<ARTICLE> 5 <LEGEND> This Schedule contains summary financial information extracted from the Balance Sheets as of December 31, 1998 and 1997 and Statements of Income for the years ended December 31, 1998 and 1997 and is qualified in its entirety by reference to such financial statements. </LEGEND> <MULTIPLIER> 1,000 <PERIOD-TYPE> YEAR YEAR <FISCAL-YEAR-END> DEC-31-1998 DEC-31-1997 <PERIOD-START> JAN-01-1998 JAN-01-1997 <PERIOD-END> DEC-31-1998 DEC-31-1997 <CASH> 1,633 1,057 <SECURITIES> 0 0 <RECEIVABLES> 30,770 32,348 <ALLOWANCES> 1,490 1,643 <INVENTORY> 77,903 60,714 <CURRENT-ASSETS> 116,464 98,433 <PP&E> 83,790 75,409 <DEPRECIATION> 11,327 7,155 <TOTAL-ASSETS> 257,089 237,757 <CURRENT-LIABILITIES> 42,630 25,522 <BONDS> 0 0 <PREFERRED-MANDATORY> 0 0 <PREFERRED> 0 0 <COMMON> 341 341 <OTHER-SE> 114,222 85,608 <TOTAL-LIABILITY-AND-EQUITY> 257,089 237,757 <SALES> 0 0 <TOTAL-REVENUES> 266,998 275,644 <CGS> 0 0 <TOTAL-COSTS> 136,133 137,708 <OTHER-EXPENSES> 1,018 340 <LOSS-PROVISION> 0 0 <INTEREST-EXPENSE> 7,073 8,049 <INCOME-PRETAX> 51,651 64,685 <INCOME-TAX> 20,117 25,390 <INCOME-CONTINUING> 31,534 39,295 <DISCONTINUED> 0 0 <EXTRAORDINARY> 0 0 <CHANGES> 0 0 <NET-INCOME> 31,534 39,295 <EPS-PRIMARY> .93 1.15 <EPS-DILUTED> .93 1.15