September 18, 2001

Pine Ridge Financial, Ltd.
c/o Cavallo Capital Corp.
660 Madison Avenue
New York, NY 10021

Dear Sirs:

     This   letter  sets  forth  the  agreement  of  Pine   Ridge
Financial,  Ltd.  (the  "Purchaser") and Metawave  Communications
Corporation  (the  "Company")  regarding  the  purchase  by   the
Purchaser  from  the  Company of shares of the  Company's  common
stock, $0.0001 par value (the "Common Stock"), on the date hereof
(the "Agreement").  The parties agree as follows:

1.    This Agreement relates to the purchase by the Purchaser  of
480,075 shares of Common Stock at a per share price of $2.09  for
an  aggregate purchase price of  $1,003,357.00, which purchase is
to  be  settled by the parties on Wednesday, September  19,  2001
(the  "Settlement  Date").  On the Settlement Date,  the  Company
will  deliver the shares of Common Stock to be purchased pursuant
to  the  terms hereof to the Purchaser via DWAC to a DTC  account
designated  by the Purchaser and the Purchaser will wire  to  the
Company the aggregate purchase price therefor.

2.   The Company represents and warrants that: (a) the Company is
a  corporation duly incorporated, validly existing  and  in  good
standing  under  the laws of Delaware, (b) the  Company  has  the
requisite corporate power and authority to enter into and perform
this  Agreement  and  to  issue and  sell  the  Common  Stock  in
accordance with the terms hereof, (c) the execution, delivery and
performance of this Agreement by the Company and the consummation
by  it of the transactions contemplated hereby have been duly and
validly authorized by all necessary corporate action, (d) a  copy
of the duly executed resolutions of the Board of Directors of the
Company is attached hereto as Exhibit "A," (e) this Agreement has
been  duly executed and delivered on behalf of the Company  by  a
duly  authorized officer  and (f) this Agreement constitutes,  or
shall constitute when executed and delivered, a valid and binding
obligation  of  the Company enforceable against  the  Company  in
accordance with its terms

3.   The Company represents and warrants that the Common Stock to
be  issued under this Agreement has been duly authorized  by  all
necessary  corporate  action and, when  paid  for  or  issued  in
accordance  with  the  terms hereof, the Common  Stock  shall  be
validly  issued  and outstanding, fully paid,  nonassessable  and
free  and  clear  of  all liens, encumbrances,  rights  of  first
refusal  and  trading restrictions, and the  Purchaser  shall  be
entitled to all rights accorded to a holder of Common Stock.

4.    The Company represents and warrants that: (a) the shares of
Common  Stock  to  be  issued by the  Company  to  the  Purchaser
hereunder have been registered under the Securities Act of  1933,
as  amended  (the "Securities Act"), pursuant to  a  registration
statement  on  Form  S-3, Commission File Number  333-61470  (the
"Registration Statement"); and (b) the Company has filed or  will
file   with   the   Securities   an  Exchange   Commission   (the
"Commission")   a  prospectus  supplement  to  the   Registration
Statement  in  connection  with  this  transaction  and  on   the
Settlement  Date, the Company shall deliver to  the  Purchaser  a
copy of such prospectus supplement.

5.    The  Company  represents and warrants that  the  execution,
delivery and performance of this Agreement by the Company and the
consummation  by  the  Company  of the  transaction  contemplated
hereby  does  not and will not (i) conflict with or  violate  any
provision   of   the  Company's  certificate   or   articles   of
incorporation, bylaws or other charter documents (each as amended
through the date hereof), or (ii) conflict with, or constitute  a
default  (or an event which with notice or lapse of time or  both
would  become a default) under, or give to others any  rights  of
termination,  amendment, acceleration or  cancellation  (with  or
without notice, lapse of time or both) of, any agreement,  credit
facility,   debt  or other instrument or other  understanding  to
which the Company is a party or by which any material property or
asset of the Company is bound or affected, or (iii) result  in  a
violation   of  any  law,  rule,  regulation,  order,   judgment,
injunction,  decree or other restriction of any court  or  govern
mental  authority  to  which the Company  is  subject  (including
federal and state securities laws and regulations).

6.    Except  for certain fees payable by the Company to  Wharton
Capital Partners, Ltd. and Wharton Capital Markets, LLC, no  fees
or  commissions  will be payable by the Company  to  any  broker,
financial   advisor  or  consultant,  finder,  placement   agent,
investment  banker,  bank or other Person  with  respect  to  the
transactions contemplated by this Agreement.  The Purchaser shall
have  no  obligation with respect to any fees or with respect  to
any  claims made by or on behalf of other persons for fees  of  a
type contemplated in this paragraph that may be due in connection
with  the  transactions  contemplated  by  this  Agreement.   The
Company  shall  indemnify and hold harmless  the  Purchaser,  its
employees,  officers, directors, agents, partners and affiliates,
from  and  against all claims, losses, damages, costs  (including
the  costs  of  preparation  and attorney's  fees)  and  expenses
suffered in respect of any such claimed or existing fees, as such
fees and expenses are incurred.

7.    The Company has taken or will take all action necessary  on
its  part to list the shares of Common Stock for trading  on  the
NASDAQ system or any relevant market or system, if applicable.

8.    The  Company will continue to take all action necessary  to
continue the listing or trading of the Common Stock on the NASDAQ
National  Market or any relevant market or system, if applicable,
and  will  comply  in all respects with the Company's  reporting,
listing (including, without limitation, the listing of the Common
Stock purchased by the Purchaser) or other obligations under  the
rules  of  the NASDAQ National Market or any relevant  market  or

9.   The Company has delivered or made available to the Purchaser
true and complete copies of the filings filed with the Commission
since December 31, 2000 (collectively, the "Commission Filings").
The  Company  has  not provided to the Purchaser any  information
which,  according  to applicable law, rule or regulation,  should
have  been  disclosed publicly by the Company but which  has  not
been  so  disclosed, other than with respect to the  transactions
contemplated  by  this Agreement.  As of their respective  dates,
each  of the Commission Filings complied in all material respects
with the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (the
"Exchange  Act") and the rules and regulations of the  Commission
promulgated  thereunder and other federal, state and local  laws,
rules  and regulations applicable to such documents, and,  as  of
their  respective dates, none of the Commission Filings  referred
to  above  contained any untrue statement of a material  fact  or
omitted to state a material fact required to be stated therein or
necessary  in order to make the statements therein, in  light  of
the  circumstances  under which they were made,  not  misleading.
The   financial  statements  of  the  Company  included  in   the
Commission  Filings  comply as to form in all  material  respects
with  applicable accounting requirements and the published  rules
and  regulations of the Commission or other applicable rules  and
regulations  with  respect thereto. No event or circumstance  has
occurred   or  exists  with  respect  to  the  Company   or   its
subsidiaries   or   their   respective  businesses,   properties,
prospects,  operations  or  financial  condition,  which,   under
applicable law, rule or regulation, requires public disclosure or
announcement  by the Company but which has not been  so  publicly
announced or disclosed.

10.   The Company will promptly notify the Purchaser of: (a)  any
stop  order  or  other  suspension of the  effectiveness  of  the
Registration Statement and (b) the happening of any  event  as  a
result  of  which  the  prospectus included in  the  Registration
Statement  includes  an untrue statement of a  material  fact  or
omits to state a material fact required to be stated therein,  or
necessary  to  make  the  statements therein,  in  light  of  the
circumstances under which they were made, not misleading.

11.   The Company may not issue a press release or otherwise make
a public statement or announcement with respect to the completion
of  the transaction contemplated hereby without the prior consent
of the Purchaser.

12.   The  Company will indemnify the Purchaser  as  provided  in
Exhibit "B" attached hereto against liability with respect to the
Registration   Statement  (including,  without  limitation,   the
prospectus  supplement) relating to the shares  of  Common  Stock
sold by the Company to the Purchaser hereunder.  For purposes  of
said Exhibit B, capitalized terms used therein without definition
shall  have  the  same meanings therein as are ascribed  to  said
terms in this Agreement.

13.   This Agreement and the legal relations between the  parties
hereto  with  respect  to any purchase of  Common  Stock  by  the
Purchaser hereunder shall be governed and construed in accordance
with the substantive laws of the State of New York without giving
effect to the conflicts of law principles thereunder. Each  party
hereby  irrevocably submits to the exclusive jurisdiction of  the
state and federal courts sitting in the City of New York, borough
of Manhattan, for the adjudication of any dispute hereunder or in
connection  herewith or with any transaction contemplated  hereby
or discussed herein (including with respect to the enforcement of
this Agreement), and hereby irrevocably waives, and agrees not to
assert  in any suit, action or proceeding, any claim that  it  is
not  personally  subject to the jurisdiction of any  such  court,
that  such  suit, action or proceeding is improper.   Each  party
hereby  irrevocably  waives  personal  service  of  process   and
consents  to  process being served in any such  suit,  action  or
proceeding by mailing a copy thereof via registered or  certified
mail  or  overnight delivery (with evidence of delivery) to  such
party  at  the  address in effect for notices to  it  under  this
Agreement and agrees that such service shall constitute good  and
sufficient  service  of  process  and  notice  thereof.   Nothing
contained herein shall be deemed to limit in any way any right to
serve process in any manner permitted by law.

14.   The  obligation  of the Purchaser to acquire  and  pay  for
shares  of  Common Stock under this Agreement on  the  Settlement
Date  is conditioned upon the Registration being effective as  to
all  such  shares and upon the Registration Statement  not  being
subject  to any actual, pending or threatened stop order  on  the
Settlement Date.

15.   The parties agree that the stock sale contemplated by their
agreement dated September 4, 2001 will not be consummated due  to
the  events  of September 11, 2001 and the subsequent closure  of

Delivery  of  an  executed  copy of  a  signature  page  to  this
Agreement  by  facsimile  transmission  shall  be  effective   as
delivery of a manually executed copy of this Agreement and  shall
be  effective and enforceable as the original.  Please execute  a
copy  of  this  Agreement which, when executed by the  Purchaser,
will  constitute  an  agreement  between  the  Company  and   the

                              Very truly yours,


                                   By: /s/Kathryn Surace-Smith
                                   Name:  Kathryn Surace-Smith
                                   Title:VP, General Counsel &



  By: /s/ Kenneth L. Henderson
  Name: Kenneth L. Henderson
  Title: Attorney-in-Fact