
                              UNIT 302-303A FU HANG INDUSTRIAL BLDG.

HOUSE IN                      1  HOK YUEN ST. EAST, HUNGHOM, KOWLOON

NO.                           ------------------------------------------------

TERM                          FIVE (5) YEARS

RENT                          HK$1,350,000.00 PER YEAR

COMMENCING                    1ST APRIL 1993

EXPIRES                       31ST MARCH 1998


                                 LEASE AGREMENT

     An Agreement  made this First day of April , one thousand  nine hundred and
ninety-three  between Mrs. Lam Chan Yam Fai (hereinafter  called the "Landlord")
of the one part and HANG FUNG  JEWELLERY  CO.,  LTD. of Unit  302-303A,  Fu Hang
Industrial Building, No. 1, Hok Yuen Street East, Hunghom, Kowloon. (hereinafter
called the "Tenant") of the other part. 

IT IS HEREBY MUTUALLY AGREED as follows, that is to say:

     1.--The  Landlord  shall let and the Tenant shall take ALL that messuage or
tenement and dwelling  house  situated at Kowloon and known as No. 302 - 303A Fu
Hang Industrial Building,  No. 1, Hok Yuen Street East, Hunghom,  Kowloon. built
on a portion of Section A Lot No. 113 together with the  out-offices,  easements
and appurtenances  thereunto belonging or appertaining for the term of 5 year(s)
from the First (1st) of April One thousand nine hundred and NINETY-THREE (93) at
the yearly  rent of Dollars ONE  MILLION  THREE  HUNDRED  FIFTY  THOUSAND  ONLY.
(HK$1,350,000.00)  * * * * payable in equal Calendar monthly payments of Dollars
* * * * * * * * * * * each on the  first day of each and  every  Calendar  month
which includes all rates,  taxes,  assessments,  charges and  impositions now or
hereafter to be rated,  taxed assessed,  charged or imposed by the Government of
Hong Kong or other lawful  authority  for or in respect of the said  premises or
any part thereof.

     2.--TheTenant  shall pay the said rent to the  Landlord at the times and in
manner aforesaid without any deduction  whatsoever and shall also well and truly
pay  all  rates,  taxes,  assessment,  charges  and  impositions  as are  before
mentioned (the Crown Lessee's rent alone excepted).

     3.--The  Landlord  shall keep the roofs and all exterior  walls of the said
premises in a proper tenantable state or repair and amendment at his own cost.


     4.--The Tenant shall, at all times during his tenancy,  keep in good repair
and condition at his own cost the Windows, Jalousies, Fire Grates, Locks, Bolts,
Bars,  and all  interior  portions  of the said  house and  premises  and at the
expiration  of the said term  deliver  up the said  premises  in a good,  clean,
tenantable  and proper state of repair and  amendment,  damages done by typhoon,
fire or white-ants, ordinary wear and tear not attributable to the negligence of
the Tenant excepted.

     5.--The  Tenant  shall not store  Gunpowder,  Saltpetre,  Kerosene or other
Explosive or Combustible  Substance in any part of the said premises,  and shall
be  answerable  and  responsible  for the  consequence  of any  breach  of local
Ordinances by lessee, tenant, or inmate.

     6.--The  Tenant  shall not  underlet or part with the said  premises to any
other person or make any alterations or additions, to the said premises, without
having first obtained the written  licence and consent of the Landlord  thereto,
but such consent shall not be unreasonably withheld by him.

     7.--The  Tenant shall not use the said  Messuage for any other purpose than
that of a Dwelling  House/Storage/Office/Showroom and shall not do or suffer, or
permit  to be done any act or  thing  which  may  become  a  nuisance,  or cause
annoyance to persons  occupying  the house  adjoining or  contiguous to the said
Messuage or Dwelling House.

     8.--The  Tenant  shall  not place or leave in the  Entrances  or any of the
passages of the premises used in common with other tenants of the Landlord,  any
boxes, furniture or rubbish or otherwise incumbar the same.

     9.--The  Tenant shall not use nor permit to be used any balconies  included
in the said  premises to be let,  for the  purpose of washing,  drying or airing


clothes, or goods of any description.

     10.--The  Tenant  shall not erect any aerial on the exterior or roof of the
said  premises  without  first  obtaining  the written  consent of the Landlord.
Should  such  consent  have been  obtained,  work must be carried  out under the
supervision  of a  representative  of the  Landlord.  

     11.--The Tenant shall do nothing in  contravention  to the  stipulations of
the Crown Lease under which the Landlord holds the said  premises,  and shall be
deemed to hold the same subject to power of the Crown thereby reserved. 

     12.--The  Tenant  shall at all times during the said term at the expense of
the Tenant keep the lavatories and water apparatus thereof when used exclusively
by the  Tenant  and the  servants  or  workmen  of The  Tenant in good clean and
tenantable  state and in proper repair and condition to the  satisfaction of the
Medical Department or Urban Council,  or other Government  Authority  concerned.

     13.--The  Tenant shall pay on demand to the  LANDLORD the cost  incurred by
the  Landlord in cleansing  and clearing any of the drains  choked or stopped up
owing to careless use by the Tenant or his servants.  

     14.--The Tenant shall pay all charges in respect of gas, electric light and
power which shall be consumed or supplied on or to the premises hereby agreed to
be let and also shall pay if applicable a due  proportion of the Water Rate (Say
at $ per month).  Separate Meter. 

     15.--It is agreed  that the monthly  charges  for the  disposal of garbage,
caretakers expenses and general maintenance ($ 1,500.00 ) are to be borne by the
Tenant this payment is subject to adjustment  when and if necessary.  

     16.--It is agreed  that the Stamp Duty for this  Lease  Agreement  is to be
shared equally by both parties.  


     17.--Three  months  before  the  expiration  of this  Lease  Agreement  the
Landlord will have the right to show the flat to the intending Tenants, provided
that  this is done  during  reasonable  hours.  

     18.--Provided  always and these  presents are upon this express  condition,
that if the rent  hereby  reserved or any part  thereof  shall be unpaid for the
space of fifteen days next after any of the days on which the same ought to have
been paid  (although no formal or legal demand shall have been made  thereof) or
in  case  of the  breach  or  non-performance  of any  of the  stipulations  and
agreements  herein  contained  on the  part of the  Tenant  to be  kept  done or
performed,  then and from  thenceforth  and in either of such  cases it shall be
lawful for the  Landlord  to enter into and upon the said  premises  or any part
thereof  in the  name  of the  whole  to  re-enter  and the  same to have  again
re-possess and enjoy as in his former  estate,  and as if these presents had not
been made and executed.  

     19.--The Tenant hereby expressly  declares that at the expiration or sooner
determination  of this Lease  Agreement  the  Tenant  will not invoke or seek to
avail himself of any protection  which may or shall hereafter be afforded by any
ordinance or regulation of the Colony of Hong Kong  protecting  tenant or lessee
from eviction but will promptly and punctually quit and deliver up possession of
the  said  premises  at  the  expiration  of  this  Lease  Agreement  or  sooner
determination as aforesaid. 

     20.--The  Tenant  hereby  expressly  agrees  to waive  any  notice  to quit
required by the Tenancy  (Notice of  Termination)  Ordinance  (Cap. 335) for the
determination of the tenancy hereby granted and the parties hereto agree jointly
to  apply  to the  Secretary  for  Home  Affairs  for the  ratification  of such

     21.--Upon the signing of this Lease Agreement the Tenant is required to pay


the  Landlord  deposit  the  sum of  Dollars  HK$100,000.00  to  secure  the due
performance  and observance of the terms and conditions  herein  contained.  The
said sum will be refunded  without  interest to the Tenant  after he has cleared
all rates, rents, bills of gas,  electricity,  water, etc., before departure and
observed and  performed all his terms and  conditions  herein  stated.  

     22.--Any  notice  to the  Lessee  shall  be  sufficiently  served  if  left
addressed to him at the said  premises or sent to him at his last known  address
in Hong Kong by ordinary or  registered  post and any notice to the lessor shall
be  sufficiently  served if delivered to him  personally  or sent to him at this
last known  address by ordinary or  registered  post.  

     RECEIVED  the day and year first  above  written of and from the Tenant the
sum of DOLLARS ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND ONLY  (HK$100,000.00) only being the deposit
money hereinbefore expressed to be paid by the Tenant to the Landlord.


AS WITNESS the hands of the said parties the day and year first above written.


/s/ illegible                               /s/ illegible
- --------------------------------            ----------------------------------
(Landlord)                                  (Tenant)

WITNESS to the signature of the             WITNESS to the signature of the
above named                                 above named

/s/ illegible                               /s/ illegible
- --------------------------------            ----------------------------------
