Washington, D.C.  20549

                                    FORM 11-K



             EXCHANGE  ACT  OF  1934

                         Commission File Number 1-12619

                             RALCORP HOLDINGS, INC.
                             SAVINGS INVESTMENT PLAN

                             RALCORP HOLDINGS, INC.
                                   SUITE 2900
                                800 MARKET STREET
                           ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI  63101

                                                 RALCORP HOLDINGS, INC.
                                                SAVINGS INVESTMENT PLAN
                                     STATEMENT OF NET ASSETS AVAILABLE FOR BENEFITS
                                                 WITH FUND INFORMATION
                                                   DECEMBER 31, 1998

                                                               Participant Directed
                                                                              U.S.         Growth
                                                 Ralcorp   Fixed    Equity    Government   and
                                                 Stock     Income   Index     Money        Income
(In thousands)                                   Fund      Fund     Fund      Market       Fund
- -----------------------------------------------  --------  -------  -------   -----------  -------
    Shares in registered investment
      companies                                            $ 7,021  $22,889   $    11,289  $16,747
    Ralcorp common stock                         $ 30,564
    Notes receivable from participants
                                                 --------  -------  -------   -----------  -------
                                                   30,564    7,021   22,889        11,289   16,747
                                                 --------  -------  -------   -----------  -------

   Due to Milnot plan (see Note 7)                  2,488      315    1,494           656    1,200
   Fees payable                                         4
                                                 --------  -------  -------   -----------  -------
                                                    2,492      315    1,494           656    1,200
                                                 --------  -------  -------   -----------  -------
Net Assets Available for Benefits                $ 28,072  $ 6,706  $21,395   $    10,633  $15,547
                                                 ========  =======  =======   ===========  =======

                                                 RALCORP HOLDINGS, INC.
                                                SAVINGS INVESTMENT PLAN
                                     STATEMENT OF NET ASSETS AVAILABLE FOR BENEFITS
                                                 WITH FUND INFORMATION
                                                   DECEMBER 31, 1998

                                                          Participant Directed
                                                                         Inter-             Parti-
                                                            Aggressive   national   Bond    cipant
                                                 Balanced   Growth       Growth     Index   Loan
(In thousands)                                   Fund       Fund         Fund       Fund    Fund     Total
- -----------------------------------------------  ---------  -----------  ---------  ------  -------  --------
    Shares in registered investment
      companies                                  $  13,023  $     4,293  $   4,648  $1,300           $ 81,210
    Ralcorp common stock                                                                               30,564
    Notes receivable from participants                                                      $ 4,812     4,812
                                                 ---------  -----------  ---------  ------  -------  --------
                                                    13,023        4,293      4,648   1,300    4,812   116,586
                                                 ---------  -----------  ---------  ------  -------  --------

   Due to Milnot plan (see Note 7)                     823          431        377     175      430     8,389
   Fees payable                                                                                             4
                                                 ---------  -----------  ---------  ------  -------  --------
                                                       823          431        377     175      430     8,393
                                                 ---------  -----------  ---------  ------  -------  --------
Net Assets Available for Benefits                $  12,200  $     3,862  $   4,271  $1,125  $ 4,382  $108,193
                                                 =========  ===========  =========  ======  =======  ========
See  the  accompanying  Notes  to  Financial  Statements.


                                               RALCORP HOLDINGS, INC.
                                              SAVINGS INVESTMENT PLAN
                                   STATEMENT OF NET ASSETS AVAILABLE FOR BENEFITS
                                               WITH FUND INFORMATION
                                                 DECEMBER 31, 1997

                                                                   Participant Directed
                                                                             U.S.        Growth
                                                 Ralcorp   Fixed    Equity   Government  and
                                                 Stock     Income   Index    Money       Income   Balanced
(In thousands)                                   Fund      Fund     Fund     Market      Fund     Fund
- -----------------------------------------------  --------  -------  -------  ----------  -------  ---------
    Shares in registered investment
      companies                                            $ 4,938  $17,981  $ 8,026     $15,171  $  12,162
    Common stock
       Ralcorp Stock                             $ 28,029
       General Mills Stock
    Insurance company contracts                                312
    Notes receivable from participants
                                                 --------  -------  -------  -------     -------  ---------
                                                   28,029    5,250   17,981    8,026      15,171     12,162

   Fees payable                                         4
                                                 --------  -------  -------  -------     -------  ---------

Net Assets Available for Benefits                $ 28,025  $ 5,250  $17,981  $ 8,026     $15,171  $  12,162
                                                 ========  =======  =======  =======     =======  =========

                                               RALCORP HOLDINGS, INC.
                                              SAVINGS INVESTMENT PLAN
                                   STATEMENT OF NET ASSETS AVAILABLE FOR BENEFITS
                                               WITH FUND INFORMATION
                                                 DECEMBER 31, 1997

                                                      Participant Directed
                                                              Inter-                       Parti-
                                                 Aggressive   national   Bond    General   cipant
                                                 Growth       Growth     Index   Mills     Loan
(In thousands)                                   Fund         Fund       Fund    Fund      Fund     Total
- -----------------------------------------------  -----------  ---------  ------  --------  -------  --------
    Shares in registered investment
      companies                                  $     4,669  $   4,496  $  554                     $ 67,997
    Common stock
       Ralcorp Stock                                                                                  28,029
       General Mills Stock                                                       $  6,547              6,547
    Insurance company contracts                                                                          312
    Notes receivable from participants                                                     $ 5,371     5,371
                                                 -----------  ---------  ------  --------  -------  --------
                                                       4,669      4,496     554     6,547    5,371   108,256

   Fees payable                                                                                            4
                                                 -----------  ---------  ------  --------  -------  --------

Net Assets Available for Benefits                $     4,669  $   4,496  $  554  $  6,547  $ 5,371  $108,252
                                                 ===========  =========  ======  ========  =======  ========
See  the  accompanying  Notes  to  Financial  Statements.


                                               RALCORP HOLDINGS, INC.
                                              SAVINGS INVESTMENT PLAN
                                               WITH FUND INFORMATION
                                            YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1998

                                                                  Participant Directed
                                                                              U.S.           Growth
                                              Ralcorp    Fixed     Equity     Government     and
                                              Stock      Income    Index      Money          Income     Balanced
(In thousands)                                Fund       Fund      Fund       Market         Fund       Fund
- --------------------------------------------  ---------  --------  --------   ------------   ---------  ---------
Additions To Net Assets:
    Participants                              $    725   $   132   $   787    $       880    $    838   $    594
    Employer                                     1,456
                                              ---------  --------  --------   ------------   ---------  ---------
                                                 2,181       132       787            880         838        594
                                              ---------  --------  --------   ------------   ---------  ---------
  Investment income:
    Dividends and interest                                   354       358            567       1,688      1,441
    Net appreciation (depreciation) in fair
       value of investments                      2,650        (3)    4,792                        734         (5)
    Asset transfers in                              18         3        44             33          36         16
    Other additions                                (12)                 (1)            (4)         (2)
                                              ---------  --------  --------   ------------   ---------  ---------
                                                 2,656       354     5,193            596       2,456      1,452
                                              ---------  --------  --------   ------------   ---------  ---------
       Total Additions                           4,837       486     5,980          1,476       3,294      2,046
                                              ---------  --------  --------   ------------   ---------  ---------

Deductions From Net Assets:
  Distribution to participants                  (2,093)     (301)   (2,010)        (2,508)     (1,843)    (1,306)
  Assets to be transferred to Milnot plan       (2,488)     (315)   (1,494)          (656)     (1,200)      (823)
  Administrative expenses                          (24)       (1)       (5)            (6)         (5)        (4)
                                              ---------  --------  --------   ------------   ---------  ---------
                                                (4,605)     (617)   (3,509)        (3,170)     (3,048)    (2,133)
                                              ---------  --------  --------   ------------   ---------  ---------

Net Increase (Decrease) Prior to Transfers         232      (131)    2,471         (1,694)        246        (87)
Interfund Transfers                               (185)    1,587       943          4,301         130        125
                                              ---------  --------  --------   ------------   ---------  ---------

Net Increase (Decrease)                             47     1,456     3,414          2,607         376         38

Net Assets, Beginning of Year                   28,025     5,250    17,981          8,026      15,171     12,162
                                              ---------  --------  --------   ------------   ---------  ---------

Net Assets, End of Year                       $ 28,072   $ 6,706   $21,395    $    10,633    $ 15,547   $ 12,200
                                              =========  ========  ========   ============   =========  =========


                                               RALCORP HOLDINGS, INC.
                                              SAVINGS INVESTMENT PLAN
                                         WITH FUND INFORMATION (CONTINUED)
                                            YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1998

                                                                 Participant Directed
                                                                          Inter-                          Parti-
                                                            Aggressive    national    Bond     General    cipant
                                                            Growth        Growth      Index    Mills      Loan
(In thousands)                                              Fund          Fund        Fund     Fund       Fund      Total
- ----------------------------------------------------------  ------------  ----------  -------  ---------  --------  ---------
Additions To Net Assets:
    Participants                                            $       313   $     265   $   98                        $  4,632
    Employer                                                                                                           1,456
                                                            ------------  ----------  -------  ---------  --------  ---------
                                                                    313         265       98                           6,088
                                                            ------------  ----------  -------  ---------  --------  ---------
  Investment income:
    Dividends and interest                                           37          92       59   $     45   $   430      5,071
    Net appreciation (depreciation) in fair
       value of investments                                          70         597       13        172                9,020
    Asset transfers in                                               11          16       11                   10        198
    Other additions                                                  (1)                              2                  (18)
                                                            ------------  ----------  -------  ---------  --------  ---------
                                                                    117         705       83        219       440     14,271
                                                            ------------  ----------  -------  ---------  --------  ---------
       Total Additions                                              430         970      181        219       440     20,359
                                                            ------------  ----------  -------  ---------  --------  ---------

Deductions From Net Assets:
  Distribution to participants                                     (440)       (443)    (246)       (55)     (737)   (11,982)
  Assets to be transferred to Milnot plan                          (431)       (377)    (175)                (430)    (8,389)
  Administrative expenses                                            (1)         (1)                                     (47)
                                                            ------------  ----------  -------  ---------  --------  ---------
                                                                   (872)       (821)    (421)       (55)   (1,167)   (20,418)
                                                            ------------  ----------  -------  ---------  --------  ---------

Net Increase (Decrease) Prior to Transfers                         (442)        149     (240)       164      (727)       (59)
Interfund Transfers                                                (365)       (374)     811     (6,711)     (262)         -
                                                            ------------  ----------  -------  ---------  --------  ---------

Net Increase (Decrease)                                            (807)       (225)     571     (6,547)     (989)       (59)

Net Assets, Beginning of Year                                     4,669       4,496      554      6,547     5,371    108,252
                                                            ------------  ----------  -------  ---------  --------  ---------

Net Assets, End of Year                                     $     3,862   $   4,271   $1,125   $      -   $ 4,382   $108,193
                                                            ============  ==========  =======  =========  ========  =========
See  the  accompanying  Notes  to  Financial  Statements.


                                              RALCORP HOLDINGS, INC.
                                             SAVINGS INVESTMENT PLAN
                                              WITH FUND INFORMATION
                                           YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1997

                                                                               Participant Directed
                                                                                           U.S.         Growth
                                                            Ralcorp    Fixed     Equity    Government   and
                                                            Stock      Income    Index     Money        Income    Balanced
(In thousands)                                              Fund       Fund      Fund      Market       Fund      Fund
- ----------------------------------------------------------  ---------  --------  --------  -----------  --------  ---------
Additions To Net Assets
    Participants                                            $  1,723   $   135   $   523   $      744   $   621   $    464
    Employer                                                   2,015
                                                            ---------  --------  --------  -----------  --------  ---------
                                                               3,738       135       523          744       621        464
                                                            ---------  --------  --------  -----------  --------  ---------
  Investment income:
    Dividends and interest                                        99       331       372          376     1,351      1,014
    Net appreciation (depreciation) in fair
       value of investments                                    8,694        (5)    3,928                  1,990      1,111
    Other additions                                                9         9        17          (16)       15         12
                                                            ---------  --------  --------  -----------  --------  ---------
                                                               8,802       335     4,317          360     3,356      2,137
                                                            ---------  --------  --------  -----------  --------  ---------
       Total Additions                                        12,540       470     4,840        1,104     3,977      2,601
                                                            ---------  --------  --------  -----------  --------  ---------

Deductions From Net Assets
  Distribution to participants                                (2,715)   (1,122)   (1,785)      (1,930)   (1,419)    (1,401)
  Administrative expenses                                        (24)       (1)       (4)          (4)       (4)        (3)
                                                            ---------  --------  --------  -----------  --------  ---------
                                                              (2,739)   (1,123)   (1,789)      (1,934)   (1,423)    (1,404)
                                                            ---------  --------  --------  -----------  --------  ---------

Net Increase (Decrease) Prior to Transfers                     9,801      (653)    3,051         (830)    2,554      1,197
Transfer to Ralston Resorts Savings
  Investment Plan                                               (844)     (477)   (1,247)        (432)   (1,452)      (837)
Interfund Transfers                                          (19,343)     (467)    3,563        2,120     4,338      2,247
                                                            ---------  --------  --------  -----------  --------  ---------

Net Increase (Decrease)                                      (10,386)   (1,597)    5,367          858     5,440      2,607

Net Assets, Beginning of Year                                 38,411     6,847    12,614        7,168     9,731      9,555
                                                            ---------  --------  --------  -----------  --------  ---------

Net Assets, End of Year                                     $ 28,025   $ 5,250   $17,981   $    8,026   $15,171   $ 12,162
                                                            =========  ========  ========  ===========  ========  =========


                                              RALCORP HOLDINGS, INC.
                                             SAVINGS INVESTMENT PLAN
                                        WITH FUND INFORMATION (CONTINUED)
                                           YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1997

                                                                 Participant Directed
                                                                         Inter-                          Parti-
                                                           Aggressive    national    Bond     General    cipant
                                                           Growth        Growth      Index    Mills      Loan
(In thousands)                                             Fund          Fund        Fund     Fund       Fund      Total
- ---------------------------------------------------------- ------------  ----------  -------  ---------  --------  ---------
Additions To Net Assets
    Participants                                           $       295   $     250   $   45                        $  4,800
    Employer                                                                                                          2,015
                                                           ------------  ----------  -------  ---------  --------  ---------
                                                                   295         250       45                           6,815
                                                           ------------  ----------  -------  ---------  --------  ---------
  Investment income:
    Dividends and interest                                         458         202       16   $    311   $   431      4,961
    Net appreciation (depreciation) in fair
       value of investments                                         38         (35)      14      2,298               18,033
    Other additions                                                 22          16                                       84
                                                           ------------  ----------  -------  ---------  --------  ---------
                                                                   518         183       30      2,609       431     23,078
                                                           ------------  ----------  -------  ---------  --------  ---------
       Total Additions                                             813         433       75      2,609       431     29,893
                                                           ------------  ----------  -------  ---------  --------  ---------

Deductions From Net Assets
  Distribution to participants                                    (536)       (697)      (3)    (1,569)   (1,295)   (14,472)
  Administrative expenses                                           (1)         (1)                 (6)                 (48)
                                                           ------------  ----------  -------  ---------  --------  ---------
                                                                  (537)       (698)      (3)    (1,575)   (1,295)   (14,520)
                                                           ------------  ----------  -------  ---------  --------  ---------

Net Increase (Decrease) Prior to Transfers                         276        (265)      72      1,034      (864)    15,373
Transfer to Ralston Resorts Savings
  Investment Plan                                                 (501)       (776)               (903)              (7,469)
Interfund Transfers                                                507         356      482      6,416      (219)         -
                                                           ------------  ----------  -------  ---------  --------  ---------

Net Increase (Decrease)                                            282        (685)     554      6,547    (1,083)     7,904

Net Assets, Beginning of Year                                    4,387       5,181                         6,454    100,348
                                                           ------------  ----------  -------  ---------  --------  ---------

Net Assets, End of Year                                    $     4,669   $   4,496   $  554   $  6,547   $ 5,371   $108,252
                                                           ============  ==========  =======  =========  ========  =========
See  the  accompanying  Notes  to  Financial  Statements.


                                                   SCHEDULE I
                                              RALCORP HOLDINGS, INC.
                                             SAVINGS INVESTMENT PLAN
                                                DECEMBER 31, 1998

Identity of issuer,
borrower, lessor                                                                          Fair
or similar party               Description of Investment                      Cost        Value
- -----------------------------  ---------------------------------------------  ---------   ---------
                                                                                 ($ in thousands)
Ralcorp Holdings, Inc.*        Common Stock                                   $  21,932   $  30,564
                                                                              ---------   ---------

The Vanguard Group*            500 Index Fund                                    13,367      22,889
The Vanguard Group*            Windsor II Fund                                   13,740      16,747
The Vanguard Group*            Wellington Fund                                   11,243      13,023
The Vanguard Group*            Federal Money Market Fund                         11,289      11,289
The Vanguard Group*            Retirement Savings Trust                           7,041       7,021
The Vanguard Group*            International Growth Fund                          3,883       4,648
The Vanguard Group*            Explorer Fund                                      3,842       4,293
The Vanguard Group*            Total Bond Market Index Fund                       1,282       1,300
                                                                              ---------   ---------
                               Total Investment in Shares in Registered
                               Investment Company                                65,687      81,210
                                                                              ---------   ---------

Participant Loan Fund*         Participant loans, interest rate 6.5% - 11.5%      4,812       4,812
                                                                              ---------   ---------

                                                                              $  92,431   $ 116,586
                                                                              =========   =========

*  Party-in-interest


                                                   SCHEDULE II
                                              RALCORP HOLDINGS, INC.
                                             SAVINGS INVESTMENT PLAN
                                 ITEM 27D - SCHEDULE OF REPORTABLE TRANSACTIONS*
                                           YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1998

                                                                 Expense                 Current Value
                                                                Incurred                  of Asset on
Identity of Party Involved/     Purchase     Selling     Lease    with        Cost of     Transaction      Gain or
Description of Asset             Price        Price     Rental  Transaction    Asset          Date          (Loss)
- ----------------------------  -----------  -----------  ------  ----------- -----------  -------------  -----------
RALCORP STOCK FUND            $10,855,771               $  -    $     -                  $ 10,855,771
                                           $10,958,173     -          -     $ 9,213,142    10,958,173   $ 1,745,031
FIXED INCOME FUND               5,311,898                  -          -                     5,311,898
                                             3,537,578     -          -       3,531,099     3,537,578         6,479
FEDERAL MONEY MARKET FUND      13,744,533                  -          -                    13,744,533
                                            10,477,631     -          -      10,477,631    10,477,631             -
VANGUARD WELLINGTON FUND        4,061,887                  -          -                     4,061,887
                                             3,195,621     -          -       2,744,402     3,195,621       451,219
VANGUARD 500 INDEX FUND         7,078,207                  -          -                     7,078,207
                                             6,961,410     -          -       5,474,039     6,961,410     1,487,371
VANGUARD WINDSOR II FUND        6,168,864                  -          -                     6,168,864
                                             5,325,964     -          -       4,492,103     5,325,964       833,861
GENERAL MILLS FUND                 44,440                  -          -                        44,440
                                             6,766,222     -          -       5,620,080     6,766,222     1,146,142

*Transactions  or  series  of  transactions  in  excess  of 5% of the current value of the Plan's assets as of the
beginning  of  the  Plan  year  as defined in  Section 2520.103-6 of the Department of Labor Rules and Regulations
for  Reporting  and  Disclosure  of  ERISA.


                               RALCORP HOLDINGS, INC.
                              SAVINGS INVESTMENTS PLAN
                            NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS


The following description of the Ralcorp Holdings, Inc. (Ralcorp or the Company)
Savings  Investment  Plan  (the  Plan)  provides  only  general  information.
Participants  should  refer to the Plan Document for a more complete description
of  the  Plan's  provisions.

Plan  Purpose.  The  Plan  is  a  defined  contribution plan whose purpose is to
permit  deferrals  of  compensation by eligible employees of the Company and its
subsidiaries,  to  enable  them  to  share  in the Company's performance through
participation  in the Ralcorp Stock Fund and to provide them with an attractive,
convenient  vehicle for accumulating capital for their future economic security.

The  Plan  is  subject  to  certain provisions of the Employee Retirement Income
Security  Act of 1974, as amended (ERISA).  The Plan is designed to meet ERISA's
reporting  and  disclosure and fiduciary responsibility requirements, as well as
meet  the  minimum  standards  for  participation and vesting.  The Plan is not,
however,  subject  to  ERISA's minimum funding standards, nor are benefits under
the  Plan  eligible  for  termination  insurance provided by the Pension Benefit
Guaranty  Corporation  (PBGC).

Eligibility.  All  regular  sales,  administrative  and  clerical  employees and
certain  production  employees,  depending  on  the  terms  and  conditions  of
employment,  who  receive regular compensation from a payroll subject to FICA in
the  United  States  are  eligible to participate to the extent permitted by the
Plan  or  applicable law.  In addition, the Plan requires completion of one year
of  credited  service  with  the Company prior to participation in the Plan.  At
December  31, 1998 and 1997, there were a total of 1,953 and 2,052 participants,
respectively,  in  the  Plan.

Plan  Administration.  The  Plan  is  administered by the Company.  Except as to
matters  required  by the terms of the Plan to be decided by the Company's Board
of  Directors (the Board), the Company's Benefits Administration Committee (BAC)
has  the right to interpret the Plan and to decide certain matters arising under
the  Plan.  The  Board  has  designated  the Company's Employee Benefit Trustees
Committee  (EBTC) as having certain rights and obligations to control and manage
Plan  assets,  to  select  investment  funds  available  for  investment by Plan
participants,  and to appoint and remove the trustee and any investment managers
retained  in  connection  with  the  investment  of  Plan  assets.

Plan  Contributions.  Participants  may  make  maximum contributions to the Plan
equal  to the lesser of $30,000 or 15% of their compensation for that year.  The
pre-tax contribution amount is limited to $10,000 per calendar year.  Subject to
such  limitations,  participants  may  make  basic contributions of 2% to 12% of
their  compensation,  in  1%  increments,  on  a  pre-tax  basis.


                               RALCORP HOLDINGS, INC.
                              SAVINGS INVESTMENTS PLAN
                            NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

Prior  to  April  1,  1997,  for employees first hired by Ralston Purina Company
(Ralston)  before June 30, 1993 and who were employed by the Company on April 1,
1994,  the  Company  made  a  100% matching contribution on the first 6% of such
participant's basic contributions; both the participant's basic contribution, up
to  6%  of their compensation, and the Company match were invested solely in the
Ralcorp  Stock  Fund.  Participant  basic contributions in excess of 6% of their
compensation  were  invested  in  any  of  the other Plan investment funds.  For
employees  not meeting the hiring date criteria, the Company match each year was
20%  of  that  year's  current  maximum  Company match for each year of service,
reaching  100%  after  five  years.

Effective  on  April 1, 1997, for each dollar contributed by participants, up to
6%  of  pre-tax  earnings, the Company contributes $.50.  Also effective on this
date,  participant  contributions  may  be  invested  in  any  of  the available
investment  funds,  while  the  Company  match is invested solely in the Ralcorp
Stock  Fund.   Company  match is graduated based on years of service as follows:
one year of service equates to a 15% Company match, two years of service equates
to  a 30% Company match and three or more years of service entitles the employee
to  the  maximum  Company  match of 50%.  Participant contributions and earnings
thereon  are  vested  and  non-forfeitable from the time made.  Company matching
contributions  and  earnings  thereon  vest  at  a  rate of 25% for each year of
credited Company service (including service prior to April 1, 1994 with Ralston)
by  the  participant.

Participants  may  also,  subject  to  the  $30,000  and  15%  limitations, make
supplemental,  unmatched contributions of 1% to 10% of their compensation, in 1%
increments.  Such  contributions  are  made  on  an  after-tax  basis  and  are
immediately  vested.

Employees  of  several  of  the  Company's  production facilities are subject to
different matching contribution levels and are not eligible to make supplemental

Investment  of  Funds.  All  contributions will be deposited by the Company in a
trust  fund  held by Vanguard Fiduciary Trust Company (Trustee) or any successor
selected  by  the  EBTC.  The  value of the trust funds will change according to
increases  or  decreases  in market value of the assets, gain or loss on sale of
assets  and  income  from  dividends  and  interest  held therein.  In addition,
Vanguard  performs  all  record  keeping  functions  for  the  Plan.

The  Trustee  will  maintain  as many separate investment funds within its trust
funds,  with  such different investment objectives, as the EBTC deems advisable.
As  of  December  31,  1998,  the  following  funds  have  been  established for
participants:  the  Ralcorp Common Stock Fund, the Vanguard Bond Index Fund, the
Vanguard  Retirement  Savings  Trust  Fund,  the  Vanguard  500  Index Fund, the
Vanguard  Federal  Money Market Fund, the Vanguard Windsor II Fund, the Vanguard
Wellington  Fund,  the  Vanguard  Explorer  Fund, and the Vanguard International
Growth Fund.


                               RALCORP HOLDINGS, INC.
                              SAVINGS INVESTMENTS PLAN
                            NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

Plan  Withdrawals,  Loans  and  Forfeitures.  Upon termination of a participant,
retirement,  disability,  or  death,  or in the event of termination of the Plan
without establishment of a successor plan, the amount in the trust fund credited
to  each participant which is vested will be distributed to him, his beneficiary
or  other  legal  representative.  Under  the Plan, a participant may elect from
several  payment  alternatives  on the timing and nature of distributions.  Plan
withdrawals  may  be  made  prior  to  termination  or  retirement  for cases of
hardship.  Such  distributions  are  limited  to the amount required to meet the
need  created  by  the  hardship  and  are  made  in  accordance with guidelines
determined  by  the  Company.

The  Company may, subject to certain rules and regulations, permit a participant
to  borrow  from  the trust funds.  Such loans will be permitted for any purpose
provided  certain  Plan conditions and certain other conditions as prescribed by
federal  law  are  met.

Upon  termination,  any  Company  matching contribution and the earnings thereon
which  are not vested will be forfeited, but will be restored if the participant
again becomes an eligible employee within five years after termination.  Amounts
forfeited  will  be used to reduce Company matching contributions required under
the  Plan.  Forfeitures  net of amounts restored during the years ended December
31,  1998  and  1997  were $8,935 and $26,269, respectively, and are included in
employer  contributions on the Statements of Changes in Net Assets Available for
Benefits  with  Fund Information for the years ended December 31, 1998 and 1997.

Plan  Amendments  and  Termination.  The  Board,  and  in  certain  limited
circumstances the EBTC and the Chief Executive Officer of the Company, may amend
the Plan.  The Board may also terminate the Plan or direct that Company matching
contributions  cease.  In  such  cases,  non-forfeitable  rights  to the Company
matching  contributions  credited to a participant's account shall automatically
vest  in such participant.  Under the Plan, a participant may elect from several
alternative  rules  on  the  timing  and  nature  of  distribution.


The  significant  accounting  policies followed by the Plan are described below:

Basis  of  Accounting.  The accompanying financial statements are prepared using
the  accrual  basis  of  accounting.

Use  of  Estimates.  The  preparation of financial statements in conformity with
generally  accepted  accounting principles requires management to make estimates
and  assumptions  that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and
disclosure  of  contingent  assets  and liabilities at the date of the financial
statements, and  the  reported  amounts  of additions to and deductions from net
assets  during  the  reporting  period.  Actual  results could differ from these


                               RALCORP HOLDINGS, INC.
                              SAVINGS INVESTMENTS PLAN
                            NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

Investments.   Plan  investments  in  common  stock  and  shares  of  registered
investment companies are carried at fair market value based on closing prices on
the last business day of the Plan year.  Interest income is recognized as earned
and  dividend  income  is recognized on the date of record.  Plan investments in
various  insurance  company  contracts  are  carried  at  contract  value, which
approximates  fair  value.  Participant  loans  are  valued  at  cost,  which
approximates  fair  value.  Net  appreciation  in  fair  value of investments is
comprised  of  net  realized and unrealized gains and losses.  Net realized gain
(loss)  is  the  difference  between  proceeds and costs, using the average cost
method.  Unrealized gain (loss) is the difference between the market value of an
investment  at  the  end  of  the  Plan  year  and  the market value of the same
investment  at  the  beginning  of  the  Plan year or at its acquisition date if
acquired  during  the  Plan  year.

Payment  of  Benefits.  Benefits  are  recorded  when  paid.


Except  for  its  investment  contract  with  an  insurance  company, the Plan's
investments are held in a trust fund.  The following table presents the carrying
value  of  investments.  Investments  that  represent  5  percent or more of the
Plan's  net  assets  are  separately  identified.

                                                       December 31,
(In thousands)                                    1998               1997
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Common stocks:
      Ralcorp Holdings, Inc.                    $ 30,564           $ 28,029
      General Mills, Inc.                              -              6,547
    Mutual funds:
      Vanguard 500 Index Fund                     22,889             17,981
      Vanguard Windsor II                         16,747             15,171
      Vanguard Wellington Fund                    13,023             12,162
      Vanguard Federal Money Market Fund          11,289              8,026
      Vanguard Retirement Savings Trust            7,021              4,938
      Other                                       10,241              9,719
                                                 111,774            102,573
    Participant loans                              4,812              5,371
    Investment contract with American
      International Life Assurance                     -                312
                                                $116,586           $108,256


                               RALCORP HOLDINGS, INC.
                              SAVINGS INVESTMENTS PLAN
                            NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

During 1998 and 1997 the Plan's investments (including investments bought, sold,
and  held  during  the  year)  appreciated  in  value  as  follows:

                                                    Year Ended
                                                   December 31,
(In thousands)                                    1998      1997
- ------------------------------------------------------------------
    Common stocks                              $  2,822  $  10,992
    Mutual funds                                  6,198      7,041
                                               --------  ---------
                                               $  9,020  $  18,033
                                               ========  =========


The  Company  allocates units to participant accounts for the Ralcorp Stock Fund
and  the  Fixed  Income  Fund.  On  December 31, 1998, the total number of units
allocated  to  each  of  these funds and the applicable net asset value (NAV) of
each  unit  was  as  follows:

                                Units Outstanding  NAV per Unit
                                -----------------  ------------
Ralcorp Stock Fund                  2,690,528        $ 11.36
Fixed Income Fund                     700,037        $ 10.03


Certain  Plan  investments  are  shares of Ralcorp common stock.  Ralcorp is the
Plan  sponsor  and,  therefore, these transactions qualify as party-in-interest.
At  December  31,  1998  these shares had a total cost of $21,932,486 and market
value  of $30,564,402.  During the year, the Plan purchased $10,864,942 and sold
$10,973,593  of  such  assets.

Certain  Plan  investments  are  shares  of  mutual  funds  managed by Vanguard.
Vanguard  is  the  trustee  as  defined  by  the  Plan  and,  therefore,  these
transactions  qualify  as  party-in-interest.  At December 31, 1998 these shares
had  a  total  cost  of $65,686,632 and market value of $81,209,414.  During the
year,  the Plan purchased $34,577,001 and sold $29,640,984 of such assets.  Fees
paid  by  the  Plan  for  the  investment  management  services  amounted  to
approximately  $47,000  for  the  year  ended  December  31,  1998.


                               RALCORP HOLDINGS, INC.
                              SAVINGS INVESTMENTS PLAN
                            NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS


The  Plan  has received a determination letter from the Internal Revenue Service
that  the  Plan  does  in fact constitute a qualified plan and that the trust is
exempt  from  income  tax  under  the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.
Participants'  basic  contributions, Company matching contributions and earnings
of Plan investments are not subject to federal income tax until distributed from
the  Plan.  Supplemental  contributions  are made from a participant's after-tax
compensation.  Earnings  related  to  these  supplemental contributions are not,
however,  subject  to  federal  income  tax  as long as they remain in the Plan.


On  September  10,  1998,  the  Company  sold  Beech-Nut  Nutrition  Corporation
(Beech-Nut),  a  wholly-owned  subsidiary, to The Milnot Company (Milnot).  As a
result  of  the  sale,  the  Plan  incurred  a  liability  to transfer Beech-Nut
participant  balances to the Milnot plan.  This liability was approximately $8.4
million as of December 31, 1998.  The transfer of Beech-Nut participant balances
from  all  funds except the Ralcorp Stock Fund was completed on January 31, 1999
and  totaled  approximately $6.1 million.  Beech-Nut participant balances in the
Ralcorp  Stock  Fund as of January 31, 1999 will remain in the Plan until August
31, 1999, when they will be transferred to the Milnot plan for those individuals
who  remain  employed  by  Milnot  on  that  date.

On  January 30, 1998 assets in the General Mills Fund were liquidated.  Prior to
the  liquidation,  participants  were able to elect into which funds they wanted
their  balance reinvested.  Immediately upon liquidation, the proceeds resulting
from  the  sale of these assets, approximately $6.7 million, were transferred to
the  U.S.  Government  Money  Market  Fund.

On April 21, 1997, the Company completed the purchase of the Wortz Company.  The
assets  related  to  participant  balances in the Wortz 401(k) Savings Plan were
merged  with  the  Plan  effective June 30, 1998.  This transfer is shown on the
"Asset  transfers  in"  line of the Statement of Changes in Net Assets Available
for  Benefits  with  Fund  Information  for  the  year  ended December 31, 1998.

On  January  31,  1997  the  Company  sold its branded cereal and snack business
(Branded  Business)  to  General  Mills, Inc. (General Mills).  This transaction
resulted  in  a  distribution  of General Mills stock to Ralcorp shareholders of
record on January 31, 1997.  The Plan received its distribution of General Mills
stock,  which  is reported in the financial statements as an interfund transfer,
and  created  the  General  Mills  Fund  to  hold  the stock.  Participants were
allocated  their respective shares of General Mills stock based on their Ralcorp
Stock  Fund balance.  No contributions or transfers to the fund are permitted by
the  Plan.


                               RALCORP HOLDINGS, INC.
                              SAVINGS INVESTMENTS PLAN
                            NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

The  assets  of  former Ralcorp employees which were hired by General Mills as a
result  of  the  sale of the Branded Business are maintained by the Plan.  These
participants  are  permitted  to  transfer  assets among Plan funds, but are not
permitted  to  make  contributions  or receive new loans.  A restated plan filed
with  the  IRS  during  1998  contains  a provision that allows participants who
remain  employed  by  General  Mills  to request a distribution of their account
balance  prior  to  December  31, 1999.  After that date they can only receive a
distribution  after  they  have incurred a separation of service.  Distributions
reported  in  1998  include  any  distributions  requested under this provision.

The  account  balances  of  certain  Plan  participants who were employed by the
Company's all-season resort subsidiary, Ralston Resorts, were transferred to the
Ralston  Resorts Savings Investment Plan (Resorts SIP).  Prior to this transfer,
sponsorship of the Resorts SIP had been transferred to Vail Resorts, Inc., which
had  acquired  Ralston Resorts on January 3, 1997.  The amount of such transfers
is  reflected  on  the Statement of Changes in Net Assets Available for Benefits
with  Fund  Information  for  the  year  ended  December  31,  1997.



June 11, 1999

To the Participants and the
Plan Administrator of the
Ralcorp Holdings, Inc.
Savings Investment Plan

In our opinion, the accompanying statements of net assets available for benefits
and  the  related  statements  of  changes  in net assets available for benefits
present  fairly, in all material respects, the net assets available for benefits
of  the  Ralcorp Holdings, Inc. Savings Investment Plan (the "Plan") at December
31,  1998 and 1997, and the changes in net assets available for benefits for the
years  then  ended  in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles.
These  financial statements are the responsibility of the Plan's management; our
responsibility  is  to express an opinion on these financial statements based on
our  audits.  We  conducted  our  audits  of these statements in accordance with
generally accepted auditing standards which require that we plan and perform the
audit  to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are
free  of  material  misstatement.  An audit includes examining, on a test basis,
evidence  supporting  the  amounts  and disclosures in the financial statements,
assessing  the  accounting  principles  used  and  significant estimates made by
management,  and  evaluating  the  overall financial statement presentation.  We
believe  that  our  audits  provide a reasonable basis for the opinion expressed

Our  audits  were  conducted  for the purpose of forming an opinion on the basic
financial  statements  taken  as a whole. The additional information included in
the  supplemental  schedules is presented for the purpose of additional analysis
and  is  not  a  required  part  of  the  basic  financial  statements  but  is
supplementary  information  required  by  the  Department  of  Labor's Rules and
Regulations  for  Reporting  and Disclosure under the Employee Retirement Income
Security  Act  of  1974.  The  fund  information in the statements of net assets
available  for benefits and the statement of changes in net assets available for
benefits is presented for purposes of additional analysis rather than to present
the  net  assets available for plan benefits and changes in net assets available
for  benefits  of  each fund.  These supplemental schedules and fund information
are the responsibility of the Plan's management.  The supplemental schedules and
fund  information  have been subjected to the auditing procedures applied in the
audits  of the basic financial statements and, in our opinion, are fairly stated
in  all material respects in relation to the basic financial statements taken as
a  whole.

/s/  PricewaterhouseCoopers  LLP
- --------------------------------



The  Plan.
Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the members
of  the  Ralcorp  Holdings,  Inc.  Employee Benefit Trustees Committee have duly
caused  this  annual  report  to  be  signed  by  the  undersigned hereunto duly

                         RALCORP  HOLDINGS,  INC.

                         By  _______________________________________
                              D.  J.  Sescleifer,  Chairman
                              Ralcorp  Holdings,  Inc.
                              Employee  Benefit  Trustees  Committee

June  29,  1999
