Exhibit 23.03
                  DeGolyer and MacNaughton
                      One Energy Square
                    Dallas, Texas  75206
                      January 13, 1998

Enron Oil & Gas Company
1400 Smith Street
Houston, Texas 77002


     Pursuant to your request, we have prepared estimates,
as of December 31, 1997, of the proved oil, condensate,
natural gas liquids, and natural gas reserves of certain
selected properties in the United States, Canada, and
Trinidad owned by Enron Oil & Gas Company (Enron). The
properties consist of working interests located in
California, New Mexico, Texas, Utah, and Wyoming and in the
offshore waters of Texas, Louisiana, and Alabama, in
Saskatchewan, Canada, and in the offshore waters of
Trinidad. The estimates are reported in detail in our
"Report as of December 31, 1997, on Proved Reserves of
Certain Properties in the United States owned by Enron Oil &
Gas Company - Selected Properties," our "Report as of
December 31, 1997, on Proved Reserves of Certain Properties
in Canada owned by Enron Oil & Gas Company - Selected
Properties," and our "Report as of December 31, 1997, on
Proved Reserves of the Kiskadee Field, Offshore Trinidad for
Enron Oil and Gas Company," hereinafter collectively
referred to as the "Reports." We also have reviewed
information provided to us by Enron that it represents to be
Enron's estimates of the reserves, as of December 31, 1997,
for the same properties as those included in the Reports.

     Proved reserves estimated by us and referred to herein
are judged to be economically producible in future years
from known reservoirs under existing economic and operating
conditions and assuming continuation of current regulatory
practices using conventional production methods and
equipment. Proved reserves are defined as those that have
been proved to a high degree of certainty by reason of
actual completion, successful testing, or in certain cases
by adequate core analyses and electrical-log interpretation
when the producing characteristics of the formation are
known from nearby fields. These reserves are defined areally
by reasonable geological interpretation of structure and
known continuity of oil- or gas-saturated material. This
definition is in agreement with the definition of proved
reserves prescribed by the Securities and Exchange

     Enron represents that its estimates of the proved
reserves, as of December 31, 1997, net to its leasehold
interests in the properties included in the Reports are as
follows, expressed in thousands of barrels (Mbbl) or
millions of cubic feet (MMcf):
Condensate,               Natural Gas               Net
and                       (MMcf)                    Equivalent
Natural Gas                                         (MMcf)
29,694                    1,593,114                 1,771,278

Note: Net equivalent million cubic feet is based on 1
      barrel of oil, condensate, or natural gas liquids
      being equivalent to 6,000 cubic feet of gas.

     Enron has advised us, and we have assumed, that its
estimates of proved oil, condensate, natural gas liquids,
and natural gas reserves are in accordance with the rules
and regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission.

     Proved reserves estimated by us for the properties
included in the Reports, as of December 31, 1997, are as
follows, expressed in thousands (Mbbl) or millions of cubic
feet (MMcf):

Condensate,               Natural Gas               Net
and                       (MMcf)                    Equivalent
Natural Gas                                         (MMcf)
29,733                    1,577,185                 1,755,583

Note: Net equivalent million cubic feet is based on 1
      barrel of oil, condensate, or natural gas liquids
      being equivalent to 6,000 cubic feet of gas.

     In making a comparison of the detailed reserves
estimates prepared by us and by Enron of the properties
involved, we have found differences, both positive and
negative, in reserves estimates for individual properties.
These differences appear to be compensating to a great
extent when considering the reserves of Enron in the
properties included in our reports, resulting in
overall differences not being substantial.  It is our
opinion that the reserves estimates prepared by Enron on
the properties reviewed by us and referred to above, when
compared on the basis of net equivalent million cubic feet
of gas, do not differ materially from those prepared by us.


                             /s/ DeGOLYER and MacNAUGHTON
                                 DeGOLYER and MacNAUGHTON