The Clifton Savings Bancorp, Inc.
                     Committee to Preserve Shareholder Value

August 27, 2004


I am writing in response to the August 11, 2004 and August 24, 2004  letters you
received from John A. Celentano,  Jr., the Chairman of the Board of Directors of
Clifton Savings Bancorp, Inc. (the "Company"). I am asking that you vote AGAINST
the Company's  proposed 2004 Stock-Based  Incentive Plan (the "Incentive  Plan")
and WITHHOLD your vote on the election of the Company's directors.

                        DON'T JUST TAKE OUR WORD FOR IT

The Committee is pleased to announce that  Institutional  Shareholder  Services,
Inc. ("ISS"), a provider of proxy advisory services to institutional  investors,
has recommended  that its clients vote AGAINST the Company's  Incentive Plan and
WITHHOLD  votes from the  Company's  directors.  According to the report,  "Such
compensation   practices  and  the  lack  of  board   accountability  to  public
shareholders  make us  question  whether  this board has been a good  steward of
compensation and whether approving the maximum allowable number of shares at the
earliest possible time is in the shareholders' best interest."

Please sign,  date and return the GOLD proxy card in the  enclosed  postage-paid

Company Statement:         The Company states that the Incentive Plan "has been
                           thought out carefully and designed to be in your best

Reply:                       o        How  can  an   approximate   potential
                                      $2,300,000   five  year  annual
                                      compensation  expense  (total  expense  -
                                      $11,500,000)  be in your best interest
                                      when the  Company's  net  income was only
                                      $3,689,000  for the twelve  month  period
                                      ending  March 31,  2004?  How can an
                                      approximate after  tax  38%  reduction  in
                                      Net  Income  be  good  for  Shareholders?
                                      (Assumes  981,337  shares  awarded at
                                      $11.76,  Page 14 of Company  Proxy
                             o        How can a reduction of approximately
                                      $25,980,890 or approximately 13%, of the
                                      Company's net worth benefit the
                                      Shareholders? (Committee's Proxy
                                      Statement, Page 8.)
                             o        It is the Committee's opinion that the
                                      Incentive Plan is in the best  interest
                                      of those  persons,  and only those
                                      persons,  who receive the awards.

Company Statement:           Mr.  Seidman  "has  voted  in  favor  of plans
                             similar  to the  Clifton  Savings Bancorp's 2004

Reply:                       o        I have never voted in favor of an
                                      Incentive Plan for a mutual holding
                             o        I personally have never accepted free
                                      stock even though I was entitled, as a
                                      member of the Board of Directors, to
                                      receive restricted stock, like the shares
                                      the Company now wants to award to its
                                      directors and senior management. I refused
                                      to accept the free stock awards because,
                                      in my opinion, such an award of free stock
                                      is not in the best interest of all the

Company Statement:           Case in Point: Wayne Savings Bank, where Mr.
                             Seidman pursued "his agenda".

Reply:                       o        Harold Cook was the Chairman of Wayne
                                      Bancorp,  Inc.  When asked about the
                                      Company's  comments,  he  replied: "Larry
                                      Seidman  was  the catalyst  that
                                      encouraged  the  Board  to  seek a  merger
                                      which ultimately maximized Shareholder
                             o        When Wayne Bancorp, Inc. made its initial
                                      public  offering,  its shares sold for $10
                                      each.  Less than two (2) years later,
                                      Wayne Bancorp,Inc. was acquired  by Valley
                                      National  Bank at a price of  $34.38  per

Company Statement:           Case in Point: South Jersey Financial Corp, Inc.,
                             where Mr. Seidman pursued "his agenda".

Reply:                       o        Robert Colacicco was the president and
                                      chief executive  officer of South Jersey.
                                      When asked about the Company's  comments
                                      he replied "Larry Seidman's contributions
                                      to South  Jersey were very  positive  and
                                      were all focused on maximizing Shareholder
                             o        Robert Colacicco also stated that
                                      "even though Mr. Seidman was entitled
                                      to receive restricted stock awards,
                                      he refused to accept such an award."
                             o        Mr. Colacicco also stated that "in
                                      order to obtain Mr. Seidman's support
                                      for the stock based benefit plan, Mr.
                                      Seidman required that the amount of
                                      the restricted stock available for
                                      distribution be reduced."

Company Statement:           The Company states "The 2004 Plan EXPRESSLY
(August 14, 2004)            PROVIDES FOR PERFORMANCE STANDARDS." (Emphasis
                             in the original of August 11, 2004 letter.)

 Reply:                      o        In fact, the Plan establishes no objective
                                      criteria for the granting of the awards.
                                      No particular  level of  performance - by
                                      the Company or by directors or by managers
                                      - has been  established  in order for the
                                      free stock to be awarded.  Thus, the
                                      Compensation  Committee - whose members
                                      will  presumably be eligible to receive
                                      awards - will have discretion to
                                      determine to whom, and in what amounts the
                                      awards will be given.
                             o        The Company has now admitted there are no
                                      performance standards in the Plan. The
                                      Company in its August 24th letter stated
                                      that "Mr. Seidman correctly notes no
                                      performance standards have been
                             o        The Company claims that it will make
                                      awards in a "prudent manner". THIS IS NOT
                                      A PERFORMANCE STANDARD.

Company Statement:           "If Mr. Seidman had been successful in his efforts
                             to gain a seat, he too would be eligible to receive
                             the benefits he now criticizes."

Reply:                       o        It is true that if I were a Board  member
                                      I would be  eligible for free stock, but I
                                      would not accept such an award.  Maybe Mr.
                                      Celentano,  Jr. wants to make the same
                                      commitment?  I doubt it!

                             o        I have  never  requested  a seat for
                                      myself on the  Company's  Board of

Company Statement:           The Company states "Help Clifton  Savings  Bancorp
                             tell Mr.Seidman we have no interest in his personal

Reply:                       o        The three (3)  institutions  mentioned  by
                                      the Company have one thing in common.
                                      Their stock prices rose substantially -
                                      and all  Shareholders profited.
                                      (i) In an approximate two (2) year period
                                      Wayne Savings had an approximate 243%
                                      increase  in  its  stock  price   enjoyed
                                      by  all Shareholders  (from the date Mr.
                                      Seidman  commenced his stock purchases to
                                      the date a sale of the Company was
:                                     (ii)  In  approximately  fourteen  (14)
                                      months  South  Jersey  had  an approximate
                                      70% increase in  its stock  price  enjoyed
                                      by  all Shareholders  (from the date Mr.
                                      Seidman  commenced his stock purchases to
                                      the date a sale of the Company was
                                      (iii) In  approximately  one year CNY
                                      Financial  had a 70% increase in its stock
                                      price enjoyed by all Shareholders (from
                                      the date Mr. Seidman commenced  his stock
                                      purchases to the date a sale of the
                                      Company was announced.)

     It is obvious that the Company wants to have you not focus upon the merits
     of the Plan. Otherwise, why would the Company conclude its first letter by
     making comments about me?

     After all, I have nothing to do with the Plan, I am simply delivering the
     message that this Plan is not in the best interests of the Shareholders who
     have invested over $130,000,000 in the Company. Please vote the GOLD proxy

If you have any questions or need assistance in voting your shares, please call:

                             D. F. King & Co., Inc.
                                 48 Wall Street
                            New York, New York 10005
                         (Call Toll Free (888) 542-7446