EXHIBIT 10.5 ANNUAL REVIEW AND ACTUARIAL VALUATION THE BANK OF GLEN BURNIE PENSION PLAN as of January 1, 1996 TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION AND HIGHLIGHTS PAGE COVER LETTER..........................................................1-2 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY.....................................................3-4 ASSET INFORMATION INVESTMENT FUND STATEMENT AND SUMMARY OF ASSETS................................................... 5-6 VALUATION RESULTS CALCULATION OF THE UNFUNDED ACTUARIAL LIABILITY AND NORMAL COST.............................. 7 SCHEDULE OF REQUIRED AMORTIZATIONS FOR FUNDING STANDARD ACCOUNT......................................... 8 SCHEDULE OF 10 YEAR AMORTIZATION BASES.............................. 9 CALCULATION OF THE FULL FUNDING LIMITATION.......................... 10-11 DEVELOPMENT OF THE CONTRIBUTION RANGE FOR FUNDING PURPOSES............................................. 12 DEVELOPMENT OF QUARTERLY CONTRIBUTION............................... 13 FUNDING STANDARD ACCOUNT............................................ 14 ACCOUNTING INFORMATION INFORMATION REQUIRED UNDER FASB #35................................. 15 INFORMATION REQUIRED UNDER FASB #87................................. 16-17 BASIS OF VALUATION ACTUARIAL BASIS..................................................... 18-19 SUMMARY OF PLAN PROVISIONS.......................................... 20-25 SUMMARY OF EMPLOYEE DATA............................................ February 29, 1996 Retirement Plan Committee The Bank of Glen Burnie P.O. Box 70 Glen Burnie, Maryland 21060-0070 Re: The Bank of Glen Burnie Pension Plan - Annual Review and Actuarial Valuation Dear Committee Members: This report presents the results of the annual review and actuarial valuation of The Bank of Glen Burnie Pension Plan prepared for the 1996 Plan Year and sets forth the contribution required for the plan year ending December 31, 1996. The valuation was performed on the basis of employee census data submitted by The Bank of Glen Burnie and upon investment fund data submitted by the Trustee, First National Bank of Maryland. Turner Pension Consultants, LLC has been retained by The Bank of Glen Burnie to perform this valuation on behalf of plan participants. The report has been prepared in accordance with generally accepted actuarial principles and practices. The actuarial assumptions that have been used are reasonably related to the experience of the plan and to reasonable expectations and represent the enrolled actuary's best estimate of anticipated experience under the plan. This report reflects the following: - The minimum funding requirement for 1996 increased from $113,263 (4.7% of prior year's compensation) to $120,824 (4.6% of prior year's compensation). - No quarterly contributions are required for the 1996 plan year. - The maximum deductible contribution for fiscal year ending December 31, 1996 is $233,910 (8.9% of prior year's compensation) compared to $223,043 (9.2% of prior year's compensation) for the previous year. To be deductible, the contribution must be deposited prior to the due date of the Bank's federal tax return. - As was the case in the past, the Bank of Glen Burnie Pension Plan is not "top-heavy" for plan year beginning January 1, 1996. 1 - On September 18, 1995, the Bank of Glen Burnie purchased a branch of First Union Bank. The employees of this branch (Eberhardt, Fitzpatrick, Knopp, Sutton and Youngbar) have received credit for benefit accrual from September 18, 1995. They have received eligibility and vesting credit from their date of hire with First Union. After you have had an opportunity to review this report, please call if you have any questions or wish to review and discuss the valuation. Respectfully Submitted, TURNER PENSION CONSULTANTS, LLC Deborah G. Turner Director Pension Consulting Services Richard M. Skidmore Senior Plan Administrator 2 THE BANK OF GLEN BURNIE PENSION PLAN EXECUTIVE SUMMARY January 1, 1995 January 1, 1996 % Change --------------- --------------- -------- Participant Information Number of Participants: Active 102 112 Retired 15 16 Terminated Vested 13 10 --- --- Total 130 138 6.2% Annual Compensation of Active Participants (Prior Year) 2,411,791 2,617,791 8.5% Average Annual Compensation of Active Participants (Prior Year) 23,645 23,373 (1.2%) Asset Information Market Value 2,767,215 3,399,653 22.9% Actuarial Asset Value 2,810,109 3,271,643 16.4% Cost Value 2,853,002 3,143,634 10.2% Funding Information Normal Cost 173,634 183,696 5.8% Funding Standard Account Credit Balance 107,196 110,257 2.9% Contribution Range for Payment at the End of the Plan Year: Maximum Deductible Deposit 223,043 233,910 4.9% As a % of Proper Year's Compensation 9.2% 8.9% Minimum Funding Requirement 113,263 120,824 6.7% As a % of Proper Year's Compensation 4.7% 4.6% Accounting Information 3 THE BANK OF GLEN BURNIE PENSION PLAN EXECUTIVE SUMMARY (continued) January 1, 1995 January 1, 1996 % Change --------------- --------------- -------- Accounting Information FASB #35 Value of Accumulated Plan Benefits: Vested 2,167,522 2,364,935 9.1% Non-Vested 54,938 68,766 25.2% Total 2,222,460 2,433,701 9.5% Interest Rate 8.0% 8.0% FASB #87 Pension Expense 222,281 225,728 1.6% Fiscal Year Ending 12/31/95 12/31/96 Discount Rate 8.5% 8.5% Long Term Rate 8.5% 8.5% 4 THE BANK OF GLEN BURNIE PENSION PLAN INVESTMENT FUND STATEMENT AS OF DECEMBER 31, 1995 Market Value of Fund as of January 1, 1995 $2,767,214.90* Receipts Employer Contribution for 1995 Plan $223,043.00 Year Reimbursement of Trustees Fees 0.00 Rebate of Investment Advisory Fee 15,251.00 Interest and Dividends 219,142.87 Realized Gain/(Loss) 7,477.57 Unrealized Gain/(Loss) 341,806.86 Receipts from MONY 2,461.68 -------- Total Receipts $809,182.98 Benefit Payments (including Federal $170,653.30 tax withheld) Trustee Fees 6,091.38 -------- Total Disbursement $176,744.68 Excess of Receipts over $ 632,438.30 Disbursements Market Value of Fund as of $3,399,653.20* December 31, 1995 * Asset value non-inclusive of Mutual Of New York contract value. 5 THE BANK OF GLEN BURNIE PENSION PLAN SUMMARY OF ASSETS AS OF DECEMBER 31, 1995 Cost Value Market Value ---------- ------------ Cash Equivalents $ 97,918.75 3.11%$ 97,918.75 2.88% Accrued Income 26,557.57 0.84% 26,557.57 0.78% Contribution Receivable 0.00 0.00% 0.00 0.00% Equity Investments 2,836,679.72 90.24% 3,074,018.96 90.42% Fixed Income Investments 182,477.57 5.81% 201,157.92 5.92% ------------- ------------- Total Assets $3,143,633.61 100.00% $3,399,653.20 100.00% ------------- ------------- Actuarial Value of Assets (Average of Costs and Market Values) $3,271.643 ---------- Asset value non-inclusive of MONY contract value. 6 THE BANK OF GLEN BURNIE PENSION PLAN CALCULATION OF THE UNFUNDED ACTUARIAL LIABILITY AS OF JANUARY 1, 1996 (1) Unfunded Actuarial Liability as of 01/01/95 $179,750 (2) Plus: Normal Cost 173,634 (3) Plus: Interest on (1) and (2) at 8% 28,269 (4) Less: Contributions Paid or Accrued 223,043 (5) Less: Interest on Contributions Paid 477 ------- (6) Unfunded Actuarial Liability as of 01/01/96 158,133 CALCULATION OF THE NORMAL COST AS OF JANUARY 1, 1996 (1) Actuarial Present Value of Future Benefits: $5,431,333 (2) Less: Actuarial Value of Assets 3,271,643 (3) Less: Unfunded Actuarial Liability 158,133 (4) Actuarial Present Value of Future Normal Costs 2,001,557 [(1) - (2) - (3)] (5) Actuarial Present Value of Future Compensation 31,401,300 (6) Normal Cost Accrual Rate [(4)/(5)] (% of Projected Annual Compensation) 6.37% (7) Projected Annual Compensation of Active Participants 2,883,769 ---------- (8) Normal Cost [(6) x (7)] $ 183,696 7 THE BANK OF GLEN BURNIE PENSION PLAN SCHEDULE OF REQUIRED AMORTIZATIONS FOR FUNDING STANDARD ACCOUNT AS OF JANUARY 1, 1996 Plan Year Date Payment Last Initial Scheduled Years Charges Established Period Payment Amount Balance Remaining Payment - ------- ----------- ------ ------- ------ ------- --------- ------- Initial Unfunded Accrued Liability 01/01/77 30 2006 $111,232 $ 68,903 11 $ 8,937 Change in Actuarial Assumptions and Plan Amendment 01/01/84 30 2013 9,057 7,579 18 749 Plan Amendment 01/01/85 30 2014 3,487 2,994 19 288 Plan Amendment 01/01/88 30 2117 45,369 41,285 22 3,748 Change in Actuarial Assumptions 01/01/88 10 1997 16,318 4,375 2 2,273 Plan Amendment 01/01/89 30 2018 3,259 3,015 23 269 Plan Amendment 01/01/91 30 2020 94,061 89,330 25 7,749 Plan Amendment 01/01/93 30 2021 383 370 26 31 Change in Actuarial Assumptions 01/01/93 10 2002 139,094 107,922 7 19,194 -------- -------- ---- -------- Total Charges $422,260 $325,773 $ 43,238 ======== ======== ======== Credits Plan Amendment 01/01/94 30 2023 $ 58,391 $ 57,318 28 $ 4,803 -------- -------- -------- Total Credits $ 58,391 $ 57,318 $ 4,803 ======== ======== ======== Net Amortization Payment on January 1, 1996 $ 38,435 ======== 8 THE BANK OF GLEN BURNIE PENSION PLAN 10-YEAR AMORTIZATION BASES FOR THE TAXABLE YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31, 1996 Date Initial Prior 01/01/96 Limited Charges Established Amount Payment Balance Adjustment - ------- ----------- ------ ------- ------- ---------- Change in Actuarial Assumptions and Plan Amendment 01/01/84 $ 9,057 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 Plan Amendment 01/01/85 3,487 0 0 0 Plan Amendment 01/01/88 45,369 6,913 16,805 6,316 Change in Actuarial Assumptions 01/01/88 16,318 2,455 6,130 2,243 Plan Amendment 01/01/89 3,259 483 1,553 441 Plan Amendment 01/01/91 94,061 13,898 64,138 12,698 Plan Amendment 01/01/92 383 57 297 52 Change in Actuarial Assumptions 01/01/93 139,094 21,008 119,100 19,194 -------- -------- -------- -------- Total Charges $311,028 $ 44,814 $208,023 $ 40,944 ======== ======== ======== ======== Credits Plan Amendment 01/01/94 $ 58,391 $ 8,819 $ 49,890 $ 8,057 -------- -------- -------- -------- Total Credits $ 58,391 $ 8,819 $ 49,890 $ 8,057 ======== ======== ======== ======== Net Amortization Payment on January 1 $ 35,995 $158,133 $ 32,887 Interest to December 31 $ 2,631 Net Amortization Payment on December 31 $ 35,518 9 THE BANK OF GLEN BURNIE PENSION PLAN CALCULATION OF THE FULL FUNDING LIMITATION FOR THE PLAN YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31, 1996 The maximum deductible contribution permitted under a defined benefit plan is subject to two special "full funding limitation" tests which measure the funded status of the plan. The first test limits the deductible contribution to an amount needed to fully fund the expected accrued liability by the end of the year. The accrued liability projected to the end of the year is a function of the actuarial cost method being used to determine plan contributions and is computed using the valuation interest rate of 8%. It will usually exceed the true liability for benefits accrued under the plan since it reflects any pre-funding of benefits which the actuarial cost method may generate. One such example of pre-funding is the recognition of expected future salary increases in determining current contribution levels. The application of this test is as follows: (1) Actuarial Accrued Liability as of 1/1/96 $3,424,053 (2) Entry Age Normal Cost for 1996 219,684 (3) Interest on (1) and (2) at 8% 291,499 (4) Expected Pension Payments during 1996 132,800 (5) Interest on (4) at 8% 5,755 -------- (6) Expected Accrued Liability on 12/31/96 3,796,861 (1)+(2)+(3)-(4)-(5) (7) Lesser of Actuarial Asset Value or Market Value of Assets as of 1/1/96 3,271,643 (8) Expected Earnings from (7) at 8% 261,731 (9) Expected Distributions during 1996 132,800 (10) Expected Earnings on (9) at 8% 5,755 (11) Expected Assets on 12/31/96 (7)+(8)-(9)-(10) 3,394,819 (12) Full Funding Limitation (6)-(11) $ 402,042 10 THE BANK OF GLEN BURNIE PENSION PLAN CALCULATION OF THE FULL FUNDING LIMITATION FOR THE PLAN YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31, 1996 (continued) The second test limits the deductible contribution to an amount needed to increase plan assets to 150% of the "current liability". The "current liability" is the actual value of benefits accumulated as of the valuation date. The interest rate used to compute the "current liability" must also fall within an allowable range which is based on a weighted average of the rates of interest on 30 year Treasury securities over the preceding four years. The rate selected for the current year was 7.5 %. This test is shown below: (13) Current Liability as of 1/1/96 (including benefits accruing during year) $2,803,455 (14) Interest on (13) at 7.5% 210,259 (15) Expected Pension Payments during 1996 132,800 (16) Interest on (15) at 7.5% 5,395 (17) Expected Current Liability on 12/31/96 (13)+(14)-(15)-(16) $2,875,519 (18) 150% Expected Current Liability 4,313,279 (19) Expected Assets on 12/31/96 from (11) 3,394,819 (20) 150% Full Funding Limitation (18)-(19) $918,460 The combined result of these two tests is as follows: (21) Full Funding Limitation as of 12/31/96 Lesser of (12) or (20) $402,042 11 THE BANK OF GLEN BURNIE PENSION PLAN DEVELOPMENT OF THE CONTRIBUTION RANGE FOR FUNDING PURPOSES Minimum Funding Requirement for the Plan Year Beginning January 1, 1996 (a) Normal Cost $ 183,696 (b) Net Amortization Charges to the Funding Standard Account 38,435 (c) Funding Standard Account Credit Balance 110,257 (d) Full Funding Limitation 402,042 (e) Minimum Required Contribution Payable at the End of the Plan Year = [(a)+(b)-(c)] x 1.08, not to exceed (d) 120,824 Maximum Deductible Contribution for the Employer Fiscal Year Ending December 31, 1996 (a) Normal Cost $ 183,696 (b) Net Amortization Charges for Maximum Deduction Purposes with Interest to the end of the Fiscal Year 35,518 (c) Interest on Normal Cost to the end of the Fiscal Year (a) x 8% 14,696 (d) Maximum Amortization Contribution = (a)+(b)+(c) 233,910 (e) Full Funding Limitation 402,042 (f) Minimum Required Contribution Payable at the End of the Plan Year 120,824 (g) Maximum Deductible Contribution = lesser of (d) or (e), but not less than (f) 233,910 12 THE BANK OF GLEN BURNIE PENSION PLAN DEVELOPMENT OF QUARTERLY CONTRIBUTION REQUIREMENT (a) Current Liability as of 1/1/95 $2,371,131 (b) Actuarial Value of Assets as of 1/1/95 2,810,109 (c) Funded Current Liability Percentage as of 1/1/95 (b)/(a) 119% Since (c) is at least 100%, no quarterly contributions are required for 1996. 13 THE BANK OF GLEN BURNIE PENSION PLAN FUNDING STANDARD ACCOUNT FOR THE PLAN YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1995 ERISA requires that each defined benefit pension plan meet or exceed certain minimum funding standards in order to enhance the security of each employee's benefits. The device by which it is determined whether the standards are met is the "funding standard account". Any excess of credits over charges is a credit balance which is carried forward and may be used to reduce future funding requirements. Any excess of charges over credits is a funding deficiency which is subject to the excise tax penalties prescribed by ERISA. The operation of the funding standard account for the plan year ended December 31, 1995 is shown below: Charges Prior Year Funding Deficiency $ 0 Normal Cost 173,634 Amortization Charges (Balance beginning of year $344,881) 43,238 Interest 17,350 Interest on Late Quarterly Contributions 0 -------- Total Charges $234,222 Credits Prior Year Credit Balance 107,196 Employer Contribution 223,043 Amortization Credits (Balance beginning of year $57,875) 4,803 Interest 9,437 ------- Total Credits $344,479 Credit Balance $110,257 14 INFORMATION REQUIRED UNDER FASB #35 ACCOUNTING AND REPORTING FOR DEFINED BENEFIT PLANS 1. The most recent valuation was performed as of January 1, 1996. 2. The actuarial present value of accumulated plan benefits as of 12/31/95 is shown below: Vested Benefits Participants currently receiving payments $1,180,021 Other participants 1,184,914 Total vested benefits 2,364,935 Nonvested Benefits 68,766 ---------- Total actuarial present value of accumulated plan benefits $2,433,701 3. The plan had net assets available for benefits as of 12/31/95 (excluding MONY contracts) of $3,399,653. 4. An interest rate of 8% was used to determine the actuarial present value of accumulated plan benefits as of December 31, 1994 and December 31, 1995. 5. Changes in the actuarial present value of accumulated plan benefits during the past year are shown below: Actuarial present value of accumulated plan benefits as of 12/31/94 $2,222,460 Increase/(decrease) during the year attributable to: Benefits accumulated (including gains and losses) $ 208,925 Interest 170,508 Benefits paid (168,192) Net increase/(decrease) 211,241 ---------- Actuarial present value of accumulated plan benefits as of 12/31/95 $2,433,701 15 INFORMATION REQUIRED UNDER FASB #87 EMPLOYERS' ACCOUNTING FOR PENSION PLANS 1. The pension expense for employer fiscal year ending December 31, 1996 is as follows: Service Cost $208,566 Interest Cost 286,590 Expected return on assets (282,856) Net amortization and deferral 13,428 ------- Net periodic pension cost $225,728 Note: The net periodic pension cost shown above may change if a significant event occurs prior to the end of the period, such as a plan amendment, which would require an additional measurement. 2. The components of the net amortization and deferral charge are as follows: Amortization of unrecognized net obligation/ (asset) at transition $(12,169) Amortization of unrecognized prior service cost 25,597 Amortization of unrecognized net (gain)/loss 0 -------- Net amortization and deferral $13,428 3. A reconciliation of the Plan's funded position is as follows: 12/31/95 1/1/96 -------- ------ Actuarial present value of benefit obligations: Vested benefit obligation $2,183,088 $2,222,897 ---------- ---------- Accumulated benefit obligation 2,246,454 2,286,079 ---------- ---------- Projected benefit obligation 3,365,078 3,443,582 Plan assets at fair value 3,399,653 3,399,653 ---------- ---------- Projected benefit obligation (in excess of) or lesser than Plan assets 34,575 (43,929) Unrecognized net (gain) or loss (6,440) 72,064 Unrecognized prior service cost 199,924 199,924 Unrecognized net obligation or (asset) (73,012) (73,012) at transition ------ ------ Prepaid or (accrued) pension cost $155,047 $155,047 ------- ------- 16 INFORMATION REQUIRED UNDER FASB #87 EMPLOYERS' ACCOUNTING FOR PENSION PLANS (continued) 4. The significant assumptions used to determine the net pension expense for the current period are as follows: Discount Rate 8.5% Long Term Rate 8.5% Salary Growth Rate 6.5% 5. The initial obligation or (asset) at transition is being amortized over a period of 13 years from January 1, 1989 which represents the average future service of employees expected to receive benefits under the plan computed as of that date. 6. Unrecognized (gains) or losses which exceed 10% of the greater of plan assets at fair value or the projected benefit obligation are amortized over the average future service of employees expected to receive benefits under the plan computed as of the applicable measurement date. 7. The unrecognized prior service cost arising January 1, 1991 is being amortized over 12.810683 years. This is the average future years of service for employees expected to receive benefits as of that date. 8. The measurement date used to determine pension expense and disclosure information is December 31. 17 THE BANK OF GLEN BURNIE PENSION PLAN ACTUARIAL BASIS Valuation of Liabilities A. Description of Actuarial Cost Method This valuation was performed using the frozen entry age actuarial cost method (frozen initial liability method). Under this method, the contribution equals the sum of the amount necessary to amortize the frozen actuarial liabilities over a period of years and the normal cost of the plan. The frozen actuarial liability as of January 1, 1977 was equal to the actuarial accrued liability on that date as determined under the entry age normal actuarial cost method. Additional liability bases were created since then due to changes in assumptions and plan amendments. In the absence of any further changes in plan benefits or actuarial assumptions, these frozen actuarial liabilities will remain unchanged in future valuations. However in the future, as contributions are made to amortize the frozen actuarial liabilities, the unfunded frozen actuarial liabilities will decrease until they reach zero. The normal cost is calculated in the aggregate (i.e. the actuarial present values of projected benefits and future compensation are totaled for all participants before the normal cost is calculated). The normal cost accrual rate for the current group of participants should remain approximately level from year to year. Changes in the characteristics of the group due to new entrants, differences between actuarial assumptions and actual experience, changes in actuarial assumptions, and changes in plan provisions will lead to changes in the normal cost accrual rate. B. Actuarial Assumptions Interest For Funding Purposes 8% compounded annually. The current liability used to determine the full funding limitation was based on a 7.5% rate. For Purposes of FASB #35 8% compounded annually. For Purposes of FASB #87 8.5% discount rate 8.5% long term rate 18 THE BANK OF GLEN BURNIE PENSION PLAN Salary Increases 6.5% per year. The ratio of a participant's salary at normal retirement date to his salary at selected ages is as follows: Age 25 40 55 Ratio 12.42 4.83 1.88 Social Security Projected in accordance with the escalator provisions of the 1977 Social Security Amendments: Wage Base and Earnings Indexing Increment 5.50% Consumer Price Index Incremen 4.50% Mortality 1983 Group Annuity Mortality Table. Withdrawal Table T-5 of the Actuary's Pension Handbook with a 5-year setback for female rate; representative rates are: Age 25 40 55 Male 7.72% 5.15% .94% Female 7.94% 6.28% 2.56% Retirement Age All participants are assumed to retire on their normal retirement date. New Entrants None assumed. Excluded Employees No participants are excluded from the valuation. Rehire of Terminated Employees No rehire of terminated employees assumed. Expenses Plan administrative expenses are assumed to be paid by the employer outside the trust. Asset Valuation Average of cost and market values. In no event will the actuarial value of assets be less than 80% nor more than 120% of market value. The assumptions have not changed since the previous valuation. 19 THE BANK OF GLEN BURNIE PENSION PLAN SUMMARY OF PLAN PROVISIONS GENERAL TYPE OF PLAN Defined Benefit Pension Plan PLAN SPONSOR The Bank of Glen Burnie PLAN ADMINISTRATOR Retirement Plan Committee TRUSTEE First National Bank of MD. IDENTIFICATION NUMBERS EMPLOYER 52-0575023 ADMINISTRATOR 52-1078472 TRUST 52-0057503 PLAN 001 EFFECTIVE DATE OF PLAN October 15, 1959. EFFECTIVE DATE OF MOST RECENT AMENDMENT January 1, 1994. ENTRY DATE January 1. VALUATION DATE January 1. PLAN YEAR January 1 through December 31. FISCAL YEAR December 31. 20 THE BANK OF GLEN BURNIE PENSION PLAN DEFINITIONS COMPENSATION Total compensation paid or accrued for the plan year exclusive of overtime or bonuses. Amounts in excess of $150,000 not considered for years prior to 1994. Beginning in 1995, the maximum compensation limit will increase by a cost-of-living adjustment. AVERAGE COMPENSATION Average of highest five consecutive years of compensation out of the last ten years. COVERED COMPENSATION The 35-year average of the Social Security Taxable Wage Bases ending with the year in which the participant reaches Social Security Normal Retirement Age. SOCIAL SECURITY NORMAL Year of Birth Age RETIREMENT AGE ------------- --- Prior to 1/1/38 65 1/1/38 - 12/31/54 66 On or after 1/1/55 67 YEAR OF SERVICE Plan year during which an employee completes at least 1,000 hours of service. ELIGIBILITY AND PARTICIPATION ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS Minimum age: 20-1/2; Maximum age: none; Service requirement: Six months; Must be nonunion. RE-HIRES Enter immediately if prior participant except if not vested and pre-break service is less than the length of break in which case, treated as new employee. If not prior participant, must meet eligibility requirements, for which purpose, pre-termination service counted. 21 THE BANK OF GLEN BURNIE PENSION PLAN FUNDING OF PLAN CONTRIBUTIONS Company contributions: Amount required to meet annual funding standards of IRS, as determined by plan actuary. Participant contributions: None required but allowed, up to 10% of annual compensation to all plans for all years in plan (subject to non-discrimination test for highly compensated employees). PLAN BENEFITS LOAN PROVISIONS None. ROLLOVER CONTRIBUTIONS Not Permitted. FORFEITURES Used to reduce employer contributions. NORMAL RETIREMENT Eligibility at termination of employment BENEFIT after age 65. Formula: 2% of average compensation plus .65% of average compensation in excess of covered compensation, all multiplied by years of service up to 20 years. Benefit computed as life annuity. Benefit reduced by MONY paid up annuity. 22 THE BANK OF GLEN BURNIE PENSION PLAN EARLY RETIREMENT BENEFITS Eligibility after participant completes ten years of service and reaches age 55. Formula: Normal retirement benefit computed using years of service and average compensation at termination of employment. Actuarial reduction for early payment. Benefit is reduced by 1/144th for each month during the first five years, and 1/288th for each month during the next five years, with actuarial reduction thereafter, for early payment. DEFERRED RETIREMENT Benefits deferred to actual BENEFITS retirement and increased for deferred payment beyond age 65. Increase for later payment equal to the greater of the benefit calculated at normal retirement date and actuarially increased to actual retirement, or benefit calculated at actual retirement date with continued credit for salary increases and service beyond age 65. DISABILITY BENEFITS Eligibility upon total and permanent disability. Commencement of benefits at cessation of long term disability benefits. Formula: Benefits computed in same manner as early retirement benefits. TERMINATION OF EMPLOYMENT BENEFITS Vesting Schedule: Percent Years of Service Vested ---------------- ------ Less than 5 years 0% 5 or more years 100% 23 THE BANK OF GLEN BURNIE PENSION PLAN TERMINATION OF Service prior to break in service is EMPLOYMENT BENEFITS (cont.) excluded where participant is re-employed after a break in service exceeding the length of prior service (but only where not vested). Benefit commencement date: Normal retirement date, unless the value of the benefit is less than $10,000 in which case, a lump sum is paid; however, participant approval required for deferral past age 55 if ten years of service completed at termination of employment. DEATH BENEFITS If death occurs after becoming vested, surviving spouse entitled to 50% of amount payable to participant under joint and 50% survivor option determined as of date of death. If death occurs after normal retirement date but before benefit commenced, surviving spouse or other named beneficiary entitled to full value of accrued benefit determined as of date of death. PAYMENT OF BENEFITS JOINT AND SURVIVOR BENEFITS Normal form of benefit unless participant elects otherwise. Benefit is the actuarial equivalent of the normal form of benefit (life only). Applies to all married participants at benefit commencement date. OTHER OPTIONS Range of options are available: lump sum (if value is under $10,000), installment payments, and annuity options. Benefit option payments based on UP84 at 8%. 24 THE BANK OF GLEN BURNIE PENSION PLAN TOP HEAVY PROVISIONS (Apply only if Plan becomes top-heavy) NORMAL RETIREMENT Minimum Benefit: 2% of compensation BENEFITS multiplied by top-heavy years of service to a maximum of 10 years. TERMINATION OF EMPLOYMENT Vesting Schedule: Percent Years of Service Vested ---------------- ------ Less than 2 years 0% 2 years 20% 3 years 40% 4 years 60% 5 years or more 100% 25