
Party A:       China Jewellery Import & Export Co.

Party B:       Hang Fung Jewellery Co., Ltd.

Since 1992,  both parties had  successful  cooperation  in  assembling  of gold,
silver and karat-gold jewelry. Through friendly consultation,  both parties have
renewed their original agreement and have worked out the following agreement.

1.   Responsibilities of Both Parties

     1.1  Party A

          Provide factory premises,  water & electricity supply, labor and other
          supporting  facilities,  transportation  and  declaration for import &
          export of equipment, machinery, materials and products; assist Party B
          in applying for required legal documents.

     1.2  Party B

          Provide the  equipment,  tools,  and materials to the  assembling  and
          processing plant, Yi Lan Jewellery  Factory,  in Beijing for jewellery
          assembling.  The total value of the equipment and material contributed
          shall be HK$25,000,000.  Party B shall have the ownership right of all
          the   equipment  and  material  it  provided  and  has  the  right  to
          re-allocate, use or withdraw these equipment and material.

     1.3  Party B shall send its technical staff to Yi Lan Jewellery  Factory to
          give advice in aspects of technology, production and management.

2.   Scope of Operations

     2.1  Assembling of imported materials which are provided by Party B.

     2.2  Provided  it  does  not  interfere  the  normal  operations  of Yi Lan
          Jewellery  Factory,  Party  A may  be  subcontracted  by  other  local
          customers to assemble jewellery using domestic materials.

3.   Assembling of Imported Material for Re-export

     3.1  Party B shall have the  ownership  right for the  material it provided
          for  assembling.  Party B shall also have the ownership  right for the
          assembled semi-product and final products.

     3.2  Assembling fees

          Party B shall pay to Party A  assembling  fees based on the  following


          Fine gold jewellery                 HK$1.00/gram
          Karat-gold jewellery                HK$3.00/gram
          Silver jewellery (gem assembling)   HK$0.60/gram

     3.3  Incoming material and delivery date

          -    Party  B  will  provide  sufficient   material  to  Party  A  for
               assembling based on the quantity specified in this agreement.

          -    Party A guarantees  to deliver the assembled  goods  according to
               the terms of each individual order.

     3.4  Payment of assembling fees

          (1)  Format of payment - Telegraphic transfer

          (2)  Time of payment - Within one month from the date of statement

     3.5  Assembling With Imported Material

          Party A may appoint Yi Lan Jewellery  Factory to assemble the gold and
          silver it imports. If the final products are exported through Party B,
          jewelry  made  with 10% of the  imported  material  may be sold in the
          domestic market.

4.   Assembling of Domestic Material

     4.1  Party B agreed that Party A may perform  assembling work with domestic
          material for other local customers provided that it does not interfere
          the normal operations of Yi Lan Jewellery Factory.

     4.2       (1) Party B agrees  that Party A may perform  assembling  work of
               gold, silver and karat-gold jewelry for other customers in China.

          (2)  Party  B  shall  assist  Party  A in  business  negotiation  with
               customers.  Party B may negotiate  with  customers in the name of
               Party A regarding  product  price,  quantity  and style and other

          (3)  Party A shall be responsible for the civil  liabilities,  if any,
               regarding the  above-mentioned  business.  If any loss or damages
               incurred due to Party B's fault, Party B shall compensate Party A
               for all the losses.

     4.3  Regarding the jewelry  assembled as  subcontracted by other customers,
          Party A may  also  be act as  their  agent  to sell  the  products  in
          domestic market.

     4.4  Payment of Fees

          (1)  For the assembling work  subcontracted  to Party A by other local
               customers,  Party A agrees to pay fees to Party B as the fees for
               using  Party  B's  equipment  and  technology.  The  actual  fees
               standard shall be determined by both parties later.

          (2)  For the assembling  work secured by Party B on behalf of Party A,
               the  assembling  fees to be charged  shall be  determined by both
               parties depending on the terms of each particular order.


5.   Guaranteed Assembling Income

     5.1  Party B guarantees that it shall provide sufficient material for Party
          A to  assemble  so that  Party  A can get at  least  HK$2  million  of
          assembling  fees in 1992 and at least HK$4  million  in the  following
          year. From the third year onwards,  the total  assembling fees Party A
          would earn shall increase by 10% every year.

6.   Warranties by Party A

     6.1  For the purpose of the assembling  work  stipulated in this agreement,
          Party A hereby warrants that:-

          (1)  Party A is a legal entity  incorporated in the People's  Republic
               of China according to relevant laws.

          (2)  Party A has the right to conduct  import and export  business  of
               gold and  silver  jewelry in China and has the right to carry out
               assembling  work  for  gold  and  silver  jewelry  with  imported

7.   Tenure

     7.1  This  agreement  shall have a tenure of 10 years.  Upon  expiry of the
          tenure,  unless  one party  proposes  in  writing  to  discharge  this
          agreement,  this agreement shall continue to be valid and binding upon
          both parties.

     7.2  Termination of tenure before expiry

          Should either one party ceased its business or declared bankruptcy, or
          due to force majeure, this agreement shall be terminated.

8.   Governing Laws

     The interpretation and execution of this agreement shall be governed by the
     laws of the People's Republic of China.

9.   Settlement of Disputes

     Any disputes  arising  between Party A and Party B shall be settled through
     friendly consultation between the two parties. In case no settlement can be
     reached through  consultation,  either party shall have the right to submit
     the dispute to the China Council For Promotion of  International  Trade for
     arbitration.  Arbitration  shall be carried out in Beijing.  The  arbitrage
     award shall be final and binding upon both parties.

10.  This Agreement is written in Chinese and have two copies. Both copies shall
     be equally binding.

11.  This Agreement shall come into force after signing by both parties.  Should
     any  registration  or  approval  process  be  required,  Party A  shall  be
     responsible for handling these matters.

Signed by Party A and Party B                                November 18, 1994
