(Incorporated in Bermuda with limited liability)

                          INTERIM RESULTS ANNOUNCEMENT
                   FOR THE SIX MONTHS ENDED 30 SEPTEMBER 2001


The board of directors of Hang Fung Gold  Technology  Limited (the "Company") is
pleased to announce the  unaudited  consolidated  results of the Company and its
subsidiaries  (the  "Group")  for the  three  months  and six  months  ended  30
September 2001 are as follows:


                                            Six months ended              Three months ended
                                             30 September                   30 September
                             Note        2001            2000          2001              2000
                                        HK$'000        HK$'000       HK$'000           HK$'000
                                       ---------      ---------     ---------         ---------

                                              (Unaudited)                    (Unaudited)
Turnover                     2         618,153         430,677       290,536           218,689
Cost of sales                         (526,990)       (347,037)     (247,398)         (162,191)
                                      ---------      -----------   -----------       ----------

Gross profit                            91,163          83,640        43,138            56,498
Selling and distribution
 expenses                              (11,649)         (7,567)       (6,264)           (4,237)
General and
   expenses                            (36,427)        (31,904)      (16,829)          (30,903)
                                      ----------     -----------   -----------       -----------

Profit from operations       3          43,087          44,169        20,045            21,358
Interest income                          4,625           3,943         2,361             2,070
Interest expense                       (17,276)        (11,543)      (10,751)           (6,823)
Share of loss of
   associates and
   provision for
   doubtful receivables
   from an associate                    (5,631)           (739)       (2,745)             (739)
                                       ---------     -----------   -----------       -----------

Profits before taxation                 24,805          35,830         8,910            15,866
Taxation                     4          (2,400)         (3,000)         (200)           (1,403)
                                       ---------     -----------   -----------       -----------

Profit attributable
   to shareholders                       22,405          32,830         8,710            14,463
                                       =========     ===========   ===========       ===========

Dividend - interim                            -               -             -                 -
                                       =========     ===========   ===========       ===========

Earnings per share           5
   - Basic                          0.420 cents     0.912 cents
                                    ============    ============

   - Diluted                        0.417 cents     0.895 cents
                                    ============    ============


1.   Basis of preparation

       The interim  financial  report for the period ended 30 September  2001 is
       unaudited and has been prepared in accordance  with the  requirements  of
       the Main Board Listing Rules of The Stock  Exchange of Hong Kong Limited,
       including  compliance with Statement of Standard  Accounting  Practice 25
       "Interim  Financial  Reporting"  issued  by  the  Hong  Kong  Society  of

       The principal  accounting policies and methods of computation used in the
       preparation of the interim  financial report are consistent with those in
       annual accounts for the year ended 31 March 2001.

2.   Segment information

                                                               Contribution to
                                              Turnover  profit from operations
                                      Six months ended        Six months ended
                                          30 September            30 September
                                                  2001                    2001
                                               HK$'000                 HK$'000

    By major product category
       Gold products                           458,289                  17,246
       Other precious metal products            50,510                   8,531
       Jewellery products                      107,180                  16,638
       Others                                    1,762                     274
       Rental income                               412                     398
                                            -----------              ----------
                                               618,153                  43,087
                                            ===========              ==========

    By geographical location*
       Mainland China and Hong Kong            403,550
       South East Asia                          98,875
       Europe                                   39,067
       The United States of America             46,392
       Others                                   30,269


       * Turnover by  geographical  location is  determined  on the basis of the
destination of delivery of products.

3.       Profit from operations

       Profit from operations is arrived at after charging:

                                                            Six months ended
                                                              30 September
                                                           2001          2000
                                                        HK$'000       HK$'000

       Depreciation of fixed assets                      47,434        35,335
                                                         =======      ========

4.       Taxation

       Taxation in the consolidated income statements represents:

                                                            Six months ended
                                                              30 September
                                                           2001          2000
                                                          HK$'000       HK$'000

                             Hong Kong taxation           2,400          3,000
                                                         =======        =======

     Hong Kong  profits tax was  provided at the rate of 16% (2000:  16%) on the
     estimated  assessable profit arising in or derived from Hong Kong.  Certain
     of the Group's operations are conducted outside Hong Kong. Accordingly, the
     Group is  entitled to a 50:50  offshore  claim in  reporting  its Hong Kong
     profits tax.

     There was no significant  unprovided deferred taxation as at 30th September

5.   Earnings per share

(a)  Basic earnings per share

     The  calculation  of basic  earnings  per  share  is  based  on the  profit
     attributable to shareholders of  HK$22,405,000  (2000:  HK$32,830,000)  and
     5,332,000,000  shares  (2000:  3,599,989,071  shares)  in issue  during the

(b)  Diluted earnings per share

     The  calculation  of basic  earnings  per  share  is  based  on the  profit
     attributable to shareholders of HK$22,405,000 (2000: HK$32,830,000) and the
     weighted  average  number  of  5,369,392,687  shares  (2000:  3,666,352,056
     shares) in issue during the period after  adjusting  for the effects of all
     dilutive potential ordinary shares.

6.   Comparative figures

     Certain  comparative  figures  have been  reclassified  to  conform  to the
     current period presentation.


The Directors do no recommend any interim  dividend in respect of the six months
ended 30 September, 2001 (2000: Nil).


Business Review


For the six months ended 30 September 2001,  turnover for the Group increased by
43.5% to HK$618.2  million  (2000:  HK$430.7  million).  Profit from  operations
amounted  to HK$43.1  million  (2000:  HK$44.2)  while  profit  attributable  to
shareholders  was HK$22.4 million (2000:  HK$32.8  million).  Basic earnings per
share was HK0.420 cents (2000: HK0.912 cents).

Operations Review

Despite the  substantial  increase in turnover  for the period  under review the
profit from  operations  fell by 2.4%  compared  to same  period last year.  The
decrease  was mainly due to (1) change of product mix of increase in  proportion
of sales of gold products of relatively lower gross profit margin;  (2) increase
in selling and administrative expenses; (3) adoption of more competitive pricing
strategy  to cope with  increasing  competition  and to increase  market  share.
Compared to same period last year, the gross profit margin  decreased from 19.4%
to 14.7%, while the selling and administrative  expenses increased by 21.8% from
HK$39.5 million to HK$48.1 million.  The increase in selling and  administrative
expenses  was  mainly due to  increase  in size of  operation  and  business  in
general, expansion of distribution network and the establishment of the "3D-Gold
Tourism Exhibition Hall".

Compared  to  corresponding   period  last  year,  the  profit  attributable  to
shareholders  decreased by HK$10.4 million to HK$22.4  million.  This was mainly
due to  respective  increase  in (1) the  share  of  losses  of  associates  and
provision for doubtful  receivables from an associate by HK$4.9 million; and (2)
interest expenses by HK$5.7 million for the period.  Increase in inventories and
fixed  assets  for  expanding  distribution  network  and the "3-D Gold  Tourism
Exhibition Hall" for the period under review caused a corresponding  increase of
bank borrowing and interest expenses when compared to same period last year.


Mainland  China and Hong Kong  remains as the Group's  largest  market.  For the
period under review,  the Mainland China and Hong Kong market  accounted for 65%
of the Group's total turnover and generated HK$403.6 million in sales.  Compared
with same period last year, sales in Mainland China and Hong Kong market grew by
61.8% for the period under review.  The upsurge in total sales of Mainland China
and Hong Kong was mainly due to:

(1)  enhanced  popularity  of the Group's  products  and more  extensive  market
     recognition of the Group's brands in Mainland China and Hong Kong;

(2)  expansion of distribution network for retail business by -

(a)  increasing  the number of "3-D  Gold" and "La Milky  Way"  chain  stores in
     Mainland China;

(b)  establishment of sales  operations in large department  stores and shopping
     malls in Hong Kong for selling  products  under the  registered  brand name
     "3-D Gold" and "La Milky Way";

(3)  substantial  increase of tourists  visiting  the Group's  "3-D Gold Tourism
     Exhibition Hall" opened in Hong Kong since January 2001; and

(4)  the growing demand for luxurious brand name gold and jewellery  products in
     Mainland  China,  which was resulted  from the  country's  steady  economic

For the six months ended 30 September 2001,  sales  contribution  from Southeast
Asia and other  markets  (including  the United  States of America  and  Europe)
accounted for 16% and 19% of the Group's total turnover  respectively.  Sales to
Southeast  Asia  increased by 66% while sales to other  markets  (including  the
United  States of American  and Europe)  decreased by 5% compared to same period
last year.

                                Contribution to sales          Percentage change
                             Six months ended 30 September    for 2001/2002 over
                                2001                 2000           2000/2001
                               ------               ------         -----------
                    HK$ million      %      HK$ million       %            %

Gold products             458     74 %              228    53 %       +101 %
Other precious metal
     products              51      8 %              101    23 %        -50 %
Jewellery products        107     17 %              101    23 %         +6 %
Others                      2      1 %                1     1 %          - %
Total                     618    100 %              431   100 %        +43 %

During the period under review,  gold  products,  which  remained as the Group's
core product,  accounted for 74% of the Group's  total  turnover.  Sales of gold
products  substantial  increase  over  the  same  period  last  year  due to the
tremendous demand of Mainland China resulting from its strong economic situation
and rising living standards.

Awards and technological achievements

The  Group  devotes  considerable  efforts  in  developing  advanced  production
technology,  and is renowned for its  innovative  product  designs.  The Group's
technological  achievements  and  products  designs  receive  much  acclaim from
industry  players and have won numerous awards and prizes in both  international
and local competitions in the past years.

In the current financial period, the "Gold and Jewellery  Environmental Friendly
Washroom" in the Group's 3-D Gold Tourism  Exhibition  Hall has been admitted by
Guinness  World  Records  as "Keeper of the  Guinness  World  Records - The Most
Expensive  Bathroom"  and  "Keeper  of the  Guinness  World  Records  - the Most
Expensive Toilet".  The year 2001 is the second year the Group being awarded the
HKPC Certificate of Merit in Productivity by Hong Kong Productivity Council.

In addition to the above achievements, the Group won the following awards:

o    HKMA/TVB Award for Marketing Excellence 2001 Citation for Innovation

o    2001 Grand  Competition  of Taiwan & Hong Kong Jade  Jewelry  Design  HKJJA
     Chairman's Award Fine Design Award (5 Awards) and Honorary Mention

o    The 4th Buyer's Favorite Diamond Jewelry Design Competition 2001 Necklace -
     Gold prize, Bracelet - Award of Merit, Ring - Award of Merit

Future Prospects

To cope with the development  goal formulated for the year 2001/2002,  the Group
will  continue  to promote its  brands,  expand its retail  business in Mainland
China and Hong Kong and explore potential market aggressively.

With extensive  experience of producing  corporate  giftware in cooperation with
various  major   institutions   in  the  past,  and  the   unparallel   business
opportunities  as generated  from Beijing  being become the hosting city of 2008
Olympics  and the  entry of  People  Republic  of China  into  the  World  Trade
Organization,  the Group is optimistic  for further  promotion of its brands and
business.  To enhance  its brands  will  enable the Group to improve its markets
competitiveness,  enlarge its revenue base and safeguard  growth of its business
and profit in the future.  As the "3D-Gold Tourism  Exhibition Hall" has evolved
to  become  a new  tourist  spot in Hong  Kong,  and as the  Hong  Kong  Special
Administrative  Region government  continues to promote tourism in Hong Kong and
increase  the  quota  imposed  to the  Mainland  China  visitors,  the  Group is
confident that its local retail  business will continue to grow.  Moreover,  the
Group will  capture the market  rhythm and adopt  flexible  market  strategy and
prudent investment policy, so as to establish "3D-Gold" and "La Milky Way" chain
stores in the Mainland China and Hong Kong and expand the distribution  network.
The Group  expects  such move will further  increase  the revenue  source of the
retail business in both Mainland China and Hong Kong.
In order to ensure the  uniqueness  in design and the  excellent  quality of its
product,  the  Group  will  continue  to invest in  technological  research  and
development,  and  develop new  production  technology  and more cost  efficient
production model.

Financial position

As at 30 September 2001, the Group  maintained a current ratio of 1.41 (31 March
2001: 1:42) while its total debt to equity ratio was 1.06 (31 March 2001: 1.05).
The latter was calculated by dividing the total  liabilities of HK$558.1 million
(31 March  2001:  HK$530  million) by the total  shareholders'  equity of HK$529
million (31 March 2001: HK$506.6 million).

The Group's bank borrowing as at 30 September 2001 amounted to HK$419.1  million
(31 March 2001: HK$391.1 million),  while undrawn banking facilities amounted to
HK$46.4 million (31 March 2001: HK$38.1 million).  With its internally generated
cash flows,  unutilized  banking facilities and other financial  resources,  the
Group has confidence in meeting the funding needs of its business activities and
development projects.


Neither the Company nor any of its subsidiaries purchased,  sold or redeemed any
of the  Company's  listed  securities  during the six months  ended 30 September


The Audit Committee has reviewed with  management the accounting  principles and
practices  adopted by the Group and  discussed  auditing,  internal  control and
financial  reporting  matters  including  the  review of the  Group's  unaudited
interim results for the six months ended 30 September 2001.


In the opinion of the Directors,  the Company has complied with the Code of Best
Practice  as set out in  Appendix  14 to the Rules of  Governing  the Listing of
Securities on the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited  throughout the six months
ended 30 September 2001, except that the independent  non-executive directors of
the Company are not appointed  for specific  terms but are subject to retirement
by rotation and  re-election  at annual general  meeting in accordance  with the
Company's By-Laws.


A detailed interim results announcement  containing all the information required
by paragraphs  46(1) to 46(6) of Appendix 16 of the Rules  Governing the Listing
of  Securities  on The Stock  Exchange of Hong Kong Limited will be published on
the website of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited in due course.

                                               By Order of the Board
                                                   Lam Sai Wing

Hong Kong, 6 December 2001