THIS SERVICES AGREEMENT (the "Agreement") is made and entered into this
15th day of May, 2004, by and between CANCER THERAPEUTICS, INCORPORATED, a
Tennessee corporation ("CTI"), and Chene Gardner, an individual residing in
South Ogden, Utah ("CG"), collectively referred to hereinafter as the "Parties"
or individually as a "Party."

                                 R E C I T A L S

         CTI desires to engage CG, and CG desires to accept such engagement from
CTI, to perform various financial and accounting services in accordance with
generally accepted accounting principles (the "Services"), including, but not
limited to, preparing financial statements for the years 2002 and 2003,
forecasting and working with auditors for and on behalf of CTI.

         This Agreement contains the entire understandings between the Parties
concerning the subject matter hereof, and all other agreements, understandings
and documents are hereby merged into this Agreement and made a part hereof.

         NOW THEREFORE, In consideration of the foregoing premises and the
mutual covenants contained herein, the Parties hereto agree as follows:

                                A G R E E M E N T

     1. TERM.  This  Agreement  shall  commence on the Effective Date and may be
terminated by either Party at any time with thirty (30) days' written  notice to
the  other  Party of the  intent  to  terminate.  Upon the  termination  of this
Agreement,  all  obligations  of  the  Parties  shall  cease,  except  that  the
provisions  of this  Agreement  contained in Sections 8 and 9 shall  continue in


     2.1. During the term of this  Agreement,  CG agrees to provide the Services
as  requested  by CTI on a  continuous  basis and in  accordance  with  accepted
industry  practices and guidelines and all applicable  federal,  state and local
laws, rules and regulations.  CG also agrees to provide the Services pursuant to
the  guidelines  and  requirements  promulgated  by CTI  from  time to time  and
provided to CG by CTI.

     2.2.  During  the  term of this  Agreement,  CTI  understands,  agrees  and
acknowledges that by performing the Services for and on behalf of CTI, CG:

          (a) is not  providing  any  legal or tax  advice  to CTI or any  other

          (b) is acting as an  independent  contractor  to provide the Services,
     and  that  no  employment,   partnership,   joint  venture,   or  fiduciary
     relationship has been created by this Agreement;

          (c) is not  responsible  for advising CTI in respect of any applicable
     laws and regulations,  and CTI will undertake to obtain  appropriate advice
     in respect of all other laws and regulations which may be applicable in any
     relevant jurisdiction and promptly to communicate that advice to CG insofar
     as the same is relevant to the performance by CG of the Services; and

          (d) will not incur any  liability  to CTI in  respect of any breach of
     applicable  laws or  regulations  where CG has  acted in good  faith in the
     absence of or in accordance with such advice.



     3.1.  FEES.  In exchange for his Services  under this  Agreement,  CG shall
receive from CTI a  non-refundable  fee in the amount of Fifty Thousand  Dollars
and No Cents ($ 50,000.00), payable as of the Effective Date of this Agreement.

     3.2.  EXPENSES.   Unless  otherwise  specified  in  writing,  CG  shall  be
responsible  for all expenses  incurred  while  performing  services  under this
Agreement.  This includes license fees, memberships and dues; general automobile
and other travel expenses; meals and entertainment;  insurance premiums; and all
salary expenses and other  compensation paid to employees or contract  personnel
CG hires to complete the work under this  Agreement,  unless  approved by CTI in
advance.  Notwithstanding  the  above,  CTI will  reimburse  CG for  documented,
out-of-pocket  expenses incurred in connection with the Services performed by CG
under this Agreement.


     4.1.  Information.  CTI  will  provide  CG with  all  material  information
relevant in his  performance  of the  Services  under this  Agreement.  CTI will
ensure  that  information  so  supplied  is true and  accurate  in all  material
respects and is not misleading, whether by omission or otherwise.

     4.2.  Authorization.  CTI confirms and undertakes that it has all necessary
powers and has obtained or will obtain all  necessary  authorizations,  consents
and  approvals,  including  from the  board of  directors  of CTI,  validly  and
lawfully  required  to enter  into this  Agreement.  The  entering  into of this
Agreement does not violate the Bylaws of CTI or any other agreement.

     4.3. Accuracy.  In performing his services hereunder,  CG shall be entitled
to assume the accuracy and  completeness of all financial and other  information
that  may  be  furnished  to CG by CTI  and  CG  will  not  be  responsible  for
independently  verifying the accuracy and completeness of such information,  and
CTI will review all materials prepared by CG for factual accuracy.


     5.1.  Licenses and  Education.  CG shall be  responsible  for obtaining and
maintaining  his  professional  licenses,  and/or  certifications,  if any,  and
obtaining  any  continuing  education  or  certification  that is required or is
prudent to remain current and knowledgeable in his field.

     5.2.  Federal  and  State  Taxes.  CG shall pay all  taxes  incurred  while
performing the Services under this  Agreement,  including all applicable  income
taxes and self-employment (social security) taxes. Upon demand, CG shall provide
CTI with proof that such payments have been made.

     5.3. No Conflicts.  CG hereby represents that, to the best of his knowledge
and belief, the performance by CG of all of the terms of this Agreement and work
as an  independent  contractor  for CTI does  not  breach  any  oral or  written
agreement which CG has made prior to the Effective Date of this Agreement.

     6. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR STATUS. CG is an independent  contractor,  not an
employee of CTI. Any employee or contract  personnel  employed or hired by CG to
complete  the work under this  Agreement  are not  employees  of CTI. CG and CTI
agree to the  following  terms and  conditions  consistent  with an  independent
contractor relationship:

     6.1.  This  Agreement  is  non-exclusive,  and CG has the right to  perform
services for others  during the term of this  Agreement,  provided such services
are  not in  conflict  with  the  Services  to be  performed  by CG  under  this

     6.2.  CG has the sole  right to control  and  direct the means,  manner and
method by which the Services will be performed;


     6.3.  CG has the right to perform the  Services  at any place,  location or

     6.4.  CG will  furnish  all  equipment  and  materials  used to provide the

     6.5.  CG has the  right to hire  assistants  as  subcontractors,  or to use
employees to provide the Services, without the approval of CTI;

     6.6. Neither CG nor any employee or contract personnel employed or hired by
CG shall  receive any training  from CTI in the skills  necessary to perform the
Services; and

     6.7.  CTI  shall not  require  CG or any  employee  or  contract  personnel
employed or hired by CG to devote full time to performing the Services.


     7.1. Fringe  Benefits.  CG understands  that neither CG nor any employee or
contract  personnel  employed or hired by CG are eligible to  participate in any
employee pension, health, vacation pay, sick pay or other fringe benefit plan of

     7.2.  Workers'  Compensation.  CTI shall not obtain  workers'  compensation
insurance on behalf of CG or any employee or  contracted  personnel  employed or
hired by CG. If CG hires  employees to perform any Service under this Agreement,
CG will cover them with workers'  compensation  insurance and provide CTI with a
certificate of workers'  compensation  insurance  before the employees begin the

     7.3.  Unemployment  Compensation.  CTI  shall  make  no  state  or  federal
unemployment  compensation  payments  on behalf of CG any  employee  or contract
personnel  employed or hired by CG. CG will not be entitled to these benefits in
connection with the Services performed under this Agreement.

     7.4.  Insurance.  CTI shall not provide any insurance  coverage of any kind
for CG or any employee or contract personnel employed or hired by CG.

     8. CONFIDENTIAL  INFORMATION.  CG acknowledges that during the term of this
Agreement, CG will develop, discover, have access to, and become acquainted with
technical,  financial,  marketing,  personnel, and other information relating to
the present or contemplated  products or the conduct of business of CTI which is
of a confidential and proprietary  nature (the "Confidential  Information").  CG
agrees  that  all  files,  records,  documents,  and the like  relating  to such
Confidential  Information,  whether prepared by him or otherwise coming into his
possession,  shall remain the exclusive property of CTI, and CG hereby agrees to
promptly disclose such  Confidential  Information to CTI upon request and hereby
assigns to CTI any rights which CG may acquire in any Confidential  Information.
CG further agrees not to disclose or use any Confidential Information and to use
his  best  efforts  to  prevent  the  disclosure  or  use  of  any  Confidential
Information  either during the term of this Agreement or at any time thereafter,
except as may be  necessary in the ordinary  course of  performing  the Services
under this  Agreement.  Upon  termination of this  Agreement for any reason,  CG
shall promptly deliver to CTI all materials,  documents,  data,  equipment,  and
other  physical   property  of  any  nature  containing  or  pertaining  to  any
Confidential  Information,  and CG shall not take from  CTI,  without  its prior
written consent, any such material or equipment or any reproduction thereof.

     9.  INDMENITY.  CTI hereby  agrees to indemnify  and hold  harmless CG, its
agents, representatives, employees, partners and independent contractors for any
losses,  damages or expenses that may be incurred by CG or such other parties as
a result of any breach of any covenant,  agreement,  representation  or warranty
made  hereunder  or any other loss,  damage or  expenses  incurred by CG or such
other parties resulting from the acts or actions of CTI under this Agreement. CG
hereby agrees to indemnify  and hold harmless CTI, its agents,  representatives,
employees and independent  contractors for any losses,  damages or expenses that
may be  incurred  by CTI or such other  parties as a result of any breach of any
covenant, agreement,  representation or warranty made under this Agreement by CG
in connection herewith.



     10.1.  Waiver. Any term or condition of this Agreement may be waived at any
time by the Party that is entitled to the  benefit  thereof,  but no such waiver
shall be effective unless set forth in a written  instrument duly executed by or
on behalf of the Party waiving such term or condition. No waiver by any party of
any term or condition of this Agreement, in any one or more instances,  shall be
deemed to be or construed as a waiver of the same or any other term or condition
of this  Agreement  on any future  occasion.  All  remedies,  either  under this
Agreement  or  by  law  or  otherwise  afforded,  will  be  cumulative  and  not

     10.2.  Amendment.  This  Agreement  shall not be amended or  modified,  nor
rights hereunder waived, except by writing, signed by both Parties.

     10.3.  No  Third  Party  Beneficiary.  The  terms  and  provisions  of this
Agreement  are  intended  solely for the benefit of each Party  hereto and their
respective  successors or permitted assigns,  and it is not the intention of the
parties hereto to confer third-party beneficiary rights upon any person.

     10.4. Invalid Provisions.  If any provision of this Agreement is held to be
illegal,  invalid or  unenforceable  under any present or future law, and if the
rights or  obligations  of any Party  hereto  under this  Agreement  will not be
materially  and adversely  affected  thereby,  (a) such  provision  will be full
severable,  (b) this  Agreement  will be  constituted  and  enforced  as if such
illegal,  invalid or unenforceable  provision had never comprised a part hereof,
(c) the  remaining  provisions of this  Agreement  will remain in full force and
effect  and  will not be  affected  by the  illegal,  invalid  or  unenforceable
provision,  there  will be added  automatically  as a part of this  Agreement  a
legal,  valid and  enforceable  provision  as similar in terms to such  illegal,
invalid or unenforceable provision as may be possible.

     10.5.  Counterparts.  This  Agreement  nay  be  executed  in  one  or  more
counterparts,  each of  which  shall be  deemed  an  original,  but all of which
together shall constitute one and the same instrument.  The Parties  acknowledge
that the  persons  named  below have the  requisite  authority  to execute  this
Agreement and bind their respective principals.

     10.6.  Governing Law. This Agreement  shall be governed by and construed in
accordance  with the laws of the State of Utah without regard to the conflict of
laws.  The Parties  further  agree that proper  venue and  jurisdiction  for any
dispute under this agreement shall be the courts in the State of Utah

     10.7.  Notices.  All notices,  demands to other  communications to be given
under or by reason of the  Agreement  shall be in writing and shall be deemed to
have been received when delivered  personally,  or when transmitted by facsimile
or by overnight delivery service, addressed as follows:

         If to CG:

                  Chene Gardner
                  11585 S. State Street, Suite 102
                  Draper, Utah  84020

         If to CTI:

                  Cancer Therapeutics, Incorporated
                  Attention: Robert Oldham
                  412 Chelsa Cove
                  Franklin, Tennessee  37064

Either Party hereto may change its address for notices, demands and other
communications hereunder by giving notices of such change to the other party in
accordance with this Section 10.7.


10.8. Assignment; Binding Effect. This Agreement may not be assigned by either
Party without the prior written consent of the other. This Agreement shall bind
the Parties hereto and their assigns and successors in interest.

         IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be
duly executed as of the date set forth above.


                                    /s/ Chene Gardner
                                    Chene Gardner


                                    Cancer Therapeutics, Incorporated

                                    /s/ Robert Oldham
                                    Robert Oldham, President