dated June 27, 1997

                                 by and between

                                PEGASYSTEMS INC.


                            FIRST DATA RESOURCES INC.


                                WARRANT AGREEMENT

This Warrant Agreement (this "Warrant Agreement") is entered into as of June 27,
1997, by and between PEGASYSTEMS INC., a Massachusetts corporation with its
principal place of business at 101 Main Street, Cambridge, Massachusetts
02142-1590 ("Pegasystems"), and FIRST DATA RESOURCES INC., a Delaware
corporation with its principal place of business at 7302 Pacific Street, Omaha,
Nebraska 68114 ("FDR").

     WHEREAS, Pegasystems is in the business of inter alia developing,
marketing, licensing, and installing customer service management software to
automate customer interactions, including the Software (as hereafter defined);

     WHEREAS, FDR and its Affiliates are in the business of providing
information processing products and services to a broad range of financial
institutions and other commercial enterprises;

     WHEREAS, contemporaneous with the signing of this Warrant Agreement,
Pegasystems and FDR have entered into a Software License and Support Agreement
(the "Agreement") pursuant to which Pegasystems has granted to FDR and its
Affiliates certain rights in and to the Software; and

     WHEREAS, as part of the consideration for and as a condition precedent to
the Agreement, each party agrees to enter into this Warrant Agreement;

     NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises, covenants,
representations, and warranties contained herein, and for other good and
valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby
acknowledged, Pegasystems and FDR agree as follows:


     Unless the context shall otherwise require, the capitalized terms used
herein shall have the respective meanings set forth in the Agreement. Each
definition includes the singular and the plural, and reference to the neuter
gender includes the masculine and feminine where appropriate. The headings to
the Articles and Sections hereof are for convenience of reference and shall not
affect the meaning or interpretation of this Warrant Agreement. Except as
otherwise stated, reference to Articles, Sections, and Exhibits mean the
Articles, Sections, and Exhibits of this Warrant Agreement. Any Exhibits are
hereby incorporated by reference into and shall be deemed a part of this Warrant
Agreement. Unless the context clearly indicates otherwise, the word "including"
means "including but not limited to."


                                    ARTICLE 1

     1.1. Warrant As soon as practicable after the execution of this Warrant
Agreement, Pegasystems shall deliver to FDR a warrant in the form attached
hereto as Exhibit A.

                                    ARTICLE 2

                           INCORPORATION BY REFERENCE

     2.1. Incorporation by Reference. Articles 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, and 15 of the
Agreement are hereby incorporated by reference into and shall be deemed a part
of this Warrant Agreement.



     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Warrant Agreement
as of the date first written above.


By: /s/ Alan Trefler                 By: /s/ Donna M. Walsh          
    -----------------------              --------------------------- 
        Alan Trefler                         Donna M. Walsh
        President                            Vice President, Card Services Group

Dated June 27, 1997                  Dated June 27, 1997



                                    EXHIBIT A
                                 FORM OF WARRANT

 See attached.





                                    Issued by

                                PEGASYSTEMS INC.


                                                           Warrant No. A-1

                                                           Original Issue

                                                           Date: _________, 1997


                                                                 Warrant No. A-1

                                    Issued by
                                 PEGASYSTEMS INC.

assigns, is entitled, at any time during the Exercise Period,  defined below, to
purchase from PEGASYSTEMS INC., a Massachusetts corporation ("Pegasystems"), Two
hundred  eighty-four  thousand,   eight  hundred  seventy-six  (284,876)  shares
(subject to adjustment as provided herein) of the Common Stock defined below, of
Pegasystems,  at a purchase price of Twenty-eight and twenty five cents ($28.25)
per share (the  initial  "Exercise  Price",  subject to  adjustment  as provided
herein),  all on  the  terms  and  conditions  and  pursuant  to the  provisions
hereinafter  set forth.  


     As used in this Warrant,  the following terms have the respective  meanings
set forth below:

     "Affiliate"  shall mean,  with  respect to any Period any other Person that
directly  or  indirectly  controls,  or is  under  common  control  with,  or is
controlled by, such Person.  As used in this definition,  "control"  (including,
with its correlative meanings,  "controlled by" and "under common control with")
shall mean  possession  directly or indirectly,  of the power to direct or cause
the direction of management or policies (whether through ownership of securities
or  partnership  or  other  ownership  interests,  by  contract  or  otherwise).
Notwithstanding  the  foregoing,  (i) no  individual  shall be  deemed  to be an
Affiliate of a  corporation  solely by reason of being an officer or director of
such  corporation and (ii) neither  Pegasystems nor any Affiliate of Pegasystems
shall be deemed to be an Affiliate of FDR or of any Affiliate of FDR.

     "Business Day" shall mean any day that is not a Saturday or Sunday or a day
on which banks are required or permitted to be closed in New York City.

     "Call Notice" shall have the meaning set forth in Section 8.

     "Call Price" shall have the meaning set forth in Section 8.

     "Call Right" shall have the meaning set forth in Section 8.

     "Cashless  Exercise  Option"  shall  have  the meaning set forth in Section

     "Cash Out Merger  Event" shall mean any transfer of more than fifty percent
(50%) of the voting stock or assets of  Pegasystems to one or a related group of
Persons  pursuant to a merger,  consolidation  exchange  offer,  tender offer or
other form of business  combination  other than a business  combination in which
the  shareholders of Pegasystems  prior to the  consummation of such transaction
end up owning a majority  of the voting  stock of the  surviving  entity in such

     "Commission" shall mean the Securities and Exchange Commission or any other
federal  agency  then   administering  the  Securities  Act  and  other  federal
securities laws.

     "Common  Stock" shall mean (except where the context  otherwise  indicates)
the Common Stock of  Pegasystems,  par value $0.01 per share,  as constituted on
the Original  Issue Date, and any capital stock into which such Common Stock may
thereafter be changed or that may be issued in respect of, in exchange for or in
substitution   for  such   Common   Stock  by  reason   of  any  stock   splits,
reclassifications,  stock  dividends  or  distributions,  and shall also include
shares of common stock of any successor or acquiring  corporation received by or
distributed to the holders of Common Stock of  Pegasystems in the  circumstances
contemplated by Section 3.4.

     "Continuously   Effective",   with  respect  to  a  specified  registration
statement,  shall mean that it shall not cease to be effective and available for
Transfers of  Registrable  Securities  thereunder for longer than either (i) any
three (3)  consecutive  business  days, or (ii) an aggregate of six (6) business
days during the period specified in the relevant provision of this Agreement.

     "Convertible  Securities"  shall mean evidences of indebtedness,  shares of
stock or other securities that are convertible into or exchangeable for, with or
without  payment of  additional  consideration  in cash or  property,  shares of
Non-Preferred  Stock either  immediately  or upon the  occurrence of a specified
date or a specified event.

     "Current  Market Price" shall mean as of any specified date with respect to
a specified class of Non-Preferred  Stock the average of the daily market prices
of such  class  of  Non-Preferred  Stock  of  Pegasystems  for the  twenty  (20)
consecutive trading days immediately  preceding such date; provided that for the
purpose of  determining  the Call Price under Article 8 below,  "Current  Market
Price" shall mean the greater of (A) the average of the daily  market  prices of
the Common Stock of Pegasystems during the twenty (20) consecutive  trading days
commencing on the date of the related  Demand  Request (or if such date is not a
trading  day,  commencing  on the next  trading  day) and (B) the average of the
daily market prices of the Common Stock of Pegasystems during the twenty (20)


consecutive  trading days  commencing on the date of the related Call Notice (or
if such date is not a trading  day,  commencing  on the next trading  day).  The
"daily market price" of a specified class of  Non-Preferred  Stock for each such
trading  day  shall  be:  (i) if such  Non-Preferred  Stock is then  listed on a
national  securities  exchange  or is listed on NASDAQ  and is  designated  as a
National Market System security,  the last sale price,  regular way, on such day
on the  principal  stock  exchange  or  market  system  on which  such  class of
Non-Preferred  Stock is then listed or admitted to trading,  or, if no such sale
takes place on such day,  the  average of the  closing bid and asked  prices for
such class of Non-Preferred Stock on such day as reported on such stock exchange
or market system or (ii) if such class of Non-Preferred Stock is not then listed
or admitted to trading on any national  securities  exchange or  designated as a
National  Market System security on NASDAQ but is traded  over-the-counter,  the
average of the  closing  bid and asked  prices  for such class of  Non-Preferred
Stock as reported on NASDAQ or the Electronic  Bulletin Board or in the National
Daily  Quotation  Sheets,  as  applicable. 

     "Demanding Holders" shall have the meaning set forth in Section 7.l(a).

     "Demand Registration" shall have the meaning set forth in Section 7.1(a).

     "Demand Request" shall have the meaning set forth in Section 7.l(a).

     "Designated Office" shall have the meaning set forth in Section 10.

     "Effective  Date" shall mean, with respect to a Cash Out Merger Event,  the
date and time of  consummation  of the  transaction  constituting  such Cash Out
Merger Event.

     "Exercise Date" shall have the meaning set forth in Section 2.1(a).

     "Exercise Notice" shall have the meaning set forth in Section 2.1(a).

     "Exercise  Period" shall mean the period  commencing  at 9:00 A.M.  Eastern
Time on the first annual  anniversary  of the Original  Issue Date and ending at
5:00 P.M.  Eastern Time on the fifth annual  anniversary  of the Original  Issue
Date; provided: (i) that if the scheduled expiration date of the Exercise Period
is not a Business Day, the Exercise Period shall be automatically extended until
the next  succeeding  Business Day; (ii) that upon the  occurrence of a Cash Out
Merger Event,  the Exercise  Period shall commence on the Effective Date of such
Cash Out Merger Event and (iii) that the Exercise  Period shall terminate if the
License   Agreement   is   terminated   pursuant   to  Section   11.3   thereof.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Exercise Period shall be subject to automatic
extension to the extent provided in Section 7.1(c).

     "Exercise  Price" shall mean,  in respect of a share of Common Stock at any
date herein  specified,  the initial Exercise Price set forth in the preamble of
this Warrant as adjusted from time to time pursuant to Section 3.


     "Expert's Determination" shall have the meaning set forth in Section 13.8.

     "Fair Distribution  Value" of any evidences of indebtedness or other assets
distributed  to holders  of Common  Stock in a  distribution  subject to Section
3.2(a),  shall  mean  the  aggregate  fair  market  value of such  evidences  of
indebtedness  or other  assets  as  determined  in good  faith  by the  Board of
Directors,  if the  Board  of  Directors  has  made  such a  determination,  and
otherwise as determined by the Chief Financial  Offlcer of Pegasystems,  subject
to the right of the Majority  Holders to challenge  such  valuation  pursuant to
Section 13.8.

     "Fair  Value"  per share of Common  Stock or other  class of  Non-Preferred
Stock as of any specified  date shall mean (i) if the Common Stock or such class
of Non-Preferred Stock is publicly traded on such date, the Current Market Price
per  share  or (ii) if the  Common  Stock  or such  Non-Preferred  Stock  is not
publicly  traded on such date,  the fair market value per share as determined in
good faith by the Board of Directors,  if the Board of Directors has made such a
determination,  and otherwise as determined  by the Chief  Financial  Officer of
Pegasystems  and set forth in a written  notice to each  Holder,  subject to the
right of the Majority  Holders to challenge such  valuation  pursuant to Section
13.8. The "fair market value" per share of Common Stock or  Non-Preferred  Stock
for such purposes shall be based on the fair market value of 100% of Pegasystems
and its Subsidiaries as if sold as a going concern and assuming full conversion,
exercise and exchange of all Warrants, Convertible Securities and Stock Purchase
Rights,  as well as any transfer  restrictions,  forfeiture  conditions or other
relevant factors  relevant to the  determination of the fair market value of the
Common Stock or Non-Preferred Stock in question.

     "FDR" shall mean First Data Resources Inc., a Delaware corporation, and any
successor corporation.

     "Fully Diluted  Outstanding" shall mean, when used with reference to Common
Stock or  Non-Preferred  Stock,  at any date as of which  the  number  of shares
thereof is to be  determined:  (i) all issued and  outstanding  shares of Common
Stock or  Non-Preferred  Stock (as the case may be),  (ii) all  shares of Common
Stock or Non-Preferred  Stock (as the case may be) issuable upon the exercise of
any issued and outstanding Convertible Securities and (iii) all shares of Common
Stock  or  Non-Preferred  Stock  (as the  case may be)  directly  or  indirectly
issuable upon the exercise of any issued and outstanding  Stock Purchase Rights,
except in each such case any such shares of Common Stock or Non-Preferred  Stock
Convertible Securities or Stock Purchase Rights then owned or held by or for the
account of any subsidiary of Pegasystems, and shall include all shares of Common
Stock or  Non-Preferred  Stock  (as the  case may be)  issuable  in  respect  of
outstanding  scrip or any  certificates  representing  fractional  interests  in
shares of Common Stock or Non-Preferred Stock, as the case may be.

     "Holder" or "Holders" shall mean any Person who is the registered holder of
a Warrant or of any Common Stock issued upon exercise of a Warrant.


     "Holders' Determination" shall have the meaning set forth in Section 13.8.

     "Independent  Financial  Expert" shall mean an  investment  banking firm or
other Person jointly selected by Pegasystems and the relevant  Majority Holders;
provided that, if Pegasystems and such Majority  Holders are unable to so agree,
they shall each select a nationally  recognized  investment banking firm and the
two firms so selected  shall jointly select a third  investment  banking firm or
appraiser to act as an Independent  Financial Expert. Unless otherwise agreed by
Pegasystems  and the  Majority  Holders,  no  Person  shall  be  selected  as an
Independent  Financial Expert: (i) if such Person (or any of its Affiliates) has
a direct or indirect  financial  interest in  Pegasystems  or any of the Holders
(other  than  in its  trading  accounts),  (ii) if any of the  senior  officers,
directors,  principals or partners of such Person (or any of its Affiliates) has
acted as a promoter, director or senior officer of Pegasystems or any Holder (or
any  of  their  respective  Affiliates)  during  the  twenty-four  month  period
immediately  preceding  the  date  such  Person  is  called  upon to serve as an
Independent  Financial  Expert  hereunder,  (iii) if such  Person (or any of its
Affiliates) has acted as an underwriter with respect to any of the securities of
Pegasystems  or any Holder (or any of their  respective  Affiliates)  during the
twenty-four  month period  immediately  preceding the date such Person is called
upon to serve  as an  Independent  Financial  Expert  hereunder  or (iv) if such
Person  (or any of its  Affiliates)  has  provided  any  advice or  opinions  to
Pegasystems  or any  Holder  during the  twenty-four  month  period  immediately
preceding  the date  such  Person  is  called  upon to  serve as an  Independent
Financial Expert hereunder. In the event that the parties are unable to agree on
an Independent  Financial Expert,  Pegasystems and the relevant Majority Holders
shall each be responsible  for the fees and expenses of the  investment  banking
firm respectively  appointed by them for the purpose of selecting an Independent
Financial  Expert.  The fees and expenses of the  Independent  Financial  Expert
shall be borne in accordance with Section 13.8.

     "License  Agreement" shall mean the Software License and Support Agreement,
dated as of June  27,  1997,  between  Pegasystems  and FDR,  as the same may be
amended from time to time.

     "Lock-Up Period" with respect to an underwritten  registered offering shall
mean the  period,  if any,  following  the  effective  date of the  registration
statement  filed with the  Commission  in connection  with such offering  during
which the  underwriters  require (i) that the Holders of Registrable  Securities
refrain  from  selling  shares  of  Common  Stock  in the  market  or (ii)  that
Pegasystems refrain from selling shares of Common Stock or filing a registration
statement with the Commission with respect to sales of Common Stock.

     "Majority Holders",  with respect to a given determination,  shall mean the
Holders of Warrants  and/or  Common  Stock  issued upon the exercise of Warrants
representing  more  than  fifty  percent  (50%) of the  Common  Stock  issued or
issuable upon exercise of the Warrants  (with any such Warrants  being deemed to
represent, for the purposes of such calculation, the shares of Common Stock then
issuable upon exercise thereof) directly affected by such determination.

     "Majority   Selling   Holders"  shall  mean,   with  respect  to  a  Demand
Registration,  Selling  Holders  representing  a  majority  of  the  Registrable
Securities to be included in such Demand Registration.


     "NASDAQ" shall mean the NASDAQ quotation system, or any successor reporting

     "Non-Preferred  Stock"  shall mean the Common  Stock and any other class of
capital stock of Pegasystems  (regardless of how denominated)  unless such class
is limited in respect of the right to participate in dividends or  distributions
to an  amount  that is (i)  fixed or (ii) set by  formula,  auction  or  similar
mechanism  without  reference to the amount of  Pegasystems  earnings or surplus
(e.g., by reference to a floating interest rate).

     "Non-Registered  Distribution"  shall have the meaning set forth in Section

     "Original Issue Date" shall mean the date on which the Original Warrant was
issued, as set forth on the cover page of this Warrant.

     "Original  Warrant" shall mean the Warrant originally issued by Pegasystems
on the Original Issue Date to FDR.

     "Pegasystems" shall mean Pegasystems Inc., a Massachusetts corporation, and
any successor corporation

     "Pegasystems  Determination"  shall have the  meaning  set forth in Section

     "Person"  shall  mean any  individual,  sole  proprietorship,  partnership,
limited liability  company,  joint venture,  trust,  incorporated  organization,
association,  corporation,  institution,  public benefit corporation,  entity or
government  (whether  federal,  state,  county,  city,  municipal or  otherwise,
including,  without limitation,  any instrumentality,  division, agency, body or
department thereof).  

     "Piggyback Registration" shall have the meaning set forth in Section 7.2.

     "Register",  "registered" and "registration"  shall refer to a registration
effected by preparing and filing a registration statement or similar document in
compliance  with the  Securities  Act,  and the  declaration  or ordering by the
Commission of effectiveness of such registration statement or document.

     "Registrable  Securities"  shall  mean (i) any shares of  Restricted  Stock
issued or issuable to the Holders upon the exercise of the Warrants and (ii) any
securities  issued to the Holders in  substitution  or exchange for, or upon the
transfer of,  Restricted  Stock which  immediately  prior to such  substitution,
exchange or transfer constituted  Registrable  Securities.  As to any particular
Registrable Securities,  once issued, such Registrable Securities shall cease to
be Registrable  Securities when (A) a registration statement with respect to the
sale of such  Registrable  Securities  shall  have  become  effective  under the
Securities Act and such  Registrable  Securities  shall have been disposed of in
accordance  with  such  registration   statement,   (B)  they  shall  have  been
distributed  to the public  pursuant  to Rule 144,  (C)  Pegasystems  shall have
delivered to the Holders new  certificates  or other  evidences of ownership for
such securities not bearing any legend relating to restrictions on transfer


and  such  shares  may be  resold  without  subsequent  registration  under  the
Securities Act and any applicable  state  securities  laws then in effect or (D)
such  securities  are no longer  outstanding  or are held by  Pegasystems or any
Affiliate of Pegasystems.  In addition,  for the purposes of determining whether
the Holders of any requisite  portion of Registrable  Securities  have taken any
action  contemplated  by this  Agreement,  (x) a Person  shall be deemed to hold
Registrable  Securities  issuable upon conversion of any Warrants or Convertible
Securities  owned  by it or  which  it has the  right  to  acquire,  and (y) any
Registrable  Securities  owned by  Pegasystems  or any Affiliate of  Pegasystems
shall not be deemed outstanding.  

     "Registration Expenses" shall have the meaning specified in Section 7.4.

     "Restricted  Stock" shall mean shares of Common Stock issued upon  exercise
of any Warrant that have not been  registered  under the  Securities  Act. 

     "Rule 144" shall mean Rule 144 under the  Securities  Act or any  successor

     "Securities Act" shall mean the Securities Act of 1933, as amended,  or any
similar  federal  statute,  and the  rules  and  regulations  of the  Commission
thereunder, all as the same shall be in effect at the time.

     "Selling  Holders"  shall mean,  collectively,  any holders of  Registrable
Securities whose Registrable  Securities are included in any Demand Registration
or Piggyback Registration.

     "Selling Holders' Counsel Fees" shall mean the reasonable fees and expenses
of (i)  one  primary  counsel  representing  all  Selling  Holders  in a  Demand
Registration  (as  selected  by the  Majority  Selling  Holders)  and  (ii)  any
additional local counsel reasonably required to assist such primary counsel, but
excluding any such fees (but not expenses)  that exceed  $25,000.  To the extent
that any such excess fees are attributable to the exercise by Pegasystems of its
registration  postponement  rights under Section  7.1(c) or the  occurrence of a
stop order,  non-routine  post-effective  amendment or other  deviation from the
normal course of a registered  offering of securities  such excess fees shall be
additional to such aforementioned $25,000 and shall be borne by Pegasystems.

     "Stock  Purchase  Rights"  shall  mean  any  options,   warrants  or  other
securities or rights to subscribe to or  exercisable  for the purchase of shares
of  Non-Preferred  Stock or Convertible  Securities,  whether or not immediately

     "Subsidiary"  shall mean,  with respect to any Person,  any  corporation or
other  entity  of which  at least  30% of the  outstanding  securities  or other
ownership interests having by the terms thereof ordinary voting power to elect a
majority of the board of directors or other Persons performing similar functions
(regardless  of whether at the time stock of any other  class or classes of such
corporation  or entity  shall have or might have  voting  power by reason of the
happening of any  contingency)  is at the time directly or  indirectly  owned or
controlled  by such  Person or one or more of its  Subsidiaries  unless  another
Person then owns or controls an equal or greater percentage of such


outstanding  securities or other ownership interests.  "Wholly Owned Subsidiary"
means any such  corporation  or other entity of which all of such  securities or
other ownership interests, other than director's qualifying shares, are so owned
or controlled.

     "Substitute Property" shall have the meaning set forth in Section 3.4.

     "Transfer" shall mean any disposition of any Warrant or Restricted Stock or
of any  interest in either  thereof,  which would  constitute  a "sale"  thereof
within the meaning of the Securities Act.

     "Warrant  Price"  shall mean an amount equal to (i) the number of shares of
Common Stock being  purchased upon exercise of this Warrant  pursuant to Section
2.1, multiplied by (ii) the Exercise Price as of the date of such exercise.

     "Warrants"  shall mean the  Original  Warrant and any  warrant  issued upon
permitted  transfer,  division or combination of, or in  substitution  for, such
Original  Warrant or any other such Warrant.  All Warrants shall at all times be
identical as to terms and conditions and date except for the number of shares of
Common Stock for which they may be exercised.


     2.1. Manner of Exercise.  (a) From time to time during the Exercise Period,
a Holder may exercise this Warrant,  on any Business Day, for all or any part of
the number of shares of Common Stock purchasable  hereunder  (subject to Section
2.2 below and provided that no exercise shall be for fewer than 10,000 shares of
Common Stock). In order to exercise this Warrant,  in whole or in part, a Holder
shall (i) deliver to Pegasystems (at the notice address  provided for in Section
13.2) a written  notice of the  Holder's  election to exercise  this Warrant (an
"Exercise  Notice"),  which Exercise Notice shall be irrevocable and specify the
number of shares of Common Stock to be purchased, together with this Warrant and
(ii) pay to  Pegasystems  the Warrant  Price as provided in Section 2.l(c) below
(the date on which both such  delivery and payment  shall have first taken place
being hereinafter  sometimes referred to as the "Exercise Date").  Such Exercise
Notice  shall be in the form of the  subscription  form  appearing at the end of
this  Warrant as Annex A, duly  executed  by the  Holder or its duly  authorized
agent or attorney.

     (b) Upon receipt of such Exercise Notice, Warrant and payment,  Pegasystems
shall,  as promptly as  practicable,  and in any event  within five (5) Business
Days thereafter,  cause to be executed and delivered to the Holder a certificate
or certificates representing the aggregate number of full shares of Common Stock
purchasable upon such exercise,  together with cash in lieu of any fraction of a
share (as provided in Section 2.2).  The stock  certificate or  certificates  so
delivered  shall  be,  to  the  extent   possible,   in  such   denomination  or
denominations as the exercising Holder shall reasonably  request in the Exercise
Notice and shall be  registered  in the name of the Holder or such other name as
shall be designated in the Exercise Notice. This Warrant shall be deemed to have
been exercised and such certificate or certificates shall be deemed to have been
issued,  and the Holder or any other Person so  designated  to be named  therein
shall be deemed to have become a holder of


record of such shares for all purposes, as of the Exercise Date. If this Warrant
shall have been exercised in part, Pegasystems shall, at the time of delivery of
the  certificate or certificates  representing  the shares of Common Stock being
issued,  deliver to the Holder a new Warrant evidencing the rights of the Holder
to purchase the  unpurchased  shares of Common Stock called for by this Warrant.
Such new Warrant shall in all other respects be identical with this Warrant.

     (c) Payment of the Warrant  Price shall be made at the option of the Holder
either (i) by delivery of a certified or official bank check or by wire transfer
to an account designated by Pegasystems, in either case in immediately available
funds in the amount of such Warrant Price, or (ii) by instructing Pegasystems to
withhold a number of shares of Common Stock then  purchasable  upon  exercise of
this  Warrant  with an  aggregate  Fair Value equal to such  Warrant  Price (the
"Cashless  Exercise  Option").  In the event of any such  withholding  of Common
Stock purchasable upon exercise of this Warrant where the number of shares whose
Fair Value is equal to the Warrant  Price is not a whole  number,  the number of
shares  withheld by  Pegasystems  shall be rounded up to the nearest whole share
and Pegasystems shall make a cash payment to the Holder based on the incremental
fraction of a share being so withheld by Pegasystems in an amount  determined in
accordance with Section 2.2.

     2.2.  Fractional  Shares.  Pegasystems shall not be required to deliver any
fractional  shares of Common  Stock upon  exercise  of this  Warrant.  As to any
fraction of a share that the Holder of this Warrant would  otherwise be entitled
to purchase upon any such exercise,  Pegasystems  shall pay a cash adjustment in
respect of such  fraction  in an amount  equal to the same  fraction of the Fair
Value of one share of Common Stock as of the Exercise Date.

     2.3. Continued Validity and Application. A Holder of shares of Common Stock
(or any Substitute  Property) issued upon the exercise of this Warrant, in whole
or in  part,  including  any  transferee  of such  shares  (or  such  Substitute
Property),  shall  continue,  with  respect to such  shares (or such  Substitute
Property),  to be  entitled  to all rights and to be subject to all  obligations
that are  applicable  to such Holder by the terms of this  Warrant (all of which
rights and  obligations  shall survive the exercise of this Warrant),  including
without  limitation the provisions of Section 7. Pegasystems  shall, at the time
of any  exercise  of this  Warrant  or any  transfer  of such  Common  Stock (or
Substitute Property),  upon the request of such Holder,  acknowledge in writing,
in form and substance  reasonably  satisfactory to such Holder, their continuing
obligations  to afford to such Holder such  rights  referred to in this  Section
2.3; provided, however, that if such Holder shall fail to make any such request,
such failure shall not affect the continuing obligation of Pegasystems to afford
to such Holder all such rights.


     The number of shares of Common Stock for which this Warrant is exercisable,
and the price at which  such  shares  may be  purchased  upon  exercise  of this
Warrant, shall be adjusted from time to


time as set forth in this Section 3.

     3.1. Stock Dividends,  Subdivisions and Combinations.  If at any time after
the Original Issue Date Pegasystems shall:

          (i) take a record of the  holders of its Common  Stock for the purpose
     of entitling them to receive a dividend  payable in, or other  distribution
     of, additional shares of Common Stock

          (ii)  subdivide its  outstanding  shares of Common Stock into a larger
     number of shares of such Common Stock, or

          (iii)  combine its  outstanding  shares of Common Stock into a smaller
     number of shares of such  Common  Stock

then the  Exercise  Price shall be adjusted to equal the product of the Exercise
Price in effect  immediately  prior to such event multiplied by a fraction,  the
numerator of which is equal to the number of shares of Fully Diluted Outstanding
Common Stock immediately prior to the adjustment and the denominator of which is
equal  to the  number  of  shares  of Fully  Diluted  Outstanding  Common  Stock
immediately after such adjustment. The adjustments described in this Section 3.1
shall be made  whenever  any of the  events  set forth  herein  occurs and shall
become  effective  immediately  after  the  effective  date of any  such  event,
retroactive  to the record date  therefor  with  respect to any exercise of this
Warrant after such record date.

     3.2.  Distributions of Evidences of Indebtedness or Other Assets. (a) If at
any time after the Original Issue Date Pegasystems  shall issue or transfer as a
dividend or  distribution  to the holders of the Common  Stock  evidences of its
indebtedness or other assets  (including  securities of Pegasystems or any other
issuer but excluding (i) any dividend paid in cash out of earnings or out of any
surplus legally  available for dividends  under the laws of the  jurisdiction in
which  Pegasystems is  incorporated  at the time of such dividend (other than an
extraordinary or special dividend) and (ii) any dividend or distribution subject
to Section 3.1),  then the Exercise Price shall be adjusted to equal the product
of  the  Exercise  Price  in  effect  immediately  prior  to  such  distribution
multiplied by a fraction,  the numerator of which is equal to the Fair Value per
share of the Common Stock as of the record date for such  distribution  less the
Fair  Distribution  Value  per  share  of  Common  Stock  of  the  evidences  of
indebtedness  or other assets  distributed and the denominator of which is equal
to the Fair Value per share of the Common Stock as of such record date.

     (b) If at any time after the Original Issue Date Pegasystems shall issue or
transfer  as a  dividend  or  distribution  to  the  holders  of  any  class  of
Non-Preferred  Stock other than Common Stock  evidences of its  indebtedness  or
other  assets  (including  securities  of  Pegasystems  or any other  issuer but
excluding  (i) any  dividend  paid in cash out of earnings or out of any surplus
legally  available for  dividends  under the laws of the  jurisdiction  in which
Pegasystems  is  incorporated  at the  time  of  such  dividend  (other  than an
extraordinary or special dividend) and (ii) any dividend or distribution subject


to Section 3.1),  then the Exercise Price shall be adjusted to equal the product
of  the  Exercise  Price  in  effect  immediately  prior  to  such  distribution
multiplied by a fraction,  the numerator of which is equal to the Fair Value per
share of the Common  Stock as of the  "ex-dividend"  date for such  dividend  or
distribution  and the  denominator of which is equal to the Fair Value per share
of the Common Stock immediately prior to such "ex-dividend" date.

     (c) The adjustments described in this Section shall be made whenever any of
the events set forth herein occurs and shall become effective  immediately after
the effective  date of any such event,  retroactive  to the record date therefor
with respect to any exercise of this Warrant after such record date.

     3.3. Adjustment of Number of Shares Purchasable. Upon any adjustment of the
Exercise Price as provided in Section 3.1 or 3.2, the Holder shall thereafter be
entitled to purchase  upon the exercise of this Warrant,  at the Exercise  Price
resulting from such adjustment, the number of shares of Common Stock (calculated
to the nearest 1/lOOth of a share) obtained by multiplying the Exercise Price in
effect  immediately  prior to such  adjustment by the number of shares of Common
Stock  purchasable on the exercise hereof  immediately  prior to such adjustment
and  dividing  the product  thereof by the Exercise  Price  resulting  from such

     3.4. Reorganization, Reclassification, Merger, Consolidation or Disposition
of  Assets.  If at any time after the  Original  Issue  Date  Pegasystems  shall
reorganize its capital,  reclassify its capital stock  consolidate or merge with
or into another  corporation  (where  Pegasystems is not the surviving entity or
where there is any change  whatsoever in, or  distribution  with respect to, the
outstanding Common Stock of Pegasystems), or sell, transfer or otherwise dispose
of all or  substantially  all of its  property,  assets or  business  to another
Person  and,  pursuant  to the terms of such  reorganization,  reclassification,
merger,  consolidation or disposition of assets,  shares of capital stock of the
successor or acquiring entity or of Pegasystems (if it is the surviving  entity)
or any cash or other securities or property of any nature whatsoever  (including
warrants or other subscription or purchase rights)  ("Substitute  Property") are
to be received by or  distributed  to the holders of Common Stock of Pegasystems
who are holders  immediately  prior to such  transaction then the Holder of this
Warrant  shall have the right  thereafter  to  receive,  upon  exercise  of this
Warrant  in  accordance  with  Section  2, the  amount  of  Substitute  Property
receivable  as  a  result  of  such  reorganization,  reclassification,  merger,
consolidation  or  disposition  of assets by a holder of the number of shares of
Common Stock for which this  Warrant is  exercisable  immediately  prior to such
event.  In such event,  the aggregate  Exercise  Price payable for the shares of
Common Stock purchasable upon exercise of this Warrant immediately prior to such
event (as it may be adjusted)  shall be allocated  among the items of Substitute
Property  receivable  as a  result  of  such  reorganization,  reclassification,
merger,  consolidation  or  disposition  of assets  (and,  to the  extent  still
applicable,  the shares of Common Stock for which this  Warrant was  exercisable
immediately  prior to such  transaction)  in proportion to the  respective  fair
market  values of such items of  Substitute  Property (and such shares of Common
Stock) as determined in good faith by the Board of Directors or Chief  Financial
Officer  of  Pegasystems,  subject  to the  right  of the  Majority  Holders  to
challenge   such   allocation   under   Section   13.8.  In  case  of  any  such
reorganization, reclassification, merger, consolidation or disposition of


assets,  the  successor or acquiring  entity (if other than  Pegasystems)  shall
expressly  assume the due and punctual  observance  and  performance of each and
every  covenant and  condition  of this Warrant to be performed  and observed by
Pegasystems  and all  the  obligations  and  liabilities  hereunder  (including,
without   limitation,   its  obligations  under  Section  7),  subject  to  such
modifications as may be reasonably  agreed upon by Pegasystems (or the successor
or  acquiring  entity)  and  the  Majority  Holders  in  order  to  provide  for
appropriate  antidilution  adjustments  with  respect to any  equity  securities
included in such Substitute Property, which modifications shall be as equivalent
as practicable to the adjustments provided for in this Section 3. Alternatively,
upon the request of the Holder of this Warrant  accompanied  by the surrender of
this Warrant,  such successor or acquiring  entity shall issue in its own name a
new Warrant  reflecting  such  modifications.  The foregoing  provisions of this
Section shall similarly apply to successive  reorganizations,  reclassification,
mergers, consolidations or disposition of assets.

     3.5. Other Dilutive  Events.  In case any event shall occur as to which the
other  provisions of this Section 3 are not strictly  applicable but as to which
the failure to make any adjustment  would not fairly protect the purchase rights
represented  by this  Warrant  in  accordance  with  the  essential  intent  and
principles  hereof,  then,  upon the written  request of the  Majority  Holders,
Pegasystems shall determine what adjustments, if any, are required to be made to
the Exercise  Price and/or the number of shares of Common  Stock  issuable  upon
exercise of this Warrant on a basis  consistent  with the  essential  intent and
principles established herein as a result of such event in order to preserve the
purchase rights represented by this Warrant,  which  determination shall be made
by the Board of Directors or Chief Financial Officer of Pegasystems. Pegasystems
shall give the Holders written notice of such  determination  within thirty (30)
days  after  receipt of the  request of the  Majority  Holders,  which  Majority
Holders shall have the right to challenge such determination pursuant to Section
13.8.  Pegasystems  shall  promptly take any actions  necessary to implement the
adjustments provided for in its determination or, in the event of a challenge to
such  determination  by the Majority  Holders,  the  determination  agreed to by
Pegasystems and such Majority  Holders or the  determination  of the Independent
Financial Expert that results from the procedures contemplated in Section 13.8.

     3.6. Other  Provisions  Applicable to Adjustments  under this Section.  The
following  provisions  shall  be  applicable  to the  adjustments  provided  for
pursuant to this Section 3:

          (a) When  Adjustment  to Be Made.  The  adjustments  required  by this
     Section  3 shall  be made  whenever  and as often  as any  specified  event
     requiring an adjustment shall occur. For the purpose of any adjustment, any
     specified  event shall be deemed to have  occurred at the close of business
     on the date of its occurrence.

          (b) Fractional Interests.  In computing adjustments under this Section
     3, fractional  interests in Common Stock shall be taken into account to the
     nearest 1/lOOth of a share.

          (c) When Adjustment Not Required.  If Pegasystems  shall take a record
     of the  holders of its Common  Stock for the purpose of  entitling  them to
     receive a dividend or  distribution  and shall,  thereafter  and before the
     distribution to stock-holders thereof, legally


     abandon  its plan to pay or deliver  such  dividend or  distribution,  then
     thereafter no adjustment  shall be required by reason of the taking of such
     record and any such adjustment  previously made in respect thereof shall be
     rescinded and annulled.

          (d)  Certain  Limitations.  Notwithstanding  anything  herein  to  the
     contrary,  Pegasystems  agrees not to enter into any  transaction  that, by
     reason of any  adjustment  under this  Section 3, would cause the  Exercise
     Price to be less  than the par  value of the  Common  Stock if any,  unless
     Pegasystems first reduces the par value of the Common Stock to be less than
     the Exercise Price that would result from such transaction.

          (e)  Notice of  Adjustments.  Whenever  the number of shares of Common
     Stock for which this Warrant is  exercisable or the Exercise Price shall be
     adjusted  pursuant to this Section 3, Pegasystems shall forthwith prepare a
     certificate  to be  executed  by the Chief  Financial  Officer  or  General
     Counsel of  Pegasystems  setting  forth,  in reasonable  detail,  the event
     requiring  the  adjustment  and the  method by which  such  adjustment  was
     calculated,  specifying the number of shares of Common Stock for which this
     Warrant is exercisable and (if such adjustment was made pursuant to Section
     3.6)  describing  the  number  and kind  of any  other  shares  of stock or
     Substitute Property for which this Warrant is exercisable,  and any related
     change in the Exercise  Price,  after giving  effect to such  adjustment or
     change.  Pegasystems shall promptly cause a signed copy of such certificate
     to be delivered to each Holder in accordance with Section 13.2.

          (f)  Record  Date.  In case  Pegasystems  shall  take a record  of the
     holders  of its  Common  Stock for the  purpose  of  entitling  them (i) to
     receive a dividend or other  distribution  payable in  Non-Preferred  Stock
     Convertible Securities or Stock Purchase Rights or (ii) to subscribe for or
     purchase  Non-Preferred  Stock  Convertible  Securities  or Stock  Purchase
     Rights,  then all  references in this Section 3 to the date of the issuance
     or sale of such shares of  Non-Preferred  Stock  Convertible  Securities or
     Stock Purchase Rights shall be deemed to be references to such record date.

          (g) Maximum  Exercise Price.  Except as provided in Section 3.1 above,
     at no time shall the  Exercise  Price per share of Common  Stock exceed the
     amount set forth in the first paragraph of the preamble of this Warrant.


     Pegasystems  shall  not,  by any  action,  including,  without  limitation,
amending its charter documents or through any reorganization,  reclassification,
transfer  of  assets,  consolidation,  merger,  dissolution,  issue  or  sale of
securities or any other  similar  voluntary  action,  avoid or seek to avoid the
observance or performance of any of the terms of this Warrant,  but shall at all
times in good  faith  assist in the  carrying  out of all such  terms and in the
taking of all such  actions as may be necessary  or  appropriate  to protect the
rights of the Holder hereunder against impairment. Without limiting the


generality of the  foregoing,  Pegasystems  shall take all such action as may be
necessary or appropriate in order that it may validly and legally  deliver fully
paid and nonassessable shares of Common Stock to the Holder upon the exercise of
this Warrant,  free and clear of all liens and encumbrances. 


     From and after the  Original  Issue  Date,  Pegasystems  shall at all times
reserve and keep available for issuance to the Holder  pursuant to such exercise
such number of its  authorized  but  unissued  shares of Common Stock as will be
sufficient to permit the exercise in full of this Warrant.  All shares of Common
Stock  purchasable  pursuant to the terms hereof,  when  delivered to the Holder
upon exercise of this Warrant with payment therefor in accordance with the terms
hereof,  shall be duly and validly issued and fully paid and nonassessable,  not
subject  to  preemptive  rights  and  shall be free and  clear of all  liens and


     6.1. Warrant Transfer  Procedures.  Subject to compliance with this Section
6, the  Holder of this  Warrant  shall be  entitled  to  transfer  or assign its
interest  in this  Warrant  in whole or in part to any of its  Affiliates.  Each
transfer of this Warrant and all rights  hereunder  shall be  registered  on the
books to be maintained  by or on behalf of  Pegasystems  for such purpose,  upon
surrender  of this Warrant at the  Designated  Office,  together  with a written
assignment  of this  Warrant in the form of Annex B hereto duly  executed by the
Holder or its agent or attorney.  Upon such surrender and delivery,  Pegasystems
shall,  subject to Section 6.3, execute and deliver a new Warrant or Warrants in
the name of the assignee or assignees and in the denominations specified in such
instrument  of  assignment,  and  shall  issue  to the  assignor  a new  Warrant
evidencing  the portion of this Warrant not so assigned  and this Warrant  shall
promptly be canceled. A Warrant, if properly assigned in compliance with Section
6.3,  may be  exercised  by the new Holder for the  purchase of shares of Common
Stock without having a new Warrant issued in its name.

     6.2.  Division and  Combination.  Subject to compliance with the applicable
provisions of this  Warrant,  this Warrant may be divided or combined with other
Warrants without cost to the Holder thereof upon presentation of this Warrant at
the Designated  Office,  together with a written notice specifying the names and
denominations  in which new Warrants  are to be issued,  signed by the Holder or
its agent or attorney.  Subject to compliance with the applicable  provisions of
this  Warrant as to any  transfer  which may be  involved  in such  division  or
combination,  Pegasystems shall execute and deliver a new Warrant or Warrants in
exchange  for the Warrant or  Warrants  to be divided or combined in  accordance
with such notice.

     6.3.  Restrictions  on  Transfer.  (a)  Prior  to the  commencement  of the
Exercise Period, this Warrant may not be assigned, pledged or Transferred by any
Holder  to any  Person  other  than  an  Affiliate  of  FDR  (or  its  or  their


     (b) Whether  prior to the  commencement  of or during the Exercise  Period,
neither this Warrant nor any shares of Restricted Stock issued upon the exercise
hereof shall be  Transferred  other than  pursuant to an effective  registration
statement  under  the  Securities  Act or an  exemption  from  the  registration
provisions  thereof and in compliance with any applicable state securities laws.
No Transfer of this Warrant or any such shares of Restricted Stock to any Person
(other than (i) a Transfer pursuant to such an effective  registration statement
under the Securities Act or (ii) a Transfer to an Affiliate of the  transferring
Holder of such securities in compliance with the  requirements  set forth below)
shall be valid or  effective  unless such Holder  shall have first  delivered to
Pegasystems  a legal  opinion  reasonably  satisfactory  to  Pegasystems  (which
opinion may be given by either  in-house or outside  counsel  with  expertise in
such  securities  laws) to the effect that the proposed  Transfer is exempt from
the  registration  requirements  of  the  Securities  Act  and  that  any  state
securities  laws  requirements  applicable to such  Transfer are being  complied
with. A Transfer of this Warrant or such shares of Restricted  Stock may be made
by any Holder thereof to an Affiliate of such Holder without  delivery of such a
legal opinion if such  Affiliate  shall first have  delivered to  Pegasystems an
officer's certificate signed by a senior officer of such Affiliate to the effect
that such  Affiliate is acquiring such  securities  for investment  only and not
with a view to distribution  thereof  (excluding a possible Transfer pursuant to
available  exemptions  under  applicable  federal  and state  securities  laws);
provided  that if  within  five (5)  Business  Days  after the  receipt  of such
certificate  Pegasystems  notifies the transferring  Holder that Pegasystems has
reasonably  determined  in good faith,  after  consultation  with  counsel  with
expertise in the  applicable  securities  laws,  that a substantial  uncertainty
exists as to whether the proposed  Transfer of such securities to such Affiliate
is exempt from the  registration  requirements of the Securities Act or complies
with any  applicable  state  securities  laws, the  transferring  Holder may not
complete  the  proposed  Transfer to such  Affiliate  unless  such Holder  first
delivers to Pegasystems a legal opinion  reasonably  satisfactory to Pegasystems
(which opinion may be given by either in-house or outside counsel expert in such
securities  laws) to the effect  that the  proposed  Transfer is exempt from the
registration  requirements  of the Securities Act and that any applicable  state
securities laws requirements are being complied with. Each certificate,  if any,
evidencing such shares of Restricted Stock issued upon any such Transfer,  other
than in a public offering pursuant to an effective registration statement, shall
bear the restrictive  legend set forth in Section 6.4(a) below, and each Warrant
issued upon such Transfer shall bear the restrictive legend set forth in Section
6.4(b), unless the Holder delivers to Pegasystems a legal opinion (which opinion
may be given by either  in-house  or  outside  counsel  with  expertise  in such
securities laws) reasonably  satisfactory to Pegasystems to the effect that such
legend is not required for the purposes of compliance  with the  Securities  Act
and any applicable state securities laws. Holders of a Warrant or the Restricted
Stock,  as the case may be,  shall not be entitled to Transfer  such  Warrant or
such Restricted Stock except in accordance with this Section 6.3(b).

     6.4.  Restrictive Legends. (a) Except as otherwise provided in this Section
6, each  certificate for Restricted  Stock initially issued upon the exercise of
this Warrant, and each certificate for Restricted Stock issued to any subsequent
transferee of any such certificate, shall be stamped or otherwise imprinted with
a legend in substantially the following form:



     (b) Except as otherwise  provided in this Section 6, each Warrant  shall be
stamped or otherwise  imprinted  with a legend in  substantially  the  following


     6.5.  Termination  of  Securities  Law  Restrictions.  Notwithstanding  the
foregoing  provisions  of this  Section 6, the  restrictions  imposed by Section
6.3(b) on the  transferability  of this  Warrant  and  Restricted  Stock and the
legend  requirements of Section 6.4 shall terminate as to any particular Warrant
or shares of  Restricted  Stock when  Pegasystems  shall have  received from the
Holder thereof a legal opinion reasonably satisfactory to the Pegasystems to the
effect that such legend is not required in order to ensure  compliance  with the
Securities  Act  or  any  applicable  state   securities   laws.   Whenever  the
restrictions  imposed by Sections 6.3(b) shall terminate as to this Warrant,  as
hereinabove  provided,  the Holder  hereof  shall be  entitled  to receive a new
Warrant  bearing the  following  legend in place of the  restrictive  legend set
forth  hereon: 

          CONTAINED  IN  SECTIONS   6.3(b)  AND  6.4   TERMINATED   ON
          _____________,  _________,  AND ARE OF NO FURTHER  FORCE AND

Each Warrant  issued upon  registration  of transfer of any Warrant  entitled to
bear such legend  shall have a similar  legend  endorsed  thereon.  Wherever the
restrictions  imposed  by  this  Section  shall  terminate  as to any  share  of
Restricted Stock as hereinabove  provided,  the Holder thereof shall be entitled
to receive a new  certificate  representing  such  Common  Stock not bearing the
restrictive legend set forth in Section 6.4(a).


     6.6.  Maintenance  of  Books.   Pegasystems  agrees  to  maintain,  at  the
Designated Office, books for the registration and transfer of this Warrant.

     6.7. Rule 144 Current  Information.  Pegasystems shall use its best efforts
to at all times make public information available and to take such other actions
as the  Holders of this  Warrant or shares of  Restricted  Stock may  reasonably
request so as to afford such Holders the benefits of Rule 144 in connection with


     7.1. Demand Registration Rights.

     (a) Demand  Registration.  At any time  during  the  Exercise  Period,  the
Holders of all of the outstanding  Registrable  Securities ("Demanding Holders")
may give Pegasystems  written notice that such Demanding  Holders desire to sell
Registrable  Securities  in  a  transaction  involving  a  public  distribution.
Promptly  after receipt of such notice,  Pegasystems  and the Demanding  Holders
shall  discuss  the  feasibility  of  arranging  for a sale of such  Registrable
Securities  pursuant  to Rule 144 that would  enable such  Demanding  Holders to
dispose of such Registrable  Securities within a single thirty-day  distribution
period commencing not later than thirty (30) days after the date of such written
notice and with respect to which the Demanding  Holders would not be required to
register and would be permitted to freely sell such Registrable Securities under
any applicable  state  securities  laws (a  "Non-Registered  Distribution").  If
required  as  a  condition  to  the   availability   of  Rule  144  for  such  a
Non-Registered  Distribution,  the Holders shall  utilize the Cashless  Exercise
Option in acquiring the Registrable Securities to be sold in such Non-Registered
Distribution.  However,  the  Demanding  Holders may at any time  following  the
initiation  of such  discussions  request in writing (a "Demand  Request")  that
Pegasystems  file  with  the  Commission  a  registration  statement  under  the
Securities Act for a public offering of such  Registrable  Securities (a "Demand
Registration")  and  Pegasystems  shall be  obligated  to prepare  and file such
registration  statement  on the terms and  conditions  set forth  below  unless,
within  ten (10) days  after the  receipt of such  Demand  Request,  Pegasystems
either (i) (A) delivers to the Demanding Holders an unqualified  opinion in form
and substance  reasonably  satisfactory  to the Demanding  Holders of nationally
recognized  counsel  reasonably  satisfactory to the Demanding  Holders and with
expertise in securities laws concluding that the Demanding  Holders may sell the
Registrable  Securities  subject  to  the  Demand  Request  in a  Non-Registered
Distribution without violating and in accordance with applicable securities laws
and (B) agrees to indemnify such Demanding  Holders against any Damages suffered
or incurred by such Demanding Holders directly or indirectly resulting from such
opinion  proving to be  incorrect in whole or in part or (ii) elects to exercise
its Call Right with respect to such  Registrable  Securities.  If the conditions
described  in  either  clause  (i) or (ii) of the  preceding  sentence  are met,
Pegasystems  shall have no  obligation  to take any  further  action  under this
Section 7 with respect to such Demand Request.  Notwithstanding any provision to
the contrary contained herein,  Pegasystems shall have no obligation to effect a
Demand Registration unless all Registrable Securities are included therein.


     (b) Notice of Request for Registration. Within ten (10) days after delivery
of a Demand Request, Pegasystems shall give notice of such Demand Request to all
Holders of Registrable  Securities and shall include in such Demand Registration
all  Registrable  Securities  with  respect to which  Pegasystems  has  received
written  requests from such Holders for inclusion  within  fifteen (15) Business
Days after such notice is given.  All  requests  for  inclusion  of  Registrable
Securities  pursuant to this  Section  7.1 (b),  as well as the  initial  Demand
Request,  shall specify the aggregate  number of the  Registrable  Securities of
each Holder to be  registered  and also shall  specify the  intended  methods of
disposition thereof (including without limitation whether such offering is to be
an underwritten offering).

     (c)  Pegasystem's  Right  to  Postpone  Registration.  In  the  event  that
Pegasystems  receives a Demand Request  during the Lock-Up Period  applicable to
any underwritten  registered offering of Common Stock Convertible  Securities or
Stock Purchase  Rights (so long as Pegasystems has complied with its obligations
under Section 7.2 in respect of such offering), Pegasystems shall have the right
to postpone the Demand Registration until the expiration of such Lock-Up Period.
In  addition  Pegasystems  shall  have the right to  postpone  the filing of any
Demand  Registration  for a  reasonable  period not to exceed 120 days if at any
time  prior to such  filing  (A)  Pegasystems  has  decided  to  effect a public
offering of Non-Preferred Stock Convertible  Securities or Stock Purchase Rights
or (B) if  Pegasystems's  Board of  Directors  or Chief  Financial  Officer  has
reasonably  determined in good faith that the disclosures required to be made in
such Demand  Registration  or the sale of the  Registrable  Securities  pursuant
thereto would  prejudice in any significant  respect any significant  financing,
acquisition or other  transaction  then pending or planned by Pegasystems or any
of its Subsidiaries. Pegasystems shall give the Demanding Holders written notice
of any such  postponement,  which notice shall be  accompanied  by a certificate
signed  by the  Chief  Financial  Officer  or  General  Counsel  of  Pegasystems
certifying as to the existence of the prerequisites for such  postponement.  The
Demanding Holders may withdraw their Demand Request at any time between the date
of such notice and the end of the applicable  postponement period, in which case
no Demand  Registration shall be deemed to have occurred pursuant to such Demand
Request for the purposes of paragraph (d) below. If the Demand Request is not so
withdrawn upon  expiration of the applicable  postponement  period,  Pegasystems
shall proceed with the requested Demand Registration on the terms and conditions
set forth below.  Pegasystems  may exercise  its  postponement  right under this
paragraph  (c) only once with  respect to any  Demand  Request.  If  Pegasystems
postpones a Demand Registration with respect to which a Demand Request was given
prior to the  expiration of the Exercise  Period and such Demand  Request is not
withdrawn  by the  Demanding  Holders,  the  Exercise  Period  shall be extended
automatically until the expiration of the registration period provided for below
or,  if  greater,  by a  number  of  days  equal  to the  number  of days in the
postponement period.

     (d)  Holders  Limited  to One  Demand  Registration.  Pegasystems  shall be
obligated to effect no more than one Demand  Registration in total. For purposes
of the  preceding  sentence,  registration  shall  not be  deemed  to have  been
effected (i) unless a  registration  statement  with respect  thereto has become
effective,  (ii) if after such registration statement has become effective, such
registration  or  the  related  offer,   sale  or  distribution  of  Registrable
Securities thereunder is interfered with by any stop order,  injunction or other
order or requirement of the Commission or other governmental agency or


court  for  any  reason  not  attributable  to  the  Selling  Holders  and  such
interference is not thereafter  eliminated or (iii) if the conditions to closing
specified in the underwriting agreement, if any, entered into in connection with
such registration are not satisfied or waived, other than by reason of a failure
on the part of the Selling  Holders.  Subject to the  foregoing,  if Pegasystems
shall have complied with its obligations under this Section 7, a right to demand
a  registration  pursuant  to this  Section  7.1  shall be  deemed  to have been
satisfied  upon the  earlier of (x) the date as of which all of the  Registrable
Securities  included  therein  shall  have  been  disposed  of  pursuant  to the
registration  statement  and (y) the date as of which such  Demand  Registration
shall have been Continuously Effective for a period of 60 days, provided that if
any Registrable Securities remain unsold as of the end of such 60-day period for
reasons  beyond the  reasonable  control of the Selling  Holders,  such  Selling
Holders may by written notice to Pegasystems  abandon such Demand  Registration,
in which case the  Holders of  Registrable  Securities  shall be entitled to one
additional  Demand  Registration  under this  Section 7.1 (but in no event shall
Pegasystems  be  required  to  effect  more  than  one  such  additional  Demand
Registration)  but  only if such  Selling  Holders  first  agree in  writing  to
promptly  reimburse  Pegasystems  for  all  Registration  Expenses  incurred  by
Pegasystems in connection with such additional Demand Registration.

     (e)  Effective  Registration  Expenses.  Subject to the proviso in the last
sentence of  paragraph  (d) above,  in any  registration  initiated  as a Demand
Registration,  Pegasystems will pay all Registration Expenses whether or not the
registration has become effective.

     (f) Priority on Demand  Registrations.  If the managing  underwriters  of a
Demand Registration,  in good faith, advise Pegasystems in writing that in their
opinion the number of securities proposed to be sold in such Demand Registration
exceeds  the number  that can be sold in such  offering  or that such  number of
securities could only be sold if the selling price anticipated to be received by
the Selling Holders would have to be reduced,  Pegasystems  will include in such
Demand  Registration (i) first, the Registrable  Securities of the Holders,  pro
rata  among  the  Holders  on the basis of the  number of shares of  Registrable
Securities  then owned by them,  after assuming the exercise of the  outstanding
Warrants;  (ii) second,  any securities to be issued and sold by Pegasystems and
(iii)  last,  any  securities  held by all other  Persons,  pro rata  among such
Persons on the basis of the number of shares  proposed  to be so  registered  by

     (g)  Limitations  on Right of  Pegasystems or Other Persons to Piggyback on
Demand  Registrations.  Neither  Pegasystems  nor any  Person  owning any of its
securities (other than the Holders of Warrants and Common Stock purchasable upon
exercise of the Warrants)  shall have the right to include any of  Pegasystems's
securities in a registration  statement initiated as a Demand Registration under
this  Section  7.1,  unless  (i) such  securities  are of the same  class as the
Registrable  Securities being registered and (ii) if such Demand Registration is
an underwritten offering,  Pegasystems or such Persons, as applicable,  agree in
writing to sell their  securities  on the same terms and  conditions as apply to
the  Registrable  Securities  being sold.  If any Persons  owning  securities of
Pegasystems (other than the Holders of Registrable  Securities in such capacity)
register securities of Pegasystems in a Demand Registration,  such Persons shall
pay the fees and expenses of counsel to such Persons and their pro rata share of
the Registration Expenses if the Registration Expenses are


not paid by Pegasystems for any reason.  Pegasystems covenants that it shall not
grant any  registration  rights to any Person which rights would  conflict or be
inconsistent with the provisions of this Section 7.1(g).

     (h) Selection of Underwriters  and Counsel,  Etc. If a Demand  Registration
involves an  underwritten  offering:  (i) the Majority  Selling Holders shall be
entitled to select the managing underwriter to administer the offering,  subject
to the  approval  of  Pegasystems  (which  approval  shall  not be  unreasonably
withheld) and (ii) the Majority  Selling  Holders shall have the right to select
the counsel to represent the Selling Holders.  The  underwriting  agreements for
any  Registration  involving an  underwritten  offering  shall  require that the
underwriters purchase all Warrants properly included by the Selling Holders in a
Demand  Registration at the closing of the public offering,  at a purchase price
equal to the aggregate  public  offering  price for the  Registrable  Securities
covered by such  Warrants less the aggregate  Exercise  Price  therefor and less
applicable underwriters' discounts and commissions.

     7.2. Piggyback Registration. If Pegasystems proposes or is required to file
a registration statement under the Securities Act with respect to an offering by
Pegasystems for its own account and/or for the account of others of any class of
equity security (including any Convertible Securities or Stock Purchase Rights),
other than a  registration  statement  on Form S4 or Form S-8 (or any  successor
form)  or  filed  in  connection  with any  exchange  offer  or an  offering  of
securities  solely  to  Pegasystems  existing  stockholders  or  a  registration
statement  filed  pursuant to Section 7.1, then  Pegasystems  shall in each case
promptly give notice of such proposed filing to all Holders at least 10 Business
Days  before the  anticipated  filing  date,  and such  notice  shall offer such
Holders  the  opportunity  to  register  such  number of  shares of  Registrable
Securities  held by such Holders as such  Holders may request by written  notice
given to  Pegasystems  within 10 days after receipt of such notice (a "Piggyback
Registration");  provided  that  Pegasystems  may at any time  withdraw or cease
proceeding with any Piggyback  Registration  described in this Section 7.2 if it
shall at the same time withdraw or cease  proceeding  with the  registration  of
such other securities  originally  proposed to be registered.  Pegasystems shall
use  its  reasonable  best  efforts  to  cause  the  underwriter  of a  proposed
underwritten   offering  to  permit  such  Holders  to  include  the   specified
Registrable  Securities  of such Holders in such  offering on the same terms and
conditions  as  any  similar   securities  of  Pegasystems   included   therein.
Notwithstanding  the foregoing,  if the underwriter of such offering  delivers a
written opinion to the Holders that the number of securities which such Holders,
Pegasystems and any other Persons intend to include in such offering exceeds the
number that can be sold in such offering or that such number of securities could
only be sold if the selling price  anticipated  to be received  would have to be
reduced then the amount to be offered  shall be reduced,  first,  pro rata among
the Holders and any other Persons proposing to register securities (other than a
Person for whom  Pegasystems is making a required  registration) on the basis of
the number of shares proposed to be registered by them and,  second,  out of the
securities  proposed to be  registered  by  Pegasystems  or any Persons for whom
Pegasystems is making a required registration, to the extent necessary to reduce
the total  amount of  securities  to be included in such  offering to the amount
recommended by such managing underwriter.


     7.3.  Registration  Procedures.  If and whenever Pegasystems is required by
the  provisions  of this  Section 7 to effect or cause the  registration  of any
Registrable  Securities under the Securities Act,  Pegasystems will use its best
efforts to effect the registration  and the sale of such Registrable  Securities
in  accordance  with the intended  method of  disposition  thereof as quickly as
practicable;  provided,  that  Pegasystems  shall not be  required  to honor any
request  for  registration  under  Section  7.2 if such  request is  received by
Pegasystems  later  than 30  Business  Days  after  the date  Pegasystems  first
notifies  the  Holders  of  such  registration.  In  connection  with  any  such
registration Pegasystems will:

     (a)  within a  reasonable  time,  prepare  and file with the  Commission  a
registration  statement with respect to such Registrable  Securities and use its
best  efforts to cause such  registration  statement  to become  effective;  and
prepare and file with the Commission  such  amendments  and  supplements to such
registration  statement and  prospectus  used in connection  therewith as may be
necessary to keep such registration statement effective for a period of not less
than 60 days,  or such  shorter  period as may be  required  if all  Registrable
Securities  covered  by  such  registration  statement  are  sold  prior  to the
expiration  of said  60-day  period;  and  comply  with  the  provisions  of the
Securities Act with respect to the disposition of all securities covered by such
registration  statement  during  such  period in  accordance  with the  intended
methods of  disposition  by the sellers  thereof set forth in such  registration

     (b) prior to  filing a  registration  statement,  furnish  to each  Selling
Holder,  managing underwriter or agent, copies of such registration statement as
proposed to be filed, and thereafter such number of copies of such  registration
statement,  each  amendment and  supplement  thereto (in each case including all
exhibits  thereto),  the  prospectus  included  in  the  registration  statement
(including each preliminary prospectus) and such other documents as such Selling
Holder,  managing  underwriter or agent may reasonably request, and will furnish
to  the  managing  underwriter,   for  each  underwriter   participating  in  an
underwritten  offering,  one conformed  copy of such  registration  statement as
originally filed and each amendment thereto (including documents incorporated by
reference into the related prospectus);

     (c)  deliver  to  each  Selling  Holder  and  each   underwriter  or  agent
participating  in  such  offering,  without  charge,  as  many  copies  of  each
preliminary  prospectus  as such  Selling  Holder  or  underwriter  or agent may
reasonably request, and consent to the use of such copies for purposes permitted
by the Securities  Act;  deliver to each such Selling Holder and underwriter and
agent  participating in such offering,  without charge, from time to time during
the period when a prospectus  is required to be delivered  under the  Securities
Act, such number of copies of the  prospectus  (as  supplemented  or amended) as
such Selling Holder or such underwriter or agent may reasonably request;

     (d) use its best efforts  promptly to register or qualify such  Registrable
Securities under such other securities or blue sky laws of such jurisdictions as
any Selling Holder reasonably  requests and do any and all other acts and things
which may be reasonably  necessary or advisable to enable such Selling Holder to
consummate the disposition in such jurisdictions of the Registrable Securities


owned by such Selling Holder;  provided,  that for any such purpose  Pegasystems
will not be required to (i) qualify generally to do business in any jurisdiction
where it would not otherwise be required to qualify but for this Section 7.3(d),
(ii) subject  itself to taxation in any such  jurisdiction  or (iii)  consent to
general service of process in any such jurisdiction;

     (e) use its best  efforts  promptly  to cause  the  Registrable  Securities
covered by such registration statement to be registered with or approved by such
other governmental  agencies or authorities as may be necessary by virtue of the
business and operations of Pegasystems to enable the Selling  Holders thereof to
consummate the disposition of such Registrable Securities;

     (f) immediately notify the Selling Holders and the managing  underwriter or
agent, and confirm the notice in writing, (i) when a registration  statement, or
any  post-effective  amendment to such registration  statement shall have become
effective, or any supplement to the related prospectus or any amended prospectus
shall have been filed,  (ii) of the receipt of any comments from the Commission,
(iii) of any request by the  Commission to amend the  registration  statement or
amend or supplement the prospectus or for  additional  information,  (iv) of the
issuance by the Commission of any stop order suspending the effectiveness of the
registration  statement or of any order  preventing or suspending the use of any
preliminary  prospectus,  or of  the  suspension  of  the  qualification  of the
registered  securities  for  offering  or  sale in any  jurisdiction,  or of the
institution or threatening of any  proceedings  for any of such purposes and (v)
if at any  time  when a  prospectus  is  required  by the  Securities  Act to be
delivered  in  connection   with  sales  of  the   registered   securities   any
representation and warranty of Pegasystems contemplated by Section 7.3(g) ceases
to be true and correct;

     (g) if at any time when a prospectus is required by the  Securities  Act to
be delivered in connection with sales of the Warrants and Registrable Securities
any event shall occur or condition  exist as a result of which it is  necessary,
in the opinion of counsel for the Selling Holders,  counsel for the underwriters
or agents or  counsel  for  Pegasystems,  to amend  the  registration  statement
covering  such  Registrable  Securities  or  amend  or  supplement  the  related
prospectus in order that such prospectus will not include an untrue statement of
a material fact or omit to state a material fact  necessary in order to make the
statements therein not misleading in the light of the circumstances  existing at
the time it is  delivered to a purchaser,  or if it shall be  necessary,  in the
opinion  of any of such  counsel,  at any such time to amend  such  registration
statement or amend or supplement the related  prospectus in order to comply with
the requirements of the Securities Act, promptly prepare and file such amendment
or supplement  as may be necessary to correct such untrue  statement or omission
or to make such  registration  statement or the related  prospectus  comply with
such requirements;

     (h) use every  reasonable  effort to prevent the issuance of any stop order
suspending  the  effectiveness  of a  registration  statement  or of  any  order
preventing or suspending the use of any preliminary  prospectus and, if any such
order is issued, to obtain the lifting thereof at the earliest possible time;


     (i) not at any time file or make any amendment to a registration statement,
or any amendment of or supplement to a related prospectus  (including amendments
of the documents  incorporated by reference into such prospectus),  of which the
Selling  Holders  or the  managing  underwriter  or agent  shall  not have  been
previously  advised and furnished a copy, or to which such Selling Holders,  the
managing  underwriter  or  agent  or  counsel  for  any of the  foregoing  shall
reasonably object;

     (j) enter into customary agreements (including an underwriting agreement in
customary form) and take such other actions (including without limitation making
such representations and warranties to the Selling Holders, the underwriters and
agents, if any, in form,  substance and scope as are customarily made by issuers
to  underwriters  and agents in primary  underwritten  public  offerings) as are
reasonably  required in order to expedite or facilitate the  disposition of such
Registrable   Securities,   and  shall  use  its  best  efforts  to  cause  such
underwriters  to agree in such customary  agreements to purchase from any Holder
who so  requests  its  Warrants  in  connection  with such  underwritten  public
offering  (without  requiring any such Holder to exercise its Warrant for Common
Stock purchasable upon exercise of the Warrants);

     (k) make  available  for  inspection  by any Selling  Holder,  any managing
underwriter  or  agent  participating  in  any  disposition   pursuant  to  such
registration statement, and any attorney,  accountant or other agent retained by
any such Selling Holder, underwriter or agent (collectively,  the "Inspectors"),
all financial and other records, pertinent corporate documents and properties of
Pegasystems  (collectively,  the "Records") as shall be reasonably  necessary to
enable  them  to  exercise  their  due  diligence   responsibility,   and  cause
Pegasystems's  officers,  directors  and  employees  to supply  all  information
reasonably requested by any such Inspectors in connection with such registration
statement,  provided that Pegasystems shall not be required to disclose any such
Records to any Inspector  that has not executed a  confidentiality  agreement in
substantially the form attached as Annex C;

     (l) on the effective day of a registration  statement or, in the case of an
underwritten  offering,  on the date of delivery of the  Registrable  Securities
sold  pursuant  thereto,  cause to be delivered  to the Selling  Holders and the
underwriters  or agents,  if any,  opinions  of counsel for  Pegasystems,  which
counsel,  and  opinions  (in form,  scope  and  substance)  shall be  reasonably
satisfactory  to  counsel  for  the  Selling   Holders,   covering  the  matters
customarily  covered in opinions given to underwriters  in primary  underwritten
public  offerings;  immediately  prior to the  effectiveness  of a  registration
statement or, in the case of an underwritten  offering,  at the time of delivery
of any Registrable  Securities sold pursuant  thereto,  cause to be delivered to
the  Selling  Holders  and the  underwriters  or agents,  if any,  letters  from
Pegasystems's  independent public accountants  stating that such accountants are
independent public accountants with respect to Pegasystems within the meaning of
the Securities  Act, and otherwise in customary form and covering such financial
and accounting matters as are customarily  covered by letters of the independent
public  accountants  delivered in connection  with primary  underwritten  public

     (m) Each  Selling  Holder  agrees  that,  upon  receipt of any notice  from
Pegasystems of the


happening  of any event of the kind  described in Section  7.3(g),  such Selling
Holder will forthwith discontinue disposition of Registrable Securities pursuant
to the registration  statement  covering such Registrable  Securities until such
Holder's  receipt  of the  copies  of the  supplemented  or  amended  prospectus
contemplated by Section 7.3(g), and, if so directed by Pegasystems, such Selling
Holder will deliver to Pegasystems all copies,  other than permanent file copies
then in such  Selling  Holder's  possession,  of the  prospectus  covering  such
Registrable  Securities  current at the time of receipt of such  notice.  In the
event  Pegasystems  shall give any such  notice,  Pegasystems  shall  extend the
period during which such  registration  statement shall be maintained  effective
pursuant  to this  Agreement  by the number of days  during the period  from and
including  the date of the giving of such notice  pursuant to Section  7.3(g) to
and including  the date when each Selling  Holder shall have received the copies
of the supplemented or amended prospectus contemplated by Section 7.3(g).

     7.4.   Registration   Expenses.   All  reasonable   expenses   incident  to
Pegasystems's performance of compliance with Sections 7.1 through 7.4, including
without  limitation,  all  registration  and filing  fees,  fees and expenses of
compliance  with  securities  or blue sky laws  (including  reasonable  fees and
disbursements  of  counsel in  connection  with blue sky  qualifications  of the
Registrable  Securities),  rating  agency  fees,  printing  expenses  (including
without limitation,  expenses of printing prospectuses),  messenger and delivery
expenses,  internal expenses  (including,  without limitation,  all salaries and
expenses of its officers and employees  performing legal or accounting  duties),
the fees and expenses  incurred in connection with the listing of the securities
to be registered on each  securities  exchange on which this Agreement  requires
such  securities  to be  listed,  and  fees and  disbursements  of  counsel  for
Pegasystems and its independent certified public accountants  (including without
limitation the expenses of any special audit or "cold comfort"  letters required
by or incident to such performance), securities acts liability insurance (in the
event  Pegasystems  elects to obtain such  insurance),  the reasonable  fees and
expenses of any special experts  retained by Pegasystems in connection with such
registration,  reasonable  fees  and  expenses  of  other  Persons  retained  by
Pegasystems  and any Selling  Holders'  Counsel Fees incurred in connection with
each  registration  hereunder (but not including any  underwriting  discounts or
commissions  attributable  to the  sale of  Registrable  Securities)  (all  such
expenses collectively the "Registration Expenses") will be borne by Pegasystems;
provided that in the event that (i) Pegasystems  presents the Selling Holders in
any Demand  Registration  with a list of at least  three  nationally  recognized
underwriters  that have  participated  in  securities  offerings by  Pegasystems
within two years  prior to the date of the  related  Demand  Request or who have
undertaken  due  diligence  with  respect to  Pegasystems  during such period in
connection  with a merger,  acquisition or other type of  transaction,  together
with an estimate of the due  diligence  expenses  of each  underwriter  (and its
counsel) for the contemplated  underwriting,  (ii) such  underwriters are ready,
willing and able to effect the underwriting of the Registrable Securities at the
time  contemplated by the Selling Holders and (iii) the Majority Selling Holders
select a managing  underwriter  pursuant  to Section  7.1(h) that is not on such
list,  then the Selling  Holders  shall be required to pay the  incremental  due
diligence  expenses of the  underwriters  and their counsel  resulting from such

     7.5. Indemnification: Contribution.


     (a) Indemnification by Pegasystems. Pegasystems agrees to indemnify, to the
full extent permitted by law, each Selling Holder,  its officers,  directors and
agents and each  Person who  controls  such  Holder  (within  the meaning of the
Securities Act), and any investment  advisor thereof or agent therefor,  against
all losses, claims, penalties,  damages, liabilities and expenses (collectively,
"Damages")  caused by any untrue or alleged untrue  statement of a material fact
contained in any registration statement, prospectus or preliminary prospectus or
any omission or alleged omission to state therein a material fact required to be
stated therein or necessary to make the statements  made therein (in the case of
a prospectus,  in the light of the circumstances under which they were made) not
misleading,  except  insofar  as the  same are  caused  by or  contained  in any
information  with  respect  to such  Selling  Holder  furnished  in  writing  to
Pegasystems by such Selling Holder  expressly for use therein or by such Selling
Holder's failure to deliver a copy of the  registration  statement or prospectus
or any amendments or supplements thereto after Pegasystems has furnished or made
available  to such  Selling  Holder a  sufficient  number of copies of the same.
Pegasystems will also indemnify the underwriters of the Registrable  Securities,
their  officers and  directors  and each Person who controls  such  underwriters
(within the meaning of the Securities  Act) to the same extent as provided above
with  respect  to the  indemnification  of the  Selling  Holders.  Pegasystems's
indemnity set forth in the preceding sentences of this Section 7.5(a) is subject
to the condition that, insofar as such indemnity relates to any untrue statement
or omission or any alleged  untrue  statement or omission  made in a preliminary
prospectus but eliminated or remedied in a final prospectus,  it shall not inure
to the benefit of any Selling Holder, its officers,  directors and agents or any
Person who controls such Selling Holder,  if a copy of the final  prospectus was
not  delivered by the Selling  Holder to a Person  purchasing  from such Selling
Holder  and  asserting  the  claim  at or  prior  to the  time  required  by the
Securities  Act,  sufficient  copies of such final  prospectus were furnished or
made  available to such Selling  Holder and the delivery  thereof to such Person
would have constituted a defense to the claim asserted by such Person.

     (b) Indemnification by Selling Holders. In connection with any registration
statement in which a Selling  Holder is  participating,  each such Person hereby
indemnifies,  to the full extent permitted by law,  Pegasystems,  its directors,
officers and agents and each Person who controls Pegasystems (within the meaning
of the Securities Act) against any Damages  resulting from any untrue or alleged
untrue  statement of a material  fact or any  omission or alleged  omission of a
material fact required to be stated in the registration  statement or prospectus
or any  amendment  thereof  or  supplement  thereto  or  necessary  to make  the
statements  therein  (in  the  case  of  a  prospectus,  in  the  light  of  the
circumstances  under which they were made) not  misleading,  to the extent,  but
only to the extent,  that such untrue  statement or omission is contained in any
information  or  affidavit  with  respect to such  Selling  Holder  furnished in
writing by such Selling  Holder  expressly  for  inclusion in such  registration
statement or prospectus.

     (c)  Conduct  of  Indemnification   Proceedings.  Any  Person  entitled  to
indemnification  under this Section 7.5 agrees to give prompt  written notice to
the  indemnifying  party  after the  receipt by such Person of any notice of the
commencement of any action, suit,  proceeding or investigation or threat thereof
made in writing for which such Person will claim indemnification or contribution
pursuant  to this  Section  7.5 and,  unless in the  reasonable  judgment of the
indemnified party a conflict


of interest may exist between such indemnified party and the indemnifying  party
with respect to such claim,  permit the indemnifying  party to assume defense of
such  claim with  counsel  reasonably  satisfactory  to the  indemnified  party;
provided,  that the  failure  to so notify  such  indemnifying  party  shall not
relieve  such party  from any  liability  which it may have to such  indemnified
party  except to the extent that the failure to give  notice is  prejudicial  to
such indemnifying party. If the indemnifying party is not entitled to, or elects
not to, assume the defense of a claim,  it will not be obligated to pay the fees
and expenses of more than one counsel  (plus any required  local  counsel)  with
respect to such claim,  unless in the  reasonable  judgment of such  indemnified
party a conflict of interest may exist  between such  indemnified  party and any
other  indemnified  parties  represented  by such  counsel  with respect to such
claim, in which event the indemnifying  party shall be obligated to pay the fees
and disbursements of one additional counsel (and any required local counsel) for
the  indemnified  party subject to such conflict of interest.  The  indemnifying
party will not be subject to any liability for any  settlement  made without its
consent, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld.

     (d) Contribution.  If the indemnification  provided for in this Section 7.5
from the  indemnifying  party is unavailable to an indemnified  party  hereunder
(other than by reason of exception provided in Section 7.5(a) or (b)) in respect
of any Damages  referred to therein,  then the  indemnifying  party,  in lieu of
indemnifying  such  indemnified  party,  shall  contribute to the amount paid or
payable by such indemnified party as a result of such Damages in such proportion
as is appropriate to reflect the relative  fault of the  indemnifying  party and
the  indemnified  party in connection  with the actions  which  resulted in such
Damages,  as well as any other relevant equitable  considerations.  The relative
fault of such  indemnifying  party and indemnified  party shall be determined by
reference to, among other things, whether any action in question,  including any
untrue or alleged  untrue  statement  of a material  fact or omission or alleged
omission to state a material  fact,  has been made by, or related to information
supplied by, such indemnifying  party or indemnified  parties,  and the parties'
relative intent, knowledge,  access to information and opportunity to correct or
prevent such  statement or omission.  The amount paid or payable by a party as a
result of the Damages  referred to above shall be deemed to include,  subject to
the  limitations  set  forth in  Section  7.5(c),  any  legal or other  fees and
expenses  reasonably incurred by such party in connection with any investigation
or proceeding.  The parties hereto agree that it would not be just and equitable
if  contribution  pursuant to this Section  7.5(d) were  determined  by pro rata
allocation or by any other method of  allocation  which does not take account of
the equitable considerations referred to in the immediately preceding paragraph.
No Person guilty of fraudulent  misrepresentation (within the meaning of Section
11(f) of the Securities Act) shall be entitled to  contribution  from any Person
who was not guilty of such fraudulent  misrepresentation.  If indemnification is
available under this Section 7.5, the indemnifying  parties shall indemnify each
indemnified  party to the full extent provided in Section 7.5(a) and (b) without
regard to the relative fault of said indemnifying  party or indemnified party or
any other equitable consideration provided for in this Section 7.5(d).

     7.6. Participation in Underwritten Registrations. No Person may participate
in any underwritten registration hereunder unless such Person (a) agrees to sell
such Person's securities on the basis provided in any underwriting  arrangements
approved by the Persons entitled hereunder to


approve such arrangements and (b) completes and executes all powers of attorney,
underwriting  agreements and other documents reasonably required under the terms
of such  underwriting  arrangements.  Each Selling Holder  participating  in any
registration  under this Section 7 agrees not to use any materials in connection
with the sale of Registrable Securities pursuant to such registration other than
materials filed by Pegasystems  with the Commission or, after such  registration
becomes effective, otherwise publicly available.


     At any time between the receipt by  Pegasystems of a Demand Request and the
effective date of the related registration statement, Pegasystems shall have the
right (the "Call  Right") to purchase the  Registrable  Securities  sought to be
included by the Selling  Holders (or, if the Call Right is  exercised  within 10
days of such Demand Request, the Demanding Holders) in a Demand Registration, or
the  Warrants  under  which  such   Registrable   Securities  are  issuable  (as
applicable)  for a purchase  price (the "Call Price") equal to the Fair Value of
such  Registrable  Securities,  in each such case  determined  (i) if the Common
Stock is publicly  traded at the time,  in  accordance  with the  definition  of
"Current  Market Price" and (ii) otherwise as of the date of the applicable Call
Notice;  provided  that  to  the  extent  that  any  such  Warrants  are  to  be
repurchased,  the  applicable  Call Price  shall be reduced by the amount of the
Exercise  Price  then in effect.  Pegasystems  may  exercise  such Call Right by
giving  written  notice of such  exercise (a "Call  Notice")  to the  applicable
Holders at any time within the time period specified above. The Call Price shall
be paid by Pegasystems  to the applicable  Holders within five (5) Business Days
after the applicable  Call Price is determined by wire transfer to such accounts
as  shall  be  designated  by  such  Holders,  and  shall  be  accompanied  by a
certificate setting forth Pegasystems's calculation of the Call Price.


     Upon  receipt  by  Pegasystems  from  any  Holder  of  evidence  reasonably
satisfactory  to it of the  ownership  of and the loss,  theft,  destruction  or
mutilation  of  this  Warrant  and  an  indemnity  reasonably   satisfactory  to
Pegasystems  and, in case of mutilation upon surrender and  cancellation of this
Warrant,  Pegasystems  will  execute and deliver in lieu hereof a new Warrant of
like tenor to such  Holder;  provided,  however,  in the case of  mutilation  no
indemnity shall be required if this Warrant in identifiable  form is surrendered
to Pegasystems for cancellation.


     As long as this Warrant remains outstanding,  Pegasystems shall maintain an
office or agency (the "Designated Office"),  where this Warrant may be presented
for  exercise or  registration  of transfer  as provided in this  Warrant.  Such
Designated  Office  shall  initially  be the office of  Pegasystems  at ADDRESS,
Attention: TITLE. Pegasystems may from time to time change the Designated Office


to another  office  within the United  States by notice given to the  registered
holder of this Warrant at least ten (10)  Business  Days prior to the  effective
date of such change.


     Until the earlier of the expiration of the Exercise  Period or the Exercise
Date,  Pegasystems  shall deliver to the Holder of this Warrant one copy of each
annual  report,   proxy  statement  and  each  other  document   distributed  by
Pegasystems  generally to the holders of its Common Stock  concurrently with the
delivery thereof to such shareholders. In addition, Pegasystems shall deliver to
such  Holder  copies of any report on Form 10-K,  Form 10-Q or Form 8-K filed by
Pegasystems with the Commission promptly after such filing.


     Pegasystems  represents and warrants to each of the Holders that, as of the
Original Issue Date:

     12.1.  Subscriptions,  Options,  Etc. As of the  Original  Issue  Date,  no
subscription,  warrant,  option or other right to purchase or acquire any shares
of any class of capital stock of Pegasystems or any security convertible into or
exchangeable  for any such  shares,  in each  case  issued  by or  binding  upon
Pegasystems,  is outstanding except: (i) the Original Warrant,  and (ii) options
and other awards outstanding under Pegasystems' employee benefit plans.

     12.2.  Authority  to Execute and Perform  Agreement.  It has all  necessary
corporate  power and authority to execute,  deliver and perform its  obligations
under this Warrant and to issue or transfer the Common  Stock  purchasable  upon
exercise of this Warrant; the execution,  delivery and performance by it of this
Warrant have been duly authorized by all necessary corporate action on its part;
and this Warrant has been duly  executed and  delivered by and  constitutes  the
legal, valid and binding obligation of it, enforceable  against it in accordance
with its terms,  except as such enforceability may be limited by (a) bankruptcy,
reorganization,  insolvency and similar laws of general application  relating to
or  affecting  the  enforcement  of  creditors'  rights  generally  or  (b)  the
principles governing the availability of equitable remedies.

     12.3. Authorized Capital Stock. The authorized capital stock of Pegasystems
as of the Original  Issue Date consists of 45,000,000  shares of Common Stock of
which  28,487,600  shares are issued and  outstanding  and none are reserved for
issuance upon the exercise of outstanding  Stock Purchase Rights and Convertible
Securities  (excluding  the shares  reserved for issuance  upon  exercise of the
Original Warrant and shares issuable under Pegasystems stock plans).  The Common
Stock  has  the  rights  and   preferences  set  forth  in  the  Certificate  of
Incorporation  of  Pegasystems,  a true,  correct  and  complete  copy of which,
together  with the  Bylaws of  Pegasystems,  in each  case  with all  amendments
through the Original Issue Date, have been delivered to Pegasystems.


     12.4. No Breach;  No Contractual  Restriction  on  Repurchase.  Neither the
execution and delivery of this Warrant,  the  consummation  of the  transactions
contemplated  hereby (including  without limitation the issuance of Common Stock
upon the exercise  hereof),  nor compliance with the terms and provisions hereof
will:  (a) conflict with or result in a breach of, or require any consent under,
(i) the  Certificate  of  Incorporation  or  bylaws  of  Pegasystems,  (ii)  any
applicable law or regulation or (iii) any order,  writ,  injunction or decree of
any court or governmental authority or agency applicable to Pegasystems,  or any
agreement or instrument to which  Pegasystems is a party or by which Pegasystems
is bound or to which  Pegasystems  is subject or (b)  constitute a default under
any such agreement or instrument, or result in the creation or imposition of any
lien upon any of the revenues or assets of Pegasystems  pursuant to the terms of
any such agreement or instrument.

     12.5.  Approvals.  No  authorizations,  approvals  or  consents  of, and no
filings or  registrations  with,  any  governmental  or regulatory  authority or
agency on or prior to the Original Issue Date,  which have not already been made
or  obtained,  are  necessary  for the  execution,  delivery or  performance  by
Pegasystems  of  this  Warrant,  the  consummation  of the  transactions  herein
contemplated or for the validity or enforceability thereof.


     13.1.  Nonwaiver.  No course of dealing or any delay or failure to exercise
any right  hereunder on the part of Pegasystems or any Holder shall operate as a
waiver of such right or otherwise  prejudice  the rights,  powers or remedies of
such Person.

     13.2. Notices. Any notice, demand, request, consent, approval, declaration,
delivery or  communication  hereunder to be made  pursuant to the  provisions of
this  Warrant  shall be  sufficiently  given or made if in  writing  and  either
delivered in person with receipt acknowledged or sent by registered or certified
mail, return receipt requested, postage prepaid, addressed as follows:

          (i) if to any  Holder of this  Warrant or holder of  Restricted  Stock
     issued upon the exercise hereof, at its last known address appearing on the
     books of Pegasystems maintained for such purpose;

          (ii) if to Pegasystems, at ADDRESS, Attention: TITLE;

or at such  other  address  as may be  substituted  by  notice  given as  herein
provided.  The giving of any notice required  hereunder may be waived in writing
by the party  entitled to receive such notice.  Every notice,  demand,  request,
consent, approval, declaration,  delivery or other communication hereunder shall
be  deemed to have  been  duly  given or served on the date on which  personally
delivered, with receipt acknowledged,  or three (3) Business Days after the same
shall have been  deposited in the United  States  mail,  or one (1) Business Day
after the same shall have been delivered to Federal Express or another overnight
courier service.


     13.3.  Limitation  of  Liability.  No provision  hereof,  in the absence of
affirmative  action by the Holder of this  Warrant to purchase  shares of Common
Stock,  and no  enumeration  herein of the  rights or  privileges  of the Holder
hereof,  shall give rise to any  liability  of such  Holder to pay the  Exercise
Price for any Common Stock other than pursuant to an exercise of this Warrant or
any  liability  as a  stockholder  of  Pegasystems,  whether  such  liability is
asserted by Pegasystems or by creditors of Pegasystems.

     13.4. Remedies.  Each Holder of this Warrant, in addition to being entitled
to exercise its rights granted by law, including  recovery of damages,  shall be
entitled to specific  performance  of its rights  provided  under this  Warrant.
Pegasystems agrees that monetary damages would not be adequate  compensation for
any loss incurred by reason of a breach by it of the  provisions of this Warrant
and hereby agree,  in an action for specific  performance,  to waive the defense
that a remedy at law would be adequate.

     13.5. Successors and Assigns.  Subject to the provisions of Section 6, this
Warrant  and the rights  evidenced  hereby  shall inure to the benefit of and be
binding upon the  successors of  Pegasystems  and the  successors  and permitted
assigns of the Holder hereof.  The provisions of this Warrant are intended to be
for the benefit of all Holders from time to time of this  Warrant,  and shall be
enforceable by any current Holder. In addition,  the provisions of Section 7 and
any other provisions hereof that by their terms apply to Holders of Common Stock
issued upon exercise hereof shall survive any exercise of this Warrant and inure
to the benefit of and be binding upon such Holders and any  transferees  of such
Common Stock.  Notwithstanding  the  foregoing,  with respect to the transfer of
this Warrant or shares of Common Stock  received  upon  exercise of this Warrant
other than to an Affiliate of FDR, the  registration  rights  granted under this
Warrant shall be transferable  only to Persons  receiving under such transfer at
least 100,000  shares of Common Stock or the right to receive  100,000 shares of
Common Stock upon exercise of this Warrant.

     13.6. Severability. Wherever possible, each provision of this Warrant shall
be interpreted in such manner as to be effective and valid under applicable law,
but if any  provision of this Warrant  shall be  prohibited  by or invalid under
applicable  law,  such  provision  shall be  ineffective  to the  extent of such
prohibition or invalidity,  without invalidating the remainder of such provision
or the remaining provisions of this Warrant.

     13.7.  Headings.  The headings used in this Warrant are for the convenience
of  reference  only and shall  not,  for any  purpose,  be deemed a part of this

     13.8. Right of Holders to Challenge Certain  Determinations of Pegasystems.
The  following  provisions  shall  apply to any  determination  by the  Board of
Directors  or  Chief  Financial   Officer  of  Pegasystems   (the   "Pegasystems
Determination")  of (i) the Fair Value of any Non-Preferred  Stock (ii) the Fair
Distribution  Value of any dividend or  distribution to the holders of any class
of  NonPreferred  Stock  radii)  the  fair  market  value or  allocation  of any
consideration  for the  issuance  of  Non-Preferred  Stock  and (iv)  any  other
valuation,  allocation or adjustment  hereunder  that is stated to be subject to
the right of the Majority  Holders to challenge such  determination  pursuant to
this Section


13.8. Upon the request of the Majority Holders, Pegasystems shall make available
to the Majority  Holders such material  information as the Majority  Holders may
reasonably   request  relevant  to  the  issue  addressed  by  such  Pegasystems
Determination;  provided that Pegasystems  shall not be required to disclose any
confidential  information  to any Holder that has not executed  and  delivered a
confidentiality  agreement  substantially  in the form of Annex C hereto  or the
disclosure  of which would  violate any  contractual  or other  legally  binding
confidentiality  restriction applicable to Pegasystems.  If the Majority Holders
at any time believe that the  Pegasystems  Determination  is inaccurate in a way
that  disadvantages  the Holders,  they may propose an alternative  valuation or
allocation  (the  "Holders'  Determination")  by written  notice to  Pegasystems
setting forth the basis for such Holders'  Determination.  Upon delivery of such
notice, Pegasystems and the Majority Holders shall negotiate in good faith for a
period of thirty (30) days in an effort to resolve the  differences in valuation
or allocation  represented  by the  Pegasystems  Determination  and the Holders'
Determination.  If such differences are not resolved by agreement of Pegasystems
and the  Majority  Holders by the end of such  thirty-day  period,  the Majority
Holders will have the right,  exercisable by written notice to  Pegasystems,  to
require that such dispute be resolved by an Independent  Financial  Expert,  who
shall be instructed to make its own independent  determination  of the valuation
or  allocation  in  question  (the  "Expert's  Determination"),  which  Expert's
Determination  shall not be less  favorable  to the Holders  than  Pegasystems's
Determination nor more favorable to the Holders than the Holders' Determination.
The Expert shall be instructed to make its determination within sixty (60) days,
and its determination  shall be final and binding on Pegasystems and all Holders
or  Warrants  and  Common  Stock.  The  reasonable  fees  and  expenses  of  the
Independent  Financial  Expert  shall  be paid by  Pegasystems  if the  Expert's
Determination   is  more  than  five   percent   (5%)  closer  to  the  Holders'
Determination than to Pegasystems's Determination, shall be paid by the Majority
Holders if the Expert's  Determination  is more than five percent (5%) closer to
Pegasystems's  Determination  than to the Holders'  Determination,  but shall be
shared  equally  by  Pegasystems  and  the  Majority  Holders  if  the  Expert's
Determination  does not vary from the mean between  Pegasystems's  Determination
and the  Holders'  Determination  by more than five  percent  (5%) of such mean.
Pending final  resolution of the dispute by  negotiation or by submission of the
dispute to an Independent Financial Expert, Pegasystems's Determination shall be
used for the purpose of making any payment hereunder to the Holders,  for making
any  adjustment  to the  Exercise  Price  hereunder  or for  any  other  purpose
hereunder.  If the  resolution of such dispute is more  favorable to the Holders
than  Pegasystems's  Determination,   Pegasystems  shall  make  such  additional
payments and shall take such other additional  actions as are necessary to place
the  Holders in the same  position  as they  would have been in if the  Expert's
Determination had been used for the purpose of making such payment or adjustment
to the  Exercise  Price or for such  other  purpose  at the time of taking  such
original action.

     13.9.  Waiver or  Amendment.  This  Warrant and all other  Warrants  may be
modified  or amended  or the  provisions  hereof  waived  only with the  written
consent of Pegasystems and the Majority Warrant  Holders,  provided that no such
Warrant  may be  modified  or  amended  to reduce the number of shares of Common
Stock for which such  Warrant is  exercisable  or to increase the price at which
such shares may be purchased upon exercise of such Warrant (before giving effect
to any adjustment as provided therein) without the written consent of the Holder




     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Pegasystems has caused this Warrant to be duly executed
by their duly authorized officers.

                                        PEGASYSTEMS INC.





                                     ANNEX A

                                SUBSCRIPTION FORM

                 [To be executed only upon exercise of Warrant]

     The undersigned registered owner of this Warrant irrevocably exercises this
Warrant for the purchase of an aggregate of  __________  shares  Common Stock of
PEGASYSTEMS  INC. and herewith makes payment  therefor,  all at the price and on
the  terms  and   conditions   specified  in  this  Warrant  and  requests  that
certificates for the indicated number of shares of Common Stock hereby purchased
(and any securities or other property  purchasable upon such exercise) be issued
in the name of and delivered to:

Name                                       Address              Number of Shares

- -------------------------     -----------------------------     ----------------



- -------------------------     -----------------------------     ----------------



- -------------------------     -----------------------------     ----------------



[Replicate additional delivery
instruction blocks as necessary]

Dated: __________________          ________________________________
                                   (Name of Registered Owner)

                                        (Signature of Registered Owner)

                                        (Street Address)

                                        (City) (State) (Zip Code)

                                     ANNEX B

                                 ASSIGNMENT FORM

     FOR VALUE RECEIVED the undersigned  registered owner of this Warrant hereby
sells,  assigns and transfers unto the Assignee(s) named below all of the rights
of the undersigned  under this Warrant,  with respect to the number of shares of
Common Stock set forth below:

Name                                       Address              Number of Shares

- -------------------------     -----------------------------     ----------------



- -------------------------     -----------------------------     ----------------



- -------------------------     -----------------------------     ----------------



[Replicate additional assignment
blocks as necessary]

and does hereby  irrevocably  constitute  and  appoint  ________________________
attorney-in-fact  to register such transfer onto the books of  Pegasystems  Inc.
maintained for the purpose, with full power of substitution in the premises.

Dated: __________________          ________________________________
                                   (Name of Registered Owner)

                                        (Signature of Registered Owner)

                                        (Street Address)

                                        (City) (State) (Zip Code)

                                     ANNEX C


                            CONFIDENTIALITY AGREEMENT

     THIS CONFIDENTIALITY AGREEMENT (this "Agreement") is entered into as of the
___ day of  _________,  ________________  by and  between  PEGASYSTEMS  INC.,  a
Massachusetts  corporation  ("Pegasystems"),  and  _________________________,  a
STATE corporation ("Recipient").

     WHEREAS,  Recipient  is the holder of a Warrant (the  "Warrant")  issued by
Pegasystems  or of shares of  Pegasystems  Common Stock issued upon  exercise of
such a Warrant and,  pursuant to Section 13.8 of such  applicable  Warrant,  has
requested  that  Pegasystems  disclose  to the  Recipient  certain  Confidential
Information (as defined below);

     WHEREAS, it is a condition to Pegasystems's obligation under Section 7.3(k)
or Section 13.8 of the Warrant to disclose such  Confidential  Information  that
Recipient agree to abide by certain confidentiality restrictions with respect to
such Information, as more fully set forth below:

     NOW,  THEREFORE,  in consideration of these premises and for other good and
valuable  consideration,  the  receipt  and  sufficiency  of  which  are  hereby
acknowledge, Pegasystems and Recipient agree as follows:

     1. Confidential  Information  Defined.  For the purposes of this Agreement,
"Confidential  Information" of Pegasystems or any Affiliate  (collectively,  the
"Disclosing  Party") will include all oral and written information and material,
in  tangible or  intangible  form  (including,  without  limitation,  technical,
operating, business, marketing and financial information), which such Disclosing
Party  furnishes,  directly  or  indirectly,  to  the  Recipient  or  any of its
Affiliates  (collectively,  the "Receiving Party") pursuant to Section 7.3(k) or
Section 13.8 of the Warrant and which is  specifically  identified in writing as
being confidential.  Such identification of Confidential Information may be made
by the Disclosing  Party before or during the disclosure of such  information or
by written notice  delivered  following  such  disclosure  confirming  that such
disclosure constituted Confidential Information; provided that in the event that
any such Confidential Information is identified by a written notice delivered to
the Recipient  following such  disclosure the provisions of this Agreement shall
not be deemed to apply to such  Confidential  Information  (or to any disclosure
thereof by the Recipient) prior to the giving of such notice.  However,  none of
the following will be considered Confidential Information:

     (i)   information  that was already  known to the Receiving  Party (and not
           otherwise  subject to  an  obligation  of   confidentiality   to  the
           Disclosing  Party) prior to  disclosure  of such  information  to the
           Receiving Party by the Disclosing Party;

     (ii)  information that is disclosed to the Receiving Party by a third party
           which,  to the knowledge  of the  Receiving  Party,  is not under any
           obligation of confidentiality to the

           Disclosing Party with respect to such information;

     (iii) information that is in the  public  domain or  hereafter  enters  the
           public domain through no fault of the Receiving Party;

     (iv)  information that is independently developed by employees, consultants
           or agents of the  Receiving  Party without  reference to Confidential
           Information of the Disclosing Party.

     2. Obligation to Maintain Confidentiality.  Each Receiving Party shall: (1)
keep all  Confidential  Information  disclosed to it by the Disclosing  Party in
strict  confidence;  (2) protect  such  Confidential  Information  with the same
degree of care as the Receiving Party treats its own  confidential  information;
(3) not, without the prior written consent of the Disclosing Party,  disclose or
permit any such  Confidential  Information  to be disclosed to anyone other than
the Receiving Party's directors,  officers, employees, agents or consultants who
have a legitimate need to know the  Confidential  Information in connection with
matters contemplated in Section 7.3(k) or Section 13.8 of the Warrant or, if the
Recipient is a "Holder"  within the meaning of the Warrant,  in connection  with
such  Holder's  exercise of any of its rights under the Warrant or other pending
business matters between such Holder and  Pegasystems;  and (4) not use, and not
permit its  directors,  officers,  employees,  agents or consultants to use, any
such  Confidential  Information  for any reason  other than as  contemplated  in
Section 7.3(k) or Section 13.8 of the Warrant or, if the Recipient is a "Holder"
within the meaning of the Warrant,  in connection with such Holder's exercise of
any of its rights under the Warrant or other pending  business  matters  between
such Holder and Pegasystems].

     3. Obligations of Permitted  Disclosees.  Each Receiving Party shall advise
all directors,  officers and employees to whom any  Confidential  Information is
disclosed of the  confidentiality  obligations of such  directors,  officers and
officers  under  this  Agreement  with  respect  to such  information,  and such
Receiving Party shall require all agents, consultants and other third parties to
whom  Confidential  Information  is  disclosed  pursuant to paragraph 2 above to
agree in writing  to be bound by the  confidentiality  obligations  set forth in
this Agreement.

     4. Required  Disclosures.  In the event any Receiving  Party is required by
any  court  or  legislative   or   administrative   body  (by  oral   questions,
interrogatories,   requests  for  information  or  documents,   subpoena,  civil
investigation,   demand  or  similar   process)  to  disclose  any  Confidential
Information,  the Receiving Party shall provide the Disclosing Party with prompt
notice  of  such  requirement  in  order  to  afford  the  Disclosing  Party  an
opportunity to seek an appropriate  protective order. However, if the Disclosing
Party is  unable  to  obtain  or does not seek  such  protective  order  and the
Receiving  Party is compelled to disclose such  Confidential  Information  under
pain of liability for contempt or other  censure or penalty,  disclosure of such
information may be made without liability.

     5. Equitable Relief.  Each Receiving Party agrees that the Disclosing Party
would  suffer  irreparable  harm and that  damages  caused  by a breach  of this
Agreement may be impossible  to calculate and may,  therefore,  be an inadequate
remedy. Accordingly, each Receiving Party agrees that the Disclosing Party shall
be entitled to temporary and permanent injunctive relief against the

Receiving Party and/or its agents for any threatened or actual breach hereof.

     6. Notices. Any notice, demand, request,  consent,  approval,  declaration,
delivery or communication  hereunder to be made pursuant to this Agreement shall
be sufficiently  given or made if in writing and either delivered in person with
receipt  acknowledged  or sent by registered or certified  mail,  return receipt
requested, postage prepaid, addressed as follows:

     (a) if to the Recipient,  at its last known address  appearing on the stock
     or Warrant transfer records of Pegasystems;

     (b) if to Pegasystems, at ADDRESS, Attention: TITLE;

or at such  other  address  as may be  substituted  by  notice  given as  herein
provided.  The giving of any notice required  hereunder may be waived in writing
by the party  entitled to receive such notice.  Every notice,  demand,  request,
consent, approval, declaration,  delivery or other communication hereunder shall
be  deemed to have  been  duly  given or served on the date on which  personally
delivered, with receipt acknowledged,  or three (3) business days after the same
shall have been  deposited in the United  States  mail,  or one (1) business day
after the same shall have been delivered to Federal Express or another overnight
courier service.

     7. Successors and Assigns. This Agreement shall inure to the benefit of and
be binding upon the successors and assigns of Pegasystems and Recipient.

     8. Severability.  Wherever possible, each provision of this Agreement shall
be interpreted in such manner as to be effective and valid under applicable law,
but if any provision of this  Agreement  shall be prohibited by or invalid under
applicable  law,  such  provision  shall be  ineffective  to the  extent of such
prohibition or invalidity,  without invalidating the remainder of such provision
or the remaining provisions of this Agreement.

     9. Headings. The headings used in this Agreement are for the convenience of
reference  only  and  shall  not,  for any  purpose,  be  deemed  a part of this


     IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the parties have caused this Agreement to be executed

delivered by their duly  authorized  officers as of the day and year first above

                                        PEGASYSTEMS INC.




                                TABLE OF CONTENTS

1.        DEFINITIONS .............................................................................1
2.        EXERCISE OF WARRANT .....................................................................8
2.1.    Manner of Exercise ........................................................................8
2.2.    Fractional Shares .........................................................................9
2.3.    Continued Validity and Application ........................................................9
3.        ANTIDILUTION PROVISIONS .................................................................9
3.1.    Stock Dividends, Subdivisions and Combinations ...........................................10
3.2.    Distributions of Evidences of Indebtedness or Other Assets ...............................10
3.3.    Adjustment of Number of Shares Purchasable ...............................................11
3.4.    Reorganization, Reclassification, Merger, Consolidation or Disposition of Assets .........11
3.5.    Other Dilutive Events ....................................................................12
3.6.    Other Provisions Applicable to Adjustments under this Section ............................12
4.        NO IMPAIRMENT ..........................................................................13
          REGULATORY PROBLEMS.....................................................................14
          COMBINATION OF WARRANTS ................................................................14
6.1.    Warrant Transfer Procedures ..............................................................14
6.2.    Division and Combination .................................................................14
6.3.    Restrictions on Transfer .................................................................14
6.4.    Restrictive Legends ......................................................................15
6.5.    Termination of Securities Law Restrictions ...............................................16
6.6.    Maintenance of Books .....................................................................17
9.        LOSS OR MUTILATION .....................................................................27
10.       DESIGNATED OFFICE ......................................................................27
11.       SHAREHOLDER INFORMATION ................................................................28
12.       REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES .........................................................28
13.1.   Nonwaiver ................................................................................29
13.2.   Notices ..................................................................................29
13.3.   Limitation of Liability ..................................................................30
13.4.   Remedies .................................................................................30
13.5.   Successors and Assigns ...................................................................30
13.6.   Severability .............................................................................30
13.7.   Headings .................................................................................30
13.8.   Right of Holders to Challenge Certain Determinations of Pegasystems ......................30
13.9.   Waiver or Amendment ......................................................................31
13.10.  GOVERNING LAW ............................................................................32