Termination Agreement


                           Dragon Gold Resources, Inc.


     The Shareholders of Dragon Minerals Holdings, Inc. as of July 14, 2004


                         Dragon Minerals Holdings, Inc.

                               Dated May 5th, 2006

     THIS TERMINATION AGREEMENT (hereinafter referred to as this "Agreement") is
entered into as of this 5th day of May,  2006, and effective as of July 15, 2004
by and between Dragon Gold  Resources,  Inc. a Nevada  corporation  (hereinafter
referred to as "Dragon Gold") and the former shareholders  (hereinafter referred
to as the "Former  Shareholders") of Dragon Minerals  Holdings,  Inc., a British
Virgin Islands corporation (hereinafter referred to as "Dragon Minerals"),  who,
pursuant to the Exchange  Agreement  executed July 15, 2004 received  16,500,000
shares  of  Dragon  Gold in  exchange  for 100% of the  common  stock of  Dragon
Minerals, upon the following premises:


     WHEREAS,  Dragon Gold is a publicly held  corporation  organized  under the
laws of the State of Nevada and engaged in mineral exploration;

     WHEREAS,  Dragon  Minerals  is a  subsidiary  corporation  of  Dragon  Gold
organized  under the laws of the  British  Virgin  Islands  and also  engaged in
mineral exploration;

     WHEREAS, management of the constituent corporations entered into a exchange
agreement  (the  "Exchange  Agreement")  dated July 15,  2004  pursuant to which
Dragon Gold agreed to acquire 100% of the issued and  outstanding  securities of
Dragon  Minerals in exchange for the  issuance of certain  shares of Dragon Gold
(the "Exchange") and Dragon Minerals agreed to use its best efforts to cause its
shareholders  (the "Dragon Minerals  Shareholders") to exchange their securities
of Dragon Minerals on the terms described therein; and

     WHEREAS,  Dragon Gold, Dragon Minerals,  and the Former Shareholders desire
to terminate the Exchange.


     NOW THEREFORE,  on the stated premises and for and in  consideration of the
mutual covenants and agreements hereinafter set forth and the mutual benefits to
the parties to be derived herefrom, it is hereby agreed as follows:

                                    ARTICLE I

     Organization.  Dragon  Minerals is a corporation  duly  organized,  validly
existing,  and in good standing under the laws of the British Virgin Islands and
has the  corporate  power and is duly  authorized,  qualified,  franchised,  and
licensed  under all  applicable  laws,  regulations,  ordinances,  and orders of
public  authorities  to own all of its properties and assets and to carry on its
business  in all  material  respects  as it is now  being  conducted,  including
qualification to do business as a foreign corporation in the states or countries
in which the  character  and location of the assets owned by it or the nature of
the business transacted by it requires qualification, except where failure to be
so  qualified  would not have a material  adverse  effect on its  business.  The
execution and delivery of this Agreement does not, and the  consummation  of the
transactions  contemplated  hereby  will not,  violate any  provision  of Dragon
Minerals' Memorandum and articles of association.  Dragon Minerals has taken all
actions  required  by law,  its  articles  of  incorporation,  or  otherwise  to
authorize the execution and delivery of this Agreement. Dragon Minerals has full
power, authority,  and legal right and has taken all action required by law, its
articles of incorporation,  and otherwise to consummate the transactions  herein

                                   ARTICLE II

     Organization.   Dragon  Gold  is  a  corporation  duly  organized,  validly
existing, and in good standing under the laws of the State of Nevada and has the
corporate  power and is duly  authorized,  qualified,  franchised,  and licensed
under  all  applicable  laws,  regulations,  ordinances,  and  orders  of public
authorities to own all of its properties and assets, to carry on its business in
all material respects as it is now being conducted,  and except where failure to
be so qualified would not have a material adverse effect on its business,  there
is no  jurisdiction  in which it is not  qualified  in which the  character  and
location of the assets owned by it or the nature of the business  transacted  by
it requires  qualification.  The execution and delivery of this  Agreement  does
not, and the  consummation  of the  transactions  contemplated  hereby will not,
violate any provision of Dragon Gold 's certificate of  incorporation or bylaws.
Dragon  Gold  has  taken  all  action   required  by  law,  its  certificate  of
incorporation,  its bylaws, or otherwise to authorize the execution and delivery
of this Agreement,  and Dragon Gold has full power,  authority,  and legal right
and has taken all action  required by law,  its  certificate  of  incorporation,
bylaws, or otherwise to consummate the transactions herein contemplated.

                                   ARTICLE III


     Section 3.01 The  Termination.  On the terms and subject to the  conditions
set forth in this  Agreement,  on the Closing Date (as defined in Section 3.02),
each Former  Shareholder  (as defined in the Exchange  Agreement)  shall assign,
transfer  and  deliver,  free and  clear of all  liens,  pledges,  encumbrances,
charges,  restrictions or known claims of any kind, nature, or description,  the
number of  shares  of common  stock of  Dragon  Gold  received  pursuant  to the
Exchange in the aggregate constituting  16,500,000 of the issued and outstanding
shares of common  stock of Dragon  Gold held by each of such  shareholders;  the
objective  of such  Termination  being  the  rescission  by  Dragon  Gold of the
acquisition  of 100% of the  issued  and  outstanding  common  shares  of Dragon
Minerals  Holdings,  Inc. In exchange for the transfer of such securities by the
Former  Shareholders,  Dragon Gold shall issue to the Former Shareholders (1) an
aggregate of 100% of the shares of common stock of Dragon Minerals to the Former
Shareholders as of the Closing Date. In the event the Termination is consummated
but less than  16,500,000  of the common  shares of Dragon Gold are delivered to
Dragon  Gold,  the number of Shares of Dragon  Minerals  delivered to the Former
Shareholders  as  described  above  shall  be  reduced  proportionately.  At the
Closing,  each Former  Shareholder  shall,  on surrender of his  certificate  or
certificates  representing  such  Dragon  Gold  shares  to  Dragon  Gold  or its
registrar  or  transfer   agent,   be  entitled  to  receive  a  certificate  or
certificates  evidencing  his  proportionate  interest  in the  Dragon  Minerals
Shares.  Upon  consummation of the  transaction  contemplated  herein,  assuming
participation  by all of the Former  Shareholders,  all of the shares of capital
stock of Dragon Minerals shall be held by the Former shareholders.

     Section  3.02  Closing.   The  closing   ("Closing")  of  the  transactions
contemplated  by this  Agreement  shall  be on a date  and at  such  time as the
parties may agree ("Closing Date") but not later than May 5th 2006. Such Closing
shall take place at a mutually agreeable time and place.

     Section 3.03 Closing Events.  At the Closing,  Dragon Gold, Dragon Minerals
and the Former  Shareholders,  individually or through a  representative,  shall
execute, acknowledge, and deliver (or shall ensure to be executed, acknowledged,
and  delivered)  any  and  all  certificates,  opinions,  financial  statements,
schedules,  agreements,  resolutions,  rulings or other instruments  required by
this Agreement to be so delivered at or prior to the Closing, together with such
other  items as may be  reasonably  requested  by the  parties  hereto and their
respective  legal counsel in order to  effectuate  or evidence the  transactions
contemplated hereby.

     Upon  execution of this  Agreement  by both parties the Exchange  Agreement
date July 15,  2004  between  Dragon  Gold and  Dragon  Minerals  shall be of no
further  force or effect,  and no  obligation,  right or  liability  shall arise
hereunder,  except that each party shall bear its own costs in  connection  with
the negotiation, preparation, and execution of this Agreement.

     Section  3.04  Compliance  With  Laws and  Regulations.  To the best of its
knowledge, Dragon Gold has complied with all applicable statutes and regulations
of any  federal,  state,  or other  applicable  governmental  entity  or  agency
thereof,  except to the  extent  that  noncompliance  would not  materially  and
adversely affect the business,  operations,  properties,  assets or condition of
Dragon Gold or except to the extent that  noncompliance  would not result in the
occurrence  of any material  liability.  This  compliance  includes,  but is not
limited to, the filing of all reports to date with federal and state  securities

                                   ARTICLE IV

     Section  4.01  Delivery of Books and Records.  At the Closing,  Dragon Gold
shall deliver to Dragon  Minerals the  originals of the corporate  minute books,
books of account, contracts, records, and all other books or documents of Dragon
Minerals now in the possession of Dragon Gold or its representatives.

Section 4.02      Indemnification.

     (a) Dragon Minerals and the Former  Shareholders  hereby agree to indemnify
Dragon Gold and each of the officers,  agents and directors of Dragon Gold as of
the date of  execution of this  Agreement  against any loss,  liability,  claim,
damage,  or  expense  (including,  but not  limited  to,  any  and  all  expense
whatsoever reasonably incurred in investigating, preparing, or defending against
any litigation,  commenced or threatened, or any claim whatsoever),  to which it
or they may become subject  arising out of or based on any inaccuracy  appearing
in or misrepresentations  made in this Agreement.  The indemnification  provided
for in  this  paragraph  shall  survive  the  Closing  and  consummation  of the
termination contemplated with this Agreement.

     (b) Dragon Gold hereby agrees to indemnify  Dragon  Minerals and the Former
Shareholders and each of the officers,  agents, and directors of Dragon Minerals
against any loss,  liability,  claim,  damage,  or expense  (including,  but not
limited to, any and all expense whatsoever reasonably incurred in investigating,
preparing, or defending against any litigation,  commenced or threatened, or any
claim  whatsoever),  to which it or they may become  subject  arising  out of or
based on any  inaccuracy  appearing  in or  misrepresentation  made  under  this
Agreement.  The indemnification provided for in this paragraph shall survive the
Closing and consummation of the termination contemplated by this Agreement.

                                    ARTICLE V

     Section 5.01 Governing Law. This Agreement shall be governed by,  enforced,
and  construed  under and in  accordance  with the laws of the United  States of
America  and,  with  respect to the  matters of state law,  with the laws of the
State of  Nevada,  without  giving  effect to  principles  of  conflicts  of law
thereunder.  Each of the parties (a)  irrevocably  consents  and agrees that any
legal or equitable  action or  proceedings  arising under or in connection  with
this Agreement shall be brought  exclusively in the federal courts of the United
States with venue in Houston, Texas.

     Section  5.02  Notices.  Any  notice or other  communications  required  or
permitted  hereunder  shall be in  writing  and shall be  sufficiently  given if
personally delivered to it or sent by telecopy,  overnight courier or registered
mail or certified mail, postage prepaid, addressed as follows:

         If to Dragon Gold, to:             338 Euston Road
                                            London NW1 3BT, UK

         With copies to:                    Hank Vanderkam, Esq.
                                            Vanderkam & Associates
                                            1301 Travis, #1200
                                            Houston, Texas 77002

         If to Dragon Minerals
         or the Former
         Shareholders, to:                  Raoul Tsakok
                                            Dragon Minerals Holdings Inc.
                                            900-789 West Pender Street
                                            Vancouver, British Columbia
                                            Canada V6C 1H2

     Section 5.03 Confidentiality. Each party hereto agrees with the other that,
unless  and until the  transactions  contemplated  by this  Agreement  have been
consummated,  it and its representatives will hold in strict confidence all data
and information obtained with respect to another party or any subsidiary thereof
from any  representative,  officer,  director or employee,  or from any books or
records or from personal inspection, of such other party, and shall not use such
data or  information  or disclose  the same to others,  except (i) to the extent
such data or information is published,  is a matter of public  knowledge,  or is
required  by law to be  published;  or  (ii) to the  extent  that  such  data or
information  must be used or disclosed in order to consummate  the  transactions
contemplated by this  Agreement.  As of closing of this  Termination  Agreement,
each party shall  return to the other party all  documents  and other  materials
obtained  by it or on its behalf and shall  destroy all  copies,  digests,  work
papers,  abstracts  or other  materials  relating  thereto,  and each party will
continue to comply with the confidentiality provisions set forth herein.

     Section 5.04 Third Party  Beneficiaries.  This contract is strictly between
Dragon  Gold and Dragon  Minerals,  and,  except as  specifically  provided,  no
director,  officer,  stockholder (other than the Dragon Minerals  Shareholders),
employee,  agent,  independent contractor or any other person or entity shall be
deemed to be a third party beneficiary of this Agreement.

     Section  5.05  Entire  Agreement.  This  Agreement  represents  the  entire
agreement  between  the  parties  relating  to the  subject  matter  thereof and
supersedes all prior agreements,  understandings  and  negotiations,  written or
oral, with respect to such subject matter.

     Section 5.06 Survival;  Termination.  The representations,  warranties, and
covenants  of the  respective  parties  shall  survive the Closing  Date and the
consummation of the transactions herein contemplated for a period of two years.

     Section  5.07  Counterparts.  This  Agreement  may be  executed in multiple
counterparts,  each of which shall be deemed an original  and all of which taken
together  shall be but a single  instrument.  For  purposes  of this  agreement,
facsimile signatures shall be deemed original signatures.

     Section 5.08 Amendment or Waiver.  Every right and remedy  provided  herein
shall be cumulative with every other right and remedy, whether conferred herein,
at law, or in equity, and may be enforced concurrently  herewith,  and no waiver
by any  party  of the  performance  of any  obligation  by the  other  shall  be
construed as a waiver of the same or any other  default  then,  theretofore,  or
thereafter  occurring or existing.  At any time prior to the Closing Date,  this
Agreement may by amended by a writing signed by all parties hereto, with respect
to any of the  terms  contained  herein,  and  any  term  or  condition  of this
Agreement may be waived or the time for performance may be extended by a writing
signed by the party or parties for whose benefit the provision is intended.

     Section  5.09 Best  Efforts.  Subject  to the terms and  conditions  herein
provided,  each party  shall use its best  efforts  to  perform  or fulfill  all
conditions  and  obligations  to be  performed  or  fulfilled  by it under  this
Agreement so that the transactions  contemplated  hereby shall be consummated as
soon as  practicable.  Each party also agrees that it shall use its best efforts
to take, or cause to be taken,  all actions and to do, or cause to be done,  all
things  necessary,  proper or advisable under applicable laws and regulations to
consummate and make effective this Agreement and the  transactions  contemplated

     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the corporate parties hereto have caused this Agreement
to be executed by their respective officers, hereunto duly authorized, as of the
date first-above written.

ATTEST:                                        ____________________________.
                                            BY: Dragon Gold Resources, Inc.
Secretary or Assistant Secretary                Chairman
                                                Johannes Petersen

ATTEST:                                        _______________________

                                            BY: Dragon Minerals, Inc
Secretary or Assistant Secretary              Chairman and Former Shareholder
                                              Raoul Tsakok

     The  undersigned  Former  Shareholders  of Dragon  Minerals  through  their
designated  representatives,  hereby agree to participate in the Exchange on the
terms set forth above.  Each of the  undersigned  hereby  represents and affirms
that he has read each of the  representations  and warranties of Dragon Minerals
and the Former Shareholders set out in Article I hereof and that, to the best of
his knowledge, all of such representations and warranties are true and correct.

                                        ___________________, individually
                                        Mr. _________

                                        ___________________, individually
                                        Mr. _________