Exhibit 99
FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Company                 For Immediate Release
Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station
5501 N. State Route 2
Oak Harbor, Ohio 43449

News Media Contact:
Richard Wilkins
(419) 321-7129

                           FENOC, NRC DISCUSS PROGRESS

     FirstEnergy  Nuclear Operating Company (FENOC) officials today discussed at
the monthly 0350 restart meeting the numerous projects that have been completed,
as well as remaining  tasks  necessary for  restarting the  Davis-Besse  Nuclear
Power Station.  The meeting was conducted by the Nuclear  Regulatory  Commission
(NRC) at Camp Perry, near Port Clinton, Ohio.

     Reporting  preliminary  results  from an employee  survey  conducted at the
plant in late March, Bill Pearce, vice president-FENOC  Oversight,  noted marked
improvement  in many areas  compared with survey  results from August 2002.  The
surveys were  designed to measure the  willingness  of employees to identify and
report safety issues without concerns about reprisals.

     "We had nearly  80-percent  participation,"  Pearce  said,  "compared to 56
percent last year. And the results  indicated  improvement in 24 of 26 questions
asked  in  both  surveys  - in  some  cases  as  much  as a  20-percentage-point
improvement, which tells us we're on the right track."

          Examples of improvement:
          o    In March,  89 percent said that management  clearly  communicated
               its expectations  regarding  safety,  compared to 55 percent last


          o    Eighty-two percent agreed that management is willing to listen to
               problems, compared to 63 percent last year.
          o    Ninety  percent  said  first-line  supervisors  address  concerns
               brought to their attention, compared to 61 percent last year.
          o    Seventy-six   percent   said  that   constructive   criticism  is
               encouraged, compared to 53 percent last year.

     The survey also identified some areas for  improvement.  For example,  some
employees  said that  management  had not fully  demonstrated  a  commitment  to
creating and maintaining a work environment  that encourages  employees to raise
safety issues.  Also, they questioned the  effectiveness of the Condition Report
process  and the  effectiveness  and  the  confidentiality  of the new  Employee
Concerns Program.


     In  a  related  presentation,  FENOC  Chief  Operating  Officer  Lew  Myers
commented  briefly on an  independent  safety  culture  assessment  conducted in
February 2003 by Dr. Sonja Haber, an expert in  organizational  psychology.  The
final report has been completed,  Myers said, and will be discussed in detail at
a later NRC meeting.

     "We believe  our  assessment  is solid,  and we saw  alignment  between the
findings in Dr.  Haber's report with the results of our own  assessment,"  Myers
said.  "We're  developing a comprehensive  plan to address any outstanding areas
for improvement."

     Recently completed projects discussed at the meeting included  modification
of the Containment  Emergency  Sump;  modification of the Decay Heat Valve Tank;
maintenance work on 90 motor-driven Reactor Coolant System Valves;  installation
of a FLUS Leak  Detection  System on the bottom of the reactor  vessel;  and the
successful Integrated Leak Rate Test on the containment vessel.


     FENOC officials also discussed  projects that need to be completed prior to
restart.  For example,  FENOC officials are  determining  whether to replace two
High Pressure Injection Pumps, test the current ones with sump water, or install
additional  filtration on the system.  Also,  crews are replacing  relays on the
Safety Features Actuation System, completing the installation of the Containment
Air Coolers, and finishing painting of the containment dome.

     The next milestone will be the pressure test of the Reactor Coolant System,
including the reactor vessel, slated for mid- to late May.

     FirstEnergy  Nuclear  Operating  Company  is a  subsidiary  of  the  Akron,
Ohio-based FirstEnergy Corp., a registered public utility holding company.

Forward-Looking   Statements:   This  news  release   includes   forward-looking
statements  based  on  information  currently  available  to  management.   Such
statements  are subject to certain  risks and  uncertainties.  These  statements
typically contain, but are not limited to, the terms "anticipate,"  "potential,"
"expect,"  "believe,"  "estimate" and similar  words.  Actual results may differ
materially due to the speed and nature of increased competition and deregulation
in the  electric  utility  industry,  economic or weather  conditions  affecting
future  sales and  margins,  changes in markets  for energy  services,  changing
energy market prices, legislative and regulatory changes or approvals (including
revised environmental requirements), availability and cost of capital, inability
to  accomplish  or realize  anticipated  benefits of  strategic  goals and other
similar factors.

