Exhibit 2.1
                           STOCK ACQUISITION AGREEMENT




                               CHRISTOPHER ASTROM


                          HUDSON CONSULTING GROUP, INC.


                       GLOBAL UNIVERSAL, INC. OF DELAWARE

                           STOCK ACQUISITION AGREEMENT

         THIS ACQUISITION AGREEMENT (hereinafter "Agreement") dated August 30,
2001, by, between and among Genesis Capital Corporation of Nevada, a Nevada
Corporation ("Genesis"); Global Universal, Inc. of Delaware, a Delaware
Corporation ("Global); Hudson Consulting Group, Inc., a Nevada Corporation
("Hudson"); and Christopher Astrom, ("Astrom"), an Individual residing at 2921
NW 6th Avenue, Miami, Florida 33127.

         WHEREAS, Global and Hudson are each owed monies in the sum total of
$315,000 ($215,000 to Global and $100,000 to Hudson) for services rendered to,
and expenses advanced on behalf of Genesis; and

         WHEREAS, Genesis desires to acquire through the issue of its common
stock one hundred percent (100%) of the issued and outstanding shares of Senior
Lifestyle Communities, Inc., a Nevada Corporation ("Senior") and sufficient cash
to allow it to pay Hudson and Global the $315,000 owed to them for expenses and
services; and

         WHEREAS, Astrom desires to purchase a controlling interest in Genesis,
pay the amounts owed by Genesis to Global and Hudson, and to sell to Genesis one
hundred percent (100%) of the issued and outstanding shares of Senior on the
terms and conditions set forth herein;

         NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants, agreements,
representations, and warranties herein contained, the parties hereby agree as

I.       Purchase and Sale. Astrom hereby agrees to sell, transfer, assign, and
         convey to Genesis, and Genesis hereby agrees to purchase and acquire
         from Astrom, one hundred percent (100%) of the issued and outstanding
         shares of Senior, (hereinafter referred to as the "Senior Shares").
         Genesis hereby agrees to sell, transfer, assign, and convey to Astrom,
         and Astrom hereby agrees to purchase and acquire from Genesis, ninety
         five percent (95%) of the issued and outstanding common and preferred
         shares of Genesis (hereinafter referred to as the "Genesis Shares").

II       Purchase Price of the Senior and Genesis Shares. The aggregate purchase
         price to be paid to Genesis, Global and Hudson by Astrom for the
         delivery to Astrom of Fifty Four Million One Hundred Ten Thousand Three
         Hundred Nine (54,110,309) shares of the common stock of Genesis and One
         Million Four Hundred Seventy Seven Thousand Three Hundred Forty Five
         (1,477,345) shares of the preferred stock of Genesis, shall be the sum
         of Three Hundred Fifteen Thousand Dollars ($315,000) and one hundred
         percent (100%) of the issued and outstanding shares of Senior.

III      Release of Claims by Global and Hudson.  In return for the payment to
         Global and Hudson

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         of the sum of Three Hundred Fifteen Thousand Dollars ($315,000) by
         Astrom, pursuant to the terms of this Agreement, Global agrees to pay
         or otherwise resolve all liabilities shown on the balance sheet of
         Genesis (See Exhibit "D") and retain all assets shown on the balance
         sheet of Genesis so that as of the date of closing the balance sheet of
         Genesis shows no assets and no liabilities.

IV       Warranties and Representations of Senior and Astrom. In order to induce
         Genesis, Hudson and Global to enter into the Agreement and to complete
         the transaction contemplated hereby, Senior and Astrom individually and
         jointly warrant and represent to Genesis, Hudson, and Global, that:

         A        Organization and Standing. Senior Lifestyle Communities, Inc.
                  is a corporation duly organized, validly existing, and in good
                  standing under the laws of the State of Nevada, is qualified
                  to do business as a foreign corporation in every other state
                  or jurisdiction in which it operates to the extent required by
                  the laws of such states and jurisdictions, and has full power
                  and authority to carry on its business as now conducted and to
                  own and operate its assets, properties, and business No
                  changes to Senior's Certificate of Incorporation, amendments
                  thereto and By laws of Senior will be made before the Closing.

         B        Shareholder Approval. Senior shall have received any and all
                  necessary and required approval of its shareholders for the
                  transaction set forth herein as required by statute or
                  regulation by any state or other jurisdiction that has
                  authority over the affairs of Senior. All votes of
                  shareholders are hereby certified to be in compliance with
                  those statutes and requirements, including any requirement
                  regarding the number of votes and the percentage of approval
                  required in such a shareholder vote.

         C        Taxes. Senior has filed all federal, state, and local income
                  or other tax returns and reports that it is required to file
                  with all governmental agencies, wherever situate, and has paid
                  or accrued for payment all taxes as shown on such returns,
                  such that a failure to file, pay, or accrue will not have a
                  material adverse effect on Senior.

         D        Pending Actions. There are no material legal actions,
                  lawsuits, proceedings or investigations, either administrative
                  or judicial, pending or to the knowledge of Senior threatened,
                  against or affecting Senior, except as disclosed in writing to
                  Genesis. Senior is not in violation of any law, material
                  ordinance, or regulation of any kind whatever, including, but
                  not limited to laws, rules and regulations governing the sale
                  of its products, the Securities Act of 1933 (the '33 Act), the
                  Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the "34 Act") the
                  Rules and Regulations of the U.S. Securities and Exchange
                  Commission ("SEC"), or the Securities Laws and Regulations of
                  any state.

                                  Page 2 of 10

         E        Governmental Regulation. Senior holds the licenses and
                  registrations set forth on Exhibit "A" hereto from the
                  jurisdictions set forth therein, which licenses and
                  registrations are all of the licenses and registrations
                  necessary to permit the Corporation to conduct its current
                  business. All of such licenses and registrations are in full
                  force and effect, and there are no proceedings, hearings, or
                  other actions pending that may affect the validity or
                  continuation of any of them. No approval of any other trade or
                  professional association or agency of government other than as
                  set forth on Exhibit "A" is required for any of the
                  transactions effected by this Agreement, and the completion of
                  the transactions contemplated by the Agreement will not, in
                  and of themselves, affect or jeopardize the validity or
                  continuation of any of them.

         F        Ownership of Assets. Astrom has a good, marketable title,
                  without any liens or encumbrances of any nature whatever, to
                  the Senior Shares to be transferred to Genesis.

         G        Corporate Records. All of Senior's books and records,
                  including, without limitation, its books of account, corporate
                  records, minute book, stock certificate books and other
                  records of Senior are up-to-date, complete and reflect
                  accurately and fairly the conduct of its business in all
                  material respects since its date of incorporation.

         H        No Misleading Statements or Omissions. Neither the Agreement
                  nor any financial statement, exhibit, schedule or document
                  attached hereto or presented to Genesis, Hudson or Global in
                  connection herewith, contains any materially misleading
                  statement, or omits any fact or statement necessary to make
                  the other statements or facts therein set forth not materially

         I        Validity of the Agreement. All corporate and other proceedings
                  required to be taken by Senior in order to enter into and to
                  carry out the Agreement have been duly and properly taken. No
                  corporate or other action on the part of Senior is required in
                  connection with this Agreement, or the transaction
                  contemplated herein. The Agreement has been duly executed by
                  an officer of Senior, and constitutes the valid and binding
                  obligation of Senior, except to the extent limited by
                  applicable bankruptcy, reorganization, insolvency, moratorium,
                  or other laws relating to or affecting generally the
                  enforcement of creditors rights. The execution and delivery of
                  the Agreement, and the carrying out of its purposes, will not
                  result in the breach of any of the terms or conditions of, or
                  constitute a default under or violate Senior's Certificate of
                  Incorporation or document of undertaking, oral or written, to
                  which Senior is a party or is bound or may be affected, nor
                  will such execution, delivery and carrying out violate any
                  order, writ, injunction, decree, law, rule, or regulation of
                  any court, regulatory agency or other governmental body; and
                  the business now

                                  Page 3 of 10

                  conducted by Senior can continue to be so conducted after
                  completion of the transaction contemplated hereby.

         J        Enforceability of the Agreement. When duly executed and
                  delivered, the Agreement and the Exhibits hereto which are
                  incorporated herein, and made a part hereof, are legal, valid,
                  and enforceable by Genesis, Hudson, Global and Senior
                  according to their terms, except to the extent limited by
                  applicable bankruptcy, reorganization, insolvency, moratorium
                  or other laws relating to or affecting generally the
                  enforcement of creditors rights and that at the time of such
                  execution and delivery, Genesis will have acquired title in
                  and to the Senior Shares free and clear of all claims, liens,
                  and encumbrances.

         K        Access to Books and Records. Genesis, Hudson and Global have
                  been granted full and free access to the books of Senior
                  during the course of this transaction prior to Closing.

         L        Senior's Financial Statements. Senior's Balance Sheet and
                  Profit and Loss statement for the year, attached hereto as
                  Exhibit "B", accurately describe Senior's financial position
                  as of the dates thereof, in accordance with applicable legal
                  and accounting requirements.

         M        Duties Subsequent to Closing. Subsequent to the closing of
                  this Agreement, Astrom or Senior shall:

                           1.       Complete and pay for all necessary audits to
                                    allow filing of financial statements
                                    required by Form 8-K within sixty (60) days
                                    of the date of the acquisition, to allow for
                                    the required amendment of Form 8-K within 60
                                    days of its original filing to include
                                    required financial statements. The cost of
                                    acquiring said financial statements shall be
                                    the sole responsibility of Genesis, Senior
                                    or Astrom; and

                           2.       shall reimburse Hudson, in addition to the
                                    $100,000 being paid pursuant to Paragraph
                                    II, for all out of pocket costs incurred by
                                    Hudson related filings made with the SEC or
                                    any State Agency in connection with the
                                    transactions contemplated by this Agreement,
                                    including but not limited to filing fees for
                                    any 14C filing, costs of giving any required
                                    notices to shareholders of Genesis, and
                                    filing fees related to any amendments of the
                                    Articles of Incorporation of Genesis related
                                    to a name change or recapitalization of
                                    Genesis up to the amount of one thousand
                                    dollars ($1,000); and

                           3.       Within sixty days:

                                  Page 4 of 10

                                    a.      assure that Senior acquires real
                                            estate with a gross value of at
                                            least One Million Five Hundred
                                            Thousand Dollars ($1,500,000); and
                                    b.      Senior shall provide audited
                                            financial statements complying with
                                            the requirements of GAAP (U.S.),
                                            Which financial statements reflect
                                            ownership of the properties referred
                                            to in "M(1)," above, for filing with
                                            the Genesis Form 8-K.

V        Warranties and Representations of Genesis. In order to induce Astrom to
         enter into the Agreement and to complete the transaction contemplated
         hereby, Genesis warrants and represents to Astrom that:

         A        Organization and Standing. Genesis is a corporation duly
                  organized, validly existing and in good standing under the
                  laws of the state of Nevada, is qualified to do business as a
                  foreign corporation in every other state in which it operates
                  to the extent required by the laws of such states, and has
                  full power and authority to carry on its business as now
                  conducted and to own and operate its assets, properties, and

         B        No Pending Actions. Except as may be disclosed on Exhibit "C,"
                  there are no legal actions, lawsuits, proceedings or
                  investigations, either administrative or judicial, pending or
                  threatened, against or affecting Genesis, or against any of
                  Genesis's officers or directors and arising out of their
                  operation of Genesis, except as set forth in its audited
                  financial statements as attached hereto. With respect to the
                  claims set forth in Exhibit "C", these claims shall be settled
                  and released as of the date of closing. In the event the
                  claims disclosed in Exhibit "C" have not been settled and
                  released as of the date of the closing, Global and Hudson
                  shall each hold Genesis harmless from all liabilities, losses,
                  damages, costs, and expenses incurred as a result of the
                  claims set out in the said Exhibit "C". Genesis has been in
                  compliance with, and has not received notice of violation of
                  any law, ordinance, or regulation of any kind whatever,
                  including, but not limited to, the '33 Act, the '34 Act, the
                  Rules and Regulations of the SEC or the Securities Laws and
                  Regulations of any state.

         C        Corporate Records. All of Genesis's books and records,
                  including without limitation, its book of account, corporate
                  records, minute book, stock certificate books and other
                  records are up-to-date, complete, and reflect accurately and
                  fairly the conduct of its business in all respects since its
                  date of incorporation.

         D        No Misleading Statements or Omissions. Neither the Agreement
                  nor any financial statement, exhibit, schedule, or document
                  attached hereto or presented to Astrom in connection herewith
                  contains any materially misleading statement, or omits any
                  fact or statement necessary to make the other statements of
                  facts therein set forth not

                                  Page 5 of 10

                  materially misleading.

         E        Validity of the Agreement. All corporate action and
                  proceedings required to be taken by Genesis in order to enter
                  into and to carry out the Agreement have been duly and
                  properly taken. The Agreement has been duly executed by
                  Genesis, and constitutes a valid and binding obligation of
                  Genesis. The execution and delivery of the Agreement and the
                  carrying out of its purposes will not result in the breach of
                  any of the terms or conditions of, or constitute a default
                  under or violate, Genesis's Certificate of Incorporation or
                  By-Laws, or any agreement, lease, mortgage, bond, indenture,
                  license or other document or undertaking, oral or written, to
                  which Genesis is a party or is bound or may be affected, nor
                  will such execution, delivery and carrying out violate any
                  order, writ, injunction, decree, law, rule or regulation of
                  any court regulatory agency or other governmental body.

         F        Enforceability of the Agreement. When duly executed and
                  delivered, the Agreement and the Exhibits hereto which are
                  incorporated herein and made a part hereof are legal, valid,
                  and enforceable by Astrom according to their terms, and that
                  at the time of such execution and delivery, Astrom will have
                  acquired good, marketable title in and to the Genesis Shares
                  acquired pursuant hereto, free and clear of all liens and

         G        Outstanding Shares of Genesis. At closing, Genesis shall have
                  2,247,911 issued and outstanding common shares, par value
                  $0.001 and 77,755 issued and outstanding preferred shares, par
                  value $0.001. Genesis also has an obligation to issue to
                  Richard D. Surber, attorney at law, 600,000 free trading par
                  value $0.001 common shares pursuant to an S-8 registration
                  statement of the Company, for services rendered, which shares
                  are due to be issued the day following closing.

VI       Opinion of Counsel. Genesis will provide to Astrom an opinion of
         counsel in a form similar to that set forth in Exhibit "E" relating to
         the current corporate status of Genesis , its ability to legally enter
         this agreement and the absence of undisclosed claims.

VII      Warranties and Representations of Hudson and Global. In order to induce
         Astrom and Genesis to enter into the Agreement and to complete the
         transaction contemplated hereby, Hudson and Global each warrants and
         represents to Astrom and Genesis that:

                  A.       Upon the payment by Astrom of the total amount of
                           $315,000 in cash to Hudson and Global, that all
                           claims of either Hudson or Global to any amounts owed
                           to either of them by Genesis have been fully and
                           totally satisfied, and Global will retain all assets
                           of Genesis owned prior to the closing.

                  B.       Hudson will assist in the preparation of such
                           documents as are necessary to

                                  Page 6 of 10

                           facilitate Astrom's obtaining control of Genesis and
                           changing control of Genesis to Astrom and the
                           shareholders of Senior. It is understood that Hudson
                           will perform no "legal services" and that a legal
                           review of documents prepared by Hudson should be
                           carried out by counsel for Astrom or Senior.

                  C.       Hudson will assist in the preparation of and file for
                           Genesis, a Form 8-K immediately following the
                           acquisition of Senior by Genesis. It is understood
                           that Hudson will perform no "legal services" and that
                           a legal review of documents prepared by Hudson should
                           be carried out by counsel for Astrom or Senior.

                  D.       Hudson will assist in the preparation of and file for
                           Genesis, a Form 14C respecting any name change of
                           Genesis undertaken within Twenty days of closing. It
                           is understood that Hudson will perform no "legal
                           services" and that a legal review of documents
                           prepared by Hudson should be carried out by counsel
                           for Astrom or Senior.

VIII     Term. All representations, warranties, covenants and agreements made
         herein and in the exhibits attached hereto shall survive the execution
         and delivery of the Agreement and payment pursuant thereto.

IX       The Common and Preferred Shares. All of the Genesis Common and
         Preferred Shares shall be validly issued, fully-paid and non-assessable
         shares of Genesis Common or Preferred Stock, with full voting rights,
         dividend rights, and the right to receive the proceeds of liquidation,
         if any, as set forth in Genesis's Articles of Incorporation. All of the
         parties agree and covenant that they will not vote their shares of
         Genesis Common Stock in favor of any plan for a reverse split of the
         common stock or other plan or proposal to reduce the number of shares
         held by the parties hereto for a period of twelve months from the
         closing of this Agreement.

X        Conditions Precedent to Closing.

         The obligations of Astrom under the Agreement shall be and are subject
         to fulfillment, prior to or at the Closing of each of the following

                  A.       That Genesis, Hudson and Global and their
                           management's representations and warranties contained
                           herein shall be true and correct at the time of
                           closing date as if such representations and
                           warranties were made at such time;

                  B.       That Genesis, Hudson and Global and their management
                           shall have performed or complied with all agreements,
                           terms and conditions required by the Agreement to be
                           performed or complied with by them prior to or at the

                                  Page 7 of 10

                           of Closing;

XI       The obligations of Genesis, Hudson and Global under the Agreement shall
         be and are subject to fulfillment, prior to, at the Closing or
         subsequent to the Closing of each of the following conditions:

         A        That Astrom's representations and warranties contained herein
                  shall be true and correct at the time of Closing as if such
                  representations and warranties were made at such time; and

         B        That Astrom shall have performed or complied with all
                  agreements, terms and conditions required by the Agreement to
                  be performed or complied with by it prior to or at the time of

         C        That Astrom and Genesis jointly and severally indemnify and
                  hold harmless Genesis, Hudson, and Global and their present
                  and former officers, directors, agents and affiliates against
                  any claims or liabilities, including reasonable attorney's
                  fees and other reasonable defense costs incurred in defending
                  such claims or liabilities, resulting from any claims or
                  liabilities asserted against them as to any material
                  misrepresentation or omissions in the Agreement made by any
                  party hereto.

         D        That Seniors's compliance with state statutory and regulatory
                  requirements are legally sufficient to authorize and carry out
                  the terms of this Agreement.

XII      Reverse Split of Shares. Astrom and Genesis specifically agree and
         covenant that for a period of One (1) year from the date of closing
         they will not allow a reverse-split of Genesis shares to occur.

XIII     Termination.  The Agreement may be terminated at any time before or; at
         Closing, by:

         A.       The mutual agreement of the parties;

         B.       Any party if:

                  1        Any provision of the Agreement applicable to a party
                           shall be materially untrue or fail to be
                  2        Any legal proceeding shall have been instituted or
                           shall be imminently threatening to delay, restrain or
                           prevent the consummation of the Agreement.

         Upon termination of the Agreement for any reason, in accordance with
         the terms and conditions set forth in this paragraph, each said party
         shall bear all costs and expenses as each party has incurred and no
         party shall be liable to the other.

                                                     Page 8 of 10

XIV      Exhibits. All Exhibits attached hereto are incorporated herein by this
         reference as if they were set forth in their entirety.

XV       Miscellaneous Provisions. This Agreement is the entire agreement
         between the parties in respect of the subject matter hereof, and there
         are no other agreements, written or oral, nor may the Agreement be
         modified except in writing and executed by all of the parties hereto.
         The failure to insist upon strict compliance with any of the terms,
         covenants or conditions of the Agreement shall not be deemed a waiver
         or relinquishment of such right or power at any other time or times.

XVI      Closing. The closing of the transactions contemplated by the Agreement
         shall take place on or before 5:00 P.M. on October 30, 2001. The
         Closing shall occur at the offices of Hudson Consulting Group, Inc.
         located at 268 West 400 South, Salt Lake City, Utah 84101 or such other
         date and place as the parties hereto shall agree upon. At the Closing,
         all of the documents and items referred to herein shall be exchanged.

XVII     Governing Law. The Agreement has been entered into in and shall be
         governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of

XVIII    Enforcement of Agreement and Venue. The parties agree that any suit to
         enforce the provisions of this Agreement shall be brought in the Third
         Judicial District Court of Salt Lake County, State of Utah, and the
         parties consent to personal jurisdiction in said court and agree that
         venue for any suit to enforce the provisions of this Agreement shall be
         in Salt Lake County, State of Utah.

XIX      Counterparts. The Agreement may be executed in duplicate facsimile
         counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original and together
         shall constitute one and the same binding Agreement, with one
         counterpart being delivered to each party hereto.

         IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have set their hands and seals
as of the date and year above first written.

Genesis Capital Corporation of Nevada       Senior Lifestyle Communities, Inc.:

By: /s/Reginald Davis                       By:/s/Christopher Astrom
    ---------------------------------         ----------------------------------
Reginald Davis, its President               Christopher Astrom, its President

                                  Page 9 of 10

Hudson Consulting Group, Inc.               Global Universal Inc. of Delaware:

By: /s/ Richard Surber                       By: /s/Reginald Davis
    ---------------------------------         ----------------------------------
Richard Surber, its President               Reginald Davis, its President

                                  Page 10 of 10

                                    EXHBIT A

                       Senior Lifestyle Communities, Inc.
                     Governmental Regulations Section IV E.

There are no license and registrations required for the conduct of its business

                                    EXHIBIT B

                       Senior Lifestyle Communities, Inc.

            Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss Statement Section IV L.

There are no assets and liabilities as of the date of the Stock Acquisition

                                    EXHIBIT C

           Genesis Capital Corporation of Nevada, Inc. Pending Actions
                                  Section V. B.

There are no pending actions except as disclosed in the attached.

                          Letterhead of Robert B. Todd
                                  P.O. Box 1394
                               Taylor, Texas 76574

August 13, 2001, 2001

                                                   Sent by Delivery Confirmation
                                                    No. 0304 7990 0005 6882 2829
Genesis Capital Corporation of Nevada
Attn:  Ronald Welborn
11701 South Freeway
Burleson, Texas 76028

Re:  US Benefit Trust Ownership Interest

Dear Sir:

As you may recall, I was engaged in litigation with your company. I represented
BioRolease Corp. in a matter which was concluded early last year. However,
during our discussions regarding that matter, we conferred in regard to the
claim US Benefit Trust. That Trust, created for the employees of US Staffing,
Inc., claims to own seventy-four percent (74%) of Genesis Capital Corporation.

Documents in the possession of US Benefit Trust show that Genesis Capital
Corporation was a Colorado corporation. That company issued a majority of its
outstanding common shares to US Benefit Trust, for which Genesis was fully paid.
However, Genesis failed to recognize this ownership interest. Consequently, when
Genesis Capital Corporation of Nevada and the Colorado corporation were merged,
the ownership records of the Nevada corporation were severely distorted.

A recent review of the activities and financial condition of Genesis Capital
Corporation of Nevada indicate a diminution in the value of the company. This is
lamentable. Nevertheless, US Benefit Trust wishes to pursue its claim. I have
been retained by the Trust to assist it in recovering its ownership interest.

I ask that you contact me at your earliest opportunity to discuss this matter.
Please note my new address, telephone, and fax numbers. I hope we can reach a
swift and amicable resolution of this dispute.

I request that you, for obvious reasons, consider this letter to be a demand
upon Genesis Capital Corporation of Nevada to recognize this ownership interest,
and that it issue such documentation as necessary to reflect this.
Alternatively, demand is made upon the company that US Benefit Trust be fully
and adequately compensated for its damage as a result of the activities of the
responsible parties. These damages will include attorney's fees and, if
necessary, costs of courts.

I thank you for your attention to this, and I remain

Very truly yours,

/s/ Robert B. Todd

Robert B. Todd

                          Letterhead of Robert B. Todd
                                  P.O. Box 1394
                               Taylor, Texas 76574

August 14, 2001

                                                   Sent by Delivery Confirmation
                                                    No. 0304 7990 0005 6882 2805
Genesis Capital Corporation of Nevada
Attn:  Ronald Welborn
11701 South Freeway
Burleson, Texas 76028

Re:  Ownership Interest of Robert L. Lee

Dear Sir:

I have been retained by Robert L. Lee of Houston, Texas to assist him in
obtaining documentation regarding his ownership of shares of your company. He
was the legal and beneficial owner of three hundred thousand (300,000) shares of
Genesis Capital Corporation, the Colorado corporation. However, Genesis (Nevada)
has failed to recognize this ownership interest. It appears that when Genesis
Capital Corporation of Nevada and the Colorado corporation were merged, the
ownership records of the Nevada corporation were severely distorted.

A recent review of the activities and financial condition of Genesis Capital
Corporation of Nevada indicate a diminution in the value of the company.
Therefore, I ask that you contact me at your earliest opportunity to discuss
this matter. Please note my new address, telephone, and fax numbers. I hope we
can reach a swift and amicable resolution to this matter.

I request that you, for obvious reasons, consider this letter to be a demand
upon Genesis Capital Corporation of Nevada to recognize this ownership interest,
and that it issue such documentation as necessary to reflect this.
Alternatively, demand is made upon the company that Mr. Lee be fully and
adequately compensated for his damages as a result of the activities of the
responsible parties. These damages will include attorney's fees and, if
necessary, costs of courts.

I thank you for your attention to this, and I remain

Very truly yours,

/s/ Robert B. Todd

Robert B. Todd

                          Letterhead of Robert B. Todd
                                  P.O. Box 1394
                               Taylor, Texas 76574

                                   FAX LETTER

September 25, 2001

Mr. Phil Campbell-Graves                             Faxed to:  (801) 575-8092
Hudson Consulting                                    Total Number of Pages:  1
Salt Lake City, Utah

Re:  Robert Lee - Genesis Capital Corporation of Nevada

Dear Sir:

I will no longer be representing Robert Lee in this matter. As I indicated
earlier, I no longer represent US Benefit Trust.

I look forward to opportunities to visit in the future. I wish you well in your

I thank you for your attention to this, and I remain

Very truly yours,

/s/Robert B. Todd
Robert B. Todd

cc:  R. Lee

                                    EXHIBIT D

          Genesis Capital Corporation of Nevada, Inc. Release of Claims
                                  Section III.

Genesis shall pay or otherwise resolve all liabilities disclosed on the

Genesis Capital pay off of debt

Schedule of Accounts Payable
                                        Thru 9/30/0     Qtr 3/31/01    Qtr 6/30/01     Total

Rent - The Barn at Deer Creek             36000           9000            9000           54000

Director's Fees                           18000           4500            4500           27000
     Jerry Conditt, Reginald Davis

Mgt Fees - Global Universal               18500           4500            4500           27500

Henry Simon                                              15000                           15000

Clyde Bailey                                              3000             750            3750

                                          72500          36000           18750          127250
                                                        108500          127250

                                    EXHIBIT E

         Genesis Capital Corporation of Nevada, Inc. Opinion of Counsel
                                   Section VI.

                                 GERALD EINHORN
                               ATTORNEY- AT- LAW*
                          268 West 400 South, Suite 300
                           Salt Lake City, Utah 84101
                       Telephone - (801) 575-8073 Ext. 158
                           Facsimile - (801) 575-8092

                                                      *Admitted only in New York

                                October 29, 2001

Christopher Astrom
2921 NW Sixth Avenue
Miami, Florida 33127

Re: Stock Acquisition Agreement and Shares to be issued pursuant thereto.

Dear Mr. Astrom:

I am an attorney admitted to practice in the State of New York and have been
requested to render an opinion regarding certain representations, warranties and
covenants made to you by Genesis Capital Corporation of Nevada (the "Company")
in section VI of that certain Stock Purchase Agreement dated August 30, 2001
among Genesis Capital Corporation of Nevada, Christopher Astrom, Hudson
Consulting Group, Inc. and Global Universal, Inc. of Delaware (the

The Company has represented, warranted, and covenanted, in portions of section V
of the Agreement, the following:

         A        Organization and Standing. Genesis is a corporation duly
                  organized, validly existing and in good standing under the
                  laws of the state of Nevada, is qualified to do business as a
                  foreign corporation in every other state in which it operates
                  to the extent required by the laws of such states, and has
                  full power and authority to carry on its business as now
                  conducted and to own and operate its assets, properties, and

         B        No Pending Actions. Except as may be disclosed on Exhibit "C,"
                  there are no legal actions, lawsuits, proceedings or
                  investigations, either administrative or judicial, pending or
                  threatened, against or affecting Genesis, or against any of
                  Genesis's officers or directors and arising out of their
                  operation of Genesis, except as set forth in its audited
                  financial statements as attached hereto. With respect to the
                  claims set forth in Exhibit "C", These claims shall be
                  resolved as of the date of closing. In the event the claims
                  made in Exhibit "C" have not been totally resolved as of the
                  date of the closing, Global and Hudson shall hold Genesis
                  harmless from

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                  all costs, expenses or damages incurred as a result of the
                  claims set out in the said Exhibit "C". Genesis has been in
                  compliance with, and has not received notice of violation of
                  any law, ordinance, or regulation of any kind whatever,
                  including, but not limited to, the '33 Act, the '34 Act, the
                  Rules and Regulations of the SEC or the Securities Laws and
                  Regulations of any state.

         E        Validity of the Agreement. All corporate action and
                  proceedings required to be taken by Genesis in order to enter
                  into and to carry out the Agreement have been duly and
                  properly taken. The Agreement has been duly executed by
                  Genesis, and constitutes a valid and binding obligation of
                  Genesis. The execution and delivery of the Agreement and the
                  carrying out of its purposes will not result in the breach of
                  any of the terms or conditions of, or constitute a default
                  under or violate, Genesis's Certificate of Incorporation or
                  By-Laws, or any agreement, lease, mortgage, bond, indenture,
                  license or other document or undertaking, oral or written, to
                  which Genesis is a party or is bound or may be affected, nor
                  will such execution, delivery and carrying out violate any
                  order, writ, injunction, decree, law, rule or regulation of
                  any court, regulatory agency or other governmental body.

         F        Enforceability of the Agreement. When duly executed and
                  delivered, the Agreement and the Exhibits hereto which are
                  incorporated herein and made a part hereof are legal, valid,
                  and enforceable by Astrom according to their terms, and that
                  at the time of such execution and delivery, Astrom will have
                  acquired good, marketable title in and to the Genesis Shares
                  acquired pursuant hereto, free and clear of all liens and

In connection with the preparation of this Opinion, I have examined the

o        The Company's Articles of Incorporation, amendments thereto and Bylaws;
o        The Resolutions of the Company's Board of Directors authorizing the
         signing of the Stock Acquisition Agreement and the taking of all steps
         necessary to bring about the consummation thereof together with the
         authorization to issue sufficient shares to consummate the Agreement;
o        A certified shareholder's list showing the total issued and outstanding
         shares of the Company's common and preferred shares;
o        Documentation showing the Company to be in good standing in the State
         of Nevada;
o        Such other documents as I have deemed necessary for the purposes of
         this Opinion.

Additionally, I have made such investigations as I have considered necessary and
appropriate to form a basis for this Opinion. This Opinion is qualified by the
scope of the document review specified herein and I make no representations as
to the sufficiency of my investigation for this Opinion.

The documentation and representations provided to me for this Opinion by the
Company and its duly authorized representatives, as set out above, indicate that
the Company is validly organized under the laws of the State of Nevada; the
Company's Board of Directors has authorized the execution of the Stock Purchase
Agreement dated August 30, 2001; and the number of shares to be issued pursuant
to the Stock Purchase Agreement are or will be available for issuance. As such,
I am of the opinion that:

                                   Page 2 of 5

         1. Genesis is a corporation duly organized, validly existing and in
good standing under the laws of the state of Nevada, is qualified to do business
as a foreign corporation in every other state in which it operates to the extent
required by the laws of such states, and has full power and authority to carry
on its business as now conducted and to own and operate its assets, properties,
and business;

         2. Except as are disclosed on Exhibit "C" of the Stock Purchase
Agreement, there are no legal actions, lawsuits, proceedings or investigations,
either administrative or judicial, pending or threatened, against or affecting
Genesis, or against any of Genesis's officers or directors and arising out of
their operation of Genesis, except as set forth in its audited financial
statements as attached hereto. Genesis has been in compliance with, and has not
received notice of violation of any law, ordinance, or regulation of any kind
whatever, including, but not limited to, the '33 Act, the '34 Act, the Rules and
Regulations of the SEC or the Securities Laws and Regulations of any state;

         3. All necessary corporate proceedings of the Company have been duly
taken to authorize the execution, delivery and performance of the Agreement by
the Company. The Agreement has been duly executed by Genesis, and constitutes a
valid and binding obligation of Genesis. The execution and delivery of the
Agreement and the carrying out of its purposes will not result in the breach of
any of the terms or conditions of, or constitute a default under or violate,
Genesis's Certificate of Incorporation or By-Laws, or any agreement, lease,
mortgage, bond, indenture, license or other document or undertaking, oral or
written, to which Genesis is a party or is bound or may be affected, nor will
such execution, delivery and carrying out violate any order, writ, injunction,
decree, law, rule or regulation of any court, regulatory agency or other
governmental body.

         4. When duly executed and delivered, the Agreement and the Exhibits
hereto which are incorporated herein and made a part hereof are legal, valid,
and enforceable by Astrom according to their terms, and that at the time of such
execution and delivery, Astrom will have acquired good, marketable title in and
to the Genesis Shares acquired pursuant hereto, free and clear of all liens and

         5. The shares of capital stock of the Company to be issued pursuant to
the Agreement are validly authorized and when such shares have been duly
delivered therefor as contemplated by the Agreement, such shares will be validly
issued, fully paid, and nonassessable;

         6. The authorized and outstanding capital stock of the Company is set
forth in Section V(G) of the Agreement; and all outstanding shares of capital
stock of the Company are validly authorized, validly issued, fully paid, and

This opinion is based upon and subject to the qualifications and limitations
specified below:

                                   Page 3 of 5

         I have assumed without investigation the authenticity of any document
         submitted to me as an original, the conformity to the originals of any
         document submitted to me as a copy, the authenticity of the originals
         of such latter documents, the genuineness of all signatures, and the
         legal capacity of natural persons;

         I have relied without investigation on certificates of officers, and of
         employees, whom I believe are responsible, of the Company;

         In rendering the opinions expressed in paragraph two, I have assumed
         without investigation that (a) except for the corporation law (but not
         the "blue-sky laws" or securities law) of the State of Nevada as
         applicable to the Company, at the time thereof and at all times
         subsequent and performance of the obligations relative thereto, the
         execution, delivery, and performance of the Agreement and the other
         documents relating thereto or delivered in connection therewith, the
         performance of the oral agreements relating thereto, and the
         consummation of the transactions contemplated by any thereof, as to the
         Company or any other party thereto, did not violate, result in a breach
         of, or conflict with any law, rule, regulation, order, judgment, or
         decree, in each case whether then or subsequently in effect; (b) at the
         time thereof and at all times subsequent thereto, the persons
         authorizing each execution, delivery, performance, and transaction for
         the Company or for any such other party did not violate any fiduciary
         or other duty owed by them; (c) no event has taken place subsequent to
         any such execution, delivery, performance, or transaction or will take
         place which would cause any such execution, delivery, performance, or
         transaction not to comply with any such law, rule, regulation, order,
         judgment, decree, or duty, or which would permit the Company or any
         such other party at any time thereafter to cancel, rescind, or
         otherwise avoid any such execution, delivery, performance, transaction,
         document, or oral agreement; (d) there was no misrepresentation,
         omission, or deceit by the Company, any such other party, or any other
         person or entity in connection with any such execution, delivery,
         performance, or transaction; (e) the necessary corporate proceedings
         are governed by the laws of the State of Nevada without giving effect
         to conflict of laws and (f) at the time thereof and at all times
         subsequent thereto, such execution, delivery, performance, and
         transactions by the Company and any other party thereto, did not, does
         not now, and will not violate, result in a breach of, conflict with, or
         (with or without the giving of notice or the passage of time or both)
         entitle any party to terminate or call a default under any term of any
         contract, agreement, instrument, lease, license, arrangement, or
         understanding to which the Company or any such other party is or
         becomes a party or to which any of them or any of their respective
         properties, assets, or security holders are or will be subject.

         In rendering this opinion I have assumed that all signatures are
         genuine, that all documents submitted to me as copies conform
         substantially to the originals, that all documents have been duly
         executed on or as of the date represented on the documents, that
         execution and delivery of the documents was duly authorized on the part
         of the parties, that all documents are legal, valid and binding on the
         parties and that all corporate records are complete.

         I am admitted to practice law in the State of New York. I am not
         admitted to practice law in the State of Nevada or in any other
         jurisdiction where the Company may own property or transact business.
         This opinion is with respect to federal law only and I have not
         consulted legal counsel from any other jurisdiction for the purpose of
         the opinion contained herein. I expressly except from this opinion any
         opinion as to whether or to what extent a Nevada court or any other
                                   Page 4 of 5

         would apply Nevada law, or the law of any other state or jurisdiction,
         to any particular aspect of the facts, circumstance and transactions
         that are the subject of this opinion.

This opinion is strictly limited to the parameters contained and referenced
herein and is valid only as to the signature date with respect to the same. I
assume no responsibility to advise you of any subsequent changes or developments
which might affect any aspect to this opinion.

Further, this opinion is limited to the Company complying with the pertinent
provisions of the Securities Act of 1933.

This opinion may not be used, relied upon, circulated, quoted or otherwise
referenced in whole or in part for any purpose by any person or entity other
than the addressee without my express written consent.


/s/Gerald Einhorn
- ----------------------
Gerald Einhorn
Attorney at Law

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