Washington, D. C. 20549

                                    FORM 8-K

                                 CURRENT REPORT

                     PURSUANT TO SECTION 13 OR 15(d) OF THE
                         SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

         Date of Report (Date of earliest event reported) August 5, 2003

Commission        Registrant; State of Incorporation;         I.R.S. Employer
File Number           Address; and Telephone Number          Identification No.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

333-21011         FIRSTENERGY CORP.                              34-1843785
                  (An Ohio Corporation)
                  76 South Main Street
                  Akron, Ohio  44308
                  Telephone (800)736-3402

Item 7.  Financial Statements, Pro Forma Financial Statements and Exhibits
(c) Exhibits.

Exhibit No.     Description
- -----------     -----------
   99.1         Press Release issued by FirstEnergy Corp., dated August 5, 2003
   99.2         Consolidated Report to the Financial Community, dated August 5,

Item 12.  Results of Operations and Financial Condition

          On August 5, 2003,  FirstEnergy Corp. issued two public announcements,
which are  attached  as  Exhibits  99.1,  and 99.2  hereto and  incorporated  by
reference.  FirstEnergy's Press Release and Consolidated Report to the Financial
Community contain non-GAAP financial measures.  Generally,  a non-GAAP financial
measure is a numerical  measure of a company's  historical  or future  financial
performance,  financial position, or cash flows that either excludes or includes
amounts  that  are not  normally  excluded  or  included  in the  most  directly
comparable  measure  calculated  and  presented in  accordance  with  accounting
principles  generally  accepted in the United States,  or GAAP.  Pursuant to the
requirements   of   Regulation   G,   FirstEnergy   has  provided   quantitative
reconciliations  within  the  Press  Release  and  Consolidated  Report  to  the
Financial  Community of the  non-GAAP  financial  measures to the most  directly
comparable GAAP financial measures.

          The Press Release and Consolidated  Report to the Financial  Community
include  normalized  earnings per share,  which is not  calculated in accordance
with GAAP  because it excludes  the impact of  "unusual  items".  Unusual  items
reflect the impact on earnings  of events that are not  routine,  are related to
prior  periods,  are related to  discontinued  businesses or are the  cumulative
effect  of an  accounting  change.  Management  believes  presenting  normalized
earnings  calculated in this manner provides useful  information to investors in
evaluating the ongoing results of FirstEnergy's businesses and assists investors
in comparing the company's operating performance to the operating performance of
others in the energy  sector.  FirstEnergy's  management  frequently  references
these  non-GAAP  financial  measures  in  its  decision-making,  using  them  to
facilitate historical and ongoing performance comparisons as well as comparisons
to the performance of peer companies.

          The  non-GAAP   information   presented  in  the  Press   Release  and
Consolidated  Report to the Financial Community should be considered in addition
to,  and not as a  substitute  for,  reported  earnings  per share  prepared  in
accordance with GAAP.

          Forward-Looking  Statement: This news release includes forward-looking
statements  based  on  information  currently  available  to  management.   Such
statements  are  subject to certain  risk and  uncertainties.  These  statements
typically contain, but are not limited to, the terms "anticipate,"  "potential,"
"expect,"  "believe,"  "estimate," and similar words.  Actual results may differ
materially due to the speed and nature of increased competition and deregulation
in the  electric  utility  industry,  economic or weather  conditions  affecting
future  sales and  margins,  changes in markets  for energy  services,  changing
energy and commodity  market prices,  replacement  power costs being higher than
anticipated  or  inadequately  hedged,   maintenance  costs  being  higher  than
anticipated, legislative and regulatory changes (including revised environmental
requirements),  availability  and cost of capital,  inability of the Davis-Besse
Nuclear Power Station to restart (including because of any inability to obtain a
favorable final  determination  from the Nuclear  Regulatory  Commission) in the
fall  of  2003,  additional  adjustments  which  may  result  from  the  audited
restatement of the 2002 financial  statements and the  restatement and review of
the first  quarter of 2003 for the  Company and the  re-audit of 2001  financial
statements for Cleveland Electric  Illuminating and Toledo Edison,  inability to
accomplish or realize anticipated  benefits of strategic goals and other similar



          Pursuant to the  requirements of the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934,
the  Registrant  has duly  caused  this report to be signed on its behalf by the
undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

August 5, 2003

                                          FIRSTENERGY CORP.

                                          /s/  Harvey L. Wagner
                                               Harvey L. Wagner
                                           Vice President, Controller
                                          and Chief Accounting Officer
