John C. Allen, Sr.                                     Donn Gifford
Lillian I. Allen                                       Linda Gifford
Roland R. Batson                                       Ginette Gladu
Richard Boulet                                         Robert R. Gladu
Joan P. Cote                                           Andrew Gross
Paul A. Cote                                           Dana Gross
Normand F. Doyon                                       John F. Gross
Pauline G. Doyon                                       Susan T. Gross
Sandra Dunham                                          Diane James
Thomas B. Dunham                                       Richard James
Adrienne R. Emmi                                       William Lagerson
Anthony N. Emmi                                        Pierre Levesque
Armen Ghugasian                                        Edgar Morin
Takuhe Ghugasian                                       John Orestis
Vartan Ghugasian                                       Raymond E. Robichaud
                              October 23, 1996

Dear Fellow Shareholders:

     We want to thank you for the tremendous support that you have shown for
the 13-D group and its efforts.

     With your help, we hope to translate your wonderful endorsement into
concrete results at the upcoming shareholder meeting.

     Here's the reason why we're writing you again.

     We understand the shareholder meeting is scheduled for November 25 and
management's proxy material will be mailed out very shortly.  You will probably
be getting a very bulky package consisting of the Andros merger documents,
management's position urging you to vote for the deal and management's
proxy card.

     Please read this material carefully.  It may be complex and difficult to
follow but it's very important to you and your investment in this company. 
This document contains the future of your company.  Unfortunately we can't
comment on it yet because we do not have all the basic information, such as the
current financial information regarding Andros, even though we made a written
request for this information from management back on July 31, 1996.

           But most important:  DO NOT SIGN AND SEND BACK

     As soon as we have fully reviewed the merger material, we will get back to
you promptly with our analysis and our proxy materials.  We promise you that we
will look at it impartially and solely from the standpoint of shareholder
values and the Company's future.<F1>

  <F1>Each of the individuals listed is a shareholder of Novametrix Medical
Systems, Inc. and is a member of the Novametrix 13D Shareholders Group. 
Collectively, we own in the aggregate, including currently exercisable
warrants, approximately 12.4% of the common stock of Novametrix.  None of us
are members of management of the Company or have any business relationship with