SAVINGS AND INVESTMENT PLAN

                         Restated Effective July 1, 1998

                                                                    August, 1998

                                                                  EXECUTION COPY

                                TABLE OF CONTENTS


              1.1     Amendment of Plan                                     1
              1.2     Plan                                                  1
              1.2.A   Plan Mergers                                          1
              1.3     Purpose of Plan                                       2
              1.4     Application of Prior Provisions of Plan               2


              2.1     "Account"                                             3
              2.2     "Affiliated Company"                                  3
              2.2.A   "After Tax Contribution Account"                      3
              2.3     "Annual Addition"                                     4
              2.4     "Armed Forces Leave of Absence"                       4
              2.5     "Beneficiary"                                         4
              2.6     "Board of Directors"                                  4
              2.7     "Break in Service                                     4
              2.8     "Code"                                                5
              2.9     "Company"                                             5
              2.10    "Discretionary Contribution"                          5
              2.11    "Discretionary Contribution Account"                  5
              2.12    "Effective Date"                                      5
              2.13    "Elective Contribution"                               5
              2.14    "Elective Contribution Account"                       5
              2.15    "Eligible Employee"                                   6
              2.16    "Employee"                                            6
              2.17    "Employer"                                            6
              2.18    "Employment Commencement Date"                        6
              2.19    "Entry Date"                                          6
              2.20    "ERISA"                                               6
              2.21    "Fiduciaries"                                         6


              2.22    "Highly Compensated Participant"                      7
              2.23    "Highly Compensated Employee"                         7
              2.24    "Hour of Service"                                     7
              2.25    "Limitation Year"                                     7
              2.26    "Matching Contribution"                               7
              2.27    "Matching Contribution Account"                       7
              2.28    "Maternity/Paternity Leave of Absence"                7
              2.29    "Named Fiduciaries"                                   8
              2.30    "Normal Retirement Date"                              8
              2.31    "Participant"                                         8
              2.32    "Participating Employer"                              8
              2.33    "Plan"                                                9
              2.34    "Plan Administrator"                                  9
              2.35    "Plan Year"                                           9
              2.36    "Qualified Domestic Relations Order"                  9
              2.37    "Rollover Account"                                    9
              2.38    "Share of the Trust Fund"                            10
              2.38A   "Service Termination Date"                           10
              2.39    "Total Compensation"                                 10
              2.40    "Trust"                                              11
              2.41    "Trust Fund"                                         11
              2.42    "Trustee" or "Trustees"                              11
              2.43    "Valuation Date"                                     12
              2.44    "Year of Service for Vesting"                        12


              3.1     Allocation of Responsibility Among
                         Fiduciaries for Plan and Trust
                         Administration                                    13
              3.2     Administration                                       14


              3.3     Claims Procedure                                     14
              3.4     Records and Reports                                  15
              3.5     Other Administrative Powers and Duties               15
              3.6     Rules and Decisions                                  17
              3.7     Reliance on Tables, etc.                             17
              3.8     Procedures                                           17
              3.9     Authorization of Withdrawals and
                         Distributions                                     17
              3.10    Rules and Procedures for Withdrawals
                         and Distributions                                 17
              3.11    Indemnification of Plan Administrator                18


              4.1     Participation                                        19
              4.2     Cessation of Participation                           19
              4.3     Breaks in Service                                    19


              5.1     Elective Contributions                               20
              5.2     Compensation Reduction Authorizations                20
              5.3     Revocation or Change of Compensation
                         Deductions                                        20
              5.4     Matching Contributions                               21
              5.5     Discretionary Contributions                          21
              5.6     Treatment of Forfeitures                             21
              5.7     Maximum Amount of Contributions                      22
              5.8     Return of Contributions                              22
              5.9     Nondiscrimination Requirements                       23
              5.10    Adjustments by Plan Administrator                    23


              5.11    Distribution of Excess Contributions                 24
              5.12    Distribution of Excess Deferrals                     25


              6.1     Investment Funds Within the Trust Fund               26
              6.2     Selection of Investment Funds                        26
              6.2.A   Certain Self-Managed Accounts                        27

              7.1     Accounts                                             28
              7.2     Adjustment of Accounts                               28
              7.3     Limitations                                          28
ARTICLE 8  -- RIGHTS TO BENEFITS              

              8.1     Normal Retirement                                    31
              8.2     Disability Retirement                                31
              8.3     Death                                                31
              8.4     Other Termination of Employment                      34
              8.5     Election of Former Vesting Schedule                  35
              8.6     Forfeitures                                          36



              9.1     Payment Upon Retirement, Disability,
                         or Termination of Employment                      38
              9.2     Payment Upon Death                                   38
              9.3     Amount of Distribution                               38
              9.4     Consent to Distributions Before Age 70-1/2           38
              9.5     Latest Commencement of Benefits                      39
              9.6     Forms of Distribution                                41
              9.7     Notice to Trustee                                    42
              9.8     Direct Rollovers                                     43


              10.1    Hardship Withdrawals                                 45
              10.1A   Age 59-1/2 Withdrawals                               47
              10.2    Subsequent Distributions                             48


              11.1    Requests for Loans                                   49
              11.2    Rules and Procedures                                 49
              11.3    Maximum Amount of Loan                               49
              11.4    Note; Security; Interest                             50
              11.5    Repayment                                            51
              11.6    Repayment Upon Distribution                          51
              11.7    Note as Trust Asset                                  52
              11.8    Adjustment of Accounts                               52
              11.9    Nondiscrimination                                    52



              12.1    Special Contribution for Top Heavy Plan Years        54
              12.2    Adjustment to Limitation on Annual Additions         54
              12.3    Definitions                                          55


              13.1    Amendment                                            58
              13.1A   Certain Amendments Regarding Acquisitions
                         and Administrative Matters                        59
              13.2    Termination                                          59
              13.3    Distributions Upon Termination of the Plan           60
              13.4    Merger or Consolidation of Plan;
                         Transfer of Plan Assets                           60
              13.5    Participating Employer Ceasing to be
                         Affiliated With The Company                       60


              14.1    Transfer of Amount Distributed from
                         Another Qualified Plan                            62
              14.2    Transfer of Amount Distributed from
                         a Rollover IRA                                    63
              14.3    Monitoring of Rollovers                              64
              14.4    Treatment of Transferred Amount Under the Plan       65



              15.1    Limitation of Rights                                 65
              15.2    Nonalienability of Benefits                          65
              15.3    Information Between Plan Administrator
                         and Trustee                                       66
              15.4    Payment Under Qualified Domestic
                         Relations Order                                   66
              15.5    Payment of Benefit for Disabled or
                         Incapacitated Person                              67
              15.6    Telephonic and/or Electronic Transactions            68
              15.7    Temporary Suspensions of Transactions                68
              15.8    Governing Law                                        68
              15.9    Acquisitions                                         68



                                    ARTICLE 1


1.1        Amendment of Plan. Pursuant to the provisions of Article 13 of the
           Liberty Financial Companies, Inc. Savings and Investment Plan and
           Trust, Liberty Financial Companies, Inc., hereby amends, restates and
           continues said Plan and Trust by striking out the present provisions
           thereof and by substituting therefore the provisions of the Plan
           hereinafter set forth. Except as otherwise specifically provided, the
           changes contained herein are effective as of July 1, 1998; provided,
           however, any changes required by the Tax Reform Act of 1986 or any
           other applicable law are effective as of the dates required under
           said laws.

1.2        Plan. This Plan is intended to qualify as a profit-sharing plan and
           trust under Section 401(a) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986
           (without regard to current or accumulated profits pursuant to Section
           401(a)(27) of the Code), and the cash or deferred arrangement and the
           matching contribution features of the Plan are intended to qualify
           under Sections 401(k) and 401(m), respectively, of the Code. Subject
           to the provisions of Sections 5.8, no part of the corpus or income of
           the Trust will be used for or diverted to purposes other than for the
           exclusive benefit of each Participant and Beneficiary.

1.2.A.     Plan Mergers. Effective July 1, 1998, the Stein, Roe & Farnham
           Retirement Plan and the Keyport Life Insurance Company Savings and
           Investment Plan are merged into and become a part of this Plan.
           Effective September 1, 1998, the Colonial Profit Sharing Plan is
           merged into and becomes a part of this Plan. Upon such merger the
           accounts and investments maintained under such prior plans shall be
           transferred to and held pursuant to the provisions of this Plan.


1.3        Purpose of Plan. The purpose of the Plan is to provide retirement
           income to Eligible Employees through a program of voluntary
           tax-deferred contributions matched in part by supplemental
           Participating Employer contributions, as well as discretionary
           contributions made by Participating Employers.

1.4        Application of Prior Provisions of Plan. Except as otherwise
           explicitly provided herein, the rights to benefits of persons who
           were participants in the Plan before July 1, 1998 (September 1, 1998
           in the case of the Colonial Profit Sharing Plan) and who are not
           employed by the Employer on or after that date will be determined in
           accordance with the provisions of the Plan as in effect from time to
           time prior to that date.


                                    ARTICLE 2


Whenever used herein, a pronoun or adjective in the masculine gender includes
the feminine gender, the singular includes the plural, and the following terms
have the following meanings unless a different meaning is clearly required by

2.1        "Account" means, for each Participant, his After-Tax Contribution
           Account, his Elective Contribution Account, his Matching Contribution
           Account, his Discretionary Contribution Account, his Rollover
           Account, and any other account the Plan Administrator determines is
           necessary for the proper administration of the Plan.

2.2        "Affiliated Company" means any corporation, trust, association or
           enterprise (other than the Company) which is:

           (a)  required to be considered, together with the Company, as one
                employer pursuant to the provisions of Sections 414(b), 414(c),
                414(m) or 414(o) of the Code; or

           (b)  which is designated an Affiliated Employer by the Company.

           The term "Affiliated Company" shall not include any corporation or
           unincorporated trade or business prior to the date on which such
           corporation, trade or business satisfies the affiliation or control
           tests of (a) above. In identifying "Affiliated Companies" for
           purposes of Section 7.3, the definitions in Sections 414(b) and (c)
           of the Code shall be modified as provided in Section 415(h) of the


2.2.A.     "After-Tax Contribution Account" means for any Participant the
           Account maintained for a Participant with respect to any after-tax
           contributions he may have made to the Plan (or a plan which has been
           merged with this Plan) prior to July 1, 1998. After-tax contributions
           are no longer permitted under this Plan.

2.3        "Annual Addition" means, in the case of any Participant, the sum for
           any Limitation Year of all Elective Contributions, Matching
           Contributions and Discretionary Contributions, and forfeitures
           credited to the Participant's Account for such year.

2.4        "Armed Forces Leave of Absence" means for the purpose of the Plan,
           service in the Armed Forces of the United States for any period
           prescribed under any applicable federal or state law during which the
           Participant has reemployment rights with the Employer, provided that
           the Participant shall have returned to the service of the Employer
           within 90 days after final release from active duty or within such
           longer period as may be prescribed by federal or state law then in

2.5        "Beneficiary" means the person or persons entitled under Section 8.3
           to receive benefits under the Plan upon the death of the Participant.

2.6        "Board of Directors" means the Board of Directors of the Company. The
           Board of Directors may allocate and delegate its fiduciary
           responsibilities, or may designate others to carry out its fiduciary
           responsibilities, in accordance with Section 405 of ERISA.

2.7        "Break in Service" means a 12-consecutive-month period commencing on
           an Employee's Service Termination Date (or anniversary thereof)
           during which such individual does not complete an Hour of Service.


2.8        "Code" means the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended from time
           to time. Reference to any section or subsection of the Code includes
           reference to any comparable or succeeding provisions of any
           legislation which amends, supplements or replaces such section or

2.9        "Company" means Liberty Financial Companies, Inc., a Delaware
           corporation, and any successor to all or a major portion of its
           assets or business which assumes the obligations of the Company under
           the Plan.

2.10       "Discretionary Contribution" means the contribution made by a
           Participating Employer on behalf of a Participant under Section 5.5.

2.11       "Discretionary Contribution Account" means, for any Participant, the
           account described in Section 7.1 to which Discretionary Contributions
           for the Participant's benefit (and earnings attributable thereto) are

2.12       "Effective Date" means July 1, 1998, with respect to this amended and
           restated Plan.

2.13       "Elective Contribution" means, in the case of any Participant, a
           contribution made for the benefit of the Participant under Section

2.14       "Elective Contribution Account" means, for any Participant, the
           account described in Section 7.1 to which Elective Contributions for
           the Participant's benefit (and earnings attributable thereto) are


2.15       "Eligible Employee" means any Employee employed by a Participating
           Employer except for a temporary employee (an employee hired to work
           on a project or other matter for a period which is expected to last
           less than 6 months), an intern, a co-op employee or an employee
           residing in Puerto Rico.

2.16       "Employee" means any individual employed by the Employer. "Employee"
           also includes any leased employee (as defined in Section 414(n) of
           the Code) of the Employer, but solely for purposes of determining his
           service for eligibility and vesting purposes and in applying the
           limitations of Section 7.3. No leased employee may become a
           Participant hereunder unless he becomes an Eligible Employee.

2.17       "Employer" means the Company and all Affiliated Companies.

2.18       "Employment Commencement Date" means the first date on which an
           Employee performs an Hour of Service.

2.19       "Entry Date" means, with respect to each Employee each January 1 and
           July 1.

2.20       "ERISA" means the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, as
           from time to time amended and any successor statute or statutes of
           similar import.

2.21       "Fiduciaries" means the Named Fiduciaries and any other party
           designated as Fiduciaries by the Named Fiduciaries in accordance with
           the powers described herein, but only with respect to the specific
           responsibilities of each in connection with the Plan and Trust.


2.22       "Highly Compensated Participant" means a Participant who is a Highly
           Compensated Employee.

2.23       "Highly Compensated Employee" means an Employee who, for a Plan Year,
           is a highly compensated employee within the meaning of Section 414(q)
           of the Code.

2.24       "Hour of Service" means each hour for which the Employee is directly
           or indirectly paid, or entitled to payment, for the performance of
           duties for the Employer, each such hour to be credited to the
           Employee for the Computation Period in which the duties were
           performed. In any event, Hours of Service shall be credited hereunder
           in accordance with Section 2530.200(b)-2 of the Department of Labor
           Regulations which are incorporated herein by reference.

2.25       "Limitation Year" means the calendar year.

2.26       "Matching Contribution" means, in the case of any Participant, any
           contribution made for the benefit of the Participant under Section

2.27       "Matching Contribution Account" means, for any Participant, the
           account described in Section 7.1 to which Matching Contributions for
           the Participant's benefit (and earnings attributable thereto) are

2.28       "Maternity/Paternity Leave of Absence" means a period of absence from
           an Employer that begins for any of the following reasons:

           (a)  the Employee's pregnancy;

           (b)  birth of the Employee's child;


           (c)  placement of a child with the Employee in connection with the
                adoption of such child by the Employee; or

           (d)  the caring for such child for a period beginning immediately
                following such birth or placement; provided, however, that in
                order for an Employee's absence to qualify as a Maternity/
                Paternity Leave of Absence, the Plan Administrator may require 
                the Employee to furnish such information (in such form and at 
                such time as it may reasonably require) establishing that the 
                absence from work is an absence described hereunder.

2.29       "Named Fiduciaries" means the Plan Administrator, Trustee, and the
           investment committee if appointed pursuant to Section 6.1.

2.30       "Normal Retirement Date" means the date on which the Participant
           attains age 65.

2.31       "Participant" means each Eligible Employee who participates in the
           Plan in accordance with Article 4 hereof.

2.32       "Participating Employer" means the Company and any other Affiliated
           Company which adopts the Plan with the approval of the Company. The
           Participating Employers as of July 1, 1998 are identified as
           signatories of this document at the end hereof.


2.33       "Plan" means the Liberty Financial Companies, Inc. Savings and
           Investment Plan set forth herein, together with any and all
           amendments and supplements hereto.

2.34       "Plan Administrator" means the committee appointed by the Board of
           Directors to administer the Plans maintained hereunder, and shall
           have the authority provided in Article 3.

2.35       "Plan Year" shall mean the calendar year.

2.36       "Qualified Domestic Relations Order" means any judgment, decree or
           order (including approval of a property settlement agreement) which

           (a)  relates to the provision of child support, alimony payments, or
                marital property rights to a spouse, former spouse, child or
                other dependent of a Participant;

           (b)  is made pursuant to a state domestic relations law (including a
                community property law); and

           (c)  constitutes a "qualified domestic relations order" within the
                meaning of Section 414(p) of the Code.

2.37       "Rollover Account" means, for any Employee, an account to which cash
           is transferred pursuant to Section 14.1 or 14.2.


2.38       "Share of the Trust Fund" means, in the case of each Participant,
           that portion of the Trust's assets which is allocated to the Accounts
           of the Participant in accordance with Article 7 of the Plan.

2.38A      "Service Termination Date" means the earliest of the following:

           (a)  the date on which the Employee resigns, is discharged or is
                terminated, or retires from employment with the Employer;

           (b)  the date the Employee dies;

           (c)  the first anniversary of the date on which the Employee starts
                an authorized leave of absence or is absent for any other reason
                other than a Maternity/Paternity Leave of Absence; and

           (d)  the second anniversary of the date on which the Employee
                commenced a Maternity/Paternity Leave of Absence, if such
                Employee has not yet returned to work with the Employer.

2.39       "Total Compensation" means, in the case of each Employee and for each
           Plan Year, base pay, performance-based bonuses and incentives,
           commissions, overrides, overtime pay, vacation pay, and sick pay
           (i.e., salary continuation) received by the Employee from the
           Employer during the Plan Year for services rendered during such Year,
           plus any amounts that would have been received by the Employee from
           the Employer during the Plan Year except for any compensation
           reduction authorization described in Section 5.2 or any other
           election under Section 125, 401(k), 402(h), or 403(b) of the Code.
           "Total Compensation" does not include any other form of cash,
           property or "imputed" income provided by the Employer to the
           Employee, including without limitation the following: Employer


           tions under this Plan or any other employee benefit plan, fund,
           program or arrangement, whether now or hereafter established; moving,
           automobile or other expense reimbursements or allowances; severance
           pay; trip awards, personal use of company car, group term life
           insurance, or other imputed compensation; sign on or stay bonuses;
           long term incentive bonuses; employee referral fees or other cash
           awards; tuition aid; outplacement services or other layoff benefits;
           employee gifts or other property; generally, any amounts received
           after termination of employment which the plan administrator
           determines are not payment for the performance of services; and other
           items not includable as compensation under Treasury Regulation
           Section 1.415-2(d)(2). In no event shall an Employee's Total
           Compensation in any Plan Year exceed, for purposes of this Plan,
           $160,000 or such larger amount as the Secretary of the Treasury may
           determine for such Plan Year under Section 401(a)(17) of the Code.

2.40       "Trust" means the trust established between the Company and Trustees.

2.41       "Trust Fund" means the property held in trust by the Trustee for the
           benefit of Participants, former Participants and their Beneficiaries.

2.42       "Trustee" or "Trustees" means the persons who have executed this
           Trust as Trustee and any successor trustee or trustees, and any
           additional trustee or trustees.


2.43       "Valuation Date" means the last business day of each Plan Year and
           such other day or days as may be specified by the Plan Administrator.

2.44       "Year of Service for Vesting" means with respect to any Employee, all
           periods of employment with the Employer, whether or not consecutive,
           measured from the Employee's Employment Commencement Date and ending
           on his Service Termination Date. Years of Service for Vesting shall
           also include the period following his Service Termination Date,
           provided he is reemployed by the Employer prior to incurring a Break
           in Service.

           This Section shall be subject to the reinstatement of service
           provision of Section 8.6(b).


                                    ARTICLE 3


3.1        Allocation of Responsibility Among Fiduciaries for Plan and Trust
           Administration. The Fiduciaries shall have only those specific
           powers, duties, responsibilities, and obligations as are specifically
           given or delegated to them under the Plan or the Trust. The
           Participating Employers shall have the sole responsibility for making
           the contributions under the Plan as specified in Article 5, and the
           Company shall have the sole authority to appoint and remove the Plan
           Administrator, any Trustee or Trustees, and any investment manager
           which may be provided for under the Trust, and to amend or terminate,
           in whole or in part, the Plan or the Trust. The Plan Administrator
           shall have the sole responsibility for the administration of the
           Plan, which responsibility is specifically described in the Plan and
           the Trust. The Trustee shall have the responsibilities as
           specifically provided in the Trust. Each Fiduciary warrants that any
           directions given, information furnished, or action taken by it shall
           be in accordance with the provisions of the Plan or the Trust, as the
           case may be, authorizing or providing for such direction, information
           or action. Furthermore, each Fiduciary may rely upon any direction,
           information or action of another Fiduciary as being proper under the
           Plan or the Trust, and is not required under the Plan or the Trust to
           inquire into the propriety of any direction, information or action.
           It is intended under the Plan and the Trust that each Fiduciary shall
           be responsible for the proper exercise of its own powers, duties,
           responsibilities and obligations under the Plan and the Trust and
           shall not be responsible for any act or failure to act of another
           Fiduciary. No Fiduciary guarantees the Trust in any manner against
           investment loss or depreciation in asset value.


3.2        Administration. The Plan shall be administered by the Plan
           Administrator, which may appoint or employ persons to assist in the
           administration of the Plan and may appoint or employ any other agents
           it deems advisable, including legal counsel, actuaries, auditors,
           bookkeepers and recordkeepers to serve at the Plan Administrator's
           direction. All usual and reasonable expenses of the Plan and the Plan
           Administrator may be paid in whole or in part by the Company, and any
           expenses not paid by the Company shall be paid by the Trustee out of
           the Trust Fund.

3.3        Claims Procedure. The Plan Administrator, or a party designated by
           the Plan Administrator, shall make all determinations as to the right
           of any person to a distribution under the Plan. If a request for a
           Plan distribution by a Participant or Beneficiary is wholly or
           partially denied, the Plan Administrator, or the designated party,
           will provide such claimant a comprehensible written notice setting

           (a)  the specific reason or reasons for such denial;

           (b)  specific reference to pertinent Plan provisions on which the
                denial is based;

           (c)  a description of any additional material or information
                necessary for the claimant to submit to perfect the claim and an
                explanation of why such material or information is necessary;

           (d)  a description of the Plan's claim review procedure and the fact
                that the review procedure is available upon written request by
                the claimant to the Plan Administrator, or the designated party,
                within 60 days after receipt by the claimant of written notice
                of the denial of the claim, and includes the right to examine
                pertinent documents and submit issues and comments in writing to
                the Plan Administrator or the designated party.


           Such written notice will be given within 90 days after the claim is
           received by the Plan Administrator (or within 180 days, if special
           circumstances require an extension of time for processing the claim,
           and if written notice of such extension and circumstances is given to
           the claimant within the initial 90-day period). If such notification
           is not given within such period, the claim will be considered denied
           as of the first day of such period and such person may request a
           review of his claim. The decision on review will be made within 60
           days after receipt of the request for review, unless circumstances
           warrant an extension of time not to exceed an additional 60 days (and
           unless written notice of such extension and circumstances is given to
           the claimant within the initial 60-day period), and shall be in
           writing and drafted in a manner calculated to be understood by the
           claimant, and include specific reasons for the decision with
           references to the specific Plan provisions on which the decision is

3.4        Records and Reports. The Plan Administrator shall exercise such
           authority and responsibility as it deems appropriate in order to
           comply with ERISA and government regulations issued thereunder
           relating to records of Participants' service and benefits;
           notifications to Participants; reports to, or registration with, the
           Internal Revenue Service; reports to the Department of Labor; and
           such other documents and reports as may be required by ERISA.

3.5        Other Administrative Powers and Duties. The Plan Administrator shall
           have such powers and duties, in addition to those powers and duties
           set forth elsewhere herein, as may be necessary to discharge its
           functions hereunder, including the following:

           (a)  to construe and interpret the Plan, decide all questions of
                eligibility and determine the amount, manner and time of payment
                of any distributions


                hereunder to the fullest extent provided by law; any
                interpretations or decisions so made will be conclusive and
                binding on all persons having an interest in the Plan;

           (b)  to prescribe procedures to be followed by Participants or
                Beneficiaries requesting distributions or withdrawals;

           (c)  to prepare and distribute, in such manner as the Plan
                Administrator determines to be appropriate, information
                explaining the Plan, which shall include providing Participants
                not less frequently than annually with periodic statements of
                their accounts;

           (d)  to receive from Employees and agents such information as shall
                be necessary for the proper administration of the Plan;

           (e)  to receive, review and keep on file (as it deems convenient or
                proper) reports of the financial condition, and of the receipts
                and disbursements, of the Trust from the Trustee; and

           (f)  to designate or employ persons to carry out any of the Plan
                Administrator's fiduciary duties or responsibilities under the


3.6        Rules and Decisions. The Plan Administrator may adopt such rules,
           regulations and procedures as it deems necessary, desirable or
           appropriate. All decisions of the Plan Administrator shall be
           uniformly and consistently applied to all Participants in similar
           circumstances. When making a determination or calculation, the Plan
           Administrator shall be entitled to rely upon information furnished by
           a Participant or Beneficiary, the legal counsel of the Plan
           Administrator, an Employer or the Trustee.

3.7        Reliance on Tables, etc. In administering the Plan, the Plan
           Administrator will be entitled, to the extent permitted by law, to
           rely conclusively on all tables, valuations, certificates, opinions
           and reports which are furnished by any accountant, trustee, counsel
           or other expert who is employed or engaged by the Plan Administrator
           or by the Company on the Plan Administrator's behalf.

3.8        Procedures. The Plan Administrator shall keep all necessary records
           and forward all necessary communications to the Trustee.

3.9        Authorization of Withdrawals and Distributions. The Plan
           Administrator or its agent shall issue and/or approve directions,
           instructions and/or procedures to the Trustee concerning all
           withdrawals and distributions which are to be made from the Trust
           pursuant to the provisions of the Plan, and shall warrant that all
           such directions are in accordance with the Plan.

3.10       Rules and Procedures for Withdrawals and Distributions. The Plan
           Administrator may require a Participant request a withdrawal or
           distribution pursuant to rules and procedures it may establish from
           time to time. The Plan Administrator may rely upon all such
           information so furnished it, including the Participant's current
           mailing address.


3.11       Indemnification of Plan Administrator. The Company agrees to
           indemnify and to defend to the fullest extent permitted by law any
           Employee serving as Plan Administrator (including any Employee who
           formerly served as a Plan Administrator) against all liabilities,
           damages, costs and expenses (including attorneys' fees and amounts
           paid in settlement of any claims approved by the Company) occasioned
           by an act or omission to act in connection with the Plan, if such act
           or omission is in good faith.


                                    ARTICLE 4


4.1        Participation. Each person who was a Participant in the Liberty
           Financial Companies, Inc. or the Keyport Life Insurance Company
           Savings Plan and Trust as of June 30, 1998, will continue to be a
           Participant on July 1, 1998. Any other Employee will become a
           Participant on the Entry Date next following his date of hire
           provided that he is an Eligible Employee on such Entry Date.

4.2        Cessation of Participation. A Participant will cease to be a
           Participant as of the earlier of

           (a)  the date on which he ceases to be an Eligible Employee; or

           (b)  the date on which the Plan terminates.

4.3        Breaks in Service.

           (a)  If an Employee who has ceased to be a Participant pursuant to
                Section 4.2 again becomes an Eligible Employee, he will
                immediately become a Participant in the Plan.

           (b)  If an Employee who was not a Participant and who terminates
                employment with the Company and all Affiliated Companies again
                becomes an Employee, he shall become a Participant on the Entry
                Date next following his Date of Hire.


                                    ARTICLE 5


5.1        Elective Contributions. On behalf of each Participant for whom there
           is in effect, for any pay period, a compensation reduction
           authorization described in Section 5.2, and who is receiving Total
           Compensation from a Participating Employer during such pay period,
           such Participating Employer will contribute to the Trust, as an
           Elective Contribution, an amount equal to the amount by which such
           Total Compensation was reduced pursuant to the compensation reduction

5.2        Compensation Reduction Authorizations. For purposes of Section 5.1, a
           "compensation reduction authorization" is an authorization from an
           Eligible Employee to a Participating Employer which satisfies the
           requirements of this Section 5.2. Each such authorization shall
           provide that the Participant's Total Compensation from the
           Participating Employer will be reduced by a number of whole
           percentage points between 1% and 19%, inclusive, elected by the
           Participant, and that the Participating Employer will contribute such
           amount to the Trust as an Elective Contribution on behalf of such
           Participant. Each such authorization shall be made pursuant to
           procedures prescribed or approved by the Plan Administrator and shall
           be irrevocable while the authorization is in effect.

5.3        Revocation or Change of Compensation Deductions. A Participant may
           change or revoke his compensation reduction authorization effective
           as of any pay period. A Participant who has revoked his compensation
           reduction authorization may reinstate his prior reduction
           authorization as of any subsequent pay period. Any such revocation,
           change or reinstatement shall be made pursuant to procedures
           prescribed or approved by the Plan Administrator.


5.4        Matching Contributions. For each pay period, each Participating
           Employer will contribute to the Trust, for the benefit of each
           Participant employed by the Participating Employer (including a
           former Participant who ceased to be a Participant during the month),
           a Matching Contribution equal to 75 percent of such portion of the
           Participant's Elective Contributions for the pay period as does not
           exceed six percent of the Participant's Total Compensation for the
           pay period from the Participating Employer.

5.5        Discretionary Contributions. For each Plan Year each Participating
           Employer will contribute to the Trust such amount of Discretionary
           Contributions, if any, as it determines. Except as hereafter
           provided, as of the last business day of each Plan Year, each
           Participating Employer's Discretionary Contribution for such year
           will be allocated among and credited to the Discretionary
           Contribution Accounts of Participants who are employed by such
           Participating Employer on the last day of such year in proportion to
           their respective amounts of Total Compensation (only Total
           Compensation while an Employee is a Participant and employed by a
           Participating Employer shall be counted for this purpose) paid by
           such Participating Employer for such Plan Year. A Participant who
           retires on or after age 65, becomes disabled, or dies while employed
           during a Plan Year shall be considered as if still employed on the
           last day of the Plan Year.

5.6        Treatment of Forfeitures. If a Participant forfeits any part of his
           interest in the Trust Fund under Section 8.6, the amount of the
           forfeiture will be applied as soon as reasonably practical (at least
           annually) to reduce the Matching Contributions required to be made to
           the Plan under Section 5.4. Forfeitures shall be maintained and
           applied separately with respect to each Participating Employer
           pursuant to procedures established by the Plan Administrator.


5.7        Maximum Amount of Contributions. In no event will the sum of the
           contributions under Sections 5.1, 5.4 and 5.5 for any Plan Year be in
           an amount which would cause the Annual Addition for any Participant
           to exceed the amount permitted under Section 415 of the Code, nor
           will the sum of the contributions under Sections 5.1, 5.4 and 5.5
           exceed the maximum amount deductible under Section 404 of the Code.
           Participating Employer contributions under the Plan are hereby
           conditioned on their deductibility under Section 404 of the Code. The
           Elective Contributions made for a Participant for any Plan Year may
           not exceed the limit as may be in effect for the Plan Year under
           Section 402(g)(1) of the Code, reduced by any other elective
           deferrals (as defined in Section 402(g)(3) of the Code) of the
           Participant through the Employer for the Plan Year.

5.8        Return of Contributions. If a contribution by a Participating
           Employer to the Trust is

           (a)  made by reason of a good faith mistake of fact, or

           (b)  is conditioned upon its deductibility under Section 404 of the
                Code, and the deduction is disallowed,

           the Trustee shall, upon request by the Participating Employer, return
           to the Participating Employer the excess of the amount contributed
           over the amount, if any, that would have been contributed had there
           not occurred a mistake of fact or a mistake in determining the
           deduction. In no event shall the return of a contribution hereunder
           cause any Participant's Share of the Trust Fund to be reduced to less
           than it would have been had the mistaken or nondeductible amount not


           contributed. No return of a contribution hereunder shall be made more
           than one year after the mistaken payment of the contribution, or
           disallowance of the deduction, as the case may be.

5.9        Nondiscrimination Requirements.
           Elective Contributions, Matching Contributions, and QNECs for any
           Plan Year must satisfy the nondiscrimination requirements set forth
           in Sections 401(k)(3) and 401(m)(9) of the Code, Treasury Regulations
           1.401(k)-1(b) and 1.401(m)-2, and any applicable successor to such
           Sections and/or Regulations. For this purpose the so-called prior
           year/look back year method shall be used.

5.10       Adjustments by Plan Administrator.

           (a)  Notwithstanding any provision of the Plan to the contrary, the
                Plan Administrator may, in its sole discretion, decrease the
                amount of the future Elective Contributions to be made for the
                benefit of any Highly Compensated Employee, and pay the amount
                of the decrease to the Employee in cash, if the Plan
                Administrator deems such a decrease to be necessary in order to
                satisfy either the nondiscrimination requirements of Section 5.9
                or the limitations described in Section 5.7, or both. If the
                Plan Administrator decreases any Elective Contributions in order
                to meet the nondiscrimination requirement of Section 5.9, such
                decrease shall be made first in the Elective Contributions for
                the Highly Compensated Employees whose Elective Contributions
                are expected to be the highest dollar amount for the Plan Year
                so that no reduction is made in the Elective Contributions for
                any Highly Compensated Employee as long as any other Highly
                Compensated Employee is expected to make a higher dollar
                contribution for the Plan Year. Any decrease in the Elective
                Contributions for a Participant will also be effective for
                purposes of


                determining the amount of the Matching Contributions to be made
                for the Participant's benefit under Section 5.4.

           (b)  Notwithstanding any provision of the Plan to the contrary, the
                Plan Administrator may, in its sole discretion, decrease the
                amount of Matching Contributions to be made for the benefit of
                Highly Compensated Employees if the Plan Administrator deems
                such decrease to be necessary in order to satisfy the
                nondiscrimination requirements of Section 5.9. Any decrease in
                Matching Contributions in order to satisfy Section 5.9 shall be
                made first in the Matching Contributions for the Highly
                Compensated Employees whose Matching Contributions for the Plan
                Year are expected to be the highest dollar amounts, so that no
                reduction is made in the Matching Contributions for any Highly
                Compensated Employee as long as any other Highly Compensated
                Employee is expected to have a higher dollar contribution for
                the Plan Year.

5.11       Distribution of Excess Contributions. If, after all contributions for
           a Plan Year have been made, the nondiscrimination requirements of
           Section 5.9 have not been satisfied for the Plan Year, the Plan
           Administrator shall, as soon as practicable (but in no event later
           than the close of the following Plan Year), distribute the excess
           contributions (adjusted for income or loss allocable to such excess)
           to Highly Compensated Participants, in accordance with Sections
           401(k)(8) and 401(m)(6) of the Code, to the extent necessary to
           satisfy Section 5.9. If distributions must be made under this Section
           5.11 in order to satisfy a nondiscrimination test in Section 5.9,
           there shall be distributed first Elective Contributions together with
           any Matching Contributions attributable to them (adjusted for income
           or loss), and then Matching Contributions (adjusted for income or


5.12       Distribution of Excess Deferrals. If, on or before March 1 of any
           year, a Participant notifies the Plan Administrator, in accordance
           with Section 402(g)(2)(A) of the Code and regulations thereunder,
           that all or part of the Elective Contributions made for his benefit
           represent an excess deferral for the preceding taxable year of the
           Participant, the Plan Administrator shall make every reasonable
           effort to cause such excess deferral (adjusted for income or loss
           allocable to such excess) to be distributed to the Participant no
           later than the April 15 following such notification. Except to the
           extent otherwise provided in regulations, any amount distributed
           under this Section 5.12 shall be taken into account in applying
           Sections 5.9, 5.10 and 5.11 as if it had not been distributed, except
           that any distribution of excess Elective Contributions to a
           Participant under Section 5.11 shall be reduced by the amount of any
           distribution to the Participant under this Section 5.12.


                                    ARTICLE 6

                           TRUST FUND AND INVESTMENTS

6.1        Investment Funds Within the Trust Fund. All contributions to the
           Trust and all investments thereunder shall be held by the Trustee in
           the Trust Fund. The Trust Fund shall consist of such investment funds
           as the Company, or investment advisor or manager appointed by the
           Company, shall select, including, without limitation, fixed income
           contracts with one or more insurance companies, shares of one or more
           mutual funds, and common stock of the Company. The Company may name
           an investment or similar committee which shall be responsible for
           selecting the investment funds which will be offered hereunder from
           time to time.

           The separate investment funds made available within the Trust Fund
           may be changed or modified from time to time by the Company, or by an
           investment advisor or manager or investment committee appointed by
           the Company. It is expressly permissible under the Plan for Trust
           assets to be invested in "qualifying employer securities" as that
           term is defined in Section 407(d)(5) of ERISA.

           The Plan and Trust are intended to comply with Section 404(c) of

6.2        Selection of Investment Funds. Each Participant may select the
           investment fund or funds for his future Contributions and Accounts
           among the funds described in Section 6.1. Each such investment
           election shall be made pursuant to investment election rules and
           procedures established by the Plan Administrator.


           Notwithstanding any provision of the Plan to the contrary, to the
           extent permitted according to rules and procedures adopted by the
           Plan Administrator, an investment election or change in investment
           direction may be made by the telephone or other electronic means.

6.2.A.     Certain Self-Managed Accounts. In conjunction with certain corporate
           restructuring and acquisitions, the Company has agreed to permit
           certain Participants to invest a portion of their Accounts in various
           securities that are not generally offered under the Plan
           (self-managed accounts). A Participant who is investing in a
           self-managed account may continue to utilize such self-managed
           account with respect to amounts held in such self-managed account but
           may not add any other amounts to such account. If a Participant
           transfers an amount from such account to one of the investment funds
           offered under the Plan, such amount may not be transferred back to
           the self-managed account.


                                    ARTICLE 7


7.1        Accounts. The Plan Administrator shall maintain or cause to be
           maintained on its books for each Participant an Elective Contribution
           Account, a Matching Contribution Account, a Discretionary
           Contribution Account, and a Rollover Account as appropriate to
           correspond to the types of contributions made by or on his behalf to
           the Plan. The Plan Administrator shall also establish and maintain
           such other accounts or subaccounts as it deems necessary or desirable
           to carry out the provisions of the Plan, for example, to reflect any
           amount which is repaid to the Plan on an after-tax basis pursuant to
           Section 8.6(a).

7.2        Adjustment of Accounts. The Plan Administrator shall, as of each
           Valuation Date, adjust or cause to be adjusted each Participant's
           Account to reflect contributions, distributions, withdrawals,
           investment transfers, participant loans and repayments on any such
           loans, investment earnings, expenses, and any other debits or credits
           to such Account since the last Valuation Date, including realized and
           unrealized gains and losses determined on the basis of fair market

7.3        Limitations. Notwithstanding any other provisions of the Plan:

           (a)  The Annual Addition to a Participant's accounts under the Plan
                for any Limitation year, when added to the annual additions to
                his accounts for such year under all other defined contribution
                plans (if any) maintained by the Employer, shall not exceed the
                lesser of (1) the maximum dollar limitation or (2) 25 percent of
                the Participant's Taxable Compensation for such Limitation


                Year. For purposes of this Section, "maximum dollar limitation"
                means $30,000 (or, if greater, one-fourth of the limitation in
                effect for the Limitation Year under Section 414(b)(1)(A) of the

           (b)  In the case of a Participant who also participates in a defined
                benefit plan maintained by the Employer, the Annual Addition for
                a Limitation Year will, if necessary, be further limited so that
                the sum of the Participant's "defined contribution plan
                fraction" (as determined under Section 414(e) of the Code and
                the regulations promulgated thereunder) and his "defined benefit
                plan fraction" (as determined under Section 415(e) of the Code
                and the regulations promulgated thereunder) for such Limitation
                Year does not exceed 1.0.

           (c)  To the extent necessary to satisfy the limitations of this
                Section 7.3 for any Participant, the Participant's benefit under
                any and all defined benefit plans shall be reduced before his
                Annual Addition under this Plan, and his Annual Addition under
                this Plan shall be reduced before his Annual Addition under any
                other defined contribution plan. The Plan Administrator may
                limit the amount of Elective Contributions a Participant may
                make hereunder during a Limitation Year so that his Annual
                Addition for the Year shall not exceed the limit set forth in
                (a) above. In the event a Participant's Annual Addition for a
                Limitation Year exceeds the limit set forth in (a) above, the
                Plan Administrator may establish a suspense account on behalf of
                the Participant in an amount equal to such excess and the amount
                in the suspense account shall be applied as a contribution due
                on behalf of the Participant for the succeeding Limitation year.
                In the event no contributions are due on behalf of the
                Participant for the succeeding Limitation Year, or if the amount
                in the


                suspense account exceeds the contributions which are due, the
                balance in the suspense account shall be applied to reduce the
                contributions due on behalf of other Participants and no
                contributions shall be made to the Plan until the suspense
                account is so applied. In lieu of establishing a suspense
                account and applying it as above described, the Plan
                Administrator may correct an excess Annual Addition on behalf of
                a Participant for a Limitation year by distributing to such
                Participant all or a portion of such Participant's Elective
                Contribution for the Plan Year as necessary to correct such


                                    ARTICLE 8

                               RIGHTS TO BENEFITS

8.1        Normal Retirement. A Participant who attains his Normal Retirement
           Date while an Employee, will have a fully vested and nonforfeitable
           interest in his Share of the Trust Fund. Upon his retirement on or
           after his Normal Retirement Date, the Participant's Share of the
           Trust Fund will be distributed in accordance with Article 9 below.

8.2        Disability Retirement. A Participant may retire before his Normal
           Retirement Date if he becomes eligible for disability benefits under
           the Employer's long term disability plan. In the event of such a
           disability retirement, the Participant will have a fully vested and
           nonforfeitable interest in, and will be entitled to receive, his
           Share of the Trust Fund. Distribution will be made in accordance with
           Article 9 below.

8.3        Death.

           (a)  If a Participant or former Participant dies while employed by
                the Company or an Affiliated Company before the distribution of
                his Share of the Trust Fund has been made under Article 9, upon
                his death his designated Beneficiary will have a fully vested
                and nonforfeitable interest in, and will be entitled to receive,
                the value of his Share of the Trust Fund. Distribution to the
                Beneficiary will be made in accordance with Article 9.

           (b)  If the Participant was married at the time of death, he shall be
                deemed to have designated his surviving spouse as his
                Beneficiary unless:


                (1)  prior to his death, he designated as his Beneficiary a
                     person other than his surviving spouse, such designation to
                     be made in writing at such time and in such manner as the
                     Plan Administrator shall approve or prescribe; and

                (2)  either

                     (A)  his surviving spouse consents in writing to the
                          designation described in (1) above, such consent
                          acknowledges the effect of such designation and the
                          specific non-spouse Beneficiary (including any class
                          of Beneficiaries or any contingent Beneficiaries) or
                          authorizes the Participant to designate Beneficiaries
                          without further consent, and such consent is witnessed
                          by a Plan representative or a notary public, or

                     (B)  it is established to the satisfaction of the Plan
                          Administrator that the consent required under (A)
                          above may not be obtained because there is no spouse,
                          because the spouse cannot be located, or because of
                          such other circumstances as the Secretary of the
                          Treasury may prescribe; and


                (3)  the non-spouse Beneficiary designated in accordance with
                     the provisions of this Section survives the Participant.

                Any consent by a spouse under (2)(A) above, or a determination
                by the Plan Administrator with respect to such spouse under
                (2)(B) above, shall be effective only with respect to such
                spouse. Any such consent shall be irrevocable, but shall be
                effective only with respect to the specific Beneficiary
                designation unless the consent expressly permits designations by
                the Participant without any requirement of further consent. Any
                consent that permits Beneficiary designati  ons by the 
                Participant without any requirement of further consent must
                acknowledge the spouse's right to limit consent to a specific
                Beneficiary and the spouse's voluntary election to relinquish
                such right.

           (c)  A Participant who is not married may designate a Beneficiary
                in writing at such time and in such manner as the Plan 
                Administrator shall approve or prescribe.

           (d)  A Participant who has designated a Beneficiary in accordance
                with this Section 8.3 may change such designation at any time by
                giving written notice to the Plan Administrator, subject to the
                conditions of this Section 8.3 and such additional conditions
                and requirements as the Plan Administrator may prescribe in
                accordance with applicable law.

           (e)  If a Participant dies without a surviving Beneficiary, the full
                amount payable upon his death will be paid to his issue per
                stirpes. If any of such issue is a minor, at the direction of
                the Plan Administrator, the Trustee may deposit his share in a
                savings account to his credit in a savings bank or other


                institution for the benefit of such issue. If there are no
                surviving issue, then the amount may be paid to his executor or
                administrator or applied to the payment of his debts and funeral
                expenses, all as the Plan Administrator shall determine.

8.4        Other Termination of Employment. If a Participant separates from the
           service (within the meaning of Code Section 401(k)(2)(B)(i)(I)) of
           the Employer for any reason other than retirement, disability or
           death described in Section 8.1, 8.2 or 8.3, he will be entitled under
           this Section 8.4 to a benefit equal to the sum of

           (a)  the balances of his Elective Contribution Account, that porion,
                if any, of his Discretionary Contribution Account attributable
                to qualified non-elective contributions which may have been made
                under a predecessor to this Plan (QNEC) and Rollover Account, if
                any, plus

           (b)  his vested portion, determined under the vesting schedule below,
                of his Matching Contribution Account and his Discretionary
                Contribution Account (other than that portion, if any,
                attributable QNECs) determined as of the same Valuation Date.
                The vested portion of a Participant's Matching Contribution
                Account and Discretionary Contribution Account (other than
                amounts attributable to QNECs) will be determined by multiplying
                the balance of each such Account by the following percentage,
                based upon the number of the Participant's Years of Service for
                Vesting on the date his employment terminates:


Years of Service for Vesting    Percentage
- ----------------------------    ----------
     less than  2                   0
                2                  25
                3                  50
                4                  75
                5 or more         100

           Distribution of a benefit under this Section 8.4 will be made in
           accordance with Article 9. A Participant shall be treated as having
           separated from the service of the Employer if the Participant ceases
           to be an Employee because of the disposition by a Participating
           Employer of a subsidiary, or of substantially all the assets of a
           trade or business, unless the organization acquiring the subsidiary
           or trade or business maintains the Plan, as determined under Treasury
           Regulation 1.401(k)-1(d)(4).

8.5        Election of Former Vesting Schedule. If the Plan is amended, and if
           such amendment directly or indirectly affects the computation of the
           nonforfeitable percentage of a Participant's right to his Account,
           each Participant who has completed three Years of Service for Vesting
           as of the end of the election period described below and whose
           nonforfeitable percentage at any time after such amendment could be
           less than such percentage determined without regard to such
           amendment, may elect during such election period to have the
           nonforfeitable percentage of his Account determined without regard to
           such amendment. The election period referred to in the preceding
           sentence will begin on the date such amendment is adopted and will
           end on the latest of the following dates:


           (a)  the date which is 60 days after the date on which such amendment
                is adopted;

           (b)  the date which is 60 days after the date on which such amendment
                becomes effective; or

           (c)  the date which is 60 days after the date on which the
                Participant is issued written notice of such amendment by the
                Plan Administrator.

           An election under this Section 8.5 may be made only by an individual
           who is a Participant at the time such election is made and once made
           shall be irrevocable.

8.6        Forfeitures.

           (a)  If a Participant separates from the service of the Employer at a
                time when he has less than a 100 percent nonforfeitable interest
                in his Matching Contribution Account or his Discretionary
                Contribution Account, any portion of his Matching Contribution
                Account or Discretionary Contribution Account not payable to him
                under Section 8.4 will be forfeited on the date the Participant
                receives a distribution of the vested portion of his Account or
                the date the Participant incurs a Break in Service. Any such
                forfeitures shall be applied as described in Section 5.6. If a
                Participant who has incurred such a forfeiture resumes
                employment with an Employer prior to incurring five consecutive
                Breaks in Service, the Company shall contribute to the Trust and
                credit to the Participant's Matching Contribution Account and/or
                Discretionary Contribution Account an amount equal to the amount
                previously forfeited if, within 5 years after the date on which
                the Participant resumes employment, he repays to the Plan the
                amount previously distributed to him, without interest.


           (b)  In the event a Participant terminates employment with the
                Company or an Affiliated Company, his years of Service for
                Vesting shall be reinstated if, and only if, (i) he was fully or
                partially vested in Employer Contributions when he terminated
                employment, or (ii) if he was not fully or partially vested in
                Employer Contributions, he returns to employment before he
                incurs five consecutive Breaks in Service.

           (c)  In the event a Participant makes a withdrawal from his Account
                attributable to Employer Contributions before he is fully vested
                in such Contributions, his vested interest in his remaining
                Account at any time before he is 100% vested in such Account
                shall be determined according to the following formula:

                               X = P (AB + D) - D

                where P is the Participant's vesting percentage at the time his
                vested interest is being determined, AB is the balance of his
                Account attributable to Employer Contributions, and D is the
                amount of the withdrawal.

           (d)  For the purpose of determining an Employee's vesting percentage,
                years of employment with the Company and any Affiliated Company
                will be taken into consideration.


                                    ARTICLE 9

                            DISTRIBUTION OF BENEFITS

9.1        Payment Upon Retirement, Disability, or Termination of Employment. If
           a Participant's Share of the Trust Fund becomes payable under Section
           8.1, 8.2, or 8.4, distribution of such Share will be made in a form
           determined under Section 9.6, as soon as reasonably practicable after
           retirement, disability, or termination of employment, subject in each
           case to Sections 9.4, 9.5, and 9.6 below.

9.2        Payment Upon Death. If a Participant's Share of the Trust Fund
           becomes payable under Section 8.3, distribution of such Share will be
           made in a single payment as soon as reasonably practicable after the
           date of the Participant's death, and in no event later than the end
           of the calendar year in which occurs the fifth anniversary of the
           Participant's death.

9.3        Amount of Distribution. The amount of any distribution will not be
           more than the amount of the Participant's vested Account as of the
           most recent Valuation Date preceding the date of the distribution, or
           such other Valuation Date that conforms to the Plan's regular
           distribution practices.

9.4        Consent to Distributions Before Age 70-1/2. No distribution shall be
           made to any Participant before he reaches age 70-1/2 unless:

           (a)  the Participant's prior written consent to the distribution has
                been obtained by the Plan Administrator, or


           (b)  the value of the vested and nonforfeitable portion of the
                Participant's Share of the Trust Fund, determined as of the
                Valuation Date coinciding with or next preceding the date of the
                distribution, does not exceed $5,000.

           If the Participant's consent is required under this Section 9.4 but
           is not provided prior to the time distribution is to be made or
           commence under Section 9.1, distribution shall be made the earliest
           of: (1) the April 1 following the year the Participant attains age
           70-1/2, (2) as soon as practicable after the Plan Administrator is
           notified of the Participant's death, or (3) as soon as practicable
           after the date the Plan Administrator receives from the Participant
           and records a request for distribution.

9.5        Latest Commencement of Benefits.

           (a)  Unless otherwise elected in accordance with the following
                paragraph, in no case will distributions of any Participant's
                Share of the Trust Fund commence later than the 60th day after
                the latest of the following:

                (i)    the close of the Plan Year in which occurs the date on
                       which the Participant attains age 65;

                (ii)   the close of the Plan Year in which occurs the tenth
                       anniversary of the year in which the Participant
                       commenced participation in the Plan; or

                (iii)  the close of the Plan Year in which the Participant's
                       service with the Employer terminates.


                Subject to Section 401(a)(9) of the Code, a Participant who is
                entitled to a distribution of his Share pursuant to the
                provisions of this Article may elect, in accordance with
                procedures adopted by the Plan Administrator, to defer payment
                of such Share but not beyond the April 1 following the Plan Year
                in which he attains age 70-1/2. The distribution of such Share
                for any Participant who makes such an election will be made in a
                single lump sum payment (unless otherwise provided under Section
                9.6) as soon as reasonably practicable after the Valuation Date
                coinciding with or immediately following the commencement date
                elected by such Participant.

           (b)  In any event, and notwithstanding any election or provision of
                this Plan to the contrary, distribution of a Participant's
                Account shall be made not later than the April 1 following the
                close of the calendar year in which he attains age 70-1/2,
                provided that if a Participant is still an Employee at the time
                distributions are required to commence under this Section
                9.5(b), and the Participant is not a 5% or more owner of the
                Company, distributions shall be made as soon as practicable
                after the Participant terminates employment.

           (c)  If a Participant dies on or after the applicable date described
                in (b) above and before distribution of his benefit has been
                completed, the remaining portion of his benefit will be
                distributed to his Beneficiary at least as rapidly as under the
                method of distribution under which the Participant was receiving
                his benefit as of the date of his death.


           (d)  All distributions under the Plan shall be made in a manner
                consistent with Section 401(a)(9) of the Code and regulations

           (e)  For purposes of this Section 9.5, life expectancies shall not be
                recalculated under Section 401(a)(9)(D) of the Code.

9.6        Forms of Distribution.

           (a)  In General. Subject to Sections 9.6(b) and (c) below, and the
                minimum distribution rules under Code Section 401(a)(9), a
                Participant or Beneficiary may elect to receive the amounts
                payable to him under the Plan in the following form or forms:

                (i)    a single payment in cash or in kind or a combination

                (ii)   in the case of a Participant who became a Participant in
                       the Plan prior to January 1, 1989, by the purchase and
                       distribution of a non-transferable annuity contract
                       providing for payments (A) as a single life annuity or
                       (B) in the case of a married Participant only, as a 50
                       percent joint and survivor annuity providing for payments
                       to the Participant for the remainder of his life and
                       thereafter to his spouse for the spouse's life in an
                       amount equal to 50 percent of the amount of the benefit
                       then being paid to the Participant determined as of the
                       first of the month in which the Participant dies; or

                (iii)  A combination of (i) and (ii).

                       A Participant may elect a partial rather than a full
                       distribution provided that no more than one partial
                       distribution may be made in a


                       calendar year and any such partial distribution shall not
                       be less than $1,000. In any event, a terminated
                       Participant's Account shall be distributed no later than
                       the April 1 following the close of the calendar year in
                       which he attains age 70-1/2.

           (b)  Special Rule for Certain Married Participants. If a married
                Participant at any time elects the purchase and distribution of
                an annuity contract, the survivor annuity requirements of Code
                Sections 401(a)(11) and 417 will always thereafter apply to all
                of the Participant's benefits under this Plan, and the Plan
                shall satisfy the applicable written explanation, consent,
                election and withdrawal rules of such Code sections and the
                regulations thereunder, including payment of benefits in the
                form of a qualified joint and survivor annuity unless such
                annuity is waived and such waiver is properly consented to by
                the Participant's spouse within 90 days of the Participant's
                annuity starting date.

           (c)  Special Rule for Certain Small Benefits. If the total amount
                payable before any distribution has commenced with respect to a
                Participant (whether or not he is a married Participant) does
                not exceed $5,000, such amount will be paid in a single payment
                in cash.

           (d)  A Participant (with his spouse's consent if married) may waive
                the 30-day pre-notification requirement as described in Section
                417 of the Code.

9.7        Notice to Trustee. The Plan Administrator will notify the Trustee, or
           its delegate, whenever any Participant or Beneficiary is entitled to
           receive a distribution under the Plan. In giving such notice, the
           Plan Administrator will specify the name and last known address of
           the person receiving such distribution. Upon receipt of such 


           notice from the Plan Administrator, the Trustee, or its delegate,
           will, as soon as is reasonably practicable, distribute such amount.

9.8        Direct Rollovers. Notwithstanding any provision of the Plan to the
           contrary, a `distributee' may elect, at the time and in the manner
           prescribed by the Plan Administrator, to have any portion of an
           `eligible rollover distribution' paid directly to an `eligible
           retirement plan' specified by the distributee as a `direct rollover'.
           The Administrator may require evidence that the Plan to which the
           rollover is intended to be made is, in fact an `eligible retirement
           plan'. The Plan Administrator is not required to make wire transfers
           nor to make direct rollovers to more than one eligible retirement
           plan on behalf of a distributee.

           The following definitions shall apply for purposes of this Section

           (a)  an `eligible rollover distribution' is any distribution of all
                or any portion of the balance to the credit of the distributee,
                except that an eligible rollover distribution does not include:
                any distribution that is one of a series of substantially equal
                periodic payments (not less frequently than annually) made for
                the life expectancy (or life expectancies) of the distributee or
                the joint lives (or joint life expectancies) of the distributee
                and the distributee's designated beneficiary, or for a specified
                period of ten years or more; any distribution to the extent such
                distribution is required under Section 401(a)(9) of the Code;
                and the portion of any distribution that is not includible in
                gross income (determined with regard to the exclusion for net
                unrealized appreciation with respect to employer securities);

           (b)  an `eligible retirement plan' is an individual retirement
                account described in Section 408(a) of the Code, an individual
                retirement annuity described in Section 408(b) of the Code, an
                annuity plan described in Section 403(a) of the Code, or a
                qualified trust described in Section 401(a) of the Code, that


                accepts that distributee's eligible rollover distribution.
                However, in the case of an eligible rollover distribution to the
                surviving spouse, an eligible retirement plan is an individual
                retirement account or individual retirement annuity;

           (c)  a `distributee' includes an employee or former employee. In
                addition, the employee's or former employee's surviving spouse
                or former spouse who is the alternate payee under a qualified
                domestic relations order, as defined in Section 414(p) of the
                Code, are distributees with regard to the interest of the spouse
                or former spouse.

           (d)  a `direct rollover' is a payment by the Plan to the eligible
                retirement plan specified by the distributee.


                                   ARTICLE 10

                             IN-SERVICE WITHDRAWALS

10.1       Hardship Withdrawals. A Participant who suffers a financial hardship,
           as defined in this Section, may request a withdrawal from (1) the
           vested portion of his Matching Contribution Account, (2) the vested
           portion of his Discretionary Contribution Account, (3) his Rollover
           Account, if any, and (4) his Elective Contribution Account (other
           than that portion of his Elective Contribution Account which is
           attributable to income credited after December 31, 1988). Such a
           request shall be made by written notice to the Plan Administrator
           setting forth the nature and amount of the hardship need and
           documentary evidence thereof. Upon receipt and recording of such a
           request, the Plan Administrator shall determine whether a financial
           hardship exists; if the Plan Administrator determines that such a
           hardship does exist, it shall further determine what portion of the
           amount requested by the Participant is required to meet the need
           created by the hardship, and shall direct the Trustee to distribute
           to the Participant in a single lump sum payment the amount so
           determined. A hardship withdrawal shall be permitted under this
           Section only in the event of a financial need arising from

           (I)  unreimbursed major medical expenses (described in Section 213(d)
                of the Code) for which payment is necessary in advance in order
                to obtain medical services for the Participant or his spouse or
                dependent or for such medical expenses already incurred by the
                Participant or his spouse or dependent,

           (II) the purchase of a principal residence for the Participant
                (excluding mortgage payments),


          (III) payment of tuition and related educational fees for the next 12
                months, semester or quarter of post-secondary education for the
                Participant or his spouse, children, or dependents, or

           (IV) the need to prevent eviction of the Participant from his
                principal residence or foreclosure on the mortgage of the
                Participant's principal residence.

           For purposes of this Section, the term "dependent" shall have the
           meaning assigned to it by Section 152 of the Code.

           No distribution shall be made under this Section in excess of the
           amount of the Participant's immediate and heavy financial need plus
           any amounts necessary to pay any income taxes or penalties reasonably
           expected to result from the distribution. In addition, no such
           distribution shall be made unless the Participant has obtained all
           distributions (other than hardship distributions) and all loans
           currently available under all plans maintained by the Employer. In
           the event a Participant receives a distribution under this Section,

           (A)  No Elective Contributions shall be made for the Participant's
                benefit for the 12 calendar months following the Valuation Date
                coinciding with or next following the hardship withdrawal;

           (B)  No elective contributions or employee contributions shall be
                made for such 12 month period to any other qualified or
                nonqualified plan of deferred compensation maintained by the
                Employer, including stock option or stock purchase plans; and


           (C)  The Elective Contributions for the Participant's benefit
                (together with any elective contributions under other qualified
                retirement plans maintained by the Employer) for the calendar
                year following the year of the hardship withdrawal may not
                exceed the limit of Section 402(g)(1) of the Code applicable to
                the such following calendar year reduced by the amount of the
                Participant's Elective Contributions made during the year of the
                hardship withdrawal. In the event any Account from which a
                Participant's hardship withdrawal is made is invested in more
                than one of the separate investment funds maintained under the
                Plan, a withdrawal of less than the complete balance of the
                Account shall be withdrawn proportionately from each applicable
                investment fund. Any withdrawal hereunder shall not exceed the
                vested balance of the relevant Account or Accounts determined as
                of the Valuation Date next following receipt from the
                Participant and recording by the Plan Administrator of the
                Participant's withdrawal request, reduced by the amount of any
                indebtedness of the Participant to the Plan attributable to any
                such Account, and shall be made to the Participant as soon as
                practicable after such Valuation Date.

10.1A      Age 59-1/2 Withdrawals. Notwithstanding Section 10.1, a Participant
           who has attained age 59-1/2 may request a withdrawal (minimum $1,000)
           from his vested Account for any reason in accordance with procedures
           adopted by the Plan Administrator, but no more frequently than once
           each calendar year. In the event any Account from which a
           Participant's withdrawal is made is invested in more than one of the
           separate investment funds maintained under the Plan, a withdrawal of
           less than the complete balance of the Account shall be withdrawn
           proportionately from each applicable investment fund.


10.2       Subsequent Distributions. A withdrawal pursuant to this Article 10
           will not affect the Participant's right to receive distribution of
           the remaining portion of his Share of the Trust Fund pursuant to
           Articles 8 and 9.


                                   ARTICLE 11


11.1       Requests for Loans. Each Participant, and such other persons to whom
           the opportunity to borrow from the Trust must be extended under
           applicable law, may request a loan from the Trust, subject to the
           conditions prescribed in this Article 11.

11.2       Rules and Procedures. The Plan Administrator shall determine the time
           or times when loans shall be made available, and shall formulate such
           rules and procedures as it deems appropriate relating to such loans.
           Such rules and procedures shall be set forth in the summary plan
           description in such detail as may be required under applicable
           regulations. Such rules and procedures shall form part of the Plan.
           No request for a loan will be accepted if the Participant then has
           two loans outstanding. The Plan Administrator may charge a reasonable
           loan fee for all loans taken under the Plan in accordance with such
           uniform and nondiscriminatory procedures as it shall establish. Such
           fee shall be deducted from the Participant's Account or loan proceeds
           pursuant to uniform rules established by the Plan Administrator.

11.3       Maximum Amount of Loan. The amount of any loan, together with the
           aggregate amount of principal and accrued interest owed by the
           borrower with respect to any prior loans from qualified retirement
           plans of the Employer, shall not exceed the lesser of:


           (a)  $50,000, reduced by the excess of (1) the highest outstanding
                loan balance of the borrower from such plans during the one year
                period ending on the day before the loan is made, over (2) the
                borrower's outstanding loan balance from such plans immediately
                prior to the loan; or

           (b)  one-half of the borrower's nonforfeitable portion (determined
                under Article 8) of the borrower's Share of the Trust Fund.

           For purposes of this Section 11.3, the value of a borrower's Share of
           the Trust Fund shall be determined as of the Valuation Date
           coinciding with or next following receipt of the borrower's request
           for a loan. The present value of the borrower's nonforfeitable
           accrued benefit under any other plan shall be determined by the Plan
           Administrator in such manner and as of such time as the Plan
           Administrator decides. Notwithstanding the foregoing, no loan shall
           be made hereunder for less than $1,000.

11.4       Note; Security; Interest. Each loan shall be evidenced by a note and
           shall bear interest at a reasonable rate determined by the Plan
           Administrator. The rate of interest shall be the prime rate of
           interest of as published in the Wall Street Journal as of the first
           day of the calendar quarter preceding the effective date of the loan.
           The Committee shall review the rate of interest to determine if it is
           consistent with commercial rates for similar loans, and if not, the
           Committee shall have the authority to modify such rate of interest
           for new loans to be consistent with such commercial rates. Each loan
           must be secured by one-half of the borrower's Share of the Trust Fund
           and by such other security, if any, as the Plan Administrator may
           require. In no event, however, shall the Plan Administrator apply the
           borrower's Share of the Trust Fund to satisfy the borrower's loan
           obligation, whether or not


           the borrower is in default, unless and until that amount so applied
           could be distributed or withdrawn in accordance with Article 8 or 9
           of the Plan.

11.5       Repayment. Each such loan shall be repayable to the extent reasonably
           possible by payroll deduction over a specified period of time, as
           determined by the Plan Administrator, and on the basis of
           substantially level payments made no less frequently than quarterly.
           Such period of time shall not exceed five years (20 years if the loan
           is used to acquire a dwelling unit which is to be used within a
           reasonable time as a principal residence of the Participant). A
           borrower may prepay all, but not less than all, of his loan at any
           time, without penalty, by paying the loan principal then outstanding
           together with interest accrued and unpaid to the date of payment.

11.6       Repayment Upon Distribution. If, as of the earlier of (i) 60 days
           after termination of a borrower's employment with the Employer (or,
           if later, 30 days after written demand for repayment) or (ii) the
           time benefits are to be distributed to a borrower or his Beneficiary
           under Article 9 of the Plan, there remains any unpaid balance of a
           loan hereunder, such unpaid balance shall become immediately due and
           payable in full. Such unpaid balance, together with any accrued but
           unpaid interest on the loan, shall be deducted from the borrower's
           Share of the Trust Fund before any such distribution of benefits is

11.7       Note as Trust Asset. A note evidencing a loan to a Participant under
           this Article 11 shall be an asset of the Trust which is allocated to
           the account of the borrower, and shall for purposes of the Plan be
           deemed to have a fair market value at any given time equal to the
           unpaid balance of the note plus the amount of any accrued but unpaid


11.8       Adjustment of Accounts. Loans will be made from the borrower's
           Rollover Account (if any), Elective Contribution Account,
           Discretionary Contribution Account (to the extent vested), and
           Matching Contribution Account (to the extent vested), in that order,
           the funds to be removed from the borrower's investment funds in
           proportion to the vested balances therein. Repayments of loan
           principal will be credited to the borrower's Accounts in the same
           order as originally withdrawn. Payments of loan interest will be
           prorated to such Accounts based on the relative loan principal
           balances outstanding at the time of each such payment. Each payment
           of principal and interest will be deposited into the various
           investment funds according to the Participant's investment elections
           respecting future contributions as soon as reasonably practicable
           after such payment is made.

11.9       Nondiscrimination. Loans shall be made available to all Participants
           and such other persons to whom the opportunity to borrow from the
           Trust Fund must be extended under applicable law on a reasonably
           equivalent basis, except that the Plan Administrator may make
           reasonable distinctions based upon creditworthiness, other
           obligations of the borrower, state law restrictions affecting payroll
           deductions and other factors that may adversely affect the ability to
           assure repayment through payroll deduction. The Plan Administrator
           may reduce or refuse a requested loan where it determines that timely
           repayment of the loan through payroll deduction is not assured.


                                   ARTICLE 12

                              TOP HEAVY PROVISIONS

12.1       Special Contribution for Top Heavy Plan Years.

           (a)  If for any top heavy plan year the sum of the Elective
                Contributions, Matching Contributions and Discretionary
                Contributions (if any) made for the benefit of any eligible
                employee who is not a key employee for such year is exceeded by
                three percent of such eligible employee's Taxable Compensation
                for such year, the eligible employee's Participating Employer
                shall contribute to the Trust, for his benefit, an additional
                amount equal to such excess. However, if for such top heavy plan
                year the highest percentage obtained by dividing the sum of the
                Elective, Matching and Discretionary Contributions made for the
                benefit of each key employee by the key employee's Taxable
                Compensation is less than three percent, such percentage shall
                be substituted for "three percent" in the preceding sentence.
                Any additional contribution made for the benefit of an eligible
                employee under this Section 12.1 shall be credited to his
                Discretionary Contribution Account as soon as practicable after
                the close of the Plan Year for which the contribution is made.

12.2       Adjustment to Limitation on Annual Additions. For any Limitation Year
           which is a top heavy plan year, the adjustment described in Section
           416(h) of the Code shall apply for purposes of determining a
           Participant's "defined contribution plan fraction" and "defined
           benefit plan fraction" under Section 7.3(b) unless:

           (a)  the Plan and each plan with which the Plan is required to be
                aggregated pursuant to the first sentence of Section 12.4(c)(4)
                satisfies the requirements of Section 416(h)(2)(A) of the Code;


           (b)  the Plan Year would not be a top heavy plan year if "ninety
                percent" were substituted for "sixty percent" in the first
                paragraph of Section 12.4(c).

12.3       Definitions. For purposes of this Article,

           (a)  "eligible employee" means an Eligible Employee who has satisfied
                the participation requirements of Section 4.1;

           (b)  "key employee" means a key employee described in Section
                416(i)(1) of the Code, determined on the basis of Taxable
                Compensation; and

           (c)  "top heavy plan year" means a Plan Year if the sum of the
                present value of the total accrued benefits of all key employees
                under each defined benefit plan (as of the applicable
                determination date of each such plan) which is aggregated with
                this Plan and the sum of the account balances of all key
                employees under the Plan and under each other defined
                contribution plan (as of the applicable determination date of
                each such plan) which is aggregated with this Plan exceeds 60
                percent of the sum of such amounts for all Employees or former
                Employees (other than former key employees but including
                beneficiaries of deceased former Employees) under such plans.
                The following rules shall apply for purposes of this definition:

                (1)  The foregoing determination will be made in accordance with
                     the provisions of Section 416 of the Code, and the
                     regulations promulgated thereunder, which are specifically
                     incorporated herein by reference.


                (2)  "Determination date" means, with respect to the initial
                     plan year of a plan, the last day of such plan year and,
                     with respect to any other plan year of a plan, the last day
                     of the preceding plan year of such plan. The "applicable
                     determination date" means, with respect to the Plan, the
                     determination date for the Plan Year of reference and, with
                     respect to any other plan, the determination date for any
                     plan year of such plan which falls within the same calendar
                     year as the applicable determination date of the Plan.

                (3)  Accrued benefits or account balances under a plan will
                     include all such amounts other than deductible employee
                     contributions and will be determined as of the most recent
                     valuation date in the 12-month period ending on the
                     applicable determination date of the plan; provided,
                     however, that in the case of a defined benefit plan such
                     valuation date must be the same date as employed for
                     minimum funding purposes, and in the case of a defined
                     contribution plan the value so determined will be adjusted
                     for contributions made after the valuation date to the
                     extent required by applicable Treasury regulations.

                (4)  Each plan of the Company or any Affiliated Company in which
                     a key employee participates, and any other plan of the
                     Company or any Affiliated Company which enables a plan
                     referred to in the preceding clause to satisfy the
                     requirements of Sections 401(a)(4) and 410 of the Code,
                     shall be aggregated with the Plan. Any plan of the Company
                     or any Affiliated Company not required to be aggregated


                     with the Plan may nevertheless, at the discretion of the
                     Plan Administrator, be aggregated with the Plan if the
                     benefits and coverage of all aggregated plans would
                     continue to satisfy the requirements of Sections 401(a)(4)
                     and 410 of the Code.


                                   ARTICLE 13

                            AMENDMENT AND TERMINATION

13.1       Amendment. The Company reserves the right at any time or times to
           amend the provisions of the Plan and Trust, by resolution of the
           Board of Directors, to any extent and in any manner that it may deem
           advisable by delivery to the Trustee of a written instrument executed
           by the Company providing for such amendment. Upon the delivery of
           such instrument to the Trustee, such instrument will become effective
           in accordance with its terms as to all Participants and all persons
           having or claiming any interest hereunder; provided, however, that
           the Company will not have the power:

           (a)  to amend the Plan and Trust in such manner as would cause or
                permit any part of the assets of the Trust to be diverted to
                purposes other than for the exclusive benefit of each
                Participant and his Beneficiary (except as permitted by Sections
                5.8 and 15.4), unless such amendment is permitted by law,
                governmental regulation or ruling;

           (b)  to amend the Plan or Trust retroactively in such a manner as
                would deprive any Participant of any benefit to which he was
                entitled under the Plan by reason of contributions made prior to
                the amendment, unless such amendment is necessary to conform the
                Plan or Trust to, or satisfy the conditions of, any law,
                governmental regulation or ruling, or to permit the Trust and
                the Plan to meet the requirements of Sections 401(a) and 501(a)
                of the Code; or

           (c)  to amend the Plan or Trust in such manner as would increase the
                duties or liabilities of the Trustee or affect its fee for
                services hereunder, unless the Trustee consents thereto in


13.1A      Certain Amendments Regarding Acquisitions and Administrative Matters.
           In the event the Company or a Participating Employer acquires another
           corporation, a division of another corporation, or hires en masse a
           group of employees previously employed by another employer, the Plan
           Administrator may amend the participation requirements as set forth
           in Section 4.1 as they apply with respect to the employees of the
           acquired corporation or division or the employees hired en masse, for
           example by waiving the service requirements for one or more purposes
           of the Plan. In addition, the Plan Administrator may amend the Plan
           with respect to administrative matters and/or to comply with
           applicable IRS requirements, provided that in each case such
           amendment does not affect the Company's obligation to make
           contributions or the Company's fiduciary responsibilities under the

13.2       Termination. The Company has established the Plan and the Trust with
           the bona fide intention and expectation that contributions will be
           continued indefinitely, but the Company will have no obligation or
           liability whatsoever to maintain the Plan for any given length of
           time and may discontinue contributions under the Plan or terminate
           the Plan at any time by action of its Board without any liability
           whatsoever for any such discontinuance or termination. The Plan will
           be deemed terminated

           (a)  if and when the Company is judicially declared bankrupt,

           (b)  if and when the Company is a party to a merger in which it is
                not the surviving corporation or sells all or substantially all
                of its assets, unless the surviving corporation or the purchaser
                maintains any other defined contribution plan or adopts the Plan
                by an instrument in writing delivered to the Trustee within 60
                days after the merger or sale, or


           (c)  upon dissolution of the Company.

13.3       Distributions Upon Termination of the Plan. Upon termination or
           partial termination of the Plan or complete discontinuance of
           contributions thereunder, each affected Participant (including a
           terminated Participant in respect of amounts not previously forfeited
           by him) will have a fully vested and nonforfeitable interest in his
           Share of the Trust Fund, and the Trustee will distribute to each such
           Participant (or other person entitled to distribution) the value of
           the Participant's Share of the Trust Fund in a single lump sum
           payment. However, if a successor plan is established within the
           meaning of Section 401(k)(2)(B)(i)(II) of the Code and Treasury
           Regulation 1.401(k)-1(d)(3), distributions shall be made to
           Participants and their beneficiaries only in accordance with Articles
           8 and 9. Upon the completion of distributions to all Participants,
           the Trust will terminate, the Trustee will be relived from all
           liability under the Trust, and no Participant or other person will
           have any claims thereunder, except as required by applicable law.

13.4       Merger or Consolidation of Plan; Transfer of Plan Assets. In case of
           any merger or consolidation of the Plan with, or transfer of assets
           and liabilities of the Plan to, any other plan, provisions must be
           made so that each Participant would, if the Plan then terminated,
           receive a benefit immediately after the merger, consolidation or
           transfer which is equal to or greater than the benefit he would have
           been entitled to receive immediately before the merger, consolidation
           or transfer if the Plan had then terminated.

13.5       Participating Employer Ceasing to be Affiliated With The Company. In
           the event a Participating Employer ceases to be an Affiliated Company
           for any reason, including a merger, reorganization, or sale or other
           transfer of stock, the following provisions shall apply:


           (a)  Such Participating Employer shall thereupon cease to be a
                Participating Employer under this Plan.

           (b)  The Plan shall not terminate with respect to the Participants
                employed by such former Participating Employer solely because it
                ceased to be a Participating Employer.

           (c)  The Company may agree with such former Participating Employer
                (or with an organization acquiring the former Participating
                Employer) that the assets of the Trust properly allocable to
                Participants employed by the former Participating Employer be
                transferred to another plan maintained by the former
                Participating Employer (or by such other organization), provided
                that the requirements of Section 13.4 are satisfied and such
                other plan assumes all liabilities of this Plan with respect to
                such Participants. The Plan Administrator shall direct the
                Trustee to carry out such transfer in accordance with the terms
                of such agreement.

           (d)  In the absence of any agreement described in paragraph (c) above
                and if the former Participating Employer does not maintain the
                Plan, as determined under Treasury Regulation 1.401(k)-1(d)(4),
                each Participant employed by the former Participating Employer
                shall be treated as having ceased employment with the Employer
                for purposes of the Plan at the time the former Participating
                Employer ceased to be an Employer (unless the Participant was
                employed immediately thereafter by the Company or another
                Affiliated Company), and shall be entitled to benefits as a
                result of such cessation of employment to the extent provided by
                Article 8.


                                   ARTICLE 14

                             ROLLOVER CONTRIBUTIONS

14.1       Transfer of Amount Distributed from Another Qualified Plan. An
           Eligible Employee who was formerly a participant in a plan described
           in Section 401(a) of the Code (the "distributing plan") and who has
           received an eligible rollover distribution (within the meaning of
           Section 402 of the Code) from the distributing plan (the
           "distribution") may contribute to the Trust an amount determined
           under (c) below (the "transferred amount") provided the conditions
           set forth in (a) and (b) below are satisfied.

           (a)  The transferred amount must be contributed to the Trust on or
                before the 60th day following the Eligible Employee's receipt of
                the distribution from the distributing plan.

           (b)  The transferred amount:

                (1)  must not exceed the fair market value of the distribution,
                     reduced by the amount contributed to the distributing plan
                     by the Eligible Employee, as determined in accordance with
                     Section 72(f) of the Code and the Treasury regulations
                     thereunder, such amount to be reduced by any amounts
                     theretofore distributed to the Eligible Employee which were
                     not includible in his gross income for Federal income tax
                     purposes, and


                (2)  must include no property other than (A) money received in
                     the distribution, and (B) money attributable to other
                     property received in the distribution which is sold and the
                     proceeds of which are transferred pursuant to Section
                     402(a)(6)(D) of the Code.

           (c)  A rollover contribution may also be made by means of a direct
                transfer from a distributing plan qualified under Section 401(a)
                of the Code to the extent permitted under Section 401(a)(31) and
                402 of the Code.

14.2       Transfer of Amount Distributed from a Rollover IRA. 

           (a)  An Eligible Employee who has received a distribution meeting the
                requirements of Section 14.1(a), and who subsequently deposited
                such distribution in an individual retirement account, as
                defined in Section 408 of the Code, in accordance with Section
                408(d)(3)(A)(ii) of the Code, may contribute a portion or all of
                a distribution from such account (the "transferred amount") to
                the trust provided the conditions set forth in (b) and (c) are

           (b)  The transferred amount must be contributed to the Trust on or
                before the 60th day following the Eligible Employee's receipt of
                the amount from the individual retirement account.

           (c)  The distribution from the individual retirement account must
                consist of the entire amount in the account, and must include no
                amount attributable to any source other than a qualified plan
                described in Section 401(a) of the Code.


14.3       Monitoring of Rollovers.

           (a)  The Plan Administrator shall establish such procedures and
                require such information from transferring employees as it deems
                necessary to insure that amounts transferred under this Article
                14 satisfy the requirements for tax-free rollovers established
                by conditions of this Article 14 and the Code and Treasury

           (b)  No amount may be transferred under this Article 14 until
                approved by the Plan Administrator.

14.4       Treatment of Transferred Amount Under the Plan.

           (a)  The Plan Administrator will establish a Rollover Account for
                each Eligible Employee making a contribution described in
                Section 14.1 or 14.2 above.

           (b)  Upon retirement, death, or other termination of employment, the
                Eligible Employee's Rollover Account shall be distributed to him
                in accordance with Articles 8 and 9.

           (c)  The Eligible Employee will at all times have a fully vested and
                nonforfeitable interest in the amount credited to his Rollover

           (d)  An Eligible Employee who contributes an amount to the Plan in
                accordance with this Article 14 will not become a Participant
                until he has satisfied the requirements of Article 4. However,
                such an Eligible Employee will be treated as a Participant, with
                respect to his interest in his Rollover Account, for purposes of
                Articles 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 13 and 15 of the Plan and, so long
                as he is an Employee, Articles 10 and 11.


                                   ARTICLE 15


15.1       Limitation of Rights. Neither the establishment of the Plan and the
           Trust, nor any amendment thereof, nor the creation of any fund or
           account, nor the payment of any benefits, will be construed as giving
           to any Participant or other person any legal or equitable right
           against any Participating Employer or the Plan Administrator or
           Trustee, except as provided herein, and in no event will the terms of
           employment or service of any Participant be modified or in any way be
           affected hereby. It is a condition of the Plan, and each Participant
           expressly agrees by his participation herein, that each Participant
           will look solely to the assets held in the Trust for the payment of
           any benefit to which he is entitled under the Plan.

15.2       Nonalienability of Benefits. The benefits provided hereunder will not
           be subject to alienation, assignment, garnishment, attachment,
           execution or levy of any kind, and any attempt to cause such benefits
           to be so subjected will not be recognized, except to such extent as
           may be required by law. The provisions of the preceding sentence
           shall apply in general to the creation, assignment or recognition of
           a right to any benefit payable with respect to a Participant pursuant
           to a domestic relations order, except that if such order is a
           Qualified Domestic Relations Order, the provisions of the preceding
           sentence shall not apply.


15.3       Information Between Plan Administrator and Trustee. The Plan
           Administrator will furnish to the Trustee, and the Trustee will
           furnish to the Plan Administrator, such information relating to the
           Plan and Trust as may be required under the Code and any regulations
           issued or forms adopted by the Treasury Department thereunder or
           under the provisions of ERISA and any regulations issued or forms
           adopted by the Labor Department thereunder.

15.4       Payment Under Qualified Domestic Relations Order. Notwithstanding any
           provisions of the Plan to the contrary, if there is entered any
           Qualified Domestic Relations Order that affects the payment of
           benefits hereunder, such benefits shall be paid in accordance with
           the applicable requirements of such Order.

           The Committee shall establish a procedure to determine the status of
           a judgement, decree or order as a Qualified Domestic Relations Order
           and to administer Plan distributions in accordance with Qualified
           Domestic Relations Orders. Such procedure shall be in writing, shall
           include a provision specifying the notification requirements
           enumerated in the preceding paragraph, shall permit an alternate
           payee to designate a representative for receipt of communications
           from the Committee and shall include such other provisions as the
           Committee shall determine, including provisions describing the
           interest rate to be used in making present value determinations as
           well as provisions required under regulations promulgated by the
           Secretary of the Treasury.


           Notwithstanding any Plan provision to the contrary, as permitted
           under Section 414(p)(10) of the Code, a payment may be made to an
           alternate payee in accordance with the provisions of a Qualified
           Domestic Relations Order before the Participant to whom the order
           relates separates from service with the Employer and before such
           Participant attains his earliest retirement age (as defined in
           Section 414(p)(4) of the Code). Furthermore, unless otherwise
           provided under a Qualified Domestic Relations Order, payment shall be
           made to an alternate payee in a single payment in cash or in kind as
           soon as practicable following the determination that such order is

15.5       Payment of Benefit for Disabled or Incapacitated Person. Whenever, in
           the opinion of the Plan Administrator or its agent, a person entitled
           to receive any payment of a benefit hereunder is under a legal
           disability or is incapacitated in any way so as to be unable to
           manage his financial affairs, the Plan Administrator or its agent may
           direct the Trustee to make payments to such person or to his legal
           representative or to a relative or friend of such its agent may
           direct the Trustee to apply the payment for the benefit of such
           person in such manner as the Plan Administrator or its agent
           considers advisable. Any payment under Section 15.5 shall be a
           complete discharge of any liability for the making of such payment
           under the provisions of the Plan. Nothing contained in this Section
           15.5, however, should be deemed to impose upon the Plan Administrator
           any liability for paying a benefit to any person who is under such a
           legal disability or is so incapacitated unless it has received notice
           of such disability or incapacity from a competent source.


15.6       Telephonic and/or Electronic Transactions. The Plan Administrator may
           authorize the use of telephonic and/or electronic means and
           procedures for effecting one or more transactions or Participant
           requests hereunder, for example, enrolling in the Plan, requesting
           loans and/or withdrawals, electing investments, and commencing,
           changing, and/or suspending contributions.

15.7       Temporary Suspensions of Transactions. The Plan Administrator may
           temporarily suspend certain transactions hereunder as may be
           necessary to accommodate a change in Trustee, Plan recordkeeper,
           and/or investment funds. Any such suspension shall be communicated to
           Participants in advance.

15.8       Governing Law. The Plan will be construed, administered and enforced
           according to the laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts to the
           extent such laws are not inconsistent with and preempted by ERISA.

15.9       Acquisitions. Notwithstanding any Plan provision to the contrary, in
           no event shall the employees of an entity which is acquired by the
           Company or any Affiliated Company be eligible to participate under
           the Plan unless and until the Company approves and agrees to such


IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Liberty Financial Companies, Inc. and each other
Participating Employer listed below has caused this instrument to be executed by
its respective duly authorized officer this ____________________ day of
_______________________, 19___.

By: _____________________________________

By: _____________________________________

By: _____________________________________

By: _____________________________________


By: _____________________________________

By: _____________________________________

By: _____________________________________


                                   APPENDIX A

                             SPECIAL RULES FOR IFMG

1.1.A      Introduction. Effective March 7, 1996, the Company acquired the
           Independent Financial Marketing Group, Inc. and its wholly owned
           subsidiary IFS Agencies, Inc. (IFMG) and effective May 1, 1996, IFMG
           became a Participating Employer under the Liberty Financial
           Companies, Inc. Savings and Investment Plan and Trust (LFC Plan). The
           IFMG 401(k) Plan was subsequently merged into the LFC Plan. This
           Appendix sets forth certain rules which apply to former IFMG
           employees and certain employees who transferred to IFMG after it was

1.2.A      Years of Service. Employment with IFMG both prior and subsequent to
           March 7, 1996 will be counted as employment with the Company or an
           Affiliate for all purposes of the Plan except to the extent such
           employment may be disregarded under the break in service rules of the
           IFMG 401(k) Plan.

1.3.A      Matching Contributions. Certain Employees transferred their
           employment from the Liberty Financial Bank Group, Keyport Life
           Insurance Company, or Liberty Financial Companies, Inc. to IFMG. The
           Matching Contribution for such Employees shall be increased to 100%
           for 60 months beginning April 1, 1997.

1.4.A      Vesting. A Participant who was a participant in the IFMG Plan will
           become 100% vested at age 55 provided he is still employed by the
           Company or an affiliate.

1.5.A      Spousal Consent for Distributions and Withdrawals. A married
           Participant who was previously a participant in the IFMG 401(k) Plan
           must obtain his spouse's consent in order to make a distribution or

1.6.A      Annuity Options. In the case of a Participant who was previously a
           Participant in the IFMG 401(k) Plan, in addition to the other forms
           of payment available hereunder for a final distribution annuity
           options shall be available in the form of a life annuity, 50%,
           66-2/3%, and 100% contingent annuitant annuity, a 5-, 10-, or 15-year
           certain and continuous annuity, and a cash refund annuity. A 50%
           contingent annuitant annuity with his spouse as designated
           beneficiary shall be automatically payable if the Participant is
           married unless the spouse consents to another form of distribution,
           and a life annuity shall be the automatic form of distribution if the
           Participant is not married unless he consents to another form of

                                   APPENDIX B


1.1.B      Introduction. The special rules set forth in this Appendix B shall
           apply to Participants who are Employees of Stein, Roe & Farnham.

1.2.B      Definition of Compensation. The definition of compensation as set
           forth in the Stein, Roe & Farnham Retirement Plan as it existed on
           June 30, 1998 shall continue to apply through December 31, 1998.
           Thereafter, the definition set forth in this Plan shall apply.

1.3.B      Maximum Employee Contribution. The maximum Elective Employee
           Contribution shall be 14% unless a greater contribution is approved
           by the Plan Administrator in accordance with IRS rules.

1.4.B      Matching Contribution. The Company matching contribution shall be 50%
           of the first 6% of Employee Elective Contributions and shall be made
           only with respect to the first $66,000 of Compensation. Effective
           January 1, 1999, the Matching Contribution shall be increased to 75%
           of the first 6% of Employee Elective Contributions and shall be made
           with respect to the first $80,000 of Compensation.

1.5.B      Discretionary Contribution. This Discretionary Contribution shall be
           7.5% of Compensation unless changed by Stein, Roe & Farnham.
           Notwithstanding the eligibility provisions of the Plan, an Employee
           hired during 1998 will not be eligible for a Discretionary
           Contribution until the Plan year ending December 31, 1999.

1.6.B      Vesting.

           (a)  A Participant hired before July 2, 1987 shall be 100% vested in
                his Discretionary Contribution Account.

           (b)  A Participant hired before July 1, 1998 shall be 100% vested in
                his Company Matching Contribution Account.

           (c)  A Participant who was previously a Participant in the KJMM Money
                Purchase Plan shall be vested in his transferred Money Purchase
                Plan Account and his Discretionary Contribution Account pursuant
                to the following schedule:

Years of Service         Vesting Percentage
- ----------------         ------------------
Less than 2                        0%
          2                       33%
          3                       67%
          4                      100%

1.7.B      Forms of Payment for Former KJMM Employees. The spousal consent and
           forms of payment rules described in Appendix A for IFMG shall also
           apply to Participants who were previously Participants in the KJMM
           Money Purchase Plan or 401(k) Plan.

1.8.B      Withdrawals. No hardship withdrawals shall be permitted from a
           Participant's Discretionary Contribution Account, including any
           Profit Sharing Accounts transferred from the Stein, Roe & Farnham
           Retirement Plan. Any After-Tax Contributions made under the Stein,
           Roe & Farnham Retirement Plan, and related investment earnings, may
           be with drawn for any reason at any time, provided that any such
           withdrawal shall consist of the Participant's entire After-Tax
           Contribution Account.

1.9.B      Loans. In the event a Stein, Roe & Farnham Participant has more than
           2 outstanding loans as of June 30, 1998, he may continue to repay the
           loans according to their original terms. However, no new loan will be
           permitted which will cause his outstanding loans to exceed 2.

1.10.B     Transfer of Accounts. Accounts held on behalf of a Participant under
           the Stein, Roe & Farnham Retirement Plan shall be transferred to this
           Plan and held under corresponding accounts maintained under this
           Plan. 2.

                                   APPENDIX C


1.1.C      Introduction. Effective September 1, 1998, the Colonial Group, Inc.
           Profit Sharing Plan (the Colonial Plan) is merged into and becomes a
           part of this Plan and the Accounts under such plan are transferred to
           this Plan. The special rules set forth in this Appendix C shall apply
           to Participants who are Employees of Colonial.

1.2.C      Rules from September 1 through December 31, 1998. For the period
           September 1 through December 31, 1998, the rules of the Colonial Plan
           as in effect on August 31, 1998 shall continue to apply except that
           the investment funds offered under the Plan shall replace the funds
           previously offered under the Colonial Plan. For this purpose, the
           terms of the Colonial Plan are hereby incorporated by reference,
           except that the terms of this plan relating to investments shall
           apply instead of the corresponding provisions of the Colonial Plan.

1.3.C      Rules on and after January 1, 1999. Effective January 1, 1999, the
           rules of this Plan shall entirely replace the rules of the Colonial
           Plan for Colonial Employees, subject to the special rules described

1.4.C      Maximum Employee Contribution. The maximum Elective Employee
           Contribution shall be 12% unless a greater contribution is approved
           by the Plan Administrator in accordance with IRS rules.

1.5.C      Withdrawals. In addition to the withdrawal rules set forth in the
           Plan, the following special rules apply to Colonial Employees for
           whom Accounts have been transferred to this Plan from the Colonial

           (a)  After-Tax Contributions made under the Colonial Plan, and
                related investment earnings, may be withdrawn for any reason at
                any time, provided that any such withdrawal shall consist of the
                Participant's entire After-Tax Contribution Account;

           (b)  Before-Tax Contributions made under the Colonial Plan shall be
                subject to the same withdrawal rules as apply to Elective
                Employee Contributions under this Plan;

           (c)  One half of the Participant's Profit Sharing Account (as defined
                under the Colonial Plan) value under the Colonial Plan
                determined as of January 1, 1987 (not including the value of any
                Before-Tax Contributions) shall be subject to the same
                withdrawal rules as apply to Elective Employee Contributions;

           (d)  Except as provided in (b) and (c) above, no hardship withdrawals
                shall be permitted from a Participant's Profit Sharing Account,
                his ESOP Account (in each case as defined under the Colonial
                Plan), or his Discretionary Contribution Account.

1.6.C      Vesting. In the case of a Colonial Employee hired prior to January 1,
           1999, the following vesting rules shall apply to the extent they
           provide for earlier vesting than the terms of the Plan:

           (a)  Any Before-Tax Contributions (as defined under the Colonial
                Plan), made under the Colonial Plan for Plan Years commencing
                before January 1, 1999 shall be 100% vested;

           (b)  The following vesting schedule shall apply to both Matching
                Contributions and Discretionary Contributions, and related
                investment earnings, including any Profit Sharing Contributions
                under the Colonial Plan which were not Before-Tax Contributions;

Years of Service         Vesting Percentage
- ----------------         ------------------
Less than 1                        0%
          1                       33%
          2                       67%
          3                      100%

           (c)  The Employee shall become 100% vested at age 55 regardless of
                his Years of Service.