on Form 8-K filed with the Commission on December 16, 1996)./1/

3.1  Certificate of Incorporation of the Company (Incorporated by reference from
     Exhibit 3.1 to the Company's  Registration  Statement on Form S-1 (File No.

3.2  Certificate of amendment of Certificate of  Incorporation  (Incorporated by
     reference from Exhibit 3.2 to the Company's  Registration Statement on Form
     S-1 (File No. 333-07513)).

3.3  Amended  and  Restated   By-Laws  of  the  Company,   as  amended  to  date
     (Incorporated  by reference from Exhibit 3.3 to the Company's  Registration
     Statement on Form S-1 (File No. 333-07513)).

4.1  Form of  certificate  evidencing  ownership  of Common Stock of the company
     (Incorporated  by reference from Exhibit 4.1 to the Company's  Registration
     Statement on Form S-1 (File No. 333-07513)).

4.2  Article Four of the Certificate of Incorporation of the Company (included
     in Exhibit 3.1).

10.1 StaffMark,  Inc.  1996 Stock Option Plan  (Incorporated  by reference  from
     Exhibit 10.1 to the Company's  Registration Statement on Form S-1 (File No.

10.2 Form of Director Indemnification  Agreement between the Company and each of
     its directors and executive officers (Incorporated by reference from
     Exhibit 10.3 to the Company's  Registration Statement on Form S-1 (File No.

10.3 Employment   Agreement  between  StaffMark,   Inc.  and  Terry  C.  Bellora
     (Incorporated by reference from Exhibit 10.4 to the Company's  Registration
     Statement on Form S-1 (File No. 333-07513)).

10.4 Employment   Agreement  among  StaffMark,   Brewer  and  Clete  T.  Brewer.
     (Incorporated by reference from Exhibit 10.4 to the Company's  Registration
     Statement on Form S-1 (File No. 333-15059)).

10.5 Employment   Agreement  among  StaffMark,   Brewer  and  Jerry  T.  Brewer.
     (Incorporated by reference from Exhibit 10.5 to the Company's  Registration
     Statement on Form S-1 (File No. 333-15059)).

10.6 Employment  Agreement  among  StaffMark,  Prostaff  and Steven E.  Schulte.
     (Incorporated by reference from Exhibit 10.6 to the Company's  Registration
     Statement on Form S-1 (File No. 333-15059)).

10.7 Employment  Agreement  among  StaffMark,  Maxwell and John H. Maxwell,  Jr.
     (Incorporated by reference from Exhibit 10.7 to the Company's  Registration
     Statement on Form S-1 (File No. 333-15059)).

10.8 Employment  Agreement  among  StaffMark,  Maxwell  and  Mary  Sue  Maxwell.
     (Incorporated by reference from Exhibit 10.8 to the Company's  Registration
     Statement on Form S-1 (File No. 333-15059)).

10.9 Employment  Agreement  among  StaffMark,  HRA  and  W.  David  Bartholomew.
     (Incorporated by reference from Exhibit 10.9 to the Company's  Registration
     Statement on Form S-1 (File No. 333-15059)).

10.10 Employment  Agreement among StaffMark,  HRA and Ted Feldman. 
      (Incorporated by reference from Exhibit 10.10 to the Company's  
      Registration Statement on Form S-1 (File No. 333-15059)).

10.11 Employment Agreement among StaffMark,  First Choice and William T.
      Gregory. (Incorporated by reference from Exhibit 10.11 to the Company's
      Registration Statement on Form S-1 (File No. 333-15059)).

10.12 Employment  Agreement  among  StaffMark,  DP Pros of  Burlington,  Inc.
      and Janice  Blethen.(Incorporated  by  reference  from  Exhibit  10.12 to
      the Company's Registration Statement on Form S-1 (File No. 333-15059)).

10.13 Credit  Agreement  dated October 4, 1996, in the amount of  $50,000,000 by
      and between the  Registrant,  the Lenders  named  therein  ("Lenders") and
      Mercantile  Bank of St. Louis National  Association,  as Agent on behalf
      of the  Lenders.(Incorporated by reference from Exhibit 10.13 to the
      Company's Registration Statement on Form S-1 (File No. 333-15059))./1/

10.14 First Amendment to the Credit Agreement dated December 18, 1996 among the
      registant and the Lenders named therein.

10.15 Lock-up and Registration Rights Agreement dated September 20,1996 among
      the Company, Jerry T. Brewer, Clete T. Brewer, Chad J. Brewer, Donald A.
      Marr, Jr., Robert H. Janes III, John C. Becker, Betty Becker, Donna F.
      Vassil, Janice Blethen and Capstone Partners, L.L.C.

10.16 Lease Agreement among  Brewer and Brewer  Investments  for the StaffMark
      Corporate offices  located  at 302 East  Millsap  Road,  City of
      Fayetteville, County of Washington, State of Arkansas.

10.17 Lease Agreement among Maxwell Staffing,  Inc. and Maxwell Properties, 
      L.L.C. for the Company's offices located at 8221 East 63rd Place, Tulsa, 

10.18 Lease Agreement among Maxwell/Healthcare,  Inc. and Maxwell Properties, 
      L.L.C. for the Company's offices located at 8211-8213 East 65th Street,
      Tulsa, Oklahoma.

11.1 Statement re: computation of per share earnings,  reference is made to Note
     15 of the StaffMark,  Inc.  Consolidated  Financial Statements contained in
     this Form 10-K.

21.1 Subsidiaries of StaffMark as of December 31, 1996.

23.1 Consents of Arthur Andersen LLP, Independent Public Accountants.

27.1 Financial Data Schedule for the year ended December 31, 1996, submitted
     to the Commission in electronic format.

/1/ The Company will furnish supplementally a copy of any omitted schedule to
    the Commission upon request.

    (b)  Reports on Form 8-K.

1.   Report on Form 8-K filed with the Commission on December 16, 1996 to report
     the acquisition of The Technology Source.

2.   Report on Form 8-K filed with the Commission on December 26, 1996 to report
     the acquisition of Advantage.


       Pursuant  to the  requirements  of Section 13 or 15(d) of the  Securities
Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on
its  behalf  by the  undersigned,  thereunto  duly  authorized,  in the  City of
Fayetteville, State of Arkansas, on March 14, 1997.

               StaffMark, Inc.

               By: /s/ Clete T. Brewer
                   Clete T. Brewer
                   President and Chief Executive Officer

       Pursuant to the  requirements  of the Securities Act of 1934, this report
has been signed below by the following  persons on behalf of the  registrant and
in the capacities and on the dates indicated.

        Name                                Title                     Date

/s/ Clete T. Brewer                President, Chief Executive    March 14, 1997
  Clete T. Brewer                     Officer and Director
                                  (Principal Executive Officer)

/s/ Terry C. Bellora                 Chief Financial Officer     March 14, 1997
  Terry C. Bellora                  (Principal Financial and
                                       Accounting Officer)

/s/ Jerry T. Brewer                   Chairman of the Board      March 14, 1997
  Jerry T. Brewer

/s/ W. David Bartholomew                 Executive Vice          March 14, 1997
  W. David Bartholomew               President-Southeastern
                                     Operations and Director

/s/ Steven E. Schulte               Executive Vice President-    March 14, 1997
  Steven E. Schulte                Administration and Director

/s/ John H. Maxwell, Jr.            Executive Vice President-    March 14, 1997
  John H. Maxwell, Jr.            Medical Services and Director

/s/ Janice Blethen                  Executive Vice President-    March 14, 1997
  Janice Blethen                     Clinical Trials Support
                                      Services and Director

/s/ William T. Gregory              Vice President and           March 14, 1997
  William T. Gregory                 General Manager - 
                                      Carolina Region

/s/ William J. Lynch                        Director             March 14, 1997
  William J. Lynch

/s/ R. Clayton McWhorter                    Director             March 14, 1997
  R. Clayton McWhorter

/s/ Charles A. Sanders                      Director             March 14, 1997
  Charles A. Sanders, M.D.


                                  EXHIBIT INDEX

Number                             Description

2.1  Agreement  and Plan of  Reorganization,  dated as of June 17, 1996,  by and
     among StaffMark,  Inc., Brewer Personnel Services Acquisition Corp., Brewer
     Personnel Services,  Inc. and the Stockholders named therein  (Incorporated
     by reference  from Exhibit 2.1 to the Company's  Registration  Statement on
     Form S-1 (File No. 333-07513)./1/

2.2  Agreement  and Plan of  Reorganization,  dated as of June 17, 1996,  by and
     among  StaffMark,   Inc.,  Prostaff  Personnel   Acquisition  Corp.,  Excel
     Temporary Staffing Acquisition Corp.,  Professional  Resources  Acquisition
     Corp.,   Prostaff  Personnel,   Inc.,  Excel  Temporary   Staffing,   Inc.,
     Professional   Resources,   Inc.,  and  the   Stockholders   named  therein
     (Incorporated  by reference from Exhibit 2.2 to the Company's  Registration
     Statement on Form S-1 (File No. 333-07513))./1/

2.3  Agreement  and Plan of  Reorganization,  dated as of June 17, 1996,  by and
     among StaffMark,  Inc.,  Maxwell/Healthcare  Acquisition Corp.,  Square One
     Rehab Acquisition  Corp.,  Maxwell Staffing of Bristow  Acquisition  Corp.,
     Maxwell Staffing  Acquisition Corp.,  Technical Staffing Acquisition Corp.,
     Maxwell/Healthcare,  Inc.,  Square One Rehab,  Inc.,  Maxwell  Staffing  of
     Bristow,  Inc., Maxwell Staffing,  Inc.,  Technical Staffing,  Inc. and the
     Stockholders  named therein  (Incorporated by reference from Exhibit 2.3 to
     the Company's Registration Statement on Form S-1 (File No. 333-07513))./1/

2.4  Agreement  and Plan of  Reorganization,  dated as of June 17, 1996,  by and
     among  StaffMark,   Inc.,  HRA  Acquisition   Corp.,  HRA,  Inc.,  and  the
     Stockholders  named therein  (Incorporated by reference from Exhibit 2.4 to
     the Company's Registration Statement on Form S-1 (File No. 333-07513))./1/

2.5  Agreement  and Plan of  Reorganization,  dated as of June 17, 1996,  by and
     among  StaffMark,  Inc.,  First Choice Staffing  Acquisition  Corp.,  First
     Choice Staffing,  Inc., and the Stockholders named therein (Incorporated by
     reference from Exhibit 2.5 to the Company's  Registration Statement on Form
     S-1 (File No. 333-07513))./1/

2.6  Agreement  and Plan of  Reorganization,  dated as of June 17, 1996,  by and
     among StaffMark,  Inc., DP Pros of Burlington  Acquisition  Corp.,  Blethen
     Temporaries  Acquisition  Corp.,  Personnel  Placement  Acquisition  Corp.,
     Jaeger  Personnel   Services   Acquisition   Corp.,  Dixon  Enterprises  of
     Burlington   Acquisition  Corp.,  Trasec  Acquisition  Corp.,  DP  Pros  of
     Burlington,  Inc., Blethen Temporaries,  Inc.,  Personnel Placement,  Inc.,
     Jaeger Personnel  Services,  Ltd., Dixon  Enterprises of Burlington,  Inc.,
     Trasec Corp., and the Stockholders named therein (Incorporated by reference
     from Exhibit 2.6 to the Company's  Registration Statement on Form S-1 (File
     No. 333-07513))./1/

2.7  Asset Purchase Agreement, dated as of November 29, 1996, among StaffMark,
     The Technology Source Acquisition Corporation, and the Technology Source,
     L.L.C. (Incorporated by reference from Exhibit 2.1 to the Company's Current
     Report on Form 8-K filed with the Commission on December 16, 1996)./1/

3.1  Certificate of Incorporation of the Company (Incorporated by reference from
     Exhibit 3.1 to the Company's  Registration  Statement on Form S-1 (File No.

3.2  Certificate of amendment of Certificate of  Incorporation  (Incorporated by
     reference from Exhibit 3.2 to the Company's  Registration Statement on Form
     S-1 (File No. 333-07513)).

3.3  Amended  and  Restated   By-Laws  of  the  Company,   as  amended  to  date
     (Incorporated  by reference from Exhibit 3.3 to the Company's  Registration
     Statement on Form S-1 (File No. 333-07513)).

4.1  Form of  certificate  evidencing  ownership  of Common Stock of the company
     (Incorporated  by reference from Exhibit 4.1 to the Company's  Registration
     Statement on Form S-1 (File No. 333-07513)).


4.2  Article Four of the Certificate of Incorporation of the Company (included
     in Exhibit 3.1).

10.1 StaffMark,  Inc.  1996 Stock Option Plan  (Incorporated  by reference  from
     Exhibit 10.1 to the Company's  Registration Statement on Form S-1 (File No.

10.2 Form of Director Indemnification  Agreement between the Company and each of
     its directors and executive officers (Incorporated by reference from
     Exhibit 10.3 to the Company's  Registration Statement on Form S-1 (File No.

10.3 Employment   Agreement  between  StaffMark,   Inc.  and  Terry  C.  Bellora
     (Incorporated by reference from Exhibit 10.4 to the Company's  Registration
     Statement on Form S-1 (File No. 333-07513)).

10.4 Employment   Agreement  among  StaffMark,   Brewer  and  Clete  T.  Brewer.
     (Incorporated by reference from Exhibit 10.4 to the Company's  Registration
     Statement on Form S-1 (File No. 333-15059)).

10.5 Employment   Agreement  among  StaffMark,   Brewer  and  Jerry  T.  Brewer.
     (Incorporated by reference from Exhibit 10.5 to the Company's  Registration
     Statement on Form S-1 (File No. 333-15059)).

10.6 Employment  Agreement  among  StaffMark,  Prostaff  and Steven E.  Schulte.
     (Incorporated by reference from Exhibit 10.6 to the Company's  Registration
     Statement on Form S-1 (File No. 333-15059)).

10.7 Employment  Agreement  among  StaffMark,  Maxwell and John H. Maxwell,  Jr.
     (Incorporated by reference from Exhibit 10.7 to the Company's  Registration
     Statement on Form S-1 (File No. 333-15059)).

10.8 Employment  Agreement  among  StaffMark,  Maxwell  and  Mary  Sue  Maxwell.
     (Incorporated by reference from Exhibit 10.8 to the Company's  Registration
     Statement on Form S-1 (File No. 333-15059)).

10.9 Employment  Agreement  among  StaffMark,  HRA  and  W.  David  Bartholomew.
     (Incorporated by reference from Exhibit 10.9 to the Company's  Registration
     Statement on Form S-1 (File No. 333-15059)).

10.10 Employment  Agreement among StaffMark,  HRA and Ted Feldman. (Incorporated
      by reference from Exhibit 10.10 to the Company's  Registration Statement 
      on Form S-1 (File No. 333-15059)).

10.11 Employment Agreement among StaffMark,  First Choice and William T.
      Gregory.(Incorporated by reference from Exhibit 10.11 to the Company's
      Registration Statement on Form S-1 (File No. 333-15059)).

10.12 Employment  Agreement  among  StaffMark,  DP Pros of  Burlington,  Inc.
      and Janice  Blethen.(Incorporated  by  reference  from  Exhibit  10.12 to
      the Company's Registration Statement on Form S-1 (File No. 333-15059))

10.13 Credit  Agreement  dated October 4, 1996, in the amount of  $50,000,000 by
      and between the  Registrant,  the Lenders  named  therein  ("Lenders") and
      Mercantile  Bank of St. Louis National  Association,  as Agent on behalf
      of the  Lenders.(Incorporated by reference from Exhibit 10.13 to the
      Company's Registration Statement on Form S-1 (File No. 333-15059))./1/

10.14 First Amendment to the Credit Agreement dated December 18, 1996 among the
      registant and the Lenders named therein.

10.15 Lock-up and Registration Rights Agreement dated September 20,1996 among
      the Company, Jerry T. Brewer, Clete T. Brewer, Chad J. Brewer, Donald A.
      Marr, Jr., Robert H. Janes III, John C. Becker, Betty Becker, Donna F.
      Vassil, Janice Blethen and Capstone Partners, L.L.C.

10.16 Lease  among  Brewer and Brewer  Investments  for the  StaffMark
      Corporate offices  located  at 302 East  Millsap  Road,  City of
      Fayetteville, County of Washington, State of Arkansas.

10.17 Lease among Maxwell Staffing,  Inc. and Maxwell Properties,  L.L.C. for
      the Companys offices located at 8221 East 63rd Place, Tulsa, Oklahoma.

10.18 Lease among Maxwell/Healthcare,  Inc. and Maxwell Properties, L.L.C. for
      the Company's offices located at 8211-8213 East 65th Street, Tulsa, 

11.1 Statement re: computation of per share earnings,  reference is made to Note
     15 of the StaffMark,  Inc.  Consolidated  Financial Statements contained in
     this Form 10-K.

21.1 Subsidiaries of StaffMark as of December 31, 1996.

23.1 Consents of Arthur Andersen LLP, Independent Public Accountants.

27.1 Financial Data Schedule for the year ended December 31, 1996, submitted
     to the Commission in electronic format.

/1/ The Company will furnish supplementally a copy of any omitted schedule to
    the Commission upon request.


                                  Exhibit 10.14


(this "Amendment") is made and entered into as of this 18th day of December,
1996, by and among  STAFFMARK,  INC., a Delaware  corporation (the "Borrower"),
the Lenders  ("Lenders")  who are parties to that  certain  Credit Agreement
with Borrower dated October 4, 1996 (as amended from time to time, the "Credit
Agreement"),  and MERCANTILE BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION,  as successor by
merger to Mercantile Bank of St. Louis National Association,  a national banking
association,  as agent on behalf of Lenders  (in such  capacity,  the  "Agent").
WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the Borrower, Lenders and the Agent have previously entered
into the Credit Agreement;  and WHEREAS, the Borrower,  Agent and Lenders desire
to make  certain  modifications  to the  Credit  Agreement  upon the  terms  and
conditions set forth herein;  NOW,  THEREFORE,  in consideration of the premises
and for other good and valuable  consideration,  the receipt and  sufficiency of
which are hereby acknowledged,  the parties hereto mutually promise and agree as
1. The  definition  of  "Acceptable  Acquisition"  in Section 2 of the Credit
Agreement  hereby  is  deleted  in its  entirety  and the  following  is
substituted in its place:  Acceptable  Acquisition shall mean any Acquisition of
an ongoing business similar to or consistent with the Borrower's current line of
business  where each of the following are true: (a) such  Acquisition  has been:
(i) in the event a corporation or its assets is the subject of such Acquisition,
either  (x)approved by the Board of Directors of the  corporation  which is the
subject of such  Acquisition  or (y)recommended by such Board of Directors to
the  shareholders  of such  corporation,  (ii)in the event a partnership is the
subject of such  Acquisition,  approved by a majority (by  percentage  of voting
power)  of the  partners  of  the  partnership  which  is the  subject  of  such
Acquisition,  (iii)in  the  event  an  organization  or  entity  other  than  a
corporation  or partnership  is the subject of such  Acquisition,  approved by a
majority (by percentage of voting power) of the governing  body, if any, or by a
majority (by percentage of ownership interest) of the owners of the organization
or entity  which is the  subject of such  Acquisition  or (iv)in  the event the
corporation, partnership or other organization or entity which is the subject of
such  Acquisition is in bankruptcy,  approved by the bankruptcy court or another
court of  competent  jurisdiction;  (b)  Borrower has given Agent and Lenders at
least Fifteen (15) Business Days prior written  notice of such  Acquisition if
Lenders'  consent  is  required  under  the  succeeding  clause  (c) or Five (5)
Business Days prior written notice of such  Acquisition  if Lenders'  consent is
not  required  under the  succeeding  clause (c); (c) if (1) the sum of: (i) the
principal amount of any Loan requested in connection with such Acquisition, plus
(ii) the then outstanding principal balance of all Loans made in connection with
an  Acceptable  Acquisition,  exceeds  $20,000,000.00,  and the  portion  of the
purchase  price  for  such  Acquisition  payable  by  Borrower  in cash  exceeds
$5,000,000.00,  or (2) the portion of the  purchase  price for such  Acquisition
payable by  Borrower  in cash  exceeds  the lesser of  $15,000,000.00  or 25% of
Consolidated  Shareholders'  Equity,  Borrower has  obtained  the prior  written
consent  of  the  Required  Lenders  and  the  Agent;  and  (d)  Borrower  or  a
wholly-owned Subsidiary of Borrower is the surviving entity; provided,  however,
that no  Acquisition  shall be an Acceptable  Acquisition  unless both as of the
date of any such  Acquisition  and  immediately  following such  Acquisition the
Borrower is, and on a pro forma basis  projects  that it will continue to be, in
compliance with the terms,  covenants and conditions contained in this Agreement
and the other  Transaction  Documents.

2. The words "and its successors  and assigns"  hereby are added at the end
of the definition of "Agent" in Section 2 of the Credit Agreement.

3. The definition of "Consolidated  Fixed Charges" in Section 2 of the Credit
Agreement  hereby is deleted  in its  entirety  and the following is substituted
in its place: Consolidated Fixed Charges shall mean the sum of all of the
Borrower's and its Consolidated  Subsidiaries'  expenses under any operating
leases within the specified period of any such  calculation,  plus interest
paid or required to be paid during such  specified  period,  including,
without  limitation,  interest  charges during such period under any Capitalized
Leases,  plus all income taxes paid or required to be paid during the  specified
period of such calculation,  plus all payments of principal made or scheduled to
be made on any  Subordinated  Debt as permitted to be paid pursuant to the terms
of the  subordination  and standby  agreement or  intercreditor  agreement  made
between  Agent  and the  holder  of any such  Subordinated  Debt,  plus  Capital
Expenditures made during the specified period of any such calculation, excluding
any  expenditures  for capital assets acquired by Borrower and its  Consolidated
Subsidiaries  in an  Acceptable  Acquisition.

4. The  definition  of  "Eligible  Accounts"  in  Section  2 of the  Credit
Agreement  hereby is deleted in its entirety and the following is substituted in
its place: Eligible Accounts shall mean all Accounts, except: (a)Accounts which
remain  unpaid for more than  ninety  (90) days after  their  invoice  dates and
Accounts  which are not due and  payable  within  ninety  (90) days after  their
invoice  dates;  (b)Accounts  owing by a single  Account  Debtor,  including  a
currently  scheduled Account,  if ten percent (10%) or more of the balance owing
by said Account  Debtor upon said Accounts is ineligible  pursuant to clause (a)
above; (c)Accounts with respect to which the Account Debtor is a partner of the
Borrower or any Guarantor or a Related  Party of the Borrower or any  Guarantor;
(d)Accounts  with respect to which  payment by the Account  Debtor is or may be
conditional and Accounts commonly known as bill and hold Accounts or Accounts of
a similar or like  arrangement;  (e)Accounts  with respect to which the Account
Debtor is not a resident or citizen of or otherwise located in the United States
of  America,  unless the Account is backed by a  commercial  letter of credit in
form and  substance  acceptable  to Agent and issued or  confirmed by a domestic
bank acceptable to Agent;  (f)Accounts with respect to which the Account Debtor
is the United  States of America or any  department,  agency or  instrumentality
thereof  unless such Accounts are duly assigned to Agent for the benefit of each
of the Lenders in accordance  with all  applicable  governmental  and regulatory
rules and regulations (including,  without limitation, the Federal Assignment of
Claims Act of 1940, as amended,  if  applicable)  so that Agent is recognized by
the Account  Debtor to have all of the rights of an  assignee of such  Accounts;
(g)Accounts  with  respect to which the  Borrower  or any  Guarantor  is or may
become liable to the Account Debtor for goods sold or services  rendered by such
Account Debtor to the Borrower or such Guarantor;  (h)Accounts  with respect to
which the goods giving rise  thereto have not been shipped and  delivered to and
accepted as  satisfactory by the Account Debtor thereof or with respect to which
the services  performed giving rise thereto have not been completed and accepted
as  satisfactory  by  the  Account  Debtor  thereof;  (i)Accounts  (other  than
specialty  medical  Accounts) which are not invoiced (and dated as of such date)
and sent to the Account Debtor thereof  concurrently  with or not later than ten
(10) days after the  shipment  and  delivery to and  acceptance  by said Account
Debtor of the goods  giving  rise  thereto or the  performance  of the  services
giving rise thereto;  (j)Accounts  which constitute  specialty medical Accounts
and which are not  invoiced  (and dated as of such date) and sent to the Account
Debtor  thereof  concurrently  with or not later than thirty (30) days after the
shipment and  delivery to and  acceptance  by said  Account  Debtor of the goods
giving rise  thereto or the  performance  of the services  giving rise  thereto;
(k)Accounts  with respect to which possession  and/or control of the goods sold
giving rise  thereto is held,  maintained  or  retained  by the  Borrower or any
Guarantor  (or by any agent or custodian of the Borrower or any  Guarantor)  for
the account of or subject to further  and/or future  direction  from the Account
Debtor  thereof;  (l)Accounts  arising  from a "sale on approval" or a "sale or
return;"  (m)Accounts as to which Agent or the Required Lenders, at any time or
times hereafter,  determines, in good faith, by written notice to Borrower, that
the  prospects  of payment or  performance  by the Account  Debtor is or will be
impaired;  (n)Accounts  of an  Account  Debtor to the  extent,  but only to the
extent,  that the same  exceed a credit  limit  determined  by Agent or Required
Lenders in their discretion, by written notice to Borrower, at any time or times
hereafter;  (o)Accounts  with respect to which the Account Debtor is located in
the State of New  Jersey,  State of West  Virginia  or the  State of  Minnesota;
provided,  however,  that such  restriction  shall not apply if the  Borrower or
Guarantor  having such Account (i)has filed and has effective (A)in respect of
Account  Debtors  located  in the  State of New  Jersey,  a Notice  of  Business
Activities  Report with the New Jersey Division of Taxation for the then current
year, (B)in respect of Account Debtors located in the State of West Virginia, a
Notice of Business Activities Report with the West Virginia Division of Taxation
for the then current year, or (C)in respect of Account  Debtors  located in the
State of  Minnesota,  a Minnesota  Business  Activity  Report with the Minnesota
Department  of Revenue for the then  current  year,  as  applicable,  or (ii)is
otherwise  exempt  from  such  reporting  requirements  under  the  laws of such
State(s);  (p) Accounts which constitute accruals for rebates to customers;  (q)
Accounts of HRA, Inc.  unless:  (X) Borrower has  requested  Agent to file UCC-1
financing  statements with the Tennessee  Secretary of State's Office and in the
Recorders'  Offices of each county in Tennessee where HRA, Inc. has an office or
holds any inventory or equipment on all  collateral  described in the Subsidiary
Security  Agreement  executed by HRA, Inc. and dated the date hereof,  (Y) Agent
has conducted UCC searches in Tennessee to its satisfaction evidencing that upon
such  filings  in  Tennessee  that Agent  will hold a first  perfected  security
interest in all Accounts, inventory, equipment and other collateral of HRA, Inc.
located in  Tennessee,  and (Z) Borrower has paid all search fees,  filing fees,
recording fees and other amounts  incurred or required to be paid by Agent under
(X) and (Y) above with the filing in the Tennessee  Secretary of State's  Office
providing for a maximum  collateral  value in the State of Tennessee of at least
$10,000,000.00;  and  (r)Accounts  which are not  subject  to a first  priority
perfected  security  interest  in favor of Agent for the  benefit of each of the

5. The following  new  definition of  "Subsidiary  Pledge  Agreements"
hereby  is  added  to  Section  2 of the  Credit  Agreement:  Subsidiary  Pledge
Agreements shall mean those certain pledge agreements  executed  respectively by
Borrower's  Subsidiaries  in  existence  as of the date hereof and  delivered to
Agent  for the  benefit  of  each  of the  Lenders  and  the  Subsidiary  Pledge
Agreements executed by any Subsidiary of Borrower created or acquired subsequent
to the  date of this  Agreement,  which  Subsidiary  Pledge  Agreement  shall be
delivered pursuant to Section 4.3 or Section 7.2(e),  pledging all of the issued
and  outstanding  capital stock of each  Subsidiary of Borrower's  Subsidiaries,
together  with  all   collateral   schedules,   stock  powers,   original  stock
certificates  and other  agreements  to be  delivered  in  connection  therewith
pursuant to Section 5.5, all as the same may be from time to time amended.

6. The term  "Borrowing  Base  Certificate" as defined in Section 3.1(c) of
the Credit Agreement hereby is amended and deemed to refer to the Borrowing Base
Certificate in the form of Exhibit A attached to this Amendment.  All references
in  the  Credit  Agreement  or any of the  other  Transaction  Documents  to the
Borrowing Base  Certificate  shall hereafter mean the Borrowing Base Certificate
in the form of Exhibit A attached to this Amendment.

7. Section 3.3(a) of the Credit Agreement hereby is deleted in its entirety
and the  following  is  substituted  in its place:  (a)  Revolving  Credit  Loan
Advances.  Subject to the terms and conditions  hereof,  Lenders shall cause the
Revolving  Credit  Loans to be made to the Borrower at any time and from time to
time during the Term hereof upon timely notice ("Borrowing Notice") to Agent, in
writing signed by the authorized  representative of the Borrower  (including any
such notice by facsimile  transmission)  or, if a Prime Loan is being requested,
such Borrowing  Notice may be oral provided it is promptly  confirmed in writing
signed by the authorized  representative  of the Borrower to Agent,  specifying:
(1) the desired  amount of the new  Revolving  Credit Loan,  (2) the  applicable
interest  rate option  being  selected,  (3) if a LIBOR Loan is  requested,  the
Interest Period,  which in no event shall extend beyond the last day of the Term
hereof,  and (4) the date on which the Loan proceeds are to be made available to
the  Borrower,  which shall be a Business  Day.  Each  Borrowing  Notice must be
received by Agent not later than 11:00 a.m. (St. Louis time) on the Business Day
on which a Revolving  Credit Loan being  borrowed as a Prime Loan is to be made,
and not later than 11:00 a.m. (St.  Louis time) on the third  Business Day prior
to the Business Day on which a Revolving  Credit Loan being  borrowed as a LIBOR
Loan is to be made.  Upon  receipt of a Borrowing  Notice given to it, the Agent
shall  notify each Lender by 12:00 noon (St.  Louis time) on the date of receipt
of such  Borrowing  Notice  by the  Agent of the  contents  thereof  and of such
Lender's Pro Rata Share of such new Revolving  Credit Loan. A Borrowing  Notice,
once issued,  shall not be revocable by the  Borrower.  Not later than 2:00 p.m.
(St.  Louis time) on the date of each new  Revolving  Credit  Loan,  each Lender
shall  make  available  its Pro Rata Share of such  Revolving  Credit  Loan,  in
federal or other funds  immediately  available in St.  Louis,  Missouri,  to the
Agent at its address  specified in or pursuant to Section 10.7.  Agent shall not
be required to make any amount  available  to Borrower  hereunder  except to the
extent it shall have received such amounts from the Lenders as set forth herein,
provided,  however,  that unless the Agent shall have been  notified by a Lender
prior to the date a  Revolving  Credit  Loan is to be made  hereunder  that such
Lender does not intend to make its Pro Rata Share of such Revolving  Credit Loan
available to the Agent,  the Agent may assume that such Lender has made such Pro
Rata Share  available  to the Agent on such date,  and the Agent may in reliance
upon such assumption make available to the Borrower a corresponding  amount.  If
such corresponding  amount is not in fact made available to the Agent by
such Lender and the Agent has made such amount  available to the  Borrower,  the
Agent shall be entitled to receive such amount from such Lender  forthwith  upon
its demand,  together  with  interest  thereon in respect of each day during the
period commencing on the date such amount was made available to the Borrower and
ending on but excluding the date the Agent  recovers such amount from the Lender
at a rate per  annum  equal to the  effective  rate  charged  to the  Agent  for
overnight  federal funds  transactions  with member banks of the Federal Reserve
System for each day as determined by the Agent (or in the case of a day which is
not a  Business  Day,  then for the  preceding  day).  Subject  to the terms and
conditions  hereof,  provided that Agent has received a timely Borrowing Notice,
Agent shall (unless Agent determines that any applicable  condition specified in
Section 4 has not been  satisfied)  make the funds so received  from the Lenders
available to Borrower by wiring or otherwise  transferring  the proceeds of such
Loan not later than 2:30 p.m. (St.  Louis time) on the Business Day specified in
said Borrowing Notice in accordance with any instructions for such  disbursement
received from the Borrower.  The Borrower hereby authorizes Agent and Lenders to
rely on telephonic,  telegraphic, telecopy, telex or written instructions of any
Person  identifying  himself  or  herself  as a Person  authorized  to request a
Revolving  Credit Loan or to make a repayment  hereunder,  and on any  signature
which Agent or any of the Lenders believes to be genuine, and the Borrower shall
be bound thereby in the same manner as if such Person were  actually  authorized
or such signature were genuine.  Borrower also hereby agrees to indemnify  Agent
and  Lenders and hold Agent and  Lenders  harmless  from and against any and all
claims, demands,  damages,  liabilities,  losses, costs and expenses (including,
without limitation,  attorneys' fees and expenses) relating to or arising out of
or in connection with the acceptance of instructions for making Revolving Credit
Loans or making  repayments  hereunder  unless such acceptance  results from the
gross negligence or willful  misconduct of the Agent or a Lender,  as determined
by a court of competent  jurisdiction.  A Borrowing Notice shall not be required
in connection with a Prime Loan pursuant to Section 3.4(c).

8. The introductory clause of Section 4.3(c) of the Credit Agreement hereby
is deleted in its entirety and the following is  substituted  in its place:  (c)
Any Subsidiary created or acquired by Borrower in connection with the Acceptable
Acquisition  shall have executed and delivered:

9.  Subsection  (ii) of Section  4.3(c) of the Credit  Agreement  hereby is
deleted in its entirety and the following is  substituted  in its place:  (ii) A
Subsidiary  Security Agreement and a Subsidiary Pledge Agreement,  together with
such financing  statements,  collateral  schedules,  Reg. U-1 affidavits,  stock
powers  (signed in blank) and other  documents as Agent may  reasonably  require
under Sections 5.4 and 5.5, each executed by a duly  authorized  officer of such
new Subsidiary;

10. The following new Section 5.5 hereby is added to the Credit
Agreement:  5.5  Subsidiary  Pledge  Agreements.  In order to further secure the
payment when due of the Borrower's Obligations,  as guaranteed under each of the
respective  Subsidiary  Guaranties,   the  Borrower  shall  cause  each  of  its
Subsidiaries  to pledge to Agent for the  benefit of each of the  Lenders all of
the issued and  outstanding  capital  stock of each present  Subsidiary  of such
Subsidiary  of  Borrower,  and if any such  Subsidiary  is created  or  acquired
subsequent to the date hereof, on the date of any such acquisition or formation,
Borrower shall cause each of its Subsidiaries to pledge and deliver to Agent for
the benefit of each of the Lenders  all of the issued and  outstanding  stock of
any such future  Subsidiary.  Each such pledge  shall be  evidenced by a General
Pledge and Security Agreement executed, respectively, by each such Subsidiary of
the  Borrower  in favor of Agent for the  benefit of each of the Lenders in form
and substance acceptable to Agent (as the same may from time to time be amended,
modified, extended or renewed, the "Subsidiary Pledge Agreements"). The Borrower
covenants  and agrees to cause each of its  Subsidiaries  to execute any and all
collateral schedules, stock powers, Reg. U-1 affidavits and such other documents
as may from time to time be requested by Agent or any Lender in order to create,
perfect and maintain the pledges created by the Subsidiary Pledge Agreements and
to  deliver  all  original  stock  certificates  for any such  present or future
Subsidiaries. Upon demand, the Borrower shall pay to Agent or to any other party
designated  by Agent,  all filing fees or transfer fees incurred by Agent in the
perfection and administration of the pledges contemplated hereby.  Lenders shall
have no obligation to make any Loan  hereunder or to convert any Loan  hereunder
to a new interest  rate basis unless and until the Borrower has fully  satisfied
these requirements.

11. The period at the end of subsection  7.1(a)(ix) hereby is replaced with
a semicolon  and the  following two new  subsections,  (x) and (xi),  hereby are
added to Section  7.1(a) of the Credit  Agreement:  (x) Within  thirty (30) days
after the end of each  fiscal  month of  Borrower,  an aging  report of Accounts
indicating which Accounts are current,  up to 30, 30 to 60, 60 to 90 and 90 days
or more past the invoice date and including, if requested by Agent, a listing of
the names and  addresses  of all  applicable  Account  Debtors,  all in form and
detail reasonably satisfactory to Agent and certified as being true, correct and
complete  by the chief  financial  officer of  Borrower;  and (xi) Not less than
Fifteen  (15)  Business  Days,  if  Lenders'  consent is  required,  or Five (5)
Business  Days if  Lenders'  consent is not  required,  under  clause (c) of the
definition of Acceptable  Acquisition in Section 2 of this  Agreement,  prior to
the  closing  of  any  Acceptable  Acquisition,   the  following  documents  and
information  with  respect  to such  Acceptable  Acquisition:  (A) a copy of the
letter  of  intent  signed by all  parties  or if no  letter of intent  has been
signed,  a  detailed  summary  of  the  terms  and  conditions  upon  which  the
Acquisition is being negotiated, including Borrower's rationale for pursuing the
Acquisition,  (B) historical  financial statements of the target company and any
other  documents  reasonably  requested  by any Lender  received  by Borrower in
performing  its  due  diligence;  (C) a copy  of  the  financial  models  run or
projections  made of the Borrower that include the target company;  and (D) such
other information and documents  reasonably requested by any Lender with respect
to such Acceptable Acquisition.

12. Section  7.1(i)(iii) of the Credit  Agreement  hereby is deleted in its
entirety  and the  following  is  substituted  in its place:  iii.  Consolidated
Shareholders'  Equity.  Maintain on a consolidated  basis  determined as of each
fiscal quarter-end during the Term hereof,  Consolidated Shareholders' Equity of
at least  the sum of (x)  $53,000,000.00,  plus (y) fifty  percent  (50%) of the
after tax net income for each fiscal  quarter of Borrower in which net income is
earned (but zero percent  (0%) of any after tax net loss for any fiscal  quarter
of Borrower in which a net loss is  incurred) as shown on  Borrower's  financial
statements delivered pursuant to Section 7.1(a)(i) and (ii), commencing with the
addition of any net income for the fiscal quarter ending December 31, 1996, with
such required  increases to be  cumulative  for each fiscal  quarter  thereafter
during the Term hereof,  plus (z) one hundred percent (100%) of the net proceeds
received by Borrower or any of its consolidated  Subsidiaries from capital stock
issued by Borrower or such Subsidiary subsequent to the date of this Agreement.

13.  Section  7.2(e) hereby is deleted in its entirety and the following is
substituted in its place: (e) Acquisitions; Subsidiaries. The Borrower will not,
and will not  cause or permit  any  Subsidiary  to,  make or suffer to exist any
Acquisition of any Person, except Acceptable Acquisitions.  If at any time after
the date hereof Borrower shall create any new Subsidiary,  whether in connection
with an Acceptable Acquisition or otherwise,  Borrower shall give Lender fifteen
(15) Business Days' prior written notice  thereof,  and Borrower shall (w) cause
such  Subsidiary  to execute and deliver to Agent for the benefit of each of the
Lenders a Subsidiary Guaranty of all of Borrower's  Obligations,  (x) cause such
Subsidiary  to grant a  security  interest  pursuant  to a  Subsidiary  Security
Agreement in all of its assets of a type listed in Schedule 5 hereto,  (y) cause
such  Subsidiary  to  pledge  all of the  issued  and  outstanding  stock of any
Subsidiary  to  Agent  for the  benefit  of each of the  Lenders  pursuant  to a
Subsidiary Pledge Agreement,  and deliver to Agent collateral  schedules,  stock
powers and other pledge  documents in form and substance  satisfactory  to Agent
and the Required Lenders, and (z) pledge all of the issued and outstanding stock
of such Subsidiary to Agent for the benefit of each of the Lenders pursuant to a
Pledge  Agreement and deliver to Agent  collateral  schedules,  stock powers and
other  pledge  documents  in form and  substance  satisfactory  to Agent and the
Required  Lenders.  Borrower  further  agrees  to  execute  or  cause  any  such
Subsidiary  to  execute  such  amendments  to this  Agreement  and to the  other
Transaction  Documents or such additional agreements as may be required by Agent
and the Lenders to satisfy such obligations.

14. Section 8.14 of the Credit  Agreement hereby is deleted in its
entirety  and the  following  is  substituted  in its place:  8.14 Any "Event of
Default" (as defined  therein) shall occur under or within the meaning of any of
the Subsidiary  Security  Agreements or any of the Subsidiary Pledge Agreements.

15. The  paragraph on page 54 of the Credit  Agreement  beginning  with the word
"THEN" hereby is deleted in its entirety and the following is substituted in its
place:  THEN,  and in each such event (other than an event  described in Section
8.7 or 8.8),  Agent  may,  with  the  consent  of the  Required  Lenders,  or if
requested in writing by the Required Lenders, shall declare that the obligations
of the Lenders to make Loans and of the Agent to issue  Letters of Credit  under
this Agreement have terminated,  whereupon such obligations of Agent and Lenders
shall be immediately and forthwith  terminated,  and Agent may further, with the
consent of the  Required  Lenders,  or if  requested  in writing by the Required
Lenders,  shall further declare on behalf of each of the Lenders that the entire
outstanding  principal  balance of and all  accrued  and unpaid  interest on the
Notes and all of the other Borrower's Obligations are forthwith due and payable,
whereupon  all of the unpaid  principal  balance of and all  accrued  and unpaid
interest on the Notes and all such other Borrower's Obligations shall become and
be immediately due and payable, without presentment,  demand, protest or further
notice of any kind,  all of which are hereby  expressly  waived by the Borrower,
and Agent and the Lenders may  exercise  any and all other  rights and  remedies
which any of them may have under any of the other Transaction Documents or under
applicable  law;  provided,  however,  that  upon the  occurrence  of any  event
described in Section 8.7 or 8.8, Lenders'  obligations to make Loans and Agent's
obligation  to issue  Letters  of Credit  under  this  Agreement  shall
automatically  terminate and the entire outstanding principal balance of and all
accrued and unpaid  interest on the Notes  issued under this  Agreement  and all
other Borrower's  Obligations  shall  automatically  become  immediately due and
payable, without presentment, demand, protest or further notice of any kind, all
of which are hereby expressly waived by the Borrower,  and Agent and the Lenders
may exercise  any and all other  rights and remedies  which any of them may have
under any of the other Transaction  Documents or under applicable law. Following
acceleration of Borrower's  Obligations  hereunder as set forth above, Agent may
with the consent of the  Required  Lenders,  or if  requested  in writing by the
Required  Lenders and provided  with the  indemnity  required  under Section 9.6
shall,  proceed to  enforce  any remedy  then  available  to Agent or any of the
Lenders under any applicable  law,  including,  without  limitation,  all rights
granted  to Agent  hereunder,  under the  Subsidiary  Guaranties,  the  Security
Agreement, the Trademark Assignment, the Pledge Agreement, any of the Subsidiary
Security  Agreements,  any of the Subsidiary  Pledge Agreements or any Letter of
Credit  Application,  and the rights and remedies  available to a secured  party
under the Uniform  Commercial  Code as in effect in the State of  Missouri.

16. Schedule 1 referred to in Exhibit E to the Credit  Agreement  hereby is
amended  and  deemed  to  refer  to  Schedule  1 in the  form  attached  to this
Amendment.  All  references  in  the  Credit  Agreement  or  any  of  the  other
Transaction  Documents to such Schedule 1 shall hereafter mean Schedule 1 in the
form attached to this Amendment.

17. Borrower hereby  represents and warrants to Agent and to Lenders
that: a. The execution,  delivery and  performance by Borrower of this Amendment
are within the corporate  powers of Borrower,  have been duly  authorized by all
necessary  corporate action and require no action by or in respect of, or filing
with, any  governmental or regulatory body,  agency or official.  The execution,
delivery and  performance by Borrower of this Amendment do not conflict with, or
result in a breach of the terms,  conditions or  provisions  of, or constitute a
default  under or result in any violation of, and Borrower is not now in default
under or in violation of, the terms of the Articles of  Incorporation  or Bylaws
of Borrower, any applicable law, any rule, regulation,  order, writ, judgment or
decree of any court or governmental or regulatory agency or instrumentality,  or
any agreement or instrument to which Borrower is a party or by which it is bound
or to which  it is  subject;  b.  This  Amendment  has been  duly  executed  and
delivered and  constitutes the legal,  valid and binding  obligation of Borrower
enforceable in accordance with its terms; and c. As of the date hereof,
all of the  covenants,  representations  and warranties of Borrower set forth in
the Credit  Agreement are true and correct and no "Event of Default" (as defined
therein) under or within the meaning of the Credit Agreement, as hereby amended,
has  occurred  and is  continuing.  d. On or before the date of this  Amendment,
Borrower  has  furnished  Agent and the  Lenders  with the  following  financial
statements:  an unaudited consolidated balance sheet and consolidated statements
of income,  retained  earnings  and cash flows of the  Founding  Companies as of
September 30, 1996, certified by the principal financial officer of the Borrower
as being true and correct to the best of his knowledge and as being  prepared in
accordance  with the  Borrower's  normal  accounting  procedures.  The  Borrower
further  represents and warrants to Agent and each of the Lenders that: (1) said
balance  sheet and its  accompanying  notes fairly  present the condition of the
Founding  Companies  as of the date  thereof;  (2)  there  has been no  material
adverse change n the condition or operation,  financial or otherwise,  of any of
the Founding  Companies since  September 30,  1996; and (3) neither the Borrower
nor any Founding Company has any direct or contingent  liabilities which are not
disclosed on said  financial  statements.

18. The Credit  Agreement,  as hereby  amended,  and the other  Transaction
Documents are and shall remain the binding  obligations of Borrower,  and except
to  the  extent  amended  by  this  Amendment,  all of  the  terms,  provisions,
conditions,  agreements,  covenants,  representations,   warranties  and  powers
contained in the Credit Agreement and the other  Transaction  Documents shall be
and  remain in full  force  and  effect  and the same are  hereby  ratified  and

19. All references in the Credit Agreement or the other Transaction  Documents
to "this Agreement" and any other references of similar  import shall
henceforth  mean the Credit  Agreement as amended by this Amendment.

20. This Amendment shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of
the parties  hereto and their  respective  successors  and assigns,  except that
Borrower may not assign,  transfer or delegate any of its rights or  obligations

21. This Amendment is made solely for the benefit of Borrower, Agent
and  Lenders  as set forth  herein,  and is not  intended  to be relied  upon or
enforced by any other person or entity.


23. This  Amendment  shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the
internal laws of the State of Missouri.

24. In the event of any  inconsistency  or conflict  between this Amendment and
the Credit Agreement or the other Transaction Documents,  the terms,  provisions
and conditions of this Amendment shall govern and control.

     IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the parties have caused this Amendment to be executed
and  delivered  by their duly  authorized  officers  as of the date first  above

By: /s/ Terry C. Bellora
Name: Terry C. Bellora
Title: Chief Financial Officer

MERCANTILE  BANK  NATIONAL  ASSOCIATION,  as successor by merger to Mercantile
Bank of St. Louis  National  Association,  as Lender

By: /s/ Patricia M. Watson
Name: Patricia M. Watson
Title: Vice President

 MERCANTILE  BANK  NATIONAL  ASSOCIATION,  as successor by merger to Mercantile
Bank of St. Louis  National  Association,  as Agent

By: /s/ John C. Billings
Name: John C. Billings
Title: Vice President

                              CONSENT OF GUARANTORS

     The undersigned  hereby consent to the terms,  provisions and conditions of
that certain First Amendment to Credit Agreement dated as of December 18th, 1996
made by and between  StaffMark,  Inc. as Borrower,  and Mercantile Bank National
Association,  as successor by merger to  Mercantile  Bank of St. Louis  National
Association,  as Agent and Lender (the  "First  Amendment"),  which  amends that
certain  Credit  Agreement  dated October 4, 1996 made by and between  Borrower,
Agent and  Lender.  The  undersigned  hereby  acknowledge  and  agree  that said
amendments  by  Borrower,  Agent and Lender will not affect or impair any of the
undersigned's  obligations  to Agent and the  Lenders  (as  defined in the First
Amendment) under: (i) those certain Unlimited Continuing Guaranties,  each dated
October 4, 1996 and executed  respectively  by the undersigned in favor of Agent
and Lenders (collectively, the "Guaranties"), guarantying all of the obligations
of Borrower to Agent and Lenders, which Guaranty obligations are hereby ratified
and  confirmed.  Executed  this 18th day of  December,  1996.


By: /s/ Clete T. Brewer
Title: Vice President


By: /s/ Clete T. Brewer
Title: Vice President


By: /s/ Clete T. Brewer
Title: Vice President


By: /s/ Clete T. Brewer
Title: Vice President


By: /s/ Clete T. Brewer
Title: Vice President


By: /s/ Clete T. Brewer
Title: Vice President


By: /s/ Clete T. Brewer
Title: Vice President


By: /s/ Clete T. Brewer
Title: Vice President


By: /s/ Clete T. Brewer
Title: Vice President


By: /s/ Clete T. Brewer
Title: Vice President


By: /s/ Clete T. Brewer
Title: Vice President


By: /s/ Clete T. Brewer
Title: Vice President


By: /s/ Clete T. Brewer
Title: Vice President


By: /s/ Clete T. Brewer
Title: Vice President


By: /s/ Clete T. Brewer
Title: Vice President


By: /s/ Clete T. Brewer
Title: Vice President


By: /s/ Clete T. Brewer
Title: Vice President

                                   EXHIBIT A

                         BORROWING BASE  CERTIFICATE

     This Borrowing Base Certificate is delivered  pursuant to Section 3.1(c) of
that  certain  Credit  Agreement  dated as of October,  4, 1996,  by and between
StaffMark,  Inc., the Lenders a party thereto,  and Mercantile Bank of St. Louis
National  Association  as  Agent  (as  from  time to  time  amended,  the  "Loan
Agreement").  All capitalized  terms used and not otherwise defined herein shall
have the respective  meanings  ascribed to them in the Loan Agreement.

     Borrower hereby represents and warrants to Lenders that the following
information is true and correct as of , 19 :

1. Total Accounts as of ___________________       $
2. Less  ineligible  Accounts
     (a)  Over 90  days  from  invoice            $
     (b) U. S. Government                         $
     (c) Due from Related Parties $ (d) HRA, Inc
      Accounts (unless Tennessee UCC financing
      statements have been filed)                 $
     (e) All other  ineligible Accounts           $
     (f) Total ineligible  Accounts (sum of
      (a) through (e))                            $
3. Eligible Accounts  (Line 1 minus Line 2(f))    $
4. Advance Rate                                    85%
5. Borrowing Base (Line 3 multiplied by Line 4
but not to exceed $ $20,000,000.00)               $

                         II. LOAN AVAILABILITY
6. Aggregate  principal  amount of outstanding
Revolving Credit Loans                            $
7. Face amount of  outstanding  Letters of Credit $
8. Total  Outstandings  (Line 6 plus Line 7)      $
9. Borrowing Base Excess  (Deficit)  (Line 5
minus Line 8) (Negative amount represents
mandatory repayment)                              $

     If Line 9 above is negative, this Borrowing Base Certificate is accompanied
by the mandatory  repayment  required by Section  3.1(d) of the Loan  Agreement.
This Borrowing Base Certificate is dated the day of , 19___.


                                   Schedule 1
                           To Compliance Certificate

           (The Certificate attached hereto is as of _____________ )

     Capitalized  terms used herein  shall have the  meanings  set forth in the
Credit Agreement dated as of October 4, 1996 among StaffMark,  Inc.,  Mercantile
Bank of St. Louis National Association,  as agent, and the lenders named therein
(as amended, restated, supplemented or otherwise modified from time to time, the
"Agreement").  Subsection  references  herein relate to the  subsections  of the

1. Actual Capital  Expenditures for
current  Fiscal  Year-To-Date  $
2.  Maximum  Permitted  (Section  7.2(i))  $

1. Net Income  (excluding  extraordinary  items)                 $
2. Income Tax Expense                                            $
3.  Interest Expense                                             $
4. Amortization and Depreciation Expenses                        $
5. Operating Lease Expense                                       $
6. Proforma Operating Cash Flow (Sum of Lines B1 through B5)     $

1.  Proforma  Operating  Cash Flow (Line B6 above)               $
2.  Capital Expenditures                                         $
3.  Interest  Paid                                               $
4.  Scheduled  payments  of  principal  on Indebtedness          $
5. Income  Taxes Paid                                            $
6.  Operating  Lease  Expense                                    $
7. Fixed Charges  (Sum of C2 through C6)                         $
8. Fixed  Charges  Coverage (C1 divided by C7)                   _____ to 1.0
9. Minimum Required (Section  7.1(i)(i))                         _____ to 1.0

1. Purchase  money debt as of                                    $
2. Maximum  permitted  (Section  7.2(a)(iii))                    $ 4,000,000.00
3.  Subordinated  Debt as of                                     $
4. Maximum  permitted  (Section 7.2(a)(v))                       $ 5,000,000.00
5. Other  Indebtedness                 $
6. Maximum permitted (Section 7.2(a)(vi))                        $ 1,000,000.00

1. Direct and  indirect
obligations with respect to leases                               $
2. Maximum permitted  (Section 7.2(m))                           $

1.  Revolving  Credit Loans  outstanding                         $
2. Reducing Revolver Loans  outstanding                          $
3. Face amount of Letters of Creditoutstanding                   $
4. Other Borrowed Money Indebtedness outstanding                 $
5. Adjusted Total Funded Debt outstanding as of                  $
(Sum of F1 through F4)
6. Proforma Operating Cash Flow (from B6  above)                 $
7. Leverage  Ratio  (F5  divided  by F6)                      _____ to 1.0
8. Maximum Permitted  (Section   7.1(i)(ii))                  _____ to  1.0  G.
1. Shareholders'  Equity                                         $
2. Beginning  Required   Shareholders'  Equity                   $
3. Cumulative  Quarterly  Net Income  (excluding
any  Quarterly Net Losses) for Quarters ending September
30, 1996 and thereafter                                          $
4. 50% of G3                                                     $
5. Net Proceeds of Capital  Stock  issued  subsequent  to
October 4, 1996                                                  $
6.  Total  Required Shareholders' Equity (sum of G2, G4 and G5)  $

                                  Exhibit 10.15

     This Lock-Up and Registration  Rights Agreement (the "AGREEMENT")  dated as
of  September 20, 1996  is  among  STAFFMARK,  INC.,  a  Delaware  corporation
JANICE BLETHEN and CAPSTONE PARTNERS, LLC (collectively, together with permitted
transferees, the "STOCKHOLDERS").

     WHEREAS,  the  STOCKHOLDERS  are the initial  stockholders of STAFFMARK and
currently own all the issued and outstanding  shares of STAFFMARK  common stock,
as set forth in Schedule A attached hereto, ("STAFFMARK Stock");
     WHEREAS,  in order to facilitate  the  consummation  of the  Agreements and
Plans  of  Reorganization  dated  as  of  June 17,   1996  (the  "Reorganization
Agreements")  and the  consummation  of the initial public offering of STAFFMARK
Stock, the STOCKHOLDERS  have agreed to certain  conditions as set forth herein;
     NOW, THEREFORE,  IN CONSIDERATION of the mutual promises,  terms, covenants
and conditions  set forth herein and the  performance of each, the parties agree
as follows:
     1.  Transfer  Restrictions.  Except for (i)  transfers to immediate  family
members who agree to be bound by the  restrictions  in this AGREEMENT (or trusts
for the benefit of the STOCKHOLDERS  (ii) family members,  the trustees of which
so agree  or  family  limited  partnership),  or  (iii) in the case of  Capstone
Partners,  LLC  ("Capstone"),  Members of  Capstone  who agree that they will be
subject to the terms and  conditions  and entitled to the benefits  hereof as of
parties hereto, for a period of two years from the closing of the initial public
offering of STAFFMARK  Stock,  except in the event of death of any  STOCKHOLDER,
none of the STOCKHOLDERS shall sell, exchange,  transfer or otherwise dispose of
(a) any shares of STAFFMARK Stock, or (b) grant any interest (including, without
limitation,  an option to buy or sell) in any such shares of STAFFMARK Stock, in
whole or in part, and no such  attempted  transfer shall be treated as effective
for any purpose.
     2.1.  Piggyback  Registration  Rights.  At any time  following the Closing,
whenever  STAFFMARK  proposes to  register  any  STAFFMARK  Stock for its own or
others'  accounts under the 1933 Act for a public  offering,  other than (i) any
shelf  registration of shares to be used as  consideration  for  acquisitions of
additional  businesses by STAFFMARK and (ii)  registrations  relating  solely to
employee  benefit plans,  STAFFMARK shall give each of the  STOCKHOLDERS  prompt
written  notice of its intent to do so. Upon the  written  request of any of the
STOCKHOLDERS given within 30 days after receipt of such notice,  STAFFMARK shall
cause to be included in such  registration  all of the STAFFMARK Stock which any
such STOCKHOLDER requests  ("Registrable  Securities"),  provided that STAFFMARK
shall  have  the  right  to  reduce  the  number  of  shares  included  in  such
registration  to the extent that inclusion of such shares could,  in the opinion
of tax counsel to STAFFMARK or its independent  auditors,  jeopardize the status
of the transactions  contemplated hereby and by the Registration  Statement as a
tax-free reorganization.
     If a STOCKHOLDER requests inclusion of any shares of Registrable Securities
in a registration  and if the public offering is to be  underwritten,  STAFFMARK
will request the  underwriters  of the offering to purchase and sell such shares
of Registrable  Securities.  If STAFFMARK is advised in writing in good faith by
any managing  underwriter of an  underwritten  offering of the securities  being
offered pursuant to any  registration  statement under this Section 2.2 that the
number of shares to be sold by persons other than  STAFFMARK is greater than the
number of such  shares  which can be offered  without  adversely  affecting  the
offering,  STAFFMARK  may reduce pro rata the number of shares  offered  for the
accounts of such  persons  (based upon the number of shares held by such person)
to a number deemed satisfactory by such managing  underwriter;  provided,  that,
for each such offering made by STAFFMARK  after the IPO, such reduction shall be
made first by  reducing  the  number of shares to be sold by persons  other than
STAFFMARK and the FOUNDING COMPANY HOLDERS or persons with  registration  rights
equal  in  right to those of the  FOUNDING  COMPANY  HOLDERS.  FOUNDING  COMPANY
HOLDERS  shall  mean  persons  who  received   StaffMark  Stock  pursuant  to  a
HOLDERS other than pursuant to a REORGANIZATION  AGREEMENT shall not be included
in  determining  the pro rata number of shares which can be offered by the other
FOUNDING COMPANY HOLDERS or persons with  registration  rights equal in right to
     A STOCKHOLDER may at any time prior to the  effectiveness of a registration
statement  withdraw shares of Registrable  Securities held by it from the public
offering. The fact that any shares of STAFFMARK Stock have been the subject of a
request for  registration  pursuant to this  Section 17.1 shall not prevent such
shares from being the subject of a future request for  registration  pursuant to
this  Section  17.1 if for any  reason  such  shares  were not  included  in the
registration statement.
     2.2. Registration Procedures.  STAFFMARK will bear all expenses incurred in
connection  with  each  registration  statement  filed in  accordance  with this
Article and any action taken by STAFFMARK in conjunction  with the offering made
pursuant to such registration  statement (including the expense of preparing and
filing of such  registration  statement,  furnishing of such number of copies of
the prospectus included therein as may be reasonably required in connection with
the offering,  printing  expenses,  fees and expenses of  independent  certified
public accountants  (including the expense of any audit),  qualification of such
offering under such state  securities laws as the holders of shares of STAFFMARK
Stock shall reasonably request,  and payment of the fees and expenses of counsel
for STAFFMARK, but excluding underwriting commissions and discounts).
     If and whenever  STAFFMARK is required to effect or cause the  registration
of any  shares of  STAFFMARK  Stock  under  this  Article,  STAFFMARK  will,  as
expeditiously as possible:
     (a) Prepare  and file with the SEC an  appropriate  registration  statement
with respect to such shares of STAFFMARK Stock and use its best efforts to cause
such registration  statement to become effective,  provided that before filing a
registration  statement or prospectus or any amendments or supplements  thereto,
STAFFMARK  will  furnish  the  STOCKHOLDERS  with  copies of all such  documents
proposed to be filed;
     (b) Prepare and file with the SEC such  amendments and  supplements to such
registration  statement and the prospectus used in connection  therewith and use
its best efforts to cause such registration  statement to remain effective for a
period of at least sixty (60) days (or such shorter  period during which holders
shall  have  sold  all  Registrable   Securities  which  they  requested  to  be
registered)  and to comply  with the  provisions  of the 1933 Act (to the extent
applicable to STAFFMARK)  with respect to the  disposition  of all securities in
accordance  with the intended  methods of  disposition  by the seller or sellers
thereof set forth in such registration statement;

     (c) Furnish to each  STOCKHOLDER  selling  shares of  STAFFMARK  Stock such
number  of  copies  of the  registration  statement  and of each  amendment  and
supplement thereto (in each case including all exhibits),  such number of copies
of the  prospectus  included  in such  registration  statement  (including  each
preliminary prospectus), in conformity with the requirements of the 1933 Act and
the  regulations  thereunder  and  such  other  documents,  as each  seller  may
reasonably  request in order to facilitate a public sale or other disposition of
the shares of STAFFMARK Stock;

     (d) Use its best  efforts to register  or qualify  the shares of  STAFFMARK
Stock covered by such  registration  statement  under the securities or blue sky
laws of such states as any selling STOCKHOLDER  reasonably requests,  and do any
and all other acts and things which may be necessary or advisable to enable such
seller to consummate the public sale or other disposition in such  jurisdictions
of shares of STAFFMARK  Stock owned by such  STOCKHOLDER,  except that STAFFMARK
will  not  be  required  to  qualify  generally  to  do  business  as a  foreign
corporation in any state wherein it would not but for the  requirements  of this
subparagraph be obligated to be qualified,  to subject itself to taxation in any
such state, or to consent to general service of process in any such state;

     (e) Notify each  STOCKHOLDER  selling shares of STAFFMARK  Stock covered by
such registration  statement,  at any time when a prospectus relating thereto is
required to be delivered under the 1933 Act, of this happening of any event as a
result of which the prospectus included in such registration  statement, as then
in effect,  includes an untrue  statement of a material fact or omits to state a
material fact required to be stated  therein or necessary to make the statements
therein not misleading in the light of the circumstances  then existing.  At the
request of any such  STOCKHOLDER,  STAFFMARK  will  prepare  and furnish to each
STOCKHOLDER  a reasonable  number of copies of a  supplement  or an amendment of
such  prospectus  as may be necessary so that,  as  thereafter  delivered,  such
prospectus  will not include an untrue  statement of a material  fact or omit to
state a material  fact  required to be stated  therein or  necessary to make the
statements  therein  not  misleading  in the  light  of the  circumstances  then
     (f) Cause all  shares  of  STAFFMARK  Stock  covered  by such  registration
statement  to be listed on  securities  exchanges  on which  similar  securities
issued by STAFFMARK are then listed, if any;
     (g)  Provide a transfer  agent and  registrar  for all shares of  STAFFMARK
Stock covered by such  registration  statement not later than the effective date
of such registration statement;
     (h)  Enter  into  such  customary  agreements  (including  an  underwriting
agreement in customary form with  underwriters)  and take such other  reasonable
and customary  action  necessary to facilitate the  disposition of the shares of
STAFFMARK Stock being sold; and
     (i) Make  available  for  inspection  by any  seller  (upon the  reasonable
request  of any such  seller)  of  shares of  STAFFMARK  Stock  covered  by such
registration statement,  by any underwriter  participating in any disposition to
be  effected  pursuant  to  such  registration  statement  and by any  attorney,
accountant or other agent  retained by any such seller or any such  underwriter,
all financial and other records, pertinent corporate documents and properties of
STAFFMARK,  and cause all of  STAFFMARK's  officers,  directors and employees to
supply all  information  reasonably  requested by any such seller,  underwriter,
attorney, accountant or agent in connection with such registration statement.
     3.  Availability of Rule 144.  STAFFMARK shall not be obligated to register
shares of STAFFMARK Stock held by any STOCKHOLDER pursuant to this Section 17 if
such  Registrable  Securities held by such STOCKHOLDER may be sold in the public
market without  registration  under the 1933 Act pursuant to Rule 144(k) and any
applicable state securities laws.

     4. Merger, etc. In the event that any capital stock or other securities are
issued in respect of, in exchange for, or in substitution  of, any of the shares
of  STAFFMARK  held  by  the  STOCKHOLDERS  by  reason  of  any  reorganization,
recapitalization,  reclassification, merger, consolidation, spin-off, partial or
complete liquidation, stock dividend, split-up, partial or complete liquidation,
stock  dividend,  split-up,  sale of assets,  distribution  to  stockholders  or
combination  of the  shares of  STAFFMARK,  or any other  change in  STAFFMARK's
capital  structure,  appropriate  adjustment  shall be made to the  registration
rights granted to the  STOCKHOLDERS so as to fairly and equitably  preserve,  as
far as practical,  the original  rights and  obligations  of the parties  hereto
under this Agreement.

     5.  Counterparts.  This AGREEMENT may be executed in counterparts,  each of
which shall be an original and all of which  together  shall  constitute one and
the same instrument.
     4.  Governing  Law.  This  AGREEMENT  shall in all  respects  be  construed
according to the laws of the State of Delaware.


         This AGREEMENT is executed as of the date first above written.


By:___________________                                     /s/ Jerry T. Brewer
Its:___________________                                    JERRY T. BREWER

/s/ Clete T. Brewer                                        /s/ Chad J. Brewer
CLETE T. BREWER                                            CHAD J. BREWER

/s/ Donald A. Marr, Jr.                                    /s/ Robert H. Janes
DONALD A. MARR, JR.                                        ROBERT H. JANES III

/s/ John C. Becker                                         /s/ Betty Becker
JOHN C. BECKER                                             BETTY BECKER

/s/ Donna F. Vassil                                       /s/ Janice Blethen
DONNA F. VASSIL                                            JANICE BLETHEN



                                                     SCHEDULE A

Stockholder Name      Certificate Number                    Number of Shares

Brewer, Jerry T.             3                                   179,944.00

Brewer, Clete T.             4                                   457,042.00

Brewer, Chad J.              5                                   252,978.00

Marr, Donald A., Jr.         6                                    34,010.00

Janes, III, Robert H.        7                                   184,957.00

Becker, John                 8                                   32,656.00

Becker, Betty                9                                   35,366.00

Vassil, Donna               10                                   16,938.00

Capstone Partners, LLC      11                                  136,042.00

Blethen, Janice             12                                   25,067.00

                                  Exhibit 10.16

                                RIGHT OF FIRST REFUSAL

"Lease") is entered into on the 15th day of January, 1996, by and between Brewer
Investments,  an  Arkansas  general  partnership,  hereinafter  referred  to  as
"Lessor," and Brewer Personnel Services, Inc., an Arkansas corporation, Clete T.
Brewer, President,  Chad J. Brewer, Director,  hereinafter collectively referred
to as "Lessees,"  wherein the following mutual covenants and  understandings are
made and entered into upon the following terms and conditions:

                                       SECTION ONE
                                    SUBJECT OF LEASE

     Lessor hereby lets and leases unto Lessees, and Lessees accept from Lessor,
subject to the terms and conditions  contained herein,  the following  described
property  located  at 302 E.  Millsap,  in the City of  Fayetteville,  County of
Washington, State of Arkansas, to-wit:

     Lot Numbered 8, CMN Business Park, an Addition to the City of Fayetteville,
Washington County,  Arkansas, as per plat of said Addition on file in the office
of the Circuit Clerk and  Ex-Officio  Recorder of Washington  County,  Arkansas.
Subject to existing easements and restrictions of record, if any.

hereinafter referred to as the "Premises."

                                   SECTION TWO

     The  Premises  are hereby  leased to Lessees  for a period of fifteen  (15)
years,  commencing at 12:01 a.m. on the 15th day of January 1996,  and ending at
12:01 a.m. on the 31st day of  December,  2011,  hereinafter  referred to as the
"Lease Term."
                                  SECTION THREE
                                  RENTAL AMOUNT

     The monthly rental payment for the Lease Term shall be payable as set forth
below in advance on the 1st day of each month,  with the first payment being due
on or before the date of the signing of this Lease,  with the January rent being
prorated as of the date the Lease Agreement is signed.  The Lessees agree to pay
to Lessor as monthly rental the following amounts for the following  portions of
the Lease Term:

     1.  Years 1 - 5:  January  1,  1996  through  December  1,  2000 the sum of
$18,791.00 per month; 2. Years 6 - 10: January 1, 2001 through  December 1, 2005
the sum of  $19,133.00  per  month;  3. Years 11 - 15:  January 1, 2006  through
December 1, 2015 the sum of $19,475.00 per month;

                                  SECTION FOUR
                             RIGHT OF FIRST REFUSAL

     If the Lessees shall have fully  performed  every agreement and covenant on
Lessees'  part to have been kept and  performed  under the terms of the Lease at
the time of exercise,  Lessees  shall be granted a right of first refusal on the
following terms and conditions, to purchase the above-described Premises.

     In the event that the Lessor  shall  receive a bona fide offer from a third
party to  purchase  the  Premises,  or if the  Lessor  shall  decide to sell the
Premises to any third party,  Lessor shall give Lessees a written  offer to sell
the property  described above to the Lessees,  setting forth the price and terms
of sale as set forth in the offer from the  potential  third party  purchaser of
the Premises, or the Lessor's offer to sell to a third party.

     In either  event,  Lessor  shall send the  written  offer to Lessees at the
address  required under Section Twenty for notices by certified mail,  requiring
Lessees  to accept  the offer in  writing  and to sign a  suitable  contract  to
purchase  the  Premises  within the period of ten (10)  business  days after the
mailing of the notice.

     The  failure of Lessees to accept the offer to  purchase or sign a contract
within  the  period  provided  shall  nullify  and void the right of  refusal to
Lessees,  and  Lessor  shall be at  liberty  to sell the  Premises  to any other
person, firm, corporation or other entity, at the price and on the terms offered
to Lessees.  Any subsequent  sale,  except to Lessees,  shall be subject to this
Lease and any renewals or extensions hereof.

                                  SECTION FIVE
                                  RENEWAL TERMS

     If the Lessees shall have fully  performed  every agreement and covenant on
Lessees part to have been kept and performed under the terms of this Lease, and
any  amendments  and renewals  hereof at the time of exercise and at the time of
each renewal, then upon the expiration of the Lease Term, Lessees shall have the
option to renew this Lease of the Premises for as many additional  terms of five
(5) years as the  parties  shall  agree  (the  "Renewal  Term"),  subject to the
following provisions:

     A.  Notice of the  exercise of the option to renew must be given in writing
to Lessor not later than six (6) months prior to the end of the  original  Lease
Term, or each renewal term agreed by the parties, as applicable.

     B. The Right of First Refusal  described in Section Four of the Lease shall
not be renewed or extended during any of the Renewal Terms.

     C.This Lease may be extended on the same terms and  conditions,  except the
amount of the monthly rental payments, for each of the Renewal Terms. Should the
Lessees  exercise the option to renew granted herein,  the amount of the monthly
rental  payments for the Renewal Term shall be  renegotiated  between the Lessor
and Lessees at the time of renewal.  The amount of the monthly  rental  payments
for the  renewal  terms  shall be as agreed by the  parties,  and if the parties
cannot agree,  it shall be based on the fair market value for rentals of similar
and  comparable  properties in the area,  not to exceed 8% of the current rental
                                   SECTION SIX

     Lessees shall not encumber the Premises or any buildings  thereon and shall
keep  the  Premises  free  and  clear  of any  and  all  mechanic's,  laborer's,
materialmen's,  and other liens arising out of or in connection with any work or
labor done, services performed, or materials or appliances used or furnished for
or in connection with any operations of Lessees.
                                  SECTION SEVEN
                             ASSIGNMENT AND SUBLEASE

     Lessees shall not assign any rights, duties or privileges under this Lease,
nor allow any other person to occupy or use the Premises (other than invitees of
Lessees who are present at the same time the  Lessees are  present)  without the
prior  written  consent  of  Lessor.  A  consent  to one  assignment,  sublease,
occupation  or use by any other  person or entity  shall not be a concent to any
subsequent  assignment,  sublease,  occupation  or use by any  other  person  or
entity,  nor  will  such  consent  release  the  Lessees  from  any of  Lessees
obligations hereunder.  At Lessor's option, Lessor may release Lessees from this
Lease and their obligations hereunder if (1) a sublessee,  acceptable to Lessor,
is found and (2) the sublessee is willing to enter into a long term lease of the
Premises which is acceptable to Lessor. Any assignment or subletting without the
written consent of Lessor shall be void, and shall, at the option of the Lessor,
terminate this Lease.

                                  SECTION EIGHT

     Lessor covenants that it has the right to make this Lease, and that Lessees
shall have the quiet and peaceable  possession  of the Premises  during the term

                                  SECTION NINE
                          WASTE AND NUISANCE PROHIBITED

     During  the  term of  this  Lease,  Lessees  shall  comply  with  all  laws
applicable  to Lessees'  operation  of business on the  Premises,  the breach of
which might result in any penalty on Lessor or forfeiture  of Lessor's  title to
the property.  Lessees shall not commit, or suffer to be committed, any waste on
the Premises or any nuisance.

                                   SECTION TEN
                            LESSORS' RIGHTS OF ENTRY

     Lessees shall permit  Lessor or Lessor's  agents to enter into and upon the
Premises at all  reasonable  times  during  normal  business  hours,  upon prior
reasonable notice, for the purpose of inspecting the same;  provided that Lessor
shall not  interfere  with the privacy  rights or  treatment  of any of Lessees'
patrons  while  in  the  Premises,   or  otherwise   disrupt  Lessee's  business
                                 SECTION ELEVEN

     Lessees shall fully and promptly pay all water, electricity, gas, telephone
service,  and other public  utilities  furnished to the Premises  throughout the
term hereof.

                                 SECTION TWELVE
                                 TRADE FIXTURES

     All  trade   fixtures   installed   by  Lessees  or   acquired  by  Lessees
independently  of this Lease  shall  remain  the  Lessees'  property  and may be
removed by Lessees at the  expiration or  termination  of this Lease;  provided,
however,  Lessee shall restore the Premises and repair any damage thereto caused
by such removal.

                                SECTION THIRTEEN

     Lessees have inspected the Premises, and acknowledge by signing hereinafter
that the Premises are now in a tenantable and good condition.  Lessees, at their
expense,  shall keep the Premises in good order,  condition and repair and shall
promptly  make all repairs and  replacements  to the  Premises of every kind and
nature, including but not limited to repairs to the building.

     Lessees  shall  take  good  care in the use of the  Premises  and shall not
alter,  repair,  modify,  construct  additions  or  improvements  or change  the
Premises  without  the  written  consent of the Lessor;  provided  that  Lessors
written consent will not be unreasonably withheld. Lessees, at their expense and
with the written consent of Lessor, may make any additions,  modifications,  and
repairs which are needed to comply with any licensing  requirements,  health and
safety  regulations,  or  other  requirements  or  regulations  associated  with
Lessees' use and occupancy of the Premises.  Any  alterations,  improvements and
changes  the  Lessees  may desire or need  shall be done  either by or under the
approval  of the  Lessor,  but at the  expense of Lessees  and shall  become the
property of Lessor and remain on the Premises.

     Lessees shall, at the termination of this Lease,  surrender the Premises to
Lessor in as good condition and repair as reasonable and proper use thereof will
permit,  ordinary wear and tear,  damage or destruction by fire,  flood,  storm,
civil  commotion,  or other  unavoidable  cause or Acts of God excepted.  Lessor
shall not be responsible for any additions, replacements or repairs except those
which Lessor may specifically assume in writing.


     Lessees shall pay all ad valorem real property taxes and assessments due to
improvement  districts or governmental  bodies which may be levied,  assessed or
charged against the Premises, and proof of payment thereof shall be submitted to
Lessor upon payment.  Lessees shall also be responsible for assessing and paying
the personal  property taxes on any personal  property of Lessees located on the
Premises and for all license, privilege and occupation taxes levied, assessed or
charged  against the Lessees on account of the  operation of the business on the
                                 SECTION FIFTEEN

     Lessees shall, at their own expense, at all times during the Lease Term and
any  Renewal  Term of the  Lease,  maintain  in force a policy  or  policies  of
insurance,  written by one or more responsible  insurance carriers acceptable to
Lessor,  which will insure Lessor and Lessees against liability for injury to or
death of  persons  or loss or  damage  to  property  occurring  in or about  the
Premises.  The liability  coverage under such  insurance  shall not be less than
$1,000,000.00 per occurrence, or $2,000,000.00 aggregate.

     Lessees  shall also, at their  expense,  at all times during the Lease Term
and any Renewal Term of this Lease,  keep insured all buildings and improvements
on the Premises  against all losses or damage by fire and other casualty,  in an
amount not less than  $1,400,000.00,  with  Lessor  and Lessee  named as insured
parties  and with  standard  mortgagee  coverage in favor of all persons who may
hold mortgages on the Premises.  Lessees,  during the Lease Term and any Renewal
Term, shall be responsible for insuring the contents of the Premises.

     Lessees shall provide  Lessor with proof of the above  described  insurance
coverage  at  all  times,  and  inform  Lessor  of  any  lapse,   deficiency  or
cancellation, or any notices thereof immediately.

     Should  Lessees  fail to keep in effect and pay such  insurance as it is in
this  section  required to be  maintained,  Lessor may do so, in which event the
insurance  premiums paid by Lessor shall become  immediately  due and payable by
Lessees to Lessor.
                                 SECTION SIXTEEN
                           INDEMNIFICATION OF LANDLORD

     Notwithstanding  the  existence  of any  insurance  provided for in Section
Fifteen,  Lessees shall  indemnify and hold Lessor harmless from and against any
and all claims, damages, causes of action,  expenses,  costs, and liabilities of
any nature  which may be asserted  against  Lessor  arising out of any breach by
Lessees,  Lessees' agents, employees,  customers,  visitors or licensees, of any
covenant or condition of this Lease, or as a result of Lessees' use or occupancy
of the  Premises,  or as a result of the  carelessness,  negligence  or improper
conduct  of  Lessees,  Lessees'  agents,  employees,   customers,   visitors  or
licensees,  except as  specifically  provided  for below.  Lessees  shall not be
responsible  for  damage  caused by the  carelessness,  negligence  or  improper
conduct of the Lessor.

                                SECTION SEVENTEEN
                        DAMAGE BY FIRE OR OTHER CASUALTY

     In the event of a partial  destruction  of the Premises  during the term of
the Lease from any cause covered by Lessees'  casualty  insurance,  to an extent
repairable  within  sixty (60) days from the date of such  damage,  Lessor shall
forthwith  repair the same,  provided  the repairs can be made within sixty (60)
days under the laws and regulations of applicable governmental authorities.  Any
partial  destruction  shall not annul or void this Lease;  however,  the Lessees
shall be entitled to a  proportionate  reduction of the monthly rental while the
repairs are being made. Any proportionate reduction shall be based on the extent
to which the making of repairs shall  interfere with the business  carried on by
Lessees  on the  Premises.  If the  repairs  cannot be made in sixty  (60) days,
Lessor may, at its option,  make repairs within a reasonable amount of time, and
this  Lease  shall   continue   in  full  force  and  effect  with   appropriate
proportionate  reduction of this monthly  rental as stated  above.  In the event
Lessor does not elect to make repairs that cannot be made in sixty (60) days, or
in the event those repairs cannot be made under the laws and regulations of this
applicable governmental  authorities,  or in the event of a total destruction of
the Premises,  this Lease may be terminated at the option of either party and in
such event,  Lessees shall be entitled to a proportionate  rebate of the monthly
rental  based upon number of days  remaining  for the month in which  Rental has
been paid.

                                SECTION EIGHTEEN
                                BREACH OR DEFAULT

     Lessees  shall have  breached this Lease and shall be considered in default
hereunder if: (a) Clete T. Brewer and Chad J. Brewer, shall both file a petition
in bankruptcy or insolvency or for  reorganization  under any bankruptcy act, or
makes an assignment  for the benefit of creditors  which is not released  within
thirty (30) days; (b) involuntary  proceedings are instituted against any of the
Lessees under any bankruptcy act, and such  proceedings are not dismissed within
thirty  (30) days of the filing  thereof;  (c)  Brewer  Personnel  Services,  an
Arkansas  corporation,  Clete T.  Brewer,  President & CEO,  and Chad J. Brewer,
Director,  shall both abandon or vacate said Premises before the end of the term
of this Lease without being released  pursuant to the terms hereof;  (d) Lessees
suffer the rent to be more than ten (10) days in arrears; or (e) Lessees fail to
perform or comply with any of the covenants or conditions of this Lease and such
failure continues for a period of ten (10) days.

     In the event of a breach of this Lease by Lessees,  the Lessor may elect to
take any of the following actions:

     (a) Lessor may terminate  this Lease and the use of the Premises by Lessees
and remove any goods of Lessees from the Premises,  and retain the same or store
or dispose of same in such manner as the Lessor shall deem appropriate under the
circumstances  pursuant to Arkansas law. In the event of storage,  Lessees shall
be responsible for the reasonable  costs of same and such costs of storage shall
be a lien against the property if the storage fees are not promptly paid; or

     (b) Lessor may enter said  premises as the agent of Lessees,  without being
liable in any way  therefor,  and relate the Premises  with or without  fixtures
that may be therein,  as the agent of Lessees, at such price and upon such terms
and for such duration of time as the Lessor may determine,  and receive the rent
therefor,  applying  the same to the payment of the rent due by these  presents,
and if the full rental herein  provided shall not be realized by Lessor over and
above the expenses to Lessor in such  reletting,  the said Lessees shall pay any
deficiency  upon demand,  and if more than the full rental is  realized,  Lessor
will pay over to said Lessees the excess on demand.

     Notwithstanding  the  above,  Lessor is  entitled  to pursue  any  remedies
available at law or in equity.
                                SECTION NINETEEN
                                  PARTIES BOUND

     The  covenants  and  conditions  contained  herein  shall,  subject  to the
provisions  as to  assignment,  transfer and  subletting,  apply to and bind the
successors and assigns of the parties hereto.

                                 SECTION TWENTY

     Any  notices  provided  for  herein  will be deemed to have been given when
deposited  by  certified  mail,  return  receipt  requested,   postage  prepaid,
addressed to the parties as follows:
         To Lessor:        Brewer Investments
                                    attn:  Jerry Brewer
                                    2683 Joyce Blvd.
                                    Fayetteville, Arkansas  72703

         To Lessees:       Brewer Personnel Services
                                    attn:  Clete T. Brewer, President
                                    302 E. Millsap
                                    Fayetteville, Arkansas  72703

                               SECTION TWENTY-ONE

     This  Lease  Agreement  with  Option to Renew  and  Right Of First  Refusal
contains the entire  agreement  between the parties and  supersedes any prior or
contemporaneous  oral or written  agreements  which supplement or contradict the
terms and provisions set forth herein.
                               SECTION TWENTY-TWO
                                 APPLICABLE LAW

     This Lease shall be construed in  accordance  with and governed by the laws
of the State of  Arkansas  applicable  to  agreements  made and to be  performed
wholly within such  jurisdiction with regard to the conflicts of laws provisions
thereof.  The Courts of the State of Arkansas  for  Washington  County,  and the
Federal Courts for the Western District of Arkansas shall have jurisdiction over
any and all  disputes  which arise  between the  parties  under this  Agreement,
whether in law or in equity,  and each of the  parties  shall  submit and hereby
consents to such Court's exercise of jurisdiction.

                              SECTION TWENTY-THREE
                                 ATTORNEY'S FEES

     If any legal  action  shall be brought to recover  any rent or enforce  any
right under the terms of this Lease,  the prevailing  party shall be entitled to
recover from the other party any  reasonable  costs of collection and attorneys'
fees incurred as a consequence  of enforcing  the  provisions of the Lease,  the
amount  of which  shall be fixed by the  Court  and  shall be made a part of the
judgment or decree rendered.

                               SECTION TWENTY-FOUR
                              PROVISIONS SEPARABLE

     In the  event any one or more of the  provisions  contained  in this  Lease
shall for any  reason be held to be  invalid,  illegal or  unenforceable  in any
respect,  such invalidity,  illegality or unenforceability  shall not affect the
remaining  provisions of this Lease and this Lease shall be construed as if such
invalid,  illegal  or  unenforceable  provision  or  provisions  had never  been
contained herein.
                               SECTION TWENTY-FIVE
                           CONSENT OR WAIVER OF BREACH
     The  consent  of either  party to act or the  waiver  by either  party of a
breach of any provision of this Lease shall not operate or be  constructed  as a
consent or waiver of any subsequent act or breach by the other party.
                               SECTION TWENTY-SIX

     A. Time shall be of the essence with respect to every term and condition of
this Lease.
     B. In the event that any rental payment to be made under this Lease is more
than ten (10) days past due,  Lessees  agree to pay a late charge  equal to five
percent (5%) of said past due rental payment.

     C. This Lease may be amended or  modified  only by an  strument  in writing
duly executed by all parties hereto or their successors.

     D. This Lease may be executed in multiple counterparts, each of which shall
be deemed an original, and all of which shall taken together shall be deemed one

     IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the parties have executed this Lease  Agreement  With
Right Of First Refusal on this 26th day of December 1995.


an Arkansas general partnership

By: /s/ Jerry Brewer
    Jerry Brewer, General Partner


an Arkansas corporation

By:  /s/ Clete T. Brewer
     Clete T. Brewer, President

     /s/ Chad J. Brewer
     Chad J. Brewer, Director


STATE OF ARKANSAS                   )
COUNTY OF WASHINGTON                )

     On this day, before the undersigned,  a Notary Public,  duly  commissioned,
qualified  and  acting,  within and for the said  County and State,  appeared in
person the within named Jerry Brewer, to me personally known, who stated that he
was a General Partner of Brewer  Investments,  an Arkansas general  partnership,
and was duly  authorized  in his  respective  capacity to execute the  foregoing
instrument  for and in the name and  behalf  of said  partnership,  and  further
stated and  acknowledged  that he had so signed,  executed  and  delivered  said
instrument for the  consideration,  uses and purposes therein  mentioned and set
     IN TESTIMONY  WHEREOF,  I have  hereunto set my hand and official seal this
27th day of December, 1995.
My Commission Expires:                                      /s/ Joyce Gail Eads
04-17-99                                                    Notary Public


STATE OF ARKANSAS                   )
COUNTY OF WASHINGTON                )

     On this day, before the undersigned,  a Notary Public,  duly  commissioned,
qualified  and  acting,  within and for the said  County and State,  appeared in
person the within named Clete T. Brewer, to me personally known, who stated that
he is President of Brewer Personnel Services, an Arkansas  corporation,  and was
duly authorized in his respective  capacity to execute the foregoing  instrument
for and in the name and  behalf of said  partnership,  and  further  stated  and
acknowledged  that he had so signed,  executed and delivered said instrument for
the consideration, uses and purposes therein mentioned and set forth.
     IN TESTIMONY  WHEREOF,  I have  hereunto set my hand and official seal this
27th day of December, 1995.
My Commission Expires:                                 /s/ Joyce Gail Eads
04-17-99                                                    Notary Public

                                    FIRST AMENDMENT TO LEASE FOR

                                          302 E. Millsap

     Brewer Investments,  an Arkansas general partnership,  hereinafter referred
to as "Lessor" and Brewer  Personnel  Services,  Inc., an Arkansas  corporation,
hereinafter  referred to as "Lessee",  agree to amend the Lease Term to a period
of five (5) years, commencing at 12:01 a.m. on the 15th day of January 1996, and
ending at 12:01 a.m. on the 31st day of December, 2001.
     IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the parties have executed this First Amendment on the
3rd day of April, 1996.

an Arkansas general partnership

By: /s/ Jerry Brewer
   Jerry Brewer, General Partner


an Arkansas corporation

By: /s/ Clete T. Brewer
  Clete T. Brewer, President


STATE OF ARKANSAS                   )
COUNTY OF WASHINGTON                )

     On this day, before the undersigned,  a Notary Public,  duly  commissioned,
qualified  and  acting,  within and for the said  County and State,  appeared in
person the within named Jerry Brewer, to me personally known, who stated that he
was a General Partner of Brewer  Investments,  an Arkansas general  partnership,
and was duly  authorized  in his  respective  capacity to execute the  foregoing
instrument  for and in the name and  behalf  of said  partnership,  and  further
stated and  acknowledged  that he had so signed,  executed  and  delivered  said
instrument for the  consideration,  uses and purposes therein  mentioned and set
     IN TESTIMONY  WHEREOF,  I have  hereunto set my hand and official seal this
3rd day of April, 1996.
My Commission Expires:                               /s/ Lois McAlister
10-21-2005                                               Notary Public


STATE OF ARKANSAS                   )
COUNTY OF WASHINGTON                )

     On this day, before the undersigned,  a Notary Public,  duly  commissioned,
qualified  and  acting,  within and for the said  County and State,  appeared in
person the within named Clete T. Brewer, to me personally known, who stated that
he is President of Brewer Personnel Services, an Arkansas  corporation,  and was
duly authorized in his respective  capacity to execute the foregoing  instrument
for and in the name and  behalf of said  partnership,  and  further  stated  and
acknowledged  that he had so signed,  executed and delivered said instrument for
the consideration, uses and purposes therein mentioned and set forth.
     IN TESTIMONY  WHEREOF,  I have  hereunto set my hand and official seal this
3rd day of April, 1996.

My Commission Expires:                               /s/ Lois McAlister
10-21-2005                                              Notary Public


                                  Exhibit 10.17

     This Lease is entered into as of May 15,  1996,  by and between  Maxwell
Properties,  L.L.C.,  an Oklahoma  limited  liability  company  ("Lessor"),  and
Maxwell Staffing, Inc., an Oklahoma corporation ("Lessee").

     The Premises.  In consideration of the rents and covenants  hereinafter set
forth,  Lessor  hereby leases to Lessee and Lessee hereby leases from Lessor the
real  property  and all  buildings  and  improvements  now existing or hereafter
placed  thereon  located at  8221 East  63rd Place,  Tulsa,  Oklahoma,  and more
specifically  described as set forth on Exhibit A attached hereto (collectively,
the "Premises").

     Term.  The term of this  Lease  shall be for a period  of three  (3)  years
commencing  on June 1,  1996 (the  "Commencement  Date") and expiring on May 31,
1999, unless sooner terminated as provided herein.

     Rent. Lessee shall pay to Lessor without  deduction,  setoff or credit, and
without demand,  at the address of Lessor set forth below or at such other place
as Lessor may from time to time  designate  in writing,  the sum of $8,333.33 as
monthly  rental for the  Premises,  or  $300,000.00  for the term  hereof,  with
monthly  installments  payable in advance on the first day of each month  during
the term of this Lease.

     Option to Renew.  Lessor hereby grants Lessee the option to extend the term
hereof for an  additional  period of two (2) years (the  "Renewal  Term").  This
option shall be exercisable by Lessee upon delivery of written notice to Lessor,
which  notice must be received by Lessor not less than one hundred  twenty (120)
days prior to the  expiration of the initial  term.  All the terms of this Lease
shall apply  during the Renewal Term except that the Rental for the Renewal Term
shall be  increased  by an amount  corresponding  to the change in the "CPI" (as
defined hereinafter) over the period from the Commencement Date to the reporting
period closest to the  commencement  of the Renewal Term.  "CPI" as used herein,
shall  mean the  index  now  known as the  "Consumer  Price  Index for All Urban
Consumers:  U.S.  City Average - All Items (1982 - 84) = 100)"  published by the
United States Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics.  In the event the
publication of the CPI is hereafter discontinued,  Lessor and Lessee shall agree
upon  and  designate  a  comparable  index  to be used in lieu  thereof  for the
purposes thereof.

     Utilities.  Lessee shall,  during the term hereof, pay all charges and post
all security  deposits,  if any, for all  utilities of the  Premises,  including
without  limitation,  telephone,  gas,  electricity,  water,  sewer and  garbage
removal services.

     Taxes  and  Assessments.  Lessee  shall  pay  all  real  estate  taxes  and
assessments levied against the Premises or imposed by reason of occupancy of the
Premises during the term of this Lease and during any Renewal Term, prior to the
time the same became delinquent.

     Use of  Premises.  The  Premises  shall be used and  occupied  by Lessee in
connection with general office  operations,  or any other legal purpose with the
prior  written  consent of Lessor.  Lessee shall not possess,  occupy or use the
Premises  in  violation  of  any  federal,   state  or  local  laws,  rules  and
regulations,  or for any purpose that would constitute a nuisance.  Lessee shall
likewise  observe and comply  with the  requirements  of all  policies of public
liability,  fire and all other  policies of  insurance at any time in force with
respect to the  Premises or  improvements  or to the use or manner of use of the
     Entry and Inspection.  Lessor reserves the right to enter upon the Premises
at reasonable  hours and upon reasonable  notice to inspect the same, or to make
repairs,  additions or alterations to the Premises,  and to enter at any time in
the event of an  emergency.  In the event  Lessee  fails to exercise its renewal
option as  provided in Section 4,  Lessor may show the  Premises to  prospective
tenants  during normal  business  hours and upon  reasonable  advance  notice to
Lessee, and may display a notice on the Premises advertising the same for lease.
Lessor further reserves the right at any time during the term hereof to show the
Premises to prospective  purchasers and to display notices  advertising the same
for sale; provided,  however,  that any showing of the Premises to a prospective
purchaser will be made during normal business hours and upon reasonable  advance
notice  to  Lessee.   Notwithstanding  the  foregoing,   all  such  entries  and
inspections  (except in the case of emergency) shall not unreasonably  interfere
with Lessee's use and enjoyment of the Premises.

     Maintenance.  During the term of this Lease,  Lessee,  at its own  expense,
shall  repair,  replace and maintain  the Premises in a good and safe  condition
including glass, electrical,  plumbing, air conditioning,  heating and any other
system or appliances, fixtures or equipment on the Premises, and shall surrender
the same, at termination  hereof, in as good condition as received,  normal wear
and tear excepted.  Notwithstanding  the foregoing,  Lessor, at its own expense,
shall maintain and repair the roof, the floor (excluding  carpeting),  the walls
(excluding wall coverings and paint) and structural foundations of the Premises.

     Lessee  further  agrees to make all repairs to the  Premises  and to do all
interior  office  painting and decorating  when such repairs and/or painting and
decorating are necessitated by the occurrence of perils normally covered by fire
and extended coverage insurance, or the act or omissions of the Lessee or anyone
under  Lessee's  control.  Lessee  shall keep and  maintain  all portions of the
Premises in a clean and orderly  condition at all times free of  accumulation of
dirt,  rubbish,  snow and ice. If Lessee  fails to make the repairs  required of
Lessee herein within ten (10) days, or in the event of an emergency, Lessor may,
at  Lessor's  option,  make the repairs in which event  Lessee  shall  reimburse
Lessor for the cost thereof as additional rent hereunder within five (5) days of
demand  therefor.  Notwithstanding  the  foregoing,  if repairs by Lessee cannot
reasonably be completed within ten (10) days,  Lessee shall not be in default of
this  provision  if Lessee  commences  to make  repairs  within the ten (10) day
period and diligently and in good faith continues to make such repairs.

     Alterations.  Lessee  shall  have  the  right  to  make  such  alterations,
decorations,  improvements  or  additions  to the  Premises as may be proper and
necessary for the conduct of its business and/or the fully beneficial use of the
Premises.  No  structural,  roofing,  plumbing,  electrical,  or heating and air
conditioning changes,  however, shall be made by Lessee without on each occasion
submitting  to Lessor  plans and  specifications  for any  proposed  changes and
obtaining the prior written  consent of Lessor,  which shall not be unreasonably
withheld.  Lessor agrees to respond to any such request  within twenty (20) days
of receipt of said plans and specifications.  Lessee agrees that it will procure
all necessary permits before making any repairs, alterations, other improvements
and/or  installations.  Any  such  alterations,   decorations,  improvements  or
additions  shall,  when made,  become the  property  of Lessor and remain at the
Premises upon termination or expiration of this Lease;  provided,  however, that
any and all trade fixtures and equipment shall remain the property of Lessee.

     Mechanics'  Liens.  Lessee  shall keep the  Premises  free and clear of all
mechanics' liens resulting from construction done by or for Lessee. Lessee shall
have the right to contest the amount or validity of any such lien by appropriate
legal  proceedings  provided Lessee  diligently  prosecutes such proceedings and
does not permit any imminent risk of loss of any part of the Premises in respect
of such liens or Lessee's contest thereof.

Lessee shall,  at its sole cost and expense,  keep the Premises
insured at all times  during the primary term of this Lease and all renewals and
extensions  thereof against loss or damage by fire and such other hazards as are
embraced by the standard extended coverage  endorsement  approved for use in the
state in which the  Premises  are  located  in an amount  not less than the full
insurable value of the building and improvements.

     Lessee  further  agrees to obtain and keep in force during the term hereof,
at  Lessee's  sole cost and  expense,  comprehensive  general  public  liability
insurance with minimum limits of  $1,000,000.00 on account of bodily injuries or
death and property damage insurance with minimum limits of $1,000,000.00.

     All policies of  insurance  provided  for under this  paragraph  shall name
Lessor,  any  mortgage  lender as Lessor  shall  designate,  and Lessee as named
insureds  to the extent of their  respective  interests.  The fire and  extended
coverage  insurance policy shall designate any mortgagee of Premises pursuant to
a standard  mortgage  clause.  All such policies of insurance shall provide that
any loss shall be payable as therein provided  notwithstanding any negligence of
Lessor, Lessee or any other person.

     All such insurance  shall further contain a clause that the insurer thereof
will not cancel or amend the policy without first giving Lessor thirty (30) days
advance  written  notice.  All insurance  required to be obtained and maintained
hereunder  shall be with  reputable  insurance  companies and a  certificate  of
insurance shall be delivered to Lessor.  If Lessee refuses or neglects to secure
and  maintain  insurance  policies in  compliance  with the  provisions  of this
Section,  Lessor may,  but shall not be required to,  secure and  maintain  such
insurance  and  Lessee  shall  immediately  pay the cost  thereof  to  Lessor as
additional rent.
     Mutual Waiver of  Subrogation.  Lessor and Lessee each hereby waive any and
all rights of recovery,  claims,  actions or causes of action against the other,
their respective agents, officers or employees,  for any loss or damage that may
occur to the Premises or any portion thereof,  or any personal  property of such
party  therein,  by any cause  which is  insured  against  under  the  insurance
policies  referenced  herein,  regardless of the other party hereto, its agents,
officers or employees, and any right of subrogation against such other party.

     Quiet  Enjoyment.  So  long  as  Lessee  is not  in  default  of the  terms
hereunder,  Lessee shall and may peaceably and quietly have, hold,  occupy,  use
and enjoy the  Premises  during the term of this  Lease  subject to the terms of
this Lease.
   Damage or Destruction.

     If the Premises should be totally  destroyed by fire or other casualty,  or
if the  Premises  would be so damaged so that  rebuilding  or repairs  could not
reasonably  be  completed  within  ninety  (90)  working  days after the date of
written  notification by Lessee to Lessor of the  destruction,  this Lease shall
terminate and the rent shall be abated for the  unexpired  portion of the Lease,
effective as of the date of the written notification.
     If the Premises should be partially damaged by fire or other casualty,  and
rebuilding  or repairs can  reasonably  be completed  within ninety (90) working
days  from  the  date  of  written  notification  by  Lessee  to  Lessor  of the
destruction, this Lease shall not terminate, but Lessor may at its sole risk and
expense  proceed  with  reasonable  diligence to build or repair the building or
other improvements to substantially the condition in which they existed prior to
the damage.  In the event the  Premises  are to be rebuilt or  repaired  and are
untenantable  in whole or in part following the damage,  rent payable under this
Lease  during  the  period  for which the  Premises  are  untenantable  shall be
adjusted  to  such  an  extent  as  may  be  fair  and   reasonable   under  the
circumstances.  In the event that Lessor fails to complete the necessary repairs
of  rebuilding  within  ninety  (90)  working  days  from  the  date of  written
notification  by Lessee to Lessor of the  destruction,  Lessee may at its option
terminate  this Lease by delivering  written  notice of  termination  to Lessor,
whereupon all rights and obligations under the Lease shall cease to exist. In no
event  shall  Lessor be  required to expend  more for  repairs,  restoration  or
replacement then the proceeds of the insurance therefor received by Lessor.
     In the  event of  damage  to the  Premises,  all  insurance  proceeds  from
policies  maintained  by  Lessee  shall  be  utilized  for the sole  purpose  of
rebuilding and repairing the Premises.  In the event of termination of the Lease
as  provided  above,  then all such  insurance  proceeds  shall be paid first to
Lessor for the loss of property  of Lessor and any  remaining  amounts  shall be
paid to Lessee.  All  settlements of claims  concerning  policies  maintained by
Lessee shall be made jointly by Lessee and Lessor.
     Condemnation.  In the event the  Premises or any part  thereof are taken or
sold under threat of condemnation,  all compensation  payable for damage to land
and improvements  for the taking thereof shall be payable to Lessor,  and Lessee
does hereby sell,  assign,  transfer and set over to Lessor any interest  Lessee
might  otherwise have in and to such  compensation.  Although all damages in the
event of any  condemnation  are to belong to Lessor,  whether  such  damages are
awarded as  compensation  for diminution in value of the leasehold or to the fee
of the  Premises,  Lessee  shall  have the right to claim and  recover  from the
condemning   authority  such  compensation  as  may  be  separately  awarded  or
recoverable  by Lessee in Lessee's own right on account of any and all damage to
Lessee's business by reason of the condemnation or for or on account of any cost
or loss which  Lessee  might be put in removing  Lessee's  furniture,  fixtures,
leasehold improvements, equipment and relocating Lessee's business.

     If the whole of the  Premises  shall be  acquired or  condemned  by eminent
domain  for any public or  quasi-public  use or  purpose,  then the term of this
Lease  shall  cease  and  terminate  as of the  date of  title  vesting  in such
proceeding  and all rentals  shall be paid up to that date and Lessee shall have
no claim against Lessor for the value of any unexpired term of this Lease.

     If any portion of the Premises is taken by  condemnation,  this Lease shall
remain in effect,  except that Lessee can elect to  terminate  this Lease if the
remaining portion of the buildings or other  improvements that are a part of the
Premises are rendered unsuitable for Lessee's continued use of the Premises.  If
Lessee does not terminate  this Lease,  this Lease shall  continue in full force
and effect,  except that the monthly  rent shall be reduced by an amount that is
mutually acceptable by the parties.


     Each party (the  "Indemnifying  Party") hereby agrees to indemnify,  defend
and hold  harmless  the  other  party and each of its  respective  shareholders,
officers, directors,  employees,  affiliates , subsidiaries,  legal and personal
representatives,  trustees, successors and assigns, against and from any and all
losses, liabilities, damages, claims, demands, costs, obligations,  deficiencies
and expenses (including without limitation interest, penalties, court costs, and
reasonable attorneys' fees and expenses)  (collectively,  "Losses") arising from
or in connection with the negligence or willful  misconduct of the  Indemnifying
Party or its employees,  agents or invitees, or breach by the Indemnifying Party
of its obligations expressed herein.

     Lessee  hereby agrees to indemnify,  defend and hold harmless  Lessor,  and
Lessor's legal and personal representatives, successors and assigns, against any
and all Losses  including,  but not limited to, claims for loss or damage to any
property  or injury to or death of any  person  asserted  by or on behalf of any
person,  arising out of,  resulting  from or in any way connected  with Lessee's
occupancy  and/or  use  of  the  Premises  or  the  condition,  occupancy,  use,
possession,  conduct or  management or any work done in or about the Premises or
any portion  thereof or from the  assignment  or  subletting of any part hereof,
except for claims arising from the negligence or willful misconduct of Lessor or
its representatives, trustees, successors or assigns.

     Lessee shall defend,  indemnify and hold harmless Lessor and Lessor's legal
and personal representatives, trustees, successors and assigns, from and against
any and all Losses of  whatever  kind and nature  resulting  from any  accident,
occurrence or condition  caused by the release by Lessee after the  Commencement
Date of any toxic or  hazardous  substance  or waste  in,  on,  under,  about or
affecting  the  Premises  which  results in any injury or death of any person or
damage to any  property  or which  requires  the  removal or  treatment  of such
hazardous or toxic substance or waste or any other remedial action or fine under
the terms of any law,  regulation,  rule or directive  of any federal,  state or
local governmental authority.

     Lessor shall defend,  indemnify  and hold  harmless  Lessee and each of its
shareholders,  officers, directors,  employees,  affiliates or subsidiaries from
and against any and all Losses of whatever  kind and nature  resulting  from any
accident,  occurrence or condition  caused by the release by Lessor of any toxic
or hazardous  substance or waste in, on, under,  about or affecting the Premises
prior to the  Commencement  Date,  which  results  in any injury or death to any
person or damage to any  property or which  requires the removal or treatment of
such hazardous or toxic  substance or waste or any other remedial action or fine
under the terms of any law, regulation,  rule or directive of any federal, state
or local governmental authority.

     The provisions of this Section shall survive the  termination of expiration
of this Lease and the surrender of the Premises by Lessee.

     Events of Default.  The occurrence of any of the following shall constitute
a default by Lessee:
     Failure to pay any portion of the rent  required to be paid  hereunder,  or
failure to pay any other financial  obligation  imposed upon Lessee by the terms
hereof within ten (10) days after written notice thereof by Lessor to Lessee.

     Failure  to perform  any other  provision  of this Lease if the  failure to
perform is not cured within  thirty (30) days after written  notice  thereof has
been given to Lessee. If a default cannot reasonably be cured within thirty (30)
days,  Lessee shall not be in default of this Lease if Lessee  commences to cure
the default  within the thirty (30) day period and  diligently and in good faith
continues to cure the default.
     Vacation  and/or  abandonment by Lessee of the Premises in excess of thirty
(30) consecutive days.

     If an order,  judgment or decree shall be entered by any court adjudicating
the  Lessee  a  bankrupt  or   insolvent,   or  approving  a  petition   seeking
reorganization of the Lessee or appointing a receiver,  trustee or liquidator of
the  Lessee,  or of all or a  substantial  part of its  assets,  and such order,
judgment or decree shall continue unstayed and in effect for any period of sixty
(60) days.
     Lessee  shall  file an  answer  admitting  the  material  allegations  of a
petition  filed  against  the  Lessee  in  any  bankruptcy,   reorganization  or
insolvency  proceeding  or under any laws  relating  to the  relief of  debtors,
readjustment  or  indebtedness,  reorganization,  arrangements,  composition  or

     Lessee  shall make any  assignment  for the benefit of  creditors  or shall
apply for or consent to the appointment of a receiver,  trustee or liquidator of
Lessee or any of the assets of Lessee.

     Lessee  shall file a voluntary  petition in  bankruptcy,  or shall admit in
writing  its  ability to pay its debts as they come due or shall file a petition
or an answer  seeking  reorganization  or  arrangement  with  creditors  or take
advantage of any insolvency laws.

     A decree or order  appointing a receiver to the property of Lessee shall be
made and such decree or order shall not have been vacated within sixty (60) days
from the date of entry or granting thereof.

Lessee's Default.

     Upon the occurrence of any of the aforesaid  events of default Lessor shall
have the option to pursue any one or more of the following  remedies without any
demand or notice  whatsoever:  (i)  terminate  this Lease in which event  Lessee
shall  immediately  surrender the Premises to Lessor;  (ii) without  terminating
this Lease, enter upon the Premises and, without  disturbing  Lessee's occupancy
of the Premises,  do whatever  Lessee is obligated to do under the terms of this
Lease  whereupon  Lessee shall  reimburse  Lessor upon demand for any reasonable
expenses  which  Lessor  may  incur  in  effecting   compliance   with  Lessee's
obligations under this Lease; or (iii) take any other action allowed by law.
     Pursuit of any of the foregoing  remedies shall not preclude pursuit of any
of the other remedies  herein  provided or any other  remedies  provided by law.
Nothing  provided by law or contained  herein shall be deemed to obligate Lessor
to expend any funds.
     Failure  or delay by  Lessor  to  enforce  any one or more of the  remedies
herein provided or provided by law upon any event of default shall not be deemed
or construed to  constitute  a waiver  thereof or preclude the exercise  thereof
during the  continuation  of any default  hereunder or be deemed or construed to
constitute  a waiver of any  other  violation  or  breach  of any of the  terms,
provisions and covenants herein contained.

     In the event of  default  by Lessee of any of the terms and  conditions  of
this Lease, and upon such default, interest at 12% per annum shall accrue on all
amounts due including costs and reasonable attorney's fees.

     Lessor's  Default.  Lessor shall be in default of this Lease if it fails or
refuses to perform any  provision  of this Lease that it is obligated to perform
if the failure to perform is not cured  within  thirty  (30) days after  written
notice of the  default has been given by Lessee to Lessor.  If Lessor's  default
cannot  reasonably  be cured  within  thirty (30) days,  Lessor  shall not be in
default of this Lease if Lessor  commences to cure the default within the thirty
(30) day period and diligently and in good faith continues to cure the default.

     Lessee's  Right to Cure  Lessor's  Default.  Lessee  may, at any time after
Lessor  commits a default,  either  terminate  this Lease or cure the default at
Lessor's  cost. If Lessee at any time, by reason of Lessor's  default,  pays any
sum or does any act that requires the payment of any sum, the sum paid by Lessee
shall be due  immediately  from Lessor to Lessee at the time the sum is paid. If
Lessor fails to reimburse Lessee as required by this Section,  Lessee shall have
the right to withhold  from future rent due the sum Lessee has paid until Lessee
is reimbursed in full for the sum.

     Return on  Termination.  Upon  termination  of this  Lease  for any  cause,
including  expiration  of the term or  exercise of rights of re-entry by Lessor,
Lessee agrees to surrender  the Premises to Lessor in as good  condition as when
received,  usual wear and tear  excepted.  Lessee shall have the right to remove
any equipment or trade fixtures it has on the Premises.  The removal of any such
equipment or trade fixtures shall be coordinated by Lessee with Lessor and shall
be completed by Lessee without any destruction or damage to the Premisses.


     Relationship.  This Lease does not create the relationship of principal and
agent or of  partnership or of joint venture or any  association  between Lessor
and Lessee;  the sole  relationship  between Lessor and Lessee is deemed that of
lessor and lessee.
     Entire Agreement;  Modification;  Waiver.  This Lease sets forth the entire
agreement of the parties hereto with respect to the matters contained herein and
no prior or  contemporaneous  agreement or understanding  pertaining to any such
matter  shall be effective  for any  purpose.  No  supplement,  modification  or
amendment  to this Lease shall be binding  unless  executed in writing by all of
the parties.  No waiver of any of the  provisions of this Lease shall be deemed,
or shall constitute, any waiver of any other provision,  whether or not similar,
nor shall any waiver constitute a continuing  waiver. No waiver shall be binding
unless  executed in writing by the parties  making the waiver.  No waiver of any
default by Lessee hereunder shall be implied from any omission by Lessor to take
any action on account of such default if such  default  persists or is repeated,
and no express waiver shall affect any default other than the default  specified
in the  express  waiver  and that  only for the time and to the  extent  therein

     Attorneys'   Fees.  In  any  action  between  the  parties  hereto  seeking
enforcement  of any of the terms and  provisions of this Lease,  the  prevailing
party in such action shall be entitled,  in addition to damages,  injunctive  or
other relief, to its reasonable costs and expenses not limited to taxable costs,
and reasonable attorneys' fees to be fixed by the court.

     Notices.  All notices,  requests,  demands,  and other communications under
this Lease  shall be in writing  and shall be deemed to have been duly given the
party  to  whom  notice  is to be  given,  on the  date  of  service  if  served
personally,  and on the date of  receipt,  refusal or as of the first  attempted
date of  delivery if  unclaimed,  when sent to the party by U.S.  registered  or
certified mail, postage prepaid, and properly addressed as follows:

                           Lessor:         Maxwell Properties, L.L.C.
                                           7676 South Oswego Place
                                           Tulsa, Oklahoma  74136

                           Lessee:         Maxwell Staffing, Inc.
                                           8221 East 63rd Place
                                           Tulsa, Oklahoma  74133

     By written notice to the other in the manner  contemplated  hereby,  either
party may change its address for notices under this Lease.

     Binding  Effect/Assignment.  This Lease shall be binding  upon and inure to
the benefit of the parties hereto,  and their  respective  successors,  assigns,
heirs, legal and personal representatives;  provided, however, that Lessee shall
not assign, sublet or convey any of its interest in this Lease without the prior
written  consent of Lessor,  which consent shall not be  unreasonably  withheld.
Upon any such proper  assignment,  sublease or  conveyance,  Lessee shall remain
liable for all  obligations  of the Lessee  hereunder;  provided,  Lessor  shall
permit Lessee to submit  information to it and will reasonably  consider whether
or not to release the Lessee upon an  assignment,  sublease or conveyance  after
giving due consideration to factors which may include,  without limitation,  the
remaining length of the Lease term, and the  creditworthiness of the party to be
substituted  as compared to Lessee.  In the event  Lessor  sells,  transfers  or
assigns its interest in the Premises, and provided such purchaser, transferee or
assignee  shall agree in writing to assume all of the  obligations of the Lessor
under  this  Lease,  Lessor  shall  be  released  from  any  further  obligation
hereunder,  and Lessee  agrees to look  solely to the  successor-in-interest  of
Lessor for the performance of such obligations.

     Sale of  Premises.  In the event of any sale of the  Premises,  or any part
thereof or interest therein, by Lessor, including sales by foreclosure or a deed
in lieu  thereof,  the  purchaser  of the Premises  shall be deemed  without any
further  agreement  between the parties to have  assumed and agreed to carry out
any and all of the covenants and  obligations of Lessor under this Lease. In the
event of any such  sale,  Lessee  agrees to attorn to and  become  the Lessor of
Lessor's  successor-in-interest.  Lessee may, at its  expense,  record a copy of
this Lease.
     Brokerage. Lessor and Lessee each represent that neither has negotiated nor
dealt with any broker in  connection  with this Lease.  Lessor and Lessee  shall
each  indemnify and hold the other harmless from and against any and all claims,
loss, liability cost or expense,  including reasonable  attorneys' fees, arising
from or  relating  to any claim or action by any broker with whom such party has
dealt or is alleged to have dealt.

     Construction.  This Lease shall be governed by and  construed in accordance
with  the laws of the  state  in which  the  Premises  are  situated,  provided,
however,  that this Lease shall be  construed  as intended by the parties and no
provision of this Lease shall be construed  against any party on the ground that
such party drafted such provision.

     Headings.  The subject  headings of the  sections and  subsections  of this
Lease are included for purposes of  convenience  only,  and shall not affect the
construction or interpretation of any of its provisions.

     Counterparts.  This  Lease  may be  signed  by  the  parties  in  different
counterparts and the signature pages combined shall create a document binding on
all parties.
     Time of  Essence.  The  parties  agree  that time is of the  essence in the
performance of each and every term, covenant and condition of this Lease.

Invalidity and Unenforceability. Should any clause or provision of this Lease be
determined by a court of competent  jurisdiction to be invalid, void or voidable
for any reason,  such invalid,  void or voidable  clause or provision  shall not
affect the whole of this Lease and the balance of the  provisions  hereof  shall
remain in full force and effect.  Further,  if the original intent of any clause
or provision  held to be invalid,  void or voidable,  can be preserved  and such
invalid,  void or  voidable  clause or  provision  corrected  by revision of the
verbiage  utilized in this Lease,  then the parties hereto shall enter into such
written  amendments  to this Lease as shall be necessary in order to  effectuate
the  enforceability  of such clause or provision and the original  intent of the
parties as reflected hereunder.

     IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the parties hereto have executed this Lease as of the
date first above written.

an Oklahoma limited liability

By: /s/ John H. Maxwell, Jr.
John H. Maxwell, Jr., Manager


an Oklahoma corporation

By: /s/ Sue Maxwell
Sue Maxwell, President

                                   Exhibit A


     Lot Five (5), Block One (1),  BURNING TREE  EXECUTIVE  PARK, an Addition to
the City of Tulsa,  Tulsa County,  State of Oklahoma,  according to the recorded
plat thereof.


                                  Exhibit 10.18

     This Lease is entered into as of May 15,  1996,  by and between  Maxwell
Properties,  L.L.C.,  an Oklahoma  limited  liability  company  ("Lessor"),  and
Maxwell/Healthcare, Inc., an Oklahoma corporation ("Lessee").

     The Premises.  In consideration of the rents and covenants  hereinafter set
forth,  Lessor  hereby leases to Lessee and Lessee hereby leases from Lessor the
real  property  and all  buildings  and  improvements  now existing or hereafter
placed thereon located at 8211-8213 East 65th Street, Tulsa,  Oklahoma, and more
specifically  described as set forth on Exhibit A attached hereto (collectively,
the "Premises").

     Term.  The term of this  Lease  shall be for a period  of three  (3)  years
commencing on June 1,  1996 (the "Commencement  Date") and expiring on May 31,
1999, unless sooner terminated as provided herein.

     Rent. Lessee shall pay to Lessor without  deduction,  setoff or credit, and
without demand,  at the address of Lessor set forth below or at such other place
as Lessor may from time to time  designate  in writing,  the sum of $1,500.00 as
monthly rental for the Premises, or $54,000.00 for the term hereof, with monthly
installments  payable in advance on the first day of each month  during the term
of this Lease.
     Option to Renew.  Lessor hereby grants Lessee the option to extend the term
hereof for an  additional  period of two (2) years (the  "Renewal  Term").  This
option shall be exercisable by Lessee upon delivery of written notice to Lessor,
which  notice must be received by Lessor not less than one hundred  twenty (120)
days prior to the  expiration of the initial  term.  All the terms of this Lease
shall apply  during the Renewal Term except that the Rental for the Renewal Term
shall be  increased  by an amount  corresponding  to the change in the "CPI" (as
defined hereinafter) over the period from the Commencement Date to the reporting
period closest to the  commencement  of the Renewal Term.  "CPI" as used herein,
shall  mean the  index  now  known as the  "Consumer  Price  Index for All Urban
Consumers:  U.S.  City Average - All Items (1982 - 84) = 100)"  published by the
United States Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics.  In the event the
publication of the CPI is hereafter discontinued,  Lessor and Lessee shall agree
upon  and  designate  a  comparable  index  to be used in lieu  thereof  for the
purposes thereof.

     Utilities.  Lessee shall,  during the term hereof, pay all charges and post
all security  deposits,  if any, for all  utilities of the  Premises,  including
without  limitation,  telephone,  gas,  electricity,  water,  sewer and  garbage
removal services.
     Taxes  and  Assessments.  Lessee  shall  pay  all  real  estate  taxes  and
assessments levied against the Premises or imposed by reason of occupancy of the
Premises during the term of this Lease and during any Renewal Term, prior to the
time the same became delinquent.

     Use of  Premises.  The  Premises  shall be used and  occupied  by Lessee in
connection  with  accommodations  for training and  orientation  of employees of
Lessee,  or any other legal  purpose with the prior  written  consent of Lessor.
Lessee  shall  not  possess,  occupy or use the  Premises  in  violation  of any
federal,  state or local laws,  rules and  regulations,  or for any purpose that
would  constitute a nuisance.  Lessee shall likewise observe and comply with the
requirements of all policies of public liability, fire and all other policies of
insurance at any time in force with respect to the Premises or  improvements  or
to the use or manner of use of the same.

     Entry and Inspection.  Lessor reserves the right to enter upon the Premises
at reasonable  hours and upon reasonable  notice to inspect the same, or to make
repairs,  additions or alterations to the Premises,  and to enter at any time in
the event of an  emergency.  In the event  Lessee  fails to exercise its renewal
option as  provided in Section 4,  Lessor may show the  Premises to  prospective
tenants  during normal  business  hours and upon  reasonable  advance  notice to
Lessee, and may display a notice on the Premises advertising the same for lease.
Lessor further reserves the right at any time during the term hereof to show the
Premises to prospective  purchasers and to display notices  advertising the same
for sale; provided,  however,  that any showing of the Premises to a prospective
purchaser will be made during normal business hours and upon reasonable  advance
notice  to  Lessee.   Notwithstanding  the  foregoing,   all  such  entries  and
inspections  (except in the case of emergency) shall not unreasonably  interfere
with Lessee's use and enjoyment of the Premises.


     During the term of this Lease,  Lessee,  at its own expense,  shall repair,
replace and maintain the Premises in a good and safe condition  including glass,
electrical,  plumbing,  air  conditioning,  heating  and  any  other  system  or
appliances, fixtures or equipment on the Premises, and shall surrender the same,
at termination  hereof,  in as good condition as received,  normal wear and tear
excepted.  Notwithstanding  the  foregoing,  Lessor,  at its own expense,  shall
maintain  and  repair  the roof,  the  floor  (excluding  carpeting),  the walls
(excluding wall coverings and paint) and structural foundations of the Premises.

     Lessee  further  agrees to make all repairs to the  Premises  and to do all
interior  office  painting and decorating  when such repairs and/or painting and
decorating are necessitated by the occurrence of perils normally covered by fire
and extended coverage insurance, or the act or omissions of the Lessee or anyone
under  Lessee's  control.  Lessee  shall keep and  maintain  all portions of the
Premises in a clean and orderly  condition at all times free of  accumulation of
dirt,  rubbish,  snow and ice. If Lessee  fails to make the repairs  required of
Lessee herein within ten (10) days, or in the event of an emergency, Lessor may,
at  Lessor's  option,  make the repairs in which event  Lessee  shall  reimburse
Lessor for the cost thereof as additional rent hereunder within five (5) days of
demand  therefor.  Notwithstanding  the  foregoing,  if repairs by Lessee cannot
reasonably be completed within ten (10) days,  Lessee shall not be in default of
this  provision  if Lessee  commences  to make  repairs  within the ten (10) day
period and diligently and in good faith continues to make such repairs.

     Alterations.  Lessee  shall  have  the  right  to  make  such  alterations,
decorations,  improvements  or  additions  to the  Premises as may be proper and
necessary for the conduct of its business and/or the fully beneficial use of the
Premises.  No  structural,  roofing,  plumbing,  electrical,  or heating and air
conditioning changes,  however, shall be made by Lessee without on each occasion
submitting  to Lessor  plans and  specifications  for any  proposed  changes and
obtaining the prior written  consent of Lessor,  which shall not be unreasonably
withheld.  Lessor agrees to respond to any such request  within twenty (20) days
of receipt of said plans and specifications.  Lessee agrees that it will procure
all necessary permits before making any repairs, alterations, other improvements
and/or  installations.  Any  such  alterations,   decorations,  improvements  or
additions  shall,  when made,  become the  property  of Lessor and remain at the
Premises upon termination or expiration of this Lease;  provided,  however, that
any and all trade fixtures and equipment shall remain the property of Lessee.

     Mechanics'  Liens.  Lessee  shall keep the  Premises  free and clear of all
mechanics' liens resulting from construction done by or for Lessee. Lessee shall
have the right to contest the amount or validity of any such lien by appropriate
legal  proceedings  provided Lessee  diligently  prosecutes such proceedings and
does not permit any imminent risk of loss of any part of the Premises in respect
of such liens or Lessee's contest thereof.


     Lessee shall,  at its sole cost and expense,  keep the Premises  insured at
all times during the primary term of this Lease and all renewals and  extensions
thereof against loss or damage by fire and such other hazards as are embraced by
the  standard  extended  coverage  endorsement  approved for use in the state in
which the  Premises  are  located in an amount not less than the full  insurable
value of the building and improvements.

     Lessee  further  agrees to obtain and keep in force during the term hereof,
at  Lessee's  sole cost and  expense,  comprehensive  general  public  liability
insurance with minimum limits of  $1,000,000.00 on account of bodily injuries or
death and property damage insurance with minimum limits of $1,000,000.00.

     All policies of  insurance  provided  for under this  paragraph  shall name
Lessor,  any  mortgage  lender as Lessor  shall  designate,  and Lessee as named
insureds  to the extent of their  respective  interests.  The fire and  extended
coverage  insurance policy shall designate any mortgagee of Premises pursuant to
a standard  mortgage  clause.  All such policies of insurance shall provide that
any loss shall be payable as therein provided  notwithstanding any negligence of
Lessor, Lessee or any other person.

     All such insurance  shall further contain a clause that the insurer thereof
will not cancel or amend the policy without first giving Lessor thirty (30) days
advance  written  notice.  All insurance  required to be obtained and maintained
hereunder  shall be with  reputable  insurance  companies and a  certificate  of
insurance shall be delivered to Lessor.  If Lessee refuses or neglects to secure
and  maintain  insurance  policies in  compliance  with the  provisions  of this
Section,  Lessor may,  but shall not be required to,  secure and  maintain  such
insurance  and  Lessee  shall  immediately  pay the cost  thereof  to  Lessor as
additional rent.

     Mutual Waiver of  Subrogation.  Lessor and Lessee each hereby waive any and
all rights of recovery,  claims,  actions or causes of action against the other,
their respective agents, officers or employees,  for any loss or damage that may
occur to the Premises or any portion thereof,  or any personal  property of such
party  therein,  by any cause  which is  insured  against  under  the  insurance
policies  referenced  herein,  regardless of the other party hereto, its agents,
officers or employees, and any right of subrogation against such other party.

     Quiet  Enjoyment.  So  long  as  Lessee  is not  in  default  of the  terms
hereunder,  Lessee shall and may peaceably and quietly have, hold,  occupy,  use
and enjoy the  Premises  during the term of this  Lease  subject to the terms of
this Lease.

Damage or Destruction.

     If the Premises should be totally  destroyed by fire or other casualty,  or
if the  Premises  would be so damaged so that  rebuilding  or repairs  could not
reasonably  be  completed  within  ninety  (90)  working  days after the date of
written  notification by Lessee to Lessor of the  destruction,  this Lease shall
terminate and the rent shall be abated for the  unexpired  portion of the Lease,
effective as of the date of the written notification.

     If the Premises should be partially damaged by fire or other casualty,  and
rebuilding  or repairs can  reasonably  be completed  within ninety (90) working
days  from  the  date  of  written  notification  by  Lessee  to  Lessor  of the
destruction, this Lease shall not terminate, but Lessor may at its sole risk and
expense  proceed  with  reasonable  diligence to build or repair the building or
other improvements to substantially the condition in which they existed prior to
the damage.  In the event the  Premises  are to be rebuilt or  repaired  and are
untenantable  in whole or in part following the damage,  rent payable under this
Lease  during  the  period  for which the  Premises  are  untenantable  shall be
adjusted  to  such  an  extent  as  may  be  fair  and   reasonable   under  the
circumstances.  In the event that Lessor fails to complete the necessary repairs
of  rebuilding  within  ninety  (90)  working  days  from  the  date of  written
notification  by Lessee to Lessor of the  destruction,  Lessee may at its option
terminate  this Lease by delivering  written  notice of  termination  to Lessor,
whereupon all rights and obligations under the Lease shall cease to exist. In no
event  shall  Lessor be  required to expend  more for  repairs,  restoration  or
replacement then the proceeds of the insurance therefor received by Lessor.

     In the  event of  damage  to the  Premises,  all  insurance  proceeds  from
policies  maintained  by  Lessee  shall  be  utilized  for the sole  purpose  of
rebuilding and repairing the Premises.  In the event of termination of the Lease
as  provided  above,  then all such  insurance  proceeds  shall be paid first to
Lessor for the loss of property  of Lessor and any  remaining  amounts  shall be
paid to Lessee.  All  settlements of claims  concerning  policies  maintained by
Lessee shall be made jointly by Lessee and Lessor.

     Condemnation.  In the event the  Premises or any part  thereof are taken or
sold under threat of condemnation,  all compensation  payable for damage to land
and improvements  for the taking thereof shall be payable to Lessor,  and Lessee
does hereby sell,  assign,  transfer and set over to Lessor any interest  Lessee
might  otherwise have in and to such  compensation.  Although all damages in the
event of any  condemnation  are to belong to Lessor,  whether  such  damages are
awarded as  compensation  for diminution in value of the leasehold or to the fee
of the  Premises,  Lessee  shall  have the right to claim and  recover  from the
condemning   authority  such  compensation  as  may  be  separately  awarded  or
recoverable  by Lessee in Lessee's own right on account of any and all damage to
Lessee's business by reason of the condemnation or for or on account of any cost
or loss which  Lessee  might be put in removing  Lessee's  furniture,  fixtures,
leasehold improvements, equipment and relocating Lessee's business.

     If the whole of the  Premises  shall be  acquired or  condemned  by eminent
domain  for any public or  quasi-public  use or  purpose,  then the term of this
Lease  shall  cease  and  terminate  as of the  date of  title  vesting  in such
proceeding  and all rentals  shall be paid up to that date and Lessee shall have
no claim against Lessor for the value of any unexpired term of this Lease.

     If any portion of the Premises is taken by  condemnation,  this Lease shall
remain in effect,  except that Lessee can elect to  terminate  this Lease if the
remaining portion of the buildings or other  improvements that are a part of the
Premises are rendered unsuitable for Lessee's continued use of the Premises.  If
Lessee does not terminate  this Lease,  this Lease shall  continue in full force
and effect,  except that the monthly  rent shall be reduced by an amount that is
mutually acceptable by the parties.


     Each party (the  "Indemnifying  Party") hereby agrees to indemnify,  defend
and hold  harmless  the  other  party and each of its  respective  shareholders,
officers, directors,  employees,  affiliates , subsidiaries,  legal and personal
representatives,  trustees, successors and assigns, against and from any and all
losses, liabilities, damages, claims, demands, costs, obligations,  deficiencies
and expenses (including without limitation interest, penalties, court costs, and
reasonable attorneys' fees and expenses)  (collectively,  "Losses") arising from
or in connection with the negligence or willful  misconduct of the  Indemnifying
Party or its employees,  agents or invitees, or breach by the Indemnifying Party
of its obligations expressed herein.

     Lessee  hereby agrees to indemnify,  defend and hold harmless  Lessor,  and
Lessor's legal and personal representatives, successors and assigns, against any
and all Losses  including,  but not limited to, claims for loss or damage to any
property  or injury to or death of any  person  asserted  by or on behalf of any
person,  arising out of,  resulting  from or in any way connected  with Lessee's
occupancy  and/or  use  of  the  Premises  or  the  condition,  occupancy,  use,
possession,  conduct or  management or any work done in or about the Premises or
any portion  thereof or from the  assignment  or  subletting of any part hereof,
except for claims arising from the negligence or willful misconduct of Lessor or
its representatives, trustees, successors or assigns.

     Lessee shall defend,  indemnify and hold harmless Lessor and Lessor's legal
and personal representatives, trustees, successors and assigns, from and against
any and all Losses of  whatever  kind and nature  resulting  from any  accident,
occurrence or condition  caused by the release by Lessee after the  Commencement
Date of any toxic or  hazardous  substance  or waste  in,  on,  under,  about or
affecting  the  Premises  which  results in any injury or death of any person or
damage to any  property  or which  requires  the  removal or  treatment  of such
hazardous or toxic substance or waste or any other remedial action or fine under
the terms of any law,  regulation,  rule or directive  of any federal,  state or
local governmental authority.

     Lessor shall defend,  indemnify  and hold  harmless  Lessee and each of its
shareholders,  officers, directors,  employees,  affiliates or subsidiaries from
and against any and all Losses of whatever  kind and nature  resulting  from any
accident,  occurrence or condition  caused by the release by Lessor of any toxic
or hazardous  substance or waste in, on, under,  about or affecting the Premises
prior to the  Commencement  Date,  which  results  in any injury or death to any
person or damage to any  property or which  requires the removal or treatment of
such hazardous or toxic  substance or waste or any other remedial action or fine
under the terms of any law, regulation,  rule or directive of any federal, state
or local governmental authority.

     The provisions of this Section shall survive the  termination of expiration
of this Lease and the surrender of the Premises by Lessee.
     Events of Default.  The occurrence of any of the following shall constitute
a default by Lessee:

   Failure to pay any portion of the rent  required to be paid  hereunder,  or
failure to pay any other financial  obligation  imposed upon Lessee by the terms
hereof within ten (10) days after written notice thereof by Lessor to Lessee.

     Failure  to perform  any other  provision  of this Lease if the  failure to
perform is not cured within  thirty (30) days after written  notice  thereof has
been given to Lessee. If a default cannot reasonably be cured within thirty (30)
days,  Lessee shall not be in default of this Lease if Lessee  commences to cure
the default  within the thirty (30) day period and  diligently and in good faith
continues to cure the default.

     If an order,  judgment or decree shall be entered by any court adjudicating
the  Lessee  a  bankrupt  or   insolvent,   or  approving  a  petition   seeking
reorganization of the Lessee or appointing a receiver,  trustee or liquidator of
the  Lessee,  or of all or a  substantial  part of its  assets,  and such order,
judgment or decree shall continue unstayed and in effect for any period of sixty
(60) days.
     Lessee  shall  file an  answer  admitting  the  material  allegations  of a
petition  filed  against  the  Lessee  in  any  bankruptcy,   reorganization  or
insolvency  proceeding  or under any laws  relating  to the  relief of  debtors,
readjustment  or  indebtedness,  reorganization,  arrangements,  composition  or
     Lessee  shall make any  assignment  for the benefit of  creditors  or shall
apply for or consent to the appointment of a receiver,  trustee or liquidator of
Lessee or any of the assets of Lessee.

     Lessee  shall file a voluntary  petition in  bankruptcy,  or shall admit in
writing  its  ability to pay its debts as they come due or shall file a petition
or an answer  seeking  reorganization  or  arrangement  with  creditors  or take
advantage of any insolvency laws.

     A decree or order  appointing a receiver to the property of Lessee shall be
made and such decree or order shall not have been vacated within sixty (60) days
from the date of entry or granting thereof.
                  Lessee's Default.

Upon the occurrence of any of the aforesaid  events of default Lessor shall have
the  option to pursue  any one or more of the  following  remedies  without  any
demand or notice  whatsoever:  (i)  terminate  this Lease in which event  Lessee
shall  immediately  surrender the Premises to Lessor;  (ii) without  terminating
this Lease, enter upon the Premises and, without  disturbing  Lessee's occupancy
of the Premises,  do whatever  Lessee is obligated to do under the terms of this
Lease  whereupon  Lessee shall  reimburse  Lessor upon demand for any reasonable
expenses  which  Lessor  may  incur  in  effecting   compliance   with  Lessee's
obligations under this Lease; or (iii) take any other action allowed by law.

     Pursuit of any of the foregoing  remedies shall not preclude pursuit of any
of the other remedies  herein  provided or any other  remedies  provided by law.
Nothing  provided by law or contained  herein shall be deemed to obligate Lessor
to expend any funds.

     Failure  or delay by  Lessor  to  enforce  any one or more of the  remedies
herein provided or provided by law upon any event of default shall not be deemed
or construed to  constitute  a waiver  thereof or preclude the exercise  thereof
during the  continuation  of any default  hereunder or be deemed or construed to
constitute  a waiver of any  other  violation  or  breach  of any of the  terms,
provisions and covenants herein contained.

     In the event of  default  by Lessee of any of the terms and  conditions  of
this Lease, and upon such default, interest at 12% per annum shall accrue on all
amounts due including costs and reasonable attorney's fees.

     Lessor's  Default.  Lessor shall be in default of this Lease if it fails or
refuses to perform any  provision  of this Lease that it is obligated to perform
if the failure to perform is not cured  within  thirty  (30) days after  written
notice of the  default has been given by Lessee to Lessor.  If Lessor's  default
cannot  reasonably  be cured  within  thirty (30) days,  Lessor  shall not be in
default of this Lease if Lessor  commences to cure the default within the thirty
(30) day period and diligently and in good faith continues to cure the default.

     Lessee's  Right to Cure  Lessor's  Default.  Lessee  may, at any time after
Lessor  commits a default,  either  terminate  this Lease or cure the default at
Lessor's  cost. If Lessee at any time, by reason of Lessor's  default,  pays any
sum or does any act that requires the payment of any sum, the sum paid by Lessee
shall be due  immediately  from Lessor to Lessee at the time the sum is paid. If
Lessor fails to reimburse Lessee as required by this Section,  Lessee shall have
the right to withhold  from future rent due the sum Lessee has paid until Lessee
is reimbursed in full for the sum.

     Return on  Termination.  Upon  termination  of this  Lease  for any  cause,
including  expiration  of the term or  exercise of rights of re-entry by Lessor,
Lessee agrees to surrender  the Premises to Lessor in as good  condition as when
received,  usual wear and tear  excepted.  Lessee shall have the right to remove
any equipment or trade fixtures it has on the Premises.  The removal of any such
equipment or trade fixtures shall be coordinated by Lessee with Lessor and shall
be completed by Lessee without any destruction or damage to the Premisses.

     Relationship.  This Lease does not create the relationship of principal and
agent or of  partnership or of joint venture or any  association  between Lessor
and Lessee;  the sole  relationship  between Lessor and Lessee is deemed that of
lessor and lessee.
     Entire Agreement;  Modification;  Waiver.  This Lease sets forth the entire
agreement of the parties hereto with respect to the matters contained herein and
no prior or  contemporaneous  agreement or understanding  pertaining to any such
matter  shall be effective  for any  purpose.  No  supplement,  modification  or
amendment  to this Lease shall be binding  unless  executed in writing by all of
the parties.  No waiver of any of the  provisions of this Lease shall be deemed,
or shall constitute, any waiver of any other provision,  whether or not similar,
nor shall any waiver constitute a continuing  waiver. No waiver shall be binding
unless  executed in writing by the parties  making the waiver.  No waiver of any
default by Lessee hereunder shall be implied from any omission by Lessor to take
any action on account of such default if such  default  persists or is repeated,
and no express waiver shall affect any default other than the default  specified
in the  express  waiver  and that  only for the time and to the  extent  therein

     Attorneys'   Fees.  In  any  action  between  the  parties  hereto  seeking
enforcement  of any of the terms and  provisions of this Lease,  the  prevailing
party in such action shall be entitled,  in addition to damages,  injunctive  or
other relief, to its reasonable costs and expenses not limited to taxable costs,
and reasonable attorneys' fees to be fixed by the court.

     Notices.  All notices,  requests,  demands,  and other communications under
this Lease  shall be in writing  and shall be deemed to have been duly given the
party  to  whom  notice  is to be  given,  on the  date  of  service  if  served
personally,  and on the date of  receipt,  refusal or as of the first  attempted
date of  delivery if  unclaimed,  when sent to the party by U.S.  registered  or
certified mail, postage prepaid, and properly addressed as follows:

                           Lessor:         Maxwell Properties, L.L.C.
                                           7676 South Oswego Place
                                           Tulsa, Oklahoma  74136

                           Lessee:         Maxwell/Healthcare, Inc.
                                           8221 East 63rd Place
                                           Tulsa, Oklahoma  74133

     By written notice to the other in the manner  contemplated  hereby,  either
party may change its address for notices under this Lease.

     Binding  Effect/Assignment.  This Lease shall be binding  upon and inure to
the benefit of the parties hereto,  and their  respective  successors,  assigns,
heirs, legal and personal representatives;  provided, however, that Lessee shall
not assign, sublet or convey any of its interest in this Lease without the prior
written  consent of Lessor,  which consent shall not be  unreasonably  withheld.
Upon any such proper  assignment,  sublease or  conveyance,  Lessee shall remain
liable for all  obligations  of the Lessee  hereunder;  provided,  Lessor  shall
permit Lessee to submit  information to it and will reasonably  consider whether
or not to release the Lessee upon an  assignment,  sublease or conveyance  after
giving due consideration to factors which may include,  without limitation,  the
remaining length of the Lease term, and the  creditworthiness of the party to be
substituted  as compared to Lessee.  In the event  Lessor  sells,  transfers  or
assigns its interest in the Premises, and provided such purchaser, transferee or
assignee  shall agree in writing to assume all of the  obligations of the Lessor
under  this  Lease,  Lessor  shall  be  released  from  any  further  obligation
hereunder,  and Lessee  agrees to look  solely to the  successor-in-interest  of
Lessor for the performance of such obligations.

     Sale of  Premises.  In the event of any sale of the  Premises,  or any part
thereof or interest therein, by Lessor, including sales by foreclosure or a deed
in lieu  thereof,  the  purchaser  of the Premises  shall be deemed  without any
further  agreement  between the parties to have  assumed and agreed to carry out
any and all of the covenants and  obligations of Lessor under this Lease. In the
event of any such  sale,  Lessee  agrees to attorn to and  become  the Lessor of
Lessor's  successor-in-interest.  Lessee may, at its  expense,  record a copy of
this Lease.
     Brokerage. Lessor and Lessee each represent that neither has negotiated nor
dealt with any broker in  connection  with this Lease.  Lessor and Lessee  shall
each  indemnify and hold the other harmless from and against any and all claims,
loss, liability cost or expense,  including reasonable  attorneys' fees, arising
from or  relating  to any claim or action by any broker with whom such party has
dealt or is alleged to have dealt.

     Construction.  This Lease shall be governed by and  construed in accordance
with  the laws of the  state  in which  the  Premises  are  situated,  provided,
however,  that this Lease shall be  construed  as intended by the parties and no
provision of this Lease shall be construed  against any party on the ground that
such party drafted such provision.

     Headings.  The subject  headings of the  sections and  subsections  of this
Lease are included for purposes of  convenience  only,  and shall not affect the
construction or interpretation of any of its provisions.

     Counterparts.  This  Lease  may be  signed  by  the  parties  in  different
counterparts and the signature pages combined shall create a document binding on
all parties.

     Invalidity  and  Unenforceability.  Should any clause or  provision of this
Lease be determined by a court of competent  jurisdiction to be invalid, void or
voidable  for any reason,  such  invalid,  void or voidable  clause or provision
shall not  affect  the whole of this  Lease and the  balance  of the  provisions
hereof shall remain in full force and effect. Further, if the original intent of
any clause or provision held to be invalid,  void or voidable,  can be preserved
and such invalid,  void or voidable clause or provision corrected by revision of
the verbiage  utilized in this Lease,  then the parties  hereto shall enter into
such  written  amendments  to this  Lease  as  shall  be  necessary  in order to
effectuate  the  enforceability  of such clause or  provision  and the  original
intent of the parties as reflected hereunder.

     IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the parties hereto have executed this Lease as of the
date first above written.

an Oklahoma limited liability

By: /s/ John H. Maxwell, Jr.
John H. Maxwell, Jr., Manager


an Oklahoma corporation

By: /s/ John H. Maxwell, Jr.
John H. Maxwell, Jr.,

                                    Exhibit A


     Lot Twenty-Two  (22),  Block One (1),  BURNING TREE WEST  RESUBDIVISION,  a
portion of Lot Two (2),  Block Six (6),  BURNING TREE  ADDITION,  City of Tulsa,
Tulsa County, State of Oklahoma, according to the recorded plat thereof.

                                  EXHIBIT 21.1

SUBSIDIARY                                                  STATE OR COUNTRY
                                                             OF ORGANIZATION

Brewer Personnel Services, Inc.                                  Arkansas
Blethen Temporaries, Inc.                                     North Carolina
Dixon Enterprises of Burlington, Inc.                         North Carolina
DP Pros of Burlington, Inc.                                   North Carolina
Jaeger Personnel Services, Inc.                               North Carolina
Personnel Placement, Inc.                                     North Carolina
Trasec Corp.                                                  North Carolina
First Choice Staffing, Inc.                                   South Carolina
HRA, Inc.                                                        Tennessee
Maxwell Staffing, Inc.                                            Oklahoma
Maxwell/Healthcare, Inc.                                          Oklahoma
Maxwell Staffing of Bristow, Inc.                                 Oklahoma
Square One Rehab, Inc.                                            Oklahoma
Technical Staffing, Inc.                                          Oklahoma
Prostaff Personnel, Inc.                                          Arkansas
Excel Temporary Staffing, Inc.                                    Arkansas
Professional Resources, Inc.                                      Arkansas
The Technology Source Acquisition Corporation                     Delaware
Tom Bain Personnel, Inc., a subsidiary of HRA, Inc.              Tennessee

                                 EXHIBIT 23.1.1


       As independent  public  accountants,  we hereby consent to the use of our
reports  included in or made part of this Form 10-K.  It should be noted that we
have not audited any  financial  statements  of  StaffMark,  Inc.  subsequent to
December 31, 1996, or the Maxwell Companies or the Prostaff Companies subsequent
to September 30, 1996, and have not performed any audit procedures subsequent to
the dates of our reports.

                                                             ARTHUR ANDERSEN LLP

Little Rock, Arkansas,
March 12, 1997.

                                 EXHIBIT 23.1.2


       As independent  public  accountants,  we hereby consent to the use of our
report included in or made part of this Form 10-K.  It should be noted that we
have not audited any financial statements of HRA, Inc. subsequent to September
30  1996,  or  performed  any audit  procedures  subsequent  to the date of our

                                                             ARTHUR ANDERSEN LLP

Memphis, Tennessee,
March 12, 1997.

                                 EXHIBIT 23.1.3


       As independent  public  accountants,  we hereby consent to the use of our
reports  included in or made part of this Form 10-K.  It should be noted that we
have not audited any financial statements of First Choice Staffing,  Inc. or the
Blethen Group subsequent to September 29, 1996, or performed any audit
procedures subsequent to the dates of our reports.

                                                             ARTHUR ANDERSEN LLP

Raleigh, North Carolina,
March 12, 1997.