John C. Allen, Sr.                                     Vartan Ghugasian
Lillian I. Allen                                       Donn Gifford
Roland R. Batson                                       Linda Gifford
Richard Boulet                                         Ginette Gladu
Joan P. Cote                                           Robert R. Gladu
Paul A. Cote                                           Andrew Gross
Normand F. Doyon                                       Dana Gross
Pauline G. Doyon                                       John F. Gross
Sandra Dunham                                          Susan T. Gross
Thomas B. Dunham                                       Diane James
Adrienne R. Emmi                                       Richard James
Anthony N. Emmi                                        Edgar Morin
Armen Ghugasian                                        John Orestis
Takuhe Ghugasian                                       Raymond E. Robichaud

                              PROXY STATEMENT

                          13D Shareholders Group

     The enclosed proxy is solicited by the 13D Shareholders Group (names
listed above) of Novametrix Medical Systems, Inc. for use in voting at the
annual meeting regarding the matters described in this proxy statement and in
the accompanying materials.

Date, Time and Place of Annual Meeting

     (a)   Date of annual meeting of shareholders of Novametrix Medical
           Systems, Inc. ("Novametrix") is October 9, 1996 at 10:30
           Place of annual meeting:  To the best of the knowledge of the 13D
           Shareholders Group, the meeting will be held at the same location as
           last year's annual meeting, at the Yankee Silversmith Inn, 1033
           North Colony Road, Wallingford, Connecticut.
           Mailing address of executive officers:

                 One Barnes Industrial Park Road
                 Wallingford, Connecticut  06492

     (b)   This proxy statement will be first given to security holders on July
           15, 1996.

Voting and Revocability of Proxy

     When proxies are properly dated, executed and returned, the shares they
represent will be voted at the annual meeting in accordance with your
instructions as stockholders. If no specific instructions are given, the shares
will be voted FOR the election of the nominees for directors set forth herein
and FOR ratification of the proposal set forth herein.  Any proxy given by any
stockholder may be revoked by the stockholder prior to its exercise by voting
in person at the annual meeting, by giving written notice to the Secretary of
Novametrix prior to the annual meeting or by giving a later dated proxy.

Persons Making the Solicitation and Interest of Certain Persons in Matters to
be Acted Upon

     (a)   Solicitation is made by 13D Shareholders Group consisting of the
           persons identified and described in Attachment A.  Solicitation will
           be made by personal meetings or telephone conversations, by members
           of the 13D Shareholders Group, and mailings that will include the
           proxy statement, proxy and the letter accompanying this proxy

     (b)   No employees of Novametrix or any member of the 13D Shareholders
           Group will be used to solicit security holders.

     (c)   No specially engaged employees, representatives or other persons
           will be used to solicit proxies.

     (d)   Estimated expenses of the 13D Shareholders Group of this
           solicitation are $20,000; approximately $6,000 of expenses have been
           incurred to date.

     (e)   The cost of the solicitation has been borne initially by the members
           of the 13D Shareholders Group described in Attachment A.
           Reimbursement will be sought from the registrant, Novametrix, if the
           solicitation is successful.

Voting Securities And Principal Holders Thereof

     (a)   Number of common shares entitled to vote:  As of July 1, 1995, based
           upon the proxy statement of Novametrix dated August 15, 1995, there
           were approximately 6,260,000 shares entitled to vote.

     (b)   It is unknown to the 13D Shareholders Group the record date, because
           that is established by management of Novametrix, which has yet to do

     (c)   There are no cumulative voting rights.

     (d)   (i)   Security Ownership of Certain Beneficial Owners

                 The stockholders (including any "group," as that term is used
in Section 13(d)(3) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934) who, to the
knowledge of the 13D Shareholders Group, owned beneficially more than five
percent of any class of the outstanding voting securities of the Company as of
July 1, 1995, and their respective shareholdings as of such date (according to
information furnished by them to the Company), are set forth in the following
table. Except as indicated in the footnotes to the table, all of such shares
are owned with sole voting and investment power.<F1>

<F1> For all information other than the Schedule 13D Shareholders Group, the
information is derived solely form the Proxy Statement dated August 15, 1995
of Novametrix.

                             Title of       Shares            Percent
Name and Address              Class    Beneficially Owned     of Class

Auric Partners Ltd. . . . .  Common        765,166 (1)(2)        11.7%
 7575 East Fulton Road       Series B
 Ada, Michigan  49355         Preferred     60,000 (2)           60.0%

First Fidelity Incorporated  Common       716,182 (3)(4)         10.9%
 55 Broad Street             Series B
 Newark, New Jersey  07102    Preferred    40,000 (4)            40.0%

William W. Nicholson . . . . Common       418,222 (2)             7.1%
 7575 East Fulton Road
 Ada, Michigan  49355

William J. Lacourciere  . .  Common       406,638 (5)             6.6%
 One Barnes Industrial Park Road
 Wallingford, Connecticut 06492

13D Shareholders Group . . . Common       903,155 (6)            14.7%


     (1)  Includes 666,666 shares issuable upon the conversion of 60,000 shares
          of Series B Preferred Stock.

     (2)  Information as to the holdings of Auric Partners Ltd., a Michigan
          limited partnership ("Auric"), and Mr. Nicholson is based upon a
          report on Schedule 13D filed by such persons with the Securities and
          Exchange Commission (the "Commission") and information provided to
          the Company by Auric.  Such report indicates that Amway Corp., a
          Michigan corporation ("Amway"), is the general partner of Auric and
          that Mr. Nicholson is a limited partner of Auric and an officer of
          Amway.  Each of Amway and Mr. Nicholson disclaims beneficial
          ownership of the shares held by Auric.  Each of Auric and Amway
          disclaims beneficial ownership of the shares held by Mr. Nicholson. 
          Each of Auric, Amway and Mr. Nicholson also disclaims beneficial
          ownership of the shares held by First Fidelity.

     (3)  Consists of (i) 444,444 shares issuable upon the conversation of
          40,000 shares of Series B Preferred Stock and (ii) 271,738 shares
          issuable upon the exercise of currently exercisable warrants held by
          First Fidelity Incorporated ("First Fidelity"), a wholly owned
          subsidiary of First Fidelity Bancorporation, which warrants will
          expire on May 23, 2000.  The Series B Preferred Stock and warrants
          were formerly held by First Fidelity Bank, Connecticut ("FFB-CT"),
          formerly known as Union Trust Company prior to its acquisition by
          First Fidelity Bancorporation.

     (4)  Information as to the holdings of First Fidelity is based upon a
          report on Schedule 13D filed with the Commission by FFB-CT and
          Northeast Bancorp, Inc., its parent corporation prior to the
          acquisition of FFB-CT by First Fidelity Bancorporation.  First
          Fidelity Bancorporation may be deemed to be the indirect beneficial
          owner of the shares held by First Fidelity by virtue of its ownership
          of all of the stock of First Fidelity.  Each of First Fidelity and
          First Fidelity Bancorporation disclaims beneficial ownership of the
          shares held by each of Auric and Mr. Nicholson.

     (5)  Includes (i) 304,078 shares issuable upon the exercise of currently
          exercisable warrants held by Mr. Lacourciere, the Chairman of the
          Board, President and Chief Executive Officer and a director of the
          Company, which warrants will expire on December 28, 1999, (ii) 5,035
          shares held for the account of Mr. Lacourciere under the Employee
          Stock Ownership Plan of the Company (the "ESOP"), (iii) 1,000 shares
          issuable upon the exercise of Class A warrants, and 1,000 shares
          issuable upon the exercise of Class B warrants held by Mr.
          Lacourciere, which warrants are currently exercisable and will expire
          on December 8, 1997 and December 8, 1999, respectively, and (iv)
          10,000 shares issuable upon the exercise of currently exercisable
          options held by Mr. Lacourciere.  Does not include 38,889 shares held
          by the ESOP with respect to which Mr. Lacourciere, as co-trustee, has
          shared voting and investment power.

     (6)  Includes 218,550 shares issuable upon the exercise of currently
          exercisable warrants.

     (ii)  Security Ownership of Management

          The following table sets forth, as of July 1, 1995, the number of
     shares of the outstanding voting securities of the Company beneficially
     owned by each of the Company's directors and nominees for director, each
     executive officer named in the Summary Compensation Table of the
     Novametrix proxy statement dated August 15, 1995, and all directors and
     executive officers as a group, according to information furnished by such
     persons to Novametrix.<F2>

<F2> This information is derived solely from the Proxy Statement dated August
15, 1995 of Novametrix.

                                    Title of         Shares            Percent
Name and Address                     Class       Beneficially Owned    of Class

Thomas M. Haythe  . . .  . . . . . . Common        113,540 (1)           1.9%
   Director of the Company

William J. Lacourciere  . . . . . .  Common        406,638 (2)           6.6%
   Chairman of the Board, President
   and Chief Executive Officer of
   the Company and Director of the

Michael J. Needham  . . . . . . . .  Common         25,588 (3)            *
   Director of the Company

Photios T. Paulson . . . . . . . . . Common         13,000 (4)            *
   Director of the Company

Steven J. Shulman . . . . . . . . .    --             --                  --
   Director of the Company

Joseph A. Vincent . . . . . . . . .  Common         53,811 (5)            *
   Vice President Finance, Chief
   Financial Officer, Treasurer and
   Secretary of the Company and
   Director of the Company

All directors and executive . . . .  Common        646,637 (1) (2)       10.2%
  officers as a group                                      (3) (4)
  (seven persons)                                          (5) (6)


     *     Less than one percent.

     (1)  Includes (i) 14,844 shares issuable upon the exercise of currently
          exercisable warrants held by Mr. Haythe, which warrants will expire
          on December 31, 1997, (ii) 10,744 shares issuable upon the exercise
          of currently exercisable warrants held by Mr. Haythe, which warrants
          will expire on March 10, 1999, (iii) 10,878 shares issuable upon the
          exercise of currently exercisable warrants held by Mr. Haythe, which
          warrants will expire on April 11, 2000, (iv) 15,995 shares issuable
          upon the exercise of currently exercisable warrants held by Mr.
          Haythe, which warrants will expire on November 30, 2000 and (v) 7,234
          shares issuable upon the exercise of currently exercisable warrants
          held by Mr. Haythe, which warrants will expire on November 30, 2000. 
          Does not include 38,889 shares held by the ESOP, with respect to
          which Mr. Haythe, as co-trustee, has shared voting and investment

     (2)  Includes (i) 304,078 shares issuable upon the exercise of currently
          exercisable warrants held by Mr. Lacourciere, which warrants will
          expire on December 28, 1999, (ii) 5,035 shares held for the account
          of Mr. Lacourciere under the ESOP, (iii) 1,000 shares issuable upon
          the exercise of Class A warrants and 1,000 shares issuable upon the
          exercise of Class B warrants held by Mr. Lacourciere, which warrants
          are currently exercisable and will expire on December 8, 1997 and
          December 8, 1999, respectively, and (iv) 10,000 shares issuable upon
          the exercise of currently exercisable stock options held by Mr.
          Lacourciere.  Does not include 38,889 shares held by the ESOP with
          respect to which Mr. Lacourciere, as co-trustee, has shared voting
          and investment power.

     (3)  Includes (i) 14,844 shares issuable upon the exercise of currently
          exercisable warrants held by Mr. Needham, which warrants will expire
          on December 31, 1997, and (ii) 10,744 shares issuable upon the
          exercise of currently exercisable warrants held by Mr. Needham, which
          warrants will expire on March 10, 1999.

     (4)  Includes 10,000 shares issuable upon the exercise of currently
          exercisable warrants held by Mr. Paulson, which warrants will expire
          on November 30, 2002.

     (5)  Includes (i) 2,519 shares held for the account of Mr. Vincent under
          the ESOP, (ii) 200 shares issuable upon the exercise of Class A
          warrants and 200 shares issuable upon the exercise of Class B
          warrants held by Mr. Vincent, which warrants are currently
          exercisable and will expire on December 8, 1997 and December 8, 1999,
          respectively, and (iii) 48,334 shares issuable upon the exercise of
          currently exercisable stock options held by Mr. Vincent.  Does not
          include 38,889 shares held by the ESOP with respect to which Mr.
          Vincent, as co-trustee, has shared voting and investment power.

     (6)  Includes (i) 985 shares held for the account of Leslie E. Mace, Vice
          President Engineering of the Company, under the ESOP, (ii) 24,535
          shares issuable upon the exercise of currently exercisable warrants
          held by Mr. Mace, which warrants will expire on March 22, 2000, and
          (iii) 5,333 shares issuable upon the exercise of currently
          exercisable stock options held by Mr. Mace.

     (e)  To the best of the knowledge of the 13D Shareholders Group, there
          have been no changes in control of Novametrix since the beginning of
          the last fiscal year.

Nominees for Election of Directors

Dr. Vartan Ghugasian

     Dr. Ghugasian is 51 years old.  Dr. Ghugasian has been a practicing
     dentist in Massachusetts since 1972.  Dr. Ghugasian has enjoyed a number
     of academic appointments.  These include his present position as an
     Associate in Prosthetic Dentistry, Harvard School of Dental Medicine,
     which he has held since 1980.  Dr. Ghugasian is a director of the
     Karagheusian Commemorative Corporation of New York City.  Dr. Ghugasian is
     a member of the 13D Shareholders Group and owns 13,500 shares of the
     common stock of the Corporation as well as 44,000 shares with Takuhe
     Ghugasian.  As a member of the Shareholders Group, he supports adoption of
     the shareholder proposal described in the following pages.  Dr. Ghugasian 
     has had no business relationship with Novametrix and has no family or
     business relationship with any existing directors or management.

Paul A. Cote, Esq.

     Paul Cote is 66 years old.  Mr. Cote has been a practicing lawyer in Maine
     since 1955 and is the President and Director of his law firm, Cote, Cote &
     Hamann. Mr. Cote is a member of the bar of several courts in the United
     States, including the U.S. Supreme Court.  Mr. Cote is a former judge. 
     Mr. Cote is a graduate of Boston University Law School.  Mr. Cote was a
     member of the Board of Directors of Secor Federal Savings & Loan,
     Birmingham, Alabama, in 1992 and 1993, a bank with assets of $2 billion
     and which was listed on NASDAQ.  Mr. Cote was also a member of the
     following Boards:  Advisory Boards of Fleet Bank (1990-1992); Northeast
     Bankshares Association (later became Norstar and then Fleet) (1975-1989);
     and Auburn-Lewiston United Way (later to become Auburn-Lewiston United
     Fund) (1957-1967).  Mr. Cote, individually and with his wife Joan, owns
     71,120 shares of the Corporation and 51,680 warrants, which accounts for
     2.0% of the Corporation.  Mr. Cote is a member of the 13D Shareholders
     Group and advocates the acceptance of the shareholder proposal described
     in the following pages.  Mr. Cote has had no business relationship with
     Novametrix and has no family or business relationship with any existing
     directors or management.

John Orestis, Esq.

     John Orestis is 53 years old.  Mr. Orestis is President of North Country
     Associates, Inc., the operator of nine long-term health care facilities. 
     Mr. Orestis is a graduate of American University, having been a partner at
     the law firm of Skelton, Taintor, Abbott & Orestis from 1968 to 1987.  Mr.
     Orestis is a member of the bar of several courts in the United States,
     including the U.S. Supreme Court.  Mr. Orestis was also Mayor of the City
     of Lewiston, Maine from 1973 to 1975.  Mr. Orestis was also a member of
     the following boards:  L/A Arts, Director (1992-1994); Lewiston/Auburn
     College of the University of Maine Board of Advisors (1991-1995); Maine
     Health Care Association (1987-1989, 1993-present); Maine Development
     Foundation (1993-present); Maine Economic Growth Council (1993);
     Leadership Maine, Advisory Board (1994-present), Chair (1995); White House
     Conference on Aging, Presidential Delegate (1995) and State of Maine
     Productivity Realization Task Force (1995-present).  Mr. Orestis owns
     74,500 shares of the Corporation and 69,460 warrants, which accounts for
     2.3% of the Corporation.  Mr. Orestis is a member of the 13D Shareholders
     Group and advocates the acceptance of the shareholder proposal described
     in the following pages.  Mr. Orestis has had no business relationship with
     Novametrix and has no family or business relationship with any existing
     directors or management.

Compensation Of Directors And Executive Officers

     Novametrix has not provided any compensation to any nominees of the Paul
     Cote Schedule 13D Shareholders Group.
Other Matters To Be Acted Upon

     The 13D Shareholders Group will submit for vote at the annual meeting the
     shareholders proposal listed below.  The 13D Shareholders Group seeks your
     proxy to vote in favor of the proposal.  The supporting statement for the
     proposal is described below.


     The Shareholders urge the Board of Directors of the Company to take steps
     necessary to initiate a program the objective of which is to maximize
     shareholder values.  Such program should require, as a first step, that
     the directors engage the services of a qualified investment banker to
     evaluate whether the current market quotations accurately reflect the true
     value of the company and to propose a course of action based upon its
     findings.  If the proposal is approved by the shareholders and acted upon
     by the directors, the directors should report the status of the program in
     the next quarterly report to shareholders or by an equivalent timely

                     Statement in Support of Proposal

     Although the company's normal business activities appear to be conducted
     efficiently from the standpoint of operations, there does not appear to be
     any direct management concern with respect to maximizing the investment
     value of the company's shareholders.  The company's stock market price has
     gyrated widely over the past few years and it is clear that market
     quotations cannot be relied upon as a true indicator of shareholder
     values.  It would appear that a more accurate appraisal of the company's
     strengths, weaknesses and potential by a qualified investment banking
     house would provide invaluable information both to the management and the
     company's shareholders in planning the company's future course and
     direction.  Although the company clearly knows its competition, a study
     such as requested would sharply delineate the company's relative value
     position in the medical instrument field as a whole.  Such information
     would provide management and the shareholders with a much broader and,
     strategically, more valuable planning tool, than simple price and product
     comparisons of its competition.  The ultimate value of the company and its
     true position in the market place has never been clearly studied.  The
     stock market is obviously an imperfect guide and a study such as requested
     would fill this void.