Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the Securities
                     Exchange Act of 1934 (Amendment No.__)

Filed by the Registrant [X] 
Filed by a Party other than the Registrant [ ]

Check the appropriate box:

[ ] Preliminary Proxy Statement          [ ]Confidential, for Use of the
                                              Commission Only (as permitted
                                              by Rule 14a-6(e)(2))
[X] Definitive Proxy Statement
[ ] Definitive Additional Materials
[ ] Soliciting Material Pursuant to Section 240.14a-11(c) or Section 240.14a-12

                            HYTEK MICROSYSTEMS, INC.
                (Name of Registrant as Specified in its Charter)

    (Name of Person "s" Filing Proxy Statement if other than the Registrant)

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):

[X]   No fee required.
[ ]   Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(1) and 0-11.

         (1) Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:
         (2) Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:
         (3) Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed
             pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (Set forth the amount on which 
             the filing fee is calculated and state how it was determined):
         (4) Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:

         (5) Total fee paid:


[ ]   Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.
[ ]   Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange Act 
      Rule 0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for which the offsetting fee was 
      paid previously.  Identify the previous filing by registration statement
      number, or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.

                  (1) Amount Previously Paid:____________
                  (2) Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:_____________
                  (3) Filing Party:____________
                  (4) Date Filed:______________

                            HYTEK MICROSYSTEMS, INC.


                                  MAY 15, 1998


     NOTICE IS HEREBY  GIVEN that the Annual  Meeting of  Shareholders  of Hytek
     Microsystems,  Inc. (the "Company"), a California corporation, will be held
     on Friday,  May 15, 1998 at 10:00 a.m., local time, in the Bayshore Room of
     the Clarion Hotel, 401 E. Millbrae Ave.,  Millbrae,  California  (telephone
     number (650) 692-9745), for the following purposes:

         1. To elect five (5) directors to serve for the ensuing year and until 
     their successors are elected.

         2. To approve an  amendment  to the  Company's  1991  Directors'  Stock
     Option Plan for the purpose of (i) increasing the number of shares reserved
     for issuance  under the plan by 100,000 shares to a total of 200,000 shares
     and (ii) providing that each  non-employee  director of the Company who has
     been in  continuous  service as a director  of the  Company for a period of
     five or more  years on the last  business  day of each  fiscal  year  shall
     automatically be granted an option to purchase 5,000 shares on such date.

         3. To  ratify  the  appointment  of Ernst & Young,  LLP as  independent
     auditors of the Company for the fiscal year ending January 2, 1999.

         4. To  transact  such other  business as may  properly  come before the
     meeting or any adjournment thereof.

     The  foregoing  items of  business  are more fully  described  in the Proxy
     Statement accompanying this Notice.

     Only  shareholders  of record at the close of business  on March 16,  1998 
     are entitled to notice of, and to vote at, the meeting and any adjournment 

     All  shareholders  are  cordially  invited to attend the meeting in person.
     However,  to ensure your  representation  at the meeting,  you are urged to
     vote,  sign,  date and return the enclosed Proxy as promptly as possible in
     the  postage-prepaid  envelope  enclosed for that purpose.  Any shareholder
     attending  the  meeting  may vote in person  even if he or she  returned  a

                                  By Order of the Board of Directors

                                  /s/ Charles S. Byrne
                                  CHARLES S. BYRNE, Secretary
Carson City, Nevada
April 6, 1998

                            HYTEK MICROSYSTEMS, INC.

                              400 Hot Springs Road
                            Carson City, Nevada 89706

                                 PROXY STATEMENT

                               PROCEDURAL MATTERS

Annual Meeting
- --------------

         The enclosed Proxy is solicited on behalf of Hytek  Microsystems,  Inc.
(the "Company" or "Hytek") for use at the Annual Meeting of  Shareholders  to be
held  Friday,  May 15, 1998 at 10:00 a.m.,  local  time,  or at any  adjournment
thereof,  for the purposes set forth  herein and in the  accompanying  Notice of
Annual Meeting of Shareholders.  The Annual Meeting will be held in the Bayshore
Room at the Clarion Hotel, 401 E. Millbrae Ave., Millbrae,  California (adjacent
to the San Francisco International Airport).

         The  Company's  principal  executive  offices  are  located  at 400 Hot
Springs  Road,  Carson City,  Nevada  89706.  Hytek's  telephone  number at that
address is (702) 883-0820.

         These proxy solicitation materials and the Company's 1997 Annual Report
to  Shareholders  (consisting  of a letter from the  President and the Company's
Annual Report on Form 10-KSB for the fiscal year ended January 3, 1998,  without
exhibits) were mailed on or about April 6, 1998 to all shareholders  entitled to
vote at the meeting.

Record Date; Outstanding Shares
- -------------------------------

         Shareholders  of record at the close of business on March 16, 1998 (the
"Record  Date") are  entitled  to notice of and to vote at the  meeting.  At the
Record Date,  2,944,758 shares of the Company's Common Stock, no par value, were
issued and outstanding.

Revocability of Proxies
- -----------------------

         Any proxy  given  pursuant to this  solicitation  may be revoked by the
person  giving it at any time  before  its use by  delivering  to the  Company a
written notice of revocation or a duly executed proxy bearing a later date or by
attending the meeting and voting in person.

Quorum; Abstentions; Broker Non-Votes
- -------------------------------------

         The  required  quorum for the  transaction  of  business  at the Annual
Meting is a majority of the shares of Common Stock issued and outstanding on the
Record Date. Shares that are voted "FOR",  "AGAINST" or "WITHHELD FROM" a matter
are treated as being present at the meeting for the purposes of  establishing  a
quorum and are also  treated as shares  "represented  and  voting" at the Annual
Meeting (the "Votes Cast") with respect to such matter.


         The Company believes that abstentions should be counted for the purpose
of  determining  the  presence  or absence of a quorum  for the  transaction  of
business,  but should not be counted as Votes Cast with respect to a proposal as
to which the shareholder has expressly abstained from voting.

         Similarly,  broker  non-votes  will  be  counted  for  the  purpose  of
determining the presence or absence of a quorum for the transaction of business,
but will not be counted for the purpose of determining  the number of Votes Cast
with respect to the proposal on which the broker has expressly not voted.  Thus,
abstentions and broker  non-votes will not affect the outcome of the voting on a
proposal that requires a majority of the Votes Cast.

Voting and Solicitation
- -----------------------

         Every shareholder voting in the election of directors may cumulate such
shareholder's votes and give one candidate a number of votes equal to the number
of  directors to be elected (5)  multiplied  by the number of votes to which the
shareholder's shares are entitled, or distribute such shareholder's votes on the
same principle among as many candidates as the shareholder may select,  provided
that votes  cannot be cast for more than the number of  directors to be elected.
However,  no  shareholder  shall be entitled  to cumulate  votes for a candidate
unless such candidate's name has been properly placed in nomination prior to the
voting  and  in  accordance  with  the  procedures  set  forth  in  the  bylaws.
Furthermore,  no  shareholder  shall be entitled to  cumulate  votes  unless the
shareholder, or any other shareholder,  has given notice at the meeting prior to
the voting of the intention to cumulate the shareholder's votes.

         On all other matters, each share has one vote.

         Under the  bylaws  of the  Company,  nominations  for the  election  of
directors  may be made by any  shareholder  entitled to vote in the  election of
directors,  but only if written notice of such shareholder's intent to make such
nominations has been received by the Company at its principal  executive  office
not less  than 20 days  nor more  than 60 days  prior  to the  meeting  at which
directors are to be elected; provided, however, that in the event that less than
30 days notice or prior public disclosure of the date of the meeting is given or
made to shareholders, notice by the shareholder to be timely must be so received
not later than the close of business on the tenth day following the day on which
such notice of the date of the meeting was mailed or such public  disclosure was
made.  Such  shareholder's  notice  shall set  forth:  (a) with  respect to each
proposed  nominee,  the name,  age,  business and residence  address,  principal
occupation  or  employment,  class and number of shares of stock of the  Company
owned  and  any  other   information   that  is  required  to  be  disclosed  in
solicitations of proxies for election of directors pursuant to Regulation 14A of
the  Securities  Exchange Act of 1934;  and (b) with respect to the  shareholder
giving  the  notice,  the name,  address  and class and  number of shares of the
Company that are beneficially  owned by such shareholder.  The presiding officer
of the meeting may refuse to  acknowledge  the nomination of any person not made
in compliance with the foregoing procedure.


         The  cost of  soliciting  proxies  will be borne  by the  Company.  The
Company will, in accordance with  applicable  regulations,  reimburse  brokerage
firms and  other  persons  representing  beneficial  owners of shares  for their
expenses in forwarding  solicitation material to such beneficial owners. Proxies
may also be  solicited  by  certain of the  Company's  directors,  officers  and
regular employees, without additional compensation,  personally or by telephone,
telegram or electronic mail.

Shareholder Proposals
- ---------------------

         Proposals  of  shareholders  intended  to be  presented  at next year's
Annual Meeting of  Shareholders of the Company must be received at the principal
executive  offices of the Company no later than December 7, 1998, in order to be
considered  for  possible  inclusion  in the proxy  statement  and form of proxy
relating to that meeting.

                                   PROPOSAL 1
                              ELECTION OF DIRECTORS

Nominees for Director
- ---------------------

         A Board of five  directors  is to be  elected  at the  meeting.  Unless
otherwise  instructed,  the proxy holders will vote the proxies received by them
for the Company's five nominees named below, all of whom are currently directors
of the Company.  In the event that any Company  nominee is unable or declines to
serve as a director at the time of the  meeting,  the proxies  will be voted for
any nominee who shall be  designated  by the current  Board of Directors to fill
the vacancy.  In the event that additional persons are nominated for election as
directors, the proxy holders intend to vote all proxies received by them in such
a manner,  in accordance with cumulative  voting, as will ensure the election of
as many of the nominees  listed below as possible.  In such event,  the specific
nominees for whom such votes will be cumulated  will be  determined by the proxy
holders.  It is not expected  that any nominee will be unable or will decline to
serve as a director.

         The  following  table sets forth certain  information  as of the Record
Date with respect to each director:


Name                                   Director Since                        Age
- ----                                   --------------                        ---
Shou-Chen Yih                               1976                              63
Charles S. Byrne                            1994                              53
Robert Boschert                             1990                              61
Edward W. Moose                             1988                              68
Edward Y. Tang                              1990                              58

     Mr. Yih, who was elected  Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Company
in October 1990, has been  self-employed as a real estate investor for more than
the last five years.  Mr. Yih also  serves as Chairman of Biocare,  LLC, a small
limited liability corporation producing medical reagents.


     Mr.  Byrne has  served as Chief  Financial  Officer  and  Secretary  of the
Company since October 1990. He was elected President and Chief Executive Officer
and a Director of the Company  effective  September 1, 1994. Mr. Byrne served as
Director of Finance  for the  Company  between  January  1988 and October  1990.
Between  July  1987  and  January  1988,  he  was  acting  Controller  of  Topaz
Semiconductor,  Inc.,  a  wholly-owned  subsidiary  of the  Company  during that
period.  Prior to that, Mr. Byrne had 20 years  experience as a chief  financial
officer,  division controller and cost accountant in the aerospace,  electronics
and scientific instrument industries.

         Mr.  Boschert,  who was the founder of Boschert,  Inc., a developer and
manufacturer of low-cost  volume usage switch mode power supplies,  retired from
the Board of  Directors  of that  company in 1984 and has  traveled  extensively
since  then.  From  June  1986  until  June  1988,  Mr.  Boschert  served  as an
independent  consultant to Unison  Technology,  a manufacturer of  uninterrupted
power supplies.

     Mr. Moose has been President of E. M. Moose,  Inc., a restaurant  operating
firm,  since May 1992. From April 1991 through April 1992, Mr. Moose served as a
private consultant in the restaurant industry. From September 1973 through March
1991,  Mr. Moose served as President and Chief  Executive  Officer of Washington
Square Park Corporation, a restaurant operating firm.

         Mr.  Tang is a founder  of Answer  Software  Company,  a  developer  of
database  products and  applications for computers that was founded in 1982, and
has served as President,  Chief Executive Officer and a director of such company
since its formation.

         All  directors  will hold  office  until  the next  annual  meeting  of
shareholders of the Company (or until the  effectiveness of their resignation or
removal  from the Board of  Directors)  and  until  their  successors  have been
elected and qualified. There are no family relationships among the directors and
officers of the Company.

Vote Required
- -------------

         The five nominees  receiving the highest number of affirmative votes of
the shares  entitled to be voted for them shall be elected as  directors.  Votes
withheld from any director are counted for purposes of determining  the presence
or absence of a quorum, but have no other legal effect under California law.

- --------------

         The Board of Directors  recommends that the shareholders vote "FOR" the
proposed slate of directors.

Security Ownership
- ------------------

         The following  table sets forth certain  information,  as of the Record
Date, with respect to ownership of the Company's  Common Stock by each director,
by all current  directors  and  officers of the Company as a group,  and by each


person known to the Company to be the beneficial owner of more than five percent
(5%) of the Company's outstanding Common Stock:

                                               Shares of Common Stock
                                               Beneficially Owned (1)

Name and Address of Beneficial Owner    Number of Shares    Percent of Total
- ------------------------------------    ----------------    -------------------

Allen & Company Incorporated ("ACI") 
and affiliates......................    796,302(2)          27.0%
     711 Fifth Avenue
     New York, New York 10022

Norman J. Mercer....................    260,000(3)          8.8%
     PO Box 959
     East Hampton, New York  11937

Shou-Chen Yih.......................    223,066(4)          7.5%
     930 Cumberland Court
     Foster City, California  94404

Charles S. Byrne....................     71,250(5)          2.4%

Robert Boschert.....................     21,666(6)          *

Edward W. Moose.....................     17,166(7)          *

Edward Y. Tang......................     16,666(8)          *

All current officers and directors       410,564(4) (5)     13.3%
as a group (6 persons)                          (6) (7)
                                                (8) (9)
- ------------------

* Less than one percent


(1)   The persons named in the table have sole voting and investment  power with
      respect to all shares of Common Stock shown as beneficially  owned by them
      (subject to community property law, where applicable), except as otherwise
      noted in the footnotes to this table.

(2)   Represents  (a) the  number  of  shares  reported  in  Amendment  No. 5 to
      Schedule 13D dated June 16, 1989 filed by ACI and its  affiliates  and (b)
      10,000 shares acquired by Paul A. Gould,  an affiliate of ACI,  subsequent
      to the  filing of  Amendment  No. 5, the  acquisition  of which was orally
      confirmed  by Paul A. Gould on March 17,  1992,  but which shares have not
      been included in a subsequent  amendment to Schedule 13D.  Includes shares
      beneficially owned by the following persons,  each of whom has sole voting
      and investment power with respect to the shares beneficially owned by such
      person:  (i) ACI,  which holds 589,365  shares (20.0%) (all of such shares
      are  indirectly  owned by Allen  Holding Inc.  ("Holding"));  (ii) Paul A.
      Gould,  who is a Managing  Director  and an officer of ACI and Holding and
      who holds 189,455 shares (6.4%); (iii) Thalia V. Crooks, who is a director
      and an officer of ACI and Holding;  (iv) John M. Simon,  who is a Managing
      Director  and  officer  of ACI and  Holding;  (v) Denise  Calvo,  who is a
      director and an officer of ACI and Holding;  (vi) Susan  Kathleen  Wilson;
      and (vii) the estate of a deceased former officer of ACI and Holding.

(3)   As reported in Amendment No. 2 to Schedule 13D dated April 8, 1992 filed 
      by Norman J. Mercer.

(4)   As reported in  Amendment  No. 8 to  Schedule  13G dated  January 20, 1994
      filed by Shou-Chen Yih.  Includes 16,666 shares (of which 1,666 shares are
      subject to shareholder approval) issuable upon exercise of options held by
      Mr. Yih, which options are exercisable within 60 days of the Record Date.

(5)   Includes  56,250  shares  issuable  upon  exercise of options held by Mr.
      Byrne, all of which are exercisable within 60 days of the Record Date.

(6)   Includes 16,666 shares (of which 1,666 shares are subject to  shareholder
      approval) issuable  upon exercise of options held by Mr.  Boschert,  which
      options are exercisable within 60 days of the Record Date.

(7)   Includes 1,666 shares issuable upon exercise of options held by Mr. Moose
      (subject to shareholder approval) within 60 days of the Record Date.

(8)   Represents  shares  (of which  1,666  shares are  subject  to  shareholder
      approval)  issuable  upon  exercise  of options  held by Mr.  Tang,  which
      options are exercisable within 60 days of the Record Date.

(9)   Includes  28,750  shares  issuable  upon  exercise of options  held by one
      non-director   executive  officer  of  the  Company,   all  of  which  are
      exercisable within 60 days of the Record Date.


Section 16(a) Beneficial Ownership Reporting Compliance
- -------------------------------------------------------

     Section  16  (a) of the  Securities  Exchange  Act  of  1934  requires  the
Company's  officers  and  directors,  and  persons  who own more than 10% of the
Company's  Common Stock,  to file initial  reports of ownership of the Company's
securities on Form 3 and changes in ownership on Form 4 or 5 with the Securities
and  Exchange  Commission  (the  "SEC").   Such  officers,   directors  and  10%
shareholders  are also  required by SEC rules to furnish the Company with copies
of all  Section 16 (a) forms that they file.  Based  solely on its review of the
copies of such forms  received by it, or written  representations  from  certain
reporting  persons,  the Company believes that, during the last fiscal year, all
Section 16(a) filing requirements applicable to its officers,  directors and 10%
shareholders were complied with.

Board Meetings and Committees
- -----------------------------

         The Board of  Directors  of the Company  held a total of five  meetings
during the fiscal year ended January 3, 1998 (the "Last Fiscal Year"). The Board
of Directors has an Audit  Committee and a Compensation  Committee.  There is no
nominating  committee  or  committee  performing  the  functions of a nominating

         The Audit Committee recommends  engagement of the Company's independent
public accountants,  reviews the scope of the audit,  considers comments made by
the independent  public  accountants  with respect to accounting  procedures and
internal  controls and the consideration  given thereto by the Company,  reviews
internal  accounting  procedures  and controls with the Company's  financial and
accounting  staff and  reviews  non-audit  services  provided  by the  Company's
independent public accountants. This Committee,  currently consisting of Messrs.
Yih and Tang, held one meeting during the Last Fiscal Year.

         The Compensation Committee reviews and approves the Company's executive
compensation  and administers the Company's 1981 Incentive Stock Option Plan and
1991 Stock Option Plan with  respect to the  Company's  officers and  directors.
This Committee,  currently consisting of Messrs.  Boschert and Moose, held three
meetings during the Last Fiscal Year.

         During the Last Fiscal Year, each director attended at least 75% of the
aggregate of all meetings of the Board of Directors and the committees,  if any,
upon which such director served.

Executive Officers of the Company
- ---------------------------------

         The executive officers of the Company are as follows:

Name                Position                                                Age
- ----------------    ---------------------------------                       ----

Charles S. Byrne    President, Chief Executive Officer,                     53
                    Chief Financial Officer and Secretary
Jon B. Presnell     Vice-President and General Manager, Custom Products     47


         Mr. Presnell was promoted to the position of Vice-President and General
Manager of Custom  Products  in October  1993.  He has been an  employee  of the
Company since 1980. During that time, he served as General Manager of the Carson
City facility  from May 1987 through  December 1988 and as Director of Sales and
Marketing for the Company from January 1989 until October 1993. Prior to joining
Hytek,   Mr.  Presnell  was  employed  as  an  Electrical   Engineer  for  Texas
Instruments, Inc.

Executive Compensation
- ----------------------

         The following tables set forth certain  information for the Last Fiscal
Year as to the only  executive  officer of the  Company  whose  compensation  is
reportable under current  requirements of the Securities and Exchange Commission
( the "Named Executive Officer"):

                           SUMMARY COMPENSATION TABLE

                                           Annual         Long-Term Compensation
                                        Compensation              Awards 
                                        ------------      ----------------------

Name and                                                   Securities Underlying
Principal Position           Year   Salary ($) Bonus ($)        Options (#)
- ------------------           ----   ---------- ---------   ---------------------

Charles S. Byrne
President, Chief Executive   1997   $84,376    $15,000     0
Officer, Chief Financial
Officer and Secretary        1996   $82,161    $15,000     25,000 (1)

                             1995   $69,719    0           50,000 (2)

         (1) In May 1996, the Compensation  Committe awarded Charles S. Byrne an
option to purchase  25,000 shares of Common Stock at an exercise  price of $3.07
per share.  This option becomes  exercisable over a four-year period and expires
in May 2001.

         (2)  In  February  1995,  the   Compensation   Committee   amended  the
outstanding options held by Charles S. Byrne and Jonathan B. Presnell, executive
officers of the Company,  each to purchase  50,000  shares of Common Stock at an
exercise  price  of  $0.375  per  share,  in order  to  extend  the term of such
five-year options to ten years. Accordingly, such options, as amended, shall now
expire in October  2000  instead of October  1995.  Neither of such options were
in-the-money on the date of the extension.

         No options were granted to the Named Executive  Officer during the Last
Fiscal Year.


The following table sets forth the value of all  unexercised  stock options held
by the Named Executive Officer at the end of the Last Fiscal Year:

                        AND FISCAL YEAR END OPTION VALUES

                              Number of Securities     Value of Unexercised
                              Underlying Unexercised   In-the-Money Options
                              Options at FY-End (#)    at FY-End   ($)
                              ----------------------   --------------------

                 Shares Acquired  Value         Exercisable/       Exercisable/
Name             on Exercise (#)  Realized ($)  Unexercisable      Unexercisable
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Charles S. Byrne      0              --          56,250/18,750(1)  $114,000/0

(1) Includes (i) an Employee Incentive Stock Option to purchase 50,000 shares of
Common Stock at the exercise price of $0.375 per share (fair market value at the
date of grant) that is fully  exercisable and that expires October 24, 2000, and
(ii) an Employee  Incentive  Stock  Option to purchase  25,000  shares of Common
Stock at the exercise price of $3.07 per share (fair market value at the date of
grant),  of which 6,250 shares were  exercisable at fiscal year end. The average
of the last available bid and ask prices on January 3, 1998 was $2.28 per share.

Directors' Compensation
- -----------------------

         Each  director of the Company  who is not an employee  (currently  four
persons)  receives a fee of $1,000 per calendar quarter for service on the Board
of Directors and attendance at all board meetings. In addition, the non-employee
directors  participate  in the 1991  Directors'  Stock  Option Plan and received
option grants  thereunder in February 1991, which options are fully vested,  and
additional  grants on January 2, 1998,  which options  shall not be  exercisable
until shareholder  approval of the amendment to the 1991 Directors' Stock Option
Plan is  obtained.  See  "Proposal 2 - Amendment  to the 1991  Directors'  Stock
Option Plan."

Directors' Option Plan
- ----------------------

         The Company's 1991 Directors' Stock Option Plan (the "Directors' Plan")
was  adopted by the Board of  Directors  in  February  1991 and  approved by the
shareholders  in May  1991.  A total of  100,000  shares of  Common  Stock  were
initially reserved for issuance thereunder.  On September 11, 1997, the Board of
Directors amended the 1991 Directors Stock Option Plan to increase the number of
shares reserved for issuance  thereunder by 100,000 shares to a total of 200,000
shares and to provide that each non-employee director of the Company who, on the
last  business  day of each fiscal  year,  has been in  continuous  service as a
director of the  Company for a period of five years or more shall  automatically
be granted an option to purchase 5,000 shares on such date of each fiscal year.


                  An option to purchase  15,000  shares at an exercise  price of
$0.1875 per share was automatically granted under the Directors' Plan to each of
directors Yih, Boschert,  Moose and Tang during fiscal 1991. Such options expire
in  February  2001.  Additional  options to  purchase  5,000  shares  each at an
exercise price of $2.28 per share were granted to the above directors on January
2, 1998, which options shall not be exercisable  until  shareholder  approval of
the amendment to the Directors' Plan is obtained..  At January 3, 1998,  options
to purchase 15,000 shares had been exercised,  options to purchase 65,000 shares
were  outstanding and 120,000 shares  remained  available for future grant under
the Directors'  Plan. See "Proposal 2 - Approval of Amendment to 1991 Directors'
Stock Option Plan."

                                 PROPOSAL NO. 2


         The Company's 1991 Directors' Stock Option Plan (the "Directors' Plan")
was  adopted in  February  1991 by the Board of  Directors  and  approved by the
shareholders  in May 1991.  An aggregate  of 100,000  shares of Common Stock was
originally  reserved  for issuance  under the 1991  Directors'  Plan.  Under the
Directors' Plan, as originally adopted,  each non-employee director (an "Outside
Director") is  automatically  granted an option to purchase 15,000 shares on the
date on which such person first becomes an Outside Director.

Proposed Amendment
- ------------------

         At the Annual Meeting,  the  shareholders are being requested to ratify
and approve an  amendment to the  Directors'  Plan to (i) increase the number of
shares available for issuance by 100,000 shares to a total of 200,000 shares and
(ii) provide that each Outside Director who has been in continuous  service as a
director for a period of five years or more as of the last  business day of each
fiscal year shall automatically be granted an option to purchase 5,000 shares on
such  date  (the  "Amendment").  The  Amendment  was  approved  by the  Board of
Directors in September  1997.  The Board  believes the Amendment is necessary in
order  to  attract  and  retain  qualified  Outside  Directors  and  unanimously
recommends approval of the Amendment.

Description of the Directors' Plan, as Amended
- ----------------------------------------------


         In light of competition  among companies for directors with appropriate
experience,  the  Directors'  Plan is  designed  to attract  and retain the best
available  personnel for service as Outside Directors of the Company, to provide
additional  incentive  to the  Outside  Directors  of the  Company  to  serve as
directors and to encourage their continued service on the Board.


         The  Directors'  Plan  is  designed  to work  automatically  and not to
require  administration.  However, to the extent administration is necessary, it
will be provided by the Board.



         Only Outside  Directors are eligible to  participate  in the Directors'
Plan. The Company currently has four Outside  Directors.  During the term of the
Directors'  Plan, each Outside  Director is  automatically  granted an option to
purchase 15,000 shares of the Company's Common Stock (the "First Option") on the
date on which such person first  becomes an Outside  Director,  whether  through
election  by the  shareholders  of the  Company,  appointment  by the  Board  of
Directors to fill a vacancy or  resignation of a Director as an employee but not
as a director.  Furthermore,  each Outside  Director who has been in  continuous
service as a director for a period of five years or more as of the last business
day of each  fiscal  year shall  automatically  be granted an option to purchase
5,000 shares on such date of each fiscal year  (commencing  with fiscal 1997) (a
"Subsequent  Option").  As a result  of the  Amendment,  Subsequent  Options  to
purchase an aggregate of 20,000  shares at an exercise  price of $2.28 per share
were granted to the Outside  Directors on January 2, 1998,  which  options shall
not be exercisable  unless and until  shareholder  approval of the Amendment has
been obtained.

         Exercisability of Options

         First Options become  exercisable  cumulatively  in  installments  with
respect to 5,000 shares on the first,  second and third anniversary dates of the
date of grant of such Option.  Each Subsequent  Option shall become  exercisable
cumulatively  as to  approximately  1/12 of the shares subject to the Subsequent
Option  (rounded to the nearest share) per month following the date of grant. An
Option is exercised by giving notice of exercise to the Company,  specifying the
number of full shares of Common Stock to be purchased and  tendering  payment to
the Company of the purchase price.

         Shares Reserved for Issuance

         As a result of the Amendment,  an aggregate of 200,000 shares of Common
Stock of the Company are  reserved for issuance  under the  Directors'  Plan (of
which  100,000  shares are subject to  shareholder  approval).  As of the Record
Date,  Options  to  purchase  an  aggregate  of 65,000  shares  were  issued and
outstanding  (including  the grants made in January  1998,  which are subject to
shareholder  approval) and 120,000 shares remained  available for future grants.
On March 16, 1998,  the mean  between the bid and asked price for the  Company's
Common Stock was $2.73 per share, as reported on the non-Nasdaq over-the-counter

         Terms of Options

         Options granted under the Directors' Plan are nonstatutory options, and
do not qualify as  "incentive  stock  options," as defined in Section 422 of the
Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code").

         Term.  All options granted under the Directors' Plan (the "Options") 
have a term of ten years.

         Consideration.  The  consideration  to be paid for  shares to be issued
upon exercise of an Option,  including  the method of payment,  shall consist of
(1) cash, (2) check,  (3) other shares of the Company's Common Stock that have a
fair market value on the date of surrender equal to the aggregate exercise price
of the shares as to which the Option is being exercised,  or (4) any combination
of the foregoing methods of payment.


         Exercise Price. The per share exercise for optioned stock shall be 100%
of the fair market  value per share of Common  Stock on the date of grant of the
Option, determined in accordance with the Directors' Plan.

         Termination of Status as a Director.  Under the Directors' Plan, in the
event an  optionee  ceases to serve as a director  of the Company for any reason
other than death,  an option may thereafter be exercised to the extent  entitled
at the date of such  termination,  but only within one year after the date he or
she  ceases to be a  director  of the  Company.  If an  optionee's  service as a
director of the Company is terminated  by reason of the  optionee's  death,  the
option will be  exercisable  by the  optionee's  estate or successor at any time
within one year following the date of death.  The  exercisability  of the Option
shall be  accelerated  such that the Option  shall be  exercisable  during  such
one-year period with respect to all shares that were  exercisable as of the date
of death plus such  additional  shares as would have become  exercisable had the
Optionee  continued  living and remained in  continuous  status a director for a
period of one year after the date of death.  However,  in no event may an Option
be exercised once its 10-year term has expired.

         Nontransferability of Options. Except as may be otherwise provided in a
resolution duly adopted by the Board, Options granted pursuant to the Directors'
Plan are  nontransferable  by the  optionee,  other  than by  will,  the laws of
descent and distribution or pursuant to a qualified domestic relations order and
may be exercised,  during the lifetime of the optionee,  only by the optionee or
permitted transferee.

         Changes in Capitalization

         In the event any  change,  such as a stock  split or payment of a stock
dividend, is made in the Company's capitalization that results in an increase or
decrease in the number of outstanding  shares of Common Stock without receipt of
consideration by the Company,  an appropriate  proportionate  adjustment will be
made in the exercise  price of  outstanding  Options and in the number of shares
reserved for issuance under  outstanding  Options and available for future grant
under the Directors' Plan.

         Change-in-Control Provisions

         In the event of the proposed dissolution or liquidation of the Company,
the Option will terminate immediately prior to the consummation of such proposed
action.  In the event of a proposed sale of all or substantially  all the assets
of the  Company,  or the merger of the Company  into  another  corporation,  the
successor  corporation must either assume all outstanding  Options or substitute
equivalent options therefor.  However, if such successor corporation or a parent
or subsidiary  of such  successor  corporation  does not assume or substitute an
equivalent option, then the optionee shall have the right to exercise his or her
Options as to all stock subject to such Options, including shares that would not
otherwise be exercisable,  for a period of thirty days following  notice to such


         Amendment and Termination

         The Board may amend, alter,  suspend or discontinue the Directors' Plan
at any time, but such amendment,  alteration,  suspension or discontinuation may
not adversely  affect any Option then  outstanding  under the  Directors'  Plan,
without the consent of the holder of such Option.

         Federal Income Tax Consequences

         The  following  is only a brief  summary of the  effect of the  federal
income tax  consequences  of  transactions  under the  Directors'  Plan based on
income tax law in effect on the date of this Proxy  Statement.  This  summary is
not intended to be exhaustive,  and does not discuss the tax  consequences  of a
participant's  death or provisions  of the income tax laws of any  municipality,
state or foreign country in which an optionee may reside.

         Options  granted  under  the  Directors'  Plan are  nonstatutory  stock
options. An optionee will not recognize any taxable income at the time he or she
is granted a  nonstatutory  stock  option.  Upon  exercise  of the  option,  the
optionee will generally  recognize  compensation income for federal tax purposes
measured by the excess, if any, of the then fair market value of the shares over
the exercise price.  Because the optionee is a director of the Company, the date
of taxation  (and the date of  measurement  of taxable  ordinary  income) may be
deferred for up to six months from the date of grant  unless the Optionee  files
an  election  under  Section  83(b)  of the Code  within  30 days of the date of
exercise. Upon resale of such shares by the Optionee, any difference between the
sale price and the exercise  price, to the extent not recognized as compensation
income as  provided  above,  will be treated as capital  gain or loss,  and will
qualify for long-term  capital gain or loss treatment  depending on how long the
shares have been held.

         The Company  will be entitled to a tax  deduction  in the amount of the
ordinary  income that an optionee  recognizes with respect to shares issued upon
exercise of Options under the Directors' Plan.

         Participation in the Directors' Plan

         The  grant of  Options  under  the  Directors'  Plan is  automatic,  as
described  above.  Only Outside  Directors are eligible to receive options under
the Directors' Plan. The Company currently has four Outside  Directors,  each of
whom has  served  as a  director  for more  than five  years.  As a  result,  by
operation of the Directors' Plan, as amended, the four current Outside Directors
would each receive a Subsequent  Option to purchase 5,000 shares of Common Stock
per year for so long as such person  continues  to serve as a  director.  During
fiscal 1997, such four Outside Directors were granted options to purchase 20,000
shares in the aggregate at an exercise price of $2.28 per share.


         Vote Required

         While  the  Amendment  does  not  require  shareholder  approval  under
applicable law, the Board is seeking  shareholder  approval  pursuant to Section
310(a)(1) of the California  Corporations Code, relating to transactions between
a corporation  and its directors.  Pursuant to such  provision,  the affirmative
votes  constituting a majority of the Votes Cast  (excluding,  for this purpose,
shares  held by Outside  Directors)  will be  required to ratify and approve the
proposed Amendment to the Directors' Plan.

         Recommendation of Board of Directors

         Management  and the  Board  recommend  voting  "FOR"  ratification  and
approval  of the  Amendment  to the  Directors'  Plan as an  important  means to
attract and retain qualified Outside Directors.

                                   PROPOSAL 3
                         RATIFICATION OF APPOINTMENT OF
                              INDEPENDENT AUDITORS

         The Board of Directors has appointed Ernst & Young,  LLP as independent
auditors to examine the financial  statements of the Company for the year ending
January 2, 1999. If the  shareholders,  by the affirmative vote of a majority of
the Votes Cast at the Annual Meeting,  do not vote to retain Ernst & Young,  the
selection of independent auditors will be reconsidered by the directors.

         Ernst & Young (or its predecessor, Arthur Young & Company) has examined
the financial  statements of the Company for 1979 and  subsequent  years.  It is
anticipated that a representative of Ernst & Young will be present at the Annual
Meeting with the  opportunity  to make a statement and to respond to appropriate

- --------------

         The Board of Directors  recommends that the shareholders vote "FOR" the
ratification of Ernst & Young.

                                  OTHER MATTERS

         The Company  knows of no other  matters to be submitted to the meeting.
If any other matters  properly  come before the meeting,  it is the intention of
the persons named in the enclosed  proxy card to vote the shares they  represent
as the Board of Directors may recommend.

         Under the Company's bylaws, in order for a matter to be deemed properly
presented at a shareholder  meeting,  notice must be delivered to, or mailed and
received  by, the  Company  not less than 60 days nor more than 90 days prior to
the  Annual  Meeting.  If,  however,  less than 50 days  notice or prior  public
disclosure  of the date of the  Annual  Meeting  has been  given,  notice by the
shareholder must be received by the Company not later than the close of business
on the tenth day  following  the date on which notice of the Annual  Meeting was
mailed or publicly  disclosed.  The  shareholder's  notice must set forth, as to
each  proposed  matter,  a  brief  description  of the  matter  and  reason  for
conducting  such  business  at  the  meeting,  the  name  and  address  of  such
shareholder  proposing such business as they appear on the Company's  books, the
number of shares beneficially owned by the shareholder, any material interest of
the shareholder in such proposal, and any other information that would have been
required  pursuant to Regulation 14A promulgated  under the Exchange Act if such
shareholder  had requested  inclusion of such  proposal in the  Company's  proxy


                          ANNUAL REPORT ON FORM 10-KSB

         Hytek is a "small  business  issuer"  within the meaning of Item 10 (a)
(1) of Regulation S-B.
Accordingly, the Company is complying with the executive compensation disclosure
requirements applicable to small business issuers (adopted by the SEC on October
15, 1992) in this year's proxy statement.

         A copy of the  Company's  Annual  Report on Form  10-KSB for the fiscal
year ended January 3, 1998 (the "1997 Form 10-KSB") and the  President's  Letter
to the Shareholders  dated April 6, 1998, which together  comprise the Company's
1997 Annual Report to Shareholders,  is being delivered herewith.  Copies of the
1997 Form 10-KSB  (without  exhibits)  may be obtained at no charge upon request
to: Charles S. Byrne, Secretary, Hytek Microsystems, Inc., 400 Hot Springs Road,
Carson City, Nevada 89706.

April 6, 1998                                 By Order of the Board of Directors
Carson City, Nevada
                                              /s/ Charles S. Byrne
                                              CHARLES S. BYRNE, Secretary
