
Party A:       China Jewellery Import & Export Co.

Party B:       Hang Fung Jewellery Co., Ltd.


(1)  Party A has the legitimate  right to import,  export and sell gold,  silver
     and karat-gold  jewelry in China. It intends to expand its business through
     cooperation with Party B.

(2)  Party B has  well-developed  relationship with many jewelry  manufacturers,
     wholesalers  and  retailers  in China.  It has also  extensive  experience,
     technology and customer network in gold, silver and karat-gold jewelry.

(3)  Party B has many  years'  experience  in  production  of gold,  silver  and
     karat-gold  jewelry and has many products suitable for selling in the China
     market.  It intends to expand its market in China through  cooperation with
     Party A.

(4)  Party B hopes to sell its assembled  products which are approved to sell in
     domestic market through the cooperation with Party A.

(5)  Party A and Party B have signed a "Sales Agency  Agreement" on November 18,
     1994. This Sales Cooperation  Agreement  further  stipulates the rights and
     obligations of both parties based on the Sales Agency Agreement.

Through  friendly  consultation,  both  parties  have  worked out the  following
agreement regarding the establishment of distribution  network for gold, silver,
and karat-gold jewelry in China.

1.   Cooperation Project

     Party B shall assist Party a to establish  distribution network for selling
     gold,  silver and karat-gold  jewelry in China.  Party B shall also provide
     labor,  management  and sales  techniques to facilitate  the selling of the

2.   Responsibilities of Both Parties


     (1)  Regarding  the  cooperative  project,  based  on  the  decision  after
          consultation between both parties, Party A shall provide all documents
          necessary for the  establishment  of sales outlets and for the selling
          of gold, silver and karat-gold jewelry.

     (2)  To coordinate and assist Party B in handling all necessary procedures.


     (3)  To provide  invoices and other  documents  related to tax and commerce
          issue  regarding  the  domestic  sale of gold,  silver and  karat-gold
          jewelry stipulated in this agreement.

     (4)  For the activities carried out by Party B which are after consultation
          with Party A and as assistance to Party A or acting on behalf of Party
          A in  accordance  with this  Cooperation  Agreement,  Party A shall be
          responsible for any civil liabilities incurred. If any loss or damages
          incurred due to Party B's fault,  Party B shall compensate Party A for
          all the losses.


     (1)  Through  its  well-developed  business  relationship  in China and its
          extensive  experience  in  gold  and  silver  jewelry,  Party  B shall
          establish a  distribution  and sales network for Party A selling Party
          A's jewelry and the jewelry products it acts as an agent to sell.

     (2)  After the establishment of the distribution and sales network, Party A
          shall assign  expertise and recruit local sales people to assist Party
          A to sell the jewelry products.

     (3)  To provide sales,  marketing and management  techniques for Party A to
          assist  Party A to  sell  the  jewelry  products.  Through  discussion
          between  both  parties,  Party B shall  assist  Party A to  carry  out
          promotional activities for gold, silver and karat-gold jewelry.

3.   Warranties by Party A

     For this Cooperation Agreement, Party A hereby warrants that:

     (1)  Party A is a legal entity  incorporated  in the  People's  Republic of
          China according to relevant laws.

     (2)  Party A has the right to conduct  import and export  business  of gold
          and silver  jewelry in China and has the right to sell these  products
          in  China.  Party A also has the  right to be  entrusted  or act as an
          agent for the  above-mentioned  import and export business of gold and
          silver jewelry.

     (3)  Party A has the legal authority to execute this Agreement.

4.   Compensation

     Both parties agree that, as compensation  for Party B's assistance to Party
     A in selling the gold, silver and karat-gold  jewelry,  for Party B's gold,
     silver, and karat-gold jewelry products (including those which are approved
     to sell in China) which are entrusted to Party A to sell, Party A shall not
     charge for  additional  fees except for the sales agency fees as stipulated
     in Clause 5.2(1) of the "Sales Agency Agreement".


5.   Cooperation Tenure

     (1)  This Cooperation  Agreement shall have a tenure of 10 years. Any party
          who  intends to extend the tenure  shall have to propose in writing to
          the  other  party  one month  prior to the  expiry of the  cooperation

     (2)  Should either one party ceased its business or declared bankruptcy, or
          due to force majeure, this agreement shall be terminated.

6.   Governing Laws

     The interpretation and execution of this agreement shall be governed by the
     laws of the People's Republic of China.

7.   Settlement of Disputes

     Any disputes  arising  between Party A and Party B shall be settled through
     friendly consultation between the two parties. In case no settlement can be
     reached through  consultation,  either party shall have the right to submit
     the dispute to the China Council For Promotion of  International  Trade for
     arbitration.  Arbitration  shall  be  carried  out in  Beijing  in  Chinese
     language. The arbitrage award shall be final and binding upon both parties.

8.   This Agreement is written in Chinese and have two copies. Both copies shall
     be equally binding.

9.   This Agreement shall come into force after signing by both parties.

Signed by Party A and Party B

Date: November 18, 1994

Beijing, China
