
      THIS  ASSIGNMENT made and entered into effective  as  of
this  12th  day  of  January, 2007, by and  between  AEI  FUND
MANAGEMENT,  INC., a Minnesota corporation,  ("Assignor")  and
limited  partnership, whose corporate general partner  is  AEI
Fund  Management XXI, Inc., a Minnesota corporation,  and  AEI
INCOME  &  GROWTH  FUND 24 LLC, a Delaware  limited  liability
company,   whose  corporate  managing  member  is   AEI   Fund
Management  XXI, Inc., a Minnesota corporation (as tenants  in
common, together collectively referred to as "Assignee");

     WITNESSETH, that:

      WHEREAS,  on  the  4th day of December,  2006,  Assignor
entered  into  an Purchase and Sale Agreement, as subsequently
amended (hereinafter together collectively referred to as  the
"Agreement")  for that certain property located at  4460  32nd
Avenue  South,  Grand  Forks,  North  Dakota,  which  is  more
particularly described within the Agreement, (the  "Property")
with  CDK  Associates  LLC, a South Dakota  limited  liability
company, as Seller; and

      WHEREAS, Assignor desires to assign its right, title and
interest in and to the Agreement regarding the Property to AEI
Income  &  Growth Fund XXII Limited Partnership, an  undivided
fifty percent (50.0%) interest as a tenant in common, and  AEI
Income  &  Growth  Fund  24  LLC, an undivided  fifty  percent
(50.0%) as a tenant in common, and Assignee desires to  assume
all  of Assignor's rights, title and interest in, to and under
the Agreement regarding the Property as hereinafter provided;

     NOW, THEREFORE, for One Dollar ($1.00) and other good and
valuable   consideration,   receipt   of   which   is   hereby
acknowledged,  it  is  hereby agreed between  the  parties  as

     1.   Assignor assigns all of its rights, title and interest
          in, to and under the Agreement regarding the Property to
          Assignee, to have and to hold the same unto the Assignee, its
          successors and assigns;

     2.   Assignee hereby assumes all rights, promises, covenants,
          conditions and obligations under the Agreement regarding the
          Property to be performed by the Assignor thereunder, and
          agrees to be bound for all of the obligations of Assignor
          under the Agreement;

All  other terms and conditions of the Agreement shall  remain
unchanged and continue in full force and effect.


a Minnesota corporation

By:   /s/ Robert P Johnson
Name:     Robert P Johnson
Title:    President


a Minnesota limited partnership

By:  AEI Fund Management XXI, Inc.,
     a Minnesota corporation, its General Partner

By: /s/ Robert P Johnson
Name:   Robert P Johnson
Title:  President

a Delaware limited liability company

By:  AEI Fund Management XXI, Inc.,
     a Minnesota corporation, its Managing Member

By: /s/ Robert P Johnson
Name:   Robert P Johnson
Title:  President

                      PURCHASE AGREEMENT

     This PURCHASE AGREEMENT ("Agreement") is made and entered
into as of the Effective Date, as hereinafter defined, by  and
between  CDK Associates LLC, a South Dakota limited  liability
company  (the  "Seller"),  and AEI  Fund  Management  Inc.,  a
Minnesota  corporation,  or its successors  and  assigns  (the
"Buyer").   This Agreement shall be effective as of  the  last
party's execution hereof (the "Effective Date").


          A.   Seller desires to sell the Property, as further
          described below, to Buyer and Buyer desires to
          purchase the Property, as described below, in
          accordance with the terms and conditions as
          hereinafter set forth.

          B.    Seller  leases the Property to Tractor  Supply
          Company   pursuant  to  that  certain  lease   dated
          December 29, 2004, by and between Seller, as lessor,
          and   Tractor   Supply  Company,  as   lessee   (the

          C.   In accordance with the terms and conditions set
          forth  in this Agreement, Seller wishes to  sell  to
          Buyer, and Buyer wishes to purchase from Seller, all
          of  Seller's right, title and interest  in,  to  and
          under  the  Property,  the  building,  fixtures  and
          improvements thereon and any personal or  intangible
          property related thereto.

NOW, THEREFORE, the parties do hereby agree as follows:

     1.   DESCRIPTION:

          Seller is the owner of all right, title and interest
          in  and all the property located at 4460 32nd Avenue
          South,  City of Grand Forks, County of Grand  Forks,
          State   of   North  Dakota;  and  more  particularly
          described as follows:

               Lot  1,  Block 1, Johnson's West  First
               City  of Grand Forks,      Grand  Forks
               County, North Dakota

          The  conveyance shall include all easements, rights,
          and   appurtenances   thereto,   all   improvements,
          fixtures, personal property and intangible  property
          relating to or now or hereafter located thereon  and
          all of Seller's right, title and interest in and  to
          any   streets,  roadways,  alleys,  sidewalks,  both
          public  and  private, adjacent  to  the  above  real
          estate (hereinafter collectively referred to as  the


           The  Purchase Price for the Property is Two Million
Seven   Hundred   Sixty-Six  Thousand   and   No/100   Dollars
($2,766,000); payable as follows:

           A.    Within five (5) days after the Effective Date
of  this  Agreement, Buyer shall deposit Twenty-Five  Thousand
Dollars ($25,000) (the "Earnest Money") in an interest bearing
account  with  First  American Title Insurance  Company,  1900
Midwest  Plaza West, 801 Nicollet Mall, Minneapolis,  MN  (the
"Closing  Agent" or "Title Company"), which shall be  held  in
trust  pending the closing of the transaction contemplated  by
this Agreement.

          If for any reason this Agreement is terminated prior
to  the  expiration  of  the Due Diligence  Period,  then  the
Earnest  Money  and  any  interest accrued  thereon  shall  be
immediately   returned   to   Buyer.    If   the   transaction
contemplated  hereby proceeds to closing,  the  Earnest  Money
shall  be paid to Seller at closing and Buyer shall receive  a
credit  against  the Purchase Price payable hereunder  in  the
amount of the Earnest Money plus interest accrued thereon.  If
the  Buyer  does  not  terminate this Agreement  as  expressly
allowed  hereunder,  the  Earnest Money  shall  thereafter  be
deemed  non-refundable,  except  to  the  extent  any  of  the
contingencies  to  Buyer's  performance  hereunder  (including
without  limitation, Seller's performance of  its  obligations
hereunder) shall not be satisfied.

          B.   The balance of the Purchase Price in cash is to
be  deposited by Buyer into an escrow account with the Closing
Agent on or before the Closing Date (as defined below).


          A.    Subject  to  the terms provided  below,  Buyer
shall have until no later than forty-five (45) days after  the
Document  Delivery Date (as defined below) (but not less  than
thirty   (30)  days  after  Buyer's  actual  receipt  of   any
information or documents that Buyer shall undertake to  update
as  further set forth in to this Agreement) to conduct its due
diligence of the Property (the "Due Diligence Period").

          B.      The  parties  hereto  may  extend  the   Due
Diligence Period by written agreement.

          C.    If Buyer does not send Seller notification  of
Buyer's satisfaction of its due diligence contingency by 11:59
p.m. CST of the last date of the Due Diligence Period, as such
may  be extended under the terms of this Agreement, then  this
Agreement  shall expire and have no further force and  effect;
and all Earnest Money, including any interest accrued thereon,
shall be returned to Buyer.

          In  the event Buyer does give notice of satisfaction
of its due diligence contingency, then the closing date of the
Property  shall occur no later than ten (10) days after  Buyer
has provided Seller with notice of satisfaction of Buyer's due
diligence  contingency  (the  "Closing  Date"),  provided   no
materially  adverse  change  to  the  Property  Documents  has
occurred.   If  a  materially adverse change to  the  Property
Documents  has  occurred,  Buyer shall  be  allowed  five  (5)
business  days  to  review  and approve  such  changes  or  to
terminate  this Agreement, and upon such termination,  receive
immediate  return of the Earnest Money together with  interest

          Furthermore, in the event closing does not occur  on
or  before  January 15, 2007, Buyer shall have the  option  to
either  (a) terminate this Agreement by providing Seller  with
thirty  (30)  days written notice, at which the Earnest  Money
and  any  interest  accrued thereon shall  be  immediately  be
returned   to   Buyer  or  (b)  reduce  the   purchase   price
corresponding  to  a  reduction in the cap  rate  of  5  basis


           Seller  does hereby covenant, warrant and represent
to Buyer as follows:

          A.    Seller  has and will convey good,  marketable,
insurable title to the Property of record, free and  clear  of
all  liens,  encumbrances, leases, claims,  and  charges;  all
easements,    rights-of-way,   covenants,    conditions    and
restrictions;  and any other matters affecting title  thereto,
except  for such matters as are approved or Buyer's objections
thereto  are  waived  by  Buyer  in  writing  (the  "Permitted

          B.    To  the best of Seller's knowledge and belief,
the  conveyance  of  the  Property pursuant  hereto  will  not
violate  any  applicable statute, conditional  use,  variance,
ordinance,  governmental restriction  or  regulation,  or  any
private restriction or agreement.

          C.   The Property is benefited by direct access to a
publicly dedicated street or road and other adjacent right  of
ways  and shall be conveyed as a separate legal and tax parcel
(the "Legal Parcel").

          D.    There is no litigation pending, or to the best
of   Seller's   knowledge,  investigation,   condemnation   or
proceeding  of  any kind threatened against the Seller,  which
may have a material adverse effect upon the Property.

          E.   Seller is not a "foreign person" (as defined in
section   1445(f)(3)  of  the  Internal   Revenue   Code   and
regulations issued thereunder).

          F.    Neither  Seller nor, to the best  of  Seller's
knowledge,  any of Seller's members, are an entity or  person:
(i) that is listed in the Annex to, or is otherwise subject to
the   provisions   of   Executive  Order   13224   issued   on
September 24, 2001 ("EO13224"); ii) whose name appears on  the
United  States Treasury Department's Office of Foreign  Assets
Control ("OFAC") most current list of "Specifically Designated
National  and  Blocked Persons" (which list may  be  published
from  time  to  time  in various mediums  including,  but  not
limited          to,         the         OFAC         website,
;   (iii)   who  commits,  threatens  to  commit  or  supports
"terrorism,"  as  that term is defined  in  EO13224;  (iv)  is
subject to sanctions of the United States government or is  in
violation  of  any federal, state, municipal  or  local  laws,
statutes,  codes,  ordinances,  orders,  decrees,   rules   or
regulations   relating  to  terrorism  or  money   laundering,
including,  without limitation, EO13224 and  the  Uniting  and
Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools  Required
to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act of 2001; or (v) who is
otherwise  affiliated with any entity or person  listed  above
(any and all parties or persons described in subsections (i) -
(v)  above  are herein referred to as a "Prohibited  Person").
Neither  Seller nor its members shall knowingly:  (A)  conduct
any  business, nor engage in any transaction or dealing,  with
any  Prohibited  Person, including, but not  limited  to,  the
making  or  receiving of any contribution of funds, goods,  or
services,  to  or for the benefit of a Prohibited  Person;  or
(B)  engage  in or conspire to engage in any transaction  that
evades  or  avoids, or has the purpose of evading or avoiding,
or  attempts to violate, any of the prohibitions set forth  in

          G.    Seller is not aware of any private covenant or
restriction  that  would  prohibit  or  adversely  impact  the
development or operation of the Property.

          H.    To  the  best  of  Seller's knowledge,  Seller
represents  that  there are no underground  tanks,  basements,
foundations, wells, cisterns, or other underground  structures
or  debris  of  any  nature on the Property.   Seller  further
represents  that the Property is not located in  a  designated
flood plain, nor does the Property contain any wetlands.

          I.   Seller has the requisite power and authority to
enter  into  and  perform this Agreement  and  those  Seller's
Closing Documents to be signed by it.

          J.    The  Improvements (including, but not  limited
to,  the  utilities, mechanical systems, roof, foundation  and
walls),  to  the  best  of Seller's knowledge,  are  in  sound
condition  and in good working order as of the Effective  Date
hereof.  Seller shall further have the on-going obligation  up
through  the  Closing Date to inform Buyer in writing  of  any
defect  in  the Improvements that occur between the  Effective
Date of this Agreement and the Closing Date.  Seller's written
notice  to  Buyer of any defect in the Improvements  shall  be
considered for purposes herein to be an adverse change in  the
Property Documents.

          K.    To Seller's knowledge, Seller has disclosed to
Buyer  all  information relating to the  Property  that  could
reasonably  be expected to have a material adverse  effect  on
the Property.

     If the Seller subsequently becomes aware of the fact that
any  of the representations and warranties made herein  is  no
longer  accurate,  then the Seller shall immediately  disclose
same  in  writing to the Buyer.    Seller's written notice  to
Buyer  of any inaccuracy in the representations and warranties
made herein shall be considered to be an adverse change to the
Property    Documents.    Each   of   the    warranties    and
representations contained in this Section and  other  Sections
of  this Agreement shall be deemed made as of the date of this
Agreement and again as of the Closing Date.

     Seller shall indemnify Buyer, its successors and assigns,
against,  and  shall hold Buyer, its successors  and  assigns,
harmless from, any costs, expenses or damages of any  kind  or
nature, including reasonable attorneys' fees, which Buyer  may
incur because of any breach of any of the representations  and
warranties  herein  contained, whether incurred  prior  to  or
after  the Closing Date.  All warranties, representations  and
indemnifications  contained in this  Agreement  shall  survive


          A.   Seller represents and warrants, to the best  of
Seller's  knowledge, that no toxic or hazardous substances  or
wastes,   pollutants   or  contaminants  (including,   without
limitation, asbestos, urea formaldehyde, the group of  organic
compounds   known  as  polychlorinated  biphenyls,   petroleum
products  including gasoline, fuel oil, crude oil and  various
constituents  of such products, or any hazardous substance  as
defined    in   the   Comprehensive   Environmental   Response
Compensation and Liability Act of 1980 ("CERCLA"),  42  U.S.C.
9601-9657,  as  amended)  ("Hazardous  Materials")  have  been
generated,  treated,  stored,  released  or  disposed  of,  or
otherwise  placed, deposited in or located on the Property  by
Seller  or by any lessee, agent, employee, licensee or invitee
of Seller nor has any activity been undertaken on the Property
by  Seller  or  by  any lessee, agent, employee,  licensee  or
invitee  of Seller that would cause or contribute to  (a)  the
Property  to become a treatment, storage or disposal  facility
within  the meaning of, or otherwise bring the Property within
the  ambit of, the Resource Conservation and Recovery  Act  of
1976  ("RCRA"), 42 U.S.C. 6901 et seq., or any  similar  state
law or local ordinance, (b) a release or threatened release of
toxic  or  hazardous  wastes  or  substances,  pollutants   or
contaminants,  from  the Property within the  meaning  of,  or
otherwise  bring the Property within the ambit of, CERCLA,  or
any similar state law or local ordinance, or (c) the discharge
of  pollutants or effluents into any water source  or  system,
the  dredging  or filling of any waters or the discharge  into
the  air  of any emissions, that would require a permit  under
the  Federal Water Pollution Control Act, 33 U.S. C.  1251  et
seq.,  or the Clean Air Act, 42 U.S.C., 7401 et seq.,  or  any
similar  state law or local ordinance.  To the best  knowledge
of  Seller after due inquiry by Seller, neither Seller nor any
lessee,  agent, employee, licensee or invitee  of  Seller  has
introduced any substances or conditions in or on the  Property
that may support a claim or cause of action under RCRA, CERCLA
or  any  other federal, state or local environmental statutes,
regulations,  ordinances  or  other  environmental  regulatory
requirements.   To  the best knowledge  of  Seller  after  due
inquiry  by Seller, no above ground or underground tanks,  are
located  in or about the Property or have been located  under,
in or about the Property and have subsequently been removed or

       Seller  further  warrants  that  Seller  has  not  been
informed,  advised  or  notified, of any  Hazardous  Materials
including  the use of above or underground storage  tanks  on,
under or about the Property.

          B.    In  the  event  that  Hazardous  Materials  as
defined  herein  are found or suspected to be present  on  the
Property, or other circumstances as set forth in the preceding
section  exist, then Buyer may terminate this  Agreement.   If
Buyer does not elect to terminate, then Seller shall remove or
otherwise  remediate any Hazardous Materials on or  under  the
Property and/or rectify any other condition set forth  in  the
preceding  section to Buyer's satisfaction within thirty  (30)
days after receipt of notice from Buyer that the contingencies
have  been  satisfied.  The Closing shall be delayed  for  the
period  necessary for Seller to comply with the terms of  this


          Seller shall deliver to Buyer, at Seller's sole cost
and expense, the following documents:

          A.   Property Documents.   Within five (5) business
days of the Effective Date ("Document Delivery Date"), Seller
shall deliver or cause to be delivered to Buyer the following:

       a)   Copies of Seller's existing Owner's Title Policy, or
          Abstract, for the Property, with copies of its underlying
          documents, if in Seller's possession;

       b)   A complete copy of the Lease and any amendments thereto,
          including but not limited to amendments, assignments and
          assumption of lease, and/or letter agreements, commencement
          agreement, memorandum of lease, project acceptance letter
          (wherein Tenant accepts possession of the property, if Tenant
          shall have issued the same or similar), guaranties of the
          lease, if any, and the most recent tenant estoppel currently
          in Seller's possession;

       c)    If in Seller's possession, any zoning information
          concerning the current zoning of the Property;

       d)   A copy of the soils report, if in Seller's possession;

       e)    Copies  of the existing final building plans  and
          specifications for the improvements and copies of any evidence
          that Landlord has delivered and Tenant has approved such;

       f)   A copy of an MAI appraisal, if in Seller's possession;

       g)   A copy of the most recent real estate tax statement for
          the Property;

       h)   Copies of any and all certificates, permits, licenses and
          other authorizations of any governmental body or authority
          which are necessary to permit the use and occupancy of the

       i)   Copies of any and all warranties respecting construction
          of the improvements, including but not limited to the roof,
          HVAC system, structural, plumbing or electrical that have not
          expired by their terms, and assignments thereof to Tenant,
          issued to or required to be provided to Tenant as designated
          in the Lease, if any.  Buyer will require any and all
          warranties, which have not expired and have not been
          transferred to Tenant, to be transferred to Buyer on the
          Closing Date.  In the event the warranties are unable to be
          transferred to Buyer on the Closing Date, Seller shall provide
          Buyer with a letter of undertaking wherein Seller agrees, at
          Seller's expense, to transfer the warranties in Buyer's name
          or to obtain consents to the transfer of warranties, if such
          transfer is not allowed;

       j)   A copy of the Certificate of Occupancy from the governing

       k)   A copy of the existing store sales of the Property for
          the last six months, and if currently in Seller's possession,
          the store sales numbers for the last three years, or the
          number of years the store has been open if less than three
          years;  and

       l)   A rent accounting for the last twelve (12) months showing
          when Seller received each check from Tenant or the number of
          months the lease has been in effect if less than twelve (12)

Seller shall provide Buyer with any and all updates to the
Property Documents and any other information regarding the
Property that may become available prior to the Closing Date.

          B.    Title,  Survey,  and  Environmental.    Within
fifteen (15) days after the Effective Date:

       m)    A  commitment for an ALTA Owner's Policy of Title
          Insurance (most recent edition) from the Closing Agent (the
          "Title Company") insuring marketable title in the Property,
          subject only to such matters as Buyer may approve and contain
          such endorsements as Buyer may require that are available for
          a property in North Dakota, including extended coverage and
          owner's  comprehensive coverage (the "Updated  Title
          Commitment").  The Updated Title Commitment shall show Seller
          as the present fee owner of the Property and show Buyer as the
          fee owner to be insured.

              The Updated Title Commitment shall also include:

              1.   an itemization of all outstanding and pending special
              assessments and an itemization of taxes affecting the Property
              and the tax year to which they relate;

              2.    shall state whether taxes are current and if not, show
              the amounts unpaid;

              3.    the tax parcel identification numbers and whether the
              tax parcel includes property other than the Property to be

              All easements, restrictions, documents and other
              items   affecting  title  shall  be  listed   in
              Schedule "B" of the Title Commitment.  Copies of
              all  documents referred to in the Updated  Title
              Commitment   (the   "Updated  Title   Commitment
              Documents")  must  be attached  to  the  Updated
              Title Commitment.

              n)   Copy of the Seller's existing as-built ALTA survey or
              existing boundary ALTA survey of the Property.   If Buyer
              shall desire to do so, at its own expense, Buyer shall within
              five (5) business days after receipt of Seller's survey, order
              an updated ALTA survey.  Buyer shall have until the end of the
              Due Diligence Period to review and approve the updated ALTA
              survey (the "Updated Survey");

              o)   Copy of any Phase I environmental report completed for
              the Seller for the Property.  Buyer shall, at its sole
              expense, be responsible for obtaining an updated Phase I
              environmental report and shall have until the end of the Due
              Diligence Period to review and approve of the same (the
              "Updated Phase I Report");

          C.    Buyer shall be allowed up to the latter of the
end  of  the  Due Diligence Period or thirty (30)  days  after
receipt  of  the  Updated Title Commitment and  Updated  Title
Commitment  Documents,  Updated Phase  I  Report  and  Updated
Survey  (and  five  (5)  business days  from  receipt  of  any
subsequent   update  or  endorsement  to  the  Updated   Title
Commitment  occurring  after the date  of  the  Updated  Title
Commitment  to be delivered by Seller adding new or additional
requirements or exceptions thereto) to make any objections, in
Buyer's  sole discretion, to the Title Commitment  or  matters
not  previously  reflected  on the  ALTA  Survey  or  Phase  I
Environmental  Report  of previous date  supplied  by  Seller.
Objections are to be made in writing or are to be deemed to be

          If  any objections are made, Seller shall be allowed
thirty  (30)  days to correct such objections.  In  the  event
Seller  is unable to cure such objections within this  period,
Buyer shall have the option to either (1) acquire the Property
subject  to such objections, lien, encumbrance or other  title
defect at Buyer's discretion, with a right to deduct from  the
Purchase Price amounts required to clear any title defects; or
(2)  rescind this Agreement, in which latter event the Earnest
Money  herein paid, together with all interest earned thereon,
shall be immediately refunded to Buyer.

          D.   Closing  Documents.   At least seven  (7)  days
prior to the end of the Due Diligence Period, Seller shall, at
its  sole  expense, provide to Buyer the following  documents,
and  Seller and Buyer shall agree, prior to the end of the Due
Diligence Period, on the form of the following documents to be
delivered to Buyer on the Closing Date by Seller as set  forth
in Section 9  hereof:

     (a)  Limited or special warranty deed;

     (b)  Seller's Affidavit;

     (c)  FIRPTA Affidavit;

     (d)  Assignment and Assumption of the Lease in  the  form
          attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit "A";

     (e)  A  generic Assignment of warranties in the  form  as
          attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit "B"; and

     (f)  A tenant estoppel certificate substantially in the form
          (if any) as contemplated by the Lease that shall include
          confirmation that tenant pays real estate taxes  based upon
          what is assessed during the lease year or is due and payable
          during the lease year.  If the form of Tenant estoppel
          certificate is not prescribed by the Lease and Buyer submits
          to Seller the form of estoppel certificate (as the case may
          be) preferred by Buyer or required by Buyer's Lender (if any)
          prior to the expiration of the Due Diligence Period, Seller
          will submit such form of estoppel certificate to Tenant.

     In  the  event that Seller and Buyer do not reach  mutual
agreement  on  the form of the above described  documents  (a)
through (f) prior to the end of the Due Diligence Period, this
Agreement may be terminated by either Seller or Buyer and  the
Earnest  Money and accrued interest shall be returned in  full
to  the  Buyer  immediately and neither party shall  have  any
further duties or obligations to the other hereunder.


          It  is  expressly understood by Seller that,  during
the  term  of  this  Agreement, Buyer   intends  to  undertake
preliminary investigation for the development of the Property,
as follows:

          A.    From and after the date hereof, Buyer, and its
representatives,  shall  have the  right  to  enter  upon  the
Property  for the purpose of surveying, conducting soil  tests
thereon, and making such other physical inspection thereof  as
Buyer deems necessary or appropriate; provided, however,  that
in  the course of such activities, Buyer shall make no visible
improvements  to  or  changes in the  property  prior  to  the
Closing  Date,  and  shall repair any  damage  or  disturbance
caused  by  Buyer's  activities.   Any  inspection  of   Buyer
pursuant to this section shall not be construed so as to waive
or limit any of Buyer's rights or remedies hereunder.

          B.    Buyer  hereby  agrees to hold Seller  harmless
from liabilities that may arise out of Buyer's presence on the
Property prior to the Closing Date.


           A.    Real  Estate Taxes and Assessments.    On  or
before  the  Closing Date, Seller shall pay  all  real  estate
taxes  and installments of special assessments payable in  all
years prior to the year of Closing.  All real estate taxes for
due and payable in the year of Closing shall be prorated as of
the Closing Date.

           Seller shall pay all special assessments if  levied
or  pending  as of the Closing Date including all installments
of  special  assessments for the year of Closing or subsequent
years.   For  purposes of this Agreement, a "pending"  special
assessment means any work or project which, as of the  Closing
Date,  has  been  directed or authorized by  any  governmental
authority,  the cost of which will be, but has  not  yet  been
certified  to and included in the real property taxes  payable
with respect to the Property.  "Special assessments" does  not
include  the general tax levy of Special Improvement Districts
which shall be treated as real estate taxes.

           Seller represents to Buyer that to the best of  its
knowledge,  all real estate taxes and installments of  special
assessments  due  and payable prior to  and  in  the  year  of
Closing  on  or before the Closing Date have been or  will  be
paid in full as of the Closing Date.  It is understood between
Seller  and  Buyer that all unpaid levied and pending  special
assessments  payable in the year of Closing are  paid  by  the
Tenant and shall be the responsibility of the Tenant under the
Lease  after  the Closing Date.  Seller further represents  to
Buyer  that  Tenant  shall pay a pro-rata share  of  all  real
estate  taxes and installments of special assessments due  and
payable in the year of Closing.

             In  the  event  Tenant does not pay  any  special
assessments  or  real estate taxes that are the responsibility
of the Tenant under the Lease, Seller and Buyer agreed to each
pay  its prorata share of said assessments or taxes as of  the
Closing Date.

The provisions of this paragraph 8 shall survive Closing.

           B.    Prorations.  The Buyer and the Seller, as  of
the  Closing Date, shall prorate: (i) all rent due  under  the
Lease, if any, (ii) ad valorem taxes, personal property taxes,
charges  or assignments affecting the Property (on a  calendar
year  basis),  (iii)  utility charges, including  charges  for
water,  gas,  electricity,  and  sewer,  if  any,  (iv)  other
expenses relating to the Property which have accrued  but  not
paid  as  of  the  Closing Date, based upon the  most  current
ascertainable tax bill and other relevant billing information,
including any charges arising under any of the encumbrances to
the  Property.   (Provided, however, no adjustments  shall  be
made  at  closing for items payable by the tenant, or  payable
between  the  parties  hereto thereafter,  unless  the  tenant
ultimately  does  not  pay  the same.)   To  the  extent  that
information  for  any such proration is not available  on  the
Closing Date or if the actual amount of such taxes, charges or
expenses  differs  from the amount used in the  prorations  at
closing, then the parties shall make any adjustments necessary
so  that the prorations at closing are adjusted based upon the
actual amount of such taxes, charges or expenses.  The parties
agree to make such reprorations as soon as possible after  the
actual  amount  of  real  estate taxes,  charges  or  expenses
prorated  at  closing becomes available.  In the event  Tenant
does  not pay any expenses that are the responsibility of  the
Tenant  under the Lease, Seller and Buyer agreed to  each  pay
its  prorata  share of said assessments or  taxes  as  of  the
Closing  Date.  This provision and the respective  obligations
of the parties shall survive Closing.

          C.   Closing Costs.   Seller and Buyer shall pay one-
half  of  the following costs of closing, including,  but  not
limited to, all escrow fees of Buyer and Seller.

          Seller  shall pay the following costs:  any and  all
brokerage  commissions owed by Seller to Duemelands Commercial
LLLP,  any  and  all costs associated with the  updated  title
commitment/search, all costs associated with the Owner's Title
policy premium, any and all costs associated with recording of
the  Deed and Assignment and Assumption of Lease, as  well  as
any  costs  associated with any document(s)  or  instrument(s)
necessary  to cure any title objections raised by  Buyer,  the
transfer  taxes (state, county and municipality,  if  such  is
required) and/or transfer fees.

          Buyer  shall  pay any and all costs associated  with
any  special endorsements it may require on its Owner's  Title
Policy,  except  the  costs associated  with  any  endorsement
required to cure Buyer's objection to the existing matters  of
title or survey..

Each  party  will pay its own attorneys' fees  to  close  this

          E.   Any escrow closing fee shall be paid equally by
Buyer  and Seller.  Seller shall pay the premium for the Title
Policy  in favor of Buyer in the amount of the Purchase  Price
issued  at  or  after the Closing by the Title Company.   Each
party shall pay its attorneys' fees.


          At Closing and subject to the full performance by
Buyer under this Agreement, Seller shall deposit into escrow
with the Closing Agent, with a simultaneous copy to Buyer, the
following documents on or before the Closing Date:

          A.    A  limited or special warranty deed  conveying
title  to  the  Property to Buyer, in form  and  substance  as
agreed  to  between Seller and Buyer during the Due  Diligence
Period,  conveying good and marketable (as  required  by  this
Agreement)  fee  title  thereto,  subject  to  the   Permitted

          B.   Seller's counterpart to the Assignment and
Assumption of the Lease, in form and substance as Exhibit "A"
attached hereto, accompanied by the original Lease and
originals of any and all documentation modifying the Lease,
including but not limited to, assignments, amendments,
commencement agreement, memorandum of lease, letter
agreements, and guaranty of the lease, if any;

          C.   Seller's corporate documentation wherein
Seller's authority and authorization to enter into this
Agreement and the transactions contemplated hereby, and such
proof of the power and authority of the individual(s)
executing or delivering any instruments, documents or
certificates on behalf of Seller to act for and bind Seller as
may be reasonably required by Title Company, Buyer, or both;

           E.   Affidavit of Seller, in form and substance  as
agreed  to  between Seller and Buyer during the Due  Diligence

           F.    FIRPTA  Affidavit, in form and  substance  as
agreed  to  between Seller and Buyer during the Due  Diligence

           G.    Any  and  all documentation required  by  the
Closing  Agent  and/or Title Company or by the terms  of  this
Agreement so that the title insurer may issue the title policy
described in this Agreement;

          H.   Notice of Sale to Tenant;
          I.   Tenant's Certificate of Insurance naming  Buyer
as  additional insured and/or loss payee, as required  by  the

          J.   A  letter  from  Seller to  Buyer  wherein  the
Seller  itemizes (in percentages totaling 100%), the following
percentages of costs of the Premises:  land acquisition,  soft
costs,  building  construction, and site  work  (this  assists
Buyer in allocating the Property onto its books at Closing);

          K.   Seller's executed counterpart to the Assignment
of  warranties in the form as attached hereto and incorporated
herein as Exhibit "B", including copies of all warranties, and
assignments  thereof  to Buyer and/or  Lessee,  issued  to  or
required  to be provided to Lessee as designated in the  Lease
and if required, Seller's Letter of Undertaking to complete at
Seller's expense the transfer of such warranties; and

          L.    At least three (3) business days prior to  the
Closing Date, Seller shall deliver to Buyer an executed Tenant
Estoppel in form and substance as agreed to between Seller and
Buyer  or  as  supplied  by Buyer to  Seller  during  the  Due
Diligence Period;


     Subject to the full, complete and timely performance by
Seller of its obligations hereof, Buyer shall deposit into
escrow with the Closing Agent, with a simultaneous copy to
Seller, the following documents on or before the Closing Date:

          A.   The balance of the purchase price in the manner
set  forth  herein and authorize the payment  of  the  earnest
money to Seller.

          B.   Pay, or make satisfactory arrangements to pay, any sum
required  to  be paid by Buyer pursuant to any  part  of  this

          C.   Buyer's counterpart to the Assignment and Assumption of
the  Lease,  in  form  and substance as Exhibit  "A"  attached
hereto; and

          D.   Buyer's counterpart to the Assignment of warranties in
the form as attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit

     11.  REMEDIES:

           A.   If Buyer defaults on its obligations hereunder
and such default continues for a period of ten (10) days after
written notice, then the retention of the earnest money  shall
be  Seller's exclusive remedy hereunder and said monies  shall
be   deemed liquidated damages.  The parties hereto agree that
such  liquidated  damages  are not a  penalty,  but  represent
actual  damages Seller will sustain upon any default by Buyer,
which  damages will be substantial but are extremely difficult
to ascertain.

            B.     In  the  event  Seller  defaults  upon  its
obligations hereunder and shall fail to consummate the sale of
the  Property for any reason except the default of Buyer,  and
such  failure  continues for a period of ten (10)  days  after
written notice, Buyer may terminate this Agreement and receive
return  of  its Earnest Money, or enforce specific performance
of  this  Agreement within six (6) months from the  time  such
cause  of action arose and may bring suit for damages  against
Seller,  which damages shall include, but not be  limited  to,
all   losses,  liabilities,  costs,  and  expenses  (including
reasonable attorney's fees) incurred by Buyer.

     12.  NOTICES:

           All  notices, demands, requests, approvals or other
communications ("notices") required to be given or  which  may
be  given hereunder shall be in writing and shall be given  by
personal  delivery  with  receipt acknowledged  or  by  United
States registered or certified mail, return receipt requested,
postage   prepaid,  by  Federal  Express  or  other  reputable
national   overnight   courier   service   or   by   facsimile
transmission,  and  shall be deemed  given  when  received  or
refused at the following addresses:

     If to Seller:  CDK Associates LLC
                    c/o Les Kinstad
                    PO Box 89925
                    117 South Main Avenue
                    Sioux Falls, SD  57109-9925
                    Fax No:  (605) 275-8833
                    Phone:  (605) 336-7376

     If to Buyer:   AEI Fund Management, Inc.
                    Attn:  George Rerat and Jenn Dingmann
                    1300 Wells Fargo Place
                    Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101
                    Fax No:  (651) 225-8144
                    Phone:    (651) 227 - 7333

     With a copy to:Michael B. Daugherty
                    Daugherty Law Firm
                    Suite 1300
                    30 East Seventh Street
                    Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101
                    Fax No:  (612) 677-3181
                    Phone:    (612) 720-0777

All notices shall be deemed delivered either upon: (1) receipt
in  case  of personal service, or (2) mailing in case of  U.S.
mail  or  certified mail, (3) deposit in the case  of  express
mail or (4) by facsimile upon transmission.

     13.  ASSIGNMENT:

          The rights and obligations of Buyer hereunder may be
freely  assigned by Buyer and Buyer shall provide Seller  with
notice  of the assignment.  Seller shall notify Buyer  of  any
assignment  of its interest herein, and such assignment  shall
not relieve Seller of its obligations to perform hereunder.

     14.  TAX PLANNING:

           Buyer or Seller may assign its interest herein to a
third  party for purposes of effectuating a like-kind exchange
of  real  estate  pursuant to Section  1031  of  the  Internal
Revenue Code.  Seller and Buyer agree to cooperate and execute
documents as may be necessary for this purpose.

     15.  RISK OF LOSS:

           Seller shall bear the risk of loss or damage to the
Property from all causes, other than the activities of  Buyer,
until Closing.  If, prior to Closing, all or any material part
of  the  Property is damaged by a fire or other  casualty,  or
condemnation  proceedings are commenced or written  notice  of
such  proceedings  given,  Seller shall  promptly  give  Buyer
written  notice of such damage or condemnation  notice.   Upon
delivery of such notice of damage or condemnation (from Seller
or  otherwise),  Buyer shall have the right to terminate  this
Agreement  by delivering written notice to Seller  within  ten
business  days.   If  Buyer does not elect to  terminate  this
Agreement within such period, Seller shall convey the Property
to  Buyer  on  the Closing date in its damaged condition,  and
will assign to Buyer all of Seller's right, title and interest
in  and to any claims Seller may have under insurance policies
covering the Property or under any condemnation awards.


          A.   This Agreement shall inure to the benefit of,
and be binding upon, the administrators, successors and
assigns of the parties hereto.

          B.   This Agreement shall not be construed more
strictly against one party than against the other, merely by
virtue of the fact that it may have been drafted or prepared
by counsel for one of the parties, it being recognized that
both Buyer and Seller have contributed substantially and
materially to the preparation of this Agreement.

           C.    The  parties  agree to execute  mutually  and
deliver  to  each  other, at closing, such other  and  further
documents as may be reasonable required by counsel     for the
parties  or  title insurer, to carry into effect the  purposes
and intents of this Agreement.

          D.   This offer to purchase expires at 5:00 p.m.  CT
on  the  fifth  (5th)  business day after execution  by  Buyer
unless this Agreement is fully executed by Seller.

           E.    This is a final agreement between the parties
and  supersedes  all previous understandings  and  agreements,
oral  or  written,  relative to the  subject  matter  of  this
Agreement.   Any  amendments or alterations to this  Agreement
shall be made in writing and appended hereto.

           F.   This Agreement may be executed by facsimile or
in  multiple counterparts, each of which shall be deemed to be
an  original, but all of which, together, shall constitute one
and the same instrument.

           G.    This  agreement shall be deemed to have  been
made in North Dakota and shall be construed in accordance with
the laws of the State of North Dakota.

           H.    Unless otherwise expressly stated,  all  time
periods  referred to herein shall be deemed to  mean  calendar
days.   In the event any date for performance by either  party
of  any obligation hereunder required to be performed by  such
party falls on a Saturday, Sunday or holiday recognized by the
federal government or the State of North Dakota, the time  for
performance of such matter shall be deemed extended until  the
next business day immediately following such date.


           In this transaction, Duemelands Commercial LLLP, is
the  only real estate broker and is a facilitating transaction
broker  and does not represent either the Buyer or the Seller.
Each  party shall hold the other harmless from any  claims  by
any  other  broker  for compensation in connection  with  this

           Seller shall pay a commission fee equal to 1.5%  of
total  sale price, plus any required state sales tax,  to  the
procuring broker, Duemelands Commercial LLLP.
The  parties have caused these presents to be executed  as  of
the day and year written below.


               By: /s/ Lester A Kinstad
               Name:   Lester A Kinstad
               Its:    Managing Member

               Dated:  December 4, 2006


               By: /s/ Robert P Johnson
                       Robert P. Johnson, President

               Dated:  November 29, 2006