Asset Purchase Agreement dated April 7, 1997 by and
                    between Golden Pharmaceuticals, Inc. and
                          Syncor Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

                            ASSET PURCHASE AGREEMENT

                                 BY AND BETWEEN

                          SYNCOR PHARMACEUTICALS, INC.,
                             A DELAWARE CORPORATION,
                                    AS BUYER


                          GOLDEN PHARMACEUTICALS, INC.
                             A COLORADO CORPORATION,
                                    AS SELLER

                                  APRIL 7, 1997

                                TABLE OF CONTENTS



1.1  Agreement to Purchase and Sell.......................................... 2
1.2  Purchase Price; Payment................................................. 5
1.3  Adjustments to Purchase Price........................................... 6
1.4  Allocation of Purchase Price............................................ 6
1.5  Assumption of Liabilities............................................... 6
1.6  Non-Assumption of Certain Liabilities................................... 6
1.7  Closing................................................................. 7


2.1  Existence; Good Standing; Corporate Authority; Compliance With Laws..... 7
2.2  Authorization, Validity and Effect of Agreements........................ 7
2.3  Financial Statements.................................................... 8
2.4  Undisclosed Liabilities................................................. 8
2.5  Absence of Certain Changes or Events Since the Date of the
     Unaudited Balance Sheet................................................. 9
2.6  Taxes...................................................................10
2.7  Title to the Assets.....................................................10
2.8  Condition of Personal Property..........................................10
2.9  Title to Real Property and Improvements.................................11
2.10 List of Contracts and Other Data........................................11
2.11 Business Property Rights................................................12
2.12 No Breach or Default....................................................12
2.13 Labor Controversies.....................................................13
2.14 Litigation..............................................................13
2.15 No Brokers..............................................................13
2.16 Hazardous Materials.....................................................13
2.17 No Misrepresentation or Omission........................................14
2.18 Material Adverse Effect.................................................14
2.19 Knowledge of Seller.....................................................15
2.20 Representation or Warranty..............................................15


3.1  Existence; Good Standing; Corporate Authority; Compliance With Law......15
3.2  Authorization, Validity and Effect of Agreements........................15
3.3  Litigation..............................................................16


3.4  Financing...............................................................16
3.5  Compliance with Laws....................................................16
3.6  No Misrepresentation of Omission........................................16

                        4. OTHER COVENANTS AND AGREEMENTS

4.1  Survival................................................................16
4.2  Indemnification by Seller...............................................16
4.3  Indemnification by Buyer................................................17
4.4  Conditions of Indemnification...........................................18
4.5  Taxes and Expenses......................................................19
4.6  Non-competition.........................................................20
4.7  Conduct of the Business.................................................21
4.8  Access to Information and Customers.....................................22
4.9  Public Announcements....................................................22
4.10 Notification of Certain Matters.........................................22
4.11 Best Efforts............................................................22
4.12 Execution of Additional Documents.......................................22
4.13 Expense Reimbursement...................................................23
4.14 Confidentiality.........................................................23
4.15 Access to Software......................................................24
4.16 Access to Records.......................................................24
4.17 Real Property and Improvements Disclaimer of Warranties.................24
4.18 Use of Telephone System.................................................25
4.19 Parking Area............................................................25

                            5. CONDITIONS OF CLOSING

5.1  Buyer's Conditions of Closing...........................................25
5.2  Seller's Conditions of Closing..........................................27
5.3  Real Property and Improvements Closing Matters..........................28

                         6. TERMINATION AND ABANDONMENT

6.1  Reasons for Termination.................................................29
6.2  Procedure Upon and Effect of Termination................................29

                                7. MISCELLANEOUS

7.1  Notices.................................................................30
7.2  Binding Effect; Benefits................................................30
7.3  Entire Agreement........................................................30
7.4  Governing Law...........................................................31
7.5  Facsimile Signatures....................................................31


7.6  Headings................................................................31
7.7  Waivers.................................................................31
7.8  Merger of Documents.....................................................32
7.9  Exhibits and Schedules..................................................32
7.10 Severability............................................................32
7.11 Assignability...........................................................32
7.12 Drafting................................................................32



A     -  Bill of Sale, Assignment and Assumption Agreement
B     -  Form of Promissory Note
C     -  Form of Opinion of Seller's Counsel
D     -  Form of Opinion of Buyer's Counsel
E     -  Special Warranty Deed
F     -  Form of Option


1.1.1A   Equipment and Inventory
1.1.1B   Patents, Trademarks
1.1.1C   NDAs, ANDAs, INDs, IDEs and DMFs
1.1.1D   Drawings, Blueprints, Specifications and Data
1.1.1H   Computer Software Programs Owned by Seller
1.1.1I   Real Property
1.1.2    Excluded Assets
1.4      Purchase Price Allocation Among the Assets
2.2      Exceptions to Authorization Requirement
2.10     List of Contracts and Other Data
2.13     Notices of Claims Concerning Employment Issues
2.14     Litigation
2.16.1   Hazardous Materials on the Real Property and Improvements
2.16.2   Hazardous Materials to be Removed or Disposed of by Seller


                            ASSET PURCHASE AGREEMENT

         This Asset Purchase  Agreement (the "Agreement") is entered into on the
7th day of April, 1997, by and between SYNCOR PHARMACEUTICALS,  INC., a Delaware
corporation ("Buyer"), and GOLDEN PHARMACEUTICALS,  INC., a Colorado corporation
("Seller").  Buyer  and  Seller  are  referred  to  collectively  herein  as the
"Parties," and individually as a "Party."

         WHEREAS,  Seller desires to sell, and Buyer desires to purchase, all of
the assets of Seller related to the business of the manufacture and distribution
of Iodine-123 on the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement.

         NOW,  THEREFORE,  in consideration of the promises,  the provisions and
the terms and conditions in this Agreement, the Parties agree as follows:


         Each of the following  terms is defined on the page set forth  opposite
such term:

Term                                                                       Page
- ----                                                                       ----

Audited Balance Sheet........................................................8
Balance Sheets...............................................................8
Bill of Sale, Assignment and Assumption Agreement............................5
Business Property Rights....................................................12
Closing Date.................................................................7
Confidential Information....................................................23
Damage Cap..................................................................17
Excluded Assets..............................................................2
Hazardous Material..........................................................13
Indemnification Notice......................................................18
Indemnified Party...........................................................18
Indemnifying Party..........................................................18
Material Adverse Effect.....................................................14

Obligated Party.............................................................23
Permitted Exceptions........................................................11
Promissory Note..............................................................5
Purchase Price...............................................................5
Real Property................................................................4
Real Property and Improvements...............................................4
Termination Date............................................................21
Third Party.................................................................23
Third Party Claim...........................................................18
Title Commitment............................................................28
Title Company...............................................................28
Title Policy................................................................28
To the Knowledge of Seller..................................................15
Unaudited Balance Sheet......................................................8



                    1.1.1     Upon the terms and subject to the  conditions  set
forth in this Agreement  and upon the representations and warranties made herein
by each Party, on the Closing  Date  (as  defined  herein),  Seller  shall sell,
grant,  convey, assign,  transfer and  deliver to Buyer, and Buyer will purchase
and acquire from Seller,  all of the assets and  properties  of Seller  of every
kind, nature and description (wherever  located)  related to the manufacture and
distribution of Iodine-123 (hereinafter the "Business") and which are  described
in  this Agreement,  which Seller  represents  are listed on attached  Schedules
1.1.1A,  1.1.1B,  1.1.1C,  1.1.1D,  1.1.1H, 1.1.1I, 2.10 and 2.16.1, as the same
shall exist on the Closing Date, except those assets and properties specifically
excluded pursuant to Section 1.1.2 below (the  "Excluded  Assets") or not listed
on  the  Schedules  attached  hereto  (said  assets  and  properties to be sold,
granted,  conveyed,   transferred,   assigned  and   delivered  to   Buyer   are
hereinafter  collectively  referred  to  as  the  "Assets"),  including  without

                              (a) all inventory, prepaids, spare parts, deferred
items, work in process, supplies,  leaseholds,  leasehold  improvements,  tools,
fixtures,  machinery, equipment, furniture, office furnishings  and  fixtures of
Seller that are related to the Business all of which are set  forth  in attached
Schedule 1.1.1A;

                              (b) all patents and applications therefore and all
trademarks and  trade  names,  trademark  and  trade name registrations, service
marks and service mark registrations, copyrights,  copyright registrations,  all
applications and all licenses related to the Business all of which are set forth
in  attached Schedule 1.1.1B;


                              (c) all  approved,  pending  and  contemplated New
Drug Applications ("NDAs"),  Abbreviated  New   Drug   Applications   ("ANDAs"),
Investigational  New  Drug  Exemptions  ("INDs"),   and  Investigational  Device
Exemptions ("IDEs") and any and all related documents and reports as well as all
Drug Master  Files  ("DMFs")  for  Iodine-123  capsules  and for each other drug
listed  on  Schedule  1.1.1C,  including  but  not  limited  to  data  regarding
investigations,   components,   complete  and  detailed   descriptions   of  the
manufacturing   processes,   labeling,   preclinical   and   clinical   studies;
pharmacology data;  toxicology and pathology  information,  dose-range analyses,
controlled and other clinical studies;  clinical  laboratory  studies related to
effectiveness  and safety; a synopsis of the literature and unpublished  reports
on each drug; a complete and thorough evaluation of the safety and effectiveness
of each drug,  including side effects and adverse  reactions,  labeling,  a full
list of articles, chemicals, etc., used in making each drug;

                              (d) all  drawings,   blueprints,   specifications,
designs and data owned by Seller, directly related to the Business all of  which
are set forth in attached Schedule 1.1.1D;

                              (e) all  catalogues , brochures, sales literature,
promotional  material  and  other selling material of Seller directly related to
the Business;

                              (f) all  books  and  records  and     all   files,
documents,  papers, agreements, books of account and other records pertaining to
the Business or the Assets which are located at the offices,  plants, warehouses
or  other  locations  related  to  the  Assets  (collectively,  the  "Records");
provided,  however, that with respect to Records which are not directly  related
to the Business,  Assets and/or Records associated  therewith listed on Schedule
1.1.1C and 2.10.5,  Buyer  shall only  be  entitled  to a copy thereof and shall
receive no ownership  rights therein.  Seller may retain one complete set of the
Records for  record-keeping purposes and  to fulfill any  obligations  of Seller
with respect to the Business or the Assets;

                              (g) all  rights  of  Seller  under  all contracts,
agreements, licenses, leases, sales orders, purchase orders directly relating to
the Business;

                              (h) a copy of all computer software programs owned
by Seller and  which  are  related  exclusively to the  Business,  which are set
forth in attached Schedule 1.1.1H;  the exclusive worldwide rights to market and
service  such  programs,  all  trade  secrets  and  processes  relating  to such
programs,  all  current,  previous,  enhanced and  developmental versions of the
source  and   object  codes  and   any   variations  thereof,  and  all  related
documentation,  all design specifications, all maintenance and installation  job
control  language, the programs' operators' manuals, the user documentation, the
systems'  documentation  and  manuals   (including  all   flowcharts,   systems'
procedures  and  program  component  descriptions),   all  procedures  for   the
modification  and  preparation   for  the  release of enhanced  versions of such
programs,  and  all  available  testing  data  relative  to the installation and
checkout of such programs;


                              (i)  that  certain  parcel  of  land   located  in
Jefferson County, Colorado,  more particularly described on Schedule 1.1.1I (the
"Real Property") together with all improvements thereon (collectively, the "Real
Property and Improvements");

                              (j) subject  to  the  provisions  of  Section 4.19
hereof, the  right  to  use  the  excluded real property for parking for Buyer's
employees  and  representatives  for  so  long  as Seller owns the excluded real
property; and

                              (k) all other assets and rights of every kind  and
nature, real or personal, tangible or intangible, which are exclusively  related
to the Business.

               Without  limiting  the  generality  of the foregoing,  the Assets
shall include all assets related to the Business set forth in a detailed list of
plant and  equipment as of the date of the  Unaudited  Balance Sheet (as defined
herein) prepared from the accounting  records of Seller,  and all such assets as
may have been  acquired by Seller which would be included on a list  prepared in
like manner from such accounting  records as of the Closing Date, except (a) the
Excluded  Assets and (b) any such assets  which may have been  disposed of since
the date of the Unaudited  Balance Sheet in the ordinary course of business on a
basis consistent with past practice, and which would not have a Material Adverse
Effect on Buyer's interest in this Agreement.

                    1.1.2     EXCLUDED ASSETS.  Notwithstanding anything to  the
contrary  in  this  Agreement, the  following  assets  and  properties of Seller
related  to  the Business are specifically excluded from the Assets and shall be
retained by Seller:

                              (a) all cash on hand, including bank accounts  and
temporary cash investments;

                              (b) claims  for refunds of taxes and other govern-
mental charges for periods ending on or prior to the Closing Date;

                              (c) claims   or   rights   against  third  parties
relating to liabilities or obligations which are  not  assumed  pursuant to this
Agreement by Buyer;

                              (d) rights  under  insurance  policies,  including
rights  to  any cancellation value on the Closing Date, except that Seller shall
assign to Buyer rights under product  liability  policies (or make the  proceeds
available)  with  respect to  claims  arising out of  transactions  prior to the
Closing  Date for which Buyer shall have agreed to be responsible;

                              (e) accounts receivable for the period through the
Closing Date.  Buyer agrees not to interfere with Seller in collecting  accounts
receivable  due  Seller,  without  any  obligation  or  financial responsibility
accruing to Buyer;

                              (f) the rights which accrue to Seller  under  this
Agreement; and

                              (g) the  assets,  real  property  and improvements
which  are  listed  in attached Schedule 1.1.2, provided that Seller shall grant
Buyer an option to purchase the real


property and  improvements  listed thereon.  The option shall be evidenced by an
option agreement in the form attached hereto as Exhibit F.

                    1.1.3    At the Closing, Seller shall execute and deliver to
Buyer (i)  a Bill  of  Sale,  Assignment and Assumption  Agreement,  in the form
attached  hereto as Exhibit "A" (the "Bill of Sale,  Assignment  and  Assumption
Agreement"), under the terms of which Seller shall sell, grant, convey,  assign,
transfer and deliver the Assets to Buyer,  and (ii)  such  other  bills of sale,
deeds,  instruments  of assignment  and  other  appropriate  documents as may be
reasonably  requested by Buyer in order to carry out the intentions and purposes
of this Agreement.

                    1.1.4     Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed as an
attempt or agreement to assign (i)  any  contract,  agreement,  license,  lease,
sales order, purchase order or other commitment  which  is nonassignable without
the consent of the other Party or Parties thereto unless such consent shall have
been given, or (ii) any contract or claim as to which all the  remedies  for the
enforcement enjoyed  by Seller  would not pass  to Buyer as an  incident  of the
assignments  provided  for  by this  Agreement.  In order that the full value of
every   contract and claim of the  character  described  in clauses (i) and (ii)
above,  and  all  claims  and  demands on such contracts may be realized, Seller
shall, by itself or  by  its  agents,  at the request and under the direction of
Buyer, in the name of Seller or otherwise as Buyer shall specify and as shall be
permitted  by  law,  take  all  such  action and do or cause to be done all such
things as shall in the opinion of Buyer be necessary or proper (x) in order that
the rights and obligations of Seller under such contracts shall be preserved and
(y) for, and to facilitate, the collection of the moneys due and payable, and to
become due and payable, to Seller in and under every such contract and claim and
in respect of every such claim and demand,  and Seller  shall hold the  same for
the benefit of and shall pay the same over promptly to Buyer.

              1.2   PURCHASE  PRICE; PAYMENT.  Upon the terms and subject to the
conditions set forth in this  Agreement,  in reliance upon the  representations,
warranties, covenants and agreements of Seller contained herein, and in exchange
for the sale,  grant,  conveyance,  assignment,  transfer  and  delivery  of the
Assets,  Buyer  agrees to pay to Seller  the sum of SIX  MILLION  SEVEN  HUNDRED
THOUSAND Dollars  ($6,700,000) (the "Purchase Price"),  payable on April 7, 1997
as follows:  (i) by wire transfer of Six Million Five Hundred and Fifty Thousand
Five Hundred Dollars  ($6,550,000)  in immediately  available funds to Seller in
such bank accounts as designated by Seller in writing to Buyer at least 24 hours
prior to the Closing; and (ii) a promissory note, in the form attached hereto as
Exhibit "B", in the principal  amount of One Hundred and Fifty Thousand  Dollars
($150,000.00)  with interest at the prime rate  established from time to time by
Norwest Bank  Minnesota,  National  Association  (the  "Promissory  Note").  The
principal  amount of the Promissory  Note, plus interest shall be paid in twelve
(12) equal  monthly  installments  with the first payment due on April 15, 1997.
Buyer's  obligation to pay any moneys under this  Agreement is subject to all of
the conditions  precedent in this Agreement,  including but not limited to those
conditions identified under Section 5 of this Agreement.

              1.3   ADJUSTMENTS TO  PURCHASE PRICE.  The Purchase Price shall be
increased or decreased, as appropriate, for all personal property taxes and real
property taxes, which personal property taxes and real property  taxes  shall be
pro-rated between Seller and Buyer as


of the Closing Date.  Such  adjustment to the Purchase  Price,  if any, shall be
paid or  deducted,  respectively,  from the April 15,  1997  payment  due on the
Promissory Note.

              1.4   ALLOCATION  OF  PURCHASE  PRICE.  The Purchase Price and the
liabilities  assumed  by Buyer in  accordance  with  Section  1.5 hereof and any
non-recourse  liabilities  to which any Asset is subject  as finally  determined
shall be allocated among the Assets acquired  hereunder as described on Schedule
1.4 hereof,  which allocation shall be mutually agreed upon by the Parties on or
before April 30, 1997.  Seller and Buyer each hereby  covenant and agree that it
will not take a  position  on any  income tax  return,  before any  governmental
agency  charged  with the  collection  of any  income  tax,  or in any  judicial
proceeding that is in any way inconsistent with the terms of this Section 1.4.

              1.5   ASSUMPTION  OF  LIABILITIES.  On  the  Closing Date,  and as
additional consideration for the sale, grant, conveyance,  assignment,  transfer
and delivery of the Assets, subject,  however, to Section 1.6 below, Buyer shall
assume and agree to pay,  perform and discharge when due all the liabilities and
obligations  of Seller on the  Closing  Date,  which  arise under the terms of a
contract,  agreement,  license,  lease,  sales  order,  purchase  order or other
commitment  which is disclosed in Schedule 2.10,  except those listed in Section
2.10.2 of Schedule 2.10.

              1.6   NON-ASSUMPTION  OF  CERTAIN LIABILITIES. Except as set forth
in Section  1.5 above,  Buyer is not  assuming,  and shall not be deemed to have
assumed,  any  liabilities  or  obligations  of  Seller  of any  kind or  nature
whatsoever,  including  but not  limited  to the  liabilities  listed in Section
2.10.2 of Schedule 2.10 and on Schedule  2.14. It is hereby agreed that Buyer is
not assuming,  and shall not be deemed to have assumed,  any liability and shall
not have any  obligation  for or with respect to any  liability or obligation of
Seller (i) under any employee benefit plan of Seller, (ii) in respect of (x) any
sales, use or excise taxes,  income taxes,  taxes based on or measured by income
or franchise  taxes  attributable to periods or events prior to or ending on the
Closing  Date  (other  than  Federal,  state or local  payroll  taxes on current
payroll) or (y) any of the  foregoing  or any other  taxes,  legal,  accounting,
brokerage,  finder's  fees,  or other  expenses  of  whatsoever  kind or  nature
incurred by Seller or any affiliate,  director, employee or officer of Seller as
a result of the consummation of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement,
or (iii)  arising  out of any  action,  suit or  proceeding  based upon an event
occurring  or a claim  arising  (x) prior to the  Closing  Date or (y) after the
Closing Date with respect to claims relating to products sold by Seller prior to
the Closing Date and  attributable  to acts performed or omitted by Seller prior
to the Closing Date related to the Business.

              1.7   CLOSING.  The  closing  of  the  purchase  and  sale  of the
Assets  provided  herein  (the  "Closing")  will  be at the  offices  of  Syncor
Pharmaceuticals, Inc., 6464 Canoga Avenue, Woodland Hills, California 91367-2407
at 10:00 a.m.,  local time, on the earlier of (a) April 7, 1997 and (b) the date
two (2) days  after the  fulfillment  of the  conditions  set forth in Article 5
hereof,  or at such  other  place or at such  other  date and time as Seller and
Buyer may  mutually  agree in writing.  Such date and time of Closing are herein
referred to as the "Closing Date."


         2.    REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES OF SELLER.  Seller represents  and
warrants to Buyer as follows:

WITH LAWS.  Seller is a corporation duly  incorporated,  validly existing and in
good standing under the laws of its  jurisdiction  of  incorporation.  Seller is
duly  licensed or  qualified to do business as a foreign  corporation  and is in
good standing under the laws of any other  jurisdictions  in which the character
of the properties  owned or leased by it therein or in which the  transaction of
its business makes such qualification necessary,  except for those jurisdictions
where failure to be so qualified,  individually  or in the aggregate,  would not
have a Material  Adverse  Effect (as defined  herein).  Seller has all requisite
corporate power and authority to own its properties  related to the Business and
to carry on the Business as now conducted. Seller is not in default with respect
to any  order of any  court,  governmental  authority  or  arbitration  board or
tribunal related to the Business to which Seller is a Party or is subject,  and,
to the  knowledge of Seller,  it is not in  violation  of any laws,  ordinances,
governmental  rules or regulations which would have a Material Adverse Effect on
the Business. Seller has obtained all licenses, permits and other authorizations
and  has  taken  all  actions   required  by  applicable  laws  or  governmental
regulations in connection  with the Business as now conducted,  except for those
licenses, permits and other authorizations,  the absence of which would not have
a Material  Adverse Effect.  To the knowledge of Seller it is in compliance with
all local, state and Federal governmental  agencies which regulate any aspect of
the Business,  the facilities,  the Real Property and  Improvements and personal
property related to the Business, including but not limited to the Food and Drug
Administration,  the Environmental  Protection Agency, U.S.  Occupational Safety
and  Health  Administration,  the  Department  of  Transportation,  the  Nuclear
Regulatory Commission, Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, and
all other  Federal,  state  and local  agencies  involved  in any  aspect of the
regulation of the manufacturing,  transportation or disposal of products related
to the Business, except for violations that have not and would not be reasonably
expected to have a Material Adverse Effect on Buyer's interest in the Business.

execution  and  delivery of this  Agreement  and all  agreements  and  documents
contemplated  by  Seller,  and  the  consummation  by  it  of  the  transactions
contemplated  hereby and thereby,  have been duly  authorized  by all  requisite
corporate  action.  Shareholder  approval of this Agreement and the transactions
contemplated  hereby  is not  required.  This  Agreement  constitutes,  and  all
agreements and documents  contemplated  when executed and delivered by Buyer and
Seller pursuant to this Agreement for value received will constitute,  the valid
and legally binding  obligations of Seller  enforceable in accordance with their
terms,  except  that  enforceability  may be limited by  applicable  bankruptcy,
insolvency,   reorganization,   fraudulent  transfer,  moratorium,  bulk  sales,
preference, equitable subordination, marshaling or other similar laws of general
application now or hereafter in effect relating to the enforcement of creditors'
rights  generally  and  except  that  the  remedies  of  specific   performance,
injunction  and other forms of equitable  relief are subject to certain tests of
equity  jurisdiction,  equitable defenses and the discretion of the court before
which  any  proceeding  may be  brought.  The  execution  and  delivery  of this
Agreement  by  Seller  does  not,  and  the  consummation  of  the  transactions
contemplated hereby by Seller will not, (i) except as set forth in Schedule 2.2,
require the consent or authorization


of, or declaration,  filing or registration with, any governmental or regulatory
authority  or any Third Party (as defined  herein);  (ii) except as set forth in
Schedule  2.2,  result in the  breach of any term of,  or  constitute  a default
under,  or  result  in the  acceleration  of,  or  entitle  any  Third  Party to
accelerate (whether after the giving of notice or the lapse of time or both) any
obligation  under, or result in the creation or imposition of any material lien,
charge,  pledge,  security  interest or other  encumbrance  upon any part of the
property  of  Seller  pursuant  to  any  provision  of,  any  order,   judgment,
arbitration award, injunction, decree indenture, mortgage, lease, license, lien,
or other agreement or instrument to which Seller, or any Affiliate is a party or
by which it is bound,  except  where such breach would not be expected to have a
Material Adverse Effect;  or (iii) violate or conflict with any provision of the
bylaws or  articles  of  incorporation  of Seller as amended to the date of this

              2.3   FINANCIAL  STATEMENTS.  Seller  has furnished Buyer with (i)
an audited  balance  sheet and notes of Seller as of the end of the last  fiscal
year (the "Audited Balance Sheet");  (ii) an audited  statement of operations of
Seller for the last fiscal year;  (iii) an unaudited  balance sheet and notes of
Seller as of November  30, 1996 (the  "Unaudited  Balance  Sheet"),  and (iv) an
unaudited  statement  of  operations  of Seller for the three (3)  months  ended
November 30, 1996. The Audited Balance Sheet and the Unaudited Balance Sheet are
hereinafter  collectively  referred to as the "Balance  Sheets."  The  Financial
Statements  in all material  respects  fully and fairly set forth the  financial
condition of Seller as of the dates indicated, and the results of its operations
for the periods  indicated,  in accordance  with generally  accepted  accounting
principles  consistently applied,  except as otherwise stated therein and in the
related reports of independent  accountants  (and except that interim  financial
statements lack footnotes and other presentation items and are subject to normal
year-end adjustments).

              2.4   UNDISCLOSED  LIABILITIES.   Seller  has  no  liabilities  or
obligations   related  to  the  Business  whatsoever, either  accrued, absolute,
contingent  or  otherwise,  which  are  not  reflected  or  provided  for in the
Financial Statements except:

                              (a) those arising after the date of  the Unaudited
Balance  Sheet  which  are  in the ordinary course of business,  in each case in
normal amounts and none of which would have a Material Adverse Effect on Buyer's
interest in the Business;

                              (b) liabilities or obligations  arising out of, in
connection  with  or  related  to  this Agreement and the documents specifically
contemplated hereby;

                              (c) liabilities covered by insurance, the proceeds
of which are payable to Buyer; and

                              (d) as and to the extent specifically described in
the attached Schedules.

UNAUDITED  BALANCE SHEET.  Since the date of the Unaudited Balance Sheet, Seller
has not:

                    2.5.1     incurred  any  obligation  or  liability (fixed or
contingent) related to the Business, except normal trade or business obligations
incurred in the ordinary course of


business and consistent with past practice, none of which is materially adverse,
and except in connection with this Agreement and the  transactions  contemplated

                    2.5.2    discharged or satisfied any lien, security interest
or encumbrance or paid any obligation or liability (fixed or contingent) related
to the Business, other than in the ordinary  course  of  business and consistent
with past practice;

                    2.5.3    mortgaged,  pledged  or  subjected  to  any   lien,
security  interest  or  other  encumbrance  related  to the Business (other than
mechanic's, materialman's and similar statutory  liens  arising in the  ordinary
course of business  and purchase money security interests arising as a matter of
law between the date of delivery and payment);

                    2.5.4    transferred, leased or otherwise disposed of any of
its assets or properties related to the Business except for a fair consideration
in the ordinary  course of business and consistent with past practice or, except
in the ordinary course of business and consistent with past  practice,  acquired
any assets or properties, so long as it does not have a Material Adverse Effect;

                    2.5.5    canceled  or  compromised any debt or claim related
to the Business, except in the ordinary course of business and  consistent  with
past practice;

                    2.5.6    waived  or  released  any  rights of material value
related to the Business;

                    2.5.7    except  pursuant  to  those  contracts   listed  on
Schedule 2.10, transferred  or granted any rights under any concessions, leases,
licenses,  agreements,  patents,  inventions,  trademarks,  trade names, service
marks or copyrights or with respect to any know-how related to the Business;

                    2.5.8    made  or  granted  any  wage  or  salary   increase
applicable to any group  or  classification of employees employed exclusively in
the Business, other than in the ordinary course of business and  consistent with
past practices;

                    2.5.9   entered into any transaction, contract or commitment
related to the Business, except (i) contracts  listed on Schedule 2.10 (ii) this
Agreement and  the  transactions  contemplated  hereby  and (iii)  transactions,
contracts  or commitments in the ordinary  course  of  business  and  consistent
with past practices; or

                    2.5.10  suffered any casualty loss or damage (whether or not
such loss or damage  shall have been  covered by insurance) which affects in any
material respect its ability to conduct the Business.

     Between  the  date  of  this  Agreement  and the Closing,  Seller will not,
without  the prior  written  consent of Buyer,  do any of the  things  listed in
Sections 2.5.1 through 2.5.10 above.


              2.6   TAXES.  Seller  ( i) has duly and timely  filed or caused to
be filed all Federal,  state, local and foreign tax returns (including,  without
limitation, consolidated and/or combined tax returns) required to be filed by it
prior to the date of this  Agreement  which  relate to Seller or with respect to
which Seller or the Assets are liable or  otherwise  in any way subject,  except
where the failure to file would not subject Seller to any liabilities (including
interest,  penalties or add-ons),  (ii) has paid or fully  accrued for all taxes
shown to be due and payable on such  returns  (which taxes are all the taxes due
and payable under the laws and  regulations  pursuant to which such returns were
filed),  and (iii) has properly accrued for all such taxes accrued in respect of
Seller or the Assets  for  periods  subsequent  to the  periods  covered by such
returns.  No  deficiency in payment of taxes for any period has been asserted by
any taxing body and remains unsettled as of the date of this Agreement.

              2.7   TITLE  TO  THE ASSETS.  Except those matters relating to the
Real Property and Improvements as provided in Section 2.9 below, Seller has good
and marketable  title to the Assets,  free and clear of all security  interests,
mortgages,  encumbrances,  liens,  charges  or  adverse  claims  of any  kind or
character, except:

                              (a) liens   disclosed  on  the  Unaudited  Balance
Sheet; and

                              (b) liens for taxes not yet due or being contested
in good faith (and for which adequate accruals or reserves have been established
on the  Unaudited Balance Sheet).

              2.8   CONDITION  OF  PERSONAL  PROPERTY.   All  tangible  personal
property,  equipment,  fixtures and  inventories  included  within the Assets or
required  to be  used  in the  ordinary  course  of the  Business  are in  good,
merchantable  or in  reasonably  repairable  condition  and are suitable for the
purposes for which they are being used (giving due account to the age and length
of use,  normal  wear and tear  excepted).  No value  in  excess  of  applicable
reserves  has  been  given  to  any  inventory   with  respect  to  obsolete  or
discontinued  products  related to the Business.  Seller agrees to provide Buyer
with a list of fixed  assets  related  to the  Business  with book value and the
original purchase price.

              2.9   TITLE TO REAL PROPERTY AND IMPROVEMENTS. Seller has good and
marketable  title  to  the  Real  Property and Improvements  subject only to the
following items (collectively, the "Permitted Exceptions"):

                              (a) all  matters  of  record and those matters set
forth on the Title Commitment, as hereinafter defined;

                              (b) all  matters  that  would  be  disclosed  on a
current and  accurate survey of the Real Property and  Improvements  or apparent
upon a visual  inspection of the Real  Property and  Improvements  including any
encroachments, shortages in area or boundary discrepancies;

                              (c) building restrictions, zoning regulations  and
all other applicable laws heretofore  or  hereafter  adopted  by  a municipal or
public authority relating to the Real Property and Improvements;


                              (d) taxes  and  assessments  for  the  year of the
Closing Date and subsequent years; and

                             (e) any matters arising by, through or under Buyer.

To the knowledge of Seller,  the Real Property and  Improvements and use thereof
by Seller is in conformity  with all applicable  restrictions,  zoning and other
local ordinances.

              2.10  LIST OF CONTRACTS AND OTHER DATA.  Schedule 2.10 sets  forth
the following:

                    2.10.1    (i) all  patents and registrations for trademarks,
trade names, service marks and copyrights which are unexpired as of the date  of
this  Agreement  and  which  are  used in  connection  with the operation of the
Business, as well as all  applications  pending on said  date for patents or for
trademark, trade name, service mark  or copyright  registrations,  and all other
proprietary  rights,  owned or  held by  Seller  or any of  Seller's  directors,
officers  or  affiliates  and  reasonably  necessary  to, or  primarily  used in
connection  with, the  Business,  and (ii) all  licenses granted by or to Seller
and all other agreements to which Seller or any of Seller's directors,  officers
or affiliates is a Party which  relate, in whole or in part, to any items of the
categories mentioned in (i) above or to other proprietary  rights  of Seller  or
any of Seller's  directors,  officers  or  affiliates  and  which are reasonably
necessary to, or  used  by  Seller  primarily in  connection  with, the Business
whether owned by Seller or any of  Seller's  directors,  officers, affiliates or

                    2.10.2  all collective bargaining agreements, employment and
consulting agreements, executive compensation plans, bonus plans, profit-sharing
plans, deferred compensation  agreements,  employee pension or retirement plans,
employee  stock  purchase  and  stock  option  plans,   group  life   insurance,
hospitalization  insurance or other plans or arrangements providing for benefits
to employees employed  exclusively in the Business and for which employees Buyer
intends to offer employment;

                    2.10.3    all  contracts,  understandings  and   commitments
(including, without limitation,  mortgages,  indentures and loan agreements)  to
which Seller is  a  Party and which  relate  to  the  Business,  or to which the
Business or the Assets are subject and which will be assumed by Buyer at Closing
and which are not specifically referred to in Sections 2.10.1 or 2.10.2.

                    2.10.4   the names and  current annual compensation rates of
all employees employed exclusively in the Business and for which employees Buyer
may consider making an offer of employment; and

                    2.10.5   all  NDAs,  ANDAs,  INDs, IDEs and DMFs and related
documents relating to the Business.


                    True  and  complete  copies of  all documents  and  complete
descriptions of all oral understandings, if any, referred  to  in  Schedule 2.10
have been provided or made available to Buyer.

              2.11  BUSINESS  PROPERTY  RIGHTS.  The  property   referred  to in
Section  2.10.1,  together  with (i) all  computer  software,  (ii) all designs,
methods,  inventions and know-how related thereto,  (iii) all trademarks,  trade
names,  service  marks and  copyrights  claimed or used by Seller which have not
been  registered,  and  (iv) the NDAs  for  Iodine-123  (collectively  "Business
Property  Rights"),  constitute  all such  proprietary  rights  owned or held by
Seller or any of Seller's directors, officers or affiliates which are reasonably
necessary to, or used by same primarily in, the conduct of the Business.  Seller
owns or has  valid  rights  to use all such  Business  Property  Rights  without
conflict with the rights of others. Except as set forth in Schedule 2.14 hereto,
to the knowledge of Seller,  no person or corporation  has made or threatened to
make any  claims  that the  operation  of the  Business  is in  violation  of or
infringes  any  proprietary  or trade  rights  of any Third  Party  (as  defined
herein).  To the knowledge of Seller,  no Third Party (as defined  herein) is in
violation of or is infringing upon any Business Property Rights.

              2.12  NO  BREACH  OR  DEFAULT.  Seller is not in default under any
contract which relates in any way to the Business and to which Seller is a Party
or by which it is bound,  nor has any event occurred which,  after the giving of
notice or the passage of time or both, would constitute a default under any such
contract,  which default would have a Material Adverse Effect.  To the knowledge
of Seller,  the Parties to such contracts will fulfill their  obligations  under
such contracts in all material respects and are not threatened with insolvency.

              2.13  LABOR   CONTROVERSIES.  Seller   is   not  a  Party  to  any
collective bargaining agreement which relates in any way to the Business.  There
are no  controversies  between  Seller  and  any of its  employees  which  might
reasonably  be  expected  to  materially  adversely  affect  the  conduct of the
Business,  or any unresolved  labor union grievances or unfair labor practice or
labor arbitration  proceedings  pending or threatened  relating to the Business,
and to the  knowledge  of  Seller,  there  are  not any  organizational  efforts
presently being made or threatened  involving any of Seller's employees employed
in the Business.  Except as set forth in Schedule 2.13,  Seller has not received
notice of any claim that Seller has not complied  with any laws  relating to the
employment  of  labor,  including  any  provisions  relating  to  wages,  hours,
collective  bargaining,  the payment of social security and similar taxes, equal
employment opportunity, employment discrimination and employment safety, or that
Seller is liable for any arrears of wages or any taxes or penalties  for failure
to comply with any of the foregoing in connection with the Business.

              2.14  LITIGATION.   Except  as  set  forth in Schedule 2.14, there
are no  actions,  suits or  proceedings  involving  claims by or against  Seller
related to the Business or the Assets  which are pending or to the  knowledge of
Seller  threatened,  at law or in equity,  or before or by any  federal,  state,
municipal or other governmental department, commission, board, bureau, agency or
instrumentality,  and, to the knowledge of Seller, no basis for any such action,
suit or  proceeding  exists.  There are no  orders,  judgments,  injunctions  or
decrees of any court or


governmental  agency with  respect to which Seller or the Assets have been named
or to  which  Seller  is a Party,  which  apply,  in  whole  or in part,  to the

              2.15  NO  BROKERS.  Seller  has  not  entered  into any  contract,
arrangement  or  understanding  with any  person or firm which may result in the
obligation of Buyer to pay any finder's fees,  brokerage or agent's  commissions
or other like  payments  in  connection  with the  negotiations  leading to this
Agreement or the  consummation  of the  transactions  contemplated  hereby,  and
Seller is not aware of any  claim or basis  for any  claim  for  payment  of any
finder's  fees,  brokerage  or agent's  commissions  or other like  payments  in
connection with the  negotiations  leading to this Agreement or the consummation
of the transactions contemplated hereby.

              2.16  HAZARDOUS  MATERIALS.  To  the  knowledge of Seller, without
limiting the generality of any other provision of this Agreement,  (i) except as
set forth on Schedules  2.16.1 and 2.16.2 and in the ordinary course of business
consistent  with past practice,  there is no Hazardous  Material (as hereinafter
defined) on or within the Real Property and Improvements, whether such Hazardous
Material  was placed by  generation,  spill,  release,  discharge,  disposal  or
storage, and (ii) no Hazardous Material has penetrated any waters including, but
not limited to,  streams,  crossing or abutting the Real Property or the aquifer
underlying the Real Property.

                    2.16.1   Hazardous Material  as used in this Agreement means
any  hazardous  or  toxic  substance,  material,  waste or similar term which is
regulated by  local  authorities, the State of Colorado, the federal government,
the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, the Environmental Protection Agency,  related
state  or  local  governmental agencies or their designees,  including,  but not
limited to, any  material, substance,  waste or similar term which is defined by
any of the following  laws,  amendments  thereto  and  related  regulations  and
amendments thereto:

                              (a) hazardous material as defined under  the  laws
of the State of Colorado;

                              (b) hazardous  substance  as defined under Section
311 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act (33 U.S.C. Section 1317);

                              (c) hazardous water as defined under  Section 1004
of  the  Federal  Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (42 U.S.C. Section 6901

                              (d) hazardous  waste  substance  as  defined under
Section  101  of  the  Comprehensive  Environmental  Response , Compensation and
Liability Act, (42 U.S.C. Section 9601 ET SEQ.);

                              (e) hazardous  waste  or  toxic  substance, waste,
material or similar  term in  any  rules and regulations, which are  adopted  by
any  administrative  agency  including,  but  not  limited  to the Environmental
Protection Agency,  the  Occupational  Safety  and  Health Administration,   the
Nuclear Regulatory Commission and any such similar federal, state


or local agency having jurisdiction over the Real Property, personal property or
the Assets as defined herein, whether or not such rules and regulations have the
force of law; or

                              (f) hazardous or toxic waste, substance,  material
or similar term  in any statute,  regulation,  rule  or  law  enacted  by  local
authorities, the State of Colorado, and/or the federal government.

                    2.16.2    Schedule 2.16.1  lists the  Hazardous Materials on
or within the Real  Property  and Improvements that are being retained by Buyer.
Seller  will  pay  for  the  sealing,  storage and/or  disposal of all Hazardous
Materials  on  or  within  the Real Property and Improvements that are listed on
Schedule 2.16.2.

              2.17  NO  MISREPRESENTATION  OR  OMISSION.  No  representation  or
warranty by Seller in this Agreement or in any other document furnished or to be
furnished by Seller contains any untrue  statement of a material fact or omits a
material fact  necessary to make the  statements  not misleading or will omit to
state a  material  fact  necessary  in  order to  provide  Buyer  with  accurate
information as to Seller, with only such exceptions as would not have a Material
Adverse Effect.

              2.18  MATERIAL   ADVERSE   EFFECT.  The  term  "material   adverse
effect"  means a material  adverse  effect or effect which would  reasonably  be
expected to have a material  adverse  effect on the condition of the Business or
the Assets.

              2.19  KNOWLEDGE OF SELLER. The phrase "to the knowledge of Seller"
means  the  best  knowledge  of either Charles R. Drummond, Bruce A. Goldberg or
Glen H. Weaver, after due inquiry.

              2.20  REPRESENTATION  OR   WARRANTY.   Any   representations   and
warranties made with respect to any NDAs, INDs, IDEs, ANDAs and DMFs shall apply
solely to the NDA for Iodine-123 and shall not be deemed to be a  representation
or warranty with respect to any other NDA, IND, IDE, ANDA or DMF.

         3.    REPRESENTATIONS  AND  WARRANTIES  OF BUYER.  Buyer represents and
warrants to Seller as follows:

WITH LAW. Buyer is a corporation  duly  incorporated,  validly  existing in good
standing  under the laws of its  jurisdiction  of  incorporation.  Buyer is duly
licensed or  qualified  to do business as a foreign  corporation  and is in good
standing under the laws of all other jurisdictions in which the character of the
properties  owned or leased by it  therein  or in which the  transaction  of its
business makes such qualification  necessary.  Buyer has all requisite corporate
power and  authority  to own its  properties  and carry on its  business  as now
conducted.  Buyer is not in  default  with  respect  to any order of any  court,
governmental  authority  or  arbitration  board or tribunal to which Seller is a
Party or is  subject.  Buyer  has  obtained  all  licenses,  permits  and  other
authorizations  and  has  taken  all  actions  required  by  applicable  laws or
governmental regulations in connection with its business as now conducted.


execution  and  delivery of this  Agreement  and all  agreements  and  documents
contemplated  by  Buyer,   and  the  consummation  by  it  of  the  transactions
contemplated  hereby and thereby,  have been duly  authorized  by all  requisite
corporate action. This Agreement  constitutes,  and all agreements and documents
contemplated  when executed and delivered  pursuant to this  Agreement for value
received will  constitute,  the valid and legally  binding  obligations of Buyer
enforceable in accordance with their terms,  except that  enforceability  may be
limited  by  applicable  bankruptcy,  insolvency,   reorganization,   fraudulent
transfer,   moratorium,   bulk  sales,   preference,   equitable  subordination,
marshaling  or other  similar  laws of general  application  now or hereafter in
effect  relating to the  enforcement of creditors'  rights  generally and except
that the  remedies  of  specific  performance,  injunction  and  other  forms of
equitable relief are subject to certain tests of equity jurisdiction,  equitable
defenses and the  discretion  of the court before  which any  proceeding  may be
brought. The execution and delivery of this Agreement by Buyer does not, and the
consummation  of the  transactions  contemplated  hereby by Buyer will not,  (i)
require the consent or authorization of, or declaration,  filing or registration
with, any  governmental  or regulatory  authority or any Third Party (as defined
herein);  (ii)  result in the  breach of any term of,  or  constitute  a default
under,  or result in the  acceleration  of, or entitle  any Party to  accelerate
(whether after the giving of notice or the lapse of time or both) any obligation
under,  or result in the creation or  imposition  of any lien,  charge,  pledge,
security  interest or other  encumbrance  upon any part of the property of Buyer
pursuant  to  any  provision  of,  any  order,   judgment,   arbitration  award,
injunction, decree indenture, mortgage, lease, license, lien, or other agreement
or  instrument  to which  Buyer,  the Company or any  Affiliate is a Party or by
which it is bound;  and (iii)  violate or  conflict  with any  provision  of the
bylaws or  articles  of  incorporation  of Buyer as  amended to the date of this

              3.3   LITIGATION.  There  is  no action,  suit,  investigation  or
proceeding  pending against or to the knowledge of Buyer  threatened  against or
affecting Buyer before any court or arbitrator or any governmental  body, agency
or official which in any manner challenges or seeks to prevent, enjoin, alter or
materially delay the transactions contemplated by this Agreement.

              3.4   FINANCING.  The  Buyer  has, and  shall have at the Closing,
sufficient funds to pay the full purchase price for the Assets.

              3.5   COMPLIANCE  WITH LAWS.  Buyer  is  not  in  violation of any
applicable   provisions  of  any  laws,   statutes,   ordinances,   regulations,
administrative  interpretations,  orders, judgments,  policies or decrees of any
court or governmental or administrative  authority that are applicable to Buyer,
other than violations  which are not reasonably  likely,  individually or in the
aggregate,  to  prevent,  enjoin,  alter or  materially  delay the  transactions
contemplated hereby.

              3.6   NO  MISREPRESENTATION  OF  OMISSION.  No  representation  or
warranty by Buyer in this Agreement or in any other document  furnished or to be
furnished by Buyer  contains any untrue  statement of a material fact or omits a
material fact  necessary to make the  statements  not misleading or will omit to
state a  material  fact  necessary  in order to  provide  Seller  with  accurate
information as to Buyer,  with only such exceptions as would not have a material
adverse effect.



              4.1   SURVIVAL.  Except  as otherwise set forth in this Agreement,
the covenants, agreements, representations,  warranties and terms, to the extent
the terms are  intended to  survive,  of the Parties  hereto  contained  in this
Agreement or in any certificate or other writing delivered pursuant hereto or in
connection herewith shall survive the Closing for a period of twelve (12) months
after the Closing, provided that the representations and warranties contained in
Sections 2.6 and 2.16 shall survive for a period of 3 years after the Closing.

              4.2   INDEMNIFICATION  BY  SELLER.  Upon  the terms and subject to
the conditions  set forth in this Section 4.2 and Section 4.4,  Seller agrees to
indemnify,  defend  and hold  Buyer and its  employees,  agents,  directors  and
officers harmless against,  and will reimburse Buyer and its employees,  agents,
directors and officers on demand for, any claim, lien, penalty,  payment,  loss,
cost or expense  (including  reasonable  attorney's fees and reasonable costs of
investigation  incurred in investigating  and/or  defending  against such claim,
lien, penalty,  payment, loss, cost or expense or claim therefor) (collectively,
the "Damages")  made or incurred by or asserted  against Buyer or its employees,
agents, directors and officers after the Closing Date in respect of:

                    4.2.1     any and all liabilities or obligations of  Seller,
or  claims  against  or  imposed  on  Buyer,  of  any   nature (whether accrued,
absolute,  contingent  or otherwise and whether a contractual, tax or other type
of liability,  obligation  or  claim)  not  assumed  by  Buyer  pursuant to this

                    4.2.2     any and all Damages or deficiency  resulting  from
any omission,  misrepresentation,  breach  of warranty, or nonfulfillment of any
term, provision, covenant or agreement on the part of Seller contained  in  this
Agreement, or from any  misrepresentation in, or  omission from, any certificate
or other instrument furnished  or to be  furnished  to  Buyer  pursuant to  this
Agreement,  provided, however,  that  Buyer  shall not have  any claim  for  any
Damages  or  deficiency related to  the  nonfulfillment of any term,  provision,
covenant or agreement  on  the part of Seller until and unless,  (i) Buyer shall
first give Seller written notice setting forth in detail the  nonfulfillment  of
Seller,  and (ii)  Seller  fails  to  cure such  nonfulfillment  within ten (10)
calendar days of receipt of such notice from Buyer; and

                    4.2.3     any  and  all  liabilities,  obligations,  claims,
Damages or deficiency arising out of  or  related to Seller's  failure to comply
with the bulk transfer provisions in effect in the state or states in which  the
Assets are located.

     Notwithstanding  anything  above  to  the  contrary,  Seller  shall  not be
liable  under  Section  4.2.2  unless the  aggregate  amount of Damages  exceeds
$250,000  (the  "Basket")  and then only to the  extent  of such  excess up to a
maximum of $500,000 (the "Damage Cap");  provided however,  that with respect to
Damages  arising out of a breach of Section 2.6, the Basket shall be $50,000 and
with  respect to Damages  arising  out of a breach of Section  2.16,  the Basket
shall be $50,000 and the Damage Cap shall be $1,000,000.


              4.3   INDEMNIFICATION  BY  BUYER.  Upon  the  terms and subject to
the  conditions  set forth in this  Section and  Section  4.4,  Buyer  agrees to
indemnify,  defend and hold  Seller and its  employees,  agents,  directors  and
officers harmless  against,  and will reimburse Seller on demand for any Damages
made or  incurred  by or  asserted  against  Seller  or its  employees,  agents,
directors  and officers at any time after the Closing Date in respect of (i) any
omission, misrepresentation,  breach of warranty, or nonfulfillment of any term,
provision,  covenant  or  agreement  on the  part  of  Buyer  contained  in this
Agreement,  or from any  misrepresentation in, or omission from, any certificate
or other  instrument  furnished or to be  furnished  to Seller  pursuant to this
Agreement,  provided,  however,  that  Seller  shall  not have any claim for any
Damages or  deficiency  related to the  nonfulfillment  of any term,  provision,
covenant or  agreement  on the part of Buyer until and unless,  (A) Seller shall
first give Buyer written  notice setting forth in detail the  nonfulfillment  of
Buyer, and (B) Buyer fails to cure such nonfulfillment  within ten (10) calendar
days of receipt of such notice from  Seller;  (ii) any and all claims  which are
asserted or made against Seller  arising from Buyer's  operation of the Business
and use of the Assets after the Closing Date; (iii) any and all claims which are
asserted  or made  against  Seller  arising  out of or related to Buyer's use of
Seller's name and logo as contemplated by Section 4.6.5 herein; and (iv) any and
all claims which are asserted or made against Seller arising from any obligation
assumed by Buyer.

         Notwithstanding  anything  above to the  contrary,  Buyer  shall not be
liable under  Section  4.3(i)  unless the  aggregate  amount of Damages  exceeds
$250,000 and then only to the extent of such excess up to a maximum of $500,000.

                  4.4 CONDITIONS OF INDEMNIFICATION.  With respect to any actual
or potential claim, any written demand,  the commencement of any action,  or the
occurrence  of any other event which  involves  any matter or related  series of
matters  (a  "Claim")   against  which  a  Party  hereto  is  indemnified   (the
"Indemnified Party") by the other Party (the "Indemnifying Party") under Section
4.2 or 4.3:

                    4.4.1    Promptly after the Indemnified Party first receives
written documents pertaining to the Claim,  or if such Claim does not  involve a
third party Claim (a "Third Party Claim"),  promptly after the Indemnified Party
first  has  actual  knowledge  of  such  Claim, the Indemnified Party shall give
notice (the "Indemnification Notice") to the Indemnifying Party of such Claim in
reasonable  detail  and  stating  the  amount  involved, if known, together with
copies of any such written documents.

                    4.4.2     The Indemnifying Party shall have no obligation to
indemnify the Indemnified Party with respect to any Claim if (i) the Indemnified
Party fails to give the notice with respect  thereto in accordance  with Section
4.4.1,  or  (ii)  the  notice with respect thereto is not given on or before the
expiration of the period set forth in Section 4.1.

                    4.4.3    In the case of Third Party Claims, the Indemnifying
Party  shall,  within  10  days  of receipt of notice of such Claim,  notify the
Indemnified Party of its intention to  assume the  defense of such Claim. If the
Indemnifying  Party  shall  assume the  defense of the Claim,  the  Indemnifying
Party shall have the right  and  obligation (i) to conduct  any  proceedings  or
negotiations in connection therewith and necessary or appropriate to defend  the


Party,  (ii) to take all other required steps or proceedings to settle or defend
any such  Claims,  and (iii) to employ  counsel to contest any such Claim in the
name of the Indemnified Party or otherwise.  If defendants in any action include
the Indemnified  Party and the  Indemnifying  Party,  and the Indemnified  Party
shall  have  been  advised  by its  counsel  that  there  may be legal  defenses
available to the  Indemnified  Party which are different  from or in addition to
those available to the Indemnifying  Party, the Indemnified Party shall have the
right to employ its own counsel in such action, and, in such event, the fees and
expenses  of such  counsel  shall  be borne by the  Indemnifying  Party.  If the
Indemnifying  Party  shall  not  assume  the  defense  of any  such  Claim,  the
Indemnified  Party may defend  against  any such Claim in such  manner as it may
deem  appropriate and the Indemnified  Party may settle such Claim on such terms
as it may deem appropriate; provided, however, that any such settlement shall be
subject to the prior consent of the Indemnifying  Party, which consent shall not
be unreasonably withheld.  Within 10 days after final determination with respect
to a Third Party  Claim,  the  Indemnifying  Party shall pay to the  Indemnified
Party the  amount of Damages  incurred  by the  Indemnified  Party in respect of
which  indemnity  may be  sought.  In the case of a  non-Third  Party  Claim and
subject to Section 4.4.5,  payment of Damages incurred by the Indemnified  Party
shall be made by the  Indemnifying  Party  within 10 days  after  receipt of the
Indemnification Notice by the Indemnifying Party.

              4.4.4      As  long as the  Promissory  Note  is  outstanding  all
payments  for  Damages  shall  first  be  satisfied  by an  offset  against  the
outstanding principal balance of the Promissory Note.

              4.4.5     A final  determination of a disputed Claim as to Damages
shall be (i) a judgment  of any court  determining  the  validity  of a disputed
Claim,  if no appeal is  pending  from  such  judgment  or if the time to appeal
therefrom has elapsed, (ii) award of any arbitration determining the validity of
such disputed  Claim, if there is not pending any motion to set aside such award
or if the time within which to move to set such award aside has elapsed, (iii) a
written  agreement  as to the  termination  of the dispute  with respect to such
Claim signed by all of the parties  thereto or their  attorneys,  (iv) a written
acknowledgement  of the Indemnifying  Party that he or it no longer disputes the
validity of such Claim, or (v) such other evidence of final  determination  of a
disputed Claim as shall be acceptable to the parties.

              4.5   TAXES AND EXPENSES.

                    4.5.1    Except as otherwise  specifically  provided in this
Agreement,  Seller  shall  be  responsible  for  and   shall   pay  all   costs,
liabilities and other obligations  incurred  by  Seller  in connection  with the
performance  of and compliance with all  transactions, agreements and conditions
contained  in  this  Agreement  to  be  performed  or  complied  with by Seller,
including  legal and accounting fees.

                    4.5.2    Except as otherwise  specifically provided in  this
Agreement,  Buyer  will  assume  and  pay  all  costs,  liabilities  and   other
obligations  incurred by Buyer  in  connection   with  the   performance of  and
compliance with all transactions, agreements and  conditions  contained  in this
Agreement  to  be  performed  or  complied  with  by  Buyer, including legal and
accounting fees.


                    4.5.3     Notwithstanding  the  provisions  of  Section 1.3,
Buyer  shall  pay  or  reimburse  Seller  for all federal, state or local sales,
documentary, transfer or similar taxes, if any, due as a result of the purchase,
sale, use  or  transfer  of  the  Assets in accordance herewith, and Buyer shall
indemnify, reimburse  and  hold  harmless Seller in respect of the liability for
payment of or failure to pay any such sales,  documentary,  transfer or  similar
taxes  or  the filing  of or failure to  file any reports required in connection

              4.6   NON-COMPETITION.

                    4.6.1     Upon  the  terms and subject to the conditions set
forth  in  this  Section,  Seller  covenants  and  agrees  that,  as  a material
consideration running  to Buyer  for Buyer's payments hereunder, for a period of
five (5) years from and after the Closing  Date,  Seller  will not engage in nor
carry on,  directly or indirectly,  either  for  itself  or  as a  member  of  a
partnership or as a shareholder, investor, agent, associate or consultant of any
person, partnership or  corporation  ((i) other  than  Buyer or a subsidiary  or
affiliate of Buyer or (ii) as a  holder of fewer  than  5%  of  the  outstanding
shares  or  other  equity  interest  of  a  company whose shares or other equity
interest are registered under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934), any business
in  competition  with  the  Business,  but only for as long as the  Business  is
carried on by Buyer or  any  subsidiary  or  affiliate  of  Buyer.  The  Parties
intend  that the  covenants  contained  in this  Section shall be deemed to be a
series of separate  covenants, one for each county in each state of  the  United
States and for each country and political  subdivision of the world and,  except
for geographic coverage, each such separate covenant shall be identical in terms
to the covenant  contained in this Section. Seller  further covenants and agrees
that for a period of three (3) years from and after the Closing Date Seller will
not  recruit, hire, assist others in recruiting  or hiring,  discuss  employment
with, or refer to others concerning employment, any person who is, or within the
twelve-month  period  immediately prior  to the Closing Date was, an employee of
Seller in the Business unless  such person  shall have been  terminated  without
cause or cease to have been employed by Buyer for a period of 12 months.

                    4.6.2   The term of the covenants contained in Section 4.6.1
shall be tolled for the period commencing on the date any  successful action  is
filed  for injunctive  relief  or  damages  arising out of a breach by Seller of
Section 4.6.1 and  ending  upon  final  adjudication (including appeals) of such

                    4.6.3     If, in any judicial proceeding,  the  court  shall
refuse  to  enforce  all  of the separate  covenants  contained in Section 4.6.1
because  the  time  limit  is  too  long, it is expressly  understood and agreed
between  the  Parties  hereto  that  for  purposes  of such proceeding such time
limitation shall be deemed reduced to the extent necessary to permit enforcement
of such  covenants.  If, in any judicial  proceeding,  the court shall refuse to
enforce  all of the  separate covenants contained in Section 4.6.1 because it is
more extensive (whether as to geographic  area,  scope of business or otherwise)
than necessary to protect  the  business and goodwill of Buyer,  it is expressly
understood  and agreed between the  Parties  hereto  that  for  purposes of such
proceeding  the geographic area, scope of  business  or  other  aspect  shall be
deemed reduced to the extent necessary to permit enforcement of such covenants.


                    4.6.4     Seller acknowledges that a breach of Section 4.6.1
would cause irreparable  damage to Buyer, and in the event of Seller's actual or
threatened breach of the provisions of Section 4.6.1, Buyer shall be entitled to
a  temporary  restraining  order  and  an  injunction  restraining  Seller  from
breaching  such  covenants  without  the  necessity  of posting  bond or proving
irreparable harm, such being conclusively admitted by Seller.  Nothing  shall be
construed as prohibiting Buyer from  pursuing any  other available  remedies for
such  breach  or threatened  breach,  including  the  recovery  of damages  from
Seller.  Seller  acknowledges  that the restrictions set forth in this Agreement
are reasonable in scope and duration, given the nature of the business of Buyer.

                    4.6.5     Subject to the  provisions  of Section 4.3, Seller
acknowledges  and  agrees  that Buyer may use the name of Seller (Golden Pharma-
ceuticals, Inc.) to the extent  permitted  by law and for no longer than six (6)
months  after the Closing, to the extent such name is needed by Buyer for use of
Assets  which  are  imprinted  with  the  name or  logo of  Seller,  solely  for
inventory,  package inserts, labeling, etc.   Notwithstanding  the  above, Buyer
covenants and agrees to use its best  efforts to obtain  approval to sell Iodine
I-123  capsules  under  Buyer's  name  and logo as soon as practicable after the

              4.7   CONDUCT OF THE BUSINESS.

                    4.7.1     AFFIRMATIVE COVENANTS.  On  and  after the date of
this Agreement and until the  Closing  Date or the date,  if any,  on which this
Agreement  is  earlier  terminated  and  abandoned  pursuant  to  Section 6 (the
"Termination Date"), Seller shall:

                              (a) conduct the Business according to its ordinary
and usual course of business consistent with past practice; and

                              (b) use its best  efforts  to  preserve intact the
Business and goodwill   and  to   maintain   satisfactory   relationships   with
suppliers, distributors, licensors, licensees, customers,  employees  and others
having business relationships with it.

                    4.7.2    NEGATIVE COVENANTS. Without limiting the generality
of the foregoing, and except for actions to be taken in  connection  with any of
the  transactions  contemplated  by  this  Agreement,  without the prior written
consent of Buyer, Seller shall not, on or after  the date  of this Agreement and
until the earlier of the Closing Date or the Termination Date:

                              (a) incur any indebtedness related to the Business
for borrowed money or  guarantee any such indebtedness or issue or sell any debt
securities or guarantee any debt securities of others, except  that such  Seller
may incur indebtedness consistent with past practice;

                              (b) create or amend any pension or profit  sharing
plan, bonus, deferred  compensation,  death benefit,  or retirement plan, or any
other fringe benefit plan or program as it relates to current employees employed
exclusively in the Business; or


                              (c) take any action which  would have  a  Material
Adverse Effect on the transactions contemplated by this Agreement.

              4.8   ACCESS  TO  INFORMATION  AND  CUSTOMERS.  Seller  shall  (i)
afford to Buyer and to its officers, employees,  accountants,  counsel and other
authorized representatives access, throughout the period prior to the earlier of
the Closing Date or the Termination Date (as defined herein),  at all reasonable
times to its plants, properties, books and records related to the Business, in a
manner so as not to interfere with the normal business operations of Seller; and
(ii) use its best efforts to cause its  representatives  to furnish to Buyer and
to its authorized  representatives  such additional financial and operating data
and  other  information  as to the  Business  as Buyer  or its  duly  authorized
representatives may from time to time reasonably request.

              4.9   PUBLIC   ANNOUNCEMENTS.   On  or  after  the  date  of  this
Agreement  and until the earlier of the Closing  Date or the  Termination  Date,
Seller,  on the one hand,  and Buyer,  on the other hand,  shall not furnish any
written communication to its shareholders, customers, creditors or to the public
generally if the subject matter thereof relates to the transactions contemplated
by this  Agreement  without  the prior  approval  of the other as to the content
thereof;  provided,  however, that the foregoing shall not be deemed to prohibit
any  disclosure  required  by  any  applicable  law or by  any  governmental  or
regulatory authority having jurisdiction over such matters.

              4.10   NOTIFICATION  OF  CERTAIN MATTERS. Seller shall give prompt
notice to Buyer,  and Buyer  shall  give  prompt  notice to  Seller,  of (i) the
occurrence,  or failure to occur, of any event which occurrence or failure would
be likely to cause any  representation  or warranty of such Party  contained  in
this  Agreement to be untrue or inaccurate  in any material  respect at any time
from the date of this  Agreement  to the  Closing  Date;  and (ii) any  material
failure of Seller or of Buyer, as the case may be, or of any officer,  director,
employee or agent thereof, to comply with or satisfy any covenant,  condition or
agreement to be complied with or satisfied by it under this Agreement.

              4.11  BEST  EFFORTS.   Each  of  the  Parties  will  use its  best
efforts to take,  or cause to be taken,  all actions,  and to do, or cause to be
done,  all things  reasonably  necessary,  proper or advisable to consummate and
make  effective the  transactions  contemplated  by this  Agreement,  including,
without  limitation,   obtaining  all  authorizations,   consents,  waivers  and
approvals  as may be  required  in  connection  with  the  assignment  of  those
contracts, agreements, licenses, leases, sales orders, purchase orders and other
commitments to be assumed pursuant to this Agreement.

              4.12  EXECUTION  OF  ADDITIONAL  DOCUMENTS. Each Party will at any
time,  and from time to time after the Closing  Date,  upon request of the other
Party,  execute,  acknowledge  and deliver all such further deeds,  assignments,
transfers,  conveyances,  powers of attorney and  assurances,  and take all such
further  action,  as may be required to carry out the intent of this  Agreement,
and to transfer  and vest title to any Asset being  transferred,  and to protect
the right,  title and  interest  in and  enjoyment  of all of the  Assets  sold,
granted, assigned, transferred,


delivered and conveyed pursuant to this Agreement;  provided, however, that this
Agreement shall be effective regardless of whether any such additional documents
are executed.

              4.13  EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT.

                    4.13.1    NO SOLICITATION.  Seller shall not until  April 7,
1997, or such other date as may be agreed  to in  writing  pursuant  to  Section
1.7,   directly   or  indirectly,  through   any  officer,    director,   agent,
representative (including, without limitation, investment bankers, attorneys and
accountants) or otherwise, (i)  solicit,  initiate  or  encourage submission  of
inquiries,  proposals or offers from any  person,  corporation,  partnership  or
other  entity  or  group  other  than Buyer (a "Third  Party"),  relating to any
acquisition  or purchase of all or a portion of the  Assets  of,  or  any equity
interest in, Seller;  or (ii) participate in  any  discussions  or  negotiations
regarding, or furnish to any Third Party any  information  with  respect  to, or
otherwise  cooperate in any way with, or assist or participate in, facilitate or
encourage,  any  effort  or  attempt by any Third Party to do or seek any of the
foregoing  with regard to the Business;  provided  that  if  Seller  receives  a
bona fide  offer  and if the Board of  Directors  of Seller receives  reasonable
advice  in  writing  from  its  legal  counsel  that  its fiduciary  duty to the
shareholders of Seller requires that the Board  of Directors of Seller  consider
such offer,  consideration  or  acceptance  of  such offer shall not be deemed a
breach of this Section, provided that such offer was not solicited  by Seller or
any of its  representatives,  and  Seller  promptly  notifies Buyer  of any such
proposal or offer, or if any inquiry or contact with any Third Party is made and
sets forth in such notice in  reasonable  detail the identity of the Third Party
and the terms of same.

                    4.13.2    FEE.  In the event that during the period referred
to  above,  a definitive   agreement  or  letter  of  intent   relating  to  the
transaction  contemplated  hereby  (or  a  similar  transaction  regarding   the
Business)  is executed between Seller and a Party  other than Buyer, Buyer shall
be entitled to  an  expense  payment of  $1,000,000,  to be paid within five (5)
business  days  of  the  execution  of  such  definitive  agreement or letter of
intent, in full payment and  satisfaction  of all claims of any kind which Buyer
may  have  arising  out  of or relating to any similar transaction involving the

              4.14  CONFIDENTIALITY.  Each  party  agrees  that  all information
heretofore  or  hereafter  to be  provided  to  the  other,  (collectively,  the
"Confidential  Information"),  will be treated as strictly confidential and that
each party, and its officers, directors,  employees and agents agree to hold all
such Confidential  Information  acquired from the other in strict confidence and
not make any use of such information:

                  (a) except as contemplated by this Agreement;

                  (b) if required by a final, nonappealable order of a  court of
         competent jurisdiction;

                  (c) pursuant to a legal  obligation to disclose and based upon
         a letter from counsel for such party (the  "Obligated  Party")  stating
         that  the  Obligated  Party  is  legally  obligated  to  disclose  such
         Confidential  Information;  provided,  however, that in such event, the
         Obligated  Party  shall  provide  the other  party  with  notice of the
         foregoing and


         upon  written  notice from the other party that it is taking all action
         that it deems  necessary and  appropriate  to prevent the disclosure of
         the  Confidential  Information,  the Obligated Party shall not disclose
         the  Confidential  Information  so long as  such  nondisclosure  is not
         detrimental  to  the  Obligated  Party  and/or  does  not  subject  the
         Obligated Party to any liability, fines and/or penalties;

                  (d) unless the same shall become  available to a party through
         non-confidential  means or shall  otherwise come into the public domain
         through no breach of these provisions by such party.

         If this  Agreement is  terminated,  each party will return to the other
all such  confidential  documents in each party's  possession or will satisfy to
the other that all such  documents  not  returned  have been  destroyed  by each
party.  Notwithstanding the above, each party may retain one (1) complete record
copy for archival  purposes to confirm  compliance  with this Section 4.14.  The
obligations  of  each  party  respecting  disclosure  and  use  of  Confidential
Information shall survive  expiration or termination of this Agreement and shall
continue for a period of two (2) years thereafter.

              4.15  ACCESS  TO   SOFTWARE.  For  a  period  of ninety  (90) days
subsequent  to the  Closing,  Seller  shall  provide  Buyer  access to  Seller's
Platinum(R) software for order entry.

              4.16  ACCESS  TO   RECORDS.   For  a   period  of five  (5)  years
subsequent  to the Closing and upon 24 hours notice and during  normal  business
hours,  Buyer shall provide  Seller with access to the Records and the employees
of Buyer associated with the Business. During the above referenced five (5) year
period,  Seller  shall have the right to make  copies of the Records at Seller's
sole cost and expense.

Buyer  acknowledges  and agrees except as provided  expressly in this  Agreement
that neither  Seller nor anyone acting for or on behalf of Seller,  has made any
representation,  warranty,  statement  or promise to Buyer  concerning  the Real
Property and  Improvements,  the quality,  value,  physical aspects or condition
thereof, any dimensions or specifications of the Real Property and Improvements,
the  feasibility,   desirability,   convertibility  of  the  Real  Property  and
Improvements  for or into any particular use, the current or projected income or
expenses of the Real Property and  Improvements or any other matter with respect
to the Real Property and  Improvements;  that in entering  into this  Agreement,
Buyer has not relied upon any representation, statement or warranty of Seller or
anyone acting for or on behalf of Seller,  other than as expressly  contained in
this  Agreement,   and  that  all  matters  concerning  the  Real  Property  and
Improvements  have  been  independently  verified  by Buyer  and  that  Buyer is
purchasing the Real Property and Improvements  based upon its own inspection and
examination thereof; that Buyer is purchasing the Real Property and Improvements
in an "as is" and "where is" condition; and that except as expressly provided in
Section  2.16 or  otherwise  expressly  provided in this  Agreement,  Buyer does
hereby waive and Seller does hereby  disclaim all warranties of any kind or type
whatsoever with respect to the Real Property and Improvements, whether expressed
or  implied,  including  by way of  description  but not  limitation,  those  of
marketability,  merchantability  of title,  fitness  for a  particular  purpose,
tenantability, habitability, use and all warranties relating to compliance


by the Real Property and Improvements with any applicable  governmental laws and
regulations including,  without limitation,  building and zoning codes, the soil
conditions  of the Real  Property,  and the  compliance by the Real Property and
Improvements  with  any  environmental   requirements.   Further,  Buyer  hereby
specifically  assumes  the  risk  of  confirming  that  the  Real  Property  and
Improvements  are served by  utilities  including,  without  limitation,  water,
sewer, gas, electric and telephone service.  The terms of this Section 4.17 will
survive the Closing and the conveyance of the Real Property and  Improvements to
Buyer by Seller.  Nothing in this  Section 4.17 shall  affect  Buyer's  right to
indemnification pursuant to Section 4.2 hereof.

              4.18  USE OF TELEPHONE SYSTEM.  For a period  of  one-hundred  and
twenty  (120)  days  subsequent to the Closing, Seller shall permit Buyer to use
its TIE phone system.

              4.19  PARKING  AREA.  Attached  as   Exhibit  1.1.2  is  the legal
description of the excluded real property.  Seller agrees that Buyer may utilize
the excluded real  property for parking for its  employees and  representatives,
for so long as Seller owns the excluded real property,  subject however to Buyer
including  Seller, as an additional  insured,  and the excluded real property on
any general  liability or other similar type of insurance  policy  maintained by
Seller  or its  affiliates,  provided  that  said  insurance  shall  be only for
purposes of covering any and all claims arising from Buyer's use of the excluded
real property.  Buyer understands and acknowledges that Seller will also use the
excluded  real  property  for  parking for  Seller's  employees,  customers  and
representatives  and  Buyer  covenants  and  agrees  that  it will  conduct  its
activities in such a manner so as not to interfere  with  Seller's  business and


              5.1   BUYER'S  CONDITIONS  OF CLOSING.  The obligation of Buyer to
purchase and pay for the Assets and to assume the  liabilities  and  obligations
set forth herein shall be subject to and conditioned upon the satisfaction on or
prior to Closing of each of the following conditions:

                   5.1.1  All representations and warranties of Seller contained
in this Agreement and the  Schedules  shall be true and correct at and as of the
Closing Date, with only such exceptions as would not in the aggregate reasonably
be expected to have  a Material Adverse Effect,  and Seller shall have performed
all agreements and covenants and satisfied  all  conditions  on its  part  to be
performed  or  satisfied  by the  Closing  Date  pursuant  to the  terms of this
Agreement,  and Buyer shall have received a certificate of an authorized officer
of Seller dated as of the Closing Date to such effect.

                    5.1.2  There  shall  have been  no material  adverse  change
since  the  date  of  the  Unaudited Balance Sheet in the financial condition or
business of the Business.

                    5.1.3  Seller shall have delivered to Buyer a Certificate of
the Secretary  of  State  (or  other  authorized  public  official)  of Seller's
jurisdiction  of incorporation  certifying as  of a date reasonably close to the
Closing Date that Seller has filed  all required reports, paid all required fees
and taxes, and is, as of such date, in good standing and authorized  to transact
business as a domestic corporation.


                    5.1.4    Buyer  shall have received from Kutak Rock, counsel
for  Seller, an  opinion, dated  the  Closing Date, in form and substance satis-
factory to Buyer and its counsel in the form attached as Exhibit "C."

                    5.1.5    Seller  shall  have  obtained  all  authorizations,
consents, waivers and  approvals  as may be  required  in  connection  with  the
assignment  of  those contracts,  agreements  licenses,  leases, sales   orders,
purchase  orders  and other commitments to be assigned to Buyer pursuant to this

                    5.1.6    Seller shall have executed and delivered  the  Bill
of Sale, Assignment and Assumption Agreement to Buyer.

                    5.1.7    Seller shall have delivered to Buyer  a certificate
of its corporate Secretary certifying as to:

                              (a) the  adoption  of  resolutions of its Board of
Directors authorizing execution of this Agreement and the execution, performance
and  delivery of all agreements, documents and transactions contemplated hereby;

                              (b) the incumbency of its  officers executing this
Agreement and all agreements and documents contemplated hereby.

                    5.1.8   The approval and all consents from third Parties and
governmental  agencies  required  to  consummate the  transactions  contemplated
hereby shall have been obtained.

                    5.1.9   No  suit,  action,  investigation,  inquiry or other
proceeding by any governmental  body or other person or legal or  administrative
proceeding shall have been instituted or threatened which questions the validity
or legality of the transactions contemplated hereby.

                    5.1.10   As  of  the  Closing,  there  shall be no effective
injunction,  writ,  preliminary  restraining  order  or  any order of any nature
issued  by  a  court  of  competent jurisdiction directing that the transactions
provided for herein or any of them not be consummated as so provided or imposing
any  conditions  on  the  consummation  of the transactions contemplated hereby,
which is unduly burdensome on Buyer.

                    5.1.11   Seller  must  provide  Buyer  with  UCC termination
statements  and  other  releases  terminating all  liens of Norwest Bank and all
other liens or encumbrances on the Assets.

              5.2   SELLER'S  CONDITIONS  OF  CLOSING.  The obligation of Seller
to sell, grant, convey, assign, transfer and deliver the Assets shall be subject
to and conditioned  upon the  satisfaction on or prior to Closing of each of the
following conditions:

                    5.2.1  All representations and warranties of Buyer contained
in this Agreement shall be true and  correct  at  and as of the Closing Date and
Buyer shall have


performed all  agreements and covenants and satisfied all conditions on its part
to be performed  or satisfied by the Closing Date  pursuant to the terms of this
Agreement,  and Seller  shall have  received a  certificate  of Buyer  dated the
Closing Date to such effect.

                   5.2.2   Buyer shall have effected payment of the cash portion
of the Purchase Price  in  accordance  with  the  prior  written instructions of

                   5.2.3  Buyer shall have executed and delivered the Promissory
Note to Seller.

                   5.2.4  Seller  shall  have  received from Haig S. Bagerdjian,
Esq., general counsel for Buyer, an opinion, dated the Closing Date, in form and
substance satisfactory to Seller and its counsel in the form attached as Exhibit

                   5.2.5  Buyer  shall  have  executed and delivered the Bill of
Sale, Assignment and Assumption Agreement to Seller.

                   5.2.6  Buyer shall have delivered to  Seller a certificate of
its corporate Secretary certifying as to:

                              (a) the adoption of resolutions  of its  Board  of
Directors authorizing execution of this Agreement and the execution, performance
and delivery of all agreements, documents and transactions contemplated  hereby;

                              (b) the incumbency of its officers executing  this
Agreement and all agreements and documents contemplated hereby.

                    5.2.7  The approval and all consents from third parties  and
governmental agencies required to consummate the transactions contemplated shall
have been obtained.

                    5.2.8  No suit,  action,  investigation,  inquiry  or  other
proceeding by any governmental  body or other person or legal or  administrative
proceeding shall have been instituted or threatened which questions the validity
or legality of the transactions contemplated hereby.

                    5.2.9  As  of  the  Closing,  there  shall  be  no effective
injunction,  writ,  preliminary  restraining  order  or  any order of any nature
issued by a court of competent  jurisdiction  directing  that  the  transactions
provided  for  herein  or  any  of  them  not  be  consummated as so provided or
imposing  any  conditions  on  the consummation of the transactions contemplated
hereby, which is unduly burdensome on Seller.


                    5.3.1  (a) Seller shall deliver to Buyer a duly executed and
acknowledged  special  warranty deed, in the form of Exhibit E attached  hereto,
conveying  the  Real  Property  and  Improvements,   subject  to  the  Permitted


                              (b) Buyer may, at its option and expense, obtain a
title insurance commitment (the  "Title  Commitment") issued by a title  company
licensed  to conduct  business  in  the  State of Colorado (the "Title Company")
evidencing title in  and to the Real  Property  and  Improvements  in Seller and
binding the Title Company to issue to Buyer at the Closing an Owner's  Policy of
Title Insurance (the "Title Policy"). Buyer shall pay all  premiums, endorsement
premiums, closing costs and fees of the Title Company at Closing.

                              (c) If Buyer elects to  obtain a Title Policy, the
recording of the documents in  connection  with  the   conveyance  of  the  Real
Property  and  Improvements  and  the  release  of  the  liens  thereon shall be
processed by the Title Company.

                              (d) General real estate taxes for the then current
year relating to the Real Property and  Improvements shall be prorated as of the
Closing.  If the Closing  shall occur  before the tax rate is fixed for the then
current year, the apportionment  of taxes  shall  be upon  the  basis of the tax
rate for the immediately preceding year applied to the latest assessed valuation
of the Real Property and Improvements.

                              (e) Buyer shall be responsible for  the payment of
recording  costs,  and  the  documentary  fee due  upon the transfer of the Real
Property and Improvements and subsequent recording of documents.

                              (f) Buyer  shall  pay  all  sales  and  use  taxes
relating to the Real Property and Improvements, if any.

                              (g) Possession  of  the Real Property and Improve-
ments shall be given to Buyer, subject to the Permitted Exceptions.

                              (h) Seller  shall  deliver to Buyer at Closing all
keys and access  codes  and  instructions for all locks on the Real Property and
Improvements in Seller's possession.

                              (i) Seller shall deliver to Buyer such documentary
and other evidence as may be  reasonably  required by Buyer or the Title Company
evidencing the status and capacity  of Seller and the authority of the person or
persons  who  are  executing  the  various  documents  on  behalf  of  Seller in
connection with this Agreement.

                              (j) Buyer shall deliver to Seller such documentary
and other evidence as may be reasonably  required by Seller or the Title Company
evidencing the status and capacity of  Buyer and the  authority of the person or
persons who are executing the various documents on behalf of Buyer in connection
with this Agreement.

                              (k) Seller  shall  deliver  a  FIRPTA Affidavit to



              6.1   REASONS  FOR  TERMINATION.  Anything  herein or elsewhere to
the contrary notwithstanding,  this Agreement may be terminated and abandoned at
any time after the date of this Agreement but not later than the Closing:

                    6.1.1   by the mutual written agreement of Seller and Buyer;

                    6.1.2   by Buyer at any time  after  April 7, 1997,  if,  by
that date, the conditions set forth in Section 5.1 of this  Agreement shall  not
have been fulfilled  or waived (unless  the  failure of a  condition  to Closing
results primarily from the actions or intentional inaction of Buyer);

                    6.1.3   by Seller at any time  after  April 7, 1997,  if, by
that date, the conditions  set forth in Section 5.2 of this Agreement shall  not
have been fulfilled  or waived (unless  the  failure of a  condition  to Closing
results primarily from the actions or intentional inaction of Seller); or

                    6.1.4   by  Buyer  or  Seller  if  there shall have been any
statute, rule or regulation enacted or promulgated or deemed  applicable  to the
transactions  contemplated  by this Agreement by any government or  governmental
agency in the United States of America that, in the reasonable judgment of Buyer
or Seller, as the case may  be, might (i) result in a  significant  delay in the
ability of the Parties to consummate the transactions contemplated  hereby; (ii)
render the Parties unable to consummate the transactions contemplated hereby; or
(iii) make such consummation illegal.


                    6.2.1     In the event of any  termination  and  abandonment
pursuant to Section 6.1, written notice thereof shall  forthwith be given to the
other Party and the transactions contemplated  by this Agreement shall thereupon
be terminated and abandoned without further action by Buyer or Seller, and there
shall be no  liability  on the  part of  Seller  or  Buyer  or their  respective
officers,  directors or shareholders,  except for the provisions of Section 4.13
of this  Agreement  or except  for the  material  breach of any  representation,
warranty or covenant contained herein that is within the control of the Party in

         7.   MISCELLANEOUS.

              7.1    NOTICES.  Any notice consent, approval,  request, demand or
other  communication  required or permitted  hereunder  must be in writing to be
effective and shall be deemed delivered and received (i) if personally delivered
or if delivered by telex or telecopy with electronic  confirmation when actually
received  by the  Party to whom  sent,  or (ii) if  delivered  by mail  (whether
actually  received or not),  at the close of business on the third  business day
next  following  the day when  placed  in the  federal  mail,  postage  prepaid,
certified or registered mail, return receipt requested, addressed as follows:


                  If to Buyer:
                                    Syncor Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
                                    6464 Canoga Ave.
                                    Woodland Hills, CA  91367
                                    Attention: General Counsel
                                    Telecopy:  (818) 737-4869

                  If to Seller:
                                    Golden Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
                                    710 14th Street
                                    Golden, Colorado  80401
                                    Attention: Charles R. Drummond, Chairman
                                    Telecopy: (303) 279-4390

                  with a copy to:
                                    Kutak Rock
                                    717 Seventeenth Street, Suite 2900
                                    Denver, Colorado 80202
                                    Attention:  Warren L. Troupe, Esq.
                                    Telecopy:   (303) 292-7799

or to such other address as any Party shall specify by written notice so given.

              7.2   BINDING  EFFECT;  BENEFITS.  This Agreement shall be binding
upon and shall inure to the benefit of the Parties  hereto and their  respective
successors and assigns.  Notwithstanding anything contained in this Agreement to
the contrary,  nothing in this Agreement,  expressed or implied,  is intended to
confer  on any  person  other  than  the  Parties  hereto  or  their  respective
successors and assigns any rights remedies,  obligations or liabilities under or
by reason of this Agreement.

              7.3   ENTIRE  AGREEMENT.  This   Agreement,   together   with  the
Exhibits,  Schedules and other  documents  contemplated  hereby,  constitute the
final written expression of all of the agreements between the Parties,  and is a
complete  and   exclusive   statement  of  those  terms.   It   supersedes   all
understandings  and negotiations  concerning the matters specified  herein.  Any
representations,  promises,  warranties  or  statements  made by any Party  that
differ in any way from the terms of this written  Agreement,  and the  Exhibits,
Schedules and other documents  contemplated  hereby,  shall be given no force or
effect. The Parties specifically represent, each to the other, that there are no
additional  or  supplemental  agreements  between them related in any way to the
matters herein contained unless specifically  included or referred to herein. No
addition to or  modification of any provision of this Agreement shall be binding
upon any Party unless made in writing and signed by all Parties.




              7.5   FACSIMILE  SIGNATURES.  Signatures on  this Agreement may be
communicated  by  facsimile  transmission  and shall be binding upon the parties
transmitting  the same by facsimile  transmission.  Counterparts  with  original
signatures  shall be  provided  to the other  party  within five (5) days of the
applicable  facsimile  transmission;  provided,  however,  that the  failure  to
provide the  original  counterpart  shall have no effect on the  validity or the
binding nature of the Agreement. If executed in counterparts, the Agreement will
be as effective as if simultaneously executed.

              7.6   HEADINGS. Headings of the Sections of this Agreement are for
the  convenience  of  the  Parties  only,  and  shall be given no substantive or
interpretive effect whatsoever.

              7.7   WAIVERS.  Any  Party  hereto  may, by written  notice to the
other  Party  hereto,  (i)  extend  the time for the  performance  of any of the
obligations or other actions of the other Party under this Agreement; (ii) waive
any  inaccuracies  in the  representations  or  warranties  of the  other  Party
contained  in this  Agreement  or in any  document  delivered  pursuant  to this
Agreement; (iii) waive compliance with any of the conditions or covenants of the
other Party contained in this Agreement; or (iv) waive performance of any of the
obligations of the other Party under this  Agreement.  Except as provided in the
preceding  sentence,  no action  taken  pursuant  to this  Agreement,  including
without  limitation  any  investigation  by or on behalf of any Party,  shall be
deemed to constitute a waiver by the Party taking such action of compliance with
any  representations,  warranties,  covenants  or  agreements  contained in this
Agreement. The waiver by any Party hereto of a breach of any provision hereunder
shall not operate or be construed as a waiver of any prior or subsequent  breach
of the same or any other provision hereunder.

              7.8   MERGER OF DOCUMENTS.  This  Agreement and all agreements and
documents contemplated hereby constitute  one agreement and  are  interdependent
upon each other in all respects.

              7.9   EXHIBITS AND SCHEDULES.  All Exhibits and Schedules attached
hereto are by this reference incorporated herein and made a part hereof for  all
purposes as if fully set forth  herein.  Disclosure of information  by Seller on
one  Schedule  or Exhibit shall be deemed  to be full and complete disclosure by
Seller of such information on all other Schedules and Exhibits and for all other
purposes under this Agreement.

              7.10  SEVERABILITY.  If  for  any  reason  whatsoever,  any one or
more of the provisions of this Agreement  shall be held or deemed to be illegal,
inoperative,  unenforceable  or invalid as applied to any particular  case or in
all  cases,  such  circumstances  shall not have the  effect of  rendering  such
provision illegal, inoperative, unenforceable or invalid in any other case or of
rendering any of the other  provisions of this Agreement  illegal,  inoperative,
unenforceable  or  invalid.  Furthermore,  in  lieu of  each  illegal,  invalid,
unenforceable or inoperative provision,


there  shall be added  automatically,  as part of this  Agreement,  a  provision
similar  in  terms  of  such  illegal,  invalid,  unenforceable  or  inoperative
provision  as may be  possible  and as shall be legal,  valid,  enforceable  and

              7.11  ASSIGNABILITY.   Neither   this   Agreement   nor any of the
Parties'  rights  hereunder  shall be assignable by any Party hereto without the
prior  written  consent of the other Parties  hereto;  provided,  however,  that
Buyer's,  or its  successors' or assigns',  rights  hereunder may be assigned or
otherwise  transferred,  in whole or in part,  without  Seller's  consent to any
successor by merger or consolidation.

              7.12  DRAFTING.  The  Parties  acknowledge and  confirm  that each
of their  respective  attorneys  have  participated  jointly  in the  review and
revision of this  Agreement  and that it has not been written  solely by counsel
for one Party. The Parties hereto therefore stipulate and agree that the rule of
construction  to the effect  that any  ambiguities  are to be or may be resolved
against the drafting Party shall not be employed in the  interpretation  of this
Agreement to favor any Party against another.


                  IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the Parties have executed this Agreement
and caused the same to be duly  executed and  delivered on their behalf by their
duly authorized representatives on the day and year hereinabove first set forth.


                                   GOLDEN PHARMACEUTICALS, INC.

                                        Glen H. Weaver, Chief Financial Officer


                                   SYNCOR PHARMACEUTICALS, INC.

                                        Charles A. Smith, President