MONTHLY OPERATING REPORT Calendar Month January 1, 2002 to January 31, 2002 FINANCIAL BACKGROUND INFORMATION 1. ACCOUNTING BASIS: Cash [ ] Accrual [X] 2. PREPARER: State the name, address, telephone number and position of the person(s) who actually compiled the information contained in this report. Location: NxNetworks, Inc. 13595 Dulles Technology Drive, Herndon, VA 20171; Greg Washenko (CFO) 703-793-2059 and Jennifer Bell (Controller) 703-793-2076 3. NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES paid during this period: 27 4. Have there been any CHANGES IN THE NATURE OF YOUR BUSINESS since the last reporting period? Yes [ ] No [X]. If yes, explain below: 5. Are all BUSINESS LICENSES current? Yes [ ] No [X] Not Applicable [ ] 6. PRE-PETITION ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE: Beginning Balance $ 719,713 ----------- Collected this Period $ 224,405 Write-offs against allowance $ 119 ----------- Ending Balance $ 495,189 7. POST-PETITION ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE: 0-30 Days: $569,093 31-60 Days: $275,108 Over 61-90 Days: $341,076 Days over 90: $22,000 If there are any post-petition Accounts Receivable over 60 days, provide schedule AR giving a listing of such accounts and explain the delinquencies. 8. POST-PETITION ACCOUNTS PAYABLE: 0-30 Days: $10,269 31-60 Days: $87,035 Over 60 Days: $117,880 If there are any post-petition Accounts Payable over 30 days, provide Schedule AP giving a listing of such accounts and explain the delinquencies. 9. TAXES. Are all taxes being paid to the proper taxing authorities when due? Yes [ ] No [X] Payroll tax is current but sales, property and business taxes are overdue. On the attached IRS Form 6123 report all tax deposits made with any financial institution for federal employment taxes. Be sure the form is complete and signed by an authorized employee of the receiving institution or taxing authority. Attach to this report a completed Form 6123 for each deposit made during the reporting period. Also attach copies of the monthly sales tax report, payroll tax report and unemployment tax report with evidence of payment of both federal and state taxes. 10. ESCROW ACCOUNTS. Are you utilizing your tax account only for deposits and payment of payroll and sales taxes? Yes [X] No [ ]. If no, explain: Payroll taxes were deposit to the payroll account during this period. Going forward payroll taxes will be deposited into the tax account. 11. Are all BOOKS AND RECORDS of the debtor(s) being maintained monthly and are all current? Yes [X] No [ ] Explain: 12. INSURANCE EXPIRATION STATEMENT. Policy expiration dates are: Auto & Truck 3/11/02 Liability 3/11/02 Fire Workers Comp. 3/11/02 13. ACTIONS OF DEBTOR. During the last month, did the debtor: (A) Fail to defend or not oppose any action seeking to dispossess the debtor from control or custody of any asset of the estate? Yes [ ]No [ ] Explain: (B) Maintain such stock, inventory, raw materials, insurance, employees and other resources as are necessary to preserve and maintain the going-concern value of the assets of the debtor? Yes [X] No [ ] Explain: 14. TRANSFER OR SALE OF PROPERTY. Did the debtor or any person with con trol over any of the debtor's assets transfer, convey or abandon any of the debtor's assets to another party during the period of this report other than as set forth herein (including sales by creditors)? Yes [ ] No [X] Explain: 15. PAYMENTS TO SECURED CREDITORS during reporting period: (Attach additional sheets, if necessary.) Creditor Freq. of Payments Amount of Next Post Petition Payments Per Contract each Payment Not Made (mo, qtr) Payment Due Mo. Amt. - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ None 16. PAYMENTS TO PROFESSIONALS (Attorneys, Accountants, Real Estate Agents, Auctioneers, Appraisers, etc., during reporting period: (Attach additional sheets, if necessary.) Professional Service Amount -------------------------------------------------------- Richard Yalen CEO $16,892.79 Brown Rudnick Freed Gemser Attorneys $50,000.00 17. QUARTERLY U.S. TRUSTEE FEES paid during reporting period: $7,500.00 18. VERIFICATION: I declare under penalty of perjury that the information contained in this monthly operating report (including attached schedules) is true and correct to the best of my knowledge, information and belief. Dated: 2/15/02 DEBTOR-IN-POSSESSION Name/Title: Richard Yalen, CEO By: /s/ Richard Yalen ------------------------- Address: 13595 Dulles Technology Drive Herndon, VA 20171 Phone: UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT FOR THE EASTERN DISTRICT OF VIRGINIA Alexandria Division IN re: ) Chapter 11 ) Case Number: 01-14223 ) ) Debtor(s) ) - ------------------------ Cash Disbursements Summary Report Calendar Month Ending January 31, 2002 Total Disbursements from Operating Account (See Note 1) $510,605.53 ------------ Total Disbursements from Payroll Account (See Note 2) $105,692.99 ------------ Total Disbursements from Tax Escrow Account (See Note 3) $ 60,815.24 ------------ Total Disbursements from any other Account (See Note 4) 0 ------------ Grand Total Disbursments from all Accounts $683,113.76 ------------ Note 1 --Include in this amount all checks written, wire transfers made from, or any other withdrawal from the general operating account. Exclude only transfers to the debtor-in-possession payroll account, the debtor in possession tax escrow account or other debtor in possession account where the disbursements will be listed on this report. Note 2 --Include in this amount all checks written, wire transfers made from, or any other withdrawal from the payroll account. Exclude only transfers to the debtor-in-possession operating account, the debtor in possession tax escrow ac-count or other debtor-in-possession account where the disbursements will be listed on this report. Note 3 --Include in this amount all checks written, wire transfers made from, or any other withdrawal from the tax escrow account. Exclude only transfers to the debtor-in-possession operating account, the debtor in possession payroll account or other debtor in possession account where the disbursements will be listed on this report. Note 4 -- Include in this amount any other disbursements made by the debtor including (but not limited to) cash paid from a petty cash fund or cash register, amounts paid from any other debtor in possession account, and amounts paid from the accounts of others on the debtors behalf (for example, disbursements made from a law firm's escrow account as a result of a sale of property.) ATTACH A COPY OF THE MOST RECENT MONTHLY BANK STATEMENT FOR EACH DEBTOR-IN- POSSESSION ACCOUNT. (The page of the statement showing bank, account number and beginning and ending balance is sufficient.) NXNETWORKS, INC. CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET - UNAUDITED AS OF JANUARY 31, 2002 ASSETS ------ CURRENT ASSETS Cash and cash equivalents 523,322 Pre-Petition Accounts Receivable 495,189 Post-Petition Accounts receivable 1,207,277 Less reserve for bad debt & returns (747,210) Receivables from Officers, Affiliates, Employees - Inventory 2,930,221 Other current assets Prepaids 512,041 ------------ Total Current Assets 4,920,840 FIXED ASSETS Property and Equipment 9,999,743 Less: Accumulated Depreciation (9,395,478) ------------ Total Fixed Assets 604,265 OTHER ASSETS Deposits 659,584 Goodwill, Net 370,876 ----------- Total Other Assets 1,030,459 ----------- TOTAL ASSETS 6,555,564 =========== LIABILITIES & STOCKHOLDER'S EQUITY ---------------------------------- POST-PETITION LIABILITIES: Accounts Payable 215,184 Accrued Accounts Payable 145,566 Accrued liability for sub liquidation 338,031 Deferred Revenue 250,920 Taxes Payable 2,149 ----------- Total Post-Petition Liabilities 951,850 PRE-PETITION LIABILITIES: Priority Claim 528,076 Secured Claim 558,735 Unsecured 13,088,400 General pre-pretition accruals 4,880,873 Total Pre-Petition Liabilities 19,056,085 ----------- TOTAL LIABILITIES 20,007,935 ----------- STOCKHOLDERS' EQUITY: Common Stock 2,430,230 Preferred Stock 7,025,008 APIC, net of filing fees 283,967,334 Deferred Compensation (2,347,751) Accumulated (deficit)/income - Pre-petition (291,148,351) Accumulated (deficit)/income-Post-petition PY (18,977,497) Accumulated (deficit)/income-Post-petition CY 312,940 Warrants 6,322,333 Notes Receivable from officer (1,000,000) Cummulative Translation Adj. (36,616) Total Stockholders' equity (13,452,371) ------------ TOTAL LIABILITIES AND STOCKHOLDERS' EQUITY 6,555,564 ============ NXNETWORKS, INC. CASH FLOW STATEMENT (SOURCES (USES) OF CASH) - UNAUDITED PAYROLL AND TAX ACCOUNTS (BUSINESS DEBTOR, ACCRUAL BASIS) CALENDAR MONTH ENDING JANUARY 31, 2002 All figures refer to post-petition transactions Net Income/(loss) 312,940 add expenses not requiring Cash: Depreciation 54,725 Goodwill Amortization 16,125 --------------- 70,850 Other Sources (Uses) Cash: Accounts receivable (510,687) Inventories 95,338 Other current assets (16,948) Deposits 591 accounts payable (149,433) Accrued liabilities 75,295 total other souces (uses) of cash (88,158) Cash beginning 611,480 Cash ending 523,322 (0) NX NETWORKS, INC. MONTHLY OPERATING REPORT INCOME STATEMENT - UNAUDITED (BUSINESS DEBTOR, ACCRUAL BASIS) CALENDAR MONTH JANUARY 1 TO JANUARY 31, 2002 For the Month Ended January 31, 2002 -------------------- SALES: Product Sales 271,214 Service Sales 335,546 ----------- 606,760 ----------- COST OF SALES: Product Cost of Sales - materials 127,713 Product Cost of Sales - manufacturing overhead 69,947 Service Costs -- includes payroll and other costs 95,581 ----------- 293,241 ----------- GROSS MARGIN 313,519 ----------- OPERATING EXPENSES: OFFICER SALARIES (GROSS) 33,892 OTHER EMPLOYEES SALARIES (GROSS) 123,589 TAXES (PAYROLL: EMPLOYER'S SHARE) 16,403 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS (insurance, pension, etc.) 7,500 TRAVEL & ENTERTAINMENT 3,895 TELEPHONE 6,330 UTILITIES 3,200 OFFICE SUPPLIES 2,066 POSTAGE & DUPLICATION 169 OFFICE RENT 13,460 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 3,831 LEGAL 10,250 ACCOUNTING 141 MARKETING EXPENSE 325 TRANSFER AGENT FEE 1,283 INSURANCE 33,480 BAD DEBT EXPENSE (400,000) SALES CONTRACTORS 4,913 CONSULTING 60,335 OTHER TAX 7,171 OTHER EXPENSES 1,059 ----------- Total operating expense $ (66,706) ----------- OPERATING INCOME/(LOSS)/EBITDA 380,225 DEPRECIATION 54,725 GOODWILL AMORTIZATION 16,125 ----------- 70,850 Other Income (Expenses) Interest Expense - Interest Income 3 Other Income 3,562 ----------- Total income and other expense 3,565 ----------- Net Income/(Loss) $ 312,940 =========== POST PETITION AR AGING as of 1/31/02 Customer Name 1-30 31-60 61-90 91-120+ Total - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALCATEL CIT 0.00 221.14 6,891.00 0.00 7,112.14 ALCATEL e-BUSINESS 20,826.73 0.00 0.00 0.00 20,826.73 ALCATEL TELECOM LIMITED 0.00 68,776.83 0.00 22,000.00 90,776.83 ALIENWARE 0.00 80.00 0.00 0.00 80.00 ANIXTER (U.K.) LIMITED 0.00 4,744.50 0.00 0.00 4,744.50 AT&T 19,330.92 0.00 0.00 0.00 19,330.92 ATRION COMMUNICATIONS 0.00 11,022.50 0.00 0.00 11,022.50 AURORA TECHNOLOGIES LTD 0.00 0.00 1,350.90 0.00 1,350.90 BANK OF CHINA INTERNATIONAL 1,577.87 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,577.87 COHERENT LASER GROUP 2,924.82 0.00 2,924.82 0.00 5,849.64 COMPAQ COMPUTER INTERNATIONAL 2,766.18 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,766.18 COMPUTERBANK NETWORKING S.A. 0.00 6,910.80 0.00 0.00 6,910.80 CONAIR CORP 150.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 150.00 CONTECH ELECTRONICS 1,192.80 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,192.80 DATAGENICS PTY LTD 24,999.99 0.00 0.00 0.00 24,999.99 DELTAWARE INC 0.00 8,729.68 0.00 0.00 8,729.68 DXL ENTERPRISES, INC. 121,047.50 66,158.00 0.00 0.00 187,205.50 EDS HONG KONG LTD. 23,873.85 0.00 0.00 0.00 23,873.85 EUROPEAN SPACE AGENCY 0.00 0.00 890.70 0.00 890.70 FORTUNE INFORMATION TECHNOLO 0.00 2,760.00 0.00 0.00 2,760.00 FRAME SA 0.00 3,784.15 0.00 0.00 3,784.15 FRITZ COMPANIES INC 13,832.93 0.00 0.00 0.00 13,832.93 GAYLORD BROS. 876.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 876.00 GEMINI ASSOCIATES INC. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 GIANT INFORMATION SYSTEMS 83.04 35.80 0.00 0.00 118.84 HITRON TECHNOLOGY INC. 5,640.00 0.00 4,199.61 0.00 9,839.61 HUNTINGTON MARKET 0.00 200.00 0.00 0.00 200.00 INFORMATION SERVICES INT'L. 0.00 2,225.00 0.00 0.00 2,225.00 INFORMSVIAZ 13.46 318.99 11,197.98 0.00 11,530.43 KODAK / IBM GLOBAL SVC 0.00 0.00 900.00 0.00 900.00 K-SOLUTIONS, INC. 880.38 0.00 6,018.00 0.00 6,898.38 LOGICAL NETWORKS (EX ANITE) 27,486.90 0.00 27,486.90 0.00 54,973.80 LUCENT TECHNOLOGIES 0.00 0.00 99,999.99 0.00 99,999.99 MACKAY COMMUNICATIONS 15,912.15 0.00 0.00 0.00 15,912.15 MBG/ELEKTRONIK AB 4,102.00 0.00 1,744.00 0.00 5,846.00 MOTION TELECOM TECHNOLOGY 8,130.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 8,130.00 MOTOROLA ING 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION 0.00 0.00 23,607.93 0.00 23,607.93 NEC CORPORATION 7,831.18 0.00 0.00 0.00 7,831.18 NETCALL 0.00 0.00 875.00 0.00 875.00 NEWMONT INTERNATIONAL 19,999.92 0.00 0.00 0.00 19,999.92 NEWMONT MINING CORPORATION 1,225.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,225.00 NULINK INC 0.00 0.00 800.00 0.00 800.00 OMNES 27,485.16 0.00 27,485.16 0.00 54,970.32 OMNES LTD 9,965.81 0.00 11,007.29 0.00 20,973.10 PLAYDIUM CORPORATION 2,029.75 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,029.75 POLY LINK GATEWAY 8,456.84 0.00 0.00 0.00 8,456.84 PROBIL A.S. 10,725.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 10,725.00 PSINET CANADA INC., 0.00 5,089.00 0.00 0.00 5,089.00 QXTEL LIMITED 0.00 7,800.00 1,920.00 0.00 9,720.00 REPUBLIC TELCOM OF NE 0.00 300.00 0.00 0.00 300.00 ROCKBRIDGE GLOBAL VILLAGE 0.00 150.00 286.00 0.00 436.00 SEALED AIR CORPORATION 4,914.71 0.00 4,914.71 0.00 9,829.42 SES AMERICOM, INC. 13,554.75 0.00 0.00 0.00 13,554.75 SIEMENS AG 0.00 0.00 3,770.80 0.00 3,770.80 SKYMAX COMMUNICATIONS (850.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 (850.00) SOLECTEK 11,400.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 11,400.00 TAKACHIHO KOHEKI CO.,LTD. 13,845.46 65,896.90 0.00 0.00 79,742.36 TELCO SOLUTIONS INC 0.00 3,840.00 0.00 0.00 3,840.00 TELECAM S A 0.00 3,199.90 0.00 0.00 3,199.90 TELECOMMUNICATIONS CONCEPTS 36,595.20 0.00 0.00 0.00 36,595.20 TELEDINAMICA MEXICANA DE 10,516.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 10,516.50 TELINDUS NETWORKS NV 3,096.92 0.00 42,720.12 0.00 45,817.04 TELUS COMMUNICATIONS EDTN IN 0.00 0.00 57,584.88 0.00 57,584.88 TESSERACT CORPORATION 450.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 450.00 THE FALLON CLINIC 0.00 750.00 0.00 0.00 750.00 TOWN OF HUDSON NH 203.40 906.83 0.00 0.00 1,110.23 TRANSACTION NETWORK SERVICES 0.00 11,108.50 2,500.00 0.00 13,608.50 WASHINGTON DATA SYSTEMS, INC 0.00 99.25 0.00 0.00 99.25 UNBILLED CONTRACT MAINTENANCE 92,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 92,000.00 --------------------------------------------------------------- Grand Total 569,093.12 275,107.77 341,075.79 22,000.00 1,207,276.68 =============================================================== Accounts Payable At January 31, 2002 Post Petition VENDOR NAME CURRENT OVER 30 TO 60 OVER 60 TOTAL ACCENT PLANTSCAPING, INC - 168.34 - - 168.34 ADP, INC - - - 250.56 250.56 AT&T - 054 331 3299 001 - - 25.90 - 25.90 AT&T -8001 507 0636 - - - 573.90 573.90 AT&T WIRELESS - 868-75608901 - - 15.38 6.80 22.18 BEERS & CUTLER - - - 2,323.00 2,323.00 BELLSOUTH -70439892160273191 - 76.06 - - 76.06 BENICOR ASSOCIATES, INC - 1,732.09 - - 1,732.09 CAPITOL EXHIBIT SERVICES INC - 513.73 - - 513.73 NOEL CHIAPPA - 10,016.00 - - 10,016.00 CHUBB GROUP OF INSURANCE - 9,586.39 - - 9,586.39 CINGULAR WIRELESS -919129909 - 48.73 49.10 - 97.83 DELAWARE SECRETARY OF STATE - 51.20 9,385.00 - 9,436.20 DHL - 77.87 - - 77.87 EAGLE LEASING COMPANY - - 236.25 - 236.25 EQUISERVE LP - 1,283.36 - - 1,283.36 FEDERAL EXPRESS - 104678394 16.22 9.02 297.63 - 322.87 FEDERAL EXPRESS - 238989264 - 2,840.25 - 264.67 3,104.92 FEDERAL EXPRESS - 238989469 - 73.88 113.47 - 187.35 FORTUNE INFORMATION TECHNLGY - 1,934.92 1,067.46 650.80 3,653.18 FRINGE BENEFIT ADMINISTRATOR - 5,104.00 - - 5,104.00 GE GROUP LIFE ASSURANCE CO - 982.20 - - 982.20 IRON MOUNTAIN - 276.00 - - 276.00 KASTLE SYSTEMS - 743.22 - - 743.22 LEVERAGE SYSTEM TECHNOLOGIES - 450.70 - - 450.70 MCI - 1N070476 - - - 25.88 25.88 MCI - 1N143231 - - - 12.56 12.56 MCI - 1P249500 - - - 7.57 7.57 MCI - 1P723190 - - - 9.24 9.24 MENNINGERCARE SYSTEMS, INC - - - 211.20 211.20 NET 2000 - 2001.0360.0203 - - 118.25 - 118.25 NETSTAR NETWORK INTEGRATION - - 2,709.70 - 2,709.70 NEWARK ELECTRONICS - - 411.73 - 411.73 PAXTON RECORD RETENTION INC - 629.81 - - 629.81 PROVIDENT MUTUAL LIFE INS CO - 3,481.11 - - 3,481.11 QWEST - 9528318200772 - - 1,183.77 - 1,183.77 KUROSH RAFII - 48.54 - - 48.54 REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT MGRS - - - 91,941.82 91,941.82 DIRK SNIDER 469.22 46.62 - - 515.84 TELINDUS - BELGIUM (201.67) - - - (201.67) UNDERWRITERS LABORATORIES - - 48.25 - 48.25 UPS - 03T94T - 108.16 - - 108.16 UPS - 050488 - 1,554.22 - - 1,554.22 UPS - 231367 - 111.55 18.64 77.57 207.76 VERIZON -00073643301622Y - - 89.79 153.68 243.47 VERIZON -1372101590Y - - 408.85 - 408.85 VERIZON -14160114667Y - - 291.35 - 291.35 VERIZON -50836691059280095 - 305.24 127.34 - 432.58 VERIZON -50836697020460098 - - 44.43 - 44.43 VERIZON -50861644330650094 - - (2.98) 91.00 88.02 VERIZON -50870389998160074 - - 24.08 246.91 270.99 VERIZON -50883105998490096 - 190.87 335.88 - 526.75 VERIZON -50889828001230090 - 775.81 995.46 - 1,771.27 VERIZON -50889890829210091 - 72.49 166.48 - 238.97 VERIZON -50889895134730091 - 226.08 348.05 - 574.13 VERIZON -50891292845920090 - 213.25 413.64 - 626.89 VERIZON -61781536401630085 - - (614.17) 2,056.51 1,442.34 WOODY BODE, LLC - 10,000.00 - - 10,000.00 WORLDCOM - 01703161 - 1,144.76 1,137.06 - 2,281.82 WORLDCOM - 04245982 - 2,476.15 829.82 - 3,305.97 WORLDCOM - 102018 316.80 328.02 326.15 34.87 1,005.84 WORLDCOM - 90067606 - (140.48) - 7,721.99 7,581.51 WORLDCOM - 99148090 - 2,099.64 2,177.41 2,170.27 6,447.32 WORLDCOM - U05207 - 3,229.50 - 6,459.00 9,688.50 WORLDCOM - XU31439 - 1,295.00 - 2,590.00 3,885.00 RICHARD YALEN 9,668.81 91.68 - 9,760.49 ------------------------------------------------------- 10,269.38 64,255.98 22,779.17 117,879.80 215,184.33 =======================================================