<ARTICLE> 5 <LEGEND> This Schedule contains summary financial information extracted from the Balance Sheets as of December 31, 1997 and 1996 and Statements of Income for the years ended December 31, 1997 and 1996 and is qualified in its entirety by reference to such financial statements. </LEGEND> <MULTIPLIER> 1,000 <PERIOD-TYPE> YEAR YEAR <FISCAL-YEAR-END> DEC-31-1997 DEC-31-1996 <PERIOD-START> JAN-01-1997 JAN-01-1996 <PERIOD-END> DEC-31-1997 DEC-31-1996 <CASH> 1,057 1,744 <SECURITIES> 0 0 <RECEIVABLES> 32,348 22,365 <ALLOWANCES> 1,643 1,783 <INVENTORY> 60,714 54,936 <CURRENT-ASSETS> 98,433 82,818 <PP&E> 75,409 60,505 <DEPRECIATION> 7,155 3,642 <TOTAL-ASSETS> 237,757 198,930 <CURRENT-LIABILITIES> 25,522 30,116 <BONDS> 0 0 <PREFERRED-MANDATORY> 0 0 <PREFERRED> 0 0 <COMMON> 341 341 <OTHER-SE> 85,608 46,202 <TOTAL-LIABILITY-AND-EQUITY> 237,757 198,930 <SALES> 0 0 <TOTAL-REVENUES> 275,644 225,229 <CGS> 0 0 <TOTAL-COSTS> 137,708 113,764 <OTHER-EXPENSES> 340 153 <LOSS-PROVISION> 0 0 <INTEREST-EXPENSE> 8,049 9,505 <INCOME-PRETAX> 64,685 40,799 <INCOME-TAX> 25,390 16,006 <INCOME-CONTINUING> 39,295 24,793 <DISCONTINUED> 0 0 <EXTRAORDINARY> 0 0 <CHANGES> 0 0 <NET-INCOME> 39,295 24,793 <EPS-PRIMARY> 1.15 .73 <EPS-DILUTED> 1.15 .73