(Rule 14A-101)
                            SCHEDULE 14A INFORMATION
                Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14 (a) of the
                         Securities Exchange Act of 1934
                                (Amendment No. )

Filed by the Registrant [  ]
Filed by a Party other than the Registrant [ x ]
Check the appropriate box:
Preliminary Proxy Statement [ ]
Confidential, for Use
of the Commission Only (as permitted by Rule 14a-6(e) (2) [  ]
Definitive Proxy Statement [X]
Definitive Additional Materials [  ]
Soliciting Material Pursuant to Rule 14a-11 (c) or Rule 14a-12

                               VISTA BANCORP, INC.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                (Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(Name of Person (s) filing Proxy Statement, if other than the Registrant)

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):
[ X] No fee required
[  ] Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14 (a)-6(i) (4) and

         1) Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:


         2) Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:

         3) Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed
          pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (set forth the amount on which the
          filing fee is calculated and state how it was determined):

         4) Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:


         5) Total Fee Paid:
[  ]  Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[  ]     Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange Act
Rule 0-11(a) (2) and identify the filing for which the offsetting fee was
paid previously.  Identify the previous filing  by registration statement
 number, or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.

         1) Amount Previously Paid:

         2) Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:

         3) Filing Party:

         4) Date Filed:


                               VISTA BANCORP, INC.

                         ANNUAL MEETING OF STOCKHOLDERS
                                 April 26, 2001

                              [OPPOSES THE BOARD OF
                        DIRECTORS OF VISTA BANCORP, INC.]

This Proxy  Statement and WHITE proxy card are being furnished to holders of the
common stock (the "Stockholders"), par value $.50 per share (the "Common Stock")
of Vista Bancorp,  Inc. (the "Company") a New Jersey Corporation,  in connection
with the  solicitation  of  proxies  (the  "Proxy  Solicitation")  by the  Vista
Bancorp,  Inc. Committee to Preserve  Shareholder Value (the  "Committee").  The
Annual  Meeting  of  Stockholders  is to be held on April 26,  2001 at 9:30 p.m.
(local time), at the Warren Hospital,  185 Roseberry Street,  Phillipsburg,  New
Jersey,  (the "Annual Meeting").  Stockholders who own the Common Stock on March
12, 2001 will be entitled to vote ("Annual Meeting Record Date").  The Company's
principal  executive offices are located at 305 Roseberry Street,  Phillipsburg,
NJ 08865.

At the Annual  Meeting,  the Company  will be seeking (i) the  election of three
Directors  for a term of three years or until his successor has been elected and
qualified and (ii)  ratification of the  appointment of Rudolph,  Palitz LLC, as
independent auditors.

The Committee members own approximately  230,195 shares (4.51%) of the Company's
outstanding  Common Stock and are soliciting the votes of other  Stockholders to
elect three Directors at this year's Annual Meeting. The Committee is soliciting
your proxy in support of the  election of Peter Bray,  ("Bray")  Dennis  Pollack
("Pollack") and Richard Baer("Baer") the ("Committee Nominees") to the Company's
Board of Directors.

The Committee consists of Seidman and Associates,  L.L.C.  ("SAL"), a New Jersey
Limited Liability Company; Seidman Investment Partnership,  L.P.; ("SIP"), a New
Jersey Limited Partnership;  Seidman Investment  Partnership II, L.P.("SIP II");
Kerrimatt,  L.P.  ("Kerrimatt");  Federal  Holdings,  LLC  ("Federal");  Pollack
Investment  Partnership,   LP  ("PIP")  Bray,  Pollack,  Baer  and  Seidman,
individually and as a representative  of his discretionary  clients.  This Proxy
Statement  and  WHITE  proxy  card  are  being  first  mailed  or  furnished  to
Stockholders on or about March 29, 2000.

The Committee's goal is to preserve  shareholder  value and it is the opinion of
the Committee  that one of the best ways to accomplish  this goal is through the
representation  of significant  shareholders on the Board of Directors.  Through
representation on the Board of Directors, the Committee Nominees will attempt to
persuade  the  Board  of  Directors  to:  (i)  accelerate  the  Company's  share
repurchase  program;  and (ii)retain an investment banker to determine the value
of the Company in a sale versus remaining independent.

Remember,  your last  dated  proxy is the only one which  counts,  so return the
WHITE card even if you  delivered a prior  proxy.  We urge you not to return any
proxy card sent to you by the Company.

Your vote is  important,  no matter how many or how few shares you hold. If your
shares are held in the name of a brokerage firm, bank, or nominee, only they can
vote  your  shares  and  only  upon  receipt  of  your  specific   instructions.
Accordingly, please return the WHITE proxy card in the envelope provided by your
Bank or Broker or  contact  the person  responsible  for your  account  and give
instructions for such shares to be voted for the Committee Nominees.

If your shares are registered in more than one name, the WHITE proxy card should
be  signed  by all such  persons  to ensure  that all  shares  are voted for the
Committee's Nominees.

Please  refer  to  the  Company's  proxy  statement  for a full  description  of
management's proposals,  the securities ownership of the Company, the share vote
required to ratify each proposal,  information about the Company's  Officers and
Directors,  including  compensation,  information  about the ratification of the
appointment  of Rudolph,  Palitz LLC, as  independent  auditors  and the date by
which  Stockholders  must  submit  proposals  for  inclusion  in the next Annual

Holders of record of shares of Common  Stock on the Annual  Meeting  Record Date
are urged to submit a proxy even if such  shares have been sold after that date.
The number of shares of Common Stock outstanding as of the Annual Meeting Record
Date is  5,097,389. Each share of Common  Stock is  entitled to one vote at the
Annual Meeting.

Please note that the Company has stated that space limitations make it necessary
to limit attendance to stockholders.  The Committee disagrees with this position
and strongly  suggests that the Company rent a larger room so that  shareholders
need  not  plan  in  advance  whether  they  want to or do not  want to  attend.
Unfortunately,  if you wish to attend, please indicate your wish by checking the
box that appears on the proxy card.  "Street  name" holders will need to bring a
copy of a brokerage statement reflecting stock ownership as of the record date.

If you have any questions or need assistance in voting your shares, please call:

                           MalCon Proxy Advisors, Inc.
                                 130 William Street
                            New York, New York 10038
                         (Call Toll Free (800) 475-9320)

                              THE COMMITTEE'S GOAL:

                        OUR GOAL IS TO MAXIMIZE THE VALUE
                         OF THE COMPANY'S STOCK FOR ALL

The Committee  believes its fellow  Stockholders have the same goal: to maximize
the value of the Company's stock they purchased. The Committee believes that the
Company should  immediately retain an investment banker to explore a sale of the
Company at a premium.  Concurrently,  the investment banker should also evaluate
whether the Company can make in-market accretive acquisitions (acquisitions that
will add to the  earnings  per  share  of the  Company  within  one  year).  The
Committee  does  not  believe  that  the  value of the  Company's  stock  can be
maximized solely through internal growth.

If the Company cannot grow through accretive acquisitions,  the goal to maximize
value can be  accomplished  most  effectively by selling or merging the Company.
The only way the Committee can be assured that its proposals receive appropriate
consideration  is  through  Board   representation.   The  Committee  has  urged
management to pursue acquisition/merger  discussions with potentially interested
banks  so the  Company  could  properly  compare  the  economic  benefits  of an
acquisition of other financial institutions to a sale of the Company.

No guarantee,  or assurance,  can be given that the  Committee's  proposals will
result in a maximization  of shareholder  value. It is simply,  and solely,  the
Committee's  opinion that these proposals are likely to produce positive results
for all shareholders.

                    SEIDMAN'S JANUARY 25, 2001 MEETING WITH

Seidman met with Barbara  Harding  ("Harding"),  President  and Chief  Executive
Officer of the Company  and three  members of senior  management  on January 25,
2001. At this  meeting,  the Chief  Financial  Officer,  William F. Keefe,  CPA,
admitted  that  the  repurchase  of  shares  at  below  a  $21  price  would  be
economically  beneficial to the Company. He also stated that the Company had not
been  repurchasing  shares even though the Company's  stock price ranged between
$15.59 and $17.25  during the calendar  year 2000.  In addition  Harding  stated
during her private  meeting with Seidman on that same day, that the Board had no
desire to  entertain  any  proposals  to merge  with or sell the  Company to any
larger financial institution.

Seidman, at his private meeting with Harding, requested that the Company's Board
be  enlarged  by one (1) seat and that he be added to the Board.  Seidman  would
then become one (1) of eleven (11) directors.  It is obvious that if Seidman was
one (1) of eleven (11) directors,  he could not force the Company to do anything
without the support of five (5) other  directors.  Seidman informed Harding that
if the Board  rejected  his  request he would have no  alternative  but to run a
slate of three (3) directors against the Company's slate of directors.

                         THE COMPANY'S FINANCIAL RESULTS

The Company's  stock,  based upon its closing price of $21.00 on March 22, 2001,
is trading at 1.98 times its December 31, 2000 $10.57 book value and 15.21 times
its December 31, 2000 diluted earnings per share of $1.38. In the opinion of the
Committee,  unless the Company can do an  accretive  acquisition,  a sale of the
Company  at this time will be more  beneficial  than the  Company  remaining  an
independent financial institution,  especially because of the Company's relative
low equity to asset ratio of approximately  7.76%.  These facts are supported by
the following chart, which reflects the price to book value, deposit premium and
price to last twelve months earnings  multiple paid in connection with the below
list of mergers:(The  Independence  Comm. Bank Corp.  purchase of Broad National
Bancorp(approximately  $622 million in assets) is the closest  comparable to the
Company because of size.)

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                             Announce  Price/    Deposit  Price/
Buyer Name               Target Name         Date      Book      Premium LTM EPS
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
FleetBoston Fin. Corp.   Summit Bancorp      10/2/00   235.66    19.06     15.18
MetLife Inc.             Grand Bank NA       8/16/00   NA        NA        NA
Fulton Fin. Corp.        Skylands Fin. Corp. 2/23/00   208.94    10.85     14.63
Nat.Penn Banshares Inc.  Panasia Bank        2/14/00   222.97    14.71     18.53
Staten Is. Bancorp Inc.  First State Bancorp 8/18/99   212.26    15.57     18.72
Hudson United Bancorp    Southern Jersey
                         Bancorp of DE       6/29/99   160.20     7.60     NM
Independence Comm. Bank  Broad Nat.Bancorp   2/1/99    296.09    21.13     18.66
Valley National Bancorp  Ramapo Fin.Corp.    12/17/98  293.35    26.30     29.48
Lakeland Bancorp         High Point Fin.Corp.12/7/98   293.38    23.61     32.07
Commerce Bancorp Inc.    Prestige Fin. Corp. 9/17/98   325.65    20.90     24.62
Commerce Bancorp Inc.    Community First     8/13/98   529.39    36.83     33.32
                         Banking Co.
Richmond Cty. Fin.Corp.  Ironbound Bancorp   7/17/98   240.96    18.35     21.77
United National Bancorp  State Bank of       6/25/98   447.42    36.52     38.54
                         South Orange
Hudson United Bancorp.   Community Fin.      3/3/98    224.32    13.05     45.14

                         Mean                          284       20        25.9
                         Median                        241       19        23.2
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Based upon the  Independence  Community  Bank Corp  purchase  of Broad  National
Bancorp and the mean and median valuations shown above, the Company,  based upon
a $10.10 book value,  $591,480 of deposits and $1.38  diluted  earning per share
for the Calendar Year 2000, is worth the following range:

               Book Value          Deposit Premium          LTM Earning
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Independence   29.90               34.57                    25.75
Mean           28.68               33.20                    35,74
Median         24.34               29.18                    32.01
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

There can be no assurance or guarantee  that the Company  would  receive a price
equal to or greater than the prices paid to the companies listed above.

                            THEREFORE A VOTE FOR THE
                          COMMITTEE NOMINEES IS A VOTE
                             TO START THE PROCESS TO
                         ACCELERATE THE SHARE REPURCHASE
                            PROGRAM, ATTEMPT TO DO AN
                            ACCRETIVE ACQUISITION AND
                              IF NOT POSSIBLE SELL
                            THE COMPANY FOR A PREMIUM
                          PRICE WHICH IS OPPOSED BY THE
                          PRESENT BOARD AND MANAGEMENT

Each  Stockholder  should be aware that the  present  election  is only to elect
three  Directors  to the Board of Directors of the Company and has nothing to do
with the election of Directors to Vista Bancorp,  NA, (the  "Association"),  the
wholly owned  banking  subsidiary of the Company.  The present  Directors of the
Company, even if the three (3) Committee Nominess win this election,  will still
be able to appoint the Board of  Directors  of the  Association,  including  the
Company Nominees, even if they lose the election.

If a sale of the Company is not possible at a satisfactory  price, the Committee
Nominees, if elected, will work to increase the Company's earnings, earnings per
share,  earning assets and deposits and will strongly recommend that the Company
aggressively  pursue its stock repurchase  program.  In addition,  the Committee
Nominees   will   attempt  to  persuade  the  Company  to  pursue  an  accretive
acquisition.  The Board of  Directors  of the Company  would have to determine a
satisfactory  price which could be either all cash or a combination  of cash and
stock. To accomplish the Committee's goal, the Nominees,  if elected,  will need
the  cooperation  of three of the other  Directors.  Furthermore,  the Nominees'
plans  could  change  subject  to  the  fiduciary  duty  they  will  owe  to all
shareholders, if elected.

The Committee  bases its position that the Board of Directors and  Management of
the Company oppose a sale of the Company upon a statement by Harding to Seidman,
at the January 25, 2001 meeting.  Specifically, she told Mr. Seidman that at the
present  time the  Board is not  interested  in even  considering  a sale of the

Shareholders  will  not be  afforded  a  separate  opportunity  to  vote  on the
implementation of a stock repurchase  program.  Shareholders will be required to
vote on a sale or a  merger;  except  an  acquisition  for cash may not  require
shareholder approval.


Seidman,  Pollack and Baer have been  involved in proxy  contests in  connection
with  the  following   six  separate   companies   since  1995,   IBS  Financial
Corp.("IBSF"),  Wayne Bancorp, Inc. ("WYNE"), South Jersey Financial Corp., Inc.
("SJFC"),  Citizens First  Financial  Corp.  ("CFSB"),  Yonkers  Financial Corp.
("YFCB")  and  First  Federal  Savings  and Loan  Association  of East  Hartford
("FFES")*  seeking  to  maximize   shareholder  value  by  either  an  accretive
acquisition or sale of the respective companies. IBSF, WYNE, FFES, and SJFC were
sold at significant  premiums to their book value and earnings,  as shown by the
following chart:

                                 Multiples [X]              Director
Seller     Buyer                 Book Value %  LTM EPS [X]  Nominees
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Wyne  Valley National Bancorp      2.00           31.7      Pollack-Seidman
IBSF  Hudson United Bancorp.       1.76           30.0      Seidman-Pollack
SJFC  Richmond Cty. Fin. Corp.     1.14           24.1      Seidman-Baer
FFES Connecticut Bancshares,Inc.   1.37           13.5      Seidman
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Pollack  was a member  of the  Board of WYNE.  Baer was a member of the Board of
SJFC.  Seidman  was a member  of the  Board of SJFC and is still a member of the
Board of FFES.

Seidman was not  successful  in his proxy  contest with CFSB and YFCB.  However,
Seidman was  successful  in having CFSB  conduct a Dutch  Auction for 15% of its
outstanding shares. Seidman had proposed this Dutch Auction and, in an agreement
with CFSB,  agreed to tender the shares he  controlled  into the  auction and to
execute a  standstill  agreement.  Thus,  the Dutch  Auction  resulted  in large
measure from proposals made by, and actions undertaken, by Seidman. With respect
to YFCB Seidman, as announced during YFCB's last Annual Meeting in January 2001,
is attempting to find an acquirer for YFCB.

The Board of Directors of CNYF and AHCI, each agreed  voluntarily to increase by
one (1) the size of the Board and  Seidman was added to each  respective  Board.
CNYF was sold to Niagara Bancorp, Inc. at a premium price of 1.30 times book and
27.57 times its last twelve (12) month  earnings.  Seidman is presently a member
of the Board of AHCI.

In  addition,  Seidman  filed a  Schedule  13D  disclosing  a plan  to  maximize
shareholder  value  through  an  accretive  acquisition  or sale  of 1st  Bergen
Bancorp,  Inc.  ("FBER"),  Eagle  BancGroup,  Inc.  ("EGLB"),  and Jade Finacial
Corporation  ("IGAF").  All  three  institutions  were  sold  shortly  after the
respective  announcements.  FBER was sold to Kearney  Savings  Bank for 146 % of
book value and 34.4 times earnings. EGLB was sold to First Busey Corporation for
1.36% of book value and 33 times  earnings.  IGAF was sold to PSB Bancorp,  Inc.
for 92% of book value and 26.06 times earnings. Except for IGAF, these companies
were sold at a significant premium to book value and earnings and its prevailing
stock price.

All of the above  instiutions  were thrifts and not a  commercial  bank like the
Company.  Commercial  banks  normally  receive  multiples  greater than thrifts.

There is no  guarantee  that the Company  can be sold for a premium  equal to or
greater  than the  premium  paid for the  other  commercial  banks  and  thrifts
mentioned in this proxy statement.


On February 15, 2001, the Company  amended its By-Laws in an attempt to prohibit
Seidman from seeking  election to the Board and  prohibiting him from nominating
anyone for election to the Board. (See Form 8-K filed by the Company on February
16, 2001 with the Securities and Exchange  Commission.) The By-Law amendment was
approved only after Seidman made a request to the Company's  management that the
Board be  enlarged  by one(1)  seat and he be added to the Board.  Seidman  also
disclosed  to the  Company's  management  that if his  request  was  rejected he
intended to nominate three directors,  including himself, to challenge the three
Company  director  nominees at the next Annual  Meeting.  On February  16, 2001,
Harding informed Seidman that his request was denied.

On February 22, 2001,  Seidman and SAL filed an Order To Show Cause,  Complaint,
Certification  Verifying the Complaint,  and a Brief against the Company seeking
an Order,  in part,  (i) decreeing  that the By-Law  Amendments are unlawful and
unenforceable;  (ii)  enjoining the  application  and  enforcement of the By-Law
Amendments;  and (iii)  decreeing  that  Seidman is eligible  for service on the
Board of  Directors.  On March 12,  2001  Judge  Reisner,  P.J.Ch.,  denied  the
Plaintiff's request for a temporary  restraining Order enjoining  enforcement of
the By-Law  Amendments.  On Appeal, the Appellate Court adopted the reasoning of
the lower Court.

                         ELECTION OF COMMITTEE NOMINEES

When you return the Committee's proxy card you are only voting for Bray, Pollack
and Baer.  Each of these  candidates  has consented to being named in this Proxy
Statement and has agreed to serve as a Director, if elected.

Peter R. Bray is 52 years old and his  address is 5 Bourbon  Street,  Wayne,  NJ
07470.  He is the  senior  member of Bray,  Chiocca  Rothstadt  &  Miller,  LLC,
Attorneys At Law. He has been a practicing attorney since 1973.

Richard  Baer is 53 years old and his address is 3 Webster  Avenue,  Summit,  NJ
07910.  Since  February  1988,  Mr.  Baer has been  Chairman  of the  Board  and
President of Casper Partition System,  Inc., a company  principally  involved in
the re-furbishing of work stations.

Dennis Pollack is 50 years old and his address is 47 Blueberry Drive,  Woodcliff
Lake,  NJ 07675.  He is Director,  President  and  Executive  Officer of Pegasus
Funding Group and Co-General Partner, Pollack Investment Partnership, LP.

The members of the Committee have agreed to act in concert;  however,  they have
expressly reserved the right to terminate their agreement to act in concert.

During  the last ten (10)  years:  (i) none of the  Committee  members  has been
convicted in a criminal  proceeding  (excluding  traffic  violations  or similar
misdemeanors);  (ii) none of the Committee members,  has been a party to a civil
proceeding of a judicial or administrative body of competent jurisdiction and as
a result of such  proceeding was or is subject to a judgment,  decree,  or final
order  enjoining  future  violations of, or prohibiting  activities  subject to,
federal or state  securities laws, or finding any violation with respect to such
laws; (iii) the Committee  members,  other than SIPII,  Pollack,  Bray, Baer and
Kerrimatt,  were  parties  to  a  civil  proceeding  which  ultimately  mandated
activities that were subject to federal securities laws.  Specifically,  a civil
action was filed by IBSF,  during a proxy  contest with  certain  members of the
Committee,  in the U.S. District Court. This litigation named the members of the
Committee, as Defendants; except, SIPII, Pollack, PIP, Bray, Baer and Kerrimatt.
The claim was made that three  members on the  Committee did not make all of the
disclosures  required by the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. The District Court
entered a Judgment  dismissing  the claims made by IBSF. The Third Circuit Court
of Appeals  reversed in part, and remanded the matter,  determining that two (2)
additional  disclosures  should have been made.  Pending the remand,  an Amended
Schedule  13D was filed  making  additional  disclosures  with regard to Seidcal
Associates  and  Kevin  Moore   concerning  the  background,   biographical  and
employment,  information  on Brant Cali of Seidcal  and Kevin  Moore of Federal.
Thereafter,  the District  Court entered a Judgment  After Remand which directed
the inclusion of these disclosures in the Schedule 13D.

None of the  Committee  members is, or was within the past year,  a party to any
contract,  arrangements  or  understandings  with any person with respect to any
securities of the registrant, including, but not limited to joint ventures, loan
or option arrangements,  puts or calls, guarantees against loss or guarantees of
profit,  division of losses or profits, or the giving or withholding of proxies.
In addition  none of the  Committee  members or any  associates of the Committee
members have any arrangement or  understanding  with any person (a) with respect
to any future  employment by the Company or its affiliates;  or (b) with respect
to any future transactions to which the Company or any of its affiliates will or
may be a party.

Mr. Seidman is the manager of SAL and Federal,  Co-General  Partner with Pollack
in PIP, and is the President of the Corporate  General  Partner of SIP and SIPII
and the investment manager for Kerrimatt; and, in that capacity, Mr. Seidman has
the authority to cause those entities to acquire,  hold,  trade,  and vote these
securities and with respect to PIP, Seidman shares these functions with Pollack.
SAL,  SIP, SIP II,  Kerrimatt,  Pollack and Federal were all created to acquire,
hold, and sell publicly-traded  securities. None of these entities was formed to
solely acquire, hold, and sell the Company's securities.  Each of these entities
owns  securities  issued by one or more  companies  other than the Company.  The
members and limited partners in SIP, SIP II, SAL, Kerrimatt, PIP and Federal are
all  passive  investors,  who do not - and  cannot -  directly,  or  indirectly,
participate in the management of these entities,  including  without  limitation
proxy contests. Seidman's total compensation is dependent upon the profitability
of the  operations  of these  entities,  but no provision is made to  compensate
Seidman  solely  based upon the profits  resulting  from  transactions  from the
Company's securities. In SAL, Seidman receives an annual fee and a percentage of
the profits,  after the Members  receive a return on their  investment.  In SIP,
SIPII and PIP, Seidman receives an annual fee, which is payable quarterly, based
upon a valuation of the assets, and he receives a percentage of the profits.  In
Kerrimatt, Seidman receives an annual fee, which is payable quarterly based upon
a valuation of the assets with a stated  maximum fee payable,  and he receives a
percentage  of the  profits  after a return to  limited  partners.  In  Federal,
Seidman receives a percentage of the profits.

On November  8, 1995,  the acting  Director of the Office of Thrift  Supervision
("OTS") issued a Cease and Desist Order against Seidman ("C & D"), after finding
that Seidman  recklessly engaged in unsafe and unsound practices in the business
of an  insured  institution.  The C & D  actions  complained  of were  Seidman's
allegedly  obstructing an OTS investigation.  The C & D ordered him to cease and
desist  from  (i)  any  attempts  to  hinder  the  OTS in the  discharge  of its
regulatory  responsibilities,  including the conduct of any OTS  examination  or
investigation;  and (ii) any attempts to induce any person to withhold  material
information   from  the  OTS  related  to  the  performance  of  its  regulatory
responsibilities.  The  Order  also  provides  that for a period of no less than
three  (3)  years if  Seidman  becomes  an  institution-affiliated  party of any
insured  depository  institution  subject to the jurisdiction of the OTS, to the
extent  that his  responsibilities  include  the  preparation  or  review of any
reports,  documents, or other information that would be submitted or reviewed by
the  OTS in the  discharge  of  its  regulatory  functions,  all  such  reports,
documents, and other information shall, prior to submission to, or review by the
OTS, be  independently  reviewed by the Board of Directors  or a duly  appointed
committee  of the Board to ensure that all material  information  and facts have
been fully and adequately  disclosed.  In addition, a civil money penalty in the
amount of $20,812 was assessed.

The  voting  power  over  the  Company's   securities  is  not  subject  to  any
contingencies  beyond  standard  provisions  for entities of this nature  (i.e.,
limited   partnerships  and  limited  liability   companies)  which  govern  the
replacement of a manager or a general partner.  Specifically, the shares held by
each of the named entities are voted in the manner that Seidman  elects,  in his
non-reviewable discretion; except for PIP, where the voting discretion is shared
with Pollack.

Additional Information concerning the Committee is set forth in Appendices A and
B hereto.  Each of the  individuals  listed on  Appendix A attached  hereto is a
citizen  of  the  United  States.

The  Committee  has no  objection  to the  ratification  of the  appointment  of
Rudolph,  Palitz LLC, as independent  accountants for the Company for the fiscal
year ending December 31, 2001.

                             SOLICITATION; EXPENSES

Proxies may be solicited by the  Committee  by mail,  advertisement,  telephone,
facsimile,  telegraph,  and personal  solicitation.  Phone calls will be made to
individual  shareholders by Seidman, Bray, Baer, Pollack and employees of MalCon
Proxy  Advisors,  Inc.  Seidman and the Committee  Nominees will be  principally
responsible  to solicit  proxies  for the  Committee  and  certain of  Seidman's
employees will perform  secretarial  work in connection with the solicitation of
proxies,  for which no additional  compensation will be paid.  Banks,  brokerage
houses,  and other  custodians,  nominees,  and fiduciaries will be requested to
forward the Committee's  solicitation  material to their customers for whom they
hold  shares  and  the  Committee  will  reimburse  them  for  their  reasonable
out-of-pocket  expenses. The Committee has retained MalCon Proxy Advisors,  Inc.
to assist in the solicitation of proxies and for related services. The Committee
will pay MalCon  Proxy  Advisors,  Inc. a fee of up to $20,000 and has agreed to
reimburse  it for  its  reasonable  out-of-pocket  expenses.  In  addition,  the
Committee  has also agreed to indemnify  MalCon  Proxy  Advisors,  Inc.  against
certain liabilities and expenses,  including  liabilities and expenses under the
federal  securities  laws. The Securities and Exchange  Commission deems such an
indemnification to be against public policy. Approximately ten (10) persons will
be used by MalCon Proxy Advisors, Inc. in its solicitation efforts.

The entire expense of preparing,  assembling,  printing,  and mailing this Proxy
Statement and related materials and the cost of soliciting proxies will be borne
by Seidman,  SAL, SIP, PIP and SIP II. The Committee  does not intend to solicit
proxies via the Internet.

Although no precise  estimate  can be made at the present  time,  the  Committee
currently   estimates  that  the  total  expenditures   relating  to  the  Proxy
Solicitation  incurred by the Committee will be  approximately  $50,000 of which
$20,000 has been incurred to date. The Committee  intends to seek  reimbursement
from  the  Company  for  those  expenses  incurred  by  the  Committee,  if  the
Committee's  Nominees are elected, but does not intend to submit the question of
such reimbursement to a vote of the Stockholders.

For the proxy solicited  hereby to be voted,  the enclosed WHITE proxy card must
be signed,  dated,  and returned to the  Committee,  c/o MalCon Proxy  Advisors,
Inc., in the enclosed envelope in time to be voted at the Annual Meeting. If you
wish to vote for the  Committee  Nominees,  you must submit the  enclosed  WHITE
proxy card and must NOT submit the  Company's  proxy card.  If you have  already
returned  the  Company's  proxy card,  you have the right to revoke it as to all
matters  covered  thereby and may do so by  subsequently  signing,  dating,  and
mailing the enclosed  WHITE proxy card.  ONLY YOUR LATEST DATED PROXY WILL COUNT
AT THE ANNUAL  MEETING.  Execution  of a WHITE  proxy card will not affect  your
right to attend  the  Annual  Meeting  and to vote in  person.  Any proxy may be
revoked as to all matters  covered  thereby at any time prior to the time a vote
is taken by (i) filing with the  Secretary of the Company a later dated  written
revocation;  (ii)  submitting a duly executed  proxy bearing a later date to the
Committee;  or (iii)  attending  and  voting at the  Annual  Meeting  in person.
Attendance  at the  Annual  Meeting  will  not in and  of  itself  constitute  a

Shares of Common Stock  represented by a valid,  unrevoked WHITE proxy card will
be voted as  specified.  You may vote for the  Committee's  Nominees or withhold
authority to vote for the Committee's  Nominees by marking the proper box on the
WHITE  proxy  card.   Shares   represented  by  a  WHITE  proxy  card  where  no
specification  has been made will be voted for the Committee's  Nominees and for
Rudolph, Palitz LLC, as auditors.

Except as set forth in this Proxy  Statement,  the Committee is not aware of any
other  matter to be  considered  at the Annual  Meeting.  The  persons  named as
proxies on the  enclosed  WHITE  proxy card will,  however,  have  discretionary
voting authority as such proxies  regarding any other business that may properly
come before the Annual Meeting.

If your shares are held in the name of a brokerage firm, bank, or nominee,  only
they can vote such shares and only upon receipt of your  specific  instructions.
Accordingly,  please return the proxy in the envelope provided to you or contact
the person  responsible  for your account and instruct that person to execute on
your behalf the WHITE proxy card.

Only holders of record of Common Stock on the Annual Meeting Record Date will be
entitled to vote at the Annual  Meeting.  If you are a Stockholder  of record on
the Annual  Meeting Record Date, you will retain the voting rights in connection
with the Annual  Meeting even if you sell such shares  after the Annual  Meeting
Record Date.  Accordingly,  it is  important  that you vote the shares of Common
Stock held by you on the Annual  Meeting  Record Date,  or grant a proxy to vote
such  shares on the WHITE proxy  card,  even if you sell such shares  after such

The Committee believes that it is in your best interest to elect the Committee's
Nominees as Directors at the Annual Meeting. THE COMMITTEE STRONGLY RECOMMENDS A


                              I M P O R T A N T !!!

If your shares are held in "Street  Name" only your bank or broker can vote your
shares and only upon receipt of your  specific  instructions.  Please return the
proxy  provided to you or contact the person  responsible  for your  account and
instruct them to vote for the Committee's Nominees on the WHITE proxy card.

If you have any  questions,  or need further  assistance,  please call  Lawrence
Seidman at 973-560-1400,  Extension 108, or, our proxy  solicitor:  MalCon Proxy
Advisors, Inc., 130 William Street, New York, New York 10038, at 800-475-9320.

                                   APPENDIX A

                             VALUE AND ITS NOMINEES

The participants who comprise the Committee own in the aggregate  230,195 shares
of Common Stock, representing  approximately 4.51% of the shares outstanding and
are as follows:

Seidman  and  Associates,  L.L.C.  ("SAL"),  is a New Jersey  limited  liability
company,  organized  to invest in  securities,  whose  principal  and  executive
offices  are  located at 19 Veteri  Place,  Wayne,  New Jersey  07470.  Lawrence
Seidman is the  Manager  of SAL and has sole  investment  discretion  and voting
authority with respect to such securities.

Seidman  Investment   Partnership,   L.P.  ("SIP"),  is  a  New  Jersey  limited
partnership,  whose  principal  and  executive  offices are located at 19 Veteri
Place,  Wayne, NJ 07470. Veteri Place Corporation is the sole General Partner of
SIP and Lawrence Seidman is the only shareholder  director and officer of Veteri
Place Corporation.  Seidman has sole investment  discretion and voting authority
with respect to such securities.

Seidman  Investment  Partnership  II, L.P.  ("SIPII"),  is a New Jersey  limited
partnership,  whose  principal  and  executive  offices are located at 19 Veteri
Place,  Wayne, NJ 07470. Veteri Place Corporation is the sole General Partner of
SIPII and  Lawrence  Seidman is the only  shareholder  director  and  officer of
Veteri Place  Corporation.  Seidman has sole  investment  discretion  and voting
authority with respect to such securities.

Kerrimatt,  LP (Kerrimatt),  is a limited partnership formed, in part, to invest
in stock of public  companies whose principal and executive  offices are located
at 80 Main Street, West Orange, New Jersey 07052.  Lawrence Seidman has the sole
investment discretion and voting authority with respect to such securities until
May 2000.

Federal Holdings L.L.C.  ("Federal"),  is a New York limited liability  company,
organized to invest in  securities,  whose  principal and executive  offices are
located at One Rockefeller  Plaza,  31st Floor, New York, NY 10020.  Lawrence B.
Seidman is the Manager of Federal and has sole investment  discretion and voting
authority with respect to such securities.

Pollack Investment Partnership ("PIP") is a New Jersey limited partnership whose
principal and  executive  offices are located at 47 Blueberry  Drive,  Woodcliff
Lakes, New Jersey 07675.  Pollack and Seidman are co-general partners of PIP and
share the  investment  discretion  and  voting  authority  with  respect to such

Seidman is a private investor,  with discretion over certain client accounts and
is the Manager of Federal and SAL, and the  President of the  Corporate  General
Partner of SIP and SIP II, co-general  partner of PIP and the investment manager
of Kerrimatt.  See Footnote No. 1 below for  information  concerning  regulatory

Dennis  Pollack is the  co-general  partner of PIP and  shares  discretion  with
Seidman  with  respect  to  this  entity,  and is a  businessman  and a  private

Peter Bray is an attorney and a private investor.

Richard Baer is a businessman and a private investor.

         Name            Business Address       # of shares of
                                                 common stock
                                               beneficially owned   % of Class

Seidman and Associates     100 Misty Lane              58,750
L.L.C. (SAL)               Parsippany, NJ 07054

Seidman Investment         19 Veteri Place             31,500
Partnership, L.P. (SIP)    Wayne, NJ 07470

Seidman Investment         19 Veteri Place             29,500
Partnership II, L.P.       Wayne, NJ 07470

Kerrimatt, LP              80 Main St.                 30,450
                           West Orange, NJ 07052

Federal Holdings, LLC      One Rockefeller Plaza       32,000
                           New York, NY 10020

Pollack Investment         47 Blueberry Drive          18,000
Partnership, LP (PIP)      Woodcliff Lake, NJ 07675

Lawrence B. Seidman (1)    100 Misty Lane             223,195
                           Parsippany, NJ 07054

Peter R. Bray              5 Bourbon Street             1,000
                           Wayne, NJ 07470

Dennis Pollack             47 Blueberry Drive           6,000
                           Woodcliff Lake, NJ 07675

Richard Baer               3 Webster Avenue             2,000
                           Summit, NJ 07910
(1)Sonia  Seidman,  Seidman's  wife owns 11,925 shares which are included in the
above  share  ownership.  Seidman  may be deemed to have sole  voting  power and
dispositive power as to 182,200 shares  beneficially  owned by SIP, SIP II, SAL,
Kerrimatt  and Federal and shared voting power and  dispositive  power as to the
18,000  shares  owned by PIP. On November  8, 1995,  the acting  director of the
Office of Thrift  Supervision  (OTS)  issued a Cease and  Desist  Order  against
Seidman ("C & D") after  finding that Seidman  recklessly  engaged in unsafe and
unsound practices in the business of an insured  institution.  The C & D actions
complained of were Seidman's allegedly obstructing an OTS investigation. The C &
D ordered him to cease and desist from (i) any attempts to hinder the OTS in the
discharge of its regulatory  responsibilities,  including the conduct of any OTS
examination  or  investigation;  and (ii) any  attempts  to induce any person to
withhold  material  information  from the OTS related to the  performance of its
regulatory  responsibilities.  The Order also  provides  that for a period of no
less than three (3) years if Seidman becomes an institution-affiliated  party of
any insured  depository  institution  subject to the jurisdiction of the OTS, to
the extent that his  responsibilities  include the  preparation or review of any
reports,  documents, or other information that would be submitted or reviewed by
the  OTS in the  discharge  of  its  regulatory  functions,  all  such  reports,
documents, and other information shall, prior to submission to, or review by the
OTS, be  independently  reviewed by the Board of Directors  or a duly  appointed
committee  of the Board to ensure that all material  information  and facts have
been fully and adequately  disclosed.  In addition, a civil money penalty in the
amount of $20,812 was assessed.


                   DATE      PRICE              PROCEEDS         SHARES
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                    42600    14.63              73,125.00         5,000
                    51200 STK DIV                                   250
                    62800    13.81              20,718.75         1,500
                    71100    13.56              47,468.75         3,500
                     8300    13.75              68,750.00         5,000
                     8800    13.75              96,250.00         7,000
                   101800    15.06               7,531.25           500
                   103000    15.06              15,062.50         1,000
                    11900    15.06              75,312.50         5,000
                   112700    15.86             317,250.00        20,000
                    12700    16.75              33,500.00         2,000
                    21601    19.56              19,562.50         1,000
                    22101    19.68             118,092.00         6,000
                    22201    19.62              19,625.00         1,000

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
SUB-TOTAL                                      912,248.25        58,750

                    62200    13.81              13,812.50         1,000
                    71100    13.56              47,468.75         3,500
                     8300    13.75              68,750.00         5,000
                     8800    13.75              61,875.00         4,500
                    92100    13.81              34,531.25         2,500
                   112700    15.86             158,625.00        10,000
                    21601    19.56              19,562.50         1,000
                    22101    19.68              65,344.24         3,320
                    22201    19.62              13,345.00           680

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------

SUB-TOTAL                                      483,314.24        31,500

                    41700    14.56              14,562.50         1,000
                    51200 ST DIV                     0.00            50
                    11800    15.04               7,522.00           500
                    11800    15.04              22,560.00         1,500
                    11900    15.04              30,084.00         2,000
                    11900    15.04              45,120.00         3,000
                   111300    14.91               5,966.00           400
                   112700    15.86              94,778.44         5,975
                    12700    16.54              16,544.00         1,000
                    12700    16.54              16,544.00         1,000
                    12700    17.07               1,024.00            60
                    12700    17.07               1,024.00            60
                    21601    19.60              19,604.00         1,000
                    21601    19.60              19,604.00         1,000
                    21601    19.60              19,600.00         1,000
                    22001    19.60              15,680.00           800
                    22001    19.60              19,604.00         1,000
                    22001    19.60              23,524.00         1,200

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
SUB-TOTAL                                      373,344.94        22,545

                    71100    13.56              47,468.75         3,500
                     8800    13.75              61,875.00         4,500
                     9700    13.93              34,843.75         2,500
                    11900    15.06              37,656.25         2,500
                   112700    15.86             158,625.00     10,000.00
                    21601    19.56              19,562.50      1,000.00
                    22101    19.68              65,344.24         3,320
                    22201    19.62              13,345.00           680
                     3801    19.94              48,846.87         2,450

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
SUB-TOTAL                                      487,567.36        30,450

                    61500    13.93              20,906.25         1,500
                    71100    13.56               47468.75         3,500
                     8800    13.75              61,875.00         4,500
                   110800    15.06              37,656.25         2,500
                   112700    15.86             158,625.00        10,000
                    11001    18.25              91,250.00         5,000
                    21601    19.56              19,562.50         1,000
                    22101    19.68              65,344.24         3,320
                    22201    19.62              13,345.00           680

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
SUB-TOTAL                                      516,032.99        32,000

                    71100    13.56              47,468.75         3,500
                     8800    13.75              61,875.00         4,500
                     9700    13.93              34,843.75         2,500
                   101800    15.06               7,531.25           500
                    11100    15.06              22,593.75         1,500
                   112700    15.86             158,625.00        10,000
                    21600    19.56              19,562.50         1,000
                    22101    19.68              65,344.24         3,320
                    22201    19.62              13,345.00           680
                     3801    19.94              48,846.87         2,450

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
SUB-TOTAL                                      480,036.11        29,950

                   112700    15.86             158,625.00        10,000
                    21601    19.56              19,562.50         1,000
                    22101    19.68              65,344.24         3,320
                    22201    19.62              13,345.00           680
                     3501    20.06              60,187.50         3,000

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
SUB-TOTAL                                      317,064.24        18,000

                    21401    19.68              19,747.50         1,000
                    21401    19.62              19,685.00         1,000
                    21401    19.56              19,627.75         1,000
                    21501    19.50               7,829.25           400
                    21601    19.50              19,560.00         1,000
                    21601    19.50              11,741.25           600
                    22301    20.50              12,352.39           600
                    22301    20.50               2,057.86           100
                    22701    20.63               6,212.75           300

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
SUB-TOTAL                                      118,813.75         6,000

                    22101    19.61              19,710.37         1,000

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
SUB-TOTAL                                       19,710.37         1,000

                    TOTAL                    3,708,132.20       230,195

                                    P R O X Y


                         ANNUAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS

The undersigned  hereby appoints Richard Baer and Dennis Pollack with full power
of  substitution,  as Proxy for the  undersigned,  to vote all  shares of common
stock, par value $.50 per share of Vista Bancorp,  Inc., (the "Company"),  which
the  undersigned is entitled to vote at the Annual Meeting of Stockholders to be
held on April 26,  2001,  at 9:30 a.m.  (local  time) or any  adjournment(s)  or
postponement(s) thereof (the "Meeting"), as follows:


             -- FOR                 -- WITHHOLD

To withhold  authority to vote for the  election of Peter Bray,  Richard Baer or
Dennis  Pollack,  write the respective  name in the following  space or withhold
authority for Peter Bray,  Richard Baer and Dennis  Pollack by placing an X next
to Withhold.)


                    For ___ Against ___ Abstain __


This proxy, when properly executed,  will be voted in the manner directed herein
by the undersigned Stockholder.  Unless otherwise specified,  this proxy will be
voted "FOR" the election of the Committee's Nominees as a Director and "FOR" the
appointment  of Rudoph,  Palitz LLC,  the  independent  accountants.  This proxy
revokes all prior proxies given by the undersigned.

In his  discretion,  the proxy is authorized to vote upon such other business as
may  properly  come before the meeting,  or any  adjournments  or  postponements
thereof, as provided in the proxy statement provided herewith.

Please  sign  exactly  as  your  name  appears  hereon  or on your  proxy  cards
previously sent to you. When shares are held by joint tenants, both should sign.
When  signing as an attorney,  executor,  administrator,  trustee,  or guardian,
please  give  full  title  as  such.  If a  corporation,  please  sign  in  full
corporation  name by the  President  or  other  duly  authorized  officer.  If a
partnership,  please sign in partnership name by authorized  person.  This proxy
card votes all shares held in all capacities.


                                                    (Signature, if jointly held)

                                     Title: ____________________________________

                                     [ ] PLEASE CHECK HERE IF YOU PLAN TO ATTEND
                                         THE ANNUAL MEETING.