Exhibit 99
FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Company                    For Immediate Release
Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station
5501 N. State Route 2
Oak Harbor, Ohio 43449

News Media Contact:
Todd Schneider
(330) 620-2895


         Research commissioned by the FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Company
(FENOC) has discovered several small, hairline surface cracks in a sample
section of the stainless steel liner of the original Davis-Besse Nuclear Power
Station reactor head, company officials said today.

         In conjunction with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), research
is being conducted on a section of the original reactor head that was damaged by
boric acid corrosion to collect and share more detailed information with the
industry. The company is continuing preparations for installing a replacement
reactor head already located inside the containment building.

         The small cracks were found following cleaning and examination of this
sample. Preliminary information indicates the cracks are about 3/8 inch long,
and are located near the center of the liner that was exposed when boric acid
corroded the carbon steel of the reactor head. The cracks did not reach all the
way through the liner and did not allow coolant to leak. FENOC officials
promptly notified the NRC of the findings.

         Despite these cracks and boric acid corrosion on the carbon steel
reactor head, the stainless steel liner held full pressure - 2,155 pounds per
square inch - during normal operation of the plant, including safe shutdown of
the reactor for refueling in February of this year.

         These latest research findings will be used to recalculate how much
more pressure the liner could have withstood.



         Additionally, this research revealed a number of lateral cracks in the
remaining portion of the control rod drive mechanism nozzle in this sample, as
well as a partial circumferential crack around the welded area on the lower part
of the nozzle. Confirming previous testing done on the head, the crack did not
penetrate the weld or the vessel head.

         Davis-Besse is owned by Akron, Ohio-based FirstEnergy Corp., and is
operated by its subsidiary FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Company. FirstEnergy is
a registered public utility holding company.

Forward-Lookng Statement: This news release includes forward-looking statements
based on information currently available to management. Such statements are
subject to certain risk and uncertainties. These statements typically contain,
but are not limited to, the terms "anticipate," "potential," "expect,"
"believe," "estimate," and similar words. Actual results may differ materially
due to the speed and nature of increased competition and deregulation in the
electric utility industry, economic or weather conditions affecting future sales
and margins, changes in markets for energy services, changing energy market
prices, legislative and regulatory changes or approvals (including revised
environmental requirements), availability and cost of capital, inability to
accomplish or realize anticipated benefits of strategic goals and other similar

