<ARTICLE> 5 <CIK> 0001031093 <NAME> METALLINE MINING COMPANY <PERIOD-TYPE> 3-MOS <FISCAL-YEAR-END> OCT-31-2000 <PERIOD-START> NOV-01-1999 <PERIOD-END> JAN-31-2000 <CASH> 777,228 <SECURITIES> 0 <RECEIVABLES> 0 <ALLOWANCES> 0 <INVENTORY> 0 <CURRENT-ASSETS> 781,969 <PP&E> 1,235,805<F1> <DEPRECIATION> 67,901 <TOTAL-ASSETS> 2,017,774 <CURRENT-LIABILITIES> 8,924 <BONDS> 0 <PREFERRED-MANDATORY> 0 <PREFERRED> 0 <COMMON> 82,152 <OTHER-SE> 1,926,698<F2> <TOTAL-LIABILITY-AND-EQUITY> 2,017,774 <SALES> 0 <TOTAL-REVENUES> 1,633<F3> <CGS> 0 <TOTAL-COSTS> 0 <OTHER-EXPENSES> 210,772 <LOSS-PROVISION> 0 <INTEREST-EXPENSE> 0 <INCOME-PRETAX> (209,139) <INCOME-TAX> 0 <INCOME-CONTINUING> (209,139) <DISCONTINUED> 0 <EXTRAORDINARY> 0 <CHANGES> 0 <NET-INCOME> (209,139) <EPS-BASIC> (0.03) <EPS-DILUTED> (0.03) <FN> <F1>Consists of $1,171,540 in resource properties and claims, and $132,166 of equipment at cost. <F2>Consists of $4,817,100 in additional paid-in capital and $288,000 of stock options and warrants, less a deficit of $3,178,402 accumulated during development stage. <F3>Consists of $1,633 in interest income. </FN>