Exhibit 2


Jason S. Frankl


April 17, 2003

Randall Perry, Esq.
Attorney at Law
44 Union Avenue
P.O. Box 108
Rutherford, NJ 07070

RE:  Synergy Brands, Inc. (Symbol: SYBR) Nasdaq Listing Qualifications Panel
     Docket No. NQ 4265C-02
     Response to Extension Request

Dear Mr. Perry:

By decision dated February 7, 2003, the Nasdaq Listing Qualifications Panel (the
"Panel")  determined  to  continue  the  listing of Synergy  Brands,  Inc.  (the
"Company")   on  The  Nasdaq  Small  Cap  Market   pursuant  to  an   exception.
Specifically,  on or before March 31, 2003, the Company was required to publicly
file  the Form  10-K for the  fiscal  year  ended  December  31,  2002  with the
Securities   and  Exchange   Commission   (the  "SEC")  and  Nasdaq   evidencing
shareholders'  equity of at least  $2,500,000.  On March 31,  2003,  the Company
filed that report, which reported shareholders' equity of $2,082,537.

By letter  dated April 7, 2003,  the Company  stated  that,  although it did not
satisfy the terms of the Panel's exception,  it would demonstrate  shareholders'
equity of at least  $3,000,000 as of March 31, 2003. The Company  explained that
it had settled certain disputed accounts  payable,  but that it was unable to do
so until after December 31, 2002. In addition,  the Company  represented that it
had closed a $600,000 private placement during the quarter ended March 31, 2003,
which increased shareholders' equity by the same amount. Based upon those events
plus  improved  operating  results,  the Company  asserted  that it would report
shareholders' equity of at least $3,000,000 as of March 31,2003 and requested an
exception  through  May 15,2003 to allow it to file the March 31, 2003 Form 10-Q
to evidence compliance with the shareholders' equity requirement.


The Panel  observed  that the Company  failed to satisfy the current term of the
exception.  However, the Panel acknowledged the Company's representation that it
would report  shareholders'  equity in excess of $2,500,000 as of March 31, 2003
due to improved  operating results and events that occurred during that quarter.
Accordingly,  the Panel  determined  to continue  the  listing of the  Company's
securities  on The  Nasdaq  SmallCap  Market  and to  modify  the  terms  of the
exception as follows:

         1. On or before  April 25, 2003,  the Company  must file an  unaudited,
         unreviewed  March  31,  2003  balance  sheet  with  the SEC and  Nasdaq
         evidencing shareholders' equity of at least $2,500,000; and

         2. On or before May 15,  2003,  the Company must file the Form 10-Q for
         the quarter  ending  March 31, 2003 with the SEC and Nasdaq  evidencing
         shareholders' equity of at least $2,500,000. 1

All other terms and  conditions of the Panel's prior  decisions  shall remain in
effect. 2

1 The filing of a  Notification  of Late Filing on Form 12b-25 with the SEC will
not  result  in an  automatic  extension  of the  deadline  set  forth  in  this
2 The Panel's  determination is limited to those findings expressly set forth in
this decision,  which is based solely upon the facts and  circumstances  of this
matter and should not be interpreted as precedent.

The Company  should be aware that the Nasdaq  Listing and Hearing Review Council
(the "Listing  Council")  may, on its own motion,  determine to review any Panel
decision within 45 calendar days after issuance of the written decision.  If the
Listing  Council  determines  to review this  decision,  it may affirm,  modify,
reverse,  dismiss,  or remand the  decision to the Panel.  The  Company  will be
immediately  notified  in the event the  Listing  Council  determines  that this
matter will be called for review.

The Company may also request that the Listing Council review this decision.  The
request for review must be made in writing and received  within 15 days from the
date of this  decision.  Requests  for review and a copy of the check must be in
writing and faxed to (301) 978-4028, with the original sent to:

                             Brigitte Lippmann, Esq.
                                  Chief Counsel
                          Office of Appeals and Review
                          The Nasdaq Stock Market, Inc.
                         9600 Blackwell Road, 3rd Floor
                              Rockville, MD 20850.

Pursuant to Nasdaq  Marketplace  Rule 4840(b),  the Company must submit a fee of
$4,000.00 to The Nasdaq Stock Market,  Inc. to cover the cost of the review. The
Company  should send only its payment with the enclosed  Appeal Fee Payment Form

Regular Mai13                               Courier/Overnight
- --------------                              -----------------
The Nasdaq Stock Market, Inc.      or       The Nasdaq Stock Market, Inc. W0435
P.O. Box 7777-W0435                         c/o Mellon Bank, Rm. 3490
Philadelphia, PA 19175-0435                 701 Market Street
                                            Philadelphia, PA 19106

Please  be  advised  that the  institution  of a review,  whether  by way of the
Company's request or on the initiative of the Listing Council,  will not operate
as a stay of this decision.

Should you have any  questions,  please do not  hesitate  to contact me at (301)

/s/ Jason S. Frankl
- -------------------
    Jason S. Frankl
    Nasdaq Listing Qualifications Hearings

3 Please note that the P.O.  Box address  will not accept  courier or  overnight