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                (Incorporated in Bermuda with limited liability)

                           UNAUDITED FINANCIAL RESULTS
                  FOR THE NINE MONTHS ENDED 31ST DECEMBER, 2002

In view of the fact that Hang Fung Gold Technology Limited (the "Company") is an
associate  of S.W.  Lam,  Inc.  which is quoted on the National  Association  of
Securities  Dealers,  Inc.  Electronic  Bulletin Board, the quarterly and annual
results of the  Company  and S.W.  Lam,  Inc.  are  accordingly  required  to be
simultaneously disseminated in Hong Kong and the United States.

The Directors of the Company is pleased to announce the unaudited consolidated
income statements of the Company, its subsidiaries and associates (collectively
the "Group") for the three months and nine months ended 31st December, 2002
together with comparative figures for the corresponding periods in 2001 as

                                                            (Unaudited)                (Unaudited)
                                                         Three months ended         Nine months ended
                                                           31st December,             31st December,
                                             Note       2002         2001         2002          2001
                                            ------     ------       ------       ------        ------

                                                       HK$'000      HK$'000      HK$'000       HK$'000

Turnover                                      (2)      420,246      350,322    1,290,506       968,475
Cost of sales                                         (317,717)    (298,651)  (1,035,923)     (825,641)
                                                    -----------   ----------   ----------   -----------

Gross profit                                           102,529       51,671      254,583       142,834
Selling, distribution and
marketing expenses                                     (40,132)     (10,789)     (97,669)      (22,438)
General and administrative expenses                    (33,495)     (22,768)     (83,442)      (59,195)
                                                    -----------   ----------   ----------   -----------

Profit from operations                                  28,902       18,114       73,472        61,201
Interest income                                            262        1,402        3,218         6,027
Interest expense                                        (5,952)      (7,803)     (17,852)      (25,079)
Share of losses of associates and
  provision against advance to
   an associate                                         (1,865)      (2,869)      (8,726)       (8,500)
                                                    -----------   ----------   ----------   -----------

Profit before taxation                                  21,347        8,844       50,112        33,649
Taxation                                      (3)       (1,360)        (972)      (4,560)       (3,372)
                                                    -----------   ----------   ----------   -----------

Profit attributable to shareholders                     19,987        7,872       45,552        30,277
                                                    ===========   ==========   ==========   ===========

Dividend - interim                                                                     -             -
                                                                               ==========   ===========

Earnings per share                            (4)
 - Basic                                                                       0.847cent     0.568cent
                                                                               ==========   ===========

 - Diluted                                                                           N/A     0.565cent
                                                                               ==========   ===========


(1)  Principal accounting policies
     The unaudited  consolidated income statements
     have been prepared in accordance with the principal accounting policies set
     out in the Company's annual accounts for the year ended 31st March, 2002.

(2)  Turnover
     Analysis of the Group's turnover by geographical location is as follows:

                                                        Nine months ended
                                                         31st December,
                                                         2002             2001
                                                     Turnover         Turnover
                                                      HK$'000          HK$'000
      By geographical location

      Hong Kong/Mainland China                      1,046,649          658,560
      Southeast Asia                                  121,791          125,925
      The United States of America                     61,504           78,466
      Europe                                           56,206           58,068
      Others                                            4,356           47,456
                                                   -----------      -----------
                                                    1,290,506          968,475
                                                   ===========      ===========

      Turnover by geographical location is determined on the basis of the
destination of shipment of merchandise.

(3)      Taxation
      Taxation in the consolidated income statements consisted of:

                                                    Nine months ended
                                                      31st December,
                                                   2002             2001
                                                HK$'000          HK$'000

      Hong Kong profits tax                       4,560            3,372

      The Company is exempted from taxation in Bermuda until 2016. Hong Kong
      profits tax has been provided at the rate of 16% (2001: 16%) on the
      estimated assessable profit arising in or derived from Hong Kong. No
      Mainland China tax has been provided as the Group had no taxable profit
      subject to such tax during the period.

      There was no significant unprovided deferred taxation as at 31st December,

(4)   Earnings per share
      The calculation of basic earnings per share is based on the consolidated
      profit attributable to shareholders of approximately HK$45,552,000 (2001:
      HK$30,277,000) and on the weighted average number of approximately
      5,380,016,727 shares (2001: 5,332,000,000 shares) in issue during the

      Diluted earnings per share for the nine months ended 31st December, 2002
      is not presented as there is no dilutive potential shares in existence
      during the period. The calculation of diluted earnings per share for the
      nine months ended 31st December, 2001 is based on the consolidated profit
      attributable to shareholders of approximately HK$30,277,000 and on the
      weighted average number of approximately 5,362,577,396 shares in issue,
      after adjusting for the effects of all dilutive potential shares.

Turnover for the nine months ended 31st December, 2002 amounted to
HK$1,290,506,000, representing an increase of 33.3% over the corresponding
period in 2001. The increase in turnover was mainly due to the contribution from
the 3D-GOLD Tourism Exhibition Hall and the growth of business in Mainland China
and Hong Kong.

Profit margin increased to 19.7% in the current period from 14.7% in the prior
fiscal year period, largely contributed from increase of sales in retail
business which is of higher profit margin.

Selling, distribution and marketing expenses increased from HK$22,438,000 in
2001 to HK$97,669,000 in the 2002 period as a result of the expansion of retail
business and the increase in promotion costs for the "3D-GOLD" and "La Milky
Way" products and brands for the period.

Profit attributable to shareholders was HK$45,552,000 (2001: HK$30,277,000),
attaining a growth of 50.5%.

Interim Dividend
The  Directors  do not  recommend  the payment of an interim dividend in respect
of the nine  months  ended 31st December, 2002 (2001: Nil).

Purchase, sale and redemption of the Company's listed securities
In July 2002, the Company repurchased 1,560,000 of its own ordinary shares on
The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited at a cash consideration of HK$178,380.
The lowest and highest prices paid for the above repurchases were respectively
HK$0.113 and HK$0.116 per share. The repurchased shares were cancelled and an
amount of HK$15,600, equivalent to the nominal value of these shares, was
transferred from contributed surplus to capital redemption reserve.

Save as disclosed above, neither the Company nor any of its subsidiaries
purchased, sold or redeemed any of the Company's listed securities during the
nine months ended 31st December, 2002.

This announcement is made pursuant to paragraph 2 of the Listing Agreement.

                                                         By Order of the Board
                                                            Lam Sai Wing

Hong Kong, 19th February, 2003