Exhibit 10.3

October 2, 2002

Mr. Benjamin Tucker
Fisher Broadcasting Company
600 University Street, Suite 1525
Seattle, WA 98101-4155

Re: N/AP II for KOMO

Dear Ben:

     Once executed by you where indicated below on behalf of your station, and
approved by the requisite number of other affiliates as indicated below, this
document will constitute an amendment (the "N/AP II") to that certain side
letter amendment dated June 30,1999 (the "N/AP I") to the affiliation agreement
between American Broadcasting Companies, Inc. ("ABC" or "Network") and your
station (the "affiliation agreement"). ABC reserves the right to terminate this
amendment, even after execution by you, if comparable amendments have not been
executed by non-owned ABC-affiliated stations representing 67.6% coverage of the
country by October 11, 2002. Unless otherwise defined herein, each term that is
used in this N/AP II and defined in N/AP I shall have the meaning ascribed to
such term in N/AP I.

     The parties hereby agree to amend N/AP I as follows:

     1.   Section I.A.2 is amended to provide that your station will be
allocated three (3) "B" spots instead of the four (4) provided in N/AP I. All
other provisions of Section 1.A remain unchanged. (Thus, under the amended
Section 1.A, your station will receive seven (7) primetime spots per week with
the allocation being divided among two (2) "A" spots, three (3) "B" spots and
two (2) "C" spots allocated as provided in the agreement.)

     2.   Section I.B.1 is deleted in its entirety and the following provision
inserted in its place:

          B.   To Network from Your station:

               1.   a. An annual payment by your station of $735,297. We will
               either invoice you for these payments or they will be made
               through an equal monthly deduction from your station's

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October 2, 2002
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               network compensation. The first payment is retroactive to August
               1, 2002.

                    b.  In the event that your network compensation for any year
               during the two-year term of N/AP II is reduced as the result of a
               renewal of your affiliation agreement, the annual payment
               provided for in subsection 1.a. above will be reduced
               prospectively for the remainder of that two-year term hereof by
               the same percentage as the percent reduction in your network

     3.   Section 1.D. is amended to provide a two (2) year term for Section I,
as amended, beginning August 1, 2002.

     4.   Section I.E.3. is deleted in its entirety and the following provision
inserted in its place;

          Your station guarantees that it will maintain at least its current
          level of clearances and time period scheduling of "The View" through
          July 31, 2003 and "Up Close" through January 25, 2003.

     5.   Section II.D.1. & 2 are deleted in their entirety and the following
provision is inserted in their place:

               D.   Term: The term of this Section II shall be for the duration
          of each affiliate's current affiliation agreement and for the term of
          the next renewal of that agreement.

     6.   Section III.A.3. is deleted in its entirety and the following
provision inserted in its place:

          Awards shows and other timely specials: ABC will not repurpose within
          48 hours of the end of the original Network scheduled airing in the
          Eastern Time Zone.

     7.   Section III.A.4. is deleted in its entirety (See paragraph 15 below).

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October 2, 2002
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     8.   Section III.A.5. is deleted in its entirety and the following
provision inserted in its place:

          The above notwithstanding, ABC will be free to repurpose up to 25% of
          the Primetime Entertainment schedule (measured on an annual basis)
          without any restrictions.

     9.   Section III.B.1. is deleted in its entirety and the following
provision inserted in its place;

          Programs: ABC will not repurpose any sports program within three (3)
          hours of the end of its original in-pattern Network scheduled airing
          in that time zone, (including any post-game coverage), but in no event
          may the sports program be repurposed in your market prior to the
          conclusion of your late local news or 11:35 p.m., Pacific Time Zone,
          whichever is earlier.

     10.  Section III.C.2. is deleted in its entirety and the following
provision is inserted in its place:

          ABC will not repurpose any "hard" News program (e.g., WNT & Nightline)
          within four (4) hours of the end of its original in-pattern Network
          scheduled airing in that time zone, but in no event will ABC be
          restricted from repurposing a program later than four hours after its
          original in-pattern Network scheduled airing in the Pacific Time Zone.
          ABC will not repurpose any "timely" News program (e.g., GMA and Up
          Close) within two (2) hours of the end of its original in-pattern
          Network scheduled airing in that time zone, but in no event will ABC
          be restricted from repurposing a program later than two hours after
          the end of its original in-pattern Network scheduled airing in the
          Pacific Time Zone. Upon request by ABC, affiliates will not repurpose
          in the same time period in which ABC is airing "hard" News any News
          program content that has been provided by ABC.

     11.  Section III.C.4. is deleted in its entirety.

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     12.  Section III.D.2. is deleted in its entirety and the following
provision is inserted in its place:

          ABC will not repurpose "The View" or any replacement programming
          referenced in subsection II.B. above, that is not a soap opera, within
          four (4) hours after the end of the program's original in-pattern
          Network scheduled airing in that time zone; however, in no event will
          ABC be restricted from repurposing a program four hours after the end
          of its original in-pattern Network scheduled airing in the Pacific
          Time Zone.

     13.  Section III.E. is amended to provide that the term of Section III, as
amended, is coterminous with the term of amended Section I. herein.

     14   Section V.2 is deleted in its entirety and the following provision
inserted in its place:

               2.   The exclusivity provisions prohibit repurposing by ABC on
          any electronic video delivery platform now known or hereafter devised,
          including, but not limited to over the air broadcast, cable
          television, satellite, telephone, wireless, point to point microwave,
          MMDS, or the internet. For the purposes of N/AP II, the terms
          "repurpose" and "repurposing" shall mean a presentation of an ABC
          Television Network program simultaneously with or subsequent to the
          airing of that program on the Network. Subject to the provisions of
          Sections III(B)(2), III(B)(3), and III(C)(3) which provisions will
          continue to govern in those specific instances, a program that
          incorporates some, but not all of the content of an ABC Television
          Network program will not be considered repurposing unless such program
          substantially replicates the ABC Television Program from which it
          derives. Without limiting the provisions of this paragraph, the terms
          "without restriction" and "unrestricted" as used elsewhere herein do
          not rescind or modify the "first call" provisions of the affiliation

     15.  Section V.3. is deleted in its entirety and the following provision
inserted in its place:

               3.   ABC agrees to be limited to the following parameters with
          respect to the cross-promotional spots it airs with respect to any

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          network's programming ("other network programming") on the ABC
          Television Network. The limitations on ABC do not apply to commercial
          spots purchased by another network provided that such network is not
          owned by, controlled by, or under common control with ABC and such
          spots do not contain references to any or all of a specific day (e.g.,
          Monday, or Mondays) or date (e.g., September 13) or time (e.g., 9
          p.m.). (1) ABC will be free to promote SoapNet without restrictions.
          (2) In its sports programming, ABC will be free to air promotional
          spots for ESPN programming using references to any or all of a
          specific day, or date, or time (as defined above), provided that such
          promotions are limited to up to 2 spots (either pre-produced or
          drop-ins) in each hour. (3) In addition to the ESPN and SoapNet
          promotional spots referenced above, ABC will be free to air in the
          aggregate in any given week up to 50 cross-promotional spots for
          "other network programming" without any restriction save the
          following: no more than 10 may contain references to any or all of a
          specific day, date or time (as defined above). Affiliate stations will
          be notified about the positions of these specific day, date, and/or
          time spots prior to 48 hours of air (and by Thursday 3 p.m. for any
          spot scheduled to air the following Saturday and Sunday). Those that
          elect to do so may substitute alternative promotional announcements
          provided and designated by ABC in these positions. If ABC fails to
          deliver such notification for 2 or more of these specific day, date
          and/or time spots in one week (Monday-Sunday), then ABC will not air
          any of the above noted allotment of these 10 specific day, date and/or
          time spots during the following week.

     16.  A new Section VI entitled "Assignment" is added so that the following
provision is inserted:

               VI.  The provisions set forth in this Section VI will terminate
          on July 31, 2007, and unless you notify us in writing to the contrary,
          will, until such date, substitute for the terms of your affiliation
          agreement related to the sale or transfer of control of your Station.
          Subsequent to July 31, 2007, the terms of your affiliation agreement
          related to the sale or transfer of control of your Station will govern
          without regard to the provisions set forth in this Section.

                    a.   Your affiliation agreement between ABC and KOMO cannot
               be assigned or transferred without timely written notice to ABC

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               as provided below and without the consent of ABC, which consent
               may be withheld only in the following three circumstances: (a) if
               the assignee or transferee controls or is controlled by or is
               under common control with an entity that distributes 10 or more
               hours of primetime television programming per week to at least 25
               affiliated television licensees in 10 or more states (b) if the
               assignee or transferee is not reasonably qualified to own and
               operate the station; or (c) on the basis of reasonable business
               concerns that arise from prior commercial dealings of ABC with
               the assignee or transferee; provided, however, ABC shall not
               unreasonably withhold its consent to an assignment or transfer in
               the case of (b) or (c). Under no circumstance will ABC withhold
               or condition its consent, directly or indirectly, on a
               renegotiation of any term, condition or obligation of the
               affiliation agreement, including, but not limited to, any
               economic term. Further, the consent of ABC to assignment of the
               affiliation agreement will, under no circumstances, be required
               in those instances where assignment of the Station's broadcast
               license or transfer of control of the license may be approved by
               the FCC by use of a "short form" assignment or transfer
               application under Section 73.3540(f) of the FCC's Rules, although
               ABC must be given notice of the filing of that application as
               provided below. You shall provide written notice by mail or
               facsimile to ABC within 30 days following the earlier of the
               execution of a binding agreement to assign or transfer control of
               the Station's broadcast license, or the filing of an application
               to the FCC to approve a transfer of control, which notice shall
               include the name of the proposed assignee or transferee. ABC
               shall have the unilateral right to terminate the affiliation
               agreement if you fail to provide notice of an assignment,
               transfer or application as provided in this section. Within 30
               days of the receipt of such notice, ABC shall provide written
               notice to you by mail or facsimile whether it consents to the
               assignment of the affiliation agreement and if it does consent,
               ABC will concurrently with the giving of such notice execute and
               deliver to the Station its written consent to the assignment or
               transfer and thereafter timely execute and deliver such other
               documents as may be reasonably necessary to effectuate the
               provisions of this Section. ABC's failure to provide such written
               notice within the thirty-day

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               period shall constitute ABC's consent to the assignment of the
               affiliation agreement.

                    b.   Unless we exercise our right to withhold our consent to
               an assignment or transfer of your affiliation agreement as
               provided above, the affiliation agreement shall be binding on any
               assignee or transferee of your station's license, and you agree
               that you shall not consummate such assignment or transfer of
               control of your station's license until you have procured and
               delivered to us, in form, as may reasonably be requested by us,
               the acknowledgement of the proposed assignee or transferee that,
               upon consummation of the assignment or transfer of control of
               your Station's license, the assignee or transferee will assume
               and perform the affiliation agreement in its entirety without any
               limitation of any kind. Upon receipt of said acknowledgement, you
               shall be released from any liability or obligation that
               thereafter accrues under the affiliation agreement.

Except as modified by this N/AP II, the terms and provision of your affiliation
agreement and N/AP I remain in full force and effect. This N/AP II is governed
by, and shall be construed in accordance with, the laws of the State of New
York. Each party hereto represents and warrants that this N/AP II has been duly
executed and delivered by such party. If you agree to all of the foregoing,
please execute a copy of this N/AP II in the space provided below and return it
to me on or before October 11, 2002, at which time and upon receipt of the
requisite number of N/AP II's from other Network affiliates, as required above,
N/AP II shall constitute a valid and binding amendment to N/AP I and your
affiliation agreement.


  /s/ John L. Rouse
- -------------------------------
John L. Rouse
Senior Vice President
Affiliate Relations

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October 2, 2002
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By:    [signature not legible]
Title:  Sr. V.P. GM  Komo 4
Date:        10-9-02