Exhibit 12.1

                         ESI TRACTEBEL ACQUISITION CORP.
                Ratio of Earnings to Fixed Charges (In Thousands)

                            (In Thousands of Dollars)

                                                                            Partnerships Combined                NE LP Pro forma
                                                               --------------------------------------------  -----------------------
                                                                            Year Ended December 31,          Year Ended December 31,
                                                               --------------------------------------------  ----------------------
                                                               1993      1994       1995     1996      1997           1997
                                                               ----      ----       ----     ----      ----           ----
Earnings to Fixed Costs:

Pre-tax income from continuing operations                    (1,261)   (2,979)    26,857    9,924    36,673          (7,224)
         Fixed charges
                  Interest expense (debt and energy bank)    46,244    49,744     67,587   52,214    49,836          82,686
                  Amortization of debt issuance costs         2,599     2,333      2,305    2,373     2,163             605
                  1/3 Lease expense                             138       149        108      122       126             126
                                                             ------    ------     ------   ------    ------          ------
                           Total fixed charges               48,981    52,226     70,000   54,709    52,125          83,417

Total earnings                                               47,720    49,247     96,857   64,633    88,798          76,193

Earnings to Fixed Charge Ratio (1)                                -         -       1.38     1.18      1.70               -
                                                             ======    ======     ======   ======    ======         =======

(1)  The earnings for 1993, 1994 and pro forma 1997 were inadequate to cover
     fixed charges. The coverage deficiencies during 1993, 1994 and pro forma
     1997 are $1.261 million, $2.979 million and $7.224 million, respectively.