Industrial Management & Equity Limited
                        28 Welbeck Street, London W1G 8EW
                     Tel: 020 7224 5091 Fax: 020 7224 5093

20 September 2004

Robert Oldham
Cancer Therapeutics Inc.
210 W. Hansell St.
Thomasville, GA 31792

Dear Mr. Oldham,

 You are hereby authorised and directed to issue shares of Cancer Therapeutics,
 Inc. ("the Company") which are required to be issued pursuant to that certain
 agreement between the Company and Industrial Management & Equity Limited and
 its nominated affiliates ("Industrial Management") dated 20 September 2004, to
 a trust of which Lyndon Gaborit and/or his family members are the
 beneficiaries, or to such other nominee as may be designated by Industrial

Yours sincerely,

/s/ Lyndon Gaborit
- ---------------------
Lyndon Gaborit
Managing Director of
Industrial Management & Equity Limited

We hereby agree to observe and be bound by the engagement and terms and
conditions of Industrial Management as set out in the attachment.

/S/ Robert Oldham                                        September 20, 2004
- ---------------------                                    ------------------
Signed                                                   Date
Robert Oldham
Cancer Therapeutics, Inc.

Duly authorised for and on behalf of Cancer Therapeutics Inc.

                     Industrial Management & Equity Limited
                        28 Welbeck Street, London W1G 8EW
                     Tel: 020 7224 5091 Fax: 020 7224 5093

20 September 2004

Robert K. Oldham, M.D.
Chief Executive Officer
Cancer Therapeutics, Inc.
210 West Hansell Street
Thomasville, Georgia 31792

Dear Dr. Oldham,

Further to our recent discussions, I am writing to agree formally the terms and
conditions upon which Industrial Management & Equity Limited and its nominated
affiliates ("Industrial Management") would act as strategic adviser to Cancer
Therapeutics, Inc. ("the Company") in relation to various business development
and advisory services described below ("the Proposed Transaction").

1.       Engagement

The Company hereby engages Industrial Management, and Industrial Management
agrees to act, as the Company's strategic adviser in relation to gathering
market intelligence regarding the Proposed Transaction. Industrial Management
will identify and introduce suitable potential customers, suppliers, joint
venture partners, or acquisition/merger opportunities for the Company In
carrying out the assignment, Industrial Management will expect its
responsibilities to include (but not necessarily be limited to) the following

a)       Survey the UK and European market, and maintain a watching brief, to
         ascertain what opportunities might be advanced on the Company's behalf
         to establish a commercial presence in Europe,

b)       Conduct specific negotiations with potential customers, suppliers, or
         strategic partners either nominated or approved by the Company,

c)       Industrial Management will take purely an introductory role in relation
         to any such transaction and would not advise the Company in relation to
         the details of any transaction, apart from general strategic advice in
         relation to the Proposed Transaction should it be authorised to proceed
         by the Company, including strategy, tactics, timing, and the approach
         to be adopted in negotiations;

d)       Acting at all times in accordance with the Company's reasonable
         instructions; and

e)       Such other advice and assistance as the Company may reasonably request
         in relation to the Proposed Transaction.

2.       Fees and Expenses

In consideration of the provision of the services referred to in paragraph 1
above, the Company agrees that it will pay Industrial Management the following:

 a)   One Hundred Fifty Thousand (150,000) shares of its common stock;

 b)   The Company shall reimburse all reasonable out of pocket expenses incurred
      by Industrial Management in relation to the Proposed Transaction, such as
      all travel, hotel accommodation costs and the reasonable fees and
      disbursements of any legal or other adviser retained by Industrial
      Management with the prior agreement of the Company;

 c)   The Company shall be responsible for all other fees and expenses incurred
      in connection with the Proposed Transaction including, without limitation,
      the fees and disbursements of any other professional adviser engaged (with
      the prior approval of the Company) to provide advice or services in
      relation to the Proposed Transaction and any stamp and other duties and
      taxes together with any fees payable to any relevant regulatory authority;

 d)   The amounts to be paid or reimbursed to Industrial Management under the
      terms of this letter of engagement shall be subject to all applicable
      value added tax thereon at the appropriate rate prevailing from time to
      time and will be paid within thirty days of the date of the issue of the
      relevant invoice.

3.       General Terms and Conditions

I would also draw your attention to the general terms and conditions set out in
the Schedule attached to this letter, which shall apply in relation to the
Proposed Transaction and be incorporated into this letter of engagement by

I will be grateful if you will sign and return the attached copy of this letter
to indicate your acceptance of the terms and conditions outlined above.

Yours sincerely,

/s/ Lyndon Gaborit
- --------------------
Lyndon Gaborit
Managing Director

We hereby agree to observe and be bound by the engagement and terms and
conditions of Industrial Management as set out in the attachment.

/s/ Robert K. Oldham                                      September 20, 2004
- ---------------------                                     ------------------
Signed                                                    Date
Robert K. Oldham
Cancer Therapeutics, Inc.

Duly authorised for and on behalf of Cancer Therapeutics, Inc.

SCHEDULE to a fee letter from Industrial Management Limited to

Cancer Therapeutics Inc. (the "Company")

Dated 20 September 2004

The following general terms and conditions shall apply in relation to and be
deemed to be incorporated into the fee letter by reference. Words defined in the
letter of engagement shall have the same meaning in this Schedule, save where
the context otherwise requires.

1.  Financial Services Authority
Industrial Management is not authorised by the Financial Services Authority
("FSA") and only conducts those tasks of a strategic planning and negotiating
nature that are acceptable under appropriate legislation.

2.  Definitions
In the fee letter and this schedule the following additional definitions shall
have the meaning ascribed to them below:

"acquisition " means any transaction or series or combination of transactions
whereby, directly or indirectly, control of, or any interest in, the company or
business forming the subject matter of the Proposed Transaction or any of its
assets is transferred to the Company (or as it directs) for consideration,
including the formation of a joint venture, minority investment or partnership
or undertaking or any similar transaction. Acquisition also includes the
transfer for consideration of part only of the assets or undertaking of the
company or business forming the subject matter of the Proposed Transaction;

"affiliate" means (i) any company, authorised by the FSA and nominated by
Industrial Management which provides financial advice to the Company in relation
to the Proposed Transaction (ii) any company in which Industrial Management or
any company controlling, controlled by or under the same control as Industrial
Management holds 20 per cent. or more of the shares carrying the right to attend
and vote at a general meeting of such company or (iii) any company which shall
be a holding company of Industrial Management from time to time;

"consideration" means the total value of all cash, securities, other property,
and any other consideration, including without limitation, any contingent,
earned or other consideration, paid or payable, directly or indirectly, in
connection with an acquisition. Consideration shall also be deemed to include
any indebtedness (including, without limitation, short-term and long-term
indebtedness, pension liabilities, guarantees, finance leases and other
obligations) assumed or to be assumed in connection with the acquisition. The
value of any securities (whether debt or equity) or other property shall be
determined as follows: (i) the value of securities that are freely tradable in
an established public market shall be the last closing market price (or in the
absence of such a closing price, the mid-price between the indicative bid and
offer prices) on the business day prior to the public announcement of the
acquisition; and (ii) the value of securities which are not freely tradable or
which have no established public market or, if the consideration consists of
property other than securities, the value of such other property shall be the
fair market value thereof as mutually agreed by the Company and Industrial
Management (or, if they are unable to agree, by Independent appraisal by an
appraiser appointed by Industrial Management). If the consideration to be paid
is computed in any currency other than Pounds Sterling, the value of such
currency shall, for the purposes hereof, be converted into Pounds Sterling at
the prevailing exchange rate on the date or dates on which such consideration is
to be invoiced;

3. Provision of Information and Confidentiality
The following terms will govern the treatment of information and advice supplied
by the parties under the terms of this letter of engagement:

     a)   The Company will provide  Industrial  Management with such information
          as is  necessary  and  appropriate  in order to provide  the  services
          specified  in  this  fee  letter.   Industrial  Management  will  keep
          confidential  and not use, other than in connection  with the Proposed
          Transaction,  any  information  which is not in the  public  domain or
          until such information enters the public domain,  save that Industrial
          Management  shall  where so  required  be  entitled  to  disclose  any
          information  known to it or its affiliates,  and to produce  documents
          and other  materials in its or their  possession or under its or their
          control, relating to the Proposed Transaction or any related matter to
          any Court,  Tribunal,  or other regulatory body under whose regulation
          Industrial  Management,  its affiliates or the Company falls from time
          to time; and

     b)   The Company recognises and acknowledges that Industrial Management
          will use and rely primarily on the information provided to it by the
          Company or its other advisers without having independently verified
          the accuracy thereof and the Company accepts that Industrial
          Management does not assume responsibility for the accuracy or
          completeness of such information.

4.       Indemnity
The Company hereby agrees with Industrial Management for itself and on trust for
each of the others referred to below:

     a)   To  indemnify  and  hold  harmless   Industrial   Management  and  its
          affiliates,  and their  respective  directors,  officers,  agents  and
          employees ("  Indemnified  Persons " or " Indemnified  Person " as the
          case may be) from  and  against  any and all  losses,  costs,  claims,
          actions, expenses, judgements,  charges, proceedings,  liabilities and
          damages  ("  Claim"  or  "Claims  " as  the  case  may  be)  which  an
          Indemnified Person may suffer or incur (including, without limitation,
          all costs,  charges  and  expenses  which any  Indemnified  Person may
          suffer or incur in disputing or investigating any such Claim,  whether
          or not such  Claim is  successful,  compromised  or  settled ) arising
          directly  or  indirectly  out of or in  connection  with the  services
          provided under the fee letter and will reimburse Industrial Management
          and any Indemnified  Person for all time, costs and expenses  incurred
          in connection with investigating,  preparing for or defending any such
          Claim or other proceeding whether or not Industrial  Management or any
          Indemnified  Person is named as a party thereto and whether or not any
          liability results therefrom.

     b)   That neither  Industrial  Management nor any other Indemnified  Person
          shall have any liability (whether direct or indirect, in contract tort
          or  otherwise)  to the  Company  or its  shareholders  or any  holding
          company of the Company or any subsidiary or subsidiary of such holding
          company or their respective directors,  officers,  employees or agents
          for or in connection with the engagement except for any such liability
          for claims,  liabilities,  losses, damages or expenses incurred by the
          Company which arise from Industrial  Management's  failure to exercise
          the degree of skill,  care and diligence  required of it under the Act
          in the  provision  of  investment  business  services  and  investment

5.       E-Mail
Where information or data is transferred by e-mail in pursuance of any provision
of this Agreement the transmitting party shall not be required to cause or
procure the encryption of such information or data or the integrity of the
transmission (other than the correct addressing thereof) and any discovery by a
third party of the contents thereof or of any part thereof shall not be a breach
of the above confidentiality provisions.

6.      Validity of Instructions
Industrial Management shall be entitled to assume that any instructions in
relation to the Proposed Transaction have been properly authorised by the
Company if they are given or purport to be given by an individual or person who
is or purports to be or is reasonably believed by Industrial Management to be a
director, employee or authorised agent of the Company;

7.      Interests of Affiliates
The Company accepts that Industrial Management's affiliates are engaged in the
provision of a wide range of financial services including the giving of
investment and other advice and may have an interest in, or conflict of duty in
relation to, any transaction or matter which relates to the Proposed Transaction
or to the services which are to be provided to the Company hereunder or may have
a client or clients whose interests may give rise to such a conflict.

8.      Independent Contractor
Industrial Management is an independent contractor, not the Company's employee.
Industrial Management's employees or contract personnel are not the Company's
employees. Industrial Management and the Company agree to the following terms
and conditions consistent with an independent contractor relationship:

     a)   This agreement is non-exclusive, and Industrial Management has the
          right to perform services for others during the term of this
          Agreement, provided such services are not in conflict with the
          services to be performed by Industrial Management hereunder.

     b)   Industrial Management has the sole right to control and direct the
          means, manner and method by which the services required by this
          Agreement will be performed.

     c)   Industrial Management has the right to perform the services required
          by this Agreement at any place, location or time.

     d)   Industrial Management will furnish all equipment and materials used to
          provide the services required by this Agreement.

     e)   Industrial Management has the right to hire assistants as
          subcontractors, or to use employees to provide the services required
          by this Agreement, without the approval of the Company.

     f)   Neither Industrial Management nor Industrial Management's employees or
          contract personnel shall receive any training from the Company in the
          skills necessary to perform the services required by this Agreement.

     g)   The Company shall not require Industrial Management or Industrial
          Management's employees or contract personnel to devote full time to
          performing the services required by this Agreement.

9.       Deductions and Withholdings
All sums payable to Industrial Management or to any Indemnified Person shall be

paid free and clear of all deductions or withholdings unless the deduction or
withholding is required by law, in which case the Company shall pay such
additional amount as shall be required to ensure that the net amount received by
Industrial Management or that Indemnified Person will equal the full amount
which would have been received by it had no such deduction or withholding been

If the British Inland Revenue or any other taxing authority brings into charge
to tax any sum payable to Industrial Management or any Indemnified Person by way
of reimbursement or indemnity, the amount so payable shall be grossed up by such
amount as will ensure that after deduction of the tax so chargeable (ignoring
for this purpose the availability of any relief or other deductions available to
Industrial Management or such Indemnified Person) there shall be left a sum
equal to the amount that would otherwise be payable hereunder as a result of
such reimbursement or indemnity.

10.     Privacy of Advice
The Company acknowledges and agrees that any advice provided by Industrial
Management under the terms of this letter of engagement is provided solely for
the benefit of the Company and its affiliates in relation to the Proposed
Transaction and may not be used or relied upon in relation to any other matter
or be disclosed to any other party without the prior written consent of
Industrial Management.

11.     Period and Scope of Arrangement

This Agreement shall commence on the date of the engagement letter and will
continue in force until determined:

     a)   Within 30 days of Industrial Management giving notice to the Company
          in writing; or

     b)   Within 30 days of the Company giving notice in writing to Industrial
          Management, with or without cause; save that the monthly retainer be
          for a minimum period of 6 months, or

     c)   Until replaced by a later Agreement.

All or any business dealings between the Company and Industrial Management are
subject to this Agreement.

     a)   Following termination, Industrial Management shall be entitled to
          recover all fees, costs and disbursements due and owing to them under
          this letter of engagement up to and including the date of termination.
          In addition, Industrial Management shall also be entitled to receive
          the success related fee, as set out in clause 2 b) of the letter
          engagement, computed pro-rata from the date of successful completion
          of a transaction up to and including the date of termination;

     b)   A termination under this letter of engagement will not restrict the
          obligations of the Company to Industrial Management under paragraph 4
          of this letter of engagement.

     c)   If within 12 months of a termination  under this letter of engagement,
          the Company enters into an agreement to sell,  acquire,  raise finance
          or enter any  transaction  as envisaged by this letter of  engagement,
          with a party which had been  introduced  to the Company by  Industrial
          Management, then Industrial Management will be entitled to recover all
          fees  which  would  have  been  payable  to  it  if  the   transaction
          contemplated  by this  letter of  engagement  had  completed  prior to


11.      Complaints

Industrial Management undertakes that any complaint made in writing by the
Company will be investigated by Industrial Management. Complaints should be
addressed to The Managing Director, Industrial Management 28 Welbeck Street,
London W1G 8EW.

12. Notices

     (a)  Any notice or demand given or served under this letter of engagement
          shall be in writing and shall be duly expressed to be a notice under
          this letter of engagement and will be deemed duly given or served if
          sent by facsimile at the time of transmission (subject to the correct
          code or facsimile number being received), or if posted, 48 hours after
          the time at which it was posted or, if delivered by hand, at the time
          of delivery if such a day is a Business Day (where Business Day means
          a day other than a Saturday or Sunday during normal business hours
          only and excludes bank holidays and public holidays) in London or if
          such day is not a Business Day on the next following Business Day, to
          the party to whom it is to be given or served at its address or
          facsimile number as set out below or such other address or facsimile
          number as such party may have previously communicated for such purpose
          by notice to the party giving such notice or demand. The addresses and
          facsimile numbers for service on the parties to this letter of
          engagement are:

         The Company:               As stated at the end of this Schedule.

         Industrial Management:     Address:       28 Welbeck Street, London W1
                                    Attention:     The Managing Director
                                    Facsimile Number:+44 20 7224 5093

     (b)  Any party giving or serving a notice under this letter of engagement
          by facsimile shall, but without prejudice to the validity of the
          notice given, send a copy of the notice by pre-paid registered post to
          the party receiving such notice to that party's address set out above
          or to such other address as such party shall have previously
          communicated by notice to the party in accordance with this letter of

13.     Severability

If any term or provision of this letter of engagement shall be held to be
illegal or unenforceable, in whole or in part, such term or provision or part
shall to that extent be deemed not to form part of this letter of engagement and
the enforceability of the remainder of this letter of engagement shall not be

14.     Amendment and Governing Law

This letter, which may not be amended except in writing by both parties,
represents the entire agreement between the parties and shall be governed by and
construed in accordance with the laws of England and shall be subject to the
jurisdiction of the British Courts.

Accepted and acknowledged for and on behalf of the Company:

- --------------------------------

Name:     Robert Oldham

Position: President

Company Fax Number for Notices: __________________

Address of Company Registered Office:  412 Chelsa Cove, Franklin, TN 37064_

Address of Company for Notices (if different):