WASHINGTON, D.C. 20549
                            SCHEDULE 14A INFORMATION

Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934
                               (Amendment No. __)

Filed by the Registrant [X]
Filed by a Party other than the Registrant [  ]

Check the appropriate box:

[ ]  Preliminary Proxy Statement
[ ]  Confidential, For Use of the Commission Only (as permitted by Rule
[X]  Definitive Proxy Statement
[ ]  Definitive Additional Materials
[ ]  Soliciting Material Pursuant to Section 240.14a-13
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                               BROOKE CORPORATION
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                (Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Articles)
    (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if Other Than the Registrant)

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):
[X] No fee required.
[ ] Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(1) and 0-11.

         1)  Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:
         2)  Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:
         3) Per unit price or other  underlying  value of  transaction  computed
pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (Set forth the amount on which the filing fee
is calculated and state how it was determined):
         4)   Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:
         5)  Total fee paid:
[ ] Fee paid previously with preliminary materials:
[ ] Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange  Act Rule
0-11(a)(2)  and  identify  the  filing  for  which the  offsetting  fee was paid
previously.  Identify the previous filing by registration  statement  number, or
the form or schedule and the date of its filing.
         1)  Amount previously paid:
         2)  Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:
         3)  Filing Party:
         4)   Date Filed:

                            NOTICE OF SPECIAL MEETING
                               AND PROXY STATEMENT

                           SPECIAL MEETING TO BE HELD
                                February 27, 2001

Dear Shareholder:

     On behalf of our Board of Directors,  I cordially  invite you to attend the
Special  Meeting  of  Shareholders  of  Brooke  Corporation  to be held at 10895
Grandview Drive, Suite 250, Overland Park, Kansas on Tuesday,  February 27, 2001
at 1:00 p.m. local time (the "Meeting"), for the following purposes:

     The Notice of Special Meeting of Shareholders  and the Proxy Statement that
follow describe the business to be conducted at the meeting.

     Whether you own a few or many shares of stock of Brooke Corporation,  it is
important  that your shares of stock be  represented.  If you cannot  personally
attend the meeting,  we encourage you to make certain you are represented at the
meeting by signing and dating the accompanying proxy card and promptly returning
it in the enclosed envelope. Returning your proxy card will not prevent you from
voting in  person,  but will  assure  that your vote will be  counted if you are
unable to attend the meeting.


February 16, 2001                      /s/ Michael Hess
                                       Michael Hess

                                TABLE OF CONTENTS


Notice of Special Meeting...................................................  1

General Information.........................................................  2

Question and Answer Summary:  About the Meeting.............................  2

Proposal No. 1 - Approval of the Brooke Corporation 2001 Compensatory
                 Stock Option Plan..........................................  5

Proposal No. 2 - Approval of an amendment to the Articles of Incorporation
                 of Brooke Corporation  to provide the Board of Directors
                 with the authority to issue Preferred Stock................  9

Proposal No. 3 - Approval of an amendment to the Articles of Incorporation
                 of Brooke Corporation to increase the number of authorized
                 shares of common stock from 1,485,000 to 9,500,000......... 10

Proposal No. 4 - Approval of an amendment to the Articles of Incorporation
                 of Brooke Corporation to authorize the creation of
                 499,000 shares of preferred stock.......................... 12

Proposal No. 5 - Approval of an amendment to the Articles of Incorporation
                 of Brooke Corporation to decrease the number of authorized
                 shares of Convertible Preferred Stock from 15,000 to 1,000. 15

Solicitation of Proxies..................................................... 16

Other Matters............................................................... 16

Voting Trustees and Their Nominees.......................................... 16

Proxy/Voting Instruction Card

Appendix A - Brooke Corporation 2001 Compensatory Stock Option Plan

Appendix B - Amendment and Restatement to the Articles of Incorporation of
             Brooke Corporation

                          TO BE HELD FEBRUARY 27, 2001

     NOTICE IS HEREBY  GIVEN  that the  Special  Meeting  of  Shareholders  (the
"Meeting") of Brooke Corporation, a Kansas corporation (the "Company"),  will be
held on Tuesday,  February 27, 2001 at 1:00 p.m. local time, at 10895  Grandview
Drive, Suite 250, Overland Park, Kansas for the following purposes:

     1.   To consider  and vote on a proposal to approve the Brooke  Corporation
          2001 Compensatory Stock Option Plan (the "Plan");

     2.   To  consider  and  vote  on  a  proposal  to  amend  the  Articles  of
          Incorporation  of the Company to provide the Board of  Directors  with
          the authority to issue preferred stock;

     3.   To  consider  and  vote  on  a  proposal  to  amend  the  Articles  of
          Incorporation  of the  Company to  increase  the number of  authorized
          shares of common stock from 1,485,000 to 9,500,000;

     4.   To  consider  and  vote  on  a  proposal  to  amend  the  Articles  of
          Incorporation of the Company to authorize an additional 499,000 shares
          of preferred stock;

     5.   To  consider  and  vote  on  a  proposal  to  amend  the  Articles  of
          Incorporation  of the  Company to  decrease  the number of  authorized
          shares of Convertible Preferred Stock from 15,000 to 1,000; and

     6.   To  transact  such other  business  as may  properly  come  before the
          Meeting and at any postponements or adjournments thereof.

     Only  shareholders of record at the close of business on February 15, 2001,
are entitled to notice of and to vote at the Meeting or at any  postponements or
adjournments thereof.

     You  are   cordially   invited  and  urged  to  attend  the  Meeting.   All
shareholders,  whether or not they expect to attend the  Meeting in person,  are
requested  to complete,  date and sign the enclosed  form of Proxy and return it
promptly  in the  postage-paid,  return-addressed  envelope  provided  for  that
purpose.  By returning  your Proxy  promptly you can help the Company  avoid the
expense of  follow-up  mailings  to ensure a quorum so that the  Meeting  can be
held.  Shareholders  who attend the Meeting may revoke a prior proxy and vote in
person as set forth in the proxy statement.


                                         By Order of the Board of Directors

                                        /s/ Anita Larson
                                       Anita Larson
Phillipsburg, Kansas
Dated:  February 16, 2001


                               BROOKE CORPORATION
                            205 F. Street, 2nd Floor
                           Phillipsburg, Kansas 67661
                                 (913) 661-0123
                                 PROXY STATEMENT
                         SPECIAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS
                          TO BE HELD FEBRUARY 27, 2001

                               GENERAL INFORMATION

     We are  providing  you with this proxy  statement  in  connection  with the
solicitation  of  proxies by and on behalf of the Board of  Directors  of Brooke
Corporation,  a  Kansas  corporation  (the  "Company"),  for use at the  Special
Meeting of Shareholders to be held at 10895 Grandview Drive, Suite 250, Overland
Park,  Kansas on Tuesday,  February 27, 2001 at 1:00 p.m. local time, and at any
and all  postponements  or  adjournments  thereof  (the  "Meeting").  This proxy
statement, the accompanying form of proxy and the Notice of Special Meeting will
be first mailed or given to the Company's  shareholders on or about February 16,

     Because  many of the  Company's  shareholders  may be unable to attend  the
Meeting in person,  our board of directors solicits proxies by mail to give each
shareholder  an  opportunity  to vote on all matters  presented  at the Meeting.
Shareholders are urged to:

     (1)  read this Proxy Statement carefully;

     (2)  specify their choice in each matter by marking the  appropriate box on
          the enclosed Proxy; and

     (3)  sign,  date  and  return  the  Proxy  by  mail  in  the  postage-paid,
          return-addressed envelope provided for that purpose.



     The board of directors of the Company (the "Board of  Directors") is asking
shareholders  to consider  and  approve  five items at this  Special  Meeting of

     *    the Brooke Corporation 2001 Compensatory Stock Option Plan;

     *    the  amendment  of the  Articles  of  Incorporation  of the Company to
          provide the Board of Directors  with the authority to issue  preferred

     *    the  amendment  of the  Articles  of  Incorporation  of the Company to
          increase  the  number  of  authorized  shares  of  common  stock  from
          1,485,000 to 9,500,000;

     *    the  amendment  of the  Articles  of  Incorporation  of the Company to
          authorize an additional 499,000 shares of preferred stock; and


     *    the  amendment  of the  Articles  of  Incorporation  of the Company to
          decrease  the number of  authorized  shares of  Convertible  Preferred
          Stock from 15,000 to 1,000.


     The Board of Directors has set February 15, 2001 as the record date for the
Meeting.  Only persons holding shares of the Company's  common stock,  $1.00 par
value  ("Common  Stock"),  of record at the close of business on the record date
will be entitled to receive notice of and to vote at the Meeting. Each holder of
Common  Stock will be  entitled  to one vote per share on each  matter  properly
submitted for vote to our shareholders at the Meeting.  On the Record Date there
were  692,768  shares  of  Common  Stock  outstanding  held  by  a total  of 198
shareholders of record. Therefore, there are a total of 692,768  votes that will
be entitled to be cast at the Meeting.


     Quorum  for the  Meeting  is based on the  number of votes that can be cast
rather than the number of actual  shares of stock that are  represented  because
each  share of Common  Stock has one vote per share.  To have a quorum,  we need
692,768 of  the votes entitled to be cast to be present,  in person or by proxy,
including  votes as to which  authority  to vote on any  proposal  is  withheld,
shares of stock  abstaining as to any proposal,  and broker  non-votes  (where a
broker submits a proxy but does not have  authority to vote a customer's  shares
of stock on one or more matters) on any proposal,  will be considered present at
the  Meeting  for  purposes  of  establishing  a quorum for the  transaction  of
business at the meeting. Each will be tabulated separately.


     If you complete and properly sign the accompanying proxy card and return it
to the  Company,  it will be voted as you  direct,  unless you later  revoke the
proxy. Unless instructions to the contrary are marked, or if no instructions are
specified,  shares  of  stock  represented  by a  proxy  will be  voted  for the
proposals set forth on the proxy,  and in the discretion of the persons named as
proxies on such other  matters as may properly  come before the Meeting.  If you
are a  registered  shareholder,  that is,  if you hold  your  shares of stock in
certificate  form,  and you attend the Meeting,  you may deliver your  completed
proxy card in person.  If you hold your  shares of stock in "street  name," that
is, if you hold your shares of stock through a broker or other nominee,  and you
wish to vote in person at the Meeting, you will need to obtain a proxy form from
the institution that holds your shares of stock.


     Yes. Even after you have submitted your proxy,  you may change your vote at
any time before the proxy is exercised by filing with the  Company's  Secretary,
at the address  indicated above,  either a written notice of revocation,  a duly
executed  proxy  bearing a later date,  or if you vote in person at the Meeting.
The powers of the proxy  holders  will be suspended if you attend the Meeting in
person and so request.  However,  attendance  at the Meeting  will not by itself
revoke a previously granted proxy.

     Any written notice of revocation sent to us must include the  shareholder's
name and must be received prior to the Meeting to be effective.



the Brooke  Corporation  2001  Compensatory  Stock Option Plan  (Proposal No. 1)
requires the affirmative vote of a majority of the outstanding  shares of Common
Stock present and entitled to vote at the Meeting.


     (1) The approval of the amendment to the Articles of  Incorporation  of the
Company to provide the Board of Directors with the authority to issue  preferred
stock  (Proposal  No. 2)  requires  the  affirmative  vote of a majority  of the
outstanding shares of Common Stock entitled to vote at the Meeting.

     (2) The approval of the amendment to the Articles of  Incorporation  of the
Company  to  increase  the  number of  authorized  shares of Common  Stock  from
1,485,000  to 9,500,000  (Proposal  No. 3) requires  the  affirmative  vote of a
majority  of the  outstanding  shares of Common  Stock  entitled  to vote at the

     (3) The approval of the amendment to the Articles of  Incorporation  of the
Company to authorize an additional  499,000 shares of preferred  stock (Proposal
No. 4) requires the affirmative vote of a majority of the outstanding  shares of
Common Stock entitled to vote at the Meeting.

     (4) The approval of the amendment to the Articles of  Incorporation  of the
Company to decrease the number of  authorized  shares of  Convertible  Preferred
Stock from 15,000 to 1,000 (Proposal No. 5) requires the  affirmative  vote of a
majority  of the  outstanding  shares of Common  Stock  entitled  to vote at the
Meeting and a majority of the outstanding shares of Convertible  Preferred Stock
entitled  to vote at a  separate  meeting  of the  Convertible  Preferred  Stock

     OTHER  MATTERS.  If you hold your  shares of stock in "street  name,"  your
broker or nominee  may not be  permitted  to  exercise  voting  discretion  with
respect to some of the matters to be acted upon.  Thus,  if you do not give your
broker or nominee specific  instructions,  your shares of stock may not be voted
on those matters and will not be counted in determining  the number of shares of
stock  necessary  for  approval.  Shares of stock  represented  by such  "broker
non-votes" will, however, be counted in determining whether there is a quorum.

     Abstentions  are  counted in  tabulations  of the votes  cast on  proposals
presented to  shareholders,  while,  except for Proposal No. 2,  Proposal No. 3,
Proposal No. 4 and Proposal No. 5, broker non-votes are not counted for purposes
of determining whether a proposal has been approved.  Therefore, for all matters
presented  at the  Meeting,  abstentions  will  have the same  effect  as a vote
against the  proposal  and,  for all  matters  presented  at the Meeting  except
Proposal  No. 2,  Proposal  No. 3,  Proposal  No. 4 and  Proposal  No. 5, broker
non-votes  will have no effect and for Proposal No. 2,  Proposal No. 3, Proposal
No. 4 and Proposal No. 5, broker  non-votes  will have the same effect as a vote
against the proposal.


                                 PROPOSAL NO. 1

                       2001 COMPENSATORY STOCK OPTION PLAN

     The Board of  Directors  believes  that it is in the best  interest  of the
Company and its shareholders to adopt the Plan. At the Meeting, the shareholders
will be asked to  consider  and vote to approve the Plan,  substantially  in the
form of  Appendix  A  attached  hereto  and made a part  hereof.  If the Plan is
approved by the shareholders, the Plan will become effective as of the date that
the Board of Directors approves the Plan.

     This section  describes the material  terms of the Plan.  The Company urges
all of the Company's shareholders to read the Plan carefully for a more complete
description of its terms and conditions.


     The  Purpose  of the Plan is to  promote  the  success  of the  Company  by
providing  increased  incentive for key  employees and other persons  associated
with the Company to further the growth, development and financial success of the
Company by personally  benefiting  through the ownership of the Company's  stock
rights which recognize such growth,  development and financial success. The Plan
also will enable the Company to obtain and retain the services of key  employees
and other  persons  associated  with the  Company  considered  essential  to the
long-range  success of the Company by offering them the opportunity to own stock
and/or stock rights in the Company.  In the judgment of the Board of  Directors,
an initial or increased  grant under the Plan will be a valuable  incentive  and
will inure to the ultimate  benefit of shareholders by aligning more closely the
interests  of Plan  participants  with those of our  shareholders.  The Board of
Directors believes that stock-based  compensation  programs are a key element in
achieving the Company's anticipated financial and operational success.


     The Plan is administered by the Compensation Committee, unless the Board of
Directors   otherwise   determines  that  it  shall  administer  the  Plan.  The
Compensation  Committee  has  the  power  to  select  Plan  participants  and to
determine the types of awards. The Compensation  Committee also has the power to
interpret the Plan and the  agreements  pursuant to which options are granted or
awarded,  and to adopt such  rules for the  administration,  interpretation  and
application of the Plan as are consistent  therewith and to interpret,  amend or
revoke any such rules.


     The Plan  permits the  granting  of both (i) options to purchase  shares of
Common Stock  intended to qualify as incentive  stock options under the Internal
Revenue  Code and (ii)  options to purchase  shares of Common  Stock that do not
qualify as incentive stock options under the Internal  Revenue Code.  Subject to
adjustments for such matters as re-capitalization,  consolidation, merger, stock
split,    reverse    stock-split,    dividends   payable   in   capital   stock,
re-incorporation,  sale of  substantially  all of the corporate assets and other
change-in-control transactions, the Company will reserve 90,000 shares of Common
Stock for grant under the Plan.

     A stock option  entitles the employee or other persons  associated with the
Company to purchase  shares of Common Stock at the option  price.  The Committee
will fix the option  price at the time the stock  option is granted,  but in the
case of an incentive  stock option,  the exercise price cannot be less than 100%
of the  shares'  fair  market  value on the date of grant  or, in the case of an
incentive stock option


granted to a 10%  shareholder  of the  Company,  110% of the shares' fair market
value on the date of grant. Further, in the case of non-qualified stock options,
the price per share of the shares subject to each option cannot be less than the
par value of a share of the Company's common stock. The option price may be paid
in cash, by delivering shares of Common Stock, by surrendering  shares of Common
Stock then issuable upon exercise of the option or by delivering property of any
kind which constitutes good and valuable consideration.

     Stock options may be exercised at such times and subject to such conditions
as may be prescribed by the Compensation Committee; provided, however, that each
stock option may not exceed 10 years from the date of grant.


     All officers,  directors, or other employees of the Company are eligible to
be granted options under the Plan;  however,  under current law, incentive stock
options may only be granted to employees. As of February 15, 2001, approximately
105 persons  would have been  eligible to receive  options  under the Plan.  The
granting of options under the Plan is discretionary,  and the Company cannot now
determine  the  number or type of  options  to be  granted  in the future to any
particular person or group.


     The  Plan  may be  wholly  or  partially  amended  or  otherwise  modified,
suspended  or  terminated  at any  time or from  time  to time by the  Board  of
Directors.  However,  the Board of Directors  may not take any action that would
otherwise require shareholder approval as a matter of applicable law, regulation
or rule.


     In general,  options  granted under the Plan may not be sold,  transferred,
pledged or assigned other than by will or the laws of descent and distribution.


     In the event that the  outstanding  shares of Common Stock are changed into
or  exchanged  for  cash  or a  different  number  or kind of  shares  or  other
securities   of  the  Company,   or  of  another   corporation,   by  reason  of
reorganization, merger, consolidation, recapitalization, reclassification, stock
splitup, stock dividend or combination of shares,  appropriate  adjustments will
be made by the  Compensation  Committee in the number and kind of shares for the
purchase  of  which  options  may  be  granted,  including  adjustments  of  the
limitation on the maximum number and kind of shares which may be issued.

     In the  event of such a change  or  exchange,  other  than  for  shares  or
securities  of  another   corporation  or  by  reason  of  reorganization,   the
Compensation  Committee will also make appropriate  adjustments in the number of
shares as to which all outstanding  options shall be exercisable to preserve the
optionee's proportionate interest in the Company.


     In the event of the merger or  consolidation  of the  Company  with or into
another  corporation,  the exchange of all or substantially all of the assets of
the  Company for the  securities  of another  corporation,  the  acquisition  by
another  corporation  or person  of all or  substantially  all of the  Company's
assets or 80% or more of the Company's  then  outstanding  voting stock,  or the
liquidation or dissolution of the


Company,  pursuant  to the terms of the option,  all granted or awarded  options
will immediately vest in the optionee,  and for a specified period of time prior
to such  event,  such  option  shall be  exercisable  as to all  shares  covered

OPTION  GRANTS.  The  Company  has not  granted  any  options  under the  Brooke
Corporation 2001 Compensatory Stock Option Plan.


     The  following  is a  summary  of the  Unites  States  federal  income  tax
consequences that generally will arise with respect to options granted under the
Plan and with respect to the sale of the Company's  common stock  acquired under
the Plan.

     INCENTIVE STOCK OPTIONS.  Generally, the grant of an incentive stock option
will not be a taxable  event for the  optionee.  An optionee  will not recognize
taxable  income upon the grant or exercise of an incentive  stock option (except
that the  alternative  minimum  tax may  apply),  and any gain  realized  upon a
disposition  of Common Stock  received  pursuant to the exercise of an incentive
stock option will be taxed as a long-term capital gain if the optionee holds the
shares for at least two years after the date of grant and for one year after the
date of exercise (the  "Holding  Period  Requirement").  The Company will not be
entitled to any business  expense  deduction  with respect to the exercise of an
incentive stock option, except as discussed below.

     For the exercise of an option to qualify for the foregoing  tax  treatment,
the  optionee  generally  must be an employee of the Company or an employee of a
Company  subsidiary  from the date the option is granted through the date within
three months before the date of exercise of the option.

     If all of the  foregoing  requirements  are met except the  Holding  Period
Requirement, the optionee will recognize ordinary income upon the disposition of
Common Stock in an amount generally equal to the excess of the fair market value
of Common Stock at the time the option was  exercised  over the option  exercise
price (but not in excess of the gain  realized on the sale).  The balance of the
realized  gain,  if any,  will be capital  gain.  The Company  will be allowed a
business  expense  deduction  to the extent  the  optionee  recognizes  ordinary
income,  subject to the Company's compliance with Section 162(m) of the Internal
Revenue Code and to certain reporting requirements.

     NON-QUALIFIED STOCK OPTIONS. The grant of a non-qualified stock option will
not be a taxable  event for the  optionee  or the  Company.  Upon  exercising  a
non-qualified  option,  an optionee will recognize  ordinary income in an amount
equal to the difference  between the exercise price and the fair market value of
the Common Stock on the date of exercise.  Upon a subsequent sale or exchange of
shares acquired  pursuant to the exercise of a non-qualified  stock option,  the
optionee will have taxable gain or loss,  measured by the difference between the
amount realized on the  disposition and the tax basis of the shares  (generally,
the amount paid for the shares plus the amount treated as ordinary income at the
time the option was exercised).

     If the Company complies with applicable reporting requirements and with the
restrictions of Section 162(m) of the Internal Revenue Code, the Company will be
entitled to a business  expense  deduction  the same amount and generally at the
same time as the optionee recognizes ordinary income.

     This summary of certain federal income tax consequences does not purport to
be complete. In addition, certain state and local income taxes may be applicable
to these items.



     The  affirmative  vote of a majority  of the  outstanding  shares of Common
Stock  present  and  entitled  to vote at the  Meeting  is  required  to approve
Proposal No. 1.

NO. 1


                                 PROPOSAL NO. 2


     At the  Meeting,  shareholders  will be  asked  to  consider  and vote on a
proposed  amendment  to Article  VII of the  Articles  of  Incorporation  of the
Company as set forth in the Company's  Amendment and Restatement to the Articles
of  Incorporation  attached  hereto as  Appendix B and made a part  hereof.  The
amendment  provides the Board of Directors  with the  authority,  subject to the
limitations set forth by Kansas corporate law and the provisions of the Articles
of Incorporation  of the Company,  to establish from time to time, by resolution
or resolutions and filing of all required  documents  pursuant to the applicable
provisions  of Kansas  corporate  law, for the  issuance of  preferred  stock in
series,  to  establish  from time to time the number of shares to be included in
each such series,  and to fix the voting powers,  designations,  preferences and
relative,   participating,   optional   or  other   rights,   if  any,   or  the
qualifications, limitations or restrictions thereof.

     If this  Proposal is approved by the  shareholders,  the Board of Directors
will have the authority to issue one or more series of preferred  stock to those
persons  and upon  such  terms and  conditions  as the  Board of  Directors  may
determine in its discretion, without further action by the shareholders,  except
such shareholder  action as may be required by law or contractual  arrangements.
The proposed amendment will also provide  significantly  greater  flexibility to
the Board of Directors in structuring  the terms of preferred  stock that may be
issued by the Company.  For example,  the Board of Directors would be authorized
to  determine,  among other  things,  the  dividend  rate and  preferences,  the
cumulative or non-cumulative nature of dividends, the redemption provisions, the
sinking fund  provisions  and the  conversion  rights,  the amounts  payable and
preferences  in the event of the  voluntary or  involuntary  liquidation  of the


     The  affirmative  vote of a majority  of the  outstanding  shares of Common
Stock entitled to vote at the Meeting is required to approve Proposal No. 2.

NO. 2


                                  PROPOSAL NO.3

               SHARES OF COMMON STOCK FROM 1,485,000 TO 9,500,000

     At the Meeting,  the  shareholders  will be asked to consider and vote on a
proposed amendment to Article IV of the Articles of Incorporation of the Company
as set forth in the  Company's  Amendment  and  Restatement  to the  Articles of
Incorporation  attached  hereto  as  Appendix  B and  made  a part  hereof.  The
amendment  authorizes  an increase in the number of shares of Common  Stock from
1,485,000  to  9,500,000  and,  as  a  result,  increases  the  Company's  total
authorized  shares of capital stock from 1,500,000 shares to 10,000,000  shares,
assuming approval of Proposal No. 4 and Proposal No. 5.

     As of February 15, 2001,  692,768 shares  of Common Stock were  outstanding
and 11,250 shares were held in treasury.

     The Board of Directors believes that the proposed increase in the number of
shares  of  Common  Stock  is in the  best  interest  of  the  Company  and  the
Shareholders  and  believes it is  advisable to increase the number of shares of
Common  Stock to have such  shares  available  for,  among other  things,  stock
splits,  stock dividends,  acquisitions,  financing  transactions,  the Plan and
other corporate  purposes as may arise.  Having this authorized  stock available
for issuance in the future will give the Company  greater  flexibility  and will
allow additional shares of stock to be issued without the expense and delay of a
stockholders' meeting. This kind of delay might deny the Company the flexibility
the Board of Directors views as important in  facilitating  the effective use of
the Company's securities. The Company has no present commitments,  agreements or
intent to issue additional shares of Common Stock.

     If the shareholders approve this Proposal, the additional authorized shares
of Common  Stock  will be part of the  existing  class of Common  Stock and will
increase the number of shares available for issuance by the Company. If and when
such Common Stock is issued,  the proposed  additional shares will have the same
rights and privileges as the shares of Common Stock currently outstanding.

     The issuance of  additional  shares of Common  Stock could reduce  existing
shareholders'  percentage  ownership  and  voting  power  in  the  Company  and,
depending on the  transaction  in which the shares are issued,  could affect the
per share book value or other per share  financial  measures.  In addition,  the
additional  shares of Common  Stock of the Company  that are the subject of this
Proposal could be used in an attempt to block an unsolicited acquisition through
the issuance of large blocks of stock to persons or entities  considered  by the
Company's  officers and directors to be opposed to the acquisition,  which might
be deemed to have an  anti-takeover  effect.  In fact,  the mere  existence of a
block of  authorized  but  unissued  shares,  and the  ability  of the  Board of
Directors  to issue such  shares  without  shareholder  approval,  might deter a
bidder from  seeking to acquire the  Company's  shares on an  unfriendly  basis.
However,  the Board of  Directors  does not now  intend  or view the  additional
shares  of  Common  Stock  as an  anti-takeover  measure,  nor is the  Board  of
Directors  aware of any proposed  transactions  of this type. The Company is not
submitting  this  Proposal  to enable the  Company to  frustrate  any efforts by
another  party to acquire a controlling  interest in the Company's  shares or to
seek representation on the Board of Directors.


     The  affirmative  vote of a majority  of the  outstanding  shares of Common
Stock entitled to vote at the Meeting is required to approve Proposal No.3.


NO. 3


                                 PROPOSAL NO. 4

                            SHARES OF PREFERRED STOCK

     At the Meeting,  the  shareholders  will be asked to consider and vote on a
proposed amendment to Article IV of the Articles of Incorporation of the Company
as set forth in the  Company's  Amendment  and  Restatement  to the  Articles of
Incorporation  attached  hereto  as  Appendix  B and  made  a part  hereof.  The
amendment authorizes the creation of 499,000 shares of preferred stock and, as a
result,  increases the Company's total  authorized  shares of capital stock from
1,500,000 shares to 10,000,000  shares,  assuming approval of Proposal No. 3 and
Proposal No. 5. The  authorized  shares will  consist of 100,000  shares of 2002
Convertible  Preferred  Stock and 399,000  shares of what is  commonly  known as
"undesignated"  preferred  stock.  The Company  currently is authorized to issue
15,000 shares of Convertible Preferred Stock (the "Convertible Preferred Stock")
of which 781.33 shares are currently issued and outstanding.

     The  Board  of  Directors  believes  that  the  proposed  authorization  of
additional  preferred  stock  is in the best  interest  of the  Company  and its
shareholders  and believes it is advisable to authorize such shares to have them
available for, among other things,  pursuit of financing  opportunities,  future
investments, employee retention and other corporate purposes as may arise.


     If this Proposal is approved,  the 2002  Convertible  Preferred Stock class
will  consist of 100,000  shares of capital  stock,  par value $25.00 per share,
which may be issued upon the following terms.

     Dividend Rights.  The holders of 2002  Convertible  Preferred Stock will be
entitled to receive,  out of funds at the time legally available for payments of
dividends under Kansas corporate law, a cumulative  dividend in cash at the rate
of 10% of the liquidation value of such stock per share per annum payable, if as
and when determined by the Board of Directors, due and payable on March 31, June
30,  September 30 and December 31 of each year,  after any dividend shall be set
apart or paid on the Convertible Preferred Stock for the current fiscal year but
before any  dividend  shall be set apart or paid on the Common  Stock in and for
any fiscal year of the Company.

     Terms of  Conversion.  On or prior to April 1,  2002,  the  holders of 2002
Convertible Preferred Stock will have the right, at their option, to convert all
or part of their 2002  Convertible  Preferred Stock holdings to Common Stock. In
the event that the holders of 2002 Convertible  Preferred Stock elect to convert
their shares to Common Stock, one share of 2002 Convertible Preferred Stock will
be exchanged for one share of Common Stock. The conversion of shares shall occur
immediately upon written notice to the Company.

     Redemption. After April 1, 2002, the 2002 Convertible Preferred Stock shall
be subject to redemption  at the option of the Company at a redemption  value of
$27.50 per share on any dividend  payment date. The 2002  Convertible  Preferred
Stock does not have any restriction on the repurchase or redemption of shares by
the  registrant  while there is any  arrearage  in the payment of  dividends  or
sinking fund installments.

     Voting Rights.  The 2002  Convertible  Preferred  Stock will have no voting


     Liquidation  Rights.  In the  case of  liquidation  or  dissolution  of the
Company,  the holders of the 2002 Convertible  Preferred Stock shall be entitled
to be paid in full the  liquidation  value,  $25.00 per share,  of their  shares
after payment of full liquidation value to the holders of Convertible  Preferred
Stock and  before any  amounts  shall be paid to the  holders  of Common  Stock.
Payment  to the  holders  of 2002  Convertible  Preferred  Stock in the event of
liquidation  or  dissolution  shall be subordinate to payments to the holders of
the Convertible Preferred Stock.

     Distribution.  The  Company  intends  to  distribute  the 2002  Convertible
Preferred  Stock in a public  offering to Kansas  residents.  The 2002 Preferred
Convertible  Stock  will be  offered  on a "best  efforts  basis" by  authorized
employees  of the Company,  in an offering  exempt from  registration  under the
Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the "Act"),  pursuant to Section 3(a)(11) of
the Act and Rule 147  promulgated  by the  Securities  and  Exchange  Commission
thereunder.  The per share price of the 2002 Convertible Preferred Stock will be
$25.00.  Assuming the Company sells all 100,000  shares of the 2002  Convertible
Preferred  Stock,  the net proceeds to the Company will be $2,200,000.  Although
there is no commission  payable in connection  with this  offering,  the Company
anticipates $300,000 in offering expenses.

     The  Company   plans  to  invest  the  proceeds  of  the  offering  in  its
wholly-owned  finance  company  subsidiary,  Brooke Credit  Corporation.  Brooke
Credit  Corporation  will use the proceeds to increase  its loan and  commission
receivable  balances by repurchasing  certain of the loans previously made by it
and sold to  participating  lenders.  In  addition,  the  increased  capital  is
expected to improve  Brooke  Credit  Corporation's  creditworthiness.  This will
allow  Brooke  Credit  Corporation  to increase  its  interest  margins on loans
retained in its  portfolio  by selling  bonds at a lesser  interest  rate and/or
increase its margins on loans sold to participating lenders.


     If this Proposal is approved by the Shareholders,  a new class of preferred
stock will be created  which will consist of 399,000  shares of what is commonly
known as "undesignated"  preferred stock (the  "Undesignated  Stock").  The term
"undesignated"  preferred  stock  refers to stock  for  which the  designations,
preferences,   conversion  rights,  and  cumulative,  relative,   participating,
optional or other rights, including voting rights,  qualifications,  limitations
or  restrictions  thereof,  will be determined by the Board of Directors on some
future date. As such, the Board of Directors will, assuming the approval of this
Proposal,  Proposal No. 2 and Proposal No. 5 by the Company's  shareholders,  be
entitled to authorize  the creation and issuance of 399,000  shares of preferred
stock in series with such  limitations and  restrictions as may be determined in
the sole discretion of the Board of Directors,  with no further authorization by
the Company's shareholders.

     The Board of Directors  believes that the  Undesignated  Stock will provide
the Company with increased  flexibility in connection with future actions of the
Company,  including  financing  transactions and other corporate purposes as may
arise. The Undesignated  Stock will also allow additional  shares of stock to be
issued without the expense and delay of a  shareholders'  meeting.  This kind of
delay might deny the Company the  flexibility  the Board of  Directors  views as
important in facilitating the effective use of the Company's securities.

     While the Company may consider issuing  preferred stock in the future,  the
Company does not have any current commitments,  arrangements,  understandings or
plans  with  respect  to the  issuance  of  shares  of the  Undesignated  Stock;
therefore,  the terms of any preferred  stock subject to this proposal cannot be
stated or predicted with respect to any or all of the securities authorized.


     It is not possible to determine the actual effect of the Undesignated Stock
on the  rights  of the  Company's  shareholders  until  the  Board of  Directors
determines  the  rights of the  holders of a series of the  Undesignated  Stock.
However, such effects might include:

     *    restrictions  on the  payment  of  dividends  to holders of the Common
     *    dilution  of voting  power to the extent that the holders of shares of
          Undesignated   Stock  are  given   voting   rights  and   whether  the
          Undesignated Stock has disproportionate voting rights;
     *    dilution of the equity  interests and voting power of the Common Stock
          if the Undesignated Stock is convertible into Common Stock; and
     *    restrictions  upon any distribution of assets to the holders of Common
          Stock upon  liquidation or dissolution  and until the  satisfaction of
          any liquidation preferences granted to the holders of the Undesignated

     The Undesignated  Stock could be used in an attempt to block an unsolicited
acquisition through the issuance of large blocks of stock to persons or entities
considered  by  the  Company's  officers  and  directors  to be  opposed  to the
acquisition, which might be deemed to have an anti-takeover effect. In fact, the
mere existence of a block of authorized but unissued shares,  and the ability of
the Board of Directors to issue such shares without shareholder approval,  might
deter a bidder from  seeking to acquire the  Company's  shares on an  unfriendly
basis.  However,  the  Board  of  Directors  does  not now  intend  or view  the
Undesignated  Stock as an anti-takeover  measure,  nor is the Board of Directors
aware of any proposed  transactions  of this type. The Company is not submitting
this  Proposal to enable the Company to frustrate  any efforts by another  party
acquire a controlling interest in the Company's shares or to seek representation
on the Board of Directors.


     The  affirmative  vote of a majority  of the  outstanding  shares of Common
Stock entitled to vote at the Meeting is required to approve Proposal No. 4.

NO. 4


                                 PROPOSAL NO. 5


     At the Meeting,  the  shareholders  will be asked to consider and vote on a
proposed amendment to Article IV of the Articles of Incorporation of the Company
as set forth in the  Company's  Amendment  and  Restatement  to the  Articles of
Incorporation  attached  hereto  as  Appendix  B and  made  a part  hereof.  The
amendment authorizes a decrease in the number of shares of Convertible Preferred
Stock  from  15,000  to  1,000.  As of  February  15,  2001,  781.33  shares  of
Convertible Preferred Stock were outstanding.

     The Board of Directors believes that the proposed decrease in the number of
authorized shares of Convertible  Preferred Stock is in the best interest of the
Company and the shareholders and believes it is advisable to decrease the number
of shares Convertible  Preferred Stock to increase the marketability of the 2002
Convertible   Preferred  Stock.  If  the  shareholders  approve  this  Proposal,
prospective  purchasers of the 2002 Convertible  Preferred Stock will be assured
that the Company cannot issue,  without the approval of the  shareholders,  more
than an  additional  218.67  shares of  Convertible  Preferred  Stock which have
rights superior to the 2002 Convertible  Preferred Stock. The Board of Directors
also  believes  that  there  will be no  effect  on the  outstanding  shares  of
Convertible  Preferred  Stock since this amendment will only eliminate  unissued
shares of Convertible Preferred Stock.


     The  affirmative  vote of a majority  of the  outstanding  shares of Common
Stock entitled to vote at the Meeting and a majority of the  outstanding  shares
of Convertible  Preferred  Stock  entitled to vote at a separate  meeting of the
Convertible Preferred Stock shareholders.

NO. 5


                             SOLICITATION OF PROXIES

     This  solicitation  is  being  made by  mail  on  behalf  of the  Board  of
Directors,  but may also be made without additional  remuneration by officers or
employees of the Company by  telephone,  telegraph,  facsimile  transmission  or
personal interview. The expense of the preparation, printing and mailing of this
Proxy  Statement and the enclosed  form of Proxy and Notice of Special  Meeting,
and any  additional  material  relating to the Meeting which may be furnished to
shareholders  by the Board of Directors  subsequent  to the  furnishing  of this
Proxy  Statement,  has been or will be borne by the  Company.  The Company  will
reimburse  banks and brokers who hold the Common Stock in their name or custody,
or in the name of nominees for others, for their out-of-pocket expenses incurred
in forwarding  copies of the proxy materials to those persons for whom they hold
Common Stock.  To obtain the necessary  representation  of  shareholders  at the
Meeting, supplementary solicitations may be made by mail, telephone or interview
by officers of the Company or selected  securities  dealers.  It is  anticipated
that the cost of any  other  supplementary  solicitations,  if any,  will not be

                                  OTHER MATTERS

     The Board is not aware of any  matters to come  before the  Meeting,  other
than those  specified in the Notice of Special  Meeting.  However,  if any other
matter requiring a vote of the shareholders  should arise at the Meeting,  it is
the intention of the persons named in the accompanying  Proxy to vote such Proxy
in accordance with their best judgment.


     Please advise the Company  whether other persons are the beneficial  owners
of Common Stock for which proxies are being  solicited from you, and, if so, the
number of copies of this Proxy Statement and other soliciting materials you wish
to  receive  in order to supply  copies to the  beneficial  owners of the Common


                                          By Order of the Board of Directors

                                          /s/ Anita Larson
                                          Anita Larson

Phillipsburg, Kansas
February 16, 2001


                          PROXY/VOTING INSTRUCTION CARD

                               BROOKE CORPORATION
                            205 F. Street, 2nd Floor
                           Phillipsburg, Kansas 67661
                                 (913) 661-0123

                     SPECIAL MEETING DATE: February 27, 2001

The undersigned  shareholder of Brooke  Corporation  (the  "Company"),  a Kansas
corporation,  hereby constitutes and appoints Anita Larson,  Secretary, and each
of them,  proxies,  with full  power of  substitution,  for and on behalf of the
undersigned to vote, as designated  below,  according to the number of shares of
the Company's  $1.00 par value common stock held of record by the undersigned on
February 15, 2001, and as fully as the undersigned  would be entitled to vote if
personally  present,  at the Special Meeting of Shareholders to be held at 10895
Grandview Drive, Suite 250, Overland Park, Kansas on Tuesday,  February 27, 2001
at 1:00 p.m. local time, and at any postponements or adjournments thereof.


Please mark boxes [X] in ink. Sign, date and return this Proxy  promptly,  using
the enclosed envelope.

1.  Proposal  to  consider  approval of the Brooke Corporation 2001 Compensatory
Stock Option Plan.

         [  ] FOR                 [  ] AGAINST             [  ] ABSTAIN

2.  Proposal to consider  amendment to the Articles of  Incorporation  of Brooke
Corporation  to  provide  the Board of  Directors  with the  authority  to issue
preferred stock.

         [  ] FOR                 [  ] AGAINST             [  ] ABSTAIN

3.  Proposal to consider  amendment to the Articles of  Incorporation  of Brooke
Corporation  to  increase  the number of  authorized  shares of common  stock of
Brooke Corporation from 1,485,000 to 9,500,000.

         [  ] FOR                 [  ] AGAINST             [  ] ABSTAIN

4.  Proposal to consider  amendment to the Articles of  Incorporation  of Brooke
Corporation to authorize the creation of 499,000  additional shares of preferred

         [  ] FOR                 [  ] AGAINST             [  ] ABSTAIN

5.  Proposal to consider  amendment to the Articles of  Incorporation  of Brooke
Corporation to decrease the number of authorized shares of Convertible Preferred
Stock of Brooke Corporation from 15,000 to 1,000.

         [  ] FOR                 [  ] AGAINST             [  ] ABSTAIN

6. In the  discretion  of such proxy  holders,  upon such other  business as may
properly come before the Meeting or any and all  postponements  or  adjournments

     The  undersigned  hereby  acknowledges  receipt  of the  Notice of  Special
Meeting  of  Shareholders,  dated  February  16,  2001 and the  Proxy  Statement
furnished therewith.

                                     Dated    ____________________ 2001

                                     Authorized Signature


                                     Authorized Signature


Please  sign  exactly  as name  appears  hereon.  When  shares are held by joint
tenants,  both  should  sign.  Executors,  administrators,  trustees  and  other
fiduciaries,  and persons  signing on behalf of  corporations  or  partnerships,
should so indicate when signing.



     [  ] SPECIAL  MEETING.  Please  check here  to  indicate  that you  plan to
          attend the Special Meeting of Shareholders on February 27, 2001.

                                   APPENDIX A

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                               BROOKE CORPORATION

                       2001 COMPENSATORY STOCK OPTION PLAN

                         Adopted as of ___________, 2001

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


                               BROOKE CORPORATION
                       2001 COMPENSATORY STOCK OPTION PLAN

     Brooke Corporation,  a Kansas corporation (the "Company"), has adopted this
2001  Compensatory  Stock Option Plan (the  "Plan"),  effective as of _________,
2001, for the benefit of its eligible Employees.

     The purposes of this Plan are as follows:

          (a) to provide increased incentive for key Employees and other persons
     associated  with  the  Company  to  further  the  growth,  development  and
     financial  success of the  Company by  personally  benefiting  through  the
     ownership of Company stock rights which recognize such growth,  development
     and financial success; and

          (b) to enable the  Company to obtain  and retain the  services  of key
     Employees  and  other  persons   associated  with  the  Company  considered
     essential  to the  long-range  success of the Company by  offering  them an
     opportunity  to own stock in the Company  and/or  rights which will reflect
     the growth, development and financial success of the Company.

                                   ARTICLE I


     Section 1.01.  General.  Wherever the following terms are used in this Plan
they  shall  have the  meaning  specified  below,  unless  the  context  clearly
indicates otherwise.

     "Articles  of   Incorporation"   shall  mean  the  Company's   Articles  of
Incorporation on file with the Kansas Secretary of State.

     "Beneficiary"  shall mean the person or persons properly  designated by the
Optionee,  including  his spouse or heirs at law,  to exercise  such  Optionee's
rights under this Plan in the event of the Optionee's  death, or if the Optionee
has not designated such person or persons,  or such person or persons shall have
pre-deceased  the  Optionee,  the executor or  administrator  of the  Optionee's
estate. Designation,  revocation and redesignation of Beneficiaries must be made
in writing in accordance  with the rules  established by the Committee and shall
be effective upon delivery to the Committee.

     "Board" shall mean the Board of Directors of the Company.

     "Bylaws"  shall mean the  Bylaws of the  Company,  as amended  from time to

     "Code" shall mean the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.

     "Committee" shall mean a compensation  committee of the Board, appointed as
provided in Section 2.01.


     "Common  Stock"  shall  mean the  common  stock of the  Company,  par value
$1.00 per share.

     "Company"  shall mean  Brooke  Corporation,  a Kansas  corporation,  or any
parent or subsidiary  of Brooke  Corporation  as described in Section  424(e) or
Section 424(f) of the Code.

     "Director" shall mean a member of the Board.

     "Employee" shall mean any officer,  director, or other employee (as defined
in  accordance  with  Section  3401(c) of the Code) of the  Company  and, to the
extent permitted by applicable law, any persons associated with the Company.

     "Expiration  Date"  shall  mean the last day of the term of the  Option  as
established in Section 5.03.

     "Exchange Act" shall mean the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended.

     "Fair Market  Value" of a share of Common Stock as of a given date shall be
the  average  of the daily  market  price for the 10  consecutive  trading  days
immediately preceding the valuation date. The market price for each such trading
day  shall be:  (a) if the  shares of Common  Stock are  listed or  admitted  to
trading on any securities  exchange or the  NASDAQ-National  Market System,  the
closing price,  regular way, on such day, or if no such sale takes place on such
day,  the average of the closing  bid and asked  prices on such day,  (b) if the
shares of Common  Stock are not listed or admitted to trading on any  securities
exchange or the  NASDAQ-National  Market System, the last reported sale price on
such day or, if no sale takes place on such day,  the average of the closing bid
and  asked  prices on such day,  as  reported  by a  reliable  quotation  source
designated  by the Company,  or (c) if the shares of Common Stock are not listed
or admitted to trading on any securities exchange or the NASDAQ-National  Market
System and no such last  reported sale price or closing bid and asked prices are
available,  the average of the  reported  high bid and low asked  prices on such
day, as reported by a reliable quotation source designated by the Company, or if
there shall be no bid and asked  prices on such day, the average of the high bid
and low asked prices,  as so reported,  on the most recent day (not more than 10
days prior to the date in  question)  for which  prices  have been so  reported;
provided  (d) that if there are no bid and asked prices  reported  during the 10
days  prior to the date in  question,  the Fair  Market  Value of the  shares of
Common Stock shall be determined  by the  Committee  acting in good faith on the
basis of such quotations and other information as it considers,  in its absolute
discretion appropriate

     "Incentive  Stock  Option"  shall  mean an  option  which  conforms  to the
applicable  provisions  of Section 422 of the Code and which is designated as an
Incentive Stock Option by the Committee.

     "Non-Qualified  Stock  Option" shall mean an Option which is intended to be
an Option,  but does not qualify as an  Incentive  Stock  Option or which is not
designated as such by the Committee.


     "Option" shall mean a stock option granted pursuant to this Plan. An option
granted  under  this Plan  shall be either a  Non-Qualified  Stock  Option or an
Incentive Stock Option.

     "Option  Agreement"  shall mean the  agreement  between the Company and the
Optionee pursuant to which Options are issued.

     "Optionee" shall mean an Employee or person associated with the Company and
who is granted an Option under this Plan.

     "Plan" shall mean this Brooke  Corporation 2001  Compensatory  Stock Option

     "Rule 16b-3" shall mean that certain Rule 16b-3 under the Exchange  Act, as
such Rule may be amended in the future.

     "Stock Option Agreement" has the meaning specified in Section 5.01.

     "Tax Date" has the meaning specified in Section 7.06.

     "Termination of Employment" shall mean the time when the  employee-employer
relationship  between the Optionee and the Company is terminated for any reason,
including,  but  not  by  way  of  limitation,  a  termination  by  resignation,
discharge,  death,  permanent and total disability or retirement;  but excluding
(a)  terminations  where  there is a  simultaneous  reemployment  or  continuing
employment  of an  Optionee  by the  Company  and (b) at the  discretion  of the
Committee,   terminations   which  result  in  a  temporary   severance  of  the
employee-employer  relationship  that do not exceed one year. The Committee,  in
its absolute  discretion,  shall  determine  the effect of all other matters and
questions  relating to Termination of Employment,  including,  but not by way of
limitation,  the question of whether a Termination of Employment resulted from a
discharge  for good cause,  and all  questions of whether  particular  leaves of
absence constitute  Terminations of Employment,  provided,  however,  that, with
respect to  Incentive  Stock  Options,  a leave of absence  shall  constitute  a
Termination  of  Employment  if, and to the extent  that,  such leave of absence
interrupts  employment for the purposes of Section 422(a)(2) of the Code and the
then   applicable   regulations   and  revenue   rulings   under  said  Section.
Notwithstanding  any other  provision of this Plan,  the Company has an absolute
and unrestricted right to terminate an Employee's employment at any time for any
reason  whatsoever,  with or  without  cause,  except  to the  extent  expressly
provided in writing.

     Section 1.02.  Gender and Number.  Wherever the masculine gender is used it
shall include the feminine and neuter,  and wherever a singular  pronoun is used
it shall include the plural, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise.


                                   ARTICLE II


     Section 2.01.  Compensation  Committee.  This Plan shall be administered by
the Committee,  unless the Board otherwise  determines that it shall  administer
this Plan. If the Board  otherwise so determines,  all references  herein to the
Committee  shall  then be  deemed to refer to the  Board.  The  Committee  shall
consist of two or more  Directors  who are "outside  directors" as defined under
Section 162(m) of the Code and the regulations promulgated thereunder, appointed
by and holding office at the pleasure of the Board,  each of whom is not then an
officer of the Company and each of whom is a  "disinterested  person" as defined
by Rule  16b-3.  Appointment  of  Committee  members  shall  be  effective  upon
acceptance  of  appointment.  Committee  members  may  resign  at  any  time  by
delivering written notice to the Board. Vacancies in the Committee may be filled
by the Board.

     Section 2.02.  Duties and Powers of the Committee.  It shall be the duty of
the Committee to conduct the general  administration  of this Plan in accordance
with its  provisions.  The Committee shall have the power to interpret this Plan
and the Options, and the agreements pursuant to which the Options are granted or
awarded,  and to adopt such  rules for the  administration,  interpretation  and
application of this Plan as are consistent therewith and to interpret,  amend or
revoke any such  rules.  Any such grant or award under this Plan need not be the
same with  respect to each  Optionee.  Any such  interpretations  and rules with
respect to Incentive  Stock Options shall be consistent  with the  provisions of
Section 422 of the Code. In its absolute  discretion,  the Board may at any time
and from time to time  exercise  any and all rights and duties of the  Committee
under  this Plan  except  with  respect to  matters  which  under Rule 16b-3 are
required to be determined in the sole discretion of the Committee.

     Section 2.03.  Majority Rule. The Committee  shall act by a majority of its
members in  attendance at a meeting,  or to the extent  permitted by law and the
Bylaws, by telephonic  meeting,  at which a quorum is present or by a memorandum
or other written instrument signed by all members of the Committee.

     Section 2.04. Compensation;  Professional  Assistance;  Good Faith Actions.
Members of the  Committee  shall  receive such  compensation,  if any, for their
services  as  members  as may be  determined  by the  Board.  All  expenses  and
liabilities  which  members  of the  Committee  incur  in  connection  with  the
administration  of this Plan shall be borne by the Company.  The  Committee  may
employ,  with the approval of the Board,  attorneys,  consultants,  accountants,
appraisers,  brokers  or other  persons.  The  Committee,  the  Company  and the
Company's  officers  and  Directors  shall be  entitled to rely upon the advice,
opinions  or  valuations  of  any  such  persons.  All  actions  taken  and  all
interpretations  and determinations made by the Committee in good faith shall be
final  and  binding  upon all  Options,  Optionees,  the  Company  and all other
interested  persons.  No members of the Committee shall be personally liable for
any action,  determination or interpretation  made in good faith with respect to
this  Plan or any  Option,


and all  members of the  Committee  shall be fully  protected  by the Company in
respect of any such action, determination or interpretation.

     Section  2.05. No Liability.  No member of the Board or the  Committee,  or
Director,  officer or employee of the Company  shall be liable,  responsible  or
accountable in damages or otherwise for any  determination  made or other action
taken  or any  failure  to act by such  person  so long  as such  person  is not
determined  to be guilty by a final  adjudication  of  willful  misconduct  with
respect to such determination, action or failure to act.

     Section 2.06. Indemnification. To the fullest extent permitted by law, each
of the  members  of the  Board  and the  Committee  and  each of the  Directors,
officers and employees of the Company shall be held harmless and be  indemnified
by the Company for any liability,  loss (including  amounts paid in settlement),
damages or expenses (including reasonable attorneys' fees) suffered by virtue of
any determinations, acts or failures to act, or alleged acts or failures to act,
in connection with the administration of this Plan so long as such person is not
determined  by a final  adjudication  to be guilty of  willful  misconduct  with
respect to such determination, action or failure to act.

                                   ARTICLE III

                             SHARES SUBJECT TO PLAN

     Section 3.01.  Shares  Subject to Plan. The shares subject to Options shall
be shares of the Company's Common Stock, and the aggregate number of such shares
which may issued upon exercise of such options  shall not exceed 90,000  shares.
The shares of Common Stock  issuable  upon exercise or grant of an Option may be
either  previously  authorized  but unissued  shares or issued shares which have
been repurchased by the Company. In addition, any shares of Common Stock subject
to Option,  which for any reason is  terminated,  unexercised  or expires  shall
again be available for issuance under the Plan.

                                   ARTICLE IV

                               GRANTING OF OPTIONS

     Section  4.01.  Eligibility.  Any  Employee or person  associated  with the
Company and selected by the Committee  pursuant to Section  4.04(a)(i)  shall be
eligible to be granted an Option.

     Section  4.02.  Disqualification  for Stock  Ownership.  No  person  may be
granted an Incentive  Stock  Option under this Plan if such person,  at the time
the Incentive  Stock Option is granted,  owns stock  possessing more than 10% of
the total  combined  voting power of all classes of stock of the Company  unless
such Incentive Stock Option conforms to the applicable provisions of Section 422
of the Code. In particular,  the term of such Incentive  Stock Options shall not
exceed  five  years  and shall  satisfy  the  requirements  of  Section  5.04(c)
regarding sequential exercise.


     Section 4.03.  Qualification of Incentive Stock Options. No Incentive Stock
Option  shall be granted  unless such  Option,  when  granted,  qualifies  as an
"incentive stock option" under Section 422 of the Code.

     Section 4.04. Granting of Options.

          (a) The Committee shall from time to time, in its absolute discretion:

               (i)  determine  which  Employees or persons  associated  with the
          Company are key  Employees  and select from among the key Employees or
          such  persons  (including  Employees  or persons to whom  Options have
          previously  been  granted)  such of them as in its  opinion  should be
          granted Options;

               (ii) determine the number of shares to be subject to such Options
          granted to the selected key Employees or such persons;

               (iii)  determine  whether such Options are to be Incentive  Stock
          Options or Non-Qualified Stock Options; and

               (iv)   determine  the  terms  and  conditions  of  such  Options,
          consistent with this Plan.

          (b) Upon the  selection of a key Employee or persons  associated  with
     the  Company to be granted an Option,  the  Committee  shall  instruct  the
     Secretary of the Company to issue the Option and may impose such conditions
     on the grant of the Option as it deems  appropriate.  Without  limiting the
     generality of the preceding sentence,  the Committee may, in its discretion
     and on such terms as it deems  appropriate,  require as a condition  on the
     grant  of  an  Option  to an  Employee  that  the  Employee  surrender  for
     cancellation  some  or all of  the  unexercised  Options  which  have  been
     previously granted to him under this Plan. An Option, the grant of which is
     conditioned upon such surrender, may have an option price lower (or higher)
     than the exercise price of such surrendered  Option, may cover the same (or
     a lesser  or  greater)  number of shares  as such  surrendered  right,  may
     contain such other terms as the Committee deems  appropriate,  and shall be
     exercisable in accordance  with its terms,  without regard to the number of
     shares,  price,  exercise  period or any other  term or  condition  of such
     surrendered right

          (c) Any Incentive Stock Option granted under this Plan may be modified
     by the Committee to disqualify  such option from treatment as an "incentive
     stock option" under Section 422 of the Code. Any Option  granted  hereunder
     that fails to meet the  requirements  of an Incentive Stock Option shall be
     considered a Non-Qualified Stock Option.


                                    ARTICLE V

                                TERMS OF OPTIONS

     Section 5.01. Option Agreement. Each Option shall be evidenced by a written
Stock  Option  Agreement,  which  shall  be  executed  by  the  Optionee  and an
authorized  officer  of the  Company  and which  shall  contain  such  terms and
conditions as the Committee shall  determine,  consistent with this Plan.  Stock
Option  Agreements  evidencing  Incentive Stock Options shall contain such terms
and conditions as may be necessary to meet the applicable  provisions of Section
422 of the Code.

     Section 5.02.  Option Price.  The price per share of the shares  subject to
each Option shall be set by the Committee;  provided,  however,  that such price
shall be no less than the par  value of a share of Common  Stock and in the case
of  Incentive  Stock  Options such price shall not be less than 100% of the Fair
Market  Value of a share of Common  Stock as of the date the Option is  granted;
provided  further,  that in the case of Incentive Stock Options such price shall
be no less than 110% of the Fair Market  Value of a share of Common  Stock as of
the date the Option is  granted  if such  Option is granted to a person who owns
10% or more of the total  combined  voting  power of all classes of stock of the

     Section  5.03.  Option  Term.  The  term of an  Option  shall be set by the
Committee in its discretion; provided, however, that no such term shall exceed a
reasonable  time period,  and provided  further  that,  in the case of Incentive
Stock  Options,  the term  shall  not be more  than 10  years  from the date the
Incentive Stock Option is granted.  The last day of the term of the Option shall
be the Option's Expiration Date.

     Section 5.04. Option Vesting.

          (a) The period  during  which the right to exercise an Option in whole
     or in part vests in the  Optionee  shall be set by the  Committee,  and the
     Committee may determine  that an Option may not be exercised in whole or in
     part for a specified period after it is granted; provided, however, that no
     Option shall be  exercisable by any Optionee who is then subject to Section
     16 of the Exchange  Act within the period  ending six months after the date
     the Option is granted.  At any time after grant of an Option, the Committee
     may, in its sole discretion and subject to whatever terms and conditions it
     selects, accelerate the period during which an Option vests.

          (b) No portion of an Option which is  unexercisable  at Termination of
     Employment shall thereafter become  exercisable;  provided,  however,  that
     provision may be made that such Option shall become  exercisable,  with the
     consent  of the  Committee,  in the event of a  Termination  of  Employment
     because  of  the  Optionee's  normal  retirement  or  permanent  and  total
     disability  (each as determined by the Committee in accordance with Company
     policies), death or early retirement.


          (c) To the extent that the  aggregate  Fair Market Value of stock with
     respect to which  Incentive  Stock Options  (determined  without  regard to
     Section  422(d)  of the  Code) are  exercisable  for the  first  time by an
     Optionee  during any calendar year (under the Plan and all other  incentive
     stock  option  plans of the  Company  or any  Company  Subsidiary)  exceeds
     $100,000,  such Options  shall be treated as  Non-Qualified  Options to the
     extent  required  by  Section  422 of the  Code.  The rule set forth in the
     preceding  sentence  shall be applied by taking Options into account in the
     order in which they were granted. For purposes of this Section 5.04(c), the
     Fair Market Value of stock shall be  determined  as of the time the Option,
     with respect to such stock, is granted.

     Section 5.05. Exercise of Option After Termination of Employment. For those
Participants  who are  Employees,  an Option is  exercisable by an Optionee only
while  he is an  Employee.  The  preceding  notwithstanding,  an  Option  may be
exercised subsequent to an Optionee's Termination of Employment,  subject to the
following limitations:

          (a) If the  Optionee  dies  while an Option is  exercisable  under the
     terms of this Plan, the Optionee's Beneficiary may exercise such rights, to
     the extent the Optionee could have done so immediately preceding his death.
     Any such Option must be  exercised  within 12 months  after the  Optionee's
     death,  and the Committee may in its discretion  extend the Expiration Date
     of such Option to accommodate such exercise;  provided,  however,  that the
     term of an Incentive  Stock Option may not be extended beyond 10 years from
     the date of grant.

          (b) If the  Optionee's  employment is terminated  due to his permanent
     and total  disability,  as  defined in Section  22(e)(3)  of the Code,  the
     Optionee  may  exercise  his Option,  to the extent  exercisable  as of his
     Termination of Employment, within 12 months after termination, but no later
     than the Option's Expiration Date.

          (c)  Except  as  provided  in  Section  5.05(d),   if  the  Optionee's
     employment  is  terminated  for any  reason  other  than those set forth in
     subsection (a) or (b) above,  the Optionee may exercise his Option,  to the
     extent exercisable as of his Termination of Employment, within three months
     after Termination of Employment, but not later than the Option's Expiration

          (d) If the  Optionee's  employment  is terminated  for good cause,  as
     determined by the Company,  in its sole  discretion,  Options granted under
     the Plan shall expire on the date of the Termination of Employment.

                                   ARTICLE VI

                               EXERCISE OF OPTIONS

     Section 6.01.  Partial Exercise.  An exercisable Option may be exercised in
whole or in part.  However,  an Option shall not be exercisable  with respect to
fractional  shares  and the  Committee  may  require  that,  by the terms of the
Option, a partial exercise be with respect to a minimum number of shares.


     Section 6.02. Manner of Exercise. All or a portion of an exercisable Option
shall be deemed exercised upon:

          (a) Delivery of all of the  following to the  Secretary of the Company
     or his office:

               (i)  a  written  notice   complying  with  the  applicable  rules
          established  by the Committee or the Company  stating that the Option,
          or a portion thereof, is exercised.  The notice shall be signed by the
          Optionee or other person then  entitled to exercise the Option or such

               (ii) such representations and documents as the Committee,  in its
          absolute discretion, deems necessary or advisable to effect compliance
          with all  applicable  provisions  of the  Securities  Act of 1933,  as
          amended,   and  any  other  federal  or  state   securities   laws  or
          regulations.  The Committee may, in its absolute discretion, also take
          whatever  additional  actions  it deems  appropriate  to  effect  such
          compliance,  including,  without limitation,  placing legends on share
          certificates   and  issuing   stop-transfer   notices  to  agents  and
          registrars; and

               (iii) in the event that the Option shall be exercised pursuant to
          Section  5.05(a)  by any person or  persons  other than the  Optionee,
          appropriate  proof of the right of such  person or persons to exercise
          the Option; and

          (b) Full cash  payment to the  Secretary of the Company for the shares
     with  respect  to which the  Option,  or  portion  thereof,  is  exercised.
     However,  at the discretion of the  Committee,  the terms of the Option may
     (i) allow a delay in  payment  up to 30 days from the date the  Option,  or
     portion  thereof,  is exercised;  (ii) allow payment,  in whole or in part,
     through the delivery of shares of Common Stock owned by the Optionee; (iii)
     allow  payment,  in whole or in part,  through the  surrender  of shares of
     Common  Stock then  issuable  upon  exercise of the  Option;  or (iv) allow
     payment,  in whole or in part, through the delivery of property of any kind
     which constitutes good and valuable consideration.

     Section 6.03.  Issuance of Shares.  As soon as practicable after receipt by
the Company,  pursuant to Section  6.02(b),  of full cash payment for the shares
with  respect  to which an  Option,  or  portion  thereof,  is  exercised  by an
Optionee,  with respect to each such exercise, the Company shall transfer to the
Optionee the number of shares equal to the quotient of:

          (a) the amount of the  payment  made by the  Optionee  to the  Company
     pursuant to Section 6.02(b); and

          (b) the  price  per  share of the  shares  subject  to the  Option  as
     determined pursuant to Section 5.02.

     Section  6.04.  Conditions to Issuance of Stock  Certificates.  The Company
shall not be required to issue or to deliver any certificate or certificates for
shares of stock  purchased  upon the  exercise of any Option or portion  thereof
prior to fulfillment of all of the following conditions:


          (a) the admission of such shares to listing on all stock  exchanges on
     which such class of stock is then listed, if any;

          (b) the completion of any registration or other  qualification of such
     shares under any state or federal law, or under the rulings or  regulations
     of  the  Securities  and  Exchange  Commission  or any  other  governmental
     regulatory body which the Committee shall, in its absolute discretion, deem
     necessary or advisable;

          (c)  obtaining  any  approval  or other  clearance  from any  state or
     federal  governmental  agency which the Committee shall  determine,  in its
     absolute discretion, to be necessary or advisable;

          (d) the lapse of such reasonable period of time following the exercise
     of the Option as the Committee may establish  from time to time for reasons
     of administrative convenience; and

          (e) the  receipt  by the  Company  of full  payment  for such  shares,
     including payment of any applicable withholding tax.

     Section 6.05. Rights as Stockholders.  The holders of Options shall not be,
nor have any of the rights or  privileges  of,  stockholders  of the  Company in
respect of any shares  purchasable  upon the  exercise  of any part of an Option
unless and until  certificates  representing such shares have been issued by the
Company to such holders.

     Section  6.06.  Transfer  Restrictions.  The  Committee,  in  its  absolute
discretion,  may impose such additional  restrictions on the  transferability of
the shares  purchasable upon the exercise of an Option as it deems  appropriate.
Any such restriction shall be set forth in the respective Stock Option Agreement
and may be referred to on the certificates evidencing such shares. The Committee
will require the Employee to give the Company  prompt notice of any  disposition
of shares of Common  Stock  acquired by exercise of an  Incentive  Stock  Option
within (a) two years from the date of granting  such Option to such  Employee or
(b) one year after the transfer of such shares to such  Employee.  The Committee
may direct that the  certificates  evidencing  shares acquired by exercise of an
Option refer to such requirement to give prompt notice of disposition.

                                   ARTICLE VII

                            MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS

     Section 7.01.  Not  Transferable.  Options under this Plan may not be sold,
pledged, assigned or transferred in any manner other than by will or the laws of
descent and distribution;  provided,  however,  that an Optionee may designate a
Beneficiary  to exercise  his Option or other  rights  under this Plan after his
death.  No Option or  interest or right  therein  shall be liable for the debts,
contracts or engagements of the Optionee, or his successors in interest or shall
be  subject  to  disposition  by  transfer,  alienation,  anticipation,  pledge,
encumbrance, assignment or any other means whether such disposition be voluntary
or involuntary or by operation of law by judgment, levy, attachment, garnishment
or any other legal or  equitable  proceedings  (including  bankruptcy),  and any
attempted disposition thereof shall be null and void and of no effect;


provided,  however, that nothing in this Section 7.01 shall prevent transfers by
will or by the applicable laws of descent and  distribution.  An Option shall be
exercised during the Optionee's lifetime only by the Optionee or his guardian or
legal representative.

     Section 7.02. Amendment,  Suspension or Termination of this Plan. This Plan
may  be  wholly  or  partially  amended  or  otherwise  modified,  suspended  or
terminated  at any  time or from  time to time by the  Board.  However,  without
approval of the  Company's  stockholders  given within  twelve  months before or
after the action by the Board or the  Committee,  no action of the  Committee or
Board,  except as provided in Section 7.03,  may increase the limits  imposed in
Section  3.01 on the  maximum  number of shares  which may be issued  under this
Plan, and no action of the Committee or Board may be taken that would  otherwise
require stockholder  approval as a matter of applicable law, regulation or rule.
No amendment, suspension or termination of this Plan, without the consent of the
holder of an Option,  shall alter or impair any rights or obligations  under any
Option  theretofore  granted  or  awarded.  No Option  may be granted or awarded
during any period of suspension  nor after  termination  of this Plan, and in no
event may any Incentive  Stock Option be granted under this Plan after the first
to occur of the following events:

          (a) the  expiration  of ten years from the date the Plan is adopted by
     the Board; or

          (b) the  expiration of ten years from the date the Plan is approved by
     the Company's stockholders under Section 7.05.

     Section  7.03.  Changes in Common  Stock or Assets of the  Company.  In the
event that the outstanding  shares of Common Stock are hereafter changed into or
exchanged for cash or a different  number or kind of shares or other  securities
of the Company, or of another corporation, by reason of reorganization,  merger,
consolidation, recapitalization, reclassification, stock splitup, stock dividend
or combination of shares, appropriate adjustments shall be made by the Committee
in the  number  and kind of shares  for the  purchase  of which  Options  may be
granted,  including adjustments of the limitation in Section 3.01 on the maximum
number and kind of shares which may be issued.

     In the  event of such a change  or  exchange,  other  than  for  shares  or
securities of another corporation or by reason of reorganization,  the Committee
shall also make an appropriate  and equitable  adjustment in the number and kind
of shares as to which all outstanding Options or Performance Awards, or portions
thereof then  unexercised,  shall be exercisable.  Such adjustment shall be made
with the intent  that after the change or exchange  of shares,  each  Optionee's
proportionate  interest  shall be  maintained  as before the  occurrence of such
event.  Such  adjustment  in an  outstanding  Option may include a necessary  or
appropriate  corresponding adjustment in the Option exercise price, but shall be
made  without  change  in the  total  price  applicable  to the  Option,  or the
unexercised  portion  thereof  (except  for any  change in the  aggregate  price
resulting from rounding off of share quantities or prices).

     Where an  adjustment  of the type  described  above is made to an Incentive
Stock Option under this Section,  the adjustment  will be made in a manner which
will not be  considered a  "modification"  under the  provisions  of  subsection
424(h)(3) of the Code.


     In the event of a "spin-off" or other substantial distribution of assets of
the Company which has a material diminutive effect upon the Fair Market Value of
the  Company's  Common  Stock,  the  Committee  may in its  discretion  make  an
appropriate  and equitable  adjustment to the Option  exercise  price to reflect
such diminution.

     Section  7.04.  Merger  of the  Company.  In the  event  of the  merger  or
consolidation of the Company with or into another  corporation,  the exchange of
all or  substantially  all of the assets of the  Company for the  securities  of
another corporation,  the acquisition by another corporation or person of all or
substantially  all of the Company's  assets or 80% or more of the Company's then
outstanding voting stock, or the liquidation or dissolution of the Company:

          (a)  Pursuant  to the terms of the  Option,  all  granted  or  awarded
     Options will immediately  vest in the Optionee,  and for a specified period
     of time prior to such event,  such Option  shall be  exercisable  as to all
     shares  covered  thereby,  notwithstanding  anything to the contrary in (i)
     Section 5.04 or (ii) the provisions of such Option.

     Section 7.05. Approval of Plan by Stockholders. This Plan will be submitted
for the approval of the  Company's  stockholders  within twelve months after the
date of the Board's initial adoption of this Plan.  Options may be granted prior
to  such  stockholder  approval;   provided  that  such  Options  shall  not  be
exercisable  prior to the time when this Plan is approved  by the  stockholders;
and provided  further that if such  approval has not been obtained at the end of
said twelve-month  period,  all Options previously granted under this Plan shall
thereupon be considered Non-Qualified Stock Options. The Company shall take such
actions with respect to the Plan as may be necessary to satisfy the requirements
of Rule 16b-3.

     Section  7.06.  Tax  Withholding.  The Company shall be entitled to require
payment or deduction  from other  compensation  payable to each  Optionee of any
sums required by federal,  state or local tax law to be withheld with respect to
any Option.  The Committee may in its discretion allow such Optionee to elect to
have the Company  withhold shares of Common Stock (or allow the return of shares
of Common  Stock)  having a Fair Market  Value equal to the sums  required to be
withheld.  If the Optionee elects to advance such sums directly,  written notice
of that election  shall be delivered on or prior to such  exercise and,  whether
pursuant to such  election or pursuant to a  requirement  imposed by the Company
payment in cash or by check of such sums for taxes shall be delivered within two
days after the date of exercise.  If, as allowed by the Committee,  the Optionee
elects to have the Company  withhold shares of Common Stock (or allow the return
of shares of Common Stock) having a Fair Market Value equal to the sums required
to be  withheld,  the value of the  shares of Common  Stock to be  withheld  (or
returned  as the case may be)  will be  equal to the Fair  Market  Value of such
shares as of the date that the amount of tax to be withheld is to be  determined
(the "Tax  Date").  Elections  by such  persons to have  shares of Common  Stock
withheld for this purpose will be subject to the following restrictions: (a) the
election  must be made on or prior to the Tax  Date,  (b) the  election  must be
irrevocable,  (c) the  election  shall  be  subject  to the  disapproval  of the
Committee, and (d) if the person is an officer of the Company within the meaning
of  Section  16 of the  Exchange  Act,  the  election  shall be  subject to such
additional  restrictions  as the Committee may impose in an effort to secure the
benefits of any regulations thereunder.  The Committee shall not be obligated to
issue shares  and/or  distribute  cash to any person upon  exercise of any right
until such  payment has been  received or shares have been so  withheld,  unless
withholding  (or offset  against a cash


payment) as of or prior to the date of such  exercise is sufficient to cover all
such sums due or which may be due with respect to such exercise.

     Section 7.07. Limitations Applicable to Section 16 Persons.

          (a)  Notwithstanding  any other  provision  of this  Plan,  any Option
     granted to a key Employee who is then subject to Section 16 of the Exchange
     Act is subject to the following additional limitations:

               (i) the Option  agreement  may provide for the issuance of shares
          of Common  Stock as a stock  bonus  for no  consideration  other  than
          services rendered; and

               (ii) in the event of an Option under which shares of Common Stock
          are or in the future may be issued for any type of consideration other
          than  services  rendered,  the amount of such  consideration  shall be
          equal to the  minimum  amount  (such as the par value of such  shares)
          required to be received by the Company to comply with applicable state

          (b)  Notwithstanding  any other provision of this Plan, this Plan, and
     any  Option to a key  Employee  who is then  subject  to  Section 16 of the
     Exchange Act, shall be subject to any additional  limitations  set forth in
     any  applicable  exemptive  rule  under  Section  16 of  the  Exchange  Act
     (including  any  amendment  to Rule  16b-3 of the  Exchange  Act)  that are
     requirements   for  the  application  of  such  exemptive  rule.  Any  such
     additional  limitation  shall be set forth in an annex to this  Plan,  such
     annex to be  incorporated  herein by this  reference  and made part of this

          (c) With respect to persons subject to Section 16 of the Exchange Act,
     transactions  under this Plan,  other than the  issuance  of  Non-Qualified
     Stock  Options,  are intended to comply with all  applicable  conditions of
     Rule 16b-3 or its  successors  under the  Exchange  Act.  To the extent any
     provision  of the Plan or action by the  Committee  fails to so comply,  it
     shall be deemed null and void,  to the extent  permitted  by law and deemed
     advisable  by the  Committee.  Moreover,  in the  event  the Plan  does not
     include a  provision  required  by Rule  16b-3 to be stated  therein,  such
     provision  (other than one  relating to  eligibility  requirements,  or the
     price  and  amount  of  awards)  shall  be  deemed   automatically   to  be
     incorporated by reference into the Plan insofar as participants  subject to
     Section 16 are concerned.

     Section 7.08. Plan Designation and Status.  Notwithstanding the designation
of this  document as a Plan for  convenience  of  reference  and to  standardize
certain  provisions  applicable  to all types of Options,  each Option  shall be
deemed to be a separate  "plan" for  purposes of Section 16 of the  Exchange Act
and any applicable state securities laws.

     Section  7.09.  Release  of  Restrictions.  Any or  all  of  the  foregoing
limitations in Sections 7.07 and 7.08 on Options  granted to key Employees shall
be  suspended  if, to the  extent,  as to such  persons,  and for so long as the
Securities   and  Exchange   Commission   by   regulation   or  official   staff
interpretation or a no-action letter issued to the Company  determines that such
limitation  is not  necessary to secure the benefits  otherwise  available  with
respect  to a  "plan"  or


particular award, as the case may be, under any applicable  exemptive rule under
Section 16 of the Exchange Act.

     Section  7.10.  Effect of Plan Upon  Options and  Compensation  Plans.  The
adoption of this Plan shall not affect any other compensation or incentive plans
in effect for the Company or any Company Subsidiary.  Nothing in this Plan shall
be construed to limit the right of the Company (a) to establish  any other forms
of  incentives  or  compensation  for  employees  of the  Company or any Company
Subsidiary  or (b) to grant or assume  options or other  rights  otherwise  than
under this Plan in connection with any proper  corporate or partnership  purpose
including  but not by way of  limitation,  the grant or assumption of options in
connection with the acquisition by purchase,  lease,  merger,  consolidation  or
otherwise,  of the business,  stock or assets of any  corporation,  partnership,
firm or  association  or the  performance  of  services  for the  benefit of the

     Section 7.11.  Compliance with Laws. This Plan, the granting and vesting of
Options  under this Plan and the issuance and delivery of shares of Common Stock
and the payment of money under this Plan or under Options granted  hereunder are
subject to  compliance  with all  applicable  federal and state laws,  rules and
regulations  (including but not limited to state and federal  securities law and
federal margin requirements) and to such approvals by any listing, regulatory or
governmental  authority  as may, in the opinion of counsel for the  Company,  be
necessary or advisable in connection  therewith.  Any securities delivered under
this Plan shall be subject to such  restrictions,  and the person acquiring such
securities  shall,  if  requested by the Company,  provide such  assurances  and
representations to the Company as the Company may deem necessary or desirable to
assure  compliance  with  all  applicable  legal  requirements.  To  the  extent
permitted by applicable  law, the Plan, or Options awarded  hereunder,  shall be
deemed  amended to the  extent  necessary  to  conform  to such laws,  rules and

     Section 7.12.  Titles.  Titles are provided herein for convenience only and
are not to serve as a basis for interpretation or construction of this Plan.

     Section 7.13.  Governing Law. This Plan and any agreements  hereunder shall
be  administered,  interpreted and enforced under the internal laws of the State
of Kansas without regard to conflicts of laws thereof.

     Section 7.14.  Continued  Employment.  Nothing in the Plan or in any Option
Agreement  shall  confer  upon any  Participant  the  right to  continue  in the
employment  of the  Company or affect any right  which the  Company  may have to
terminate the employment of such participant.

     Section  7.15.  Severability.  If any portion of this Plan is declared by a
court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid or unenforceable after all appeals
have either been  exhausted or the time for any appeals to be taken has expired,
the remainder of the terms, provisions,  covenants and restrictions of this Plan
shall  remain in full force and effect and in no way be  affected,  impaired  or



     The  undersigned,  being the duly  appointed  and acting  Secretary  of the
Company, hereby certifies that the foregoing 2001 Compensatory Stock Option Plan
was adopted by the  Company's  Board of  Directors  on  ___________,  2001,  and
approved by the Company's shareholders on ____________, 2001.


                                            _________________, Secretary


                                   APPENDIX B

                            AMENDMENT AND RESTATEMENT
                                     TO THE
                            ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION

                               BROOKE CORPORATION

                                    ARTICLE I

The name of this corporation is BROOKE CORPORATION.

                                   ARTICLE II

The  registered  office of the  Corporation  in the State of  Kansas,  county of
Harvey,  is at 414 Main, P.O. Box 627, Newton,  Kansas 67114. The resident agent
at that address is Leland G. Orr.

                                   ARTICLE III

This  Corporation  is  organized  for profit and the nature of its  business  or
purposes to be conducted or promoted are:

1.   To engage in the business of purchasing,  acquiring,  soliciting,  selling,
     negotiating and otherwise  dealing in the business of insurance through the
     use of agents  employed  by said  corporation,  which  agents are  lawfully
     licensed and authorized to transact  insurance business within the state of

2.   To engage in any lawful conduct or activity for which  corporations  may be
     organized under the Kansas Corporation Code.

                                   ARTICLE IV

The  aggregate  shares of which the  Corporation  shall have  authority to issue
shall be ten million  (10,000,000)  and said shares  shall be divided  into nine
million five hundred thousand  (9,500,000)  shares of Common Stock, one thousand
(1,000) shares of Convertible  Preferred Stock,  one hundred thousand  (100,000)
shares  of 2002  Convertible  Preferred  Stock  and  three  hundred  ninety-nine
thousand (399,000) shares of Undesignated Preferred Stock.

1. The  Common  Stock  shall  consist  of nine  million  five  hundred  thousand
(9,500,000) shares of par value of One and No/100 dollars ($1.00) per share. The
preferences,  qualifications,  limitations  and  special or  relative  rights in
respect to shares of Common Stock are as follows:

     (a)  Subject  to the  rights  provided  in this  Article  IV to  holders of
     Convertible   Preferred  Stock,   2002  Convertible   Preferred  Stock  and
     Undesignated Preferred Stock (as such rights may be determined by the Board
     of Directors in its sole  discretion),  the Common Stock shall  possess all
     rights and  privileges  afforded to capital stock by applicable  law in the
     absence of any express grant of rights or  privileges in the  Corporation's
     Articles of Incorporation.


2. The Convertible  Preferred Stock shall consist of one thousand (1,000) shares
of par  value of  Seventy-Five  and  No/100  Dollars  ($75.00)  per  share.  The
preferences,  qualifications,  limitations  and  special or  relative  rights in
respect to shares of Convertible Preferred Stock are as follows:

     (a) Except as this paragraph otherwise provides,  the Convertible Preferred
     Stock will have no voting rights.  As long as any shares of the Convertible
     Preferred  Stock are  outstanding,  the  Corporation  shall not without the
     consent of a majority of the  holders of the  Convertible  Preferred  Stock
     then  outstanding:  (i) create or authorize  any shares or series of shares
     ranking prior to or on a parity with the Convertible  Preferred Stock; (ii)
     amend,  alter  or  repeal  any  of the  express  terms  of the  Convertible
     Preferred Stock.

     (b) The  holders  of  Convertible  Preferred  Stock  shall be  entitled  to
     receive,  out of  funds at the  time  legally  available  for  payments  of
     dividends  under the  General  Business  Corporation  Act of Kansas,  a non
     cumulative  dividend  in cash  at the  rate  of  Nine  Percent  (9%) of the
     liquidation value of such stock per share per annum payable, if as and when
     determined by the Board of Directors, due and payable on March 31, June 30,
     September 30 and December 31 of each year, before any dividend shall be set
     apart or paid on the Common Stock in any fiscal year of the Corporation.

     (c) The holders of  Convertible  Preferred  Stock shall have the right,  at
     their option, to convert all or part of their  Convertible  Preferred Stock
     holdings  to Common  Stock.  In the event that the  holders of  Convertible
     Preferred Stock elect to convert their shares to Common Stock, one share of
     Convertible  Preferred Stock shall be exchanged for Thirteen (13) shares of
     Common Stock. The conversion of shares shall occur immediately upon written
     notice to the Corporation.

     (d) Upon the  occurrence  of: (i) the  issuance of Common Stock for a price
     per share less than the current fair market value of such shares;  (ii) the
     issuance  of rights or options to  purchase  Common  Stock or  issuance  of
     securities  convertible  into Common Stock where the exercise or conversion
     price is less  then the fair  market  value  of such  shares;  (iii)  stock
     dividends;  (iv) stock  splits,  the  Corporation  shall  appoint a firm of
     independent  certified public  accountants,  which shall give their opinion
     upon the adjustment,  if any, which must be made in the number of shares of
     Common Stock for which  Convertible  Preferred  Stock shall be convertible,
     necessary  to  preserve,  without  dilution,  the  conversion  right of the
     holders of Convertible  Preferred Stock. Upon receipt of such opinion,  the
     Corporation shall forthwith make the adjustments described therein.

     (e) The  Convertible  Preferred Stock shall be subject to redemption at the
     option of the Corporation at a liquidation value of Seventy-Five and No/100
     Dollars  ($75.00) per share upon thirty (30) days proper  written notice to
     the holders of Convertible  Preferred Stock. Notice of redemption shall not
     preclude the holders of Convertible  Preferred Stock from exercising  their
     right to convert  Convertible  Preferred Stock to Common Stock prior to the
     end of such 30-day period.

     (f) In the case of  liquidation  or  dissolution  of the  Corporation,  the
     holders of the Convertible  Preferred Stock shall be entitled to be paid in
     full the liquidation  value  (Seventy-Five and No/100 (75.00) per share) of
     their  shares  before any amounts  shall be paid to the holders of the 2002
     Convertible  Preferred  Stock,  Undesignated  Preferred Stock and/or Common
     Stock, but on any such liquidation or dissolution  after the payment to the
     holders  of  the  Convertible  Preferred  Stock  of the  liquidation  value
     thereof,  the remaining assets of the Corporation shall be divided and paid
     to the  holders  of the  2002  Convertible  Preferred  Stock,  Undesignated
     Preferred  Stock and Common Stock according to their  respective  interests
     set forth herein,  or with respect to the Undesignated  Preferred Stock, as
     the Board of Directors may determine in its sole discretion.

3. The 2002 Convertible  Preferred Stock,  shall consist of One Hundred Thousand
(100,000)  shares of par value of Twenty-five  and No/100  Dollars  ($25.00) per
share.  The  preferences,  qualifications,  limitations  and special or relative
rights in respect to shares of 2002 Convertible Preferred Stock are as follows:


     (a)  Except as this  paragraph  otherwise  provides,  the 2002  Convertible
     Preferred  Stock will have no voting  rights.  As long as any shares of the
     2002  Convertible  Preferred Stock are outstanding,  the Corporation  shall
     not,  without  the  consent  of a  majority  of the  holders  of  the  2002
     Convertible  Preferred Stock then outstanding,  (i) create or authorize any
     additional  shares or additional  series of shares ranking prior to or on a
     parity with the 2002  Convertible  Preferred  Stock;  (ii) amend,  alter or
     repeal any of the express terms of the 2002 Convertible Preferred Stock.

     (b) The  rights of the  holders  of 2002  Convertible  Preferred  Stock are
     subordinate  to the rights of the holders of  Convertible  Preferred  Stock
     except to the extent that holders of 2002  Convertible  Preferred Stock are
     entitled to cumulative  dividends and the holders of Convertible  Preferred
     Stock are not entitled to cumulative dividends.

     (c) The holders of 2002  Convertible  Preferred  Stock shall be entitled to
     receive,  out of  funds at the  time  legally  available  for  payments  of
     dividends  under  the  General  Business   Corporation  Act  of  Kansas,  a
     cumulative  dividend  in  cash  at the  rate of Ten  Percent  (10%)  of the
     liquidation value of such stock per share per annum payable, if as and when
     determined by the Board of Directors, due and payable on March 31, June 30,
     September 30, and December 31 of each year, after any dividend shall be set
     apart or paid on the  Convertible  Preferred  Stock for the current  fiscal
     year but before  any  dividend  shall be set apart or paid on  Undesignated
     Preferred  Stock  or the  Common  Stock in and for any  fiscal  year of the

     (d) On or prior to April 1, 2002, the holders of 2002 Convertible Preferred
     Stock  shall have the right,  at their  option,  to convert  all or part of
     their 2002  Convertible  Preferred  Stock holdings to Common Stock.  In the
     event that the holders of 2002 Convertible Preferred Stock elect to convert
     their shares to Common Stock, one share of 2002 Convertible Preferred Stock
     shall be exchanged for one share of Common Stock.  The conversion of shares
     shall occur immediately upon written notice to the Corporation.

     (e) On or  prior to April 1,  2002  and  upon the  occurrence  of:  (i) the
     issuance of Common  Stock for a price per share less than the current  fair
     market  value of such  shares;  (ii) the  issuance  of rights or options to
     purchase  Common Stock or issuance of  securities  convertible  into Common
     Stock where the exercise or  conversion  price is less then the fair market
     value of such  shares;  (iii)  stock  dividends;  (iv)  stock  splits,  the
     Corporation   shall  appoint  a  firm  of  independent   certified   public
     accountants,  which shall give their opinion upon the  adjustment,  if any,
     which must be made in the  number of shares of Common  Stock for which 2002
     Convertible  Preferred Stock shall be  convertible,  necessary to preserve,
     without dilution,  the conversion rights of the holders of 2002 Convertible
     Preferred  Stock.  Upon  receipt of such  opinion,  the  Corporation  shall
     forthwith make the adjustments described therein.

     (f) After  April 1, 2002,  the 2002  Convertible  Preferred  Stock shall be
     subject to  redemption  at the option of the  Corporation  at a  redemption
     value of Twenty Seven and 50\100 Dollars ($27.50) per share on any dividend
     payment date.

     (g) In the case of  liquidation  or  dissolution  of the  Corporation,  the
     holders of the 2002  Convertible  Preferred  Stock  shall be entitled to be
     paid in full the  liquidation  value  (Twenty-five  and No/100 ($25.00) per
     share) of their  shares  after  payment  of full  liquidation  value to the
     holders of Convertible Preferred Stock and before any amounts shall be paid
     to the holders of the Undesignated Preferred Stock and/or Common Stock, but
     on any such liquidation or dissolution  after the payment to the holders of
     Convertible  Preferred  Stock and 2002  Convertible  Preferred Stock of the
     liquidation value thereof, the remaining assets of the Corporation shall be
     divided and paid to the  holders of  Undesignated  Preferred  Stock and the
     Common Stock according to their respective  interests set forth herein,  or
     with respect to the Undesignated Preferred Stock, as the Board of Directors
     may determine in its sole discretion.


4. The Undesignated  Preferred Stock, shall consist of three hundred ninety-nine
thousand  (399,000) shares for which the designations,  preferences,  conversion
rights,  and  cumulative,  relative,  participating,  optional or other  rights,
including voting rights,  qualifications,  limitations or restrictions  thereof,
may be  determined  by the Board Of  Directors  on some future date  without any
further authorization by the Corporation's shareholders.

The only other preferences, qualification, limitations, restrictions and special
relative rights with respect to the Corporation's shares shall be as provided in
this Article IV hereof and such restrictions on  transferability as are provided
in the By-Laws of the Corporation or by agreement of the shareholders.

                                    ARTICLE V

The power to adopt, repeal and amend the bylaws of this Corporation shall reside
in the Board of Directors of the Corporation.

                                   ARTICLE VI

The  stockholders  of this  Corporation  shall not be personally  liable for the
payment of the Corporation's  debts, except as they may be liable for the reason
of their own conduct or acts.

                                   ARTICLE VII

1. The Corporation reserves the right to make any amendment of the articles, now
or  hereafter  authorized  by law,  including  any  amendment  which  alters the
contract  rights,  as  expressly  set forth in the  articles,  of any  shares of
outstanding stock.

2. Authority is hereby expressly granted to and vested in the board of directors
to establish from time to time, by resolution or  resolutions  and filing of all
required  documents  pursuant to the applicable  provisions of Kansas  corporate
law, for the issuance of preferred  stock in series,  to establish  from time to
time the number of shares to be  included  in each such  series,  and to fix the
voting, powers, designations,  preferences and relative, participating, optional
or other  rights,  if any or the  qualifications,  limitations  or  restrictions

3. The board of directors  of the  corporation  may, by articles  supplementary,
classify  or  reclassify  any  unissued  stock  from time to time by  setting or
changing  the   preferences,   conversion  or  other  rights,   voting   powers,
restrictions, limitations as to dividends qualifications, or terms or conditions
of redemption of the stock.

                                  ARTICLE VIII

1.  The  Corporation  will  indemnify  any  person  who was or is a party  or is
threatened to be made a party to any  threatened,  pending or completed  action,
suit or proceeding  whether civil,  criminal,  administrative  or investigative,
other  than an action by or in the  right of the  Corporation,  by reason of the
fact  that  he  is or  was  a  Director,  officer,  employee  or  agent  of  the
Corporation,  or is or was  serving  at the  request  of  the  Corporation  as a
Director, officer, employee or agent of another Corporation,  partnership, joint
venture, trust or other enterprise, against expenses, including attorney's fees,
judgments, fines and amounts paid in settlement actually and reasonably incurred
by him in  connection  with such action,  suit or proceeding if he acted in good
faith and in a manner he reasonably believed to be in or not opposed to the best
interest  of the  Corporation  and  with  respect  to  any  criminal  action  or
proceeding,  had no reasonable  cause to believe his conduct was  unlawful.  The
termination of any action, suit, or proceeding by judgment,  order,  settlement,
conviction  or upon a plea of nolo  contendere or its  equivalent,  shall not of
itself create a  presumption  that the person did not act in good faith and in a
manner which he reasonably believed to be in or not opposed to the best interest
of the Corporation,


and, with respect to any criminal action or proceeding,  had reasonable cause to
believe that his conduct was unlawful.

2.  The  Corporation  will  indemnify  any  person  who was or is a party  or is
threatened to be made a party to any threatened,  pending or completed action or
suit by or in the right of the Corporation to procure a judgment in its favor by
reason of the fact that he is or was a Director,  officer,  employee or agent of
the  Corporation,  or is or was serving at the request of the  Corporation  as a
Director, officer, employee or agent of another corporation,  partnership, joint
venture, trust or other enterprise against expenses,  including attorney's fees,
actually  and  reasonably  incurred  by him in  connection  with the  defense or
settlement  of the  action or suit if he acted in good  faith and in a manner he
reasonably  believed  to be in or  not  opposed  to  the  best  interest  of the
Corporation;  except  that no  indemnification  shall be made in  respect of any
claim,  issue or matter as to which such person  shall have been  adjudged to be
liable  for  negligence  or  misconduct  in the  performance  of his duty to the
Corporation  unless and only to the extent that the court in which the action or
suit was brought  determines upon application that,  despite the adjudication of
liability and in view of all the circumstances of the case, the person is fairly
and  reasonably  entitled to indemnity for such  expenses  which the court shall
deem proper.

3. To the extent that a Director,  officer, employee or agent of the Corporation
has been successful on the merits or otherwise in defense of any action, suit or
proceedings referred to in subsections 1 and 2 of this section, or in defense of
any claim,  issue or matter therein,  he shall be indemnified  against expenses,
including attorneys' fees, actually and reasonably incurred by him in connection
with the action, suit or proceeding.

4. Any indemnification under subsections 1 and 2 of this section, unless ordered
by a court,  shall be made by the Corporation only as authorized in the specific
case  upon  a  determination  that  indemnification  of the  Director,  officer,
employee  or  agent  is  proper  in the  circumstances  because  he has made the
applicable  standard of conduct  set forth in this  section.  The  determination
shall be made by the Board of Directors of the Corporation by a majority vote of
a quorum  consisting  of Directors  who were not parties to the action,  suit or
proceeding, or, if such a quorum is not obtainable, or, even if obtainable, if a
quorum of  disinterested  Directors  so directs,  by legal  counsel in a written
opinion, or by the Stockholders of the Corporation.

5. Expenses incurred in defending a civil or criminal action, suit or proceeding
may be paid by the  Corporation  in  advance  of the  final  disposition  of the
action,  suit or  proceeding  as  authorized  by the Board of  Directors  in the
specific  case upon receipt of an  undertaking  by or on behalf of the Director,
officer,  employee or agent to repay such amount  unless it shall  ultimately be
determined  that  he is  entitled  to  be  indemnified  by  the  Corporation  as
authorized in this section.

6. The indemnification provided in this section shall not be deemed exclusive of
any other rights to which those seeking  indemnification  may be entitled  under
any By-Law,  agreement,  vote of  Stockholders  or  disinterested  Directors  or
otherwise;  both as to  action  in his  official  capacity  and as to  action in
another  capacity  while holding such office;  and shall continue as to a person
who has ceased to be a Director,  officer,  employee or agent and shall inure to
the benefit of the heirs, executors and administrators of such person.

7. The Corporation  may purchase and maintain  insurance on behalf of any person
who is or was a Director,  officer, employee or agent of the Corporation,  or is
or was  serving  at the  request  of the  Corporation  as a  Director,  officer,
employee or agent of another corporation,  partnership,  joint venture, trust or
other enterprise  against any liability asserted against him and incurred by him
in any such capacity,  or arising out of his status as such,  whether or not the
Corporation  would have the power to indemnify him against such liability  under
the provisions of this section.

8. In no event shall,  the  Corporation  indemnify any person against  expenses,
penalties, or other payments incurred in an administrative  proceeding or action
that  results in a final order  assessing  civil


money  penalties  or  requiring   affirmative   action  by  such  individual  or
individuals in the form of payments to the corporation.

                                   ARTICLE IX

The term for which this corporation is to exist is perpetual.
